2 minute read
Pilates reformer Road to recovery
Orthopaedic surgery and physiotherapy: The road to recovery
Orthopaedic and Physiotherapy Doctors Will Peckett, Milan Oleksak and Gail in a wide range of musculoskeletal Associates is a well renowned Caruth are highly trained and experienced. physiotherapy: orthopaedics, sports medical and physiotherapy practice, They work tirelessly for their patients, injuries, paediatrics and elderly care. which opened its doors in 2003. We have providing excellent trauma and elective Home visits are also popular for those a fabulous team of orthopaedic surgeons care to our community in our clinic and at patients who are unable to attend the and physiotherapists who provide the KEMH. We have access to world class clinic. Acupuncture, manual therapy, excellent healthcare to a wide range of surgeons who visit the island to enhance post-operative care, sports assessments, SDWLHQWV7KH\DUHEDFNHGXSE\RXURƸFH the excellent service here. and exercise protocols are all available. At managers who guide patients through the Lizzie Peckett, owner and manager OPA the best course of treatment will be process of appointment bookings, hospital of the physiotherapy department discussed and implemented. admissions, insurance claims and after care KDVDFRPPLWWHGWHDPRIFHUWLƶHG The clinic is based opposite the hospital, bookings. physiotherapists: Jill Brydon, Jane Cooper with free parking, and is fully wheelchair
The three orthopaedic surgeons: and Alex Wilberz. They are all experienced accessible. www.opa.bm
Get strong, toned, and flexible
Pilates reformer classes at Horizon stretching the opposite muscles. This creates Health will help you develop and a balanced muscular skeletal system, evenly maintain next-level core muscles toned, and posture-aligned body.
Pilates is a low-resistance, low-gravity form Pilates concentrates on working your of movement to help gain strength easily and “inner unit” muscles verses your “outer consistently in a noninvasive way through unit” major muscles that most other the reformer push/pulley system. Reformers forms of movement and sports focus on. work on the basis of opposition always The inner unit is the mast of the body strengthening an area of the body whilst and supports the major muscles. Hence lifestyle, sports performance, and general body function improves through the practice of Pilates.
Horizon Health has recently expanded its studio space and has become Bermuda’s largest Pilates facility, with more than 40 years of collective teaching experience.
Email: info@horizonhealthbermuda. com. Tel.: 293-1687. www.horizonhealthbermuda.com. Chancery Hall, Ground Floor, 52 Reid Street, Hamilton.
Horizon Health offers classical and contemporary solo, duet and trio Pilates reformer classes to all ages and abilities. We are the largest Pilates facility in Bermuda and have the most collective experience teaching clients. For a first class Pilates experience sign up for sessions with our team. info@horizonhealthbermuda.com www.horizonhealthbermuda.com Tel. 293 1687 Chancery Hall, Ground Floor, 52 Reid Street, Hamilton, HM 12 Orthopaedic and Physiotherapy Associates is a well renowned medical and physiotherapy practice, which opened its doors in 2003. We have a fabulous team of orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists who provide excellent healthcare to a wide range of patients. Doctor's office: 236 8228 Physiotherapy: 236 8881 www.opa.bm