Bandwidth Elevation

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iBAHN PRESENTS THE AFFORDABLE WAY TO KEEP UP WITH GROWING CONNECTIVITY DEMANDS. Today, guests expect a fast, reliable online connection when they travel— and their demand for bandwidth is skyrocketing. The trouble is that your property has a limited amount of capacity. When it’s stretched thin, it means slow downloads, buffering, and interrupted service—all of which negatively affect your Guest Satisfaction Score. To make matters worse,

iBAHN Bandwidth Elevation

adding more bandwidth to your

is significantly less expensive

service is prohibitively expensive—

than installing a new T1 line.

until now. iBAHN Bandwidth

There are no new hardware

Elevation™ is a new connectivity

or equipment costs. Your

solution that expands your current

contract simply ties into your

network while providing you a cost-

existing iBAHN terms. Not

effective alternative to purchasing

only will you spend less up

another T1 circuit.

front, you’ll also save up to 80% each month compared to

IT’S TRUE: MORE SPEED FOR LESS MONEY THAN A T1 iBAHN achieves this by augmenting bandwidth from another source (such as ADSL or cable) onto

traditional T1 circuits.


Key benefits: • Meet the spiraling bandwidth

demands of today’s travelers.

• Get scalable bandwidth

expansion without additional

hardware costs.

to purchasing another T1 circuit.

• An affordable alternative • Increase performance,

redundancy, and guest satisfaction.

your existing iBAHN T1 line. Our

Your guests have come to

proprietary technology allows your

expect the same fast online

However, with iBAHN Bandwidth

network to see the bandwidth as if

speeds they experience at home

Elevation at your property, they’ll

it’s from a single source, plus you

or the office. The difference is

never know.

can increase your existing capacity

that they’re not used to sharing

by as much as 16Mb.

bandwidth with scores of other performance-hungry guests.

iBAHN® is the world’s most reliable and respected provider of digital information and entertainment for the hospitality industry.




iBAHN will help you evaluate various options (cable or ADSL lines)

• Augments an existing iBAHN T1 circuit with additional connectivity

to deter- mine what makes sense

• Asymmetric solution

for your property and see if any

• No capex required

construction fees apply. With iBAHN Bandwidth Elevation, you’ll have

• Scalable solution from 6Mb to 16Mb

your current connection through cable and ADSL. Upgrade options include:

CABLE UPGRADE OPTIONS • 6Mb down, 1Mb up • 10Mb down, 2Mb up • 15Mb down, 2Mb up

the convenience of working with

• 15Mb down, 3Mb up

iBAHN as a single vendor. There’s

• 16Mb down, 2Mb up

no hassling with multiple contacts


or support systems. Bandwidth

Must have at least three months

Elevation helps ensure you always

remaining on your current iBAHN

have the bandwidth in place for


exceptional performance, reliable services, and happier guests.


ADSL UPGRADE OPTIONS • 3Mb down, 768K up • 6Mb down, 768K up • 8Mb down, 1Mb up • 10Mb down, 1Mb up • 15Mb down, 1Mb up

designed to accommodate a variety of connectivity options to boost

iBAHN Bandwidth Elevation is a

The race for bandwidth. Are you keeping up?

time- and cost-effective way to

Video downloads and streaming are expected to make up 80-90% of all Internet traffic by the end of 2010. It’s estimated that online video will make up 93% of global Internet traffic by 2013.1

bandwidth. And we continue to

In May 2009, Americans watched more than 10 billion video streams. In January 2010, video streams increased to 32.4 billion.2 It takes only a few of these videointensive users at your property to consume your bandwidth capacity. The time to prepare for that bandwidth use is now. 40% of hotel guests say their “experience with a hotel’s Internet service affects their likelihood to stay at another hotel from the same brand.”3

augment your property’s current expand compatible connectivity options to meet your specific needs. Contact your iBAHN sales representative to learn what is available in your geographic area and is most appropriate for your property.

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT iBAHN BANDWIDTH ELEVATION, VISIT WWW.iBAHN.COM OR CALL 1-866-415-2843 TODAY Corporate Headquarters | 10757 S River Front Pkwy, Ste 300 | Salt Lake City, UT 84095 | 1.801.563.2000

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