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• http://howdoilearnchinese.com/ 学中 文 (江炫龙老师提供) • 儿童唱游歌曲和 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M Uje9pj8ARg 你叫什么名字(在视频的 3‘30 处)

( 田晴老师提供)

• 你叫什么名字? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M Uje9pj8ARg 主要学习了你/我/他 (她)什么...,在幼儿园教孩子们学唱 表演了《你好》的歌曲,是国内儿童 节目《小小智慧树》的开场舞 • http://www.mychandlerschools.org/Pa ge/31997 周红老师网页(1-5 年级课件, 作业)

• http://www.yes-chinese.com/pinyin/ 朗朗中文 学拼音 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9 Ayvjy-Dgs 汉语拼音字母 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP xUZOUUMLI 郑和下西洋 http://www.uni.edu/becker/chinese2.html Best Chinese Websites 里面有非常多 使用的链接,如中文课堂教学活动,中国地理、历史、文化介绍,非常全面。如

http://www.uni.edu/becker/LearningGamesandFunActivities.html 列 举 了 100 多 个 外语教学可使用的活动和游戏 UCLA 培训时提供的一些有用网页: http://www.voki.com/ 制作动画的网站 http://goanimate.com/ 制作视频的网站 http://chineseguestteacherprogram.ning.com/ Ning,大理会建立的网站,里 面有很多使用的课件和链接 http://members.fluentflix.com/user-preset.php LISA 老师在 ning 上分享网站,有 针对不同层次的学生的实用教学参考资料  http://startalk.umd.edu/ startalk,里面有不少实用资料

北京和加州培训以及其他资料中提及的有用的教学参考网站 http://k12east.mrdonn.org/China.html K12 Elementary Education 里面有不少教 学资源 www.quia.com 教学游戏网站 www.chinesetesting.cn 汉语考试服务网 www.chinese.cn 网络孔子学院,有不少教学资料 http://quizlet.com 汉字书写功能及其他教学常用功能 www.learner.org LUCY 老师提供,内含很多外语教学的视频,是不错的教学参考 网站 www.p21.org LUCY 老师提供,有用的教学参考网站 http://fcps.edu/DIS/OHSICS/forlang/PLAS/rubrics/uspk_an.html Performance Assessment for language students www.AskAsia.org free online resourse “ANNENBERG LEARNER” 可网搜此关键词,与 5C 相关的使用教学参考网站 SONG WONG 老师提供的 syllabus for Chinese 1 中罗列的网站: http://www.chinapage.com/learnchinese.html 有针对零起点、初级、进阶等分 层次准备不同学习内容 http://www.zhongwen.com 网站左侧有很多有用的链接,如 Dictionary、Cool links, Reading 等 http://wku.edu/~yuanh/AudioChinese 此链接打不开,但是可以去 http://www.wku.edu/ci/ ,这个页面里有不少链接 http://www.uni.edu/becker/Chinese.html http://www.csulb.edu/~bxie/online2.html 《如何成为高效能教师》P266 中罗列的教师辅导方面的网站: www.siteforteachers.com/index4.html http:///teachers.net http://school.discoveryeducation.com/ http://www.teachertube.com/ http://edhelper.com http://middleweb.com

http://education-world.com/ http://teacherwebsite.com/

http://jeopardylabs.com/build/ 李阔及其他志愿者制作的 jeopardy 列表: jeopardy playlist: 时间星期(李阔) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/time-and-week 食物(房微)http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/food-by-fang-wei-lk 家庭成员(牛冀莲) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/family-members-by-niu-jilian-lk 国籍 (刘丹泓) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/nationality-by-liu-danhong-lk 身体部位(林婵) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/body-parts-by-lin-chan-lk 数字(张洁) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/number-by-zhang-jie-l-k 爱好(张慧颖) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/hobby-by-zhang-huiying-lk 星期,月份和中秋节(熊海燕) http://jeopardylabs.com/play/jeopardy7628 身体部位(龚穗丰) http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/body-parts-by-gong-suifeng-lk 感恩节(LK)http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/thanksgiving-by-lk5 www.jeopardylabs.com 快乐汉语 1 Unit 1: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-1-you-and-i-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 2: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-2-my-family-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 3: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-3-food-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 4: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-4-our-class-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 5: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-5-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 6: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book-1-unit-6-job-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 7: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-b1-unit-7-hobbies-by-lk 快乐汉语 1 Unit 8: http://www.jeopardylabs.com/play/kuaile-hanyu-book1-unit-8-transport-and-travelby-lk

其他: www.slideshare.net 全球著名 PPT 分享网站,资料超多,可以免费下载 http://www.sucaitianxia.com/ 素材天下网,有不少图片、声音等素材

Ning 上面分享的 Web Resources for Chinese Teachers,非常多 实用的分主题的参考网站,Chinese Culture Websites、Language Resourse and tools、 Classroom Strategies and Tips、 Professional Organizations、Dictionaries、Language Learning Articles、United States Education links、Regional resourse 、Other onlin resourse 等

Chinese Culture Websites

Portal Web sites to many different resources: http://www.merlot.org/merlot/materials.htm?pageSize=&page=2&category=2447 & - A gateway to many Chinese language and culture resources. http://k12east.mrdonn.org/China.html - Mr. Donn's Lesson Plans on China. This site has everything – links to online games related to China (including a majiang game and an online shadow puppet demonstration), powerpoints on Chinese culture, concise explanations of Chinese history, etc.

Other useful Web sites: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/ - Columbia University's East Asia Department (这

个网站主要针对大学生,但是也可以用同样的内容改变一下 教高中生) http://www.chinapage.com/china-rm.html - China the Beautiful, contains multiple resources for teaching Chinese culture http://www.chinavista.com/experience/index.html - The China Experience http://www.t2tweb.us/Workshops/Sessions.asp?SessionID=104



Classroom Activities for Learning Chinese Culture http://www.merlot.org/merlot/materials.htm?pageSize=&page=2&category=2447 & - A gateway to many Chinese language and culture resources. http://music.ibiblio.org/pub/multimedia/chinese-music/ - Chinese music internet archive. Includes all sorts of Chinese songs, including children’s songs, popular music, ceremonial music, and other http://sinophilia.org/ - Introduces some basic aspects of China, such as language, history and religion http://www.wellesley.edu/Chinese/Chinese_Fables/index/index.html



introduction to Chinese fables and their origins (in Chinese) http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/khsu2/poetrygallery.html - Chinese love poetry and folklore (good traditional Chinese stories to teach during Valentine’s day) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/youngchina/ A series of videos about Chinese youth, “The Young and Restless.” The videos, produced by PBS, include lesson plans and discussion questions. All free! Good for a high school Chinese culture class.

http://www.bc.edu/research/chinagateway/ A “toolkit” for Chinese history and culture. Tons of links. It also provides many links to resources in the Boston, Massachusetts area:http://www.bc.edu/research/chinagateway/boston/commOut.html Language Resources and Tools

Portal Web sites to many different resources: http://chinalinks.osu.edu – Links to search engines, teaching strategies, games, software and more www.mandarintools.com/ Good portal site for Chinese learning tools such as language flashcards, encoding/converting, and dictionaries. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/china-languag e.html – Directory of Chinese language Internet resources. Includes language instruction and learning, and dictionaries. http://www.merlot.org/merlot/materials.htm?category=2448&&& - A gateway to many Chinese language and culture resources.

Other useful Web sites: http://www.ctcfl.ox.ac.uk/Chinese/index.html - Chinese multimedia resources – conversations, videos, pronunciation guides http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/chinese/real_chinese/ - great resources for teachers and students, including tone and character games, TV transcripts, conversations, and more!

http://www.liwin.com/calligraphy/ - Chinese cyber calligraphy www.zein.se/patrick/3000char.html – The 3,000 most common Chinese characters, listed in order of frequency. Contains alternate pronunciations and explanations. http://clta-us.org/cltalinks/teaching.htm – Sources for Chinese teaching and learning. http://www.chinesepod.com – Language training service. Download learning Chinese lesson pod casts to your iPod or mobile phone for free, or pay for transcripts. http://www.chinese-tools.com/learn/chinese – Provides 40 online Chinese lessons. Starts from basics and gradually promotes student to level of smooth and confident communication. http://readchinese.nflc.org/?page=home –READ CHINESE!, a project of the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland, provides online reading lessons in Chinese for “novice” and “intermediate” students. Each lesson includes primary source materials, reinforcement activities and a quiz at the end. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/

This is the website for a travel

company in China, but it also has province and city-specific information. Use it as a resource for cultural and province/city descriptions. New! http://www.beyondspaceandtime.org/FCBSTWeb/web/index.html#link=


Forbidden City: Beyond Space and Time is a virtual educational game where users can explore the Forbidden City. Best for high school students. New!

http://enterzon.com/ A virtual world designed for students to learn Chinese. Not very effective for beginning learners but a fun virtual exploration of certain sites in Beijing. New! http://popupchinese.com/lessons At this website, you can download short language classes in MP3 format (similar to ChinesePod, but not as well developed). The most fun part are the KTV videos of pop songs with translations and explanations. New! http://www.learnchineseez.com/








Chinese-learning tools. Check out the list of “4000 simplified Chinese characters” – it’s well organized and shows stroke order for each character. New! Classroom Strategies and Tips http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/archives/classmanagement.shtml

Articles for educators. Classroom management tips and ideas, and tools for teaching. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/teaching-methods/teacher-training/6495.html? detoured=1– Tips for behavior management and classroom management, and advice on lesson planning, from veteran teachers. www.busyteacherscafe.com – Games and ideas for classroom management and organization. Includes classroom setup photos, classroom routine, and discipline plans. http://www.fvsd.ab.ca/stm/classroom_management_tips_and_be.htm#classroom

%20management– Classroom strategies and ideas for elementary schools. Compiled by an elementary school teacher. http://startalk.umd.edu/tt_res_ch_cm.htm – Portal Web site with many links to classroom management and other resources. http://www.fcps.edu/DIS/OHSICS/forlang/chinese/index.htm

– An overview of

Chinese courses at Fairfax County Public Schools. Includes the syllabus for Chinese I, II and III. http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/fillers.shtml



Fillers” – a compilation of hundreds of games/activities to start or end class, or for when you just have a few minutes to kill. Professional Organizations http://www.actfl.org – American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). National organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction throughout the U.S. http://www.askasia.org/chinese – Asia Society Education Program. Valuable resource and distribution center for information on teaching of Chinese in American schools. http://www.adfl.org – Association of Departments of Foreign Language. Central resource for the language and literature community in the U.S. and Canada. http://www.cal.org

– Center for Applied Linguistics. Private, non-profit

organization working to improve communication through better understanding of

language and culture. http://www.classk12.org





Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS). Promotes teaching of Chinese language and culture in American elementary and secondary schools, and dialogue between Chinese language educators. Includes links, membership lists, K-12 standards, announcements, teaching tips. http://www.clta.osu.edu – Chinese Language Teacher Association (CLTA). Professional organization devoted exclusively to the study of Chinese language, culture and pedagogy. Includes many resources and publications related to Chinese learning. http://www.csaus.org – Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS). Association of more than 150 Chinese schools in the U.S. Includes events, links, E-forum, books for purchase, newsletters, aid for forming Chinese schools. http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/Controller.jpf – College Board AP Home Page. College Board's official online home for any professional interested in or involved with the Advanced Placement Program (AP) or Pre-AP strategies. http://www.nctasia.org – National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. Multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about Asia in world history, geography, social studies, and literature courses in the U.S. http://www.ncacls.org – National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS, 全美中文學校?合總會). Website is in Chinese.

http://www.ncssfl.org – National Council of State Supervisors for Languages. Initiative with a long-term effort to raise public awareness about the importance of learning languages and understanding cultures in the lives of all Americans. http://www.nflc.org – National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. Dedicated to promoting a language-competent America by developing and disseminating information that informs policy makers and improve the capacity of the U.S. to communicate in languages other than English. http://www.hanban.edu.cn – National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOCTFL, 国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室). Website is in Chinese. http://www.princeton.edu/~ssclc – Secondary School Chinese Language Center, Princeton University (美国中小学中文教学中心). Home page containing information about the language center and its initiatives. Dictionaries http://www.nciku.com – Great resource for students. Features conversations, theme words and character writing exercises http://www.chinese-tools.com/tools/dictionary.html




characters.http://www.yellowbridge.com/language/chinese-dictionary.php – Shows stroke order and etymology (radicals). Very user-friendly and useful. http://www.zhongwen.com – Very good character, radical index, and etymology look-up. Lists many words that use the same characters. However, not very user friendly.

http://www.xuezhongwen.net/chindict/chindict.php – Gives stroke order for 1500 characters. One of the best online dictionaries. http://classes.yale.edu/chns130/Dictionary/index.html – Online Chinese picture dictionary viewable by English, Chinese or Pinyin. http://www.dictionary.com – Defines words in English. http://www.thesaurus.com – Provides similar meanings for words in English. http://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/glossary/index.asp – Explains English words and phrases related to education Language Learning Articles http://www.english-learning.co.uk/lombalkire.html – Kato Lomb, Hungary’s most accomplished linguist who knew 17 languages, shares her secrets and methods. http://www.nvtc.gov/lotw/months/november/learningExpectations.html


Government ranking of the hardest languages in the world. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2006/58733.htm – National Security Language Initiative: President Bush thinks learning Chinese is important. http://www.pinyin.info/readings/texts/moser.html – Academic, yet humorous explanation of Chinese. Makes students feel good about knowing some Chinese. United States Education Links http://www.ed.gov/offices/OUS/PES/int_over.html#intro – Overview of Education in the U.S. Contains information on policies, roles of the different types of U.S. government, and links to examples of further information.



overview of current issues in U.S. Education, including “Accountability,” “School Choice” and “Teaching.” http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/ch6.htm – Portrait of the U.S. Educational system’s structure, standards, and challenges. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ous/international/usnei/us/edlite-struc-geninf o.html – Information on the structure of U.S. Education and many other education-related topics http://www.leaderu.com/isr/lifeinamerica/howtosurvive/tableofcontents_all_linked .html – Useful tips and information on how to survive in the U.S., including transportation, finding a place to live, finding a job, receiving health care, making friends, shopping, restaurants, and much more. Other Online Resources http://pbwiki.com/academic.wiki - This website is specifically designed to be used in k-12 classrooms. Here, you can create free wikis (live online documents that multiple users can edit and view) to use for the classroom. For a simple explanation of a wiki, check outhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY http://delicious.com/help/learn - Delicious.com is a “social bookmarking” site. You can save interesting/helpful websites by “tagging” them with short descriptions (e.g. “pinyin,” “middle school activity,” “warm-up,” “game for high school students,” “class debate,” etc.). Then, you can easily find related websites by searching through your tags/descriptions. You can also share these bookmarks with anyone

you want (i.e. other teachers or students) and you can access them for any computer. For a simple explanation of Delicious, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x66lV7GOcNU http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizcenter/quizcenter.html - A website to create









here:http://web20teach.blogspot.com/2008/05/top-5-quiz-generators-for-online.html http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/teach.jsp Scholastic.com offers tons of teaching ideas that are specific to different grade levels. Select your grade level and explore their suggestions. New! http://nclrc.org/essentials/index.htm The essentials of language teaching from National Capital Language Resource Center. The page is specifically designed for college professors from foreign backgrounds teaching in the United States, but many of the language teaching theories here can be applied to teaching k-12. New! http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/

This is the website for a travel

company in China, but it also has province and city-specific information. Use it as a resource for cultural and province/city descriptions. New! http://www.nsliforyouth.org/ This program provides scholarships for high school students to go to China and other foreign countries to study languages during the summer and school year. High school students who are American citizens and between ages 15-18 may apply. Annual deadline in February. Suggest to your students! New! Regional Resources

http://www.bc.edu/research/chinagateway/boston/commOut.html Many links for China-related resources in the Boston, Massachusetts area. http://www.kwla-online.org/

The Kentucky World Language Association

supports the teaching and learning of a variety of world languages and cultures. The website has content related to teaching Chinese. If you’re in Kentucky, check it out. http://www.nflc.org/ The National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. Has content related to teaching Chinese. If you’re around Maryland, check it out. http://caisinstitute.org/ A non-profit organization located in San Francisco that advocates for Chinese language and culture education. Also has a yearly conference that California guest teachers may want to attend. See the list of Confucius Institutes in the USA in the File section (美国孔子学院).

往届志愿者 Zong Dengchao 老师分享的汉语教学实用网站

(一)汉字 1、 汉字教学PPT http://www.uvm.edu/~chinese/characters/ 2、 http://www.lb123.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=417&extra=page%3D1&frombbs=1 3、 中文听说读写: http://www.usc.edu/dept/ealc/chinese/newweb/character_page.html 4、 免费中文字卡http://www.semanda.com/ 5、 维基http://www.pbwiki.com 6、 笔画http://www.eon.com.hk/estroke/ 7、 汉字笔顺练习 (配合教材:标准中文) 8、 http://www.bluetec.com.cn/asp/mymandarin/class_book.htm 9、 汉字笔顺演示:http://www. Mymandarin.com/class_book.htm 10、 汉字笔画查询:http://www.51240.com/%E6%9D%A8__bihua/ 11、 动画汉字网站:http://sonicnovel.com/kanjimoonlight.html

12、 Cueflash:http://cueflash.com 13、 Animated Chinese Characters:http ://www. ocrat.com/ocrat/ char/ (二)词汇 1、 Basic word dictionary:http://us.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php 2、 Niku:http://www.nciku.com/ 3、 Practical Chinese Reader Vocabulary List: http://ktmatu. com/Chinese/practical-chinese-reader/ 4、 加州大学汉语生词练习: http://www.csulb.edu/web/labs/langlabs/builder/table/chinese/pcr.html (三)语法: 1、 Basic Chinese Grammar:http ://www. rci. rutgers.edu/~ rsimmon/chingram/ 2、 HSK Proficiency Test:http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/ (四)拼音、发音、口语: 1、 Audio material http://www.clearchinese.com/mp3-lessons/index.htm 2、 Instant speak Chinese: http://www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin 3、 汉语语音练习指南:http://www. courses. fas.harard. edu/~pinyin/ 4、 Voice Thread:http://voicethread.com/ 5、 http : //www.courses. fas. Harvard. edu/~pinyin/ 6、 http://ecl.iflytek.com/listentothis/ 7 、 http://app.chinesesavvy.com/services/tools/OnlineToolsBoxHome.ot?toolId=com.chinese savvy.online.tools.SpeechTools 8、 http://www.audioportfolios.com/ 9、 http://www.interlangua.com/Chinese.html (收费网站) 2 / 4 10、 http://web.mit.edu/~jinzhang/www/pinyin/home/PinyinMain.html (五)听力: 1、 听力训练网站:http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/topics.html 2、 在线汉语广播:http://www.linese.com/cc/22000000000000000,12.html 3、 Voice Web http://www.sinovoice.com.cn/e-voice.asp 4、 http://app.chinesesavvy.com/services/dictionary/sentence/DictionarySentencePO.ot 5、 http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/topics.html 6、 http://www.laits.utexas.edu/orkelm/chinese/index.html 7、 http://www.youtube.com (六)阅读: 3、 中文天地 http://chinesereadingworld.org/ 4、 阅读中文 LangNet http://www.nflc.org/projects/current_projects/used_chinese_los/simplified_list.html 5、 新闻阅读 newsinchinese.com

6、 阅读中文:http://readchinese.nflc.org/?page=home 7、 http ://www. inform. umd. edu/EdRes/Topic/Humanities/.C-tut/C-tut. Html 8、 Chinese: http://pasture. ecn. purdue. edu/~ agenhtml/agenmc/china/ctutor. html (七)文化 1、 中国语言文化论坛Chinese Language and Culture Forum: 2、 文化http://www.learnezchinese.com/ 3、 Ask Asia:http://www.walkerandpingping.com/ (八)综合: 1、 中国汉语网:http://www.linese.com/model/english/pub/index.jsp 2、 汉语网:http://www.hanyu.com.cn/en/default.asp 3、 我的汉语网:http://www.mymandarin.com/ 4、 汉语学习辅助系统: 5、 学生自学video: http://www.guavatalk.com/chinese/free-chinese-lesson-videos.php 6、 Language exchange 中文语言学习伙伴 Chinesepod:http://chinesepod.com/ 7、 北京语言大学远程教育网站:http://www.eblcu.net/index.html 8、 Kids Learn Chinese online games:http://www.mtec123.com/ 9、 China Bridge:http://chinabridgeforeducation.org/ 10、 虚拟紫禁城: http://www.beyondspaceandtime.org/FCBSTWeb/web/index.html 11、 华语小学:http://www.chlearn.com/ 12、 Sinospliec: http://www.sinosplice.com/life/archives/2006/12/24/christmas-songs-in-chinese 13、 Techolanguages:http://technolote.podomatic.com/ 3 / 4 14、 Modern Foreign Languages Environment: http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/sharingpractice/p/podcasting/introduction.asp?strReferringC hannel=mfle 15、 中文: http://www.blabi.com/chinese/module/idiomas/language/en/action_dictionary.hsk.html 16、 Walker Pingping: http://www1.curriculum.edu.au/nalsas/explorers/chinese/notes.html 17、 Japanese-Chinese:http://www.unilang.org 18、 现龙第二代: http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2/schools/archives/ys.php 19、 NSW HSC:http://hsc.csu.edu.au/chinese/ 20、 Teacher Tube:http://www.teachertube.com/ 21、 Vimeo:http://www.vimeo.com/ 22、 chinese monster:http://www.chinesemonstermagic.com 23、 Epals:http://www.epals.com/ 24、 Get Chinese Name:

http://www.tutorming.com/webinar/GetaChineseNameNow/index.asp?fromwhere=A82a UcY8Xx 25、 http://noella.uoregon.edu/noella/do/login 26、 http://www.chinamode.net/hsk/ 27、 http://www.askasia.org/students/features/chinagame/ 28、 ba structure game:http://yx.jb8.com.cn/html/8561.html 29、 http://www.yxkele.com/ 30、 http://yx.jb8.com.cn/html/8561.html 31、 http://learningchineseonline.net/ 32、 http://www.tom61.com/ 33、 Ocrat. com:http://www. ocrat.com/ 34、 http ://www. csulb. edu/~txie/ccol/content. htm 35、 http ://www. langnet. org/ 36、 Zhongwen. com: http://zhongwen. com 37、 http ://www. Chinese-forums. com/ 38、 The Educator’s Reference Desk (ERIC database): http://www. eduref. org/Eric/ (九)电子教材: 1、 乘风汉语www.elanguage.cn 2、 新乘风汉语www.enterzon.com 3、 新实用汉语课本http://www.hanyu.com.cn/en/htm_newlesson/mulu.htm 4、 跟我学汉语http://www.hanyu.com.cn/genwxhy 5、 长城汉语www.greatwallchinese.com.cn 6、 《实用汉语课本》Practical Chinese Reader: Learning Aids Online: http ://www. csulb. edu/~txie/pcr. html 7、 《中文听说读写 》lntegrated Chinese Home Page: 4/4

http://eastasia. hawaii.edu/yao/icusers/Def ault. htm 8、 《龙文墨影》(A ClassicalChinese Reader:_language of Dragon: http ://www. csulb.edu/~txie/360/Etext/index. Htm (十)课件制作参考网址 9、 http://www.edu.cn/20030904/3090354.shtml 10、 http://www.1kejian.com/course/Powerpoint/ 11、 http://www.blcjedu.net/OnlineSchools/kjzz/Powerpoint/ 12、 http://www.powercai.net/Index.html 13、 http://www.zgcschool.cbe21.com/subject/chinese/kjzz/ 14、 http://www.hkedcity.net/iclub_files/a/1/74/webpage/wordstyle/html01/index.html 15、 http://www.pptxx.com/ 16、 http://www.cai8.net/Index.html 17、 http://edu.cctr.net.cn/paper_read.asp 18、 http://www.ppt8.com/ 19、 http://www.kjxy8.cn/ 20、 http://www.910edu.com/ 21、 http://daxue.soppt.cn/Index.html 22、 http://www.officexy.com/Articles/PPT/index.html 23、 http://tech.ddvip.com/zt/powerpoint-dmt.html 24、 http://school.21tx.com/office/powerpoint/ 25、 http://www.cnyww.com/ 26、 http://cai.ruiwen.com/list.php 27、 http://www.wyysf33447.com/index.asp 28、 http://www.vastman.com/Index.asp ---------------------(帮助他人,快乐自己)-----------------------

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