A career you can count on Katryn Smith details her path to success at Deloitte DOORZV PH WR ZRUN LQ D VPDOOHU ̱H[LEOH and highly supportive organisation while working with some of the largest and most interesting companies in the world. It’s a bit of a cliché, but it really is all about the people here in Deloitte Bermuda, and across our global network. I get to work with professionals who challenge and support me every day, and my team leaders are invested in helping me meet my goals and develop D ̱H[LEOH DQG IXO̰OOLQJ FDUHHU
:KDW LV D W\SLFDO GD\ OLNH IRU \RX" The great thing about accounting is that I rarely have a “typical” day. I spend time planning and managing our projects, including frequently communicating and collaborating with clients, my team, and our specialists. I develop my skills every day, by researching accounting solutions for my clients and the broader ̰UP DQG E\ OHDGLQJ VXSSRUWLQJ DQG developing my team members. :KDW PDGH \RX FKRRVH D FDUHHU LQ DFFRXQWLQJ" I chose a career in accounting because, as someone who grew up around many DFFRXQWDQWV , NQHZ WKDW WKLV LV D ̱H[LEOH dynamic career path, with lots of GLYHUVLW\ LQ WKH GL̯HUHQW UROHV DYDLODEOH A successful career as a CPA depends on strong technical skills, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills; this makes CPAs highly desirable employees, as there is a high demand for these skill sets. As a competitive, creative person, choosing a career that would create more opportunities for me, rather than limiting my path, was a priority. +RZ GLG \RX SLFN \RXU XQLYHUVLW\ DQG PDMRU" I took a non-traditional education path, starting in a bachelor of engineering programme before transferring to a bachelor of arts (economics and geography) in my second year. I didn’t begin my accounting education until my post-graduate studies, where I completed a masters in management and professional accounting (MMPA) Your Future 2022
at the University of Toronto. Choosing a university where I could have that ̱H[LELOLW\ WR FKDQJH SURJUDPPHV ZDV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW HVSHFLDOO\ DV P\ ̰UVW FKRLFH ZDVQȃW D JRRG ̰W 8OWLPDWHO\ I decided to pursue the MMPA programme at the University of Toronto based on the quality of the programme, its robust examination preparation, in-depth co-op programme, and the QHWZRUN LW R̯HUV ZLWK SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFHV ̰UPV WR VXSSRUW JUDGXDWHV LQ launching their careers. :K\ D &3$" As someone from Bermuda studying and starting my career overseas, it was important to me that I could translate my professional experience into something I could “take with me” no matter where I go in the world. As a CPA, I have a professional designation that is internationally recognised and respected – it really is a passport to the world. :K\ GLG \RX FKRRVH 'HORLWWH %HUPXGD" I chose Deloitte Bermuda because it
:KDW LV WKH PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ DFFRXQWLQJ SUREOHP \RXšYH KDG WR VROYH" Many accounting problems, at their heart, have more to do with people than accounting principles or complex formulas. Beyond the technical analysis of an accounting issue, we must understand what is motivating GL̯HUHQW VWDNHKROGHUV ZKHUH WKH points of contention are and what’s FDXVLQJ WKHP DQG KRZ WR H̯HFWLYHO\ FRPPXQLFDWH DQG ZRUN ZLWK GL̯HUHQW parties. The global Deloitte network has been a critical resource for me in evaluating complex, contentious, or sensitive issues with our clients, as we can access specialists and subject matter experts in the US, UK and Europe who’ve analysed these issues – and held these conversations – before. :KDW LV RQH SLHFH RI DGYLFH \RX ZLVK \RX KDG EHHQ JLYHQ ZKHQ \RX VWDUWHG \RXU FDUHHU" Don’t be afraid to indulge your curiosity ǿ WU\ GL̯HUHQW VHUYLFH OLQHV RU GL̯HUHQW roles that spark your interest. You might MXVW ̰QG \RXU SDVVLRQ 45