Four tips to achieve your ideal body Introducing some simple habits to your lifestyle will help you develop a healthy new body composition
eople are always looking for the next fad diet to help achieve their goals around changing body composition. Unfortunately, there is so much information out there it makes things complicated. Most of the time, this overwhelms SHRSOH ZLWK FRQƷLFWLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ They are often confused and don’t know who to listen to and back out because it EHFRPHV WRR GLƸFXOW )RU WKH PRVW SDUW \RXU ƶWQHVV DQG QXWULWLRQ VKRXOG EH VLPSOH and straightforward. Don’t mistake simple for easy. There should be a little aspect of learning, new habit building and change that will challenge you. Follow these four steps to build a solid, healthy foundation for the rest of your life.
Eat more protein and drink more water
Prioritising protein may help you eliminate unhealthy habits at your meals. It is satiating, especially when it comes from ZKROH IRRG VRXUFHV OLNH SRXOWU\ PHDW ƶVK and dairy. You may be much less likely to over-consume calories at your meals by IRFXVLQJ RQ SURWHLQ ƶUVW DQG EHFDXVH LW KDV D KLJKHU WKHUPLF HƵHFW FRPSDUHG WR RWKHU foods, the body uses slightly more calories to digest and utilize it. Protein is not only very important for building muscle but also helps retain lean muscle mass. Focus on consuming 3-4 meals a day ( e.g., 3 meals,
VQDFNV DQG ƶOO XS ~ Ƅ RI \RXU SODWH with protein in main meals. Adding in water before or after a meal can also help with ƶOOLQJ XS 6WD\LQJ K\GUDWHG FDQ UHDOO\ KHOS with feeling better. Try aiming to consume 2-3 20oz water bottles each day.
Lift weights
Lifting weights, combined with VXƸFLHQW SURWHLQ LQWDNH LV RQH RI WKH best ways to achieve body recomposition (muscle gain/retention with a concomitant reduction in body fat). Weightlifting leads to better posture and balance, increased bone density, and fat loss maintenance. Working with a personal trainer can help you learn HƸFLHQW HƵHFWLYH DQG VDIH WHFKQLTXHV WR VLJQLƶFDQWO\ LPSURYH SK\VLFDO SHUIRUPDQFH and reduce your risk of injury. Personal WUDLQHUV ZLOO DOVR KHOS \RX ƶQG WKH EHVW SDWK WR UHDFK \RXU VSHFLƶF JRDOV
Cut back on certain habits
(YHU\RQH KDV GLƵHUHQW YLFHV 0RVW of us know what ours are. It might be snacking after dinner, eating out more than eating at home, or drinking alcohol and soda too often. The best way to cut back is to do it slowly, not cold turkey. For example, if you eat out four times a week, go twice a week and try to eat home-cooked meals. Or you can shift what you do when you eat out; instead of ordering pizza, try something new with a protein as the main dish. Moderation is key. Some people have to remove unhealthy snacks from their
house — if they aren’t there, you can’t eat them.
Take your rest days
:KLOH WKH ZRUOG RI ƶWQHVV DQG ZRUN life has told us otherwise, it’s so important WR WDNH WLPH RƵ IURP WKH J\P DQG OLIH WR relax, rest and recover. Working out too PXFK DQG QRW WDNLQJ GD\V RƵ PD\ GR PRUH harm than good – whether your goal is to increase performance, improve your health or change your body’s physique. Rest days are like putting gas in the tank. Taking 2-3 rest days a week will help you reach your goals much faster. The best thing to do on a rest day is to take it easy and take the day RƵ 0D\EH WDNH D UHVWRUDWLYH \RJD FODVV JR for a long walk, or focus on mobility and stretching. Maybe even book a massage or physio appointment once a month. Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22