St. George Health & Wellness Magazine January February 2014

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M ind / B ody



Eagle Point of Beaver, UT Utah’s Newest Ski and Snowboard Resort (See page 17)

INSIDE: Never Say “Diet” Again! 2013 Year in Review – Recognitions & Awards How to Prepare for Stock Market Swings

JAN/FEB 2014


St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 3

From The editor

Happy New Year!

How exciting it is for me to begin this year collaborating with St. George Health & Wellness magazine to create a community resource dedicated to health and wellness! As the new Creative Director, I consider myself especially fortunate because perhaps the only thing I love as much as being creative is exploring new ways to bring more well-being into my life and into our community. As the new year opens before us, it’s a reminder that there is something symbolic and invigorating about a new beginning; a reminder of our ability to renew our intentions and focus on what we value in our lives. It’s also a great time to reflect on attitudes or routines that are no longer working for us and do our best to let them go. In a world overloaded with complexity, our to-do lists can drive us to the point of feeling more like a human “doing” than a human “being.” So this new year, I encourage you to make your own well-being a priority – we can only give what we’ve cultivated within, so the more we care for our own physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness, the more joy we have to share with others. From nutrition and fitness to healthcare, culture, family and finances, our goal with this issue is to offer a greater awareness of how our community can bring each of us support in the areas where we most need it. We are all so fortunate to witness the expansion of our wellness community. We hope to ignite a spark in each of you to renew your commitment to your own self-care so you can get out there and involve yourself in community activities that excite you! Thank you for your continued support. We hope you enjoy this issue of St. George Health & Wellness!

Alesha Sevy Creative Director


Table of

JAN/FEB 2014


Financial Wellness Making Sense of the Stock Market Rise 60 Leaders are Brave in 14 Ways 62 How to Prepare for Stock Market Swings 64

Mind/Body On The Cover: Eagle Point of Beaver, UT

Fitness Never Say “Diet” Again! 8 Knowing Where to Start 10 Travel: Discover Your Fountain of Youth 14 Creating a New YOU by Changing Up Your Fitness Routine! 16 Student-Athlete Profile: DSU’s Zach Robbins 18 Do Your Workouts Fit You? 22

Be a Better Communicator: 5 Tips for Positive Interactions 67 Turn Your Winter Blues to Green 69 Certified Hypnotherapy Training School is Coming to Town! 70 The Gift of Touch: Modern Massage Therapy 72

Family Wellness The Secret to Marital Success It’s Never Too Late 78 The Mark of Motherhood 80

Nutrition Intuitive Eating and Mindful Living Feed Your Body Better 26 Building of a Local-vore 30 Recipe: Winter Rose Vinaigrette 31 Too Much of a Good Thing 32


Restaurant Profile Fish Rock Grille



Cultural Arts It’s a New Year of Culture 82 Washington County School District Foundation’s Sterling Scholar Awards Looking Toward the Future 85 Fibonacci Fine Arts 86 Calendar of Cultural Arts Center 89


Departments Hike/Bike Trail Reviews: Rim Runner 20 2013 Year in Review: Recognitions & Awards 54 Mayoral Message 76 Why I Love Riding My Bicycle Featured Directory Listings 92 Calendar of Events 93


Every successful business needs a vast network of trusted clients, advisers and friends. At Corporate Alliance, we help our members create their own powerful networks.

Health The Terrifying Truth About Osteoporosis 36 The Health Benefits of Hydrotherapy 40 Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Keeping the Mind/Body Connection Clear 42 Waterworks 101: Introduction to Female Urinary Incontinence 46 Case Study: Neuropathy 50 Type 2 Diabetes 56


St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 5

Meet our


Robert Benson, MD Medical Editor

Terrin Parker, PT Associate Editor

Alesha Sevy Creative Director

Emily Fonnesbeck, RD, CD, CLT Author, Nutrition Section

Tiffany Gust, CPT Author, Fitness Section

Chad Olson, MS, LMFT Author, Family Wellness Section

Brigit Atkin Author, Mind/Body Section

Chef Greg Reith Author/Executive Chef

Myke Bush Photographer/Video Editor

For information on advertising or other inquiries, visit our website at, email or call us at 435-319-0273. The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of the articles in St. George Health & Wellness Magazine. The information contained within has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on this material. Appropriate professional advice should be sought before making decisions. ŠCopyright 2013.




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Never Say “Diet” Again! By April Judd The very best way to start your journey toward a healthier lifestyle is to let go of everything you have learned about dieting in the past. First, remove the word “diet” from your vocabulary and replace it with “healthy lifestyle.” Diets are usually fads that are restrictive and, in most cases, have not brought you positive long-term results. This process, repeated often, can be harmful to your body. A healthy lifestyle also has a beginning, but there will be no end. There can’t be! Not if you want to maintain the “new you” forever. It is through making good choices, eating healthy, moving your body, and changing your behaviors that you will become and remain happy, healthy and leaner for the rest of your life! It’s not a destination, it’s a journey. You can continue to dream about a healthier lifestyle, starting to lose weight and looking better, or you can do something about it today. You can stay stuck in your rut, or you can make a change. You can begin by making positive changes right now that you know you’re capable of doing. The choice is yours. It’s easy to fall into the trap of someday. “Someday I’ll lose those extra pounds, but right now I have so many other things to take care 8

“My Healthy Express coach has been my constant, my confidant, my guide and the voice in my head helping me along the way. I feel so much better about my new Maggie (St. George, Utah) healthy lifestyle and what Lost 65 pounds and my new body is looking 71 inches! like! I now have the confidence that I will never regain that weight back, because I’ve applied what I learned and now its not only habit. It’s a way of life!”

of.” The truth is, you will always have things to take care of, people to see, and places to go. Make time now for a better life for yourself, because you are worth it! You are either paying today for the choices you made yesterday, or reaping the rewards tomorrow, for the choices you made today. Getting to that mindset may take awhile, and the road traveled may be rough, but in the end, reaching your healthy weight will be done right. It’s time to say “This one’s for ME!”

Becky (Santa Clara, Utah) Lost 50 pounds and 12 Sizes “I previously have had 2 heart attacks, was terribly out of shape and Brent (Washington, Utah) was taking 9 medications every morning and 7 every night. I was tired, Lost 100 pounds and depressed, was hypertensive, had no energy, didn’t sleep well, I hurt 10 pant sizes. everywhere and was worried about my future. I had 10 grandchildren, who were the joy of my life and I had no energy to play with them. “I was a My daughter, Maggie had started a weight loss program with April diabetic with and was having amazing results. As a nurse, I high blood was skeptical of the kinds of losses she was pressure. getting; I was worried about what she was In just nine doing and whether or not it was healthy. She months, shared the program with me, and I realized that with the help of my the plan was not only healthy, but was exactly coach at Healthy Express, both the diet I had said for years that all of the US are under control. I love to see would follow, including myself. I people’s mouths drop in shock came to see April the next week. In to the transformation that is a short time, I began to lose the taking place. Healthy Express will weight that I had carried around for teach you how to use the foods you already 25 years. I have lost 50 pounds and have and in my case, how to eat out and have gone from a size 1X to an 8! My still lose weight. Food doesn’t control me cardiologist was thrilled and took me off anymore! I plan on living a much longer 5 of my medications. enriched life with my wife and children.” This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself! I took some of my grandchildren to the park one day. We played Frisbee, played on the swings, the slide and the jungle gym. After we had been there for about an hour, my 10 year old grandson made the remark, “Grandma, you’re playing like a kid!” I enjoy my life so much better these days! Shopping is more fun, I feel better, I have more energy, and I feel like I have found myself again. My husband has even said that he has back the girl he married!”

About the Author April Judd of Healthy Express has over 20 years experience as a Weight Loss Counselor & Lifestyle Coach. She has created a healthy weight management system utilizing the Diabetic exchange program, focusing on nutrition, exercise and behavior modification. What makes her program unique is her 52-week curriculum, complete with weekly lifestyle assignments. April has extensive experience in helping people keep their weight off for life.

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Knowing Where to Start By Caitlyn Brooksby, MPA After retiring from Brigham Young University, Clio Grob and her husband packed their belongings and headed to St. George. Like many retirees, Clio suddenly realized she had more free time than she ever expected. She had been active throughout her life, from yoga to Zumba and even tai chi, she had always been willing to try new activities. Now, she realized she wasn’t moving around as much as she used to. “As you get older, you generally don’t move as much,” says Grob. “I really believe in the phrase ‘use it or lose it’ and I needed to get moving.” Clio wasn’t sure where to start but knew she would benefit from professional guidance. That’s when she ‘took the plunge’ and decided

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to get a LiVe Well Center Assessment. Lead by a healthcare professional, the LiVe Well Center Assessment helps determine an individual’s level of overall health and fitness to establish a progressive wellness plan for a healthier lifestyle. “Typically when you start a new exercise regime, you over do it,” says Grob. “Setting realistic goals allows you to complete them.” The biggest surprise to Clio was the percentage of lean to fat mass she had, which she learned after completing the body composition step. The Bod Pod, a body composition machine that is accurate within one percent, showed Clio that she needed to focus on muscle strengthening.

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“No one would look at me and think I’m overweight,” explains Clio. “But I have a high body fat percentage that I want to work on decreasing.” The second biggest surprise to her was discovering the amount of calories her body burns at rest. Clio couldn’t believe that she was eating 800 more calories than her body needed to stay nourished. The resting metabolic test also compared her metabolism to other individuals across the country that are her same sex and age. After establishing a specific wellness game plan, Clio said she has more energy and feels happy doing something for herself. “I was so used to doing things for other people,” says

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Allison Bradley, wellness coordinator, administering a Bod Pod at the LiVe Well Center. Clio. “Now, I make my appointments around my workout and not the other way around.” Starting a new exercise regime or weight loss program can be a daunting task. That’s why Allison Bradley, wellness coordinator at the LiVe Well Center, says you can’t change what you don’t know. “When you go to a doctor, they typically don’t just look at you and give you a diagnosis,” says Bradley. “The physician will usually run tests to accurately treat you.” Receiving professional guidance can take the guess work out of the equation. Not knowing where to start is a common barrier for most individuals who are trying to improve their health. “If you don’t know where to start, the LiVe Well Center Assessment is a great place to do so,” says Bradley. “The assessment looks at every component of health – specifically for you.” As the start of the new year comes underway, it’s important to set goals that are realistic and achievable. A person is most successful when they accurately know their starting point. “Knowledge truly is power, especially when it comes to creating healthy habits,” says Bradley.

Do you feel as gooD as you coulD?

The LiVe Well center assessment — In seven steps, the LiVe Well center assessment can help you Get Well, Stay Well, and LiVe Well for the rest of your life.

7. Game Plan

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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 11


Court Empey, MD • Spencer Wells, MD Cortney Bernardo, PA

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 13

T r av e l It’s another new year and of course, the time when most people think about fitness goals and getting healthy after six weeks of ringing in the holiday cheer. We try to eat better, exercise more, and eliminate bad habits. Some are successful and some end up with treadmills that collect dust after only a few months. While diet and exercise are very important to our health, most people don’t realize that leisure travel can play a key role in our overall wellness. Lessons in history have taught us that Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon searched the globe for the fountain of youth. Although he never found it, he discovered what many people consider the key to youth and happiness: Travel! We all know that exercise is the best thing we can do for our bodies. Tired of the treadmill? How about walking through Central Park in New York; climbing Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica; snorkeling at the

Photo Credits - Top row from left to right: Fairmont Hotels, Royal Caribbean International, Paul Gauguin Cruises, Wyatt Larsen. Main photo this page: Hawaii Convention & Visitors Bureau. 14

Discover Your Fountain of Youth! Great Barrier Reef; hiking a glacier in Alaska; or golfing in Scotland? They are all great ways to get your heart pumping, and you probably won’t realize that you are exercising because you are surrounded by beautiful scenery. Mental exercise is also an important factor in our well being. Why not learn a new language for your next vacation to a foreign country? Imagine ordering gelato in Italian, bartering in Spanish at the local market, or asking for directions to the Eiffel Tower in French? Take a history class before you visit London, enjoy an art class and then visit Rome, or complete a photography course before you visit Costa Rica. Travel is an excellent way to learn about new cultures and to discover new interests! It is important to continually challenge ourselves intellectually and to keep the mind stimulated. Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to relax and rejuvenate

About the Author Celece Seegmiller is the

your soul. How about a seaside Lomi local owner of the Travel Lomi massage in Hawaii? Find soothing Connection in St. George. Travel is her passion and she’s lagoon waters, floral breezes, and scenic spent the past twenty two wonders from your overwater bungalow years helping her customers in Tahiti. Relax with the ocean breeze cross of their bucket list. She loves the Cook Islands and and watch the waves go by from your any place with white sand private balcony aboard a luxurious cruise and turquoise water. You ship. can contact her at celece@ These are just a few of the ways in which travel can enrich your life. Take some time for yourself in the upcoming year and discover the many rewards of travel! Where will you find your fountain of youth in 2014?

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 15

About the Author As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, Tiffany helps clients from all over the world achieve their goals to become healthier by motivating and encouraging a healthy, active lifestyle. Visit

By Tiffany Gust Stuck in a fitness rut? Getting bored with your current fitness routine? If you are hitting a plateau with your weight management or fitness level, you should consider changing things up a bit. Here are some ideas to help you find a new YOU:

Creating a New

YOU by Changing Up Your Fitness Routine!


1. Try a new class at your gym. Many new fitness class formats are emerging such as Spinning Flex, Aqua Zumba, Ultimate Boot Camp, or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Or perhaps ballroom dance or trail running is more your thing. Just try something new! 2. Get a work out buddy. Statistics show a greater level of satisfaction and an increase in commitment when you have someone to work out with. 3. Change up the day or time that you workout. This will allow you to meet different people, provide new scenery, and decrease your chances for boredom. 4. Get a new piece of fitness equipment or DVD. This will help on days when you can’t make it to the gym or when life gets in the way. You won’t have any excuses! Changing your duration, intensity, or mode of exercise can bring your fitness to new levels and help increase interest. How can you create a new you by changing up your fitness routine? Make it fun and be creative!



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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 17

Student-Athlete Profile:

DSU’s Zach Robbins

By Michelle Sagar In striving to become the best, Dixie State University’s Zach Robbins has put himself in the winner’s circle. In high school, Robbins made 1st Team All-Conference in basketball his senior year at Upland High School, in Upland, California and hoped to continue his career playing college basketball. His hopes were actualized when Robbins got on the radar of college scouts. Dixie State University was not the only school looking at him, and when it was time to make the big decision regarding which college to play for, Robbins recalls, “When I came to visit [DSU], I felt really good about it-it was just a good fit.” In 2009, Robbins began playing basketball for DSU as a freshman, and was given the opportunity to start in two of the 26 games that season. During the course of his freshman year, he had an average of 7.5 points in addition to 7.5 rebounds for the season, an impressive


start for a freshman! Robbins took a short pause from basketball in 2010-2012 to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Columbus, Ohio. Returning from his mission as a sophomore, Robbins was ready to get back to work. His hard work was rewarded, as he was named the Dixie State University Male Athlete of the Year, the NABC All-West Second Team, and he was also named to the Pacific West Conference All-Tournament Team. In addition, Robbins had also been named Athlete of the Week, and the 2013-2014 Pacific West Conference Preseason Player of the Year. When asked about being chosen as the Preseason Player of the Year, Robbins replies, “It’s an honor, but I like to come in as the underdog. Now there is a lot of pressure from other teams.” The inspiration behind Robbins’ basketball start is due in part to his father and older brothers. His father played basketball for two years at Ricks College, so the sport has always been a part of the family. Growing up, they would often play basketball together, which led to Robbins’ love of the sport. Family is a big part of Robbins’ life, so when asked what one of the most difficult challenges he is currently facing is, Robbins admits that being away from his wife, McCall, is hard when they are traveling for games. Robbins and his wife were married in May 2013.

MEN’S BASKETBALL Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Mar. 1

Azusa Pacific* Fresno Pacific* Academy of Art* Dominican* Holy Names* BYU-Hawaii* Hawaii Hilo* Chaminade* California Baptist*

7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM * PacWest Conference Game

When asked about the possibility of continuing to play basketball in the NBA after college, Robbins replies, “I’m married now, so it would have to be a really great opportunity.” It’s obvious that despite his natural ability and acquired skill as a player, caring about his family and providing for their future is his first priority. Though currently a About the Author Michelle Sagar, a student at communications major, Robbins says Dixie State University, is his long-term academic and career goal working on her bachelors degree is to become a physical therapist, which in business administration with a minor in technical writing. would require three years of grad school after graduating from DSU. When Robbins is not on the court playing basketball, he enjoys reading. He also admits that he likes working on crossword puzzles in The New York Times, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays because “those are the easiest.” With his hard work on the court and his dedication to family off, Robbins is destined to go far in life. If he can continue the success he has had in his first two years at Dixie State University, he could be the one to beat both on and off the court.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Mar. 1

Azusa Pacific* Fresno Pacific* Academy of Art* Dominican* Holy Names* BYU-Hawaii* Hawaii Hilo* Chaminade* California Baptist*

5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 10 AM

For tickets call 435-652-7800 All Times Mountain, tentative and subject to change St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 19

Hike/Bike Trail Reviews:

Rim Runner By Jay Bartlett Welcome back fellow Mountain Bikers! In the last issue we visited Barrel Roll Trail in the Santa Clara River Trail System. I spoke of the many options of trails, and connections to other trails from the Cove Wash Trailhead. Today we’ll check out my favorite section, Rim Runner. Let me start off by pointing out that there is no official name for what is essentially four trails hooked together: Rim Rock (the longest), Rim Runner, Rim Ramble, and Rim Reaper. I personally refer to the area as Rim Runner, as do most people I talk to, so for the sake of this article I’ll stick with that. From the town of Santa Clara take Gates Lane. At the first right turn, take the dirt road up the hill, then take a right at the Cove Wash Trailhead sign. About a half-mile up the hill, you will arrive at the parking lot. Don’t forget about the Approach Trail, located just west of where the dirt road starts up the hill, if you prefer to ride up from town. It’s a sweet bit of trail that will have you breathing hard on the way up, and smiling wide on the way down. If you drove up to the parking lot, jump on your bike and get back on the road you came in on and head south down into Cove Wash. Upon hitting the bottom of the hill, take a sharp left and follow the old road up out of Cove Wash. A short distance later there is a singletrack that connects to another road heading west. (If you miss the singletrack, the two roads converge about one hundred yards later. Take a right, and you’re back on track.) Continue west to the stepover gate and the real fun begins. After the gate, on the left is Rim Reaper, which connects to Rim Ramble. Take a left, (going right is a short trail back to the main road. Read: loop option) and enjoy the twisty, switchback-laden flow. You’ll cross the road again and descend into a small valley that leads onto another mesa. Being on mesas is the beauty of this section, since once you cross the gate, you really can’t get lost. It may seem confusing at first with the converging trails, but you are “rim rocked,” which is an old saying referring to the cliff edges of a mesa that prevent you from getting off. In other words, all trails eventually hook back up and take you back to the step-over gate. 20

At the top of the valley, you’ll be confronted with another split. Head left onto Rim Runner for a mile long loop that includes a short diversion up to a stunning viewpoint (not that there are any bad viewpoints in the reserve) that’s a great place for some photos and maybe a snack. When back at the split, continue About the Author Mountain bike veteran, straight onto Rim Rock for a loop amateur filmmaker, and through some great rock formations that endurance racer Jay Bartlett are a bit more technical, but very fun. You has been riding trails in the St. George area for over twenty may also be surprised to find you are at a years. Jay has nearly a decade of high enough altitude to encounter some experience as a bike mechanic at Juniper trees; good shade in the summer Bicycles Unlimited, St. George’s months! The loop ends at the top of the oldest bike shop. valley mentioned earlier. Another lap maybe? Opposite direction? It’s a great thing about our trails, most are ridable in either direction, giving even more options and challenges. Now simply follow the trails back out the way you came in, to the parking lot, and you’ve just completed an exciting and fun, seven-ish mile trail that’s basically right in our backyard! Now get out and ride!


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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 21

S T U O K R FIT YOU? O W Do Your By Kevin Weston B.S., HFS, CPT

When you walk into a library or bookstore, you wouldn’t take a random book off the shelf and say to yourself, “It really doesn’t matter what I read, just as long as I’m reading.” Before purchasing or checking-out your new book, you would have considered certain criteria of what kind of book(s) will be of most benefit to you. Are you looking for a book geared towards children, teenagers, or


adults? Fiction or non-fiction? A biography, a novel, self-help, or even maybe an instructional manual perhaps? Maybe you’re not even looking for a book, but a particular magazine, newspaper, or CD. Sometimes, especially during the new year when health and fitness are at the forefront of our minds, people will approach exercise with the same thought process

as taking any random book off the shelve with the intention that, “It really doesn’t matter how I exercise, just as long as I’m exercising.” Exercise and physical activity are always an important part of your overall health. However, it can be even better if you consider certain criteria that make your exercise program specific to your ultimate goals and objectives.

Why Custom Exercise Is Essential Questions to ask when considering an exercise program: • What do I like to do? Biking, yoga, weight training, etc. • What are my goals and purposes? Finish a 10k, increase power in my golf swing, ability to go hiking with my grandkids, etc. • What is my current fitness level? Beginner, intermediate, advanced. • How active am I now? Sedentary, occasionally active, very active, etc. • Do I have current or previous orthopedic injuries? Pain in my shoulder, hip, low back, knee, etc. • What are my medical issues? Heart conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. • How much time can I dedicate towards exercise? 30, 45, 60 min/day; how many days a week? • What do I have access to? Gym, home equipment, parks, trails, etc. • What outcome do I want most from my exercise program? Increase strength, improve balance, decrease body fat, etc. When you have access to and utilize an exercise program that is tailored to you, you reduce the risk for injury and increase the likelihood of actually achieving your desired objective. A specific training protocol creates a specific outcome.

Custom Fit Workouts can help you take the guesswork out of developing a fitness program that is designed specifically towards what you want to accomplish using the latest exercise scientific research. We have helped and designed exercise programs for hundreds of people and no two programs are exactly alike. We offer personal training, custom program design (both face-to-face and remotely) and multi-tiered online video workouts to assist people in making the commitment to live a lifestyle of movement. Whatever your situation, chances are we will have an option that is affordable and will provide the professional guidance and instruction to insure that you are getting the most from your fitness regimen. As a graduate of BYU, ACSM Health Fitness Specialist, and NASM certified personal trainer, Kevin understands and lives the science of exercise. In addition to training clients, he also manages the Anytime Fitness club in Santa Clara.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 23

Intuitive Eating and Mindful Living: A New Approach for the New Year By Emily Fonnesbeck Here we are again at the beginning of a new year. This point marks a time of reflection and resolution, which in theory is healthy and productive. However, many nutrition and health related resolutions are often short-lived at best. As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.� This year, I would like to offer a different approach. I find it interesting that so many Americans try diet after diet with rules set by someone that knows nothing about them, their health concerns, their medical history, or even their goals. We are constantly looking outside ourselves for answers: scouring the internet, buying


the new top selling diet book, and buying expensive supplements as examples. What if I told you that your body is screaming at you right now? That you have all the answers you need inside of you? In our society we are taught not to trust ourselves. We believe our body is working against us and we need to outsmart it. As a result, we are talking heads with no ability to listen and trust our own intuition. The most rewarding work I do is helping clients to trust themselves again and tune-in to their own inner wisdom as it relates to food, health, and wellness. Becoming an intuitive eater is a game changer. No longer will food

have control over you or the power to create anxiety and stress. Most importantly, you will start to listen to what your body is trying to tell you in relation to what foods do and don’t work for your body. When my clients address their health concerns with curiosity rather than worry and stress, they are able to think logically about solutions. This enables them to use my recommendations about nutrition as tools rather than weapons. When the answer comes from collaboration, clients are more likely to follow. Here are a few basic principles for practicing intuitive eating and mindful living: 1. Be present and mindful when you eat. Turn off the TV, sit down at the table and savor your food. Notice the flavors, textures, and taste with appreciation. This will lead to satisfaction from the meal not gained by shoveling it down your throat mindlessly. 2. Don’t ruin the pleasure of eating with the discomfort of overeating. Enough said. 3. Note how meals make you feel. Did it leave you hungry? Overly full? Tired? Energized? Sick to your stomach? This is your body talking to you. Take time to listen, reflect and understand. It may also help to address these concerns with a trained nutrition professional.

4. Q uit the numbers game. No calorie counting, weighing, measuring, or tracking. These are all external measurements that mean nothing to your body’s intuition. Remember, you CAN trust yourself. 5. Take note of foods that lead you to feel out of control. While the research is on-going, an important part of this discussion relates to food addictions. As with any other addiction, these foods can cloud judgment and be destructive to emotional and physical health. When you start listening to and trusting your body, many issues can present themselves. Approach these issues with curiosity and compassion to truly heal your body, and please know I would be honored to help you on your journey to health!

About the Author Emily is a Registered Dietitian and received her degree at Brigham Young University. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and belongs to the Vegetarian Practice Group, and the Weight Management and Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition practice groups. She has a Certificate in Adult Weight Management and is a Certified LEAP Therapist.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 25

Feed Your Body Better By Leslie Smoot HHC, AADP Our genes only dictate about ten percent of how long we will live. The other ninety percent is dictated by our lifestyle. This means that YOU have a great deal of control when it comes to your health. Your body is designed to regenerate cells, replace tissue, rebuild muscle, etc. When you feed your self well, it can make a profound difference on how you look and feel. It’s time to feed your body better. 26

Step 1 – Produce is powerful! Eating leafy greens every day will give you more energy and reduce your cravings for sweets. The antioxidants found in fresh produce are powerful protectors; they strengthen your immune system, reduce free radicals and keep you looking young and beautiful. • Enjoy fresh greens in raw juices, smoothies, salads and soups. • Eat an abundance of produce daily – organic and seasonal produce packs the most nutrition. • Snack on superfoods: tree fruits, berries, sprouts, raw nuts & seeds

Step 2 – Eat healthy fats. Fats can help us lose weight! Good fats facilitate optimal brain function, reduce hunger and nourish every cell of your body. The media has confused many of us to believe that ALL fats are bad. The reality is that good fats create health and energy while bad fats can be very damaging. Learn to distinguish a healthy fat from a harmful fat and the best ways to use them. • Coconut oil, olive oil, butter, ghee, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, & sesame seed oil are my “faves”. •O ther great sources of fats are raw milk, farm fresh eggs, avocado, coconut, raw nuts, raw seeds and organic animal fats. • FATS THAT HARM - Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and trans fatty acids – avoid any foods with these ingredients.

Step 3 – Your body will function best if you are getting probiotics and enzymes daily. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that aid digestion, nutritional imbalances and the immune system. They can also help you curb sugar cravings. Enzymes can help with digestion and assimilation of your food. Specific enzymes can even help break down the fat on your body. That’s right – they break down the fat! • Probiotics are in fermented foods and cultured dairy; live sour cream, live yogurt, live pickles, live sauerkraut, live miso, live kimchi, live kefir, and raw milk. Probiotic supplements. • Enzymes are found naturally in raw foods. Enzyme supplements.

Step 4 – Sugar in excess is a toxin. The over-consumption of sugary foods can eventually cause our metabolic gears to slip and the cells in the body become insulin resistant. This is what is driving diabetes worldwide. Sugar causes a biochemical shift that makes us store fat and feel hungry at the same time. Remember - sugar makes us fat. • Choose natural sugars: maple syrup, molasses, dates, honey, dried fruit and coconut sugar. • Balance sweet foods with healthy proteins such as grass fed beef, wild caught fish, free-range chicken, farm fresh eggs, raw cheese, raw nuts and seeds.

Step 5 – Grains can be highly glycemic – even whole grains. The high carbs will keep our pancreas secreting insulin in order to bring blood sugar levels down. When the pancreas has to work all the time the body is constantly in fat storage mode. • Choose low-glycemic grains such as spelt, buckwheat, quinoa and wild rice. Follow these 5 simple steps and see how good you feel. Notice how your energy increases. Notice how your weight decreases naturally. Notice how you feel satisfied and nourished. Let us help you feed your body better. We offer all of these foods mentioned above at Real Foods Market. Improve the way you look and feel with REAL foods.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 27

Restaurant Journeys

Fish Rock Grille


By Alesha Sevy Always eager to carve out some quality time together, my husband and I were really looking forward to spending an evening enjoying a dinner date at the Fish Rock Grille. Nestled in the hills just five miles up Highway 18, the Fish Rock Grille sits along The Ledges Golf Course just outside of Snow Canyon State Park. The spectacular views from the large glass doors and windows added an element of grandeur, especially on this particular evening after the fresh snow. “The Fish Rock Grille is named after the rock formation you see from the golf course,” explained Connie Goddard, the Grille’s Food and Beverage Director. “We’ve been open for lunches and events for years, but we are excited to now be serving dinners Wednesday through Saturday – we’ve had a great response.” It’s easy to see why – with the full, beautiful dining room on one end and a swanky lounge on the other, the atmosphere is perfect for both fine dining and socializing. The restaurant is also known for putting on fabulous events, like the New Year’s Eve Decades celebration and the upcoming Valentine’s Day dinner. “Our Valentine’s dinner has always had a really great turnout because it feels like a getaway, complete with live music and a romantic ambiance.” If you’re looking for a truly special way to spend your Valentine’s Day dinner, this event is by reservation only so you may want to call right away! Once we were ready to begin our meal, our server guided me to the gluten free menu items, where I was immediately drawn to the fresh

flavors described in the Mesquite Grilled Salmon. My husband opted for a more earthy comfort food on this crisp evening, ordering the Mushroom Ravioli and a cup of Tomato Basil soup. It’s been said that we eat with our eyes first, so the presentation of our food definitely drew us in. My perfectly seasoned, grilled salmon fillet arrived on a fresh bed of spinach loaded with buffalo mozzarella, tomatoes and basil. The salmon was tender and flakey inside, grilled and seasoned on the outside. I found this hearty salad to be substantial and flavorful, with the basil bringing all of the flavors together. My husband’s mushroom ravioli, smothered with a rich cream sauce and grilled chicken, arrived with a beautiful balsamic drizzle that added depth of flavor and color. He described the flavor combination of sun-dried tomatoes, cheese, seasoned chicken, and mushrooms as, “Rich, smooth, hearty and not overpowering. The best ravioli I have ever had.” He finished his meal with a decadent slice of chocolate mousse cake, which he described as “an explosion of smooth, rich chocolate on chocolate heaven.” You really can’t beat that! After our meal, we were feeling pretty happy about finding a new place to spend our date nights. We decided to make it last by opting to drive down through Snow Canyon since the top entrance is just moments from the Fish Rock Grille. It was the perfect ending to our romantic evening out.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 29

Building of a Local-vore A Conversation with

Executive Chef Greg Reith By St. George Health & Wellness Staff SGHW: Chef Greg, it is resolution frenzy season. What are your thoughts on people trying to be healthier in the new year? Chef G: In my experience, resolutions end up as an elaborate game we play with ourselves and rarely end up producing long term results. If you want true metamorphic change you need a REVOLUTION. Traditional resolutions will yield traditional results, so let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m opposed to the self-deprecating connotations of resolving guilt within yourself rather than creating a positive change in your lifestyle driven by opportunities found within your community. If you really want healthy change for your life it’s about making step-by-step efforts to increase your education and make changes that become permanently ingrained in your lifestyle. But either way, if you are a resolution-ary or a revolution-ary, I am here to offer support. SGHW: If we want to join this revolution, how do we start? Chef G: Sorry to answer a question with a question, however, if you could avoid mis-information, would you? Will you? Trusted sources are that. . .trusted. Know your farmers. Know your food. Know your market-place managers and the sources from which they fill your market-place. Ask more questions about the food you are eating and


Chef Greg Reith is the executive Chef to St. George Health & Wellness Magazine. He has a passion for healthy lifestyle choices, great food, the LA Dodgers, comic books, and golf.

where it comes from. Become a “localvore.” is our company’s vehicle to deliver a host of trusted sources to this community. We are eagerly anticipating your questions and curiosity. SGHW: Finally, we hear the Market Cafe has moved. Why the location change? Chef G: Actually, we just took a southwester-ly turn from our original location and are excited to be neighbors with Mark and Melinda and Baskin Robins. To be specific, we are on the corner of Bluff Street and St. George Boulevard (490 West St. George Blvd., Suite 2). We are excited to expand our hours to 10:00 am-8:00 pm. We sincerely appreciate the support from our family, friends and loyal customers through the transition. Count on the same great experiences and atmosphere you have come to know the Cafe for, and try our new concepts and services, including, carry-out signature salad dressings and sandwich spreads, original baked goods, and Chef Greg’s “Fast Food.” Wait, did I mention we will be delivering groceries for free? That’s right. Come in to find out more.

(A St. George Health and Wellness Exclusive!)

quart tely 1 a m i x o appr Makes ients Ingred le Shallot wine ooking 1 who c e n r p Saute 1/2 cu s t c clove nd zes 4 garli juice a , n o m er le live oil 1 Mey irgin o v a tr x e gar 3 cups rry vine e ice h s p berry ju n a sil and 1/4 cu r c anic esh ba g fr r o t, in p u m 1/4 c of fresh e total c n u o 1/2 rragon fresh ta lt Real Sa m 1/2 tsp erry ja strawb ic n a g r to taste 3To pepper d e k c ra Fresh c

Winter Rose Vinaigrette Instructions: Rinse, trim and chop the fresh herbs and set aside. Finely mince the shallot and garlic and place in a large mixing bowl. Whisk until a heavy (thick) emulsification is accomplished. Add the fresh chopped herbs just before serving.

The Market CafĂŠ is located inside the Kitchen Corner, 188 Bluff Street, St. George, UT 84770. Chef Greg can be reached at (435) 862-4765.


490 W. St.George Blvd #2

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 31

Good Thing Too Much of a

By Emily Updegraff

“You can’t have too much of a good thing.” Especially after the holidays, this aphorism seems untrue, or at least in need of qualification. Each January it’s pretty common to feel burdened by all we’ve partaken of over the holidays, hence the New Year’s resolutions to eat better, spend less, and exercise more. Resolutions are good things, but in the same way Newton’s Third Law of Motion continued on page 34





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continued from page 32 says there’s an equal and opposite reaction to every force a body receives, it seems that for each New Year’s resolution there’s often an equal and opposite failure in will power. We get used to having leftover pie around the house, and when New Year’s Day rolls around and the leftovers are gone, we may feel a bit deprived, then dig into the chips and dip more than we might otherwise do. It’s as if by not eating the piece of pie we feel we’ve earned a “credit” toward overindulging in something else. Research shows that our tendency to lose our resolve is heightened when we’re depriving ourselves of other things we want. I don’t think there is a magic trick for overcoming this – it’s human nature to set a goal, fall short, and try again. But there are ways to perceive change as a positive thing, rather than a deprivation. If eating better is one of your New Year’s resolutions, my suggestion is to add things to your diet, rather than focusing on taking things away. Having a pantry stocked with treats would undermine anyone’s healthy eating goals, so removing temptation is part of the equation. But while you’re choosing not to replace the Christmas candy with more candy, you have an opportunity to add things that will satisfy you as well as help you meet your goals. When trying to increase fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your meals and snacks, try thinking of how


you are adding variety, rather than abstaining from “bad” foods. A simple, achievable goal is to add one vegetable or grain dish to your evening meal. You might try adding “5 vegetables I didn’t eat last week” to your shopping list, choosing vegetables that catch your eye at the grocery store, and then looking up simple ways to cook them later at home. Try the same thing with grains and beans. If you have kids who are picky eaters, allowing them to choose new foods and help prepare them often piques their interest in trying them at the table. With snacks, portion control can be the most challenging part of eating right (this is a place where you have to be careful about adding). Try pairing each snack you eat with a full glass of water. You’ll feel fuller and give your body the cleansing hydration it needs. It also helps to put your snack on a plate – just as you would a meal – rather than eating out of the box. You’ll be surprised at how full the plate looks, and less inclined to grab another handful. Finally, try making your snacks more than just one thing, for example crackers and apple slices, rather than a double portion of crackers. When it comes to food, adding a variety of healthy items will short-circuit that pull toward indulgence we feel when we focus on cutting things out of our diets.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 35

The Terrifying Truth About Osteoporosis is a condition that affects over 28 million Americans. It weakens bones, which significantly increases the risk of sustaining a major fracture. In fact, there are over 2 million preventable fractures and broken bones in the United States each year. Every year in the United States, over 300,000 people will break their hip as a result of osteoporosis. In our community, approximately one person per day sustains a hip fracture. These are devastating injuries that require major surgery, three to five days in the hospital, up to six weeks in a rehab center, months with a walker, and extensive physical therapy. On a more serious note, statistics show that up to 33% of patients will die within one year following a hip fracture. If there are any preexisting medical problems, the mortality rates from a hip fracture are even higher. In fact, more elderly people die of complications following a hip fracture than from heart disease or cancer. Other osteoporosis related fractures such as spine fractures can cause severe pain and deformity, and even as something as simple as a wrist fracture may require six weeks in a cast, possible surgery, and many months of rehabilitation. There is usually a lifelong stiffness and possibly weakness after healing. Screening those at risk and treating those with the diagnosis is paramount in preventing the devastating consequences of osteoporosis related fractures. Diagnosis is made with a DEXA scan. This is a simple x-ray like procedure that takes approximately five minutes. All people at risk should have this done on a regular basis. Treatment usually begins with prevention. Regular exercise, such as thirty minutes a day of walking, eating a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco, excessive alcohol, and excessive caffeine, and treating related medical conditions will decrease the risks. Appropriate calcium and Vitamin D intake are important. The average person needs approximately 1200 mg of calcium and 800 international units of Vitamin D a day. You can get this in many foods, as well as calcium citrate tablets. Identifying and eliminating things that cause falls is also important. Simple things such as throw rugs, small pets, awkward steps, or slippery floors can be corrected. Balance training and assistive devices such as a cane or walker will help those at high risk for falls. The main stay of treatment for osteoporosis is to have an appropriate

workup to identify any underlying causes, as well as determine the medical safety of taking bisphosphonate medications such as Boniva, Actonel, Fosamax, Reclast, etc. This alone will reduce your risk of fracture by 50% after one year of use. Any patient receiving bisphosphonate therapy needs regular follow-up. This includes a blood test twice a year and a DEXA scan every one to two years in order to monitor progress. The current recommendations by the Osteoporosis Society and the World Health Organization indicate that the benefits of treating osteoporosis far outweigh the risks. These risks and benefits should be discussed with your physician.

There are over 2 million preventable fractures and broken bones in the United States each year.


Osteoporosis FACT: •O steoporosis causes two million PREVENTABLE fractures per year in the United States. •C omplications following hip fractures carry up to a 30% mortality rate within the first year of fracture. •M ore elderly people die from complications following hip fractures than cancer or heart disease.

People at risk: • 70% of post-menopausal females • 30% of men over the age of seventy • Anyone taking long-term steroids, anti-seizure, and anti-reflux meds • Those who smoke, use alcohol, or excessive caffeine • Anyone with diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, anemia, malnutrition, or cancer

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 37

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 39

The Health Benefits of


“Hydrotherapy is the use of water to revitalize, maintain and restore health. Hydrotherapy, which has been used for centuries, today treats muscle pain, joint injuries and arthritis. In addition, hydrotherapy relieves stress and helps you achieve a sense of well-being.” – Artesian Spas


By Jackie & Mark Denton As hot tub and swimming pool experts, we are often asked about the benefits of owning a hot tub. “What can it do for me?” “Will it really make a difference in how I feel?” “Is it more work than it’s worth?” And our answers are always the same: Hot tubs are beneficial for everyone (except for those who are restricted from using them due to medical issues) and they are much easier to care for than most people think. The mental, physical, and emotional benefits far outweigh the minimal amount of time and resources required to maintain them. You may find yourself asking, what IS hydrotherapy, anyway? Hydrotherapy is an age-old form of healing and stress relief based on three simple principles: heat, buoyancy, and water movement, or hydro-massage. Heat dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow to sore or damaged tissue. Buoyancy reduces body weight by 90%, which relieves pressure on joints and muscles, and massage relaxes muscles and relieves pressure on nerves. Nerves carry what is felt by the skin deeper into the body, stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, improving circulation and digestion, encouraging the flow of blood and lessening the body’s sensitivity to pain. Hydrotherapy boasts many benefits - including, but not limited to: • Relieving stress and stress-related conditions • Reducing the pain of sports injuries, overexertion and arthritis • Overcoming sleep disorders • Increasing circulation • Flushing toxins • Carrying blood to internal organs To elaborate, hydrotherapy reduces the pain and inflammation of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions, increases the elimination of waste, thus assisting in detoxification, loosens tense and tight muscles which encourages relaxation, increases metabolism and digestion rates, hydrates the cells which improves skin and muscle tone, boosts the immune system, and improves the function of internal organs by stimulating their blood supply. The use of warm water therapy is touted by the Arthritis Foundation through their Aquatic Exercise program. Studies of individuals who have attended these classes report that they have “less pain, improved joint function, increased muscle strength and a better perceived quality of life and well-being.” Hydrotherapy also aids in the injury rehabilitation process. Being immersed in warm or hot water raises the body temperature, increasing blood flow around the circulatory system and so alleviating pain. The improved circulation will in turn help to heal injured tissues and rehabilitate damaged muscles or joints. Soaking in a hot tub or spa with the specific goal of reducing stress is a growing trend as our lives become increasingly chaotic. There is stress at every turn from our work, families and society in general. The link between stress and illness is alarming and anyone concerned with their health should take notice. Soaking in a hot tub right before bedtime raises your body

temperature and it is the cooling down of your core temperature that induces sleep. Unlike the use of medications and prescription sleep aids, the circulation and warmth of a hot tub encourages the body to unwind and relax on its own, leading to more restful sleep. Being relaxed improves your chances of falling asleep more easily and staying asleep. About the Author As we begin a new year, we carry over Jackie and Mark Denton are the negative effects of the end-of-theowners of Absolute Comfort Spa & Pool in St George with fifty year madness - stress, poor food choices, years of combined experience in disrupted sleep patterns, and so on. the hot tub and swimming pool For those of us who have experienced industry. Their mission is to help the overall calming effect of a hot tub, health-conscious individuals and families feel better, sleep we have learned first-hand just how better, and look better. Health, to soak our cares away and wash away wellness, and customer service our aches and pains. Consider making are their number one priority. hydrotherapy part of your routine. It will improve your overall quality of life, just as it does for millions of people around the world every day.

all natural Health & Wellness Products to Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great!

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 41

Upper Cervical Chiropractic:

Keeping the Mind/Body Connection Clear By Kyle Durieux, DC Whether you call it God, gods, nature or evolution, we were created; our very nature and being was carefully crafted to endure and accelerate beyond our natural environment. Life does take its inevitable toll. From birth to death we are bumped, bruised, knocked, hit, stressed, traumatized, all the above, some of the above, and probably more. Despite the honorable desires to climb to the highest mountain, attain twelve gold medals, or conquer the next television season or video game regime, we are tough on our bodies. Health itself is a lifetime investment. Prevention has always been and still is the best way to ensure the best health in the future. It is like a savings account, you put money away for later, to prevent


poorness. The same can be said about health, you invest now to prevent disease and sickness that may come later. Upper cervical chiropractic is a perfect vehicle to not only get you feeling better but to help prevent disease and sickness amongst your families. Upper cervical chiropractic is a specialized chiropractic field that focuses on the top two neck bones in the spine, located just under the base of the skull where the brainstem extends down into the spine. The Blair technique is the one that I chose to specialize with. We are a rare breed of upper cervical chiropractors; not many know that chiropractors have specialized in this way. The primary responsibility of

this type of chiropractor is to specifically analyze the connection between the brain and its spinal cord. The brain controls every cell, tissue, organ and function in the body. So if there is a joint that is not functioning correctly at the top two neck bones or if these bones are locked out of their normal ranges of motion you could be putting undo pressure on the brain stem. About the Author Dr. Kyle Durieux has such a Dr. Chang Ha Sug, PhD and expert passion for the healing arts, in the field of spinal biomechanics stated, which is why he became an “The weight of a dime on a nerve will Upper Cervical Chiropractor. reduce nerve transmission by as much as He studied and specialized at Palmer College of Chiropractic sixty percent.” in Davenport, Iowa, Any amount of pressure on the graduating Cum Laude with brainstem decreases the function of Research Honors. His office is Simply Health Chiropractic, sending signals to the rest of the body. 1091 N Bluff Street, on the Chiropractors call this condition of a corner of Sunset and Bluff. bone putting pressure on the spine or Their office offers a FREE CONSULTATION and FREE brainstem a subluxation. SPINAL SCREENING for all By removing this interference placed new clients. on the brainstem by the top two neck bones, your brain can function with higher efficiency. Our method is a specifically tailored chiropractic correction. The Blair technique that we use allows us to make this correction without having to rotate the neck in our hands and/or make popping or cracking sounds in the spine during the adjustment. We soundly and passionately believe that all of us have the capacity to grow, develop and reach beyond the mediocre status quo. We know that subluxation causes alteration of the nerve function and interference of the nerve communication between the brain and spinal column. Subluxation results in a lessening of the body’s innate ability to heal and therefore decreases the body’s ability to express its maximum health potential. We always have a free consultation and free spinal screening that we use to decipher what type of care you need (even if it is not our office). We want you and your family to have the best care you can find!

The spinal cord and nervous system carry every message form the brain to the body and from the body to the brain. If these messages are interfered with: • You would not be fully able to hear, see, feel, speak or smell • Your heart could not beat properly • Your lungs could not breathe fully • Your body could not heal well • Your immune system could not function as it should • You could not fully express LIFE as you should St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 43

Alan Hillstead, MD Cedar City

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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 45

Waterworks 101

Introduction to Female Urinary Incontinence by Gregory Taylor MD Urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine) is extremely common. More than half of women will suffer from this at some point in their life. It can be caused by different problems, or even a combination of problems. This article will introduce you to the major causes of female incontinence and how they can be treated. What are common causes for female incontinence? Most female incontinence occurs after a very large object passes through the birth

canal – a baby. Childbirth often stretches the tissue around the urethra, so that it no longer supports the urethra effectively. Lack of estrogen after menopause also reduces urethral performance. As a result, urine leaks when there is increased pressure in the abdomen. Leaking may occur while coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, or even while rising from a bed or chair. This type of incontinence is called stress incontinence. Another type of incontinence is called urge incontinence. You can think of this as “gotta go, gotta go!� This can be triggered by

Dr. Greg Taylor


overactive bladder muscles or by overactive bladder nerves. An intense urge to void can be triggered by arriving home, hearing running water, or by feeling water run over hands or feet. Sometimes urge incontinence occurs because an individual ignores the first or second urge, or simply cannot walk quickly enough to get to the bathroom. How is incontinence treated? There are several treatment options for incontinence. The treatments are particular to the type of incontinence. Urge incontinence

can be treated many different ways. Some of our favorite foods and drinks cause overactive bladder: caffeine, carbonation, artificial sweeteners, citrus juices, and spicy foods. Voiding on a timed schedule rather than waiting for the urge reduces incontinence. Kegel exercises are one of the mainstays of treatment for both urge and stress incontinence. Next, “over-active bladder” medications can also treat urge incontinence effectively. Finally, direct treatment of overactive bladder muscle or nerves reduces leak-causing urges. Treatment for stress incontinence includes Kegel exercises, weight loss (if overweight), and treating chronic cough (if present). Reducing fluid intake, voiding on a timed schedule, and quitting smoking may also help. Certain devices have been developed to help, but these need to be used properly. A specialized molded plastic device can be placed in the vagina that can assist with incontinence. Also, a urethral insert can be placed to prevent leakage.

Modern surgical options for stress incontinence include urethral slings and urethral bulking injections. During the injection procedure, the surgeon injects a substance just outside of the urethral wall to bulk up the sphincter About the Author Dr. Gregory Taylor is a boardregion. This allows the certified urologist who joined walls of the urethra to come St. George Urology in 2006. He together better to reduce completed residency at Oregon incontinence. The most Health and Science University (2006), medical school at common surgical repair of University of Utah (2000) and stress urinary incontinence undergraduate studies at BYU is the urethral sling. This (1996). He enjoys Southern Utah’s outdoors with his family procedure provides support and dog, Fergus. to the urethra like an arm sling supports an arm. The sling material literally wraps under the urethra, recreating the absent surrounding tissue support. There are a variety of materials that are used as slings. Human tissue (from the patient’s own body or cadaveric) or animal tissue can be used. Synthetic (man-made) polypropylene mesh is the most common type of sling used in the United States. Given the frequent advertisement of legal services for patients suffering from complications of vaginal mesh, you might be asking “Why do most surgeons use mesh urethral slings?” The answer is that these urethral slings provide excellent results with few complications. Studies show that these urethral slings have similar to superior results compared to other surgical techniques, without a significant increase in complication rate. Finally, the surgical techniques of synthetic mesh slings are generally less invasive than those involving non-mesh slings. What does all this mean? If you experience urinary incontinence you are not alone. In fact, you are part of the majority. The most common forms of incontinence are related to urgency (gotta go!) and stress (leaking with laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising). Treatment options include lifestyle modification, dietary change, bladder retraining, pelvic floor exercises, bladder nerve treatments, medication, vaginal or urethral devices, urethral injection, or urethral slings. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment leads to more dryness. And that is something we can all be happy about!

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 47


We’ll save you a seat. For better care and convenience, we offer a call-ahead program at our InstaCare clinics. Prior to your visit, call ahead to receive an arrival time that better fits your schedule. Once you arrive, just check in with us and expect a short waiting period to see a physician.

Call ahead at (435) 688-6388

River Road InstaCare: 577 South River Road, St. George • Sunset InstaCare: 1739 West Sunset Blvd, St. George Hurricane Valley InstaCare: 75 North 2260 West, Hurricane

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 49

Case Study: Neuropathy by Dr. Ward W. Wagner

As we have shown in previous issues, the Calmare MC-5A device is very effective in getting rid of peripheral neuropathy symptoms. This time, I wanted to give you an example of what types of cases we see at Pain Relief Centers of Utah.


Case History: Ms. Christine T. is a fifteen-year-old female who presented to my office, with her mother, in late September for evaluation and treatment of constant unrelenting neck and arm pain lasting over a year. Her pain radiated from the left side of her neck down into her left forearm and was complicated by an involuntary rhythmic spasm or “twitch.” This twitch would cause her entire arm to suddenly and shortly flex every 1.5 seconds. We ordered a cervical spine MRI to rule out any pinched nerves in the neck, because certain head positions seemed make the problem worse, and I didn’t want to start treating her nerves with Calmare if the pain actually originated in the spine. Well, the MRI was negative. I was fairly confident that we were going to be able to help with the neck and arm pain, because at this point, it seemed to be a true neurogenic (nerve origin) problem, but I also let her know that I was unsure as to whether or not it would help the spasms or “twitch.” As almost an afterthought, I simply indicated that this Calmare therapy wouldn’t hurt or make the problem worse. She and her mom decided she would try it. After all, there was nothing to lose. We took Christine into the Calmare therapy room and used some sticky electrodes to run some soothing, low-voltage current through her arm. After only a few minutes into her first treatment, she could no longer feel any pain in her neck and arm, and not only that, the “twitching” had completely stopped! She and her mother were amazed at the drastic improvement. We continued treating for eight treatments,

each lasting about forty-five minutes, and each treatment gave longer and longer symptom relief. At the end of this eight visit program, she was no longer having any pain or spastic twitches. She was so happy! During school and when hanging around her peers, she was always trying to hide her arm and was concerned about what others would think if they saw it twitching. It was affecting her self-esteem. Now, she has a whole new demeanor and positive outlook. We receive numerous referrals from local and national doctors for patients who do not respond to the ‘status quo.’ These people have tried everything to get rid of their agonizing pain but nothing has helped. If this describes your situation, we may be able to help. Take an hour out of your day and come see for yourself. I suggest you visit our website at: to learn more and find answers to many of your questions. Give us a call when you are ready to get rid of your pain, without drugs or surgery.

Pain Relief Centers of Utah Dr. Ward W. Wagner, DC Dr. Robert W. Chalmers, MD 10 North 400 East St. George, UT 435-673-1443

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 51


St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 53

2013 Year in Review

Recognitions & Awards Lifetime Achievement Award Dr. Rogers of Southern Utah Women’s Health “Dr. Rogers is one of the humble few. His service to St. George as an OBGYN has influenced countless families including mine. We love you Dr. Rogers and honor you this year with the Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Inspirational Physician of the Year Dr. Coleen Andruss of Healthy Lifestyles “Dr. Coleen Andruss of Healthy Lifestyles has probably helped more people not only lose weight but change their lives than anybody in the area!” Clinic of the Year St. George Clinic “St. George Clinic continues to innovate and improve the community through their service and dedication to excellence. We are excited to see their continued influence on St. George.” Article of the Year “Africa: An Eye Opening Experience” Featuring Dr. Hendrix and Dr. Slade of the St. George Eye Center. “The service that Dr. Slade and Dr. Snow have provided in Africa is a beautiful story.” Writer of the Year Emily Fonnesbeck, RD “Emily provides simple nutrition solutions in an enjoyable manner – she is a joy to read!” 54

New Physician of the Year Dr. Foulk of the Utah Fertility Center “I have been very impressed with the results of Dr. Foulk – 100% success so far! Infertility can be so frustrating and stressful for couples. What a breath of fresh air to have Dr. Foulk in this area – we are very blessed!” New Health and Wellness Business of the Year eSpokes “eSpokes provides a fun and innovative way to ride, and takes bicycles to the next level.” Top Article Series Cherry Creek Mortgage And their series on reverse mortgages and financial wellness. “We get so many great comments on Brandon’s knowledge of options for home buyers and getting away from financial stress.” Restaurant Experience of the Year The Painted Pony “Painted Pony embodies the culture and uniqueness of St. George through their food and dining experience.”

Top Fitness Facility Summit Athletic Club “Summit Athletic Club is a lifestyle – they are more than a gym. They are reinventing how fitness can be achieved.” St. George H&W Excellence Award Southwest Spine & Pain Center “Southwest Spine & Pain Center’s beautiful design is a shadow of the excellence and quality of the service they provide this community.” Fitness Award Tiffany Gust “Tiffany is the ultimate fitness example. She not only talks the talk, she walks the walk. We are grateful for the inspiration you provide us all!” Service Award Stephen Wade Auto “Stephen Wade and their foundation do not share all that they do for this community; they are not looking for recognition, but we sure do appreciate all the lives they have touched this year.” Nutrition Award Dixie Nutrition “A three generation local company, Dixie Nutrition has been at the heart of healthy options for St. George for over 40 years. They have helped establish St. George as a health and wellness destination before anybody.”

Family Award Tammy Bingham of Brain Balance “Brain Balance of St. George continues to help and inspire families to achieve their dreams.” Culture Award Lani Puriri of Dixie State University & DocUtah “Lani works way too hard to bring to Southern Utah some great artists of film and other genres- she is helping place St. George on the map for the arts nationwide.” Healthiest Physician Dr. Shawn Davis of the Oral & Facial Institute “Dr. Shawn Davis is not only an excellent provider, he is probably the most fit physician in Southern Utah! We appreciate your example!” Friendliest Physician Dr. David Stevens of Riverside Dental “Has anyone ever seen Dr. Stevens without a smile? Dr. Stevens’ excellent care comes with an bonus – he is a great person! Thank you Dr. Stevens for helping with those smiles in more ways than one!”

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 55

Type 2 Diabetes by Dr. Michael Codiga An estimated 26 million Americans have diabetes. An additional one-in-three adults have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. This condition, called pre-diabetes, puts individuals at increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. (Centers for Disease Control National Diabetes Fact Sheet 2011, Diabetes Report Card.) The annual number of newly diagnosed cases of diabetes almost tripled between 1990 and 2010. If current trends continue, the Centers for Disease Control estimate that one-third of all U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050. You or someone you love is likely affected by diabetes and you 56

may not even know it. Most people with diabetes and pre-diabetes are unaware that they have the disease. The good news is that with some hard work, it is absolutely possible to prevent, and even recover from most cases of type 2 diabetes and related health issues. Just losing ten to fifteen pounds can dramatically decrease blood sugars and associated complications. It is possible to reduce medications and sometimes even stop medication altogether. Here are three simple New Year’s resolutions that can help: Create a nutrition plan. Take into account your schedule and eating habits. Focus on a low carbohydrate and glycemic index diet, and be sure to embrace a wide variety of foods including vegetables, whole

grains, nonfat dairy, fruit, and lean protein. With careful planning and portion control, you should be able to include your favorite foods as well. Start exercising. If you haven’t been exercising regularly in the past, consult with your physician before starting your new plan. Exercising doesn’t have to be a chore. Find activities you enjoy – walking, swimming, golfing, yoga – and mix it up. By choosing different kinds of activities you can eliminate the two exercise killers: overuse injuries and boredom. Try to work up to an hour daily. See your doctor. If you have a family history of diabetes or any of the risk factors, have your doctor check your A1C level (the vital sign of diabetes) regularly. Your physician can also help you with other diabetes lifestyle factors, including smoking. In our clinic we have diabetic educators and health advocates who help our patients

manage their diabetes. Our educators monitor each patient by checking in with them frequently to track their progress and ensure they are responding properly to their medication and lifestyle changes. Diabetes is very hard on the body. It can contribute to eye complications, kidney complications, neurologic disease, foot disease, and more. Diabetes can also affect the immune system, causing a decreased ability to fight infections. Adults with diabetes can develop heart disease prematurely; a 50-year-old can appear as a 65-year-old if you compare the condition of their hearts. With teamwork and dedication, diabetes can be a preventable and treatable disease. Yes, we have a lot of great new medications and insulin preparations, but diet and exercise are the best initial treatment with the greatest long-term outcomes.

About the Author Dr. Michael Codiga is an internal medicine physician at the Intermountain River Road Clinic. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Brigham Young University and medical degree from St. George’s University School of Medicine. He completed his residency at the University of California at Davis affiliated program at San Joaquin General Hospital, where he served as Chief Resident. Dr. Codiga focuses on preventive care, cancer awareness and prevention, and wellness. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Codiga please call 435-688-6200.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 57

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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 59

Making Sense of the Stock Market Rise


By Brandon Hansen How long is the stock market going to continue to rise? If someone knows the answer, will you let me know? With the Federal Reserve keeping tabs on how fast our economy is growing (or let’s say not growing) the stock market or equities market has been the beneficiary of the environment. The old saying, “When interest rates are low, stocks will go – and when interest rates are high, stocks will die” has been true for the past few years. In my opinion, the number one single factor to a stronger economy is the housing market. Unemployment is still high with incomes still fairly low. We are up against the toughest lending standards in mortgage

lending history, and this does not help the housing market no matter what the government does with interest rates. Most analysts predict that we will have a counter to the market and its run, meaning that they expect a falloff in the equities market of ten to twenty percent; perhaps even greater. So, it’s a good thing if you’re young and the market drops, because you can continue to buy into the stock market when it is not so high. Dollar cost averaging where you input funds on a monthly or quarterly basis for the long term is still the best strategy for that younger age group. If you’re investing for a twenty-year horizon, a balanced equities portfolio with other investments still gives you the best chance of building a retirement savings that allows you to live the lifestyle you want during your retirement age. You may be wondering what you can do as a retiree with investments when you’re not putting away savings anymore and living off of funds at that stage of life. First, if you think

you will need your funds in the next five years, I am not a fan of being in the market at these high levels. Like many, it may be the perfect time to take the profits and position out of market exposure. If we need our funds to draw down on in the next five years, I simply don’t think we can have exposure to market risk. But with interest rates so low on savings, CD’s, and bonds it’s tough to earn an interest that can keep our investments stable while keeping up with inflation and other risks. Here is the key: Talk to your financial advisor about options that earn better interest rate returns, while maintaining the principal without market risk. If you are retired, you may be wondering if you can afford to have funds exposed, and if you have the time to make up the losses in the market or if you will need to continue to draw down on the investments for income. Most of our senior client’s will simply say it is not the return on their money but the return of their money that is most important.

Remember, if the market drops fifty percent, for example, and your fund value drops from $100 to $50 and then the next year you gain fifty percent, you’re still not back to square one. You’re only back to $75 and the average return over the two years is zero. You are still down when it comes to the real return on your money over the next two years. It’s very confusing when you look at average returns. Talk to your financial advisor or contact our office to discuss your options in an environment that has allowed us some nice gains over the last few years, but may also have a correction in our stock markets coming. We may not have the years to make up any significant losses. Brandon Hansen is Senior Mortgage Banker and Registered Investment Advisor Representative for Cherry Creek Mortgage/Investment Advisors International and can be contacted at 435668-2840/435-674-9200, or visit the website at

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 61

Leaders are Brave in

14 Ways


By Jeff Sherman Do you consider yourself to be brave? Rather than being devoid of fear, bravery is actually an act of courage. One who recognizes fear, perhaps even experiences fear, who then faces that fear courageously is most accurately associated with bravery. I admire brave leaders. In troubled times they courageously choose to lead. Most often brave leaders arise victorious because of their ability to take action as opposed to being stifled by fear. I have discovered fourteen common traits among brave leaders: You Might be a Brave Leader if you... • Listen • Inspire greatness • Reward loyalty earnestly • Maintain acquaintance with optimism • Accept accountability for your mistakes • Provide recognition rather than seek it

• View feedback as informational rather than confrontational • Establish one’s integrity as the antecedent to fulfillment • Earnestly motivate your team members to accomplish noteworthy tasks • Promote from within creating a culture of spontaneity and accomplishment • Foster creativity in the workplace by rewarding those who attempt creativity • Stimulate in others the belief that they too can accomplish the extraordinary • Believe that character can be learned and mastered through small and simple means • Conquer self; not to the point of perfection, rather to the point of compassion Brave Leaders are Cultivated Brave leadership has very little to do with status, position, title, or income. It is larger than any of those. Brave leaders are cultivated. They are found all around. They are not obscure, just unrecognized. You may find them in odd or mundane places. Brave leaders are not hiding, just getting things done. Too often, leadership searches select individuals with high bottom-line numbers. Indeed leaders largely impact the bottom line, but they do so indirectly. Leaders

impact those who impact the bottom line. Therein is the difference. When provided true leadership, employees gain confidence in themselves and their fellow workers. They believe that they can accomplish the extraordinary, and typically they do. Promote Bravery from Within About the Author Establish competitive job oppor­ Believing that “Beyond tunities and promote from within mediocrity dreams are found,” Jeffrey T. Sherman, Principal your company. Leaders must clearly of ShermanSpeaks LLC is a see the way to advanced opportunity. public speaker and consultant Nothing stifles creativity like someone utilizing a relationshiptaking credit for something someone building blueprint to drive fledging companies and else did. Search for brave leaders who individuals to the next give recognition for a job well done to level: Defining 2.0™. those who actually got their hands dirty. Promote those leaders who get results through serving and building their team members. This ability has lasting impact and will sustain a thriving culture which is core to your success. Hold brave leaders accountable for people results and the number results will follow.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 63

How to Prepare for Stock Market Swings By Dustin Schofield, Vice President of The Schofield Group Investment Management Crises that buffet the financial markets have become commonplace in recent years: 2008’s banking crisis, the housing market implosion, credit woes at home and abroad, currency fluctuations, natural disasters. As a result, stock prices have been extremely volatile, sometimes rising or falling by ten percent or more in a matter of weeks — or even days. “The past couple of years have been challenging for investors, to say the least,” says Gary Thayer, chief macro strategist for the Advisory Services Group of Wells Fargo Advisors. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward way to meet the challenge of market volatility. The key is to create a mix of investments that can weather big swings in the stock market — while still providing the potential for gains over time. When Bad Things Happen to Good Investments While the recent frequency of market disruptions may seem unprecedented, investors can take a lesson from prior decades’ periods 64

of extreme stock market swings, including severe declines. In the mid-1970s, a deep economic recession and a national energy crisis contributed to steep drops for stocks, which fell more than twenty-six percent in 1974 alone.1 And the early 2000s’ collapse of the dot-com bubble led to a string of annual losses, with stocks dropping more than twenty-two percent during 2002.2 These periods clearly demonstrated the dangers of volatile markets, which can generate sudden and steep drops as well as prolonged slumps. “Investors,” Thayer notes, “learned not to take more risk than they were comfortable with.” Unfortunately,” he adds, “many investors had forgotten that lesson by 2008.” That year, some investors nearing retirement were caught with stock-heavy portfolios when the downturn hit. They saw their nest eggs shrink dramatically as the stock market plummeted, jeopardizing their retirement plans. Worse, some of those investors compounded their mistake

by moving money out of the declining stock market in hopes of minimizing their losses. By the time stocks finally bottomed out in March 2009, investors had withdrawn nearly twenty-five billion dollars from equity funds.3 As a result, they weren’t positioned to participate in the dramatic market rebound that began that month and led stocks to a gain of almost twenty-seven percent for the year.4 An All-Weather Solution Those mistakes offer an important reminder of how not to react to short-term market swings. Though double-digit drops in the S&P 500 can be scary, they shouldn’t trigger big changes in your investment strategy. “Radical changes based on emotion probably aren’t the best decisions in hindsight,” Thayer says. Instead, Thayer recommends building an all-weather portfolio: one designed to perform reasonably well in up markets without exposing you to risk beyond your tolerance when stocks hit a rough patch. Start by reviewing your asset allocation — how your portfolio is divided among different types of investments. A good asset allocation strategy establishes the right balance of stocks, bonds and cash holdings. “Investors need to recognize the trade-off between risk and return,” Thayer points out. “If you want to earn better than zero percent returns, you need to take some risk.” Of course, just how much risk you can tolerate will factor into your selection of investments. Based on your circumstances, your financial advisor can help you determine which investments suit your goals for capital preservation and long-term wealth building. There’s no way to predict when a market downturn will hit. That’s why it’s important to review and adjust your asset allocation strategy now — before the next big surprise comes along.

Management in St. George at 435-6743601 or

Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC. The Schofield Group Investment Management is a separate entity from WFAFN.

Dustin Schofield, Vice President of The Schofield Group Investment Management in St. George.

Ibbotson SBBI 2011 Yearbook. Ibid. 3 Investment Company Institute, http://www.ici. org/research/stats. 4 Ibbotson SBBI 2011 Yearbook 1 2

Investments in securities and insurance products are: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANKGUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE

This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Dustin Schofield, Vice President of The Schofield Group Investment St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 65

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Be a Better Communicator: 5 Tips for Positive Interactions By Brigit Atkin We all like to be heard and understood. We enjoy knowing that our opinions are valued and that our communications with others are effective and fulfilling. In starting the new year with self-improvement in mind, I’ve compiled a list of five suggestions from friends, colleagues, personal experience, as well as Forbes, Inc, that will help our interactions with others be rewarding and productive. 1. Listen. It’s ironic that one of the best ways to effectively communicate is to say nothing. To be a good listener: * Make eye contact, put distractions aside, and resist the tendency to think of a response while the other person is talking. Let them finish their complete thought. This can be hard to do, especially if the speaker is being critical of us. When we refrain from becoming defensive, we can then understand what is motivating them, and what their true issue is. Only then will we be able to verbalize a healthy and productive response. * Let your speaker feel valued and interesting – people love to talk about their own experiences. * When listening to a child, get down on their level in order to have eye contact, thereby giving what they say importance and value. 2. Clarify. My friend January Sadler is a nurse who works with six different doctors in a cancer clinic. There is no room in her profession for misunderstandings. She verbally repeats the details of the doctors’ orders so there is no chance of a patient getting the wrong medication or dosage. Thankfully, not all details of clear communication are this potentially dire, but we can avoid needless misunderstandings and frustrations simply by clarifying the information we’ve been given. Use phrases such as, “I hear you saying…” repeating back what they have said. This gives validation to the person, as well as allowing clarity and accuracy from the conversation. 3. Find your own voice. This is from Forbes. Use language that is distinctly your own. Of course you want to use correct grammar, especially when giving a presentation, but resist the temptation to fixate on eloquence – be YOU. People want real. People respect and follow real. Refrain from disguising who you are and people will recognize and honor you for it. 4. Be open, honest, and straightforward. Helpful advice from my good friend Nicole Graf, founder of Expect a Victory. No one appreciates hearing things through the grapevine. If you have a concern with a person, summon some courage and approach them directly. Sometimes our tendency is to “beat around the bush,” thinking that we are softening our message. Often times this results in confusion and frustration, as the listener has to try to interpret our mixed signals. Start this kind of conversation with a sincere compliment, telling the person what they are doing right – they will appreciate the praise and be more apt to listen to and resolve your complaint.

5. Keep your word! Don’t make promises you know you won’t or can’t keep. Nothing will cause you to lose credibility faster. Always follow through. Sometimes we genuinely intend to fulfill a commitment, but unforeseen events prevent us from keeping our word. A rule of thumb: it’s better to say nothing or delay your communication until you’re certain your actions will ring true.

About the Author Brigit Atkin – Brigit of Brightworks uses alternative healing methods to help improve the lives of others facing challenges and difficulties. She is certified in SimplyHealedTM method and was trained by founder Carolyn Cooper herself. For more information, visit

I’m sure there are other things you can add to this list according to your circumstances and distinct personality traits. This should give you a good start to the new year, as you asses your relationships and evaluate how you can improve your communications with those around you. Remember how nice it is to be heard, complimented, and understood – reflect that back to others and watch your interactions and relationships thrive!

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 67

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a photo essay

by Niki Warner

TURN YOUR WINTER Here in Southern Utah, we enjoy mild winters and big

therein that actually feed into your


open byskies. NikiNevertheless, Warner with shorter days and colder temperatures

sense of comfort, inspiration, or

keeping us indoors, many find themselves feeling stuck in the by Niki Warner

good health. If your spaces could

doldrums ofHere winter. These feelings range mild fromwinters mild gloominess in Southern Utah, can we enjoy and big

usetherein an extra boost to get youinto your that actually feed through winter months sense ofthat comfort, inspiration, or thereinthe actually feed consider into your

to open more skies. serious Seasonal Affective Disorder Additionally Nevertheless, with shorter days(S.A.D.). and colder temperatures Here in Southern Utah, we enjoy mild winters and big we

find ourselves in the middle cold/flu andcolder often in thin keeping us indoors, many of find themselves stucktemperatures in athe open skies. Nevertheless, with shorterseason daysfeeling and By Niki Warner state of recovery from many the mad whirl of holiday season. doldrums winter. These feelings canthe range fromstuck mildingloominess keeping usofindoors, find themselves feeling the It is easy to overlook the effects our living and work areas we to more Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Additionally doldrums winter. These feelings can range fromand mild gloominess Hereserious inofSouthern Utah, we enjoy mild winters big open skies. have on ourserious emotional Take a moment to think about find ourselves inwith the well-being. middle ofdays cold/flu season and often in a keeping thin we Nevertheless, shorter and colder temperatures to more Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Additionally where you spend your time indoors and what elements are contained us indoors, many find themselves feeling stuck in the doldrums state of recovery from the mad whirl of season the holiday season. find ourselves in the middle of cold/flu and often in a thin of winter. feelings can from mild gloominess towork moreareas serious It is easy to overlook effects our living and state of These recovery from therange madthe whirl of the holiday season. seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Additionally, we find ourselves in have on our well-being. a moment think about It isemotional easy to overlook the Take effects our livingtoand work areas the middle of cold/flu season and often in a thin state of recovery where your time indoorsTake and awhat elements are contained have onyou ourspend emotional well-being. moment to think about from the mad whirl of the holiday season. where spend your timethe indoors elements are contained It isyou easy to overlook effectsand ourwhat living and work areas have

thegood wisdom of ancient Mesopotamia health. If your spaces could sense of comfort, inspiration, or anduse Persia. Both cultures practiced anhealth. extra boost to spaces get youcould good If your

About the Author Niki Warner is the CEO and

co-founder of Botanicals, Inc. thethrough usean ofextra designing indoors the winter months consider boostgardens to get you onuse our emotional well-being. Take a She is a Master Gardener, 4th and outwisdom totoplease, pacify, and nourish the senses. It doesn’t havegrower, to be generation greenhouse the of ancient Mesopotamia moment think about where you spend through the winter months consider and self-described plant complicated, even the introduction of aare single plant will change your your indoors and what elements and Persia. Both cultures practiced thetime wisdom of ancient Mesopotamia geek. You can contact her at

contained therein actually feed into the of designing gardens indoors anduse Persia. Boththat cultures practiced your sense of comfort, inspiration, or and out of to designing please, pacify, and indoors nourish the senses. It doesn’t have to be the use gardens good health. If your spaces could use an extra boost to get you through complicated, even pacify, the introduction of the a single plant will change and out to please, and nourish senses. It doesn’t have your to be the winter months consider the wisdom of ancient Mesopotamia and complicated, even the introduction single plantgardens will change your Persia. Both cultures practiced the useofofa designing indoors

enjoyment of any room. Focus on finding those plants whose colors, textures, or fragrances speak to you and begin your interaction with the restorative benefits of horticultural therapy. Some of my indoor favorites that thrive in almost any space and colors, enjoyment of any room. Focus on finding those and out to please, pacify, and nourish the senses. It plants doesn’twhose have to be require littleorcare are: room. Orchids, Lilly Turf Lirope, Bromeliads, and colors, textures, fragrances speak to you and begin your interaction with enjoyment of any Focus on those plants whose complicated, even the introduction offinding a single plant will change your Peace Lilies. enjoyment of room. speak the restorative benefits of horticultural textures, or any fragrances to you andtherapy. begin your interaction with Research isspace replete on any finding those Some of my indoor favorites that thriveFocus in almost and the restorative benefits of horticultural therapy. plants whose colors, textures, with examples of how require are:favorites Orchids,that Lillythrive Turf Lirope, Bromeliads, and Some oflittle my care indoor in almost any space and or plants fragrances speak to our you positively affect Peace requireLilies. little care are: Orchids, Lilly Turf Lirope, Bromeliads, and andmood, begincognitive your interaction Research abilities, is replete Peace Lilies. with the restorative benefits of stress levels, and even with Research examples how of replete horticultural therapy.isofSome improve our immune plants positively our with examples ofaffect how my indoor favorites that thrive system response. So ward in almost anypositively space andaffect require mood, cognitive abilities, plants our

offcare those winter blues with little are: orchids, lilyturf, stress levels, and even mood, cognitive abilities, bromeliads, andour peace a little plant love …..lilies. improve immune stress levels, and even Research is replete with system So ward improveresponse. our immune examples of how plants off those winter with system response. So ward positively affect our blues mood, aoff little plant love ….. those winter blues with cognitive abilities, stress levels, a little plant love ….. and even improve our immune system response. So ward off those winter blues with a little plant For tips in caring for your indoor plants or for more information regarding love! in horticultural therapy and the benefits of caring for plants please research email me at:

For tips in caring for your indoor plants or more information regarding research in horticultural therapy and the benefits of caring for plants please For me tipsat: in caring for your indoor plants or for more information regarding email

research in horticultural therapy and the benefits of caring for plants please For tips in caring for your indoor plants or for more information regarding email me at: research in horticultural therapy and the benefits of caring for plants please email me at: St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 69

Weeding the Garden of Our Minds

Certified Hypnotherapy Training School is Coming to Town! By W. Dennis Parker and Kevin Smullin Have you ever asked, “How can anyone do such a thing to someone else, or to themselves?” Or, “Why do I keep doing what I do, even when I know I ought not to be doing it?” What if you had the knowledge and skills to assist others to: control unwanted emotions, be free of pornography, have enhanced learning abilities and test taking relaxation skills, enjoy increased self-esteem and self-confidence, enhance sports performance, be free of fears and phobias, stop smoking, loose unwanted weight, reduce pain levels, live a more enjoyable life, and change a myriad of other behaviors for the best? A key principle of positive behavioral modification we teach

in our coursework is how to overcome double-mindedness. James 1:8 says, “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” We propose the double-mindedness spoken of here is the incongruent predominant thought thinking errors that we have logged in our subconscious mind, that are in opposition to the goal-achieving desires that we have in our conscious mind. When we have incongruent thinking and opposite beliefs at our conscious and subconscious states of mind, it creates opposing forces, or “instability” within us. We want to move forward, achieve new goals, and be our best self, yet as we hold opposing incongruent thoughts and beliefs in the subconscious mind, we experience

Visit our website to watch our introductory ideos and learn the truth about hypnosis and hypnotherapy

www.certifiedhypnotherapy 70

About the Authors

inhibitions, hesitations, and procrastination. We are unstable in all our ways! There is an area between the two minds we call the “critical factor” which is the area of our belief systems. It is a filter to the subconscious mind. When we do conscious critical, analytical, logical thinking, and accept a thought as being right, and true for us, we allow it to pass through the critical factor into our subconscious functions of imaginations, memories, and emotions. Once the thought belief is in the subconscious it will generate a behavior. The extreme to which we demonstrate the behavior depends on how much amplification of our imagination we apply to the thought belief, and how much justifying, validating data we can come up with in our memories to prove to ourselves that we are right in our chosen belief. The amount of amplification and justification is the amount of emotional content we experience as our feelings, because we behave the way we feel. The “KEY” is that it requires hypnosis, trance, or pondering to penetrate the critical factor filter barrier and access the incongruent thinking errors being held in the subconscious. It requires skills and training in trance to know which hypnotic level is going to work best for the chosen hypnotherapy procedure, to challenge and change the newly found thinking errors. Once these thinking errors are challenged

appropriately and brought into alignment with conscious goal driven thinking, people are able to move forward in life, fulfilling their dreams and goals more rapidly than they ever imagined possible. We use the metaphor that what we are doing is weeding the garden of our mind. Let’s say we have a major thinking error; a big “weed” in our garden. In conscious or cognitive therapy, we may whack away at the leaves and branches above the ground, but without trance access to the subconscious root and the training to know how to actually pull it all the way out, when the weed is stimulated it simply grows back, as does the behavior. So a major key to behavioral modification hypnotherapy is overcoming double-mindedness! We start hypnotherapy courses at the Lexington Hotel and Conference on Bluff Street, January 13th 2014. Please visit our school website for details: http:// and watch our introductory videos: “The Truth About Hypnosis or Trance” and “The Truth About Hypnotherapy.” Call Dennis: (801) 628-0693 or Kevin: (801) 8354971 for questions about the school and courses or to schedule individual hypnotherapy sessions. We look forward to becoming acquainted with you! Join us at an Open House at Lexington Hotel & Conference Center January 4 from noon - 6pm to meet with Dennis and Kevin live.

Dennis is a noted certified clinical hypnotherapist, hypnotherapist instructor, school operator author, and public speaker. He will be the main instructor of the Clinical Hypnotherapy Behavioral Modification Courses that will be taught in at the Lexington Hotel and Conference Center starting January 13th, 2014. Kevin Smullin is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and a multitalented personal coach, marketing director and manager for the school. He specialized in weight loss and infertility problems using hypnosis and hypnotherapy to assist individual in personal goal achievement in these areas. He is also an instructor in the school and other Spiritual Mind Management group programs

St. St.George GeorgeHealth Health&&Wellness WellnessMagazine Magazine || January/February January/February2014 2014 71

The Gift of

Touch: Modern Massage Therapy

By Michael Forrest, LMT The role that therapeutic massage plays as a choice for your health and wellness goals has been changing greatly in the past few decades. We are overcoming the narrow classification of the spa “feel good” image and building a greater role in sports medicine, injury rehabilitation, alternative health, and posture and movement correction just to name a few. Research has shown that regular massages can have a positive effect on reducing blood pressure, building the immune system, reducing pain, and improving sleep patterns. As more people are taking charge of their wellness, massage is becoming a popular and beneficial choice. The most frequent question I get from new clients is, “How often should I get a massage?” The answer I give is different for each person, just as each massage is customized for each person’s needs. The rule of thumb is everyone would benefit from at least a monthly massage; however, individual 72

circumstances cause us to assess the need for frequency from this mid-line. One example that would cause the need for more frequent massages is overcoming chronic pain. Initially, to relieve chronic pain we would have to make changes in the actual structure of the tissue, along with coaching to improve or overcome bad habits that may be part of the source of pain. If the chronic pain is from an injury, we may have to work to break up scar tissue and increase range of motion. This often requires an aggressive approach and too much time between sessions allows the tissue to reset itself back into the negative pattern. This is not a long drawn out process; as we make headway we can gradually reduce the frequency. We always try to find the cause of the pain rather than just addressing the symptoms. When we are successful in tracking the source of the problem, results and relief happen quickly. Another reason for increased frequency of massage therapy would be to enhance

sports performance. When people are serious about their activities, they hit the practice field or the gym frequently. Massages before an event or game can increase metabolism which helps the athlete peak at the right time. It also reduces the likelihood of injury and shortens recovery time. Since ancient times, athletes have gotten “rub downs” as part of their training. Often, over the years, people would comment that they heard that Bob Hope received daily massages and that he attributed reaching the age of 100 to this. What many did not know (and you can google this) is that before Bob Hope became known on the stage and screen he was a boxer. He was famous for his ski nose profile which was likely the result of a left hook. His boxing was done under the name “Packy East.” Luckily for everyone he wasn’t very good at boxing and went on to excel in comedy and became an icon of the 20th century. As we age our metabolism slows down. Most of us don’t remain as physically active

About the Author Over the years Michael was a fan of massage & bodywork. He was introduced to Reflexology at age 14 and trained in Hawaiian LomiLomi massage in 1974. He went to Nevada School of Massage Therapy in 2005 to begin he professional career. He now has 6 therapists and a Reiki Master working with him to provide Southern Utah with the finest in therapeutic massage.

as we did in our youth. The lymphatic system, which is chief in keeping our immune defenses working properly, doesn’t have a heart to pump the flow of lymph fluid. Instead, the body relies on muscle action to force the lymph through, which collects the toxins that are naturally produced throughout our body and transfers them to the lymph nodes. These deposits can enter our blood stream to be removed or processed in the liver, kidneys, or lungs for elimination. Massage has been proven to help with the flow of the lymphatic fluid. One client of mine who has been receiving regular massages on a biweekly basis works in a preschool environment. Every day she is face to face with three and four year olds with runny noses. She takes no supplements or medicine and has not gotten sick in years. She does not exercise because of physical limitations and yet she is at work every day. Other members of the staff, some which are more than half her age, seem to

catch every flu bug or virus that goes around each year. We are bombarded constantly with new stresses, foreign substances in our diet and environment that did not even exist a year ago, and constantly changing health recommendations. We believe that as human beings we are wired for touch. Healthful, therapeutic touch not only increases blood flow to bring nutrients to the tissue to promote cell growth, but also releases key hormones and endorphins that speed up the healing process. We believe that the body wants to heal and wants to be in a state of health and balance (homeostasis), and that massage is an important

tool for you to use to achieve that goal. We love what we do as massage therapists and believe that massage has a useful role in keeping us healthy, which translates into a happier and more fulfilling life.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 73

Don’t Forget




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About the Author Chad Olson, LMFT, is the Clinical Director of the St. George Center for Couples & Families,

The Secret to Marital Success By Chad D. Olson, MS, LMFT When a client comes in for their first session, I always ask them what goals they have for therapy or what they would like to accomplish as a result of coming to counseling. Clients will often say, “I just want to be successful.” That success could be accomplished through their job, projects, hobbies, relationships or any other activity they may be involved in. There is something deeply satisfying that enhances our self-worth when we feel successful. While success is a fine goal, I have pondered why some people seem unable to find success in various areas of their life, while others seem to be successful in almost everything they do. I came across a quote from Confucius that I believe has the answer: “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” As a marriage and family therapist, I have studied what it takes to have success in a marital relationship. I believe that couples who diligently prepare will naturally experience success. If a teenager wants to get their driver’s license, they can’t just show up at the DMV and expect to obtain a license. In fact, a new driver must complete a driver’s education course, a medical/vision test, drive forty hours with an adult, and pass a written and skills test. The only way a driver’s license is issued is if the candidate has prepared sufficiently to be a successful driver. However, when that same driver wants to get married a few years later, they can fill out a short application online, pay $45.00 and a marriage license is

issued. I think there is something wrong with this picture! I believe that the success of our community and nation stems from the success of our families; yet, our society does very little to prepare couples for marriage! When I was completing my master’s degree at BYU, I decided to run a premarital class. It was one of the most enjoyable parts of my graduate school experience. We discussed a variety of topics including finances, sex, in-laws, communication, gender differences and expectations. We talked about real life issues that allowed the couple to take off the rose-colored glasses and really plan their future life together. Cassandra Kirkland, a family life specialist at Mississippi State University, stated, “Research shows that couples who participate in premarital counseling tend to have higher levels of satisfaction in marriage. These couples also tend to experience lower levels of conflict in marriage and decrease odds of divorce.” Unfortunately, too many couples spend hours and hours planning a wedding, but don’t give that same investment of time to planning their marriage. At the St. George Center for Couples and Families, we are committed to assisting couples as they prepare for a successful marriage. In order to help couples obtain martial success, we offer a premarital class and premarital counseling. Success in marriage is not random – it is the result of careful and diligent preparation.

“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” Confucius

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 75

We live in the most beautiful part of the world! We have all benefitted from those who have made St. George what it is, including Mayor Dan McArthur, who has served the city for the past 30 years. As St. George’s new mayor, I’m excited to work with our new city council to set a vision of where we would like

M a y o r a l M e ss a g e

to go over the next decade. Three of our main areas of focus will be: Listening. We will begin the first city council meeting every month with comments from the public, invite interested citizens to become involved by serving on advisory boards, and be available on social media, email, cell phone, and in direct meetings. Planning. We will commit to a shared mission, vision, and values at the city, and develop a strategic plan including topics such as infrastructure, public safety, downtown preservation (including a defined arts district), recreation/leisure, organizational excellence and more. Business and Education. We will make it easier to do business by reviewing and reworking ordinances and fees and maximizing the efficiency of our operations. We will also foster a close tie between the city and our education partners to prepare a workforce that will attract new employers, and ultimately raise wages. Please contact me or a member of the city council with your comments and ideas. My door is always open. Jon Pike Mayor, City of St. George 435-632-6892 (cell)


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St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 77

It’s Never Too Late By Jack Rolfe As I walked into the main lobby of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame campus on a beautiful day in June 2009, I had an overwhelming feeling that my life was about to change forever. Even though I did not know one soul whom I was about to meet, I still felt that these people would be part of something special in my life. It was beautiful outside on that June afternoon in South Bend, Indiana, and it seemed as if the spirit of this long-standing institution bled from every brick in every building. I could not believe that I was standing where so many great leaders had stood before me. Even more amazing to me was the fact that one week earlier I had celebrated my 50th birthday with my wife, children, and grandchildren at our home in St. George, Utah. Now I was about to begin the course to complete a master’s degree in nonprofit administration. The average age of the members of my cohort was many years younger than I, but, you see, it’s never too late! My mind started to drift back to another spring afternoon fourteen years earlier, to a day that was a pivotal part of starting the incredible journey which brought me to Notre Dame. It was 1995, and I was at the Dallas International Airport. As I boarded the Southwest Airlines 737 airplane, it seemed like the beginning of any other flight. You make your way down the aisle, looking for your seat and possible overhead space. You prepare to be uncomfortable for the next three hours and buckle in. I had repeated this routine countless times before—and today seemed no different. How could I even imagine that something would happen to me on this trip 78

home to Las Vegas, Nevada, that would not only change my life, but the lives of thousands of youth across the world? Mid-flight I was starting to doze a little, drifting in and out of sleep. I was then jolted with a strong yet peaceful impression that permeated my heart and mind. I had a vivid vision of the “next step” in my life. Wow! I could not deny what I was experiencing. Part of my mission in life was to write a book. I remember thinking, “What? I am not an author! What is this impression all about?” As I mulled over this startling thought, I remembered a speech I had given to a women’s organization two years prior to this flight. The theme of my presentation was “How to Attain Straight A’s in Life.” Now, at 30,000 feet somewhere over New Mexico, I was feeling one of those burning sensations in my soul: I was supposed to pull out the notes from that talk and write a book on it. I put the idea of writing a book—writing a book!—far back in my mind. In fact, I put if off for two years until I could no longer fight it. The same impression to write the book would not leave me; thus, I gave in. Now, as I think back on the experience, I vividly remember being convinced that I needed to move forward and publish the book. But once the book was published, I still did not know what was next. I had written a book, I had published a book—what was I to do now? Then one day, once again out of the blue, the inspiration bells began to ring loud and clear. I was being prompted by that inner spirit to create a foundation to help youth; the book was to be the center curriculum. Well, I had learned from the past not to fight it.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world!” Though I once again was not exactly sure of the entire process to reach my end goal, I began to take the steps to develop a nonprofit entity called the School of Life Foundation. The mission of the School of Life Foundation is to assist youth in reaching their full potential in life by “Achieving Straight A’s in the School of Life!” Now, six years after the foundation was granted official 501(c)3 status from the IRS, the School of Life curriculum has been placed in the hands of 50,000 individuals in over 500 programs including schools, sports teams, youth organizations, and church groups, as well as corporations. This placement is across

twenty-three states and in thirteen countries. Yes, I am finally beginning to see why these impressions came. With the rapid growth of the foundation, I felt inspired that I needed to learn more about how to run a nonprofit organization. Thus, I found myself studying for the GRE, applying for The Notre Dame Master of Nonprofit Administration program, being accepted, and finally arriving at the Mendoza School of Business. I received my degree in May 2013. Remember the words of Joel Arthur Barker: “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world!” Please take a moment to pause and reflect on whether you are changing your world so that you can change the world for others. It is never too late!

Derby Dreams By Michelle Sagar, DSU Intern

Registration Begins: Last Day to Register: Race Day: Contact E-mail:

About the Author

Mr. Rolfe is the founder and President of the School of Life Foundation. This 501(c)3 nonprofit organization has a mission to help youth reach their full potential in life.

9/20/2013 2/13/2014 3/1/2014 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Remember the thrill of crafting your own derby car when you were young? Get ready to relive that thrill, because the 2nd Annual Corporate Pinewood Derby is just down the track! Last year Stephen Wade and Mayor Dan McArthur went head-to-head crafting the finest derby car they could. Join us this year at Stephen Wade Cadillac for a great evening of racing! Help bring the community together to benefit Boy Scouts of America, right here in Southern Utah. Your sponsor donation will help keep Boy Scouts speeding into the future. We had 50 entries last year, and our goal is 200 this year. If we reach this goal, Stephen Wade will be giving away a new car to the winner. Help us cross that line!

Cost: $250.00 Entry Fee $500.00 Lane Sponsor $1,000.00 Pit Crew Sponsor $2,500.00 Track Sponsor $50.00 Donation Sponsor $75.00 Donation Sponsor $100.00 Donation Sponsor For more information visit:

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 79

By Terrin Parker

The Mark of

Being pregnant is awesome... and awful. Awesome, because you realize what an amazing experience and gift it is to create life; to know that inside of you is a developing human being with great potential. Awful, because though this realization is precious and priceless, there are moments when you feel like you are paying a very high price. You have physical, psychological, and emotional pains that only fuel your low self-esteem at a time when you should be feeling invincible because of this seemingly superhuman event you are taking part in. You love the connection you feel to this little person growing inside you, but hate the disconnect you feel to the person who once wore skinny jeans and could see her toes without a mirror. It is this duality of circumstance, this state of awfully awesome awareness, that spurs our stamina and refines our resilience so that in that final moment, when we are bringing another person into the world, we have the strength to endure. In that moment, after the final push, when we are soaked with tears and sweat and blood and we are handed this brand new being that was moments ago a part



of us, we ourselves become a new being. A mother. Whether for the first time or the fifth, we are enlightened anew to who we really are, and what we are really capable of. It’s in that moment that we wonder why or how we could ever think of ourselves as anything less than god-like. The stretch marks don’t matter. The pain doesn’t hurt. The trauma we have endured, though undeniable, becomes insignificant when compared to the greatness that has just been revealed in us. I’m not saying it all becomes a carnival ride after that, unless you’re talking about the kind that flips you upside down and spins you around until you are screaming for someone to let you off. It is not always fun, and hardly ever easy. Some days the best you can do is not give up, but life always allows you moments of clarity to carry you through; quiet moments when you snuggle this precious little person close to you, watching him slumber, feeling like the love you have for this little soul is radiating from your heart and setting the room on fire. Ten or twenty or two minutes later this same little precious package is screaming like a banshee, depriving you of sleep to the point that you could stroll onto the set of The Walking Dead and pass for an extra... but those buoying moments of peace and clarity always return. Those brief moments merge into minutes and months, and soon you forget the day-to-day details and only remember the feelings.

The love. Because though stains fade, bottles get boxed up, and your old, elusive amigo “sleep” does eventually find you, the love never leaves you. It only grows with time, and expands with each experience--good or bad. Motherhood is many things, but despite what society or Pinterest or Facebook tells you, it is not the pounds you’ve About the Author Terrin Parker is the associate packed on, the photos you’ve “pinned,” editor of St. George Health the loads you’ve laundered or breads and Wellness magazine and a you’ve baked; it’s really only one thing: physical therapist from Cedar City, Utah. She graduated It’s the legacy of love you leave in the from Loma Linda University hearts of your children. The true mark in California, and has lived of a mother is most vividly displayed in Denver, San Diego and in the souls of those she took part in St. George. She loves to surf, snowboard, write, travel, play creating. Remember that next time you the guitar and spend time burn dinner, stay in your sweats all day, with her husband and their or leave a dish in the sink overnight. If two young sons. your child is happy, if you see love in their eyes reflecting back at you over a charred casserole, consider yourself an amazing mom. And maybe order a pizza.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 81

IT’S A NEW YEAR OF CULTURE By Lani Puriri It has been said, “There are no endings, only new beginnings,” and here we are once again at a new beginning. The tradition of society at this time of year is to create New Year’s resolutions. If done with purpose and conviction, the proactive individual will put some serious thought into the resolution by stopping the ride of life to get off and take a look. A mother may place her son on a merry-goround then stand back and smile as the child comes around and around again. With each glimpse, her


son will yell out and wave as he passes by. When the ride stops he jumps down, runs to his mother, and off they wander. A wonderful place to wander in St. George is to the Sears Art Museum Gallery located in the Eccles Fine Arts Center on the campus of Dixie State University. This year the university will celebrate the 27th Robert N. and Peggy Sears Dixie Invitational Art Show and Sale. The show is an opportunity to enhance the gallery, but also a way for you, a child, a friend, or a partner to engage in a visual experience. Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) explains that as children explore their world, they rely on their sense of sight. What they see gives them information about color, shape, and form, and provides an opportunity to revise ideas based on visual data gathered from new experiences. The visual world provides a vast array of opportunities in language development as words are associated with visual images. Strolling through the Sears Gallery you may ask your companion to observe and explain the specific colors, shapes, and forms he or she is presented with. Challenging him or her in this way can strengthen the development of aesthetic awareness and critical judgment. Art appreciation and expression can begin at home with a picture book as parent and child read together, describing the visual images that accompany the story. This carries forward into school and on nature

hikes where the world is a magical canvas. By exploring and experiencing the visual world we all have the opportunity to: • Gain insight from visual experience and construct meaning by observation, reflection, and application of ideas • Recognize similarities and differences in the world About the Author Lani Puriri is the Operations • Attach visual images to words and Manager with DSU Cultural abstract ideas Arts Community Outreach • Grasp relationships in their and environment • Think creatively while developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpting, designing, and crafting • Communicate, represent, and record ideas and feelings related to subjective experiences • Reinvent the world through personal interpretation Recognizing this time of year as a time to set new goals and engage a fresh journey makes the Sears Gallery Art Museum and all of St. George’s art galleries a must see destination for you and your family. Before you place your child back on that merry-go-round, take some time to engage in a visual experience.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 83

Sterling Scholar Winners of 2013.

Washington County School District Foundation’s Sterling Scholar Awards

About the Author

Michelle Sagar, a student at Dixie State University, is working on her bachelors degree in business administration with a minor in technical writing.

By Michelle Sagar A new year is upon us, and with it comes much celebrating! program, and then go on to compete on a regional level. From the Many high school seniors throughout Washington County will six high schools in Washington County, a total of ninety winners will soon have a big reason to celebrate, as they will be the recipients be chosen. Each of the six schools has one winner from each of the of the Sterling Scholar Awards. The Washington County fifteen categories. On March 6, 2014, the winners, School District Foundation is helping along with their families and friends, these students realize their dreams by will celebrate an evening of awards and supporting the Sterling Scholar program, recognition at Snow Canyon High a program that awards seniors for their School. If they go on to win at the excellence. The Foundation generously regional level, the Washington County awards $200 to students who compete in School District Foundation offers an fifteen different categories: additional $300. That competition will Agricultural Science be held on Thursday April 3, 2014 at Business & Marketing Dixie State University. Computer Technology Thank you to the community and their Dance ongoing support of high school seniors in English recognizing their hard work. They are our Family & Consumer Sciences future, and by supporting this program General Scholarship we are truly supporting and securing a Mathematics prosperous and fulfilling future not just for Music these students, but our community at large. Science Without the backing of the community and Skilled & Tech Sci. Ed the generous support of the Washington Social Science County School District Foundation, these Speech/Drama students would not be given the opportunity Visual Arts to go above and beyond in their dedication World Languages to learning and accomplishing their future A potential Sterling Scholar presents educational goals. an all-encompassing portfolio in one of If you would like to donate to the the above categories, and is interviewed Sterling Scholars Program, you can contact by judges in the category’s field. Sterling Pam Graf at (435) 673-3553 Ext. 5161 or Scholar winners are selected at the high 2013 Snow Canyon High School Music Winner by email at school level, recognized at the awards 84

Looking Toward the Future By Michelle Sagar A new symbol of learning and knowledge is rising on the campus of Dixie State University this spring. This iconic symbol is an illuminated 80-foot clock tower located on the pathway between the Holland Centennial Commons and the Udvar-Hazy building. The tower is one of the final projects in the Centennial Campaign--a plan to celebrate a century of learning at Dixie by improving facilities and the campus and to lay the foundation for the second century of learning. After reviewing dozens of images of clock towers at other universities, Dixie State University President Stephen D. Nadauld, decided that Dixie’s tower should have a modern appearance to represent a new university that is looking toward the future. In addition to the sleek triangular design, the multicolored lights on the inside of the tower will be visible through veins of translucent glass. The uppermost section of the tower will truly be a beacon in the night, throwing a shaft of light at an angle, highlighting the geometric angles of the tower, and shining more than 100 feet into the air. The

speakers on the tower will be heard across campus and will play the expected carillon bells, but will also be programmable to play a variety of tunes. This opens the door to all sorts of possibilities for special occasions according to President Nadauld. The magnificent tower rising from the ground will not be the only uplifting feature of this project. Â At the base of the tower, sand stone pavers, with inlaid motivational messages and quotes, will be set into the ground and retaining walls. Cheri Atkin, who has been intimately involved with the Centennial Campaign and the Paver Project, hopes that students, community members, and visitors alike will take time to memorize just one paver message and then try to live by those inspiring words. Completion of the Dixie State University clock tower is expected in April. The hope of President Nadauld is that the clock tower will become one of the most recognized man made icons in the St. George area and that it will serve as a symbol of possibility and hope. St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 85

Fibonacci Fine Arts

The Fibonacci Gallery and Fine Arts Center is an exquisite new high-end arts center in St. George. The gallery showcases some of the finest visual artists from in and around Utah, and couples their art with intimate musical performances. The mission of the gallery is to engage the southern Utah community with the fine arts, support talented local artists and performers, and promote St. George as a destination for the arts. The minute you step into the gallery, your spirits are lifted and you know you are someplace special. “Fibonacci is a feast for the senses,” said artist and Gallery Associate Gian Ferrari. “Great art is a whole experience; it uplifts and rejuvenates you. That’s exactly the ambience this gallery has created.” Before even opening its doors, the Fibonacci Gallery attracted some of the best-known regional artists, such as Jerry Anderson, Roland Lee, and Gary Collins. The most famous works on display are those of the late western painter Bill Hill, including two pieces commissioned for the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. Other rising stars in the Utah arts community, like Angela Fife, Gregory Stocks, and Glen Hawkins, now grace the walls alongside Bill Hill’s master works. High ceilings, focused track lighting, large walls, and a wide-open space for viewing 86

paintings from afar lend a unique air of elegance to the gallery. The gallery is available for wedding receptions and private events, as well as home to musical performances. To kick off their grand opening, the Fibonacci Gallery presented five concerts with nationally acclaimed musicians during the first week of December 2013. Like the art in the gallery, the performances represented an eclectic mix of musical talent, from classical piano to Broadway to folk-country acoustic guitar. Tony Award Winner and Grammy nominee Lisa Hopkins Seegmiller performed an evening of opera and musical theatre favorites for a packed house. Directors from Tuacahn, the audience, and other local musicians expressed their excitement over the opportunity to hear the best of Broadway in a small enough venue that it feels like a private performance. Jason Bowen, an accomplished figurative painter in the gallery, said, “attending the Friday night performance was like being on Broadway. People were so impressed they didn’t want to leave. To accompany the great performance with some of the highest quality artists around make this one of the best galleries that I have been a part of.” Two of the most energetic concerts took place not in the gallery, but in local high

schools. Josh Wright, a Billboard #1 pianist who gave a dazzling concert on the night of the December snowstorm, performed for students in Snow Canyon High School and Desert Hills High School. On completing a 45-minute set of Chopin, his own arrangements of hymns, and the theme from Harry Potter, an auditorium of 400 teenagers exploded into applause. This is the ultimate goal of Fibonacci founder Dr. Robert Benson – to inspire people through art and to cultivate artistic talent. “I believe the fine artist – whether a painter, sculptor or a concert pianist – has a God given gift that has been refined through years of practice,” said Dr. Benson. “There is a moment when one encounters the brilliance of light and color produced on canvas, or a fleeting legato running from the fingers to the air. That moment transports us. It is my goal to help produce countless moments like those for art collectors, original art owners, and music lovers alike. This is a fine arts center where the highest caliber of art will be found – and can be acquired!” The gallery is open Monday-Saturday from 11am – 6pm, or by appointment. For infor­ mation about the artists and about upcoming events, visit

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 87




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February 10 February 11 February 19 February 20

Eccles Concert Hall* Eccles Concert Hall* Eccles Concert Hall Eccles Concert Hall

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

February 21 February 22

Eccles Concert Hall Cox Auditorium

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


Feb. 14 - Mar. 30

Sears Gallery

See Website for Details


Jan. 30-31, Feb., 1, 4-8

Eccles Black Box

7:30 p.m.

For tickets or more information, please visit or call 435-652-7800 St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 89


Why I Love Riding My Bicycle By William Shake I can still remember the sensation of freedom, self-reliability, and sustainability that overcame me, and the feeling of balancing on two thin, rubber tires--it was my first bike ride and it was incredible. There’s a little tickle you get as a child when you first learn how to ride a bicycle. It’s a self rewarding feeling of accomplishment, a promotion into the big-kids club. Ultimately, it’s independence and control. Now you can go as far as your body can take you. You can vary your speed and direction, and you get to control your own destination. As a child growing up on the streets of St. George, I took for granted the joy of riding a bicycle. It wasn’t until my adult years that I realized that riding a bicycle is something we can do to satisfy our modern, intellectual objectives. Let’s put aside the health benefits of riding a bicycle and look deeper into what it represents. Riding a bicycle as an adult has a profound meaning and directly coincides with intents and feelings from the very first time you ever rode. Our current dependence on automobiles has put us in boxes, literally. The disconnection between human beings is greatly enhanced by the ease and utility of the car. The climate, ambient noise, and environment are completely controlled by the driver. We have the ability to multi-task, check e-mails, make phone calls, and entertain the children with DVDs. We get places faster. At least we think we do. Our negative judgments, hostility, and aggression towards others is warranted as we feel entitled to do so behind thin pieces of transparent but solid-seeming glass. So why ride a bicycle? By boxing ourselves up in our automobile, we have disconnected ourselves from each other and the environment around us. Exposing ourselves to the elements, such as weather, makes us interact with, as opposed to react to, our environment, and we come to understand it better. The full 360 degree view you get when riding a bicycle gives you the opportunity to sense the environment around you and contemplate your world. You can hear, see, smell, and touch things that get missed when we are boxed up in a car. Bicycles not only promote the use of our senses, but hone our reaction times, balance, and body.

By allowing me to realize these things, the bicycle has changed my life and the way I personally view the world. I often get places faster than those driving, and I get to see beautiful things along the way. I don’t yell, act hostile, or lose my temper. I’m courteous with pedestrians and dog walkers. I’m able to help and talk to others whom motorists would just drive past without noticing. I’m not polluting the environment or my body. When I ride a bicycle I fight disease and future ailments, and I promote wellness to anyone who cares to share the experience. I connect with the world all around me, and the world all around me connects back. Imagine the impact on the world we’d make if we all simply pedaled a bicycle more. It might not be paradise, but it would certainly be better.

St. George Health & Wellness Magazine | January/February 2014 91

FEATURED DIRECTORY LISTINGS adult retirement community Sunriver Community (435) 688-1000


Summit Athletic Club 1532 East 1450 South (435) 628-5000


Bicycles Unlimited 90 S 100 E (435) 673-4492 eSpokes 476 E. Riverside Dr. , St. George, UT (435) 688-1830 High Knees Cycling 2051 East Red Hills Pkwy Suite 1 (435) 216-7080


Stephen Wade Automotive 1630 Hilton Dr St George, UT 84770 (435) 628-6100


Botanical Design (435) 313-3170


Van Gilder Homes 15 N. Main Street, St. George, UT 84770 (435) 862-9565

corporate networking

Corporate Alliance 1487 South Silicon Way (435) 256-6225


Advanced Dental Concepts 321 N Mall Dr. Suite P101 (432) 674-1418 Riverside Dental 368 East Riverside Dr. (435) 673-3363


Dixie State Athletics Ticket Sales (435) 652-7800 Dixie State Cultural Arts 350 S. 700E Tickets: (435) 652-7800


Washington County School District Foundation 121 West Tabernacle (435) 673-3553

Energy Healing

BrightWorks by Brigit (435) 668-0233

FAMILY THERAPY St. George Center for Couples & Families 321 North Mall Dr. Suite 101 (435) 319-0082


Schofield Group 437 S. Bluff St, Ste 201, St. George (435) 674-3601


St. George City Golf


Health Advanced Hearing & Balance 1490 E. Foremaster Drive #360 St. George, UT 84790 (435) 319-4700 Dr. Bishop, MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 700 West 800 North, Ste 442 Orem, UT 84057 (877) 844-0968 Brain Balance 446 South Mall Drive, Suite B-6 (435) 627-8500 Center for Advanced Plastic Surgery 676 South Bluff St. Suite 207 (435) 628-2895 Coral Desert Orthopedics 1490 E. Foremaster Dr., Ste 150 (435) 628-9393 Dan Sellers, MD 676 S. Bluff St., St. George, UT 84770 (855) 295-6554 Desert Pain Specialists 368 E Riverside Dr. (435) 216-7000 Dixie Chiropractic 10 North 400 East (435) 673-1443 Dr. Foulk (Infertility) 676 Bluff Street (801) 785-5100 Hanger Clinic 630 South 400 East, Suite 102 (435) 673-6449 Health Concepts with Toni Lund (435) 673-3855 Intermountain Instacare (435) 688-6388 LiVe Well Center at Dixie Regional Health & Performance Center 652 S. Medical Center Drive (435) 251-3793 Massage Therapy Academy 1722 East 280 North St. George, Utah 84790 (435) 673-4101 My Family Chiro 446 South Mall Drive, Suite B-5 St. George, Utah 84790 (435) 703-9406 Nitric Oxide (435) 673-1443 Oral & Facial Surgery Institute 393 E Riverside Dr #2b (435) 628-1100 Pain Relief Centers 10 North 400 East (435) 673-1443 St. George Eye Center 1054 East Riverside Dr. Suite 201 (435) 628-4507 St. George Clinic (Family Medicine) 736 South 900 East #203 (435) 673-613 St. George Massage (435) 215-3480 3143 South 840 East Simply Health Chiropractic 1091 North Bluff St Suite 309 (435) 688-0444 Snow Canyon Clinic 272 East Center Street Ivins, UT 84738 (435) 986-2331

HEALTH (cont’d) Southern Utah Women’s Health Center 515 South 300 East Suite 206 (435) 628-1662 Southwest Spine & Pain Center at Dixie Regional Medical Center 652 S. Medical Center Drive #110 (435) 656-2424 Southwest Vision 965 E 700 S #100 (435) 673-5577 Dr. Greg Taylor 1490 East Foremaster Drive Suite 300 St. George, Utah 84790 (435) 688-2104 Utah Fertility Center 676 Bluff Street St. George, UT 84790 (801) 785-5100 Dr. Watkins (435) 619-9630 (801) 822-9693 Dr. Zehnder 676 South Bluff Street St. George, UT 84790 (877) 523-4695


Certified Hypnotherapy Training School (801) 628-0693


Wright Way Legal 321 North Mall Dr. Suite 301 (435) 674-6744 Bush Law 321 North Mall Dr. R-234 (435) 674-6661


Cherry Creek Mortgage 720 S River Rd, (435) 674-9200


Spilsbury Mortuary 110 S. Bluff St. St. George, UT 84770 (435) 673-2454 25 N. 2000 W. Hurricane, UT 84737 (435) 635-2212


St. George News


Boy Scouts of America (928) 965-3943, School of Life Foundation River Road Plaza 107 South 1470 East, Ste 101 (435) 632-2947

Nutrition Stores

Dixie Nutrition 406 West St. George Boulevard (435) 673-3447 Real Foods 695 S. 100 W., St. George, UT (435) 652-4372

Olive Oil

Redstone Olive Oil 250 N. Red Cliffs Drive St. George, UT 84790 (435) 628-1388


Theurer Orthodontics 965 East 700 South Suite 101 (435) 688-8228 Wayne Christian Orthodontics 330 E. Tabernacle, Bldg. B (435) 628-4422

OrthoPEDIC SURGEON Dr Michael Green 1490 Foremaster Dr. (435) 688-0156


Family Pharmacy 25 North 2000 West Hurricane, UT 84737 (435) 635-8200 Stapley Pharmacy 102 E City Center St. (435) 673-3575 446 S. Mall Drive #B8 (435) 673-3575


Absolute Comfort Spa & Pool 1397 W Sunset Blvd (435) 275-4107

Professional Office Services

Fish & Frags 630 N. 3050 E. #C3 (435) 627-1777


Cherry Creek Radio


Fish Rock Grille 1585 Ledges Parkway St. George, UT 84770 (435) 634-4600 Market Café 490 W. St. George, Blvd. #2 (435) 862-4765 The Painted Pony Restaurant 2 W St George Blvd (435) 634-1700 Tropical Smoothie 1010 E. Red Hills Parkway (435) 656-5508


Beehive Homes (435) 627-0023 Beehive Cottages 2041 S. Mesa Palms Dr. (435) 634-9299


Kustom Container 3730 South 1700 East (435) 680-4509

time management software

BusyBusy, (435) 680-6127


Travel Connection 1386 E. 100 S. Suite H (435) 628-3636


Tuacahn 1100 Tuacahn Dr. , Ivins, UT 84738 (435) 652-3300

Washington Community Center

Washington Community Center 350 N Community Center Dr. Washington, UT 84780 (435) 656-6360

Weight Management

Dr. Coleen Andruss 1173 South 250 West, Suite 110 (435) 986-3800 Healthy Express (435) 773-7712


E VENTS January January 4 Art Shows International, 10am-4pm, Dixie Center January 14-17 Quilt St. George Retreat, The Abby Inn January 18 St George Half Marathon, 5K, Kids run, 9am, Dixie Center. Runners will run along the scenic St. George City trail system.

February February 4-5 Golden Dragon Acrobats: Cirque Ziva, 7:30 Cox Performing Arts Center February 24 River City Brass Band, 7:30 PM, Cox Performing Arts Center


Injury Attorney Rex Curtis Bush

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