IBUKI Magazine Vol.04 Maarch & April 2010

Page 1

The New Wave of


SAKURA-con Seattle’s J-Pop Lovefest FINAL FANTASY XIII, Dragon Ball Shonen Jump and more

Visit Japan This Summer’s Destination

Sake J Recipe Dine Out Cover image: ©2009 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURA.

March & April 2010 Vol. 04 Seattle / Bellevue / Portland




The New Wave of J-Pop

Japanese pop culture, from manga to fashion to anmated films, has a firm grip on the imagination of American youth.

EAT & DRINK 12 15 18

Restaurant Directory IBUKI Map Recipes

Cutlet curry


The Saké Story

Spinach Salad with Seasoned Mashed Tofu: Shiraae

Regions play a vital role in saké brewing.



Store & School Directory

24 25

i fart rainbow Trend



Japanese Confectionery

Visit Japan

Choose from an array of attractive packages for summer travel.

The demands of modern marriage keep singles busy day and night. Movies: 20th Century Boys Music: Dazzle Vision & High and Mighty Color Gadget: Oxyfit Car: MAZDA2

Local News and Events


IBUKI Magazine Vol.04 Maarch & April 2010 Publisher Misa Murohashi Chief Operating Officer English Cartier Editor-in-Chief Bruce Rutledge Editor and Translator Yuko Enomoto Assistant Designer Maria Brown

Contributing Writers & Artists Enfu (Ken Taya) Johnnie Stroud (Saké Nomi) Julian Waters Masami Suzuki Special Thanks Chin Music Press

Published by Axia Media Group, Inc. Bellevue, WA 98005 Comments and general inquiries info@ibukimagazine.com Advertising Info advertise@ibukimagazine.com

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The New Wave of J-Pop

The New Wave of J-Pop By Bruce Rutledge


hat started a quarter century ago as a quirky Japanese subculture that featured otaku collectors, a couple of classic animated films and some well-drawn comic books has swelled into a global pop phenomenon that no longer belongs to Japan alone. Americans have embraced Japanese film and manga and created their own unique subcultures to indulge in them. American businesses have stoked the trend by releasing manga in translation ands subtitled films. Asian economies are getting in on the trend too, with more anime created in South Korea and Taiwan. While J-pop spreads across borders and seeps into other cultures, it retains a certain exotic otherness that appeals to North Americans looking for something besides the typical Hollywood fare. Parents push Hayao Miyazaki DVDs on their kids like a lit professor pushes Shakespeare. Teenagers look to Tokyo as a fashion mecca. Haruki Murakami sells books to Americans at an unprecedented pace for a Japanese novelist. At a certain level, Japan fascinates Americans. “Due to the conditions of their development in postwar Japan, anime and manga offer a unique entertainment experience,” says Patrick W. Galbraith, 27, author of The Otaku Encyclopedia. “Part of the appeal for fans outside of Japan is to explore and enjoy these different entertainment worlds.” While 20th Century Japanese powerhouses

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such as Toyota Motor Co. and Japan Airlines Co. falter, 21st Century companies such as Studio Ghibli, producer of Miyazaki’s films, Nintendo Co. and video-game maker Square Enix Co. are reaching their peak. When these companies release new movies or games, there is a frenzy in the marketplace, chatter on the Internet and long lines in front of stores and theaters. On the first weekend of April, as many as 18,000 people — most of them in costume — will descend on downtown Seattle to celebrate their love for Japanese pop culture at Sakura-Con, a festival that has been growing at a rapid rate since its inception in the late 1990s. Sakura-Con is one of many J-pop festivals held in cities across the US. “Fans of anime and manga outside of Japan tend to get very involved and serious about their hobbies, which inspire and excite them,” Galbraith says. “That anime and manga originated in a different cultural context reinforces intense feelings of subcultural belonging. The convention is where fans can get together among like-minded individuals and indulge in subcultural identity and interactions. They tend to be very creative and expressive because this is where they can openly show their interests and expect affirmation from others. There is a real sense of community, which supports a participatory culture.” These communities of J-pop fans in North America are something the Japanese producers of anime and manga never envisioned. It has

taken a layer of cultural interpreters in the American business community — Viz Media LLC and FUNimation Productions Ltd. are two of the most influential — to figure out how to turn the American J-pop obsession into a moneymaking venture. Viz Media launched the English version of Shonen Jump (see page 9) and its affiliate company, Viz Pictures, was behind the opening of a J-Pop center called New People in the heart of San Francisco’s Japantown last year. FUNimation is responsible for bringing anime hits such as the Dragon Ball series (page 8) and Full Metal Alchemist to US shores. These companies have become the bridges between American fans and Japanese studios and publishers. Seattle is deeply connected to this J-pop phenomenon because of its role as a hub of video-game development and its growing legions of J-pop fans, as seen by the everincreasing turnstile totals at Sakura-Con. As the J-pop phenomenon continues to grow and mix with other cultures, expect Seattle to be very involved.

<< Lightning is the heroine of the newest installment of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XIII, which was released on March 9 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


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The New Wave of J-Pop

Sakura-Con Seattle’s J-Pop Lovefest very year on one spring weekend, aliens take over downtown Seattle. Or so it seems to the unwitting shoppers and passers-by who wonder why crowds of cosplay kids dressed as samurai, ninja, video game characters and superheroes seem to be on every street corner and in every restaurant. They’re here to celebrate Japanese pop culture, and they come from as far as Alaska, Idaho and Montana to attend Sakura-Con, the biggest celebration of anime and manga in the Pacific Northwest and one of the biggest anime conventions in the US if not the world. The level of devotion these convention-goers show will stun the uninitiated. College kids spend hundreds of hours on elaborate costumes; high-schoolers make professional-quality video mashups of their favorite anime characters and songs (copyright law be damned!), and young adults who have never set foot in Japan will talk your ear off about Japanese doujinshi (independently published magazines, kind of like zines) or an esoteric subsection of romantic manga. It’s like Revenge of the Nerds remade by Lady Gaga but with subtitles. The phenomenon of anime and manga conventions took off in the last decade. The country is dotted with these get-togethers, from Baltimore to Portland, Anchorage to Miami, and most of them started as little gatherings of friends who shared a love of Japanese animated films. Sakura-Con started as BakaCon (Idiots’ Convention), a humble group of avid anime fans who decided to have an annual gathering back in 1998. This year, the 12th Sakura-Con expects to draw about 18,000 to the April 2-4 celebration at the Washington Convention Center. So what’s the attraction? Are Japan’s animated films and manga comic books that much better than anything we have to offer in the US? “You see all these kids,” says Meg Uhde of Portland, OR, during a busy moment at a previous Sakura-Con. She motions towards swarms of people dressed as robots, French maids, women in miniskirts and mouse ears, masked warriors, even a blonde ninja. “This is where they come to be themselves and no one will judge them. And more and more and


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more of these kids are finding that is true. These are your gamers; these are your lovers of anime; these are people who would be ostracized in any other situation, and they get to come here dressed in fantastic costumes that they made on their own, be surrounded by people who are not going to say, ‘You’re a freak,’ they’re going to say, ‘That is amazing! How long did that take you?’ It’s becoming more popular because people are finding community in it.” The community building around these conventions does not seem to be tapering off. On the contrary, it continues to grow. “The event continues to grow but not at the explosive rate of 75% we experienced in the past,” says Mira Utz, director of publicity for Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association/Sakura-Con. “From 2007 to 2009 the rate slowed to about 30% per year, which is still pretty remarkable considering that the economy has taken a turn and the anime industry as a whole has had some trouble. “We’ve noticed more families with young children, presumably from the twentysomethings that make up over half of the membership marrying and having families,” Utz says. But still, Sakura-Con is no Aerosmith concert. Most of the attendees are in their teens or 20s, and the convention has an energy and buzz about it that can only be supplied by a mass of youthful fans. Sakura-Con and other conventions like it have also morphed over the past decade from groups of movie fans to something akin to a Trekkie convention to their current iteration, which goes well beyond anything the Trekkies could have imagined. Fashion trends like Lolita Gothic flourish here. Gamers compete. Toy aficionados pore over rare collectibles. Karaoke specialists belt their hearts out. Filmmakers show their latest music videos. In the US in 2010, there is no group gathering that matches an anime/manga convention in sheer creative energy. Confession time. I lived in Japan for 15 years. I consider

myself pretty knowledgeable about Japanese culture and business. I’ve spent my career writing about it and researching it. But nothing prepared me for my first anime convention in the US, Sakura-Con 2007. Where did these people come from, I thought. How come they know so much about these Japanese movies? Why are they so dedicated to this art form? I was ready to write it off as the 21st Century version of a bunch of Trekkies at a Ramada Inn lining up for George Takei’s autograph. But this was different. This had the “I don’t care what you think of me” of the punk movement, the arts-and-crafts creativity of the zine movement and the inspired costumes of Halloween and Mardi Gras all rolled into one event. “Every major anime convention experienced growth last year despite economic indications that they would stall,” Utz writes in an email. “I think the reason is that anime conventions like Sakura-Con encompass more than just fans interested in one franchise or hobby. Sakura-Con features anime, manga and gaming but within those categories is programming focusing on Asian culture, costuming, painting, drama, voice, drawing, writing, martial arts, J-music, film, software development, travel, literature and more. Sakura-Con is for more than ‘just’ a hardcore anime fan, but of course there are also plenty of those.” Their presence will be felt on April 2-4 in Seattle. If you’ve never seen a community of creative, positive and, yes, let’s say it — unabashedly nerdy — Americans celebrating another country’s pop culture, then join the fun. Anime fans don’t bite. They’ll probably even give you a high-five on the long escalator ride up to the ticket booth.

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The New Wave of J-Pop

J-Pop Sampler Dragon Ball Z Manga artist Akira Toriyama wrote and illustrated the Dragon Ball series between 1984 and 1995 in the pages of Shonen Jump (see the opposite page). Toei Animation turned the story into three anime series, the second of which was Dragon Ball Z. FUNimation Productions aired the dubbed version of Dragon Ball Z in the US. It took awhile to catch on, but today, the adventures of Goku and his Z warriors have become a huge hit around the world. The whole Dragon Ball series has blossomed into 17 movies and 500 TV episodes. The show gets its best ratings in the US, Japan, France, Spain, Hong Kong and Mexico. The story started as a comedy, according to FUNimation, but later turned into a battle of good and evil. The Dragon Ball series has been a success on TV and the big screen as well as in the toy store. ©BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. Film©1989 TOEI ANIMATION CO., LTD. Licensed by FUNimation® Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of SHUEISHA, INC.

FINAL FANTASY The latest installment in this popular series (85 million units shipped and counting!) hit the stands in the US on March 9. It was released earlier in Japan, and the word from gamers there is that the 13th version of this popular game delivers groundbreaking graphics. The Final Fantasy series has been around since 1987. That’s when avid Seattle gamer Nate Eslava started playing. Twenty-three years later, he has every version of the Final Fantasy series ­— even the ones that weren’t released in the US — and a collection of elixir bottles from Final Fantasy XII that he bought in Japan. Eslava says that nostalgia plays a big role in his attachment to the game, but the cutting-edge graphics and the complex storylines keep him excited about each new version. No game compares in his estimation. “I convinced my wife to let me buy one company stock,” Eslava says. His choice? Square Enix. “I wanted to own a piece of this game.” The devotion of fans like Eslava is even more impressive when one considers that each version of Final Fantasy is a self-contained world independent of the versions that came before. ©2009 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURA.

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SHONEN JUMP Magazine, Jan 2010 and March 2010 ONE PIECE © 1997 by Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA Inc. BLEACH © 2001 by Tite Kubo/SHUEISHA Inc.

<< One Piece, a manga for boys, has been all the rage among American manga fans recently. The series started in the Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997.

ONE PIECE Vol. 39 ONE PIECE © 1997 by Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA Inc.

The Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan is considered the king of manga for young Japanese males. With circulation of more than 3 million, it has launched Naruto, Dragon Ball and other classics of the genre over the decades. Since 2002, a monthly English version has been available from Viz Media of San Francisco. English-speaking manga fans can find translations of Naruto, One Piece, Yu-gi-Oh and much more, including Japanese lessons and illustrations sent in by American fans. Each monthly magazine features more than 300 pages, drawing a readership of more than 2.7 million. The average reader is a boy between the ages of 8 and 17. << The hero in the popular Naruto manga is Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja striving to be the best ninja in his village.

NARUTO Vol. 48: NARUTO © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto/SHUEISHA Inc.

TOKYO POP This American publishing company is one of the driving forces behind the popularity of manga in the US. Key decisions early on helped the company both cut costs and provide a more authentic version of the comics. For one, Tokyopop manga read left to right, like Japanese manga. Also, the company decided to retouch the drawings less, keeping in the onomatopoeic sound effects that are ever-present in the Japanese versions. The company started with Sailor Moon, but today its list of titles and products reflects the rapid rise in popularity of all things J-pop. Some of its hottestselling titles today include the Goth series Vampire Kisses, the Warcraft manga and Gakuen Alice. But Fruits Basket tops them all; it’s the best-selling shojo (girls’) manga of all time. Check out www.tokyopop.com for more.

Vampire Kisses Text copyright © Ellen Schreiber; Art © TOKYOPOP Inc. and HarperCollins Publishers Warcraft: Death Knight © 2009 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gakuen Alice © Tachibana Higuchi Fruits Basket © Natsuki Takaya D.N. Angel © Yukiru SUGISAKI

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The New Wave of J-Pop

Fukuoka’s Game for Business F

ukuoka may be a few hours by bullet train from Osaka and Tokyo, but the southern Japanese city has decided that one of its strongest business allies may be more than 5,000 miles to the east. Fukuoka City officials are looking across the Pacific to Seattle to find the knowledge and business ties necessary to build a global hub for the rapidly expanding and internationalizing video-game industry. “Fukuoka is thinking about connecting with Seattle via the video-game business,” Kohei Yamada of Fukuoka’s international economic development team writes in an email. “Fukuoka’s game industry is much smaller than Seattle’s, and it has a much smaller cluster than Seattle, but by building ties with Seattle we can create new game businesses, send companies there and have Seattle companies come here.” Global competition in the gaming industry — one of the few hot industries in an otherwise tepid global economy — has grown fierce. While Fukuoka is still a small player in

Photos ©JNTO

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the industry, it’s neatly tucked next to South Korea, an up-and-coming player in the sector, and a quick flight from Taiwan, another emerging force. Fukuoka City has been slowly wooing more game companies, too, growing from a modest cluster of three companies in 2003 to 13 today anchored by the very successful LEVEL-5 Inc., creator of the Professor Layton series, which has sold 9.18 million copies worldwide. LEVEL-5 has also been handpicked by Square Enix to make the newest version of the 50-million-seller Dragon Quest franchise, Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Of course, compared to the greater Seattle area, which is home to 150 -200 game-related companies including Bungie, PopCap, Nintendo of America and Microsoft, Fukuoka is still a minor player. But by connecting with Seattle and creating strong ties between the cities, Yamada says, Fukuoka can establish itself as an international hub in a country that has not always been quick to embrace global ties. “By promoting ties (with Seattle), we can promote Fukuoka as a gateway connecting Japan to the rest of the world at a time when Japanese game companies have been slow to internationalize,” he writes. “We would like to have game companies from Asia and the West that are interested in Japan gather in Fukuoka.” The first steps for Fukuoka are dispatching a consultant and researcher to Seattle and Vancouver to review the game industry and get a better feel for the terrain. Based on the researcher’s feedback, the city plans to send a business delegation this year to strengthen ties with Seattle. Fukuoka will then become a more noticeable presence at video-game exhibits and business conferences in the Pacific Northwest. Fukuoka’s game sector is centered around what it calls the GFF, short for Game Factory Fukuoka, which began in 2004. The star of the group is LEVEL-5, but other innovative companies creating game software and digital content have also chosen to settle here, including D.A.G Inc., which created the computer graphics for the movie Devil May Cry 4; CyberConnect2, the creator of many PlayStation platform games for NARUTO;and GANBARION, the creator of many One

Fukuoka is the biggest city on Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. The city has a population of 1.5 million. The population swells with tourists each summer during the 750-year-old Yamakasa Festival. Bottom left: A favorite Fukuoka treat is the pork-based tonkotsu ramen served from street vendors.

Piece titles. Fukuoka’s easy access to other Northeast Asian destinations, its high quality of life and its temperate climate are all draws for businesses looking for a Japanese home, as is the fact that a video-game company can run its business in Fukuoka for a fraction of the cost of doing business in Tokyo. To top it off, the city plans to offer financial and legal support to foreign companies setting up businesses in Fukuoka. The city is eager to make a splash in the industry, so businesses that choose Fukuoka early may find some great deals. The midsize Japanese city has set up the Fukuoka Game Industry Promotion Agency to achieve its dream of growing into a strong international video-game hub. Its relationship with Seattle plays a key part in that dream, so expect to see more from Fukuoka in the months ahead.

Fukuoka Game Industry Promotion Agency

Through government-industry-academia collaboration, GFF, Kyushu University and Fukuoka City have established an organization promoting the game industry to help the city become a hub for the industry.

Fukuoka GFF companies




Professor Layton and the Ocarina of Malevolent Deity (Nintendo DS®)

ONE PIECE Unlimited Cruise2 AWAKENING OF A HERO (Nintendo Wii®)

NARUTO™ Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 (PlayStation®Portable)

©2009 LEVEL-5 Inc.


NARUTO™ Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 software © 2004-2010 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. All Rights Reserved. NARUTO artwork and elements © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2007 SHIPPUDEN All Rights Reserved. SHONEN JUMP and NARUTO are trademarks of Shueisha, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. This product is manufactured, distributed and sold in North, South and Central American territories under license from VIZ Media, LLC.

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Restaurant Directory SEATTLE Greater Seattle Mashiko Japanese Restaurant (206) 935-4339 4725 California Ave SW, Seattle Check out sushiwhore.com You’ll like it.

Shiro’s Sushi Restaurant (206) 443-9844 2401 2nd Ave, Seattle www.shiros.com

Boom Noodle, Capitol Hill (206) 701-9130 1121 E Pike St, Seattle www.boomnoodle.com

Maekawa Bar

(206) 622-0634 601 S King St #206,Seattle

Fort St. George

(206) 382-0662 601 S King St # 202, Seattle Aoki Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar (206) 324-3633 621 Broadway E, Seattle Blue C Sushi - University Village (206) 525-4601 4601 26th Ave NE, Seattle Blue C Sushi - Fremont (206) 633-3411 3411 Fremont Ave N, Seattle Blue C Sushi - 7th avenue (206) 467-4022 1510 7th Ave, Seattle

12 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

Bush Garden Restaurant (206)682-6830 614 Maynard Avenue S., Seattle Cutting Board (206) 767-8075 5503 Airport Way S, Seattle Fuji Sushi (206) 624-1201 520 S Main St, Seattle Genki Sushi (206) 453-3881 500 Mercer St. Unit C-2, 2B, Seattle Hana Restaurent (206) 328-1187 219 Broadway E, Seattle Hiroshi’s Restaurant (206) 726-4966 2501 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle Ichiban Restaurant 206-623-8868 601 S Main St, Seattle I Love Sushi - Lake Union 206-625-9604 1001 Fairview Ave N, Seattle Imo Asian Bistro (206) 264-9570 704 1st Ave, Seattle Issian (206) 632-7010 1618 N 45th St, Seattle J Sushi (206) 287-9000 674 S Weller St, Seattle Kaname Izakaya Shochu Bar (206) 682-1828 610 S Jackson St, Seattle Kisaku (206) 545-9050 2101 N. 55th St. #100, Seattle Kozue Japanese Restaurant (206) 547-2008 1608 N 45th St, Seattle

Kushibar (206) 448-2488 2319 2nd Ave, Seattle Maneki (206) 622-2631 304 6th Ave S, Seattle Marinepolis Sushi Land -Queen Anne Hill (206) 267-7621 803 5th Ave N, Seattle Nishino (206) 322-5800 3130 E Madison St # 106, Seattle Nijo (206) 340-8880 89 Spring St, Seattle Ototo Sushi (206) 691-3838 7 Boston St, Seattle Red Fin Sushi Restaurant (206) 441-4340 612 Stewart St, Seattle Samurai Noodle (206) 624-9321 606 5th Ave St, Seattle Shiki Japanese Restaurant (206) 281-1352 4W Roy St, Seattle Shun Japanese Cuisine (206) 522-2200 5101 NE 25th Ave #11, Seattle Tsukushinbo (206) 467-4004 515 S Main St, Seattle Toyoda Sushi (206) 367-7972 12543 Lake City Way, Seattle Vi Bacchus Sake Bar & Bistro (206) 328-5275 1401 Broadway, Seattle Wabi-Sabi Sushi Bar & Restaurant (206) 721-0212 4909 Rainier Ave S, Seattle

Wasabi Bistro (206) 441-6044 2311 2nd Ave, Seattle Wann Japanese Izakaya (206) 441-5637 2020 2nd Ave, Seattle

Taka Sushi (425) 778-1689 18904 Hwy 99 Suite A, Lynnwood Warabi Japanese Restaurant & Bar (206) 361-2620 13754 Aurora Ave N, Seattle

Sushi Joa

North End Cafe Soleil

South End

(425) 453-6094 504 Bellevue Square, Bellevue www.boomnoodle.com

(425) 493-1847 9999 Harbour Place # 105, Mukilteo All natural Euro Japanese cooking cafe-soleil.net Bluefin Sushi & Seafood Buffet (206) 367-0115 401 NE Northgate Way # 463, Seattle Blue C Sushi - the Village at Alderwood Mall (425) 329-3596 3000 184th St SW, Lynnwood Cherry Blossom Sushi Bar & Grill (425) 315-8022 10809 Mukilteo Speedway, Mukilteo Edina Sushi (425) 776-8068 19720 44th Ave W, Lynnwood Marinepolis Sushi Land -Lynnwood (425) 275-9022 18500 33rd Ave NW, Lynnwood Matsu Sushi (425) 771-3368 19505 44th Ave W #K, Lynnwood Sakuma Japanese Restaurant (425) 347-3063 10924 Mukilteo Speedway # G, Mukilteo Setsuna Japanese Restaurant and Bar (206) 417-3175 11204 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Miyabi Restaurant

(206) 575-6815 16820 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila Blue C Sushi - Westfield Southcenter (206) 277-8744 468 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila Blossom Asian Bistro (425) 430-1610 305 Burnett Avenue South, Renton Genki Sushi -Renton (425) 277-1050 365 S. Grady Way Ste. B & C, Renton Marinepolis Sushi Land -Southcenter Mall (206) 816-3280 100 Andover Park West 160, Tukwila New Zen Japanese Restaurant (425) 254-1599 10720 SE Carr Rd, Renton Bistro Satsuma (253) 858-5151 5315 Point Fosdick Dr NW #A, Gig Harbor

Eastside Blue C Sushi, Bellevue Square (425) 454-8288 503 Bellevue Square, Bellevue Blue Ginger Korean Grill & Sushi (425) 746-1222 14045 NE 20th St, Bellevue

(206) 230-4120 2717 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island www. sushijoa.com

Boom Noodle, Bellevue Square

Flo Japanese Sushi Restaurant (425) 453-4005 1188 106th Ave NE, Bellevue Ginza Japanese Restaurant (425) 709-7072 103 102nd Ave SE, Bellevue I Love Sushi -One Lake Bellevue (425) 455-9090 23 Lake Bellevue Dr, Bellevue I Love Sushi -Bellevue Main (425) 454-5706 11818 NE 8th St, Bellevue Izakaya Sushi - at The Landing (425) 228-2800 829 N 10th St. Suite G, Renton Izumi Japanese Restaurant with Sushi-Bar (425) 821-1959 12539 116th Ave N.E., Kirkland Kobe Wellbeing Tonkatsu & Tao Sushi Bar (425) 451-3888 850 110th Ave NE, Bellevue Kikuya Restaurant (425) 881-8771 8105 161st Ave NE, Redmond Kiku Sushi (425) 644-2358 15555 NE 24th St, Bellevue Rikki Rikki Authentic Japanese Restaurant (425) 828-0707 442 Parkplace Center, Kirkland

www.ibukimagazine.com 13

Restaurant Directory Marinepolis Sushi Land -Bellevue (425) 455-2793 138 107th Ave. NE, Bellevue Marinepolis Sushi Land -Redmond (425) 284-2587 8910 161st Ave NE, Redmond Sushi Maru (425) 453-0100 205 105th Ave, Bellevue Sushi Me (425) 644-9800 1299 156th Ave NE #145, Bellevue Momoya Restaurant (425) 889-9020 12100 NE 85th St, Kirkland Tokyo Japanese Restaurent (425) 641-5691 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue Zen Asian Bistro, Japanese & Thai (425) 453-2999 989 112th Ave NE #105, Bellevue 2AM (425) 643-1888 14603 NE 20th St #4, Bellevue

PORTLAND Portland Bamboo Sushi (503) 232-5255 310 SE 28th Ave, Portland Biwa Restaurant (503) 239-8830 215 SE 9th Avenue, Portland Blue Fin Sushi (503) 274-7922 1988 SW Broadway, Portland Bush Garden (503) 226-7181 900 SW Morrison St, Portland

14 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

Crescendo noodle house & bar (503) 226-7181 16055 SW Regatta Lane, Beaverton Hiroshi Restaurant (503) 619-0559 926 NW 10th Ave, Portland Koji Osakaya -Downtown Portland (503) 294-1169 606 SW Broadway, Portland Koji Osakaya - Lloyd Place (503) 280-0992 1502 NE Weidler, Portland Marinepolis Sushi Land -Lloyd (503) 280-0300 1409 NE Weidler St, Portland Marinepolis Sushi Land -Pearl (503) 546-9933 138 NW 10th Ave, Portland Mika Sushi (503) 222-0699 1425 SW 2nd Avenue, Portland Saburo’s Sushi House Restaurant (503) 236-4237 1667 SE Bybee Blvd, Portland Yuki Sushi & Sake Bar (503) 525-8807 930 NW 23rd Ave, Portland

Beaverton / Hillsboro Hakatamon (503) 641-4613 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Hanabi’s Izakaya Bistro & Bar (503) 646-1986 10053 SW Nimbus Ave, Beaverton Ikenohana (503) 646-1267 14308 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton Izakaya Kaiten Sushi (503) 643-2578 14605 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton

I love Sushi (503) 644-5252 3486 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton Koji Osakaya -Hillsboro (503) 629-1815 2215 NW Allie Ave, Hillsboro Marinepolis Sushi Land -Beaverton (503) 520-0257 4021 SW 117th Ave, Beaverton Syun Izakaya (503) 640-3131 209 NE Lincoln St, Hillsboro Sambi Japanese Restaurant (503) 296-0045 9230 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Sushi & Maki (503) 648-4366 2401 NE Cornell Rd No. X, Hillsboro Yuzu Japanese Restaurant (503) 350-1801 4130 SW 117th Avenue #H, Beaverton Yuki Sushi & Sake Bar (503) 430-5275 1335 NE Orenco Station Pkwy, Hillsboro

Vancouver WA Marinepolis Sushi Land -Vancouver (360) 883-3881 1401 SE 164th Ave, Vancouver


I Love Sushi Authentic sushi served by master chefs

Seattle’s favorite Kaiten Sushi chains. Quick, affordable and good!

Marinepolis R Sushi Land Roy St.

R Genki Sushi

Mercer St

Harrison St


5th Ave

Republican St. Seattle Center

Where to pick up IBUKI in Downtown, Belltown & International District

Thomas St

oa dS


*See p.12-13 (restaurant) and p.18-10 (stores) for address and phone numbers

St .


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hA ve

Stylish restaurant located in Hotel Max


Modern Izakaya with many sake & shochu selections




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Red Fin Sushi Restaurant




Shiro’s Sushi Restaurant R Kushibar R Wasabi Bistro R







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Ce Fresh local fish in traditional edomae style

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Japanese street Yatai style Izakaya bar

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Jackson St.

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Great hearty izakaya dishes at very reasonable prices


International District

ve hA 4th Ave

Washington St.


Yesler Way

S Sake Nomi

3rd Ave

At Kobo, you will find Japanese art, furniture, crafts, pottery and more

Sake shop and tasting bar

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R Kaname Izakaya

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6th Ave

5th Ave

Jackson St.

Vi Bacchus Sake Bar & Bistro R Union St.

Pike St.

Japan Town


7th Ave


Maynard Ave

Azuma Gallery S

5th Ave

Maekawa Izakaya & Unicorn Crepes S Fort St George King St. Find Japanese & Asian Ming’s Asian Gallery S R R J Sushi books and goodies here Weller St. Kinokuniya Book Store S R Bush Gardem Kagedo S Lane St. Uwajimaya S Japan www.ibukimagazine.com 15

Business Directory Art & Furniture Kobo

Kobo at Higo (206) 381-3000 604 S Jackson St, Seattle Kobo Capitol Hill (206) 726-0704 814 E Roy, Seattle Shop & gallery featuring art, craft and design from Japan and the Northwest koboseattle.com

Ming’s Asian Gallery

Seattle (206) 748-7889 519 6th Ave S, Seattle Bellevue (425) 462-4008 10217 Main St, Bellevue Fine antique and contemporary Asian furniture mingsgallery.com Azuma Gallery (206) 622-5599 530 1st Ave S, Seattle

Takumi Company (206) 622-2804 JapaneseCarpentry.com Carolyn Staley Fine Prints (206) 621-1888 2003 Western Ave #107, Seattle Chidori Asian Antiques (206) 343-7736 108 So.Jackson St, Seattle Glenn Richards - Asian Furnishings & Antiques (206) 287-1877 964 Denny Way, Seattle Kagedo (206) 467-9077 520 1st Ave S, Seattle The Cullom Gallery (206) 919-8278 313 Occidental Ave S, Seattle Shogun’s Gallery (503) 224-0328 1111 NW 23rd Ave, Portland

Bakery and Cafe Fuji Bakery (425) 641-4050 1502 145the PL SE, Bellevue Fumie’s Gold (425) 223-5893 10045 Northeast 1st Street, Bellevue Hiroki Desserts (206) 547-4128 2224 N 56th St, Seattle Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee House (206) 515-4000 607 S Main St, Seattle Setsuko Pastry (206) 816 0348 1618 N 45th St, Seattle Unicorn Crepes (206) 652-0637 421 6th Avenue South, Seattle

Books, Games & Anime Anime Asylum (503) 284-6626 1009 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR Anime Raku (425) 454-0112 10627 NE 8th St, Bellevue Kinokuniya Book Store Seattle (206) 587-2477 525 S Weller St, Seattle Beaverton (503) 641-6240 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton

16 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

Tokyo Lifestyle

(206) 241-0219 633 Westfield, Southcenter Mall, Tukwila Newly opened in Westfield Southcenter

Fashion Momo (206) 329-4736 600 S Jackson St, Seattle Totokaelo (206) 623.3582 913 Western Ave, Seattle

General Store Anzen Hiroshi’s (503) 233-5111 736 NE MLK Blvd, Portland Daiso Alderwood Mall (425) 673-1825 3000 184th St SW, # 398, Lynnwood Daiso West Lake Center (206) 625-0076 400 Pine St. #1005, Seattle Daiso International District 76 S Washington St, Seattle

Health and Beauty Hen Sen Herbs (206) 328-2828 13256 NE 20th St. Suite 3A, Bellevue Acupuncture Associates -Eastgate (425) 289-0188 15100 SE 38th St #305B, Bellevue Acupuncture Associates -Redmond (425) 882-0112 16761 NE 79th, Redmond Central Chiropractic Clinic (206) 362-3520 15027 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline WellnessOne of Eastgate (425) 289-0092 15100 SE 38th St., Ste. 305B, Bellevue

Japanese Confectionery Blue Camellia (425) 889-2735 Tokara Confectionery (206) 784-0226

Sake Saké Nomi (206) 467-7253 76 S Washington St, Seattle

Schools Music School of Taiko (425) 785-8316 www.Japantaiko.com Cooking Blue Camellia - a Japanese Confectionery (425) 889-2735 11229 NE 106th Pl, Kirkland, WA Hiroko Sugiyama Culinary Atelier (425) 836-4635 22207 NE 31st St, Sammamish NuCulinary (206) 932-3855 6523 California Ave SW, Seattle Satsuma Cooking School (206) 244-5151 17105 Ambaum Blvd S, Seattle Japanese Calligraphy Akashi USA Co - Redmond (425) 869-0994 6611 147th Ct NE, Redmond

Japanese Floral Design Ikebana by Megumi (425) 744-9751 www.ikebanabymegumi.com Ikenobo Lake Washington Chapter (425) 803-3268 11832 NE 73rd St, Kirkland The Little Flower Station (425) 770-5888 www.thelittleflowerstation.com Yushoryu Ikenobo (206) 723-4994 5548 Beason Ave. S.,Seattle Language Seattle Japanese Language School (206) 323-0250 1414 S Weller St, Seattle Washington Academy of Languages (206) 682-4463 2 Nickerson St, # 201, Seattle Martial Arts Aikido Eastside (425) 802-3125 13410 SE 32nd St, Bellevue

Seattle Kendo Kai (206) 721-1416 1610 S King St, Seattle Seattle Judo Dojo (206) 324-7080 1510 S Washington St, Seattle Seattle School of Aikido (206) 525-1955 3422 NE 55th St, Seattle Koei-Kan Karate-Do Bellevue (425) 747-9411 1910 132nd Ave NE, #11, Bellevue Obukan Kendo Club (503) 443-2281 4130 SW 117th Ave. Suite 246, Beaverton Portland Aikikai (503) 274-2606 1623 NW Marshall, Portland Tea Ceremony Urasenke Foundation Seattle Branch (206) 324-1483 2360 43rd Ave East, #113, Seattle Other Japanese Abacus Math School (503) 520-1063 15188 NW Central Drive #219, Portland

Japanese Confectionery


apanese cuisine has become quite common in America. But how many people know much about Japanese sweets? Japanese sweets, wagashi, are as different from Western sweets as Japanese cuisine is from American cuisine. Wagashi usually do not contain any butter or flour. Instead, they are made with rice and/or a sweetened bean paste called anko. Each piece is tiny and exquisitely designed. Gwen Stamm, who teaches Japanese tea sweets in Kirkland, says, “Japanese sweets for tea depict some aspect of seasons. For example, the month of April emphasizes the cherry blossom season. Therefore, most sweets will in some way evoke the feeling of springy cherry blossoms.” If you are interested, Gwen’s three-hour-long classes take place every month. For $30, you can learn to make wagashi while sampling your creations along with a bowl of matcha green tea. You’ll also take some sweets home (contact: Gwen Stamms Blue Camellia at 425 889-2735). You can also order her confectioneries without taking her classes. Tokara Confectionery located near Green Lake (www.tokaragashi.com / Tel. 206-784-0226) is another choice for professionally crafted wagashi. Both Gwen and Tokara learned confectionery in Kyoto. Another simple quick route to tasting wagashi is to choose from the wide variety offered at Uwajimaya supermarket. Mochi Ice Cream from Maeda-en, a Japanese green tea producer, is a good choice especially if you are still not sure about sweetened bean paste. It’s a fusion of a layer of mochi (rice cake) and premium ice cream. At your next tea party, why not impress your friends by serving artistically shaped Japanese confectioneries and green tea? << Maeda-en’s Mochi Ice Cream with green tea flavor is a must-try.

<< Wagashi, Japanese confectionery, crafted by Gwen Stamm.

www.ibukimagazine.com 17

Low-fat, high-in-protein vegetarian recipe

Spinach Salad with Seasoned Mashed Tofu: Shiraae Shiraae is a traditional tofu dish in Japan. Various vegetables and seaweeds can be used for shiraae, but let’s try some simple ingredients that Americans are familiar with: spinach and carrots. Because we dress the dish with tofu instead of mayo or cheese, this shiraae style salad is a great dish for someone on a diet.

Ingredients (4 servings) Tofu (firm) ................................................................ 10 oz Spinach.................................................................. 1 bunch Carrot...............................................................................1 Dried shiitake mushrooms.................................................3 Saké............................................................................ 3 tbs Sugar........................................................................... 3 tbs Soy sauce..................................................................... 3 tbs Ground white sesame seeds......................................... 3 tbs Water......................................................................1/3 cup


Dashi SOy? To make an even better dish, use dashi soy sauce instead of ordinary soy sauce. Kamada’s Dashi soy contains natural broth made from fish extracts and kombu seaweed. It will add a rich, deeper flavor.



5. 6.

18 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

1. Wrap the tofu with paper towels and place a small cutting board on top of it (used for weight). Leave it for about 15 minutes to remove the water. 2. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in 1/3 cup water. Let sit for 10 min. When mushrooms are softened, remove stem and slice thinly. Keep the drained water; it will be used as dashi, or soup stock. Peel carrot and slice into thin strips. Put saké, sugar, 1tbs soy sauce, and dashi water (water drained from shiitake mushrooms) in a small pan and bring to a boil. Add carrot and shiitake mushrooms and simmer on medium heat until carrots are softened. Set aside until cool. In a large pot, cook spinach in boiling water for one minute (do not overcook). Drain spinach and then soak in cold water until cool. Drain and squeeze the spinach to remove the excess liquid. Cut spinach into about 1 inch lengths. Smash tofu with a fork in a large bowl. Add liquid from cooked carrot and shiitake mushrooms, 2 tbs soy sauce and sesame seeds. Mix carrot and shitake into the seasoned smashed Tofu. Add spinach and mix again.


Cutlet Curry The cutlet is a common Euro-Japanese dish, as is curry rice. This richly delicious combination of Japanese curry and cutlet is very popular among hungry young men in Japan. Try cooking J-style cutlet curry with Kikkoman’s ready-to-eat Ginza Curry™ Sauce.

Ingredients (2 servings) Kikkoman Ginza Classic Curry Sauce........ 1 can Kikkoman Bread Crumbs (Panko) ...........¼ cup Boneless pork or chicken breast................2 slices Egg ................................................................. 1 All-purpose flour.........................................1 tbs Steamed rice............................................. 4 cups Oil for frying Pickled vegetable (optional)


Toppings on Japanese Curry While cutlets make for a typical topping on Japanese curry, pickled vegetables are also a common and tasty topping. Although Japanese pickles such as rakkyo and fukujinzuke are typically used in Japan, American pickles go well with curry too. Some people like topping with melted cheese and sliced boiled eggs to make spicy curry milder.

1. Pour oil at least 1 inch deep into frying pan; heat to 350°F. 2. Slice meat to 1/4 inch thick. Beat egg until blended. Coat both sides of pork with flour, then dip into egg and finally coat thoroughly with bread crumbs. 3. Fry meat in oil until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side. 4. Serve with steamed rice and warmed Kikkoman Ginza Classic Curry Sauce. 5. Top with pickled vegetables as you like.

Check out more recipes online


www.ibukimagazine.com 19


Saké Regions By Johnnie Stroud, owner of Saké Nomi


t Saké Nomi, we’ve organized and grouped our saké by the regions in which they were brewed. It is our hope that this will encourage our customers to explore the wide variety of styles brewed in regions throughout Japan whose names might not be immediately recognizable. While the brewing capitals of Kobe and Kyoto feature delicious saké from the world’s biggest and best-selling brewing companies, we particularly enjoy the discovery of smaller, family owned and operated breweries often located in more rural areas. Saké produced by these smaller operations is referred to as jizake, or “local/ country saké,” and we think of them as being roughly equivalent to a microbrewery or boutique winery. Many saké brewing styles and flavors have developed as a direct result of regional influences such as naturally occurring water sources and locally cultivated rice. In general, “regionality” in saké is not as pronounced as it is in the wine world, and unlike grapes used in wine making, sakamai (saké rice) is routinely shipped from region to region for use in brewing. Before the development of sophisticated distribution methods, the local cuisine


also played a major role in determining the prevalent flavor profiles of the area’s saké. It’s a bit of a generalization, but the style of saké drunk in seaside towns where fresh seafood is a staple of the local diet tended to be light and dry, whereas saké in more remote or mountainous regions tended to be more robust and full-bodied to complement the saltier preserved foods found in those areas. A few areas famous for regional distinction include Niigata (light, clean, dry and refined), the Nada district in Kobe (dry, settled, not overly fragrant and “masculine”), and the Fushimi district in Kyoto (soft, slightly sweet, melting and “feminine”). As the saké market continues to change and develop, many brewers are taking advantage of technological advances to produce unique saké that does not fit the traditional regional “mold.” The skills of each individual toji (brewmaster) allow them to exert enough leverage on a saké’s flavor profile that it is not much of a stretch to say that if you provide two neighboring brewers with the exact same raw materials, they would each produce a distinctly unique product. While an argument can be made that technology and improved transportation


GINJO SHIBORITATE NAMA GENSHU Brewery: Honke Matsuura (established 1804) Region: Tokushima Type: Ginjo (Nama Genshu)/58% Unpasteurized (nama) and undiluted or “cask strength” (genshu). Yeasty, sweet grain aromas. Soft, full, gentle mouthfeel, with ripened fruit sweetness, a hint of chocolate and slight minerality. Lingering finish shows a touch of mint. The “oil can” would be ideal at a barbecue, or with fatty sashimi. 20 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

has made the Japanese saké drinking and brewing world smaller, resulting in more homogeneous saké styles, we believe there are still many interesting regional characteristics to be found, and we respect the local pride that these brewers express through their craft.

Johnnie Stroud, is the owner of

Saké Nomi, the saké shop and tasting bar in Pioneer Square. Saké Nomi 76 South Washington Street, Seattle Tel 206-467-SAKE

Your Own Trip with Japan Rail Pass

Tokyo + Onsen Hot Spring

Visit Japan This Summer’s Destination TRAVEL : Special Edition

Experience Historic Festivals in Tohoku, Northern Japan

Fly east for 10 hours and you’ll arrive in a place far removed from Western culture. This summer, why not explore Japan, a country rich in both ancient traditions and up-to-the-minute excitement? Shop along the Ginza, home to an impressive collection of world-renowned boutiques; drop by the otaku paradise of Akihabara and sip tea at a maid café; take a trip to a local hot-springs inn and dine on the local sashimi and saké; and celebrate Japan’s hot summer with a traditional Japanese festival. On the following pages, we’ll introduce you to companies waiting to make this dream trip become a reality for you.

Plan Your Own Trip with Japan Rail Pass Kyushu


© Furano/© JNTO

©Kagoshima Prefectural Tourist Federation/©JNTO

“The Japan Rail Pass lets travelers ride JR trains, buses and ferries with one simple ticket,” explains Max Hattori, the man in charge of Sankei Travel’s Seattle office. Japan’s public transportation system is safe and punctual, making it a relaxing way for travelers to see the country. The popular ekiben (boxed lunches) feature local delicacies that add to the fun of the trip. For long-term travelers and students, the 21-day pass allows for travel from the southern tip of Kyushu to the northernmost point

of Hokkaido. It’s an economical way to see the country. You can enjoy a dip in the ocean along the way or a hike in the Japanese Alps near Nagano, which hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics. Take in the many charms of Japan’s cities and countryside with this pass.

Sankei Travel Seattle Office 1-800-801-4069 www.sankeitravel.com

www.ibukimagazine.com 21

Tokyo + Onsen Hot Spring JTB offers a wide range of services, from package tours to hotel reservations, but the one that has been getting the most attention lately has been its Flex service, which allows travelers to select their own destinations and accommodations. “The most popular service is one that combines a stay in Tokyo, a trip to a hotsprings inn, the train ticket to get there and the airline tickets to and from Japan,” says Dan Winters of the JTB Seattle office. Ibuki has featured hot-springs resorts in earlier issues. They’re wonderful for experiencing Japan’s famous cuisine, architecture and exemplary service. Because Japan has plenty of volcanoes, it also is dotted with hot springs. Hakone and Inatori on the Izu Peninsula are close to Tokyo but seem worlds away when you’re soaking in a hot-springs bath and looking out at the ocean or up at Mount Fuji. Or visit Kusatsu, where many Japanese ryokan, or inns, are clustered



together, allowing you to sample different public baths as you stroll around the town. This website offers an overview of some of these hot-springs destinations: http://www. japanican.com/special/onsen/. You can start planning the trip of a lifetime today.


JTB USA Seattle Office 1-866-467-8877 www.jtbusa.com


Travel agencies offer many different packages, so please consult a professional travel agent to find the tour that is right for you. The Japanese government has been aggressively promoting the country as a tourist destination and improving the English signage for travelers, making Japan a comfortable destination for overseas visitors. Deflationary trends in Japan have also made dining and shopping much more affordable. If you think Japan is expensive, you’re in for a surprise. This summer is a wonderful time to experience Japan.

22 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

©Odakyu Electric Railway/©JNTO

Experience Historic Festivals in Tohoku, Northern Japan Ching Tan, sales manager at Travel Oriented, says there’s one tour that he recommends above all others during the summer months: A trip that includes visits to the Big Three festivals of Japan’s northern region, Tohoku. “Our tour is put together by people very knowledgeable about travel in Japan. The restaurants, hotels and sightseeing spots they select offer a vast view of Japan in a short time. The package tour and the relatively close destinations offer the best option both economically and experientially.” On the Tokyo & Summer Festival 8-Day tour, travelers gather in Tokyo, then fly to Hakodate on Hokkaido. They take the bullet train to Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Sendai, Nikko and then back to Tokyo. The main destinations along the way are the three great festivals: Nebuta Festival in Aomori, the Kanto Festival in Akita and the Tanabata Festival in Sendai. The Nebuta Festival dates back to the 9th Century and draws three million sightseers annually. The festival features massive lanterns made of traditional washi paper, and dancers and drummers in traditional Nebuta costumes. It’s

Nebuta Hakodate Aomori

Akita Sendai Nikko Tokyo

a dynamic parade. The Kanto Festival in Akita started as a way for farmers to gather and pray for an abundant harvest. Today it includes unique performances by people balancing 110-lb. lanterns on their heads, shoulders and chests. The Tanabata Festival features colorful streamers made of traditional washi paper — a beautiful way to celebrate summer in northern Japan. A trip to Tohoku this summer offers a wonderful way to experience Japan’s rich culture.

© Yasufumi Nishi/© JNTO


Travel Oriented Inc. 1-888-496-5676 www.japandeluxetour. com

© Yasufumi Nishi/© JNTO


www.ibukimagazine.com 23

Bilingual Comic Series

24 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010 Winter 2009


The Demands of Modern Marriage By Masami Suzuki, translated by Yuko Enomoto In the old days, the Japanese used to find their marriage partner through arranged meetings. Today, people mainly marry for love. But in this busy age, you can’t just sit around and wait to find your perfect match. These days, you’ve got to make an effort.


ately, the media has created a new word: konkatsu, which is short for kekkon katsudo, or “marriage activity.” The word denotes the various activities one might undertake with the goal of finding a spouse. When someone looks for work in Japan, he or she engages in various job-search activities, called shukatsu (short for shushoku katsudo). This is where konkatsu came from. Its original use was from a book entitled Konkatsu Jidai (The Age of Marriage Activity) by a journalist specializing in family issues and Japan’s falling birthrate. Konkatsu stands alongside “herbivorous boys” (introduced in the inaugural issue of Ibuki) as a nominee for the trendy word of the year in 2009. It’s been a theme of a TV drama and it’s even leading to new business opportunities as local governments talk it up. Konkatsu has become a bit of a social phenomenon. What sort of activities are implied by the popular term? The book that started the boom, Konkatsu Jidai, detailed how computer matchmaking services were in high demand, but it also showed many other methods people have come up with to find their spouse.


irst are singles parties. These have been going on for some time, but they were typically held at night in a downtown restaurant or bar. Singles parties in the konkatsu style could take place on a bright green golf course in the early morning, at a café over dessert, during lunch or while walking your dog at a park on a Sunday afternoon. Instead of just gathering at a restaurant, these new spouse hunters prefer to find their partner through their interests and hobbies. Next are the workout or study groups. People gather at the gym or take English lessons, golf classes or wine seminars, where they get a chance to become familiar with the other students. The early birds can engage in asakatsu, short for “morning marriage activities” before work. From 7am in central Tokyo’s Marunouchi business district, people gather at a culture center to hear lectures on the classics or take classes that lead to certification in a skill or trade. Some singles with the volunteer spirit gather at

parks early on weekends to pick up litter. Some spots have been created specifically for the konkatsu boom. They’re called konkatsu bars. While these bars have some similarities with American singles bars, one big difference is that they are for members only. Memberships are usually free and there are no qualifications that need to be met, but the fact that everyone has to show identification and have their identity recorded means the bar isn’t a place for an anonymous encounter. This makes some visitors feel safer. The bar staff also help to encourage encounters. For example, if you are drinking alone or with a friend at one of these bars, one of the bar employees may come up and say, “The person over there has expressed interest in meeting you. Would you like to get together?” If you agree to the meeting, in the blink of an eye, the staff will have arranged your tables and chairs together. (Of course, if you prefer, you can certainly walk over to the table on your own.) There are even people who admit to dropping by a konkatsu bar every Friday after work.


ecent trends have conspired to create this konkatsu boom. First is the quickly declining birthrate: Japanese women have an average of 1.37 children. Next, more people are waiting to marry: The average marrying age for men is 30.2; for women it’s 28.5. Third, more people are just not getting married: Nearly 40% of men and 30% of women in the 30-34 age range are single. And we shouldn’t forget the economic stagnation and lack of jobs. Some women believe that in these difficult economic times, it’s better to find a spouse and settle down than to look for work, while some men also long for the stability of a marriage. Regional governments have been talking up the konkatsu boom as a way to counter the trend toward rapid aging in the countryside and the falling birthrate. Events feature teams of men and women making local delicacies, konkatsu trolley tours to promote friendship and many other locally inspired activities to bring men and women together. The provinces have been making a big push on this front. Companies that were once known for catering to singles have jumped on the bandwagon by calling themselves “konkatsu producers” and hosting and planning all sorts of events. There are also konkatsu calendars for sale and konkatsu fraud to beware of … who knows where it will end!


ust as a job search is required to find a job, now marriage searches are part of getting married. And because of this, more people are turning to konkatsu activities in an attempt to find that special someone. At the same time, many people long for that dramatic encounter, that fateful moment, that sense of true love. When you meet that special someone through a konkatsu activity, the two of you may want to add a little dramatic flair to your story when you’re inevitably asked, “How did you two meet?” at your wedding reception.. www.ibukimagazine.com 25



By Julian Waters

MOVIES 20th Century Boys 2 – The Last Hope

Based on the one of the most succesful manga comics by Naoki Urasawa, the blockbuster 20th Century Boys trilogy continues with The Last Hope. Directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi, the series was a huge undertaking with a cast of 300. The production scale has been compared with Lord of the Rings. If you haven’t read the series I suggest you start with the first film 20th Century Boys: Beginning of the End. The series revolves around a group of childhood friends led by Kenji (Toshiaki Karasawa). While children, they wrote The Book of Prophecy, accurately depicting the rise of a cult organization that attempts to rule and subsequently destroy the world. As the first chapter unfolds, Kenji and his friends try to stop a villain who unleashes a deadly virus. Chapter 2 of the trilogy takes place in 2015 in the future. Many of the main characters are now dead, in prison or on the run,

branded as terrorists. Ten years after the momentous violent events, Kenji is missing while a mysterious “Friend” oversees a New World Empire. With Kenji’s fate unknown, the film turns its focus to his niece Kanna (Taira Airi, Arch Angels). Kanna goes deep undercover, submersing herself into the frightening “Friendland” world, in an effort to clear Kenji’s name and reveal the truth about “Friend.” After a new Book of Prophecy surfaces predicting a saviour will arise at a church in Shinjuku but will be assassinated, the fugitives rally together in an effort to find out the truth about “Friend” and the devilish plot. This deeply intense manga series brought to life on the big screen yields a frightening modern masterpiece. 20th Century Boys 2: The Last Hope © 1999, 2006, Naoki Urasawa, Studio Nuts/Shogakukan © 2009 “20th Century Boys” Film Partners

CAR New Sporty Mazda Hatchback to launch in 2010 Mazda is preparing to launch a stylish, eco-friendly, fun-todrive five-door hatchback, the 2011 Mazda2. Small zippy and efficient, loaded with style and substance, the 2011 Mazda2 will make its premier in the US market late in the summer of 2010. Originally launched in 2007, the new MAZDA2 was first introduced in Europe, Japan and Australia. While developing the new Mazda2, Mazda took a thorough look at global trends and carefully worked to identify the truly beneficial values that could be infused into a global subcompact car. These benefits have not gone unnoticed by the public, who have snatched up

26 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

over 370,000 units in the three years since its introduction in other parts of the world. The affordable, new Mazda2 is sure to provide an © Mazda invigorating spark of performance, energy and subtlety, giving drivers instant satisfaction.

Gadget Space age oxygen for the every day athlete Imagine you are training for your favorite NW marathon and after 30 minutes of running along the Portland waterfront or around Marymoor Park, you say to yourself, “Man, I am really out of breath.” Well until now your options for curing that oxygen deficit was very limited (slow down or walk). But now the creative inventors from Japan have given you a third option. The creators of Oxyfit claim that “the world’s first compact personal oxygen supply” provides up to 30% more oxygen. The advanced electronic oxygen generation pack with a lithium-ion battery provides 1.5 hours of run-time and can be worn biking, hiking, running, even love making--any activity that leaves you gasping for air! Just position the supply tube — which looks like something a telephone operator would wear — in front of your face and it pumps pure oxygen-rich air directly into your breathing space! You are passing up Microsoft or Nike coworkers as they struggle to keep pace with you. While you may feel like a fool running down the street with this getup on,

or your spouse may give you a strange look when you walk into the bedroom wearing nothing but your new gadget, the extra edge is worth it, isn’t it? Before you answer, I had better mention that it will set you back about $2,700. Happy trails :-)

© AK inc.

MUSIC Sakura-con performing artists

© Spice Records

© Human Noise Records

Dazzle Vision

High and Mighty Color

Beautiful petite singer with Shockingly loud voice... So begins the band Dazzle Vision from Japan. Dazzle Vision is a fourmember hard rock and heavy metal band formed in June 2003. Lead singer Maiko has an adorable idol-like appearance with a smooth melodic voice ... until she gets wound up. Then all hell breaks loose. Maiko sings in perfect harmony alongside the guitar and bass played by Yu and Takuro. Dazzle Vision’s CD Crystal Children displays a variety of different rock tunes that cross genres from J-pop to heavy metal. The #7 track “Crystal” contains enough emotional delicacy to compliment the energy of the rest of the album. Dazzle Vision is an exciting band that has found a definite niche. Info: www,japanfiles.com/dazzlevision

Launched from Okinawa, Japanese rock band High and Mighty Color has recently released its 5th album, entitled SWAMP MAN. Very popular on the Japanese rock scene, the band has contributed several theme songs to anime series including “Darker than BLACK” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Special Edition.” High and Mighty Color seems to have tweaked its sound after adding new lead singer Halca. Track number 4, “Eyes,” has an amazing feel-good vibe with well played guitar riffs that make this song a hit. Another good listen is track 5: “Fly Me to the Other Moon.” The song kicks off with a really upbeat soulful groove and just builds and builds, producing a very rhythmic song while retaining the bands trademark rock sound. Info: www.japanfiles.com/highandmightycolor

www.ibukimagazine.com 27

Local News and Events EVENTS Trash Fashion Show at Miyabi Sushi on Earth Day

35th Annual Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival

Sushi + Trash Fashion = Eco

Explore Seattle’s deep connections with Japan

When: April 22 Where: Miyabi Sushi, 16820 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila Admission: $27 for Dinner & Trash Fashion Show Call 206-575-6815 (Miyabi Sushi) to reserve your seats.

When: April 16-18, 10 am - 6 pm Where: Seattle Center: Fisher Pavilion and Center House Admission: Free

To celebrate earth day, join Miyabi’s trash fashion show. Co-owner of Miyabi, Hisako, is a member of “Haute Trash (http://www.hautetrash.org)” and has been organizing many different delightful runway shows of haute couture created entirely from society’s rubbish. Twice a year, she hosts the show at her own restaurant. Unwanted and cast off items that would otherwise make their way to the landfill are expertly worked into garments that rival the hottest Paris fashions. Enjoy this unique fashion show with premium saké and haute sushi dinner prepared by executive chef, Masa.

<< Hisako’s trash fashion was picked by “Ripley’s Believe it or not 2010.” This kimono dress is made from unagi packages and food boxes from Miyabi Sushi restaurant.

Ikebana on Mother’s Day Create a beautiful flower arrangement for your mother When: May 8th & 9th Where: Swansons Nursery, 9701 15th Ave. N.W., Seattle Admission: $25, including plant materials Master ikebana artist, Megumi Schacher, teaches Ikebana Japanese flower arrangement on Mother’s Day weekend. She uses local materials in an accessible style that is appropriate in any setting. Surprise your mother with an exotic and beautiful flower arrangement. Info: http://www.ikebanabymegumi.com 28 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

The festival was started in 1976 when Japan gave Seattle 1,000 cherry trees to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the United States. Now one of the largest Japanese cultural events, it features over 100 displays and demonstrations. From the booms of taiko drums to the silence of ikebana flowers, the event is a feast for the senses. Delicious Japanese food, tea ceremony demonstrations and artwork present both a modern and ancient view of this complex culture. This year’s special focus is “Youth – Skateboarding – Hapa Experience.” Japanese and Seattle local skateboarders will perform ninja-like acrobatics at the new Seattle Center skate park on Saturday.

Sakura-Con 2010 Seattle’s largest anime convention When: April 2nd - 4th Where: Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle Admission: $30-40/day, $60/full day. Pre-register by March 8th to recieve discount. Children age 6-12 receive 50% discount with their family. Presented by the Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Sakura-Con is the oldest and most well attended anime convention in the Pacific Northwest. Member attendance for Sakura-Con 2009 was over 16,000. The huge event has anime theaters, gaming, cosplay, cultural panels, dances, concerts, art contests, over 100,000 square feet of exhibits hall, guests of honor and more! *If you are under 18, please remember to bring your signed parent permission form with you to registration. Info: http://www.sakuracon.org

NEWLY OPENED Genki Sushi - Renton A new Genki Sushi store recently opened in February, conveniently located next to Uwajimaya store in Renton. Stop by this quick and affordable sushi restaurant while on your way to Uwajimaya. Located at 365 S. Grady Way Ste. B & C, Renton Tel: (425) 277-1050

Fumie’s Gold — Bellevue Downtown Japanese female pâtissier Fumie opened this Euro-Japanese-style togo-only cake & coffee store a few steps from a Bellevue downtown park. It has been a Japanese mom’s favorite place to stop by after playing with their kids across the street in the park. Located at 10045 NE 1st St Ste CU2, Bellevue. Tel: (425) 223-5893

Unicorn Crepes — Southcenter French crepes delivered in hip Harajuku style. The very popular Unicorn Japanese-style crepes store in the International District opened a second store inside Westfield Southcenter mall. Stop in and try one of the many flavors of crepes. Located at 738 Westfield Southcenter Mall, Tukwila, WA 98188. Tel: (206) 243-6236

Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle - Westfield Southcenter The Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle chain has arrived! The first in the Seattle area, the brand new store in Westfield Southcenter mall is the 19th store of California-based Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle. They have a variety of Japan-related products from anime DVDs to kimonos. The store has already Stuffed toys are some of the most attracted many teenagers and popular items at Tokyo Japanese families with young children since Lifestyle. they opened their doors. Kawaii (cute) Hello Kitty items and kimono-patterned wallets are popular among girls, while boys are picking up Gundam robots and Naruto figures. Moms are able to find handy small kitchen tools. Store manager Kohyo explains, “Our store staff are all Japanese. A vast selection of action figPlease feel free to ask them ques- ures and anime collectibles. tions if you find some products unfamiliar and you have no idea how to use them.” They are planning to open stores in Olympia and Tacoma this spring.

IBUKI is looking for sales reps in Portland. If interested in, please contact us at: info@ibukimagazine.com

Is there a Japanese related news story or event you would like to share? Drop us a line: info@ibukimagazine.com

These are funny shaped erasers. You will find unique stationery selections not seen outside of Japan.

Affordable T-shirts and caps in their apparel section. Kimono, Yukata and Geta (Japanese sandals) can be also found.

633 Westfield Southcenter Mall, Tukwila, WA 98188 Tel: (206) 241-0219

www.ibukimagazine.com 29

ENTER TO WIN Answer a short 10 question survey and be entered to win collectors items! Visit: http://www.ibukimagazine.com/surveys

A. DVD and Poster gift set of: “20th Century Boys 1: Beginning of the End” & “20th Century Boys 2: The Last Hope” << THREE persons can win DVD and Poster gift sets for 20th Century Boys 1 & 2. This trilogy is based on very populer manga comics by Urasawa Naoki, the blockbuster “20th Century Boys.” Collect the first two before the third one is released in this summer. (see a review article on p.26.) © 1999, 2006, Naoki Urasawa, Studio Nuts / Shogakukan © 2008/2009 “20th Century Boys” Film Partners

B. “Dragon Ball Z DVD BOX Vol.1” << ONE person can win Dragon Ball Z DVD BOX Vol.1. The Dragon Box features over 40 uncut episodes, remastered and restored frame by frame, rendering the legendary action in pristine clarity. Each episode is presented in Japanese or English with the complete opening and closing credits and includes the original episode previews. Vol. 1 contains episodes 001-042.

© BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. Film © 1989 TOEI ANIMATION CO., LTD. Licensed by FUNimation™ Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of SHUEISHA, INC.

*One entry per household/name/email. To be qualified to enter you must include your name, address and telephone number for winner notification purposes. A name will be drawn at random and will be notified via email. The prizes will be shipped to the winner in May. Please visit our website for detailed information: http://www.ibukimagazine.com/surveys

30 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010



Coming May 10th

Look for our May /Jun issue distributed at most fine Japanese restaurants, stores and schools.


32 息吹 ibuki • March / april 2010

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