IB Busy! October 2012

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01 October 2012

IB Busy!


this issue Messages from the People in Charge P.1 Interview with Amir Azer, Class of ‘04 P.2

Strange Questions That IB Students Should Never Ask

Class of 2014 CAS Retreat P.3 Deadlines & Resources P.4

The list below contain sum

Kids involved in the Class of 2014’s CAS Retreat of the silliest, dumbest and strangest questions that you could ever ask. ‡:K\ GR WKH\ FDOO LW DIWHU GDUN when it’s really after light? ‡:K\ LVQÂśW WKH QXPEHU SURnounced onety-one? ‡:KR GLG OHW WKH GRJV RXW" ‡:K\ LV WKHUH RQO\ KRXUV RQ a clock? ‡$W D PRYLH WKHDWHU ZKLFK DUP rest is yours? ‡&DQ DQLPDOV FRPPLW VXLFLGH" ‡:K\ GRHV WKH (DVWHU EXQQ\ carry eggs? Rabbits don’t lay eggs! ‡,V LW SRVVLEOH WR EH DOOHUJLF WR water? ‡:K\ GR VXSHUKHURHV ZHDU their underwear on the outside of their clothes? ‡:K\ GR WKH\ FDOO LW D “Television Setâ€? when there’s only one? ‡+RZ IDVW GR \RX QHHG WR FRRN for it to be considered “Fast Foodâ€??

Message from Dr. Dina At a time when xenophobia is spreading the world over, the IB values of internationalism and intercultural understanding are needed more than ever. This month violent demonstrations have rocked our region to denounce a film that ridicules Islam, some zealous ‘Muslims’ have taken it upon themselves to mock Christianity in retaliation. While teaching religion is not part of the IB program, all IB leaners have to demonstrate ‘caring and open-mindedness’ as part of their learner profile. Such attributes along with the IB mission statement that instills values of tolerance could remind us all how to remain good Muslims/Christians/Humans. IB Mission Statement: The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. Dr. Dina Taher IB Coordinator

Message from Ms. Nora CAS is the heart, the center, the CORE of IB.. Without CAS, you are not an IB student. It is not so much simply an academic requirement, but a way of life. Life would stay still if we did not make the time to develop our mind, body, and our communities. It’s the time that you can step away from books and go into the real world, where you can try to apply or connect together what you learned in the classroom. How cool is it, that you can take a cooking class and that counts towards your requirement? Or what about those of you who really love art and have a talent, but mom and dad told you has convinced you that you can never get anywhere being an artist and so now you are not taking art as a course at school? CAS gives you the freedom to explore yourself: .... explore your strengths and become of your weaknesses.......develop new skills......understand your values and the values that make a sustainable world.... ...discover your community and the possibilities of you actively being part of it for the better... ...examine the interconnectedness between you... ...your immediate community, and the global community...... experience organizing teams from being a leader to being delegated to... CAS does not stop at the participation in different activities, but also reflecting upon your experience to further understand how you felt, thought about things, and essentially what you learned from the experience. Learning doesn’t stop when you finish school, even if you don’t have homework anymore. Nora Elmarzouky CAS Supervisor


Inter view with Amir A zer, Class of 2004

The IB Class of 2014 CAS Retreat

Rebecca Tenna

Class of 2013: October 30: 2nd draft of

EYE ON IT Resources for Studying:

Extended Essay October 8: All UK Medical,


Vet and Dentistry applications

Oxford’s IB study guides

to UCAS November 22: California


Aplications Deadline

A website with study guides,

November 29: US, UK, Europe, Canada, Asia

Class of 2014: October 3 – 7: CAS Retreat October 17: PSAT October 21: CAS Interviews

Students: October 4, November 1: SAT Registration Deadline October 6, November 3: SAT & Subject Tests October 6, 12, 19, 27, November 3, 16, 17: TOEFL October 11, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 8, 17, 24: IELTS

Days Off: Saturday, October 6: Armed Forces Day Sunday, October 7: Staff Development (no school) Thursday, October 25Monday 29: Eid el Adha November 8: Term 1 Ends November 15: Islamic New Year November 20: Parents Confrence Day November 22: Thanksgiving Break

*College Board Deadlines expire at 11:59 pm Eastern Time, USA

Dates and deadlines are subject to change. IB Busy! cannot be held liable for any changes.

What were your classes? I studied English, Economics, Math and Physics at the higher level and Arabic, Computer at the standard level.

How did IB help you get into the university you applied to? The IB program supported my application to University due to a number of factors. It showed the University my ability to complete a rigorous program and spoke to my drive and work ethic. In addition, the expected IB grades that were sent by the counselors and teachers provided additional confirmation to the University. The IBO program definitely set me apart from other candidates applying with just the standard American Diploma and candidates with only partial AP courses or IB certificates.

How did your experiences in IB help prepare you for university? Did they relieve some of the stress? The preparation from the IB program was extremely beneficial during my University career. The impact can be split into direct and indirect benefits. On the direct side, the HL exams gave me 24 credits at the Uiversity of Michigan, which covered most the entry-level math and science classes required for engineering. I sat entrance

exams for courses that I covthat help shape the candidate. that help shape the candidate. ered in SL, which gave me increased exposure The The increased exposure and and an additional 6 credits. This on giving to the focusfocus on giving backback to the basically covered the majoring community develop community help help develop char-charof my freshman courses and and instill values that are acteracter and instill values that are allowed me to focus earlier on priceless forward. These priceless goinggoing forward. These specialized classes and graduactivities candidates activities also also help help candidates ate with a double major in the develop bonds develop bonds with with otherother stu- stu4 year period (normally, this in program the program dentsdents in the and and the the would have taken 5 years). community at large – bonds community at large – bonds I also had the time to focus are active still active strong that that are still and and strong more on the courses that I was to day, this day, 8 years graduto this 8 years afterafter graduinterested in taking as opposed ation. Looking it would to courses that are required for Looking back,back, it would havehave useful to reflect further graduation. beenbeen useful to reflect further on impact the impact of CAS the CAS On the indirect side, the acaon the of the sys- syslinking concepts demic rigor of the IB program tem tem and and linking ToK ToK concepts outside of academic the academic taught me how to work plan and outside of the set- setdeal with stress, ting. ting. I feelI feel that that values two skills that are the the values “The IB program crucial for success that that thesethese pro- prosupported my appli- grams grams develop at University. develop in candidates in candidates If you were to cation to University are are not not fully fully do it over again, due to a number of a p par ep cp iraetcei da t e d would you? until until muchmuch later later in careers. the careers. Why? If yes, in the factors” Spending what would you Spending time time do differently? during these during these Knowing what I know today, activities to reflect activities to reflect couldcould help help I would definitely make the improve the immediate improve the immediate valuevalue same decision to go through add for candidates. with the IB program. In addiwould to thank tion to the regular IB classes, We We would like like to thank AmirAmir contribution programs such as Theory of AzerAzer for for his his contribution IB Busy!, official Knowledge and the CAS systo IBto Busy!, AIS’sAIS’s official IB IB tem really expand candidate’s Newsletter. mind and provide experiences

The students left Cairo with high expectations, and they were not disappointed. After the tiring 11-hour bus ride, the students unloaded their bags and headed to their tents for a much-needed rest. The trip was conducted by Dayma, which planned out the majority of the activities throughout First thing in the morning of the second day, the students went through snorkeling and were introduced to the concept of bio mimicry, imitating nature in the modern world. They identified different organisms, and for some, it was an experience that truly had impact on them. A few got over their fear of the sea, and some discovered their passion for nature. The second half of the day was spent planning activities for the following day, the community day. The community day was the day in which AIS students came up with educational, fun activities to initiate with children that are less-

privileged. Each person within the group had a role in order to ensure that the activities run smoothly. By doing this, the creativity of the students was challenged. The community day was at a place in Marsa Allam known as Kalaan. That day, students spent the day teaching children about biomimicry, art, and health, among many other things. However, the students describe this as more of a learning experience, They learnt about the beauty of their country, and the hope that is so clearly reflected in the children’s eyes despite their uncertain future. That, for many, was something they have never experienced before. In addition, most of the students bonded extremely well with the children, which gave them a new outlook in life. “The optimism they had gave me hope” said Maria Azer. “We complain about everything even though we are privileged. It made

me think twice about how much I have.” The children’s hope has been infectious, and encouraged the students to start planning on their future, as well as having an impact on the future of others. The CAS retreat made the students deeply reflect on themselves, as well as creating a bond between the students, making them a family. The last night, the students got to discover more about their culture in a way that they have never seen before.

notes, exam schedules and a blog. Covers all the courses IB we have in AISE, recommended by our teachers.

Websites like firecrop.com offer downloadable study guides.

https://www.ibo.org IB’s official websites and it offers information on the program in general (and a blog).

“I now know that I don’t have to leave my country to see beautiful things” said Yasmeen Abu El Naga. “It showed me that my country is historical, interesting and beautiful”.

http://www.ibsurvival.com -CAS ideas, calendars, students discussions/debates (message boards)

http://www.ibo.org/diploma/recognition/directory/index.cfm -Universities that recognize and

In In thethe Making Making

accept the IB

Karim G. El-Eita Maria Azer Marina Milad Omar Allam Under the Supervision of Mr. Khaled Dinawi And with special additions from Ms. Nora, Dr. Dina, AISE IB Allumni Amir Azer, and Rebecca Tenna During the making of this newsletter, some uninetintional puns were made... Person 1: Bro! Bro! Person 2: Bro meen bas! Person 1: Hahahahahaha bromine! That’s an element! Pictures courtesy of the graduating Class of 2012 and the CAS Photography team. We hope you find time to read this even though we know that U B BUSY!!

A picture taken by last year’s CAS Photography team on their trip to Al Azhar

IB Opinions What do you think of our newsletter? Send us an e-mail. aise.ibbusy@gmail.com

Before I Die Please email your hopes, dreams, and what you want to achieve before you die. Try to make them as IB related as possible. We’ll publish them next issue. :)

IB Interesting Facts

IB Around theWorld

In 1968, IB, standing for the International Baccalaureate, was founded as a non-profit educational organization at the International School of Geneva. It was created by teachers at the school, in addition to help from teachers from all over the world. Today, the International Baccalaureate has grown into a university preparatory program that has been divided, in most schools, into three programs for students as young as 3 years old to students 19 years old. ‡ ,W ZDs first created to accommodate English and French. ‡ ,W LV DLPHG DW GHYHORSLQJ D JOREDO DZDUHQHVV IRU LWV VWXdents. In other words, students learn how to accept global cultures, perspectives. ‡ ,% ILUVW RULJLQDWHG LQ SULYDWH VFKRROV 2YHU WKH \HDUV WKLV changed so that nearly fifty-percent of all schools providing the International Baccalaureate would be government owned and thus free of tuition. ‡ 7KH IDFW WKDW PDQ\ JRYHUQPHQWV DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG KDYH adopted the International Baccalaureate shows the confidence that they have that their future generations will truly be better off in this type of curriculum. ‡ ,W ZDV WKURXJK WKH HIIRUWV RI $OHF 3HWHUVRQ GLUHFWRU RI WKH Department of Educational Studies, Oxford University) that universities recognized the International Baccalaureate. ‡ $W ILUVW LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH V WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Baccalaureate was viewed as a threat from some governments all over. Governments believed that the International Baccalaureate would draw their children away from their national educational systems. ‡ +RZHYHU WKLV LGHD ZDV ODWHU UHIXWHG DQG WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Baccalaureate was viewed as a enhancement to their educational systems and was later adopted at a very rapid rate. ‡ 7RGD\ SHRSOH ZKR DFTXLUH WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO %DFFDODXUHDWH get accepted to the top universities all over the globe (in North America, Europe, UK, etc‌) ‡ ,%2 LQ IRXQGHG WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO %DFFDODXUHDWH Middle Years Program for students aged eleven to sixteen.

-IB’s learners could be as young as three years old. They could also be nineteen.


University of California Los Angeles The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), is one of the most prestigious universities out there. One of my favorite scientists, who helped change the course RI WKH VFLHQWLÂżF ZRUOG ZDV Glen Seaborg. Seaborg was a graduate from UCLA. Seaborg discovered ten elements and made other very important contributions to the periodic table. This is proof of how this university is one of the most honorable from which notable and honorable people graduated. UCLA, among many other universities that we shall be presenting to you, does count HL tests for credit. More information can be found on: http://www.admissions.ucla. edu/prospect/IBCreditLS.htm

IB Busy! Issue 01 October 2012

-There are IB schools in 143 countries around the world -The IB works with 3,476 schools in 143 countries to offer the three IB programmes to approximately 1,055,000 students. -The IB employs staff/representatives in Beijing, Buenos Aires, Cardiff, Geneva, Mumbai, New York, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Vancouver. -11 schools in Egypt offer IB, in both Cairo an Alexandria -Most schools in Egypt only offer the diploma program, but 2 offer the MYP, 4 have the PYP and only 1 (Greenland International School) offers all 3 programs. -In the US, 5 IB schools were labeled some of the top ten high schools in the US by Newsweek. These school’s average SAT scores range from 1700-1800 and 100% of their students are college bound. -In The Hague, Maryland and in Singapore, the IB has set up 3 new global centers. -The one at The Hague should soon become a major international IB office -IB expects 10,000 new schools by 2020, and therefore they have set up these new international centers. -There are also regional offices in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

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