Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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Health, Happiness, and Pets Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion, and there are potential physical and mental LIEPXL FIRIǻXW XSS


dog isn’t referred to as ‘man’s best friend’ for nothing. It is believed that man and, back then, wolves, ƶUVW EHFDPH IULHQGV RYHU \HDUV ago. Since then, humans have welcomed all manner of living creatures into our homes, but why? “The right pet can improve a person’s life tremendously,” says professional dog trainer, Eileen Thorne. “Interaction with animals lowers blood pressure and can provide an oxytocin rush.” Oxytocin, also known as the ‘feelgood hormone’, is known to promote attachment, improve social skills and even induce sleep. “The pet can also provide them with a way of interacting with society that WKH\ PD\ ƶQG XQFRPIRUWDEOH LQ RWKHU situations,” she continues. “I call animals conduits to human interaction for that reason. A pet can allow them to interact with people without the full social pressure on them.” Some pets however, you don’t even QHHG WR LQWHUDFW ZLWK WR EHQHƶW IURP WKHLU presence. There is a reason why doctor’s surgeries RU RWKHU FOLQLFDO DUHDV RIWHQ KDYH ƶVK tanks. “It’s because they have a very FDOPLQJ HƵHFW Ť DGGV .DWH 7HUFHLUD Executive Director of the Bermuda Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Taking it a step further, animals can even provide a form of ‘therapy’ for people with certain medical or emotional needs. Dr. Laura Henagulph owner of psychiatry and psychology practice, Seaglass Clinical Consulting, alongside Ms. Terceira and Ms. Thorne, runs TheraTails, an animal-assisted therapy programme at the SPCA. Some of Dr. Henagulph’s clients struggle with ‘traditional’ face-to-face therapy or simply won’t engage at all. But if she suggests working with animals, “immediately there’s engagement!” “They will attend therapy sessions, ZKLFK LV WKH ƶUVW DQG PRVW LPSRUWDQW thing. When they get into the session, the focus is not on them, it’s on the animal. Many of the programme’s clients come through the department of child and family services, and are often struggling within the care system, which, says Dr. Henagulph, “is a great mirror for what goes on at the shelter.”


Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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