Facebook monthly audience reach 51,916
1021 delegates with a combined daily footfall of 2100, generating 2926 individual presentation attendances
27 countries represented across the world
This was
25,000 unique website visitors
Dr Jon Goldin - Lead Psychiatrist, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH): “It’s very good to open up discussion between people from different countries on these important issues… We need to educate ourselves, we need to inform ourselves and we need to communicate openly and helpfully with the young people that we parent and that we work with.” Alistair Mordey - Co Founder - The Cabin Group: “I think it’s the transatlantic and pan european nature of iCAAD now that appeals. And the way that the organisers go to great lengths to cover so many disparate and diverse aspects of the addiction field.” Heather Hayes-CEO - Heather Hayes & Associates: “There are several talks about catastrophic trauma, resilience in families and human trafficking. I think that iCAAD is really setting the standard in what needs to be discussed globally.” Fiona Arrigo - CEO - The Arrigo Programme: “Huge congratulations, to pull the community together, so many great talks thank you.” Patty Baret - CEO - Connections in Recovery: “Thank you to the whole team for a wonderful conference and the beautiful work, energy and space you created. We are so happy we came.”
80% of Health Care professionals from the private sector, 20% from public/statutory sector
66% Health Care professionals, 22% from other professions, 12% students
May 7th-9th 2018 Helle Steinicke Asquith - Kingsley Napley LLP: “You did an outstanding job and we thoroughly enjoyed being part of this year’s conference!” Holly Ryan - Heather Hayes & Associates: “iCAAD has created an atmosphere of collaboration for professionals from around the world to come and have open, honest, difficult and meaningful discussions.” Professor David Nutt: “I think it’s great being here at iCAAD. This is the second time I’ve come and the audiences are always fabulous and the rooms are always packed out and the discussions are great and the questions fantastic. It’s an absolutely fabulous conference.” Maren A Masino - Lead Therapist - Khiron House: “There are so many different things available, so it’s not just one size fits all addiction treatment.” Dr Cosmo Duff-Gordon - CEO - Start2Stop: “If the goal is for iCAAD to be an international centre for excellence then I think that’s been achieved.” Kevin Römer - Triora: “The event has been fantastic the team have really outdone yourselves on this one! We of #TrioraUK are so proud to be part of the #iCAAD family. Thanks a million.”