IB Busy! March 2013

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06 March 2012


IB Busy!

*(7 ,7"

this issue Bassem Youssef: A Reflection P.1 How I Lost Height P.2 Senior vs Junior Year P.3 Teacher Psychoanalysis P.4

Extended Essay Tips Planning out your extended esVD\" $UH \RX FRPSOHWHO\ ORVW DQG QHHG D NLFN LQ WKH ULJKW GLUHFWLRQ" IB Busy! brings you tips from exSHUWV LQ WKH ÂżHOG

Mr Heubner: When choosing a topic, make sure that you choose something you are passionate about, something you know you could write 4000 words about without getting bored. Also, start early, like right now!

Ms. Belal: Make your research question applicable to real life. That way, it’s more innovative and creative. I would also advice you to make it experimental. Make sure to QRW MXVW VWDWH IDFWV EXW DQDO\]H your results and challenge them. Start early!

0V *HQG\ I would tell you to start early, and choose something that you are interested in, but I’m sure someone else has said it already. So the best advice I can give you is to READ THE RUBRIC! It will give your essay more direction because you will know what is expected of you!

Do you have any ideas for questions you want to ask your teachHUV" $Q\ VSHFLÂżF DGYLFH \RXÂśUH ORRNLQJ IRU" ( PDLO XV DW aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

Bassem Youssef: A Reflection It is no secret that Bassem Youssef is the king of political satire in Egypt. He’s been called the “Jon Stewartâ€? of Egypt, and his show has been compared to Stewart’s show, ‘The Daily Show’. Built on the premise of poking fun at various Egyptian news reporters, political and soFLDO ÂżJXUHV ZKLOH UHPDLQLQJ LQIRUPDWLYH %DVVHP <RXVVHI believes that with his show, he can hopefully be a source of liberation in media and show off his Armani suit at the same time. A political satire program of this scale is new to Egypt, and he himself has called the show “the voice of reasonâ€? during an interview with CNN. Airing every Friday, it’s been a huge success thus far as well as masVLYHO\ LQĂ€XHQWLDO ZLWK WKH YLUDO MRNHV ÂłKZZ\"´ Âł*DV DQG alcohol don’t mixâ€?, and other less school-appropriate MRNHV El Bernameg currently has more than 30 million viewers a week. So far, however, the show has received mixed views. Bassem Youssef is often criticized for the copious amounts of swearing. This has increased in recent episodes, possibly aiming to appeal to younger viewers or maybe even to assert the freedom he has. In fact, Bassem Youssef often speaks in interviews about freedom in PHGLD +H YLHZV KLV VKRZ DV WKH ÂżUVW true free program in the Middle East, in which he is free to criticize and PRFN SROLWLFDO ÂżJXUHV DOO LQ JRRG QDture. The use of swear words and toilet humor could quite possibly be an assertion of this newfound freedom. Some Egyptians not only have a problem with the swearing, but the premise of devoting a TV show to poking fun at certain people in a country is very new in Egypt. This western approach to entertainment and information comes off as a bit of a shock to some, as demonstrated in conversations held by actual IB MXQLRUV D IHZ PRQWKV EDFN DV WR WKH ethical implications of the way Bassem Youssef criticized some people. There were those who did not agree that spreading information should come in the form of sarcasm and witty facial expressions, while others shared the TV host’s opinion that it was all in good humor and WKDW LQ GLIÂżFXOW WLPHV (J\SWLDQV QHHG WR ODXJK Bassem Youssef has currently been facing legal issues with lawyers representing previous targets of his satire, PRVW QRWDEO\ D ODZVXLW ÂżOHG DJDLQVW KLP E\ SUHVLGHQW 0RUV\ÂśV RIÂżFH FODLPLQJ WKDW %DVVHP <RXVVHI KDG GHfamed the president and that El Bernameg was “circulating false news likely to disturb public peace and public security and affect the administration.â€? The conclusion RI WKLV ODZVXLW LV XQNQRZQ EXW ZDV WKLV ODZVXLW MXVWLÂżHG

Tarek Roshdy

or another attempt by the government to silence political RSSRVLWLRQ" It is important to note from an open minded and inquiring standpoint that some clips on the show are shown out of context, with the intention to take a quote and parade the hilarious ignorance/incompetence/beard of the victim. While these do produce laughs and promote critical thinking when listening to a news reporter or politician, extreme cynicism is dangerous. By continuing to display Ă€DZV LQ PHGLD LW JLYHV YLHZHUV DQ LQFHQWLYH WR VWDUW WR GLVWUXVW WKH PHGLD RU UHMHFW LW DV D ZKROH ,WÂśV DOZD\V D good idea to distrust what the media says, but is comSOHWHO\ UHMHFWLQJ DQ\WKLQJ VDLG LQ WKH PHGLD KHDOWK\" 2I FRXUVH WKLV DOO LPSOLHV WKDW DQ\RQH UHMHFWLQJ HYHU\WKLQJ they see on TV as a result of watching Bassem Youssef’s show is an easily swayed person and this is actually the opposite of being open-minded. An open-minded, inquiring IB student should be able to formulate his or her own opinions based on multiple factors. Bassem Youssef as a person, however, is genuine. He does not press the opinions he expresses on his show onto anyone, and often invites the people he makes fun of on the show. In interviews, he mentions how he does not mind when people oppose his views. Such a personality on Egyptian television is rare, and hopefully, we might see a rise in politically interested, open minded television hosts stealing the spotlight from the conservatives. This would be an interesting transition in Egypt that hasn’t quite happened yet, and if standing in front of the Presidential Palace throwing rocks at the cops doesn’t bring change, maybe this new form of activism will. Bassem Youssef’s El Bernameg shows how Egypt’s media is transitioning and how one show can give hope to so many people, empowering their voices. If you really care about making a difference, or at least want to stay informed, don’t go around showing off how much of a liberal you are and how you “don’t trust the mediaâ€? or how you “don’t watch TV.â€? Staying informed means watching multiple news sources, evaluating their strengths and ZHDNQHVVHV VHHLQJ ZKDW <28 SHUVRQDOO\ EHOLHYH DQG don’t believe, and formulating a constructive opinion. AfWHU DOO DUHQÂśW \RX XSKROGLQJ WKH ,% OHDUQHU SURÂżOH"

Important Dates & Deadlines Class of 2013: March 3: Final CAS Deadline March 3-7: Mock Exams April 1: IAs Done & Sumbitted April 18: Last Day of Classes April 30 - May 21: IB Final Exams

Class of 2014: March 28: EE Deadline: Topic & Supervisor

Students: April 5: SAT Registration Deadline March 28: End of Term 3 April 16: Parent Conference Day

Days Off: March 31: Western Easter March 29 - April 6: Spring Break April 25: Sinai Day

*College Board Deadlines expire at 11:59 pm Eastern Time, USA 'DWHV DQG GHDGOLQHV DUH VXEMHFW WR change. IB Busy! cannot be held liable for any changes.

How I Lost Height A few days ago while looking through old binders from Middle School, I found an assignment that asked each student to describe themselves. Now at 153 cm and being one of the shortest people in my class, I laughed at what I saw: “I am skinny and tall.â€? Looking at old pictures, I realized that compared to my friends back then I actually was. But what happened over the next four \HDUV" 'LG , DFWXally grow shortHU" 2U GLG HYHU\RQH MXVW JHW D ORW taller and leave PH EHKLQG" 2IWHQ WLPHV ZKHQ ZH DUH DVNHG WR GHVFULEH RXUVHOYHV we do so in light of those around us. And so, rather than being individuals, we are reactions to people and things surrounding us. Instead of being ourselves, we are a sibling, a son/daughter or an IB student at AISE. If our friends are funny, we aren’t – but if none of them can draw, then the one that can draw even a stick figure is an artist. We become a contrast to our surroundings and in the process; we may forget who we are. But ZKDW GRHV WKDW PDNH XV" :KDW LI DW WKH HQG LQVWHDG RI EHLQJ VWDEOH KXPDQ EHLQJV ZH DUH MXVW FKDPHOHRQV WKDW FKDQJH WKHLU FRORUV GHSHQGLQJ RQ ZKR ZHÂśUH ZLWK"

2Q WKH GD\ WKLV ZDV SXEOLVKHG WKH 10th of March 2013


days were left to the start of the IB Class of 2013’s exams. *RRG OXFN IURP WKH ,% %XV\ DQG the IB Busy! team.

Look at yourself honestly. Tear yourself outside of the context that has been forced upon you, and look at who you are, unadulterated by the appearance and personalities of those around you. Yes, we as humans are social creatures. But when we were created, may it be by an almighty creator or by chance, we were crafted as individuals and not merely as pieces in the machine that is life. And to each individual is his or her own unique, special personality. The fact that you know someone who is a great pianist does not make you any less of a musician, and not because all your friends get better grades means that you aren’t smart. In four years I didn’t grow any taller, but as others did, I “lost height,� simply because even when we try to avoid it, our personalities and appearance are relative to those around us, but in reality, we were created to be unique.

Wu, Kors and Klein – Our Favorites from New York 6DUDK *KDULE Fashion Week Fashion shows started in the 1800s where Parisian designers, who created outfits for royalty and rich socialites, held shows in private rooms of swanky, upscale hotels to show off their latest collections. These shows were extremely selective and the models themselves used to be the rich young women who the designers favored. Nowadays, fashion shows include spacious tents, crowds of paparazzi and celebrities fighting for a place on the front row. Fashion week KDSSHQV WZLFH D \HDU LQ WKH PDMRU IDVKLRQ FDSLWDOV RI the world – New York, London, Milan and Paris – and allows each designer to display their latest collections and others to keep an eye out for the latest trends, defining what’s “in� for the season.

IB Exams Countdown

Marina Milad Take superheroes for example – would Superman be VR VXSHU LI QRERG\ QHHGHG VDYLQJ" :RXOG D PDQ EH PDQO\ ZLWKRXW D ZRPDQ WR SURWHFW" ,Q PRVW FXOWXUHV men are seen as the protectors of their wives. And so, no matter how strong or independent a woman may be, when she is around a man she quickly assumes the role of a fragile girl who needs protecting. In light of whom she was raised to believe is stronger than her, she becomes weak and needy. And so, he assumes his role of manly protective man. Seeing them together, one cannot tell their individual personalities; instead each is seen in light of the other.

boxy leather outerwear. This collection did not only show his design skills that will enable him to head Balenciaga, but also showed that his fashion line will not be ignored. It consisted of mohair knits, streamlined coats and evening dresses.

New York Fashion Week was full of models and highend couture. However, as usual, a few shows stood out from the other. Here are our favorite Autumn/Fall 2013 collections from NYFW:

3.1 Phillip Lim In this collection, Phillip Lim was inspired by all things ELNHU DQG KDG /276 RI OHDWKHU 7KH ELNHU MDFNHW ZDV WKH star of the show, along with biker vests, leather skirts and leather sweatshirt tops – all leather everything. To soften up the toughness of the leather, Lim styled each look with at least three layers.

Calvin Klein &DOYLQ .OHLQœV FUHDWLYH GLUHFWRU )UDQFLVFR &RVWD GLG military for the fall with sharp-shouldered coats and roller belts, accompanied with a machine gun soundtrack during the show. This trend was all about structure – strong shoulders, wide lapels, stiff leather tops and paneled skirts.

Jason Wu Jason Wu included belted trench coats, fur coats, embroidered sharp white collared shirts, bare shoulders and flouncy pleated silk dresses and skirts. $IWHU EHLQJ FKRVHQ WZLFH E\ 0LFKHOOH 2EDPD IRU KHU inaugural clothes, Jason Wu presented a polished and feminine collection.

Marc Jacobs The first half of the Marc Jacobs show was lighted in a sepia tone, forcing the audience to focus on the GHWDLOV RI WKH FORWKHV DQG WKH SDMDPD OLNH VLOKRXHWWHV The second half of the show was when every model re-walked the runway so that the clothes could be seen in full color. Altuzarra Joseph Altuzarra was full of leather and fur, including a Cruella de Vil-like massive black and white fur coat. The collection was mostly black and white with a few pieces in forest green and khaki in restrained silhouettes of strong shoulders and exaggerated hips. Alexander Wang Alexander Wang, the newly appointed head of the house of Balenciaga, brought fur boxing gloves and

Michael Kors 7KH GDULQJ 0. $ : collection mixed black with bolder hues and wardrobe staples with trendy pieces. .RUV UH LPDJLQHG HYHQLQJ wear and camouflage, showing chic camouflage pieces with leather accessories and reinvented black dresses with colored peplum trains, along with off-the-shoulder belted blazers and pencil skirts.

How to Love Your Mother 101

Rebecca Tenna

“Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.� -Erich Fromm


From birth to infantry to those awkward in-between years to our attitude-fueled teenage years where no one is able to put up with us, the one person that truly understands us is our mother. She works hard to feed us, clothe us, and gets beyond herself when we get even the slightest of fevers. Yet we respond with annoyance. If our mother wasn’t there to look out for us, ZKR ZRXOG"

1. Her favorite book signed by her favorite author.

Mothers deserve all the appreciation in the world. They have given the rest of their lives up to make sure we turn out okay. Yet, they are not half as appreciated as they deserve to be. That is why we have mother’s day, the one day where we could return a fraction of the love that they give to us on a daily basis. It is a day LQ ZKLFK ZH JHW WR EX\ WKHP Ă€RZHUV DQG PDNH WKHP know, once and for all, that we are worth all the trouble they go through every day. Appreciating Mother’s day RULJLQDWHG IURP DQFLHQW *UHHFH ZKHQ WKH JRGGHVV 5KHD ZKR ZDV FRQVLGHUHG D PRWKHU ÂżJXUH WR PDQ\ was honored by having a day to celebrate her hard work and compassion. Âł2QFH , JRW P\ PXP WKHVH Ă€RZHUV IRU 0RWKHUÂśV 'D\ but then my turtle ate them,â€? says Evelyn Dom, IB Junior “Still, I love my mum more than anything in the world. I don’t need a day to appreciate her.â€? While that is the motto we should all live by, most of us still do not remember to appreciate our mothers. Since our birth, they have tended to our every need and demand, yet are barely given a “thank youâ€? every day. So remember to appreciate your mother – not only on 0RWKHUÂśV 'D\ EXW HYHU\ GD\ IRU VKH LV WKH ÂżHUFHVW strongest hero you will ever have!

Senior vs. Junior Year IB is a rigorous two-year program that starts from SepWHPEHU RI MXQLRU \HDU DQG VWUHWFKHV WR 0D\ RI VHQLRU \HDU $V D MXQLRU LW LV FRPPRQ WR FRQWHPSODWH DERXW what is at stake, or what is to be expected, of the last year of IB. As a senior, a sense of confusion as to which year is more ‘challenging’ is frequent. ,Q P\ RSLQLRQ MXQLRU DQG VHQLRU \HDUV DUH ERWK H[WUHPHO\ FKDOOHQJLQJ \HW LQ GLIIHUHQW ZD\V 7R EULHĂ€\ GHVFULEH WKH WZR \HDUV MXQLRU \HDU LV ZKHQ \RX FRQVLVtently have loads of homework assignments and a load of tests and quizzes. Senior year is ZKHQ DOO WKH GHDGOLQHV ÂżQDOO\ hit. Now, to explain in more GHSWK MXQLRU \HDU LV WKH VWDUW RI WKH ,% MRXUQH\ 7HDFKHUV WU\ to make the transition between the easy days of grade ten to the seriousness that is expected of IB students by starting off strong. Many students who enter IB usually have a test RU D TXL] GXULQJ WKH ÂżUVW ZHHN of school, an unprecedented event in the students’ history. The workload does not seem to end, as more and more work is being piled up on the student throughout the year. Although this may sound like a hellish year, sadly, it does not compare to senior year in any way, shape, or form. Senior year is a mix of excitement and distraught. The realization that the IB exams are in less than a year, in less than six months, in less than one hundred days, and so on is not comforting. Deadlines in senior year are plentiful and, for some unknown reason, pile up on HDFK RWKHU $OWKRXJK GHDGOLQHV GR H[LVW LQ MXQLRU \HDU

2. A “now and then� photo, with one of you as a baby and one recent picture of you two together. 3. Learn to knit and make her a scarf. 4. A photo collage of her kids/ grandkids with a framed “Best mom in the world� declaration. 5. Make a list of 100 things you love about her and get it printed on a t-shirt, scroll, or a tablecloth.

Mommy and Me Chronicles: Real Conversations with IB Moms In honor of Mother’s Day, IB Busy has asked IB students to look back on the most bizarre and goofy conversations they have had with their moms. We all love our moms but VRPHWLPHV ZH MXVW FDQÂśW KHOS EXW laugh at their wise words! Here are MXVW D IHZ ZH WKRXJKW ZHUH ILOOHG with nothing less than a mother’s love, kindness, and protection. “You need to pre-approve your friends.â€? “That girl’s cute, is she your girlIULHQG"´

$ VFUDSERRN ¿OOHG ZLWK DOO \RXU PHPories of her. 7. A handwritten letter each day of the week hidden in SODFHV ZKHUH VKH FRXOG HDVLO\ ¿QG WKHP FKHHV\ EXW \RX QHYHU NQRZ ZKDW PLJKW PDNH KHU GD\ 8. A box that includes all of your 50 favorite memories RI KHU SLFWXUHV ¿UVW WR\ ¿UVW ERRN LQVLGH MRNHV 9. A gift basket with all of her favorite home spa treatment products. 10. And last but not least, for the sake of including it, a ERXTXHW RI KDQGSLFNHG ÀRZHUV Happy Mother’s Day for all the hardworking and dedicated mothers from IB Busy! and the IB Busy! team.

<RXVVHI .DWDPLVK as they do in senior year, the deadlines in senior year are more real and much more tangible. For example, VHQLRU \HDU LV ZKHQ WKH ÂżQDO H[WHQGHG HVVD\ 72. HVVD\ ÂżQDO ,$V ÂżQDO RUDOV DQG PDQ\ PRUH DVVLJQPHQWV that you may or may not have a chance to redraft or correct pile up. The wave of deadlines is overwhelming, as the only time you can actually breathe from the workload of assignments due is usually when you stress out about the impending assignments – the IAs to be completed, the orals to be recorded, the mocks to be undertaken, the exams to be written. Senior year is also plagued by college applications – where you reach a point in your IB career where the Commonapp and UCAS become sites more frequently visited in the months of November and December than Facebook. Although this may be a pessimistic view of senior year, there is one big difference that is positive. As a senior, you can see the light at the end of the excruciatingly long tunnel. Wearing a GLIIHUHQW FRORUHG VKLUW D GLVWLQFW MDFNHW ÂżWWLQJ FDSV DQG JRZQV JRLQJ RQ \RXU last CAS retreat, and planning for your last MUN conference are a few of the events that spark the realization of relief. The workload is completed at the end of the day. This atmosphere of anticipation is what drives you through the year: trying your best in order to ensure that you can proudly wear the renowned gold IB medal during graduation with your raised head and proud smile on your face as you walk and deservingly accept your diploma. ‘Senioritis’ may be frowned upon for its negative connotations – yet it is senioritis that gets you though the year. That is WKH GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ MXQLRU DQG VHQLRU \HDU

Ď•Ď Ď—Îƒ ÎŽϧ΃ ËŹÎ”Ď Ď›Ρϣ ξϳϔϣ ϙΑϳΎΑΣ ĎĄĎŹĎ Ď› ÎŽĎŁĎŤ ÎŽĎŁ Ď?Ď­Ď ÎąÎ‘ ΊΣÎ?Ď­ Ύ΋Αϳ ÎŽĎŁĎ&#x; ĎĄÎłÎƒ ϊΊ ˎϼϳϣ Î”ĎŒĎ—Ď­Ď— ΓέϛΑ ϹΎÎ&#x; Î”ĎŒĎ—Ď­Ď— ˏϲϣÎŽĎŁ ÎŽĎł ϊΊ ϼϳϣ ΊÎ&#x;Α ϡ ˎϊΊĎ› ϭγϔϧ ϲϣγϳ ΊΣ ĎŞĎłĎ&#x; ËŽÎ?Ď Ď› Ď˛Ď Ď‹ ϹέϭΊÎ— Εϳέ ÎŽĎł ÎŽĎŁÎŽĎŁ ÎŽĎł ϲΑΣΎΝ ΊΣÎ?Ď­ ËŽÎŽϳέÎŽĎŁ ΊÎ?ΊÎ&#x; Î?ÎŽÎŁÎť ˎϊΊĎ› ϝϭ ϊΊĎ› ΊΣ ξϳϔϣ ËŽĎŞĎłÎ? ΕΎϧΑĎ&#x;Î? έΎΑΧ΃ ĎťÎ? Î”ĎŒÎ‘Îł ĎŠÎ‘έ ĎťÎ? Î”ĎŒÎ‘Îł Κϧ Ď­ ΔΗγ ΊϣΣ΃ ΊϣΣ΃ ÎŽĎł Î”ĎŒÎ‘ÎŽÎł ΔϋΎγĎ&#x;Î? ΔγϣΧ ĎťÎ? Î”ĎŒÎ‘Îł ΓέΡĎ‹ ĎĽ ΊϣΣ΃ ÎŽĎł ΚΑĎ&#x;Î? Ε Ď?ÎŁĎŁĎ&#x;Î? ϲĎ“ ĎĽÎŽΡĎ‹ ΓΊĎ› ϲϳĎŒĎ Ď ÎąÎ‘ ϡ ˎϪϳϳέΗΡΗύ ˏϊΊ Ď­Ď ÎŁ ΕΗ Ď­Ď“ϭΡΗ ιΎϧĎ&#x;Î? Ď˛Ď ĎłĎłĎ›ĎłÎ—ΡϳΑ έΧϝÎ? ϲĎ“ Ď•Î?Ď­ÎłĎ&#x;Î? Ď­ÎŁÎťÎ? ˏϹΎÎ&#x; ΚΑĎ&#x;Î? Υϭέύ ˏϲϧĎŒÎ&#x;Ď­ ϲÎ‘Ď Ď— ÎŽϧÎ? Ď­Ď›Ď ÎťĎ­ĎŤ ξϣ ÎŽϧÎ? ΔÎ&#x;ÎŽÎŁ ĎąÎƒ ϹέΡΣÎ? ξϳÎ—Î­Ď Ď”ĎŁ Ď­ ĎŞÎ&#x; Ď­ĎŤÎ? ĎĄÎŽϧ΃ Ď? ϲĎ&#x;ίϧÎ? Ď­ Ď™Ď˜Î‘ ϲĎ“ Thanks to all those who contributed ZLWK WKHUH RZQ VWRULHV *RW DQ\ VWRULHV IRU XV" ( PDLO XV aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

In the Making .DULP * (O (LWD Marina Milad Rebecca Tenna 6DUDK *KDULE Tarek Roshdy Yasmine Dessouky Under the Supervision of Dr. Dina Taher, Ms. Nora (OPDU]RXN\ 0U .KDOLG Dinnawi With contributions from <RXVVHI .DWDPLVK Pictures courtesy of Farahnaz Abdel Bary Copyright Š 2013 IB BUSY!. All Rights Reserved.

IB Shows and Series We asked you to tell us what your favorite shows were, this is what we got: 90210 Big Bang Theory Breaking Bad Community Elementary How I met Your Mother Modern Family 2QH 7UHH +LOO PokĂŠmon Pretty Little Liars Sherlock

Teacher Psychoanalysis During the next few issues of IB Busy, we will be asking some of your teachers some deep psychological TXHVWLRQV \HV WKH 72. W\SH RQHV :HœOO DQDO\]H WKHLU answers and make a conclusion on their personality based on the answers. Now here is the catch: you have to guess who the interviewee is. Send your answers to ibbusy@gmail.com and follow up with the polls on our Facebook page! Q: You’re driving a train, when you realize that your brakes don’t work. You’re about to crash into the station and kill tens, maybe hundreds of people. But then you remember that you can derail onto a route that you know is under construction and will have two people working on it. You have only these two options. What do you do? $ .LOO D PLQLPDO DPRXQW RI SHRSOH PD\EH QRW NLOO WKHP if I can. Q: What is the best way to die in your opinion? A: Not waking up from my sleep. It is the least drawn out way, least painful for me and anyone that I care about. I don’t want my husband, if he’s still living, to watch me in lots of pain.

IB Film Making Competition You still have a chance to enter the IB Film Making Contest to PDNH D PLQXWH ¿OP DERXW DFDdemic honesty. The huge prize is still out there – a letter of recogniWLRQ IURP WKH 'LUHFWRU *HQHUDO RI the IB, an award trophy/plaque, and an interview in the IB maga]LQH ,% :RUOG DQG \RXU ¿OP ZLOO be shown all around the world in different IB schools. If you have any ideas, go with them - it’s worth the try! Remember that everything, including music, needs to be your own. If you have plan or a storyboard in mind, go talk to Dr. Dina ASAP.

Q: At times of political unrest and economic instability, when the world’s issues are put to center stage, do you think it is selfindulgent and a bit egotistical to be depressed or preoccupied with yourself? A: No, I think depression can come from the things that are going on around you. Political unrest by itself can also lead you to consider your self-worth. Q: What are the aims of education? To live a decent life? What is the point? Have we become more concerned with teaching our children to act a certain way rather than develop their intellect? A: The system has created a disconnect of what education should be. It has created a lack of creative thinking, a lack of questioning, therefore leading to the creation of easily-governed individuals. The system wants their students to be obedient, non-critical thinkers that are easily distracted by “stuff� that is not important. Education needs to be more individualized, it needs to have more of a balance, and it needs to create people that are part of their community, and want to learn for the sake of learning.

How long have you been a teacher? I have been a teacher since 1994.

What do you think of our newsletWHU" Send us an e-mail. aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

IB Busy! Issue 06 March 2013

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A: I hope to have a green school where people of different classes could come together and learn sustainability. Q: What does it mean to feel empty/nothing? A: You have nothing to hold on to, you do not know who you are. Q: Are emotions the core of our being? How vital are emotions to our survival? Are they at all? Can you describe the modern world as moving more and more away from the helms of emotion? Are people becoming more and more emotionally vacant and suffer from emotional attachment issues? Or is this simply human nature? A: I think emotions are very important but not the only thing in terms of survival of humans. We can’t survive without understanding other people and that requires emotions. Technology, however, has created a disconQHFW RI HPRWLRQ LW DPSOL¿HV DQG VKULQNV emotions. Q: If you could live in any time period and anywhere in the world, where would you be? A: The 60s or 70s in United States. I see that time as the era of revolution. The Vietnam War and all that. People were putting DQ HQG WR LQMXVWLFH Q: How do you envision the world ending? Will there eventually be a demise of the human race? A: It’s already happening. Human demise. There is so much idiocracy around us, that we are slowly killing ourselves. Q: Are we drawn to extremes in life? Death and life? Is that why we celebrate them? $ 3HRSOH ¿QG DQ\ H[FXVH WR FHOHEUDWH $ ORW RI WKH things that we do celebrate would fall under the category of life, even death. They’re pivotal points in life. Q: Can a person have faith but no religion? A: Yes. 'LG \RX ¿JXUH ZKR WKH WHDFKHU LV" ,I \RX GLG JR WHOO XV on our Facebook page.

IB Teacher Interview: Madame Pascale Igounet IB French & IB Coordinator Next Year


Yasmine Dessouky & Rebecca Tenna

What do you think about being a teacher? ,W LV WKH ZRUVW DQG EHVW RI MREV 7KH VWXGHQWV \RX WHDFK GUDLQ \RX RI DOO \RXU HQHUJ\ EXW WKHQ WKH\ JLYH \RX MXVW as much. We deserve our vacations. In order to be a teacher, you need to be a sociologist, psychologist, and educator all in one, but other virtues are all necessary. In order to teach you absolutely have to be motivated, and as they say, when you love doing what you do, you do it well! You have to know that there is no ‘perfect’ teacher and no ‘perfect’ student. You have to be funny, and you have to remember back when you were a student. Classes nowadays are becoming more and more diverse, and you need to adapt to that. What do you expect from IB students next year? The same thing as this year. I expect them to be serious and hard working, and that they succeed in the program. After all, they are only working for themselves.

What do you hope to change next year? :KDW FRXOG , SRVVLEO\ FKDQJH" 7KH V\VWHP LV ZHOO FUDIWed as it is and I hope to be a good addition to the way things are. The way things are now will continue. Will you continue to teach French? 2QO\ WLPH ZLOO WHOO Why did you accept the position of IB coordinator? I think it is time to turn a new page in my career. It is important in any career to learn how to evolve responsibility-wise and skill-wise. It will be an exciting challenge. 'R \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV IRU VSHFLILF WHDFKHUV" <RX know how to reach us: aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

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