2 minute read
Choose water/A colourful diet
Different Goals, Same Solution
Sarah Wight Nutritional Therapist BA., DipION, explains the
Did you know chaga mushrooms have the highest antioxidant capacity on earth? Antioxidants are like superpowers that help neutralize free radical activity in the body that damage, and oxidative stress. At every age, you can antioxidants.
Free radical activity is caused by smoking, sugar, alcohol, fried foods, sunburn, and environmental exposure. Today, the ratio of free radical activity to antioxidant capacity is out of balance. This can have an impact on fertility (both sperm and egg) and accelerate the aging processes in our skin, arteries, brains, and livers.
Good news! The solution is simple, i.e., a colorful plant-powered diet. A few antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, zinc, selenium and phytonutrients such as At Ocean Rock Wellness, we recommend eating a rainbow for longevity and vitality. With the summer months, watermelons and tomatoes will be in season as well as peaches, peppers, strawberries, and cabbage. All herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants, too. To include the number-one antioxidant-rich food, drink chaga mushroom tea powder, which you can purchase at Ocean Rock Wellness. Follow the seasons and make your meals predominantly plant-powered. If you want to upgrade your health, count your colors – not your calories.
Choose Water
Sugar is a carbohydrate and occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain mainly due to extra calories in the diet. Sodas and other beverages are some of the main culprits of “added sugar”. There are profound health implications related to excess body fat. Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Drinking water is a healthier alternative to sodas. It allows you to hydrate without the sugars. Fruits like limes and lemons Sparkling water is a great option if you miss the carbonation of sodas. Always read the labels on the water you purchase since allwaters are not created equal. There is a time to indulge in the sweeterside of life. However, balance things out with a refreshing glass of water. It does a body good, pure and simple. www.bwl.bm

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