IB Asia Pacific eNewsletter Dec. 2012

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I B A s i a Pa c i f i c e N ew s let t er D ecember 2 012

Dear Colleagues, 2012 represents a milestone in IBAP as the Regional Office moves forward with its mission to improve the world through leadership in international education. The IB is increasingly responding to government initiatives across Asia that seek to develop the skills and attributes inherent in an IB education into their national system. We are working with the Japanese government (MEXT) to widen access to the IB Diploma by translating and assessing a selected group of DP courses. In Malaysia, we will be working with ten schools to introduce MYP after a period of sustained and intensive professional development support for leaders, administrators and teachers. These projects are visible ways of how the IB is becoming involved in educational transformation in the region and are at the heart of why the organisation was founded. Along with these projects, growth of programmes is surging as more schools seek candidacy and authorisation. It is important to remember that these governments and schools come to us because of the exemplary model that IB World Schools and educators demonstrate, day in day out. In 2012 we have delivered workshops for over thirteen thousand educators. In August, three hundred and sixty teachers attended workshops in www.ibo.org

China - all led in mother tongue. The IB is only able to deliver high-quality professional development and authorization visits because it partners with inspiring educators who share their best practice with others. With growing interest in an IB education, we have trained over one hundred and forty new IB educators at locations across the region. It is noteworthy that thirty of these are Japanese-English bilingual Workshop Leaders who will be essential in our project with the MEXT, Japan. To facilitate further access into the IB Educator Network (IBEN), the organisation has agreed to bear all costs, including travel, thus enabling educators to attend our IB educator training and become workshop leaders and site visitors. We want to ensure that educators come from the widest backgrounds and represent the most experienced and passionate classroom practitioners. As an organisation and as educators we have exciting challenges ahead of us in 2013. For now, it is time to rest and take stock of another successful year for the IB and schools in IBAP. On behalf of the IB, I would like to thank you for your support, contribution and dedication you have given throughout 2012. May you have a wonderful break and I look forward to meeting many of you at our Regional Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Warm Regards, Ian Chambers Director, IB Asia Pacific www.ibo.org/ibap

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thE hAGUE 24th - 27th OCtOBER







The annual conferences provide an excellent opportunity for educational leaders and decision makers to engage with their colleagues in the IB community. Don’t miss the chance to present on topics that you are most passionate about, share best practices, and focus on an IB education continuum that cultivates students’ abilities.



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I B Asia Pac i fi c Re g i on al Co un cil James MacDonald, Chair of Regional Council, Asia Pacific Dear Colleagues, International education means somewhat different things to different people, but one thing I think most people agree with is that it is a growing field which continues to evolve in many Head of School, exciting ways. The IB, as an Yokohama International School organization, reflects much of this change and as it attempts to plot a course in a complex international context it has created a number of external groups to inform its decision-making. One of these groups is the Asia Pacific Regional Council which acts in an advisory capacity to the Regional Director (Ian Chambers). The Regional Council meets twice a year to discuss topics related to the work of the IB that affects us here in Asia Pacific. The Regional Council is made up of a diverse mix of heads of IB Schools and external members. The school heads on the council are: Anne Fowles (Suzhou Singapore International School - China), Anuradha Monga (Bangalore International School - India), Richard Tangye (International School Dhaka – Bangladesh), Deidre Fischer (Cebu International School Philippines), and Julian Whiteley (UWCSEA Singapore). External members of the council are: Sonny Lim (Singapore), Eddy Henry (Indonesia), Jan Keightley (Australia), and Mark Wang (China). I would also like to welcome our newest external member of the council, Ms. Bea Tsuboya-Newell (Japan).

been particularly active places for the IB recently); an outline of professional development trends in Asia Pacific; a look at some of the IB’s global branding communications projects; and a very interesting overview of current and future research projects. This generated considerable discussion among members as we provided feedback on these different topics. We also conducted an in-depth case-study examining pre and post authorization services with the council exploring and debating the merit of different types and levels of service that the IB may want to consider offering to schools. Another topic of discussion was the upcoming regional conference in Kuala Lumpur, where there will be a pre-conference workshop specifically tailored for Heads of School as well another session just for those heads who are new to the IB. Also, as we did last year, there will be ‘Heads-to-Heads’ session hosted by members of the Regional Council and the global Heads Council. At this session, we are seeking feedback and input to help shape the agenda for our next Regional Council meeting in May 2013.

As I conclude this update on behalf of the Regional Council, I would also like to thank Eddy Henry, Jan Keightley, and Julian Whitely for their contributions to the Regional Council, as they are all stepping down from the group when their terms finish at the end of this calendar year. As we say goodbye to these individuals, it also reminds me of how one of the defining features of the IB is that practitioners play a central role in the organization and how this allows all of us to play a small role in helping to shape international education both now Our most recent meeting took place in the new and into the future. regional office in Singapore on November 16 and 17. The meeting covered a number of topics. www.ibo.org/ibap/aboutibasiapacific/regionalcouncil/ Some of the highlights included: a summary of various initiatives happening in different countries throughout the region (Japan and Malaysia have www.ibo.org

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I B Educat o r N e t wo r k

Ashish Trivedi, IBEN Manager, Asia Pacific This year 140 new IB Educators have joined the IB Educator Network (IBEN) in our region. We now have 950 passionate IB Educators who so generously give their time and expertise to support the IBEN activities in the Asia Pacific.

programme verification and evaluation visits representing the IB. They will be responsible for conducting the visit and contributing to a final report and recommendation for the regional office.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all our • School Visits Team Leader (PYP, MYP, DP) Team leaders are responsible for liaising with IB Educators who have dedicated countless hours the regional office and the school prior to and to support more than 1000 IBEN activities in 2012. after the visit as well as for leading the visiting Being a part of the IBEN provides our IB Educators team in conducting the visit and preparing the a range of experiences such as delivering IB visit report for submission to the regional office. workshops, conducting school visits and working as consultants to support candidate schools beginning their IB journey. It is pleasing to hear from many of • Consultant (PYP, MYP, DP) - Consultants will provide support and mentoring to candidate our IB Educators that they find their collaboration schools. Each school will be assigned a with the IB very enriching both personally and consultant by the regional office who will conduct professionally. the mandatory consultation visit and provide a specified number of hours of distance mentoring Ongoing professional development: in preparation for the verification visit. Only As part of the ongoing professional development of experienced school visit team members to apply. our IB Educators, we have provided online trainings to update our DP Languages, Math, TOK and Visual Arts, MYP Language B and Humanities workshop Professional Development Roles • Workshop Leader (PYP/MYP/DP) - Workshop leaders in the new subject guides. leaders facilitate professional development for teachers in regional workshops and in schools As a new initiative we organized refresher workshops implementing the IB programmes. for workshop leaders based in India and Indonesia. These workshops covered a range of topics from contextual challenges, adult education to specifically • Programme Field Representatives (PYP/MYP/ DP) - Programme Field Representatives will looking at category 1, 2 and 3 workshops. This was a offer academic support to Workshop leaders on great opportunity for the workshop leaders to come regional workshop events and also feedback together, network, share and learn from each other. observations to regional office IBEN Managers. IBEN Trainings in 2013 We are very pleased to announce that from For detailed information on how to become a part January 2013 onwards the IB will cover both the of the IB educator network, please visit the IB Asia accommodation and travel costs for participants Pacific IBEN webpage. who are selected to attend IBEN trainings. Overall, this has been a very successful year and Being a part of the IBEN offers a wide range of we sincerely thank all our IB educators on behalf experiences. The regional office will be organizing a of the schools, teachers and students who benefit number of training events in 2013 for those interested from the time, expertise and commitment of our IB Educators. in acquiring the following IBEN roles: School Services Roles • Application Reader (PYP, MYP, DP) - Application readers will analyse, evaluate and report to the regional office on documented evidence submitted by schools with the application of candidacy and/or authorization.

We are also very grateful to all our school heads for encouraging and supporting the IB Educators from their schools to participate in IBEN activities. Thank you! ashish.trivedi@ibo.org

• School Visits Team Member (PYP, MYP, DP) School visits team members will participate in www.ibo.org

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T h e I B P ri m a r y Ye a r s P r o ga m m e Monita Sen, Regional School Services Manager PYP

A promotional brochure featuring the new model can also be downloaded at: www.ibo.org/communications/publications/index.cfm Season’s Greetings from the PYP Regional PYP School Visit Team Office! Consultants Training



Here are the PYP updates for the latter part of 2012 The School Visit Team Leader and Consultant Training took place in November at the Singapore The PYP Review Global Centre. 13 participants travelled in from China, Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, The much anticipated PYP review begins this year India and Bangladesh to undergo intensive two and will continue until 2016. The review will look at day training on the new processes and systems for the PYP in the light of current educational research Authorization and Evaluation. and examine the global relevance of an international education. The aims of the review are to: • revisit the fundamental principles and practices of the programme to ensure that the programme remains relevant and fit for purpose • learn from the experience of ‘MYP Next Chapter’ – establish greater alignment within the continuum of IB education • examine ways of addressing the needs of an increasing diversity of schools and explore ways of addressing access issues. You can follow the PYP Review Update at: http://blogs.ibo.org/pyp/pyp-review/ New Material on OCC Two new sample units of inquiry are available on the OCC in English, French and Spanish. These two samples illustrate the use of the planner in the context of standalone additional language teaching. More sample units of inquiry will be published in 2013, with a focus on Visual Arts, the transdisciplinary theme Who we are, PE and Mathematics. New PYP Curriculum Model The new curriculum models have been launched this year to facilitate greater alignment across all four IB Programmes. Schools are encouraged to use the new model and further information can be found on the OCC at: http://occ.ibo.org/ibis/documents/general/g_0_ iboxx_amo_1211_1p_e.pdf www.ibo.org

Regional Visits and Network Meetings The PYP Network groups continue to expand and grow as professional learning communities. We welcome our two newest networks, South India and Sri Lanka (SIS) and Queensland. 2013 will hopefully see more Network meetings synchronised with the Regional Visits so that the regional office can offer more support to the Networks. Scheduled visits for the first half of next year include China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The yearly schedule for regional visits is available at www.ibo.org/ibap/schoolservices/regionalvisits.cfm and Networks are encouraged to make the best use of these visits to support the great work happening in the region.

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T h e IB Mid d l e Ye a r s P r o ga m m e Curtis Beaverford, Regional School Services Manager MYP

MYP Next Chapter Updates MYP Development Update and November’s Coordinator’s Notes have been out for a while. If you haven’t had a chance to look over these documents yet I would highly recommend taking the time. They outline in detail some of the changes coming with MYP Next Chapter.

next round of candidate schools to come on board in January of 2013 and be leading verification and authorization visits around the region. Please watch the IBEN area of our website for future training opportunities. Indonesian Dunia Event November 2013 On November 24th the Indonesian PYP, MYP and DP coordinator networks held their annual ‘job-alike’ sessions. These events have been happening for years now but this year the three programmes combined and the event drew more than 680 IB teachers. The coordinator networks ran the event like a conference with presenters submitting proposals for presentations which were vetted by the committee. The event has turned into one of the largest gatherings of IB teachers on the planet. Hats off to the network members who volunteered their time to organizing the event and Sekola Pelita Harapan Lippo Village for hosting it.

E-assessment trials A while back you might have seen a request for school’s interested in trialing the new MYP e-assessments which the IB has been developing. When I saw the list I didn’t see a lot of IBAP schools who indicated interest in trialing these assessments. The e-assessments will be quite different from other types of assessments which you are familiar with. I believe it would be a very interesting experience for both students and teachers to participate in the trial. They will be happening in October of 2013 and we are especially keen on southern hemisphere school’s participation. Even if you haven’t participated in moderation in the past I would recommend putting your name in for the trial. If you contact me, (curtis. beaverford@ibo.org) I can submit your school to the IBIS Updates people responsible for organizing the trial.

A week or so ago you would have gotten an Consultant / School Visit Team Member email from IBIS asking you to update the session Training information section of your school information. Schools who didn’t moderate often tended not to At the end of November complete this information. As we are planning for we held a consultant / school visit team mandatory moderation of the personal project member training in the and the start of the e-assessment’s in 2015 this new global centre in information is extremely important for our capacity planning. If you haven’t already done so please take Singapore. some time to complete the session information. There were six participants from around the region who will be working with the www.ibo.org

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Mid dle Ye a r s Pr o g a m m e U pd ate

MYP Next Chapter Updates on the OCC Lots of exciting development is underway as the Next Chapter of the Middle Years Programme hits many of its developmental milestones. Keep upto-date about milestones for schools on the OCC! Navigate to the list of school milestones (pdf) online: OCC home > MYP home > Implementation of the programme > MYP: Next Chapter Here is a summary of items to be aware of: 1. Find a detailed development report on MYP: Next Chapter using the navigation shown above. The report details the shape of the new curriculum and assessment, and gives information for plans to support schools in terms of authorization and evaluation, subject choice, and professional development. Ongoing professional development events support teachers in starting gradual implementation of some of the changes.

and resources posted online. Events such as “Global context for teaching and learning,” and MYP: Next Chapter seminars are recommended for all IB educators involved in the transition from MYP to MYP: Next Chapter. 4. Messaging about new subject group flexibility was sent to IB School Coordinators and Heads in October. Starting September 2013, new flexibility related to the number of subject groups required for MYP students, years 4 and 5 will be introduced. The IB prefers that schools offer all 8 subject groups to all students in years 4 and 5 and this is made clear in the new rule. If this is not viable for a school, the IB strongly encourages offering all 8 subject groups to allow students to choose a minimum of 6 subject groups (which must include Language A, Language B, Science, Math and Humanities). The new flexibility recognizes that some student choice is appropriate for students aged 14-16. With the new flexibility, it remains a requirement in MYP 4-5 that a minimum of six subject groups be studied concurrently at all times. Please visit the OCC and review the development report for further explanation of the new rule.

2. Four expert advisory group meetings were held in 2012, involving leading global thinkers in assessment, in order to prepare for the introduction of e-assessments into the MYP. Trials will be conducted throughout 2013-14 using materials currently being designed by Chief Examiners. The e-assessments will be provided to schools electronically; candidates will sit for the e-assessments using computers in either offline or online environments.

It’s an exciting journey to the MYP Next Chapter! We’ll keep you informed all along the way. If you 3. Ongoing professional development for MYP have questions or need more information, please educators contains aspects of MYP: Next contact us on the OCC. Chapter changes for the remainder of 2012. New offerings can be found on regional calendars as well as in the 2013-14 IB catalog[+] of workshops www.ibo.org

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T h e I B Dip l o m a Pr o ga m m e

Stephen Keegan, Regional School Services Manager DP Four conference dates are set for 2013: • Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, 23-28 June • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 21-26 July • Warwick University, Coventry, UK, 4-9 August November Examinations • University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 11-16 August The regional office wishes every school and student a successful conclusion to the Diploma Programme November examination session. We look forward to Whether students are sitting for their main welcoming you and session, anticipated subjects or re-takes, these your DP students to exams will be the culminating components of an IB World Student all that is challenging and rewarding in the IB Conference in 2013! send your Diploma Programme. Representatives of the IB Please have visited over twenty percent of November questions, requests for session schools in the past few weeks, and as more information, and always, we have appreciated the opportunity to requests for additional connect with schools which are implementing the posters to: ibwsc@ibo.org programme in exemplary ways. The November 2012 Diploma Programme exam results will be available to schools in Australia, New Zealand, Papa New Guinea and Fiji on 3rd Jan 2013 at 5pm GMT. If you have any queries with regards to the results, please contact Briony Morath. She commences her post with the IB on 2 Jan 2013. Email: briony.morath@ibo.org IB World Student Conferences 2013 The 2012 IB World Student Conferences were a resounding success —so much so that the IB is offering not two but four conferences in 2013! Four universities in four parts of the world will host an IB World Student Conference; four separate weeks of fun, learning, and exploration to choose from for each IB student who registers for one of these exciting events. To be eligible to attend, an IB student must be an incoming or first-year Diploma Programme student during school year 2013-14. www.ibo.org

Diploma Programme requirements for programme evaluation Changes previously introduced in the Diploma Programme requirements for programme evaluation scheduled to take effect beginning in 2014 may have an impact on your staff professional development planning. Schools submitting their self-study questionnaire in 2014 and beyond will need to demonstrate that the professional development requirements outlined have been met. Since the self-study process is started a year in advance, we want to raise your awareness of the requirements so you may take into account any additional PD necessary for staff in your planning. If you have any questions regarding the new policy or would like to contact the professional development department to discuss training for your staff, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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I B Pr ofess i o n a l D eve lop m e nt

Stuart Jones, Head Professional Development, Asia Pacific

NEWS from Asia Pacific:

and the assessment tools and task types. • Academic staff from the programme development team and/or a member of the Gateways: 2 new virtual gateways have been curriculum review team will be on hand introduced so that co-ordinators and workshop throughout the workshop to answer questions leaders have access to all the information they and participate. require at a click: 1. Co-ordinators Gateway : All links and 2013 Subject Specific seminars: information in one place (stay tuned TBA) 2. Workshop Leaders gateway: • TOK, category 3 w w w . i b o . o r g / i b a p / e d u c a t o r s n e t w o r k / • MYP: The Next Chapter, cat 3 wlgateway.cfm Please visit here for details content and where Regional workshops: 2013 Planning Calendar they will be held: For all your workshops in 2013, please refer www.ibo.org/ibap/professionaldevelopment/ to the google calendar in the right hand Workshops/subjectspecificseminars/ column of our web page: www.ibo.org/ibap/ professionaldevelopment/ (This page is updated 2013: Special Workshop Events IB Asia Pacific PD will be offering three special regularly). workshop events with regular 3 day workshop LinkedIn: We regularly announce additional together with special presentations on subjects workshops and news on our workshops on IB of interest to the participants and special Asia Pacific LinkedIn group. If you are not yet entertainment related to the workshops a subscriber, please join: www.linkedin.com/ • Languages Event: 18-20 January 2013 www.ibo.org/ibap/professionaldevelopment/ groups/IB-Asia-Pacific-3744976/about Workshops/languageevent2013/index.cfm Introduction of Twitter account: We are about • Arts Event: 24-26 August to introduce a special Twitter account so that • Maths/Science: to be advised when we make changes to the calendar we can • Social and Emotional Learning: to be advised tweet the changes and you know to look for the updates. Make sure that you are following us on IB Workshops for non- IB educators A number of the workshops that we offer in IB @ibasiapacific Professional Development are accessible not 2013 IB PD Catalogue: Our new catalogue is only by educators of IB programmes but are available online for you to peruse. Each workshop relevant to other educators who are interested that we offer both regional and in-school has a in furthering their professional expertise in IB description in the catalogue: www.ibo.org/ibap/ related pedagogy or wish to delve into a deeper professionaldevelopment/documents/new-pd- understanding of the IB Mission and Vision. This is particularly the case for educators in non-IB catalog-101512-v2.pdf sections of IB schools SSS : TOK and MYP Next Chapter: In IB World Schools that offer one or two What is a subject -specific seminar ? • Subject-specific seminars help educators programmes, there is an opportunity for understand and implement subject guide educators in the other year groups to familiarise themselves with the IB way of thinking and thus changes. support a more consistent approach to teaching Why should I attend? • Acquaint yourself with changes to a particular and learning across the school. subject area, explained and exemplified through teaching and learning framework, the guidelines and requirements for implementation, the objectives and criteria, www.ibo.org

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continued... We look forward to welcoming all your teachers IB separately to the per participant fee. to our IB Asia Pacific workshops. Please visit 3. Expenses are to be paid directly to the our website for case studies, details of specific workshop leader. workshops and how to register. 4. Accommodation to be settled directly with www.ibo.org/ibap/professionaldevelopment/ the hotel. documents/ib_pd_for_non-ib_teachers_ aug2012v2.pdf Resident workshop leader policy In IBAP we have recently announced the Pre-conference workshops (Heads Forum) introduction of the Resident workshop leader The Asia Pacific Conference will be held in policy: March 2013. Pre-conference we will be offering workshops for Administrators and Co-ordinators www.ibo.org/ibap/policyconditions/resident_ across all three programmes. This is an workshop_leaders_policy.cfm excellent opportunity to attend a workshop and the conference. As Ian Chambers, IB Asia Pacific Regional Director stated in a recent letter to all Heads After the workshops and before the conference, of School and co-ordinators: “The first exciting the IB will be hosting a Heads Forum. This change, which I know many of you will welcome, event will bring together Heads of IB schools is that from next year schools in IBAP will be able from around the region to focus on leadership. to use their in-house IB Educators to lead IB inPlease register for the event separately on school workshops which have been registered REGIS. with the regional IB office. We recognise the www.ibo.org/ibap/conference/2013preconference/ value of using a resource which has deep understanding of your context and the IB and do In addition, there will be a Co-ordinators Forum hope that this policy change assists you further before the conference. Please can you get in developing excellent IB teachers.” in touch with School Services team for more details. On line workshops: • Opportunity to mix the workshop options. In-school workshops News: Online PD allows your staff to do workshops Payment for workshop: 2013 Fees sheet is at times and places that best suit their needs. available on the following huperlink. Fees for in-school workshops have remained static for 2013 and Regional workshop fees have increased to cover inflation only. www.ibo.org/ibap/professionaldevelopment/ documents/ibap_pd_fees_schedule_2013.pdf


Planning IB Professional Development: Putting a PD plan in place is key to running a successful school with educators who are continually recharged and reinvigorated. Here Please note a change in the billing process for in the Asia Pacific we are now are available to help you plan PD for your school with various IB workshops: opportunities to meet your school requirements From January 2013, in-school workshops will and needs. To discuss an IB PD plan, please contact Stuart Jones (stuart.jones@ibo.org) or be billed as follows: 1. Per participant fee is available on the Invoice Catherine Vogel (catherine.vogel@bo.org) on REGIS which can be downloaded after the workshop when the participants list is final 2. Air travel and Honorarium of external and resident workshop leader will be billed by the www.ibo.org

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IB University Recognition & Development Stefanie Leong, Head of Development & Recognition AP Recognition: As students are preparing for exams and looking at applying to universities, the IB has been actively contacting universities to request for them to update policies.

World Student Conference: Diploma Programme and IBCC students are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to attend one of the IB World Student Conferences. A number of scholarships are available to students who apply by Feb. 4, 2013, to defray the cost of attendance. In Change of preferences dates for Tertiary Adminssion 2012, 21 scholarships were awarded, supported by a number of IB donors, the IB Board of Directors Centres have been published on IB website: and IB staff. Australia: IBCC accreditation QSA • 3 policies were updated in IBIS account (Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT), Australian Academy of Design, Blue Mountains Hotel School)

Share this information with your IBCC and DP students, and encourage them to compete for a scholarship! By visiting the IB Conference page www.ibo.org/wsc, students can see how the WSCs support work on student CAS projects and enhance their experience as an IB student.

China: Full instructions about how to apply, including • The recognition policy for University of requirements, format, and other details, are Nottingham Ningbo, China is now published on available at www.ibo.org/wsc/scholarships/ the IB Website. India: • 38 universities recognition policy statement have been updated and published on the IB website. • 2 recognition statements as a result of meetings in Gujarat

From the desk of: Priyamvada Taneja IB Development Manager, India

Recognition documents online: The IB is proactively working with Universities in India for the recognition of the Diploma programme. The IB website has been updated Japan: with policy statements from 60 Universities, • Recognition Seminars : 24 university recognition governments and institutions. policy statements have been updated and published on the IB website. Check the link for the most recent recognition Indonesia: • 1 policy was published (MIBT Indonesia)

updates. www.ibo.org/ibap/universityrecognition/ Singapore: • Nanyang Technological University has University Recognition Session Mumbai & Delhi: developed a recognition policy statement and University recognition sessions with authorized has been published on the IB website. • 1 policy was published (James Cook University) www.ibo.org

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continued... and candidate schools were held with the aim From the desk of: Jamie Tan to have meaningful discussions regarding IB Programme Support recognition of the IB Diploma. The session Manager (China) examined the emerging trends, challenges, and recognition updates around the world. The The IB has a reputation for session was attended by Heads/ IB coordinators educational excellence in many circles in China, and college counselors of the schools. and we are working on cementing this excellent reputation. We have established working Orientation sessions, presentations at various relationships with the Beijing and Shanghai education commissions and are in discussions forums: To assist the schools in the application process, with both as to possible areas of collaboration increase support for schools in India; orientation in the future. We plan to establish similar relationships with other education commissions sessions, presentations, and regular visits of IB or bureaus in the next year; therefore, please staff are being planned through the year. drop us a line if the education bureau overseeing your region is interested in connecting with Presentations were given at the TAISI (The the IB office. If you are interested to share Association of International Schools in India) your experinece of an IB education with the Conference in Cochin on ‘Services for IB education commissions, universities or other Schools in India’ by Stefanie Leong, Head of bodies, please consider applying to become an IB recognition ambassador. Development & Recognition, Asia Pacific, ‘MYP: The Next Chapter’ by Malcolm Nicolson, Head Chinese universities have also been interested of Middle Years Programme Development , ‘IB in learning about IB teacher education and Recognition Update’ by Priyamvada Taneja, professional development. The IB was invited Development Manager, India to speak at a conference at East China Normal University in September on its IB Educator Presentation at the Annual Conference of COBSE Certificate initiative and teacher professional (Council of Boards of School Education in India) development model. in Patna was given by Ian Chambers, IB Director Asia Pacific on International Baccalaureate Perspectives on Vocational Education: IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) to showcase the IB’s fourth programme. This new exciting programme will provide an additional dimension to the skills acquired from the qualification.

Separately, we are reaching out to Chinese universities to ask them to clarify their admission policy for DP graduates. If a university that your student is interested in does not presently have an IB policy published on our website, please contact us so that we may rectify that situation. Some schools in China have been exploring how the IBCC may work for students who are interested in, for example, hospitality and tourism studies or fashion studies. If your school has an interest in exploring how the IBCC could work for your students, you are welcome to contact us. For more information : www.ibo.org/ibap/universityrecognition/


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I B Resear ch D e p a r t me nt Justine Sanders, Research Specialist

IB Global Research Departments Updates

and practical perspectives embedded in the DP creativity, action, service (CAS) Programme Impact framework, and explicate the implications and applications of service learning for the The Australian Council for Education Research development of the course. (ACER) recently completed a study investigating • Approaches to Learning: Literature Review the postsecondary enrolment, progression, by Na Li achievement, and patterns of IB Diploma • This literature review examines theories Programme students at two Australian universities. and practices related to learning Findings from the study indicate significant approaches in the curriculum of various growth in the number of DP students applying to educational systems, how issues of culture these universities, higher rates of offers for DP and age appropriateness are addressed students compared to the general pool, and that and unpacked, and draws implications for DP graduates progress through university studies the implementation and development of IB at higher rates than non-IB cohorts and are more programmes. likely than non-IB DP graduates to complete their degree within five years. See the complete ACER IERD (International Education Research Database) report, along with other studies on the impact of the IB DP, at www.ibo.org/research/policy/ We are very excited announce that after months programmevalidation/diploma/. of work the IB’s newly redeveloped IERD is now live! The new site has thousands of references For more information on this study or other of research related to the IB and international activities of the IB research department, contact education generally. The site has a number of new research@ibo.org features which will allow us to keep the database much more current as well as make for a more There are also several new programme impact user friendly experience. The IERD is not only a research studies just getting underway exploring great resource to find references on international the DP in such diverse contexts as China, education, but you can also find loads of published Ecuador and Mexico, the relationship between (and some unpublished) research and writing an IB education and civic-mindedness, ToK, and on the IB and its programmes. So have a look, more. search, and even upload your own references. Happy hunting! http://research.ibo.org Programme Development Jeff Thompson Research Award There are three new programme development research papers available on the OCC. There is a new completed study on language • Academic honesty in the IB by Jude Carroll teaching in PYP classrooms, by Natascha • This paper outlines conceptual aspects of Thompson, posted on the JTA winners page: plagiarism and challenges that learners www.ibo.org/research/resources/jeffthompson/ face in demonstrating honesty and integrity, jtwinners/index.cfm. and indicates how teachers, schools and learners can share responsibility for Review of the latest rounds of applicants is supporting academic honesty in the IB currently underway. Thank you to all of our programmes. submitters. The next deadline for applications is • Discussion document for the curriculum March 31, 2013. review of creativity, action, service by Catherine Elliott, Cheryl Keegan and Cathryn Berger Kaye • The document aims to revisit the theoretical www.ibo.org

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I n ter natio n a l B a c c a l au r e ate U pd ate IB World Schools Advancing the IB Mission: The IB was founded in 1968 with the generous philanthropic support of a number of individuals and organizations. We continue to drive new initiatives and enable greater access to an IB education, in part, through the commitment of likeminded individuals, organizations and foundations who believe in our mission: creating a better world through education. We are grateful for their vision and leadership over the years.

Access to an IB education has been greatly enhanced over the past months in the Asia Pacific and Africa, Europe and Middle East regions as we respond to country initiatives. The realisation of these projects has been made possible through the Regional Offices and Access and Advancement department working together to create tailored products which match professional development and each country’s needs to our existing programmes.

We would like to acknowledge and thank three schools in this region that have given to the IB over the last quarter allowing us to broaden the learning opportunities for IB students:

On 27 November, Jeffrey Beard, Director General, signed a Letter of Understanding with Mr Yamanaka, Deputy Minister for Education, Japan. Under this, the IB will work to develop a Dual Language IB Diploma: English-Japanese where students will be taught and assessed in Japanese across a number of selected DP courses. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan have agreed to fully fund these developments in order to reach it’s goal of up to 200 schools in Japan being able to access IB programmes.

• Sinarmas World Academy, Indonesia generously contributed towards the development of MYP: Next Chapter • Fairview International Group of Schools, Malaysia supported student scholarships to the 2012 World Student Conferences • Global Jaya International School, Indonesia provided philanthropic support for the development of a new DP course on Indonesian Language and Literature For more information on how you can further support the mission of the IB and our philanthropic work, contact:

In Malaysia, we are in the final stages of agreeing with the government to have ten schools piloting the MYP from 2013. This proposal has been further developed through Access and Advancement and Global Professional Development to include country-tailored workshops that will prepare the teachers and administrators at the selected schools for possible MYP candidacy in October, 2013.

Andriani Winoto, Philanthropy Manager at: andriani.winoto@ibo.org or visit: www.ibo.org/donors


page 14

IB World Student Conferences Wake Forest University

University of British Columbia

University of Warwick

University of Hong Kong

North Carolina, USA 23-28 June

Coventry, UK 4-9 August

Vancouver, Canada 21-26 July

Hong Kong 11-16 August

2013 Which Student Conference will you choose?

“If you’re considering whether or not to go, trust me—don’t miss this!” -Tariq Attarwala, Mumbai, India

Registration opens 14 November 2012 www.ibo.org/wsc/

Read the official WSC blog from IE University, Segovia, Spain

Read the official WSC blog from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

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