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italiancham MAGAZINE

The Next Move A Time of Changes BUSINESS FOCUS



Global Market Outlook and Economic Forecasts Q3 2020

How Business succeed in uncertain times

Industrial Committee & True Italian Taste 2020

YOUR CHOICE 470 lawyers 11 offices worldwide 20 specialist practice areas 7 desks dedicated to specific geographical regions

Contents President’s Memo


Business Focus


Art, Culture, and More


Cover Story


Imperfect Cuisine


Italian Chats


Members Spotlight




What’s On Hong Kong


What’s On Macao


Our Services


Publisher The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong e Macao 19/F, 168 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel +852 2521 8837 email Designer Michela Compagnoni Editorial Team Maria Teresa Brusco Silvia N’Guessan Federico Patelli

Chamber’s Patrons 2020


LUCA CICO President of The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao

President’s memo Dear Members and Friends, In just four months we will reach the end of 2020, one of the most challenging years that almost we all have ever faced: we are getting ready for the coming year with hope, while facing and fighting hard the compelling challenges of safely navigating through the perfect storm made up by the China-US Trade tensions, the social unrest and, last but definitively not least, the COVID-19 pandemic. The journey to recovery continues, with Hong Kong’s great efforts in controlling the Covid -19 spread paying off thanks to its population discipline in following the instructions and regulations swiftly enacted by the authorities. These uncertain and fluid circumstances have impacted hard on almost all the sectors, forcing all the players to embark on a business transformation journey by redesigning and adapting to their Customers’ and Consumers’ new behaviors and needs. Also we, as the Chamber, in the last months we look deep on how to redesign our business model and services, to strengthen the new skills we need to fullfill our mission – to support our Members in strengthening and developing their presence in Hong Kong and in the GBA, to promote the Made in Italy and the Made by Italians, and our culture. One of the major highlights we are proud to announce is creation of our fourth Chamber committee, the Industrial Committee. Given the several Italian excellences and their respected position in several industrial sectors, we do believe it is fundamental to have this committee, a platform to discuss challenges, to share and to hopefully work together on opportunities with their industry peers, on both side of the border. We do thanks all the current Industrial Committee members who made it happen, and we invite all the interested people to not only enquire about it, but to join! In this magazine edition, we will dive into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its evolution. The focus has shifted to efforts that support a return to work, addressing the changes needed to face the months ahead. We have met companies’ representatives that have implemented successful strategies, to help their clients, fill new needs, and thrive amid uncertainty. September also represents a moment of pride as we hosted one of our signature projects: “TRUE ITALIAN TASTE”, a national campaign aimed at consolidating the knowledge of authentic Italian products in Hong Kong and Macao, with a particular focus on PDO-PGI products. During this month we organized three different events: two dedicated to the Authentic Italian Table series, including two educational and enogastronomic virtual tours of the Piedmont and Sicily regions. The third event, an online masterclass, was entirely dedicated to one of the Italian excellencies, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, where a master olive oil sommelier explained and showed to the audience how to recognize the product authenticity and its healthy properties. Our heartful wishes for a smoother ride in the coming months to all our Members, Sponsors and Partners within the local, Italian and global communities, with our admiration for the tenacity, strength and commitment you and your teams have shown during this unprecedented crisis. Confident we all will be ready to face the future stronger than before.



New problems, new solutions: SACE and SIMEST for the Italian companies in APAC By SACE Hong Kong Team

According to the latest SACE Rapporto Export, presented on 10th

“Push Strategy”, aimed at increasing the presence of Italian SMEs in global

September, Italian exports of goods are expected to contract sharply for

value chains through a “general purpose” loan and business matching

this year with -11.3%, to a level of around € 422 billion, just over that

activities offered to international players operating in sectors with high

recorded in 2016. Despite the severity of the shock, SACE expects a

potential for Made in Italy. In this regard, SACE offices in Hong Kong, the

significant rebound in exports of goods already in 2021 (+ 9.3%), showing

regional hub, Shanghai and Mumbai, are constantly surveying some of the

an almost full recovery. In the following 2022-2023 period, the average

most promising markets in the APAC area, such as China, India, Indonesia,

growth is then expected to settle at around 5.1%. What above is based on

Philippines and Vietnam, with the aim of identifying those foreign targets.

the assumption of a non re-aggravation of the health crisis between the end of 2020 and 2021.

In conclusion, today more than ever, Italian companies that intend to enter or consolidate their position on international markets cannot ignore the

This economic scenario places us in front of unprecedented challenges for

tools made available by Italian and supranational institutions. The “Patto

the coming years since the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have

per l’Export” recently presented by MAECI, the new FTAs signed at EU

been added in 2020 to the uncertainties of 2019 - GDP and international

level (one of the latest with Vietnam), the ICE products, the support of the

trade slowdown, protectionist escalation and geopolitical instability - with

Chambers of Commerce, the insurance-financial solutions of SACE and

effects both in the immediate (closure of borders, stop to production

the instruments of SIMEST are available to all Italian companies: knowing

activities) and in the long term (reshuffling of value chains, change in

and making good use of them can be critical to ensure their success on

consumption habits).

foreign markets.

This complex situation requires, on one side, huge efforts from companies in redefining their business models and internationalization strategies, and on the other side imposes on the institutions of the “Sistema Italia” abroad (Embassies, Consulates, ICE offices, Chambers of Commerce, SACE and SIMEST) the task of strengthening their presence and role, maximizing the positive effects of the new tools now available. The “Decreto Liquidità” has reinforced the SACE’s role as Export Credit Agency, introducing an evolved scheme of co-insurance with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which will extend the support to Made in Italy

“SACE and SIMEST support the Italian companies in their activity abroad both for commercial transactions and investment initiatives with a range of trade finance, political and credit risk insurance, financial guarantees, sureties, soft loans as well as equity participation instruments. With over € 133 billion of overall outstanding commitments, SACE and SIMEST serve more than 25,000 business customers, facilitating access to commercial & bank financing in 198 countries worldwide. SACE is present in Asia with three offices, in Hong Kong, hub for the APAC Region, Shanghai and Mumbai.”

in the world. In addition, the same Decree has widened the role of SACE beyond exports, with the task of granting liquidity to all Italian companies damaged by the Covid-19 emergency - with the new “Garanzia Italia” - and supporting new strategic projects to strengthen Italy’s competitiveness. SIMEST, on its part, until the end of 2020 will grant subsidized loans managed on behalf of MAECI – with no need of guarantees and, thanks |

to the new resources made available through the “Patto per l’Export”, with a non-repayable component of up to 50% of the total amount disbursed. Within the new SACE’s instruments, it is worth mentioning the innovative




Global Market Outlook and Economic Forecasts Q3 2020 By


Aiste Navaityte, Senior Data Analyst, Economies and Consumers Daniel Solomon, PhD, Senior Economist, Economies and Consumers Giedrius Stalenis, Consultant, Economies Finance and Trade Marija Aciene, Senior Data Analyst, Economies and Consumers

ccording to Euromonitor International’s Global Economy


Forecast Report Q3 2020, in Q3 2020, global economic activity

In Q2 2020, India’s annual price growth was around 5.2% year-on-year,

levels remain significantly below normal, despite the relaxation of

while in Q3 it expected to reach approximately 2.6%, which is just within

the strictest Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic social distancing measures.

the Reserve Bank of India’s 2 to 6% target.

Under the baseline / most likely scenario, the global economy is headed


for the worst global recession since the great depression of the 1930s, with global output set to contract by 3–6% in 2020.

Japan’s economy shrank by 7.8% in Q2 2020, 0.7 percentage points lower

The global GDP growth forecast has been downgraded by 1.5 percentage

economic recovery will begin in 2021 with a growth rate of 1.2 to 4%.

than the first quarter of the 2009 Global Financial Crisis. The country’s

points compared to the forecast in May, with a 1.2 percentage point downgrade for advanced economies, a 1.7 percentage point downgrade


for developing economies. This mainly reflects the worse than expected

The UK’s real GDP forecast has been lowered by 4.3 percentage points in

economic effects of the pandemic in Western Europe, India and Latin

Q3 2020 due to a rapidly declining labour market and a 50% probability


of a No-Deal Brexit. Eurozone

A sneak peek on the general outlook of some of the countries and regions:

The Eurozone economy experienced recovery in retail during the months of May and June this year, however with the risk of a more severe second wave,

The US

extensive restrictions and partial lockdowns are significant as of the end of

The US GDP will increase by 2.2 to 5.8% in 2021, however it is only

Q3 2020 and will considerably weigh on the economy.

expected to recover to its 2019 level in 2022. The economy would remain 4% below the level it would have reached in 2022 under our pre COVID-19



The Russian economy contracted by 8.5% year-on-year in Q2 2020. Although the infection curve is flattening in the country with business


and consumer confidence slowly recovering. The economy would take until

China’s real consumer spending per capita declined by 9.3% year-on-year

2023 to reach 2019 level of output.

in the first half of 2020 however its economy has rebounded better than expected based on official statistics. Euromonitor has revised its 2020


growth forecast upwards by 0.6 percentage points since May to the range

Brazil’s economic activity forecasts continue to worsen due to prolonged

of -0.3% and 2.7%.:

uncertainty in both domestic and global outlooks. Its GDP is forecast to decline by 9% in 2020 with a growth of 3.3% in 2021.



The pandemic has worsened in developing economies, leading to greater

Download the full report here:

than expected hits to economic activity in countries with big informal sectors and less scope for social distancing. The August forecast also assumes more persistent social distancing effects in H2 2020, and more adverse effects on productivity of businesses’ adaptations to reduce COVID-19 infection risks (e.g. more resources devoted to hygiene and social distancing measures).

Source: Euromonitor International Macro Model

Euromonitor International is a global market research company providing strategic intelligence on industries, companies, economies and consumers around the world. Comprehensive international coverage and insights across consumer goods, business-to-business and service industries make our research an essential resource for businesses of all sizes. Bridging methodologies based on data science and on-the-ground research, we distill strategic and tactical data through flexible solutions, giving real-world context for business decisions. Euromonitor International’s Hong Kong subsidiary is the company’s 14th office worldwide, which manages business in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and leverages on-the-ground analysis with actionable data and insights in the region.



Gallery Happenings Rossi & Rossi - Elisa Sighicelli & Novalis - Valentina Loffredo Co-presented with the Italian Cultural Institute of Hong Kong

This autumn in Hong Kong, two of Hong Kong’s leading Italian

of seeing. Merging with materials that have different tactile properties

galleries present solo exhibitions by two Italian contemporary artists,

and textures, her photographs analyze the ways in which reality reflects

including Elisa Sighicelli at Rossi & Rossi (3 October – 14 November)

itself and often times appears to be made from the very substance it

and Valentina Loffredo at Novalis Contemporary Art Design (7 – 30

represents. In a world saturated with virtual images, the artist sets out


to restore the palpable tangible existence of images in a physical space.

The exhibitions are co-presented in partnership with the Italian Cultural

The exhibition is going to be accompanied by a selection of ancient

Institute of Hong Kong as part of its annual ITALIA MIA Festival,

Roman steles and remnants in an attempt to foster a dialogue between

which celebrates the best Italian cultural events in Hong Kong taking

antiquity and their reinterpretation through contemporary lenses across

place citywide this fall.

time and space.

Stefano Fossati, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Hong Kong

Rossi & Rossi

commented “Now more than ever, we must give our community a reason

Yally Industrial Building, Unit 3C

to engage and enjoy the culturally enriching experiences that the city

6 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

offers and we continue to support Italian culture among this multi-

culturally diverse city.” Each with their unique approaches, both artists employ the medium of photography in their works.

Elisa Sighicelli at Rossi & Rossi Exhibition period: 3 October – 14 November Preview: Saturday 3 October from 3pm coinciding with Southside Saturday Rossi & Rossi is delighted to present Stone Talk by celebrated Italian artist Elisa Sighicelli (b. 1968). This is her first solo exhibition in Asia. Stone Talk features a selection of photographs that scrutinize overlooked details of museum interiors and of artworks in a number of institution collections. Her monograph, 9 Years published by Skira is also featured. Known for her experimental approach in the medium of photography, Sighicelli probes into the materiality of photos and its effect on our way 8

ART, C ULTUR E AN D MORE Valentina Loffredo at Novalis Contemporary Art Design Exhibition period: 7 – 30 November Preview: Friday 6 November Novalis Contemporary Art Design Gallery is pleased to present Nosy, a solo exhibition by Italian Hong Kong based artist Valentina Loffredo. The global issue of privacy in the digital age is the central theme of Nosy, a multi-media project that includes photographs, sculptural objects, installations and a limited edition of unique artist books. Not confined to the space within the gallery walls, the exhibition also extends to other parts of town with the artist’s ad hoc placements of sculptural noses. The project mimics the conflict between the seductive power of technology, expressed through the playful and attractive appearance of the artworks, and its dark “nosy” side, revealed by the repetitive and uncanny presence of human noses. Novalis Contemporary Art Design Gallery G/F 5 Sau Wa Fong, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Design Made in Hong Kong 2020-2021 On the initiative of Stefano Fossati, Director of the Italian Cultural

international scene.

Institute in Hong Kong, a successful bridge of exchange between

A single theme - taking action - which will be adressed in different

Italy and Asia has been activated. The research on the new frontiers

collaborations and moments: the three universities will collaborate with

of design developed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong

as many local companies to develop prototypes that will be presented

Kong Design Institute and Baptist University, thanks to the work of an

in two collective exhibitions in Hong Kong in February and at the next

Italian curator specialized in contemporary design, is placed in relation

Milan Design Week, to be held in April 2021. The project is created

with three of the most interesting Italian designers of the moment

by the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong in collaboration with

(Federica Biasi, Federico Peri and Sara Ricciardi), representatives of a

NMG - 5VIE association, presented during Milan Design Week 2021

new generation of emerging designers, who will establish an in-depth

in the 5VIE district, curated by Annalisa Rosso, and coordinated by Mr.

dialogue with the students of the three Hong Kong universities through

Lawrence studio and 5VIE. The exhibition locations in Milan will be

a webinar program.

SIAM 1838 (in the 5VIE district) and Postdesign Gallery.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate how, from Hong Kong to Milan, a new generation of designers is taking action. Investigating the

Among the areas that will be developed: the future of interior design,

approach of new generations of designers - emerging Italian designers

digital furniture, the next of beauty. The project was conceptualized and

and Asian students - on the theme of contemporary urgencies: from

implemented by the Italian curator Santina Bonini, resident in Hong

housing models to aesthetic sense, materials, economy, the natural

Kong, and will be developed with the support of an international scientific

balance between innovation and tradition. Young people are proving to

committee (also in this case aimed at developing the dialogue between

have an original and powerful voice in the world of design, with an

Italy and Asia), which will involve companies, design professionals,

active and responsible approach capable of restoring optimism on the

academics and designers.

Follow us on your favourite social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram or Twitter – or subscribe to our YouTube channel to see some of our live events that you might have missed. | |

To learn more about upcoming Italian events you may contact: Italian Cultural Institute, c/o Consulate General of Italy Hong Kong Suite 3201, 32/F Central Plaza 18, Harbour Road, Wanchai - Hong Kong |


The Next Move -A Time of ChangesHow Business succeed in uncertain times



Efforts to revitalise and redefine how businesses are conducted have shaped perspectives on numerous sectors and their strategies for the years to come�

Having weathered the bane of the third wave of COVID-19 that hit in July 2020, Hong Kongers have shown that they are nothing but resilient, determined and savvy amidst crisis and unprecedented challenges. Efforts to revitalise and redefine how businesses are conducted have shaped perspectives on numerous sectors and their strategies for the years to come. Closer insights are now cast on the importance and necessity of how we can guarantee our health and safety in everyday aspects of our lives such as the workplace, retail and travel. In particular, air quality has taken the front seat in how we view our time indoors and companies must be prepared to address and implement safety and operational measures to guarantee the health of their workers at the workplace. Industries have each identified the challenges that they are confronted with during COVID-19 and have combated such challenges with diverse strategies, from broadening their social media presence, modifying and engaging their target audiences through virtual activities and implementing flexible solutions and responses geared towards their customer experience. These measures will undoubtedly form the future of businesses and their respective sectors going forward. The following cover stories will provide an insight into the narratives of businesses who have adapted and modified their practices and strategies in line with the strange and confusing times that are amongst us now and will continue to shape our future. It is important to remain positive and resilient through the times we face and to continue to prepare for an optimistic future.



Can we monitor airborne concentration of viruses in real-time? Redefining the Way We See our Buildings


COVID-19 outbreak has nudged us to rethink about the health and safety in the places we live and work. On average, we spend approximately 90% of our time indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations (U.S. EPA).

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently acknowledged airborne transmission as one of the transmission modes for COVID-19, making the protection and management of indoor air quality even more relevant.


co v er story

“While we may not be able to monitor airborne concentration of pathogens or viruses in real time, we can monitor the parameters that influence infection potential.” By Simon Sui Jiang, Business Development Manager, BEE Incorporations

Can we monitor airborne concentration of viruses in real-time? While we may not be able to monitor airborne concentration of pathogens or viruses in real time, we can monitor the parameters that influence infection potential. These parameters include: relative humidity, number of occupants per space, particulate matter (PM), temperature, among others. For example, scientific evidence suggests when humidity is maintained between 40% to 60%, the infection potential may be reduced to half. RESET™ Air Index is a tool that monitors these parameters and indicates how optimized the space is for human health. This tool was launched by RESET™, world’s first green building standard to monitor the building health performance exclusively through sensor-based data. RESET™ Air Index prioritizes the tracking of: • PM2.5 and PM0.3 • Filtration level • CO2 • Air changes • Temperature • Humidity • Air sterilization activity Buildings will not look the same after this pandemic. Occupants have

The performance data monitored through accredited sensors is collected

begun to demand transparency of their building’s air quality data,

on RESET™’s cloud platform for data reporting and visualization. The

healthier operational measures, and better designs that protect sanitation

results inform occupants the risk of possible virus transmission from their

and safety. The RESET™ Air Index tool enables building owners,

interior space in real time, while alerting facility owners and managers to

managers, and occupants to prepare for environmental risks efficiently.

take measures accordingly to improve building operations.

RESET™-accredited monitors: BEE Incorporations offers RESET™accredited real-time indoor air quality monitors suitable for all geographies, sectors and scales. Learn more at:



How did we push our company business during Covid-19? Tableware and Kitchenware business during Covid-19


inally, September! Usually it’s the month for relaxation, holidays, exotic or cultural destinations, beaches and refreshing cocktails. Unfortunately, instead of sipping a drink in Thailand, this year we find ourselves taking stock of this first half of the year, one of the most difficult ever on a personal and business level. The spread of COVID-19 led us to redesign a commercial strategy, to break the mold we were used to and imagine a

completely different way of working. For this reason, we have shifted our focus to the web and all its infinite possibilities.


co v er story

“The spread of Coronavirus has led us to redesign a commercial strategy, to break the mold we were used to and imagine working in a completely different way… we have focused on the web and on all its infinite possibilities.” By Alessandra Zappaterra Social media manager, Communication and IT specialist, TABLO LIMITED

Let’s see together how. Being a company operating mainly in the

the mind and the everyday life of those who create the art of a dish. For

ca sector, this period would have given us a hard time due to the total

this reason, we are focusing mainly on our Blog contents, also by sharing

lack of tourism and the closure of many restaurants and bars. Instead, we

the articles on Linkedin and Facebook so to create a network of followers

turned our focus mainly to private clients and their need to stay home,

who, in turn, advertise and repost. We have also been featured in Luxury

cooking for friends and families in their own, albeit small, homes. The

Lifestyle Magazine with an article regarding the most luxury items every

emphasis has been placed on the concept of private catering by focusing

home should have!

on those who, in this situation, have decided to refresh their kitchen and present traditional dishes on Italian porcelain or artisanal glass plates

In short, we had to adapt to this situation and, although we have to wait

from colorful Murano.

a little longer to organize some Italian food and wine tasting events, we will keep on focusing on social media marketing, also looking for

We made sure that the consumer, unable to move freely due to social

collaborations with local influencers and food bloggers. Diversification

distancing measures, could virtually enter our showroom and see our

and creativity have become our keywords.

products up close. In this respect, Facebook sponsorships have paid off! In fact, we have experienced a good increase in sales at the cost of a

From September to Christmas we will concentrate more on products and

fairly cheap initial investment. Using the web has also given us multiple

the process that, from a simple idea, leads to the creation of the item we

occasions for cross-branding collaborations. We posted many live stories

can see on our table.

on Instagram during a photo shooting of our partner, Certa, to whom we provided Zafferano and IVV plates and glasses. We made the first

Regarding the future, we must be positive. Insiders report that many

Instagram LIVE on IGTV to promote, with the participation of the

investors are working on important projects in hospitality. Yes, because

Italian Women’s Association, a trolley of professional knives that those

we will soon return to travel and those who have not been able to set foot

with a passion for cooking and creative dishes will find very useful. This

outside their country will start doing it again in style, booking the best

live has been highly successful and, for sure, we are going to set up new

hotels, and not only for staycation week ends. This is the point we will be

promotional videos to make cross branding and promotions.

starting from once COVID-19 will be an old memory.

We brought our followers into the kitchen of a very well-known Italian

There will always be room for parties in the future but the important thing

restaurant following the preparation and serving processes step by step.

nowadays is to focus on your current goals and be positive, proactive, and

In our blog we created a section called “meeting the chef ” where every

not be afraid to take risks. Therefore, #stayhome but also #staypositive!

month we interview a famous chef. The aim is to bring our readers into



Evolution not revolution? How we will work and shop post-COVID


OVID-19 currently dominates our lives, dictating where we can travel, whether we can go into the office and even how we shop. Despite the widespread disruption, the world will move on at some point, but exactly when is subject to plenty of scientific debate. The question on everyone’s lips is how will we emerge from this crisis? Will the way we live our lives be changed forever or will we embrace a return to the

comfort of pre-COVID normality? Answers to these questions may be found in the world of real estate where form and function are inextricably linked and changes in behavior are often manifested in bricks and mortar. For many of us, most of our working lives have been spent in office-based employment, with its daily commute and cubicle culture, its client lunches and drinks with colleagues, it’s hierarchies and its gossip. But do fears of contamination, the need for social distancing and the work from home culture mean that the office is now dead? 16

“As part of this change, we are likely to see more displacement demand for office space in suburban hubs. This space might be provided by specialist flexible space operators or conventional landlords.”

co v er story

By Nick Bradstreet Managing Director, Savills

I think there is a case to be made that regional differences between Europe

impact on office take up, however, will ultimately rely on the timing of

and Asia may see different outcomes for the office and Hong Kong is a

recovery but also on the characteristics of the demand which emerges as

prime example. In first tier Asian cities such as this one, where the service

some sectors are likely to rebound more strongly than others, altering the

sector has long since replaced manufacturing as the major employer,

traditional corporate landscape. New economy companies are the ones to

land prices (among other things) have given rise to very high population

watch in this respect.

densities, small apartments and multi-generational living. None of this is conducive to working from home and many employees are keen to return,

But if offices are seeing accelerated change, the evolution of the retail

particularly businesses where collaboration and client contact are essential

sector, already the subject of much discussion pre-COVID, has been

elements. Many employers also hold quite traditional views about the

brought right to the fore. Whether you’re in Hong Kong, Milan, London,

need for staff to be at their desks!

or New York the retail industry has gone through a traumatic time in 2020. Retail sales have collapsed as people have stayed away from the

In Europe on the other hand, more generous housing conditions and the

streets and the shopping centres preferring to shop online instead. In

availability of outside space make the home office a welcome choice for

most cities retailers were already grappling with the impact of online sales

the harassed commuter. Here the WFH model seems more appropriate

on physical stores and evolving consumer demand when the virus struck,

environmentally and socially where traditional models of urbanization can

suddenly accelerating the rate of change.

be refashioned around a New Urbanism which focuses on communities which offer a rounded mix of work-live-play real estate uses, as an

It is a similar story worldwide but has been particularly bad in Hong Kong

alternative to the tyranny of the daily commute between residential, work

where rents are at world beating levels. Occupancy ratios have reached

and leisure zones. Surveys suggest that most employees would be happy

unprecedented highs, way above the norm, and as a result vacancies are

to spend one or two days a week at home with added benefits for family

rising at a significant rate both on the street and in shopping centres. A

life and lower travel costs. Employers would also save on rental overheads

lack of mainland tourists has hit the city hard, in common with many

which can be substantial in CBDs.

tourist dependent markets globally and their return will be key to any recovery. As travel restrictions look likely to remain a fact of life for some

But maybe WFH is a distraction from the immediate threat facing office

time to come, only the strongest domestic markets will make it through

markets – corporate solvency. Governments have thrown everything in

unscathed while others will have to wean themselves off high spending

their monetary and fiscal armoury at protecting businesses and livelihoods

tourists and accept a more locally focused retail offering.

and yet firms are still being forced to downsize or close and vacancy rates are ticking up steadily in office markets from Milan to Mumbai. This

On the street landlords are being more flexible and this has been

means rents must fall, and fall they are, with fears for more closures once

particularly the case in Hong Kong with the Savills retail prime street

stimulus measures are inevitably withdrawn.

rental index posting a dramatic fall of around 70% since the peak in 2013. Reasons for the dismal performance don’t just lie in COVID,

In capital markets, real estate funds have traditionally cherished office

however, as trade wars, political protests and a weak Renminbi have all

assets as a stable and reliable investment and they form the bedrock of

taken their toll. As we move forward most retailers agree that the city’s

many institutional portfolios. Many fund managers view the pandemic

golden retail era is over for now and sales are unlikely to surpass 30% to

as a catalyst for existing trends, rather than a disruptor. We were already

40% of what they were in 2018. Retailers are adjusting to this new norm

moving to more flexible office workstyles, and this change will accelerate.

by cutting back on stores, managing their cost base and finding new and

As part of this change, we are likely to see more displacement demand for

innovative formats.

office space in suburban hubs. This space might be provided by specialist flexible space operators or conventional landlords.

It would be far too early to pronounce the office or the shop dead, but their evolution is experiencing an unprecedented period of acceleration

We should also not forget the cyclical impact of COVID-19 which has

which is likely to see both changed forever.

hit GDP and consumer demand in the short term. The longer-term 17


Keep flying high in hard times


he COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the aviation and travel industry, as safety concerns and government imposed travel restrictions led to a severe drop in demand amongst travellers. Analysts forecast a long period of recovery with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) now predicting that travel demand may not return to pre-crisis levels until 2024, one year later than they previously estimated.


co v er story

“Airlines and all the other operators within the travel industry, will need to create new value propositions built around safe and secure travel.” By Justin Chang, Cathay Pacific Airways Country Manager Italy & Spain

The efficacy of the measures taken by each country to contain the spread

mandatory face coverings throughout the flight for both passengers and

of the virus and the speed with which an effective vaccine is ready, will

crew, thorough sanitisation and cleaning of all surfaces in the cabin before

have a significant role in shaping the future of our industry. While

and after each flight, HEPA filtered cabin air which reduces 99.99% of all

the world deals with the economic aftermath of the pandemic, we are

airborne contaminants and recirculates air every two minutes.

expecting a change in the overall approach to travel, as travellers will continue to remain wary of confined spaces and as video conferences and

We have also introduced various options for our passengers who need to

virtual events remain a habit in the new norm.

change their tickets due to the evolving situation. Our Fly Worry Free product allows you to buy your ticket and make unlimited changes for

However, there is confidence and optimism that the want and need for

one year. In case our customers are unsure of their travel plans in the

travel will return. The value of face-to-face interaction, the pleasure of

near future, we also offer the option for them to change their ticket into

connecting loved ones around the world, or the discovery of new cultures,

Cathay Credits or to ask for a full refund. We hope that these measures

cannot be replaced by digital surrogates. That said, airlines and all the

will allow our customers to have ease of mind when making their future

other operators within the travel industry, will need to create new value

travel plans.

propositions built around safe and secure travel. This is a challenge that has been at the forefront of Cathay Pacific during these months and will

Only those airlines who are able to be agile in their response to the ever

be an imperative pillar of our strategy in the near future.

changing situation, have a chance to ensure a sustained success into the future. I believe the Cathay Pacific Group will be amongst those

Safety has always been the number one priority at Cathay Pacific. In these

to rebound and prosper again, building off the strength of a company

challenging times we understand the concerns of our passengers and have

made up of professional and committed people, an outstanding brand

already introduced enhanced measures across every stage of the customer

and a world-leading premium service offering. Through our premium

journey, to respond to their demand for safe and secure travel whilst still

passenger airlines, Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon, a best-in-class

delivering the warmth of Asian hospitality and thoughtful service we

express airfreight airline in Air Hong Kong and an unrivalled position

are renowned for. We have named this commitment to our customers

in the Greater Bay Area, our long-term future remains bright despite the

as “Cathay Care” and these measures include contactless check-in (in

significant term challenges we are currently experiencing.

airports where available), temperature checks for all passengers and crew,


Strategy flex for Tourism industry in a VUCA world


or travel enthusiasts like myself and many others around the world, 2020 has not been quite the same from how we expect the curtains to unfold for the start of a new decade. The worldwide pandemic and subsequent border controls spellbound us to a new-normal that is looking to stay with us for awhile. Tourism industry, among other service industries, is heavily impacted by this unforeseeable disruption. Successful adjustment and

adaptation in the ever-evolving VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) would require courage to implement creative strategies, and a positive yet flexible attitude toward changes.


co v er story

“Successful adjustment and adaptation in the everevolving VUCA world would require courage to implement creative strategies, and a positive yet flexible attitude toward changes.” By Joanne Wong, Assistant Director, Ernst & Young

A recent study suggests that making future travel plans could boost

business models to incorporate technology into their service offerings.

our spirits, energy, and well-being. Although travelers have changed

A prime example would be the use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology,

their priorities on their focuses and considerations regarding travels

which has been applied in the real-estate industry to enable overseas

(particularly health and safety procedures alongside with social distancing

buyers or potential renters to narrow-down on the property choices prior

measures), they are enthusiastic to restart their globetrotting journeys

to finalization of the physical property tour. Applying to the tourism

in the future. Personalized travel route planning can be considered as a

industry, Virtual Reality tours could be given in advance for customers

revenue-generating services, considering clients could customize factors

to preview the tourist site to decide if they would like to include it into

such as selection of countries to visit, duration, number of people

their travel plans. Virtual tours are also up and rising, with the advantage

traveling, lifestyle, and purposes (such as history, shopping, leisure and

offered by digital platforms to expand the potential customer pool from

spa, nature, etc.), and mode of transportation and its schedule into the

locals to global. For example, a Hong Kong local tour company has

design of their personalized travel plans.

recently launched a live virtual interactive tour, where they offer a local tour of Hong Kong while participants could ask live questions directly

In parallel, collaborations with local merchants, service providers, and

and mingle with other virtual travelers from other parts of the world.

museums across various destination countries would be an idea worth exploring. Consideration of referral commissions (given it is within

Businesses that are quick to adapt in the VUCA world by flexing their

operable legal framework) could be an option, alongside exclusive

strategies to include digital service offerings alongside with creative and

discounts and gifts with purchase for customers who are finalizing their

personalized services would most likely secure an advantage, as global

personalized travel plans. Some travel providers are also leveraging social

citizens are incorporating the new-normal into their daily lives. We could

media such as Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram in combination of

perhaps take inspiration from the Chinese word ‘crisis’, which comprises

their relationships with overseas merchants to offer overseas product

of the characters ‘threat’ and ‘opportunity’ – where we shall remain

group-ordering services. Some recent examples include group-ordering

hopeful for opportunities to emerge from threats, and silver linings

Japanese fruits from Japanese partners as well as Taiwanese mooncakes via

waiting for us to be spotted.

Taiwanese local shops that has a relationship with the tour agency in view of the approaching Mid-Autumn Festival in Asia. There is no doubt that the pandemic accelerated the evolution of technology, in which businesses must explore strategies to evolve their


imp erfect c u i s i n e

By Accademia Italiana della Cucina

All together now Food Delivery since 753 BC


ince the beginning of 2020, the global food industry

They were basically a street kitchen and for many, those who

changed as governments closed down restaurants and

couldn’t afford a kitchen of their own, the only opportunity to

bars to slow the spread of the virus. Across the world,

eat hot food. These kitchens have been found in the ruins of

restaurants’ daily traffic dropped precipitously compared to the

Pompeii and demonstrate the beginnings of the takeout concept.

same period in 2019. Halfway across the world, another ancient civilization, the In Hong Kong, according to the Census and Statistics

Aztecs, had gigantic open-air markets. Within these markets

Department, revenue for the restaurant sector fell to HK$21.7

were vendors who strictly sold “on the go” food, mostly tamales.

billion in the first three months of the year. The industry found itself in need of a quick reaction, offering more and more home deliveries service. According to Forbes, it’s estimated that the industry will have annual sales of $365 billion worldwide by 2030! But when and where this service become so popular? “Tutte le strade portano a Roma” (“All roads lead to Rome”) . . This is another Italian story. Historians trace meal delivery services back to . . . the ancient Rome! Ancient Romans loved the concept of convenient meals as much as we do in the modern era, and they often ordered their fast-food restaurants Thermopolium. They served meals at a counter out of large clay pots that stored and kept the food hot, similarly to how we serve fast food today. For ancient Romans, the Thermopolium was a chance for them to have a hot, prepared meal on the go.


imper f ec t c uisine

Way later, the first recorded instance of food delivery comes – again

content to stay at home watching their new television and to make their

– from Italy in 1889, when King Umberto and Queen Margherita were

food in their kitchens. Italian restaurants were particularly well-received

visiting Naples and decided to swap their mostly French food diet for

because WWII troops and post-war tourists had been exposed to Italian

the more local fare: pizza. They had Napoli pizza chef Raffaele Esposito


prepare their pie with white mozzarella, green basil, and red tomatoes – what would soon be known as Margherita pizza – and had him delivering

With the growth of modern technology, there have been a lot of changes

the pizzas to them! And that’s when the pizza delivery tradition was born.

towards food delivery services over recent years and nowadays ordering food online can take less than one minute!

Around the same time, in 1890 Indians developed what is called the dabbawala meal delivery system. With more workers in cities who

The Italian Academy of Cuisine has proudly decided to support this

didn’t have the luxury of time to have lunch at home, many turned to

service with a very special, and unusual, night dedicated to food delivery

these lunchboxes (dabba) containing home-cooked food delivered by

and an entirely cold menu. The dinner, called BE COOL, provided our

dabbawalas to people’s places of work. The idea is said to have been

Italian guests an unexpected experience and a great surprise for our non-

founded by Mahadeo Havaji Bachche, after a Parasi banker requested

Italian guests.

to have home-cooked meals in his office. He then started the delivery service with about a hundred men at that time before attempting to

As the upcoming months will continue to present quite some challenges

unionize them in 1930. To this day, at least 5,000 dabbawalas are said to

for the food and beverage industry, our Academy will continue to

be continuing on the tradition in Mumbai.

support this popular service – after all, we, Italians, are the founders of it!

During WWII, a more modern style of delivery evolved in the UK where a system was set up for food to be delivered to families that had lost their homes. The government in the UK provided hot meals to families all around the nation as a way to keep up the country’s morale. After the war ended, this idea was adopted by the private sector in the United States, and the modern take-out delivery service was established. The rise of food delivery in the United States was caused by economic necessity, as during the 1950s, the growing American middle-class was

The Accademia Italiana della Cucina has been present in Hong Kong since 2012. The Delegation is headed by Mr Savio Pesavento and welcomes new members, individuals who are passionate about food and knowledgeable about Italian cuisine


ita li a n ch at s

Make the most of your enforced downtime with… Dante’s Lockdown Survival Guide By Dante Alighieri Society


n times of crisis - it is said - Italians give their best, and the coronavirus

Missing aperitivo? Invite friends to online cocktails. Just start an aperitivo

emergency is no exception. Here are some tips on surviving – even

hour on a video conferencing site, sending one or two friends every day

enjoying – life under lockdown (like a true Italian).

an invitation to drinks in front of their laptop (or phone) at a time when we might normally meet in a pub or at each other’s homes. It’s surprising

We are creatures of habit in what we eat, when we work, what TV shows

what a difference it can make to a day of isolation, and to your spirits in

we watch. Right now, all those habits have been shoved out of the window.

general, to see your friends’ faces in the evening and hear them talk and

There’s a lot of confusion, but this is an opportunity to create new habits.


So what to try? What’s your new routine? It may be fluid and can change, but what do you want to try? One more thing before we begin our usual top 5. We all know how sad and hard the lockdown time was in Italy, and how families suffered so much during this period. With this article we absolutely don’t want to disrespect anyone, but simply put a smile on our faces; after all, just like Dario Fo said: “(…) soltanto nel divertimento, nella passione e nel ridere si ottiene una vera crescita culturale.” (Only through fun, passion and laughs one could achieve a true cultural growth)

*Scendi il cane pure tu! Take your dog outside as well! *Porto fuori il cane! (correct form of the more colloquial “Scendi il cane”)

If there’s one positive aspect to come out of this pandemic, it’s the increase in pet adoptions nationwide. In Italy people craving companionship in this isolating time are turning to shelters to find their new best friend/ partner in crime. If you previously shied away from getting a dog due to working outside the home, you may now find yourself in an ideal

Prendiamoci uno Spritz da remoto!

situation. But remember that adopting a pet is a commitment and of course a way to claim benefit of some much-needed escape from lockeddown homes.

Let’s have an Aperol Spritz through the webcam!

Dogs can certainly help reduce stress and improve well-being by increasing physical activity. Most dog owners regularly walk their dogs, which of One of the nastiest aspects of the pandemic is that it turns your friends

course also leads to valuable health benefits. However, in cities under

and all that you do to show them affection – hug and kiss; share meals

strict lockdown orders, exceptions are typically made for pet owners for

and drinks – into a deadly threat. And yet, in this appalling moment,

taking them on walks around the neighbourhood which has ultimately

we need our friends more than ever, and it is probably true that our

led to dogs complaining about too much walking during the pandemic.

immune systems do, too. Isolation is bad for a species addicted to social

What are you waiting for? Adopt a dog and put it on a treadmill: it will

intercourse like Italians.

be your passport out for freedom. 24

ITALIAN CHATS With our beloved ristoranti and pizzerie, but also bars, cafeterias and rosticcerie being forced to close during the lockdown months, we, Italians, had to come up with ideas to replace them. And therefore, almost every single kitchen in our country turned into a bakery shop. Mamme started baking cakes for present, future and even past birthdays. Papà discovered an innate passion for making pizza (pizza nights became a nightmarish daily routine for about 3 months…). And obviously figli were involved in this flour/yeast frenzy as well: cornetti for breakfast; focacce and pizzette for the online aperitivi (see our other entry!) and bread for…all occasions! Even on social media one could easily find at least 25 different ways to prepare a nutella filled bombolone. However, this carb outburst ended together with the lockdown: as soon as people were allowed to go out again, Italians somehow quickly forgot how to use that strange white powder that was all around their kitchen for their last 3 months and went straight back to their precious bars! But, c’mon! Who are we to judge?! If done with all the precautions, colazione al bar is something you simply cannot miss!

CE LA FAREMOOO! We will make it!

For sure you have heard from the news these three words: ce la faremo! This quickly became a sort of national anthem in Italy during the lockdown. However music is still missing… Luckily, from the southern cities of Salerno and Naples, and the Sicilian capital Palermo to Milan in the north, residents of apartment buildings and tower blocks are continuing to sing or play instruments, or to offer DJ sets, from their balconies in a trend that is spreading from Italy across Europe. Musical competency is not a requirement, and neither is possessing a traditional instrument. A pot or a wooden spoon can suffice, if only because their sounds will join those of many other people who, from their balconies and windows, are hoping to create a bond through music.

Alzati e…corri! Get up and…run!

Are you a middle-aged men or woman whose only physical activity was to run from the kitchen to the sofa and back?! Are you still wondering why you paid half your salary on that running equipment you only used in the fitting room?! Well, my friend, your time to shine is here! At the very moment in which the Italian government allowed runners to go out and train a bit, a whole army of fluo t-shirts, yoga pants and superexpensive running shoes invaded every street and every corner. So, how can you miss this chance to get some “fresh” air?! The risk of not being able to walk for the following days is totally acceptable, isn’t it? But, be careful! In a lockdown-like situation in Italy, runners (even “pro” ones) can be seen as silent plague-spreader, while sweating their way throughout the neighbourhood. Therefore, get ready for some widespread criticism, and water buckets as well…

Mamma, esco a far la spesa! Mom, I am going groceries shopping!

Forget about toilet paper, water, pasta or canned food. Something that these last few months taught us is that the only thing you really need during a lockdown in Italy is…YEAST! That’s right: yeast.

For info on how to improve your Italian or learn it from scratch, you may contact: DANTE ALIGHIERI SOCIETY 1/F Honest Building, 9-11 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong |




“The Stecco Natura concept was developed right at the heart of Sicily in order to search for the best tastes and test the reaction of local customers.”

tecco Natura Gelaterie What is the special relationship between STECCO NATURA and Hong Kong?

How would you describe your company in 3 words and why? Italian’s Natural Taste Stecco Natura Gelaterie is an Italian gelato brand that originated from Sicily in 2012. All our gelato and sorbet are 100% natural and imported straight from Italy. Stecco Natura gelato and sorbet are made from real fruits and nuts, and tastes like real fruits and nuts! It contains no emulsifiers, use mineral water and are gluten free with lactose free options. There is a noticeable difference in quality and consistency in the frozen dessert, thanks to the high food standards and control in Italy where all our products come from. Served on a stick, Stecco Natura gelato and sorbet can be enjoyed on its own or dipped and coated in different chocolate and nuts flavours. This personalised twist to the popsicle is fun and adds another layer of scumptious delight to your taste buds. Our goal is to let you take the best and most authentic Scilian gelato for a walk and share the true taste of Italian tradition to different parts of the world.

Stecco Natura Gelaterie Hong Kong is launched in 2019 through a franchise under Shun Tak Holdings Limited (STHL), a listed conglomerate in Hong Kong. In the following year, STHL acquired the brand together with all its stores worldwide and continued to run the operation through its base in Hong Kong. The marriage was love at first sight. Directors of Shun Tak discovered the Stecco Natura during a trip in Italy. The astonishing tastes of this refreshing dessert was unforgettable and they decided to take on the franchise, and a few months later acquired the brand and opened the first Stecco Natura Gelaterie shop at K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong in 2019. Since then, Stecco Natura has opened more outlets in Hong Kong and continued to run worldwide operation through its base in Hong Kong and expertise of local partners around Europe and Asia. While the brand ownership has shifted to Hong Kong, the Italianness of Stecco Natura will be preserved. STHL aims to maintain the high standard of the product and while further expanding the brand through their know-how, resource and professionalism, and showcase this amazing Italian gelato tradition to all parts of the world.

Tell us about a successful project that STECCO NATURA runs. Stecco Natura Gelaterie was founded by two Italians, Cristian Ielo and Massimo Mirabella, in 2012, with the aim to revolutionize the Italian gelato business, promoting the Italian gelato tradition and enhancing “Made in Italy” excellences. Cristian and Massimo merged their retail experience and food passion to create the Stecco Natura concept and successfully build this new ice cream gelato concept. The Stecco Natura concept was developed right at the heart of Sicily in order to search for the best tastes and test the reaction of local customers. After much effort, Cristian and Massimo found the right combination by merging traditions with innovations, and creating a new way of experiencing our favourite gelato ice cream. On 23rd December 2012, the first store was opened in the heart of Catania. Stecco Natura began its first franchise and successfully rollout in 6 countries within a year. In 2019, Stecco Natura expanded beyond Europe and opened its first store in Hong Kong, with more Asia development plans ahead.



“Good Food brings people together.”


antry Centrale

How would you describe your company in 3 words and why? Italian Grocery, Delicatessen and Bakery. Three key-elements which define Pantry Centrale. Everything is taken seriously here: the goods’ selection, the food served, and the wholesome bread. ‘Good food brings people together;’ is the mantra that welcomes customers when they visit the store for purchasing goods stocked on the shelves, or for buying bread and pastry, or for eating at the premises. Friendly service and a cozy store environment do the rest to enhance the shopping and the dining experience. Tell us about a successful project that PANTRY CENTRALE runs. Food guru Elisa Siu Sfriso and master baker Sam So have come out of retirement purposely to run Pantry Centrale. They could not resist the call of passion. And passion is precisely the X factor that rewards them with gratification. Elisa and Sam team up together to provide food lovers with an unique food store and bakery, and to connect with loyal customers beyond the mere shopping experience.

What is the special relationship between PANTRY CENTRALE and Hong Kong? Pantry Centrale is located at Sai Ying Pun, a lively and fast-changing district that retains, however, its peculiar Chinese soul. Locals and foreigners live next to each other creating a fascinating melting pot of traditions, cultures, cuisines, and languages. Pantry Centrale fits well this context by being an ‘ambassador’ of Italian food culture in Hong Kong and yet greatly popular among local residents. Besides, with its opening on April 2020 at the peak of Covid-19 outbreak, Pantry Centrale wants to be also a sign of hope and resilience for the entire Hong Kong community.




“The atmosphere of a space has impact on feelings and perceptions – whether you find yourself in a shop, hotel or restaurant.”

eplinn Lighting to hotel chain as Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotel Group (Peninsula Hotels), including architectural lighting for the residential apartments of the new one opening in London.

How would you describe your company in 3 words and why? PEOPLE CENTRIC At ZEPLINN, we care about customers’ needs: we elaborate lighting solutions with the aim to create the best experience and wellbeing for people, both clients and employees. The atmosphere of a space has impact on feelings and perceptions – whether you find yourself in a shop, hotel or restaurant.

What is the special relationship between ZEPLINN LIGHTING and Hong Kong? ZEPLINN story began in the early 2010, when the French founder of the start-up, thinking of La Ville-Lumière, decided to establish the HQ in the vibrant new city of lights: Hong Kong. International retail and hospitality brands opening in Hong Kong & Asia were relying on European guidelines at that time. However, the market was moving fast, requesting for faster speed, local presence and service support. That’s where ZEPLINN came into play, satisfying high luxury retail brands with quality but with faster time and lean management. In order to reinforce its local presence, ZEPLINN has opened a second office in Shanghai, while strengthening its relationship with lighting designers and architects worldwide. Today, retail and hospitality brands as well as luxury developers, would find with ZEPLINN a partner they could rely on when it comes to sustainable lighting solutions and control systems.

MULTICULTURAL The mix of French roots, Italian design touch and Asian presence in the Team, makes ZEPLINN a leading player for Luxury construction in Asia. The constant inspiration from European architecture & design combined with digital technology enable the company to provide state of art solutions to any passionate Architect or Interior Designer. GREEN The company was born with the mission to enable clients to achieve their desired space through lighting solutions and technology. The lighting industry has changed from metal halide lamps to LED in recent years: ZEPLINN provides high energy saving options with longer life. The development of the company stands on two strong legs: focus on creating better spaces for people’s feelings and wellbeing and developing systems which contributes to our planet preservation. Tell us about a successful project that ZEPLINN LIGHTING runs. Since its origin, ZEPLINN has adopted its quality standards based on the requirements of high-end luxury brands as LVMH. Thanks to this, it has engaged top brands throughout the years, illuminating their spaces and events across the world (as C. Louboutin, Shiseido, Pernod Ricard, Guerlain, more recently VCA, Chaumet). The success lied in the constant relationship with lighting designers and architects to develop adequate lighting systems for each space. Relationship with designers is key, another great example is the recent renovation at Venetian Hotel in Macau. Strong of its success with architectural lighting, ZEPLINN has expanded into decorative lighting in recent years, which have seen the company partnering with talented designers and providing solutions


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Industrial Committee The Italian Chamber of Commerce is glad to introduce the newly created

• There are future development projects, such as the “Great Bay Area” that

Industrial Committee.

see Hong Kong as one of the major players • The OBOR (One Belt One Road) initiative, where HK can play a pivotal

The Industrial Committee is intended to bring together professionals to

role as “super-connector” between the Mainland and the rest of the world,

share insights and best practices from the Industry. It provides common

especially other countries in South East Asia.

platform to discuss challenges and opportunities with industry peers and to share the development and implementation of new market policies and

3. Why is it important to have the Industrial sector represented? What

regulations. Members of the Committee will exchange industry insights

are the functions and expectations from this working group?

and operation information, discussing latest labour market trends and future developments.

The companies operating in the industrial sector have dynamics and ways of working that are specific and quite different from other types of business.

We had a chat with the Chairman Luca Morlotti and Vice Chairman

A dedicated working group will be able to focus and support the participants

Giorgio Pagnoncelli to get to know more about the Committee and its

with initiatives that might have different priorities and targets.


Additionally, the networking between participants will help to share insights and common issues that might have been already faced and resolved by other companies of the group

1.What is the role/importance of Italy for the industrial sector? How has it changed in the past few years?

4. What role can this Committee play during these challenging times in Even though Italy is famous worldwide for fashion, food, and touristic

support to entrepreneurs & SMEs?

places, our country is also one of the major producers of industrial equipment and products in general.

Most Italian companies in Hong Kong are fully dedicated to the

management of their core business and have little time and/or resources to

In machine tools, Italy is ranked the second European exporter, and there

explore a number of transversal areas that can be beneficial to their general

are many other sectors, such as machines for ceramics, woodworking, food


processing, textiles, and more, that are ranking in the top level worldwide.

There is a number of activities that can be leveraged by the committee

and made available to the single companies, such as: subsidies by local

Looking at the past few years, when we consider the market share of Italian

government (Invest Hong Kong) for the commercial penetration or

industries among western countries, the global scenario has remained almost

financial support schemes by SACE, just to name a few.

unchanged. However we are witnessing a strong growth of competitors

Additionally, the fact that the committee is a formal entity of the Italian

from the Far East. Mainly China, but also Korea and Taiwan are increasing

Chamber of Commerce, will make our presence more “official” and will give

their presence in the world with a fast and constant pace.

easier access to local governmental institutions, Embassies and Consulates

In this scenario, however, there are many opportunities for a large number

and other Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong and Asean Countries.

of Italian SMES that, strong of the creativity typical of our culture,

Let me take the occasion to thank the Board of the Italian Chamber of

combined with a solid technical background, they are able to develop

Commerce for the strong support to this initiative and all the staff for their

innovative solutions that cannot be found in these new emerging markets,

kind availability.

which are more oriented to mass and cheap production . 2.How important is it for Italian companies in this industry to be present in HK and how does this help connecting and working with other Markets in Asia? Far Eastern markets are definitely growing fast and they are also quite big, both in terms of consumption and production of industrial goods, and this is the place where we need to be. There are a number of reasons to choose Hong Kong as Hub for Far East. In particular: • Geographical position. Hong Kong is in the very centre of Far East. From here you can reach all the countries within four hours flight. It also lies in the centre of the various time zones with max +/- 1 hour difference • All services (Banking, infrastructures, IT, transportation….) are among the best in the world. • Taxation is very straightforward and low 30


True Italian Taste T

hrough its artisanship and fresh ingredients, Italian cuisine has

home with Chef Fabrizia Lanza, Director of the Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking

earned a well-founded place in culinary across centuries. The

School, and the wine and tourism expert Corrado Maugeri who shared

influence of the Italian food culture is spread widely around the

their knowledge about Sicilian enogastronomy history and traditions.

world, but how much do we really know about the authenticity, history and tradition behind it?

The third event organized as part of the TRUE ITALIAN TASTE initiative was a masterclass entirely dedicated to one of the Italian excellences, the

The project TRUE ITALIAN TASTE is part of a national campaign whose

extra virgin olive oil. During the class, an Olive Oil sommelier took our

main goal is to promote awareness around the world about the authentic

guests on an extraordinary journey of properties and the importance of

and certified agri-food Italian products. In the continent supermarkets’

recognizing the authenticity of the products.

shelves extensively host many products evoking Italy, neither having any connection to Italy nor involving an Italian manufacturer. TRUE ITALIAN

Participants learnt through this exclusive online Masterclass the secrets

TASTE is part of the campaign The Extraordinary Italian Taste – is

behind this superb ingredient, including its health-giving properties and

promoted and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International

the importance of recognizing the authenticity of the Italian Olive Oil.

Cooperation and implemented by Assocamerestero, in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad. The initiative stands for the authenticity and quality of Italian products, Promoted by

certified under strict standards such as the PDO (ProtectedDesignation Origin) and the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), allowing transparency on the product’s origin and production process. During the month of September, our Chamber organized three events dedicated to helping consumers to choose wisely when buying and using authentic Italian ingredients, supporting businesses and spreading the knowledge. The Authentic Italian Table series took our guests on a magical journey to Piedmont and Sicily, discovering their unique products, artisanal tradition alongside the rich food and wine culture. The two enogastronomic virtual tours, live-streamed from Italy, presented to our guests the wonders of Ceretto Winery in Piedmont and Tasca D’Almerita Winery in Sicily.

In collaboration with

The Piedmont region is a land to discover through its unique products, artisanal tradition, and creative food and wine culture deeply rooted in history and people. On September 16th, Federico Ceretto, CEO of Ceretto Wineries, presented to our guests the wonders behind the Ceretto vineyards and, thanks to chef Dennis Panzeri, from La Piola restaurant, they learnt the authentic flavours and the culinary tradition of the Langhe that are part of the enogastronomy heritage of the Piedmont region The second virtual tour took place on September 18th and was dedicated to the history and tradition of Sicily. Our guests made the most of their time at


wh at ’s o n h on g k on g


Lia Campiglio


orn in a small countryside town of Piemonte (Italy), Lia Campiglio then left home and moved to Venice to study Oriental languages (Mandarin) at Ca' Foscari University. After living and studying abroad in Barcelona

(Spain), Beijing and Nanjing (PRC), in 2012 she decided to leave her Country and work in a competitive market such as Hong Kong. She is currently working at the Italian Cultural Institute of Hong Kong. While organizing cultural events related to Italian culture, arts and lifestyle she enjoys exploring the wonders of South East Asia.







No matter what time of year people visit, there is always plenty

So, what should you do when the travel blues hit you but you can’t

to do in Italy! Tourists (and locals, of course!) have been spoilt

go to Italy for whatever reason?

for choice with so many monuments, museums, cultural sites, and

If COVID-19 canceled your travel plans - and you are most likely

towns to see; however, participating in local festivals is the best way

disappointed! -, how could you enjoy a festival in Italy without

to experience Italy’s authentic culture and lifestyle.

leaving Hong Kong? The answer is very simple! You should check out Italia Mia Festival happenings!

Italians are very keen on festivals and celebrations of all sorts: from north to south, from east to west, Italy boasts festivals all over the

This project - launched in 2019 - is a partnership between the

Peninsula - from local religious processions to avant-garde musical

Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, the Italian Cultural

events. Famous celebrations and events like Carnevale of Venice,

Institute in Hong Kong and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in

the horse race Palio di Siena, and music festivals like Umbria

Hong Kong and Macao.

Jazz Festival and Ravello Festival tend to dominate the centre stage; however, lesser known gems like Opera Festival in Arena

From October to December 2020, Italia Mia Festival will gather

(Verona), Ferragosto - which coincides with the Catholic feast of the

the best Italian events related to culture, lifestyle, and cuisine in

Assumption of Mary, is a holiday that goes back to Roman emperor

Hong Kong and Macao. These events will cover Italian art, music,

Augustus’ times and nowadays marks the start of the Country’s

cinema, history, cuisine, and culture, providing an invaluable

vacation period - and Vogalonga Regatta (Venice) are equally worth

opportunity for everyone to explore and experience the Italian



Italy has fun and fascinating festivals every single month of the

Are you curious? Do you want to learn more about Italia Mia

year: whether you are a food lover, an art fan, a history buff, or

Festival 2020 edition? Check out the official website and don’t

a sports supporter, attending any one of these is a great way to

miss the chance to witness a snippet of the Italian Dolce Vita

experience Italian culture, heritage and traditions first-hand, and

without ever needing to leave Hong Kong!

make your vacation in Italy even more special. There is something for everyone, whether you want to add some variety to your

holiday, or plan a trip to participate in a special event.






wh at ’s o n m a c a o


Macau Lifestyle Media


acau Lifestyle Media is the company behind, a premium English digital publication dedicated to promoting Macau. Founded by Katya Maia and Sally Victoria Benson, the website

was launched in 2016. offers unique and engaging content related to dining, events, arts, culture, and heritage. With a reader-friendly style supported by strong social media channels, it is easy to navigate and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Macau Lifestyle provides relevant, up-to-date information to the local community and tourists alike also featuring a comprehensive city guide and events calendar.

New Thi n gs to Do in M a c a u O n c e the B o r d e r O p e n s Macau’s beautiful blend of metropolitan magnificence and cultural

Experience teamLab SuperNature Macao

canopy have attracted plenty of visitors from around the world. From adventure getaways to pampering retreats, Macau has

Though Macau lends itself to gaming experiences, this city also

everything to mesmerize holiday seekers. Being impressed by

encourages creativity and adventure. Families will find it fascinating

architectural marvels intertwined with heritage sites is considered

at teamLab SuperNature Macao. The child-friendly location

normal at this destination. The vibrant city simply inspires a sense

stretches from education to entertainment. It’s a true testament to

of awe at every corner.

the engaging atmosphere in the bustling center. Why does this one stand out? The top-notch facilities ensure absolute entertainment

It is also certainly one of the safest cities in the world for travelers

for the young ones and especially those who are young at heart.

and residents. Once the border opens, it’s time to visit Hong Kong’s sister SAR brimming with sensational and surprising things

The cutting-edge permanent interactive experience nestled at The

to do. Soak in the culture, go back in history, marvel at its prolific

Venetian Macao boasts 5,000 square meters of labyrinthine floor

skyline, become a food connoisseur, sync yourself with the art

space. It comprises an extremely complex, three-dimensional world

scene, embrace rewarding activities and so much more.

across varying elevations, featuring immersive and compelling artworks. A unique excursion awaits that will challenge your perception of the world when it comes to humans, nature, and art. Discover installations on-site that will defy logic and reason. The whole family or group of friends will be thrilled with all the fun and interaction that teamLab SuperNature allows. teamLab SuperNature Cotai Expo, The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Cotai;


wh at’s o n macao

Discover Macau’s New Eight Scenic Spots The city is home to scenic spots that any bliss seeker can find joy and peace. All part of the local tapestry are the breathtaking backdrops and picturesque landscapes. Macau’s best sceneries should be traversed on foot so comfortable walking shoes are a must. As of March 2019, there are eight new scenic spots to watch out for in Macau! And we definitely suggest to explore those for your next outing The decision–based on the population’s votes–includes Travessa da Paixão, Rua da Felicidade, Senado Square, Two Lakes and One Tower, Penha Hill, Coloane Fishing Village, Long Chao Kok trail and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. Get Caffeinated at Macau’s New Coffee Shops Enjoy a cup of the aromatic goodness of coffee after a stroll around Taipa. One well-loved coffee spot is Common Table. Many locals know Common Table as a cozy spot to get together with friends for a laid-back breakfast or lunch. Additionally, this Taipa cafe happens to serve some of the best coffee in the city. Try the blend of Brazilian, Colombian, and Yunnan beans, which creates a balanced, rich-flavored coffee. Another hidden gem when it comes to a cuppa is situated right in the heart of Macau’s historic district called Brew Lab Coffee. It’s conveniently near Senado Square, perfect for resting after a tour of the UNESCO heritage sites. Brew Lab Coffee 106 Rua Do Matapau, Macau, +853 6291 8200,

Dine at the Exceptional Portuguese Restaurant, 3 Sardines Portuguese fare is served with great ardor in this part of Asia. Freshly ground spices, flavorful tender chunks of meat are among the highlights at one of the hottest Portuguese restaurants in Macau–3 Sardines. This dining destination reflects a culinary experience like no other. It offers a glimpse of the familiar and the new with a mixture of the classic and its reinvention. The setting is resplendent and grand while showcasing a vintage decor bathed in dimmed warm lights. The food is unpretentious and true to its Portuguese roots, served attentively. It’s a superlative dining experience that shouldn’t be missed when visiting the shores of Macau. Exceptional service and thoughtful finishing touches completing a glorious meal have made this new restaurant an instant hit. 3 Sardines 34 Rua de São Roque, São Lázaro, Macau,,


wh at ’s o n m a c a o

Explore Macau’s Flourishing Art Scene

connoisseurs keen to discover something extraordinary.

Over the years, Macau has made a steady rise in the world of arts.

Le Lapin 5/FAvenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macao Science Center,

Steeped in culture and a fair amount of art galleries and museums,

+853 2878 3938,

the SAR even hosted the spectacular Art Macao last year that lasted for five months making waves in the region. Macau’s initiative towards promoting and nurturing local talents have always been hailed as an integral part of the regional art scene. And one of the areas to visit is Anim’Arte Nam Van’s graffiti display area. It features new creations dedicated to the theme “Colorful Summer”. The inviting setting allows anyone to explore and take photos, ultimately championing the artistic elements of the neighborhood. The Cultural Affairs Bureau has collaborated with two invited graffiti artists, Anny (Chong Wai), a local female artist, and Few (Felipe Timmy Wong Chang), an artist from Costa Rica, to create a new graffiti mural entitled “Animalia Imaginaria - Animal Paradise in Fantasy”. It aims to showcase the diversity of living creatures in


the world and their symbiotic relationship.


Anim’Arte Nam Van, 744B Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Nam


Van, Macau






Indulge in World-Class Dining Restaurants Macau’s fine dining restaurants cater to every palate imaginable. For discerning tastebuds, the newly opened Le Lapin is an outstanding dining option. Situated inside the Macao Science Center, Le Lapin is a stylish modern French restaurant offering a montage of delectable dishes that redefines the art of dining. The design of the venue was famously done by Wilson Associates New York. Embedded cultural symbolism, fairy tales, and references to classic literature are all evident in both design and ambiance as you wander around this restaurant. A taste of Paris combining the best of art and gastronomy can be found at Le Lapin for true food



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