American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
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Sukh Raj Singh, 2Dr. R.D. Daheriya 1 Research Scholar, 2 Professor 1,2 Department of Mathematics, J.H. Govt. P.G. College Betul M.P. INDIA. Abstract: In the present paper, we find some fixed point theorems in Hilbert space satisfying rational type contractive condition. Our result is extension and generalization of many previous known results. Keywords: Fixed point, Closed subset, Hilbert space, Cauchy sequence.
I. Introduction After the Banach’s fixed point theorems many researchers worked on Hilbert spaces for generalizing this principle. Some generalization of Banach fixed point theorems were given by D.S. Jaggi [1], Fisher [2], Khare [3]. Ganguly and Bandyopadhyay [4], Koparde and waghmode [5], Pandhare [6], Veerapandi and Anil Kumar [7] investigated the properties of fixed points of family of mappings on complete metric spaces and in Hilbert spaces. Kannan [8] proved that a self-mapping on complete metric space satisfying the condition For all
has a unique fixed in
Koparde and Wghmode [9] have proved fixed point theorem for a self-mapping of Hilbert space , satisfying the Kannan type condition For all
on a closed subset
and II.
Main Results
Theorem 2.1: Let C be a closed subset of Hilbert space
be a mapping on
into it-self satisfying (2.1)
For all point in .
, where
Proof: For some
are non-negative real with
, we define a sequence { i.e
}of iterates of , for
. Then T has a unique fixed
as follows For this consider
Then from (2.1)
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Sukh Raj et al., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 11(1), June-August, 2015, pp. 72-76
. Continuing in the same way, we have
Therefore { element
, For any positive integer
} is a Cauchy sequence in C. Since C is a closed subset of a Hilbert space which is the limit of { }. i.e.
, there exists an
Now, further we have
, so that
This implies
, we get
, since
Uniqueness: Let
. Hence
be another fixed point of
Which is a contradiction; for
. Thus
is a fixed point of self-mapping T. such that
is a unique fixed point of
Theorem 2.2: Let C be a closed subset of Hilbert space
in .
be a mapping on
into it-self satisfying
(2.2) For all , where fixed point in . Proof: For some
are non-negative real with
, we define a sequence { i.e
}of iterates of , for
. Then T has a unique
as follows For this consider
Then from (2.2)
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Sukh Raj et al., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 11(1), June-August, 2015, pp. 72-76
. Continuing in the same way, we have
Therefore { element
, For any positive integer
} is a Cauchy sequence in C. Since C is a closed subset of a Hilbert space which is the limit of { }. i.e.
, there exists an
Now, further we have
, so that
This implies
, we get
, since
Uniqueness: Let
. Hence
be another fixed point of
Which is a contradiction; for
is a fixed point of self-mapping T.
such that
. Thus
Theorem 2.3: Let C be a closed subset of Hilbert space
is a unique fixed point of
be a mapping on
in .
into it-self satisfying
(2.3) For all , where fixed point in .
are non-negative real with
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. Then T has a unique
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Sukh Raj et al., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 11(1), June-August, 2015, pp. 72-76
Proof: For some
, we define a sequence { i.e
}of iterates of , for
as follows For this consider
Then from (2.3)
. Continuing in the same way, we have
Therefore { element
, For any positive integer
} is a Cauchy sequence in C. Since C is a closed subset of a Hilbert space which is the limit of { }. i.e.
, there exists an
Now, further we have
Letting This implies
, so that , since
, we get . Hence
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is a fixed point of self-mapping T.
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Sukh Raj et al., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 11(1), June-August, 2015, pp. 72-76
Uniqueness: Let
be another fixed point of
Which is a contradiction; for
such that
. Thus
is a unique fixed point of
in .
References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9].
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