EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES that I have encountered have been amazing, and they are all incredibly knowledgeable. The class sizes in my programme are quite small, which helped me transition from attending MSA to a college classroom. The residence is also newly renovated, which helps you feel comfortable while living abroad. I am truly happy with my decision to attend Sheridan.” ZZZ VKHULGDQFROOHJH FD 6RPHUVƶHOG $FDGHP\ Bermuda’s International School, was founded in 1991 by a group of parents who created the Montessori Trust. The school was originally known as the Montessori International Academy DQG FKDQJHG LWV QDPH WR 6RPHUV̰HOG Academy when it relocated to Devonshire in 2001. 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ ERDVWV VPDOO classes and over 500 students ranging in DJH IURP WR \HDUV ROG 7KH VFKRRO LV divided into three divisions: Montessori, Upper Primary and Secondary. At the Montessori levels (ages 3- 9), the student to teacher ratio is very small — 12:1 — providing one of the most personalised learning experiences of any school on the island. 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ %HUPXGDȃV ̰UVW LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ DFFUHGLWHG VFKRRO is currently validated by the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools authority, as well as the International Baccalaureate Organisation and is an associate member of the American 0RQWHVVRUL 6RFLHW\ DQG DQ D̲OLDWH RI the National Association of Independent Schools. As Bermuda’s only accredited SEED School (Seeking Educational Equity DQG 'LYHUVLW\ 6RPHUV̰HOG LV D FKDPSLRQ for diversity, equity and inclusion. Visitors to the school remark on the warm, inviting, family atmosphere and the vibrant sense of energy and innovation that characterises the 6RPHUV̰HOG H[SHULHQFH 7KH FDPSXV is beautifully landscaped and has seen extensive improvements recently, including a fresh state-of-the art science suite, “success centers” for remediation and enrichment and, most impressively, an exciting International Center with ̱H[LEOH LQVWUXFWLRQDO VSDFHV IRU GHOLYHULQJ the I.B. Diploma Programme. The newly introduced I.B. Diploma Programme provides a robust and broad preparation for tertiary education and Your Future 2022
Study at Sheridan College in Canada.
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