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Butt stops here
mobile phones.
Lid lumps are common in childhood and may need a simple surgical procedure under a short anaesthetic.
Watery, sticky eyes are common in infancy due to non-canalisation of tear ducts and although this condition is usually self-resolving, occasionally may persist beyond infancy and may need surgical and syringing under a short general anaesthetic). A little older child can have an atopic disorder with chronic allergic conjunctivitis that may need prompt treatment.
Infections of the eye with conjunctivitis (possibly with underlying blocked tear ducts) can present to the eye clinic .
Nystagmus or “wobbly eyes” may present to the paediatric eye clinic. This may be idiopathic and may run in families and a the older sibling. This gets better with time and extensive investigations with MRI brain scans are not required. The lack of pigment in the eye (Albinism) can be very subtle and can be missed and child may present with wobbly eyes. Occasionally there may be an underlying neurological disorder that may warrant neurological investigation.
Another important sight threatening condition called the “Retinopathy of Prematurity” (commonly known as ROP) babies born with extremely low birth weight and gestational age. With improvements in neonatal care, younger and smaller babies survive increasing the risk of this sight threatening condition. We do regular checks for these babies in the Special Care thereby identifying the early stages of ROP and instituting LASER treatment when they
So, what will be a good strategy to get your child examined?
If there is no family history of eye problems and your child is otherwise healthy with normal milestones, an examination at 2 years of age would be reasonable. The next examination will be appropriate at 5 years and further examinations will be based on what the related to the eyes it is best to get seen as soon as possible.
The butt stops here
According to the American Cancer Society and the US Surgeon General, this is how your body starts to recover: 20 minutes after quitting: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. 12 hours of smoke-free living: Carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal. living: Your circulation and lung function begin to improve. 1 to 9 months of smoke-free living: Clear and deeper breathing gradually returns as coughing and shortness of breath diminishes. Risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%. A person’s risk of stroke is similar to that of a non-smoker.
Contact Pathways Bermuda for a consultation. Tel: 441 236-0823.
Email: info@pathwaysbermuda.bm. www.pathways.bm
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