Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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The imaging facility of choice that continues to pioneer for its patients Ultimate Imaging is HIP & Future Care approved and continues to lead the way in providing the standard of excellence in diagnostic imaging. Committed and SUHSDUHG WR PHHW \RXU QHHGV LW RƵHUV D

holistic, non-clinical approach, innovative WHFKQRORJ\ DQG TXDOLƶHG FDULQJ VWDƵ

Services include: GENERAL ULTRASOUND. Services include,

Abus 3D automated breast ultrasound uses sound waves to create 3D pictures of the breast tissue

but are not limited to abdominal, pelvic, kidneys and bladder, vascular, thyroid, MSK, carotid and testicular ultrasound. OBSTETRICS. In collaboration with \RXU REVWHWULFLDQ 8OWLPDWH ,PDJLQJ RƵHUV the global standard of care in obstetrical ultrasound services such as 3D/4D technology, routine obstetrical ultrasound, OHYHO ,, XOWUDVRXQG ELRSK\VLFDO SURƶOH doppler study and nuchal translucency screening (1st trimester screening). 3D MAMMOGRAPHY. Ultimate Imaging LV WKH ƶUVW LPDJLQJ FHQWUH RQ LVODQG WR pioneer for the ‘status quo’ in breast care with integration of our 3D mammography (Senographe Pristina™) and computer aided detection software (CAD) and 3UR)RXQG $, DUWLƶFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH ABUS 3D automated breast ultrasound. Unlike mammography, ABUS uses sound waves to create 3D pictures of the breast tissue. It may be ordered in combination with your regular mammogram screening. PEDIATRIC ULTRASOUND. A hand KROGLQJ DSSURDFK Ş RƵHULQJ DSSRLQWPHQWV for our youngest of patients such as infant hip and cranial ultrasound. Ultimate Imaging Ltd is in the International Centre, Suite 308, 26 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton Tel: 29SOUND. 10

Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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