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On Lateral Ternary Γ-Ideals of Ternary Γ-Semirings M. Sajani Lavanya1, Dr. D. Madhusudhana Rao2and V. Syam Julius Rajendra3 1 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, A.C. College, Gunture, A.P. India. 2 Head, Department of Mathematics, V. S. R & N.V.R. College, Tenali, A.P. India. 3 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, A.C. College, Guntur, A.P. India. Abstract: In this paper we introduce the terms ternary Γ-semiring, commutative ternary Γ-semiring, left ternary Γ-ideal, lateral ternary Γ-ideal, right ternary Γ-ideal, ternary Γ-ideal, prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal, semiprime ternary Γ-ideal, irreducible ternary Γ-ideal and strongly irreducible ternary Γideal and characterize the ternary Γ-ideals and proved many results. Mathematics Subject Classification: 20G07, 20M10, 20M12, 20M14, 20N10. Key Words: ternary Γ-semiring,lateral ternary Γ-ideal, ternary Γ-ideal, prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal, irreducible.

I. Introduction The literature of ternary algebraic system was introduced by D. H. Lehmer [11] in 1932. He investigated certain ternary algebraic systems called triplexes which turn out to be ternary groups. The notion of ternary semigroups was known to S. Banach. He showed by an example that a ternary semigroup does not necessarily reduce to an ordinary semigroup. In [14], M. L. Santiago developed the theory of ternary semigroups and semiheaps. He devoted his attention mainly to the study of regular ternary semigroups, completely regular ternary semigroups, bi-ideals and intersection ideals in ternary semigroups, the standard embedding of a ternary semigroup and a semiheap with some of their applications. In [12], W. G. Listercharacterized those additive subgroups of rings which are closed under the triple ring product and he called this algebraic system a ternary ring. He also studied the embedding of ternary rings, representation of ternary rings in terms of modules, semisimple ternary rings with minimum condition and radical theory of such rings. D. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Anjaneyulu and A. Gangadhara Rao[1] in 2012 made a study on Γ-ideals in Γ-semigroups. In 2011 [2] they studied about Γradicals in Γ-semigroups. VB Subramanyeswra Rao, A. Anjaneyulu, D. Madhusudhana Rao [15] studied about po-Γ-ideals in po-Γ-semigroups. II. Lateral Ternary �-Ideal Definition II.1: Let T and Γ be two additive commutative semigroups. T is said to be a Ternary �-semiringif there exist a mapping from T ×Γ× T ×Γ× T to T which maps ( x1 ,

ď Ą , x2 , ď ˘ , x3 ) ď‚Ž ď › x1ď Ą x2 ď ˘ x3 ď ? satisfying

the conditions : i) [[ađ?›źbđ?›˝c]Îłdđ?›że] = [ađ?›ź[bđ?›˝cđ?›žd]đ?›że] = [ađ?›źbđ?›˝[cđ?›ždđ?›że]] ii)[(a + b)đ?›źcđ?›˝d] = [ađ?›źcđ?›˝d] + [bđ?›źcđ?›˝d] iii) [a ď Ą (b + c)βd] = [ađ?›źbđ?›˝d] + [ađ?›źcđ?›˝d] iv) [ađ?›źbđ?›˝(c + d)] = [ađ?›źbđ?›˝c] + [ađ?›źbđ?›˝d] for all a, b, c, d∈ T and đ?›ź, đ?›˝, đ?›ž, đ?›żâˆˆ Γ. Obviously, every ternary semiring T is a ternary Γ-semiring. Let T be a ternary semiring and Γ be a commutative ternary semigroup. Define a mapping T ×Γ× T ×Γ× T â&#x;ś T by ađ?›źbđ?›˝c = abc for all a, b, c ∈ T and đ?›ź, đ?›˝ ∈ Γ. Then T is a ternary Γ-semiring. Definition II.2: An element 0of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be an absorbingzero of T provided 0 + x = x = x + 0and 0đ?›źađ?›˝b = ađ?›ź0βb = ađ?›źbđ?›˝0 = 0  a, b, x ďƒŽ T and đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“. DefinitionII.3 : Let T be ternary Γ-semiring. A non empty subset ‘S’ is said to be a ternary subđ?šŞ-semiring of T if S is an additive subsemigroup of T and ađ?›źbđ?›˝c ďƒŽ S for all a,b,c ďƒŽ S and đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“. NoteII.4 : A non empty subset S of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a ternary subΓ-semiring if and only if S + S ⊆ S and SΓSΓS ďƒ? S. DefinitionII.5 : A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be left ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T if (1) a, b ∈ A implies a + b ∈ A. (2) b, c ďƒŽ T, a ďƒŽ A, đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“ implies bđ?›źcđ?›˝a ďƒŽ A.

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Dr. D. Madhusudhana Rao et al., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 12(1), September-November, 2015, pp. 11-14

NoteII.6 : A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a left ternaryΓ-ideal of T if and only if A is additive subsemigroup of T and TΓTΓA ďƒ? A. DefinitionII.7 : A nonempty subset of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be a lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T if (1) a, b ∈ A ⇒a + b ∈ A. (2) b, c ďƒŽ T, a ďƒŽ A, đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“⇒bđ?›źađ?›˝c ďƒŽ A. Note II.8: A nonempty subset of A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T if and only if A is additive subsemigroup of T and TΓAΓT ďƒ? A. DefinitionII.9 : A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a right ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T if (1) a, b ∈ A ⇒a + b ∈ A. (2) b, c ďƒŽ T , a ďƒŽ A, đ?›ź, đ?›˝ ∈ Γ⇒ ađ?›źbđ?›˝c ďƒŽ A. Note II.10: A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a right ternary Γ-ideal of T if and only if A is additive subsemigroup of T and AΓTΓT ďƒ? A. Definition II.11: A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be ternary đ?šŞ-idealof T if (1) a, b ∈ A ⇒a + b ∈ A (2) b, c ďƒŽ T , a ďƒŽ A, đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“⇒bđ?›źcđ?›˝a ďƒŽ A, bđ?›źađ?›˝c ďƒŽ A, ađ?›źbđ?›˝c ďƒŽ A. NoteII.12 : A nonempty subset A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a ternaryΓ-ideal of T if and only if it is left ternaryΓ-ideal, lateral ternaryΓ-ideal and right ternaryΓ-ideal of T. Definition II.13 : A ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be commutative ternary đ?šŞ-semiringprovided aΓbΓc = bΓcΓa = cΓaΓb = bΓaΓc = cΓbΓa = aΓcΓbfor all a, b, c ďƒŽ T. Definition II.14: An element a of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be an identity provided ađ?›źađ?›˝t = tđ?›źađ?›˝a = ađ?›źtđ?›˝a = t  t ďƒŽ T, đ?›ź, đ?›˝âˆˆÎ“. Note II.15 : An identity element of a ternary Γ-semiring T is also called as unital element. Note II.16 :From this onwards T will denote a ternary Γ-semiring with an absorbing zero and a unit element 1 unless otherwise stated. Theorem II.17 : The nonempty intersection of any family of lateral ternary Γ-ideals of a ternary Γsemiring T is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Theorem II.18 : The union of any family of lateral ternary Γ-ideals of a ternary Γ-semiring T is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Definition II.19 :LetT be a ternary Γ-semiring and A be a non-empty subset of T. The smallest lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T containing A is called lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T generated by A. Definition II.20 : A lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be the principal lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal generated by a if A is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal generated by

ď ťaď ˝ for some a ďƒŽ T. It is denoted by M (a)

(or) <a>m. Theorem II.21 : The lateral ternary Γ-ideal of a ternary Γ-semiring T generated by a non-empty subset A is the intersection of all lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T containing A. 3. PRIME LATERAL TERNARY đ?šŞ-IDEAL Definition III.1 : A lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be a prime lateral ternaryđ?šŞideal of T provided X,Y,Z are lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T and XΓYΓZ ďƒ? A ďƒž X ďƒ? A or Y ďƒ? A or Z ďƒ? A. Definition III.2 : A lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be semiprime lateral ternary đ?šŞideal provided X is a lateral ternaryΓ-ideal of T and (XΓ)n-1X ďƒ? A for some odd natural number nimpliesX ⊆ A. Theorem III.3 : A lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal P of T is a prime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T if and only if ađ?šŞTđ?šŞTđ?šŞbđ?šŞTđ?šŞTđ?šŞc⊆ P implies a∈ P or b∈ P or c∈ P, for any a, b, c∈ T. Proof: Suppose that P is a prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Let aΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓc⊆ P, for a, b, c ∈T. ThenTΓaΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓcΓT⊆ P ⇒ (TΓaΓT)Γ(TΓbΓT)Γ(TΓcΓT) ⊆ P. Since TΓaΓT, TΓbΓT and TΓcΓT are lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T, P is prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Therefore TΓaΓT⊆ P or TΓbΓT⊆ P or TΓcΓT⊆ P and hence a∈ P or b∈ P or c∈ P. Conversely suppose that P is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal such that aΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓc⊆ P implies a∈ P or b∈ P or c∈ P. Let A, B and C are any three lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T such that AΓBΓC ⊆ P. Suppose if possible A⊈ P, B⊈ P, C⊈ P. Then there exists a, b, c such that a ∈ A and a ∉ P, b ∈ B and b ∉ P and c ∈ C and c ∉ P. a∈ A, b ∈ B, c ∈ C⇒ aΓbΓc⊆ AΓBΓC ⊆ P. Now aΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓc⊆ AΓBΓC ⊆ P ⇒a ∈ P or b ∈ P or c ∈ P. It is a contradiction. Therefore A⊆ P or B⊆ P or C⊆ P and hence P is a prime lateralternary Γ-ideal of T. Theorem III.4 : A lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal P of T is a semiprime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T if and only if ađ?šŞTđ?šŞTđ?šŞađ?šŞTđ?šŞTđ?šŞa⊆ P implies a∈ P for any a∈ T. Proof: Similar to theorem 3.3. Theorem III.5: If P is a prime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of a commutative ternary đ?šŞ-semiringT, then (P:a) = { x∈ T/xđ?šŞađ?šŞy⊆ P for some y ∈ T} is also a prime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T for any a∈ T\P. Proof:Let P be a prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of Tand (P :a) = {x∈ T / xΓaΓy⊆ P for y ∈ T}. Let x, y∈ (P :a). Therefore xΓaΓx⊆P,yΓaΓy⊆ P, xΓaΓy⊆ P and yΓaΓx⊆ P. (x + y)ΓaΓ(x + y) = xΓaΓx + yΓaΓy + xΓaΓy + yΓaΓx⊆ P ⇒ (x + y) ∈ (P :a). Let x∈ (P :a), s, t∈ T. Then xΓaΓs⊆ P, xΓaΓt⊆ P ⇒(sΓxΓt)ΓaΓaΓx = (xΓaΓs)Γ(xΓaΓt)⊆P

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⇒ sΓxΓt⊆ P and hence (P : a) is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Let A, B and C are any three lateral ternary Γideals of T such that AΓBΓC ⊆ (P :a), then (AΓBΓC)ΓaΓy⊆ P and AΓaΓy⊆ P, BΓaΓy⊆ P, CΓaΓy⊆ P ⇒ A ⊆ (P :a) or B⊆ (P :a) or C⊆ (P :a). Therefore (P :a) is a prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Definition III.6: A lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be an irreducible lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal if X ∊ Y ∊ Z = A implies X = A or Y = A or Z = A, for any lateral ternary Γ-ideals X, Y and Z of T. Definition III.7 : A lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be a strongly irreducible lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal if X ∊ Y ∊ Z = A implies X ⊆ A or Y ⊆ A or Z ⊆ A, for any lateral ternary Γ-ideals X, Y and Z of T. Theorem III.8 : Every semiprime and strongly irreducible lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal is a prime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T. Proof: Let P be a strongly irreducible and a semiprime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. For any lateral ternary Γideals A, B and C of T, (AΓBΓC) ⊆ P.A∊ B ∊ C is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Hence (A ∊ B ∊ C)3 = (A ∊ B ∊ C)Γ(A ∊ B ∊ C)Γ(A ∊ B ∊ C) ⊆ AΓBΓC ⊆ P. By P is a semiprime lateral ternary Γ-ideal, A∊ B ∊ C ⊆ P. Therefore A ⊆ P or B ⊆ P or C ⊆ P, since P is a strongly irreducible lateral ternary Γ-ideal. Thus P is a prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Definition III.9 : A proper lateral ternary Γ-ideal A of a ternary Γ-semiring T is said to be a maximal lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal if there does not exist any other proper lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T containing A properly. Theorem III.10: Any maximal lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T is a prime lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal. Proof: Let M be any maximal lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. To show that M is a prime let aΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓc⊆ M. Suppose that a, b∉ M. TΓaΓTΓTΓbΓT is a lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T which contains a, b. By M is a maximal n

lateral ternary Γ-ideal, M + TΓaΓTΓTΓbΓT = T. As 1 ∈ T, 1 = m+

ďƒĽ s ď Ą a ď ˘ t ď ¤ x ď § bď Ľ y , then i 1



i i

i i





1ď Ą c ď ˘ c  ( m  ďƒĽ siď Ą i a ď ˘ i tiď ¤ i xi ď § i bď Ľ i yi )ď Ą c ď ˘ c ⊆ M + TΓaΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓcΓc⊆ M + aΓTΓTΓbΓTΓTΓc ⊆ M. i 1

Therefore c∈ M. Hence M is a prime lateral ternary Γ-ideal. Theorem III.11: If L is a lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T and a is a nonzero element of T such that a∉ L, then there exists an irreducible lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal P of T such that L ⊆ P and a∉ P. Proof: Let đ?”? be the family of all lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T containing I and not containing an element a. Then đ?”? is nonempty as L ∈đ?”?. This family of all lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T forms a partially ordered set under set inclusion. Hence by Zorn’s lemma there exists a maximal lateral ternary Γ-ideal P in đ?”?. Therefore L ⊆ P and a∉ P. Now, to show that P is an irreducible lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T, let A, B and C be any three lateral ternary Γ-ideals of T such that A∊B∊C = P. Suppose that A, B and C are contained in P properly. Since P is a maximal lateral ternary Γ-ideal in đ?”?, we get a∈ A, a∈ B and a∈ C. Therefore a ∈ A∊B∊C = P which is an absurd. Thus, either A = P or B = P or C = P. Therefore, P is an irreducible lateral ternary Γ-ideal of T. Theorem III.12: Any proper lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T is the intersection of irreducible lateral ternary đ?šŞ-ideal of T which contain it. Proof: Let L be any proper ternary Γ-ideal of T and

ď ť Aď Ą ď ˝ď ĄďƒŽď „ be a family of irreducible lateral ternary Γ-ideals

of T which contain L, where Δ denotes the indexed set. Then clearly L ⊆ ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Suppose that ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Aď Ą ⊂ L. Therefore, there is an element a∈

ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Aď Ą . To show

ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Aď Ą ⊆ L.

Aď Ą such that a∉ L. Then by the theorem

III.11, there exist an irreducible ternary Γ-ideal Psuch that L ⊆ P and a∉ P. This establishes the existence of irreducible lateral ternary Γ-ideal P such that a∉ P and L ⊆ P. Therefore a∉ ď Ą ďƒŽď „

the contra positive method ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Aď Ą ⊆ L. Therefore

ď Ą ďƒŽď „

Aď Ą for every a∉ L. Hence, by

Aď Ą = L.

III. Conclusion In this paper mainly we studied about lateral ternary Γ-ideals in ternary Γ-semirings. IV. [1] [2] [3] [4]


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Acknowledgments Our thanks to the experts who have contributed towards preparation and development of the paper and learned referee for his valuable suggestions for improvement of the paper. AUTHORS’S BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: 2 Dr. D. Madhusudhana Rao: He completed his M.Sc. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. M. Phil. from M. K. University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Ph. D. from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India. He joined as Lecturer in Mathematics, in the department of Mathematics, VSR & NVR College, Tenali, A. P. India in the year 1997, after that he promoted as Head, Department of Mathematics, VSR & NVR College, Tenali. He helped more than 5 Ph. D’s. At present he is guiding 7 Ph. D. Scholars and 3 M. Phil., Scholars in the department of Mathematics, AcharyaNagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A. P. A major part of his research work has been devoted to the use of semigroups, Gamma semigroups, duo gamma semigroups, partially ordered gamma semigroups and ternary semigroups, Gamma semirings and ternary semirings, Near rings ect. He is acting as peer review member to (1) “British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science”, (2) “International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research”, (3) “Journal of Advances in Mathematics”and Editorial Board Member of (4) “International Journal of New Technology and Research”. He is life member of (1) Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences, (2) Heath Awareness Research Institution Technology Association, (3) Asian Council of Science Editors, Membership No: 91.7347, (4) Council for Innovative Research for Journal of Advances in Mathematics”. He published more than 68 research papers in different International Journals to his credit in the last four academic years. 1 Mrs. M. Sajani Lavanya: She completed her M.Sc. from Hindu College, Guntur, under the jurisdiction of Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.She joined as lecturer in Mathematics, in the department of Mathematics, A. C. College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India in the year 1998. At present she pursuing Ph.D. under guidance of Dr. D. MathusudhanaRao, Head, Department of Mathematics, VSR & NVR College, Tenali, Guntur(Dt), A.P. India in AcharyaNagarjuna University. Her areas of interests are ternary semirings, ordered ternary semirings, semirings and topology. Presently she is working on Ternary Γ-Semirings. 3 Mr. V. Syam Julius Rajendra: He completed his M.Sc. from Madras Christian College, under the jurisdiction of University of Madras, Chennai,Tamilnadu. After that he did his M.Phil. from M. K. University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. He joined as lecturer in Mathematics, in the department of Mathematics, A. C. College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India in the year 1998. At present he is pursuing Ph.D. under guidance of Dr. D. MathusudhanaRao, Head, Department of Mathematics, VSR & NVR College, Tenali, Guntur(Dt), A.P. India in Acharya NagarjunaUniversity. His area of interests are ternary semirings, ordered ternary semirings, semirings and topology. Presently he is working on Partially Ordered Ternary Γ-Semirings.

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