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Hotel Technology Update iBAHN Circuits Remain a Hotel's Best Internet Value Some hotels believe they can save money by using Internet circuits from a 3rd party, while only contracting with iBAHN for the internal or LAN network at the hotel site. Believing “a T1 is a T1,” hoteliers perceive Internet connectivity to be a commodity item that is the same from any Internet provider. But, by going “offnet,” hotels reduce their own ability to provide a high quality Internet experience for their guests, jeopardise future business, and usually end up spending more in the long run - while losing all-important guest satisfaction. Why does iBAHN provide a Private Managed Network? In today’s “Free To Guest” HSIA service market, some hoteliers look to save money by using Internet circuits from a third party provider, and only contract for the “in-house” or LAN service with iBAHN. Buying connectivity from a third party can save a few pounds per month in connectivity fees, but the corresponding cost increase in service and the loss of enterprise-grade security usually have a much higher negative impact on the hotel’s ability to provide the high-quality Internet experience that guests demand. This “stepping over pounds to pick up pennies” approach invariably backfires when (1) VPN connectivity issues become an issue, (2) guest satisfaction decreases, (3) complaints increase, and (4) hotel personnel begin spending greater time trying to mitigate the negative impact of the hotel’s well-meaning Internet service cost-cutting initiatives. Following is a discussion of three reasons why saving a few pounds by using off-net circuits usually adversely affects your hotel’s HSIA service...

Ability to support large conference groups When a corporation hosts sales training or company meetings at your hotel, it means big business. Unfortunately, most organisations today require VPN login and other security measures, which typically require IP addresses for each user, as well as custom network configurations. iBAHN has the ability to dynamically allocate IPs to any on-net hotel, enabling hotels to support the Internet needs of virtually any size organisation. And, if required, iBAHN can shape available bandwidth and/or provide additional bandwidth on a temporary basis to meet the special Internet connectivity needs of corporate customers. The proprietary iBAHN VPN Certification Program (a complimentary service for on-net hotels) enables hoteliers to ensure ahead of time that the guest company’s security requirements will work flawlessly during the event. It should be noted that over 500 corporations and government agencies have certified their VPNs with iBAHN (including over a third of the Fortune 100 corporations). Most of these groups now strongly encourage or require their travelling employees to use only iBAHN-enabled hotels that are on-net for business travel and off-site meetings.

Availability of carrier grade security and redundancy A single hotel cannot afford the investment in equipment and circuits necessary to create a highavailability environment, and yet guests demand that Internet service be available at all times. Because iBAHN manages the Wide Area Network (WAN) and the Local Area Network (LAN) for the hotel, we are able to provide a much higher level of reliability and full network redundancy that would not be available by ordering individual circuits from a 3rd party provider. The iBAHN network also uses carrier grade equipment for routers and firewalls, to ensure that the hotel’s network is secure and has available capacity to handle the hotel’s needs. The iBAHN Private Managed Network is designed to have multiple POPs and redundant circuits to virtually eliminate the risk of multiple outages. Moreover, firewall security is provided all along the way within the iBAHN network. None of this security and connectivity is available to the hotel that buys its circuits from a 3rd party provider.

Access to back office services security Security concerns prompt many hotels to buy separate circuits to run their back office systems. This is an additional circuit and hardware expense incurred in the interest of providing security — and a totally unnecessary one if the hotel is on-net with iBAHN. Because iBAHN provides a Private Managed Network, back office traffic is never exposed to the public Internet. In addition, iBAHN can manage the back office traffic on the same network as the guest room traffic, because we are able to provide virtual LAN configurations for the back office to keep the back office traffic separate and secure. Many asset and management companies also take advantage of the high security of an iBAHN network to connect the corporate offices securely with the back office of their managed hotels. They enjoy multiple firewalls and enterprise grade security from the back office to the corporate network without having to invest in the hardware, software, and redundant Internet connectivity required with an additional network circuit from a 3rd party provider. This ensures a high level of privacy and security with no additional expense to the hotel or corporation.

What does this mean to the hotelier? According to an independent study published by JD Power and Associates in November 2006, Internet service has become the No 1 amenity for business travellers. The same study also revealed that over 50% of guests who experience a poor Internet connectivity experience at a hotel will never return to that hotel. Guests expect quality high-speed Internet service that is easy to access and use. When they do not get it, they vote with their wallets and go elsewhere. On average, 30% of available rooms use Internet connectivity every night. The quality of that Internet service has a powerful bottomline impact on a hotel’s ability to satisfy guests and influence their return stays.

How does iBAHN help? Using the iBAHN private managed network is not an additional, unnecessary expense. On the contrary, the iBAHN Private Managed Network is one of a hotel’s best values. Being “on-net” with iBAHN ensures reliability and security while enabling a hotel to better meet its guests’ Internet needs. And, the iBAHN Private Managed Network enables a hotel to meet the demanding Internet needs of corporate guests and their special events. Any hotel that truly “does the maths” and considers all the ways they benefit from the iBAHN Private Managed Network will prove to themselves that being on-net with iBAHN is the greatest Internet value available today.

Email us at: eurosales@ibahn.com, or telephone +49 (0) 8122 559 56 55 or visit www.ibahneurope.com

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