Your Future 2021

Page 1

22nd Edition 2021 • PRICELESS


Remote working Overcoming rejection College and drugs

Accountancy Healthcare Hospitality Insurance Technical Trades and more

Choosing a college How to land a scholarship 76 PAGES PACKED WITH GREAT JOBS, SCHOLARSHIPS, CONTACTS & TIPS

Kristin Dill

Khayl’La Ball

Anthony Howell

Ice’ces Jackson

Jada Rogers-Ingemann

Dé-Aun Lodge

Nazari Woods

Messiah Greaves


Congratulations to the recipients of our

Legal Education Awards /($51 025( $%287 &21<(56p /(*$/ $:$5'6 $1' 6800(5 /$: 352*5$00( $7 graduates-and-students



Your future, by .

ƚ ƵƚƚĞƌĨŝĞůĚ͕ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ůŽĐĂů ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŝŶǀĞƐƚŝŶŐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĨƵƚƵƌĞ͘ KƵƌ ƐĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉƐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ĨŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů ĂƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ǁŝƚŚ ŐƌĞĂƚ ƉŽƚĞŶƚŝĂů ǁŚŽ ĂƌĞ ƉƵƌƐƵŝŶŐ Ă ĐŽůůĞŐĞ Žƌ ƵŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ĚĞŐƌĞĞ͘ &Žƌ ĨƵůů ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ ƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐ ƐĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ͕ ǀŝƐŝƚ Application deadline is Friday, 26 March 2021.





ϮϬϮϬ ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ZĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚƐ͗ Chanah Bremar, WŽƐƚͲ'ƌĂĚƵĂƚĞ ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ƌĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚ ĂŶĚ Jaiden Furbert-Jacobs͕ ^ŝƌ ,ĂƌƌLJ ͘ ƵƩĞƌĮĞůĚ ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ƌĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚ͘



CONTENTS Remote working Upskill yourself to work remotely


Overcoming rejection Dealing with being overlooked

10 14

Drugs and college How to avoid substance


Hospitality Big things still happening in tourism

16 YOUR FUTURE 22nd Edition 2021

Interview follow up What to do after a job interview


Accounting Hard work but exceptionally rewarding


35 48

Scholarships The right one for you Schools and colleges Making the right


Enquiries to Director of Marketing, /LVVD )LVKHU (PDLO OĚ°VKHU#EP EP Published by Bermuda Media. PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda Tel: 441-292-7279. (PDLO KHOOR#EP EP Printed in the US


Bermuda Zoological Society 40, 44

King’s University College 58, 59

Appleby College 48, 49

BF&M 11

KPMG 32, 45

Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR) 42, 43

BHS 50, 53

Mounts Saint Agnes Academy 58, 65

Branksome Hall 52, 53

Nicholl Scholarship 44

Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) 41

Brescia University College 53, 56

Ontario Tech University 61, 65

%XWWHUĚ°HOG First right hand page, 35

PwC 5, 31

Cedarbridge Academy 54, 57

RenaissanceRe 47

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3, 28

Royal Bermuda Regiment 21

AXA XL 46 BELCO 18, 19 Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 24, 25 Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) 34 Bermuda College 50, 51, 59 Bermuda Dental Association 39 Bermuda Economic Development Corporation 12, 13 Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies 37, 38


Chubb 44, Inside back cover, Conyers Inside front cover, 33 Department for National Drug Control 14, 15 Durham College 55, 58 Economic Development Department 22, 23

Saltus Grammar School 63, 64 Sheridan College 61, 66 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ 62, 66 St John’s University 62, 65 The Berkeley Institute 55, 68 The Vanguard School 65, 68 Trafalgar Castle School 69, 70

EY 7, 30

Trinity College School 67

Bermuda Hospitals Board 26, Back cover

Framingham State University 57, 60

University of Guelph 59, 70

Garden Club of Bermuda 40, 44

Warwick Academy 70, 71

Bermuda Institute 51, 54

Gow School 52, 68

:DNHĚ°HOG 4XLQ 40, 47

Bermuda Waterworks 40, 47

Green Family Scholarship 46

Washington Academy 71 36, 37


Wilbraham & Monson Academy 72 Your Future 2021

Penboss Building, 50 Parliament Street, Hamilton HM12 +1 441-292-7479 | |

Your passport to unlimited opportunities YOUR GATEWAY TO THE WORLD AWAITS The Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation prepares you for a life-long, rewarding career with unlimited potential. A CPA is your gateway to a world of exciting opportunities. The value of the CPA designation is recognized by organizations worldwide. As a Bermudian CPA, you have many career choices — multiple opportunities in many roles and in all sectors of the economy, at home and abroad.

YESTERDAY’S STUDENTS... TOMORROW’S BUSINESS LEADERS On behalf of the members of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Bermuda, we salute these students who have passed the 2020 Common Final Examination of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. We would also like to salute those students from overseas, who passed and are residing in Bermuda. These students are university graduates who have completed a demanding professional programme of study while participating LQ DQ H[WHQVLYH DUWLFOLQJ SURJUDP LQ SXEOLF SUDFWLFH ²UPV DQG companies. These students have proven that they have what it takes to become Bermuda’s business leaders of tomorrow… they know how to turn obstacles into opportunities.




Look to the future with optimism and hope

T Let the challenges of today help to equip you to solve the problems of tomorrow

his year the world has been immeasurably challenged. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives professionally, educationally, and socially. The Government recognises that for young Bermudians, the economic and educational impact has been farreaching. In our 2020 Election Platform, the Government committed to implementing the Youth Employment Strategy to support young people GXULQJ WKHVH GL̲FXOW WLPHV DQG LQWR WKH IXWXUH 7KH SXUSRVH RI WKLV strategy is to guide young Bermudians to employment and train them to take over jobs currently held by guest workers. The Government also pledged to develop the National Youth Policy to ensure direct engagement with Bermuda’s young people on decisions WKDW DĚŻHFW \RX :H YDOXH DQG UHVSHFW \RXU FRQWULEXWLRQV WR RXU VRFLHW\ DQG hope that these initiatives will help you on your path to employment. :H KDYH DOO EHHQ IRUFHG WR ZRUN OHDUQ DQG FRPPXQLFDWH GLĚŻHUHQWO\ Changing how we work and learn has been an obstacle at times. Still, it has opened up new opportunities and innovation that may not have been revealed otherwise. It has also further highlighted the importance of technology in today’s world. Technology became an even more integral part of our everyday lives. Organisations in Bermuda and worldwide relied heavily on business communication platforms and IT expertise to help keep businesses, schools and governments running. This demand will likely remain far beyond the pandemic, leading to further growth and jobs within the technology sector. Outside of technology, there are still exciting job opportunities available. There is a growing need for registered nurses, accountants, actuaries, landscapers, masons and chefs in Bermuda. All of these are important roles within our economy and can provide rewarding careers. It is important to research current job trends so that your studies and experience are relevant to the ever-changing job market. It is as vital as ever to be adaptable, open to learning new skills, and willing to embrace and utilise technology. The Government of Bermuda is here to help. The Department of Workforce Development provides career counselling, professional development assistance as well as information on government scholarships, and graduate and apprenticeship programmes. Workforce 'HYHORSPHQW DOVR RĚŻHUV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR UHJLVWHU ZLWK LW ZKHQ VHDUFKLQJ for employment. The department can then refer your information over to recruitment agencies or companies should a job become available that is VXLWHG WR \RXU H[SHULHQFH DQG RU TXDOLĚ°FDWLRQV Despite the testing times we have all faced, I encourage you to look to the future with optimism and hope. And, let the challenges of today help to equip you to solve the problems of tomorrow. 7KH +RQ ( 'DYLG %XUW -3 03


Your Future 2021

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Seize unexpected opportunities

T A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly.

here are many lessons that we learned from the COVID-19 global pandemic. One that stands-out for me is that we must be ready and prepared to seize the unexpected opportunities that arise. Last year, between shelter in place, remote learning and studying at home, every Bermudian student was challenged to consider new ways to adapt to the circumstances. As the Minister of Education, I’ve witnessed your resilience as you made the necessary adjustments to complete the school year. I am so proud of your ĚąH[LELOLW\ FUHDWLYLW\ DQG VHOI GHWHUPLQDWLRQ Throughout the long months of remote learning, you continued to diligently complete your studies, work with your teachers and attend classes. The new technology and programmes did not deter you from keeping up with your studies. You became inventive and used computer applications and digital platforms to express yourselves and enhance your school-work. It was fun to watch the YouTube and TikTok videos of you engaging in activities and sports, or completing assignments. Last year taught us that we are stronger than the present circumstances of this global pandemic. To quote, the South African Anglican theologian and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Sir Desmond Tutu, “A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly.â€? Students, last year you were faced with some trying circumstances, but you made it. With the help of our dedicated teachers, your parents and families, you were able to begin this school year in the classroom, amongst your friends. On behalf of the Ministry of Education, I wish to congratulate students for staying the course and remaining motivated to study. The Ministry of Education and the Bermuda Government are committed to providing students with the best educational experience and opportunities to succeed. The COVID-19 crisis has presented us with unprecedented opportunities, and you have chosen to focus on your studies, you have chosen well. I wish you very best, and may the lessons learned continue to guide you in your future pursuits. Sincerely, 7KH +RQ 'LDOOR 5DEDLQ -3 03 Minister of Education


Your Future 2021

At EY Bermuda Ltd., we are helping our clients navigate the age of innovation and disruption. The way we work is changing – and the talent we recruit is changing too. If you are interested in internship or graduate opportunities, apply directly at, or to learn more about the EY Scholarship please visit Applications are accepted until April 15, 2021. #BetterQuestions

Š 2021 EY Bermuda Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ED None.

What will be more important in the future, the right skill set or mindset?


Working Remotely


he lockdowns and other restrictions imposed during 2020 due to COVID-19 saw more and more people working from home out of necessity. Although the trend toward remote working began several years ago, it has rapidly accelerated due to the pandemic, transforming the way we work. Time will tell the long-term impact of COVID-19 restrictions on working in WUDGLWLRQDO R̲FHV RU VWXG\LQJ DW VFKRRO and college, but there’s no doubt that remote working is here to stay. Whether you’re a student or a WUDGLWLRQDO R̲FH ZRUNHU \RXČƒOO QHHG WR upskill yourself to remote working in one form or another.

7KH 5LJKW 6SDFH Designate an area in your home for your workday, ideally a place you can use solely for this purpose. Choose a space that is quiet and distraction-free. Try not to use an area that is designated for rest, such as the bedroom. If you FDQ Č…OHDYH \RXU R̲FHȆ DW WKH HQG RI WKH day and “commuteâ€? to another part of your home, it’s a good way to separate from work and transition back into your personal life. 8

%XLOG 5RXWLQHV It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re not experiencing the buzz of WKH R̲FH DQG EHLQJ DZDUH RI \RXU colleagues taking breaks and coming and going. So it’s important to set your own routine for the sake of your physical and mental well-being. Take breaks as \RX ZRXOG LQ DQ R̲FH VFKHGXOH \RXU lunchtime and when to hydrate during the day so that you remain refreshed. Don’t forget to stand, stretch, and take D IHZ GHHS EUHDWKV DÉ“HU \RXČƒYH EHHQ sitting for long periods. You may need greater self-discipline when working on your own at home. To make it easier, monitor those times when you are most productive and least productive. When you have increased awareness of your own body clock, you can organise your work by scheduling the most important tasks at the time of day when you’re most productive and less-taxing work when you’re least productive. (PEUDFH WHFKQRORJ\ Companies have become reliant on technology to ensure teams work HĚŻHFWLYHO\ LQ WKH YLUWXDO ZRUOG 0LFURVRÉ“

Teams, Zoom, Trello, Asana, Slack, 'URSER[ DQG RWKHU Ě°OH VKDULQJ VRÉ“ZDUH and apps have become essential tools for collaboration. If you’re a student, or planning to “pivotâ€? into another career, it will be an advantage to incorporate these into your current studies or work and become familiar with the virtual working world. It will also give you an advantage when applying for a new position. You should also practice and become comfortable with virtual meetings and one-on-one calls. Find a friend, work colleague, or mentor that you can practice with. Work to continually improve your tone, appearance, and online communication skills. Become aware of your body language and nonverbal cues. You could also record yourself and be your own critic. Treat a virtual meeting as you would an in-person meeting. Prepare for the meeting beforehand, before the call test whatever technology you’re using, and arrive at the meeting RQ WLPH 2É“HQ \RXČƒOO EH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK people you’ve never met in person and whose only image of you is in a rectangular box on Zoom. Spend time WR PDNH WKDW LPSRUWDQW Ě°UVW LPSUHVVLRQ and be proud of how you look on camera.

(VWDEOLVK *XLGHOLQHV If remote working is new for you and/or your supervisor, you should agree on some ground rules, best practices, and schedules so that you know what’s expected of you and to eliminate unfortunate surprises. Make sure everyone is working on the same page, especially in regard to availability and response times. Misunderstandings are more common when you’re not together as a group LQ SHUVRQ VR EH DZDUH RI KRZ GL̯HUHQW team members wish to communicate, whether by email, instant messaging, video meetings, or other apps. Try WR EH PLQGIXO RI GL̯HUHQW RQOLQH communication styles. Embrace some of the ideas here, and you’ll be ready to take on the future of work – virtual and remote. Your Future 2021

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Reject Rejection You’re sure to experience some form of rejection in your career. Here’s how to deal with it


HUH \RX OHɓ R̯ D VSRUWV team at school? Didn’t get accepted at the college of your choice? Didn’t get the job you applied for or overlooked for promotion at work? Rejection is a natural part of life that you will need to learn to deal with no matter whether you’re just getting started on your career path or already moving up the ladder of success. One way to look at it is that, if you get rejected, nothing has really changed in your life. If you applied for a scholarship, job, or promotion and didn’t get accepted, your situation in life is still the same – not worse. You didn’t have the scholarship, job, or promotion before you applied, and you don’t have it now. So, you have absolutely nothing to lose by applying for whatever career move you 10

chose and possibly everything to gain. The situation only gets worse if you let your mind make it so and by the stories you tell yourself – “I’m unemployable. I’ll never get that promotion. No one wants me.” Better to think about it this way – “I have spent my whole life without that scholarship or job. I know how to handle things without it.” We all talk to ourselves, by some estimates up to 50,000 times a day. Most of that self-talk is also about ourselves, and research has shown that up to 80% of that is negative. The key to dealing with these thoughts is to know that you have a choice whether or not to listen to them – and that just because you’re thinking these things doesn’t make them true. When you become aware of negative thoughts, let them pass through your mind quietly, paying them no

attention. Then replace them with more positive thoughts. Talk to yourself like a winner instead of a loser. Successful salespeople know that every “no” brings them closer to a “yes’.” Some prospects will say no, but some will say yes. For them, it’s a numbers game. You just have to stay committed and keep “carrying on carrying on.” Don’t give up, just say “next!” knowing that there will be many more opportunities when you keep striving for them. Have high intentions for your goals but low attachments to the outcome. Do whatever it takes to reach your goals and to create the outcomes you’re seeking. Sometimes things don’t always work out by the date you want, but just keep moving in the direction of your goals, and RɓHQ WKH XQLYHUVH ZLOO GHOLYHU VRPHWKLQJ better than you ever imagined. Your Future 2021

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The Journey to Success Kelsea Williams, BEDC Communication & Development 2̲FHU 7UDFNV 0\D )XUEHUW Jacobs’ Journey into Entrepreneurship


ntrepreneurship is rapidly EHFRPLQJ WKH ̰UVW FDUHHU FKRLFH for graduating students. This is certainly true for Mya Furbert Jacobs, a senior secondary student at The Berkeley Institute. Eager to learn more and get her entrepreneurial career started, Mya signed up for the Summer Student Entrepreneurship 3URJUDPPH 66(3 R̯HUHG E\ WKH Bermuda Economic Development &RUSRUDWLRQ %('& 7DLORUHG VSHFL̰FDOO\ for young people between the ages of 16 – 25 years, the Summer Student Entrepreneur Programme is aimed at helping young people develop their entrepreneurial skills. The SSEP combines entrepreneurship education with real-life entrepreneurial experience. It is a fun, interactive, LQWHQVLYH SURJUDPPH WKDW R̯HUV D fantastic opportunity for students to test the waters and decide if entrepreneurship is really for them. This is exactly what Mya did when she signed up for the 2020 SSEP cohort. Ten students are given two weeks of training, which helps to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and provide the tools and knowledge needed to take their businesses to the next level. $ɓHU WKH WUDLQLQJ ZRUNVKRS VWXGHQWV spend the following six weeks running their businesses, selling their goods and services to the public. During the 2020 SSEP, Mya started an all-natural skin care, hair care, and lash business called MFJ cosmetics. Although reserved in nature, Mya absorbed the knowledge from the programme and applied her newfound skills and experience to growing her budding business. During the six-week programme, she grew her clientele, H[SDQGHG KHU SURGXFW R̯HULQJ DQG JDLQHG FRQ̰GHQFH LQ KHUVHOI DV D 12

business owner and entrepreneur. Č…:KHQ , Ě°QDOO\ RSHQHG P\ EXVLQHVV I was overwhelmed with excitement to see where it would go,â€? she says. “I was a little worried that I would not be successful. A few weeks into it, I had seen myself grow, and my business sold out of products within a few days. I was so grateful that I got this opportunity, and I am so thankful to BEDC.â€? Thrilled with her growth, BEDC invited Mya to take part in the Youth Pitch category of its Annual Rocket Pitch Competition, held in November as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Rocket Pitch is a competition where hopeful entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas for a chance to win up to $5,000 in prize money and startup services. Mya took all she had learned from SSEP and transferred it into a winning pitch in the competition held on November 18, 2020, at the Hamilton Princess Hotel. She placed second in the Youth Pitch category and took home $3,000 and a host of startup services for her business. Mya has not only grown her business, she has also gained the FRQĚ°GHQFH QHHGHG WR SXVK KHUVHOI DQG

her business to new heights. Mya says, “I had never thought that I would get the opportunity to go onto Rocket Pitch and present to a larger group and win a sum for my business. When I was announced as the secondplace winner, I was so proud of myself for moving forward and entering and for trying. The most important skill to have as an entrepreneur is the ability to never give up. Businesses and entrepreneurs have their ups and downs, and it is vital to stay focused and never give up on a dream you believe in.â€? The BEDC team is tremendously proud of Mya and her commitment to the growth of her business as well as her personal growth. Mya is a great example to other young people looking toward entrepreneurship as a career choice. The BEDC nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit, and the SSEP and Rocket Pitch programmes are just two examples of great pathways to success. For more information on the Summer Student Entrepreneur Programme, the Rocket Pitch Competition, and the other SURJUDPPHV WKDW %('& RĚŻHUV YLVLW ZZZ LQIR#EHGF EP HPDLO LQIR#EHGF bm or call 292-5570. Your Future 2021

R e g i s t e r t o d ay at w w w. BED C . bm

Summer Student Entrepreneur Programme





Earn Money & Win Prizes

Be Your Own Boss

Receive Start-up Funds

Receive Support & Training

Earn your own money by selling your products and services. Compete with your peers! The three participants with the most profit will earn additional 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place financial rewards.

Why spend the Summer working on someone else’s dream when you can be building your own! Learn how to be your own boss and build your own business.

All students will receive a weekly financial stipend and startup funds to get their businesses started.

All students will receive, quality educational training, resources and support to launch, grow and sustain their own enterprises during the programme.

L e ar n mor e today a t W W W.GE W. BM

YOUTH 2021



How to succeed at college without drugs and alcohol Why it’s vitally important to avoid substance abuse in college


RU PDQ\ VWXGHQWV WKHLU ̰UVW UHDO exposure to drugs is when they begin college. Regrettably, there is a more casual attitude toward drugs and alcohol on campus, which makes experimenting with legal and illegal substances appear less risky. And EHFDXVH DOFRKRO LV RɓHQ FRQGRQHG DQG ever-present at house parties, sporting events, and other student get-togethers, many college students end up drinking alcohol more frequently. If there’s any doubt about the negative H̯HFWV RI GUXJV DQG DOFRKRO RQ FDPSXV here’s some sobering statistics, reported by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: • )RXU RXW RI HYHU\ ̰YH FROOHJH VWXGHQWV drink alcohol, half of which binge drink. • Almost 2,000 die every year due to alcohol. • Nearly 100,000 are sexually assaulted or raped due to alcohol. • Close to 600,000 are injured when intoxicated or due to other people’s intoxication. • About 700,000 are assaulted by a student who has been drinking. • Suicide attempts and health problems D̯HFW VWXGHQWV • Academic problems due to drinking plague 25 percent of all students. Getting familiar with common situations on campus, and the myths and realities behind them, will help students make smarter choices about substance abuse and make college a more rewarding, fun, and healthy experience. 7KH ̰UVW SHRSOH \RX PHHW DW FROOHJH may not turn out to be your best choice for making long-term friends. You’ll come across people unlike anyone else you’ve ever met, and you may feel you need to LPSUHVV WKRVH SHRSOH WR ̰W LQ ,I \RX IHHO pressured to go to parties where there is a lot of drinking, while it’s not easy to dodge social pressure, remember, you don’t have to say yes. There are plenty 14

of students who participate in social activities without taking drugs or drinking alcohol. If one group of friends doesn’t take no for an answer, this group may not EH WKH EHVW Ě°W IRU \RX *RRG IULHQGV ZLOO understand and support your sobriety. When refusing to attend an event where you know there’s going to be excessive substance abuse, always GHFOLQH Ě°UPO\ DQG SROLWHO\ 'RQČƒW XVH judgmental language that may lead others to believe you feel morally superior to them. In a friendly way, explain why you choose to remain sober. You might be surprised how many other VWXGHQWV ZLOO DSSODXG \RXU GL̲FXOW GHFLVLRQ DQG \RX PD\ HYHQ Ě°QG \RX make friends who are looking to lead a similar lifestyle. If you are at a party or other event and see something that seems risky or unsafe, don’t hesitate to say something. 6SHDN XS DQG Ě°QG D IULHQG ZKR FDQ help you take action to resolve or avoid the situation. Leaving when you feel uncomfortable can be tricky, especially if you’re with a friend or group of friends. Trust your own judgment.

Some students say that they use alcohol and drugs to reduce stress. But this can lead to a downward spiral of poor academic results and more stress. Drug and alcohol use decreases your academic skills and can have a negative impact on your cognitive skills for up to 48 hours. So if you get wasted on Sunday night, you may struggle to do well in class QRW RQO\ RQ 0RQGD\ EXW RQ WKH GD\ DÉ“HU that as well. Studies on marijuana have shown that LW FDQ FDQ DĚŻHFW WKH VOHHS F\FOH GHFUHDVH focus, lead to memory loss, increase overall fatigue, increase heart rate, and even cause anxiety and panic – ironically, things many users are trying to reduce. ,I \RX VXĚŻHU IURP VRFLDO DQ[LHW\ WKH temptation to drink is strong because \RX PD\ Ě°QG WKDW DOFRKRO PDNHV LW HDVLHU to loosen up and socialize. But don’t be fooled. While you may feel more relaxed XQGHU WKH LQĚąXHQFH WKH PRUH \RX WDNH the worse you’ll feel, as alcohol and many drugs are considered depressants. Further, routine drinking can lead many into addiction. Make your room on campus or apartment into a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable place to be. When you go out, visit places where you don’t have to be social, such as the campus library, and ZKHUH \RXČƒOO Ě°QG OLNH PLQGHG SHRSOH Along the way, you’ll no doubt encounter others who are struggling with social DQ[LHW\ E\ VKDULQJ SHUVRQDO H[SHULHQFHV you’ll develop healthy ideas for avoiding unhealthy habits. Other things you can do at college to have fun without getting wasted are to throw sober parties – watch movies, dance, listen to your favourite music, play cards or other games, or think up other creative activities. You can also explore your new city or surrounding FRXQWU\VLGH *R WR D FRĚŻHH VKRS PRYLH or concert with a friend. Check the college directory for student groups or FOXEV WR Ě°QG D OLNH PLQGHG JURXS WKDW you can connect with. Coming up with ideas to avoid the lure of drugs and alcohol can be a major part of the fun in and of itself. Avoiding the temptation of drugs and alcohol can help you succeed in college and make you a stronger person than you might have imagined. It’s also possible to have even more fun in college while sober. Your Future 2021

Suite 304, Melbourne House 11 Parliament Street Hamilton HM 12 Bermuda 441-292-3049


Travel and tourism:


here is no point trying to ignore it – tourism, from cruise ships to airline travel to hotel bookings, has been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. There is still hope. Recently, jobs were advertised for the new St. Regis Hotel in St. George’s, ranging from a butler WR FDVLQR Ě°QDQFLDO FRQWUROOHU 7KH KRWHO also announced the appointment of Bermudian Stephani Lacey as its human resources director of operations. The Southampton Princess is due for a multimillion-dollar renovation, and the old St. George’s Club is to be redeveloped as a hotel. The future does look bright. 7HUHVD &KDWĚ°HOG GLUHFWRU RI 0() WKDW owns and operates the Little Venice group of more than 10 restaurants, did not hold back when she described 2020. “It was a searing year for the hotel, restaurant, and hospitality business both internationally and in Bermuda,â€? she says. “Overnight, a promising travel outlook turned dire, businesses closed with virtually no notice, and employees in the industry found themselves trapped in a nightmare scenario that was only too real.â€? 0UV &KDWĚ°HOG VD\V %HUPXGDČƒV RZQ reliance on tourism has decreased since the early 1980s, while international FRPSDQLHV LQFUHDVHG WKHLU GRPLQDQFH E\



2019, tourism had contributed to $379M or 5.1% of the GDP. But the critical issue, she says, is that the WRXULVP VHFWRU FRQWULEXWHV VLJQLĚ°FDQWO\ when it comes to employment of Bermudians and non-Bermudians. Despite the reduction in total numbers since 1980 (in the hotel sector primarily, with restaurants more than doubling their employment numbers), there has been a gradual and promising increase from 2015 (4012 jobs in 2015 to 4689 jobs in 2019), with 13.6% of the Bermuda 2019 workforce in the hotel and restaurant sector. This does not account for those in related industries reliant on a healthy tourism product. “Where are we now?â€? she asks. “By January 2021, hotel employment may have dropped by two-thirds. Restaurants, bars, and clubs that managed to crawl back from the abyss at the start of the summer were hammered by the increased (and necessary) measures taken by the Bermuda government with the ĚąDUH XS LQ FDVHV LQ 'HFHPEHU “The numbers are only a part of the picture,â€? she goes on. “For an industry reliant on personal relationships, on providing everything a customer wants, on building contacts over years, the loss of jobs, the loss of the continuity of

relationships has been unprecedented on a global scale. “Here in Bermuda, many of those who have worked for 20, 30 years in hotels or restaurants have suddenly found themselves not only without a job but without the work family. That is unprecedented and will take time to rebuild.â€? 0UV &KDWĚ°HOG LV KRZHYHU DEOH WR ORRN on the bright side, adding, “Bermuda has DOUHDG\ PDGH D FRQFHUWHG HĚŻRUW WR DELGH E\ GL̲FXOW UHJXODWLRQV DQG Ě°QG LQQRYDWLYH ways of changing their models. “Restaurants invested in outdoor dining, with some easing of liquor OLFHQVLQJ EXUHDXFUDF\ WKH VXUJH LQ take-out was met by an increase in food KRPH GHOLYHU\ VHUYLFHV FXUEVLGH SLFNXS ZDV IDFLOLWDWHG LQ +DPLOWRQ RUGHULQJ DQG SD\LQJ RQOLQH EHFDPH PRUH FRPPRQ menus and wine lists appeared with 45 FRGHV VRFLDO PHGLD FRQWDFW ZLWK customers became more critical. “Hotels focused on local residents and staycations, attracting memberships where possible and minimising contact on property to reduce possible contamination.â€? Looking further ahead at how the industry in Bermuda can continue to UHFKDUJH DQG UHJDLQ LWV FRQĚ°GHQFH Your Future 2021


DÉ“HU D GL̲FXOW DQG DQ LQGLĚŻHUHQW VWDUW WR 0UV &KDWĚ°HOG VD\V Č…)RU an individual who is oriented toward multitasking, does not want a routine desk job, loves interacting with others, there is no better industry. “It does not require a university degree or even a high school diploma – only interest, enthusiasm, energy, and a love of working with others to create an environment that allows guests to relax and enjoy themselves. “And for those who are fascinated by food and wine there are opportunities to train as a chef or a sommelier and work their way up the ladder of a fascinating and unique world.â€? She says Bermuda College has a formal culinary course and that scholarships DUH DYDLODEOH LQFOXGLQJ RQH RĚŻHUHG E\ 0() LQ DGGLWLRQ 0() LV FXUUHQWO\ UXQQLQJ a 15-week trainee server programme in conjunction with the Department of Labour and Training. The initial programme began in December 2020 and will conclude in April. “For those who want to experience the hotel environment, not exclusively food and beverage, there is a multitude of opportunities through the hotels on the Island and through the Bermuda College as well as the American Hotel & Lodging Association. “The industry is driven by individuals who are passionate about hospitality and DOO LW HQWDLOV MRLQLQJ LW WDNHV FRPPLWPHQW and a willingness to learn. To train those new to the industry, experienced team members are needed to nurture and mentor new entrants both in the front of house and in the culinary areas. Your Future 2021

“Professionalism and knowledge of the industry are not imparted in a short introductory programme but come from years of work and absorption of customers’ needs.â€? 0UV &KDWĚ°HOG VD\V “Bermuda in 2020 was a model of what could be achieved in the face of extreme adversity — in every arena. Yes, there ZHUH VRPH PLVWDNHV yes, the downturn was brutal, but the Island and its residents jointly faced WKH GL̲FXOWLHV ZLWK WKH government ably handling the health mandate. “Where will the hotel and restaurant industry EH LQ Ě°YH \HDUV" 7DNH RXW and delivery on a more 7LP 0RUULVRQ VLJQLĚ°FDQW VFDOH LV D trend that is likely to continue. Increased outdoor dining is here to stay. Liquor licensing laws need upgrading and VLPSOLI\LQJ IRU WZHQW\ Ě°UVW FHQWXU\ DQG post-COVID needs. “The continuing use of technology to minimise unnecessary human interaction for routine tasks will increase, together with an ongoing focus, post-COVID, on cleanliness and safety. “Restaurant and hotel products and VHUYLFHV DUH OLNHO\ WR EH PRUH H[SHQVLYH as such, customers will expect parallel quality and service and choice of services. There may be less restaurants in the short-term, but there may be more interest from overseas investors in the Bermuda hotel sector at the right price for opportunistic buyers. “The trend toward higher-end hospitality occasioned by the opening of Rosewood Bermuda, the revamped Hamilton Princess and The Loren, soon to be joined by the St. Regis, is likely to accelerate. “There is an opportunity in every crisis, and Bermuda can pivot toward a brighter future in hospitality with the right combination of employees, Bermudians and non-Bermudians, and innovative business owners, along with government support and cohesive marketing of Bermuda’s unique product.â€? /LNH 0UV &KDWĚ°HOG 7LP 0RUULVRQ WKH

general manager at the Hamilton Princess, which has been renovated at the cost of tens of millions of dollars, says the pandemic has presented challenges never faced before. He says fewer arrivals have meant pivoting to creating new and exciting staycation 7HUHVD opportunities. &KDWĆśHOG “While people might not be travelling right now, we believe that most people who are staying at home are dreaming of their next great holiday destination. There will always be a huge appetite for new experiences, delicious food, and luxurious escapes,â€? says Mr. Morrison. Č…+RVSLWDOLW\ LV D JUHDW Ě°W for those who enjoy working LQ D IXOĚ°OOLQJ IDVW SDFHG environment that allows them to make connections with people all over the world. Working for a global brand means having the opportunity to work all over the world.â€? In terms of training, Mr. Morrison says the hotel’s general recruitment philosophy for roles that don’t require a VSHFLDOLVHG GHJUHH RU FHUWLĚ°FDWLRQ LV Č…KLUH for talent and train for skill.â€? “We partner with Bermuda College WR RĚŻHU DSSUHQWLFH UROHV IRU FXOLQDU\ students at the college and engage with them through exciting events such as our annual chef competition, similar to “Top Chef,â€? usually judged by celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson. The winning chef is RĚŻHUHG DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR MRLQ RXU FXOLQDU\ team at the Hamilton Princess. Č…:H RĚŻHU RQ WKH MRE PHQWRUHG WUDLQLQJ for most roles, as we believe the best way to learn is by experiencing the role. $OVR RXU SDUHQW FRPSDQ\ $FFRU RĚŻHUV internal trainings on service essentials and hospitality ‘etiquette’ facilitated by internal learning and development specialists as well as online courses available to all colleagues.â€? On the future, he says, “We believe that Bermuda’s tourism industry will rebound, stronger than ever. Bermuda’s track record with successfully handling the pandemic as well as the BTA’s tourism plan will strengthen the island’s reputation as a safe and beautiful destination.â€? 17


Sustainable Career Generation Are you ready to build a sustainable energy future with BELCO?


s the world grapples with the H̯HFWV RI FOLPDWH FKDQJH companies in the energy industry are actively seeking solutions to provide energy in more sustainable ways. Here in Bermuda, the Integrated Resource Plan, published by the Regulatory Authority in July 2019, aims to see Bermuda derive 85% of its energy from renewable sources by the year 2035. Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited (BELCO) is committed to a sustainable energy future and has already begun to move forward in a direction that will make its current fuel-generated energy more H̲FLHQW DQG DOORZ LW WR LQFUHDVLQJO\ UHO\ on renewable energy sources in the coming years. This year, BELCO will continue the process of retiring old engines by disposing of decommissioned engines, 18

including the eight that were replaced E\ WKH PXFK PRUH H̲FLHQW HQJLQHV in the new North Power Station. As part of this asset disposal, the soil in the area will be remediated to remove any pollutants before the land is repurposed within the BELCO campus. The power grid continues to be upgraded to allow it to transmit and distribute energy from renewable sources. Some of the current underground cables are over 60 years old, and the grid was designed for central generation and not to accommodate generation sources distributed across the network. The upgrades will allow the grid to support large-scale renewables. When BELCO’s parent company, Ascendant Group Limited (Ascendant), was acquired by Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (Algonquin) in 2020, it

laid the groundwork for more rapid adoption of renewable energy in Bermuda. Algonquin’s energy and water arm, Liberty, has extensive experience with converting power generation to renewable sources. Now, as a Liberty company, BELCO is well positioned to take an aggressive approach to becoming more sustainable. Ensuring a sustainable future, however, is more than simply seeking renewable energy sources. It will require expertise and a talented team that is able to innovate and implement new methods of providing reliable, FRVW H̯HFWLYH HQHUJ\ ZKLOH PLQLPDOO\ impacting our environment. With training and development, young Bermudians have the opportunity to ZRUN LQ WKH H[FLWLQJ ̰HOG RI VXVWDLQDEOH energy. BELCO has a long history of supporting education and developing young talent. Notably, each year, BELCO provides a host of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students within various fields of study. The annual scholarships include a $25,000 engineering scholarship, a $25,000 STEM postgraduate scholarship and a $25,000 business postgraduate scholarship. Additionally, BELCO provides $1,000 Bermuda College bursaries to graduating seniors of Cedarbridge Academy and The Berkeley Institute, as well as STEM education awards of varying amounts. Each summer, BELCO and Ascendant R̯HU HPSOR\PHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV to college and university students, enabling them to gain invaluable work experience. Students are matched to the departments that most closely align with their studies. Available departments typically include bulk generation, information technology, ̰QDQFH DQG KXPDQ UHVRXUFHV Through its apprenticeship programme, BELCO has also provided on the job training to young people SXUVXLQJ FDUHHUV DV FHUWL̰HG mechanical or electrical tradespersons. These apprentices take part in formal overseas training as well as local training. To learn more about the opportunities available at BELCO, please visit Your Future 2021


Energy for Generations Planning for a sustainable future is more than seeking renewable energy sources. We also invest in young Bermudians who can develop our energy future in ways we have not yet dreamed.

To learn more about what BELCO can do for you, visit

By providing scholarships, nurturing the love of STEM education, and offering employment opportunities to students and apprentices, BELCO is lighting the way for future generations.


What to do after a job interview? So you’ve just had that job interview. What should you do next?

about the job experience the interviewers DUH ORRNLQJ IRU DQG PRUH RU GLĚŻHUHQW samples of your work may relevant. But be careful about making this a “re-doâ€? event. Only send new information and don’t use it as an opportunity to correct the answer WR D TXHVWLRQ \RX PD\ KDYH ĚąXEEHG RU explain what you think may have been misunderstood. You don’t want to appear too desperate or needy. It’s critical that your approach here is appropriate and professional. Be respectful and don’t push too hard. 'RQĹĄW VWRS DSSO\LQJ Even if this is your dream job, continue to explore all other possibilities. There may be a number of reasons why your application is not successful – a change of direction for the organisation, a new PDQDJHU GHFLGHV QRW WR Ě°OO WKH SRVLWLRQ or even something more catastrophic hits the business, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’ve got other possibilities brewing, not getting this position will have less impact on your life. The more jobs you apply for, the more likely you are to get accepted. It only takes one. So keep on networking. Who knows? You PLJKW Ě°QG VRPHWKLQJ EHWWHU RXW WKHUH


hen you’re waiting to hear whether or not you’ve got that job, it can be a stressful, frustrating, and agonising time – and just doing nothing doesn’t help. You may feel that the decision is out of your hands and that you’re powerless to do anything else without appearing to your prospective employer as being desperate. However, there are actions you can take that will not only help your mental health but also provide you with an advantage over other applicants.

%HIRUH \RX OHDYH As the interview comes to a close, courteously ask about the next steps: when will the company be making a decision on fulling this position and, if you were interviewed by more than one person, with whom you should follow up with. Before you leave the building, ask for business cards from the interviewers or contact details from the receptionist. If the interview was conducted via Zoom or other digital platform, you can ask for email addresses. 20

6HQG D WKDQN \RX 2QH RI WKH ̰UVW WKLQJV \RX VKRXOG do is send a thank you to those who interviewed you. Personalise your message by mentioning something VSHFL̰F IURP WKH LQWHUYLHZ DQG emphasise that, following the interview, you are more excited than ever about joining the company and the job you applied for. It’s always a nice touch WR VHQG DQ ROG IDVKLRQHG SDSHU QRWH if that’s not possible, or it’s a hightech company and mailing a letter or card seems inappropriate, an email letting them know that you appreciate their time is also acceptable. Another possibility is to send a message of thanks through LinkedIn. $GGLWLRQDO PDWHULDO Another way to follow-up is to send additional material pertaining to the job or your experience. Perhaps something came up during the interview around which you could send pertinent information that the interviewers may not be aware of. Or you may now be clearer

.HHS SRVLWLYH To ease the stress while you wait to hear about your application, develop some positive distractions. Research shows that even computer games can help in coping with the pains of everyday life by focusing attention away from negative experiences. 7KLV DELOLW\ WR VKLɓ IRFXV DZD\ IURP stressful situations can have positives outcomes, helping to strengthen you in WKH PRPHQW DQG EXLOG \RXU FRQ̰GHQFH WR take on future challenges. So spend time enjoying your hobby, sport, or other pasttime. It can also be especially important to spend time with family or friends who can help inspire you and reinforce your positive self-image. ,WťV QHYHU RYHU If your application wasn’t successful, follow up with a note of gratitude to the interviewers to thank them for considering you for the position. You could also ask for any feedback they might willing to share to help you with other job applications and to also consider you for future positions at the company. Your Future 2021



The chance to advance *HWWLQJ DKHDG LV MXVW RQH RI WKH EHQHĚ°WV RI D FDUHHU in uniform with the Royal Bermuda Regiment


ormer Corporal LeeAnn Tucker, 29, is now a VHFRQG OLHXWHQDQW DÉ“HU MXVW Ě°YH \HDUV LQ WKH 5%5 DQG ZDV WKH Ě°UVW IHPDOH VROGLHU from Bermuda to attend the British Army’s training school. The nursing assistant from St George’s completed the gruelling eight-week army UHVHUYH R̲FHUVČƒ FRXUVH DW the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, along with excolour sergeant Sheldon Fox, a full-time soldier and the student bandmaster in the RBR’s Band & Corps of Drums. Second Lieutenant Tucker says, “I feel proud and excited. It was a humbling experience. I went out there knowing a bit RI PLOLWDU\ VWXĚŻ EXW LW ZDVQČƒW DERXW VKRZLQJ RĚŻ ZKDW , knew – it was stepping back, absorbing their teaching and learning everything I could from them. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was extremely FROG RXW LQ WKH Ě°HOG EXW ,

Your Future 2021

loved the whole experience.â€? Tucker, who joined the RBR in 2015, says she waited for a few years to get good grounding before she applied for a commission. “I wanted to gain some experience and climb the ranks,â€? she says. “I think that was the best thing I could have done.â€? Tucker goes on to say that her RBR service helped her develop skills that were useful in civilian life. “I think before I speak. Before, I would be quick to react. Now I observe more, and I’m more reserved in my judgments. I think more before I speak or act.â€? Royal Bermuda Regiment &RPPDQGLQJ 2̲FHU Lieutenant Colonel Ben Beasley says, “Having a female R̲FHU LV D VPDOO EXW LPSRUWDQW step toward demonstrating our commitment to our progressive stance on equity, inclusiveness, and diversity, underpinned by our ethos and core values.â€?

Beasley adds that both soldiers proved themselves over the tough Sandhurst Course, designed for British $UP\ 5HVHUYH R̲FHUV “As commanders,â€? he says, “they will have to demonstrate leadership, tact, resourcefulness, and compassion at all times for WKH EHQHĚ°W RI WKRVH ZKRP

they serve.â€? But life in the island’s PLOLWDU\ GRHVQČƒW MXVW RĚŻHU WKH chance to get ahead on land – the RBR Coast Guard gives recruits the opportunity to gain their sea legs and marine TXDOLĚ°FDWLRQV /LHXWHQDQW -HĚŻUH\ Patterson, a 30-year veteran former sergeant major with the RBR Boat Troop, now the regiment’s marine unit commander, says the Coast *XDUG RĚŻHUHG IXOO DQG SDUW time roles. “There’s also a sense of pride in the country – giving back to Bermuda,â€? he says. “You watch someone come in and, when they do leave, it’s with a sense of accomplishment. They come in as an individual and leave as part of a team. They’ve met people they would never have met otherwise, and the friendships they make can last a lifetime.â€?


238-1045 21


Promoting aa safe, safe, technology-aware technology - awareBermuda Bermuda Bermudians are harnessing the power of technology to explore, ore, connect, conduct business, t t ttechnological h l i l advances d create and learn in ways never before imagined. While the latest provide remarkable opportunities, they also present potential pitfalls. Cybertips plays a key role in the Island’s technology and digital literacy education by continuously promoting proper use of technology, improving the public’s cyber-safety, increasing community engagement and expanding access to digital services.


Contact our team today for more information on our technology centered educational programmes for all ages, the latest cybersecurity threat information and more!


How social media affects your future


ybertips is a Government initiative that is organised by the Economic Development Department. The Cybertips team runs a yearly calendar of events that includes regular visits to the Island’s schools, youth organisations, community events and local businesses as they strive for digital leadership. One of the team’s most requested WRSLFV LV ȅ+RZ FDQ 6RFLDO 0HGLD D̯HFW my future?� That is a timely concern since COVID-19 has changed the way we source, interact with, and access information while we continue to use the immense power of digital media to explore, connect, create and learn. The online activities that we engage LQ R̯HU ERWK UHPDUNDEOH RSSRUWXQLWLHV and potential pitfalls: the potential spillover can result in cyberbullying, digital cheating, and digital safety and security concerns. Today’s reality of social distancing and virtual work/education means our ability to read and understand social cues and assess educational, professional, and even social, situations may be challenged. While some are thriving in the virtual learning space, others are struggling. From watching videos on Instagram to interacting on Tiktok and hosting family gatherings on Zoom, social media has become a very big deal and gets bigger by the day. That's why digital literacy and proper cyberhygiene are more important now than ever before. No matter what you do online,

Your Future 2021

it’s important that you know what kind of trail you’re leaving, and what its consequences may be. Your digital reputation is like a fresh VKHHW RI SDSHU $W Ě°UVW LWČƒV FULVS FOHDQ and white. Each time you post something negative, cyberbully someone or post inappropriate content, your sheet of paper gets a blemish, a crinkle or a rip. When you apply for a job, college or a scholarship opportunity, you may begin to look at your social media and try to clean things up. No matter how hard to try to

+HUH DUH D IHZ WLSV WR KHOS PDQDJH \RXU VRFLDO PHGLD IRRWSULQW A picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure your photos are telling the right story. Social media apps are becoming a go-to source of information about you. Before you post something online, think to yourself ‘would I be happy having my Grandma see this?’ If not, you probably shouldn’t post it. Be wary of those around you (and their phones). Be mindful of who is taking photos of you and when. It’s no ORQJHU XQFRPPRQ WR Ě°QG \RXUVHOI LQ a situation where a phone is pointed at you. Ask yourself where might that photo or video end up? Check your privacy settings. Many social media applications change WKHLU SULYDF\ SROLFLHV RÉ“HQ VR LW LV important to regularly check your settings so that you may manage who can see your content and personal information. Create your own brand. Conduct a Google search of yourself. Imagine that you are a potential employer or college administrator viewing this content. Would you hire yourself? You are your own brand. Carefully curate what you post online and what you allow to be posted about you. smooth the kinks or remove the blemishes, your digital reputation, like the sheet of paper, will never be as clean and crisp as it once was. A blemished digital footprint may be the reason you aren’t accepted into a certain school or why you are not granted the position that you worked so hard for. It is much easier to keep a clean digital footprint from the start than LW LV WR WU\ WR FOHDQ LW XS DÉ“HU the fact. Detox. Set aside some time and/or place where phones and screens are a no-go zone. It could be during meals, in your bedroom, or while going for a walk. Do something that is productive and “unwiredâ€? to give yourself a rest from the fast pace of online life. 23


Because You Deserve the Best


Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a


registered charity engaged in the prevention, detection, treatment and support of cancer and other health concerns in the local


community. Ask your doctor to refer you to Bermuda


Cancer and Health Centre for your diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy needs.



PREVENTION PROGRAMMES Free to our community



ermudian students with a keen interest in mathematics, biology and physics are encouraged to HQWHU WKH Ì°HOGV RI GLDJQRVWLF LPDJLQJ DQG UDGLDWLRQ RQFRORJ\ $É“HU REWDLQLQJ WKH UHOHYDQW TXDOLÌ°FDWLRQV WKHVH Ì°HOGV R̯HU WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR FRPH EDFN WR %HUPXGD DQG PDNH D GL̯HUHQFH LQ WKH world of cancer. Is a career in diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology for you? These professionals will generally have: • Interest and ability in sciences — biology and/or physics • Interest in healthcare and focus on patient care • Logical thinking • Problem-solving skills • Good communication skills • Enjoy working in a teamwork environment • Interest in using state of the art technology At Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre our diagnostic imaging team includes mammography and bone densitometry technologists, ultrasound sonographer and a radiologist (doctor). Our radiation therapy team consists of radiation nurses,

Your Future 2021

therapists, oncology medical physicist and a radiation oncologist (doctor). 7KH &HQWUH V SDWLHQW VHUYLFH VWD̯ DUH an essential part of our clinical team and work to ensure we meet the needs of our patients. These positions include front GHVN VWD̯ WUDQVFULSWLRQLVWV DQG FOLQLFDO managers. And the opportunities in cancer care do not just sit with these clinical teams. The Centre also employs public health educators and fundraising, marketing DQG Ì°QDQFH SURIHVVLRQDOV ZKR KHOS the Centre engage in the prevention, detection, treatment and support of cancer and other health concerns in Bermuda. <RX OO Ì°QG D ZLGH UDQJH RI HGXFDWLRQDO paths to follow, depending on where you choose to study and which area you decide to pursue. Make sure whatever programme you choose is accredited, especially if you plan to become SURIHVVLRQDOO\ FHUWLÌ°HG DÉ“HU HDUQLQJ \RXU FHUWLÌ°FDWH GLSORPD RU GHJUHH Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered Bermuda charity #70, working to serve the community, building healthier lives free of cancer and disease.

7KH &HQWUH Ì°UPO\ EHOLHYHV WKDW RXU services should be available to everyone regardless of health insurance coverage or ability to pay. Fortunately, donations from our community to the Centre's Equal Access Fund make it possible for the Centre to subsidise the cost of services for those in need. Clinical services include 3-D and digital mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsy, bone densitometry and radiation therapy. Bringing world-class expertise to Bermuda, our radiation therapy unit ZRUNV LQ FOLQLFDO D̲OLDWLRQ ZLWK 'DQD Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center. In 2018, only a year and a half DÉ“HU LWV RSHQLQJ WKH &HQWUH EHFDPH WKH Ì°UVW IDFLOLW\ RXWVLGH WKH 8QLWHG States to achieve the gold standard of accreditation, the American College of Radiology (ACR) accredited for Radiation Oncology facility. Our multi-disciplined, patient-centric team and state of the art technology is ZKDW VHWV RXU &HQWUH DSDUW 7R Ì°QG RXW more about Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre's services and the work we do in the community, visit



A Career in Healthcare Science Due to Covid-19, students are considering a choice of a career in healthcare from a new positive perspective


ver the past year we have seen the importance of scientists and laboratory technologists as we FRQWLQXH WR OHDUQ PRUH DERXW &29,' how to detect it and most importantly, WKH FUHDWLRQ RI D YDFFLQH WR Ě°JKW WKH spread. A career in the lab can range from a laboratory technician to a medical technologist that can specialise in biochemistry, histology or microbiology. STEM education is where it starts — a curriculum based on educating students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. Bermudian students who have a passion IRU ORRNLQJ LQWR D PLFURVFRSH FDQ Ě°QG WKH perfect career in laboratory science with Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB). Senior medical technologist Kamala Burns has had a passion for science since she was six years old, but was uncertain exactly what career she wanted to pursue LQ WKH VFLHQFH Ě°HOG Č…, ORRNHG DW GLĚŻHUHQW RSWLRQV EXW , KDG WR Ě°QG D FDUHHU SDWK WKDW JDYH PH MR\ each morning,â€? says Kamala. She began her journey as a candy striper with the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda and in the Student Day Release Programme at BHB. $É“HU JUDGXDWLQJ KLJK VFKRRO VKH SXUVXHG an undergraduate degree in biology. When she returned home in 2005, she applied for a lab assistant role with BHB. “It was during this time that I found my SDVVLRQ DQG ZHQW RĚŻ WR VFKRRO WR SXUVXH a degree in Clinical Laboratory Science.â€? As a senior medical technologist in the Microbiology Department her work is integral to treating patients. “We test GLĚŻHUHQW W\SHV RI VSHFLPHQV REWDLQHG 26

from nurses and physicians. Once the microbiologist has determined the cause of the patient’s illness, we test the organism growing against suitable antibiotics for that particular organism. We then report the organism, and the antibiotics of choice to the physician so that they can make the appropriate decision for treatment,â€? Kamala explains. “I love the problem solving. Every day is a mystery with patient’s specimens. 2XU XOWLPDWH JRDO LV WR Ě°QG WKH RUJDQLVP WKDW LV DWWDFNLQJ WKH SDWLHQW DQG Ě°QGLQJ DQWLELRWLFV WR NLOO RĚŻ WKH LQIHFWLRQ allowing the patient to feel better. Although we don’t have patient contact in the lab, each specimen is treated as if it were our own.â€? Kamala has a degree in biology and clinical laboratory science. She also had to pass a board exam from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). $É“HU ZRUNLQJ Ě°YH \HDUV LQ %+%ČƒV ODE VKH applied for a senior position and was successful. She began her new role in December 2020. “My role requires that I manage people and although I did not have much managerial experience, I am grateful for the on-the-job training and coaching provided by BHB to prepare me for the job. I also took the initiative and enrolled in a management training course online with ASCP and received FHUWLĚ°FDWHV IRU IXQGDPHQWDO DQG DGYDQFH management.â€? This new role is a career growth opportunity for Kamala and provides a new challenge in her journey. Her advice to young people is: “No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up.â€? Your Future 2021


Your Future 2021



Your route to a dream career as a CPA It’s not boring and it opens doors to many other jobs – that’s according to Kolbie Lespere, Ranisha Simmons, Ciara Rego and Jahlae Outerbridge, who sat down with Your Future to talk about their path to become a CPA. Question: Tell me about your educational background and how you came to be a CPA? 5DQLVKD I graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University in 2018 which is when my CPA journey started. .ROELH I began at Mount Allison University. I began in sciences and wanted to be a pharmacist. I pretty much did a full year of science classes at university, and I just didn't really enjoy them, so then I switched to the psychology and commerce programme. I took all the introductory business classes, and accounting was just the one that I liked the most, so that's how I declared my major, and went through the programme that way. &LDUD I wanted to be a math teacher, but I had a career day where a representative from KPMG came down to speak about accounting. From there on, that's when I made my decision to be an accountant, so I graduated from MSA in 2014, and then I went over to Florida to start my accounting journey. I then started my CPA MRXUQH\ LQ DQG SDVVHG P\ ̰QDO H[DP in 2020. -DKODH I am a graduate of Georgia State University where I received my Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. I was selected as the 2016 KPMG Scholarship recipient which allowed me to participate in their Summer Internship Program and enter their Graduate Programme as a member of the Tax practice. Q: Do you have be good at math in order to become an accountant? .ROELH I don't necessarily think so. We use a calculator for everything. I use Excel for everything, so none of it's mental 28

math or anything like that. I think you might struggle a little bit more with the academic portion of becoming an accountant if you're not necessarily great at math. &LDUD , GRQ W WKLQN VR , GHĚ°QLWHO\ DJUHH with Kolbie, we use Excel every day, but it also depends on whether you're in audit or industry. Maybe when you actually do private accounting, you might need to do a little bit more math. -DKODH I actually work in tax accounting, so we don't really do that much math. All of our math is pretty much formula driven in Excel. Q: How hard is it to qualify as a CPA, GLG \RX KDYH WR KDYH D GHJUHH ĆśUVW" -DKODH ,W GHĚ°QLWHO\ KDV LWV FKDOOHQJHV Studying for the CPA is a huge FRPPLWPHQW ,W V D ORW RI VDFULĚ°FHV DQG LW requires a lot of consistent studying. I tell SHRSOH VWXG\LQJ LVQ W WKH KDUG SDUW LW V MXVW being consistent. That's the hard part, so WKDW V ZKDW , Ě°QG FKDOOHQJLQJ Q: What is a typical day as an accountant like? 5DQLVKD I just switched over to insurance at KPMG, so I audit insurance companies, which is new for me. I came from enterprise, which mostly looked at local EXVLQHVVHV , YH DXGLWHG D IHZ ODZ Ě°UPV retail businesses, so now I'm looking at the insurance side. I like the challenge. Each FRPSDQ\ V D OLWWOH GLĚŻHUHQW VR \RX OHDUQ something new with each company that you audit. I enjoy learning more about KRZ GLĚŻHUHQW EXVLQHVVHV ZRUN KRZ WKH\ operate. &LDUD Right now, it's 8am to 5pm, but in our busy seasons, it can go until midnight



or 1am. I'm in the enterprise department, so I do local businesses. One thing I really enjoy about being in this department is the people I work with. Because we're such a small department it's a great opportunity to learn. There's also smaller clients that we work on, where you can get the opportunity to do it by yourself or with the manager, instead of with another senior associate. That's what I look forward to, speaking to my colleagues and having the opportunity to work on something new mostly every other week. In the enterprise department we do local companies, so we get to see into JURFHU\ VWRUHV QRQ SURĚ°WV UHWDLO VWRUHV \RX QDPH LW 7KHUH V VR PDQ\ GLĚŻHUHQW companies we work on, and because our companies are much smaller than the insurance companies, we do get to see WKH FRPSDQ\ IURP VWDUW WR Ě°QLVK :H DV VWDĚŻ JHW WR DFWXDOO\ ZRUN RQ WKH Ě°OH IURP beginning to end. -DKODH I pretty much do tax accounting and compliance for individuals as well as trusts and estates, so the bulk of my work LV SUHSDULQJ WD[ UHWXUQV GLĚŻHUHQW IRUPV IRU our individuals and our trusts, and a lot of research. What I really like about my job Your Future 2021

ACCOUNTANCY I may be on the same client, I'll see GL̯HUHQW DUHDV RI WKHLU EXVLQHVV LQ WKHLU ̰QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV VR ZKDW , P DFWXDOO\ working on constantly changes. It keeps it interesting and keeps you on your toes.



is that the rules are constantly changing. The regulation of tax is constantly changing, so you always have to be on top of the changes. .ROELH It's a typical 8:30am to 5pm. When we get busy, it can be up to around 12 hours a day, just depending on your workload and the clients. I work on DXGLWLQJ WKH Ì°QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV EXW what I enjoy about it is that even though

Q: Will your skills be in demand as an accountant? What do you think the future holds? 5DQLVKD <RX ̰QG WKDW D ORW RI DXGLWRUV JHW R̯HUHG SRVLWLRQV LQ FRPSDQLHV that they've audited. There's a lot of opportunity there. .ROELH One really good thing that I like about auditing is that you get to see so PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW VHFWLRQV RU GHSDUWPHQWV of the company. You can see if there's something you really enjoy. If you do want to leave public accounting, you can look for a position that coincides with what you really enjoyed auditing, so it gives you a way to see what you do like in terms of industry as well. -DKODH )RU PH LW V D OLWWOH GL̯HUHQW , prepare tax returns for individuals. I would say that I have been looking to relocate to RWKHU .30* R̲FHV MXVW WR JHW D GL̯HUHQW side of tax, the corporate side and not VSHFL̰FDOO\ WKH LQGLYLGXDO VLGH Q: What would you say to other young people who are considering becoming accountants? .ROELH There's a lot of stereotype around accountants being very boring, but I actually think it's the opposite. The big IRXU DFFRXQWLQJ ̰UPV (< .30* 3Z& DQG Deloitte all have a really nice work hard, SOD\ KDUG FXOWXUH <RX OO JR JHW D FR̯HH

4XDOLƶFDWLRQV The US CPA, Canadian CPA and the ICAEW Chartered $FFRXQWDQW TXDOLÌ°FDWLRQ WKH $&$ DOO UHTXLUH D XQLYHUVLW\ GHJUHH WKH $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &KDUWHUHG &HUWLÌ°HG $FFRXQWDQWV does not require a university degree. • US CPA - the education requirements vary depending on what state you register in. At the minimum you need a bachelor's degree in accounting and some states require 150 academic hours which requires a master's degree. 7KH 86 &3$ H[DPV DUH FXUUHQWO\ QRW R̯HUHG RQ LVODQG \RX must travel to the US to sit the exams at a prometric testing centre. • Canadian CPA - you must have an undergraduate degree. If your undergraduate degree doesn’t include all the required subject area coverage i.e., not an Accounting degree, you can enrol in the CPA preparatory courses. CPA Bermuda work directly with the Atlantic School of Business to assess the students’ degree and ensure they obtain the required

Your Future 2021

with your colleagues at 4pm on a Friday when you're not busy and things like that, so you do get rewarded for the hard work that you do. Accountants really aren't boring. 5DQLVKD <RX KDYH WR ̰QG WKDW ZRUN OLIH balance. There's a lot of opportunity in accounting in Bermuda, so I would GH̰QLWHO\ HQFRXUDJH WKHP WR JHW LQWR WKLV ̰HOG -DKODH I'd say that getting your CPA is GH̰QLWHO\ QRW DQ HDV\ MRXUQH\ EXW , WKLQN that the return on your investment is worth it. It comes with a lot of respect, because people understand how hard you work to get your CPA designation, and it MXVW R̯HUV VR PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV as far as getting promoted, relocating, and even going into industry. If you do want to get your CPA designation, just go for it. &LDUD I'd say if you're interested in accounting, but you are scared and fear the journey of becoming a CPA, I wouldn't let that stop you. There were many times during studying and getting the internships, and just doing research on accounting when it becomes overwhelming. But honestly, if you keep your mind to the end goal, which is a designation that can literally get you to any job, that's what kept me going. Accounting, like Colby said, everyone wants the same thing. They enjoy doing the same thing, so you're going to make friends who are colleagues. I think that's a good thing, just so that you can get along and enjoy the job. As much as it's daunting and tiring, you still have those support systems around you.

education coverage. The CPA Canada programme can be completed in full in Bermuda. • UK ACA – an undergraduate degree required - depending on your degree your education will be assessed to determine any exemptions. There are options to start studying for some of the modules whilst you are at university. More information on ACA exams can be found on the ICAEW website - • ACCA – ACCA has a range of entry points to the programme. If you are an employer or student, you or your trainees can progress their journey towards ACCA membership UHJDUGOHVV RI H[LVWLQJ TXDOLÌ°FDWLRQV RU ZRUN H[SHULHQFH 7R learn more about the various programs, you can visit the ACCA website at KWPO 7KH $&&$ SURJUDP LV R̯HUHG DW %HUPXGD College. 7R FRQWDFW &3$ %HUPXGD HPDLO LQIR#FSDEHUPXGD EP RU FDOO 292-7479.



Career Opportunities at EY

Two young Bermudian accountants share the good, the better and the best about their careers at EY


Christina Joynes &KULVWLQD -R\QHV ZDV Ě°UVW LQWURGXFHG to EY through one of its summer internships and she hasn’t looked back since. The 23-year-old enjoyed it so much, she went back the following year and then successfully applied for EY’s Gil Tucker Bermuda Scholarship. The former Saltus and BHS student went to High School in Memphis, Tennessee and then on to Howard University in Washington D.C. where she completed a bachelor’s degree in business administration in accounting followed by a master’s degree in accounting. She began her full-time career with EY in September 2020 DV D PHPEHU RI WKH )$$6 Ě°QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ DGYLVRU\ VHUYLFHV VWDĚŻ Č…,I there are any changes in regulatory standards that a company is following, we help them get up to standard by the time they are audited the next year,â€? explains Joynes. In addition to her ‘day job’, Joynes is DOVR VWXG\LQJ IRU KHU &3$ &HUWLĚ°HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW TXDOLĚ°FDWLRQ ZKLFK VKH VD\V is tough, but she feels well supported. “It’s a lot of time and dedicationâ€? she H[SODLQV Č…,I , QHHG D GD\ RU DÉ“HUQRRQ they understand and respect that. I’m still getting my work done, but they allow me 30

time to study when I need it.â€? One of the main reasons Joynes was VR GUDZQ WR WKH Ě°UP ZDV WKH SHRSOH and the way they made her feel valued, even when she was an Intern. “I got this sense of family and community from VWDĚŻ DOO WKH ZD\ XS WR SDUWQHU Ȇ VKH VD\V “Everyone has a level of respect from top to bottomâ€?. To anyone else considering a career in accounting, Joynes emphasises that it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want to do and encourages them to JHW DQ LQWHUQVKLS OLNH VKH GLG Č…0\ Ě°UVW internship was in Audit and then FAIT Ě°QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ ,7 7KH QH[W \HDU , didn’t want to do either of those things so I tried FAAS and I really enjoyed that. Just be open to trying new things.â€? Personally, Joynes is looking forward to making the most of the opportunities available to her. “I would like to grow with WKH Ě°UP OHDUQ DV PXFK DV , FDQ DQG PDNH as many connections as possible.â€? Jesse Marshall $É“HU EHJLQQLQJ KLV FDUHHU ZLWK PLG WLHU DFFRXQWDQF\ Ě°UP %'2 LQ 0DQFKHVWHU UK, Jesse Marshall moved home to join EY in Bermuda in January 2020. It was the middle of busy season and only a IHZ ZHHNV EHIRUH (<ČƒV VWDĚŻ KDG WR VWDUW working remotely, but it was, he says, “a great option for meâ€?. The 27-year-old Audit Senior began his education at Saltus before going to boarding school and university in the UK. He studied Oceanography at Southampton University then accepted a job at BDO where he stayed for three years and earned his ACA (Associate &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQW TXDOLĚ°FDWLRQ 7KH ACA is the UK equivalent of the CPA. “In the UK they’re very open for people from non-accounting backgrounds to do accounting because it gives them a GLĚŻHUHQW SHUVSHFWLYH Ȇ KH H[SODLQV Č…,ČƒP glad I didn’t do accounting at university as they teach you very well on the job.â€? Marshall moved back to Bermuda to join EY because he was ready for D GLĚŻHUHQW ZRUN HQYLURQPHQW Č…,Q Bermuda it seems like you get a lot more responsibility so you’re doing a bit more

managing. You’re basically in charge of getting the testing done. The actual work done.â€? Coming back when he did (right before the pandemic) means he has missed the “socialising and camaraderieâ€? he would normally be able to enjoy with his colleagues. “Right now, we would normally be in an audit room with four or Ě°YH RWKHU SHRSOH DQG WKHUHČƒV QRUPDOO\ D good atmosphere when you’re working hard and meeting deadlines.â€? “One of the reasons why I wanted to come back to Bermuda was to focus more on insurance and reinsurance. It’s UHDOO\ HQMR\DEOH DQG GLĚŻHUHQW WR WKH 8. ZKHUH , ZDV ZRUNLQJ RQ D GLĚŻHUHQW W\SH RI company every day. EY is very helpful in giving us training and allowing us to take RQ DGGLWLRQDO FHUWLĚ°FDWLRQV OLNH WKH $5H ZKLFK LV D UHLQVXUDQFH FHUWLĚ°FDWH Ȇ Marshall says the best part about working for EY is the people and the fact that it’s a “young, vibrant company.â€? He emphasises that an accounting career at EY “creates a lot of opportunities for you. You can go very far in accounting. You’re not pigeonholing yourself in one industry or type of role. I got into accounting because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but knew accounting opened a lot of doors.â€?


Your Future 2021


Be a game changer. Start your career journey at PwC Since 2008 PwC’s HeadStart programme has helped to produce the next generation of Bermudian leaders, through co-op, internship, scholarship and associate programmes. anielle Moniz is a Manager in the captive insurance team who joined PwC’s HeadStart internship in 2011 and has become a leading voice in the industry taking part in events such as the Bermuda Captive Conference and WeSpeak Bermuda. Caitlyn Lawrence was PwC’s Peter Mitchell Scholarship UHFLSLHQW LQ DQG KDV MRLQHG WKH ̰UP IXOO WLPH ZKLOH VWXG\LQJ WR ̰QLVK KHU 86 CPA exams.


Tell us about your experience in the HeadStart programme: 'DQLHOOH 'XULQJ P\ Ě°UVW VXPPHU internship I was exposed to on-the-job training almost immediately and was able WR URWDWH WKURXJK GLĚŻHUHQW WHDPV ZKLFK gave me experience in multiple industry sectors. When I worked with our captive team, I decided that is where I wanted to start my career. For the following summers, I was able to work exclusively with the captive team alongside senior industry professionals and I began building my personal brand. &DLWO\Q When selected as the Peter Mitchell scholarship recipient, I received a graduate contract which included experience in the HeadStart programme and an opportunity to join PwC full time. To know I had a job lined up once I returned to Bermuda, allowed me to focus on school and removed that added layer of stress in looking for a job post university. You recently passed two of your US CPA Exams. Tell us a little about the process: &DLWO\Q I am currently three quarters of the way through my US CPA exams, with plans to sit the last one in June. During the summer of 2020, I sat two exams which required me to travel to the US on two separate occasions during the pandemic. The HeadStart team gave me the option to delay my CPA progression if I felt uncomfortable travelling, but Your Future 2021



they welcomed my decision to go and ensured I was supported every step of the way. I had always felt encouragement and support from my team, ensuring I KDG DGHTXDWH WLPH RĚŻ IRU VWXG\ OHDYH Tell us about your experience taking part in industry opportunities: 'DQLHOOH I have been involved with the Bermuda Captive Conference for four years now and it has been an amazing experience. I was able to meet and develop relationships with accomplished industry professionals, I have sat on and chaired committees and I have been a panelist on multiple sessions. I have also been involved with WeSpeak, an organisation helping women project their voices. My colleague, Jennifer Masters, had been to a WeSpeak bootcamp and suggested I get involved and I am so glad I did. Joining WeSpeak taught me that I am not alone in my fear of public speaking, even the most experienced individuals get nervous. Tell us about the culture at PwC: 'DQLHOOH PwC is very focused on

fostering a coaching culture. Every individual who joins PwC is assigned a career coach who will provide professional and personal guidance WKURXJKRXW \RXU WLPH ZLWK WKH Ě°UP Our daily jobs are focused on coaching even in this virtual world. I personally have regular video chat catch-ups with my team members where we walk through the task at hand and discuss what needs to be completed. Through these coaching moments I am able to explain the broader impact of their work on the overall job and also develop their technical knowledge. &DLWO\Q PwC strives to ensure a supportive and inclusive culture, which I have felt during my time with the Ě°UP 7KH QDWXUH RI DXGLWLQJ PHDQV there are unavoidable busy times of WKH \HDU KRZHYHU WKH Ě°UP FRQVLVWHQWO\ HQFRXUDJHV ĚąH[LELOLW\ DQG UHFRJQLVHV VWDĚŻ IRU WKHLU KDUG ZRUN , UHFHQWO\ ZRQ an Associate Role Model award which recognises someone "who has gone beyond their normal duties to enhance WKH 3Z& H[SHULHQFH 7KLV LV UHĚąHFWLYH RI the value PwC places on their people. 31


KPMG in Bermuda congratulates its newest CPA’s


KH 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRUV DQG VWDĚŻ RI KPMG in Bermuda congratulates 5DQLVKD 6LPPRQV (Chartered 3URIHVVLRQDO $FFRXQWDQW Çż &3$ &DQDGD &LDUD 5HJR and -DKODH 2XWHUEULGJH &HUWLĚ°HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQWV Çż &3$ United States) on the successful completion of their accounting designations. 5DQLVKD joined KPMG in Bermuda’s Private Enterprise department in January DÉ“HU JUDGXDWLQJ ZLWK D *3$ degree in Accounting from Mount Saint Vincent University. Ranisha says: “It is a blessing to have successfully completed my CPA CA designation MRXUQH\ DÉ“HU WZR \HDUV RI KDUG ZRUN ,ČƒP Ě°OOHG ZLWK MR\ DQG UHOLHI WKDW WKLV SURFHVV has come to an end, and I look forward to the new opportunities it will bring. Through the challenges, obstacles, and moments of self-doubt, I’m thankful for the unwavering support I received from KPMG, family, and friends.â€? 32

&LDUD joined KPMG in Bermuda’s Private Enterprise department as an intern in the summer of 2016. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA Masters’ degree in Accounting from the University of Tampa. Ciara is also the 2015 KPMG Scholarship recipient. She previously worked at KPMG on three GL̯HUHQW RFFDVLRQV DV D VXPPHU LQWHUQ before being employed full time as a member of our Private Enterprise audit team in September 2019. Ciara says: ȅ7KH WZR \HDU MRXUQH\ KDV ̰QDOO\ ended – I have successfully completed WKH 86 &HUWL̰HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW H[DP process. From the moment I found out VFRUHV ZHUH UHOHDVHG IRU P\ ̰QDO H[DP to the moment I found out my results, my emotions were a rollercoaster. I can say that I am extremely relieved and JUDWHIXO WR EH ̰QLVKHG , DP WKDQNIXO IRU my family, friends, colleagues and KPMG for providing support during the process of accomplishing something for my

career and my future that was extremely draining, but so worth it at the end.â€? -DKODH is a member of our Tax practice, joining KPMG in Bermuda, as a Graduate Trainee within the Financial Services audit department at the VWDUW RI -XQH DÉ“HU JUDGXDWLQJ with a 4.0 GPA Bachelors’ degree in Accounting from Georgia State University. Jahlae is the 2016 KPMG Scholarship recipient. Jahlae says: Č…$É“HU WZR \HDUV RI VWXG\LQJ , DP SURXG WR Ě°QDOO\ VD\ WKDW , KDYH successfully completed all four parts RI WKH 86 &HUWLĚ°HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW exam. It was a tough journey, but this IHHOLQJ RI DFFRPSOLVKPHQW KDV GHĚ°QLWHO\ made the entire process worth it. Thank you to KPMG for its investment in my education and career.â€? (DFK RI .30*ČƒV QHZO\ TXDOLĚ°HG HPSOR\HHV KDV WDNHQ SDUW LQ WKH Ě°UPČƒV /LÉ“ 2ĚŻ 3URJUDP ,W FXUUHQWO\ KDV Bermudians that are in various stages of achieving the CPA CA, CPA US and $&$ GHVLJQDWLRQV 'XULQJ WKH SDVW Ě°YH years KPMG has seen eight Bermudians achieve their CPA professional designations. For more information please contact: Wanda Armstrong, Senior 0DQDJHU DQG 9LFH &KDLU .30* /LÉ“ 2ĚŻ 3URJUDP RU ZDQGDDUPVWURQJ#NSPJ EP Your Future 2021


A Law Career Offers Many Paths to Choose From

For entrepreneurial, agile and ambitious young Bermudians, a career LQ ODZ RĚŻHUV D ZRUOG RI H[FLWLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV


he legal industry has long been a key part of Bermuda’s local and international business sector. $ɓHU ̰QLVKLQJ ODZ VFKRRO QHZ graduates need to secure a pupillage FRQWUDFW ZLWK D ODZ ̰UP ǿ W\SLFDOO\ D RQH year programme during which you learn DERXW GL̯HUHQW DVSHFWV RI ODZ DQG EXLOG experience, before being called to the Bar. $V D PDMRU LQWHUQDWLRQDO ODZ ̰UP &RQ\HUV R̯HUV D ZHOO VWUXFWXUHG pupillage programme, dedicated to fostering young talent and helping each individual on the path to success in their own chosen area of law. The pupillage includes four-month rotations in each of three core practice areas – corporate, litigation and private client & trust – H[SRVLQJ SXSLOV WR WKH GL̯HUHQW W\SHV RI work so that they can make the choice that suits them best. In autumn 2020, three young lawyers completed their pupillage at Conyers and were called to the Bermuda Bar: Aleisha

Hollis, Amber Wilson and Hailey Edwards. All three have chosen to pursue their careers in corporate practice. Within WKH FRUSRUDWH Ě°HOG WKHUH DUH PDQ\ industry sectors, such as insurance and reinsurance, investment funds, aviation Ě°QDQFH DQG VKLSSLQJ 2YHU WLPH QHZ associates can build expertise in the sector that interests them most. “Conyers has one of the most diverse practices on the island,â€? says Amber Wilson. “Through the rotations during the pupillage, you’re given the opportunity to experience working in all SUDFWLFH DUHDV 7KH Ě°UP KRZHYHU LV DOVR conscious of individual’s preferences and tailors the programme to give you time to explore your own areas of interest in greater depth.â€? Aleisha Hollis says she found QDYLJDWLQJ WKH Ě°UP GXULQJ KHU SXSLOODJH easy, due to the support from both junior and senior lawyers. “They provided me with guidance, wisdom and the

necessary tools to learn and prosper as a pupil entering the legal profession. Regular check-ins and the advice which was shared made the experience more meaningful.â€? Transitioning from pupil to associate KDV EHHQ D ELJ VKLÉ“ DGPLWV +DLOH\ Edwards, but she felt well prepared. “Conyers is particularly good at allowing associates to gain experience with big, KLJK SURĚ°OH PDWWHUV DW DQ HDUO\ VWDJH LQ your career,â€? she says. “I think it’s unusual to have such opportunities.â€? Aleisha adds, “Due to the quality of the pupillage programme, we have been SUHSDUHG WR FRPPXQLFDWH RQ D Ě°UVW hand basis with clients, and take the lead on matters. Our role as international ODZ\HUV LQYROYHV PRUH WKDQ RĚŻHULQJ OHJDO H[SHUWLVH LW LV GHOLYHULQJ LQVLJKW DQG XVLQJ the laws as a tool to address challenges and drive results for our clients. The practice of law is constantly evolving, and at Conyers we are determined not just to be at the forefront of developments, but to set the pace and lead the way.â€?


Your Future 2021



The sky is not the limit It could be the start of your career with the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority


he Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority is a safety regulator IRU DLUFUDɓ RQ WKH %HUPXGD $LUFUDɓ 5HJLVWU\ DQG IRU WKH DLUVSDFH surrounding Bermuda. While this may not be at the forefront of career considerations, it is important for Bermudians to know that there is a great opportunity to get involved in this very important aspect of aviation. The pathway to safety regulation isn't a straight path and can vary based on your end goal. As a basic guide, you will require a secondary education with a strong focus on maths, physics and chemistry, a post-graduate TXDOL̰FDWLRQ LQ DYLDWLRQ DQG VRPH relevant experience before coming back to Bermuda. Completion of overseas training and experience is crucial for regulatory roles. Some of our safety regulators have completed their experience with


various Air Forces, at International $LUSRUWV DQG ̱LJKW WUDLQLQJ VFKRROV Standard business roles within the

BCAA, such as human resources, DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG ̰QDQFH DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH $QFKLQHVK %XWWHṴHOG joined BCAA as an Airworthiness $GPLQLVWUDWLYH $VVLVWDQW DɓHU VKH received an Associates in Arts (Business Administration) from the Bermuda College. “Since joining BCAA I’ve taken administrative courses to assist me with my day-to-day duties. Aviation is an exciting and busy industry to be a part of, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. I look forward to being able to complete more training with other sections within BCAA and continue to learn about how they all tie together.” Roles are posted to the Career section of the website careers, it is always worth checking to see what talent the BCAA is looking for.

Lejoy loves to be by the water, but her focus and passion is in the air. She’s built a great working relationship with Inspectors, Aircraft operators and maintenance organisations around the world. Always a same day response and often a same day turnaround, she’ll help you get the inspection or paperwork you need, whenever and wherever you need it! Find out how we can help you with your aircraft registration needs at

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Bermuda Aircraft Registry is owned and managed by the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority.


Your Future 2021


Your Future, by ButterďŹ eld


XWWHṴHOG LV committed to supporting the communities in which it operates and investing in the future of those communities. That’s why, HYHU\ \HDU %XWWHṴHOG provides an undergraduate and a post-graduate scholarship to assist students who are pursuing degrees at overseas colleges and universities. %XWWHṴHOG VHOHFWV LWV scholars from among hundreds of deserving applicants, using criteria including academic DFKLHYHPHQW ̰QDQFLDO need, character, leadership qualities, civic attainment and involvement, and achievements in noncurricular activities, including the arts and sports. 7KH %XWWHṴHOG 3RVW Graduate Scholarship is available to one student per year selected from RQH RI WKH WHQ %XWWHṴHOG jurisdictions around the world who is studying in a discipline related to the preservation and improvement of island environments at an accredited institution. The award has an annual value of $25,000, tenable for up to four years. The 2020 recipient, Bermudian Chanah Bremar, is enrolled in the sustainable energy MSc programme at the University of Glasgow. Her goal is to expand her knowledge of sustainable

Your Future 2021

energy systems and prepare herself to apply her engineering skills to a career in Bermuda’s energy industry. Chanah says, “I’m pleased that Bermuda is taking steps towards a sustainable IXWXUH VWLOO WKHUH LV PRUH WR be done. I intend to assist in the creation of clean energy solutions, as well as the reduction of nonrenewable energy and help usher in a more sustainable future for the Island.â€? Interestingly, Chanah is DOUHDG\ D %XWWHUĚ°HOG VFKRODU having received the Sir Harry ' %XWWHUĚ°HOG 8QGHUJUDGXDWH Scholarship in 2018 to

assist her in completing her Bachelor’s degree in engineering from Mercer University in Alabama. 7KH 6LU +DUU\ ' %XWWHUĚ°HOG Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded annually to a Bermudian student commencing, or already pursuing, a degree overseas at an accredited university. This Scholarship has EHHQ RĚŻHUHG HYHU\ \HDU since 1978 in honour of %XWWHUĚ°HOGČƒV ODWH &KDLUPDQ former Rhodes Scholar, Sir +DUU\ ' %XWWHUĚ°HOG ZKRVH distinguished career in public and business life was dedicated to the betterment of Bermuda and Bermudians.

The award has an annual value of $25,000, tenable for up to four years. The 2020 recipient, Jaiden Furbert-Jacobs, is currently studying actuarial science at Penn State University. With a passion for mathematics and its analytical and problemsolving qualities, Jaiden is keen to pursue a career in his favoured subject and become an expert in the DFWXDULDO Ě°HOG -DLGHQ VD\V Č…, have learnt that in order to see dreams come to fruition, we must conquer our fears and invest in ourselves and our minds. Success is always earned, never given.â€? Do you believe you have what it takes to be RQH RI %XWWHUĚ°HOGČƒV QH[W scholars? With application deadlines fast approaching, now is the time to act. For full details regarding scholarship requirements, YLVLW EXWWHUĚ°HOGJURXS FRP Application deadline is Friday, 26 March, 2021. &KDQDK %UHPDU




How to find and apply for scholarships


here’s no question about it — going to college is expensive. However, there are literally hundreds of scholarships available to Bermuda students to be found on Happily, most scholarships today take financial need into consideration, which is all the more reason to apply online in order to be considered for awards. Whether you are studying Math or Art, Science or Dance, Accounting or Horticulture, scholarships are offered for every discipline. 6HDUFKLQJ IRU VFKRODUVKLSV allows you to conduct a search to find scholarships you are eligible for without even having to log in. Once you have decided which scholarships are of interest, you can go ahead and create a profile by registering, after which you can log in at any time from any PC or laptop wherever you are. You will be asked to complete various fields including education, academic achievements, extra-curricular activities and community service. You will also need to upload various documents required by award providers, such as essays, references and tuition costs. 36

(VVD\V The essay is a very important part of your application. Many award providers will ask you to write on a specific subject so be sure to research. A well-written essay is critical for your application to be considered so be sure to have it vetted for accuracy and content by your teacher, a friend or family member. It is such a shame that some applications are not considered because a deserving student provides a personal statement instead of an essay on a specific topic.

7UDQVFULSWV Apart from uploading various documents, you will also be required to provide a school or college transcript. Bermuda students should request their school to upload an official transcript to their profile. This ensures confidentiality and the transcript can only be viewed by award providers who receive your application. Overseas students should request their college to send an official transcript directly to the administrator for uploading to their profile.

8VHIXO UHVRXUFHV The site also contains other useful information such as Interview Tips, )$4V DQG FKRRVLQJ WKH ULJKW XQLYHUVLW\ There is even a section for parents and educators and several other links that may prove helpful. $SSOLFDWLRQV You can shortlist scholarships you wish to apply for, then once you are satisfied that you have uploaded all required documents, you click ‘Submit Application’ and will then be asked to upload various documents. Once done, you can confirm that you wish to submit your application by pressing ‘Okay’ and will then receive a notice advising that your application has been submitted successfully. You will also receive an electronic acknowledgement from the award provider(s). 'HDGOLQHV A number of scholarships have deadlines of March 31st/mid- to endApril, so hopefully you are already on track in researching scholarships, uploading documents and short-listing. If not, you still have some time left and are encouraged to start the process as soon as possible in order to be considered for scholarship funding for the coming academic year. $QG ILQDOO\ ũ Most students eagerly look for summer employment. Please be sure to check out the Student Employment section as this lists many summer internships and jobs as well as entry-level positions for graduates. Please address any questions or queries to EHUPXGDVFKRODUVKLSV#JPDLO FRP Your Future 2021


BFIS’ five steps to careers in (re)insurance

The Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies explains how it helps students from the classroom right WKURXJK WR WKDW ̰UVW MRE DQG D UHZDUGLQJ FDUHHU


he Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies (BFIS) was founded in 1996 by industry leaders who wanted to ensure that a talented pool of Bermudians would always be available to the industry. BFIS has succeeded with this mandate by R̯HULQJ D ̰YH VWHS SURJUDPPH &DUHHU Guidance, Mentorships, Scholarships, Internships and Job Placement. This would not be possible without ongoing support from numerous donors to whom we are most grateful. With their support we will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary later this year – thank you.


67(3 &$5((5 *8,'$1&( Every year, members of our Schools

GOING TO COLLEGE? GOT $$$?? Search our website and apply online for all the scholarships you are eligible for.

Your Future 2021


SCHOLARSHIPS Outreach Committee visit all high schools to talk to senior year students about careers in the (Re)Insurance industry. Students who express an interest in learning more are then invited to BFIS Lunch and Learns where industry professionals chat to the students about their careers and give them personal insight into the industry. Following this, each February BFIS Mentor Network Committee members organise a series of speed networking lunches where industry professionals — actuaries, lawyers, accountants, underwriters, brokers, IT professionals and other — chat one-on-one with students. This gives students a further opportunity to talk to professionals who ZRUN LQ VSHFL̰F DUHDV LQ ZKLFK WKH\ PD\ be interested. The sessions are run over a period of a week each February during students’ lunch break. Schools Outreach Committee members normally visit schools again early in the year to give presentations on navigating bermudascholarships. FRP Ȁ KRZ WR FUHDWH SUR̰OHV research scholarships and write essays. Committee members guide

Some of the 2020 BFIS scholars

the students through the scholarship process application process, giving pointers and best practices when applying.

67(3 6&+2/$56+,36 BFIS usually awards between 10 and 15 scholarships annually. All students pursuing careers in the (re)insurance

Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies




Mentorships Career Guidance

Thanks to our donors, BFIS has been providing educational funding and other opportunities for students interested in careers in the insurance industry since 1996.



^^^ IĂ„Z IT

Your Future 2021

SCHOLARSHIPS in the insurance markets of Atlanta, Bermuda, Chicago and London for a total of 16 students who have completed at least one or two years at college/ university. These are highly sought DɓHU DQG VWXGHQWV FDQ DSSO\ WKURXJK the website (though it is uncertain whether they will EH R̯HUHG LQ GXH WR FRQWLQXLQJ COVID concerns). 67(3 -2% 6($5&+ Finally, BFIS assists students with resume

UHYLHZV DQG DVVLVWV WKHP LQ ̰QGLQJ summer employment. We also help JUDGXDWHV WR ̰QG HQWU\ OHYHO MREV XSRQ graduation. CONCLUSION As can clearly be seen, the BFIS 5-step programme can take students from the classroom right through university education and into rewarding careers in the industry. To learn more, visit the BFIS website: ZZZ ḚV EP

industry are strongly encouraged to apply. Studies covered include Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Economics, Math, Finance, Accounting, Business, Law, IT and Environmental Science and other subjects will be considered if they tie into the industry. 67(3 0(1725,1* BFIS arranges for all their scholarship recipients to be matched with a mentor from the industry who will give guidance and advice as their studies progress. However, we are more than happy to provide mentoring to any other industryfocused student who approaches us. These mentor/mentee relationships generally work really well and many FRQWLQXH ZHOO DɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ DQG LQWR the scholar’s career. Apart from this, BFIS Mentor Network Committee members organise a number of networking lunches and other educational opportunities for students throughout the year during summer and winter vacation breaks. These are great opportunities for students to meet and chat informally with industry professionals, ask questions and gain knowledge. 67(3 ,17(516+,36 On an annual basis BFIS organises short, intensive Intro-to-Insurance internships Your Future 2021

Why not become a Dentist in Bermuda? • • • • • • •

Hands on Career in Science and health Help people Great work-life balance Be your own boss and own your own business Have a stable income You will always be learning Use Lasers, 3D printers and high-tech mouth scanners

• •

Get good grades in high school and be a well-rounded, caring person Do a 5 Year Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree in the U.K. or Do a 4 year General Undergraduate Degree followed by 4 year Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree or Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree in the U.S.A. or Canada Ideally get some work experience abroad after you graduate in an intern or residency program

How do you become a dentist in Bermuda?

Other equally rewarding careers that are needed in Bermuda: • • •

Hygienist Dental Assistant Dental Technician

Contact us to find out more: 39


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The BZS-Steinhoff Scholarship award is worth up to $10,000 per year and is for students in the final two years of a Bachelor’s degree, or entering a Master’s or Doctorate degree in Environmental Sciences at an accredited overseas institution.

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Applications are available online at, and www.BermudaScholarships. com.

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Five students will be selected for the Ernest E. Stempel Internship programme. Students will work on projects relating to conservation, education or research issues in Bermuda. They leave with a better understanding of the important role of aquariums, museums and zoos in promoting conservation and education. Internships available to Bermudians. Applications are available online at

Electronic applications only will be accepted.

Electronic applications only will be accepted.



Please note that the coronavirus may cause internships to be cancelled, shortened or moved on-line.

The Bermuda Zoological Society, Bermuda Register Charity #179


1/28/2021 2:55:57 PM

Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day will help you get clearer skin, feel more energized, lose weight and keep you well-hydrated. Start by simply bringing a reďŹ llable bottle to keep at work and opt for water when dining out. MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR BOTTLE CAP!


Vending Machine and our convenient Drive Thru for bottled water purchases.

WQ is committed to investing in Bermudian students wishing to pursue a career in the legal profession. WakeďŹ eld Quin offers two scholarships to students pursuing law degrees that lead to a Commonwealth legal qualiďŹ cation and subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar. Application forms available at CLOSING DATE Wednesday, 30 June 2021

VENDING MACHINE IS OPEN 24 HOURS Our self-service machine reďŹ lls 1, 3 and 5 gallon bottles. HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

WakeďŹ eld Quin Limited


SATURDAY: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (DRIVE THRU ONLY)

WQ_Yourfuture ad_3.375x4.875_FINAL.indd 1

03/02/2021 7:35 AM


Bermuda’s largest scholarship fund


he Association of Bermuda ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RPSDQLHV R̯HUV Bermuda’s largest academic and needs based scholarship fund for Bermudian students. For more than 44 years its scholarship programme has supported promising students at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels leading to careers in Bermuda’s international business sector and supporting services. The ABIC Education Awards are supported by more than 50 member companies looking to encourage young Bermudians to join the international business sector. In the past decade the programme has given more than $6M to 200 Bermudian students pursuing full undergraduate or post-graduate degrees at accredited colleges or universities abroad. • Scholarships are awarded on the basis RI ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DFDGHPLF DELOLW\ DQG ̰HOG RI VWXG\ • Approximately 60 applications are received from Bermudian students each year with 18 – 20 students being


awarded undergraduate two-year scholarships valued at $30,000 and one post-graduate scholarship valued at $20,000. • In 2010 ABIC partnered with several other scholarship providers to launch a comprehensive online scholarship resource, www.bermudascholarships. com that gives students the ability to

search for available scholarships and apply directly online. • On the 35th anniversary, ABIC announced a new scholarship, the Shernelle Outerbridge Memorial Award sponsored by Zurich for an additional $15,000 for undergraduate business or ̰QDQFH VWXGLHV • In 2016 ABIC partnered with PwC to provide a separate annual award to support a Bermudian student excelling in accounting at the undergraduate or post graduate level who can GHPRQVWUDWH ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DQG ZKR LV studying accounting at an accredited international university. • Each year PwC provides the shortlisted students with an interview training workshop prior to their interviews. • Each awardee is assigned a mentor who will provide one-on-one support, knowledge sharing, perspective and wisdom that will help students with their education and career choices. The submission deadline for the ABIC Education Awards is April 9th, 2021.



Global reach starts locally with the help of an ABIC Scholarship. Available to students pursuing studies related to international business. Selection based on financial need and academic merit. Undergraduate scholarships are valued at $15,000 per year for up to two years. Graduate scholarship is valued at $20,000 for one year.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 9, 2021 Please apply directly online at For more information contact Greta Peters at 441-293-4600 or

Association of Bermuda International Companies Education Awards abic_26678_abic_scholarship_ad_7_x_7.875in_REV.indd 1

Your Future 2021

27/01/2021 2:10 PM









Learn more about the industry

@ ABIR_Bermuda

Get more scholarship information


Top 5 reasons why you should consider a career in insurance ,W VXSSRUWV WKH %HUPXGD HFRQRP\ he insurance industry is a VLJQL̰FDQW ̰QDQFLDO FRQWULEXWRU WR the local economy, being one of, if not the largest, private employers in Bermuda. ABIR members alone in 2019 contributed more than $829 million and employed as much as 1,576 full-time VWD̯ LQ %HUPXGD Today’s local workforce of international insurers is mostly Bermudian – as much as 72% of IXOO WLPH VWD̯ RI $%,5 PHPEHUV LV Bermudian based on our recent survey. In 2019 ABIR members provided 57 internships and many placed recent graduates in training programs. The local insurance industry has a KLVWRU\ RI SURYLGLQJ VWURQJ ̰QDQFLDO support for training and development RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU WKHLU VWD̯


,WV ZRUNSODFHV DUH EHFRPLQJ PRUH GLYHUVH DQG LQFOXVLYH Insurance may have a reputation for being traditional and conservative, but that’s changing fast. Today’s companies continue to recognise the need for diverse young talent. ABIR strongly supports and encourages diversity, equity and inclusion at all levels of the insurance industry. We believe that promoting and supporting Your Future 2021

inclusiveness and embracing diversity is a business imperative, good for our industry and helps to make better businesses and better places to work. The Bermuda insurance industry is a leading participant in the global initiative, Dive In – The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance. The Bermuda festival has tackled race, LGBT, multi-generation and other topics in creative and honest ways and is open to any interested person. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the challenge that the industry has given itself to focus on inclusivity, teamwork, and broadening its worldview. 0\ULDG RI FDUHHU SDWKV There is already a wide range of opportunities within the industry. From underwriting to claims handling, to marketing and with the continued growth of “insuretechâ€?, choices are expanding into new, technologicallyGULYHQ DUHDV OLNH FRGLQJ DUWLĚ°FLDO intelligence, strategic analytics and data. The industry will be looking to hire recent graduates with focus in computer and data sciences, engineering or even SV\FKRORJ\ 6RXJKW DÉ“HU VWUHQJWKV ZLOO EH LQ DQDO\WLFV DQG KLJK WHFK ĚąXHQF\ and capability.

2SSRUWXQLWLHV FUHDWHG E\ WKH &29,' JOREDO KHDOWK FULVLV During a time of uncertainty brought on by a global pandemic, the insurance industry proved its resilience with marginal unemployment. Employers in this sector are expected to increase employment over the next year in such areas as technology, underwriting DQG DQDO\WLFV RSHQLQJ WKH GRRU RI opportunity to persons with not only insurance skill sets but also transferable skills from other industries. +LJKO\ VNLOOHG DQG HGXFDWHG HPSOR\HHV DUH LQ GHPDQG The challenge of recruiting new talent has been cited by several local insurance executives over the last few years. With the rapid advances in technology in the insurance industry the skills are not developing at a pace rapid enough to keep up with demand. Companies will have to start to look beyond the WUDGLWLRQDO TXDOL̰FDWLRQV DQG H[SHULHQFH requirements and employ more innovative techniques when recruiting. Finding talented individuals with strong base skills that can be grown is key. ,QGXVWU\ OHDGHUV QRWHG WKDW GL̲FXOW\ in recruitment has not eased with the COVID-19 pandemic but in fact has increased slightly. 43

SCHOLARSHIPS HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP The Garden Club of Bermuda is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year and has a long history of annually providing scholarship funds to HOLJLEOH VWXGHQWV LQ WKH JHQHUDO Ě°HOGV of horticultural and agriculture. Its Scholarship Committee meets each year in June to consider the applications generated by the Bermuda Scholarship website, so if you are currently studying or are considering applying to study in these Ě°HOGV \RX DUH XUJHG WR DSSO\

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CHUBB AWARDS Chubb believes it has an important role to play in creating a potential talent pool for Bermuda, in preparing students to enter the workplace, and in nurturing young talent to become the business and community leaders of tomorrow. Chubb is committed to providing learning and development opportunities to young Bermudians within its insurance and reinsurance operations. Its educational programmes support students wishing to pursue careers in international business as well as those pursuing careers in technical and service industries that are critical for our community. These SURJUDPPHV R̯HU QRW RQO\ ̰QDQFLDO support but also on-the-job work experience and professional learning opportunities. Chubb has supported hundreds of students professionally and academically through various educational initiatives, including the Robert Clements Scholarship, Bermuda College Education Award, Chubb Select Internship and summer employment positions. For more information about Chubb’s programmes and how to apply, visit or www. or contact EHUPXGD KXPDQUHVRXUFHV#FKXEE FRP

WIN AN AQUARIUM SCHOLARSHIP In 2009, former Bermuda Zoological Society (BZS) president, Mr. Robert 6WHLQKRĚŻ HVWDEOLVKHG WKH %=6 6WHLQKRĚŻ Scholarship with the goal of encouraging the next generation of stewards for our environment. The scholarship provides educational opportunities for Bermudian students studying environmental sciences at accredited institutions. To be considered, DSSOLFDQWV PXVW EH LQ WKH Ě°QDO WZR \HDUV Your Future 2021

Congratulations! We are proud to award the 2020 KPMG Scholarship to Sihlé Sharrieff-Hayward. Sihlé was selected from over 20 applicants. All scholarship candidates are assessed on academic achievement, personality, leadership, career focus, and community involvement by the KPMG Scholarship Committee. The KPMG Scholarship is part of our Lift Off Graduate Program, which supports Bermudian students and includes work shadowing, scholarships, internships and co-op placements, and full-time employment opportunities. Congratulations to Sihlé, we wish you continued success in your studies! 5P ěOE PVU NPSF BCPVU UIF ,1.( 4DIPMBSTIJQ WBMVFE BU QFS BOOVN GPS B UPUBM PG VQ UP UISFF ZFBST visit Let us invest in your future.

Front row: Sihlé Sharrieff-Hayward (2020 Scholarship Recipient) Second row: Wanda Armstrong (Senior Manager-HR & Graduate Program); and Steve Woodward (Managing Director and Chair of the Graduate and Scholarship Committee) Third row: Adam Smith (Managing Director and Head of People) and Brianna Buchanan (Senior) Fourth row: Hugh Vickers (Manager)

©2021 KPMG, a group of Bermuda limited liability companies which are member firms of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Moving the world forward That’s what AXA XL Scholars are working on doing and we are proud of them for it. If you are interested in pursuing a career in Actuarial, Claims, Risk Management or Underwriting, consider applying for an AXA XL Scholarship. • Visit to apply • Deadline for submissions is April 2, 2021 • For further information or questions, please contact Lucy Monkman at 292 8515 or

Eligibility • Bermudian or PRC Holder • Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above • Acceptance into university or college Criteria • • • •

Academic excellence Community commitment Strong character and leadership skills Cultural, athletic or other interests

Scholarship • Full tuition, room, board and related expenses at an accredited institution for a maximum of 4 years

Adriana Burchall 2020 Recipient

Conor Sinclair 2019 Recipient

Matthew Oliveira 2018 Recipient

Hailey Quig 2017 Recipient

St. John’s University United States Studying Actuarial Science

University of Notre Dame United States Studying Actuarial Science

Loughborough University United Kingdom Studying Business and Finance

University of Western Ontario Canada Studying Business Management & Organizational Studies

GREEN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Peter, Alexander and Andrew Green are pleased to announce that we will be doubling our scholarship amount to students studying subjects considered important to Bermuda’s future. All recipients will still receive $5,000 but those studying fields considered important to Bermuda such as medicine, nursing, hotel and hospitality management, finance, insurance, solicitor, etc, will receive an additional $5,000 a year.

We would like to remind candidates that they must apply for the Knowledge Quest Scholarship in order to be eligible for the Green Family Scholarship. The Green Family Scholarship will be awarded to ten students each year who will then receive $5,000/$10,000 annually for a period of no more then four years towards education and tuition costs to an accredited college or university abroad, subject to receipt of satisfactory grades at the end of each academic year.

Applications can be found at:

Applicants, who must have demonstrated financial need, shall have first applied for a scholarship through Knowledge Quest, a registered charity, inorder to be eligibile for the Green Family Scholarship.

Applications for the Knowledge Quest scholarship must be received by April 30th. For applications, please visit the Knowledge Quest website at For further inquiries, please contact Knowledge Quest at: The Green Family reserves the right to determine which degrees are considered important for Bermuda and the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time.


A MOUTH-WATERING OPPORTUNITY Bermuda Waterworks produces a utility water supply by desalination. The company also produces bottled water via distillation. “If you are interested in engineering,â€? says a spokesman, “why not consider a career in the ZDWHU LQGXVWU\" :DWHU LV WKH RLO RI WKH WZHQW\ Ě°UVW century.â€? of a bachelor’s degree or working toward a master’s or doctorate in their chosen Ě°HOG 7KH %=6 6FKRODUVKLS &RPPLWWHH ZLOO consider applicant interest, commitment towards protecting the environment, Ě°QDQFLDO QHHG DQG DFDGHPLF achievement. Scholarship holders will be encouraged to accept practical internship opportunities during vacation periods at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo or other conservation institutions either in Bermuda or overseas to gain appropriate practical experience. <HDU DÉ“HU \HDU WKH %=6 HGXFDWLRQ programmes support the national science curriculum for thousands of Bermuda students, from pre-school to college-level. BZS conservation initiatives, supported by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), include projects to protect endangered sea turtles, skinks, coral reefs DQG NLOOLĚ°VK ZKLOH %=6 VFLHQWLVWV ZRUN ZLWK colleagues worldwide to share research vital to international conservation SURJUDPPHV 7KH 6WHLQKRĚŻ 6FKRODUVKLS LV yet another way BZS hopes to encourage and support young generations of Bermudians to become stewards of our natural environment.

LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP :DNHĚ°HOG 4XLQ RĚŻHUV FRPSUHKHQVLYH RQVKRUH DQG RĚŻVKRUH OHJDO VHUYLFHV on matters of Bermuda law, and is committed to investing in Bermudian students wishing to pursue a career in

Your Future 2021


In times like these we learn the importance of family friends and community Si our founding Since f di in i 1911, 1911 “Connected “C d for f lif life”” hhas bbeen a ffoundational d i l element l off who h we are as a school. h l With over 8,000 Appleby College alumni worldwide and students from over 50 countries, our community extends well beyond our campus in Oakville, Ontario, Canada to cities all around the world. As one of the world’s leading university preparatory schools, we are also fortunate to have our graduates attend some of the finest universities including the University of Toronto, McGill University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton University, the University of Cambridge and the University of St. Andrews to name but a few.


SINCE 1911


Where next? There are many exciting opportunities in Bermuda and overseas. We look at the best schools, colleges and universities


Albert College 7KRPDV (YDQV is in his second year at Albert College, and says he has felt welcomed and supported each and every day. “The school has an incredible way RI EULQJLQJ VWXGHQWV DQG VWDĚŻ WRJHWKHU IURP GLĚŻHUHQW FXOWXUHV IRVWHULQJ FDULQJ relationships and an engaging learning environment. I have found a small, FRPPXQLW\ HQYLURQPHQW EHQHĚ°FLDO IRU me inside and outside the classroom. I have developed meaningful relationships with my classmates, and am encouraged and supported by my teachers.


Your Future 2021

With the onset of COVID-19, I know I can count on the excellent boarding VWD̯ WR PDNH PH IHHO VDIH DQG DW KRPH Their dedication has brought us all closer together and boarding life has remained a fun place to be despite WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV $& KDV R̯HUHG relentless support, championing a strong community and becoming my home away from home. I am proud to be a part of this family! &UDLJ %ULGJHZDWHU a graduate of Albert College’s Class of 1988, enjoyed international culture and involvement in athletics while pursuing academic excellence while a high school student at Albert College in Ontario, Canada. As a recent recipient of the Fellowship designation from Chartered Professional Accountants of Bermuda, Craig currently serves as Group Head of Finance for WKH %DQN RI 1 7 %XWWHṴHOG LQ %HUPXGD Previously, he was a Partner with KPMG (Bermuda) where he was the sector leader for the Banking and Asset Management sectors, and was also Head of People with responsibility for Human Resources, Learning & Development, Diversity & Inclusion, Performance Management and the Graduate program. Craig continues to contribute to

his local and global communities currently serving as Chair of the Finance Committee of the Albert College Board of Governors and, in Bermuda, Chairman of the Governing Body of the Berkeley Institute, a member of the Board of Education, as well as member of the Frederick Sydney Smith ’31 Scholarship Committee, which issues scholarships IRU WKH EHQH̰W RI %HUPXGLDQ VWXGHQWV LQ Grades 9 to 12 attending Albert College. He is also a Director of the Bermuda Airport Authority with responsibility for its Finance Committee. Craig credits his experiences at Albert &ROOHJH DV D VLJQL̰FDQW FRQWULEXWRU WR his preparations for his career and his ability to contribute to the community. At Albert College he made lifelong friends and invaluable academic and athletic experiences. ZZZ DOEHUWFROOHJH FD

Appleby College $UDQ *LĆľHQ (Senior One, Grade 11) says: “I chose to attend Appleby College because I was looking for an exciting change. Growing up in Bermuda is wonderful, but I found it really refreshing to try something new, somewhere new. $SSOHE\ ZDV MXVW ZKDW , ZDV ORRNLQJ IRU the campus is amazing with excellent facilities, the students in boarding are like a second family to me, and the education



EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES you receive really sets you up for later in life. Coming to Appleby I expected schooling to be more challenging, and it has certainly lived up to my expectations. The most important thing I’ve gained here is a second home. No matter where I go in the future, I will always have friends from Appleby. Appleby has really been one of the best opportunities of my life.� ZZZ DSSOHE\ RQ FD Bermuda College $ɓHU UHFHLYLQJ KHU GHJUHH LQ (FRQRPLFV at Temple University in Philadelphia in

2013, <YRQQD 2VERUQH returned to %HUPXGD WR ̰QG D MRE 6KH ZDV DEOH WR ̰QG D KRXVHNHHSLQJ SRVLWLRQ DW 3RPSDQR Beach Club during the summer until she ODQGHG KHU ̰UVW MRE LQ WKH FRUSRUDWH ZRUOG at Clarien Bank Ltd later that same year. Although she had graduated with a business-related degree, it was at Clarien where Yvonna’s interest in accounting sparked. Within two years of working in WKH ̰QDQFH GHSDUWPHQW DW &ODULHQ KDYLQJ deliberated over which accounting GHVLJQDWLRQ WR SXUVXH <YRQQD ̰QDOO\ settled on the ACCA (the Association of


&KDUWHUHG &HUWLĚ°HG $FFRXQWDQWV Her reasons for choosing the ACCA were simple. “You don’t need a degree in accounting to start the programme and you can sit exams right here on the islandâ€?, she says. “Another factor was that the PACE Department at the Bermuda &ROOHJH RĚŻHUV LQ SHUVRQ FRXUVH WXLWLRQ taught by experts in the industry which was very helpful for a student like me ZKR Ě°QGV LW GL̲FXOW WR VHOI VWXG\ 2Q WRS of that, the Department of Workforce 'HYHORSPHQW RĚŻHUV Ě°QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH for those studying for the ACCA through PACE,â€? she explains. Yvonna is grateful for all the support she has received throughout her journey in pursuit of the ACCA and encourages anyone interested in pursuing a career in the business world to consider doing VR YLD WKH SDWK RI EHFRPLQJ D TXDOLĚ°HG accountant. For more information on the ACCA contact: WơRRG#FROOHJH EP Bermuda High School (BHS) $VKO\Q /HH plans to study Mathematics and Computer Science at university with the hope of returning to the island to be a teacher in these disciplines. At school, Ashlyn has been a Digital Leader for more than four years and is the Senior Maths Leader this year. In 2017, Ashlyn was awarded the Treefrog Computer Science Scholarship, and was the CoTeam Captain and Head Spokeswoman for Bermuda at the FIRST Global Robotics 50

Your Future 2021

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES competition in Washington D.C. where the BHS team was the top all-girls team out of 163 teams. Ashlyn loves helping others and giving back and in 2019 she went on a “ME to WE” service project trip to Tanzania, where she helped build a library for a village school. Moreover, Ashlyn was a member of Rotary Interact for three years and was the Director of Community Service for one year. Ashlyn had a life-changing concussion in 2019, where she missed four months RI VFKRRO DQG VX̯HUHG 3RVW &RQFXVVLYH Syndrome for more than a year. This ultimately resulted in her deciding to restart her IB1 Year (Year 12) to catch up on her work and fully recover. While some might see it as a setback, Ashlyn now realises it gave her the opportunity to appreciate that you can never be successful if your health, either physical or mental, is failing. Your health can QHYHU EH WKH VDFUL̰FH WR \RXU SHUFHLYHG success. Another positive out of the situation is that her concussion rekindled her love for crocheting and she has started her own scrunchie business. ZZZ EKV EP



(ACCA) PROGRAMME Foundations in Accountancy The ACCA Foundations in Accountancy is an entry-level suite of awards, including certificates, diplomas and a revised Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification. • • • •

Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting Diploma in Accounting and Business Certified Accounting Technician Qualification

This suite offers students the ability to enter the programme at various points, allowing flexibility based on knowledge and experience.

TO LEARN MORE: DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL & CAREER EDUCATION (PACE) Recruitment Officer: Thaao Dill • T: 239-4099 • E:

Your Future 2021




Bermuda Institute 'DNRWD 7XFNHU is currently a senior at Bermuda Institute, who is eagerly anticipating graduation in June. Since she joined Bermuda Institute, she has undeniably demonstrated her academic potential, as she has routinely maintained a 4.00 G.P.A. Dakota takes everything she does seriously and gives her all. As a student, her consistent diligence has earned her many awards,

such as Principal’s list, induction into the National Honor Society in both Middle and High Schools, and recipient of the Flavio and Florence Pires Memorial Scholarship for academic excellence.

Apart from maintaining an excellent academic record, Dakota is a very talented young woman. She has been blessed with a beautiful voice. She enjoys singing, but most importantly

The world is facing some difficult challenges. This is what the challenges are facing.

Canada p South Korea


Your Future 2021

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES avails herself to share with her church family and the community at large. She is an active member of the school choir. An outstanding soloist, she sings ZLWK VHYHUDO GL̯HUHQW JURXSV DW KHU church, including the Restorations Ministries Youth Praise Team. Recently, she participated in the Bermuda Festival &RPSHWLWLRQ ZKHUH VKH UHFHLYHG ̰UVW place in the vocalist category. She was also selected the winner of the Bermuda Teen Idol singing competition. Dakota loves to dance. Her exposure to dance began at the tender age of four at In Motion School of Dance. In 2015 she joined the United Dance Productions, where she continued to study all genre of dance and performed regularly during their annual showcases. She has also performed in the Gilbert & Sullivan’s Broadway 0XVLFDOV 6RXWK 3DFL̰F DQG LQ 0DJLF RI the Musicals. Dakota is very creative. Aside from singing and dancing, she is passionate about art. She has created several pieces that have been displayed at the Bermuda Institute’s art shows at Barr’s park, and has won several awards for her pieces. She enjoys modeling and is a regular participant in the annual Bermuda Fashion festival. She also plays the piano. A well-rounded individual, Dakota believes in working hard in order to achieve her goals. Upon graduation in June, she plans to go on to university to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. Because of her love for animals, she has chosen a career path that will permit her to care for them. Dakota credits her accomplishments to her soon to be alma mater Bermuda Institute for the nurturing that she received. She has developed a personal relationship with Christ and thanks her teachers for their positive LQ̱XHQFH DQG VXSSRUW ZZZ EHUPXGDLQVWLWXWH EP Branksome Hall Branksome Hall is Toronto’s only all-girls, all-years International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. Our IB Advantage for Girls sparks students’ curiosity and passion for new challenges through our unique combination of outstanding academics, well-being, international mindedness and strong focus on innovation. Our Your Future 2021

inquiry-based Liberal Arts curriculum is enriched by our four core values: sense of community, inclusiveness, creativity DQG PDNLQJ D GL̯HUHQFH An independent school founded in 1903, Branksome Hall educates 900 girls on our 13-acre campus in the KHDUW RI GRZQWRZQ 7RURQWR :H R̯HU a Boarding Programme beginning in Grade 7 and an immersive Study Abroad Programme with our sister school, Branksome Hall Asia in South Korea. Branksome Hall’s state-of-the art

facilities include an award-winning Athletics and Wellness Centre, STEAM Studio, Makerspaces and ̱H[LEOH OHDUQLQJ HQYLURQPHQWV 2XU graduates are welcomed by leading universities around the world, most with scholarships. Branksome Hall continues to set the pace for innovation in girls’ education, ensuring today’s students are wellprepared to solve tomorrow’s complex problems. Discover more at ZZZ EUDQNVRPH RQ FD

LEADER. ACHIEVER. DREAM BIG BELIEVER. BHS offers academic excellence enriched by innovation and taught in a supportive, collaborative community. BHS graduates are accepted into leading universities around the world and stand tall among their peers.











Brescia University College When 1LDUD 6LPPRQV was considering her university options, she had her heart set on two important factors: the school must be small in size, and located in Canada. Not wanting to be ‘just another number’, Niara knew she would thrive in a smaller, intimate community. It was when her mom suggested Brescia University College, in London, Canada that she knew she had found her perfect university. Niara admits that she was skeptical about an all-women’s university before DWWHQGLQJ %UHVFLD +RZHYHU DɓHU becoming a Preliminary Year student, she quickly experienced the University’s HPSRZHULQJ HQYLURQPHQW ̰UVW KDQG A believer in ‘girl power’, Niara values %UHVFLDȃV DELOLW\ WR OLɓ ZRPHQ XS DQG KHOS them be the best version of themselves. 1RZ LQ KHU ̰UVW \HDU RI .LQHVLRORJ\ Niara hopes to pursue her Masters in 2FFXSDWLRQDO RU 3K\VLFDO 7KHUDS\ DɓHU graduating — studying in London, just next door at Western University. Embodying Brescia’s spirit of giving back, she looks forward to a career bettering the health and wellness of others. ZZZ EUHVFLD XZR FD CedarBridge Academy 1KRDD 3RZHOO is an S4 student who is currently enrolled in the Dual Enrollment programme with Bermuda College. In addition to managing her courses at Bermuda College she



Your Future 2021

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Roll status and position within the top 10 students of his year level. He has accelerated his studies by completing AP courses in his S2 year and has continued additional AP courses during S3 and S4. ZZZ &HGDUEULGJH$FDGHP\ FRP Durham College “I am so grateful to have this opportunity to study abroad in Canada and to pursue my creative passion. The journey to get here was challenging at times but it makes the destination so

much more rewarding. , FDQ FRQ̰GHQWO\ VD\ WKDW , DP really enjoying my time studying at Durham College and living in Canada. Admittedly, it is a huge culture shock adjusting to a big country coming from such a small island, but the experience has been a good one. Living independently forces you to grow and experience life as your own person. , ̰QG WKDW LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH WKH classroom, Durham provides you with many opportunities on networking and


is enrolled in Advanced Placement courses at CedarBridge Academy. Nhoaa has maintained her status as an Honor Roll student since she began in S1 and has consistently performed within the WRS VWXGHQWV RI KHU \HDU JURXS $ɓHU senior school, Nhoaa plans to complete her studies at Bermuda College and continue to medical school to pursue a career as a neonatal surgeon. Nhoaa volunteers her time at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital as a Candy Striper and works part time at Omni Medical. She is Head Girl and prefect and a member of the National Honors Society at CBA. She is an active track athlete and DVSLUHV WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ &DULɓD LQ Bermuda in July. 'HTXDQ 7URWW is an S4 student and Head Boy. He aspires to pursue a career DV D ̰OP DFWRU DQG LV KHDYLO\ LQYROYHG in the Performing Arts. He is an active member of the student-driven Noire Youth Theatre Company and has starred in many productions, both in and out of school. He is currently working on producing a play titled Riverside Drive. Dequan serves in leadership positions in school and church and is a member of the Kappa Knights Club. His experience has taught him to cherish the importance of communication and teamwork. While his schedule is extremely busy at times, he manages to keep on top of his academic courses by consistently maintaining his Honor Your Future 2021


EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES improving your professional skills which is vital for your successful transition into industry upon graduating. I am also greatly enjoying my programme because it LQFRUSRUDWHV GL̯HUHQW IDFHWV of the photography and YLGHRJUDSK\ ̰HOG :KLFK LV an amazing advantage when you are going into the everHYROYLQJ LQGXVWULHV RI ̰OP and photography. In addition, the programme is very hands on where we learn from both theoretical and practical teaching methods. I believe this allows us to have a better understanding of industry expectations once we start working. My experience of studying at Durham College and living in Canada has been truly enjoyable. I have adapted to my new life at DC and feel very content with my time as a college student. ,W LV DOVR YHU\ IXO̰OOLQJ WR


I choose to lead with

CONFIDENCE. London, Canada 56

Your Future 2021

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES be able to pursue an education and career in what I love. I am so thankful Durham College has been a big support in helping me achieve my dreams. 3KRWLQL 'DZQ, ƜUVW \HDU VWXGHQW LQ WKH SKRWRJUDSK\ SURJUDPPH DW 'XUKDP &ROOHJH '& ZZZ GXUKDPFROOHJH FD Framingham State University Framingham State University (FSU) LQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV LV DQ D̯RUGDEOH comprehensive arts and sciences institution located on a beautiful New England campus about 32 kilometers (20 miles) outside of Boston and just a KRXU ̹LJKW IURP %HUPXGD FSU is just the right size — small enough to be personal and collaborative, but large and diverse enough to broaden students’ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH ZRUOG :H R̯HU 60 undergraduate and graduate programmes in a wide range of disciplines including fashion design and merchandising, hospitality management, international business, education, and food science, as well as 14 NCAA and club athletic teams like rugby, soccer, and women’s track DQG ̰HOG DV ZHOO DV GR]HQV RI VWXGHQW organisations. In highly interactive classes, students 'DQLHOOH +HQU\

Your Future 2021

engage in robust discussions with professors and peers that allow them to OHDUQ PRUH TXLFNO\ YDOXH GLĚŻHUHQFHV and become problem solvers. We empower students to graduate with the demonstrated knowledge, skills, DQG VHOI FRQĚ°GHQFH WR EHFRPH accomplished professionals who lead IXOĚ°OOLQJ DQG SURGXFWLYH OLYHV DW D FRPSDUDEO\ DĚŻRUGDEOH WXLWLRQ UDWH 'DQLHOOH +HQU\ learned about the opportunities available at FSU during a college fair in Bermuda. She decided

WR DSSO\ EHFDXVH WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RĚŻHUHG her desired major in International Business, and made the process easy for her. So far, she has loved her time at FSU. “I was really moved by how welcoming the school is. Everyone was so friendly and helpful in guiding me through the process of getting here,â€? says Henry, who attended CedarBridge Academy in Bermuda. “I love the small campus and the people I have met.â€? ZZZ IUDPLQJKDP HGX EHUPXGD



EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES King’s University College (OOD 5RVH %XUW, a Bermuda High School graduate, is a fourth-year student at King’s University College, majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology. Having started at King’s Bachelor of Management and Organisational Studies programme, Ella hopes to combine her background in business with her current studies and passion for the arts to enter the marketing industry. Ella’s favourite thing about King’s is the small close-knit community while

still being a part of Western University. “You have the ability to build stronger relationships with your peers and professors, making being away from home easier,” she says. She likes the exposure to the diversity amongst the people and the ability to explore GL̯HUHQW SDUWV RI &DQDGD London, Ontario is a safe university town, so the atmosphere both downtown and on campus is friendly and fun. “You know you’re at King’s when you can’t walk more than two


minutes without saying ‘Hello!’ to someone you know,” she says. ZZZ NLQJV XZR FD












Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA) Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA) SURXGO\ R̯HUV WKH &DQDGLDQ $OEHUWD Curriculum which is recognised globally as one of the strongest learning programmes. Students who graduate with an Alberta High School Diploma go on to pursue post-secondary studies in North America and the UK. MSA uses a student-centered approach to guide students to success by providing every possibility to learn and grow to their IXOOHVW SRWHQWLDO 06$ R̯HUV RSSRUWXQLWLHV outside of school through a variety of extra-curricular activities, work study, and volunteer opportunities. High school senior, -RVKXD %OHH, has been a student at MSA since kindergarten. -RVKXD %OHH




Your Future 2021

ONTA T RIO, CANADA Arts Science Business Computing Engineering Veterinary Medicine Landscape Architecture



Learn more at Connect with us:




KIXKO Anti Money Laundering/Countering Terrorist Financing Certificate

Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS)

International Compliance Association (ICA) Certificates Various levels available – from introductory to advanced





An ideal first step for career seekers/changers. Short, introductory courses in modular format. Short multiple choice e-test at end of each module


Advanced certification for antimoney laundering/counter-terrorism financing. Internationally recognised. ACAMS examination of multiple choice questions


Various levels of qualifications available.Assessment ranges from on-line multiple choice exam to 2500-word essay assignments

High school graduation/GED diploma

Front-line account opening staff, customer relations managers, back office staff, customer service staff

Undergraduate/graduate degree or equivalent, professional experience in the anti-money laundering field or credentials (ACCA, CPA,LLB, etc.), plus three professional references

Compliance officers, auditors, audit managers, business control analysts/managers, financial crimes compliance analysts, operations managers, regulatory control analysts, sanctions analysts

Minimum – high school diploma. Higher levels require undergraduate degree/professional experience in corporate business, legal or finance environments. ICA membership is compulsory

*Provided through Bermuda College Division of Professional and Career Education for ALL Bermuda residents.

Internal and external audit staff, staff working in risk functions, analysts/officers, regulatory representatives, compliance employees, compliance managers/directors for business/legal institutions


My Way to a Great Career Danielle H., CedarBridge Academy International Business

f r a m i n g ha m s tat e u n i v e r s i t y X

# UOCNN DGCWVKHWN 0GY 'PINCPF ECORWU ǧǦ kilometers from Boston, Massachusetts




Ǭ WPFGTITCFWCVG CPF ITCFWCVG RTQITCOU KPENWFKPI International Business, Fashion Design and Retailing, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Sociology, Environmental Studies, and Food and Nutrition




Outstanding internship opportunities at leading companies like Bose, Microsoft, Reebok, Puma, and Framingham Public Schools




Guaranteed on-campus housing


Transfer partnerships with Bermuda College for Bachelor’s degree completion


100% online Bachelor’s Degree completion available in Liberal Studies with generous credit transfer


Bermudian students to pay equivalent of annual in-state tuition and fees (about $11,380 per year)

Learn more at:

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES By teaching students new approaches to problem solving along with innovative uses of technology, our commitment to scholarship produces new types of graduates: highly engaged citizen leaders with an HQWUHSUHQHXULDO VSLULW SHRSOH SUHSDUHG WR H[FHO LQ WKH modern workplace, and ready to lead their peers. 0DFNHQ]LH 3HDUPDQ, Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in Networking and Information Technology Security, a fourth-year student, says “Ontario Tech University’s small class sizes and brand new labs have provided me with some of the best hands-on network security experience I could have ever expected. Being in a smaller program means that I am able to get to


He believes “learning is a lifelong processâ€? and considers it an essential step to achieving his goals. Josh plans on attending university in Canada to pursue a business degree and hopes to continue to complete a master’s degree. He has spent his time at MSA involved with extracurricular activities such as the High School Boys Basketball team, the National Honors Society, and the High School Student Council. Outside of school Josh has spent ten years as a member of the Scouts Association of Bermuda and he has been a member of the Bermuda National Volleyball team IRU WKUHH \HDUV 5HĚąHFWLQJ RQ KLV \HDUV spent at MSA, Josh believes “MSA has provided me with a strong foundation to further my education and has prepared me to take the next step in my academic career and the next chapter in my life.â€? The globally recognised curriculum, faithbased principles and inquiry focused instruction are what make MSA the most well-rounded educational choice in Bermuda. ZZZ PVD EP Ontario Tech University Located in Oshawa—in the eastern Greater Toronto Area of Ontario— Ontario Tech University has grown out of a bold, ambitious vision: Take on the grand challenges we face as a society, DQG Ě°QG VROXWLRQV WR PHHW DQG H[FHHG tomorrow's needs. We have two campus locations LQ 2VKDZD RĚŻHULQJ XQGHUJUDGXDWH graduate and college-to-university transfer programs to suit a variety of needs. Areas of study include degrees in business, education, energy systems and nuclear science, engineering, health sciences, humanities, information technology, science, and the social sciences. Your Future 2021

Study at Sheridan College in Canada.

• Practical, hands-on, career-driven education. • 120+ programs to choose from. • Work experience through paid co-op programs. • 8,700+ international students from 110+ countries. • Faculties: Animation, Arts & Design | Business | Applied Science and Technology | Applied Health and Community Studies | Humanities and Social Sciences • Credentials: Honours bachelor’s degrees | Diplomas | CertiďŹ cates | Post-graduate programs | University transfer options • Location: Campuses in Oakville, Mississauga and Brampton – a 35-minute drive from downtown Toronto. Contact:


EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES know each of my professors one-on-one and receive comprehensive feedback. Since the university is newer, modern and forward-thinking, I am able to be very involved on campus by starting up new initiatives like Women in IT and the Pride Club. Ontario Tech truly feels like my second home.� ZZZ RQWDULRWHFKX FD St. John’s University 0DUOLQ 5DPODO describes her positive experience at St. John’s. “I’ve been with AXIS Re since 2012, and, currently,

in the position of Vice PresidentUnderwriting. Prior to AXIS, I was an E&S Underwriter for Risk Placement Services (Arthur J. Gallagher) in New York. I learned about actuarial science in high school during an assessment RI PDWK PDMRUV IRU Ě°QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV careers. High on my priority list were VFKRODUVKLSV DQG MRE SODFHPHQW DÉ“HU JUDGXDWLRQ 6W -RKQČƒV 8QLYHUVLW\ RĚŻHUHG both and was one of the few universities RĚŻHULQJ D %DFKHORUČƒV LQ 6FLHQFH GHJUHH in Actuarial Science. I was impressed by


the 100% job placement for Actuarial Science graduates, and caliber of professors. St. John’s has extremely knowledgeable and experienced professionals that applied schoolwork that could be applied to the daily workplace. $ɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ PRVW RI P\ WUDLQLQJ was on-the-job alongside experienced insurance colleagues, but I took many continuing education courses at St. John’s and continued to expand my education and professional network. Insurance and Reinsurance provides good career opportunities for all professionals. One of the things that many non-insurance professionals don’t realise is that within an (re)insurance company, we have various departments including marketing, human resources, ̰QDQFH LQYHVWRU UHODWLRQV DFFRXQWLQJ scientist, lawyers — the career path is endless. 5H ,QVXUDQFH DOVR SURYLGHV ̹H[LELOLW\ and tailoring of work-life balance. Technology has made working from home a good option for caregivers in the (re)insurance industry.� Another Bermudian, 1LVKD 6PLWK, says in the reinsurance industry St. 62

Your Future 2021


John’s has a great reputation for cultivating excellence. “I knew that by attending such a prestigious school I had a lot to live up to. Transferring from Bermuda College to St. John’s University has been a huge adjustment. Amid the pandemic many of the academic and social activities were very limited. Switching to remote learning was the most challenging adjustment I’ve had to face during my academic studies, but I pushed through with the help of my very accommodating professors. With the handful of classes that I have taken so far, I trust that St. Johns will SUHSDUH PH VX̲FLHQWO\ IRU P\ DFWXDULDO exams. My plan is to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in qualitative risk and insurance with at least two actuarial exams completed. I look forward to the rest of my academic journey at St. John's University and hope in the coming years I can experience the diversity and the many extracurricular activities that it has WR RĚŻHU Ȇ ZZZ VWMRKQV HGX Saltus <ZLRQH 'DUUHOO “I participate in an array of school sports and extracurricular activities both within and outside of school. Most notable is my growth as a debater and public speaker since I’ve been at Saltus. This helped culminate to 64


JUHDW VXFFHVVHV ODVW \HDU ZDV D ̰QDOLVW LQ Parliamentary Debate at the International Independent School Public Speaking Competition and two Bermuda High School debate tournaments, winning one of them, while also captaining the National Team at the Online World School Debate Competition. The dedication DQG FRPSDVVLRQ RI 6DOWXV VWD̯ VXFK DV Mrs. Dakin, I’ve experienced in my last seven years have helped me to reach this precipice. This coming year, I hope to pursue a Political Economy degree at a UK


university. Studying Capstone Seminar, History, Economics, Ethics, Calculus and English as APs at Saltus have helped me prepare for this next step by providing me with a great understanding of global issues and enhancing my analytical skills. As I am about to embark on a journey at university, I couldn’t be more grateful for my opportunity to attend Saltus.â€? .RD *RRGFKLOG “I am in my senior year at Saltus Grammar School. I study AP US History, AP Psychology, AP English Language, Pre-Calculus, Ethics and Sports Science. Out of all my subjects, my favourite is AP Psychology. It is intriguing to explore the way that the brain works. ,W QRW RQO\ KHOSV IURP D VFLHQWLĚ°F SRLQW RI YLHZ LW DOVR KHOSV PH WR GHYHORS D better understanding regarding why SHRSOH WKLQN GLĚŻHUHQWO\ IURP PH DQG what leads them to perceive the world in the way they do. I have many aspirations that I plan to live up to for my future. As far as education is concerned, I want to be a lawyer. I’m not entirely sure what type of lawyer I want to be, but I genuinely believe law is my passion and it’s something I want to pursue in the future. Before I study law, I want to get an undergraduate degree in psychology. Ideally, I’d major in psychology and minor in criminology. It has been a long journey to develop a general idea about what I want to do with my future. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my teachers, the university guidance counsellor, Mrs. Walker, and, of course, my parents. The encouragement and guidance I’ve received over the years has been a major help in deciding the direction I want my future to go and I have no choice but to be successful to Your Future 2021


A place to learn and a home for life.

Contact us to learn more about MSA.

Business • Education • Energy Systems Engineering • Health Sciences • Humanities Information Technology • Nuclear Science Science • Social Science

One of America’s leading Catholic universities, St. John’s offers world-class academics and BIG EAST vitality in the world’s most exciting city: ™ More than 100 academic programs ™ Friendly, diverse students on two residential New York City campuses ™ Laptop computers for all new students Our Vincentian, Catholic heritage emphasizes excellence and service. The Peter J. Tobin College of Business is accredited by AACSB International–The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and has been designated a Center of Actuarial Excellence by the Society of Actuaries.

Business programs include B.S. degrees:

Actuarial Science Risk Management and Insurance M.S. degrees: Actuarial Science Risk Management and Insurance Enterprise Risk Management M.B.A. degree: Various concentrations

Outstanding internship and scholarship opportunities

For more information, visit us online: M1-11062/LR

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES give back a portion of what all those people gave to me.� ZZZ VDOWXV EP Sheridan College Founded in 1967, Sheridan has grown from a local college of 400 students to one of Ontario’s leading postsecondary institutions, educating approximately 25,000 full-time students every year on three campuses in three Ontario cities – Oakville, Brampton and Mississauga. An award-winning institution, Sheridan attracts students from across Canada and around the world. Sheridan’s 175,000 alumni play a critical role in shaping the IXWXUH RI RXU VRFLHW\ LQ WKH ̰HOGV RI DUWV business, community service, health, technology, and the skilled trades. /RULQD +DUYH\

Bermudian /RULQD +DUYH\ says “My GHFLVLRQ WR DWWHQG 6KHULGDQ KDV SDLG RĚŻ in so many ways. I have had the amazing opportunity to learn from professors that are the best at what they do, and through my professors and collaborating with my peers, I have been able to build relationships and connections that I will KDYH ORQJ DÉ“HU JUDGXDWLRQ 7KH GLYHUVLW\ LQ FRXUVHV RĚŻHUHG LQ P\ SURJUDPPH KDV given me a well-rounded experience and I have gained more knowledge than I could have ever anticipated. Sheridan’s overall community atmosphere is great and has continued even though things have been remote.â€? ZZZ VKHULGDQFROOHJH FD

the Montessori Trust. The school was originally known as the Montessori International Academy, but changed to 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ ZKHQ LW UHORFDWHG to Devonshire in 2001. 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ ERDVWV RQH of the most personalised learning experiences of any school on the island with an enviable teacher-student ratio of 12:1 at the Montessori level. Most of the school’s dedicated faculty hold advanced degrees in their subjects, DV ZHOO DV VSHFLDOLVW TXDOL̰FDWLRQV in delivering the Montessori or the International Baccalaureate Programme.

This added preparation enables them to best support their students’ holistic development – preparing the head, hands and heart of each learner. The school is currently validated by CAIS (the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools), as well as the International Baccalaureate Organisation and is an associate member of the American Montessori Society and an D̲OLDWH RI WKH 1DWLRQDO $VVRFLDWLRQ RI Independent Schools. As Bermuda’s only accredited SEED School (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity), 6RPHUVĚ°HOG LV UHFRJQLVHG DV WKH


6RPHUVĆśHOG $FDGHP\ 6RPHUVĚ°HOG $FDGHP\ %HUPXGDČƒV International School, was founded in 1991 by a group of parents who created 66

Your Future 2021



a Abby ‘20 Queen’s University Ontario, Canada

a Finn ‘20 Concordia University Quebec, Canada

a Mason ‘20 Dalhousie University Nova Scotia, Canada

a Megan ‘20 Newcastle University United Kingdom

For over 130 years, TCS has been successfully preparing Bermudian students for wherever their future may take them. Co-ed boarding/day school for Grades 9–12 in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada


EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES champion for diversity, equity and inclusion in Bermuda. Visitors to the school remark on the warm, inviting, family atmosphere and the vibrant sense of energy and innovation that characterises the 6RPHUVĚ°HOG H[SHULHQFH 7KH EHDXWLIXOO\ ODQGVFDSHG FDPSXV KDV VHHQ VLJQLĚ°FDQW improvements recently, including a fresh state-of-the art science suite, “success centersâ€? for remediation and enrichment and, most impressively, an H[FLWLQJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &HQWHU ZLWK ĚąH[LEOH instructional spaces for delivering the I.B. Diploma Programme. The newly introduced I.B. Diploma Programme provides a robust and broad preparation for tertiary education and the world of work. The wide range of courses RĚŻHUHG DUH GHVLJQHG WR SUHSDUH VWXGHQWV to meet the admission requirements of WKH Ě°QHVW VFKRROV RĚŻHU RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU them to pursue their passions or uncover their hidden talents. As an international school servicing a vibrant population of both local and mobile families, the Montessori and I.B. programs are readily transferable to more than 200 countries. The school’s rolling admission policy accepts students throughout the school year, and new families are invited to join a dynamic and diverse school family that is committed to providing a stellar program of study for the 21st century global learner. ZZZ P\VRPHUVĆśHOG FRP The Berkeley Institute -H]KDUL 7DOERW is a High Honor’s, parttime Dual Enrolment student at The Berkeley Institute and the Bermuda College, where she is studying business. Jezhari is a well-rounded student who excels in sports and engages with her community. In 2019, Jezhari represented %HUPXGD LQ WKH &DULÉ“D *DPHV IRU WUDFN DQG Ě°HOG DQG DOVR UHSUHVHQWHG %HUPXGD at the Island Games for gymnastics. Jezhari is currently the Chairperson of the Junior Road Safety Council of Bermuda and has been a Student Council Representative of the Berkeley Institute for the past two years. Jezhari is proud of her level of community involvement. She is the Co-Founder of Caring for the Caregivers, a charity that was established during the pandemic. The charity’s mission is to invest into the local market economy. This is achieved through the 68


WDQJLEOH DFWLRQV RI SURYLGLQJ JLɓ ER[HV – sourced from local businesses – to the essential workers of Bermuda. In the very near future, Jezhari plans to graduate from The Berkeley Institute with advanced honors and study Finance and Spanish abroad. .DK]L 6HDOH\ is a High Honor’s, part-time Dual Enrolment student at The Berkeley Institute and the Bermuda College. He plans on pursuing a career in Law. He is a member of The Berkeley Institute’s Student Council as a Representative for his year level. Kahzi is D GHFRUDWHG WUDFN DQG ̰HOG DWKOHWH DQG has represented Bermuda in numerous track meets both in Bermuda and abroad. He began running at the age of 7 years with the Bermuda Pacers Track Club and has won numerous awards in the sport. +H KDV HYHQ SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WKH &DULɓD *DPHV WKH SUHPLHU \RXWK WUDFN DQG ̰HOG championship in the western hemisphere, and is a two-time AAU All-American WRS ̰QDOLVW LQ &URVV &RXQWU\ $ORQJVLGH his athletic ability, Kahzi has maintained at least a 3.0 GPA since middle school and has a passion for English Literature. Kahzi’s desire is to attend the University of Georgia so that he can experience track DQG ̰HOG DW WKH FROOHJLDWH OHYHO DQG WKHQ transfer to the UK to study law. ZZZ EHUNHOH\ EP The Gow School $ɓHU VSHQGLQJ ̰YH \HDUV DW 7KH *RZ School, .HQW 6LPPRQV knows magic happens on campus. The Gow School has a long history of helping students from %HUPXGD IXO̰OO WKHLU GUHDP RI JHWWLQJ into college, and that legacy is still going strong. A coed college-prep boarding



and day school for students, grades 6-12, with dyslexia and similar language-based learning disabilities located outside of Niagara Falls, NY., Kent is one of the three students we have from Bermuda on campus this year and is the Junior Class Representative, a Residential Assistant, and a Student Ambassador. Kent attributes his success at Gow to the small classes, assistive technology, and personalised attention from teachers. “If it weren’t for being in a room with three other students, the 1:1 laptop programme, and teachers that know me and my learning style, I would not be the student and leader I am today.� One of Gow’s trademarks is “Hope with Action�, providing students new hope that they can succeed both in and out of the classroom, and Kent is attacking that challenge head on. To learn more about Gow, please visit ZZZ JRZ RUJ The Vanguard School Vanguard is an international, coYour Future 2021

Imagine. A historic building with large sunfilled rooms, a beautiful and safe campus, weekend adventures and hallways filled with laughter and friendship. That’s what you’ll find in boarding at Trafalgar Castle School. Outstanding academics, small class sizes and a warm community await. Email us to learn more

Whitby, ON Canada


educational boarding and day school for VWXGHQWV ZKR OHDUQ GLĚŻHUHQWO\ LQ JUDGHV 6-12. It provides a safe, welcoming, individualised educational and residential environment in which students thrive. Vanguard has small class sizes, individualised curriculum, college and career advising, academic and residential mentors, core value and leadership development, community engagement, sports and club opportunities, social and independent living skills. ZZZ YDQJXDUGVFKRRO RUJ



Trafalgar Castle School Educating girls since 1874, Trafalgar Castle School is a place like no other. By challenging her mind, strengthening her voice and nurturing her heart, it prepares girls for life through innovative programming and authentic learning experiences amidst a community of care and support. Diverse perspectives in its classrooms, programmes and student H[SHULHQFHV UH̹HFW WKH PDQ\ YRLFHV within its community, across the country and around the world. Capable and FRQ̰GHQW LWV VWXGHQWV DUH HTXLSSHG ZLWK WKH PLQGVHW WR GH̰QH WKHLU RZQ IXWXUH and contribute and thrive in a world of accelerating change. Located just 45 minutes east of Canada’s largest city, in a safe and small community, the boarding programme attracts 75 Canadian and international students in Grades 7-12. Boarding life plays an important role in the unique learning environment, broadening the cultural and national diversity on campus and guiding each boarder toward both independence and shared responsibility. ZZZ WUDIDOJDUFDVWOH FD University of Guelph 6DUDK :KLWWDNHU says she chose the programme of Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with a major in Ecology because growing up in Bermuda made her really appreciate the environment and made her want to KHOS LPSURYH LW ȅ'XULQJ P\ ̰UVW \HDU DW Guelph, I was put in South Residence, in an academic cluster and this helped me become fast friends with people in my program. At the University of Guelph, the food is amazing and was


Your Future 2021


one of the reasons I ended up choosing Guelph. Overall, Guelph has an amazing atmosphere, and the professors are super helpful. It is a really beautiful campus.� ZZZ XRJXHOSK FD

actress, to explore creative writing and EHFRPH ĚąXHQW LQ )UHQFK ,Q FRQQHFWLRQ with these goals, she earned three VFKRODUVKLSV LQ 7KH Ě°UVW ZDV IURP Immerse Education to study Creative Writing at Cambridge University, a second to study in France for one month through Alliance Francaise, and another with Venture Theatre to participate in their Summer Shakespeare acting camp. She volunteers her Saturdays at the Red Cross WKULÉ“ VWRUH 0RUHRYHU VKH KDV PDLQWDLQHG her acting passions and community service strengths by participating in her

school’s annual musical. In 2020 she was the Director of the Costume Department for Matilda since Year 7. Riley plans to mix her talents in English Literature and Drama to peruse a combined degree at an accredited university in September 2021. ZZZ ZDUZLFN EP Washington Academy Washington Academy, an independent secondary school, has been preparing students for success since 1792. Today, a comprehensive IT expansion is making online and in-person instruction extremely

A private co-ed high school on the coast of Maine, USA Offering 100+ classes in engaging and supportive classroom environments

Warwick Academy 5LOH\ -DFNVRQ has been at Warwick Academy since Year 1 and is currently completing her senior year in the International Baccalaureate Diploma 5LOH\ -DFNVRQ Program. While studying at Warwick Academy, Riley has been active in community service around the island, a consistent honour roll student and a willing volunteer for the school in many areas. This year she was chosen to be Deputy Head Girl and Patton House Captain, which has given her the opportunity to use her leadership abilities and strengthen her communication VNLOOV 5LOH\ KDV WKUHH JRDOV WR EHFRPH DQ 5LOH\ -DFNVRQ


A School Where Everyone Feels Like They Belong + Ext. 207

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students become challenge-seeking citizens and leaders of an evolving world. Our academic programme integrates the mastery RI WUDGLWLRQDO FRUH GLVFLSOLQHV ZKLOH LQFRUSRUDWLQJ FRXUVHV VSHFL̰F to economics, entrepreneurship, and global studies. Our CEEF programme is designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to their role as global citizens and leaders in an increasingly interconnected world economy. Students are taught to think like entrepreneurs, to analyse current and historical issues and to investigate economic and social issues. 6WXGHQWV DUH DOVR DEOH WR XWLOLVH RXU 7UDGLQJ &HQWHU LQ DQ H̯RUW WR understand and engage in active research and trading in order to JDLQ DQ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH JOREDO ̰QDQFLDO HQYLURQPHQW ZZZ ZPD XV

H̯HFWLYH LQ SUHSDULQJ VWXGHQWV IRU HPHUJLQJ SRVW VHFRQGDU\ opportunities and careers. MSI Stealth laptops are being used for programming and high-end graphics in ComputerAided Design, Applied Media, and Digital Art and Animation courses. Chromebooks, iPads, document cameras, and other technology accessories are streamlining teacher instruction and communication in Math, Science, and Business courses. Whether you are an online or in-person student, WA is a school where everyone feels like they belong. ZZZ ZDVKLQJWRQDFDGHP\ RUJ Wilbraham & Monson Academy Wilbraham & Monson Academy is an independent, collegepreparatory, coeducational middle and upper school for boarding and day students. Located in Western Massachusetts in the town RI :LOEUDKDP :0$ R̯HUV D WUDQVIRUPDWLRQDO H[SHULHQFH ZKHUH


We are at home in the world.

Enrolling for Fall 2021


Your Future 2021

You have the talent We have the opportunities Robert Clements Scholarship The fully-funded Robert Clements Scholarship is awarded to a qualified Bermudian student studying full-time towards an undergraduate or graduate degree in insurance, risk management, actuarial science, or other insurance related disciplines. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, books and airfare in addition to offering employment opportunities. Application deadline: 30 April each year Bermuda College Education Award The Bermuda College Education Award is offered to a qualified graduate of Bermuda College, enrolled in at least the third (junior) year of a 4-year (or the second year of a 3-year UK) degree at an accredited university. The Award of $15,000 per year, assists with tuition and fees for up to two years immediately following graduation. Application deadline: 15 April each year Chubb Select Internship Chubb Select is a 10-week paid insurance internship. It is designed to provide Bermudian university students with foundational experiences to help them build successful careers in the insurance industry. Interns must have completed at least two years of university at an undergraduate level. Application deadline: 30 September each year For more information, please visit or

Š2021 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. ChubbŽ, its logo, SM Not just coverage. Craftsmanship. and all its translations, and Chubb. SM Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb.

Opportunity Awaits If you are searching for a rewarding experienc ncce in n you ou ǡ ϐ it at Bermuda Hospitals Board. Registered psy sy ych hia iatr t ic nur urse s s (R se (RPN PNs), registered nurses (RNs), x-ray technologists, sonograph ph hers, occupat atio iona n l th na ther erapists, physiotherapists and medical technologists ar are specialty arreass in hig igh de dema maand nd. In addition, we offer a broad range of employmen e t optionss an nd ca care reer er opp ppor ortu tu unities. Nurs rsin i g Assistants As HR/OD Professionalss Pharrmacists ma Imaging Technologist stss Ph hysicians IT Professionals Psychiatrists Laundry Operat ator orss Radiographers Medical Transccri ript ptio io onistss and Coders

Accountants Clinical Dietitians Dietary Technicians Educators Engineers Environmental Services Aides

Grow with a team that cares about excellence

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Learning and Talent Development | Tel: (441) 239-2134 |

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