Your Future 2022

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YOURFUTURE 23rd Edition 2022 • PRICELESS

Accountancy Healthcare Hospitality Insurance Law Technical Trades and more


How to land a scholarship Choosing a school and college



Guielle Bean

Kyra Dunstan

Sophie Rylands

Rakaya Simmons


Congratulations to the recipients of our


We would like to congratulate all the recipients of our Legal Awards on their achievements to date and the dedication they have shown to achieving their goals. graduates-and-students

In 2021 Conyers was pleased to award over $150,000 to support Bermudian students with their law studies.


Our legal awards are available to Bermudians who are enrolled in a recognized law degree course leading to a &RPPRQZHDOWK TXDOLŚFDWLRQ Applications are due by 19 April 2022. Short-listed candidates must be available to interview with the 6FKRODUVKLS &RPPLWWHH LQ HDUO\ 0D\ }

Undergraduate Scholarship

Sir Harry D. Butterfield Undergraduate Scholarship Education is an investment that delivers excellent returns. If you’re pursuing post-secondary education, let’s start a conversation. Each year, Butterfield selects one deserving student to receive up to US $30,000 per annum to cover undergraduate education-related expenses at an accredited college or university anywhere in the world. An investment in our young people is an investment in our community’s future. To apply visit Application deadline is Friday, 25 March 2022. For more details about all Butterfield scholarships, visit us online at

The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited is licensed to conduct banking business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority. Address: 65 Front Street, Hamilton HM 12



Social media How to avoid online blunders

10 14

What to wear Dressing for success


Drugs and college How to avoid substance

30 arena


23rd Edition 2022

International success Bermudians in the global


Accounting Hard work but exceptionally rewarding


Exam stress Expert advice to avoid a meltdown

49 63

Scholarships The right one for you

Schools and colleges Making the right choice

Enquiries to Director of Marketing, /LVVD )LVKHU (PDLO O̰VKHU#EP EP Published by Bermuda Media. PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda Tel: 441-292-7272. (PDLO KHOOR#EP EP Printed in the US

TOP PROSPECTS <RXšOO ƶQG WKH EHVW RSSRUWXQLWLHV DW WKHVH FRPSDQLHV ORFDO DQG RYHUVHDV HGXFDWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQV Albert College 63, 65 Appleby College 63, 64 Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR) 60 Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) 54 AXA XL 56 BELCO 16, 17 Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 26, 27 Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) 21 Bermuda College 63, 67, 71 Bermuda Economic Development Corporation 38, 39 Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies 52, 53 Bermuda Hospitals Board 28, Back cover Bermuda Institute 65, 68 Bermuda Waterworks 57, 62 50, 51 Bermuda Zoological Society 55, 62 BF&M 13, 37 BHS 65, 70 2

Bishop Strachan School 72, 83 Blue Ridge School 66, 72 Branksome Hall 66, 67 Brescia University College 66, 74 %X̯DOR 6HPLQDU\ 6(0 67, 68 %XWWHṴHOG First right hand page, 49 Centennial Bermuda Foundation 57, 58 Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3, 40 Chubb 55, Inside back cover Conyers Inside front cover, 46 Dalhousie University 69, 76 Deloitte 11, 45 Department for National Drug Control 14, 15 Durham College 70, 75 Economic Development Department 22, 23 EY 7, 42 Framingham State University 70, 78 Garden Club of Bermuda 56, 57 Gow School 76, 83 Green Family Scholarship 55 Hamilton Princess & Beach Club 18, 19

HSBC 9, 36 King’s University College 71, 81 KPMG 44, 59 /DNH̰HOG &ROOHJH 6FKRRO 73, 77 Mounts Saint Agnes Academy 73, 81 Nicholl Scholarship 57 Ontario Tech University 73, 81 PwC 5, 43 Raleigh Bermuda 25 RenaissanceRe 53 Royal Bermuda Regiment 24 Saltus Grammar School 75, 82 Sheridan College 77, 79 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ 79, 80 St John’s University 74, 81 The Berkeley Institute 69, 80 Trafalgar Castle School 83, 86 Trinity College School 84, 85 University of Guelph 76, 85 Upper Canada College 85 Warwick Academy 87 :DNH̰HOG 4XLQ 57, 62 Washington Academy 88 Wilbraham & Monson Academy 88 Your Future 2022

Penboss Building, 50 Parliament Street, Hamilton HM12 +1 441-292-7479 | |

It’s always a good time to be a CPA. Become a CPA. Start today. |

START HERE. GO PLACES. The Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation prepares you for a life-long, rewarding career with unlimited potential. A CPA is your gateway to a world of exciting opportunities. The value of the CPA designation is recognized by organizations worldwide. As a Bermudian CPA, you have many career choices — multiple opportunities in many roles and in all sectors of the economy, at home and abroad.












On behalf of the members of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Bermuda, we salute these students who have passed the September 2021 Common Final Examination of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. We would also like to salute those students from overseas, who passed and are residing in Bermuda. These students are university graduates who have completed a demanding professional programme of study ZKLOH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ DQ H[WHQVLYH DUWLFOLQJ SURJUDP LQ SXEOLF SUDFWLFH ²UPV DQG FRPSDQLHV 7KH\ KDYH SURYHQ WKDW they have what it takes to become Bermuda’s business leaders of tomorrow and know how to turn obstacles into opportunities. Congratulations!


An exciting time to explore the many opportunities


ver the past two years, Bermuda’s students have shown outstanding commitment to their education and worked diligently through the challenges of remote learning and not being in the classroom. I am proud of the work that both students, teachers and parents have accomplished during this life of virtual classes. As we move beyond the pandemic, this Government has been and will continue to be committed to supporting our students and young professionals as you progress through your education and into your careers. As we continue our economic recovery and prepare for the days where the coronavirus is a part of our reality but not a disruption, we will focus on continuing to provide the resources you need to help you achieve your goals. In our 2020 Election Platform and as part of the Economic Recovery Plan, the Government committed to implementing the Youth Employment Strategy to guide and support young %HUPXGLDQV VSHFL̰FDOO\ EHWZHHQ for the world of work and train them to take advantage of job opportunities. In November 2021, the Government outlined its National Youth Policy with one of the key goals being to increase employment and entrepreneurship amongst young Bermudians. Thus far, through the Ministry of Labour and the Department of Workforce Development, we have administered various face-toface, on-the-job, online, virtual learning, webinars, internships, apprenticeships, and trainee programmes. Additionally, we implemented the Graduate Training Programme providing paid internships and career readiness training to 25 graduates. The Government has provided a total of $350,000 in scholarships to support 43 Bermudians to continue their college and university education both here on the island and overseas. We also continue to support students with employment through programmes such as the College 4

We are seeing many new career avenues emerge in new industries Student Summer Jobs programme and High School Jobs programme which combined saw over 120 students participate. There is support for you. Now and in the years to come Bermuda will be a unique place in the world, where there will be more jobs DYDLODEOH WKDQ SHUVRQV WR ̰OO WKHP 7KLV R̯HUV D WUHPHQGRXV DPRXQW RI opportunity to those who are prepared to take advantage of them through education and training. We recognise that beyond your education at the forefront of your minds will be questions around what opportunities will be available to you now and in the future. In Bermuda, we are seeing many new career avenues HPHUJH LQ QHZ LQGXVWULHV VXFK DV ̰QWHFK and continuing to appear in our pillar LQGXVWULHV VXFK DV KRVSLWDOLW\ DQG ̰QDQFH ,Q ̰QWHFK WKHUH ZLOO EH YDULRXV UROHV LQ areas such as compliance, thanks to the

growth of this industry, and Bermuda’s determination to remain one of the most well-regulated jurisdictions in the world. Fintech will also see roles open up for those trained in traditional banking and ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV WR JHW LQYROYHG ZLWK WKH QHZ W\SHV RI ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV WKDW ̰QWHFK ZLOO SURYLGH In hospitality, Bermudians remain essential to ensuring that we continue to deliver a truly authentic experience for RXU YLVLWRUV 2XU ZRUOG FODVV KRWHOV R̯HU exciting job opportunities and training in collaboration with the Department of Workforce Development with programmes such as the Foundation for Excellence and Learning and the Take Programme. While the resurgence of local entrepreneurs is creating innovative new local businesses bringing new ideas to life and driving economic growth. This is an exciting time to explore the many opportunities that exist, and it is up to each individual person to take advantage of the employment, training and networking opportunities that arise. Research job trends, so that your studies and training are relevant to the ever-changing job market. Research the current market of the business you wish to start, and reach out to business owners who have done it before for advice. Whichever route you take, know that your Government is committed to supporting you, and will continue to work to encourage and assist the creation of new businesses, new jobs, and a brighter future for all Bermudians. Premier the Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP

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What a time to be a student

I “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

f there is one thing that I have learned throughout the years, it is that the unpredictability of life is constant. The COVID crisis has shown us that not only are no two days the same, but just as we begin to return to normal, a wave can hit us and take us right back to the drawing board. But we must not quit. As the Minister of Education, I've seen how so many of our students have had to adjust their learning environments, curtail their social lives, and work through testing regimes. Yet, with advances in technology, access to remote learning, endless online and distance learning options, this is a great time to be a student. Our students have demonstrated resilience, fortitude, and persistence in their commitment to their educational endeavours. We, as a community, are proud of what our students have accomplished, despite the numerous challenges facing us during these times. But, it doesn't stop here. These challenging times bring to the forefront characteristics that make for productive, progressive and positive adults in our FRPPXQLW\ -XVW DV WKH JUHDW IUHHGRP ̰JKWHU )UHGHULFN 'RXJODVV stated, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." Here in 2022, we must draw on the experiences and knowledge of our past, the wisdom of our teachers and elders, and look to our future to reach our full potential. I challenge each of you to take hold of every opportunity and push yourself to the next level. Your family, school, community, and Government are here to support you, and we are proud. I wish you all the best in 2022. Sincerely, The Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP MP Minister of Education


Your Future 2022

At EY Bermuda Ltd., we are helping our clients navigate the age of innovation and disruption. The way we work is changing – and the talent we recruit is changing too. If you are interested in internship, graduate or scholarship opportunities with EY Bermuda Ltd., visit us at #BetterQuestions

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What will be more important in the future, the right skill set or mindset?




ike it or not, when you apply for a scholarship, college entry or job, those that are considering your application may search for you on social media. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and other social networking services have become an integral part of the recruitment process, and what recruiters ̰QG RXW DERXW \RX RQ VRFLDO PHGLD PD\ be a lot more meaningful to them than \RXU &9 :KDW WKH\ ̰QG PD\ VRPHWLPHV be good, sometimes harmful to your prospects. Although it’s called ‘social’ media, there’s no doubt that it plays a VLJQL̰FDQW UROH LQ DOO DVSHFWV RI ZRUN OLIH and career progression, and you need to manage your online presence accordingly. $ɓHU DOO \RX DUH OHDYLQJ D WUDLO RI SHUVRQDO information about yourself whenever you post anything online that could exist forever. You may be able to remove the post, but others may already have shared it, or saved it. 6RPH WKLQJV DUH EHVW NHSW SULYDWH There is a horror story about an HR 0DQDJHU ̰QGLQJ D SLFWXUH RQOLQH RI D MRE candidate climbing a lamppost on Front Street at the end of boozy night out. Not only does this paint a job applicant in


an unfavourable light, but the company would be concerned about its corporate image if this was one of its employees and representatives. Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident. There are many similar circumstances where a prospect’s chances have been harmed by their social media presence. Some argue that social media provides a platform for people to express their views and be themselves. However, the reality is that in the business world, recruiters can and do use it to assess job applicants, and to get a fuller picture of the candidate. Google yourself and ask “what would a potential employer think of the online content about me? And would I hire myself?” %H LQ FRQWURO The good news is you have control of ZKDW WKH\ ̰QG 0DNH XVH RI DQ\ SULYDF\ settings related to your accounts to hide anything that might not be appropriate for recruiters to see. Change things such DV \RXU )DFHERRN SUR̰OH SLFWXUH WR PDNH it “business friendly”, make sure any photos put you in the best light. Always

err on the side of caution. Before you post something online, ask yourself “would I be happy if my grandma saw this?” If not, don’t post it. Make sure you approve any photos posted on your timeline and be careful about others taking your picture. If a phone is pointed at you, think about where that photo might end up? Don’t automatically add everyone who sends you a friend request on Facebook. If they are not someone you would want to spend time with, or be seen with in UHDO OLIH LWȃV ̰QH WR SROLWHO\ LJQRUH WKHLU invitation. 6KRZFDVH \RXUVHOI Social media can also be used positively to boost your employability. If you have D WDOHQW VKRZ LW R̯ ,I \RX YROXQWHHU for a charity, or support an important community cause, share that. And share other relevant positive posts, comments, and articles. You can also connect with companies and recruiters, adding comments to their page and get on their radar. Always be respectful of course, and don’t get into arguments. You may also discover an opportunity with that company that interests you. If you do, take action, get in contact, and let them know of your interest. LinkedIn is something students should consider using. You can search for your dream job, stay up to date with whatever professional areas interest you, make business connections, and even showcase your resume. Your Future 2022

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What to wear? Dressing for success is a big part of the interview process.




here’s a saying that ‘You only JHW RQH FKDQFH WR PDNH D ̰UVW impression’. First impressions do count. And while the trend over the last few years (and especially since Covid) is for more casual work attire, what you wear still matters. It’s true that employers are primarily interested in your skills, but appearing sloppy for an interview, or dressed inappropriately, could hinder your prospects of landing that job. But in our island culture, what exactly is considered appropriate? We asked the people who matter most and do the hiring, for their expert advice. Rosewood Tucker’s Point has a complex policy says Sonina Lottimore, 10

Director of Talent and Culture, and the KRWHO RɓHQ KDV GHPRQVWUDWLRQ GD\V DQG displays appropriate grooming photos as LW GRHV ̰QG WKDW QRW HYHU\RQH LV DZDUH RI the best practices or appropriate ways to dress for work. Ms. Lottimore suggests dressing for a level above the position for which you are applying. “Imagine walking into a professional environment and ask yourself what image you would expect there and emulate that. And remember that your attire also shows your personality.” “Make thoughtful selections when purchasing attire for your job. Some pieces, such as ripped jeans, are not

appropriate for every environment, and consider dark versus light coloured clothing. If you have tattoos, consider LI WKH\ DUH R̯HQVLYH REVFHQH RU MXVW inappropriate for work and cover them up if necessary. Finally dressing appropriately doesn’t just include clothes. The length and colour of your nails, hair colour, make-up, perfume, shoes and personal hygiene must also be considered.” Sharai Parris, Director of Talent and Culture at Hamilton Princess Hotel and Beach Club, says “luxury brands like Fairmont, who manage the Hamilton Princess, are still quite reserved so it’s best to err on the side of caution for Your Future 2022

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The Deloitte Scholarship





be paired easily with a smart casual or business casual shirt.” “My best advice for young Bermudians is, know your audience and research the company culture by looking at their social media and website. Ask a member of the company’s HR team about what to wear, they would be more than happy to guide a prospective colleague. When in doubt, wear business or business casual attire. You can’t go wrong when you look professional. Even if you’re applying for a role that is never seen by the public and the uniform will be casual, it’s important to demonstrate that you respect the company and interviewer by making

D JUHDW ̰UVW LPSUHVVLRQ 6KRZ WKHP that you take pride in your professional reputation and personal brand. Whatever you decide to wear, make sure your FORWKLQJ ̰WV ZHOO DQG LV QRW WRR WLJKW small or large. My motto is, when you look good, you feel good, and it shows in your demeanor and attitude.” $W ODZ ̰UP &RQ\HUV +HDG RI +XPDQ Resources, Lisa Spencer-Arscott says it has a business casual dress code policy in place but when employees meet with clients, they are expected to dress more formally. “We also expect our interviewees to dress in business attire” she stresses.


interviews with any luxury hospitality company.” “Blazer and tie for men would be appropriate for any leadership role, and DQ\ JXHVW IDFLQJ UROH LQ RXU IURQW R̲FH operation. For more junior roles, smart or business casual (open neck shirt or polo) LV SHUIHFWO\ ̰QH Ȇ “For ladies, business dress (business suit or business dress) is appropriate for leadership roles. For more junior roles, business or smart casual would be appropriate Acceptable casual attire for ladies would be pants and a shirt (not a graphic WHH WKDW LV WXFNHG LQ RU D ̱RZ\ QRQ structured knee-length (or longer) dress or similar length skirt with a shirt. &ORWKLQJ VKRXOG ̰W DSSURSULDWHO\ DQG QRW be too small or too large.” “We don’t allow our colleagues to wear facial piercings, but we have relaxed on tattoos. If an employee in a guest-facing role, such as a server, guest experience coordinator (for example, reception desk for spa or front desk agent) has any R̯HQVLYH WDWWRRV RU DQ HQWLUH VOHHYH we would ask them to wear an arm covering.” “Unacceptable dress would be beach/ resort wear such as sundresses, short VKRUWV ERDUG FDUJR VKRUWV ̱LS ̱RSV or slides. We also strongly discourage street wear like jeggings, leggings, sweatpants, ripped jeans, cropped tops, graphic t-shirts, hoodies, or sweatshirts. If a candidate has to wear jeans, it’s best to wear black as it looks smart and can 12


Your Future 2022

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How to succeed at college without drugs and alcohol Why it’s vitally important to avoid substance abuse in college


RU PDQ\ VWXGHQWV WKHLU ̰UVW UHDO exposure to drugs is when they begin college. Regrettably, there is a more casual attitude toward drugs and alcohol on campus, which makes experimenting with legal and illegal substances appear less risky. And EHFDXVH DOFRKRO LV RɓHQ FRQGRQHG DQG ever-present at house parties, sporting events, and other student get-togethers, many college students end up drinking alcohol more frequently. If there’s any doubt about the negative H̯HFWV RI GUXJV DQG DOFRKRO RQ FDPSXV here’s some sobering statistics, reported by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: • )RXU RXW RI HYHU\ ̰YH FROOHJH VWXGHQWV drink alcohol, half of which binge drink. • Almost 2,000 die every year due to alcohol. • Nearly 100,000 are sexually assaulted or raped due to alcohol. • &ORVH WR DUH LQMXUHG ZKHQ intoxicated or due to other people’s intoxication. • About 700,000 are assaulted by a student who has been drinking. • Suicide attempts and health problems D̯HFW VWXGHQWV • Academic problems due to drinking plague 25 percent of all students. Getting familiar with common situations on campus, and the myths and realities behind them, will help students make smarter choices about substance abuse and make college a more rewarding, fun, and healthy experience. 7KH ̰UVW SHRSOH \RX PHHW DW FROOHJH may not turn out to be your best choice for making long-term friends. You’ll come across people unlike anyone else you’ve ever met, and you may feel you need to LPSUHVV WKRVH SHRSOH WR ̰W LQ ,I \RX IHHO pressured to go to parties where there is a lot of drinking, while it’s not easy to dodge social pressure, remember, you don’t have to say yes. There are plenty 14

of students who participate in social activities without taking drugs or drinking alcohol. If one group of friends doesn’t take no for an answer, this group may not EH WKH EHVW ̰W IRU \RX *RRG IULHQGV ZLOO understand and support your sobriety. When refusing to attend an event where you know there’s going to be excessive substance abuse, always GHFOLQH ̰UPO\ DQG SROLWHO\ 'RQȃW XVH judgmental language that may lead others to believe you feel morally superior to them. In a friendly way, explain why you choose to remain sober. You might be surprised how many other VWXGHQWV ZLOO DSSODXG \RXU GL̲FXOW GHFLVLRQ DQG \RX PD\ HYHQ ̰QG \RX make friends who are looking to lead a similar lifestyle. If you are at a party or other event and see something that seems risky or unsafe, don’t hesitate to say something. 6SHDN XS DQG ̰QG D IULHQG ZKR FDQ help you take action to resolve or avoid the situation. Leaving when you feel uncomfortable can be tricky, especially if you’re with a friend or group of friends. Trust your own judgment.

Some students say that they use alcohol and drugs to reduce stress. But this can lead to a downward spiral of poor academic results and more stress. Drug and alcohol use decreases your academic skills and can have a negative impact on your cognitive skills for up to KRXUV 6R LI \RX JHW ZDVWHG RQ 6XQGD\ night, you may struggle to do well in class QRW RQO\ RQ 0RQGD\ EXW RQ WKH GD\ DɓHU that as well. Studies on marijuana have shown that LW FDQ FDQ D̯HFW WKH VOHHS F\FOH GHFUHDVH focus, lead to memory loss, increase overall fatigue, increase heart rate, and even cause anxiety and panic – ironically, things many users are trying to reduce. ,I \RX VX̯HU IURP VRFLDO DQ[LHW\ WKH temptation to drink is strong because \RX PD\ ̰QG WKDW DOFRKRO PDNHV LW HDVLHU to loosen up and socialize. But don’t be fooled. While you may feel more relaxed XQGHU WKH LQ̱XHQFH WKH PRUH \RX WDNH the worse you’ll feel, as alcohol and many drugs are considered depressants. Further, routine drinking can lead many into addiction. Make your room on campus or apartment into a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable place to be. When you go out, visit places where you don’t have to be social, such as the campus library, and ZKHUH \RXȃOO ̰QG OLNH PLQGHG SHRSOH Along the way, you’ll no doubt encounter others who are struggling with social anxiety; by sharing personal experiences, you’ll develop healthy ideas for avoiding unhealthy habits. Other things you can do at college to have fun without getting wasted are to throw sober parties – watch movies, dance, listen to your favourite music, play cards or other games, or think up other creative activities. You can also explore your new city or surrounding FRXQWU\VLGH *R WR D FR̯HH VKRS PRYLH or concert with a friend. Check the college directory for student groups or FOXEV WR ̰QG D OLNH PLQGHG JURXS WKDW you can connect with. Coming up with ideas to avoid the lure of drugs and alcohol can be a major part of the fun in and of itself. Avoiding the temptation of drugs and alcohol can help you succeed in college and make you a stronger person than you might have imagined. It’s also possible to have even more fun in college while sober. Your Future 2022

Suite 304, Melbourne House 11 Parliament Street Hamilton HM 12 Bermuda 441-292-3049


Opportunities in energy As Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited (BELCO) transitions to a sustainable company there are many current and future opportunities for Bermudians through scholarships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training and employment.


ELCO’s B100 initiative aims to achieve 100% renewable energy generation for Bermuda through adding renewable energy generation technologies to the energy mix. In addition, BELCO are making major improvements to the underground transmission grid that will serve all customers into the future with more UHOLDEOH VDIH DQG FRVW H̯HFWLYH electricity. The upgrades will help to ensure that BELCO can accommodate large and small-scale renewable energy to be safely fed into the grid. To support BELCO’s sustainable energy future, BELCO needs dedicated and skilled workers and is continuing a long history of supporting education and developing talent. Each year, BELCO provides a host of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate VWXGHQWV ZLWKLQ YDULRXV ̰HOGV RI VWXG\ The annual scholarships include a $25,000 engineering scholarship, a 16

$25,000 STEM postgraduate scholarship and a $25,000 business postgraduate scholarship and an internal scholarship valued up to $20,000. Additionally, BELCO provides $1,000 Bermuda College bursaries to graduating seniors of Cedarbridge Academy and The Berkeley Institute, as well as STEM education awards of varying amounts. (DFK VXPPHU %(/&2 R̯HUV employment opportunities to college and university students, enabling them to gain invaluable work experience. Students are matched to the departments that most closely align with their studies. Available departments typically include sustainability, bulk generation, transmission and distribution, information technology, and human resources. The BELCO Apprenticeship Programme provides on the job training to young Bermudians pursuing careers in the energy sector with 15

new apprentices joining the Company in December 2021. The programme R̯HUV WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WUDLQ LQ D structured way towards a successful and rewarding career by blending technical training and academic study with work-based learning to kick-start careers in Bermuda’s evolving energy industry with apprentices earning as they learn. Upon completion of the programme, successful candidates are assessed for progression to graded positions and placed in designated areas of the business including as HOHFWULFDO ̰WWHUV PHFKDQLFDO ̰WWHUV OLQH workers and electrical jointers. BELCO’s Apprenticeship Programme has evolved over the last 30 years and many of the Company’s skilled workforce are past apprentices that graduated from the programme and are now employed fulltime at the Company. To learn more about the opportunities available at BELCO, visit Your Future 2022

Energy for Generations Are you planning for a sustainable future? We invest in young Bermudians who can develop our energy future in ways we have not yet dreamed.

To learn more about what BELCO can do for you, visit

By providing scholarships, nurturing the love of STEM education, and offering employment opportunities to students and apprentices, BELCO is lighting the way for future generations.

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Hotels offer a world of possibility Two young men in the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club’s Leadership Development Programme share their stories of success


WȃV D ZHOO ZRUQ FOLFK« EXW IDLOXUH LV RɓHQ a step towards success. Tah-mi Williams was studying sports management at university in the UK when he found himself doing poorly in one of his courses. He decided to return home for a half semester and has never looked back from that decision. “I was pretty down at the time,” he recalls. “I felt like I had wasted my mom’s money, but it gave me time to think, and

I realised that hospitality was actually a EHWWHU ̰W Ȇ Having previously worked summer jobs at the Grotto Bay Resort and for the BTA at its Visitor Travel Centres, Tah-mi returned to the UK to study hospitality at the University of Salford in Manchester, earning an associates in hospitality followed by a bachelor’s in business with tourism management. He also spent three years working at

the Holiday Inn in Salford, an experience he highly recommends to others making their way in the industry. “It was a bit tough working and studying but it was worth it,” he says. “You learn a lot and experience new cultures. You also understand certain levels of service.” His job in the UK also added to his resume and helped him attain his current position in the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club’s Leadership Development Programme, in the food and beverage department. “I had to apply and there were several LQWHUYLHZV EXW , ZDV FRQ̰GHQW EHFDXVH , had a good resume and it felt like a good ̰W Ȇ KH VD\V 7KH PRQWK SURJUDPPH FRYHUV all aspects of food and beverage management for the hotel’s restaurants and other guest services. Tah-mi says he is learning about payroll, scheduling, customer relations, and events while “jumping in to help wherever it is needed”. “I also produce regular reports on everything from total sales and patron 7DK PL :LOOLDPV

Your Future 2022



numbers to recording complaints and how they were resolved,” he says. “I’m right in there already and I feel like it’s adding to what I learned in school.” While Tah-mi says he picks things up quickly at work, his greatest challenge right now is balancing his home life with the recent birth of his son. 2XU VFKHGXOHV GRQȃW ̰W WRJHWKHU YHU\ ZHOO ULJKW QRZ VR LWȃV DERXW ̰QGLQJ WLPH to spend with him,” he says. “But that’s also part of my motivation, I have to provide for him.” While at work Tami says he is focused on “climbing the ladder” which he acknowledges may take some time, but he can see avenues for him to progress: “I’m just getting myself ready to take advantage of those opportunities.” Jaquan Burrows’ talent for the hospitality industry was recognised and encouraged early. “When I was 13, I got a summer job at the Port Royal Golf Club through the Government summer job programme,” he recalls. “I was working in the Pro Shop and Caddy Shop and Mr. Greg Maybury (Port Royal manager at the time) 20

encouraged me to further my studies in hospitality — he wanted to see me go further.” Mr. Maybury’s hopes for Jaquan have come to fruition with Jaquan studying Hospitality and Management at Holland College on Prince Edward Island in Canada, and now enrolled in the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club’s Leadership Development Programme in the Rooms Division. Jaquan also attributes his present success to a lesson he learned from his mom – following up. “Hamilton Princess posted various jobs and I was looking at a way of working my way up, getting experience,” he recalls. “So, I applied and when I didn’t hear back my mom encouraged me to follow up. I didn’t want to seem pushy, but I am so glad I did.” In fact, when Jaquan called back, Roydell Neverson, the Director of Rooms, invited him to apply for the Leadership Programme because she thought he ZRXOG EH D ȅSHUIHFW ̰WȆ Now in the programme, Jaquan is learning all aspects of the hotel’s

RSHUDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ ZKDWȃV RɓHQ referred to as “back of house” functions like housekeeping, laundry and managing room inventory. As the name suggests, this is the part of the business guests are not supposed to see, but that are multi-faceted and critical to the experience of each visitor. “It’s about making sure that everything is up to standard,” he says. Jaquan will also spend eight months working on the “front of house” operations, that includes the front desk, scheduling, payroll, and assigning work each day. He says so far the programme has shown him the importance of showing initiative: “You don’t have to wait to be told what to do. Just jump in and help out or make suggestions if you see something that could work better.” Ultimately, Jaquan says he could see himself as a general manager one day, or even working to promote tourism in Bermuda as a whole. “I enjoy being in leadership positions, taking charge and showing initiative. Its problem solving, I enjoy that and just being there to help others.” Your Future 2022


Join us in the aviation industry


he Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) is a safety UHJXODWRU IRU DLUFUDɓ RQ WKH %HUPXGD $LUFUDɓ 5HJLVWU\ DQG for the airspace surrounding Bermuda. This is a unique space in the aviation sector WKDW RɓHQ JHWV RYHUORRNHG E\ Bermudians. Based on what role you are ORRNLQJ WR IXO̰O LQ DYLDWLRQ regulation the pathway will GL̯HU EXW DV D EDVLF JXLGH you are likely to require a secondary education with a strong focus on maths, physics and chemistry, a SRVW JUDGXDWH TXDOL̰FDWLRQ in aviation and some relevant industry experience, which may require working overseas. Trae Brangman is currently completing a student placement with the BCAA Operations team, assisting


with the approval of Foreign Operator Permits. Trae has always been LQWHUHVWHG LQ ̱\LQJ VR ZKHQ the BCAA attended a Career Fair at Cedarbridge he took the opportunity to ask lots

of questions and take advice on how to move forward with a career in aviation. The Director of Operations, Tariq Lynch-Wade, became a PHQWRU IRU 7UDH DV KH VHW R̯ to school at Florida Flyers to

earn his pilot licence. Over the course of two years, Trae obtained his private, commercial, and multi commercial licences and returned to Bermuda as D TXDOL̰HG SLORW :LWK WKHVH TXDOL̰FDWLRQV 7UDH V FDUHHU options in the aviation space are broad. While his dream is WR ̱\ ZLWK D PDMRU DLUOLQH KH is enjoying his time with BCAA learning the regulatory side of aviation. "Every day I am learning something new about the business side of aviation, which includes safety oversight, regulations and DLUFUDɓ UHJLVWUDWLRQȆ KH VD\V “My time at BCAA is helping build my experience in GL̯HUHQW DUHDV RI DYLDWLRQ VR that I can make an informed decision on where to focus my career goals.”

A career in aviation doesn’t mean you have to be a pilot

The Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) is an international leader in aviation safety and aircraft regulation with a highly skilled workforce in Bermuda and across the globe. Our team consists of passionate and motivated individuals covering a variety of roles. If you’re technically minded and have an interest in aviation, or your strengths are in business or administration services, we can help develop your career.

Your Future 2022

• Learn more about us and what we do at • Learn more about the roles and qualifications needed in our various departments at


TECHNOLOGY I also reserve one day a week to doing backups, testing backups, and reviewing all of the data for correctness. In general, whenever my assistance is needed, I show up. Not addressing a colleague’s request could delay or jeopardise their work. Even worse, a seemingly small, unattended IT glitch could mushroom into a much larger problem. :KDW OHG \RX WR SXUVXLQJ D FDUHHU LQ IT? I was interested in technology but never considered it a possible carreer. All of that changed in high school during my ̰UVW ,7 FODVV ZKLFK ZDV WLWOHG ,QIRUPDWLRQ Communication Technologies. I enjoyed that class. It helped me learn that technolgy is not going away anytime soon, it is here to stay and it is constantly evolving. I knew I wanted to play an active role in that ever-growing evolution.

A day in the life of an IT specialist Kevin Da Costa talks about his positive experience as IT Consultant for the Government of Bermuda *LYH XV D JOLPSVH LQWR \RXU ZRUNGD\ “My work varies and includes some purely technical undertakings like using and assisting with the Customer Relationship Management platform (CRM). Other aspects of my work go beyond pure IT: I assist client functions such as compliance, marketing, communications, and education. Typically, I start work by spending at least an hour reading all my unread 22

emails. Every day, I dedicate at least an hour or two going through all of the data inside of the CRM to ensure that it is correct. I spend some time completing requests sent to me by my co-workers, and dedicate a few additional hours every day conducting research. It may not seem important but that exercise keeps any professional up-to-date on the latest technology updates and innovations.

:KDW DGYLFH ZRXOG \RX JLYH WR VRPHRQH ZKR ZDQWV WR EH LQ ,7" Do your research: • What is required for you to progress in WKDW ̰HOG" • What is the typical day-to-day work like? • How soon can you get an internship or work-shadow opportunity in that ̰HOG" Obtain these answers, and more, before you commit to a degree. You do not want to pay a fortune for your HGXFDWLRQ RQO\ WR ̰QG RXW ODWHU WKDW \RX really are not enjoying the industry. If you do not yet have a specialisation in mind, optimise on this hesitation. Explore your strengths and preferences and investigate what you like to do. Seize every opportunity that is presented to you. If none, approach GL̯HUHQW HPSOR\HUV DQG FRPSDQLHV DQG discuss the creation of one. 0RVW LPSRUWDQWO\ PDNH VXUH WR ̰QG somebody to whom you can go to for advice. Getting into IT is a road with lots of bumps. Most of the time, you are not going to be able to do everything yourself or you may not always know what the next steps should be. That is why it is important to network with the local IT community. Its more experienced members are usually happy and available to mentor new entrants. Your Future 2022

Consider a career in technology. Join the team that keeps things running.


A life in uniform offers more than just a pay cheque


rivate JD Symonds of the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard and Major Larenzo Ratteray, the RBR’s Second-inCommand, say their service has given them new skills useful not only in uniform but in civilian life as well. Pte. Symonds, 25, has served in the RBR for three years and is a full-time member of the Coast Guard. Pte. Symonds explains “It’s GH̰QLWHO\ EHQH̰FLDO , QHYHU thought I would become a full-time soldier. I signed on full-time because I saw a career path and an opportunity for career growth. I’d absolutely recommend the RBR. For young people and students coming back from college, the Regiment is a


JRRG VWHSSLQJ VWRQH ,W R̯HUV discipline and a place to start – there are so many training opportunities and once you’re posted to a company, you make so many contacts.” A former diving instructor, Pte. Symonds became involved in the RBR’s Diving




Section because of his civilian job and began work with the former Boat Troop, which became the foundation of the Coast Guard. The Covid-19 pandemic meant work in the GLYLQJ ̰HOG VORZHG EHFDXVH of a lack of tourists and he QHHGHG WR ̰QG DQRWKHU VRXUFH of income. The maritime section of the RBR was HPERGLHG DɓHU WKH SDQGHPLF hit the island, with soldiers mobilised to help police the waters and enforce pandemic

regulations. “I’m absolutely happy with it” Pte. Symonds continues. “I have so many training opportunities that further my development and the leadership roles — it’s amazing. I still dive and I’ve taken a few courses during my time in the RBR. Working alongside the police painted a new picture for me of what it takes to police the ocean. I’ve always loved the sea and protecting the environment – as well as sometimes saving people who don’t realise the problems they can run into. It’s very satisfying.” Maj. Ratteray, 40, a 19-yearveteran of the RBR, explains that new soldiers can choose a variety of paths, up to the potential for a commission and time at the UK’s Royal Military College, Sandhurst, one of the world’s top military training schools. “Soldiers are well paid and there’s also WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR EHQH̰W from learning credits. Courses FDQ EH 5HJLPHQW VSHFL̰F RU a course that will improve WKH LQGLYLGXDO :H DOVR R̯HU courses locally and overseas for people to pursue a career WRZDUGV :DUUDQW 2̲FHU DQG there are opportunities for travel. Sometimes, just based on connections soldiers make ZLWK RWKHU SHRSOH WKH\ ̰QG their sweet spot in terms of employment. People discover skill sets they’re maybe underutilising and gain new ones.” Maj. Ratteray, an insurance ̰UP H[HFXWLYH LQ FLYLOLDQ OLIH concludes, “some of the problem-solving techniques you learn, the discipline you learn, is something employers appreciate.” To join the Regiment visit https://bermudaregiment. EP MRLQ XV RU FDOO The Regiment has two recruit intakes a year, one in February and another in July. Your Future 2022


A venturer’s scholarship


aleigh Bermuda’s 2022 Venturers’ Scholarship Programme is now open for young people aged 17 to 24 years old to apply. If accepted into the programme, Raleigh Bermuda will fully subsidize all training camps and local/

overseas expedition costs with a value of up to $12,000 USD. This is an enriched personal development programme for young people aged 17 to 24 years old, which includes local training camps and the

choice of an overseas expedition to Nepal or Costa Rica, or a local expedition in Bermuda. Raleigh Bermuda’s vision is of a Bermuda where young people work together, regardless of social background and culture. They are challenged to raise their aspirations, supported to believe in themselves and inspired to be part of a global community, active in making their world a better place. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FDOO HPDLO LQIR#UDOHLJK EP RU YLVLW

Fźơ ŮźơĨ ōŰŀź ĚźŰƶýĚƶۚ ōŰŀź‫ݱ‬ơýťĨōŁňۡęŮ ۧ ‫ٺٹٸٷ۽ٵٵٵ‬ ŰťōŰĨ ¦ĨŁōƩƶơýƶōźŰۚ ňƶƶƞƩۚۧ​ۧŀźơŮƩۡŁťĨۧ®ŢŢý¦®Űtƞƞ‫ٸٳ‬àŀ '‫ٺ‬ Your Future 2022


Choose your career with care. Find your calling with us!

At Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, our goal is to prevent, detect and treat cancer. We provide our patients in Bermuda with equal access, high-quality diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy and support. Our team includes a range of professionals, all helping to save lives in unique ways. Learn more about our team and how to get involved at




Radiologists, Mammography Technologists, Sonographers (Ultrasound Technologist) Bone Densitometry Technologists, Medical Transcriptionists, Nurses

Patient Navigators, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists, Radiation Oncology Nurses

Public Health Educators, Marketing, Fundraising, Accounting, Administration, Compliance

Bermuda Registered Charity #070 | | 441.236.1001


Careers in Cancer Care C ancer is a leading cause of death globally and, unfortunately, Bermuda is no exception. Since cancer transforms normal cells into tumour cells in a progressive process, early detection and treatment can reduce the risk of cancer mortality. Even better, a substantial percentage of cancers can be prevented. If saving lives through cancer prevention, detection or treatment sounds like your calling, there are multiple career opportunities right here in Bermuda to let you do just that. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered local charity that provides the highest standard of early detection, radiation treatment, support, care and education for cancer. An important part of the Centre’s mission is equal access care, which means that its services are provided free of co-pay, regardless of health insurance status. Community donations to the Equal Access Fund enable the Centre to subsidise services for those in need. Clinical services include diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy, as well as patient services. In addition to the clinical service teams, the Centre employs public health educators and professionals in the areas of marketing, fundraising, accounting and compliance. The diagnostic imaging team

Your Future 2022

includes a radiologist, mammography technologists, sonographers (ultrasound technologists), bone densitometry technologists, medical transcriptionists and nurses. This team carries out 3D and digital mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsy and bone densitometry. Within the radiation therapy team, there are patient navigators, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiation therapists and radiation oncology nurses. This team works in

FOLQLFDO D̲OLDWLRQ ZLWK 'DQD )DUEHU Brigham Cancer Center. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre was the ̰UVW IDFLOLW\ RXWVLGH RI WKH 8QLWHG States to be accredited for radiation oncology by the American College of Radiology, which is the gold standard of accreditation. 3DWLHQW VHUYLFH VWD̯ HQVXUH WKDW WKH Centre meets the needs of its clients. 7KLV WHDP LQFOXGHV IURQW GHVN VWD̯ transcriptionists and clinical managers. If you are wondering if any of these careers are right for you, think about your strengths and what sparks your interest. Professionals in the clinical services tend to have a high aptitude for biology and/ or physics and an interest in healthcare with a focus on patient care. They are logical thinkers with good teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills. In particular, technologists are also interested in using state of the art technology. Based on which area you choose to pursue, there are many educational RSWLRQV DYDLODEOH WR HDUQ D FHUWL̰FDWH diploma, degree or professional FHUWL̰FDWLRQ IURP DQ DFFUHGLWHG institution. To learn more about Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, its team and its work to prevent, detect and treat cancer in the community, visit 27


Cooking to heal


f you love cooking perhaps you are considering pursuing a career as a chef, but have you ever contemplated how your work could help heal people? Food is one of the most important ways we nourish our bodies, so that they perform optimally – it’s quite literally the fuel for life. Tamiyah Durrant is one the youngest additions to the Food Services team at Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) and she VD\V VKH ̰QGV KHU ZRUN IXO̰OOLQJ “I have grown up in a family where we love cooking,” she says. “I’ve bingewatched Food Network for most of my life. At Berkeley, I received my formal introduction to the culinary arts in my family studies class. It was here that I UHDOLVHG D SURIHVVLRQ LV WKLV ̰HOG LV WKH route I wanted to take, so I applied for the culinary arts programme at Bermuda College and was accepted.” Tamiyah was the star of her class at Bermuda College, winning the Fred Ming Culinary Excellence plaque for most outstanding culinary student. With the coveted award to her credit, world-famous chef, Marcus Samuelsson, took her onboard at his Fairmont Hamilton Princess restaurant – Marcus. Here, she says, she really began to hone her skills. When the position of Special Diet Cook in the Food Services Department at BHB became available, Tamiyah was drawn to apply, realising the important contribution she would be making to the health of patients. “It can be challenging cooking, for example, with low salt or no salt for patients with high blood pressure,” she says. “And there are so many other dietary considerations that come into play for the thousands of patients we serve every year. The unique needs of each patient are brought to bear in each of the meals we prepare for each patient, every day of their hospital stay,” she says. “I’m proud to be on the team that meets this challenge consistently,” she adds. “Here at BHB I feel not only at home, but happy in the kitchen.” Imagine the energy around food prepared by a happy positive chef — SDWLHQWV DUH ERXQG WR EHQH̰W



Your Future 2022



What is a biomedical technologist?


hen students think about a career in healthcare, nursing DQG PHGLFLQH PD\ ̰UVW FRPH to mind, but there is a plethora of RWKHU ̰HOGV WKDW DUH YLWDO WR KRVSLWDOV all over the world. Bio-Medical/Clinical Engineering is one such area. It is not on the radar of many students but is well worth considering if you are interested in electronics, computing, mechanics, engineering or biology. Delbert Doars is the newest member of the biomedical team at Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB). He is a biomed technologist who became interested following a job shadowing opportunity in the department when he was working in the Purchasing and Materials Management department of the organisation. ȅ, DOZD\V ORYHG WR ̰[ WKLQJV Ȇ KH VD\V “From as far back as I can remember, I loved taking apart my toys and trying WR ̰JXUH RXW KRZ WKH\ ZRUNHG , ZRXOG WU\ DQG ̰[ HTXLSPHQW ELNHV DOO GL̯HUHQW kinds of mechanical things,” he adds. At BHB Delbert quickly learned that ̰[LQJ PHGLFDO HTXLSPHQW LPSURYHG

Your Future 2022

patient care and helped save lives. “High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke and so many other ailments,” he says. “Imagine if the machinery to read blood pressure is not working. Patients are at risk of not receiving the care they need as quickly as they would if the machine is working.” Biomedical technologists are the medical equipment specialists of the hospital. They liaise with the manufacturers and are trained in installing, maintaining, and modifying all the medical equipment and devices — from hospital beds to blood pressure monitors, CT scanners and equipment in the operating room, to portable IV’s. Working closely with clinicians, they also advise hospital executives on the equipment best suited for the facility. “It’s not a job where you sit at a desk all day,” says Delbert, “That’s a huge part of why I love it. I go where I am needed which could be the lab, a patient ward, or even one of the MWI group homes in the community.” At the moment, Delbert’s duties include ensuring beds, blood pressure

PDFKLQHV ,9 SXPSV DQG OLɓV WR JHW patients in and out of bed and baths) are working. In the department, each technologist WHQGV WR VSHFLDOLVH LQ VSHFL̰F HTXLSPHQW 7KLV DOORZV WKH KRVSLWDO WR KDYH VWD̯ who are abreast of the latest technology DQG SUR̰FLHQW ZLWK DOO WKH HTXLSPHQW RQ hand. Students interested in pursuing D FDUHHU LQ WKH ELRPHGLFDO ̰HOG FDQ VWXG\ HOHFWURQLF HQJLQHHULQJ VSHFL̰F branch of electrical engineering) and/or ELRPHGLFDO HQJLQHHULQJ ,W LV D ̰HOG WKDW R̯HUV D ORW RI VFRSH IRU DGYDQFHPHQW Not only might you work for a healthcare facility, but you could also work for a medical manufacturing company. %+% R̯HUV LWV PHGLFDO WHFKQRORJLVWV regular training on new equipment and upgrades to equipment, so you can always be on top of your game. Biomedical technologists are well respected and well paid. Growth of employment prospects are predicted in WKH ̰HOG GXH WR WKH HPHUJHQFH RI QHZ technologies and increasing applications to medical equipment and devices. 29


International Success :H SUR̰OH WKUHH %HUPXGLDQV ZKR SHUVLVWHQWO\ SXUVXHG WKHLU GUHDP MREV DQG achieved success in the global arena

Being determined and clear F

ORUD 'X̯\ ZRQ D JROG PHGDO DW WKH 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, %HUPXGDȃV ̰UVW ,Q KHU KRQRXU Corkscrew Hill was renamed Flora 'X̯\ +LOO WKH 1DWLRQDO 6SRUWV &HQWUHȃV South Field Stadium was renamed WKH )ORUD 'X̯\ 6WDGLXP DQG PDQ\ other accolades and honours followed, including being made a Dame in the 2022 New Year’s Honours. So what drove Dame Flora to become the best in the world? “When I was at Warwick Academy, I was really into triathlon,” she says. “It was then that I knew I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a professional triathlete. And so, to do that I was swimming with the Sharks swim club, and I was a member of TriHedz triathlon club.


I used to participate in any bike race or triathlon that was on the schedule. I really enjoyed participating in sports, and I had a lot of friends that I was able to train and compete with, so it was something WKDW , HQMR\HG GRLQJ DɓHU VFKRRO DQG on weekends. This was something that I was quite clear on. Nothing appealed to me as much as becoming a professional athlete.” :KHQ VKH ZDV 'DPH )ORUD OHɓ Warwick and went to the UK, to a school named Mount Kelley, where she’d obtained a partial scholarship and studied A levels. Several contacts had recommended the school as a place that had a great triathlon programme, including an Olympic-size swimming pool. “I was fortunate that my parents

VXSSRUWHG PH ̰QDQFLDOO\ IRU WKH EDODQFH of the school fees and other costs so that I could pursue my dream,” she says. “My time there was extremely busy, and it was a challenge balancing my triathlon training with studying for A level exams,” she continues. “My day typically started at 5am when I would go to swim practice. At 7am, I would have breakfast and be UHDG\ IRU P\ ̰UVW FODVV ZKLFK EHJDQ DW DP $ɓHU VFKRRO , ZRXOG JR RQ D UXQ RU D ELNH ZRUNRXW GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH GD\ DɓHU which I would have dinner and then tackle homework. Then to bed and do it all over again the next day. That was pretty much my schedule every day, Monday to Friday. Then on weekends, I was free to train and do whatever workouts my training schedule called for.” Your Future 2022

PROFILE “One of the things that helped was that I wasn’t alone doing this. There was a group of us who trained together, so it did help in not being all alone.” There were some inevitable setbacks and challenges along the way for Dame Flora. Not least being the many injuries she faced and overcame. Perhaps WKH PRVW VLJQL̰FDQW ZDV WKH WLPH IRU UH̱HFWLRQ WKDW VKH WRRN R̯ IURP WKH VSRUW “I took two years away from the sport when I was aged 20. At that time, I wasn’t sure if I would get back into racing,” she reveals. “That was a turning point for me because I had almost given up on my dream to be a professional triathlete. But DɓHU WLPH KDG SDVVHG DQG , KDG UHVWHG , decided to give it one last go. It was then that I moved to Colorado, which gave me the incentive to resume the pursuit of my dream. So it wasn’t all smooth, as I faced many ups and downs along the way. Taking time out of the sport helped me JURZ PHQWDOLW\ DQG WR ̰JXUH RXW LI , VWLOO wanted to be a professional triathlete.” Many successful people talk about the VDFUL̰FHV WKH\ PDGH WR DFKLHYH WKHLU JRDOV %XW 'DPH )ORUD WDNHV D GL̯HUHQW view. “I think one thing I’ve learned is that instead of looking upon some

Your Future 2022

of the harder things I’ve had to do as ȂVDFUL̰FHV ȃ WR YLHZ WKHP DV IXUWKHULQJ my career. As a professional athlete, my entire life revolves around training, rest, and recovery. If I don’t get my rest and recovery and instead choose to go to parties, social gatherings, weddings, or just “hanging out,” that will impact my training and subsequently my performance in races. That can be very

hard but is something you just have to accept. I try to frame it as not being a VDFUL̰FH EXW DQ LQYHVWPHQW LQ P\ FDUHHU to help me get better and to pursue my goals. I also know that this is not going to be for my whole life. I know that, when I retire from triathlon, there will be plenty of time for lots of other things. Whether that’s doing other sports for hobbies, attending baby showers and weddings, or going on holidays. Right now, not doing these things is leading to my success, and I do feel I have my ultimate dream job, which is pretty cool.” :KDW DGYLFH ZRXOG 'DPH )ORUD R̯HU to young Bermudians who do not know exactly what they want to do in life? “I ZRXOG VD\ WR H[SORUH PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW KREELHV DQG LQWHUHVWV ̰QG RXW ZKDW works for you. What I tried to do when I was young was to surround myself with positive people who enjoyed doing triathlon and who I could train with, creating my own environment. I did try other sports, but it turned out that I was not great at them. I didn’t narrow things down and go into just triathlon until I was a little older – it really helped me to try GL̯HUHQW RSWLRQV Ȇ




How I Got My Dream Job Carl Soares Jr. dreamed of designing cars as a young boy. Here’s how he landed his dream job designing supercars in Italy


y his own admission, Carl Soares wasn’t the most academic student. What he really enjoyed doing was drawing. “I had trouble focusing on anything other than being creative. I wanted to draw and paint – especially anything that moved, like cars, bikes, and boats. One of my earliest memories is of drawing construction equipment – backhoes, bulldozers, dump trucks, anything that was bright yellow with big wheels. At Saltus, I was always drawing in class. I used to sketch in my notebook then tear out those pages and tape them to my desk. My teachers must have been very patient with me, but, at some point, I do remember they did talk to me about it.” Carl attended Saltus until he was 15 \HDUV ROG ȅ,Q P\ PLGWHHQV , ZDV ̰QGLQJ life in Bermuda hard. I was looking for a GL̯HUHQW H[SHULHQFH DQG , EHJJHG P\ parents to send me to boarding school. Reluctantly, they allowed me to go to Trinity College School in Canada. It’s a great school. But they make it the responsibility of students to perform and allow a great deal of freedom. That wasn’t good for me because I chose to do art when I wasn’t supposed to be 32

doing it – which was most of the time – and my grades in all the other subjects ZHUH KRUULEOH $W WKH HQG RI WKH ̰UVW year, I was given the Dean’s Award for Performance in Art. But my performance in everything else was so poor, they asked me leave.” Carl returned to Bermuda and continued his education at Mount Saint Agnes (MSA). He recalls that those years at MSA were some of the best of his life, meeting great people and making lifelong friends. “I felt that the MSA approach to education at that time was one that suited me. It was all about preparing you for a job, as opposed to focusing on grades. There was a lot of emphasis on practical matters, what you need to do to get a real job – do this if you want to be an accountant or do this if you want to become a carpenter.” In 2004, Carl saw a brochure from Savannah College of Art Design (SCAD) showing students designing boats, cars, suitcases, and eyeglasses. “Until then, it hadn’t occurred to me that you can get paid for sketching and designing a product for people. With my interest in cars, bikes, and boats, I was thinking I might become a mechanic or something


along those lines. I was blown away with the idea that I could have a proper job designing things. I sent in my application WR 6&$' DQG ZDV R̯HUHG D VFKRODUVKLS Ȇ At SCAD, Soares studied industrial GHVLJQ D EURDG ̰HOG WKDW HQFRPSDVVHG everything from furniture to computers to packaging. From here, students typically JR RQ WR VSHFLDOLVH LQ ZKDWHYHU ̰HOG interests them, which for Carl was cars. Your Future 2022


I started writing to every company I could think of asking for an internship – construction machinery manufacturers, car, yacht, and motorcycle designers. Then, I found this website for a one-year master’s degree in car design at SPD based in Milan, Italy. To my surprise, I got accepted. It’s a small and prestigious school. The programme accepts only 20 students a year and, at the time of my application, was sponsored by Alpha 5RPHR 7KLV ZDV LQ WKH PLGVW RI WKH ̰QDQFLDO FULVLV -XVW EHIRUH , ZDV GXH WR ̱\ WR 0LODQ , OHDUQHG WKDW $OID Romeo had withdrawn its sponsorship. This was a huge blow to the school, and I was worried that it may not work out or my enrollment would get reversed. However, a few weeks later, the school obtained a new sponsor, Lamborghini. So, I was going to Italy to design Lamborghinis. For me, this was a fantasy dream come true.” “This was the most intense year of my life. I pulled more all-nighters than I can remember to the point where I was so physically exhausted, I had to call and say I can’t come to class today. It was incredibly competitive. I guess it sounds not healthy, but it was healthy mentally. We all pushed each other and developed our abilities, skills, and talents. At that school, we all went from being college graduates, who had some idea about design, to professionals, who understood the passion and skills necessary to be the best — and we really felt like we were the best when we Your Future 2022

OHɓ WKDW VFKRRO Ȇ $ɓHU JUDGXDWLQJ &DUO VDLG UHDOLW\ KLW 7KH ̰QDQFLDO FULVLV ZDV FRQWLQXLQJ DQG car manufacturers were not hiring new designers and were reducing or closing their design studios. He got a job as a bartender to make ends meet, while he tried to stay positive, and sent his SRUWIROLR WR PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW FRPSDQLHV “That was a really tough year,” he says. 3HUVLVWHQFH GLG HYHQWXDOO\ SD\ R̯ DV he was serendipitously asked by the design school from which he graduated to tutor in 3D modelling, “because that was something I was very good at when I was there.” That position developed into becoming a course coordinator helping VWXGHQWV ZLWK WKHLU VWXGLHV $ɓHU WKDW year, and through his contacts at the VFKRRO &DUO ZDV R̯HUHG D SRVLWLRQ ZLWK Ital Design, owned by Volkswagen, the parent company of Lamborghini. ȅ,WDO 'HVLJQ LV EDVHG LQ 7XULQ VR DɓHU three years in Milan, I ‘pulled up sticks’ and moved to Turin, which wasn’t easy. $ɓHU D VKRUW WLPH LQ 7XULQ , ZDV R̯HUHG a position with another company, UP Design. UP is a smaller company, and there I had the opportunity to work on the overall styling of cars, as opposed to working on individual parts such as a front bumper, door handle, hood, or tail lamp, which is what I was doing at Ital Design. “ “I worked for UP Design as a car design consultant, and it opened my eyes to the world of consultancy as a GHVLJQHU PHDQLQJ , FRXOG EH ̱XLG DQG

work for several car companies doing designs for them – which is how I found my next move. Through connections, I was asked to move to Wuhan, China (yes, that Wuhan!), to work with a company called Dongfeng Trucks, helping it develop a ‘brand face’ for its trucks. That was a great time for me to grow, in the sense of understanding the process of making a car and working in depth with engineers, being around all the processes of making a car – not just drawing some pretty car and telling engineering, ‘try to make it.’” $ɓHU WZR \HDUV LQ &KLQD &DUO GHFLGHG he should move back to Europe, the epicenter of car design, where he has had several senior positions and is currently working for another stateowned Chinese company, Changan, which opened a design center in Turin in RUGHU WR LQWURGXFH (XURSHDQ ̱DYRXU DQG ̱DLU LQWR LWV YHKLFOHV “This is the type of work I enjoy the most, having the freedom to work on something completely new and fresh, as opposed to working with legacy car manufacturers where certain style features are an integral part of its brand – and although they can be improved, there are design rules you have to follow; you don’t get to work on a completely blank canvas.” Carl has valuable advice for young Bermudians embarking on their careers: ȅ<RX ZDQW WR ZRUN LQ D ̰HOG WKDW ZLOO be growing in 10 or 20 years – not something that might become extinct. Look at the history of the industry you want to enter. When I was young, I wanted to design supercars. That market hardly exists anymore. Nowadays, everyone wants to drive an SUV or small electric car. In fact, in the not-toodistant future, cars aren’t going to be cars in the traditional sense we know them today. The self-driving cars that are on the road now are just a small indication of the changes coming to this industry. So, I would encourage young Bermudians to carefully consider what’s going to happen in the future LQ D ̰HOG LQ ZKLFK WKH\ DUH LQWHUHVWHG Plus, think about industries that are emerging. There are hundreds of millions of jobs today in industries that didn’t exist a generation ago. The sky’s the limit, and as it did for me, your dream job can come true.” 33


Creative Career Vision Boston-based Proverbs has been appointed by the Bermuda Tourism Authority to conduct a brand study to help position the island for the next 10 to 15 years. The agency’s Managing Director/Creative Director, Bermudian Daren Bascome, shares his secrets to success.


was a kid who was far more interested in art, fashion and music than I was in sports”, says Daren, “so during my time at Paget Primary and Berkeley Institute I didn’t always feel a strong sense of community or belonging, because at that time there ZDV GH̰QLWHO\ D ELDV WRZDUGV VSRUWV IRU boys”. As a student, Daren says he had very mixed strengths. “At Berkeley I was diagnosed as being dyslexic. There were areas that I really excelled in — I was very interested in science, social science, and the arts — but I really struggled with the mechanics of English, which created real challenges for me. So much so that I repeated a year at Berkeley.” Daren was born into a creative family. His father, Charles Bascome was a graduate of The Berklee College of Music in Boston and became very well known as a musician on the island. His mother was a concert pianist, with a day job at the Bank of Bermuda. Despite this family background, ZKHQ 'DUHQ ̰UVW WDONHG ZLWK KLV SDUHQWV about pursuing a creative career in design, “they thought it was a terrible idea” he says. “But I heard about a summer programme for high schoolers at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. I managed to enroll in that, and it was helpful to me and my parents in 34

XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKH PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW FDUHHU paths that are available in this line of work. Having a family that, even if they didn't fully understand my desire to study design, took me seriously enough to be able to make an investment, that was a big advantage for me. And incidentally, I am now a Trustee of Massachusetts College of Art and Design.” Following on from the summer programmes, Daren was accepted to Massachusetts College of Art and Design, where he did a double major in illustration and graphic design. He says it was an enormous amount of work, but he graduated at the top of his class and had a strong portfolio of work with which to seek a job. But he graduated into an economy that was in the depths of a recession. “I had to freelance for WKH ̰UVW \HDU DɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ DQG eventually was able to land a job with an educational publisher. It published curricula for elementary and high school students and for me it was career deadening. Working on mathematic textbooks was depressing to me at the time, based on what I really wanted to do. But in retrospect I learned that I did amass new skills. I gained experience working with a small team and I learned what it means to develop a set of objectives and then how to develop those objectives.”

ȅ, WKHQ JRW UHFUXLWHG E\ D ̰UP WKDW plans and produces event exhibits all over the world,” he continues. “We designed experiences around an idea, which is what Disney and Apple Stores do for example. Unfortunately, the company KDG WR OD\ R̯ VWD̯ DQG DOWKRXJK LQLWLDOO\ they told me they didn’t want to lose P\ VHUYLFHV VKRUWO\ DɓHU DV , ZDV negotiating my contract, they told me I FRXOG ̰QLVK XS LQ WZR ZHHNV , VDLG 2. and can I have my computer? So, I took P\ FRPSXWHU KRPH DQG VHW XS DQ R̲FH in my living room, and my business plan consisted of ‘do good work and then WU\ WR ̰QG VRPH PRUHȃ 6R WKLV ZDV WKH beginning of what eventually became Proverb.” Daren points out that working on his own wasn’t easy for him. “I was always thinking about how I was spending my time. Asking myself if I could spend it EHWWHU RU PRUH H̯HFWLYHO\ $QG WKHQ \RX discover that the things you enjoy aren’t the only things you need to do. Whether that’s learning how to sell or sending RXW WKH LQYRLFHV 6R WKDW ̰UVW \HDU ZDV D real learning curve – and of course life continues to be learning curve.” “But I was fortunate to connect with some great clients, including some in their early business stages that we were able to grow with. So eventually I grew enough to start assembling a team around me and looking at things in a bigger way. I made two key hires, one of whom eventually became my business partner and together we built this company to what it has become today.” A case study from Harvard Business School called Why Entrepreneurs Don’t 6FDOH ZDV D PDMRU LQ̱XHQFH RQ 'DUHQ ȅ, remember reading this amazing study and what's interesting about it is that the things that are required to start a FRPSDQ\ RɓHQWLPHV DUH GL̯HUHQW IURP the things that are required to scale the company. Unless you're committed to learning and unlearning some things, it’s tough to let go of the things that have gotten you to this point. Running a FRPSDQ\ RI WKUHH LV YHU\ GL̯HUHQW IURP running a company of eight, which is GL̯HUHQW IURP UXQQLQJ D FRPSDQ\ RI 25. The way you think about systems DQG WKH RUJDQLVDWLRQ PXVW EH GL̯HUHQW <RX KDYH WR GHVLJQ D GL̯HUHQW W\SH RI business model.” Your Future 2022


On giving career advice to young Bermudians Daren shares this. “One RI WKH WKLQJV WKDW , EHQH̰WHG IURP particularly with my dad, was this idea that Bermuda doesn't have to be your standard. It can be, and in some areas, Bermuda does set the bar for innovation — in reinsurance for example, or certain other types of careers.” “But for the things that I was interested LQ %HUPXGD GLGQȃW QHFHVVDULO\ R̯HU that. Particularly today there's so many opportunities for young people to be Your Future 2022

able to connect with communities around the world that are doing the same things that you like to do, at the highest possible level.” “The second thing I would say is, test if the career path you’re considering pursuing is really something that you’re genuinely interested in. Find out if you’re ZLOOLQJ WR SXW LQ WKH WLPH DQG H̯RUW WR develop some competence in your FKRVHQ ̰HOG DQG ZKHWKHU \RX KDYH WKH discipline to do that. For example, like I did by taking a summer course at a

school of art and design in Boston while I was still at Berkeley.” “Also, I would say that you don't have to have all the answers. If you're able to identify people who are successful in the thing that you're interested in, ask if you FDQ WDNH VRPHRQH RXW IRU D FXS RI FR̯HH Get a 15-minute informational interview. The things that you can learn from people who've been able to crack the code can expand your thinking and be very helpful. That can be important in getting you started on the right career path.” 35


HSBC Bermuda offers some money saving tips for teens


s a teenager, there are lots of things you'd like to buy if you had a little more money. The latest WUDLQHUV D QHZ SKRQH \RXU ̰UVW ELNH Ȁ RU car. Saving up for these things can sometimes feel like a challenge, but it doesn't need to be. By following a few simple tips, you can start building up a pot of money to spend on whatever you want. And, you'll still enjoy a little disposable cash to spend on day-to-day expenses. Here are our best savings tips for teenagers. 2SHQ D VDYLQJV DFFRXQW A savings account can help you to keep a pot of money separate from your main account, reducing the temptation to VSHQG LW 0DQ\ VDYLQJV DFFRXQWV DOVR R̯HU better interest rates, meaning you can grow your money pot faster. The best way to manage a savings account is to add to it on a regular basis and withdraw as little as possible. Set up a direct debit so that the same amount is taken out of your pay or allowance every month. That way you're less likely to miss the money. By setting up a direct debit you save without thinking. It is easy to make a plan and have good intentions, but you might just forget to save or send that transfer. Taking ‘human error’ out of


the equation with a direct debit makes saving more successful. 'L̯HUHQW W\SHV RI VDYLQJV DFFRXQW R̯HU GL̯HUHQW EHQH̰WV DQG UHVWULFWLRQV so make sure you check the terms and conditions carefully to ensure \RXU DFFRXQW ZLOO EH D JRRG ̰W IRU \RXU personal goals and saving habits. As a teenager, you may need a parent or guardian to be present in order to open a savings account, and you may need to meet some criteria in order to be eligible. )LJXUH RXW KRZ PXFK \RX FDQ DƵRUG WR VDYH Setting a regular savings target each month is the best way to consistently build your money pot. So if you have a regular income from a part-time job or allowance, it might be a good idea to add a percentage of it to your savings account each month. You can leave the remaining amount for everyday expenses and treats. Obviously, the more you can save, the more quickly you'll reach your goal. But LW V LPSRUWDQW WR EH UHDOLVWLF 7U\ WR ̰QG a balance that maximises your savings while also giving you enough disposable cash to treat yourself from time to time. 6HW D VDYLQJV JRDO 6HWWLQJ \RXUVHOI D VSHFL̰F JRDO WR UHZDUG \RXU VDYLQJ H̯RUWV FDQ EH D

great incentive to stay on track. This PLJKW EH VRPHWKLQJ VSHFL̰F WKDW \RX want to spend the money on, such as a bike or a trip overseas, or it could be an DPRXQW \RX ZDQW WR UHDFK E\ D VSHFL̰F date. Knowing what you are saving for is important, it gives you a ‘why’. Understanding the reason you are saving will motivate you to keep your savings plan. Make sure your goals are ambitious but realistic. You'll quickly become discouraged if you leave yourself so short of everyday cash that you're frequently running out of money or being forced to miss out on fun events with friends. Whatever your goal is, keep track of it and remember to note down your SURJUHVV <RX OO ̰QG WKDW WKLV HQFRXUDJHV you to stick to your plans and hopefully achieve your goal even faster. 5HYLHZ \RXU VSHQGLQJ Before you start saving, it's a good idea to look at how you currently manage your money. Do you tend to run out before the HQG RI HDFK PRQWK RU GR \RX RɓHQ KDYH D OLWWOH OHɓ RYHU" Make a list of all the things you regularly spend money on — such as food, clothes and nights out. Are there any areas where you might be overspending? Could you potentially cut back a little so that you KDYH PRUH OHɓ RYHU WR SXW WRZDUGV \RXU savings goals? .HHS JRLQJ Saving money can feel like a long road DW ̰UVW EXW LW V LPSRUWDQW WR VWLFN ZLWK it. Don't be disheartened if there are challenges along the way. As long as you're consistently putting money aside and resisting the temptation to dip into LW WRR RɓHQ \RXU XOWLPDWH VDYLQJV JRDO should be within reach. 7KH HDUOLHU WKH EHWWHU It’s never too early to start saving for your future. As a teenager you have time on your side and can take advantage of compound interest (interest on interest). Starting early is a real asset. Investing can be a good way to make your savings work for you, and saving to invest, to grow your IXQGV IRU D VSHFL̰F IXWXUH JRDO LV D JRRG place to start. 7R ̰QG RXW PRUH DERXW RSHQLQJ D saving account visit savings or call HSBC on 295-4000. Your Future 2022


The value of summer work experience BF&M has welcomed summer students for many years. In January 2022, the company launched LWV ̰UVW WZR \HDU LQWHUQVKLS SURJUDPPH SURYLGLQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR FRPSOHWH IRXU VL[ PRQWK SODFHPHQWV ZLWKLQ YDULRXV GHSDUWPHQWV $ɓHU VHYHUDO VXPPHUV ZRUNLQJ DV D VWXGHQW .HQV]R ,ULV KDV JRQH RQ WR EHFRPH %) 0ȃV ̰UVW LQWHUQ +H VKDUHV VRPH WKRXJKWV DERXW KLV H[SHULHQFH DORQJ ZLWK some advice for students. +RZ GLG \RX KHDU DERXW %) 0 DQG ZKDW PDGH \RX ZDQW WR EH D VXPPHU VWXGHQW" When I was at school, I have memories of BF&M workers coming to explain to students what insurance was and the GL̯HUHQW FDUHHUV SDWKV WKDW H[LVWHG Then in high school, I took part in a mentorship programme held by the Bermuda Education Network. There I met an underwriter from BF&M, and he spoke very highly about his job and his experience. From there I was determined WR ̰QG D ZD\ WR JHW LQ WKH GRRU $ IHZ emails and a couple of summers later, I started as a summer student in the compliance department.


'LG \RX NQRZ DQ\WKLQJ DERXW LQVXUDQFH" :KDW LQWHUHVWHG \RX" I felt comfortable about insurance because I heard of it from school. Also my mother works in the industry. I saw job satisfaction from those around me and that appealed to me. :KDW ZDV \RXU H[SHULHQFH OLNH DV D VXPPHU VWXGHQW" Being a summer student at BF&M, I experienced what it is like to be a part of a team and how the work I do makes an impact within the company. When I saw a presentation I edited and researched being implemented and used E\ WKH FRPSDQ\ LW OHɓ PH ZLWK VR PXFK satisfaction and appreciation for what I’d learned. +RZ LV \RXU UROH GHYHORSLQJ QRZ WKDW \RX DUH DQ LQWHUQ" ([SHULHQFLQJ GL̯HUHQW GHSDUWPHQWV is helping me grow exponentially. I started at BF&M in the legal and compliance department and now I’m Your Future 2022

LQ WKH 3 & EXVLQHVV )RU WKH ̰UVW VL[ months of my internship, I am based in the claims department. My earlier work involved researching legislation; now that I’m in a claims adjuster role I’m seeing how that legislation impacts customers. My level of responsibility has changed and there are more expectations of me. This sounds SRWHQWLDOO\ GL̲FXOW EXW ,ȃP WDNLQJ LW in my stride because my learning has been steady and progressive. I don’t feel like an intern, I feel like a fellow worker.

:KDW DGYLFH GR \RX KDYH IRU RWKHU VWXGHQWV DV WKH\ FRQVLGHU WKHLU IXWXUH" My advice to any student considering their future is to be aware of possible opportunities and go after them. And once you have been given an opportunity, work hard and be professional. “A stone left unturned is a diamond unseen”. If you are interested in starting your career at BF&M or learning more about its summer student opportunities, send your resume WR EIPMREV#EIP EP 37


Gen Z is finding success embracing entrepreneurship



hose born between 1997 and 2010, also known as Gen Z, are set to become the most entrepreneurial generation the world has seen. A recent Nielsen study showed that 54% of Gen Z want to start their own EXVLQHVV DQG EHLQJ WKH ̰UVW JHQHUDWLRQ raised by technology, they are in a great position to do just that. Gen Z grew up in a world of e-commerce, social media, and on-demand services, so they understand ̰UVW KDQG WKH YDOXH RI WKHLU EUDQG DQG how to self-promote. Understanding how within reach we all are, Gen Z is also unafraid to utilise their networks to collaborate and test new ideas, get instant feedback, take that feedback, and make tweaks very easily. Growing up in this technological renaissance has also put entrepreneurship at the forefront of what Gen Z sees as viable career options outside of the norm. They have abundant entrepreneurial role models, ranging from billionaire Elon Musk to SRSXODU LQ̱XHQFHUV OLNH 0U%HDVW DQG Charli D’Amelio. As the best-educated generation yet, Gen Z highly values OHDUQLQJ EXW WDNHV D GL̯HUHQW DSSURDFK than previous generations — incubator SURJUDPPHV RQOLQH FHUWL̰FDWHV DQG masterclasses tend to be the primary approach to learning within Gen Z. The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) hosts the Summer Student Entrepreneurship Programme (SSEP) every summer for eight weeks. The SSEP aims to nurture that entrepreneurial spirit within those EHWZHHQ WKH DJHV RI DQG E\ combining entrepreneurial education with real-life entrepreneurial experience. %HWZHHQ WHQ WR ̰ɓHHQ VWXGHQWV DUH given two weeks of training, which helps to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and provides the tools and knowledge needed to take their businesses to the QH[W OHYHO $ɓHU WKH WUDLQLQJ ZRUNVKRS students spend the next six weeks running their businesses and selling their 38



goods and services to the public. Vincent Darrell, who participated in the SSEP in 2021, says “the programme with the BEDC enabled me to take the ̰UVW VWHS LQ P\ FDUHHU DV DQ HQWUHSUHQHXU The format of the programme allowed me to learn that we shouldn’t fear making mistakes as entrepreneurs but instead think of losses as lessons. I found the two-week Think Like an Entrepreneur mentorship programme impactful, especially hearing the stories of successful business owners and how

they overcame moments of adversity.” “With the knowledge I obtained,” he continues, “I was able to adopt the skill of bootstrapping and start my business with money from pre-orders and cover the production cost of my clothing, while I used the stipend we were provided to save up for my own equipment. I was able to kill two birds with one stone. With the success of my pre-order system, I am honored to have placed third amongst WKH PRVW SUR̰WDEOH VWXGHQWV LQ WKH SSEP programme.” Vincent Darrell is just one of many Gen Z’s taking advantage of entrepreneurship. Sixteen-year-old Marli Spriggs participated in the 2021 SSEP, where she launched her business Bookspace. "I feel BEDC's SSEP was an ideal starting point to catapult me into a strong entrepreneurship momentum, preparing me for my own future projects,” said Marli. Both Marli and Vincent’s also competed in the Rocket Pitch competition, where they were DEOH WR FRQ̰GHQWO\ DSSO\ WKH VNLOOV DQG knowledge from their time in the SSEP to launch their businesses even further and take home a $5,000 and $2,000 prize respectively. Gen Z’s dedication to themselves, growth and expansion of knowledge is admirable to see, and are skills that the BEDC is eager to encourage and support. The BEDC team is tremendously proud of Vincent and Marli’s commitment to their businesses and personal development. They are excellent examples of young people looking towards entrepreneurship as a career choice. The BEDC was formed to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, and the SSEP and Rocket Pitch programmes are just two examples of pathways to success. For more information on the Summer Student Entrepreneur Programme, the Rocket Pitch Competition, and the other SURJUDPV WKDW %('& R̯HUV YLVLW ZZZ EHGF EP HPDLO LQIR#EHGF EP RU call 292-5570. Your Future 2022

R e g i s t e r t o d ay at w w w. BED C . bm

Summer Student Entrepreneur Programme





Earn Money & Win Prizes

Be Your Own Boss

Receive Start-up Funds

Receive Support & Training

Earn your own money by selling your products and services. Compete with your peers! The three participants with the most profit will earn additional 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place financial rewards.

Why spend the Summer working on someone else’s dream when you can be building your own! Learn how to be your own boss and build your own business.

All students will receive a weekly financial stipend and startup funds to get their businesses started.

All students will receive, quality educational training, resources and support to launch, grow and sustain their own enterprises during the programme.

L e ar n mor e today a t W W W.GE W. BM

YOUTH 2021



How do you become a CPA? $FFRXQWLQJ LV D JUHDW FDUHHU DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV DUH OLPLWOHVV ZKHQ WKH &HUWL̰HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW &3$ designation is earned. Every year many Bermudians successfully pass the exam, gaining a stronger grip on the direction of their future. Here are the stories of four such young Bermudians. 4XLQDH 6DQWXFFL

passed. I cried. I was a little bit in shock but also very excited at the same time." ,I VKH KDG WR JR EDFN D \HDU DQG JLYH KHUVHOI DGYLFH 4XLQDH says it would be, "To create a work/life balance and also take at least one day a week to recuperate and do things I enjoy. Also, to be kinder to myself, and don't doubt myself because I can do it. And I did!" 0LFKHOOH %RWHOKR


ermuda College provided the starting blocks for 4XLQDH 6DQWXFFL to become an accountant and earn her CPA. She took an accounting course and says "I enjoyed the class, and I felt like I was good at it, which made me want to pursue an DFFRXQWLQJ FDUHHU +DYLQJ D IDWKHU 4XLQF\ 6DQWXFFL ZKR LV DQ DFFRXQWDQW GLGQ W KXUW HLWKHU +H ZRXOG WHOO PH WKH EHQH̰WV of pursuing an accounting designation and how companies in Bermuda are looking for Bermudian accountants." She adds that she could continue along her auditing path, EHFRPH D &)2 D ̰QDQFLDO DGYLVRU RU XVH KHU VNLOOV LQ UXQQLQJ her own business, like her father, who owns a construction company. $ɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ IURP %HUPXGD &ROOHJH 4XLQDH ZHQW to Mount Saint Vincent University in Canada, and earned a bachelor's degree in business with a major in accounting and a PLQRU LQ PDQDJHPHQW 5HWXUQLQJ WR %HUPXGD 4XLQDH ZHQW WR work for PwC. Why did she choose PwC? "I had worked at PwC previously as a co-op student. I really enjoyed the environment there, everyone is so friendly." 3Z& JDYH KHU WZR PRQWKV R̯ EHIRUH WKH &3$ H[DPV WR VWXG\ "They were also very understanding when I said, 'I have to study DɓHU ZRUN DQG WULHG WKHLU EHVW WR DFFRPPRGDWH PH She says studying during COVID restrictions was both a blessing and a curse. “There were fewer distractions, but I also struggled. I would work all day, then study evenings, all while sitting in the same exact spot. That was very challenging, but I adjusted." 4XLQDH VD\V WKDW WKH ZHHN DQG PRUQLQJ RI WKH H[DPV , ZDV just trying to stay positive. I studied all summer leading up to the exams in September. When I received the news that I had


When 0LFKHOOH %RWHOKR was attending Bermuda High School, she had a great accounting teacher, Ms. Redford, who VSDUNHG KHU LQWHUHVW LQ WKH ̰HOG ȅ3OXV , ZDV DOZD\V JRRG DW math and was interested in business, so someday I knew that once I graduated, I was going to study accounting at university, then the next step would be the CPA.” She earned her Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. “I knew Canada was a good place to get my degree as my sister had gone to Wilfrid Laurier University. My sister talked with PwC’s David Gibbons (Partner and her previous manager) and he recommended going to a university in the Ontario area.” “I worked at PwC in its Headstart Programme for a summer, and I have been working at global insurance company Enstar for most of my career.” 8SRQ JUDGXDWLRQ 0LFKHOOH ZRQ D SUL]H WR ZRUN DW +6%& but that was not until the following summer, and prior to that VKH ZDV DEOH WR VHFXUH D IXOO WLPH SODFHPHQW LQ WKH ̰QDQFH department at Enstar, where she had been employed during some summer breaks from university. The accounting courses were crucial foundations for Michelle’s success, but she says “You don’t have to go to university to get the CPA, but it helps in laying the foundations.” %HFDXVH VKH ZDV QRW DW RQH RI WKH ȂELJ IRXUȃ DFFRXQWLQJ ̰UPV Your Future 2022

ACCOUNTANCY her road through the exams was slightly more complicated, but she had great support from CPA Atlantic. “They answered all my questions, they were very approachable and responsive. Enstar was also very supportive and accommodating during my studies.” What would Michelle’s advice be to someone studying for the CPA? “Make a schedule and stick to it. What worked for me was waking up very early and getting to work to write and review my notes. Committing to a schedule is important.” She added that right before the exam, Enstar encouraged 0LFKHOOH WR WDNH WLPH R̯ WR VWXG\ WR KHOS JLYH KHU WKH EHVW opportunity for success. “Every day, from 9 to 5, I was studying. 0\ MRE EHFRPH VWXG\LQJ KRXUV PLQLPXP <RX PXVW KDYH WKH self-discipline to do that.” $ɓHU SDVVLQJ WKH &3$ 0LFKHOOH ZDV ȅRYHU WKH PRRQ , JRW RQ my bike and went over to my mom and popped open a bottle of champagne. There is no better feeling. My sisters called, and WKH\ ZHUH VXSHU SURXG RI PH DV ZHOO , GH̰QLWHO\ IHOW SURXG DQG accomplished.”

He concluded, "Life isn't easy, but if we can make the path a little bit smoother for the next person coming along while continuing to enhance the requirements and knowledge levels, ZH ZLOO UHDS WKH EHQH̰WV WHQ IROG $O\VVD &DUGRVD


-XVWLQ 0DWKLDV, 29, is thankful to a colleague and his company for helping him pass the CPA exams. "I would like to thank my working colleague and friend who wasn't my R̲FLDO PHQWRU EXW GH̰QLWHO\ ZDV WKH UHDVRQ , JRW WKURXJK WKH PRGXOHV DQG H[DPV RQ WKH ̰UVW WU\ , ZRXOG DOVR OLNH WR WKDQN Arthur Morris & Co., which stuck by me through my studies and personal life challenges." “I was blessed to have had industry experience before EHFRPLQJ DQ DXGLWRU ZKLFK JDYH PH D GL̯HUHQW LQVLJKW DQG perspective that enhanced how I viewed and handled my job. I always say that knowledge building from the onset is better learned doing than reviewing. The real world is challenging and HYHU FKDQJLQJ DV LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR EHQH̰W LPPHQVHO\ IURP RXU public duties, we must emphasise the need to be better and do better for future generations." Justin, a graduate of St. Mary’s University with a commerce degree with a major in accounting and a minor in political science, stressed that he is thankful to be a CPA. "I thank my company for constantly reminding us students to work normal hours throughout the whole year (yes, that includes busy season) and to maintain our mental health while going through the programme. Your Future 2022

$O\VVD &DUGRVR's path to becoming an accountant wasn't as FOHDUO\ GH̰QHG DV VRPH RWKHUV $ 0RXQW 6DLQW $JQHV JUDGXDWH Alyssa was studying business at St. Francis Xavier University in Canada. It wasn't until halfway through university that she knew what she wanted to be. "I took business and accounting courses and liked them.” Alyssa, 24, had multiple job interviews, "But the recruiter at KPMG, Wanda Armstrong, was very enthusiastic, kind and made me feel comfortable." She said KPMG was fantastic as she studied for her CPA. "It R̯HUHG TXLWH D ORW RI UHVRXUFHV ,W SDLG IRU WKH &3$ FRXUVHV DQG H[DPV DQG R̯HUHG VWXG\ OHDYH .30* DOVR R̯HUHG D ORW RI GL̯HUHQW PHQWRUV IRU FDUHHUV DQG HGXFDWLRQ 7KHUH ZHUH D ORW RI people providing help and support." KPMG provided a week of paid study leave just prior to the exams. "KPMG was very understanding of study schedules. A study schedule was sent out to our managers, so they knew who was taking the exams, so that we could prioritise studying.” Alyssa praises Hugh Vickers and Adam Senos for helping her prepare for the exams. "They gave me a lot of advice on how to manage stress and anxiety. They told me what to focus on to study. They helped me with anything I may have been struggling with." Alyssa says that for people who may be taking the exam, her advice would be "to relax before the exam. The week before my exam, I didn't study, and I didn't want the stress and anxiety of looking at my notes. If you have been studying diligently for the past two years, you know what to do." "I was so nervous leading up to the results," Alyssa says. "I was shaking. When I knew I had passed, I was so relieved. I was grateful and ran into my mom's room all excited. I was on track for the career I had planned." She recommends that everyone who gets an accounting degree also get a CPA. There are a lot of things you see that you don't see in a lot of courses in university. It also looks very good to anyone hiring as it proves you have the discipline and focus to do the exams, so it will further your career." 41


Limitless Opportunities at EY $QJHOD 'H6LOYD


QJHOD 'H6LOYD had planned on a career as a clinical psychologist. $ɓHU JUDGXDWLQJ IURP 6DOWXV she studied psychology at university in the UK. However, she found it hard to JHW ZRUN LQ KHU FKRVHQ ̰HOG Ȁ HYHQ D trainee position. “I talked about other possible professions with my mom, and she mentioned accounting. CPA Bermuda holds information sessions, so I registered and attended, and shortly DɓHUZDUGV VLJQHG XS IRU P\ ̰UVW FRXUVH I had not studied anything to do with maths or accounting, so I had to do 14 prerequisite courses. Once I completed the prerequisites, I was able to start the Professional Education Programme at EY. There was a lot of study involved, and EY SURYLGHG VWXG\ PDWHULDOV SDLG WLPH R̯ for study and exams, and it reimbursed me for the exam fees too. At EY, everyone is so willing to teach and explain things, they encourage questions. It wants you to work hard but also expects you to take downtime to rest, recharge, and have some fun.” Angela says she feels the sky’s the limit for her career as she works her way to the top. “Once you’re TXDOL̰HG \RX FDQ JR DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG HVSHFLDOO\ ZLWK D JOREDO ̰UP OLNH (< 7KDWȃV what I hope to do.”


While at Bermuda High School (BHS) 3DLJH 0DUWLQ had thoughts of becoming an insurance risk manager. “At BHS we had accounting, business and economics classes and it was there that I found I enjoyed these subjects and decided to study accounting.” Paige is currently a student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, where she is pursuing a bachelor of commerce degree with a focus in accounting. “I networked with EY throughout my high school career, and it helped me home in on my career and to VHH WKH SRVVLELOLWLHV $ɓHU KLJK VFKRRO , began interning with EY and completing P\ FR RS SODFHPHQWV ZLWK WKH ̰UP LQ its tax department.” Paige also won EY’s annual scholarship, worth $30,000 towards university. Paige says “EY has an atmosphere that fosters growth, learning, collaboration, and above all, people. The support you receive is unparalleled. The career prospects are endless in any sector with the CPA. I plan to focus my career in tax, and I look forward to being on the IRUHIURQW RI QHZ WD[ VHUYLFH R̯HULQJV DQG assisting clients in navigating any new tax landscapes. Accountants are not the only employees needed by EY. There are many other possibilities, IT being just 3DLJH 0DUWLQ


one. 0DKD &ODUNH is a business and WHFKQRORJ\ FRQVXOWDQW ZLWK WKH ̰UP where her day-to-day work with the Tech Risk team involves performing IT audits IRU FOLHQWV WKDW VXSSRUWV WKHLU ̰QDQFLDO audit. Other projects include performing ULVN DVVHVVPHQWV IRU FOLHQWV LQ WKH ̰HOGV of cyber risk and general data protection regulation (GDPR) compliance. $V D VWXGHQW DWKOHWH DW 4XHHQV University of Charlotte, NC, Maha Clarke studied business management and didn’t see herself moving towards technology. “I had the opportunity to study in Shanghai, China and while there I attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Asia. Many start-ups and leading IT companies showcase the latest projects and developments at this conference. This is where my interest in the industry was initially sparked. Prior to joining EY, I also completed an internship with the Technology Leadership Forum led by Coral Wells.” Due to the Covid-19 pandemic Maha has spent most of her time since joining EY working remotely. “My experience with my team, although limited, has been very enjoyable. It is very supportive, and leaders within EY are intentional about FRDFKLQJ VWD̯ IRU ERWK SURIHVVLRQDO DQG personal development.” Your Future 2022


Flexibility. Success. You can have both at PwC 6LQFH 3Z&ȃV +HDG6WDUW SURJUDPPH KDV KHOSHG WR SURGXFH WKH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ RI %HUPXGLDQ leaders, through co-op, internship, scholarship, and associate programmes.


enya Simons started with PwC Bermuda as an intern in 2017 and is now a senior associate who has successfully completed her CPA exams. We caught up with Kenya to learn how the HeadStart programme helped with her success.


7HOO XV DERXW \RXU H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH +HDG6WDUW SURJUDPPH 7KH +HDG6WDUW SURJUDPPH ZDV P\ ̰UVW internship. I found it very rewarding, and I would recommend it to students interested in pursuing a career in ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV 7KH SURJUDPPH JDYH me the opportunity to gain experience within the industry, and to meet and engage with professionals from all GL̯HUHQW EDFNJURXQGV 7KH H[SHULHQFHV , JDLQHG ZRUNLQJ LQ GL̯HUHQW WHDPV KHOSHG PH ̰JXUH RXW WKH FDUHHU SDWK that was right for me. HeadStart also R̯HUV VFKRODUVKLSV DQG ̰QDQFLDO VXSSRUW LQ SXUVXLQJ SURIHVVLRQDO TXDOL̰FDWLRQV I was a successful recipient of a PwC VFKRODUVKLS DQG LW KHOSHG PH ̰QLVK university. +RZ KDV 3Z& %HUPXGD VXSSRUWHG \RX WR DFKLHYH \RXU JRDOV" Each year we set both personal and professional goals and have meaningful discussions with our mentors and coaches to ensure that we have the support we need to reach those goals. I started full-time as part of the trainee programme in 2019 and started my exams in August 2020. I was supported each step of the way by my coach, mentors and team members and I was able to successfully complete my CPA exams in October 2021. :KDW RSSRUWXQLWLHV KDV 3Z& RƵHUHG WR JURZ \RXU FDUHHU" PwC provides educational resources that have helped me advance my ̰QDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ NQRZOHGJH DQG Your Future 2022

WHFKQLFDO FDSDELOLWLHV 3Z& KDV R̯HUHG me opportunities to work on teams in GL̯HUHQW LQGXVWULHV DQG ZRUN RQ SURMHFWV outside of audit that have allowed me to expand my knowledge in areas that relate to the accounting profession. These opportunities have helped me progress from new associate to senior associate in two years.

do the things that make me happy. The ̱H[LEOH ZRUNLQJ HQYLURQPHQW DOVR SOD\HG a huge role in helping me successfully pass all my CPA exams. I was able to take time away from work to focus solely on studying. I'd have to say though, my IDYRXULWH WKLQJ DERXW WKH ̱H[LEOH ZRUNLQJ environment is that I don't have to worry DERXW PRUQLQJ WUD̲F

+RZ KDV D ƷH[LEOH ZRUNLQJ HQYLURQPHQW EHQHƶWHG \RX" 7KH ̱H[LEOH ZRUN HQYLURQPHQW KDV EHQH̰WHG PH WUHPHQGRXVO\ , P DEOH to go to the gym regularly, hang out with my friends and family and work the KRXUV WKDW ̰W P\ HQHUJ\ F\FOH +DYLQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR ZRUN VR ̱H[LEO\ , ̰QG WKDW , DP PRUH H̲FLHQW SURGXFWLYH DQG have more time at the end of my day to

:KDW LV \RXU IDYRXULWH RU XQH[SHFWHG PHPRU\ ZKLOH ZRUNLQJ DW 3Z&" The best part about working at PwC is being able to meet new, amazing SHRSOH IURP DOO GL̯HUHQW HWKQLFLWLHV and backgrounds and learn new things almost every day. My favourite memories have been the holiday parties and team socials, I love when we get together outside work. 43


Get started on your accounting journey with KPMG


he road to qualifying as an accountant can be long and winding. At KPMG in Bermuda, we are committed to lighting that path with mentorship and coaching – and we have opportunities available now. Developing the careers of Bermudian VWXGHQWV WKURXJK RXU /Lɓ 2̯ 3URJUDPPH is our priority – in just the last six years, we KDYH KHOSHG VWD̯ DFFRXQWDQWV EHFRPH TXDOL̰HG DQG ZH FDQ SURYLGH D IDQWDVWLF range of opportunities and experiences for you as you launch your career with one of the world's leading professional services ̰UPV :H FXUUHQWO\ KDYH %HUPXGLDQV that are in various stages of achieving the CPA CA, CPA US., and ACA designations

– you would become a part of a strongly motivated team. :KDW ZH R̯HU RXU 6WD̯ $FFRXQWDQWV when joining the program? • Tiered professional programme • A distinct career development pathway • Professional learning and development support coaching • Dynamic Mentorship Programme (allocation of a Managing Director career mentor, education mentor, performance manager mentor, buddy mentor) :KDW PDNHV .30*ȃV /Lɓ 2̯ *UDGXDWH Programme stand out from the rest? 7KH /Lɓ 2̯ 3URJUDPPH KDV WKUHH robust curriculums for Bermudians: our

Summer Internship/Co-Op Placement Programme, our KPMG Scholarship Programme, and our Graduate Trainee Programme. Find out more or to apply, YLVLW ZZZ KRPH NSPJ EP OLɓR̯ We provide: • Exceptional career development VXSSRUW IRU RXU 6WD̯ $FFRXQWDQWȃV ongoing learning & development • International work experience/ opportunities developing business acumen for our global businesses • Dedicated Graduate Committee IRFXVHG RQ SURYLGLQJ VLJQL̰FDQW LQYHVWPHQW RQ WUDLQLQJ DQG ̰QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IRU RXU 6WD̯ $FFRXQWDQWV professional accountant designations • KPMG Global Advantage Programme. A four-day interactive leadership development programme that combines classroom training with client experience. $SSO\ WRGD\ IRU RQH RI .30*ȃV 6WD̯ Accountant vacancies. You can send your CV and two references along with a cover letter to Wanda Armstrong at: ZDQGDDUPVWURQJ#NSPJ EP

Meet Brianna Buchanan I chose KPMG because of the global opportunities R̯HUHG E\ WKH ̰UP DQG WKH ability to work with diverse personnel daily. Upon completing my master’s 44

GHJUHH , HQWHUHG WKH ̰UP V graduate programme and was immediately assigned multiple mentors to support me on my professional journey. The guidance

and support provided by my mentors proved to be invaluable in my learning process. Since joining KPMG LQ , KDYH VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRPSOHWHG P\ 86 &HUWL̰HG

Public Accountant (CPA) designation due to the support provided by the Graduate Committee including paid study leave and exam study materials. Working at KPMG has allowed me to grow tremendously as a professional. I have gained extensive knowledge about WKH ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV LQGXVWU\ by working with a variety of clients including private equity funds and insurance companies on island. In addition, I have been able to travel overseas for recruitment events, engaging with local secondary schools to provide information on my chosen career and the ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV LQGXVWU\ KPMG has provided the foundation I need to become a leading professional on the island. I highly recommend KPMG for any university graduate interested in a career in the ̰QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV LQGXVWU\ Your Future 2022


A career you can count on Katryn Smith details her path to success at Deloitte DOORZV PH WR ZRUN LQ D VPDOOHU ̱H[LEOH and highly supportive organisation while working with some of the largest and most interesting companies in the world. It’s a bit of a cliché, but it really is all about the people here in Deloitte Bermuda, and across our global network. I get to work with professionals who challenge and support me every day, and my team leaders are invested in helping me meet my goals and develop D ̱H[LEOH DQG IXO̰OOLQJ FDUHHU


:KDW LV D W\SLFDO GD\ OLNH IRU \RX" The great thing about accounting is that I rarely have a “typical” day. I spend time planning and managing our projects, including frequently communicating and collaborating with clients, my team, and our specialists. I develop my skills every day, by researching accounting solutions for my clients and the broader ̰UP DQG E\ OHDGLQJ VXSSRUWLQJ DQG developing my team members. :KDW PDGH \RX FKRRVH D FDUHHU LQ DFFRXQWLQJ" I chose a career in accounting because, as someone who grew up around many DFFRXQWDQWV , NQHZ WKDW WKLV LV D ̱H[LEOH dynamic career path, with lots of GLYHUVLW\ LQ WKH GL̯HUHQW UROHV DYDLODEOH A successful career as a CPA depends on strong technical skills, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills; this makes CPAs highly desirable employees, as there is a high demand for these skill sets. As a competitive, creative person, choosing a career that would create more opportunities for me, rather than limiting my path, was a priority. +RZ GLG \RX SLFN \RXU XQLYHUVLW\ DQG PDMRU" I took a non-traditional education path, starting in a bachelor of engineering programme before transferring to a bachelor of arts (economics and geography) in my second year. I didn’t begin my accounting education until my post-graduate studies, where I completed a masters in management and professional accounting (MMPA) Your Future 2022

at the University of Toronto. Choosing a university where I could have that ̱H[LELOLW\ WR FKDQJH SURJUDPPHV ZDV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW HVSHFLDOO\ DV P\ ̰UVW FKRLFH ZDVQȃW D JRRG ̰W 8OWLPDWHO\ I decided to pursue the MMPA programme at the University of Toronto based on the quality of the programme, its robust examination preparation, in-depth co-op programme, and the QHWZRUN LW R̯HUV ZLWK SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFHV ̰UPV WR VXSSRUW JUDGXDWHV LQ launching their careers. :K\ D &3$" As someone from Bermuda studying and starting my career overseas, it was important to me that I could translate my professional experience into something I could “take with me” no matter where I go in the world. As a CPA, I have a professional designation that is internationally recognised and respected – it really is a passport to the world. :K\ GLG \RX FKRRVH 'HORLWWH %HUPXGD" I chose Deloitte Bermuda because it

:KDW LV WKH PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ DFFRXQWLQJ SUREOHP \RXšYH KDG WR VROYH" Many accounting problems, at their heart, have more to do with people than accounting principles or complex formulas. Beyond the technical analysis of an accounting issue, we must understand what is motivating GL̯HUHQW VWDNHKROGHUV ZKHUH WKH points of contention are and what’s FDXVLQJ WKHP DQG KRZ WR H̯HFWLYHO\ FRPPXQLFDWH DQG ZRUN ZLWK GL̯HUHQW parties. The global Deloitte network has been a critical resource for me in evaluating complex, contentious, or sensitive issues with our clients, as we can access specialists and subject matter experts in the US, UK and Europe who’ve analysed these issues – and held these conversations – before. :KDW LV RQH SLHFH RI DGYLFH \RX ZLVK \RX KDG EHHQ JLYHQ ZKHQ \RX VWDUWHG \RXU FDUHHU" Don’t be afraid to indulge your curiosity ǿ WU\ GL̯HUHQW VHUYLFH OLQHV RU GL̯HUHQW roles that spark your interest. You might MXVW ̰QG \RXU SDVVLRQ 45



The Experience to Help Choose Your Future Path One of the biggest decisions a young person will make is what to GR DɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ <RX ZLOO QR GRXEW UHFHLYH DGYLFH DERXW WKH EHVW path, but it can be a real dilemma to truly know what you want for your future — especially without any real-world working experience. To make matters even more stressful, the ongoing global pandemic may have caused you to put your studies on hold.


t was with these struggles in mind that Conyers created its “Gap Year” programme in 2020. The programme’s intention was to support students impacted by Covid-19 who had to pause WKHLU VWXGLHV IRU ̰QDQFLDO RU SHUVRQDO reasons. High-potential, recent grads from local senior schools, or those already enrolled in an undergraduate programme were invited to apply. Although the programme initially started to help students impacted by the pandemic, Conyers noticed it met an ongoing need in the community. Conyers has hosted a total of eight students so IDU ̰YH RI ZKRP KDYH FRPSOHWHG WKHLU WLPH DW WKH ̰UP ZKLOH WKH RWKHU WKUHH ZLOO continue to learn and develop skills into 2022. “Our primary goal is to help educate young minds with an interest in client services, and foster their development and success,” says Lisa Spencer46


Arscott, Conyers’ Global Head of Human Resources. “As the world continues to be challenged by Covid-19, Conyers is doubling down on its support of earlycareer growth through more robust internship programmes that will give emerging talent the chance to learn from seasoned professionals and build the foundations they need to succeed.” This “Gap Year” programme has proven helpful to students seeking meaningful ZRUN H[SHULHQFH LQ VRPH RI WKH ̰UPȃV NH\ business services departments. Kevonte Jennings-Lathan, who was placed with Conyers’ compliance department, says the team at Conyers is welcoming, knowledgeable and always ready to assist. “Working in compliance has been DQ H\H RSHQHU JLYHQ WKDW WKH ̰HOG LV QHZ to me. I am challenging myself in this new environment by participating in all the tasks at hand and am continuously learning,” he said. For Airica Outerbridge, who was placed in Conyers’ marketing department, the ZRUN H[SHULHQFH KDV EHHQ VLJQL̰FDQW “I am so grateful for such an amazing opportunity to work alongside highly talented professionals – both locally and globally,” she said. “The hands-on experience has been invaluable and most LPSRUWDQWO\ WKLV H[SHULHQFH FRQ̰UPHG my desire to work in marketing”. If you would like to learn more about the Conyers Gap Year programme SOHDVH FRQWDFW FDUHHUV#FRQ\HUV FRP or telephone the Human Resources Department: 295-1422. Your Future 2022


Managing Exam Stress


I \RX VX̯HU IURP H[DP VWUHVV \RXȃUH QRW DORQH ,W D̯HFWV HYHU\ VWXGHQW DW one time or another. We asked experts from three local schools for advice to help Bermudian students become more productive. “One way to manage or preempt potential stress is to focus in class and ensure you complete assignments or homework on time” says James Anthony, Director of Saltus Senior School. However, he acknowledges that you can’t go back in time to rectify that lack RI DWWHQWLRQ LQ WKH SDVW DQG R̯HUV WKH following practical tips for the present: • Focus on ‘preparation over panic’ and avoid leaving things to the last minute. Create a study schedule and stick to it. • Ensure you have a dedicated study space where you can organise your books and notes. • Once you have your notes together it’s not enough just to read through them a couple of times and hope you ZLOO UHPHPEHU WKHP ,WȃV RɓHQ JRRG to study with friends so that you can discuss topics to ensure you fully understand them. • Make sure you build in time for yourself. It’s essential that you have time for relaxation and exercise, and you should not feel guilty for taking care of your physical and mental wellness in the lead up to exams. Dr. Wanda Gibson, teacher of biology and psychology at MSA, agrees with these points, especially the last one. She encourages students to “Be sure to get enough sleep each night. Be sure that you are eating good food and try to exercise and relax regularly. Have a positive attitude and don’t let anyone tell you that it is too hard, or you cannot do it.” Getting organised and starting early with study and revision is also essential, says Dr. Gibson. Her tips are to: • *HW D FDOHQGDU DQG ̰JXUH RXW KRZ much time you have before the test. • Then break the material into manageable chunks. • Plan to spend no more than 20 – 30 minutes at a time studying (even if you want to do some more later in the day – take a break then go back to Your Future 2022

do more). You can only fully focus for about this time before your mind will start to wander. • Make sure that you do not have your phone or other devices anywhere around to distract you. If you need background noise, make sure that it is not music with words. Thanks to the support from Lancashire Insurance Company, Warwick Academy brings in an expert on study skills to work with its students and teachers, and also shares that expertise with other schools. It recently welcomed Mr. Eric Lauzon of Learning About Learning and Thinking about Thinking (LALATAT) and conducted ZRUNVKRSV RQ H[DP FRQ̰GHQFH IRU \HDU 11 students, and goal setting for year 13 students. Its advice for students who feel overwhelmed when faced with exams is summarised in these points. • /HDUQ 7R )DLO :HOO One of the most important things that a student needs to learn is how they react in the face of failure. When they get tests and exams back, they need to look at HDFK TXHVWLRQ WKH\ JRW ZURQJ ̰JXUH out where they went wrong, look up the correct answer and learn from the failure. Those that do this almost always do better in future exams. • &RQFHQWUDWLRQ. Most students

these days have forgotten how to concentrate as there are so many distractions, the main one being phones. Students are checking messages constantly, playing music or watching a movie as they try to study. Research has proven that those who show deep concentration perform substantially better than those who don’t. Students need to block out all other things, have quiet, put the phone away and study in blocks of 45 minutes. The suggestion is to put a 45-minute timer on your phone, put a message on saying ‘not available for 45 minutes’ and fall into deep study concentration. It can triple the H̲FLHQF\ RI OHDUQLQJ 2QH JUHDW IRFXV App worth taking a look at is called Forest. 3URFUDVWLQDWLRQ. Most students will admit that they study at the lastminute, leaving everything to crunch time. Last minute study commits knowledge to short-term memory but does not produce deep understanding and knowledge. Create a study schedule in 45-minute chunks of time, and create a reward to enjoy at the end of the 45 minutes. Students should plan their time — no last-minute learning, no procrastinating. 47


You CAN attend a U.S. College or University! How much do you know about attending a college in the United States? U.S. Consul General to Bermuda Karen Grissette seeks to raise awareness of attainable study opportunities in the United States, and she explains why.


here are more than 4,500 institutions of higher learning in the United States. With Bermuda’s close proximity to the United States, straightforward application processes, and PDQ\ RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU ̰QDQFLDO DLG WKHUH are many compelling reasons to look at higher education in the U.S. “We have the best universities in the world” says Ms. Grissette. “Additionally, the U.S. Department of State runs EducationUSA, (https://educationusa. to help students navigate the vast number of U.S. higher learning LQVWLWXWLRQV E\ R̯HULQJ IUHH DFFXUDWH comprehensive, and current information." Ms. Grissette continues, "The EducationUSA network includes more than 430 international student advising centres in more than 175 countries and territories. Bermuda has its own advising centre located on the campus of Bermuda College. Resources are available to the public along with guidance from the appointed EducationUSA Advisor. It can EH UHDFKHG E\ HPDLO -0DOORU\#FROOHJH EP RU WHOHSKRQH Ȇ Ms. Grissette explains that in addition the EducationUSA website, (https://

HGXFDWLRQXVD VWDWH JRY KHOSV ̰OWHU study preferences based on metrics including geography, fees, areas of study, and available scholarships. “I think there’s a misconception that a U.S. education is too expensive” she continues. “But in many cases, that’s just not so. There DUH PDQ\ VFKRODUVKLSV DQG ̰QDQFLDO DLG programmes available, and there is a UDQJH RI GL̯HUHQW FROOHJHV DQG XQLYHUVLWLHV DW GL̯HUHQW SULFH SRLQWV Ȇ $V MXVW RQH example, the Weinstein Family Scholarship at Columbia University in New York was recently established for a deserving student from Bermuda. Ms. Grissette points out that “one of WKH EHQH̰WV RI FKRRVLQJ D 8 6 FROOHJH RU university is that you're getting educated in a system that works very closely with Bermuda. Particularly for students ZKR DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ ̰QDQFH DFWXDULDO sciences, or banking, for example, they're studying those subjects in the business environment in which Bermuda is very PXFK DQ LQGXVWU\ SDUWQHU ,WȃV D JRRG ̰W Ȇ There is one more compelling reason to consider the United States: the strong ties between Bermudian and U.S. educational institutions, says Ms. Grissette. “There are articulation

agreements, or 2+2 agreements, which provide seamless transfers for Bermuda College students to complete their bachelor’s degree at any of twenty U.S. colleges and universities. And we seek to strengthen those agreements all the WLPH 6RPH 8 6 VFKRROV DOVR R̯HU LQ VWDWH tuition rates for international students.” The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science (BIOS) is another exceptional partner with strong links to dozens of U.S. colleges and universities. BIOS welcomes U.S. students and researchers to Bermuda, and aims to increase articulation agreements with Bermuda College for students undertaking marine and environmental sciences programmes. BIOS recently formed a partnership with Arizona State University's Global Futures Laboratory, creating even more opportunities for Bermudian students. “Studying in the United States provides opportunities and experiences that cannot be replicated in any other country. So many Bermudian government leaders, international business representatives, and entertainers have shared how they EHQH̰WHG IURP WKHLU 8 6 HGXFDWLRQDO experience. The next generation of Bermudian leaders deserves to have those same opportunities.”

What are the benefits of studying in the U.S.?


2QH RI WKH JUHDW EHQH̰WV of studying in the United States for most Bermudians is that you don’t need a student visa. If you choose to study in the U.S. and are accepted by a school, the designated VFKRRO R̲FLDO ZLOO SURYLGH D )RUP , &HUWL̰FDWH RI Eligibility for Non-immigrant Student Status. The Form I-20 allows you to live in the United States while enrolled


in a college or university. Of all the great features of American colleges and XQLYHUVLWLHV ̰UVW PXVW EH the quality of the education. Eight of the top 10 ranked universities in the world are in the United States. If you examine the rankings of the top 100 or even the top 500, the majority of leading universities will be in the United States.



The variety of study programmes is second WR QRQH <RX ZLOO ̰QG D major that captures your interest and allows you to be successful. For most U.S. undergraduates, you do not need to declare your major before entering, so you can explore subjects and follow your passions. You can change majors, double major, or add a minor subject.


$PHULFDQ LQVWLWXWLRQV R̯HU extracurricular activities including intercollegiate sports, club sports, music, social clubs, theatre, and interest-based clubs covering any topic you can imagine. Campus life in the United States is, in and of itself, a cultural experience. The United States boasts two-year colleges, technical schools, undergraduate colleges, and universities.


Your Future 2022


Investing in your future


utterfield is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates and investing in the future of those communities. That’s ZK\ HYHU\ \HDU %XWWHṴHOG SURYLGHV an undergraduate scholarship to assist students who are pursuing degrees at overseas colleges and universities. %XWWHṴHOG VHOHFWV LWV VFKRODUV from among hundreds of deserving applicants, using criteria including academic excellence, community involvement and sporting attainments, ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DQG D FDQGLGDWHȃV demonstrated ability to lead. 7KH 6LU +DUU\ ' %XWWHṴHOG Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded annually to a Bermudian student commencing, or already pursuing, a degree overseas at an accredited university. 7KLV 6FKRODUVKLS KDV EHHQ R̯HUHG HYHU\ \HDU VLQFH LQ KRQRXU RI %XWWHṴHOGȃV ODWH &KDLUPDQ IRUPHU 5KRGHV 6FKRODU 6LU +DUU\ ' %XWWHṴHOG whose distinguished career in public and business life was dedicated to the betterment of Bermuda and Bermudians. Starting from this year, the award has an increased annual value of $30,000 USD, tenable for up to four years. The 2021 recipient, Tierrai Tull, is studying for a bachelor’s degree in International Relations at the University of Toronto, Canada. A member of the Bermuda Junior Economic Advisory Committee, Tierrai has a passion for debating and is cofounder of Bermuda Youth Connect, an organisation committed to bridging the gap between Bermuda’s young people and the country’s leaders. She aspires WR FRPELQH KHU FRPPXQLW\ H̯RUWV DQG DFDGHPLF TXDOL̰FDWLRQV WR KHOS IXUWKHU

Your Future 2022


Bermuda’s economic and cultural ties. Do you believe you have what it takes WR EH %XWWHṴHOGȃV QH[W VFKRODU" :LWK application deadlines fast approaching, now is the time to act.

For full details regarding scholarship UHTXLUHPHQWV YLVLW EXWWHṴHOGJURXS com. Application deadline is Friday, 25 March, 2022. 49



How are you going to fund your education?

o question about it – going to college is expensive, no matter where you decide to study. The average cost of a UK education is around $30,000 to $35,000 annually, with Canadian colleges probably around the same amount given current exchange rates, while US universities can cost from $45,000 to $50,000 and much higher, depending on which one you are attending. In a nutshell, if you are studying in the UK for a 3-year period you are looking at well over $100,000 total, while a degree course in Canada or USA takes 4 years, so a possible average cost of between $125,000 and $175,000. Once you have decided which college(s) you intend to apply to, you can start the process of applying for


scholarships. While a few students may be fortunate in that their parents FDQ D̯RUG WR SD\ FROOHJH WXLWLRQ PRVW do not have that luxury, as parents simply don’t have that kind of money available. Some colleges do indeed R̯HU ̰QDQFLDO DLG EXW RQO\ H[FHSWLRQDO students manage to get a free ride. So, ZKDW LV WKH DQVZHU" 4XLWH VLPSO\ PRVW VWXGHQWV QHHG ̰QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH DQG must apply for scholarship funding, otherwise the reality is that they will not be able to receive a college education. Fortunately, many Bermuda RUJDQLVDWLRQV R̯HU VFKRODUVKLSV VRPH small, some for several thousand dollars, some even for a full scholarship. All WKHVH VFKRODUVKLSV DUH R̯HUHG LQ RQH central location, bermudascholarships.

com. It is estimated that approximately RUJDQLVDWLRQV R̯HU VFKRODUVKLSV some just one, some multiple, so a guesstimate of perhaps 350 scholarships available in total to Bermuda students. Obviously, students must meet some criteria to be able to be considered for awards. However, one does not have to be an A student to receive a scholarship. Award providers are looking for students who not only are doing reasonably well academically, but who are well-rounded, have some focus on a future career, can demonstrate sporting or community involvement and who show a keenness to advance. And scholarships are available for a wealth of subjects, whether it be the arts, science, business, education, Your Future 2022

SCHOLARSHIPS health, engineering, even hospitality or sports. So, how to proceed? First, you need to create an account on the website (www. Once done, you can log in anytime from anywhere DQG SURFHHG WR ̰OO LQ GHWDLOV DERXW yourself – education, grades, interests, estimated college costs, etc. (Please be sure to make a note of your log-in information!) Second, you should select your DUHD DQG OHYHO RI VWXG\ WR ̰QG DOO WKH scholarships you are eligible for – usually a bunch will come up. You can research them and then short-list the ones you are interested in. Don’t just select those R̯HULQJ WKH PRVW PRQH\ EXW DSSO\ IRU VPDOOHU RQHV WRR ǿ DɓHU DOO LI \RX UHFHLYH 3 scholarships valued at $10,000 each, you are well on your way to funding your education. The essay is a critical part of your DSSOLFDWLRQ DQG LV YHU\ RɓHQ WKH ̰UVW document considered. Please research the scholarships you are applying to and make sure you provide what they are looking for – if it calls for a 350-word

essay on your career goals, don’t just write a paragraph or personal statement. Get someone – teacher, friend, parent – to read your essay to make sure it reads well. Financial need is another important aspect to consider. Most award providers require that a ‘statement of means’ form be completed so, you will need to get your parent or guardian to complete this. The information is quite comprehensive so it would be a good idea to try to start this sooner rather than later. You are going to be asked to provide RWKHU ̰OHV DOVR VXFK DV UHIHUHQFHV SURRI of cost of tuition, acceptance letter, etc. and very importantly, proof of status. This is a letter that can be requested from the Department of Immigration as a copy of a passport, or your birth FHUWL̰FDWH LV QRW DFFHSWDEOH Once you have created all your documents and uploaded them in the Files section of the website and have attached additional documents such as essays (note that all documents must be in pdf), you can spend more time UHVHDUFKLQJ GL̯HUHQW VFKRODUVKLSV DQG

short-listing those you are eligible for. Please make careful note of deadline dates. Unfortunately, many students tend to leave the application process until the eleventh hour, then run LQWR GL̲FXOWLHV DV WKH\ ̰QG WKH\ DUH missing a document, have forgotten their password and can’t log in, have problems submitting an application, have missed a deadline, etc. We strongly recommend, therefore, that you start the entire process early, get all your documents in order, request your school to upload transcripts, etc. then submit your applications in good time. You can apply for multiple scholarships – however, please ensure you are eligible for them. For instance, if you are planning on studying performing arts and apply for an engineering scholarship, you will not be considered. )LQDOO\ LI \RX GR UXQ LQWR GL̲FXOWLHV please use the Help button at the top of the website and send a message. The R̲FH LV PDQQHG IURP ǿ RQ ZHHNGD\V so you will receive a quick response. Good luck with all your scholarship applications.

GOING TO COLLEGE? GOT $$$?? Search our website and apply online for all the scholarships you are eligible for.

Your Future 2022



Five steps to careers in the (re)insurance industry


he Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies (BFIS) was IRXQGHG LQ E\ LQGXVWU\ OHDGHUV who wanted to ensure that a pipeline of talented Bermudians would always be available to the industry. 7ZHQW\ ̰YH \HDUV ODWHU %),6 KDV WUXO\ VXFFHHGHG ZLWK WKLV PDQGDWH E\ R̯HULQJ D ̰YH VWHS SURJUDPPH Ȁ IURP FDUHHU guidance for high school students, scholarships, mentoring and internships to job placement. We are very fortunate to receive incredible ongoing support from numerous donors, without which these programmes would simply not be possible.

STEP 1 – CAREER GUIDANCE BFIS Schools Outreach Committee members visit all high schools to talk to senior year students about careers in the (Re)Insurance industry, with all visits being virtual this year. Students who express an interest in learning more are usually then invited to BFIS Lunch and Learns where industry professionals chat to them about their careers and give them personal insight into what insurance is all about. Due to COVID, this opportunity will be available virtually this year. Following on from this, BFIS Mentor Network Committee members organise a series of speed networking lunches where industry professionals —actuaries, lawyers, accountants, underwriters, brokers, IT professionals, etc. — chat one-on-one with students. This gives students a further opportunity to talk to SURIHVVLRQDOV ZKR ZRUN LQ VSHFL̰F DUHDV where they may have a particular interest. The sessions are run over a one-week

period each February during students’ lunch break and it is hoped that we will be able to host the students in-person in 2022. Schools Outreach Committee members normally visit schools again early in the year to give presentations on navigating bermudascholarships. FRP Ȁ KRZ WR FUHDWH SUR̰OHV UHVHDUFK scholarships, write essays, etc. Committee members guide the students through the scholarship application process, giving pointers and best practices about applying for scholarships. These sessions too are EHLQJ R̯HUHG YLUWXDOO\ DW SUHVHQW GXH WR Covid guidelines. STEP 2 – SCHOLARSHIPS BFIS usually awards between10 and 15 scholarships to students annually. All students pursuing careers in the (re) insurance and related industries are

Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies


Internships Scholarships

Mentorships Career Guidance

Thanks to our donors, BFIS has been providing educational funding and other opportunities for students interested in careers in the insurance industry since 1996.



^^^ IÄZ IT Your Future 2022

SCHOLARSHIPS We also assist our graduating scholars and other graduates who approach us to secure entry level jobs by posting resumes and putting them on the website which is accessed by many HR personnel.

strongly encouraged to apply. Studies covered include risk management, actuarial science, math, HFRQRPLFV ̰QDQFH DFFRXQWLQJ EXVLQHVV law, environmental science and IT, but other subjects will also be considered if they relate to the industry. STEP 3 – MENTORING All BFIS scholars are matched with mentors from the industry who give guidance and advice as their studies progress. We also provide mentoring to any other students or graduates with aspirations to work in the industry. These mentor/mentee relationships work UHDOO\ ZHOO DQG PDQ\ FRQWLQXH ZHOO DɓHU graduation and into the scholars’ careers. Normally, BFIS Mentor Network Committee members organise a number of networking lunches and other educational opportunities for students throughout the year during summer and winter vacation breaks. These are great opportunities for students to meet and chat informally with industry professionals, ask questions, gain knowledge, etc. Unfortunately, Covid has curtailed in-person functions in the past year or so but it is hoped we can once DJDLQ R̯HU LQ SHUVRQ VHVVLRQV QH[W \HDU

VWXGHQWV WR ̰QG MREV :H DVVLVW ZLWK UHVXPH UHYLHZ DQG ZLWK ̰QGLQJ VXPPHU employment wherever possible by posting student resumes on our website.

IN CONCLUSION The above 5 steps demonstrate BFIS’ commitment to its mission to take high school students from the classroom right through university education and into rewarding careers in the industry. To learn more, visit the BFIS website: ZZZ ḚV EP

67(3 ,17(516+,36 ,QWHUQVKLSV ZHUH ̰UVW LQWURGXFHG LQ when BFIS organised a short, intensive Intro-to-Insurance internship in Bermuda. In the following years the internships were extended to the insurance markets of Atlanta, Chicago and London and today students who have completed at least one or two years at university are eligible WR DSSO\ ZLWK VWXGHQWV EHLQJ R̯HUHG the opportunity annually. The internships DUH KLJKO\ VRXJKW DɓHU DQG VWXGHQWV FDQ apply through the bermudascholarships. com website. Given COVID, we have been XQDEOH WR R̯HU WKHP LQ WKH SDVW \HDUV but remain hopeful that they will be R̯HUHG QH[W \HDU That said, we were able to host a 3 week series of virtual chats last summer with various industry professionals participating who gave insight into their companies and their individual roles. The sessions were very well received by participating students. 67(3 -2% 6($5&+ 7KH ̰QDO VWHS RI WKH SURJUDPPH LV KHOSLQJ Your Future 2022



International Business Scholarship Fund


he Association of Bermuda ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RPSDQLHV R̯HUV Bermuda’s largest academic and needs based scholarship fund for Bermudian students. For more than 45 years its scholarship programme has supported promising students at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels leading to careers in Bermuda’s international business sector and supporting services. The ABIC Education Awards are supported by more than 50 member companies looking to encourage young Bermudians to join the international business sector. In the past decade the SURJUDPPH KDV JLYHQ PRUH WKDQ 0 to 190 Bermudian students pursuing full undergraduate or post-graduate degrees at accredited colleges or universities abroad. • Scholarships are awarded based on ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DFDGHPLF DELOLW\ JRRG


FKDUDFWHU DQG ̰HOG RI VWXG\ • $SSUR[LPDWHO\ DSSOLFDWLRQV DUH received from Bermudian students HDFK \HDU ZLWK ǿ VWXGHQWV EHLQJ awarded undergraduate two-year scholarships valued at $30,000 and one post-graduate scholarship valued at $20,000. • In 2010 ABIC partnered with several other scholarship providers to launch

a comprehensive online scholarship resource, www.bermudascholarships. com that gives students the ability to search for available scholarships and apply directly online. • On the 35th anniversary, ABIC announced a new scholarship, the Shernelle Outerbridge Memorial Award sponsored by Zurich for an additional $15,000 for undergraduate business or ̰QDQFH VWXGLHV • ,Q $%,& SDUWQHUHG ZLWK 3Z& WR provide a separate annual award to support a Bermudian student excelling in accounting at the undergraduate or post graduate level who can GHPRQVWUDWH ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DQG ZKR LV studying accounting at an accredited international university. • Each year PwC provides the shortlisted students with an interview training workshop prior to their interviews. • Each awardee is assigned a mentor who will provide one-on-one support, knowledge sharing, perspective and wisdom that will help students with their education and career choices. The submission deadline for the ABIC (GXFDWLRQ $ZDUGV LV $SULO WK


GLOBAL REACH STARTS LOCALLY WITH THE HELP OF AN ABIC SCHOLARSHIP. Available to students pursuing studies related to ǣȇɎƺȸȇƏɎǣȒȇƏǼ ƫɖɀǣȇƺɀɀِ ³ƺǼƺƬɎǣȒȇ ƫƏɀƺƳ Ȓȇ ˡȇƏȇƬǣƏǼ need and academic merit. Undergraduate scholarships are valued at $15,000 per year for up to two years. Graduate Scholarship is valued at $20,000 for one year. Please apply directly online at For more information contact Greta Peters at 441-293-4600 or



April 8, 2022

Your Future 2022

SCHOLARSHIPS Chubb Awards Chubb believes it has an important role to play in creating a potential talent pool for Bermuda, in preparing students to enter the workplace, and in nurturing young talent to become the business and community leaders of tomorrow. Chubb is committed to providing learning and development opportunities to young Bermudians within its insurance and reinsurance operations. Its educational programmes support students wishing to pursue careers in international business as well as those pursuing careers in technical and service industries that are critical for our community. These SURJUDPPHV R̯HU QRW RQO\ ̰QDQFLDO support; but also on-the-job work experience and professional learning opportunities. Chubb has supported hundreds of students professionally and academically through various educational initiatives, including the Robert Clements Scholarship, Bermuda College Education Award, Chubb Select Internship and summer employment positions. For more information about Chubb’s programmes and how to apply,

visit or or contact EHUPXGD KXPDQUHVRXUFHV#FKXEE FRP Win an aquarium scholarship The Bermuda Zoological Society (BZS) invites Bermudian university students to compete for an environmental-related scholarship or internship.

7KH %=6 6WHLQKR̯ VFKRODUVKLS SURYLGHV educational opportunities for Bermudian students studying environmental sciences at accredited institutions. To be considered, applicants must be in the ̰QDO WZR \HDUV RI D EDFKHORUȃV GHJUHH RU working toward a master’s or doctorate in WKHLU FKRVHQ ̰HOG The Ernest E. Stempel Foundation Summer Internship Programme

GREEN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Peter, Alexander and Andrew Green are pleased to announce that we will be doubling our scholarship amount to students studying subjects considered important to Bermuda’s future. All recipients will still receive $5,000 but those studying fields considered important to Bermuda such as medicine, nursing, hotel and hospitality management, finance, insurance, solicitor, etc, will receive an additional $5,000 a year.

We would like to remind candidates that they must apply for the Knowledge Quest Scholarship in order to be eligible for the Green Family Scholarship. The Green Family Scholarship will be awarded to ten students each year who will then receive $5,000/$10,000 annually for a period of no more then four years towards education and tuition costs to an accredited college or university abroad, subject to receipt of satisfactory grades at the end of each academic year.

Applications can be found at:

Applicants, who must have demonstrated financial need, shall have first applied for a scholarship through Knowledge Quest, a registered charity, inorder to be eligibile for the Green Family Scholarship.

Applications for the Knowledge Quest scholarship must be received by April 30th. For applications, please visit the Knowledge Quest website at For further inquiries, please contact Knowledge Quest at: The Green Family reserves the right to determine which degrees are considered important for Bermuda and the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time. Your Future 2022


Moving the world forward That’s what AXA XL Scholars are working on doing and we are proud of them for it. If you are interested in pursuing a career in Actuarial, Claims, Risk Management or Underwriting, consider applying for an AXA XL Scholarship. • Visit to apply • Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2022 • For further information or questions, please contact Lucy Monkman at 292 8515 or

Eligibility • Bermudian or PRC Holder • Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above • Acceptance into university or college Criteria • • • •

Academic excellence Community commitment Strong character and leadership skills Cultural, athletic or other interests

Scholarship • Full tuition, room, board and related expenses at an accredited institution for a maximum of 4 years

Ywione Darrell 2021 Recipient

King’s College London Studying Economics

Adriana Burchall 2020 Recipient

St. John’s University United States Studying Actuarial Science

2022 Scholarship ad_AXA XL_7x4.875_3 scholars.indd 1

Conor Sinclair 2019 Recipient

University of Notre Dame United States Studying Actuarial Science

1/19/2022 9:59:06 AM

THE GARDEN CLUB OF BERMUDA offers SCHOLARSHIPS for: Agriculture Agronomy Environmental Science Horticulture; Floristry and Landscaping Plant Conservation and any other related subjects. Endless possibilities for students Endless benefits for Bermuda Go to and select Horticulture or Agriculture. APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY 31, 2022

SCHOLARSHIPS provides a six-week stipend from June to August for interns to work on projects relating to conservation, education, or research issues in Bermuda. Interns gain valuable experience and acquire a greater understanding of delicate island ecosystems. The BZS education programmes support the national science curriculum for thousands of Bermuda students, from pre-school to college. BZS conservation initiatives include projects to protect endangered sea turtles, VNLQNV FRUDO UHHIV DQG NLOOL̰VK ZKLOH BZS scientists work with colleagues worldwide to share research vital to international conservation programmes. The BZS strives to encourage and support young generations of Bermudians to become stewards of our natural environment. Centennial Bermuda Foundation The Centennial Bermuda Foundation wants you to apply for a scholarship, and there are more than 20 for you to consider. It believes all individuals should have the same access to opportunities. Its focus on equity stems from a core belief to provide scholarships for those who GHPRQVWUDWH ̰QDQFLDO QHHG ZKLOH meeting academic criteria. Centennial Bermuda Foundation supports Bermudian students pursuing a wide range of overseas study programmes including vocational and WUDGH FHUWL̰FDWLRQV XQGHUJUDGXDWH DQG postgraduate degrees. To learn more, visit: ZZZ FHQWHQQLDO EP VFKRODUVKLSV The Garden Club of Bermuda Scholarships The pandemic has shown us how essential and important open spaces are for our well-being. This past year, the Garden Club of Bermuda has supported the restoration and preservation of Bermuda’s natural resources through donations and handson involvement. Since its inception, 100 years ago, the Garden Club has always championed education and provided scholarships for students seeking a career in horticulture and related topics. Through our scholarships, we can help you reach your JRDOV DQG IXO̰OO \RXU DVSLUDWLRQV We invite you to make a positive change by enriching your lives and those of Your Future 2022


up to $15,000, annually, to students pursuing law degrees that lead to a &RPPRQZHDOWK OHJDO TXDOL̰FDWLRQ DQG subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar. ZZZ ZT EP

Legal Scholarship :DNH̰HOG 4XLQ R̯HUV FRPSUHKHQVLYH RQVKRUH DQG R̯VKRUH OHJDO VHUYLFHV RQ matters of Bermuda law, and is committed to investing in Bermudian students wishing to pursue a career in the legal SURIHVVLRQ 7KH 'LUHFWRUV RI :DNH̰HOG 4XLQ R̯HU WZR OHJDO VFKRODUVKLSV SURYLGLQJ

A Mouth-Watering Opportunity Bermuda Waterworks produces a utility water supply by desalination. The company also produces bottled water via distillation. “If you are interested in engineering,” says a spokesman, “why not consider a career in the water industry? :DWHU LV WKH RLO RI WKH WZHQW\ ̰UVW FHQWXU\ Ȇ

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What to do after a scholarship interview?

is out of your hands and that you’re powerless to do anything else without appearing desperate. However, there are actions you can take that will not only help your mental health but also provide you with an advantage over other applicants.

So you’ve just had that interview. What should you do next?

%HIRUH \RX OHDYH As the interview comes to a close, courteously ask about the next steps: when will the committee be making a decision on awarding this scholarship and, if you were interviewed by more than one person, with whom you should follow up with. Before you leave the building, ask for business cards from the interviewers or contact details from the receptionist. If the interview was conducted via Zoom or other digital platform, you can ask for email addresses.


hen you’re waiting to hear whether or not you’ve got that scholarship, it can be a

stressful, frustrating, and agonising time – and just doing nothing doesn’t help. You may feel that the decision

Scholarship Opportunities for Bermudian Students

Apply by April 30, 2022 22 scholarships available for Vocation and Trade Certifications, Undergraduate and Graduate degrees


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6HQG D WKDQN \RX 2QH RI WKH ̰UVW WKLQJV \RX VKRXOG do is send a thank you to those who interviewed you. Personalise your message by mentioning something VSHFL̰F IURP WKH LQWHUYLHZ ,WȃV DOZD\V a nice touch to send an old-fashioned paper note; if that’s not possible, or it’s a high-tech company and mailing a letter or card seems inappropriate, an email letting them know that you appreciate their time is also acceptable. Another possibility is to send a message of thanks through LinkedIn. $GGLWLRQDO PDWHULDO Another way to follow-up is to send additional material. Perhaps something came up during the interview around which you could send pertinent information that the interviewers may not be aware of. Or you may now be clearer about what the interviewers are looking for. But be careful about making this a “re-do” event. Only send new information and don’t use it as an opportunity to correct the answer WR D TXHVWLRQ \RX PD\ KDYH ̱XEEHG or explain what you think may have been misunderstood. It’s critical that your approach here is appropriate and professional. Be respectful and don’t push too hard. Keep positive while you wait to hear about your application, and good luck! Your Future 2022

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Working Remotely


he lockdowns and other restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 saw more and more people working from home out of necessity. Although the trend toward remote working began several years ago, it has rapidly accelerated due to the pandemic, transforming the way we work. Time will tell the long-term impact of COVID-19 restrictions on working in WUDGLWLRQDO R̲FHV RU VWXG\LQJ DW VFKRRO and college, but there’s no doubt that remote working is here to stay. Whether you’re a student or a WUDGLWLRQDO R̲FH ZRUNHU \RXȃOO QHHG WR upskill yourself to remote working in one form or another.

7KH 5LJKW 6SDFH Designate an area in your home for your workday, ideally a place you can use solely for this purpose. Choose a space that is quiet and distraction-free. Try not to use an area that is designated for rest, such as the bedroom. If you FDQ ȅOHDYH \RXU R̲FHȆ DW WKH HQG RI WKH day and “commute” to another part of your home, it’s a good way to separate from work and transition back into your personal life. Your Future 2022

%XLOG 5RXWLQHV It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re not experiencing the buzz of WKH R̲FH DQG EHLQJ DZDUH RI \RXU colleagues taking breaks and coming and going. So it’s important to set your own routine for the sake of your physical and mental well-being. Take breaks as \RX ZRXOG LQ DQ R̲FH VFKHGXOH \RXU lunchtime and when to hydrate during the day so that you remain refreshed. Don’t forget to stand, stretch, and take D IHZ GHHS EUHDWKV DɓHU \RXȃYH EHHQ sitting for long periods. You may need greater self-discipline when working on your own at home. To make it easier, monitor those times when you are most productive and least productive. When you have increased awareness of your own body clock, you can organise your work by scheduling the most important tasks at the time of day when you’re most productive and less-taxing work when you’re least productive. (PEUDFH WHFKQRORJ\ Companies have become reliant on technology to ensure teams ZRUN H̯HFWLYHO\ LQ WKH YLUWXDO ZRUOG

0LFURVRɓ 7HDPV =RRP 7UHOOR $VDQD 6ODFN 'URSER[ DQG RWKHU ̰OH VKDULQJ VRɓZDUH DQG DSSV KDYH EHFRPH essential tools for collaboration. If you’re a student, or planning to “pivot” into another career, it will be an advantage to incorporate these into your current studies or work and become familiar with the virtual working world. It will also give you an advantage when applying for a new position. You should also practice and become comfortable with virtual meetings and one-on-one calls. Find a friend, work colleague, or mentor that you can practice with. Work to continually improve your tone, appearance, and online communication skills. Become aware of your body language and nonverbal cues. You could also record yourself and be your own critic. Treat a virtual meeting as you would an in-person meeting. Prepare for the meeting beforehand, before the call test whatever technology you’re using, and arrive DW WKH PHHWLQJ RQ WLPH 2ɓHQ \RXȃOO be working with people you’ve never met in person and whose only image of you is in a rectangular box on Zoom. 6SHQG WLPH WR PDNH WKDW LPSRUWDQW ̰UVW impression and be proud of how you look on camera. (VWDEOLVK *XLGHOLQHV You should agree with your supervisor on some ground rules, best practices, and schedules so that you know what’s expected of you and to eliminate unfortunate surprises. Make sure everyone is working on the same page, especially in regard to availability and response times. Misunderstandings are more common when you’re not together as a group in person, VR EH DZDUH RI KRZ GL̯HUHQW WHDP members wish to communicate, whether by email, instant messaging, video meetings, or other apps. Try WR EH PLQGIXO RI GL̯HUHQW RQOLQH communication styles. Embrace some of the ideas here, and you’ll be ready to take on the future of work – virtual and remote. 61

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES WQ is committed to investing in Bermudian students wishing to pursue a career in the legal profession. Wakefield Quin offers two scholarships to students pursuing law degrees that lead to a Commonwealth legal qualification and subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar. Application forms are available at CLOSING DATE Thursday 30 June 2022

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Your Future 2022


WHERE NEXT? There are many exciting opportunities in Bermuda and overseas. We look at the best schools, colleges, and universities


Albert College 6DPDQWKD 'DYLHV is in Grade 11 at Albert College, and this is her third year DV D ERDUGLQJ VWXGHQW ȅ6LQFH WKH ̰UVW GD\ I arrived,” she says, “I have experienced all kinds of extracurricular activities through Albert’s 5 ‘A’s (Academics, Arts, Athletics, Active Citizenship and Adventure.) I play the saxophone and SHUIRUP LQ IRXU GL̯HUHQW HQVHPEOHV IRU music; I played soccer this year and have EHHQ DEOH WR WU\ D IHZ GL̯HUHQW VSRUWV and, I have explored the four seasons of Canada through the Adventure program too.” “One of my favourite experiences VR IDU LV WKH FDPSLQJ WULS WKDW NLFNV R̯ each school year. The whole school goes camping for three days. It is so much fun and allows teachers and students to get to know each other outside the classroom.” “Living and learning at Albert College

has allowed me to make lasting friendships with people from around the world. The school is a tight-knit community, and we support each other like a family. I have learned so much about myself and would not want to be anywhere else.” 7KRVH ̰UVW ̱HGJLQJ VWHSV DZD\ IURP home to high school abroad at Albert College set the scene for Bermudian alumna 0HODQLH (GG\ ȃ +HU ZRUN DV D jewellery designer and maker has taken her far and wide. From her time working in Bermuda, to training and industry work in over 10 countries. Melanie’s jewellery practice and work keep her busy. She is an Associate Lecturer at Central Saint Martins University of the Arts, and the University of the Arts, both in London, England where her studio is also located. Melanie’s work was recently featured in two seminal exhibitions: Brilliant & Black: A Jewellery Renaissance at Sotheby’s New York and Force of Nature at the Elisabetta Cipriani Gallery in London, England. She was also recently featured in British Vogue, The New York Times and Town & Country magazine. Melanie is currently involved in a number of initiatives looking at supporting diversity within the jewellery industry and is one of the founders of The Jewellery Futures Fund, an initiative looking to



Your Future 2022


H̯HFW FKDQJH WKURXJK D SURJUDP RI scholarships, paid internships and wider industry engagement. ZZZ DOEHUWFROOHJH FD Appleby College $UDQ *LƵHQ (Senior Two, Grade 12) says: “I chose to attend Appleby College because I was looking for an exciting change. Growing up in Bermuda is wonderful, but I found it really refreshing to try something new, somewhere new. Appleby was just what I was looking for; the campus is amazing with excellent facilities, the students in boarding are like a second family to me, and the education you receive really sets you up for later in life. Coming to Appleby I expected schooling to be more challenging, and it has certainly lived up to my expectations. The most important thing I’ve gained here is a second home. No matter where I go in the future, I will always have friends from Appleby. Appleby has really been one of the best opportunities of my life.” ZZZ DSSOHE\ RQ FD Bermuda College For 0DULO\Q &XSLGRUH, it’s never too late to achieve your goals. Proud graduate of the Bermuda College/Mount Saint Vincent Bachelor of Business Administration programme, she is now working as an HR generalist at a reinsurance company. 63

Since our founding in 1911, students at Appleby College have had the opportunity to stretch their minds and imaginations across different disciplines as they focus on learning through investigation. Located in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, we are recognized globally as one of the world’s leading university preparatory schools and we are fortunate to have our graduates attend some of the finest universities in Canada including the University of Toronto, McGill University, Queen’s University, Western University and Dalhousie University, as well as schools around the world including New York University, University of California, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, Princeton University, the University of Cambridge, the Royal College of Surgeons and the University of St. Andrews to name but a few.



SINCE 1911

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES “I came back to Bermuda with a 3-year advanced diploma in Human Resources, and was able to transfer my credits to enrol into the Bermuda College partnership with MSVU and begin my undergraduate degree. Throughout my time of study, I juggled studying and parenting. I didn’t have to worry about room and board fees, I was able to save money, and I didn’t have the overseas distractions to contend with. It was a SHUIHFW ̰W IRU PH Ȇ 7R VWDUW \RXU RZQ journey contact WGLOO#FROOHJH EP Bermuda High School (BHS) $ULDGQH :DUG plans to complete her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the US, majoring in fashion design and creative writing. Her ultimate goal is to gain recognition in the fashion world for her EULGDO GHVLJQV $UL LV WKH ̰UVW %+6 VWXGHQW to study two creative art courses in the ,% &HUWL̰FDWH 3URJUDPPH Ȁ DUW DQG theatre. She is a highly creative student and has taken part in numerous school productions. She has been actively involved in student leadership and has served as a Deputy Head student, a Diversity Leader and is one of the Head

Your Future 2022


in the 2021 She Leads programme, and DɓHUZDUGV ZDV LQVSLUHG WR EULQJ D JURXS RI VWXGHQWV IURP GL̯HUHQW 6HFRQGDU\ schools together. She believes that connection between schools can create meaningful change and has been inspired by the friendships and support that have come from this initiative. ZZZ EKV EP Bermuda Institute ;LHQQH %XUFK is currently an eleventh grade (S3) student at Bermuda Institute, where she began her educational journey in 2010. She is an exemplary student who seeks to model Christian character ;LHQQH %XUFK

Girls for the 2021-2022 academic year. She has also been nominated for the 2022 Outstanding Teen Awards in the visual arts and leadership categories. A passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion, Ari dedicated time during the summer of 2021 to a new equity initiative, where she supported incoming Primary students from public schools WR KDYH D PRUH FRQ̰GHQW VWDUW WR WKHLU experience at BHS. She also took part




for her sister and cousins; subsequently, the students at Bermuda Institute have EHQH̰WWHG IURP KHU VWHOODU GHYHORSPHQW and commitment to excellence and high standards. Xienne is a member of the National Honor Society and embraces its tenets of leadership, service, and character development. She currently serves as a member of the prefect body and is the Vice-President and Assistant Secretary for her class. Ever since she was in high school, she made herself available to be a servant leader. She has held positions such as President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Parliamentarian as she progressed through high school. She serves her community well and volunteers at the Hamilton Seventhday Adventist Feeding Programme. She is also a deaconess at her church. On any given Sabbath, she can be seen welcoming guests, taking temperature, and assisting with contact tracing at the Hamilton SDA Church on King Street. Her duties also require her to assist in the serving of communion. She loves children and has worked as a summer camp counsellor. Xienne’s love for math has propelled her to aspire to be an accountant like her dad. Bermuda Institute is proud to have Xienne as a student and invites others who desire a Christian education, to consider choosing Bermuda Institute. ZZZ EHUPXGDLQVWLWXWH EP

of this community comes from our commitment to being all-boys and all-boarding. Students form the “Baron Brotherhood” through their shared experiences of dorm life, athletic team competition, twice weekly Chapel services, meals with friends and faculty, DQG PRUH 0RUH WKDQ RI %56 IDFXOW\ live on campus and get to know many sides of each boy’s personality. Boys learn best from teachers who really know them, that’s why Blue Ridge School is “Built for Boys.” ZZZ EOXHULGJHVFKRRO FRP

DQG PDNLQJ D GL̯HUHQFH An independent school founded in 1903, Branksome Hall educates 900 girls on our 13-acre campus in the heart of GRZQWRZQ 7RURQWR :H R̯HU D %RDUGLQJ Programme beginning in Grade 7 and an immersive Study Abroad Programme with our sister school, Branksome Hall Asia in South Korea. Branksome Hall’s state-of-the art facilities include an award-winning Athletics and Wellness Centre, STEAM 6WXGLR 0DNHUVSDFHV DQG ̱H[LEOH OHDUQLQJ environments. Our graduates are welcomed by leading universities around the world, most with scholarships. Branksome Hall continues to set the pace for innovation in girls’ education, ensuring today’s students are wellprepared to solve tomorrow’s complex problems. Discover more at ZZZ EUDQNVRPH RQ FD Brescia University College The thought of being an international student can seem intimidating when moving almost 2,000 kilometers away from home, but 1DWDVKD (OOLV knew 1DWDVKD (OOLV

Branksome Hall Branksome Hall is Toronto’s only all-girls, all-years International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. Our IB Advantage for Girls sparks students’ curiosity and passion for new challenges through our unique combination of outstanding academics, well-being, international mindedness and strong focus on innovation. Our inquiry-based Liberal Arts curriculum is enriched by our four core values: sense of community, inclusiveness, creativity %UDQNVRPH +DOO

Blue Ridge School Boys from around the world come to Blue Ridge School in Virginia, USA, for a supportive academic community that challenges them to reach their full potential. The strength 66

Your Future 2022



Foundations in Accountancy The ACCA Foundations in Accountancy is an entry-level suite of awards, including certificates, diplomas and a revised Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification. • Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting • Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting • Diploma in Accounting and Business • Certified Accounting Technician Qualification This suite offers students the ability to enter the programme at various points, allowing flexibility based on knowledge and experience.

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XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Brescia University College in London, &DQDGD R̯HUHG WKH SRVW VHFRQGDU\ opportunities she was looking for. Natasha was introduced to the University during a high school visit from a Brescia representative. During this time, Natasha learned about the programmes %UHVFLD KDG WR R̯HU DQG ZDV DEOH WR PHHW RQH RQ RQH ZLWK %UHVFLD VWD̯ WR H[SORUH campus and form a bond between the University, herself and her parents. :KHQ LW FDPH GRZQ WR WKH ̰QDO GHFLVLRQ 1DWDVKD KDG WKUHH VSHFL̰F criteria to be met: a welcoming and supportive environment, a small student body where relationships could easily EH IRUPHG DQG ̰QDOO\ DQ DELOLW\ WR conveniently travel back home, as she desired. When Brescia easily met all three conditions, she wasn’t surprised when she arrived at Brescia’s campus and felt right at home. Two years later, Natasha is a secondyear psychology student. Psychology at Brescia has allowed her to continue with her passion for working with and helping people, all while completing her academic studies and thriving on campus. ZZZ EUHVFLD XZR FD



%XƵDOR 6HPLQDU\ 6(0 Among the oldest girls’ schools in the United States, SEM has designed a culture of achievement, scholarship, creativity, DQG OHDGHUVKLS VLQFH 7KH VFKRRO RQ the National Register of Historic Places, is a cozy campus that includes grand homes renovated for student and faculty residences on an historic parkway, a real WXUI ̰HOG DQG UHJXODWLRQ VTXDVK FRXUWV LQ D OHDI\ QHLJKERUKRRG RI %X̯DOR 1HZ <RUN %X̯DOR LV D RQH KRXU ̱LJKW IURP 1HZ York City, Boston, Philadephia, Detroit and Chicago, and a 90-minute drive from Toronto. Niagara Falls is only 15 PLQXWHV DZD\ %HFDXVH %X̯DOR LV RQ /DNH Erie, SEM sails and rows. SEM believes in standards but not standardisation. Nondenominational and nonuniform, the independent high school environment builds resourcefulness by encouraging girls to challenge themselves, express themselves, and to prepare for success in college and adulthood. Students who thrive at SEM are ready to widen their perspectives, contribute to the community, to explore, to stretch, and to rely on themselves for future success. ZZZ %XƵDOR6HPLQDU\ RUJ Your Future 2022


could one day help change someone else’s perspective. 6DEULQD 'DVLOYD What are you studying? Applied Computer Science Why did you choose Dalhousie? I wanted the experience of a large school but not one that was overwhelmingly large. I felt 'DOKRXVLH ZDV D JUHDW ̰W DQG , UHDOO\ ORYHG the area because it was not too big and it was close to the water, so it reminded me of Bermuda. I also wanted to be exposed WR GL̯HUHQW FXOWXUHV DQG , IRXQG 'DO KDG D

good-sized international population. How will you use your degree to make \RXU GLƵHUHQFH LQ WKH ZRUOG" It's great that we are seeing more women interested in IT, but I believe there is still a need for more women in tech. I hope to use my degree to make a positive impact in society and in the technology ̰HOG VR WKDW , FDQ EH DQ LQVSLUDWLRQ WR younger girls and other women. I want to encourage other women to join the tech ̰HOG DQG ZDQW WR PDNH ,7 VSDFHV PRUH comfortable for women. ZZZ GDO FD

Dalhousie University 6HOHQD 'DVLOYD What are you studying? Commerce with a focus in accounting. Why did you choose Dalhousie? I visited Dalhousie during a high school university tour and loved the Halifax area. I felt more at home since it reminded of me of Bermuda being a smaller-sized town near the ocean. I also wanted to have a cooperative education experience that combines classroom-based education with practical work experience which 'DOKRXVLH R̯HUV PDNLQJ LW DQ RYHUDOO JRRG ̰W IRU PH DQG P\ JRDOV How will you use your degree to make \RXU GLƵHUHQFH LQ WKH ZRUOG" To bring back the knowledge that I’ve gained throughout my degree and share it with my community. I’ve had great mentors throughout my co-op experiences that have changed my outlook on life. My aspiration would be to build up my own experience and become a mentor that 6DEULQD 'DVLOYD

Your Future 2022


XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Durham College “I am so grateful to have this opportunity to study abroad in Canada and to pursue my creative passion. The journey to get here was challenging at times but it makes the destination so much more rewarding. , FDQ FRQ̰GHQWO\ VD\ WKDW , DP UHDOO\ enjoying my time studying at Durham College and living in Canada. Admittedly, it is a huge culture shock adjusting to a big country coming from such a small island, but the experience has been a good one. Living independently forces

you to grow and experience life as your own person. , ̰QG WKDW LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH WKH classroom, Durham provides you with many opportunities on networking and improving your professional skills which is vital for your successful transition into industry upon graduating. I am also greatly enjoying my programme because LW LQFRUSRUDWHV GL̯HUHQW IDFHWV RI WKH SKRWRJUDSK\ DQG YLGHRJUDSK\ ̰HOG Which is an amazing advantage when you are going into the ever-evolving LQGXVWULHV RI ̰OP DQG SKRWRJUDSK\ ,Q

DETERMINED. UNSTOPPABLE. ANYTHING’S POSSIBLE. BHS offers academic excellence enriched by innovation and taught in a supportive, collaborative community. BHS graduates are accepted into leading universities around the world and stand tall among their peers.











addition, the programme is very hands on where we learn from both theoretical and practical teaching methods. I believe this allows us to have a better understanding of industry expectations once we start working. My experience of studying at Durham College and living in Canada has been truly enjoyable. I have adapted to my new life at DC and feel very content with my time as a college student. It is also YHU\ IXO̰OOLQJ WR EH DEOH WR SXUVXH DQ education and career in what I love. I am so thankful Durham College has been a big support in helping me achieve my dreams.” 3KRWLQL 'DZQ ̰UVW \HDU student in the photography programme at Durham College (DC). ZZZ GXUKDPFROOHJH FD Framingham State University Framingham State University (FSU) LQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV LV DQ D̯RUGDEOH comprehensive arts and sciences institution located on a beautiful New England campus about 32 kilometers (20 miles) outside of Boston and just a KRXU ̱LJKW IURP %HUPXGD FSU is just the right size — small enough to be personal and collaborative, but large and diverse enough to broaden students’ understanding of the ZRUOG :H R̯HU XQGHUJUDGXDWH DQG graduate programmes in a wide range of disciplines including fashion design and merchandising, hospitality management, international business, education, and food science, as well as 14 NCAA and club athletic teams like rugby, soccer, Your Future 2022

EDUCATIONALXXXXXXX OPPORTUNITIES XXXXX King’s University College 0LND\OD -DFRPH, a Saltus Grammar School alumna, graduated from King’s University College in June 2021 with a Bachelor of Management and Organisational Studies (BMOS) and an Honours Specialisation in Accounting. She says the people she met and the experiences she had were a highlight of King’s. “The friendly nature of the VWD̯ DQG VWXGHQWV DW .LQJȃV SURYLGHV DQ intimate teaching environment, making the university experience unique and memorable.”


DQG ZRPHQȃV WUDFN DQG ̰HOG DV ZHOO DV dozens of student organisations. In highly interactive classes, students engage in robust discussions with professors and peers that allow them to OHDUQ PRUH TXLFNO\ YDOXH GL̯HUHQFHV and become problem solvers. We empower students to graduate with the demonstrated knowledge, skills, and VHOI FRQ̰GHQFH WR EHFRPH DFFRPSOLVKHG SURIHVVLRQDOV ZKR OHDG IXO̰OOLQJ DQG productive lives at a comparably D̯RUGDEOH WXLWLRQ UDWH 'DQLHOOH +HQU\ learned about the

opportunities available at FSU during a college fair in Bermuda. She decided to DSSO\ EHFDXVH WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ R̯HUHG KHU desired major in International Business, and made the process easy for her. So far, she has loved her time at FSU. “I was really moved by how welcoming the school is. Everyone was so friendly and helpful in guiding me through the process of getting here,” says Henry, who attended CedarBridge Academy in Bermuda. “I love the small campus and the people I have met.” ZZZ IUDPLQJKDP HGX EHUPXGD






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Your Future 2022


Blue Ridge School is built for boys and how boys learn best. But it is also built for character education. For traditional values, lifelong bonds, and global citizenship. They come to Virginia from around the world to prepare for college. They leave prepared for life.


With help from exceptional teachers, BSS students develop the grit to stay focused, the resilience to bounce back, and the curiosity to keep exploring. Our graduates go to top-tier universities and colleges in Canada, the U.S. and around the world. In a word, they are unstoppable.

“I’ve got this.”

BSS is a leading day and boarding school for girls. Please visit

$2.1 million in financial assistance provided for the 2021/22 school year.


King’s BMOS programme helped Mikayla prepare for her current role DV D 6WD̯ $FFRXQWDQW IRU .30* LQ Bermuda. She is now planning to get her Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. ZZZ NLQJV XZR FD /DNHƶHOG &ROOHJH 6FKRRO 0DGGLH 6SHQFHU $UVFRWW '24 says “the initial thought of boarding school and DOO LWV R̯HULQJV ZDV VXSHU H[FLWLQJ WR PH EXW ZKHQ , DUULYHG DW /DNH̰HOG GXULQJ the heart of COVID-19, I was somewhat overwhelmed. However, everyone around me made me feel welcome and did everything they could to make my arrival smooth and settling. The school atmosphere is very friendly, and as I became more and more settled into the daily routines, everything fell into place nicely. Despite being an ocean apart from my home in Bermuda, my friends and my WHDFKHUV KDYH PDGH P\ ̰UVW \HDU DQG D half here awesome, and I look forward to ZKDWȃV OHɓ WR FRPH Ȇ /DNH̰HOG &ROOHJH School. ZZZ OFV RQ FD DGPLVVLRQV Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA) Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA) SURXGO\ R̯HUV WKH &DQDGLDQ $OEHUWD Curriculum which is recognised globally as one of the strongest learning programmes. Students who graduate with an Alberta High School Diploma go on to pursue post-secondary studies in North America and the UK. MSA uses a student-centered approach to guide students to success by providing every possibility to learn and grow to their IXOOHVW SRWHQWLDO 06$ R̯HUV RSSRUWXQLWLHV outside of school through a variety of extra-curricular activities, work study, and volunteer opportunities. Your Future 2022

$GULDQR 5\PRQ /LSLQVNL joined Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA) in kindergarten. “Mount Saint Agnes is like my family away from home,” says Adriano, now a graduating student at MSA. Adriano has been an honors with distinction student since middle school. Along with maintaining high grades, Adriano plays many roles within his school community. He is the president of the National Honor Society, as well as the vice-president of the student council. In addition, Adriano has also gone on to complete his Duke of Edinburgh bronze and silver awards. Outside of school, Adriano enjoys participating in GL̯HUHQW VSRUWV +H HQMR\V VZLPPLQJ and is a part of the Sharks Swim Club. Adriano has played football since age four, and currently plays for the Warwick Archers. In more recent years, Adriano has developed a passion for scuba diving, DQG UHDFKHG KLV UHVFXH GLYHU TXDOL̰FDWLRQ over the summer of 2021. Going forward, Adriano plans to study actuarial science

in either North America or the UK, and he has already received acceptance R̯HUV IURP VHYHUDO XQLYHUVLWLHV $GULDQR says, “MSA, through its delivery of the world-renowned Alberta curriculum and its family environment, has prepared me academically, socially and spiritually, for the challenges I will face at university DQG DɓHU E\ SURYLGLQJ PH ZLWK D ZHOO rounded, high-quality education.” ZZZ PVD EP Ontario Tech University Located in Oshawa—in the eastern Greater Toronto Area of Ontario— Ontario Tech University has grown out of a bold, ambitious vision: Take on the grand challenges we face as a society, DQG ̰QG VROXWLRQV WR PHHW DQG H[FHHG tomorrow's needs. There are two campus locations LQ 2VKDZD R̯HULQJ XQGHUJUDGXDWH graduate and college-to-university transfer programmes to suit a variety of needs, while forging hundreds of partnerships with industry and community partners. Areas of study include degrees in business, computers and technology, education, engineering, medicine and health, science, and social science and humanities. Ontario Tech has a growing reach for excellence in research and teaching. The university currently appears in the ZRUOGȃV PRVW LQ̱XHQWLDO JOREDO XQLYHUVLW\ rankings including Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects. <XOLD ,VDHYD, Second-year student, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in <XOLD ,VDHYD



XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Mechatronics Engineering, says “Ontario Tech University has given me the opportunity to pursue my Engineering degree, which is truly my passion. The university provides the support I frequently utilise. As an engineering student, these resources help me to stay on top of my workload while studying. As an international student from Bermuda, being able to experience new activities like ice skating has been really special— we do not have that at home. Joining the extramural volleyball team has also given me the opportunity to make new friends outside of my faculty.” ZZZ RQWDULRWHFKX FD St. John’s University 6KHUDH 6LPRQV describes her positive experience at St. John’s. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience attending St. Johns. Currently, I am an analyst for reinsurance claims. No two days are alike when it comes to analysing and reading loss reports for real life risk and catastrophes. St. John’s prepared me, from meeting people from all across the world to being in businesses courses, workshops and presentations

at the Manhattan campus, not far from Wall Street. I knew it was key to building connections as well as gaining valuable knowledge and experience for VHFXULQJ HPSOR\PHQW DɓHU JUDGXDWLQJ A notable memory was the Chairman/ &(2 DW WKH ̰UVW FRPSDQ\ , ZRUNHG IRU post-graduation was also a St. John’s





alum. I thought that was so inspiring to know that he also once sat in the VDPH FODVVURRPV DFTXLULQJ D ̰UVW FODVV education which led to his success. I highly recommend St. John’s as it opens up so many doors and opportunities and access to the many areas of the reinsurance business. Another Bermudian, $GULDQD %XUFKDOO says her experience at St. John’s University has been highly transformative. “I have been given

It’s about speaking out up Your Future 2022

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES the space to grow beautifully into the woman of my dreams and reach my limitless potential. The opportunity to study in New York City at a phenomenal institution has connected me with brilliant, like-minded students, professors, professionals, and mentors from all over the world. These priceless connections have widened my perspective and given me WKH FRQ̰GHQFH WR DWWDLQ P\ GHJUHH in actuarial science while completing actuarial exams. I love my education because it serves my career goals and my personal business ventures, as I have been exposed to subjects such as investing and accounting, which is crucial to understand in the dynamic world we live in. My short-term academic goal is to maintain my 4.0 and graduate as an Associate CAS Actuary. Although challenging, I know I will achieve this goal with my drive, determination, and support at St. John’s. ZZZ VWMRKQV HGX

on the values of self-determination and self-drive, “Pressure ‘Til We Perish” and I placed third in the BEDC Summer Student Employment Programme. In addition, last November, I placed second in the BEDC Youth Rock Pitch competition. During the 2020/21 academic year, I was one of the recipients of the Saltus Entrepreneurial Studies prize. However, the highlight of my journey thus far was the opportunity to combine my talents and skills to represent Saltus Grammar School and win the 2021 Alpha Phi Alpha Beautillion

Saltus Saltus student 9LQFHQW 'DUUHOO says, “I love to think, create, innovate, and advocate. My passions for social issues and talent as a storyteller have allowed me to excel in public speaking, debating, performing arts, and voicing my ideas. My interest in business and entrepreneurialism grew out of the GHVLUH WR PDNH D GL̯HUHQFH 7KLV GHVLUH has fueled me. Last summer, I launched my clothing and lifestyle brand built

competition.” “I would like to commend my loving VXSSRUW V\VWHP DQG WKH 6DOWXV VWD̯ such as Ms. Therese Bean, who has been instrumental in helping me cultivate my ambitions and aspirations. In the future, I look to pursue an undergraduate degree in Business Management with D VSHFLDOLVDWLRQ LQ PDUNHWLQJ RU ̰QDQFH in the United Kingdom. Studying AP psychology, sociology, statistics, performing arts and world issues at Saltus has prepared me for this next step by equipping me with the necessary skills


















Kent S. '22 Sandys

Jack G. '25 Smiths

Frtiz O. '23 Smiths

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help others, as I plan on studying sport psychology either in the UK or Canada, learning how to help those who have experienced mental hardships in their sport. ZZZ VDOWXV EP


Sheridan College Student 5DFKHO 'H&RVWD says, “attending Sheridan College has been an amazing experience. A large portion of its students are international and LW R̯HU ORWV RI DPD]LQJ VXSSRUW 7KH international center is always willing to help in any way it can. The professors

to manipulate data, understand others' thought processes and communicate H̯HFWLYHO\ $V WKLV FKDSWHU FRPHV WR DQ end, I’m thankful for the opportunity to attend Saltus and it is with great excitement that I prepare for the future by growing academically, creating new relationships and networking at university.” $O\VVD 'H 6LOYD is a Senior at Saltus where she takes AP courses in biology, chemistry, psychology and english as well as courses in calculus and kinesiology. “Being an active part of my school and local community is important to me,” she says, “and I try to be involved in a variety of aspects. I have received leadership experience from my roles in Student Council, Gold Key, House Captain and Head Prefect. I am a member of the Saltus Elite Athlete Programme and a member of the performing arts department. This year I am also a member of the public speaking team both nationally and internationally. I’m proud to be a student at Saltus and I am YHU\ JUDWHIXO WR WKH VWD̯ DW 6DOWXV IURP Foundation Year to SGY who have helped me become the person I am today.” “I’m extremely passionate about my VSRUW ZKLFK LV ̰HOG KRFNH\ ,ȃYH EHHQ playing for 7 years, training almost every GD\ DQG SOD\LQJ IRU PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW WHDPV including some mixed men and women teams. One of my favourite activities, is coaching and helping the younger players. I enjoy knowing I’m helping coach the future of a sport I love so much.” I have a strong work ethic and a strong desire to achieve my ambition. My goal at the end of university is to be able to Your Future 2022


My Way to a Great Career Danielle H., CedarBridge Academy International Business

f r a m i n g ha m s tat e u n i v e r s i t y X

# UOCNN DGCWVKHWN 0GY 'PINCPF ECORWU ǧǦ kilometers from Boston, Massachusetts




Ǭ WPFGTITCFWCVG CPF ITCFWCVG RTQITCOU KPENWFKPI International Business, Fashion Design and Retailing, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Education, Environmental Studies, and Food and Nutrition


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6TCPUHGT /CUVGTŦU &GITGG CPF %GTVKƒECVG partnerships with Bermuda College


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Bermudian students to pay equivalent of annual in-state tuition and fees (about $11,380 per year)

Learn more at:

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES that I have encountered have been amazing, and they are all incredibly knowledgeable. The class sizes in my programme are quite small, which helped me transition from attending MSA to a college classroom. The residence is also newly renovated, which helps you feel comfortable while living abroad. I am truly happy with my decision to attend Sheridan.” ZZZ VKHULGDQFROOHJH FD 6RPHUVƶHOG $FDGHP\ Bermuda’s International School, was founded in 1991 by a group of parents who created the Montessori Trust. The school was originally known as the Montessori International Academy DQG FKDQJHG LWV QDPH WR 6RPHUV̰HOG Academy when it relocated to Devonshire in 2001. 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ ERDVWV VPDOO classes and over 500 students ranging in DJH IURP WR \HDUV ROG 7KH VFKRRO LV divided into three divisions: Montessori, Upper Primary and Secondary. At the Montessori levels (ages 3- 9), the student to teacher ratio is very small — 12:1 — providing one of the most personalised learning experiences of any school on the island. 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ %HUPXGDȃV ̰UVW LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ DFFUHGLWHG VFKRRO is currently validated by the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools authority, as well as the International Baccalaureate Organisation and is an associate member of the American 0RQWHVVRUL 6RFLHW\ DQG DQ D̲OLDWH RI the National Association of Independent Schools. As Bermuda’s only accredited SEED School (Seeking Educational Equity DQG 'LYHUVLW\ 6RPHUV̰HOG LV D FKDPSLRQ for diversity, equity and inclusion. Visitors to the school remark on the warm, inviting, family atmosphere and the vibrant sense of energy and innovation that characterises the 6RPHUV̰HOG H[SHULHQFH 7KH FDPSXV is beautifully landscaped and has seen extensive improvements recently, including a fresh state-of-the art science suite, “success centers” for remediation and enrichment and, most impressively, an exciting International Center with ̱H[LEOH LQVWUXFWLRQDO VSDFHV IRU GHOLYHULQJ the I.B. Diploma Programme. The newly introduced I.B. Diploma Programme provides a robust and broad preparation for tertiary education and Your Future 2022


Study at Sheridan College in Canada.

+ Practical, hands-on, career-driven education. + Work experience through paid co-op programs. + Entrance scholarships available for new students. + 8,700+ international students from 110+ countries. + Location: Campuses in Oakville, Mississauga and Brampton – a 35-minute drive from downtown Toronto. Contact:


XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES the world of work. The select range of FRXUVHV R̯HUHG DUH GHVLJQHG WR SUHSDUH students to meet the demands of university study and the world of work beyond. 0DQ\ RI 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ȃV GHGLFDWHG IDFXOW\ DQG VWD̯ KROG advanced degrees in their subjects, DV ZHOO DV VSHFLDOLVW TXDOL̰FDWLRQV in delivering the Montessori or the International Baccalaureate Programme. This added preparation enables them to best support their students’ holistic development – preparing the head,

hands and heart of each learner. As an international school servicing a broad population of both local and mobile families, the Montessori and I.B. programmes are readily transferable and recognised in over 200 countries. The school’s rolling admission policy, which accepts students throughout the school year, provides new families to the island the opportunity to join a dynamic and diverse school community that is committed to providing a stellar program of study for the 21st century global learner. ZZZ P\VRPHUVƶHOG FRP

For students to thrive in the 21st century they must engage in meaningful work that is both academic and grounded in real world contexts. Rooted in IB DQG 0RQWHVVRUL SKLORVRSK\ 6RPHUVƓHOG $FDGHP\ōV dedicated staff understand the power of connecting with students, inspiring them to test their limits and transcend them. 'RQōW PLVV WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR MRLQ D G\QDPLF DQG diverse community designed for the global learner. $SSO\ WRGD\ DW VRPHUVƓHOG EP

“Inspiring Socially Conscious Independent Thinkers”


$- 6PLWK

The Berkeley Institute $- 6PLWK is a high honours student and Head Boy of the Berkeley Institute. He is a well-rounded and respectful young man who dedicates himself to his studies, playing rugby, mastering the trumpet, and helping others in school and in the community. Throughout his years of schooling, he has kept his GPA above 3.0 since primary school and has received a number of awards for leadership and school spirit. He has taken part and helped in many organisations both in school and in the community including Student Council, Beyond Rugby, Future Leaders Bermuda, and The Salvation Army. AJ is one of the co-founders of the United Student Union, an organisation of VWXGHQW OHDGHUV WKDW R̯HU WR SODQ HYHQWV and activities to unite the students of the various schools they attend and help them positively interact in academic, DWKOHWLF DQG FUHDWLYH ̰HOGV ,Q KLV IXWXUH endeavors, he plans to do a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to help serve others and preach the gospel around the world and aims to attend Brigham Young University to obtain his degrees in both Business and Engineering. 1DV\D %XUJHVV is a Principal’s Honours,


Your Future 2022

Engaged. Compassionate. Balanced. At MSA, education extends beyond academics. Within our nurturing environment, students develop scholastic and social skills to lead successful, meaningful lives.


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EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES part-time dual enrollment student at the Berkeley Institute and Bermuda College, where she is enrolled in the Associate of $UW DQG 6FLHQFH SURJUDPPH 8SRQ KHU ̰UVW year at The Berkeley Institute, she entered great academic rigor and was immediately placed into advanced courses. Nasya has since maintained at least a 3.7 GPA and has received several awards and achievements. To challenge herself, Nasya enrolled in the BASI programme for 3 consecutive years, where she was able obtain advanced credits that granted her eligibility for accelerated graduation. Currently in her senior year, Nasya has taken great pride in being a leader in her school community, she is Head Girl, Prefect and Gold House Captain. Nasya has also been heavily involved in student government since S2 and is presently an S4 Representative on The Berkeley Institute’s Student Council. She has developed her leadership skills at the Mirrors Super Camp at Stanford University and the STEAM Academy Future Scholars Programme at Clemson University. Nasya has volunteered at the Bermuda SPCA, BAMZ, and Belhaven Stables. Nasya plans to attend university abroad and major in animal science or biology, prior to entering a veterinary programme. ZZZ EHUNHOH\ EP

community. “It’s like living with family, even though you have time to be alone, you never feel lonely”, she says. Bryanna takes part in daily and weekend boarding activities and loves her courses and the project-based learning. One highlight was learning how to run a business and participating in “Market Day”, an event put on by her entrepreneurship class. Bryanna is thrilled to be part of BSS and feels she now has two homes. ZZZ EVV RQ FD The Gow School $ɓHU VSHQGLQJ VL[ \HDUV DW 7KH *RZ School, .HQW 6LPPRQV knows magic happens on campus. The Gow School has a long history of helping students from %HUPXGD IXO̰OO WKHLU GUHDP RI JHWWLQJ into college, and that legacy is still going strong. A coed college-prep boarding and GD\ VFKRRO IRU VWXGHQWV JUDGHV ZLWK dyslexia and similar language – based learning disabilities located outside of Niagara Falls, NY. Kent is one of three students from Bermuda on campus this .HQW 6LPPRQV

The Bishop Strachan School %U\DQQD 5HJLHU joined The Bishop Strachan School (BSS) this past fall. Moving from a small island to a bustling FLW\ ZDV DQ H[FLWLQJ WUDQVLWLRQ ,Q WKH ̰UVW few days, Bryanna made friends and was instantly welcomed into the BSS boarding %U\DQQD 5HJLHU

year and is the Student Council President, a Headwaiter, and a Student Ambassador. Kent attributes his success at Gow to the small classes, assistive technology, and personalised attention from teachers. “If it weren’t for being in a room with three other students, the 1:1 laptop programme, and teachers that know me and my learning style, I would not be the student and leader I am today.” One of Gow’s trademarks is “Hope with Action”, providing students new hope that they can succeed both in and out of the classroom, and Kent is attacking that challenge head on. To learn more about Gow visit ZZZ JRZ RUJ Trafalgar Castle School Trafalgar Castle School has been educating girls and young women for nearly 150 years as one of Canada's oldest all-girls' VFKRROV 7UDIDOJDU &DVWOH LV GL̯HUHQWLDWHG by its size, location, and the strength of its community. Located in the Town of Whitby, Ontario, one of Canada’s fastest growing regions, our beautiful campus is conveniently situated 30 minutes east of 7RURQWR &DQDGDȃV ODUJHVW FLW\ R̯HULQJ HDV\ DFFHVV WR DOO LWV DPHQLWLHV DQG GLUHFW ̱LJKWV to international destinations. With only 240 girls from grades 4 to 12, including ERDUGHUV IURP JUDGHV WR 7UDIDOJDU knows each and every girl as an individual. We pride ourselves on challenging each girl's mind, strengthening her voice and nurturing her heart. We are a diverse FRPPXQLW\ WKDW UH̱HFWV WKH EHVW RI Canadian values. We focus on developing strong and independent young women who approach life with determination, thoughtful insight, compassion and kindness. ZZZ WUDIDOJDUFDVWOH FD


Your Future 2022


After graduating from TCS, students from Bermuda are ready to


a Abby ‘20 Queen’s University Ontario, Canada

a Olivia ‘21 University of Bristol, England

a Mason ‘20 Dalhousie University Nova Scotia, Canada

a Allie ‘21 Northeastern University, United States

At TCS, students gain a lifelong appreciation of learning, continuously bettering their whole selves and making a positive impact wherever their journey leads them. Co-ed boarding/day school for Grades 9–12 in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada


EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Trinity College School 6LHQQD 7D\ORU put TCS at the top of her list for boarding schools because of the community aspect. The sense of community has ensured that she feels like she fully belongs. Being surrounded by SHRSOH IURP GL̯HUHQW SODFHV DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG VROLGL̰HV WKLV VHQVH RI EHORQJLQJ and allows Sienna to feel more secure living in a foreign country without her family. One of Sienna’s favourite things about TCS is sports and the opportunities to try a new sports. Sienna was such a JUHDW DGGLWLRQ WR WKH ̰HOG KRFNH\ WHDP LQ KHU ̰UVW \HDU WKDW VKH ZDV PDGH WHDP captain this past fall. Her coach describes 6LHQQD DV D ̰HUFH ̰HOG KRFNH\ SOD\HU whose spirit in supporting the entire team showed incredible leadership". Sienna is happiest when she is on the pitch playing games with her teammates and friends. ZZZ WFV RQ FD University of Guelph ,VDEHOOD 0XUGRFK is a second-year student at the University of Guelph, in the Environmental Governance programme. She chose Guelph for the stunning campus and the specialised programme



which is allowing her to pursue her true passions for the environment. Unfortunately, she was unable to stay LQ UHVLGHQFH GXULQJ KHU ̰UVW \HDU DV WKH &29,' SDQGHPLF PDGH LW YHU\ GL̲FXOW +RZHYHU VKH LV QRZ OLYLQJ R̯ FDPSXV DQG has found it very easy to make friends and feel a part of the campus community. She makes a point to say that joining clubs is a great way to meet people with similar interests and is just a lot of fun. Isabella also says that the food provided at the

university is unlike anywhere; with so PDQ\ GL̯HUHQW FXLVLQHV DQG FXOWXUDO IRRGV R̯HUHG PDNLQJ LW SHUIHFW IRU LQWHUQDWLRQDO students alike. Lastly, Guelph may be cold in the winter, but if you get the right winter coat and boots you will be on your way! ZZZ XRJXHOSK FD Upper Canada College 8&& ZDV IRXQGHG LQ DQG LV DQ IB Continuum World School, enrolling 1,200 students in Senior Kindergarten

YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE UCC’s renowned delivery of the IB Diploma Programme gives our students an edge. Our grads gain both acceptance and success at top universities — and they’re well-prepared to meet the needs of global industries. Our boarding community welcomes students aged 13 to 18 in the heart of Toronto. For more information contact or visit

Your Future 2022





EDUCATIONALXXXXXXX OPPORTUNITIES XXXXX WKURXJK <HDU LQFOXGLQJ ERDUGHUV from around the world. Located in central Toronto on 35 acres of green space, UCC's mission to deliver transformational learning experiences is supported by expert faculty, cutting-edge facilities and ZLGH UDQJLQJ FR FXUULFXODU R̯HULQJV Approximately 20 per cent of students UHFHLYH ̰QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IURP WKH school's sector-leading programme, with $5 million available annually to Canadian students. An alumni community of more WKDQ LQ FRXQWULHV LQFOXGHV OHDGHUV DQG LQQRYDWRUV LQ SROLWLFV ̰QDQFH arts, athletics, media and beyond. ZZZ XFF RQ FD Warwick Academy 7D\ORU :KLWH LV LQ KHU ̰QDO \HDU DW Warwick Academy in the International %DFFDODXUHDWH 'LSORPD 3URJUDPPH DɓHU moving schools in year 9 to join the High3HUIRUPDQFH 6ZLP 3URJUDPPH R̯HUHG Warwick Academy. At school, Taylor has been a consistent honour roll student, an active contributor to the sporting community and a member of the Year 13 Student Leader Team in her role as Deputy Head Girl. Warwick Academy has given Taylor various leadership opportunities in the classroom, in her sporting ventures and within the student leader team, which have allowed her to further her public speaking and communication skills which she hopes to utilise in university and the professional world. The IB Diploma program has helped Taylor decide to pursue her passion of business in the US where she will be able to receive a high level of education while still being an athlete. Taylor dreams to enter a Division I swim programme as she has spent her high school career devoted to the sport,




Building on centuries of excellence, we provide an international educational environment designed for our diverse student body. Our innovative curriculum is delivered with a commitment to personalised pastoral care and enhanced by a dynamic co-curricular programme. We strive to create a culture of collaboration so that our students can become lifelong learners, global thinkers and successful leaders. <RX FDQ ȴQG RXW PRUH E\ FRQWDFWLQJ 0UV 5RFKHOOH /HH RXU 'LUHFWRU RI $GPLVVLRQV DW DQG ERRN DQ DSSRLQWPHQW

Mr. David Horan, B.Soc. Sci., M.Ed. Principal

Your Future 2022



EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES training nine times a week in the pool and three times a week in the gym with the Warwick Academy Swim Programme, which she is the captain of. This has allowed her to gain local scholarships such as The Martin Allan award for dedication and achievement in the sport and she is excited for what the future will bring academically and athletically. ZZZ ZDUZLFN EP Washington Academy Washington Academy, a private independent secondary school, has been preparing students for success for over two centuries. Located on the rocky coast RI 0DLQH :$ R̯HUV D GLYHUVH FXUULFXOXP emphasising “the student experience.” Along with a college preparatory programme, students prepare for a future

of their choice by enrolling in classes focused on in-demand work skills such as automotive and marine technology, graphic design, computer programming, SHUVRQDO ̰QDQFH YLGHRJUDSK\ DQG podcasting. A close-knit campus community allows for creating meaningful and memorable teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships. 5HODWLRQVKLSV DW :$ FRQWLQXH ORQJ DɓHU a student receives their diploma. ZZZ ZDVKLQJWRQDFDGHP\ RUJ Wilbraham & Monson Academy Wilbraham & Monson Academy is an independent, college-preparatory, coeducational middle and upper school for boarding and day students. Located in Western Massachusetts in WKH WRZQ RI :LOEUDKDP :0$ R̯HUV D



transformational experience where students become challenge-seeking citizens and leaders of an evolving world. Our academic programme integrates the mastery of traditional core disciplines ZKLOH LQFRUSRUDWLQJ FRXUVHV VSHFL̰F WR economics, entrepreneurship, and global studies. Our CEEF programme is designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to their role as global citizens and leaders in an increasingly interconnected world economy. Students are taught to think like entrepreneurs, to analyse current and historical issues and to investigate economic and social issues. Students are also able to utilise our 7UDGLQJ &HQWHU LQ DQ H̯RUW WR XQGHUVWDQG and engage in active research and trading in order to gain an understanding of the JOREDO ̰QDQFLDO HQYLURQPHQW ZZZ ZPD XV

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Enrolling for Fall 2022


Your Future 2022

You have the talent We have the opportunities Robert Clements Scholarship The fully-funded Robert Clements Scholarship is awarded to a qualified Bermudian student studying full-time towards an undergraduate or graduate degree in insurance, risk management, actuarial science, or other insurance related disciplines. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, books and airfare in addition to offering employment opportunities. Application deadline: 30 April each year Bermuda College Education Award The Bermuda College Education Award is offered to a qualified graduate of Bermuda College, enrolled in at least the third (junior) year of a 4-year (or the second year of a 3-year UK) degree program at an accredited university. The Award of $15,000 per year, assists with tuition and fees for up to two years immediately following graduation. Application deadline: 15 April each year Chubb Select Internship Chubb Select is a 10-week paid insurance internship. It is designed to provide Bermudian university students with foundational experiences to help them build successful careers in the insurance industry. Interns must have completed at least two years of university at an undergraduate level. Application deadline: 30 September each year For more information, please visit or

©2022 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb®, its logo, SM Not just coverage. Craftsmanship. and all its translations, and Chubb. SM Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb.

Opportunity Awaits If you are searching for a rewarding experience in you ǡ ϐ it at Bermuda Hospitals Board. Registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs), registered nurses (RNs), x-ray technologists, sonographers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and medical technologists are specialty areas in high demand. In addition, we offer a broad range of employment options and career opportunities. Nursing Assistants Accountants HR/OD Professionals Pharmacists Clinical Dietitians Imaging Technologists Physicians Dietary Technicians IT Professionals Psychiatrists Educators Laundry Operators Radiographers Engineers Medical Transcriptionists Environmental Services Aides and Coders

Grow with a team that cares about excellence

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Learning and Talent Development | Tel: (441) 239-2134 |

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Articles inside

Your Future 2022

pages 12, 14

The Berkeley Institute 69

page 82

Warwick Academy

page 89

Sheridan College 77

page 81

Dalhousie University 69

pages 78-79

Brescia University College 66

page 76

BHS 65

page 72

Blue Ridge School 66

pages 74-75

Bermuda Institute 65

pages 70-71

Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR

pages 62-63 50

pages 53-54

Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC

page 56

Chubb 55, Inside back cover Conyers Inside front cover

pages 48-50

Albert College 63

pages 67-68

Centennial Bermuda Foundation 57

page 60

First right hand page

pages 51-52

Deloitte 11

page 47

EY 7

page 44

BF&M 13

pages 39-40


page 38

Hamilton Princess & Beach Club 18

pages 21-25

Royal Bermuda Regiment

page 26

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3

pages 42-43

PwC 5

pages 45-46

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

pages 28-29
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