IB Busy! June 2013

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09 June 2013


IB Busy!


this issue The Person: A Farewell P.1 The Peter Pan Problem P.2 One Final Reflection.... For Now P.3

/RRN IRU XQLYHUVLWLHV 7KH GHDGlines are sadly soon approachLQJ 2QH YHU\ XVHIXO ZHEVLWH WKDW LV YHU\ KHOSIXO ZKHQ UHVHDUFKLQJ XQLYHUVLWLHV LQ WKH 86 LV KWWSV ELJIXWXUH FROOHJHERDUG RUJ Juniors: study for your mocks – they’re only a month after school resumes. 7UDYHO $Q\ZKHUH ZLWK DQ\RQH -XVW WUDYHO VRPHZKHUH ZH DOO need a break and new experiences are indescribable. Volunteer in Summer School: you can get CAS credit and it’s a fun experience. Mr. Roy, who is a middle school teacher, is in charge of it this year. Join the literature course. It is two weeks long at two different GDWHV RQH DW WKH HQG RI -XQH EHginning of July and the other in August. Ask Mr. Ernest for more information. *R RQ D ELNH ULGH ,W LV GH¿QLWHO\ worth it to buy a bike and no, the fact that most streets are crowded is no excuse. Get a tan tattoo. It might sound lame, but how interesting would it be if you tanned and applied sunscreen in the shape of a tattoo you want? Make a time capsule to open when you graduate from college. If you’re a junior, this is your last summer, so making a time capsule is a great way to remember high school. Go to summer camp. There are many in Egypt and outside of Egypt also, it just needs a little UHVHDUFK EXW LWœV ZRUWK LW

Berlin: What About Cairo P.4

Tipping Over the Hamster Tarek Roshdy Wheel :HÂśYH DOO IHOW WKH VDPH DQ[LHW\ ZKHQ DVNHG WKH TXHVWLRQ Âł:KDW GR \RX ZDQW WR EH ZKHQ \RX JURZ XS"´ , WKLQN we feel uneasy because we’re expected to say something ‘ambitious’, like a doctor, or a chemical engineer, or something. We’re met with indifference or sometimes HYHQ DOLHQDWLRQ ZKHQ ZH VD\ WKLQJV OLNH D ZULWHU RU D musician, because these are not deemed to be stable, high-paying jobs. Especially in Egypt, we are not expected to do ZKDW ZH ORYH EXW ZHÂśUH expected to do what will pay the bills. We’re forced into a hamster wheel. Why do I say this? I say this because we are all nearing graduation and then admission into college and ZH KDYH WR GHFLGH RQ our majors at some point. And, if you’re like me, you might not be 100% sure about what you’re going to do with your future and it might not be that great of a thought to KDYH 7KLQNLQJ DERXW WKH YHU\ QHDU IXWXUH OLNH WKDW WHQGV WR VWUHVV XV DOO RXW HYHQ PRUH EHFDXVH ZH UHDOL]H WKDW ZHÂśYH GRQH QRWKLQJ WR SUHSDUH LQ WHUPV RI KDYLQJ D FDUHHU 5Hmember that when I say this, I speak generally and mostly for myself and those who might relate to me. The reason the word hamster wheel is used is that ZKHQHYHU SHRSOH WKLQN DERXW WKH JHQHULF MREV WKH\ ZDQW WR KDYH WKH\ DUH IRUFLQJ WKHPVHOYHV LQWR DQ HQGless cycle, a job that they GRQÂśW ZDQW WR KDYH EXW KDYH WR KDYH LQ RUGHU WR SD\ WKH bills and maybe sustain their families if they’re into that whole thing. The quote that pushed me to write this is by English philosopher Alan Watts, who said: “If you say that money is the most important thing, you’ll spend your life completely wasting your time: You’ll be doing things you don’t like doing in order to go on living, that is, in order to go on doing things you don’t like doing — which is stupid!´ So tip the metaphorical hamster wheel and do what you ORYH EHFDXVH LI \RXÂśUH JRRG DW ZKDW \RX ORYH VXFFHVV ZLOO IROORZ , NQRZ LWÂśV KDUG QRW WR OLVWHQ WR HYHU\RQH WHOOLQJ \RX KRZ WR EH VXFFHVVIXO LQ OLIH DV LI WKH\ÂśYH ÂżJXUHG LW RXW EXW QR RQH KDV , KDYHQÂśW HLWKHU 0D\EH \RXÂśOO IROORZ P\ DGYLFH DQG PD\EH \RX ZRQÂśW 7KHUHÂśV QRWKLQJ VWRSSLQJ me from falling into the same hamster wheel Alan Watts warns us of, but that’s the way it is. It’s up to us.

7KH 3HUVRQ $ )DUHZHOO There comes a time where all things come to an end. :H ZLOO DOO HYHQWXDOO\ JR RXU VHSDUDWH ZD\V WR XQLYHUVLW\ WR KDYH NLGV DQG MREV WR IXOILOO RXU OLIH SODQV $OWKRXJK ZH PLJKW QRW ZDQW WR ZH ILQG RXUVHOYHV OHDYing important things behind, all for a fresh start. The PRVW LPSRUWDQW WKLQJ ZH GR OHDYH WKRXJK LV RXU ODVWLQJ impact on people. 5HFHQWO\ ,% %XV\ ZDV LQIRUPHG RI WKH GHSDUWXUH RI RQH RI RXU IDYRULWHV 0V 1RUD (O 0DU]RXN\ $IWHU four years of being both a teacher and a CAS coordinator at AISE, the AISE IB alumni has definitely left a great impact on not only her students or the high school, but on the school as whole. From school-wide FKDULW\ HYHQWV VXFK DV WKH &KULVWPDV %D]DDU DQG the Workers’ Funday to CAS Retreats, Ms. Nora’s SUHVHQFH KDV DIIHFWHG WKH OLYHV RI VWXGHQWV ZRUNers, teachers, and more. In fact, her loss is different than any other because she is not just a teacher or an organizer, but the role of Ms. Nora is a special position at AISE that cannot easily be filled. It takes SHUVLVWHQFH SDWLHQFH FUHDWLYLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK WR KDYH her position.

Robert Red

,% %XV\ ÂśV 10 Things to Keep you Busy: Summer Edition

Out of all the things Ms. Nora has organized and taught XV ZH DV ,% %XV\ EHOLHYH WKDW ZH OHDUQHG RQH NH\ DVSHFW IURP KHU ZH OHDUQHG KRZ WR OHDUQ )RU HYHU\ pre-reflection and reflection we were forced to do, we VXGGHQO\ OHDUQHG KRZ WR UHIOHFW RQ HYHQWV RQ RXU RZQ Now, we do not look at things as they seem, but we analyze them and look back to see what we learned. Ms. Nora has not taught us a skill or a lesson, instead, she has changed our way of thinking. In fact, we as a JURXS EHOLHYH WKDW SDUW RI WKH UHDVRQ ,% KDV FKDQJHG us so much is because of not only CAS, but how Ms. Nora runs CAS. Ms. Nora’s accomplishments are too great to be left to GLH 7KHUHIRUH ZH QHHG WR HQVXUH WKDW HYHU\ DQQXDO HYHQW SURFHHGV ZLWK WKH VDPH SDVVLRQ DQG FRPPLWment. With her departure comes a great responsibility that rests on our shoulders; we must continue to put a smile on the faces of orphans, workers and students as she did. We must also use our new gift of learning to GR HYHU\WKLQJ DV LI VKH ZDV KHUH QRW EHFDXVH DQ\RQH is watching, but because that is who she changed us to. And so Ms. Nora Elmarzouky, we, as an IB class, would like to thank you for changing our mentality and our way of life so early down the road. Thank you for challenging us and shaping us into a whole new mature DQG UHIOHFWLYH JURXS RI VWXGHQWV $V ,% %XV\ ZH ZRXOG like to thank you for your encouragement and trust in XV (YHU\ FRPPHQW DQG FRPSOLPHQW PDWWHUHG LQ DQ LQGHVFULEDEOH ZD\ DQG ZLWKRXW \RX ,% %XV\ ZRXOG KDYH QHYHU EHHQ WKH VDPH :H DOO ZLVK \RX WKH EHVW RI OXFN LQ ZKDWHYHU WKH IXWXUH PD\ KROG

&ODVV RI June 8: Graduation

&ODVV RI June 3: EE Deadline: Formal Outline & Summer Work Plan June 20: 2nd CAS Deadline

6WXGHQWV June 18: Last Day of School June 20: Report Card Pick-up

'D\V 2II June 19 - September: Summer Vacation

Dates and deadlines are subject to FKDQJH ,% %XV\ FDQQRW EH KHOG liable for any changes.

The Logic Behind Magic “We do not need magic to transform our world. We FDUU\ DOO RI WKH SRZHU ZH QHHG LQVLGH RXUVHOYHV DOUHDG\ ´ ĘŠ - . 5RZOLQJ $V KXPDQ EHLQJV LW LV HDVLHU IRU XV WR EHOLHYH LQ D power that we cannot physically see. It is easier to blame a force that debatably might exist or not for our mistakes. We fail WR GHQ\ RXUVHOYHV the simple joy of EHOLHYLQJ WKDW WKHUH is more to the uniYHUVH WKDQ PHHWV the eye, and we find RXUVHOYHV EHOLHYLQJ in a concept that is ludicrous for some; magic. Scientists, mathematicians and philosophers seem WR KDYH DQ H[SODQDWLRQ IRU HYHU\ ILQGLQJ LQ WKH ZRUOG There is somehow something that exists that conseTXHQWLDOO\ OHDGV WR HYHU\ PLUDFOH 0DJLF LV UHVHUYHG DOPRVW H[FOXVLYHO\ WR 'LVQH\ IDLU\WDOHV DQG EHGWLPH VWRULHV )RU VRPH LW LV ULGLFXORXV DQG FKLOGLVK WR EHOLHYH LQ VRPHWKLQJ WKDW LV FRQVLGHUHG VR WULYLDO )RU RWKHUV OLNH 6DOPD (O 'HUDZL PDJLF LV HYHU\ZKHUH ZKHWKHU RU not we choose to acknowledge its existence. Âł7KH ZRUOG LV D PDJLFDO SODFH ´ VDLG (O 'HUDZL Âł7KHUH LVQÂśW DQ H[SODQDWLRQ IRU HYHU\ HYHQW WKDW WDNHV SODFH 6RPHWLPHV ZH MXVW JRW WR VWRS ORRNLQJ IRU :+< DQG enjoy life as it is. That might sometimes be mistaken for LJQRUDQFH EXW , EHOLHYH LW LV RIWHQ WKH ZLOO WR EHOLHYH WKDW something else holds the power to change our fate, UDWKHU WKDQ DOZD\V EHDULQJ WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RXUVHOYHV 7KDW OLIWV D KHDY\ ZHLJKW RII P\ VKRXOGHU DQG PDNHV


Important Dates & Deadlines

While it might not be considered logical RU UHDVRQDEOH WR EHOLHYH LQ PDJLF EHFDXVH RI WKH ODFN RI VROLG HYLGHQFH SURYLQJ LWV H[LVWHQFH LW LV PHUHO\ WKH one thing that helps some human beings get by. Mark ,VNDQGHU ,% -XQLRU GRHV QRW EHOLHYH LQ VXFK ORJLF ³,W LV FKLOGLVK WR EHOLHYH LQ PDJLF ´ VDLG ,VNDQGHU ³2I FRXUVH LW GRHV QRW H[LVW 7KDW LW ZK\ ZH KDYH VFLHQFH it helps us make sense of things that some would like WR DXWRPDWLFDOO\ UXOH RXW DV DQ LQYLVLEOH IRUFH WKDW LV LQ FKDUJH ´ As a result of human emotions and the instability of life as a whole, we tend to seek for explanation, and when ZH FDQQRW ILQG LW ZH JLYH WKH FUHGLW WR D KLJKHU SRZHU )RU WKDW UHDVRQ LW LV UHDVRQDEOH WR EHOLHYH LQ PDJLF ,W is the logic in it that is somehow skewed.

The Peter Pan Problem

Last Day of School Countdown On the day this was published, the 1st of May 2013


days were left to the end of the DFDGHPLF VFKRRO \HDU *RRG OXFN IURP WKH ,% %XV\ DQG WKH ,% %XV\ WHDP

Suddenly, you realize that \RX ORYH LWV FODVVURRPV DQG WKHLU Ă€LPV\ GRRUV RU it’s crowded hallways, or LWV RYHU SULFHG HYHQWV %XW just as suddenly you see that it is slowly and politely pushing you out its doors. )URP XQLYHUVLW\ VHPLQDUV WR SAT lessons, the days you QHYHU WKRXJKW ZRXOG FRPH are here. Suddenly, you’re WKH ÂłELJ NLG´ \RX IHDUHG DV a kindergartner. You don’t want to sit for an exam that will determine the rest of your life. You don’t want to KDYH WR ZULWH DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU VRPH HYLO DGPLQLVWUDWRU WR FULWLFL]H <RX ZRXOG MXVW UDWKHU KDYH \RXU SDUHQWV JR RYHU \RXU KRPHZRUN ZLWK \RX DQG WKHQ WXFN \RX LQ $QG that’s where the Peter Pan Syndrome comes in. That’s when you wake up realizing that you’re in IB and graduating soon although it seems just like yesterday you told yourself that the date is too far off to worry about. That’s ZKHQ \RX UHDOL]H WKDW IRU WKH PRVW SDUW HYHU\ GHFLVLRQ

you make now is life-altering. That’s when you realize WKDW \RX QHYHU ZDQW WR JURZ XS But after pain and tears you see that the Peter Pan Syndrome is its own medication. It is this fear and anxiety and worry that turns you into someone who is ready WR OHDYH WKH VFKRRO \RX ZHUH UDLVHG LQ ,Q IDFW XV ,% students are the lucky ones. It’s these phone calls you KDYH WR PDNH WR VWUDQJHUV IRU &$6 RU PD\EH LWœV WKH fact that your teachers trust you a bit too much and you’re kind of on your own, or maybe just the nights that the Internet doesn’t work and you can’t hand LQ \RXU ,$ WKDW EXLOG XV (YHQWXDOO\ \RX JURZ IURP someone who used to daydream on bus rides to someone who now spends them worrying about the future because it is so close. You cry... a lot. And most importantly you might feel this unexplainable fear of what the future holds. But that’s what shapes you. :KDWHYHU KDSSHQV WLPH SURYHV WKDW OLIH LV KDUPRQLous. Life, as if by magic, carries you, or sometimes VKRYHV \RX LQWR QHZ WHUULWRULHV <HV WKLV KDUPRQ\ does not mean that life is always beautiful. But in harmony there is serenity, and in serenity there is security and there is safety; enough security DQG VDIHW\ WR SURYH WKDW \RXU \RXQJ VHOI FDQ VXUYLYH WKURXJK H[DPV PRYLQJ RU FROOHJH <RX DQG ZKDW \RX KDYH OHDUQHG RYHU WKH \HDUV FDQ PDNH LW WKURXJK ¿QDOV RU LQWHUYLHZV RU SODFHPHQWV WHVW You are okay. You’re better than okay; you are well HTXLSSHG DQG VWURQJ DQG \RX KDYH HYHU\WKLQJ \RX QHHG to know. You are immune to the Peter Pan Syndrome. You don’t need to fear what lies ahead because your past has made you exactly who you need to be to face your future. Matteo Ferraro

As the school year approaches its conclusion, perhaps it has dawned on all of us that it’s almost the end of our high school careers. For juniors, we’ll be applying to colleges in a few months and for the sophomores, they are soon starting on their own tiring IB journey. But it is also at this time that we realize that we are atWDFKHG LQ DQ XQH[SODLQDEOH ZD\ WR WKH VFKRRO ZH KDYH FRPSODLQHG DERXW IRU DV ORQJ DV ZH KDYH DWWHQGHG :KHWKHU LWœV \RXU WK \HDU KHUH RU \RXU ¿UVW \RX DUH an AIS student.

Marina Milad


Earlier this school year, (J\SW ZDV EXV\ YRWLQJ for its constitution and harshly criticizing it’s notso-new president – yes, it has been a year since President Morsi was GHPRFUDWLFDOO\ HOHFWHG Following the passing of WKH FRQVWLWXWLRQ WKH FRXQWU\ ZDV UHODWLYHO\ FDOP DVLGH IURP WKH XVXDO SURWHVW HYHU\ QRZ DQG WKHQ 6DGO\ KRZHYHU WKH QXPEHU RI \RXQJ OLYHV ORVW KDV LQFUHDVHG as more and more people we know pass away in car accidents, mostly on their way to places like Ein el 6RNKQD RU WKH 1RUWK &RDVW $V ZH KDYH EHHQ IRU WKH SDVW WZR \HDUV ZH DUH RIWHQ XQLWHG WHDU\ H\HG RYHU WKH GHDWK RI D ORYHG RQH 0HDQZKLOH %DVVHP <RXVVHI has hypnotized Egypt with his wit and his charm. Although tried in March for his mockery of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s Jon Stewart’s proJUDP (O %DUQDPHJ VWLOO DLUV HYHU\ )ULGD\ ,Q IDFW 7LPH Magazine recently named him one of the 100 most influential people of 2013. As for school life, the past school year has been, as stated by Mr. Lentz in a recent assembly, one of the EHVW VR IDU 7KH $,6 +LJK 6FKRRO KDV KHOG PDQ\ HYHQWV

Marina Milad

such as the Family Fun Day, the Christmas Bazaar, Ted ; D FDUQLYDO D VWXGHQW WDOHQW VKRZ D WHDFKHU WDOHQW show, Candles of my Country and much more. There KDYH DOVR EHHQ PDQ\ UHFHQW WULSV LQ DQG RXW RI (J\SW including the annul CAS retreats, one for the juniors in October and another for the seniors in February, the 10th grade trip to France, the IB Junior trip to Germany DQG 3RODQG DQG PDQ\ 081 FRQIHUHQFHV DOO RYHU WKH world, including, for the first time, Russia. AISE has SURYLGHG PRUH RSSRUWXQLWLHV WKDQ HYHU E\ RIIHULQJ student exchange programs, a new conference held E\ $8& ,*&( DQG HYHQ DQ 6$7 FRXUVH 6\PSR6$7 KHOG RQ FDPSXV 6FKRRO RUJDQL]DWLRQV KDYH H[FHOOHG E\ KROGLQJ PDQ\ HYHQWV LQFOXGLQJ WKH ED]DDUV E\ $,6 (J\SW WKH 7HDFKHU 7DOHQW 6KRZ E\ 1+6 DQG WKH auction by Carpe Diem. 2I FRXUVH QRQH RI WKLV ZRXOG KDYH been possible if it wasn’t for the JUHDW WHDFKHUV WKDW $,6( SURYLGHV )LUVWO\ ,% %XV\ ZRXOG OLNH WR WKDQN the leadership team for the efforts WKLV \HDU HVSHFLDOO\ LQ HYHQWV VXFK DV WKH )HEUXDU\ )XQ 'D\ DFWLYLWLHV which were not only one of a kind DQG D JUHDW HQGLQJ WR HYHU\ ZHHN LQ February, but also a great promoter of student spirit. Secondly, we cannot H[SUHVV RXU VRUURZ RYHU WKH WHDFKHUV WKDW DUH OHDYLQJ XV $V PXFK DV ,% %XV\ ZLVKHV WKHP JRRG IRUWXQH we wish we could keep them to ourVHOYHV 6RPH RI WKHVH WHDFKHUV DV IDU DV ,% %XV\ KDV been informed, include Ms. Nadine Ibrahim, Mr. Loay 0DOHN 0U 7KRPDV +XHEQHU 0V 1RUD HO 0DU]RXN\ Ms. Tonya Paul and Mr. Mohamed Khalifa. These drastic changes are topped off by Dr. Dina Taher becoming RQH RI WKH YLFH SULQFLSDOV DQG 0DGDPH 3DVFDO ,JRXQHW WKH QHZ ,% &RRUGLQDWRU ,% %XV\ ZRXOG OLNH WR WKDQN HDFK RQH RI WKHVH WHDFKHUV IRU DOO ZKDW WKH\ KDYH GRQH and wish them great luck ahead. Bern Altman

,Q D UHFHQW FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK D IULHQG DERXW KLJK VFKRRO and graduation we both realized something rather VWUDQJH ¹ ZH KDYH EHHQ VFDPPHG 7LPH KDV FKHDWHG us, confused us, consumed us and conned us because would you look at that: it’s June. I could swear that just yesterday it was the first day of school. Just yesterday, we, the current IB Juniors, were merely trying ,% RQ IRU VL]H DQG HYHQ FRQVLGHULQJ GURSSLQJ LW LQ WKHVH slow first two weeks. But in the blink of an eye we are EHFRPLQJ VHQLRUV DQG SUHYLRXVO\ $PHULFDQ 'LSORPD sophomores are to take our place. Most surprisingly, our seniors, our friends who were always only a step DKHDG KDYH VWHSSHG RXW RI WKH JDPH :KHUH GRHV WKDW OHDYH $,6( ,% VWXGHQWV" ,W OHDYHV XV DW WKH HQG of a school year looking back and laughing so hard that it might just make XV FU\ RU SHUKDSV HYHQ the other way around. As usual, this year has had its ups and downs; both at a school and a national OHYHO

Would you look at that – we made it. Nine months of long nights, new experiences, new assignments and many great fears. But today, we stand on the other side of the fence, where we can look back and proudly say WKDW ZH WKH MXQLRUV KDYH PDGH LW WKURXJK RXU ORQJHVW year of IB, and the seniors are now IB Diploma graduDWHV 1RZ LWœV RQO\ D VWUHWFK DZD\ DQG WKLV \HDU SURYHV that we can do it again next year.

Wasting Summer

But I won’t judge. After all, summer is about the only time when we not RQO\ GR QRW KDYH WR DGKHUH WR ULJLG school schedules but the time when we can take pleasure in exploring our RZQ LQWHUHVWV $OWKRXJK ZH PD\ KDYH some study obligations to deal with ZHœOO KDYH VRPH WLPH WR RXU RZQ KRSHIXOO\ Time to just sleep through midday and later time to write the greatest English written task and if you’re the science type you can get a head start on design IAs next year, just like the biology students except they won’t H[DFWO\ EH JHWWLQJ D KHDG VWDUW RQ DQ\WKLQJ +LVWRU\ VWXdents, it would be fun to reread all the books we read

In the tumultuous times we are currently experiencing in Egypt, it has now become more important WKDQ HYHU IRU XV WR EHFRPH PRUH aware of our culture. The Modern Egyptian Culture course’s annual cultural and educational lecture is one way that enables us AIS students to learn more about the culture that we belong to, and that surrounds us. On Monday the 13th of May, the MEC course had their 4th annual Candles of my Country lecture, with the presence of two inspiring speakers: Ms. Lina Attalah and Mr. Ilhami Naguib. This lecture was focused on the meaning of being Egyptian, how being an Egyptian LPSDFWHG WKH VSHDNHUVœ OLYHV REVWDFOHV WKH\œYH IDFHG DQG WKH H[SHULHQFHV WKDW KDYH VKDSHG WKHP LQWR who they are now. The two speakers helped the audience learn more about Egyptian FXOWXUH DQG KRZ WKH\ WKHPVHOYHV were shaped by it. They were then entertained with performances by Zap Tharwat, Mohamed El Beih and Ameer Youssef. For us, we should take this opportunity to learn more about our culture. (YHQWV VXFK DV WKHVH DUH DLPHG WR connect us more to the culture that surrounds us and to bring us out of RXU SURWHFWLYH EXEEOH Special thanks to Ms. Nora El Marzouky and the students of the Modern Egyptian Culture Class (Ali Sherra, Nadine Yacoub, Yasmine Saad, Nourhan Salah El Din).

Yasmine Dessouky WKLV \HDU DQG PD\EH HYHQ WDNH QRWHV RQ WKHP 6SDQLVK DQG )UHQFK VWXGHQWV FDQ UHYLHZ WKHLU V\OODEXVHV so that when its time next year to start speaking that funny language and write that written task it can be just OLNH PDJLF $UDELF VWXGHQWV FDQ GR OLNH WKH +LVWRU\ NLGV DQG UHUHDG DOO WKHLU SOD\V DQG QRYHOV ,Q P\ YLHZ DOO PDWK VWXGHQWV VKRXOG FRPSOHWH DOO UHYLHZ VHWV LQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH WH[WERRNV WR UHIUHVK WKHLU PLQGV RQ WKH FKDSters learned. 1R , ¿JXUHG DV PXFK Really though, do some studying in the summer and with it something HOVH WKDWœV RI YDOXH WR \RX ZKHWKHU WKDW EH JRLQJ IRU DQ HDUO\ UXQ RU ¿QDOO\ ZULWLQJ WKH JUHDW (J\SWLDQ QRYHO LWœV XS to you. Make the effort to do something for yourself not for your parents nor your siblings nor your grades, but \RX 1RW WKDW ZH DUHQœW VHO¿VK HQRXJK as it is during the school year yet still, it’s fair to say we GHVHUYH SDUW RI WKRVH WZR PRQWKV HQWLUHO\ WR RXUVHOYHV Andreas Krappweis

There are many ways you can let your summer slip by: hang out with friends, read all the books (you always VD\ \RXœOO JHW WR HYHQWXDOO\ EXW QHYHU GR ZDWFK D EXQFK RI PRYLHV ¿QDOO\ OHDUQ WR GULYH RU YLVLW \RXU UHODWLYHV in some weird Arab country. But of course you won’t KDYH WLPH WR GR DOO WKDW EHFDXVH \RXœOO EH ORFNHG LQ \RXU room studying for October Mocks, writing your EE, and FRPSOHWLQJ VXPPHU DVVLJQPHQWV (YHQ LQ WKH EULHI PRPHQWV \RX GDUH WR YHQWXUH RXWVLGH you’ll be keeping up with all your &$6 DFWLYLWLHV DQG GRLQJ WKH ZKROH summer school bit. Oh I can almost swear by it.

Candles of My Country


In the Making Karim G. El-Eita Marina Milad Rebecca Tenna Sarah Gharib Tarek Roshdy Yasmine Dessouky 8QGHU WKH 6XSHUYLVLRQ RI 'U 'LQD Taher, Ms. Nora Elmarzouky & Mr. Khalid Dinnawi &RYHU SLFWXUH FRXUWHV\ RI )DUDKQD] Abdel Bary ,% %XV\ LV JUDWHIXO IRU SHUPLVVLRQ WR reproduce any copyright material used in this publication. Acknowledgments are included, where appropriate, and, LI QRWLILHG ,% %XV\ ZLOO EH SOHDVHG WR rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity. &RS\ULJKW ‹ ,% %86< $OO 5LJKWV 5HVHUYHG

The Fault in Our Stars John Greene A painstakingly beautiful mix of ecstasy and melancholy packed LQWR RQH WKRXJKW JULSSLQJ QRYHO DERXW ORYH IDPLO\ DQG VWUHQJWK Looking for Alaska John Green $ VLPSOH \HW LQVLJKWIXO QRYHO WKDW XQFRYHUV WKH WUXH H[WHQW RI ORYH and friendship. House of the Spirits Isabel Allende $ FODVVLF KLVWRULFDO QRYHO WKDW VKRZV WKH WUXH H[WHQW RI IDPLO\ SHUVHYHUDQFH DQG ORYH Perks of Being a Wallflower Stephen Chbosky In order to cope his bestfriend’s death and his own anxiety entering school, 15 year old Charlie starts writing letters to an anonymous stranger. Simply a tear-jerker. Princess Diaries Meg Cabot 2QH ZRUG WULYLDO

In the beginning of May, about eighteen IB Juniors went on a long-awaited trip to the beautiful Berlin and Krakow. From Auschwitz to science museums, the trip was loaded with not only new information but also a lot of new experiences. But, perhaps as a result of all the &$6 UHĂ€HFWLRQV ZH KDYH ZULWWHQ LQ WKH SDVW \HDU RXU PLQGV TXLFNO\ UHĂ€HFWHG XSRQ VRPHWKLQJ YHU\ LQWHUHVWing. Berlin, only about 60 years ago, was nothing but sad remains of one RI WKH PRVW GHVWUXFWLYH wars of all time. In fact, Berlin was one of the most bombed cities in :RUOG :DU ,, OHDYLQJ LW desert-like and barren. Imagine being a German woman in the 20th century: forced to work to compensate for the lack of men, yet also to care for your children. Tiring as that was, you would DOVR KDYH WR PDNH IUHTXHQW PLGQLJKW WULSV WR GDUN RYHU crowded bunkers in which oxygen was scarce and the IHDU ZDV RYHUWDNLQJ $ERYH \RX \RX ZRXOG KHDU WKH DLU UDLGV RI WKH HQHPLHV GHVWUR\LQJ \RXU KRPH \RXU IDYRUite park, your workplace; your whole city. -XVW ZKHQ WKH\ WKRXJKW WKH ZDU ZDV RYHU URVH D ZDOO that once again caused emotional and physiFDO GLVWUHVV )DPLOLHV IULHQGV DQG ORYHUV were separated by the Berlin wall, to which PDQ\ OLYHV ZHUH ORVW LQ DQ DWWHPSW WR FURVV from east to west. Of course, desperate times call for desperate measures; people would escape by hiding in the hoods of FDUV LQ OXJJDJH XQGHU FDU VHDWV RU HYHQ LQ WKH FDVH RI WZR YHU\ FUHDWLYH IDPLOLHV D hot air balloon. Yet, only in 1989, 24 years DJR ZDV *HUPDQ\ ÂżQDOO\ XQLWHG DJDLQ <RX would think that a broken country full of broNHQ KHDUWV ZRXOG QHYHU PDNH LW EXW WKH\ KDG OHDUQHG IURP WKHLU PLVWDNHV (YHQ PRUH importantly, Germany does not try to hide its shame; instead it as a whole resembles a large museum of lesVRQV QHYHU WR EH IRUJRWWHQ 0HPRULDOV ELWV RI WKH ZDOO VWDWXHV DQG SDLQWLQJV VHUYH DV D FRQVWDQW UHPLQGHU RI ZKHUH *HUPDQ\ ZDV DQG KRZ LW URVH DERYH DOO WURXEOHV and became what it is now.

Marina Milad Shameful isn’t it? In less than a century, Berlin, and RWKHU VHYHUHO\ GDPDJHG FLWLHV WXUQHG LWV EURNHQ EULFNV LQWR QHZ EXLOGLQJV LWV VWUHHWV SUHYLRXVO\ VRLOHG ZLWK blood, into beautiful tree-lined promenades; and most importantly its damaged souls into ones awaiting a fresh start. And yet here we are; still lost more than FHQWXULHV DIWHU WKH )UHQFK VHWWOHPHQW LQ (J\SW RYHU a century after that of the British, DQG WZR KLVWRULFDO UHYROXWLRQV %XW what is our excuse? “Egypt was LQYDGHG (J\SW ZDV EHDWHQ WR EDWWHUV ´ 0HDQZKLOH RQ D QHLJKERULQJ continent, countries look back to their histories as lessons and not as excuses. Sadly, we often fall into the trap of using our history in the two worst ways possible; either ZH XVH LW DV MXVWLÂżFDWLRQ IRU ZK\ ZH can’t reach our full potential now, or as a false source of pride that ZH KDYH FOXQJ WR IRU WKRXVDQGV of years. Yes, we are the descendants of pharaohs and Arabs that KDYH FRQWULEXWHG WR PDQ\ DUHDV RI NQRZOHGJH LQ QXPHUous ways, but we are also the heirs of the country they left between our hands. And no, trouble in the past cenWXULHV LV QR H[FXVH IRU ZK\ ZH KDYH OHIW (J\SW WR VXIIHU The answer is not in more protests, more rhyming chants, or more catchy banners, but it is change in the way we think. Egypt needs a change of heart. Egypt needs PRWLYDWLRQ (J\SW QHHGV WR learn that when German women had to work ten hours a day for six days a week scraping plaster off of old bricks to reuse them, the result was a modern, strong, green city that we should look up to. There is no shame in admitting that we are behind many of the world’s countries; the shame is knowing that we are and then blaming someone else. What if it was that simple – what if FKDQJH ZDV RQO\ D SXVK RI PRWLYDWLRQ" :KDW LI FKDQJH ZDV VLPSO\ ÂżQGLQJ D JRDO DQG GRLQJ ZKDWHYHU LW WDNHV WR reach it? We are no different than the Germans; we are LQWHOOLJHQW VWURQJ DQG GHÂżQLWHO\ PDQ\ 2QO\ \RXU IDLWK LQ \RXUVHOI DQG LQ \RXU FRXQWU\ FDQ VDYH (J\SW Âą EHFDXVH if they made it then we sure can. Ahmed Tag Eldin

The Book Thief Mark Zusak $Q DFWLRQ SDFNHG KLVWRULFDO QRYHO narrated by death about the struggles in the Nazi era.


Gabriella Makarious

,% %XV\ ÂśV 2QH Sentence Book 5HYLHZV


ment I would make is our own attendance.

In a situation like this, where one interacts with people ZKR KDYH PXFK OHVV WKDQ WKHP \RX EHJLQ WR UHDOL]H how ungrateful you are. 7KLV DFWLYLW\ PHQWRUHG E\ 0U +DP LV SUREDEO\ RQH RI the more important and life changing ones for many reasons.

How long do you wish to continue with this? , KRSH WR FRQWLQXH XQWLO ,œP ÀXHQW LQ (QJOLVK

What’s your name? Mansour Saeed Said How long have you been in the Teaching English program? ,œYH EHHQ KHUH IRU \HDUV

IB Opinions What do you think of our newsletter? Send us an e-mail. aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

IB Busy! Issue 09 June 2013

Tarek Roshdy

'R \RX IHHO WKDW \RXÂśYH EHQHÂżWHG" ,ÂśYH GHÂżQLWHO\ EHQHÂżWHG IURP WKLV SURMHFW EHFDXVH QRW ZH FDQ LQWHUDFW ZLWK WHDFKHUV DQG VWDII , IHHO WKDW HYHU\ day I learn more and more. I thank Farah Moussa a lot for all her help. Do you feel that there is anything missing from the project? , IHHO WKDW WKHUH LV QRWKLQJ PLVVLQJ 7KH RQO\ LPSURYH-

They’ve given you a book. Has it helped? 7KH ERRN KDV UHDOO\ KHOSHG ,W JLYHV PH SUDFWLFH DV ZHOO as translations. It’s like a dictionary.

Do you have any tips for the project itself? That they keep going with this project, and that they FRQWLQXH WR KHOS WKRVH ZKR FRPH WR WKLV DFWLYLW\ DIWHU I’m done. What is the most useful thing you’ve learned so far? 7KH YRFDEXODU\ EHFDXVH QRZ , FDQ LQWHUDFW ZLWK WHDFKers. What do you want to learn after this? , ZDQW WR EH D EHWWHU ZULWHU LQ (QJOLVK DQG KDYH PRUH ÀXHQW FRQYHUVDWLRQV Do you feel that English is an important language? <HV YHU\ PXFK 6LQFH ZH ZRUN LQ DQ $PHULFDQ VFKRRO LW is a must. It also helps me with my kids. :HœG OLNH WR WKDQN 0U +DP )DUDK 0RXVVD %DPELQR Karim Al-Azhary and Mostafa Salem for their hard work DQG GHGLFDWLRQ WRZDUGV WKLV DFWLYLW\

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