The Dating Life in 2012
March 2012
Loving Your Man
Treat Her Like A Lady
Keeping him happy at home
Bad Boys vs. Good Men
What You Wear DOES Matter
The Battle of Supremacy
(First Impressions)
“Life is precious and so are You” Honoring the life of the great whitney houston [1]
Treat Her Like a Lady
Bad Boy vs Good Men
Tribute to Whitney Houston
What You Wear Does Matter
iCandi Challenge for March
ear iCandi,
I’ve been with my man for 4 months now & he is a sex maniac! I know a lot of women will probably read this and think “Why is she complaining” and yes I like sex too but he wears me out! I barely have time to breathe. And my body gets so sore. I don’t want to break up with him over something like too much sex but I just want to get a break every now and then. Usually women get their “time of the month” as a break but not me, he’s nasty!!! lol How do I get him to give me a break without ending the relationship Hey Ms Lady Trust me, I know what it fees like to date a nympho. I was raised to believe that if you aren’t the one feeding his appetite, someone else will. So I was constantly trying to make sure his needs were always met. Trying to keep up with him was a full time job and I had a real job to go to as well. I think in your situation, the best thing to do would be to communicate with him. Let him know that you care deeply for him and how much you enjoy the sex but you just need a moment to rest. Say “baby you wear me out! I just need a little break.” And honestly as women our bodies do need breaks. Sex makes us tender and sore (well, most of us). So every once in a while you should get a day off. Besides you want to make sure your relationship isn’t based on sex alone. Good luck diva! You’re gonna need it!
ear iCandi,
I just found out that my “so-called” best friend, who I’ve known for 8 years is pregnant by my ex-husband. They now want to get married and for some strange reason they want my blessing. I think its kind of late to be asking for my blessing, when they didn’t ask it to start sleeping together or dating. My ex-husband has a secret “DL” life that he dips in every now and then and NO ONE KNOWS. This was the true reason why we divorced. I know that she (“so-called” best friend) has no idea about this because my ex asked me not to say anything. Now I am battling wether or not I should tell her. On one hand it was shady of her to sneak around with my ex-husband behind my back and on the other she is putting herself in a dangerous situation. I am now dating a great man and have moved on with my life so jealousy is NOT an issue at all. What would you do? Tell or keep it to yourself. ~In The Middle of some BS in Philly You are definitely in the middle of some BS! Let me first applaud you for being mature and not scratching people's eyes out! I honestly don’t know what I would do. My best friend KNOWS better! And if she did something like that to me I’d probably react first and tell her and not to help but just to slap her in the face (I know soooo immature of me). My mature answer would be to talk to your ex and tell him that he needs to tell her and if he doesn’t you will. No woman deserves to be left in the dark about a man’s sexuality. If you have truly moved on GOOD FOR YOU! You dodged a bullet girl! Good luck with your new life and may you and your new boo sail off to a happily ever after life.
“Treat Her Like A Lady” Written By Mayo Woody
“Now I’m the kinda guy who don't believe That chivalry is dead, no 'Cause I believe a woman should be treated With the utmost respect, mmm-hmm“ Growing up, it was instilled in us to work hard, be respectful, and pay your own way and to treat people the way you would like to be treated. This included our siblings, cousins, friends and strangers, especially females. This taught me several things: to be mindful of others, not to beg or steal but work for what I wanted, and to respect my elders and those that weren’t my elder. Most of all I can remember my father whispering in my ear so many times during or after an altercation with a female cousin, sibling or friend, “That’s not how you speak to a lady." It didn’t matter who was wrong or right. Of course I didn’t quite understand what the big deal was, but he was daddy and I had no choice but to stand down or be knocked down! He used to always tell me that the key to a successful relationship was not necessarily communication, but the ability to be communicated to. You have to listen to her. He told me, “if you want to know what she wants, listen to her she will tell you. If you want to know how she feels, listen to her, she will tell you.” A woman wants a gentleman. Now I know you all know of The Temptations and their song “Treat Her Like A Lady”!
Yeah! What y'all know about that? Some may not believe it, but there are some serious benefits to being a gentleman, especially if you are raising children, girls or boys. Our young men need an example of a gentleman and our young women need to see how a gentleman treats a lady, so she will know what to expect.
“Compliment her in her hair Even help her with her chair Treat her like a lady [Treat her like lady] She's a bad son-of-a-gun I'm her lovin' Don Juan Treat her like a lady [Treat her like lady]”.
Another benefit to being a gentleman is building an amazingly strong relationship with your mate. On the strength of the relationship will lie trust, understanding and commitment unlike you have ever heard, witnessed or experienced. We know that relationships are not based on the amount of time you spend with someone but it’s based on the foundation that you build together. So, I am not talking about being gentle just long enough to get the “Goodies”; I am talking about being a True Gentleman.
Lastly, being a gentleman, you can always rest knowing that you did the right thing and you kept the standard. And ladies, I know you are looking for a sure way to know if a man is a true gentleman or not. I am sorry to say that I have no crystal ball. The only thing that will tell is time. But I will say this: don’t get involved with a man unless you would be proud to have a son just like him. And to the brothers stop being “true to the game” and invest in yourself and your future and start being true to you. #MayGodBlessYourLife
Now if you find yourself struggling to treat your lady like a lady, my boys The Temptations can help you out with the simple pieces:
“Now I like openin’ doors Pickin' up [Yeah] her hanky [Yeah] off the Lloor Treat her like a lady [Treat her like lady] Light her cigarette IF she smokes Even [Help her with her coat], oh, whoa Treat her like a lady [Treat her like lady]”. (For the record ladies, cigarette smoking is not Ladylike anymore, lol…)
Pictures provided by Shannon D Photography Jacksonville, FL
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if After the 1st Date your date "sexted" you a nude pic? Turn on or Turn off ???
Qiana ClassyDiva Woods OFFFFFFFF !
William Clutch Cook on
Kevin Kdaddy Hicks Off off off!
Jonita Shirley Off and I'm going to forward it to all of "his" contacts even his momma! Lol Don't play w/me
Michael Warren
@LiveGoStupid I left lol @K_townKris Hell I don't even make it to the first date before they send them! I ignore that ish and keep it moving! @kjhinshaw Is he Morris Chestnut sexy?! Lol
How she look it fine with me ,, it a guy thing
Nia C Bbo Louis-Louis It would let me know right away where they wanted to take the relationship...
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Loving Your Man Written By: Tawanda Brice
This is a public service announcement: We have all asked the question: How do we keep our partner interested, when it comes to the bedroom? My response is: In order to keep your relationship spicy, you need to find out what his/her interest are as well as their idea of romance. Then you need to find ways to incorporate that information into your relationship. Sex can be heaven sent; yet, without the necessary skills, you will never experience sex past an orgasm. We so often forget that making love goes beyond the physical actions between a man and woman. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost the creative aspect of romance. To understand making love, you first need to start with seducing the mind. You can get anything out of anyone, as long as you know when and how to ask. This is better known as seduction or applying for a full-time position in his/her life. Making love should never be boring. Finding what makes you both happy should be the most important factor. For example, if your man loves a professional woman, it is your job to find a skirt suit that fits your body perfectly. I mean hugging all the right parts, yet it still has its professional look. Get your heels to match, hair done, light some candles, make dinner and pour some champagne. Let him look at you. Put an extra switch in your walk. Make him want you really bad. Watch his reaction to you. Once you see he can no longer contain himself, allow him to undress you piece by piece. Then dig in. Another example: We women sometimes wants to just have it rough. A man can pull out his tank top, maybe Timberland boots, and even glossing his body up to accentuate his muscles. Take her to an untraditional area like the kitchen table, floor, steps, over the couch etc., and give it to her. The final example is listening to jazz or something smooth to relax the mood. Take a bubble bath or shower together. Explore each other's special places. Rub, lick and fondle every place possible. Try to make it to the bed, but if not, the floor is cool too. I could go on and on, but I just want you to see that pleasing your mate can be quite fun. We, by nature, wander if our needs aren’t being met. Also, women, on a regular basis, deny their partner sex as a form of punishment. I look at that as punishing yourself too. You can continue to hold out and he/she will get used to that and find other avenues. This will cause more problems in the long run. Do things that are not conventional. Think outside the box when it comes to romance department. There is an art in making love and even more to making the feelings/energy last longer than that moment. Everything you’ve learned about that person will help you please each other and keep your bedroom spicy. It’s like falling in love all over again each time you touch one another. All it takes is a little effort from both parties involved.
Dedicated iCandi supporter James Lamb showed off his cooking skills and threw down in the kitchen! This man was even snapping beans!!! YES SIR!!!
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What Do You Know About Relationships? Written by Tonia Thomas & Brotha Insight
Relationships are very popular in today’s world; everyone wants to be apart of one and have the ability to call each other boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. It’s a way to say you belong to someone and someone belongs to you. The true fact is relationships are tiresome, draining, rewarding, beautiful, and most of all require a ton of dedication and hard work. Most people see the hand-holding, gazing into each other's eyes, and the exciting and joyous part of relationships. The truth is to allow the hand-holding and gazing to continue, a lot of work must go into the relationship. There is a recipe that allows you to see what is really needed. *5 cups of patience, 5 cups of respect, 3 cups of tolerance, 3 cups of forgiveness, 10 cups of unconditional love, 12 cups of trust, and most importantly mutual faith in the higher power.* Once you mix these together you will have the perfect recipe for love and lasting relationships. The divorce rate is increasing by 10% each year, and it’s sad to say, but currently, we are at a 70% divorce rate. These people are not following the recipe; they are not “putting in the work”. It’s like a job; you start with an interview to see if you will be a good fit and then you go through a training period. If you follow the rules and continue to get better you can have longevity and even increase your worth as time goes on. Most people don’t walk into a job get a raise the first week and become the supervisor; they work hard get through the rough times and the good times.
We are living in a time where everyone wants instant gratification, and the minute it goes to the left we run to the right and “on to the next one. It is really contrary because you have to start all over again and figure out this new person and you always will go through a rough patch in your relationship. It's so much better to fix the one you're with; whether that means getting them some education, religion, a job, counseling, or just plain old figuring out what makes this person satisfied and work from there. If both parties realize what each other needs then they can put the recipe together mix it up and “HELLO” you have a relationship that can last forever. Always remember to be smart and not naïve; I don’t expect you to fix a sexual predator, physical abuser, or mental abuser. Sometimes you have to know when things aren’t reparable and the writing is on the wall. Many people ask, "Okay, I have the recipe, but how do you know someone is really interested in you and not your physical?" Simple, by how they treat you, how they treat your children, and how they treat your family. Someone that is into you knows that they are into what comes with you. If they are not giving you the attention and time you require that is not the person for you. If you have conflict within the first couple months, fighting and being disrespectful to one another, “HELLO” not the one for you, your souls are not compatible. My point is let’s stop being naïve and trying to make something fit that doesn’t. If looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a DUCK. Our higher power gives us the intuition we need so use it. A lot of times we ignore the real; KEEP IT REAL and you will GET IT REAL!
Check out Brotha Insight, Sister Rhythm, & Mr. Blacktastic on the Insightful Hour every Sunday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 pm (EST) icandiradio
Insightful Hour Show Line Up 3/4 Insightful Hour 1 year Celebration 3/11 Is Reality Tv Reality? 3/18 Do you meditate? If so, how? 3/25 What are Blood Mineralz
Bad Boys vs. Good Men The Battle of Supremacy By: Michael Jayce Brooks
The story starts from a few years back. In the 10th grade, I learned a few good lessons about the opposite sex. Lesson #1: Women know the latest thing that is in style, and #2, they get bored. Bored. Quickly, at that. They can have the same a>en?on span as my 3 year old son. If you can’t keep their a>en?on, it can be a lost cause for both par?es involved. Have you wondered why Valentine’s Day is such a popular holiday? You would be surprised if I tell you that the gifts aren’t the important reason women embrace February 14th. Single women are just as eager to celebrate as a wife for over 30 years. It’s the element of surprise. Even though the day was planned from start to finish, they love doing things out of the norm. Women may be creatures of habit, but every lady needs something done out of being spontaneous every once in a while. Keep a woman on her toes and you will be happy for the rest of your life! This same philosophy plays a key role in my next topic: Bad boys vs. Good men.You see, even though I was raised in one of the toughest neighborhoods in Cincinnati, my mom made it her due diligence to raise me as a respectable, well-spoken young man. To this day, I still hear the same thing from people: “I can’t believe that you were born and raised in Lincoln Courts”. I find that quite amusing. Some people make it seem as if the place where I was raised would determine how my future would turn out to be. Well fortunately, WE determine how our future is shaped. But because of the way I present myself, it causes some stereotypes. One of the worst is that I’m “soft”, or not rough around the edges. If only people knew the truth, they would think twice of putting people in a box. So from the first impression, I can come off as a “nice guy”, or “friend material”. While this is good for the corporate world, it has presented problems in my personal life.
You see, I was a thin, nerdy teenager who wore glasses since the age of 6. I always had a backpack on me. I was usually listening to soulful music and you could catch me at any time with a book. I was the perfect image of what you would look for in a “best friend” or “big brother”, but not your lover.Your lover, baby daddy, hubby and your boo thang was your protector, rock, foundation and couldn’t be swayed even if Jesus came back to Earth to try and convince him. That’s who women pictured their husbands to be! So they bring off that “bad boy” image.You can never guess what he is going to do next. And deep down inside, that’s what keeps a woman anticipating more. It’s like that slice of chocolate cake that they know isn’t good for them, but once they get a taste, it’s hard to steer away from indulging! The “bad boys” aren’t the sure thing. She doesn’t know if he will be around next week, but while he is here, she loves every minute of it. Every. Single. Minute. The interactions are a rush. The contact is an addiction. His eyes are hypnotic and his lips make her quiver. It’s their dream come true...until they wake up and realize they are waking up next to Mr. Routine. Mr. Routine wakes up at 6:30am every morning, gets up, grabs his newspaper, makes his coffee the same way, and won’t hug you because he just ironed his shirt and has an important meeting before lunch. Sounds pretty boring, huh?
But where is the median between stability and excitement? Why can’t a woman sleep peacefully, knowing that her family is well taken care of, along with her intimate fantasies coming true? Sometimes, we as men can be so focused in our careers that we forget how we got with our loves. It wasn’t the 401K that turned her on, even though you think it was. No, it was that deep voice, the way you grabbed her and kissed her passionately for the first time. It was you going into the other room, bravely as ever, when she heard that small creak coming from the kitchen. Not to sound biased, but honestly, women need us. Remember, in the Stone Age, we were the tall, bulky, manly ones who knocked out tonight’s dinner with the billy club. Somewhere between then and now, we seemed to have lost our edge. And now, it’s like our better halves can’t recognize who we are anymore. We have lost our way. If we don’t find it, we may even lose her.
If you can’t see where I’m going with this story, I will navigate you to the right direction. Life starts with woman. We give her life, she gives us life and happiness in return. Paying the bills will never be enough for her, and all in good right. If we don’t Well it gets worse. Mr. Routine eats the same keep it spicy, there is a “bad boy” who is food throughout the week, pays all of his bills waiting to take your place. Trust me, all on time, is at home before sundown, and works women know at least one. from his bed until he falls asleep with the laptop on the edge of the king-sized pillowKeep your rela?onship energe?c. Don’t just top. While this gentleman may seem to be tell her that you’re in love. Show her. Do boring, one thing is for sure.You can always something different. More importantly, count on Mr. Routine to bring home the bacon don’t take her for granted. Win that ba>le and share it with you unselfishly. of supremacy. Cheers to all of the good men.
“The Ride or Die Chick” By MsiCandi
I have been hearing the phrase “I want a ride or die chick” since I was a child. Growing up with a lot of male cousins put me in the position to see and hear what men “claim” they want and need. It wasn’t until I reached my mid-20s (I’m still in my 20s FYI, lol) that I really started to examine what a “ride or die chick” really entails. As I started doing my research, I decided that there are different types of women that fit into the so called “ride or die” box. #1 The Old Fashioned Woman This woman stands by her man. No matter what he does, she’ll always be there. In a way, she’s a borderline “door mat”. Back in the day, men would bring home children from other women and she would just accept it as her own and turn the other cheek. He’ll beat the taste out of her and she’ll stay. She doesn’t really stand up for herself, and doesn’t state her opinions. Some may say she has low self esteem, others will say she’s a “ride or die chick”. #2 The Hood Chick She’s ride or die for real! She’s sneaking drugs to him while he’s in jail. She’ll drive the getaway car while he commits a crime and she will not ever leave. If he breaks up with her, she’s doesn’t care. She ain't going anywhere. She’s beat up your new women just to let them know who’s the HBIC. She’s so into him that she won’t EVER let go. EVER! #3 The Supporter I can personally relate to the “Supporter”. You stand by your man. Let him be the leader in the relationship. Support his dreams and do your all to help them come to life. The supporter isn’t afraid to express her thoughts and opinions but knows how to be a lady and let him be the man. Her main focus is what’s best for them as a couple or their family. So now my question is, are you are “ride or die chick”? And if so, what category do you fit in?
iCandi Remembers
Whitney Elizabeth Houston
Aug, 9 1963- Feb 11, 2012
Growing up Whitney Houston was my idol I wanted to be like her I wanted to sing her songs just like she sung them. She definitely is 1 of our culture's powerhouse voices...Every African American woman my age at some point wanted to b like her. The world suffered a tremendous loss with her passing. ~Lateefah (host of Late Night with Lateefah)
a few weeks before she passed, i watched waiting to exhale for the first time and i was thinking how beautiful and talented she is. even though i never saw the movie, i know every song on the sound track and it got me through some happy and sad moments. there will never be another Whitney. ~Tiffannie “Covergurl� (iCandi Model)~
Whitney Houston was a great person; and made me feel her music with that beautiful voice of hers. She was human just like everybody else... But even through that she made beautiful music. I love her smile it brighten my day up. She was truly the Queen of Pop. She got me through some tough times in my life. So sad to have seen her go so very soon. ~Megan (Bux)
The world truly lost a living legend when Whitney Houston, otherwise known as "The Voice", passed away unexpectedly on February 11th. Despite her alleged personal demons, her name was synonymous with greatness. Singers before and after her were usually compared to her and many up and coming singers patterned their singing styles after her amazing power and big-voiced balladry. I've personally remained largely unaffected by her death on a personal level, but musically, it was indeed a great loss. I think it was more unexpected than surprising, if that makes sense, but gone was the voice that could MAKE you pay attention; gone was the voice that captivated millions; gone was the voice that created a whole genre within itself, the R&B ballad. Gone was the voice that could turn a country song into a #1 R&B hit. Gone was the voice whose rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" was immediately the archetype for years to come. Gone is The Voice. Say what you will, but there will never be another Whitney Houston. Many singers have come and gone and will come and go, but none will ever touch the sheer marvel that was Whitney Houston. None will ever have their bad times overshadowed by their voice. None will ever have a comeback as critically acclaimed as Whitney. Ever. We'll miss you Whitney. Here's a rundown of her albums, each having something memorable worth holding on to. ~J. Antoinne~
Whitney Houston It's the debut that started it all, marking her presence in the world. Sure, we were given noteworthy gems like "How Will I Know?" and "You Give Good Love", but it was the songs "Saving All My Love for You" and "The Greatest Love of All" that really cemented her as "The Voice". Few noteworthy songs not often mentioned include the awesome "Hold Me" with Teddy Pendergrass and the soulful "Take Good Care of My Heart."
Whitney This was the album that made Houston practically untouchable. While her self-titled debut showed the world who she was, this album made sure everyone knew her name. How many times can you sing "How Will I Know" and not get tired? Don't forget power ballads like "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" and "Didn't We Almost Have It All", and even album cuts like "I Know Him So Well" with her mother Cissy and "So Emotional."
I'm Your Baby Tonight This album brought The Voice back to her R&B strength, as her first two albums were pretty much "pop&B". The title track set the tone of the album with her ceiling-high voice, whereas "All the Man That I Need" mixed her gospel-rooted voice with R&B, and "My Name Is Not Susan" and "Lover for Life" were pretty much mainstays on the radio throughout the early 90s. Check out "We Didn't Know", an awesome pairing with Stevie Wonder.
The Bodyguard (Soundtrack) Though this is technically not a Whitney Houston album, many people pretty much include this in her discography. This was a hit with her fans because of the worldwide smash "I Will Always Love You" and other hits like "Queen of the Night" and the classic "Run to You". Her remake of Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman" played incessantly and became a female anthem, and "I Have Nothing" became another Whitney-esque karaoke favorite.
Waiting to Exhale (Soundtrack) Houston contributed three songs to this classic album, and each carried the album jointly and severally. "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)" is an instant classic that thrived on mainstream radio, and "Why Does It Hurt So Bad" often has many people singing and crying along with it. The classic anthem "Count On Me" with similar sounding CeCe Winans is a staple in graduations, weddings, and even birthday parties.
The Preacher's Wife (Soundtrack) This soundtrack was practically a Whitney Houston because she was featured on every song. While most people are immediately familiar with her remake of the Four Tops ballad "I Believe In You and Me" and her own bouncy "Step by Step", this gospel set had Houston returning to her gospel roots without feeling forced or manufactured. "I Go to the Rock", "Joy to the World", and "Somebody Bigger Than You and I" are instant favorites.
My Love Is Your Love This was the album that saw Houston dig into some hip-hop dalliances, but still had her belting through her trademark voice. "It's Not Right But It's Okay" became an instant anthem, and "Heartbreak Hotel" featured an awesome collaboration with Kelly Price and Whitney Houston, while "I Learned From the Best" had her bellowing out her heart. Also included i her duet with Mariah Carey, "When You Believe", originally included in The Prince of Egypt soundtrack.
Whitney: The Greatest Hits Any real fan can't forget this compilation, which was probably the best conglomeration of Whitney classics, and even included some dance remixes of some of those big hits. Not to be left out are the songs "Fine", "Could I Have This Kiss Forever", featuring Enrique Iglesias, and "Same Script, Different Cast",featuring Deborah Cox. Each of these were all new songs included on this disc and definitely worth the mention.
Just Whitney This album wasn't received too well by the public, but that doesn't mean the album was terrible. You may remember the single "Whatchulookinat", but fans of Whitney love her for "One of Those Days", a nice ditty paying homage to the Isley Brothers, and also "Try It On My Own", probably the album' best song vocally. Don't you miss the song "Things You Say", which could have easily been released as a single.
One Wish: The Holiday Album Not an instant favorite with people, this album can easily be included in a list of awesome Christmas albums. This album spawned many Whitney-esque classics, like "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas", "The First Noel", and even "Little Drummer Boy", which features her daughter Bobbi Kristina. Also included is a new song, "One Wish for Christmas" and a couple songs from the Preacher's Wife soundtrack.
I Look to You Her last album and her best "comeback" album, this album was well-received and welcomed by many. Of course, the R. Kelly-penned title song took off and made the world take note, but other songs like the catchy and fun "Million Dollar Bill" and "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" were staples of radio after the release of this record. Songs also worth mentioning include the Leon Russell classic "A Song for You" and "Call You Tonight."
There Will NEVER be another Whitney Houston. Her voice and music was timeless. When a Whitney song comes on, you know it’s Whitney! I am so glad that I was able to grow up to REAL music. ~MsiCandi~
WHITNEY was that song in my heart that could only be sang by her. Growing up as a child i wasnt a big mall girl, or movies girl, or hanging with my friends outside of school. I had my MUSIC and i had my BOOK. So as I read, I would listen. Then she became so interesting to me. How could one woman sing so PRETTY and make me happy or make me feel some type of way that I was to young in life to understand. I made a photo album of her life when I was younger. By the time i reached high school I had a baby brother and I would put him to sleep to the bodyguard soundtrack. One of my favorite things to say is lines she had from waiting to exhale. She went thru her struggles and we all do and everyday she overcome because everyday she lived. But remember when GOD calls you home., hats no ones choice but his. Whether you are smoking, chillin, or sitting on the toilet: your time is HIS TIME. So Whitney was a huge influence to me musically and as we all know I LOVE MY MUSIC. #teamWHITNEYwas myidol.......pointblankPERIOD ~Shi (Go2Gur) of iCandi Productions
BUCKS WITH BUX St. Patrick's Day is a holiday that really gets left out. Most people look at this day as a drinking day, but there is so much more that can be done for all ages. Creativity is key during this time. Have all-different decorations using your computer and printer. Your kids will enjoy indulging in green from makeup to making different snacks green, to tasty green drinks. This will save you a bunch of money from going out to a pricey festival. If you are the type that really wants to drink and party, bust out your best Irish karaoke music and throw a party. You can make it a bring-your-own-bottle or snack. This will save you from a night out on the town. Last but not least, don't go buy a silly outfit. Instead, have fun with stuff you already have or, if need be, borrow something from a friend. However you celebrate St. Patrick's Day, you can still enjoy yourself without having to break the bank
Easy Ice-cream Pie
If you missed past shows on iCandi Radio you should check out:
Lateefah Talks “PORN” Thick is the New Sexy Rick Ross Gets The “holy ghost” What is sexual energy
Ingredients • • • • •
1 1/2 cups finely crushed graham crackers or chocolate wafers 5 tablespoons butter (melted) 1 quart pistachio or mint chip ice cream 1/2 cup hot fudge sauce red and green candies
Instructions 1.
3. 4.
Place 1 1/2 cups finely crushed graham crackers or chocolate wafers into a 9-inch pie pan. Stir in 5 tablespoons of melted butter, then press the mixture into the bottom and sides of the pan. Freeze for 30 minutes. Fill with 1 quart pistachio or mint chocolate chip ice cream, layer on 1/2 cup hot fudge sauce, top with 2 cups whipped cream, and sprinkle with red and green candies. Freeze before slicing and serving.
What you wear DOES matter (First impressions set the tone) Written By Melissa Howe
Today's society is one that prides itself on the ability to not only accept people for who they are, but encourage them to express themselves through their appearance. Rainbow colored hair. Multiple piercings. Colorful tattoos. Gaudy jewelry. Barely there clothing. Things that would have caused outrage and scandal fifty years ago are now considered the 'norm'.
However, our forward thinking society still lives by the old adage "The first impression is the lasting impression." No matter how high the tolerance level, people are still going to judge your character by your appearance and behavior. There will always be situations that require you to put aside the expression of self and dress the part. The image you project is the person people expect. Is it completely fair? No. However, it is a fact of life that everyone should remain aware of.
Rule Three: Attitude. If you walk around with the "Don't mess with me or else" attitude people will assume that you are up to no good, especially if you pair this with the inappropriate clothing mentioned in Rule Two. Screaming, cursing, and causing a scene because you didn't get your way, shoving past people as if you didn't even see them, and countless other rude acts do not endear you to people. You never know when you will need someone, even a complete stranger. The person you trample over today might be the person interviewing you for your dream job tomorrow.
To make sure you do not give the wrong impression, remember these five rules:
Rule Five: Beware of false impressions. While we still live by the first impression adage, let's try to rise above it. The most ghetto hoochie you've ever met could turn out to be kind and generous. The scariest looking thug could save your life. In return that gorgeous, welldressed, well-spoken man that just asked you out could be married. The beautiful, sophisticated woman who just smiled at you could be a gold digger. Give people the opportunity to show you who they really are.
Rule One: The Unknown. No matter what you may have planned you never know what's going to happen when you walk out of your front door. You can't guess who you will run into or what situations you will find yourself in. This is the basis for all following rules. Rule Two: Appearance. You are the first thing people notice about you. Ladies, let's remember modesty. No one wants to run into their preacher wearing booty shorts and a tube top. Guys, pull up your pants. Trust me when I say your former kindergarten teacher does not want to see your underwear. Let's be completely honest. If you dress with all of your "goodies" hanging out people will immediately assume you are a hoe. If you sag your pants to your knees, people will immediately assume you are a thug. Let's dress with some class. And please, please think hard about the placement of tattoos. High profile firms will not hire you if you have "Baby Mama" on your neck and trails of fake tears from your eyes.
Rule Four: Pronunciation and Discretion. While it may be the "cool" thing, using so much slang that someone needs an Ebonics dictionary to understand you makes you appear uneducated. Private conversations should be held behind closed doors. You never know who's listening to you when you are in a public place. If you don't want the whole world to know what (or who) you did at the club last night, don't speak about it in public. Remember Rule One, your preacher or grandma could be within hearing distance without you realizing it.
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We will probably never see the society that judges people fairly, based solely on their acts and not their looks. We can argue and fight and work towards it, but in the end we are all human. Let's teach our children about modesty and class. Show them how to give the best impression possible, but most importantly how to live up to it. Be the example of the person they should be.
Six year old Amir (Go2Gurl’s son) had to school the men and show them that REAL MEN COOK!!!! (I really wanted one of those cookies!)
Terence J Patterson cooked a romantic meal for his girlfriend. Terence says, “It was so good that my girlfriend had to take a pic." It does look pretty yummy! :-)
Somehow my lover (in my mind) got word that we were doing this challenge and look what he tweeted!! Alright Chris Breezy, you can cook for me anytime you want ~MsiCandi~
#iCandiChallenge for March is for my "Candi Ladies". Ladies, last month the fellas showed off their skills in the kitchen and it's time to show them how y'all get down. It seems "the modern woman" can't cook!!! I hear y'all can microwave and order take out; is that true? Prove them wrong and show me (in a picture or several pictures) that you can cook!! **Send me pictures from this month only!! Don't send me pictures from last Thanksgiving where your mom did all the cooking!!** lol