IBUKI Magazine Vol. 08 November & December 2010

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Japanese Inspired Food and Lifestyle Magazine



I Love Kawaii 6%DOKIDOKI Brings Happy Anarchy Kawaii Local Art Holiday Gifts Glamorous Hairstyles Exotic 3D Nails Plus:

Your Slice of Japan on

the Eastside Recipe Green tea sweets Travel Kanpai in Tokyo Sake Food pairing hints November & December 2010 Vol.8 Seattle / Bellevue / Portland Cover Photo © 6%DOKIDOKI, Masuda Sebastian. Taken by Yusuke Tamura



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2 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010



I Love Kawaii


Your Slice of Japan on the Eastside

As colorful as a candy shop, the kawaii fad sweeps across the US as young people embrace the deliberate playfulness it celebrates. Plenty of surprises and gems exist for Japanophiles on the Eastside too.


Sake Story




Green-tea flavored sweets


Discovering green tea

The head of Maeda-en takes us into the complex, fascinating world of tea.


Restaurant Directory

It’s not just for sushi anymore. Johnnie Stroud prods you to pair sake with cheese, dessert and much more.

Black cod with miso and vegetables. Oatmeal cookies with a hint of green tea anyone? Yum!



i fart rainbow


Store & School Directory


Travel — Kanpai in Tokyo

An insider’s guide to places to drink, eat, dance and take in the views in the capital city.


Local News and Events

A Local Gem: Mineral by Lisa Kinoshita


IBUKI Magazine Vol. 08 November & December 2010 Publisher Misa Murohashi English Cartier Editor-in-Chief Bruce Rutledge Editor and Translator Yuko Enomoto Editor Jessica Sattell

Contributing Writers & Artists Enfu (Ken Taya) Johnnie Stroud (Saké Nomi) Special Thanks Chin Music Press

Published by Axia Media Group, Inc. Bellevue, WA 98005

Comments and general inquiries info@ibukimagazine.com Advertising Info advertise@ibukimagazine.com Become our fan on Facebook

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I Love Kawaii By Bruce Rutledge

Is Hello Kitty cute because she has no mouth? Is Pikachu adorable because it doesn’t look like any animal known to man? Is the kawaii subculture in Japan and, increasingly across Asia and North America, a new form of social anarchy connected to the flower power movement of the 1960s? These and many other theories have been put forth by knowledgeable people to help us understand what has become a global phenomenon: the love of kawaii. Kawaii means “cute” in Japanese. But the special brand of Japanese cute represented by Hello Kitty, Pikachu and Anpanman (a superhero based on a bean-filled pastry) has grown into big business. Whole empires have been built on the backs of kawaii characters with infantile bodies and wide, innocent eyes. Just take a look at Sanrio, which started selling a very modest Hello Kitty vinyl coin purse in 1974. By 2009, Hello Kitty merchandise brought in about $5 billion a year, including $1 billion in North America. At the new Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle shop in Northgate Mall, a whole section of the store is devoted to Kitty merchandise. The store is bright and alive with bubble gum colors – tiny erasers shaped like cute animals, cakes, ice cream and pastries go for 99 cents; a giant and very laid back Rilakkuma goes for $350. Soap dispensers are shaped like ducklings; Pikachu, Mario, Hello Kitty and Tottoro are all here. It’s a kawaii paradise, and business is strong despite the gloomy recession. The Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle chain, which began in California, has opened four stores in the greater Seattle area this year. Kawaii sells. But the kawaii subculture is about more than consumerism, believe it or not. It has morphed into a way of life thanks to

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the innovations of entrepreneurs such as Sebastian Masuda of 6% DOKIDOKI, a Harajuku boutique that delivers the essence of kawaii in brightly colored accessories, fashion items and faceto-face events. “Just like the punk and hippy movements, the anarchism young people need these days comes from the kawaii movement, or happy feelings and a colorful world view,” Masuda tells Ibuki (see the rest of the interview on page 6.) Masuda just finished a world tour to meet devotees of the kawaii movement. At every stop, fans flocked to hear the guru of kawaii talk about fashion, life and spirituality. People drove from L.A. to San Francisco to hear him make the connection between the flower power movement, the punk outcasts of the 1980s and today’s kawaii enthusiasts. Just like the rebels of earlier generations, Masuda posits, today’s kawaii fans don’t want to emulate their parents. “We find value in things ourselves, and some people have found it on the little planet of Kawaii,” he wrote in an email. While Japan is the mecca of all things kawaii, the art and fashion inspired by the kawaii subculture knows no boundaries. Artists around the world are riffing on the kawaii theme. Here in the Pacific Northwest, notable artists such as Namu, Yumiko Kayukawa (see pages 8-9 for profiles) and enfu (see his cartoons on page 21) have brought their own sensibility to the kawaii subculture. What started as a cute vinyl coin purse has turned into a global trend that is influencing fashion, art, and maybe, if Masuda-san is to be believed, the way we live.

Profiles of artists, an interview with Sebastian Masuda and a holiday gift guide follow. Happy holidays!

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Photo Š 6%DOKIDOKI,Masuda Sebastian



Brings Happy Anarchy to Youth Culture

Sebastian Masuda, founder of the ultracool Harajuku

clothing and accessories shop 6%DOKIDOKI, chatted with Ibuki via email about Tokyo street fashion, his recent world tour and the kawaii subculture that is growing among young people around the globe. Yuko Enomoto translated the conversation.

Q: What can you tell us about the opening of 6%DOKIDOKI? A. I had been active in theater and the contemporary art world, but I wanted something that lasted longer than the one-off performances and exhibitions. I thought about a space that could continue that form of expression every day, and so I went with a shop. Q. What’s the meaning of the name, “6%DOKIDOKI.” Why 6%? A. I really wanted a Japanese name for the store. “Dokidoki” is onomatopoeic and kawaii, and it also has the meaning that the shop has exciting things inside. For “chotto,” or “a little,” I used “6%.” In other words, it means that we’re bringing you a life with a little more excitement than usual. Q. What sort of process do you use to design 6%DOKIDOKI products? What things give you inspiration for your design? A. The colors of the movies and toys of my childhood in the 1980s, the richly colored sweets packages and candy stores overseas ... I think it’s the original scenery. Q. You just finished a world tour. How did it go? What sort of things happened on the tour? A. In every city, it seemed that people were excited to see us. A group of fans from L.A. got a party bus and drove all the way to San Francisco to see us. I was really glad to see that kind of emotion. I felt that people respected each other regardless of nationality. And I felt that there is a movement beginning to take place across the globe. Q. You described on your blog how you participated in a talk called “Dai Ketsuron” (The Big Conclusion) on the last day of your tour in San Francisco. It was held at Soto Zen International. I’m interested in how the Zen boom of the 1970s connects to the kawaii boom of today. How did the talk go and what was the response? A. The U.S. in the 1960s and 70s saw a lot of people strive for material riches and become careless with their spirituality. In that setting, the hippies brought the spiritually minded practice of Zen over from the Orient. Today’s America was wrapped up in the money game of capitalism until values plummeted in the wake of the Lehman Shock. People have realized that happiness can’t be bought with money alone. Now we find value in things ourselves, and some people have found it on the little planet of Kawaii. The talk show we did on the spot where the hippy movement started featured thoughts on the theme of the tour, which was “communication.” 6 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

The young generation takes for granted media like the Web or cellphones, which easily connect us. They’ve already noticed that this sort of communication is not enough, and they’re requesting more analog-type communication like the places we created for communication on this tour. Q. Can you tell us your plans for development outside of Japan? Is there a chance you’ll sell wholesale to U.S. retailers? Or perhaps open your own store here? A. I think it would be difficult to try to do these expressive events and also develop business at the same time. The reality is I only have the strength to handle the events. But of course, these things are all about timing, so if the right business partner appeared, I could see developing the business. Q. What does “kawaii” mean to you? A. Kawaii is about creating your own space where your outlook on the world reigns and you can give shape to your own happiness. The Japanese all have this sensibility. Q. In Japan there are so many kawaii goods and brands. Where does 6%DOKIDOKI fit in the kawaii landscape? What defines 6%DOKIDOKI style? A. We didn’t start from fashion, so we can’t really compare ourselves to the others. The style of 6%DOKIDOKI has changed along with the neighborhood of Harajuku ever since we opened in 1995. It’s a style that has grown with the kids who used to hang out there in those days. It’s not just about dressing up. It’s about having a colorful impact, being fashionable and spiritual. Those are the defining characteristics. Q. Who is your target customer? A. The people gathering at our shop tend to be men and women between the ages of 18 and 23. Q. What are the fall and winter trends and themes for you this year? A. I don’t pay much attention to trends. I didn’t start 6%DOKIDOKI to become a fashion brand. We just want to use colorful furs and make interesting products. Q. Why are so many youth flocking to kawaii styles and 6%DOKIDOKI? A. Just like the punk and hippy movements, the anarchism young people need these days comes from the kawaii movement, or happy feelings and a colorful world view. That colorful image was repeated again and again in the late 1990s in Harajuku. Isn’t it safe to say that people like 6%DOKIDOKI because it is one of the originators and representatives of this movement?

The 6% DOKIDOKI store in Harajuku is a rainbow of colors and kawaii fashions. Harajuku is the epicenter of the kawaii subculture and the home to the Gothic Lolita look as well as other edgy youthful fashion trends.

World Tour 2010 Sebastian Masuda went on a world tour this summer to meet the many fans of the kawaii subculture. He senses a youth movement afoot. “It’s about having a colorful impact, being fashionable and spiritual,” he says.


Photos © 6%DOKIDOKI, Masuda Sebastian


Paris Download 120 digital pictures of 6%DOKIDOKI world to your iPhone! Kawaii Anarchy Girls $3.99 Available at itunes


© 2010 Masuda Sebastian © 2010 POLYGON MAGIC, INC.

San Francisco www.ibukimagazine.com 7


Kawaii Seattle Style “UMI NO ONNA” - Woman Of The Sea 26x20in. Acrylic and ink on canvas © Yumiko Kayukawa

“If I were in Tokyo, I would have been a rebel girl,”says painter Yumiko Kayukawa. “But in my hometown, there was nowhere to go, so I just went home and watched TV.” Kayukawa grew up in Naie, a small town on Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido. Tokyo youth culture was in the distance somewhere, as was American rock ‘n roll and pop culture. Both countries had an effect on the young artist, whose paintings seem to inhabit a world not quite American and not quite Japanese. The centerpiece of her paintings is typically a lithe Japanese woman striking often erotic but never nude poses. Kayukawa said she took some heat from American friends for painting this thin woman. “Yet they don’t complain about the anime women with the big eyes and curvy bodies. I painted this woman realistically. Lots of Japanese women look this way,” she says. Her paintings are bright, colorful and dreamlike. They typically contain some sort of Japanese writing and animals staring straight at the viewer. The animals are realistically portrayed, although in this dreamworld they are mostly benign. Kayukawa says growing up in the countryside helped her to appreciate wildlife. But the tigers and lions? “Marlon Perkins’ ‘Wild Kingdom,’” she says. “I like drawing mice as mice, tigers as tigers,” she says. “I don’t think I need to make the animals kawaii. They are already kawaii to me.” Kayukawa, a Seattle resident for the past decade, has been getting more international attention of late. From Nov. 13 to Dec. 1, she will take part in a group exhibition in London, and through Jan. 16, she’ll be showing in the SugiPop! exhibition at the Portsmouth Museum of Art in New Hampshire. Asked if it is difficult navigating between two cultures, she shrugs it off. “After all, anime itself was made in America,” she says, referring to how the godfather of anime, Osamu Tezuka, was first inspired by Disney movies. Check out her latest works at: sweetyumiko.com “KUKKII TAIMU” - Cookie Time 20x14in. Acrylic and Ink on canvas © Yumiko Kayukawa

“ICHIGO NO ARASHI” - Strawberry Storm 15x30 in. Acrylic and Ink on canvas © Yumiko Kayukawa

Yumiko Kayukawa 8 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

NAMU Seiko Kobayashi started drawing and designing under the Namu brand in 2009, after working as a 3-D character artist at Seattle game design company Monolith for nine years. She quickly found her own style, which sits somewhere between super modern and very traditional, paired with a kawaii flair. Binko Chiong-Bisbee of the Kobo galleries enncouraged Kobayashi to transfer some of her design work to T-shirts. They proved wildly popular and have become one of the signature products at Kobo. Kobayashi has two boys. Her sons were born in 2007 and 2009, and she soon realized that it was difficult to find affordable, cute clothing for boys. She decided to gear her design to boys, and soon came up with a Godzillainspired design. Lately Kobayashi has been branching out into T-shirts, wraps and bags for girls, women and men. The Namu brand features Kobayashi’s “retro Japanese art,” especially inspired by Japanese art from the 1930s and 40s. Her art is not kawaii by design; she’s more interested in providing historical context. She sees the word “kawaii” as having different meanings in Japan and the US. In Japan, it’s all about cute and helpless like a baby or a pet, she explains. In English, the word carries more sexual and punk connotatiions. Kobayashi creates her prints in a Fremont studio, working alone. Each design takes a lot of work, she says, so she only comes out with new work every half year or so. Kobayashi likes to play with and modernize traditional garb, like the Harajuku girls who give kimono and zori sandals a modern flourish. Some of her most popular designs are “Umechan,” which features a girl in a light cotton yukata robe; “Kawaii Usagi,” a bunny in a kimono; and “Kawaii Kitty,” a kneeling cat in a kimono. Next up for the Namu brand? A samurai riding a motorcycle, a vampire and angel cats, and Harajuku girl angels. Her T-shirts are available at Kobo galleries in International District and Capital Hill. You can also purchase goods at her online store: http://www.namu.etsy.com

Shinkansen 新幹線

Kawaii Rabbit


Shinkansen © Namu

Shinkansen © Namu

<< Custom portraits of your children Besides her apparel line, Namu creates custom portraits for children. “When painting a portrait, rather than working directly from a photo, I look for those unique aspects of each child and allow them to inspire a color palette and composition first, and then a fanciful setting.” Each of her works typically includes stylized Japanese text relating to the subject- usually their name, a favorite phrase, or birthday. Your very own custom portrait of your little one costs $380, including a 12”x12” digital image of the finished work and, of course, the physical painting mounted on a 2” deep board. For your own uniquely kawaii art, contact Namu through her online store at http://www.etsy.com/ shop/namu. © Enfu www.ibukimagazine.com 9


Kawaii Holiday Gift Ideas To wear

New York wool hats, $37-$59 Available at Momo

Faux pearl necklace by Lisa Kinoshita, $185

Available at Momo or through Mineral Gallery or at http://www.lisakinoshita.com

Kimono Kanzashi hair clips, $22/pair Available at Momo

Kawaii Kitty

Canvas Field Bag by Namu, $26. Available at Kobo or at http://www.namu.etsy.com

Hand-sewn baby yukata with Japanese fabric, $29 Available at Momo

Ozeki Winter Cloak, $129 by Lady Konnyaku Available at http://www.ladykonnyaku.com

Momo 600 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA 98104, (206) 329-4736

Kobo 604 S Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98104. (206) 381-3000

Mineral Gallery 301 Puyallup Ave., Ste. A, Tacoma, WA 98421, (253) 250-7745

Lady Konnyaku online store http://www.ladykonnyaku.com

10 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

For fun

Jumbo Rilakkuma and friends

stuffed toys, prices vary. Available at Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle

Kri Kri face teacup Available at Kobo.

(assorted colors), $28.

Japanese erasers,

from 99 cents to $2.99 Available at Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle

Hello Kitty Tote, $16 Available at Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle

Domo-kun 16 Month Calendar, $14.99

Available at Anime Raku

Astro Boy Limited Edition Complete Book, $45 Available at Anime Raku Enfu Art Posters

ENTER TO WIN Holiday Gift for Ibuki Readers! Answer a short 10 question survey and be entered to win Namu Kids’ T-shirts!! Visit: http://www.ibukimagazine.com/surveys A. Kawaii Sakura Girl T 4/5T x 1

B. Boy Ninja T 2/4T x 1

by Enfu, $20 Available at Kobo or at http://enfu.com

Anime Raku 10627 NE 8th St., Bellevue, WA 98004, (425) 454-0112 Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle Northgate Mall 401 NE Northgate Way, Suite 740, Seattle, (206) 363-3213 (See page 23 to find three other locations in WA)

Sponsored by Namu http://www.namu.etsy.com Her full T-shirt line is available at Kobo in International District

www.ibukimagazine.com 11


Finding Your Kawaii Style By Misa Murohashi Translated by Yuko Enomoto

When you think of a Japanese woman’s hair, do you see it as black and straight, like the classic stereotype? If you visit Japan and look around, you’ll see that women with straight black hair are not so common these days. What you’re more likely to see is women having fun with their own hairstyles, dying their hair bright colors or adding light curls, for instance. Swing by Harajuku and you’ll see that the carefree, expressive hairstyle is no longer in the minority. Japanese style isn’t about being trapped by the hair you were born with – it’s about having fun as you find your own kawaii style. To bring that style to life, we all need the skills of a good hairstylist. Did you know that there’s a hair salon in

Bellevue that features stylists trained in Japan? The salon is eN Salon located on 20th St, which opened in spring 2009. The chic and stylish interior and meticulous service are a real draw, as are the popular stylists Hiro and Mika, who both enjoyed thriving careers in Japan before moving to the Pacific Northwest. Hiro and Mika worked on our two models to give them the ultimate Japanese styling. Of course, the theme was “kawaii.” Both stylists showed how adept they were at drifting toward a sweet, playful kawaii style while retaining that female elegance. eN Salon - 13112 NE 20th St # 500, Bellevue Tel (425) 883-1010 http://www.en-salon.com

Hiro worked at a well-known salon in Kobe

for five years. His work was featured in magazines and shows, and he had quite a following at the salon. Looking for a new challenge, he moved to L.A in 2001. Once eN opened, he began commuting between L.A. and Seattle. He’s known for taking in a client’s face, mood and hair quality before creating a hairstyle with the perfect balance for that person. “There’s no point in pushing my own style on a customer. I take in what the customer wants and try to create something Since the theme was “kawaii” this time, I put in that offers her just the right balsome curls and gave her hair a light, lively feel. For colance,” he says. Hiro’s hairstylings oring I mixed an ash color with red to get a pale pink, are consistently beautiful. I must which brings out her beauty. I also added some lowlights confess that I’m one of Hiro’s fans; to enhance the effect of the soft curls. The basic cut is a he does my hair whenever I get it popular one over the last a few years, the low-layered look, styled. Hiro is also equally skilled which gives the hair some heft. I layered her bangs too and with men’s hair. softened them. I gave the sides volume to bring out her beauty and created a balanced and kawaii silhouette.

Hairstyle by Hiro Makeup by Norico Model: Malia

12 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Mika built a formidable career

as a hairstylist in Osaka and Kobe for a decade, then moved to the U.S. She has amassed a steady following of loyal customers since she started her career in the Seattle and Bellevue area more than five years ago. To stay on top of Japanese trends and techniques, Mika travels to Japan one or two times a year to attend training sessions and to spend time in salons studying the latest developments. “Customers come here looking for some sort of change, so they start with their hairstyle. My job is to help them find that new version of themselves. It’s not just for cute, young girls either. I work with the individual customer to find the style that brings out her loveliness no matter her age,” she says. Mika is also known for offering advice on how to keep that hairstyle looking just right every day.

The point of this styling is to create a 3-D effect with the coloring. I used as the base the colors ash and beige, which are popular in Japan this year, then added highlights and lowlights. The cut accents the bangs and adds layers around her face, bringing out her beauty. The heavy lowlayered look emphasizing the forelocks keeps layering under control. Our model has a cool look to her, so I teased the forelocks to the side a little to bring out her adult nature. I wanted to enhance the mood she already creates.

Hairstyle by Mika Model: Yuka

Japanese 3-D Nails and Calgel Nails Once you’ve done your hair, now it’s time for your nails. If you’ve grown tired of French nails and you’re searching for a new look this holiday season, Japanese 3-D nails are for you. eN employs nail artists well versed in Japanese-style 3-D nails and Calgel nails. The nails shown on the top were designed by Yoko. The nails on the bottom were done by Hiromi.

www.ibukimagazine.com 13



Food Pairing with Premium Sake By Johnnie Stroud, owner of Saké Nomi


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Many people in the U.S. first experience sake at a sushi restaurant and, sadly, continue to only enjoy it with sushi and sashimi at their favorite Japanese restaurant. While I agree there’s no beverage that pairs better with sushi and sashimi, I also feel that most sake drinkers are placing unnecessary limits on their sake enjoyment by not experimenting with other foods and flavors. Just as the oversimplified cliché of “white with fish and red with beef ” doesn’t suit all wines, thinking of premium sake as the beverage you can only drink with Japanese or Asian food does it a great disservice. Because of sake’s relatively low acidity (about 1/3 that of wine), in a food-pairing situation, I feel like the sake serves to support the dish’s flavors, rather than meld or compete with them. Since this food-matching business is definitely not an exact science, maybe the best place for sake drinkers to begin thinking outside the box is by trying to enjoy their favorite sake with food they like.

Sake and cheese? You bet! Spicy food with a sweet, creamy nigorizake? Why not? Sweet sparkling sake with fresh fruit? Mmmmm. Funky yamahai style sake with barbecued pork? Yesss! A sweet, acidic junmai sake with fish and chips? Bring it on! A koshu (aged) sake with a rich, gamey dish, or with after dinner chocolates (or cigars?!)? Thank you, Sir, may I have another? The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and sense of adventure. Don’t be afraid: with good food and good premium sake, even the “misses” are bound to be delicious!

Johnnie Stroud, is the owner of Saké Nomi, the saké shop and tasting bar in Pioneer Square. Saké Nomi 76 South Washington Street, Seattle Tel 206-467-SAKE 14 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010


Grilled Cod with Miso and Vegetables

IZAKAYA 居酒屋 What is an Izakaya? A Japanese pub?? Yes. People enjoy drinking and eating.

And people can relax as if they are at home.

I see..

I love Izakaya!!

One day.. Pajama

Get Out!!

Ingredients (4 servings) 1 lb true cod fillet (or ling cod) 1 medium size onion sliced 1 carrot peeled and finely sliced 1 bunch enoki mushroom 4 tsp butter 5 tbs miso 2 tbs sake 1 tsp sugar

Don’t sleep!!

So confy..

Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wash enoki mushroom and cut stem off. Cut cod fillet into 2-3 inch pieces. Mix miso, sake and sugar togetheru to make sauce. Heat oven to 400 F. Divide butter, vegetables and mushrooms into four portions and place each on a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to enclose one serving of fish and ingredients. 6. Place cod on top of the vegetables and brush prepared miso sauce on top of fish. 7. Fold over the edge of aluminum foil to encase the ingredients. 8. Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Check after 10 minutes. Do not overcook.


1618 N 45th St Seattle, WA 98103 Tel: (206) 632-7010 issian-seattle.com www.ibukimagazine.com 15

Try the subtle, healthy flavor of green tea for your holiday treats!

Green Tea & Azuki Bean Jelly

Recipe by Setsuko Pastry

Ingredients (4-6 servings) 1tbsp Maeda-en Green Tea Powder – “Culinary 1 tbsp hot water 1 ½ cup anko (azuki bean paste) 1 tsp kanten (agar) powder 1/2 cup water ¼- ½ cup sugar depending on your own sweet tooth


Directions 1. Dissolve Maeda-en's Matcha green tea powder in hot water. 2. Spread anko evenly to a depth of about 1½ inches in bread size baking pan or heat-safe plate 3. In a midsize pan, melt kanten powder in water and bring it to boil. Add sugar and dissolved green tea powder, then bring to boil again. 4. Turn the heat down and mix well until it becomes a thick consistency. 5. Remove from heat and pour into the pan or plate filled with anko. 6. Cool down to room temperature and then chill in refrigerator.

Setsuko Pastry (206) 816- 0348 www.setsukopastry.com

A Healthy Alternative Pastry with a Japanese Spin

Green Tea & Oatmeal Cookies Ingredients (4-6 servings) 1/2 tbsp Maeda-en Green Tea Powder – 1 cup all-purpose flour ½ tsp baking soda 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter softened at room temperature ½ cup sugar 1 egg 2 cups old fashioned uncooked oats

“Culinary Quality”

Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. Beat together butter and sugar until creamy. Add egg and mix well again. 3. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking soda and Maeda-en Matcha green tea powder. 4. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix together. Do not over stir. 5. Stir in oats and mix again. 6. Place rounded tablespoonfuls onto cookie sheet. 7. Bake 11 minutes or until golden brown.

16 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Discovering Green Tea Ibuki magazine sits down with Hiroshi Maeda, president of Maeda-en. By Misa Murohashi

Q. How is green tea made? The process of tea making can be roughly broken down into three steps: steaming, rolling and finishing. Steaming stops the leaves from oxidizing and gives Japanese green tea its characteristic color and grassy aroma. This step is called sassei, or kill-green. Regular sencha is steamed for 30 to 40 seconds, but deep-steamed (fukamushi) sencha can be steamed for as long as 120 seconds. Rolling helps to dry the tea leaves and gives them their characteristic needle-like shape. During the finishing step, tea leaves are selected by shape and subsequently shaped accordingly (separation of kukicha and konacha happens at this step). Then the shaped leaves can be roasted in a quick fire to give a caramelized scent called “hiire-ka” (roast scent). Finally, the tea is blended with other teas to create a stable, reliable tea. Matcha is made a little differently. First of all, matcha leaves are made of tencha, which are steamed, unrolled leaves. The tencha leaves are then finely and slowly grounded in a stone mill. Maeda-en is carefully following an old tradition of these processes to make the best teas.

Q. What makes green tea different from black tea and other tea? “Tea” can be divided into three broad categories: unfermented, semi-fermented and fermented drinks. White, green, blue-green, black roasted and smoked teas come from the same plant; it is the processing of the leaves that makes the difference. Japanese green tea is the unfermented type. To stop of the fermentation of tea leaves, we use “steaming.” Although there are many different types of Japanese green tea, the kind most often made and used by people in Japan is the steamed type of “sencha” and “fukamushicha.” Aromatic teas such as bancha and hojicha are very popular as well. The Maeda-en Sencha Tea Bag 100 is our most popular item here in the USA.

Q. Most people recognize green tea as a healthy beverage, but many are not quite sure what the health benefits are. Can you tell us what are some of the health benefits of drinking green tea? Recent study supports widely held perceptions of the benefits of green tea. For example, a key amino acid in green tea called L-theanine is known to reduce physical and psychological stress responses. Japanese green tea contains some caffeine, which, when taken with L-theanine naturally contained in green tea, may improve one’s alertness and mood. Japanese green tea also contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, but a study has shown that increasing L-theanine levels in your blood may boost immune system responses. And since your immune system is good and running, it can prevent bacteria growth that leads to bad breath. Catechins, a type of polyphenol contained in Japanese green tea, are said to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol. Other clinical trials have shown that drinking green tea can increase fat oxidation and prevent obesity. In a different clinical trial, the catechin in Japanese green tea has also been shown to increase over-all metabolism. Drinking three or more cups of tea a day may contribute to your good health.

Q. What should people look for when selecting a green tea in order to experience good flavor and maximum health benefits? Because the growth and harvest method is different with each tea type, naturally there are differences in nutritional value. Catechins that give astringency to teas are contained most in sencha, whereas amino acids that give sweetness and savoriness to teas are contained most in matcha green tea powder. People sometimes want an astringent taste and at other times want a smooth, aromatic blend. Thus, a good way to become familiar with teas is sampling each tea and selecting the best one to suit your mood and occasion.

Q. How can we determine the quality of green tea? High quality green tea leaves have a uniform size and shape. They have a shiny appearance and a vivid dark green color. High quality green tea has a refreshing fragrance of young leaves.

Q6. Please tell us about Maeda-en’s green tea products. Maeda-en only produces the freshest, finest Japanese green tea. Our teas are all natural with no artificial colors or flavors and are directly imported from Japan. These are the qualities we cannot compromise on as green tea specialists. We have lived and breathed by our authentic and traditional mantra for the last 26 years. On the other hand, Maeda-en has researched and developed new, alternative applications for green tea. Our products range from traditional to contemporary.

Create a green tea recipe and

win $500 cash!! Maeda-en is currently promoting a recipe competition using its new product, Maeda-en Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Quality. This new product from Maeda-en is 100% natural green tea powder from Japan. Maedaen Matcha Culinary Quality is the perfect ingredient for enhancing the health benefits and flavor of a wide range or recipes. We await your original, simple, tasty recipe. Purchase the green tea powder at Uwajimaya or your favorite Asian grocer and create your own recipe. The most inspiring recipe will win $500! For more information, see the Taste of Matcha Recipe Contest on page two or visit http://www.maeda-en.com. Contest deadline is January 11th.

www.ibukimagazine.com 17

Restaurant Directory SEATTLE Greater Seattle Mashiko Japanese Restaurant (206) 935-4339 4725 California Ave SW, Seattle Check out sushiwhore.com You’ll like it.


(206) 448-2488 2319 2nd Ave, Seattle www.kushibar.com

Shiro’s Sushi Restaurant (206) 443-9844 2401 2nd Ave, Seattle www.shiros.com

Maekawa Bar

(206) 622-0634 601 S King St # 206,Seattle

Fort St. George

(206) 382-0662 601 S King St # 202, Seattle Aloha Ramen (206) 838-3837 8102 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle Aoki Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar (206) 324-3633 621 Broadway E, Seattle Blue C Sushi - University Village (206) 525-4601 4601 26th Ave NE, Seattle Blue C Sushi - Fremont (206) 633-3411 3411 Fremont Ave N, Seattle Blue C Sushi - 7th avenue (206) 467-4022 1510 7th Ave, Seattle

Boom Noodle, Capitol Hill (206) 701-9130 1121 E Pike St, Seattle Bush Garden Restaurant (206)682-6830 614 Maynard Avenue S., Seattle Cutting Board (206) 767-8075 5503 Airport Way S, Seattle Chiso (206) 632-3430 3520 Fremont Ave. N, Seattle Fuji Sushi (206) 624-1201 520 S Main St, Seattle Genki Sushi - Queen Anne (206) 453-3881 500 Mercer St. Unit C-2, 2B, Seattle Genki Sushi - Capitol Hill ((206) 257-4418 1620 Broadway, Seattle Hana Restaurant (206) 328-1187 219 Broadway E, Seattle Hiroshi’s Restaurant (206) 726-4966 2501 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle I Love Sushi - Lake Union 206-625-9604 1001 Fairview Ave N, Seattle Imo Asian Bistro (206) 264-9570 704 1st Ave, Seattle Issian (206) 632-7010 1618 N 45th St, Seattle Japonessa Sushi Cocina (206) 971-7979 1400 1st Ave, Seattle J Sushi (206) 287-9000 674 S Weller St, Seattle Kaname Izakaya Shochu Bar (206) 682-1828 610 S Jackson St, Seeattle Kisaku (206) 545-9050 2101 N. 55th St. #100, Seattle Kozue Japanese Restaurant (206) 547-2008 1608 N 45th St, Seattle

Maneki (206) 622-2631 304 6th Ave S, Seattle Marinepolis Sushi Land -Queen Anne Hill (206) 267-7621 803 5th Ave N, Seattle Moshi Moshi Sushi (206) 971-7424 5324 Ballard Avenue, Seattle Nishino (206) 322-5800 3130 E Madison St # 106, Seattle Nijo (206) 340-8880 89 Spring St, Seattle Ototo Sushi (206) 691-3838 7 Boston St, Seattle Red Fin Sushi Restaurant (206) 441-4340 612 Stewart St, Seattle Ricenroll - Madison Street (206) 262-0381 214 Madison St, Seattle Ricenroll - Rainier (206) 329-2223 828 Rainier ave. S, Seattle Samurai Noodle - University District (206) 547-1774 4138 University Way NE, Seattle Shiki Japanese Restaurant (206) 281-1352 4W Roy St, Seattle Shun Japanese Cuisine (206) 522-2200 5101 NE 25th Ave #11, Seattle Tsukushinbo (206) 467-4004 515 S Main St, Seattle Toyoda Sushi (206) 367-7972 12543 Lake City Way, Seattle Wabi-Sabi Sushi Bar & Restaurant (206) 721-0212 4909 Rainier Ave S, Seattle Wann Japanese Izakaya (206) 441-5637 2020 2nd Ave, Seattle

Come Experience Japanese street food

kushibar www.kushibar.com

2319 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98121 | (202) 448-2488 | Hours: Weekdays 11:30 am – 1am, Weekends 4 pm – 1am 18 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

North End Bluefin Sushi & Seafood Buffet (206) 367-0115 401 NE Northgate Way # 463, Seattle Blue C Sushi - the Village at Alderwood Mall (425) 329-3596 3000 184th St SW, Lynnwood Cafe Soleil (425) 493-1847 9999 Harbour Place # 105, Mukilteo Edina Sushi (425) 776-8068 19720 44th Ave W, Lynnwood Marinepolis Sushi Land -Lynnwood (425) 275-9022 18500 33rd Ave NW, Lynnwood Matsu Sushi (425) 771-3368 19505 44th Ave W #K, Lynnwood Sakuma Japanese Restaurant (425) 347-3063 10924 Mukilteo Speedway # G, Mukilteo Setsuna Japanese Restaurant and Bar (206) 417-3175 11204 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle Taka Sushi (425) 778-1689 18904 Hwy 99 Suite A, Lynnwood Tengu Sushi (206) 525-9999 301 NE 103 St, Seattle

New Zen Japanese Restaurant (425) 254-1599 10720 SE Carr Rd, Japanese Fami Res -Family Restaurant www.newzensushi.com

Miyabi Restaurant

(206) 575-6815 16820 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila www.miyabirestaurant.com Marinepolis Sushi Land -Southcenter Mall (206) 816-3280 100 Andover Park West 160, Tukwila Bistro Satsuma (253) 858-5151 5315 Point Fosdick Dr NW #A, Gig Harbor

UMAMI KUSHI - Yakitori Catering Catering service for private parties, special occasions, and festivals ご自宅でのパーティーやイベント会場へケータリングします!

手羽先 レバー ねぎま つくね エリンギ トウモロコシ ししとう 焼きおにぎり 他多種対応!

“it’s in the fire”

King Salmon Kobe Beef Prime Rib Clam Oyster Asparagus Tsukune Negima and MORE!!

www.Umamikushi.com | tel (206) 265-1923 | Chef Harold Fields

South End Blue C Sushi - Westfield Southcenter (206) 277-8744 468 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila Blossom Asian Bistro (425) 430-1610 305 Burnett Avenue South, Renton Daimonji Sushi & Grill (425) 430-1610 5963 Corson Ave S, Suite 194, Seattle Genki Sushi -Renton (425) 277-1050 365 S. Grady Way Ste. B & C, Renton

www.ibukimagazine.com 19

Restaurant Directory Eastside Dozo Cafe

(425) 644-8899 3720 Factoria Blvd SE Try authentic Ramen. No MSG.

Sushi Joa

(206) 230-4120 2717 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island www. sushijoa.com

Rikki Rikki Japanese Restaurant (425) 828-0707 442 Parkplace Center, Kirkland www.rikkirikki.com

Blue Ginger Korean Grill & Sushi (425) 746-1222 14045 NE 20th St, Bellevue Flo Japanese Sushi Restaurant (425) 453-4005 1188 106th Ave NE, Bellevue Ginza Japanese Restaurant (425) 709-7072 103 102nd Ave SE, Bellevue I Love Sushi -One Lake Bellevue (425) 455-9090 23 Lake Bellevue Dr, Bellevue I Love Sushi -Bellevue Main (425) 454-5706 11818 NE 8th St, Bellevue Izakaya Sushi - at The Landing (425) 228-2800 829 N 10th St. Suite G, Renton Izumi Japanese Restaurant with Sushi-Bar (425) 821-1959 12539 116th Ave N.E., Kirkland Kobe Wellbeing Tonkatsu & Tao Sushi Bar (425) 451-3888 850 110th Ave NE, Bellevue Kikuya Restaurant (425) 881-8771 8105 161st Ave NE, Redmond

20 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Kiku Sushi (425) 644-2358 15555 NE 24th St, Bellevue Marinepolis Sushi Land -Bellevue (425) 455-2793 138 107th Ave. NE, Bellevue Marinepolis Sushi Land -Redmond (425) 284-2587 8910 161st Ave NE, Redmond Sushi Me (425) 644-9800 1299 156th Ave NE #145, Bellevue Momoya Restaurant (425) 889-9020 12100 NE 85th St, Kirkland Ricenroll - Bellevue Square (425) 455-4866 2039 Bellevue Square 2nd fl, Bellevue Tokyo Japanese Restaurent (425) 641-5691 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue 2AM (425) 643-1888 14603 NE 20th St #4, Bellevue

PORTLAND Portland Bamboo Sushi (503) 232-5255 310 SE 28th Ave, Portland Biwa Restaurant (503) 239-8830 215 SE 9th Avenue, Portland Blue Fin Sushi (503) 274-7922 1988 SW Broadway, Portland Bush Garden (503) 226-7181 900 SW Morrison St, Portland Hiroshi Restaurant (503) 619-0559 926 NW 10th Ave, Portland Koji Osakaya -Downtown Portland (503) 294-1169 606 SW Broadway, Portland

Koji Osakaya - Lloyd Place (503) 280-0992 1502 NE Weidler, Portland Marinepolis Sushi Land -Lloyd (503) 280-0300 1409 NE Weidler St, Portland Marinepolis Sushi Land -Pearl (503) 546-9933 138 NW 10th Ave, Portland Mika Sushi (503) 222-0699 1425 SW 2nd Avenue, Portland Yuki Sushi & Sake Bar (503) 525-8807 930 NW 23rd Ave, Portland

Beaverton / Hillsboro Hakatamon (503) 641-4613 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Hanabi’s Izakaya Bistro & Bar (503) 646-1986 10053 SW Nimbus Ave, Beaverton Izakaya Kaiten Sushi (503) 643-2578 14605 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton I love Sushi (503) 644-5252 3655 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton Koji Osakaya -Hillsboro (503) 629-1815 2215 NW Allie Ave, Hillsboro Marinepolis Sushi Land -Beaverton (503) 520-0257 4021 SW 117th Ave, Beaverton Syun Izakaya (503) 640-3131 209 NE Lincoln St, Hillsboro Sambi Japanese Restaurant (503) 296-0045 9230 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Sushi & Maki (503) 648-4366 2401 NE Cornell Rd No. X, Hillsboro Yuki Sushi & Sake Bar (503) 430-5275 1335 NE Orenco Station Pkwy, Hillsboro

www.ibukimagazine.com 21

Business Directory Art & Furniture Kobo

Kobo at Higo (206) 381-3000 604 S Jackson St, Seattle Kobo Capitol Hill (206) 726-0704 814 E Roy, Seattle Shop & gallery featuring art, craft and design from Japan and the Northwest koboseattle.com

Ming’s Asian Gallery

Seattle (206) 748-7889 519 6th Ave S, Seattle Bellevue (425) 462-4008 10217 Main St, Bellevue Fine antique and contemporary Asian furniture mingsgallery.com Azuma Gallery (206) 622-5599 530 1st Ave S, Seattle Takumi Company (206) 622-2804 JapaneseCarpentry.com Carolyn Staley-Fine Japanese Prints (206) 621-1888 2003 Western Ave #107, Seattle Glenn Richards - Asian Furnishings & Antiques (206) 287-1877 964 Denny Way, Seattle The Cullom Gallery (206) 919-8278 603 S Main St, Seattle Shogun’s Gallery (503) 224-0328 1111 NW 23rd Ave, Portland The Wing Luke Museum (206) 623-5124 719 South King Street, Seattle

Bakery and Cafe

Anime Raku

(425) 454-0112 10627 NE 8th St, Bellevue www.anime-raku.com

Setsuko Pastry

(206) 816 0348 1618 N 45th St, Seattle A Healthy Alternative pastry with a Japanese spin www.setsukopastry.com

Fuji Bakery

(425) 641-4050 1502 145the PL SE, Bellevue www.fujibakeryinc.com Fumie’s Gold (425) 223-5893 10045 Northeast 1st Street, Bellevue Hiroki Desserts (206) 547-4128 2224 N 56th St, Seattle Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee House (206) 515-4000 607 S Main St, Seattle Zoka Coffee & Tea - Greenlake (206) 545-4277 2200 North 56th St, Seattle Cortona Cafe (206) 327-9728 2425 E Union St, Seattle

Books, Games & Anime Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle

Southcenter Mall Store (206) 241-0219 633 Southcenter Mall, Suite 1220, Seattle Northgate Mall Store 401 NE Northgate Way, Suite 740, Seattle (206) 363-3213 Tacoma Mall Store 4502 S Steele St, Suite 616, Tacoma (253) 475-5380 Caital Mall Store 625 Black Lake Blvd, Suite 334, Olympia (360) 943-5790

Anime Asylum (503) 284-6626 1009 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR Kinokuniya Book Store - Seattle (206) 587-2477 525 S Weller St, Seattle Kinokuniya Book Store - Beaverton (503) 641-6240 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Pink Gorilla - International District (206) 264-2434 601 S King St, Seattle Pink Gorilla - University District (206) 547-5790 4341 University Ave NE, Seattle VIDEO HOP Downtown Store (206) 587-4037 601 S. King St. Suite#101, Seattle

Fashion Momo

(206) 329-4736 600 S Jackson St, Seattle www.momoseattle.com

General Store Daiso Alderwood Mall (425) 673-1825 3000 184th St SW, # 398, Lynnwood Daiso West Lake Center (206) 625-0076 400 Pine St. #1005, Seattle Daiso International District 76 S Washington St, Seattle

Sake Saké Nomi (206) 467-7253 76 S Washington St, Seattle Sake in Seattle (425) 780-7253 www.sakeinseattle.com

TOKYO Japanese Lifestyle

Now 4 locations!

Southcenter Mall, Suite 1220

(206) 241-0219

Northgate Mall, Suite 740

(206) 363-3213

Tacoma Mall, Suite 616

(253) 475-5380

Capital Mall, Suite 334 (360) 943-5790

22 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Grocery Store Mutual Fish Company (206) 322-4368 2335 Rainier Ave S, Seattle www.mutualfish.com

Anzen Hiroshi’s (503) 233-5111 736 NE MLK Blvd, Portland H-Mart -Lynwood (425)776-0858 3301 184th Street Southwest, Lynnwood Seattle Uwajimaya (206) 624-6248 600 5th Avenue South, Seattle Bellevue Uwajimaya (425)747-9012 15555 NE 24th St. & Bel Red Rd., Bellevue Renton Uwajimaya (425) 277-1635 501 South Grady Way, Renton Beaverton Uwajimaya (503)643-4512 10500 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale HWY, Beaverton

Health and Beauty eN Salon

(425) 883-1010 13112 NE 20th St # 500, Bellevue www.en-salon.com

E Z Chair Barber Shop

(425) 702-9900 12121 Northup Way # 210, Bellevue Acupuncture Associates -Eastgate (425) 289-0188 15100 SE 38th St #305B, Bellevue

Acupuncture Associates -Redmond (425) 882-0112 16761 NE 79th, Redmond Central Chiropractic Clinic (206) 362-3520 15027 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline Studio 904 Hair Salon (206) 232-3393 3041 78th Avenue SE, Mercer Island WellnessOne of Eastgate (425) 289-0092 15100 SE 38th St., Ste. 305B, Bellevue

Schools Music School of Taiko (425) 785-8316 www.Japantaiko.com Cooking Hiroko Sugiyama Culinary Atelier (425) 836-4635 22207 NE 31st St, Sammamish NuCulinary (206) 932-3855 6523 California Ave SW, Seattle Satsuma Cooking School (206) 244-5151 17105 Ambaum Blvd S, Seattle Japanese Calligraphy Akashi USA Co - Redmond (425) 869-0994 6611 147th Ct NE, Redmond Japanese Floral Design Ikebana by Megumi (425) 744-9751 www.ikebanabymegumi.com Ikenobo Lake Washington Chapter (425) 803-3268 11832 NE 73rd St, Kirkland

The Little Flower Station (425) 770-5888 www.thelittleflowerstation.com Yushoryu Ikenobo (206) 723-4994 5548 Beason Ave. S.,Seattle Language Seattle Japanese Language School (206) 323-0250 1414 S Weller St, Seattle Washington Academy of Languages (206) 682-4463 2 Nickerson St, # 201, Seattle Martial Arts Seattle Kendo Kai (206) 721-1416 1610 S King St, Seattle Seattle Judo Dojo (206) 324-7080 1510 S Washington St, Seattle

Seattle School of Aikido (206) 525-1955 3422 NE 55th St, Seattle Obukan Kendo Club (503) 443-2281 4130 SW 117th Ave. Suite 246, Beaverton Portland Aikikai (503) 274-2606 1623 NW Marshall, Portland Tea Ceremony Urasenke Foundation Seattle Branch (206) 328-6018 1700 N. Northlake Way #105, Seattle Chado Urasenke Tankokai Seattle Association

(206)324-2829 1515 E. Yesler Way #304, Seattle

How to recieve a FREE business listing in our restaurant and business directory If you own a Japan related store, restaurant or business, just offer Ibuki to your customers. For schools and other businesses that do not have retail space, subscribe to Ibuki for $24 per a year and share our magazine with your students, customers and employees. You may upgrade your listing to include a picture and description for $54-$90. Advertisement pricing starts at just $114 per issue for ads that run for two months. Contact advertise@ibukimagazine.com for details.

A Local Gem: Mineral by Lisa Kinoshita

by Jessica Sattell


s the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, we start to look for a little extra sparkle. Tacoma-based jewelry artist Lisa Kinoshita is just the person to bring a little light into life with her strikingly unique and easy-to-wear necklaces, earrings and bracelets. A lifelong collector of all kinds of found objects, Ms. Kinoshita trained at the Pratt Institute of Seattle and found that her practice of collecting objects that somehow spoke to her translated well into creating jewelry. “I’m inspired by raw nature as well as contemporary design,” Lisa says when asked about the driving force behind her line, Mineral. “In my studio, I have a collection of natural objects and skeletons that continually inspire me with the perfection of their architecture. I think that’s what jewelry should also be: well-designed, beautiful to look at and functional.” Lisa also looks to Japan for inspiration, from the wild fashions of Harajuku, comics and electronics to the works of novelist Haruki Murakami and the paintings of Takashi Murakami. Ms. Kinoshita finds that the artistic techniques she acquired as a sculptor and installation artist apply well to jewelry, which is clearly communicated through her thoughtful use of material and texture. Her work includes both organic and manmade elements bonded together in unexpected ways, such as a necklace with a pairing of turquoise, wood and amethyst with a deerskin accent ($285), a strand of chocolate brown stones paired with smoothed discs of wood ($88), or wood and silver earrings ($75). Her recent work for the colder months ahead, including a string of large faux pearls with a cozy hand-crocheted “caterpillar” ($185), strongly expresses her knack for creating pieces that are boldly introspective and deeply personal. Many of Lisa’s designs are one-of-a-kind, and some are destined to remain as part of her collection, but she is happy to discuss custom work to fit your personality and style. Mineral by Lisa Kinoshita is available at Mineral, a gallery that features innovative visual art by regional and national artists (301 Puyallup Ave. - Ste. A, Tacoma, WA 98421, (253) 250-7745), as well as Momo in Seattle’s International District and the Seattle Art Museum Shop. For more of Lisa’s work, visit http://www.lisakinoshita.com/

Turquoise, wood, and amethyst necklace with deerskin accent ($285)

Chocolate brown stones paired with smoothed discs of wood ($88) and wood and silver earrings ($75)

www.ibukimagazine.com 23

息吹 IBUKI_FEATURE ARTICLE_Your Slice of Japan on the Eastside

Your Slice of Japan on the Eastside NE 85th St

ay al W r t n Ce



Leke St S


Wa y

Kikuya Japanese Restaurant


Flo Japanese Resaurant

Anime Raku

Kobe Well Being Tonkatsu




I Love Sushi Lake Bellevue I Love Sushi Bellevue Main


Ginza Japanese Restaurant

Marinepolis Sushi Land Main St

Sushi ME

NE 8th St

140th Ave

<Boom Noodle Bellevue Square

Fumie’s Gold Cake & Pastry

Kiku Sushi

Uwajimaya Bellevue Blue Ginger Korean NE 20th St Grill & Sushi 2AM eN Salon Karaoke Bar Sushi Mojo

148th Ave

Bellevue Way SE

EZ Chair Barber

164th Ave NE

Rikki Rikki Restaurant

Marinepolis Sushi Land


Ming’s Asian Gallery

I Love Sushi - Lake Bellevue

Ming’s Asian Gallery

23 Lake Bellevue Dr., Bellevue | (425) 455-9090

10217 Main St, Bellevue

If you call yourself a sushi lover, then you’re bound to know about I Love Sushi, which has been serving fresh and delicious sushi since 1986. It’s one of the most popular sushi chains in all of Seattle. At the Bellevue Lake location, Chef Masa serves up mouthwatering sushi as well as a variety of other authentic Japanese dishes. Masa spent eight years working at kaiseki (formal Japanese course meals) restaurants in Japan before moving to the U.S. in 1981. “To offer the essence of true Japanese cuisine, we take great care in selecting the finest seasonal ingredients,” says Masa. Try chawan-mushi Photo: © the Wing Luke Museum (steamed egg custard) with sushi or Japanese-style duck breast with a flavorful sake.

On Main Street in old Bellevue, you will find a beautiful gallery specializing in Japanese and Asian antiques and imports. This inviting world of Japanese and Asian works encompasses a remarkable collection of antiques and art representing 5,000 years of Asian history and tradition. If you are looking for a tansu or kimono textiles to add Japanese accents to your interior, you must visit this gallery!

24 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

EZ Chair Barber

Rikki Rikki Restaurant

12121 Northup Way # 210, Bellevue | (425) 702-9900

442 Parkplace, Kirkland | (425) 828-0707

EZ Chair Barber caters to a mostly male clientele, offering reasonably priced haircuts and pedicures. The interior is comfortable with leather sofas, hardwood floors, and has an Asian inspired theme. EZ Chair Barber offers their guests consistent haircuts with scissors or electric shears and a relaxing neck/shoulder massage for only $17. One thing that sets EZ Chair Barber apart from other barber shops is their great pedicures. They have top of the line pedicure treatment systems, and specially trained pedicurists to match. Their pedicure stations feature a 99.9% bacteria free design and the pedicure chairs are leather wrapped massaging chairs. Pedicures include a foot soak in a special solution, which helps fight athlete’s foot problems, scrub, foot and lower leg massage, nail care, and hot towel wraps for only $25. Walk-ins are welcome and for pedicures they recommend making an appointment.

Anime Raku 10627 Ne 8th St, Bellevue | (425) 454-0112

Maybe you have purchased Rikki’s gourmet dressings at Costco, QFC or your neighborhood grocer. Yes, this restaurant is the original creator of Rikki’s gourmet dressing. Opened in 1990, Rikki Rikki has been loved by Kirkland foodies for its delicious dishes and comfortable atmosphere. In addition to traditional Japanese dishes, Rikki Rikki serves many unique and original dishes such as wonton crab tower and ginger crusted salmon. It has a great happy hour menu and fun weekly specials such as kids eat free on Tuesdays and sushi-sake Sunday, which features $5 sushi rolls and 40% off all bamboo and premium bottled sake. You can order take-out online (www.rikkirikki.com). The restaurant will deliver to your home or office.

eN salon 13112 NE 20th St # 500, Bellevue | (425) 883-1010

Anime Raku opened in 2007, and has quickly become one of the most well known anime and manga specialty shops around. Anime Raku carries a selection of popular as well as hard to find action figures, resin statues, wall scrolls and many other Japanese imported items. Be sure to visit their booth at Aki-con in November as well as Sakura-con in April.

At eN salon, customers will discover a chic, sophisticated salon experience. eN salon has a warm and inviting atmosphere and is superbly decorated with beautiful materials imported from Milan as well as paintings by Gregory M Grenon. eN Salon is a full service salon and their services include hair, nail, facials and Japanese foot reflexology. Along with stylists trained in Japan, eN takes great care to use the right formulas to minimize damage when coloring, dying or giving a perm. www.ibukimagazine.com 25

息吹 IBUKI_FEATURE ARTICLE_Your Slice of Japan on the Eastside

140th Ave


Fuji Bakery 145

Way 12121 Northup Way #210, Bellevue Tel: (425) 702-9900

Hair & Pedicure For Men

Walk-ins Welcome!!

26 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Tokyo Japanese Restaurant WellnessOne of Eastgate

Genki Sushi Fatoria Blvd SE

est d Cr

n Isla



148th Ave

E ay S eW evu

Studio 904

L SE th P

Richards Rd


Sushi Joa

Dozo Cafe

Acupuncture Associates -Eastgate

Sushi Joa

Fuji Bakery

2717 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island | (206) 230-4120

1502 145th Pl SE, Bellevue | (425) 641-4050

Penettone $6.00 for a loaf Located on Mercer Island, Sushi Joa offers delicious sushi in addition to a variety of gourmet dishes with a smile. Sushi Joa focuses on fresh fish, tasty specialty rolls and grilled dishes. This Mercer Island restaurant fulfills the demands of health-conscious diners. Don’t miss the happy hour specials, which are some of the best bargains on the Eastside. Try the lunch sushi deluxe bento, which includes three pieces of nigiri sushi, four pieces of a California roll, shrimp and vegetable ...

Focaccia Olive $2.25

Head chef Masa Hirai

This Japanese bakery located across the parking lot from Bellevue QFC at 145th creates scrumptious gourmet baked goods. The head chef Masa Hirai worked at Joel Robuchon in Ebisu Tokyo for eight years, which has been assigned Michelin’s three star rating since 2007 when its Tokyo guide began. He crafts his baked goods in his Bellevue store just as he did at the high-profile French restaurant. He uses organic and all-natural ingredients. Try his smoked salmon brioche ($1.50), smoked salmon wrapped with richly sweet and tender French bread, which goes wonderfully with white wine. It is absolutely delicious. “The green tea danish and poire pear danish are popular among American customers,” Chef Hirai explains. “The panettone is an Italian brioche that is served during the holiday season in Italy.” It’s hard to resist the impulse to keep trying Chef Hirai’s delectable baked goods. The bakery recently opened a second store in the International District.

Genki Sushi 4055 Factoria Mall SE, Bellevue The kaiten, or conveyor-belt, sushi chain is opening their new location inside of Market Place Factoria.

Dozo Cafe 3720 Factoria Blvd, Bellevue | (425) 644-8899 This ramen-specialty house has an extensive ramen selection ranging from Japanese style soy-sauce to miso ramen to Taiwan style Tantan-men. They also serve a Euro-Japanese menu featuring items such as omelet-rice and Japanese curry.

Tokyo Japanese Restaurant 3500 Factoria Blvd, Bellevue | (425) 641-5691 This place has been popular among south Bellevue regulars since it opened in 1988. The main chef Yama-san serves up top notch sushi. They have a variety of traditional Japanese appetizers including hamachi kama (yellowtail cheek), tsukune, asari sakamushi (steamed clams in sake) and homemade gyoza. Try them all because they are alll good!

FUJI BAKERY All-Natural Organic Japanese artisan bakery


Bellevue 145th Store

Seattle International District





Lake Hill Blvd QFC

SE 16th St. Bellevue Collage

1502 145th Pl SE, Bellevue Tel: (425) 641-4050 M-F: 11am-6pm, Sat: 11am-6pm Sun & Holiday: Close

Greentea Danish $2.50

Poire (pear danish) $2.50

Focaccia with seasonal vegi $2.99

Panettone $6.00 for a loaf

Mango Pudding $4.00

Smoked salmon brioche $1.50

S King St S Weller St Uwajimaya


526 South King St, Seattle Tel: (206) 623-4050 M-F: 8am-6pm, Sat: 8am-4pm Sun & Holiday: Close

www.ibukimagazine.com 27


Kanpai in Tokyo By Misa Murohashi, Translated by Bruce Rutledge

Aburiyaki & Sushi An - XEX Atago Green Hills Photo © Y’s table corporation

The world’s biggest city: Tokyo. According to 2010 statistics compiled by the United Nations, the greater Tokyo area is home to 36.7 million people. Second is Delhi in India with 22.6 million, followed by Sao Paolo, Brazil, with 20.3 million. New York places fourth with 19.4 million. And when it comes to economic scale, Tokyo outstrips New York with a GDP of $1.5 trillion to New York’s $1.4 trillion. The GDP for the entire nation of Canada is about the same as Tokyo’s. Despite the long economic slump and the low birthrate in Japan, Tokyo remains a formidable, dynamic force. This is where new businesses begin, trends start and people flow. There are many different sections to Tokyo’s downtown, and each one of these sections has its own flair and uniqueness. That’s a big part of this city’s charm. Below, we map out some of the best-known downtown areas and list a few popular spots. Whether you’re traveling for pleasure or business, drop in one of these establishments next time you are in town.

Ginza, Shinbashi, Yurakucho area

Ginza occupies Japan’s most expensive land. The main streets are lined with boutiques and stores featuring the world’s top brands. Head down the side streets and you’ll find everything from the finest restaurants to food stalls under the railroad tracks. On weekday nights, the streets are alive with local businesspeople having a drink or a meal after work. But Saturday nights on the Ginza can be quiet affairs. The neighborhood is often filled with people from the financial industry in nearby Nihonbashi and government offices in Kasumigaseki, which means men in suits and ties and women in conservative office attire. XEX Atago Green Hills - Restaurant and bar lounge A wonderful spot to view the lights of Tokyo a bit away from the Ginza is XEX Atago Green Hills. You’ll find a Japanese restaurant, Italian restaurant and bar/ lounge here. The lounge features live jazz on the weekends. www.ystable.co.jp/restaurant/xexatago | 03-5777-0065 | Atago 2-5-1 42F Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza Premium - Hotel This conveniently located hotel has rooms that gaze out upon the city lights and dynamic interiors. Try out the “view bathroom” rooms, where the cityscape can be seen from the bathroom. The hotel restaurants are popular. The chain’s Shiodome hotel also boasts large bathrooms with a view.

Shibuya, Harajuku area

If Ginza is Tokyo’s classy and formal neighborhood, Shibuya is the capital city’s edgy and casual playground. Suits and formal wear are in the minority here; instead, the streets are populated with young people donning the latest fashions. The businesspeople here tend to work in the IT industry or for foreign firms with more casual dress policies, giving the neighborhood a more playful air. Exit the station and cross the world-famous traffic scramble -- one of the busiest places on Earth -- and you’ll find 109, a mecca of Shibuya fashion. While Shibuya delivers the mainstream youth fashion, neighboring Harajuku is home to Gothic Lolita and other fashion subcultures. This is where youth looking for edgy fashion flock. The hip 6%DOKIDOKI, featured in this issue, also has its home here. clubasia - Club and live house This club and live house has been popular since the 1990s. The place features DJs and live performances every weekend. Check the website <http://www.clubasia.co.jp/> for details.The club features everything from hip-hop to techno. It’s also in the heart of Shibuya’s club and lounge district.

www.asia.iflyer.jp/venue | 03-5458-2551 | Maruyama-cho 1-8

Shinjuku area

Shinjuku has two very different looks. The east side features the bustling entertainment center of Kabukicho, while the west side is home to skyscrapers. Kabukicho has a reputation for trouble, a hangout for organized crime, so it’s not recommended for families, but groups of adults will find little to worry about. There are lots of cheap bars and karaoke rooms, which draw plenty of students. To the west, Shinjuku is all business, with tall office buildings dominating the neighborhood. Shinjuku Sumitomo building - Restaurants complex This is one of the tall office buildings on the west side. From floors 48 to 52, the building has 22 bars and restaurants. At lunchtime on a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji from here. At night, the restaurants looking east show off Shinjuku’s neon-dotted skyline. www.gnavi.co.jp/sumitomobldg | 03-3344-6356 | Nishi-Shinjuku 2-6-1

www.gardenhotels.co.jp/eng/ginzapremier | 03-3543-1131 | Ginza 8-13-1

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Lobby of Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza Premium

Photo © Mitsui Garden Hotel

MADO Lounge in Roppongi Hills Photo © MADO Lounge

Park Hyat Tokyo - Hotel This high-end hotel is on Shinjuku’s west side. It’s most famous for being featured in the film Lost in Translation. The New York Bar on the top floor features live jazz and stunning views.

Lounge Bar 911 - Club This might just be Roppongi’s most well-known and crowded club. It’s free to get in and is often packed on the weekends. It’s a fun place to stop if you want to be where the action is. 03-5772-8882 | Roppongi 3-14-12 B1

Akasaka, Aoyama area

Roppongi ViVi - Capsule Hotel A capsule hotel in the middle of Roppongi, perfect if you’re pulling a nighter partying and want to end the day with a quintessential Japanese experience. There are separate floors for men and women, and each floor features a large bath, a cafe, an esthetic salon and massage services.

www.tokyo.park.hyatt.com | 03-5322-1234 | Nishi Shinjuku 3-7-1-2

These neighborhoods are popular with Tokyo’s yuppie set. A lot of the major TV networks, talent agencies, ad agencies and music labels are located here. You’re likely to see TV celebrities in the area’s bars and restaurants. Super Dining ZIPANGU Akasaka - Restaurant and cigar bar This 300-seat restaurant and bar occupies the top floor of the Akasaka Excel Hotel. This centrally located, stylish restaurant features mostly Japanese cuisine and a price that doesn’t shock, considering the setting. The bar offers an extensive selection of sake and shochu.Some people move to the cigar bar after their meal for a leisurely smoke.

http://www.nadaman.co.jp/akasaka | 03-3580-3661 | Nagata-cho 2-14-3

Roppongi, Azabu area

This neighborhood features more foreign visitors perhaps due to the many embassies located here. It features many clubs and live houses. The extensive Roppongi Hills complex opened here in 2003. It features a TV network, cinema complex, event space, the Mori Art Museum and the offices of several famous companies. Muse - Club This multi-use club is located in Nishi Azabu. It features several bars and dance floors, a billiards hall and private karaoke rooms. http://www.muse-web.com | 03-5467-1180 | Nishi-azabu 4-1-1 B1 MADO Lounge - Restaurant and bar lounge This restaurant and bar lounge is located on the 52nd floor of the Roppongi Hills skyscraper. Live music and club events are often hosted here, attracting the young professional crowd. www.ma-do.jp | 03-3470-0052 | Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 52F

www.roppongi-vivi.com | 03-3404-4126 | Roppongi 5-5-1 4F

Tsukiji, Tsukishima area

This is the part of Tokyo known as the old downtown, dating back to the Edo Era (1603-1868). The area has a family-friendly, fun atmosphere. There are also many shrines and temples here, as well as the world-famous Tsukiji fish market. Cross Katsudoki Bridge from Tsukiji to enter Tsukishima, famous for its downtown specialty monjayaki, a pan-fried batter with various ingredients. Once you exit the Tsukishima Station, you’ll see sign after sign for these restaurants. Sushizanmai Honten - Restaurant This 24-hour sushi restaurant has lines out the door even in the middle of the night. It’s a popular place for people to dine on fresh fish from nearby Tsukiji market at an affordable price. http://www.kiyomura.co.jp | 03-3541-1117 | Tsukiji 4-11-9 Kintame - Restaurant This restaurant in the Monzennakacho neighborhood serves Kyoto-style chazuke (green-tea rice porridge). It’s located along the route to the famous Fukagawa Fudo Hall. The family-friendly house specialty features pickled vegetables and fish on top of rice, bathed in a green-tea soup. Kintame offers a wide variety of pickles, as well as tasty grilled fish, especially the black cod. The restaurant evokes the Edo Era, complete with its long lines of hungry patrons. www.kintame.co.jp | 03-3641-4561 | Koto-ku Tomioka 1-14-3

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Local News and Events NEWS Ambassador’s visit Fifty years ago, Ichiro Fujisaki was a wide-eyed middle school student in Magnolia. Today he is Japan’s ambassador to the United States. Fujisaki and his wife, Yoriko, made a return visit to his former school, Catherine Blaine K-8 School next to Magnolia village, this fall, reuniting with several teachers from that time. “In 1960, I didn’t speak a word of English,” Fujisaki told the small gathering of media, teachers and parents. “You could have kicked me out. But you didn’t. You were so patient for the year and a half that I was here. It was one of the reasons I could pass the diplomat exam.” Fujisaki recalls being awed by Blaine at the time. “I must say, this looks like an ordinary building now, but then it was a huge, shiny building to me.” His music teacher Jacquie Dinsmore Stegner recalls Fujisaki as an energetic student. “He was a quick learner, high energy. He immersed himself in school life,” she said. “He didn’t need ESL. In four days, he was talking to the other students.” Fujisaki seemed genuinely moved as he went from classroom to classroom and interacted with the students. “Fifty years ago, there was no anime, no manga, no sushi here,” he told Ibuki. “It was a totally different world. It was 15 years after the war and this was the shining, prosperous America. After lunch, we got ice cream sandwiches! In Japan ice cream was something you ate on your birthday. They had ice cream sandwiches every day!” Thank you for reading Ibuki! Our readership is growing fast and as a result we have increased our circulation to 20,000 If you appreciate Ibuki Magazine, please show your love to our wonderful advertisers who make it possible for us to bring Ibuki to you.

Fuji Bakery - International District

EVENTS Bunka no Hi 2010 By Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington When: November 7th, 1-5 pm Where: JCCCW Cultural Center Fee: Free This annual event is a celebration of Japanese and Japanese American culture and heritage and will be filled with performances, cultural demonstrations, games and other activities. Bunka no Hi is a true community wide event and there will be booths and informational displays from a variety of local vendors and nonprofit organizations. No matter where your interests lie, Bunka no Hi will have something for you! For more information, contact the JCCCW at Admin@JCCCW.org

Celebrate Asia! A celebration of Seattle’s Asian community When: January 14th, 6:30pmWhere: Benaroya Hall, 200 University St, Seattle Fee: $29-70 Celebrate the musical traditions of China, Japan, Korea and India together with those of the West in this spectacular, one-night only event. Now in its third year, Celebrate Asia! will feature world-renowned, Grammy Award–winning Korean soprano Sumi Jo, plus an orchestral version of the Chinese Lion Dance, a Japanese koto performance and more! You can purchase tickets online at Seattle Symphony Box Office or contact the ticket office directly at (206) 215-4747.

NEWLY OPENED Genki Sushi — Factoria Mall Genki Sushi is a kaiten, or conveyor-belt, sushi chain from Japan. Their 4th store in Washington is opening inside of Market Place at Factoria.

The popular Fuji Bakery opened its second store in the International District just two blocks from Uwajimaya Seattle. Most of its bakery selections from the Bellevue store are available here. Stop by this gourmet specialty bakery and try its signature sweet red bean filling (anpan), bacon yuzu epi, French brioche, avocado salmon sandwiches and much, much more! Located at 526 South King St, Seattle Tel: (206) 623-4050. 30 息吹 ibuki •november / december 2010

Sushi Kappo Tamura - Eastlake

Former owner of Chiso, Taichi Kitamura, opened his new “Kappo” style restaurant, where food is prepared in an open kitchen and served quickly by staff who look forward to interacting with patrons. You can expect chef Kitamura’s authentic sushi with seasonal and local ingredients.Located at 2968 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 Tel: (206) 547.0937. NABE

Nikkei Concerns’ continuing education program Learn Japanese language, cooking, art and more! When: Winter quarter begins January 10, 2010 Where: Seattle and other areas Detailed schedule coming soon at www.nikkeiconcerns.org Twenty years ago, Nikkei Horizons was created to address the interests of active Japanese American seniors who wanted to experience more in their retirement years. Today, the continuing education and activities program offers more than 50 classes and workshops that inspire lifelong learning, wellness and creative expression, while focusing on Japanese culture. Every quarter, more than 400 participants enroll in the various activities. A program of Nikkei Concerns, Seattle’s premiere Japanese elder health organization, Nikkei Horizons’ intergenerational program offers classes in: Japanese cooking; cultural arts; music; exercise and wellness; computer training; Medicare, finance and estate planning education; and one-of-a-kind field trips to Japan, Canada and various domestic areas! Nikkei Horizons is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. Anyone 65 or over is eligible for discounted tuition for most classes. Japanese Style Healthy Home Cooking is one of the most popular classes. This winter, students will learn to make Black Cod Kasuzuke, Chicken Tsukune, meat ball with Hijiki and Sunomono. Japanese Sweets Cooking classes, by Setsuko Agata, owner and pastry chef of Setsuko Pastry, are also in high demand. Agata offers unique recipes to make treats like Okara cookies, Ichigo Daifuku, Japanese style green tea matcha muffins and Anpan! Nikkei Horizon’s Japanese language classes cover beginning and intermediate conversation, as well as literacy in hiragana, katakana and kanji, using Hyakunin Isshu (famous anthology of 100 poems by 100 poets written between the 7th and 13th centuries). In Japanese arts and culture, students learn Sumi-e brush painting, Japanese calligraphy, Mizuhiki Zaiku, Zokei Bonsai-silk flower arrangement, silk flower arranging and Bunka embroidery. The fall quarter continues through the third week of November. The winter quarter schedule will be available in mid-December through Nikkei Concerns’ newsletter, Tayori, or on the website at www.nikkeiconcerns.org. To find out more contact Nikkei Horizons manager, Rie Taki, at (206) 726-6469 or email NHinfo@NikkeiConcerns.org Nikkei Horizons is a continuing education program of Nikkei Concerns, a non-profit organization that provides elder care services. They offer nursing home care (Seattle Keiro), assisted living (Nikkei Manor), adult day care (Kokoro-Kai) and continuing education (Nikkei Horizons). TOFU HARAJUKU OISHII SHOCHU YAKITORI UMAMI KUSHIYAKI

NEXT ISSUE Coming January 1st

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