IBUKI Magazine Vol. 14 November & December

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息吹 Sake Bringing Saké Home for the Holidays


Warming Winter Teas



GIRLS COLLECTION by girlswalker.com



Art Yuri Kinoshita Movie Cut Fashion tokidoki Book Shiro

Uzumaki sushi, japanese vegetable dips


Miya Ando

Your $1.50 store


Japanese Skincare Obsession FREE www.ibukimagazine.com 1 november & december 2011 Vol. 14 Seattle/Bellevue/Portland


IBUKI Magazine Vol. 14 November & December 2011

Feature 4


Miya Ando talks about making warm, meditative Zenlike art out of cold steel.


Asian Cosmetics

Tips, reviews and analysis of the burgeoning market for Asian skin care and beauty products.


Tokyo Girls Collection 2012 A/W Review

Eat & Drink 14

Recipes for Your Holiday Party

14 15 16 16


Uzumaki sushi Japanese vegitable dips Renkon meatballs Yose nabe Restaurant Index


The Teas of Asia

Comfort in a cup: warming winter teas



Bringing sakĂŠ home for the holidays


28 Newly Opened Shima Sushi / Momiji / Katsu Burger

Lifestyle 17 20 21 24

DAISO $1.50 Store & IBUKI’s Faves i fart rainbow Store & School Directory Travel

Wine touring in Shiojiri

26 Lifestyle

Art Yuri Kinoshita Movie Cut Fashion tokidoki Book Shiro: Wit, Wisdom and Recipes from a Sushi Pioneer



Publisher Misa Murohashi English Cartier Editor-in-Chief Bruce Rutledge Editor and Translator Yuko Enomoto Designer Lance Sison

Contributing Writers & Artists Enfu (Ken Taya) Angela Cabotaje Josh Powell Tiffany Picard Nicholas Vroman Caroline Josephine Photographer



Comments and general inquiries info@ibukimagazine.com Advertising Info advertise@ibukimagazine.com Published by Axia Media Group, Inc. Bellevue, WA 98005

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[ interview]


Miya Ando

Finding Stillness in Steel

apanese American artist Miya Ando channels her childhood in a Buddhist temple and her heritage as a descendant of Japanese swordsmiths to transform rough pieces of steel into tranquil art objects that reveal themselves in new ways each time we view them. The diminutive artist wields heavy machinery to bring out a Zenlike quality in the steel. Her art transforms steel in ways never seen before, whether she’s dipping aluminum blocks into big vats of dye for her Chado exhibit at Gallery ArtXchange in Pioneer Square this fall or polishing and refining a horribly twisted piece of the World Trade Center. While Ando reveres Japanese tradition and culture, she is also oh-so American in her constant questioning and willingness to experiment. The artist chatted with Ibuki on a recent trip to Seattle before the opening of her Chado exhibit, which ran through late October.

“ One could say that my work is very Zen“

Photo By Anthony Gamboa

4 息吹 ibuki • September november // december October 2011 2011

Tell us about your connection with Japan. Ando: My mom is Japanese, and her hometown is Okayama. My grandfather was the head priest in a teeny little neighborhood temple. There were rice fields on three sides, so it was kind of rural. That’s where I spent my formative years. Before there were priests, there was at least one very famous swordsmith in our family. My grandfather’s brothers — my great uncles — collected the swords. When (World War II) was finished, America disarmed Japan. They said the Japanese people had to surrender all armaments, all knives and swords. The Andos — my family said don’t tell this; this is the type of thing that gets you in trouble with the great uncles — they took the swords that our ancestors made and took them out even further into another country home and buried them. So we still have them. There was a giant show at the Met (The New York Metropolitan Art Museum) last year, a samurai show with armor and swords, and I was just noticing that about 90% of those objects came from outside of Japan because the Japanese had to surrender those things. I thought this was very interesting. This heritage at least initially was very powerful in my choice of materials.

I am not physically built to be a steelworking artist, but I try very hard. At the end, it’s a result of a meditative approach. One second hotter or more patina or leaving some chemical on there is going to totally change it. It’s very short working times and very high heat. And it’s dark a lot of the time because we’re using fire. With swordmaking in Japan, you wear all white, you cleanse your soul and purify yourself. The transferral of the energy goes directly into this object. On the handle of the sword are these Buddhist prayers and Buddhist deities. The sword only has one function, and it’s a violent function, but the creating of the object is done with this reverence.

Tell us about your process. I picture you at work with blowtorches at high heat making these tranquil, meditative pieces. Ando: That’s exactly right. The process is very rigorous, which is to me something very serene. I grew up in a Buddhist temple, so it must have been ingrained into my very being that whatever you’re doing should have at the basic level a compassionate element. I am not trying to be lofty with the work in putting forth what visual objects can do, but at least it is putting forth something peaceful or hopefully something that inspires reflection — and I mean that figuratively and literally. It could be a setting for quietude. That has always been the core intention of the work. My philosophy is not denominational, but it is spiritual. I believe in transformation. I believe in ascension. Having a transformation occur on manmade, industrial, hard, cold, masculine material is a metaphor for personal transformation. Not to sound new-agey! (laughs) It’s not didactive work on any level. If it’s a sunset, it’s a sunset. One could say that my work is very Zen in that it’s very open. There’s a very disciplined, physically rigorous process in my work. Maybe the approach that I learned in temple is something I carried with me. That practice and repetition is very influential in the work.

Some people were disturbed by the piece. Ando: Not everyone wanted it resurrected. Some people would have preferred to let that be where it was. That was a very difficult, heartbreaking project.

You go through this rigorous process that produces such tranquil art. Ando: Right, right. It looks very serene, and no one would know that when I was working on it, there was fire and acid and respirators and heavy gloves and rubber boots and leather aprons and sweating people!

Miya Ando, 24” x 24” steel, patina, pigment, resin

Lumina: Autumn “Aluzome” hand-dyed sapphire, coated and anodized aluminum, 6” x 9” x 1”

In September, you unveiled a piece in London commemorating the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks on The World Trade Center. Ando: Yes. In September, we unveiled a September 11 memorial sculpture that I made out of a three-story-tall piece of the World Trade Center. This piece of steel fell over 70 stories. I took the steel and left it in the exact form in which I found it. It was all rusted. I took part of it and polished it into a mirror, an absolute reflective surface, and stood it back up. That was the memorial sculpture.

Now you’re traveling to Tokyo for a show. Ando: For the show in Tokyo (which began on Oct. 23), I had been thinking about the language of respectfully memorializing. Then the tsunami occurred. The Tokyo show is not a memorial show, but it is acknowledging the loss. But this is different from 9/11 because it was a natural disaster. The show is entitled “elements,” and I am doing something with earth, fire, water and air. I think the ebb and flow of nature is very powerful.; in fact it’s the most powerful. It’s deified in the Shinto religion, the native religion of Japan. Mount Fuji is a deity, and stones and old trees are demarcated with rice ropes and papers saying this is a spirit. I have decided to create works that are a balance of the elements. I am hoping that it’s reflective and properly somber. You split your childhood between Okayama and Santa Cruz. How has your experience in California influenced you? Ando: I feel just as American as I do Japanese. The Japanese are the people who raised me. And I also think that I live in America, and the idea of making a daguerreotype on aluminum and making things big … That spirit of running and jumping off cliffs and seeing what happens is something that I would attribute to living in Santa Cruz where there are no rules, the edge of the earth.

The Chado exhibit at Gallery ArtXchange in Pioneer Square ran through late October. Gallery Art Xchange http://www.artxchange.org/ Image by Graham Syed Photography

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[ Feature japanese skincare]


Japanese Skincare Obsession By Yuko Enomoto

f the U.S. represents the cult of the physical body, then Japan worships the cult of the skin. Just as toned arms and firm abs are the gold standard of the day in America’s pursuit of physical perfection, so is the desire for flawless skin in Japan’s beauty ideal. No other country comes close to Japan’s obsession with and consumption of skin-care products. Japan boasts the world’s largest skin-care market per capita, and Japanese women use and spend more on skin-care products than any other woman in the world.

status symbol,” especially among Japanese and other Asian women, explains Harumi Branch, an esthetician who runs the Savvy Cosmetics store inside the Uwajimaya supermarket. “And those who are looking for the ultimate (in skin care) arrive at Cle de Peau BEAUTE,” a high-end Shiseido line. Whatever the preference ­— high-end or budget skin care — conscientious Japanese women generally follow a standard regimen that begins with makeup removal, followed by cleansing, application of softener, then lotion and/or cream if they have mature or drier skin. And while many products within that routine can be found at drugstores or department stores here, women are hard-pressed to find softeners by leading European or American brands. Japanese softeners, marketed here sometimes as lotions or astringents, are like a cross between a toner and a moisturizer and are an indispensable part of the process for their role in helping to absorb lotions or creams that follow.

It is said that the average Japanese woman uses up to seven skin-care products several days a week and just as many makeup products. Although the skin-care market continues to decline each year with the slumping economy and shrinking birthrates, Japanese spending on anti-aging products is bucking that trend. And the drop in total spending is not an indication of decreasing Many American women may balk at this laborious interest in skin care; it simply means consumers are regimen. (On a related note, not long ago, I visited a Shu turning to less expensive products. Uemura counter to buy an eyebrow pencil that required Outside of Japan, the rest of Asia has shown deep in- manual sharpening. The beautician simply told me that terest in skin-care products. But the obsession with skin Shu Uemura in America stopped selling them because, care fades in intensity in the West. “American women aren’t going to sharpen their eyebrow Here in Washington, a trip to the Uwajimaya super- pencil.”) But many women outside of Japan recognize the market in the International District or Bellevue reveals benefit of investing time (and money) in their skin care. Japanese loyalty toward their national brands. Rows Still, when it comes to achieving beautiful, heathly skin, the of shelves in a small space are dedicated to Japanese old adage still applies. “You still need a healthy diet, healthy cleansers, exfoliants, lotions and creams. Many of my lifestyle and adequate sleep,” said Yoko Kasahara of Sanders Japanese friends say products from brands like Kose Perry, a Vancouver-based line of natural skin care. “These or Shiseido feel right for their skin, even though those are all necessities for good skin.” brands are not vastly different from their European and American counterparts. On the following pages IBUKI introduces you to local spas, salons and cosmetics counters as well as a bevvy of beauty The considerations that go into a woman’s skin-care products. purchase can be complicated; it is part practical and part aspirational. “Buying a Shiseido product is sometimes a

6 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

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[ Feature japanese skincare]

Starting the Golden 4 Regimen 1. Two-step cleansing Removing makeup

SHISEIDO ELIXIR Superieur — Makeup Cleansing Oil Available at Uwajimaya & Savvy Cosmetics This hard-working oil removes the most stubborn, difficult-to-remove makeup for a thorough cleansing experience that reaches deep into the pores. The oil dissolves quickly into a milky texture under lukewarm water for a clean yet soft finish. Cleansing oils are not a common sight on US shelves, but they are ubiquitous in Japan. KOSE — Deep Cleansing Oil 230 ml Available at Uwajimaya This deeply satisfying cleansing oil is tough enough to remove waterproof makeup but gentle enough for everyday use without leaving the face slick. It contains rice bran oil and orange oil, which lends this cleanser its citrusy fragrance. Apply a pump or two and gently massage until it mixes well with makeup, then rinse thoroughly in cold or lukewarm water. KRACIE — Moistage Washable Cold Cream Available at Uwajimaya If you have sensitive skin or simply feel that the cleansing oils are a little too harsh for you, this cold cream makeup remover may be the solution. It rinses off easily with a little water.

Foam cleaning KRACIE — Purenavi Foaming Face Cleansing Foam Available at Uwajimaya An internal pump whips up the cream into a soft foam for a deep cleanse. A fun way to shave a few seconds from your morning ritual.

Deep Clean Once a Week Not so long ago, you had to pay a huge amount of money and endure pain to achieve baby soft skin. Today, there's Detclear Bright and Elixir Superieur. Detclear contains fruit-derived alpha-hydroxy acid, which removes dead skin cells, discoloration and sebum, targets blackheads and boosts the skin's turnover. Elixir Superieur also works at a deep level, removing excess skin cells and stimulating turnover to help achieve buttery soft skin and a radiant complexion. Detclear is also great for sloughing off rough areas of the feet and elbows. Use once or twice a week on clean, dry skin for Detclear. Use on clean, moistened skin for Elixir. 8 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

2. Hydrate & soften SHISEIDO ELIXIR Superieur — Lifting CE Lotion II Available at Uwajimaya & Savvy Cosmetics The Japanese can’t get enough of these “lotions” that actually work more like softeners. It is the one BIG thing Japanese women living in the U.S. covet more than anything else in their skin-care arsenal. Here is a good standard lotion by Shiseido that does the trick and more. It primes your skin so that the moisturizer or cream that follows gets absorbed into the skin for better hydration. CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE — Refreshing Balancing Lotion Available at Savvy Cosmetics A balancing lotion for normal to oily skin that immediately replenishes moisture throughout skin and achieves softness and smoothness with regular daily use. Cle de Peau BEAUTE is a most prestigious line from Shiseido for matured skin. B&C LABORATORIES — Happy Seven Soybean 400 ml Available at Uwajimaya This syrupy concoction is a perfect lotion for the colder and drier months of the year. Combine it with a light lotion for oily skin or a heavier cream for dry skin. In the summer, it may serve as an astringent/lotion hybrid. With a very light fragrance, this product derives its name from its seven ingredients: amino acid, sterol, isoflavone, ceramide, lecithin, linoleic acid and minerals — most of which are extracted from soybeans. KRACIE HADABISEI — Deep Moist Facial Lotion Available at Uwajimaya Facial lotion that gets absorbed into skin without that greasy feeling. Contains hyaluronic acid, collagen, royal jelly and Chardonnay extract. Moisturizes skin to the core, fast and effectively.

Softner vs. Toner A softener is part of the moisturizing process, whereas a toner is part of the cleansing process. Most Japanese cosmetic brands have developed softeners in each skin-care line to soften, rehydrate and enhance the effectiveness of a moisturizer.

Coenzyme Q10? Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance present in the body that generates heat or energy. Known also as a powerful antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 is said to be an effective treatment for heart-related problems. It has found its way into skin-care products for its purported benefits in fighting wrinkles, promoting cell renewal and reducing UV damage, among other attributes.

The Golden 4 Regimen has become the gold standard for skin care in Japan. It can be time-consuming. The regimen consists of two-step cleansing, hydrating and softening, enriching and then protecting. We have selected and reviewed some products under each category. Challenge yourself and start your own Golden 4 Regimen this fall.

3. Enrich CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE — Refreshing Nourishing Emulsion Available at Savvy Cosmetics For night-time use after the refreshing balancing lotion, the emulsion is designed to help the skin relax and recover from the day’s exposure to environmental stress. It also helps the skin’s natural cell renewal and counteracts wrinkles caused by dryness and loss of elasticity. CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE — Refreshing Protective Emulsion Available at Savvy Cosmetics Absorbs quickly to provide continuous hydration through the day without overloading the skin. It also protects against environmental damage and UV rays while promoting a smooth, even texture, making it an ideal base for foundation. SHISEIDO ELIXIR Superieur — Pore Care Essence Available at Uwajimaya & Savvy Cosmetics Intensively targets visibly enlarged pores in adults. Provides firmness to skin, especially around pores, for a dewy smoothness. Apply in the morning after moisturizer and at night as the last step of your skin-care routine. KRACIE HADABISEI — Deep Moist Facial Pack Essence Available at Uwajimaya Apply before going to sleep. This essence works hard overnight to give you moist, firm and elastic skin the next morning. Locks beauty essences in the skin. Contains beauty GABA, collagen and royal jelly to moisturize skin, hyaluronic acid to maintain moisture and natural glucosamine to give skin elasticity.

Special Treatment Once a Week Beauticians often recommend special facial care once a week in addition to your regular daily regimen. Face masks are one of the recommended steps. Usually applied after a softener (or in place of a softener) but before lotion or cream, these masks by Kracie leave the skin feeling like it just came out of a deep, relaxing slumber. One is steeped in fruit acids to soften the outer layers of the skin, and hyaluronic acid and royal jelly to moisturize. The other targets tired and dull skin with the unique combination of coenzyme Q10, glycerine, soy extract and fruit acids.

4. Protect Night cream

SHISEIDO BENEFIANCE — NutriPerfect Night Cream Available at Uwajimaya & Savvy Cosmetics The final step in your skin-care regimen is to repair and protect your skin overnight. This luxurious cream was formulated for mature skin that’s losing density and elasticity. Soothing and moisturizing, this rich concoction helps restore vibrancy to the skin without feeling too heavy while you sleep. The Benefiance line is perfect for mature and drier skin. KRACIE — Essence Cream Super Moist Available at Uwajimaya Contains three quality moisturizers: herbal collagen, squalin and royal jelly. This cream is rich in moisture, leaving your skin nourished and saturated.

Day cream with UV care

SHISEIDO BENEFIANCE — NutriPerfect Day Cream Available at Uwajimaya & Savvy Cosmetics Try the NutriPerfect Day Cream at the end of your skincare regimen to begin your day. Even under cloudy skies, UV rays can reach your skin. Stay protected this season with a day cream that nourishes and works hard to shield your skin from damaging elements.

If You Love ALL NATURAL If you are an all-natural sort, Sanders Perry skin care may be your solution. Sanders Perry sources its natural fruit, grains, wood and herb ingredients from all over the world and uses natural green tea extracts as preservatives. Its cleansers, lotions, creams, oils and shampoos are all hand-crafted at a factory in Nagoya. Sanders Perry hasn’t changed its formula for more than 60 years — a remarkable feat in an industry notorious for constant change. “This is skin care for someone who is aiming for skin that needs no foundation,” said Yoko Kasahara, a Sanders Perry fan-turned-representative, who has noticeably radiant skin. This line of skin care is ideal for sensitive skin but great for all skin types. The products can be mixed together to your preference. If, for instance, Sample start kit $28 a lemon product feels a little too strong for *They offer promotion the skin, you can add the sunflower oil to price of $10 until temper its effects. They only sell their products Nov 10. through their representative because “our products can not be carried at stores as we use minimum presevatives,” Kasahara says. Check out their Website sandersperry.net or contact Kasahara at (607) 379-2291 or organic-me@hotmail.com. www.ibukimagazine.com 9

[ Feature japanese skincare]

Treat Your Hair, Face & Body Right Facial at Savvy Cosmetics

The unassuming Savvy Cosmetics housed within the Uwajimaya supermarket in the International District does not stand out the way cosmetics counters do in high-end department stores. Which is why an encounter with resident beautician Harumi Branch is often a happy surprise to lots of new customers. She can seemingly do anything beauty-related with the calm demeanor of a meditation guru and at prices that are reasonable. And right now, Savvy is offering a free half-hour facial with the purchase of a Shiseido massage cream along with your next skin-care purchase. Leave your jar of massage cream at Savvy and get a relaxing facial free of charge by Shiseido-trained beauticians for as long as the cream lasts, which is about four to five times. With the introduction of Shiseido’s luxurious Cle de Peau BEAUTE series last year, Savvy has become one of the main carriers of the high-end skin-care line alongside Nordstrom and Barney’s. And what makes Cle de Peau BEAUTE one the most coveted skin-care products in Japan? “When Shiseido comes up with a new formula, it goes first to Cle de Peau BEAUTE,” explained Branch. Another reason to pick up your next Shiseido skin-care product at Savvy: better bonus gifts than at department stores.

Shiseido's Fall palettes greet customers at the entrance.

Savvy is one of a few Seattle retailers that carry the high-end Cle de Peau BEAUTE line of skin-care products.

Savvy Cosmetics | Uwajimaya Village, 600 Fifth Avenue South, #105, Seattle | Tel (206) 223-1866

Promaster EX Pigment Hair Coloring at eN Salon

If you haven't made a trek to Bellevue's eN Salon yet, this might be the perfect time, especially if you are looking to retouch your roots before the colorful fall gives way to winter. Until recently, eN was the only beauty salon in this state to carry Hoyu's damageless hair-color selections, the Promaster Ex Pigment. Ideal for pre-colored hair, it is an excellent touchup for covering re-growth and blending over old color. It is also gentle enough to be used repeatedly while the beeswax helps your hair maintain lasting shine. The salon carries about 120 items from Hoyu's Promaster EX series — about 35 of those are from the damageless pigment line. It is an excellent line for, but not limited to, Asian hair, according to salon stylist

Hiro. "The hues that Asian women generally seek — the ash (brown) and matte-type colors — were often not vivid enough and underwhelming," said Hiro. "But Hoyu has faithfully recreated the colors coveted by Asian women." Unlike other hair-coloring products, the pigment works on the cuticles as well as the cortex. The colorless cuticle doesn’t contain any melanin, so the result is a truer, deeper and more vibrant color without causing damage to the hair thanks to its minimum alkaline content.

eN salon | 13112 NE 20th St #550, Bellevue | (425) 883-1010 Hoyu is famous for its damageless hair color line.

Hairstyle by Hiro / Model: Patty Lin

10 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

Stylist Hiro used ash brown and warm brown lowlights from Promaster EX Pigment to complement model Patty Lin's loose curls that frame her face. The pigment brings back gloss and silkiness that were lost to repeated colorings.

Stylist Mika gave model Mari Kitajima an understated feminine style with a semi-layered do. Ash brown highlights on a copper base lend texture and movement to create a perfect look for fall and winter. Hairstyle by Mika / Model: Mari Kitajima

Detox Body Wrap at Aisha

This little oasis in downtown Seattle run by Akemi Shull, a massage therapist and esthetician, offers a detox body wrap whose benefits read like a wish list for women over 40: “Weight loss, decrease body fat, detoxification, reducing cellulite, stretch marks, sagging skin, poor circulation, dull dry skin.” The 90-minute session at Aisha began with dry exfoliation to get the blood circulating, followed by a vigorous massage with a gel made from essential oils that stimulates the lymphatic system. Shull then wrapped the entire body from the neck on down in a thick thermal blanket infused with far infrared heat that forces the body to burn stored fat and release toxins through perspiration — while you nap. Most salons market this treatment — also known as the Sudatonic System — as a weight loss regimen complete with body measurements before and after to reveal its amazing effects. But not Aisha. “The main goal is detox,” Shull said. “Weight loss is just a byproduct.” To demonstrate that Sudatonic’s results are not due to water loss, Shull had me measure my body fat and BMI before and after. I had lost 4 points off my body fat — not surprising given that the treatment can burn up to 4,000 calories in one sitting. I left the spa feeling light, but best of all completely relaxed and calm. Shull recommends a total of six weekly visits for optimum results.

AISHA | 509 Olive Way # 1201, Seattle | Tel (206) 621-9494

Hair, Nails, Facials, Reflexology etc. eN Salon 13112 NE 20th Street, # 500 Bellevue, WA 98005

TEl: (425) 883-1010 http://www.en-salon.com World Class Salon Services

Far infrared rays from this thermal wrap (top) forces the body to sweat and release toxins. AISHA esthetician Akemi Shull (right) massages a generous amount of a gel made from essential oils (above) over the entire body before the infrared wrap treatment.


Medical Dental Building 509 Olive Way, Suite 1201, Seattle (206) 621-9494 | aishainfo.com

Skin and Body Care Therapy

1032 106th Avenue NE, Suite 123, Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 455-4063 | www. mikihouse-usa.com Become a fan on www.facebook.com/mikihouse-usa


Unique Selection of Children’s Fashion from Babies up to 7-Year Olds Gift Cards Available

Try Japanese style eyelash perm Anti-aging facials, Therapeutic massage, Body detoxification wraps, La Hot Stone Therapy, Eyelash more. Hair styleperming, by Hiro / and Model: Patty Lin

“A heaven hidden within steps of Westlake Center” www.ibukimagazine.com 11



MURUA steals the stage with pop colors. Model : Lena Fujii & Kiko Mizuhara



Mixing masculine and feminine for a downtown look. Model: Melody Yoko & Maryjun Takahashi

Real Tokyo, Real Fashion: Tokyo Girls n a blustery summer day, girls from all over Japan gathered at the Saitama Super Arena for the 2011 A/W Tokyo Girls Collection fashion show. Everyone hoped to catch a glimpse of the new styles and trends while shopping on their cellphones or in the Smile Park.

MURUA, celebrating its fifth anniversary, made the biggest

impact. This past season, MURUA has been making major strides in Tokyo as well. Showing off a new take on the popular mode style, which is currently one of the most prominent styles among Shibuya gals, MURUA has been running with the concept of “retro modern coquettish girl,” which features color blocking and shows off modern streetwear with a In this post-earthquake Japan, everyone is trying to find a reason to smile, playful, feminine look. MURUA takes this and throws pearls on it — lots of and Tokyo Girls Collection embraced this feeling with SMILE FOR [ ] as pearls in the form of collar necklaces. This is currently a huge trend in Japits slogan. anese fashion, and MURUA is one of the biggest forces behind it. The pop Outside the main stage, Smile Park was set up with food vendors, color appearing in the MURUA A/W line is drawing the biggest crowds. makeup counters and some clothing booths where it was possible to get Another big trend hitting the streets of Tokyo was seen in the a closer look at the signature pieces appearing on stage. One of the main OZOC show. Featuring a more masculine look, OZOC showcases the attractions was the MURUA booth, where Momoko Ogihara (MURUA’s popular “handsome woman” style. After a summer of girly retro, it appears producer) greeted fans. that fashion is heading toward a rougher, more daring style. OZOC does it Inside, the main stage was outlined with bright lights, and the floor right, mixing the leftover summer retro-classic lady trend with masculine was filled with cheering girls. Spectators filled the stands, and models prints, sharp blazers and damaged denim. Animal print ties it all together, marched down the runway. Popular brands H&M, American Apparel and allowing for a more dynamic mix between the feminine and masculine. BEAMS graced the stage. But the Japanese brands stole the show. 12 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

When most people envision a fashion show, they don’t visualize acces-

one spo

Marching by with style. Model: Mikako Ishii & Anna Tsuchiya


Girls just wanna have fashion. Model: Seira Kagami, Leyna Kagami & Mayuko Arisue

Photos © TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION by girlswalker.com 2011 AUTUMN/WINTER

s Collection By Caroline Josephine Another brand that just wants to have fun is one spo. Making a bold statement with its season concept of “Russian Marching Band,” one spo shows off a sexy, sporty look. While some consider one spo to have too much of a costume feel to it, the brand does a great job of embracing the strong patterns and colors, mixing the pieces into wearable street fashion. One spo wants to make a statement, and there is no subtly about what they are doing. Models literally marched down the runway. The mixture of plaid, black leather and white fur gives a twist to the always popular retro-European style. As the French-girl trend of last season fades with summer, this Russian Marching Band look will surely catch the A perfect example of wearable clothes could be seen in the eye of Tokyo girls and flourish into the fall with it’s bold look. Rirandture show. Girls just want to have fun, and Rirandture makes While this season’s Tokyo Girls Collection featured lots of retro colors it possible. Playing with the retro-classic look, which has been trending for the past year, Rirandture keeps it simple and wearable. The overall and 60s inspired pieces, it did not have an overall uniting trend. Howlook of this brand embraces the casual elegance that the retro-girly trend ever, it did a good job of showcasing many different styles and trends, has brought us. Mixing in the season’s pop colors with classic cardigans, allowing girls more of a selection. With many great brands to shop from, blazers and sheath dresses, this style can be worn by anyone and mixed anyone can create their own perfect, wearable Tokyo look. Let’s SMILE with anything. It was nice to see such a smooth transition from summer FOR [tomorrow’s style]. into fall through this brand. For more info about Tokyo Girls Collection, visit: http://tgc.st/ sible, wearable clothes. Many brands showcase pieces that don’t show up on the rack for months. And when they do, the price tags are huge and the clothes aren’t always everyday wear. This is not the case for Tokyo Girls Collection. One of the most appealing aspects of the collection is that the clothes are accessible and easy to wear. Tokyo Girls Collection makes it possible to log into the shopping service via your cellphone and order the pieces you want while watching the show. The shipping is fast and prices are fairly low. This is unique to Tokyo Girls Collection and really pulls in the crowd.

www.ibukimagazine.com 13

[ ibuki Recipes ] Uzumaki Sushi Ingredients (4 rolls) 4 cups Japanese short grain rice, cooked 5 tbsp sushi vinegar (or 5 tbsp vinegar, 5 tsp sugar and 1/4 tsp salt) 4 tbs ume mayo sauce (see recipe on page 15) 4 sheets of nori Green beans Imitation crab Carrot


In a bowl, mix rice and sushi vinegar to make sushi rice. Rice needs to be freshly steamed. 2. Spread the rice over the bowl and allow it to sit for 10 minutes for cooling. 3. Cut off ends of green beans. In a large sauce pan, boil salted water and cook green beans for 8 minutes. 4. Peel and finely slice carrot. 5. Cover bamboo sushi mat (or aluminum foil) with plastic wrap. Put a sheet of nori on top of the plastic wrap. 6. Spread 1 cup sushi rice evenly with about half inch thickness on top of nori. 7. Spread ume mayo on the rice. 8. Place imitation crab, green beans, and carrots. 9. Roll up the bamboo mat, pressing forward to shape the sushi into a cylinder. Push the bamboo mat gently. Do not push too hard, otherwise the rice will get too firm. 10. Remove the bamboo mat. Wet a knife and slice the roll into bitesize pieces.

Check out more recipes online www.ibukimagazine.com

14 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

DAIKON - This long, large white radish gets its Japanese name from the characters for “big” and “root.” It has a mild flavor and is said to aid in digestion. You will find it thinly sliced with plates of sashimi or in thicker cuts for stews and hotpots.

Japanese inspired party recipes Japanese Vegetable Dips Ingredients (5-6 servings) <Ume mayo> 5 tbsp Japanese mayonnaise 1 tbsp yukari or umeboshi paste 1 tsp soy sauce < Miso mustard > 3 tbsp miso paste 2 tbsp rice vinegar 1 tbsp mustard 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/2 tbsp sake

<Vegetables> 5 inches daikon 2 carrots 1 English cucumber 1/3 kabocha pumpkin 5 inches renkon (lotus root)

Directions 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

RENKON - Peel off the reddish-brown skin and slice through the white flesh of a lotus root and a floral pattern will appear. The holes are said to be auspicious. Renkon has a nice crunch to it.


Peel daikon, carrot and renkon. Thinly slice renkon and throw in a bowl of water for 5-10 minutes. This process prevents the renkon from changing color. In a saucepan, add about 5 cups of water and 1 tsp vinegar. Add renkon and bring to boil. When the water starts boiling, cook renkon for 5 more minutes. Drain and cool in running water. Drain well again. Thinly slice kabocha pumpkin and steam about 3-5 minutes until soft. Cut carrot, daikon and cucumber into long thin strips. Mix ingredients of each kind of dip in a small bowl. Serve vegetables on a plate together with the dips.

KABOCHA - Kabochoa is a small buttercupstyle winter squash that grows on long vines. Kabocha has deep green, bumpy skin with white stripes, similar in shape to the traditional pumpkin. The flesh of is similar in taste and texture to a butternut squash.

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www.ibukimagazine.com 15

[ ibuki Recipes ]

Renkon Meat Balls Ingredients (4-6 servings) 6 inches Renkon 1 lb Ground chicken 1/2 onion 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp salt 8 shiitake mushrooms

1 pack shimeji mushroom 3 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp sake 1 tbsp sugar 2 cups water 1 tbs starch

Directions 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp starch with the same amount of cold water. Peel renkon and cut into two portions. Grate half of the renkon. Thinly slice other half of the renkon. Finley chop onion. In a cooking bowl, add grated renkon, ground chicken, onion, salt and black pepper. Mix well using hands until sticky consistency. Make bite-size meat balls. In a skillet, heat 1 tbs vegetable oil. Cook meat balls about 3 minutes stirring occasionally until lightly browned. Add sliced shitake, shimeji, renkon, soy sauce, sugar, sake and 2 cups water. Bring to boil and cook 3 more minutes. Add pre-mixed starch and water and mix well.

Yose Nabe Ingredients (1 serving) 1/4lb true cod, sliced in 3 pieces 2 prawns 1/4 welsh onion, sliced 1 Nappa cabbage leaves, cut into bite size 3 Shiitake mushrooms, stems removed 1/5 carrot, sliced

1/5 pack tofu 2 inches of dried kombu 2 tbs sake 1 tbs soy sauce 1 pinch of salt

Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Slice cod into 3 pieces. In a nabe hot pot, place dried kombu and add 2/3 cups water. Bring to boil and remove kombu. Add sake, soy sauce and salt. Place prepared vegetables, tofu, prawns and cod into the pot. Cover and bring it to boil again. Cook under midium heat for about 4 muinites until vegetables are soft.

How to make Carrot Plums Remove the edges from round sliced carrots. Make five triangular incisions around the edges to create a flower pattern. From one of the edges between the “petals,” slice toward the center, then from that center, slice the surface of the petal in a slanted fashion toward the end of that petal. 16 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

This small nabe pot is available at Daiso only for $2.

[ special feature ]

DAISO $1.50 store — IBUKI’s picks

The ¥100 shop is a destination universally enjoyed by visitors to Japan. Daiso, a leading purveyor of ¥100 stores, opened a new store this September in Southcenter Mall, making it the sixth store it operates in the Puget Sound region. The stores offer just about everything for $1.50, including all sorts of goods such as bento boxes, chopsticks, sake drinking vessels, tea cups, origami papers, Japanese sweets and seasonings, as well as plastic containers, stationery, wrapping paper, kitchen cleaners and pet supplies. “Our stores in the US all stock the same goods that we sell in Japan,” says Seattle Area Manager Toyo Sugisaki. “The goods in our store have a different quality and design than the items found in a typical dollar store. “ Daiso’s shelves are especially fun to browse because of the small innovative products you’ll find that solve petty everyday problems. Let’s introduce some of our favorites.

Kimono-patterned gift wrap Very pretty and perfect for holiday gift-wrapping.

Collagen facemask & hyaluronate lotion ($4) There is a wealth of products in Daiso’s beauty section. Try the collagen facemask and skin lotion. You’ll love them. Storage bag for boots Storing boots can be tricky, but it’s easy to store them in this bag without scratching the leather. Daiso has all sorts of little products to help with storing things.

Face wash net With this product, you’ll be able to make creamy fine bubbles. Stainless steel food container For those of you who worry about plastic that may contain BPA, these clean stainless steel containers will keep your food fresh and safe. Melamine sponge This sponge can make your kitchen surfaces shine without using detergent.

Laundry net Put your delicate clothes in this net before laundering. The net protects the clothes from damage. It’s also convenient to use when storing clothes while you’re traveling.

Face massage roller Roll this over your face as you watch TV. It’s easier than pressing with your own hand, and it feels great.

Health sandal Wear these sandals once, and it will grow into a habit. It may hurt a little at first, but then it starts to feel so good.

Hotpot ($2) A small clay pot that’s just right for your first hotpot nabe dish of the winter.

Funny erasers Kids will love them!

Foldable slippers These convenient and sanitary slippers are perfect to use in airplanes and hotel rooms. Precision screwdriver This is just your typical screwdriver, but for $1.50? It’s a steal. Calligraphy paper, brush and ink Want to try calligraphy? For just $4.50, you can get started with a brush, ink and paper.

NOW 6 DAISO STORES!! Southcenter Mall — next to Seafood City 2800 South center Mall, #1378, Tukwila Westlake Center — 1F in front of escalator 400 Pine St, Ste 1005, # 124, Seattle Seattle ID-Chinatown 710 6th Ave S, Seattle Alderwood Mall Lynnwood 3000 184th St SW, # 398, Lynnwood The Commons at Federal Way 1928 S Commons, Federal Way Great Wall Mall — Kent 18230 E Valley Hwy, Kent www.ibukimagazine.com 17

[ Restaurant Index ] SEATTLE Greater Seattle Mashiko Japanese Restaurant (206) 935-4339 4725 California Ave SW, Seattle Check out sushiwhore. com You’ll like it.


(206) 448-2488 2319 2nd Ave, Seattle

Shima Sushi

(206) 632-2583 4429 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle

Shiro’s Sushi Restaurant (206) 443-9844 2401 2nd Ave, Seattle

Setsuna Japanese Restaurant (206) 417-3175 11204 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle


(206) 632-7010 1618 N 45th St, Seattle

Maekawa Bar

(206) 622-0634 601 S King St # 206,Seattle

Fort St. George

(206) 382-0662 601 S King St # 202, Seattle

I Love Sushi — Lake Union 206-625-9604 1001 Fairview Ave N, Seattle

Marinepolis Sushi Land — Queen Anne

Kozue Japanese Restaurant (206) 547-2008 1608 N 45th St, Seattle Momiji (206) 457-4068 1522 12th Ave., Seattle Maneki (206) 622-2631 304 6th Ave S, Seattle Moshi Moshi Sushi (206) 971-7424 5324 Ballard Avenue, Seattle Nishino (206) 322-5800 3130 E Madison St#106,Seattle Nijo (206) 340-8880 89 Spring St, Seattle Ototo Sushi (206) 691-3838 7 Boston St, Seattle Red Fin Sushi Restaurant (206) 441-4340 612 Stewart St, Seattle Ricenroll — Madison Street (206) 262-0381 214 Madison St, Seattle Shiki Japanese Restaurant (206) 281-1352 4W Roy St, Seattle Shun Japanese Cuisine (206) 522-2200 5101 NE 25th Ave #11, Seattle Tsukushinbo (206) 467-4004 515 S Main St, Seattle Village Sushi (206) 985-6870 4741 12th Ave NE, Seattle Wabi-Sabi Sushi (206) 721-0212 4909 Rainier Ave S, Seattle Wasabi Bistro (206) -441-6044 2311 Second Ave, Seattle

New Zen Japanese Restaurant (425) 254-1599 10720 SE Carr Rd, Japanese Fami-Res (Family Restaurant www.newzensushi. com

Miyabi Restaurant

(206) 575-6815 16820 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila Marinepolis Sushi Land — Southcenter (206) 816-3280 100 Andover Park West 160, Tukwila Bistro Satsuma (253) 858-5151 5315 Point Fosdick Dr NW #A, Gig Harbor

North End Cafe Soleil

(425) 493-1847 9999 Harbour Place # 105, Mukilteo

Bluefin Sushi & Seafood Buffet (206) 367-0115 401 NE Northgate Way # 463, Seattle Blue C Sushi — Alderwood Mall (425) 329-3596 3000 184th St SW, Lynnwood Edina Sushi (425) 776-8068 19720 44th Ave W, Lynnwood Marinepolis Sushi Land — Lynnwood (425) 275-9022 18500 33rd Ave NW, Lynnwood Matsu Sushi (425) 771-3368 19505 44th Ave W #K, Lynnwood Sakuma Japanese Restaurant (425) 347-3063 10924 Mukilteo Speedway # G, Mukilteo Blue C Sushi Westfield Southcenter Taka Sushi (425) 778-1689 (206) 277-8744 468 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila 18904 Hwy 99 Suite A, Lynnwood Taka Sushi Genki Sushi — Renton (425) 525-9999 (425) 277-1050 365 S. Grady Way # B & C, Renton 301 NE 103 St, Seattle

South End

Daimonji Sushi & Grill (425) 430-1610 5963 Corson Ave S, # 194, Seattle





Co 0% up O on ff

va Va lid w lid it no h a w ny th ot ro he ug r h dis D c ec ou em nt be s o r3 rp 1 rom 20 o 11 tio n


(206) 267-7621 803 5th Ave N, Seattle Samurai Noodle — U-District (206) 547-1774 4138 University Way NE, Seattle

Samurai Noodle — Capitol Hill (206) -323-7991 414 Broadway E, Seattle Aoki Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar (206) 324-3633 621 Broadway E, Seattle Aloha Ramen (206) 838-3837 8102 Greenwood Ave N,Seattle Blue C Sushi University Village (206) 525-4601 4601 26th Ave NE, Seattle Blue C Sushi Fremont (206) 633-3411 3411 Fremont Ave N, Seattle Blue C Sushi 7th Avenue (206) 467-4022 1510 7th Ave, Seattle Boom Noodle — Capitol Hill (206) 701-9130 1121 E Pike St, Seattle Bush Garden Restaurant (206)682-6830 614 Maynard Avenue S., Seattle Chiso (206) 632-3430 3520 Fremont Ave. N, Seattle Fuji Sushi (206) 624-1201 520 S Main St, Seattle Genki Sushi — Queen Anne (206) 453-3881 500 Mercer St #C2, 2B, Seattle Genki Sushi — Capitol Hill ((206) 257-4418 1620 Broadway, Seattle Hana Restaurant (206) 328-1187 219 Broadway E, Seattle Hiroshi’s Restaurant (206) 726-4966 2501 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle Katsu Burger (206) 762-0752 6538 4th Ave. S, Seattle J Sushi (206) 287-9000 674 S Weller St, Seattle Kaname Izakaya Shochu Bar (206) 682-1828 610 S Jackson St, Seattle Kisaku (206) 545-9050 2101 N. 55th St. #100, Seattle

Dozo Cafe Bellevue

(425) 644-8899 | 3720 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue

Dozo Japanese Sushi Cuisine (425) 251-0900 | 206 Main Street, Kirkland

http://dozocafe.com 18 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

OverÊ30ÊAuthenticÊNoodles! OpenÊ7ÊDays

(253)Ê839-1115 31254ÊPacificÊHwy.ÊS. FederalÊWay,ÊWAÊ98003

[ Restaurant Index ] Eastside

Dozo Cafe — Factoria

Blue Ginger Korean Grill & Sushi (425) 746-1222 14045 NE 20th St, Bellevue Ginza Japanese Restaurant (425) 709-7072 103 102nd Ave SE, Bellevue Genki Sushi - Factoria Mall (425) 747-7330

Dozo Sushi & Dining

(425) 644-8899 3720 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue (425) 251-0900 206 Main St., Kirkland

Kiku Sushi

B-4, 4055 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue

Gourmet Teriyaki (206) 232-0580

7671 SE 27th St, Mercer Island

Izakaya Sushi - At The Landing (425) 228-2800 829 N 10th St. Suite G, Renton Izumi Japanese Restaurant (425) 821-1959 12539 116th Ave N.E., Kirkland i Sushi (425) 313-7378 1802 12th Ave NW., Issaquah Oma Bap (425) 467-7000 120 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue Kikuya Restaurant (425) 881-8771 8105 161st Ave NE, Redmond Sushi Maru (425) 453-0100 205 105th Ave, Bellevue Sushi Me (425) 644-9800 1299 156th Ave NE #145, Bellevue Sushi Mojo (425) 746-6656 1915 140th Ave NE, D1-B, Bellevue


Sushi-Ten (425) 643-6637 2217 140TH Ave NE, Bellevue Momoya Restaurant (425) 889-9020 12100 NE 85th St, Kirkland The Bento Box (425) 643-8646 15119 NE 24th St, Redmond Sushi Joa (206) 230-4120 2717 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island Gourmet Teriyaki (206) 232-0580 7671 SE 27th St, Mercer Island Noppakao Thai Restaurant (425) 821-0199 9745 NE 117th Ln, Kirkland

(425) 556-9600 13112 NE 20th St, Ste 200, Bellevue

I Love Sushi — Lake Bellevue

Hanabi Japanese Restaurant (253) 941-0797 31260 Pacific Hwy. S, Federal Way Koharu Restaurant (253) 839-0052 31840 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Akasaka Restaurant (253) 946-3858 31246 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Main Japanese Buffet (253) 839-9988 1426 S 324Th St, Federal Way Blue Island Sushi & Roll (253) 838-5500 35002 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way

Tokyo Garden (253) 874-4615 32911 1St Av S #G, Federal Way Kyoto Japanese Restaurant (253) 581-5078 8722 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood Kinja Japanese Restaurant (253) 589-0656 31260 Pacific Hwy. S, Lakewood Sushi Tama (253) 761-1014 3919 6Th Ave, Tacoma TWOKOI Japanese Cuisine (253) 274-8999 1552 Commerce St, Tacoma

(425) 455-9090 23 Lake Bellevue Dr, Bellevue

I Love Sushi — Bellevue Main (425) 454-5706 11818 NE 8th St, Bellevue

Rikki Rikki Japanese Restaurant (425) 828-0707 442 Parkplace Center, Kirkland Tokyo Japanese Restaurant (425) 641-5691 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue Ricenroll - Bellevue Square (425) 455-4866 2039 Bellevue Square 2nd fl, Bellevue Ricenroll - Issaquah Highland (425) 369-8445 1052 Park Dr. Issaquah Ricenroll - Alertson on Mercer Island (206) 232 0244 2755 77th Ave. SE, Mercer Island Marinepolis Sushi Land - Bellevue (425) 455-2793 138 107th Ave. NE, Bellevue Marinepolis Sushi Land - Redmond (425) 284-2587 8910 161st Ave NE, Redmond

Tacoma & Federal Way I Love Ramen

(253) 839-1115 31254 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way

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442 Parkplace Kirkland | (425)828-0707 | rikkirikki.com

Come Experience Japanese street food

kushibar www.kushibar.com

2319 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98121 | (206) 448-2488 | Hours: Weekdays 11:30 am – 1am, Weekends 4 pm – 1am www.ibukimagazine.com 19

20 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

[ Business Index ] Art & Furniture Kobo

koboseattle.com Kobo at Higo (206) 381-3000 604 S Jackson St, Seattle Kobo Capitol Hill (206) 726-0704 814 E Roy, Seattle Shop & gallery featuring art, craft and design from Japan and the Northwest The Wing Luke Museum (206) 623-5124 | 719 South King Street, Seattle Ming’s Asian Gallery — Seattle (206) 748-7889 | 519 6th Ave S, Seattle The Cullom Gallery 603 S Main St, Seattle | (206) 919-8278

Bakery and Cafe Setsuko Pastry www.setsukopastry.com (206) 816 0348 1618 N 45th St, Seattle Healthy alternative pastries with a Japanese spin

Fuji Bakery Seattle Store (206) 623-4050 | 526 South King St, Seattle Fuji Bakery Bellevue Store (425) 641-4050 | 1502 145th PL SE, Bellevue UniCone Crepes (206) 243-6236 | 2800 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila Hiroki Desserts (206) 547-4128 | 2224 N 56th St, Seattle Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee House (206) 515-4000 | 607 S Main St, Seattle Fumie’s Gold (425) 223-5893 | 10115 NE 1st St # CU2, Bellevue Kitanda Brazilian Bakery & Espresso (425) 641-4413 | 15230 NE 24th St, Redmond Zoka Coffee & Tea - Greenlake (206) 545-4277 | 2200 North 56th St, Seattle Zoka Coffee & Tea — University (206) 527-0990 | 2901 NE Blakeley St, Seattle Zoka Coffee & Tea — Kirkland (206) 284-1830 | 129 Central Way, Kirkland Cortona Cafe (206) 327-9728 | 2425 E Union St, Seattle Seabell Bakery (425) 644-2616 | 12816 SE 38th St, Bellevue Seattle Coffee Works (206) 340-8867 | 107 Pike Street, Seattle Cafe Zingaro (206) 352-2861 | 127 Mercer Street, Seattle Caffe Fiore (206) 282-1441 | 224 West Galer Street, Seattle Oasis Tea Zone (206) 447-8098 | 519 6th Ave S, Seattle Chatterbox Café (206) 324-2324 | 1100 12th Ave # 101, Seattle

Grocery & General Store H-Mart — Lynnwood (425)776-0858 | 3301 184th Street Southwest, Lynnwood H-Mart — Federal Way (425)776-0858 | 31217 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way

Mutual Fish Company

(206) 322-4368 | 2335 Rainier Ave S, Seattle


Seattle Uwajimaya (206) 624-6248 | 600 5th Avenue South, Seattle Bellevue Uwajimaya (425)747-9012 | 699 120th Ave NE, Bellevue Renton Uwajimaya (425) 277-1635 | 501 South Grady Way, Renton Beaverton Uwajimaya

(503)643-4512 | 10500 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale HWY, Beaverton


Daiso Alderwood Mall (425) 673-1825 | 3000 184th St SW, # 398, Lynnwood Daiso International District (206) 355-4084 | 710 6th Ave S, Seattle Daiso South center Mall (206) 243-1019| 2800 South center Mall, #1378 Tukwila Daiso Westlake Center (206) 447-6211 | 400 Pine St, # 124, Seattle Daiso The Commons at Federal Way (253) 839-1129 | 1928 S Commons, Federal Way Daiso Great Wall Mall - Kent (425) 251-1600 | 18230 E Valley Hwy, Kent Anzen Hiroshi’s (503) 233-5111 | 736 NE MLK Blvd, Portland

Books, Games & Anime Anime Raku

(425) 454-0112 |10627 NE 8th St, Bellevue

Kinokuniya Book Store

Seattle Kinokuniya (206) 587-2477 | 525 S Weller St, Seattle Beaverton Kinokuniya (503) 641-6240 | 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle - Southcenter Mall Store (206) 241-0219 | 633 Southcenter Mall, #1220, Seattle Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle - Northgate Mall Store (206) 363-3213 | 401 NE Northgate Way, #740, Seattle Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle - Tacoma Mall Store (253) 475-5380 | 4502 S Steele St, #616, Tacoma Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle - Capital Mall Store (360) 943-5790 | 625 Black Lake Blvd, # 334, Olympia Anime Asylum (503) 284-6626 | 1009 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR VIDEO HOP Downtown Store (206) 587-4037 | 601 S. King St. Suite#101, Seattle Pink Gorilla — University District (206) 547-5790 | 4341 University Ave NE, Seattle

Specialty store Saké Nomi (206) 467-7253 | 76 S Washington St, Seattle

Fashion Miki House USA

(425) 455-4063 | 1032 106th Ave NE #123, Bellevue Momo (206) 329-4736 | 600 S Jackson St, Seattle Unique Plus - organic children’s store (425) 296 -1024 | 219 Kirkland Ave. #101, Kirkland

Health and Beauty AISHA Skin and Body Care Therapy www.aishainfo.com (206) 621-9494 509 Olive Way #Suite 1201, Seattle A haven hidden within steps of Westlake Center

eN salon

(425) 883-1010 13112 NE 20th St # 500, Bellevue WellnessOne of Eastgate (425) 289-0092 | 15100 SE 38th St., Ste. 305B, Bellevue Acupuncture Associates — Eastgate (425) 289-0188 | 15100 SE 38th St #305B, Bellevue Studio 904 Hair Salon (206) 232-3393 | 3041 78th Avenue SE, Mercer Island Hen Sen Herbs (206) 328-2828 | 13256 NE 20th St, Bellevue Lynnwood Olympus Spa (425) 697-3000 | 3815 196th St SW #160, Lynnwood


Japanese Floral Design

Ikebana by Megumi

www.ikebanabymegumi.com (425) 744-9751 Sogetsu contemporary school of ikebana. Classes in home studio and around town Yushoryu Ikenobo (206) 723-4994 | 5548 Beason Ave. S.,Seattle Ikenobo Lake Washington Chapter (425) 803-3268 | IkenoboLakeWashingtonChapter.com The Little Flower Station (425) 770-5888 | www.thelittleflowerstation.com Children Bilingual Education Japanese Montessori School 3909 242nd Ave. SE, Issaquah | www.japanesemontessori.org

Bellevue Lngauge Aets (425) 643-3319 | 13701 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue Language Seattle Japanese Language School (206) 323-0250 | 1414 S Weller St, Seattle Music

School of Taiko (425) 785-8316 | www.Japantaiko.com Continuing Education Program

Nikkei Horizons (206) 726-6469 | www. nikkeiconcerns.com Cooking

Hiroko Sugiyama Culinary Atelier (425) 836-4635 | 22207 NE 31st St, Sammamish NuCulinary (206) 932-3855 | 6523 California Ave SW, Seattle Satsuma Cooking School (206) 244-5151 | 17105 Ambaum Blvd S, Seattle Tea Ceremony Urasenke Foundation Seattle Branch (206) 328-6018 | 5125 40th Avenue N.E., Seattle Ask your favorite cafe, store or restaurant to stock IBUKI Magazine!

www.ibukimagazine.com 21

[ TEAS of asia ]

T e a

Comfort in a Cup: Warming Winter Teas


By Tiffany Picard

Around the world, tea is a symbol of hospitality, warmth and comfort. On these dreary winter days when the cold seems to seep into your bones, a steamy cup of tea can make all the difference.

It is made with the twigs of the tea plant rather than the leaves, which makes the infusion especially low in caffeine. SA Hoji Cha Green Tea is made with both tea leaves and twigs for an extra sweet, nutty flavor and chocolatey aftertaste. SA teas are available at Uwajimaya and other shops around Seattle.

oxidation level, Oriental Beauty may be more warming to the body than lightly oxidized teas, according to Chinese medicine.

One of the unique properties of tea is its ability to simultaneously relax and revive. Buddhist monks discovered this centuries ago and drank tea to sustain them through long sessions of meditation. Tea does contain caffeine, though most teas yield about half or less the caffeine of coffee. A number of factors influence the caffeine level in tea, but generally green teas tend to have less caffeine than black teas.

Masala Chai

Citrus Tea Blends

A traditional tea of India, masala chai literally means “spiced tea.” The spices — such as cardamom, peppercorn, ginger and cinnamon — all spread a warming glow throughout the body. Simmered with black tea, milk, and sugar, the creamy brew warms you up in seconds.

Tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which promotes relaxation and mental clarity. Studies indicate that tea’s combination of caffeine and L-theanine provides a gentler lift and more prolonged mental focus than the quick jolt that other caffeinated drinks may induce.

Most cafés sell a form of masala chai, or you can make your own at home, with or without milk. The Perennial Tea Room near Pike Place Market sells a chai blend as well as an herbal chai blend that uses caffeine-free rooibos in place of black tea.

Citrus peel and citrus oil promote warmth in the body. Brew your morning tea with some lemon zest or orange peel, or try a citrus tea blend such as Seattle’s Market Spice CinnamonOrange Tea, an eye-opening blend of black tea, cinnamon and orange. Earl Grey is another popular black tea blended with oil from the bergamot citrus fruit.

If you’re in need of a cup of cheer this winter, here are a few teas to warm you from the inside out:

HOJICHA — JAPANESE GREEN TEA Hojicha is a dark, roasted green tea from Japan.

22 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

— Indian black tea with spices

Oriental Beauty — Taiwanese Oolong Legend has it that when Queen Elizabeth II tried this tea for the first time, she declared it to be a “true oriental beauty.” With a dark honey-sweet flavor and notes of peaches and rose, this tea has many layers of complexity. And with a high

Floating Leaves Tea in Ballard specializes in Taiwanese teas and offers two grades of Oriental Beauty.

Whether enjoying sweet masala chai in a handmade clay vessel, sipping Earl Grey with lemon from a porcelain teacup or running out the door with green tea in your travel mug, tea never fails to give comfort and inspiration when you need it most!

Tiffany Picard is a Seattle-based business consultant who specializes in the tea industry and online marketing. Visit her website at www.t-consultancy.com.

S a k e


[ Sake Nomi ]

Bringing Saké Home for the Holidays

By Johnnie Stroud, owner of Saké Nomi

t’s always a great thrill for us when folks come in to Saké Nomi looking for gift ideas and saké for special occasions. Japanese saké makes a great gift for many reasons, and one of the biggest is it’s still usually unexpected here in the US. Wine and champagne are often given as gifts and featured at holiday parties, but the presence of saké can make a bold statement and lend an exotic flavor to the festivities.

1.8-liter are the most common) and grades (the higher the grade, the higher the price) gives you many budget options, and adding some saké glassware makes for a nice “starter kit.”

balance between the sweet and dry elements of the flavor. I was pretty confident it would be a perfect compliment to turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy.

Saké can also be a surprisingly nice addition It’s always fun to walk into a party with the to traditional holiday meals. When it comes to “Big Boy” 1.8-liter bottle, too, and as the turkey dining, people still associate saké most closely roasted in the oven, we cracked the bottle open with sushi and sashimi, but limiting the bever- and enjoyed some football and appetizers. age in that manner really does it a disservice. Unfortunately, we never found out how the A few years ago, our family was invited to our saké complimented the meal; the saké was so friends’ home for Thanksgiving dinner. They ex- delicious we finished the bottle before the turpected us to bring saké, and I felt up to the chal- key came out of the oven! lenge of picking an appropriate brew to compliment a traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey Johnnie Stroud is the owner of Saké and all the fixings.

The packaging and presentation of saké is also a huge part of its attraction. Many bottles feature beautiful calligraphy, poetic names, and, during holiday season, often come in decorative boxes that would require little more than a ribbon or bow to make them suitable for I selected Setchukanbai (Plum Blossom in the gifting. Snow), a junmai ginjo that possesses notes of Mixing up bottle sizes (300ml, 500ml, 720ml, sourdough yeast in the nose and displays a fine

Fall Nama-Sake Selection

Nomi, the saké shop and tasting bar in Pioneer Square. Saké Nomi | 76 S Washington St, Seattle, Tel 206-467-SAKE

生酒 Nama-Sake

~Super premium unpasteurized sake ~

Sawanoi “Hiyaoroshi” Wakatake “Akino ki-ippon”

Urakasumi “Hiyaoroshi”

Distributed by Edward International Co. Inc. 1906 Occidental Ave S B, Seattle, WA 98134 Tel (206) 622-5094 / info@edwardinternational

Hours: Sun,Tue-Thu 5pm-12am Fri & Sat 5pm-2am Mon Closed Happy Hour: 5p-6p & 9p-11p



11204 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle • 206.417.3175 • setsunarestaurant.com www.ibukimagazine.com 23

[ Travel ]

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

Wine Touring in Shiojiri: A New Taste of Japan


By Nicholas Vroman

mere couple of hours east from the hubbub of Shinjuku, about 15 kilometers before Matsumoto, at the foothills of the Japanese Alps, is the town of Shiojiri. As you approach the town, the emerald green rice fields give way to grape arbors, most trellised in the traditional Japanese style — high, so cool air can circulate freely under the hanging grapes during the sweltering summer days. Pulling into the station, you know you’re in grape town. Banners and posters for local wineries and wine-country kitsch abound. It’s all in good fun and promotion for the small, but lively wine industry that’s developed in the high Kiyogahara Basin where Shiojiri lies. A brief stop at the tourist information center just outside the train station is where you can find a bottle of local wine to buy or, better still, a map and directions to the local wineries where you can taste to your heart’s content. The wineries are just a pleasant walk or cab ride through neighborhoods dotted with vineyards, fruit stands, soba shops, temples and shrines.

24 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

The wine business in Shiojiri has been going on for a good 100 years. Japan is a difficult land for making wine. With hot, humid summers and frigid winters at the higher elevations, grapes suffer. But tenacious growers and vintners have been perfecting their crafts, and local wine in Japan is experiencing a small renaissance. Of the eight wineries that make up the Shiojiri appellation, the two biggest — Suntory and Chateau Mercian — aren’t open to the public. Alps Winery makes some odd and, shall we say, interesting, wine. Izutsu and JA Shiojirishi wineries, with their Concord, Delaware and Niagara grape wines, are best left to the imagination. Of the remaining six, three are highly recommended. Kido Winery, which started bottling in 2004, is a three-person operation. Aki Kido, his wife Yukiko and father Takeshi make hand-crafted Merlots, Cabernets and Chardonnays with grapes from their three local vineyards. Their bottlings sell out fast. And there’s a good reason. Their wines capture the nature of these great European grapes with a Japanese delicacy, making them unique.

About 20 kilometers south of Shiojiri lies Narai-juku. a famous post town along the old Nakasendo, a major road that connected Tokyo and Kyoto. The town is one of the few in Japan that remains relatively unchanged since the Edo Period.

About 10 kilometers northwest of Shiojiri is Takabocchi Kogen, a highland park where one can see spectacular vistas of the Japanese Alps, the Kiso Mountains and Mount Fuji.

Shinano has been at it since 1917. They make the usual futsu wine that’s best left alone, but of late their Merlot has been shining, winning awards in wine tastings throughout Japan. But for the best — and they are truly good — wines of the region, Hayashi winery is the place to visit. In their small, homey tasting room, knowledgeable guides will take you through flights of their best Merlots and Chardonnays. They’ve got two brand names for their wines. Hayashi is for their basic wines. Goichi, named after the old man who started the winery in 1919, denotes their flagship wines. Their 2009 Estate Goichi Chardonnay is a delightful mouthful, reminiscent of spring flowers with a delicate citrus and honeyed edge. Their 2007 Estate Goichi Merlot is at its best now, with a delicate edge of dry straw offsetting the lushly balanced fruit that tastes of early summer cherries. A special treat — only available at the winery — is a delightful quince cider. They call it Showashowa Karin and it’s as good or better than most European ciders — and totally original.

Nicholas Vroman is a writer, photographer, musician and cultural explorer, originally from Seattle, now living in Tokyo. He writes on film, music, food, travel and culture. With his wife, Virginia Sorrells, he writes the blog, Ajimi.net

On the way to the more touristy areas of Matsumoto or the Kiso Valley to the south, Shiojiri is well worth a stop for a sip or two.


Shima Sushi Bar 4429 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle WA 98103

Grand Opening

Shima Sushi

Wallingford Ave N.

(between 44th St & 45th St) Tel: (206) 632-2938 Hours: Mon-Sun 5 pm - 10 pm QFC

N45th St.

N44th St.

www.ibukimagazine.com 25



Art yuri kinoshita • By Angela Cabotaje Light is a prized resource here in the typically overcast Pacific Northwest. So when a light fixture is considered to illuminate our homes, restaurants and stores, we know that it must not be just functional — it must also inspire and stir our imaginations. Kyoto native and current Seattle resident Yuri Kinoshita is here to do just that. Her lighting designs are organic, playful, comfortable and beautiful. From luminous cloudlike chandeliers to sculptural woven lanterns, each piece emits a softly filtered light and is designed to “shine” even when the light is turned off. The resemblance of Yuri’s creations and traditional Japanese shoji screens is not a coincidence. Yuri draws inspiration directly from her childhood memories of growing up in Japan and from her family’s kimono business dating back three generations. “The artistic spark within me as a child was gradually ignited by my continual exposure to the beauty of the kimono fabrics, houses and gardens designed by traditional Japanese artists and craftsmen,” Yuri recalls. An upbringing in such a creative environment led her to travel throughout Africa, Europe, South America and Asia. From her adventures, she formed a design viewpoint that combines traditional materials in innovative and creative ways. Today, Yuri has a studio in Seattle where she comes up with new concepts for her various projects and clients. Once the vision is finalized, an independent steel fabricator creates the metal lighting frame. Then Yuri cuts, prepares and weaves strips of washi paper to it. Her work has appeared in the Northwest, Japan and Germany, including a custom lighting installation in new restaurant Momiji on Seattle’s Capitol Hill. Yuri is now looking forward to the challenge of outdoor lighting (she is working on making waterproof washi) while she continues to illuminate cherished space around the world. Info: www.yurikinoshita.com

<< Yuri’s recent works can be seen at the new Kyoto-inspired restaurant Momiji in Capitol Hill. Her lighting designs are organic, playful, comfortable and beautiful.

fashion tokidoki • By Angela Cabotaje The tokidoki lifestyle brand has developed a cultlike following around its larger-than-life characters and designs, and its partnerships with highprofile companies. The popular tokidoki (which means “sometimes” in Japanese) should not to be confused with 6% dokidoki, another exciting brand from Japan that has been featured in these pages. Creative director and co-founder Simone Legno loved to draw as a child growing up in Rome. He developed a deep love of Japan and its colorful culture as well. The brand tokidoki — always spelled in lowercase and

©TOKIDOKI, LLC. Designed by Simone Legno. TM & © 2011 Marvel & Subs

26 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

characterized by its iconic heart and crossbones logo — was chosen as the name of his style because he feels “everyone waits for moments that change one’s destiny, by chance or by meeting a new person.” For Simone, that change in destiny was when his artwork caught the eye of entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold. Together in 2003, they created tokidoki the brand and company, which has since become a worldwide phenomenon. Chances are you have seen tokidoki products in some form over the past few years. That’s because tokidoki not only creates eye-catching characters and designs that are cute, playful and full of life, but the company has also collaborated with some of the hottest brands out there, including Hello Kitty, The Black Eyed Peas, cosmetics chain Sephora, Marvel, Xbox, LeSportsac, Levi’s, Fujitsu and more. The products feature a steady rotation of characters that are cute and edgy, like the gun-toting cow characters from the Moofia collection or the gang of skeletons from the ‘Til Death Do Us Part series. The company can count apparel, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, hats, watches, figurines, skateboards, laptop and phone covers, USB drives, headphones and cosmetics among its impressive array of products. With ever-growing collaborations and unlimited imagination, tokidoki brings the power of dreams to reality. The products are sold online at tokidoki.it as well as in select boutiques and department stores worldwide.

movie cut • By Nicholas Vroman

Book shiro • By Josh Powell

People seem to either love or hate the hot new Japanese film Cut. There seems to be no in-between. It stars two of Japan’s most respected actors: Hidetoshi Nishijima (Dolls) and Takako Tokiwa (20th Century Boys). The production team is truly international. Director Amir Naderi, originally from Iran, now lives in the US. The producers — Engin Yenidunya, Regis Arnaud and Eric Nyari — are a trio of Turkish, French and American expats living in Japan. The story is about a Japanese cineaste who, in order to pay off his late brother’s debts, becomes a human punching bag for a bunch of yakuza thugs. It’s a brutal but passionate film that talks about the current state of cinema and life in the world. Engin described how it got started. “It dates back to 2005 at Tokyo Filmex. Amir and Nishijima-san met there. They talked about doing a film in Japan. That was six years ago. One of our co-producers, Shohreh Golparian, was developing this project. Our paths crossed with her last year. We met Amir in January 2010, green-lit it in May and started shooting in July.” This September, the film debuted at the Venice Film Festival as the Orizzonti Opening Film and then screened in Toronto. As Engin explained, “The premiere was fantastic. We had three screenings. We still had 150 people who couldn’t get in, so they gave us a fourth. That’s never happened there.” Negotiations are on for US distribution. Look for it on a screen near you.

Imagine a view of downtown Seattle where no skyscrapers exist — Smith Tower and the Space Needle are the only tall structures rising up from the city. It’s hard to envision such a cityscape with what we know now. Harder still, perhaps, is to imagine no sushi restaurants dotting those city blocks. That, however, was the culinary reality in Seattle circa 1966. Japanese restaurants were, for the most part, relegated to the International District, and the only sushi customers ate at the time were thick futomaki rolls. This is the Seattle that 25-year-old Shiro when presenting this article to Kashiba, a Kyoto native who had just Kinokuniya Book Store completed six long years apprenticing $20 >> $18 in a Ginza sushi restaurant, entered in 1966, Seattle wasn’t quite ready for traditional Edomae-style sushi, but it would be eventually, more than anyone could have imagined. Before Kashiba became the venerable godfather of Seattle sushi that he is today, delighting customers at his Belltown Shiro’s and catering Bill Gates’ CEO Summit each year, he had a long road to travel. There were hardships along the way — Ted Tanaka, the Japanese restaurant owner who gave Shiro the chance he needed to move to the US, died in a car accident only a few years after Shiro began working for him. It was Tanaka who wrote Shiro with unflinching honesty about the hardships and loneliness of being a Japanese expat in the US. It was Tanaka who pushed Shiro to set goals for himself so that he could achieve something concrete before returning to Japan. He had no idea of course, that 40 years later, Shiro would still call the Northwest home. Shiro had a newfound love for the Pacific Northwest and all it had to offer in terms of local and seasonal ingredients. Just as sushi in Tokyo was developed sourcing seafood from the waters of Tokyo Bay, Shiro found himself adapting his cuisine, firmly rooted in the traditions of his homeland, but embracing the bounty of the Puget Sound region. The advantages of choosing local ingredients over expensive imports gave him the upper hand in a difficult business and his dishes are all the more fresh and delicious for it. Shiro: Wit, Wisdom and Recipes from a Sushi Pioneer is both memoir and cookbook, sharing not only Kashiba’s story but his cooking tips and seasonal recipes, documented with mouthwatering photography. Readers can approach this book with multiple interests in mind: Japanese culture and cuisine, the history of Seattle, and recipes with an emphasis on local, seasonal ingredients.

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[ Newly Opened ] Momiji — Capitol Hill

I LOVE SUSHI Taste the Difference

23 Lake Bellevue Dr., Bellevue WA (425) 455-9090 | www.ilovesushi.com

Steven Han, a restaurateur behind Belltown’s Umi Sake House and Kushibar, launched a new Kyoto-inspired restaurant in Capitol Hill. Hiroshi Matsubara, the main architect for the new restaurant building, describes the visual experience: “Upon entering, at first glance, it looks like an upscale Capitol Hill bar. However, as you pass the narrow hallway, the elegant Japanese garden and the Kyoto-style architecture appear in your sight…It is a pleasant surprise.” If you have been to Kyoto, the small entrance will remind you of traditional restaurants around Kyoto. A beautiful Japanese garden by Junji Miki can be seen from the dining area, and lighting art pieces by Yuri Kinoshita add to a sophisticated ambiance. The current menu melds Umi Sake style fusion with scores of delicious rolls and sushi ala cart. Momiji’s ace kaiseki chef is Chikako Watanabe of Kyoto. Ms. Watanabe creates delicacies such as the melt-in-your-mouth goma (sesame) tofu and seasonal Japanese vegetables gently simmered in a dashi broth. Han plans to gradually increase authentic Kyoto dishes including a full kaiseki course. The restaurant has as vast a selection of sake and shochu as Umi Sake, and the original imo shochu cocktail Dhampir is a must try. Momiji is a hidden sanctuary of Kyoto style in Seattle. Momiji (206) 457-4068 | 1522 12th Ave., Seattle

This very pretty restaurant is created by an artisan dream team: architect Hiroshi Matsubara, master woodworker Craig Yamamoto, lighting artist Yuri Kinoshita and landscape designer Junji Miki.

Katsu Burger — george Town “Flavor that doesn’t get lost in translation” is the concept of this new burger place in Georgetown presented by Hajime Sato, the owner chef of the sustainable sushi restaurant Mashiko. The jumbo “American” burgers are prepared katsu style: dipped in tempura batter, coated in panko bread crumbs, then deep fried to juicy perfection and topped with crunchy shredded cabbage, tomato, red onion, pickles and tonkatsu sauce. “Katsu is very popular casual food in Japan, and we translated the concept into an American burger. I can say our katsu is probably one of the best among Japanese restaurants in town,” Sato says. For meat, you can chose from a beef patty, pork loin, chicken breast or tofu. Katsu Burger uses all natural meats that are free from antibiotics and growth hormones. The Tokyo classic ($6.95 for a beef patty, Japanese mayo and tonkatsu sauce) or Ninja Deluxe ($8.25 for pork loin, cheddar, bacon, Japanese mayo and tonkatsu sauce) are good choices for Katsu beginners to become familiar with katsu-style flavor. If you are feeling the munchies, add the aonori seasoned fries, wasabi coleslaw and/or a homemade milkshake. If you are super hungry, try scaling Mt. Fuji (beef patty, pork loin, chicken breast, pepper jack, cheddar, ham, bacon, wasabi mayo, spicy mayo and tonkatsu sauce!). Katsu Burger (206) 762-0752 | 6538 4th Ave. S., Seattle 28 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

The Ninja Deluxe ($8.25) comes with a thick and juicy pork loin katsu. It tastes good with crunchy shredded cabbage and tonkatsu sauce.

Shima Sushi BAR — Wallingford

Photo by CC Yaguchi

Photo by CC Yaguchi

Photo by CC Yaguchi

Shima’s sushi a la cart is reasonably priced (left). Try the Puget Sound roll. The taste of the shrimp’s sweetness stands out a little more than the crab, and the rice crackers provided a nice textural contrast.

Located on Wallingford Ave. right across from QFC, Shima is an authentic sushi restaurant with a modern atmosphere. While there are so many great Japanese restaurants to choose from in Wallingford, Shima is the place for authentic sushi. The fresh fish is served in hearty slices on mounds of rice. Fans of traditional nigiri sushi should opt for seats at the bar to watch Executive Chef Taka Sasaki do his thing. Sasaki apprenticed and worked at kappo-style (where chefs cut, stew, fry and boil food) and sushi restaurants in Kobe for 13 years before moving to California, where he served sushi for nearly 20 years. He knows his sushi. If you like rolls, try some of Chef Dave Nakamura’s creations, which come with Hawaiian inspiration. Nakamura is a thirdgeneration Japanese American from Hawaii and a third-generation sushi chef (his father and grandfather were sushi chefs too). Try his Puget Sound roll: tempura shrimp, crab, avocado wrapped in nori and rice, topped with sesame, a dollop of a tomatobased sauce, a drizzle of spicy mayo and unagi sauce and a sprinkling of rice crackers.

IZAKAYA 居酒屋 Izakaya used to be a manly place for old salary-mans drinking beer and sake.

Sugi Chan

But nowadays, you can see many female groups at Izakaya. They like izakaya style dishes that they can eat small portions of many different dishes.

Sugi chan And I think, they actually want to see shibui old guy like me !! Sugi

Shima Sushi (206) 632-2938 4429 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle





1618 N 45th St Seattle, WA 98103 Tel: (206) 632-7010 issian-seattle.com www.ibukimagazine.com 29



Miyabi 6th anniversary

When: November 3-9 Where: Miyabi Sushi, 16820 Southcenter Pkw, Tukwila Fee: $9-$10

Come celebrate Miyabi’s 6th anniversary. All sushi a la carte are 10% off and more. Info: www.miyabisushi.com


Asian Art & Antiques Auction When: November 7, 5:30-9pm Where: Pacific Galleries - 241 S Lander St, Seattle Admission: Free to join the auction Info: www.pacgal.com

NOV 16

Sake Tasting with Deems Tsutakawa When: November 16, 5:30-8:30pm Where: North American Post’s Nagomi Tea House Admission: $30

With Sushi Chef, Shiro Kashiba

NOV 19

When: November 19, 4:30pmWhere: Wing Luke Museum, Seattle ID Admission: $15 Members, $20 General Admission Shiro Kashiba, known as the godfather of Seattle’s sushi scene, will be doing a reading from his memoir, Shiro: Wit, Wisdom and Recipes from a Sushi Pioneer. Signing of the book, a sushi demonstration, and tasting will follow. Info: www.chinmusicpress.com

From Fields to Family Asian Pacific Americans & Food Exhibit on display through July 15, 2012 Where: Wing Luke Museum

When: December 10, 1-3pm Where: Wing Luke Museu Admission: Free with admission

Aki Sogabe will demonstrate the art of kirie, a Japanese style of paper-cut art. Sogabe is a fine artist and an awardwinning illustrator of children’s books. Info: www.wingluke.org

Hatsumode at Tsubaki Grand Shrine

When: December 31 and January 1-2 Where: Tsubaki Grand Shrine Of Amecrica Admission: Free Visit the shinto shrine in Granite Falls to celebrate the new year. Every one can receive Okami’s Blessing /good luck for new year. Info: http://www.tsubakishrine.org

Come down and enjoy a memorable evening with worldrenowned jazz musician-composer Deems Tsutakawa and sample a delectable array of sake wine, a benefit event for the newly established Hokubei Hochi Foundation. Info: www.napost.com

Book Reading

DEC 10

Watch artist Aki Sogabe create paper cut design


Explore traditions, techniques, and mouth-watering stories! This delectable exhibit investigates cultural traditions and cooking techniques that have changed with time and generations. Experience the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of food in the homes and restaurants of diverse Asian Pacific Americans. Info: www.wingluke.org

LUMINOUS: The Art of Asia

Exhibit on display through January 8, 2012 Where:SAM Simonyi Special Exhibition Galleries

DEC 31 Exhibit

This special exhibition at SAM Downtown will showcase the jewels of SAM’s Asian collections, from Chinese bronzes and Japanese lacquers to Korean ceramics and South Asian sculpture and painting. Home to one of the finest collections of Asian art in North America, the Seattle Art Museum has safeguarded many of these treasures for almost eighty years. Info: www.seattleartmuseum.org

Simple Cup Show at Kobo

Exhibit on display through December 2011 Where: KOBO Gallery at Higo


Showing casing over 200 cups from around the Northwest and from Japan. Co-sponsored by Seward Park Clay Studio. Info: www.koboseattle.com

Support the Seattle Keiro Garden Project Seattle Keiro, a 5 star accredited rehabilitation and care center serving Japanese Americans and Asian Pacific Islander communities, is undertaking a garden make over and would like to enlist the communities support. Now, donations can be made through their web site: www.nikkeiconcerns.org/garden.

Karaoke Party at New Zen Get IBUKI Magazine mailed to your home or office SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM $24 /year (6 issues) To subscribe, fill out contact information below and send with $24 check or money order. Make check or money order payable to: IBUKI Magazine, 12727 Northup Way Suite 3, Bellevue, WA 98005 Name: Address: E-mail address (optional):

Know of upcoming Asian Food, Music or other Community Events? Drop us an email so we can share it with our readers! 30 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2011

New Zen Japanese restaurant (10720 Southeast Carr Road, Renton) taking reservation for Japanese Karaoke Party. Karaoke is free with your meals. Info: www.newzensushi.com

NEXT ISSUE Coming 1st ComingNovember January 1st

FEBRUARY 24 Mei Ann Chen, conductor Jie Ma, pipa / HAHN-BIN, violin The Cuong Vu Group / Seattle Symphony





A spectacular celebration of our region’s diverse Asian community.



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