Health Beauty Priceless
Pass me on for a greener Bermuda
Winte er 2019/20
Bermuda Cancer and Health
Centre is a registered charity engaged in the prevention,
detection and support of cancer and other health concerns in
the local community.
PREVENTION PROGRAMMES Free to our community
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Natural beauty Pilates reformer Cancer care Back pain remedies Take your medicine
Nip and Tuck Hair care Yoga anyone? Senior discounts Care in your home Dental care Quitting smoking Beauty tips Medical professionals
Reduce your cancer risk
10 11
Eye exams
Your medicine cabinet
Hospital to home transition
Publisher Ian Coles Director of Marketing Lissa Fisher Art Director Tim Parker Editorial Contributions Jeremy Deacon, Don Burgess, Peter Backeberg Editorial, Advertising & Distribution: PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda. Tel: (441) 292-7279 Email: Website: Health & Beauty 2019 is published biannually by Bermuda Media. Š 2019 Bermuda Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
A healthy gut
Associated media include Bermuda Business Visitor Your Future New Resident Guide Building Bermuda Going Green <RXU 2ƸFH Bermuda Real Estate Handbook Bermuda Channel House Garden Kitchen & Bath 3
Be a natural beauty remedies for changes that can occur over time, such as shown here. Step 4: The ultimate in nonsurgical antiageing treatments is Headwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s organic semipermanent makeup service. Micropigmentation turns back the clock without surgery. Waking up to makeup will not only PDNH \RX IHHO PRUH \RXWKIXO DQG FRQĆśGHQW but provides a younger appearance that GRHV QRW ZDVK RĆľ
eadway Hair & Body believes that using clean, green, organic, cruelty-free products with no DUWLĆśFLDO LQJUHGLHQWV ZLOO EHQHĆśW WKH LVODQG we call home as well as maintain our most youthful, healthy self. As we age, we not only become more aware of changes in ourselves but also have a greater awareness of our surroundings and realise the synergy between both. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four steps to guide your decisions.
Step 1: By using products that have natural sun protection, reef safe, with no nanoparticles, parabens, or GMOs, we protect our skin from ageing and prevent cancer whilst protecting our reefs from damage.
Step 2: We should nourish our bodies from within by taking the ultimate in skincare supplements. Topical creams cannot reach the inner layers of our bodiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; largest organ, the skin. Headwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pure skin care supplements will help achieve naturally radiant skin. Step 3: While Headway believes in prevention, it also has numerous natural
These products and services are available at Headway Hair & Body. Church Street Level, Washington Mall, Hamilton. Tel: 292-8983; email:;
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Get strong, toned,
and flexible P
ilates reformer classes at Horizon Health will help you develop and maintain next-level core muscles. Pilates is a low-resistance, low-gravity form of movement to help gain strength easily and consistently in a noninvasive way through the reformer push/pulley system. Reformers work on the basis of opposition always strengthening an area of the body whilst stretching the opposite muscles. This creates a balanced muscular skeletal system, evenly toned, and posture-aligned body. Pilates concentrates on working your “inner unit” muscles verses your “outer unit” major muscles that most other forms of movement and sports focus on. The inner unit is the mast of the body and supports the major muscles. Hence lifestyle, sports performance, and general body function improves through the practice of Pilates. Horizon Health has recently expanded its studio space and has become Bermuda’s largest Pilates facility, with more than 40 years of collective teaching experience. To experience Bermuda’s best team of Pilates instructors, contact Caroline. Email: Tel.: 293-1687. Chancery Hall, Ground Floor, 52 Reid Street, Hamilton.
Embrace your
Beauty We offer a complete range of Hairdressing and Beauty services. Call us today for your appointment. Gift cards available. 10 Park Road, Hamilton 295-1873
Horizon Health offers classical and contemporary solo, duet and trio Pilates reformer classes to all ages and abilities. We are the largest Pilates facility in Bermuda and have the most collective experience teaching clients. For a first class Pilates experience sign up for sessions with our team. Tel. 293 1687 Chancery Hall, Ground Floor, 52 Reid Street, Hamilton, HM 12 Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Improving the quality of life for cancer patients
PALS nurses; L-R Reanna Stovell, Rosa Ward, Waynette Wilson, Kathy Fox, Merlyn Burgess
hirty-nine years ago, cancer was a word hardly spoken aloud in the community. Patients were isolated for fear of contamination, and families were even afraid to use the same utensils. PALS began with a group of volunteer nurses to assist in getting patients home from the hospital with cancer. These patients needed a â&#x20AC;&#x153;pal,â&#x20AC;? someone to sit with them, read to them, or perhaps feed them. Robert Stigwood, a well-known music HQWUHSUHQHXU ĆśOP SURGXFHU DQG D %HUPXGD
resident, provided funding for two years for a part-time nurse. Today, Bermudaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only home cancer FDUH FKDULW\ KDV JURZQ WR LQFOXGH ĆśYH full-time specialised nurses, a palliative care physician, and a part-time medical social worker who all see approximately 160 patients a month. PALS supports all patients with cancer at any stage of the disease. Some of its patients complete their cancer treatment and no longer require its specialised services; others require
palliative care for pain and symptoms experienced with end-of-life care. PALS continues to support the patient and his or her family medically, emotionally, and ĆśQDQFLDOO\ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR QXUVLQJ VXSSRUW 3$/6 RĆľHUV GXUDEOH PHGLFDO HTXLSPHQW WR its patients, including such items as hospital beds, commodes, shower benches, and wheelchairs, all free of charge. PALS will assist patients (on an individual basis once ĆśQDQFLDOO\ VFUHHQHG WKDW UHTXLUH DVVLVWDQFH with purchasing food supplements, medications, and overseas medical travel for uninsured and underinsured patients. PALS receives no government grants and relies solely on corporate and individual donations, various fundraising events and its thrift shop, to continue to support its programmes. PALS spends more than $4,000 a day on patient care, and its annual budget is approximately $1.87 million dollars. PALS never charges a patient or his or her family for its services. All support ĆśQDQFLDOO\ DQG WKURXJK YROXQWHHULQJ LV greatly appreciated.
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Six tips to stop lower back pain Tanaeya Burch of In Touch Therapy, provides some expert advice ack pain is the single biggest torment that leads to disability worldwide. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s that â&#x20AC;&#x153;nagging acheâ&#x20AC;? to â&#x20AC;&#x153;sharp painâ&#x20AC;? that forces you to reach for the painkiller or at the very least wonder when you can enjoy life again. Painkillers and rest will not take away the root cause of the problem, no matter what anyone says. Here are six tips to help. Stretch daily Daily stretching will allow your muscles to stay loose and ready to react to the forces of the day. Tight muscles do not have much room to contract correctly (they are already shortened), hold you in positions, and create that nagging feeling RI VWLĆľQHVV $ FRPSUHKHQVLYH VWUHWFKLQJ routine, including your hip muscles, hamstrings, calves, and spinal muscles, will keep you feeling good and ready to move. Strengthen your legs Ninety percent of people with low back SDLQ KDYH ZHDN KLSV PRUH VSHFLĆśFDOO\ glutes. If you strengthen your glutes, you
B 1
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
will feel a dramatic decrease in pressure in your low back â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not to mention an LPSURYHPHQW LQ KRZ \RXU MHDQV ĆśW *OXWH strengthening creates a strong foundation for your low back. Lose a couple of pounds Pressure multiplied by time is the overall cause of pain in your lower back. Five pounds of weight in the front is equivalent to 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;20 pounds of pressure on the lower back muscles, joints and discs. If your stomach sticks out, your muscle goes around that area, which decreases its ability to pull. Think about pulling an object by a rope around a corner and how much harder that would be than pulling it straight. Strong abs support your back. Avoid sitting cross-legged There is approximately 10 times the amount of pressure in a disc in sitting than
there is in standing. Sitting with your legs crossed tilts your pelvis to one side, which results in bending to one side and twisting in your spine. Your spine then creates more force in the muscles to counteract the leaning, so you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fall. Limit back brace use Short-term, a back brace can give you pain relief. Long-term, however, will cause muscle weakness DQG VWLĆľQHVV WR LQFUHDVH compounding your problems. A brace should be only worn when doing an DFWLYLW\ WKDW LV NQRZQ WR ơDUH up the pain. If worn longer than two or three days, it will start to decondition the muscles and this disuse and will begin to weaken them causing even less core stability. Consistency is key Practice just one of these techniques every day, over the next few weeks, and you will be pleasantly surprised how much better youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll feel. In Touch Therapy. 45 King Street, +DPLOWRQ (PDLO RƸFH#LQWRXFK EP
Time to take your medicine 8LI 5LSIRM\ XSVIW HMWGYWWIW XLI FIRIǻXW SJ ƸVIQMRHIVƹ packaging that helps you know when to take your prescription drugs
What is an MDS blister pack? A monitored dosage system [MDS] is a method of dispensing tablet and capsule medications that helps manage the days and times when they should be taken. An MDS blister pack contains medications for the week organised in clear pods by the day and time of day you should take them whether at breakfast, lunch, supper, or bedtime.
:KR FDQ EHQHƶW IURP XVLQJ DQ MDS blister pack? If you are required to take one or more medications daily, you can make use
RI DQ 0'6 EOLVWHU SDFN DOVR WKRVH ZKR ƶQG LW GLƸFXOW WR RUJDQLVH RU UHPHPEHU WR WDNH their medication at the correct time each GD\ FDQ EHQHƶW IURP WKH XVH RI DQ 0'6 blister pack. Caregivers and nursing homes RIWHQ ƶQG WKH EOLVWHU SDFNV XVHIXO How is the MDS blister SDFN ƶOOHG" $ TXDOLƶHG SKDUPDFLVW ƶOOV HDFK MDS blister pack per the doctorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prescription[s]; each pack is sealed and labelled with dosage instruction.
Suppose I get a month supply of MDS blister packs, but my
Laura Fitzsimmons, Pharmacist
prescription changes before its use? Should an order change after an MDS blister pack is dispensed, just return any unopened packs to the distributing pharmacy along with your new prescription to have your MDS blister packs dispensed per your new medication requirements.
Can I obtain an MDS blister pack as a walk-in customer? As a walk-in customer, please be prepared to collect your MDS blister pack later that day or within 24 hours.
$81+*-59%47814572645.9%43727*7896)9!,/7/5.+6.6&(9 $%%! 9/539#8849381'24&9$81+*-59)6196'819 9(8513"9$%%!92395906+,18/8432'89 6,/7/5.+6.6&(9)502.27(9-8-20578-9769,16'2-24&97/8906++*427(9 27/96*73754-24&98(890518906*,.8-9 27/906+,53326497/16*&/97/89064724*6*3 84/5408+84739 249 2739 9 3(378+39 54-9 780/46.6&(9 #*7718338-9 #(9 9 549 84&5&8-9 785+9 6)9 06++2778-9 54-9 8 08,72645.9 ,16)8332645.3" /8906189'5.*8396)9$%%!9518 5)87( 08..8408
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69381'897/8906++*427(9#877819$%%!9/5397 696))20839.60578-957 /89 10/83 9 9$811(9 2..9 65- 9 5&87 9 9 9954-9 9 16479 71887 9 4-9 .6619 5+2.764 9 9 8.8,/6489 " 8
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Reduce Your Cancer Risk T Nearly 50% of cancers can be prevented. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how
he American Cancer Society reports that half of all men (1 in 2) and onethird of all women (1 in 3) will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Here are seven ways you can reduce your risk of cancer and help you to avoid becoming part of these statistics.
BE SUNSMART Skin cancer is the most preventable cancer. Exposure to the sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ultraviolet radiation causes most skin cancer. Be sure to use adequate sun protection year-round. Never use indoor tanning beds. Check out our SunSmart tips, programmes, and the ĆśYH 6ĹĄV Ĺ&#x17E; 6OLS 6ODS 6ORS 6HHN 6OLGH Ĺ&#x17E; DW this link:
boost your immune system, control your weight, and reduce your risk of cancer.
The use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes has been linked to many types of cancer, including lung, colorectal, breast, throat, cervical, bladder, mouth, and oesophageal. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never too late to quit. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are also at risk for lung cancer and other respiratory conditions.
REDUCE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Alcohol can increase your risk for liver, colorectal, and breast cancers. If you drink alcohol, have no more than two drinks a day if you are a man or one drink a day if you are a woman.
MAINTAIN A HEALTHY DIET Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Limit red meat and cut out processed meats.
EXERCISE REGULARLY Getting at least 30 minutes of physical DFWLYLW\ HDFK GD\ FDQ PDNH D ELJ GLĆľHUHQFH in your general health and well-being. Inactivity and obesity have been linked to breast and colorectal cancer, and there is also evidence of a link to lung and pancreatic cancer. Add exercise to your routine to reduce stress, increase energy, Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
PRACTICE SAFE SEX AND GET IMMUNISED Many strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) are spread through skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, and oral sex. High-risk strains of HPV have increasingly been found to cause many types of cancer. The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can also be spread from person to person through unprotected sex. It can cause long-term liver infections that can increase a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chance of developing liver cancer. Certain viruses have been linked to
cancer as well but are preventable through vaccination. Talk to your physician about the age recommendations for HPV vaccines.
KNOW YOUR FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY AND GET REGULAR CANCER SCREENINGS Talk to your physician about cancer screening. Some tests can help detect cancer early when treatment is more likely to be successful, and some can also detect precancerous conditions before they become cancer.
MAKE REDUCING YOUR RISK INTERACTIVE Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre provides FREE presentations on the following prevention topics: For Bermudaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth: LungSmart (prevent lung cancer not smoking) and SunSmart (teaching sun protective behaviours to prevent skin cancer). For the general population: reduce your cancer risk (steps each of us can do on a daily basis to lower our risk); importance of early detection (understanding screening recommendations and discussion with your doctor); and know your lemons (sign and symptoms of breast cancer). These presentation can be scheduled for groups of 10+ by emailing 9
Why itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to have your eyes checked Dr. Burgess, an experienced doctor of optometry and chair of the Optometristsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Opticiansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Council, provides a list of signs and symptoms that may indicate a medical emergency or urgent condition that could lead to vision loss over time 6SRWV DQG ơRDWHUV LQ \RXU vision. Floaters are generally due to a normal age-related condition called â&#x20AC;&#x153;vitreous degeneration,â&#x20AC;? which occurs when the eyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gel-like interior OLTXHĆśHV DQG VHSDUDWHV IURP the retina. If you notice a sudden onset of spots and ơRDWHUV YLVLW \RXU H\H GRFWRU immediately to rule out a more serious condition called â&#x20AC;&#x153;retinal detachment.â&#x20AC;? A sudden painful red eye with nausea and vomiting. This may indicate a narrowangle glaucoma attack. This can permanently damage vision in a short period of time and should be treated immediately by your eye doctor.
Double vision. Many conditions can cause double vision, but, in some cases, it can signal an underlying health emergency such as a stroke. If you have a sudden onset of double vision, see your eye doctor or family physician immediately. Sudden blurry vision in one eye. After age 60, your chance of developing a macular hole in the central part of the retina increases. Macular holes can worsen and cause permanent vision loss, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to visit your eye doctor for diagnosis and prompt treatment. Tunnel vision or peripheral vision loss. These may be
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a sign of glaucoma. Without intervention, peripheral vision loss could continue to worsen and even lead to blindness. Central vision loss including distortions such as straight lines appearing wavy may be symptoms caused by macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness among older Bermudians. Blind spots in your vision and unexplained blurred vision may be due to diabetic retinopathy. Regular eye exams are important for diabetics, particularly those over age 60. By evaluating your retina, your eye doctor can provide valuable information to your general physician about the control and severity of your diabetes.
" # " " ##### " #! # " #" # " EYEGLASSES
Cloudy and blurred eyesight. Halos around lights at night and/or loss of bright color vision may be due to cataracts. Cataracts tend to worsen gradually over time and are not a medical emergency; however, they should be monitored regularly by your eye doctor. Tearing, irritated, or scratchy eyes may be due to dry eye syndrome. Dry eyes are generally not an emergency but may be a chronic condition that can DĆľHFW WKH TXDOLW\ RI \RXU vision, especially as you grow older and your body produces fewer tears or your tear chemistry changes. Consult your eye doctor for advice about treatments.
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Choose Water ugar is a carbohydrate and occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain mainly due to extra calories in the diet. Sodas and other beverages are some of the main culprits of â&#x20AC;&#x153;added sugarâ&#x20AC;?. There are profound health implications related to excess body fat. Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Drinking water is a healthier alternative to sodaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. It allows you to hydrate without the sugars. Fruits like limes and lemons FDQ EH DGGHG WR HQKDQFH WKH ơDYRXU Sparkling water is a great option if you miss the carbonation of sodas. Always read the
labels on the water you purchase since all waters are not created equal. There is a time to indulge in the sweeter side of life. However, balance things out with a refreshing glass of water. It does a body good, pure and simple.
Essentials for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;at homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; care ave you been considering a much needed knee surgery, just experienced a cardiovascular accident or stroke, or fallen and broken your hip? If you or a loved one have any of these, or similar, health conditions, you may feel overwhelmed and anxious about returning home. But donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fret, Medical House has a wide range of essential devices and equipment that can help you transition from hospital to home.
â&#x20AC;˘ Transport chairs â&#x20AC;˘ Shower chairs â&#x20AC;˘ Tub transfer bench â&#x20AC;˘ Handheld shower heads â&#x20AC;˘ Grab bars â&#x20AC;˘ Reachers â&#x20AC;˘ Commodes â&#x20AC;˘ Electric hospital beds All of these devices can be recommended by your doctor, occupational therapist or physiotherapist. Medical House. 22 Mill Reach Lane, Pembroke. Tel: 292-3622. Email:
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Cleaning out your medicine cabinet Pharmacist Jane Wolf of City Pharmacy provides timely advice on when to toss out over-the-counter and prescribed medications et into the habit of checking your medicine supplies every three to six months to ensure you only store those that are â&#x20AC;&#x153;in dateâ&#x20AC;? and still needed, especially if you take regular prescriptions or medicines.
Expiry Dates and Disposal 0DQ\ SURGXFWV EHFRPH LQHĆľHFWLYH DQG D health risk when they pass their expiry date. They can also do harm if they are taken by someone for whom they are not intended. Use a marker to highlight or write expiry dates on tops of boxes or bottle lids to make them easier to see. Write the date you opened the product, too. If you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find an expiry date on the packaging, or you cannot remember when you opened it, get rid of it. Chemical compounds will start to break down once exposed to air or light, which is why some medicines are in dark brown containers. For example, eye drops will only last 28 days after opening, after which there is a risk of bacteria growth. This is not what you want to be putting in your eyes. Sunscreens should be renewed each year. They can become unstable in light and heat and will not provide the
Jane Wolf
protection you need. Plus, you could have an adverse reaction to the cream or lotion as the chemicals break down. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a quick tip about sunscreens WKDW KDYH QR VSHFLĆśF H[SLU\ GDWH OLVWHG The packaging should feature an image of a small open tub with a number and the
Powders (including blushes, bronzers, and shadows)
Two years
Cream shadows and blushes
12-18 months
Oil-free foundation
One year
Cream compact foundation
18 months
12-18 months
Lipstick and lip liner
One year
Lip gloss
18-24 months
Pencil eyeliner
Two years
Liquid or gel eyeliner
Three months
Three months
letter M. This will tell you the maximum number of months you should keep the product after opening. See illustration. Otherwise, look on the thin end of the tubes of creams and ointments, where the expiry date can often be found. Tablets should have the expiry date on the manufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s box or on the end of the tablet blister strip. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always best to keep items in their original containers, which will have useful dosage and safety information as well as expiry date and batch number. This is helpful if you have a reaction to a medicine and need to alert your pharmacist for advice. Medicines that are no longer required, out of date, or damaged should be taken to your local pharmacy for safe disposal. Do not put into the trash, where children or DQLPDOV PD\ ĆśQG WKHP $OVR GR QRW ơXVK medicines down the toilet or pour down the sink, both of which pose risks to the environment. Needles and sharps can be disposed of safely in the trash after some sensible precautions. Collect sharps in an old detergent bottle, screw the lid on tightly, and put tape around the neck of the bottle and lid. The sharps will not puncture the thick plastic. Par-La-Ville Pharmacy also sells sharps containers in which to collect your needles. Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
PHARMACEUTICALS Clean makeup brushes weekly using mild soap. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget your makeup bag, too. Put it the washing machine or give it a light scrub with a diluted bleach solution.
First Aid Kits
$ JRRG ZD\ WR RUJDQLVH DOO WKH GLƾHUHQW products is by categories and then place them in airtight plastic containers. For example, one container for prescription medicines, another for supplements, others IRU ƜUVW DLG FROG DQG ơX UHPHGLHV HWF Alternatively, you can dispose of needles and sharps by taking them to Tynes Bay Waste Treatment facility on Palmetto Road.
Storing Medicines Many people store their medications in the bathroom. However, the hot and damp environment of the bathroom is not the best place. Store where it is cool, dry, and dark. This could be on a shelf or in a drawer in another room. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to always read the storage conditions for your medications. Some items need to be kept in the fridge. The packaging may state, for example: Store in a refrigerator at between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. Do not freeze. This is true for insulins and certain eye drops used for glaucoma, for instance. Some soft gel capsules that come in dark brown bottles are better kept in the fridge, where they will be cool and in the dark and not become stuck together. It goes without saying that all medications and supplements should be kept out of the reach of children. Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Makeup As with medicines, many of us also store makeup in the bathroom. Again, a drier, cooler atmosphere is a better location. Old, previously used cosmetics are breeding grounds for bacteria, especially if kept in hot and humid conditions. This can cause skin irritations, sometimes serious, as well as eye infections, especially if you wear contact lenses, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to keep track of their shelf life. Always wash your hands before applying makeup. Signs and symptoms of bacterial infection to look out for are redness, warmth, tenderness, and/or puss on the face, eyes, mouth, or nose. Below is a good guide for when to dispose of your cosmetics, but let common sense also prevail. If that gloss is gloopy, nail varnish is separating, or lipstick smells funny, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to say goodbye. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t share your cosmetics â&#x20AC;&#x201C; especially eye makeup. Your eyes are susceptible to getting bacteria in them. Sharing products with your friends puts their germs into your products and vice versa.
$ EDVLF ĆśUVW DLG NLW DW KRPH LV HVVHQWLDO ,W should be checked and restocked at least once a year, more often if used frequently. Check expiration dates and replace any used or out-of-date contents. It should include at least the following: â&#x20AC;˘ Sterile gauze pads â&#x20AC;˘ Adhesive bandages, assorted sizes â&#x20AC;˘ Triangular bandage â&#x20AC;˘ Scissors â&#x20AC;˘ Tweezers â&#x20AC;˘ Adhesive tape â&#x20AC;˘ Nonlatex gloves â&#x20AC;˘ Antibiotic ointment â&#x20AC;˘ Cold pack â&#x20AC;˘ Eye/face sterile wash â&#x20AC;˘ Eye covering â&#x20AC;˘ Tylenol â&#x20AC;˘ Aspirin â&#x20AC;˘ Band-Aids â&#x20AC;˘ Antiseptic wipes
Toothbrushes Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months or sooner if the bristles are frayed. Toothbrushes do not kill bacteria in the mouth, protect against disease, or prevent you from getting sick. So, if you are sick with D FROG RU ơX RU KDYH KDG D EDG PRXWK RU throat infection, sore throat, or a mouth sore, change your brush. After you have cleaned your teeth, rinse your toothbrush vigorously under cold running water to remove excess toothpaste and debris. Store brushes upright, in the open and not touching each other, so they have a chance to dry between uses. Never share your brush with anyone else. Finally, when you are in any doubt about your medicines and supplies, what to take or what to get rid of, speak to your pharmacist. He or she will be happy to go through all your medicines with you. Jane Wolf is the Pharmacy Manager at City Pharmacy. This new full-service pharmacy is located in Cumberland House, 1 Victoria Street, opposite City Hall car park. Feel free to call in to the pharmacy if you have any other questions about your medication. For more information on the pharmacy, visit 13
Life from the
Inside Out We have a community of bacteria inhabiting our gut, and their health goes a long way in determining ours
Barclay. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are many here is a saying that health issues linked to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;you are what you eat,â&#x20AC;? microbiome, which is most EXW WKH ơRXULVKLQJ VWXG\ easily understood through RI RXU JXW RU PRUH VSHFLĆśFDOO\ the concept of good and what lives in our gut suggests bad bacteria and human a more accurate phrase might symbiosis.â&#x20AC;? be â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are what eats what With the bacteria you eat.â&#x20AC;? concentrated in the gut, their Lining our entire digestive role in digestive and metabolic system but focused in Dr. Suraia Barclay issues is well established with our large intestine is a direct links to obesity and community of literally trillions GLDEHWHV DV ZHOO DV LQơDPHG of microbes made up of bowel disease (IBD) and WKRXVDQGV RI GLĆľHUHQW W\SHV irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). of bacteria, viruses, and other More recently, studies microorganisms. Some are are showing links in more friendly and some are not; surprising areas like autocollectively, they are known immune disorders, such as the gut microbiota or as Crohnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease and microbiome. Lupus, and even mental Over thousands of years, humans have built a symbiotic Dr. Ayesha Peets Talbot and emotional conditions, including depression, ADHD, relationship with the friendly and anxiety. bacteria in the gut, where we provide a â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the newest things researchers hospitable environment for them to thrive, and where they convert the food we eat into are discovering is the link between the gut and brain,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Ayesha Peets Talbot, nutrients and vitamins and also, importantly, medical director at Ocean Rock Wellness. act as gatekeepers and antidotes to â&#x20AC;&#x153;But thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of complexity to it and a pathogens, both inside and out, that lot more to learn.â&#x20AC;? threaten our well-being. Complexity may indeed be an 6XƸFH LW WR VD\ WKDW UHFHQWO\ SDUWLFXODUO\ understatement. Some of the statistics are in the Western world, we have radically staggering. According to APC Microbiome changed the way we eat, which is Ireland, a research centre at the University LQơXHQFLQJ WKH EDODQFH RI RXU LQWHUQDO of Cork, the number of microbes in our ecosystem and impacting our health, gut outnumbers the number of human possibly on a much wider scale than cells in our entire body, while the number previously thought. of genes present in the microbiome While the relationship is ancient, research outnumber the human genome by 150 to into the microbiota is in its relative infancy one. There are up to 1,000 known types but has been steadily growing over the last of bacteria regularly present in the gut, couple of decades. and, according to the APC, 90 percent of â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a popular subject in the disease can be linked back to the gut and JDVWURLQWHVWLQDO ĆśHOG DW WKH PRPHQW Ť the health of the microbiome. says local gastroenterologist Dr. Suraia
To make matters more â&#x20AC;&#x153;complex,â&#x20AC;? scientists also say that each individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s microbiota is as unique as his or her ĆśQJHUSULQWV Despite this complexity, scientists are making headway in their understanding of life in our gut. The study of microbiota DQG REHVLW\ KDV LGHQWLĆśHG VSHFLĆśF EDFWHULD that are more and less abundant in obese SHRSOH :KLOH QR VSHFLĆśF WUHDWPHQW KDV been established, some studies in mice have had success with not only introducing bacteria that can help with weight loss but DOVR FRQĆśUPLQJ WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI SODQW ĆśEUH LQ NHHSLQJ WKH JRRG EDFWHULD KHDOWK\ Another area with encouraging successes is in the treatment of IBD, where clinical trials DUH XQGHUZD\ IRU WKH XVH RI VSHFLĆśF EDFWHULD to treat ulcerative colitis, a serious chronic FRQGLWLRQ DĆľHFWLQJ SHRSOH LQ WKH United States. There are also trials that have achieved success with fecal microbiota transplants to combat the sometimes fatal LQIHFWLRQ RI &ORVWULGLRLGHV GLƸFLOH & GLĆľ which is one of the bad bacteria. Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
ĹŁ7KH WUHDWPHQWV RI LQơDPPDWRU\ ERZHO disease and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the more exciting areas of study for WKH PLFURELRWD Ť FRQĆśUPV 'U %DUFOD\ Discussions about the health of the microbiota in humans often reference other ecosystems on the planet, like coral reefs, grassland savannahs, and rainforests, for understanding the importance of diversity and the need to maintain balance for survival. Not surprisingly, just as those global systems are under threat from human activities, the microbiota of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s human is struggling to cope with the demands of modern life. Two of the main threats are antibiotics, which do not discriminate between good and bad bacteria, and WKH GLHW RI UHĆśQHG ORZ ĆśEUH SURFHVVHG foods devoid of the natural ingredients the bacteria need. While antibiotics can throw the whole microbiota out of balance, the modern diet makes it harder for the good bacteria to compete with its harmful neighbours, depleting their populations and decreasing diversity. Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
While much of medical research is focused on treating chronic conditions, maintaining the health of the gut can be an excellent preventative measure for all people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When it comes to our microbiota, diversity is the key,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Peets Talbot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A healthy microbiome can help reverse certain conditions, and it can also help maintain and optimize overall health.â&#x20AC;? She says there are two primary ways to support healthy bacteria and that both are best accomplished by eating foods that QDWXUDOO\ VXSSRUW WKH JXW ơRUD ĹŁ7KH ĆśUVW DUH IRRGV WKDW IHHG WKH JRRG bacteria; they are called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;prebiotics,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Then, there are probiotics, which are foods, or supplements, that contain naturally occurring â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;liveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; micro-organisms that are known to be good for our gut.â&#x20AC;? The list of prebiotic foods is quite long and, predictably, includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and legumes, which DUH KLJK LQ ĆśEUH DQG KDYH RWKHU EDFWHULD enhancing qualities.
Probiotic foods are generally fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, NHĆśU DQG NRPEXFKD ZKLFK FRQWDLQ VSHFLĆśF strains of bacteria or yeast that have known KHDOWK EHQHĆśWV While Dr. Barclay stresses that there is ĹŁQR IRUPDO RU VFLHQWLĆśF UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV for using probiotics in the treatment of any health issue,â&#x20AC;? there is evidence that some probiotics can help with diarrhea associated with antibiotics and symptoms related to IBS. But what works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else â&#x20AC;&#x201C; remember each personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s microbiota is as unique as his or KHU ĆśQJHUSULQWV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Probiotics can be very helpful, but it depends on the type, the quality, and the amount,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Peets Talbot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to VD\ ZKHQ WKH\ DUH PRVW HĆľHFWLYH â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some links are really clear, like these are the good bacteria and these are the bad ones. But, in some cases, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not bad unless there is too much. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not always black and white; there are a lot of grey areas.â&#x20AC;? 15
Nip and Tuck )IQERH JSV GSWQIXMG WYVKIV] MW VMWMRK JEWXIV XLER ]SY GER WE] Ƹ'VE^MPMER FYXXSGO PMJXĆš here seems to be no end to the number of ways you can transform your looks today â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nose reshaping, tummy tucks, eyelid surgery, liposuction. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even surgery to change the shape, position, and size of your ears. In Bermuda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;breast workâ&#x20AC;? is the most common type of plastic surgery performed, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not always for breast implants or enlargement. Often, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for breast reduction or for reconstruction after a mastectomy. Plastic surgeon Dr. Ramon Arscott, who set up his Point Finger Road practice in 2018, says that, while he does a wide range of procedures from head-to-toe, spanning DOO DJHV VRPH RI WKH VLJQLĆśFDQW FDWHJRULHV include dealing with cancer (both skin and breast), trauma from accidents, and body contouring. He has seen patients in Bermuda as young as 12 days old to as mature as 93. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Breast, if I were to put it as a category all by itself, overlaps between cancer and body contouring. $ VLJQLĆśFDQW SURSRUWLRQ RI WKH SUDFWLFH deals with breasts, of which many are breast reductions. These patients have a daily struggle as they are dealing with neck pain, back pain, rashes under the breasts (particularly in our hot and humid
environment), and bra strap grooving. If theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been unable to get relief from conservative medical management by their GP, then they are referred for a breast reduction. They also tend to be some of the happiest patients.â&#x20AC;? Dr. Arscott says mastectomies for cancer are also unfortunately common in Bermuda. Performing reconstruction is a rewarding process, as there is a close doctorâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;patient relationship. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For implantbased reconstruction, patients often
get a tissue expander at the time of the mastectomy, which then requires six to HLJKW YLVLWV LQ WKH RƸFH RQ D ZHHNO\ EDVLV thereafter for expansions with saline until they achieve the desired size, before a second operation is performed to replace the expander with a permanent breast implant.â&#x20AC;? Another part of Dr. Arscottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s practice is dealing with people who have plastic surgery following an accident. Recently, he worked with a painter who had
Dr. Ramon Arscott
Dr. Arscott is originally from Jamaica, now married to Bermudian Christie Hunter Arscott. He arrived on the island with an impressive pedigree. He was president of the Medical Students Association at the University of West Indies before becoming a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he completed a doctorate in tumor immunology. Dr. Arscott then topped WKDW RĆľ E\ FRPSOHWLQJ KLV UHVLGHQF\ at Harvard Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Plastic Surgery Programme in Boston. While there, he worked at Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Boston Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital. 16
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
COSMETIC SURGERY Aesthetic nurse Willi Lawrence
inadvertently put his hand through a window. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He injured the tendons and radial artery of his dominant arm, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s his livelihood,â&#x20AC;? say Dr. Arscott. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So we put that back together, although the orthopedic surgeons do the majority of the hand surgery here.â&#x20AC;? His expertise is also called for to help UHSDLU VRIW WLVVXH GDPDJH VXĆľHUHG E\ ULGHU or passenger from the many motor bike accidents we see in Bermuda. Skin cancer is another issue that he treats almost weekly. Although those with lighter complexions are more susceptible to basal cell and squamous cell cancer, all ethnicities and races face the risk of skin cancer. Dr. Arscott explains that the vast majority of skin cancers referred to him for resection and reconstruction are on the face, as it is a cosmetically sensitive area. ĹŁ,I WKHUH LV D VLJQLĆśFDQW GHIHFW WKHQ , RIWHQ KDYH WR XVH ơDSV RU JUDIWV IRU FORVXUH Ť On the cosmetic side, Dr. Arscott does facelifts, neck lifts, upper and lower eyelids, Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
breast lifts, and tummy tucks as well as other procedures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A week doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go by where I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do a fair amount of Botox and ĆśOOHUV 7KH QRQLQYDVLYH IDFLDO UHMXYHQDWLRQ through injectables and medical-grade skincare is a big part of my practice as well.â&#x20AC;? These preventative, noninvasive options can reduce the need for cosmetic surgery in the longer-term. Aesthetic nurse Willi Lawrence, RN, has been treating patients with Botox injections IRU VR ORQJ VKH KDV EHFRPH DĆľHFWLRQDWHO\ known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Botox Willi.â&#x20AC;? Ms. Lawrence works at the Dermatology Skin Centre in +DPLOWRQ 1RZ LQ KHU WZHQW\ ĆśIWK \HDU of those in Bermuda) of giving injections to help to rejuvenate peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faces temporarily, she says overall the treatment LV VDIH DQG HĆľHFWLYH DQG FDQ EH GRQH LQ or 15 minutes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would say this is one of the most popular procedures in Bermuda and possibly in the whole world,â&#x20AC;? claims Ms. Lawrence She adds that one of the changes she
has seen over the years is that now there are now more types of Botox medicines available, but she uses the Allergan brand. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I choose a proven brand name,â&#x20AC;? she says. While she stresses that, overall, it is safe, WKHUH FRXOG EH VLGH HĆľHFWV VXFK DV GU\ mouth, blurred or double vision, and she says itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important that clients let her know if they are taking any medications or are pregnant. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The secret to doing a good Botox is that you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell the person had it. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my goal,â&#x20AC;? she exclaims. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like that look where you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t move anything. You can see some people on the television news that can only move their mouths, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been over-Botoxed. They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t look natural. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my biggest pet peeve.â&#x20AC;? She says Botox works by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles in the forehead, thus lessening the appearance of moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows. So why get a Botox injection? â&#x20AC;&#x153;You feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror, and the lines are gone,â&#x20AC;? she claims. 17
COSMETIC SURGERY â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do a lot of men, as they want to look younger, too. Some women bring their husbands in, as they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like looking at their wrinkles. Once the men come in, they come back, but sometimes the wife has to encourage them to come LQ WR JHW LW GRQH LQ WKH ĆśUVW instance.â&#x20AC;? Ms. Lawrence says a Botox treatment can run from $400 to $800, depending on how much a person needs. The treatable areas include the eyes, frown lines, and the upper frown lines. Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Center is another SUDFWLFH WKDW RĆľHUV D ZLGH range of treatments from Botox injections to body contouring to laser treatments. Dr. Kyjuan Brown, founder, FKLHI H[HFXWLYH RƸFHU DQG laboratory director at the Devonshire facility, performs WKH %RWR[ ZRUN ĆśOOHUV IDFHOLIWV
Before and after gluteoplasty surgery
and a host of other techniques. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also have a clinical massage therapist, and a clinical aesthetician who deals with facials, laser hair and tattoo removal, and body contouring,â&#x20AC;? he adds. He says quite often patients choose body contouring when they are generally happy with their overall weight but are unhappy with certain areas of their body, like love handles
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or the back bra fat. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We would contour those areas to a shape the patient chooses. We tell patients to come in and have a consultation to make sure they have realistic expectations. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been doing this for a number of years and know what the machines can and cannot do. We make sure they have the right treatment to ensure they are spending the money to get the right results.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some patients use Google to search for treatments, and they think they know what they need,â&#x20AC;? explains Dr. Brown. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But after a consultation with us, they realise that sometimes a GLĆľHUHQW WUHDWPHQW ZLOO EH PRUH HĆľHFWLYH Ť Dr Brown stresses that most of the treatments performed at Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Center are nonsurgical, so there is QR VLJQLĆśFDQW GRZQWLPH $V an example, he says body contouring with the laser liposuction typically takes only PLQXWHV ĹŁ:H FDQ WDNH RĆľ a minimum of one to three inches, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s usually a guarantee,â&#x20AC;? Dr. Brown claims. He adds that Northshore tries to keep the prices down â&#x20AC;&#x153;so everyone has access to these treatment modalities, and everyone can live like the Hollywood stars. People come in to see us because they want to feel and look better. They realise there is a connection
between their appearance and how they feel and how theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re perceived. So they come in to enhance their self-esteem and their appearance.â&#x20AC;? Northshore also treats people after burns and for keloid scars and acne. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There can be very negative social HĆľHFWV RQ VRPH FKLOGUHQ RU \RXQJ DGXOWV ZKR VXĆľHU DFQH or the scaring as a result of acne, so we help to erase this for them,â&#x20AC;? Dr. Brown points out. One of the most common treatments the doctor provides is microdermabrasion, where the top layer of dry and dead skin cells is removed. People with clogged pores or uneven SLJPHQWDWLRQ FDQ EHQHĆśW IURP this type of treatment. He has also developed his own formula for hair restoration. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been doing this for about seven years and recently came up with my own hair-growth formula.â&#x20AC;? There is a retail version as well as a prescription-strength formula for those who might need an added boost. Paradoxically, he also treats people who have unwanted facial or body hair. This is especially popular during the summer months. Dr. Brown says, regardless of which type of treatment people get, the reason patients come to him is, â&#x20AC;&#x153;People want to look and feel better because they want to live their best life.â&#x20AC;? Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Hair restoration r. Kyjuan Brown has formulated a professional-strength hair growth serum with 5% Minoxidil. It has a blend of both natural and pharmaceutical compounds that promote the healthy growth of hair. There are many EHQHĆśWV WR 'U Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s serum, which include increased hair growth, moisturizing, and hydrating. In addition to the serum, Dr. Brown has also created a hair growth shampoo additive. This can be added to your favorite shampoo and is proven to make your hair grow two to three times faster; plus, it soothes the scalp. Dr. Brown also has available prescription-strength
hair serum that has been VFLHQWLƜFDOO\ SURYHQ WR WUHDW androgenic alopecia for both PHQ DQG ZRPHQ %HQHƜWV from this prescription include noticeable hair growth in just three months, reduced shredding, and reduction in scalp irritation and LQơDPPDWLRQ 7KLV formula is also a topical DHT blocker. Dr. Brown is the medical director of Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Centre, Devonshire, where a wide variety of hair WUHDWPHQWV DUH RƾHUHG E\ himself and Sheri Burgess, Trichologist, and Amory Boyce, hair restoration specialist. Tel: 293-5476; Email:;
Do Medicines Make You Better? he short answer is, no. Medicines prescribed for lifestyle illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease simply maintain you in a state of ill health. Taking tablets for diabetes and blood pressure while continuing to eat a diet high in fat and processed food is like putting a band aid on a cut and then picking the scab so that it never heals. Stop taking your blood pressure tablets and you will still have high blood pressure. Stop taking your diabetes tablets, you will still have diabetes. These medicines are prescribed to reduce your risk of having a stroke, heart attack, kidney damage etc. In other words, they will not stop you from
having a heart attack, they just reduce your chances of having one. You can start healing yourself by adopting a whole foods plant-based diet. Try it for one meal a day, then increase it gradually until \RXU ZKROH ZHHN LV ĆśOOHG with whole food plant-based meals. Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your doctor. But understand that the power to heal yourself is in your grocery basket not in your prescription. Hippocrates said â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy foodâ&#x20AC;? Jennifer Lightbourne, MPharm, PGDipClinPharm. Northshore Pharmacy Ltd. Tel: 296-3240
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Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
An Ancient Antidote for Modern Life Yoga can calm your mind and body and is also a natural energy-booster
iven its origins, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s somewhat surprising that yoga has established VXFK D ĆśUP IRRWLQJ LQ :HVWHUQ culture. And yet these ancient teachings from the heart of the Asian subcontinent, with their combination of low-impact SK\VLFDO H[HUFLVH DQG VXEWOH LQơXHQFH RQ consciousness, have emerged as an ideal antidote to the stressful, even manic, pace of modern life. The philosophical and spiritual teachings of yoga date back thousands of years and can be found in the tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Interestingly, the early yoga traditions did not emphasise any particular form of physical exercise. What they did present was a pathway to personal enlightenment, i.e., an understanding of the nature of life and access to a higher consciousness. These goals are achieved through individual practice and experience, usually under the instruction of a teacher or guru. Some of the more prominent gurus expanded on the original teachings of yoga, forming new lineages of practice and knowledge and took these out into the wider world. It is this inherent process of evolution that goes a long way in explaining yogaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s adoption, in many forms, across the globe. What we know as yoga here in Bermuda is actually a form of hatha yoga, which itself dates back to the eleventh century and has been steadily adapted during its time in the West. 3HUKDSV WKH PRVW VLJQLĆśFDQW DGDSWDWLRQ is the emphasis on yoga as a physical practice, where teachers lead students through a series of poses, or asanas, which
stretch the body, building strength and stability in the practitioners. But, as yoga teachers will point out, there is more going on in a yoga class than a few sun salutations and a couple of oms. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda, told me that hatha yoga is the calling card,â&#x20AC;? says Frances Marshall of Living Yoga, which she runs from The Yoga Centre in Hamilton. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The physical practice is what gets them through the door, then the psychological DQG HPRWLRQDO VWXĆľ FRPHV WR WKH VXUIDFH Ť Frances has been teaching yoga for more than 40 years, and she says what keeps people coming back is the remedy yoga provides for the stress of everyday life: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had people do a class and say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;this LV WKH ĆśUVW WLPH , KDYH UHOD[HG LQ \HDUV ĹĄ They come in thinking its just â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;physical,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; but then they see they can let their guard down, let go of stress.â&#x20AC;? Returning to the originations and goals of yoga, the mind, body, and spirit are not seen as separate, and health, or well-being, relies on all three being actively maintained and nourished. Frances, who is nearing the completion RI D \RJD WKHUDS\ FHUWLĆśFDWLRQ WKURXJK WKH International Association of Yoga Therapists, says regular practice leads to changes in the whole being. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yoga is appealing, and helpful, because people have lost their sense of joy; they are bogged down in their minds, especially with negative thoughts,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With regular practice, yoga becomes a lifestyle, a way of life, and eventually the whole person shows up.â&#x20AC;? While there are variations depending on the teacher, Frances says, when the teacher
is approaching yoga from a â&#x20AC;&#x153;holistic point of view,â&#x20AC;? a hatha yoga class follows a fairly consistent routine that allows for all aspects of a person to engage. This includes participants sitting for a couple of minutes, or lying down if they canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sit, and checking in with the body and mind to see how they feel and the types of thoughts they are having. Warm-ups, often in the form of yoga poses, follow, and then, the part most people are familiar with, practicing a series of poses, or asanas, which stretch, strengthen, and UHOD[ WKH ERG\ LQ VSHFLĆśF ZD\V â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are trying to move the spine in all ĆśYH GLUHFWLRQV Ť VD\V )UDQFHV ĹŁ%DFN IRUZDUG side-to-side, twisting, and extending.â&#x20AC;? Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
After the asanas, there is period of deep relaxation, usually 10 to 15 minutes; this is IROORZHG E\ VSHFLĆśF EUHDWKLQJ WHFKQLTXHV that get rid of the toxins released from the muscles during the asanas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The asanas squeeze toxins from the muscles, and the breathing helps to release them out of the body,â&#x20AC;? says Frances. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I DOVR OLNH WR ĆśQLVK P\ FODVVHV ZLWK DQRWKHU check-in, to see how you feel now and to either set an intention or look at an intention and see where you are with it.â&#x20AC;? Yoga, practiced as Frances describes, has been the subject of extensive studies for its impact on health. Overwhelmingly, the VWXGLHV FRQFOXGH WKDW \RJD RĆľHUV PXOWLSOH EHQHĆśWV LQFOXGLQJ UHGXFHG VWUHVV DQG Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
DQ[LHW\ LQFUHDVHG VWUHQJWK DQG ơH[LELOLW\ an improved outlook on life, better eating habits, and even reduction in chronic conditions like back pain, depression, and migraines. )UDQFLV DOVR SRLQWV WR EHQHĆśWV WKDW DUH PRUH GLƸFXOW WR TXDQWLI\ EXW HTXDOO\ important goals of yoga practice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The results can be instant,â&#x20AC;? she says. ĹŁ)RU H[DPSOH LI LW LV WKH ĆśUVW WLPH \RX KDYH fully relaxed in a long time, that can be a profound experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I also believe yoga should include learning something, particularly about self, an insight, or an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ahaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; moment. It is also a chance to understand or experience a higher self, a sense of wisdom and joy.â&#x20AC;?
When the original gurus of yoga developed their practices, they could not have foretold the future we live in today; yet, their teachings have stood the test of time, slowly adapting through individual and group insight to form a practice that, thousands of years later, seeks the same goals â&#x20AC;&#x201C; peace of mind, body, and spirit. In her yoga therapy sessions, which are one-on-one consultations that use the principles of yoga to help people improve well-being, Frances describes a similarly simple, yet comprehensive, approach to healing: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is about identifying the things in your life that are causing you harm and implementing new practices that get you back into balance.â&#x20AC;? 21
Discounts for seniors If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the senior spectrum, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s some of the VIQEVOEFPI SÇşIVW JVSQ PSGEP GSQTERMIW
RU VHQLRUV OLYLQJ RQ D Ćś[HG LQFRPH FDQ FDXVH ĆśQDQFLDO UHVWUDLQWV EXW luckily, both government and private companies are willing to help out. This is QRW D GHĆśQLWLYH OLVW EXW OLVWHG EHORZ DUH WKH many privileges and discounts that seniors are entitled to claim.
LAND TAX Much has been written in the press lately about the increase in land tax, as a $150 surcharge has been placed on all properties. However, there is an exemption for seniors if their property has an ARV of $45,500 or less. If a seniorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary residence has an ARV above the $45,500 exemption limit, taxes are payable on the excess amount.
VEHICLE LICENSING Another ample savings involves licensing your vehicle. Seniors pay only half the fee, so savings range from $142.35 for a Class A
car up to $795.70 for a Class H car.
BUSES AND FERRIES Bermudaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s senior citizens can ride the buses and ferries for free with a Special Personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Card. You can get one at the Transport Control Department for $8.11, which is an administrative fee to cover the cost of the card. However, this card doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expire, so unless you lose yours, this is a one-time fee. There is no charge if you are getting a driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license at TCD. There is an exclusive window for seniors only to help you avoid waiting in line.
BELCO %(/&2 KDV QR VSHFLĆśF GLVFRXQW WR DLG seniors, but it works with the Department of Financial Assistance as well as Age Concern and the Family Centre on payment arrangements or help. Also, BELCO has a hardship fund to assist vulnerable customers such as seniors, which is funded through donations and
company events. It has a dedicated seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; desk in the lobby at its headquarters building.
GROCERIES For grocery shoppers, Lindoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Family Foods in Warwick and Lindoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market in 'HYRQVKLUH RĆľHU D GLVFRXQW IRU FDVK and 3% for cards for seniors on Tuesday.
The West Endâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s #1 destination for prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, snacks, gifts, toys, and more! Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8am-6pm, Friday and Saturday 8am-5pm 49 Mangrove Bay Road, Sandys Tel: 234-2484
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
SENIORS prescriptions, magazines, Depends, and baby formula. Huntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Food & Supplies in Warwick RĆľHU VHQLRUV GLVFRXQWV RQ 7XHVGD\V DQG Thursdays. Those 65 and older can get RĆľ ZLWK FDVK RU FKHTXH DQG RĆľ RQ credit and debit cards.
EATING OUT Bistro at the Beach on Front Street gives VHQLRUV D GLVFRXQW RĆľ RI HYHU\WKLQJ on its lunch menu, served from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
7KLV LV WKH VDPH GLVFRXQW WKH\ RĆľHU RQ Wednesdays to all shoppers, but it allows seniors to get groceries in a less crowded VLWXDWLRQ $OVR /LQGRĹĄV SKDUPDFLHV RĆľHU seniors who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have insurance 10% every day of the week. Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pharmacy has two 10% discount days for seniors: Wednesdays and Thursdays. Caesarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pharmacy gives seniors WZR ZD\V WR VDYH 2Q 0RQGD\V LW RĆľHUV RĆľ RI HYHU\WKLQJ LQ WKH VWRUH DQG Tuesdays through Sundays, it still provides the 10% discount on prescriptions. At the HDVW HQG 5REHUWVRQĹĄV 'UXJ 6WRUH RĆľHUV RĆľ RQ WKH ĆśUVW :HGQHVGD\ DQG WKLUG Thursday every month. Prescriptions, newspapers, and magazines are excluded from the discount. The Phoenix Stores RĆľHUV D GLVFRXQW HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ RQ most items. Some of the exclusions include
A Tuesdays-only discount can be found at Furniture Walk in Paget, which gives 15% RĆľ RQ 7XHVGD\V 7KH 6WDWLRQDU\ 6WRUH JLYHV a 10% discount to seniors Monday through Saturday. Fashionistas can pick out new clothes and other items at a 20% discount at Gibbons Company every Monday. However, you have to sign up for its Privileged Customer Programme. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to sign up: all you need is a driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license or senior citizens ID card. The other good news is you only have to be 60 to be eligible. AS Cooper & Sons gives a 20% discount on regular-priced items the second Tuesday of every month, but it does not apply to all departments. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for an item around the house, Masters gives seniors 15% on Wednesdays, and SAL gives 20% on Thursdays on items inside the store. Gardeners will rejoice as Aberfeldy Nurseries in Paget allows seniors a 5% discount every day of the week. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re adding a fresh coat of paint to your house or walls, Pembroke Paint gives a GLVFRXQW RĆľ DOO SXUFKDVHV WR VHQLRUV
ATTRACTIONS The Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo JLYHV VHQLRUV KDOI RĆľ WKH SULFH RI DGPLVVLRQ making it just $5 to enter. At the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, the admission price is $12 for those 65 and over, while at the National Museum of Bermuda in Dockyard, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an $8 entry fee.
AGE CONCERN AGE Concern allows seniors who join LWV RUJDQLVDWLRQ WR UHDS WKH EHQHĆśWV RI discounts from a variety of what it calls â&#x20AC;&#x153;Link Partners.â&#x20AC;? If you are 80 or over, membership is free, and if you are 50 to 79 years of age, the cost is $25 per year, or you may purchase a lifetime membership for $1,000. AGE Concern doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t disclose ZKDW WKHVH GLVFRXQWV RU EHQHĆśWV DUH EXW LWV Link Partners include BELCO, WOW, 7KH 0DUNHW3ODFH %XWWHUĆśHOG 9DOOLV 6RO (Esso), Argus, Fort Knox, Live Net, MJM Barristers & Attorneys, the Bermuda Red Cross, The Royal Gazette, Convenience &RĆľHH $WODQWLF 9LVLRQ &DUH WKH %HUPXGD International Institute of Ophthalmology, OBMI Architecture, Allied World, and the Evangelical Church of Bermuda.
VIP TREATMENT Seniors are treated as extraordinary clients DW WKH %DQN RI %XWWHUĆśHOGĹĄV PDLQ EUDQFK RQ Reid Street. There is an area where seniors have their own teller, and they can wait in line by sitting in comfy leather chairs. NOTE TO READERS: If you know of other GLVFRXQWV VSHFLDO GHDOV RU RĆľHUV DYDLODEOH to seniors, we would be pleased to publish the details in our next issue. Please send information to our editor at:
Caring for people in their own home LC Homecare Ltd., one of the leading homecare-assisted service providers on the Island, provides care for you in your own home. This year it celebrated its tenth year of serving Bermuda. TLC Homecareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aim is to have you live as independent as possible in your own home. TLC Homecare believes that better transitional care from hospital, home FDUH DQG FDVH PDQDJHPHQW VLJQLĆśFDQWO\ reduces the costs and the stress involved for Bermudaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aging population and their families. TLC works with you to create a patient-centered plan and adjusts the plan
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
as your needs change. TLC Homecare can help prevent or delay readmissions into the hospital, improve patient well-being, and play a supportive and caring role in the task of looking after seniors.
,WV VWDĆľ DUH FDUH FRRUGLQDWRUV WKDW SURYLGH care coaching and consulting for the VHQLRU IDPLO\ DQG RU FDUHJLYHU ,W LGHQWLĆśHV care challenges and implements solutions to meet the needs of you and/or family members. )RU IDPLOLHV LW LV DERXW ĆśQGLQJ WUXVWZRUWK\ care for your aging loved ones. For TLC Homecare, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about providing the highestTXDOLW\ KRPH FDUH VHUYLFHV WR ĆśW \RX DQG your familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs. TLC Homecare looks forward to assisting you with care for your loved ones. Tel: 296 HPDLO RƸFH#WOFKRPHFDUH EP 23
Answering the call Dental hygienist Zuri Samuels-Taylor explains the importance of oral hygiene eing raised by Louis Gwendolyn Wilson, a Seventh Day Adventist community leader in Devonshire, groomed me from an early age to use my God-given talents to help my community. On becoming a registered dental hygienist, I looked at ways to help others, as I believe that improving oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s overall health leads to a better quality of life. My involvement at Fresh Breath Dental is one way I have tried to help because I EHOLHYH WKDW ZKHQ WKH FRPPXQLW\ EHQHĆśWV ZH DOO EHQHĆśW )UHH FOHDQLQJV KDYH EHHQ RĆľHUHG WR SDWLHQWV DERXW WR XQGHUJR NLGQH\ transplants; in addition, $80 cleanings were begun in 2015 and now continue as part of a transition programme for our patients between jobs. Free teeth extractions are also RĆľHUHG RQFH D \HDU WR WKRVH ZLWKRXW GHQWDO insurance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; hosted in collaboration with our YHQGRUV SDWLHQWV DQG VWDĆľ
Education and treatment should go hand in hand; however, many do not realise the importance of oral health. Therefore, until dental insurance becomes mandatory and treatment accessible to all, Bermudians will not truly receive the IXOO EHQHĆśW RI SUHYHQWLYH FDUH At Fresh Breath Dental, we aim to educate the public about the direct link between an unhealthy mouth and diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, which can lead to blindness, kidney failure, amputations, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, and other complications such as premature births. Periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) is a contributor to premature births. Kissing a person with an unhealthy mouth can lead to transferring the bacteria that causes gum disease and tooth decay. If not treated, gum disease is
an ongoing infection. A healthy mouth leads to a healthier you, which is why at Fresh Breath Dental we work closely with other health care providers and organisations. We have MRLQHG WKH ĆśJKW IRU D KHDOWKLHU FRPPXQLW\ and are committed to reducing the prevalence of these systemic diseases. :H RĆľHU RXU (15,&+ SURJUDPPH to patients who have diabetes, kidney disease, or a heart condition and whose mouths are in a poor state. The programme works closely with the SDWLHQW SK\VLFLDQĹĄV RƸFH DQG FRQVLVWV of preventive services, including teeth FOHDQLQJ VFDOLQJ SROLVK ơXRULGH RUDO hygiene instructions, and x-rays). For patients with preventive coverage provided by insurance companies, no copayments are required. Patients without dental insurance coverage can DOVR EHQHĆśW WKURXJK WKLV SURJUDPPH and should call or email Fresh Breath to sign up. The number of times your teeth should be cleaned per year depends on the condition of your mouth, plaque/calculus buildup, and the ability to maintain home care; it is recommended that patients with diabetes and other systemic diseases should have their teeth cleaned every three to four months. Your dental hygienists should help select the toothpaste and toothbrush that are right for you. The state of everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s PRXWK LV GLĆľHUHQW LQ RWKHU ZRUGV RQH type does not suit all. Because oral cancer is not limited to smokers, it is highly recommended that patients get recall exams after the initial H[DP DV GLHW DQG KDELWV FDQ DĆľHFW WKH health of a mouth. Fresh Breath Dental is more than a dental practice. Under our â&#x20AC;&#x153;Share The Loveâ&#x20AC;? banner, we hosted a dinner catered E\ RXU SDWLHQWV ZH RĆľHU VFKRODUVKLSV and school uniforms to students at Fresh Breath Dental to assist; we also sponsor organisations that assist in the community. Fresh Breath Dental, 48 Cedar Avenue, Hamilton, Tel: 433-6825; email: info@fbdl. bm; The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author Zuri Samuels7D\ORU 7KH\ GR QRW SXUSRUW WR UHơHFW the opinions, views, or advice of the publication or Bermuda Media. Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Why do you need a professional skin therapist? or the same reason doctor and dentist checkups are necessary: For better health, says LIV Hair & Beauty. Your skin needs personal attention from a professional – and that professional is a Dermalogica professional skin therapist. Liv Hair & Beauty is pleased to have Bermuda’s only registered Dermalogica skin expert. Working with Dermalogica for more than 25 years, Susan uses face mapping as a unique approach to analyse the skin and will customise a ProSkin 60 or ProSkin 30 IDFLDO MXVW IRU \RX ,WšV GLƵHUHQW HYHU\ WLPH EHFDXVH \RXU VNLQšV QHHGV DUH GLƵHUHQW every time you visit with us. The results you will see with a Dermalogica facial are unlike anything else in the industry. The facial exfoliates and double cleanses your skin and performs extractions, followed by a tailor-made, customised massage and mask technique.
With Dermalogica products, you’re going to see your skin glowing, more luminous, hydrated, and in its optimum condition – the best skin you’ve ever had. Telephone 295-1873 to book your free face mapping consultation or ProSkin treatment – or drop in anytime to have a word with the Dermalogica skin expert. Liv Hair & Beauty, 10 Park Road, Hamilton;;
The butt stops here 7KH EHQHƶWV RI OLYLQJ VPRNH IUHH According to the American Cancer Society and the US Surgeon General, this is how your body starts to recover: 20 minutes after quitting: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. 12 hours of smoke-free living: Carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal. 2 weeks to 3 months of smoke-free living: Your circulation and lung function begin to improve. 1 to 9 months of smoke-free living: Clear and deeper breathing gradually returns
as coughing and shortness of breath diminishes. 1 year after quitting smoking: Risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%. 5 to 15 years after quitting smoking: A person’s risk of stroke is similar to that of a non-smoker. For help in quitting smoking, contact Pathways Bermuda, 61 Verdmont Road, Smith’s. Tel: 236-0823. Email: Contact us for a consultation: P. (441) 236-0823
&Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͗ W͘ ϮϯϲͲϬϴϮϯ ŝŶĨŽΛƉĂƚŚǁĂLJƐďĞƌŵƵĚĂ͘ďŵ Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
The ultimate diagnostic image ltimate Imaging, a boutique VW\OH LPDJLQJ FHQWUH RĆľHUV diagnostic imaging services in a holistic environment through KLJKO\ TXDOLĆśHG WHFKQRORJLVWV using state-of-the-art equipment. GENERAL ULTRASOUND â&#x20AC;&#x201C; services include, but are not limited to, abdomen, pelvic, kidneys and bladder, DVT, thyroid exams, carotids, scrotal and testicular ultrasound. OBSTETRICS: Ultimate ,PDJLQJ RĆľHUV WKH JOREDO standard of care in obstetrical ultrasound such as high risk obstetrics, nuchal translucency (NT Testing), plus fetal echocardiography. MAMMOGRAPHY: Also referred to as digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is one of
the latest advances in womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s healthcare. It enables the technologist to image the whole breast in slices and reconstruct in 3D. This helps the doctor to see all around and between the breast tissue to gain an accurate analysis of what is visualised.
Keeping abreast with modern technology Ultimate Imaging QRZ RĆľHUV WKH 6HQRJUDSK Pristina 3D Mammography System and the ABUS (Automated Breast Ultrasound System) designed for women with dense breast tissue. These
two innovative technologies aide in the advancement of womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s healthcare â&#x20AC;&#x201D; they provide the physician with more information enabling them to FRQĆśGHQWO\ PDNH D GLDJQRVLV LQ determining the next steps in your healthcare. PEDIATRIC ULTRASOUND: Services are provided to take care of our little people with a handholding approach. As parents we need to know: â&#x20AC;˘ Ultrasounds are not painful â&#x20AC;˘ Ultrasounds give doctors valuable information that they cannot learn from a physical examination. Ultimate Imaging Ltd. International Centre, Suite 308, 26 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton. Tel: 29SOUND.
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Celia Musson-Nzabalinda Dr. Celia Musson-Nzabalinda (known as Dr. Nzabalinda or Dr. Nza to her patients) is an experienced specialist who provides dental services to children, adolescents and youth. Dr. Nzabalinda studied at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. She then completed a General Dentistry programme at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles, California before returning to Bermuda to work with the Department of Health. Later, she decided to specialise in pediatric dentistry which covers ages 0 -18. During WKLV WLPH VKH ZRUNHG DW 0RQWHƜRUH 0HGLFDO &HQWHU RI <HVKLYD 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 1HZ <RUN City and became experienced in all aspects of pediatric dental care, as well as gaining VLJQLƜFDQW H[SHULHQFH LQ FUDQLRIDFLDO JURZWK DQG GHYHORSPHQW LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 0RQWHƜRUHťV FUDQLRIDFLDO FHQWHU 'U 1]DEDOLQGD ZDV VXFFHVVIXO LQ JDLQLQJ D IHOORZVKLS at Rose F. Kennedy Center in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine where she gained experience in treating patients with developmental delays. After this, Dr. Nzabalinda taught for four years at the dental school of Columbia University and treated public health and private patients at Columbia-Presbyterian +RVSLWDO EHIRUH UHWXUQLQJ WR %HUPXGD WR WDNH D SRVLWLRQ DV WKH 6HQLRU 'HQWDO 2ƸFHU RI WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI +HDOWK ZKHUH VKH OHG VHYHUDO successful programmes and initiatives. Dr. Nzabalinda now continues to provide dental care for children, adolescents and youth at Fresh Breath Dental Limited. She is highly prevention oriented while providing quality clinical care including the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas), growth and development assessment, intercept orthodontics and Invisalign services. Fresh Breath Dental. 48 Cedar Ave, Hamilton. Tel: 433-6825. Email:
Frances Betts (pictured left) Dr. Betts wanted to be a dentist since she was 9 years old. After qualifying in the UK in VKH PRYHG WR %HUPXGD LQ ZKHUH VKH ZRUNHG DW D QXPEHU RI GHQWDO RƸFHV before joining the dedicated Smilesinc team in 2013. She has furthered her career in dental implants through the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and Invisalign, but Dr. Betts says the most exciting change in dentistry for her is the technology. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Intra oral cameras allow patients to see photos of their teeth; scanning has replaced gooey impressions, 3D images can be captured on screen and are used for planning treatments OLNH ,QYLVDOLJQ DQG LPSODQW SODFHPHQW ZKLFK FDQ EH SULQWHG RQ RXU RƸFH ' SULQWHU ,W LV D very exciting time to be a dentistâ&#x20AC;?, she exclaims.
Tekira Hypolite (pictured right) Dr. Tekira Hypolite graduated from Case Western University in 2014, and completed Advanced Education in Tennessee. This residency programme provided Dr. Hypolite with advanced training in all aspects of dentistry including root canal therapy, cosmetic GHQWLVWU\ Ɯ[HG DQG UHPRYDEOH GHQWXUHV DQG KHU SDVVLRQ RUDO VXUJHU\ 'U +\SROLWH UHWXUQHG KRPH WR %HUPXGD LQ WR MRLQ WKH G\QDPLF WHDP DW 6PLOHVLQF 6PLOHVLQF LV D *ROG 3OXV 3URYLGHU OHYHO IRU ,QYLVDOLJQ DQG 'U +\SROLWH LV DQ RƸFLDOO\ DSSURYHG SURYLGHU IRU Invisalign, the clear almost invisible alternative to metal braces for adults and teens. Dr. Hypolite welcomes new patients. SmilesInc 12 Dundonald Street, Hamilton HM 09 Tel: 296 0990 Email:
Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Jamie Burgess Dr. Jamie Burgess earned her Doctorate of Optometry from the Suny College of Optometry in New York. Dr. Burgess returned home and has been in practice in Bermuda for 11 years and took over Argus Optical from her well regarded predecessor Dr. Henry Simmons. Dr. Burgess has also served as the Chairwoman of the Bermuda Optometristsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Opticiansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Council for the past 9 years and has been extensively involved in legislative FKDQJHV DĆľHFWLQJ WKH SURIHVVLRQ Dr. Burgess practices primary care optometry but also specialises in pediatrics and behavioral vision and has extensive experience in these areas. Argus Optical & Sunwear Melbourne House, 11 Parliament St. Hamilton, HM 12 Tel: 292-0097
Also at 25 Reid Street Hamilton, HM 11 Tel: 296-EXAM
Ms. Claire Cartmill Ms. Claire Cartmill graduated from the esteemed Glasgow Caledonian University in 2004 with a 2.1 degree in Optometry. She completed her pre-registration year in Belfast working for a busy independent practice where she gained a wide variety of experience including shadowing her mentor who was working with children with dyslexia. Ms. Cartmill also gained a yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience in a nursing home and assisted living eyecare in the community which allowed her to learn how to adapt her skill set to accommodate patients with dementia and learning disabilities. Ms. Cartmill moved to Bermuda in 2012 and became an employee RI $UJXV 2SWLFDO LQ HDUO\ 0V &DUWPLOO SDUWLFXODUO\ HQMR\V ĆśWWLQJ specialised contact lenses for patients with corneal disorders such as keratoconus. She also enjoys working with children. Argus Optical & Sunwear Melbourne House, 11 Parliament St. Hamilton, HM 12 Tel: 292-0097 28
Also at 25 Reid Street Hamilton, HM 11 Tel: 296-EXAM
Diana Li
Dr. Diana Li earned her Doctorate of Optometry degree from the New England College of Optometry in Boston. She provides comprehensive eye care, diabetic eye exams, pre/post operative care to surgical patients, pediatric eye exams, contact OHQV ĆśWWLQJV WKH WUHDWPHQW RI RFXODU GLVHDVHV DQG JODXFRPD 'U Li is committed to educating her patients about all aspects of eye health and focusing on disease prevention. Dr. Li is a member of V.O.S.H. and has participated in an eye care mission trip in the Dominican Republic. She also volunteered with the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and completed a 5k blind-folded run to raise funds for the charity. Argus Optical & Sunwear Melbourne House, 11 Parliament St. Hamilton, HM 12 Tel: 292-0097
Also at 25 Reid Street Hamilton, HM 11 Tel: 296-EXAM
Chris Fosker Dr. Chris Fosker is the Medical Director and Radiation Oncologist at the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, a consultant FOLQLFDO RQFRORJLVW DW %HUPXGD +RVSLWDOV %RDUG DQ DƸOLDWH RI WKH 'DQD Farber Cancer Institute, and Consultant at the Brigham and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital in Boston. Dr. Fosker was the clinical lead in the project that EURXJKW UDGLDWLRQ WKHUDS\ WR %HUPXGD 'U )RVNHU LV TXDOLĆśHG WR WUHDW cancer patients with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapy, and immunotherapy. Before moving to Bermuda, Dr. Fosker worked as a specialist at St. Jamesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Institute of Oncology in Leeds, Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest purpose-built cancer centre. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the RS Bush Award for academic excellence. Dr. Fosker and the team at Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre have treated more than 300 patients with radiation therapy since the unit opened in 2017. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 46 Point Finger Road. Paget DV 04 Tel: 236-1001 Email: Health & Beauty Winter 2019/20
Delivering the Highest Quality Medical Care Possible
Dr. Gerhard Boonstra
Dr. Carlton C. Jones
Dr. Basil Wilson
Dr. Judith Boyce
Dr. Roddy Moore
Dr. Heather Montgomery
Dr. Samantha Price
Dr. Margot K. Harvey
Dr. Diane Kooiman
Dr. Hayley Morton
WHAT WE OFFER: • Family Practice
• Panel Physician for US Immigration
• Functional Medicine
• Scuba Diving Medical Examinations
• On-site Laboratory Open from 7:30am
• Home Visits
• Ultra Sound
• On-site Nurses
• Stress Testing
• Vaccinations
• 24hr. Blood Pressure Monitoring
• Se Habla Español, Afrikaans, Dutch
• TCD Examinations
Paget Location 40 & 42 Point Finger Road, Paget DV 04 Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm | Saturday 9am - 12noon | Call 236-0084 for Appointments Hamilton Location 14 Dundonald Street, Hamilton HM 09 Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm | Friday 9am-4pm | Call: 296-9733 for Appointments