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Issue no. 02

ICC MAGAZINE Have yourself a Merry Italian Christmas! A culinary Christmas journey across Italian regions: find out the typical Christmas menus from North to South




Meet the new Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong

Human Resources: Recruiting in the Digital Age

Highlighs from the most glamourous night of the year


ICC MAGAZINE - Issue no. 02 06 Editorial

36 Past Events

08 Interview with the new Consul General of Italy

38 Upcoming Events 40 Member spotlight

11 Business Focus: HR, Recruiting in the Digital Age

42 Italian Christmas Market 43 Members’ Directory

21 Christmas Special 30 Gala Dinner 2018




Publisher The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao 19/F, 168 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2521 8837 Email: Website: Editors April Wong Silvia N’Guessan Anna Romagnoli

The Italian Chamber contents do not necessarily reflect the views of officers, governers or member of the Chamber. We welcome your letters, comments and feedback.



PRESIDENT’S MEMO Dear Members and Friends, It is my distinct pleasure to introduce the second edition of the ICC Magazine, which embodies the results that our Chamber keeps achieving along with some insight and news on the Chamber’s activities. I trust this to be a powerful tool to support you and your business in creating new and useful networking opportunities through general advertisement and market updates. The mission of the Italian Chamber of Commerce is to encourage the creation of even stronger business relationships among Italy, Hong Kong and Macao by offering our Members and friends networking events, informative seminars and annual gatherings aimed at building a thriving and diversified international business community. Without our Members’ support, it would have never been possible to achieve such positive results through the years. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank our Members, sponsors and partners in the Italian, foreign and local communities for their continuous commitment and collaboration. We look forward to this upcoming year’s exciting opportunities in partnering and supporting the Italian business community. Last but not least, I wish you, your loved ones and your teams Buon Natale!


EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Andrea Croci Davide De Rosa Olderigo Fantacci Nicola Giglio Debora Marzocchi Ivano Poma Luigi Rapetti Emanuele Travagliati

CHAMBER COMMITTEES Creative Industries Italian Young Professionals Retail Women’s Leadership Network


Luca Cico

President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao

HONORARY MEMBERS Clemente Contestabile Michele Scuotto

INTERVIEW Meet Clemente Contestabile, the new Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong


have worked at the Italian Embassy in Beijing and I am excited to come back to China to support the development of the Italian business in this dynamic part of the world. My family lives in Guangzhou, as my wife Lucia Pasqualini is the Consul General of Italy there. “We are proud and honoured to serve our Country in the Great Bay Area. And we are also happy that in the next four years our two children, Francesco and Alice, will be experiencing life in China and in Hong Kong, hopefully absorbing local culture and Chinese language.”

onsul General Clemente Contestabile, arrived in Hong Kong on August 15th 2018. Born in Campobasso, Molise, he completed a Master’s degree in Political Science – International Relations at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2000. He joined the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in December 2001 and worked in the Department for Asia and Oceania and in the Secretariat-General of the MFA. Between 2006 and 2010 he was posted to the Embassy of Italy in Beijing, first as Head of the Consular Chancery and then as Deputy Head of the Commercial Office. In New York from 2010 to 2014, he served with the Permanent Mission of Italy at the United Nations, dealing with development, environment and financial affairs and taking part in negotiations of the U.N. General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and their subsidiary bodies. He was also chief of staff to the Permanent Representative. From 2014 he worked in the Department for Human Resources, Budget and Innovation of the MFA in Rome, as Head of the Department’s Secretariat.

What are some unforgettable memories that you have had over the past years in Beijing, New York, Rome etc.? -“The most unforgettable moments are the ones linked to the promotion abroad of Italian culture, political values, business, technology and lifestyle. The setting-up of Casa Italia at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the signing of the bilateral agreement with China on adoptions, the first high-level business delegation to Chongqing in 2009, the campaign to promote women’s rights at the United Nations, the tough negotiations on Libya after the death of Qaddafi. But looking back, more than anything I remember the stories of hundreds of Italians who work hard and achieve success in their fields, making me feel proud of being Italian.”

Would you please introduce yourself to our readers? -“Starting from August 2018, I am the Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, also in charge of Macau. In the past, I

Which were the most significant obstacles and challenges that you had to overcome during your career path? -“There is one challenge that as a representative of Italy I have faced in my previous experiences. To bring together the best resources of Italy, the Italian people, their creativity, their genius and their skills and make sure they play as a team, helping each other and supporting each other. I have met a strong and dynamic Italian community in Hong Kong and I am confident that with their help we can further raise the profile of our Country in this beautiful city and in Macau.” Can you tell us more about the relations between Italy and Hong Kong? -“Italy and Hong Kong relationship goes back to the very inception of the Colonial time, around 1860 when Italian missionaries and Nuns established their social and educational activities on the Island and provided a substantial con8


tablished rule-of-law, a jurisdictional system that works perfectly, an innovation-friendly business environment and a strong protection of their intellectual property.”

tribution to the development of the Hong Kong civil society. Italian presence in Hong Kong has increased after the Second World War. Now Italians here are one of our largest communities in whole Asia with roughly 5000 individuals. They play a key role in the strengthening of ties between Italy and the SAR, which is the third largest importer of Italian goods in Asia.”

Having been in Hong Kong for only a few months, what is special to you regarding Hong Kong? -“What I think makes Hong Kong special is that, on one side, HK is an international city open to different cultures beside the Chinese one. On the other it has a strong natural drive towards its Motherland as well as a strong ability to anticipate and take advantage of developments in China.”

What advice would you have for Hong Kong businesses interested in investing in Italy and also, Italian businesses interested in entering Hong Kong? -“My suggestion for business people who are interested in investing in Italy is to go beyond stereotypes: what I mean by that is to catch opportunities not only in the fashion, F&B and furniture industries. Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe, has six of the ten largest industrial districts in the EU, its companies are global technological leaders in sectors such as pharma, automotive, chemical, cleantech and so on. Italians who come to Hong Kong can benefit of the well-es-

Can you tell us more about Bellissima Italia, the yearly festival dedicated to the promotion of Italian culture, lifestyle, and iconic Made in Italy products? -“Each year between September and December the Consulate General, the Italian Cultural Institute, the Chamber of Commerce of Italy in HK and Macau and our local and Italian partners arrange more than one hundred events. I invite all readers to check the programme on the website of the Consulate General and to like the Facebook page of Bellissima Italia. You are still on time to enjoy the last events, including the Italian Day at Sandy Bay and the Italian Christmas Market!”

“Bellissima Italia, in its fourth edition, is a gift to the Hong Kong public, who is fond of Italian culture and lifestyle.”

Clemente Contestabile 9

BUSINESS FOCUS Human Resources: Recruiting in the Digital Age How do digital technologies change the recruiting system?


ost readers will be familiar with the equally exciting and painstaking process of looking for a job: scrolling through endless listings, fine-tuning resumes and cover letters, figuring out how to reach out to recruiters. On the other side though, the process involves countless hurdles and mechanics as well, due to the immense importance that screening for good candidates has on a company’s performance. It’s easy to imagine that gathering information on potential candidates is often tricky, as is comparing them and choosing the ones who best fit the company’s requirements. What might not be as obvious, especially to those that have just started their professional careers, is that the recruiting process has changed dramatically over the past few decades, as the advent of the Digital Age completely revolutionized every aspect of our professional as well as personal lives. Websites such as LinkedIn make information public to everyone and easier for recruiters to collect. Moreover, hiring companies can now reach a wider pool of candidates and access skills they normally wouldn’t have available. However, do we know how this impacts the recruiting process, which wasn’t so transparent and overloaded back in the past? Furthermore, what could be the role of professional job recruiters, now that the Web simplifies the process for everyone? In order to collect insight on these and other closely related topics, we have interviewed the following leaders of the sector: Joyce Cheung (Adecco, Managing Director), Sara Silenzi (Fidinam, Manager of Italian Desk), Joana Alves Cardoso (JAC Lawyers, Founding Partner), Manuele Bosetti (Business Development Manager Asia Pacific, Proposition Hong Kong Ltd), Giuseppe Milito (Stones International, Managing Partner) and Aurelie Ho (OnTheList, Chief Happiness Partner). Thanks to their great expertise in the field, they have provided us with precious information which helps to shed a light on the role that new technologies have on Human Resource Management and recruiting processes.



ADECCO The Adecco Group is the world’s leading HR solutions partner, a Fortune Global 500 company. With more than 34,000 employees in 60 countries, they serve more than 100,000 organisations with the talent, HR services and cutting-edge technology they need to succeed in an ever-changing global economy. With over 30 years of experience, Adecco Hong Kong is well-positioned to assist organisations in building successful teams and to help individuals in their career.

Joyce, as a Managing Director, in your opinion, which are the main differences between the current age and the so-called “internet 1.0” age?

-“We talk about “flexibility” at the current age as volatility is now the norm under the global labor market trend. Hiring the best talent can no longer be achieved by searching large in-house CV database – such as in the “internet 1.0” age. Although Web 2.0 supports recruiters to offer opportunities to potential candidates via social media platforms in completely new ways, today those looking for work are not actively seeking permanent stable positions -rather, they expect to try different forms of work such as contract, freelance etc. And these preferences are driving the platform economy – where digital applications e.g. YOSS connect workers with employers – which has further enabled new ways of working and new opportunities.”

One of the effects of digital technologies is the possibility for firms to compare their different ways of recruiting talents. From your experience, which could be the implications of this trend?

-“Digital technology will, undeniably, increase the transparency of recruitment, by making hiring means and available positions in companies open to the public. There will be greater competition amongst both talents and companies, thus a greater need for both sides to be creative enough and stand out from the crowd. However, that does not point to a one-size-fitsall recruitment solution. As we tailor recruitment strategies for our clients, the Adecco Group is aware that companies differ in terms of workplace culture, working style and expectation - even for the same job title. Firms able to innovate and find a suitable way for their recruitment will have greater chances of success.”

Which, in your opinion, will be the future for professional recruiters? Are they already doomed or there is a way they could improve their role?

-“With the rise of technology, there are always new digital tools in the market which makes quicker and much easier access for applicants. However, the truth is not everyone is looking for a new job right now. Professional recruiters should no longer only focus on talent hunting through traditional channels but need to be knowledgeable and expert in the areas of marketing, coaching and relationship building etc. They need to be highly customer-centric and to really understand specific needs as everyone could be a potential candidate - even if not actively looking for a job. It’s clear that professional recruiters are certainly not doomed.”





FIDINAM Founded in 1960 in Lugano (Switzerland), Fidinam is a privately-owned Group, providing a wide range of corporate and tax services to companies and entrepreneurs. With a direct presence in 13 jurisdictions and a wide network of business partners, Fidinam (Hong Kong) Limited provides tailored solutions and local insight on a global scale; our solutions include international tax planning, trust and accounting services, wealth and estate planning, citizenship and residency planning, real estate consulting and strategic and business advisory.

Sara, during your Manager career of Italian desk at FIDINAM, have you seen any trend, relative to Italian passports holders in their visas’ applications? What are the types of visas available in Hong Kong?

-“In the past years, Fidinam (Hong Kong) Limited helped many Italian passports holders to apply for the Visa and we saw a consistent number of requests that indicate the increase of the Italian presence in Hong Kong. There are four main categories of visas in Hong Kong: Visit/tourist, Study, Employment and Investment. The visas that grant the right to reside for a long-term period in Hong Kong are the Study Visa (only for the duration of the courses), the Employment Visa (usually for 2 years for the first applications) and the Investment Visa (usually 2 years for the first application). The Visit/tourist visas, instead, grant the right to land in Hong Kong but limit the stay in the Region depending on the nationality of the person who travels.”

From what you know from your experience, if an expatriate is employed by a Hong Kong company to work in Hong Kong, is he/she covered by the MPF System?

-“Expatriates employed in Hong Kong have to join the MPF scheme only if their employment visa lasts more than 13 months, while employees with an employment visa shorter than 13 months might join the scheme under voluntary contributions. We always suggest to our clients to join the MPF System even if their Visa is less than 13 months.”

How digitalized would you say is the working visa application process in Hong Kong and MPF?

-“The working visa application could be submitted via email or fax, but the procedure still needs a lot of paperwork since in Hong Kong e-signature is not well spread yet. The physical submission of the application material to the Immigration Department is still a safer way and the collection of the visa label and the payment of the fee still have to be done physically. The only completely digitalized steps are: checking online the application status and booking the time slot for the extension of an already issued working visa. For what concerns the MPF, the process is almost all digitalized, only the enrollment and the first remittance statement still need to be done manually, due to the requirement of the Employee’s signature and the Employer’s signature and chop. Then different providers have different procedures, but after the initial steps everything can be done online and through online banking with the major banks.”





JAC LAWYERS JAC Lawyers is a Macau based law firm founded by Joana Alves Cardoso and comprises of a pluri localised team of experienced lawyers in various legal fields such as corporate, IP, M&A, cross-border transactions, tax and finance, family law, real estate, international estate planning, litigation and dispute resolution that offers domestic and international assistance to private and corporate clients.

Joana, in your opinion, which is the biggest change brought by digital technology in the recruiting process?

-“I would point out three dynamics, two of which are positive and one negative. Digital technology has not only made it easier for candidates to apply, but it has allowed us to reach globally and find the best candidate with special skills that would otherwise be left out if recruiting was limited to a local base. Also, it has made possible to gain more engagement from employees that are keen to have more flexibility in the way they will attend work tasks, be it remote, going paperless, being more autonomous, etc. However, because digital technology allows for massive data storage and exchange this can promote confusion and an overload of unnecessary information.”

What effect do you think digital (and social) age had on the recruiting process?

-“I would say it affects both sides of the equation. On one side, the recruiter is expected to have a reliable and interesting presence online as this will be the first glance that the candidate will have of the firm they will join – this means that a highly skilled candidate will first do a scrutiny on how well the law firm is reflected on online platforms. On the other side, the candidate will suffer a similar first step scrutiny and depending on the approach and profile of the firm the results of online exposure may induce a good or a bad feeling about the candidate. There are no one-suits- all formula, there is a matching process all throughout.”

Taking into consideration what you said before, which could be the equilibrium between the impact of technologies and the human element in the recruiting process?

-“One should be very conscious of the work field ethics and practices first and align business goals with what technology may embrace and the market can accept. In the particular case of the legal profession, if certain roles in a law firm can be performed remotely and the client will not be impacted by it, a physical element to assisting the client is still very much considered when finding a lawyer. It is quite paradoxical when you think that if the market would allow us to be more modern and remote, this would mean fewer costs to the client, but even so, the human element of the interaction is quite key. In other cases, such for marketing the recruiting can and should be regarded in a more global and remote stance.”





STONES INTERNATIONAL With offices in Hong Kong and Singapore, and a global network of partner firms in over 40 countries in the world, Stones International is an Executive Search & Leadership firm dedicated to assisting some of the world’s most successful companies and brands in identifying, securing and retaining senior management talent in Asia, through Retained Executive Search, Leadership Advisory and Coaching Services.

Giuseppe, do you think the digital age has brought its biggest changes to the recruiter’s side or to the jobseeker’s side? Why? -“Technology has brought such a level of disruption in the recruitment industry which has massively speeded-up the hiring process, on the low-ranking/fast turnover positions, but paradoxically enough, has affected the higher-end of the industry, which normally requires more competencies analysis and personal knowledge of the candidates rather than speed. Allow me to point to the fact that, traditionally, the best-performing candidates do not search a new job at night, and normally they do not use social media to look for a new position. Executive Search used to be and still is (when done professionally) the result of the network, in-depth industry knowledge, dialogue, empathy, long-term knowledge of the best candidate’s performance, and above all, trust and confidentiality.”

How much does time matter in the researching process of the candidates?

-“Time has always been of the essence in the recruitment industry. Short term is a typical factor in the hiring of junior positions with high rotation. It essentially leads to a number game in which the personal knowledge of the candidate is rather secondary. Dealing with top executives or board members, essentially our core activity at Stones International, implies being able to reach candidates discreetly, with suitable proposals when they may not even consider moving to a new job. This is a process that implies existing relationships with those candidates, a necessary level of comfort and trust to confidentially discuss career changes with the recruiter. Time and execution process here may vary a lot, from case to case.”

Which, in your opinion, will be the equilibrium between the impact of technologies and the human element in the recruiting process?

-“Recruitment through platforms such as Linkedin will continue to flourish in the years to come, with even more added services that will allow organizations to be more dynamic in the hiring, and more cost-effective and independent from traditionally-expensive recruiters. This will primarily happen in the junior and middle management domains. Senior appointments will still be the territory of human empathy and guidance, which will be at the core of this approach. In both types of environments, employers should not underestimate that candidates will always appreciate (and definitely) favour the interaction with human beings.”





PROPOSITION HK LIMITED ProPosition Management Search was founded in 1997 to promote the exchanges between companies and people in order to maximize their mutual value. Our process of Executive & Management Search is oriented to offer a customized service with various strategies for both national and international companies. We are an international Boutique doing research and selection of Executives and Middle Management, capable of finding the high potential candidates that are compatible with the culture and values of the companies of our clients. Our Executive Search activities aim at contributing and generating lasting results for the businesses.

It’s a common belief that the number of information required nowadays from candidates is much vaster than in the past, is it true?Which could be this process’ next frontier? Could it be biometric data?

-“Nothing is impossible especially when the development of biometric data could be used in the future recruitment process. Certainly, more and more information from the candidates is required to be gathered for the recruiters to make recruitment decisions. At this moment, few companies are starting to develop the biometric data system for their internal recruitment purposes, nearly none of them collect new candidates’ biometric data in the recruitment process. In the foreseeable future, biometric data might be a useful tool for the recruiters in decision making but is not currently fully utilized.”

Do you think that artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies (like chatbot) could replace human recruiters or will they just keep simplifying professional recruiters’ job?

-“For sure, artificial-intelligence technologies cannot replace experienced human recruiters but they are able to simplify some recruiters’ tasks. Recruiting process could be very complicated and could present in different scenarios and challenges. Some technical skills like observing the candidates’ body language and reactions are required for successful placements. At this moment, those skills are not possible to be replicated by AI. However, in the future, AI technologies might be used in preliminary screenings of candidates which could speed up the recruitment process.”

Which, in your opinion, will be the future for professional recruiters? Are they already doomed or there is a way they could improve their role?

-“I think that the recruitment industry will transform fast in the coming years, but the demand for high-quality and professional recruiters will increase for senior roles. Since more companies don’t want to waste time and resources on recruiting for a strategic role, they prefer professional recruiters to help them finding the best suitable candidate available on the market. Therefore, I think that the demand for professional recruiters covering senior roles will remain stable, more changes shall happen for recruiting junior positions instead.”





ONTHELIST OnTheList ( is a Members-Only Flash Sales where High-Ends & popular lifestyle brands offer past-seasons items to buy at an exclusive price. Launched in January 2016, OnTheList was born out of a shared passion for fashion, luxury and good deals. Disenchanted by the bazaar sales in Hong Kong, Delphine and Diego set out to offer a pleasant Flash Sales experience for everyone. By combining the best deals and attractive brands, OnTheList provides the best shopping experience.

Which is the role of gamification in business in the newest recruiting strategies, both in finding and retaining talents?

-“Gamification is a hot topic since many years in recruitment and L&D and large companies have done marvelous things. They need to differentiate themselves to attract and engage the best talents throughout the recruitment process and to select the best performers. It makes sense with the high volume of openings and applications. That being said, I don’t think most startups & SMEs are ready to invest in gamification. But they can definitely use HR platforms or apps for recruitment and training but also for feedback and performance management, which most of them use gamification to some degree. Having those in place will help to engage people and improve the employee experience and the retention of talents.”

In your opinion which is nowadays the role of social networks both as a platform to match demand and supply of jobs and as a source of information on the candidates?

-“I’m always keen on trying (and dropping) new platforms. Referral platforms are becoming more popular and are a great way to extend the network. It’s great to use different sources to extend the reach of the employer branding as many people first learn about a company on social networks. People are eager to follow companies before they are ready to apply. We need to make sure to bring them back to one place so we don’t have people applying all over the place with no response or it will damage the brand. My advice is to pick the best couple of networks to build a talent funnel and grow slowly from there. Social is a great source to review potential candidates. How do they convey a professional image from the type of posts they share and comment, to having an active blog (or writing posts on relevant platforms) website or portfolio? I’m still surprised when creative (marketeers) still don’t have a place to showcase what they have done or love to do!”

Which, in your opinion, will be the future for professional recruiters? Are they already doomed or there is a way they could improve their role?

-“I’m very passionate about this debate! It’s been 10 years that we talk about the impact of digital in recruitment, yet many recruiters don’t know how to use well social platforms or sourcing technics. Traditional recruitment agencies have to move away from the oldschool service they provide to focus on the expertise they bring to a company. Corporate recruiters will still have this role of facilitator but hiring strategies need to be more transparent and collaborative. Recruiters need to embrace digital. It is now at the reach of every company, no matter the size and budget, to build strong talent pipeline and upgrade their digital hiring strategies.”




Christmas is coming to town

COVER STORY Have yourself a Merry Italian Christmas What you need to know about Christmas in Italian Style


hristmas is one of the most cherished celebrations of the year, and just the mere sound of such word will fill our minds with familiar pictures, no matter where we’re from: a tree filled with colourful decorations, a lavish dinner, mountains of presents, and so on. However, traditions in Italy might change from region to region, as this country is as varied as its tasty cuisine.

year with the joy of giving and receiving. Usually the two main figures are those of Santa Claus, popular all over the world, and the Befana, depicted as an old lady who flies on a broom. However, their appearance can change throughout the country, and some regions might celebrate other gift-giving characters. In Grado for example, on the 6th of January we can witness the landing of scary looking marine witches known as “Varvuole”. According to the tradition, they arrive on board glass boats to take away naughty children. On the other hand, in Trentino we remember the figure of St. Nicholas, and Christmas is traditionally celebrated on December 6th. Here a procession of more than 400 diabolical figures, called Krampus, run through the streets of the city of Campo Tures chasing San Nicola, who protects children and passers-by with his long white beard.

In Liguria there is a tradition dating back to a long time ago which consists in burning a log. This symbolizes the gift that the Doge used to receive in ancient times from the mountain people. He would then put it out using confetti and wine. In the Sienese village of Abbadia San Salvatore in Tuscany instead, celebrations begin on the 8th of December, when a pyramid-shaped woodpile is set up. Another curiosity about Christmas concerns the delivery of gifts. After all, this is one of the favourite parts of this celebration for a lot of people, and it is a great way to cap off the

Another tradition that has spread throughout Italy is that of the crib. It consists in the representation of the birth of Jesus through living characters. In Corchiano, in the province of Viterbo, the crib consists of a theatrical representation that takes place in the protected area of the natural monument of the Forre. Instead, the one in Gauldo Tadino is held inside the church of San Francesco, and it is made by the Franciscan friars. As you can see, in Italy Christmas can mean many things to many people, but one thing everyone can agree on is that food plays a big role. Regardless of which peculiar traditions enrich the Christmas celebration, this holiday is ultimately defined by the tasty recipes that are being prepared to share with friends and family. After all, the true magic of Christmas is gathering with loved ones and enjoying some time off with them, and in Italian culture this will always happen in the presence of food. If you want to do a Christmas Italian-style, check out the next page for the food you need for an authentic feast. 21



Something as simple as the timing of celebrations can become a key distinction, and you will know whether someone’s from the North or from the South based on when they start sitting at the table. In fact, in the former the main celebration happens on the actual Christmas Day at lunchtime, whereas in the latter festivities kick off as early as dinner time on Christmas Eve. Regardless of when the main meal happens, guests will merrily welcome a several hours long onslaught of tasty and varied recipes, with the North typically favouring meat-based dishes, as opposed to the South and its preference for fish recipes. According to tradition, Christmas Eve should be a “giorno di magro”, meaning that you should eat lean in order to help purify your body for the upcoming holidays. Obviously, the definition of lean here is very loose, as some families can serve seven types of fish in a meal that is known as the “Festa dei Sette Pesci” (Feast of the Seven Fishes). Again, most fami-

hat do Italians eat for Christmas? This might seem like an innocent question, which calls for an equally innocent and immediate answer, but truth is, it is not that simple. In fact, instead of having one or few main dishes that become synonymous with the holiday that is being celebrated, as it might be the case for turkey during American Thanksgiving, in Italy each region can claim its own traditional dish. These recipes are usually a reflection of their region’s unique history, traditions and local environment. Thus, asking the above question to your Italian friends might result in dramatically different answers depending on where they come from. So, what do all Italian people have in common? Eating a lot, and for a long time, with lots of family and friends! Christmas Eve or Christmas Lunch? This is the question!

lies will choose to completely disregard the literal meaning of seven and go for even more dishes. And what about Christmas lunch? Well, here the only limit is your imagination (and the amount of food you can take at once in a given day). 22

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL known Italian dishes, these regions do not lack variety when it comes to Christmas celebrations. In Emilia the main course usually consists of the aforemen-

The Northern Regions of Italy As much as recipes can vary wildly throughout the country, one common staple won’t be missing from any Christmas table. You probably guessed right, as we’re talking about pasta, and some of the several millions way it can be cooked and prepared. In the North the main tradition involves feasting on tortellini in brodo (broth dumplings), preferably if they’re homemade. South Tyrol stands out for its juicy canederli, bread dumplings made with a variety of ingredients, typically served in a soup or with melted butter or meat sauce. You need calories

tioned tortellini, homemade and filled with meat. In Marche on the other hand, the must-eat is a variation of lasagne made with ground beef, sausage, chopped chicken, cured prosciutto ham and mushrooms. If you thought regular lasagne couldn’t get any better, now it’s time to think and energy to hike up a mountain, after all. Once you’re done with pasta and soups, it’s time to move to second courses. Lombardy’s classic dish is cappone ripieno (stuffed capon) served with ground meat, egg, parmesean cheese and mortadella. Yes, it is as mouth-watering as it sounds, and it is so deeply rooted in the region’s history and tradition that it is mentioned in prominent literature dating back to the 1800s. Piedmont is renowned for its brasato (boiled ox), usually served with typical local green and red sauces, and the main again. In the rest of Central Italy you will find a vast choice of soups, meat, cold cuts and poultry courses, like Abruzzo’s zuppa di cardi (cardoon soup) or Umbria’s pasta ripiena (stuffed pasta)

culprit of family feuds on who deserves to get the last slice. Veneto and Liguria on the other hand will favour fish-based main courses due to their location. Examples include Liguria style gallinella (gurnard fish) with vegetables or Veneto’s typical creamed codfish with corn porridge.

with capon broth and filling. Tuscany has tasty chicken liver canapés with capers and anchovies spread on slices of toasted bread, preferably stale and softened with broth.

The Central Regions of Italy Being the birthplace of some of the best and most well23

COVER STORY Finally, one of the most popular Italian meat dishes is the abbacchio, roasted lamb braised with garlic, rosemary, vinegar and anchovies that is commonly found on every Christ-

of Italy’s best cold cuts, from pancetta to capicollo, but it is also famous for its spaghetti con alici e acciughe (bread-

mas table in Lazio.

crumbs and anchovies). Last but not least, enter the islands. You might have already heard of Sicilian delicacies like its fresh seafood and delicious desserts, but what about Christmas? Well, the choice is yours: crusty baked pasta, stewed squid, fried codfish, and we could go on for hours. Sardinia is no stranger to delicious recipes either. Have you ever heard of culurgiones? Even though their name might sound odd, they are nothing but fabulous homemade ravioli made with pecorino cheese and tomato sauce. However, if you really want to try an evergreen Sardinian classic, you should take a bite of porceddu, the traditional roasted piglet with myrtle.

The Southern Regions of Italy and the Islands Needless to say, Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Lunch here merge together in a single never-ending meal. Baked pasta, fish, meat and soups are the true heroes of such a feast. In Campania and Puglia for example, grilled eel is the most

important dish and it can be cooked and prepared in a variety of ways. The cod is also extremely popular in the South, and the staple of several recipes. In Basilicata, it is served with fried peppers while in Molise it is often breaded and seasoned with garlic, parsley, oregano, raisins, pine nuts and walnuts. Calabria, the land of spicy flavors, can claim some

These are just some of the most popular dishes, but we all know that no meal is complete without a dessert. As the Christmas feast is varied and tasty, the dessert should clearly match up to the standards. So, without any further ado, take a look at the next page, and not only you will read about Panettone - the well-known Italian Christmas cake -, you will even learn how to bake it!





Cappon Magro




Culurgiones Baccala’ mollicato


Spaghetti con alici e acciughe


The traditional “Panettone” recipe


PA N E T T O N E CLASSICO An authentic recipe provided by

Chef Francesco Gava

For the dough: Flour Sugar Butter Honey Salt Water Egg Yolk Yeast Malt Raisin Candied Fruit Vanilla

For the icing: Almond Hazelnut Sugar Cocoa Corn Starch Egg White

500g 225g 250g 25g 4g 210g 170g 100g 10g 200g 150g 1g

75g 75g 400g 10g 20g 150g

PART 1 1. Start by adding sugar (125g), malt and warm water in a mixer. Then, add flour (400g) and yeast (100g) and mix them together. 2. After 10 – 15 min have passed, you can add the butter (125g) at room temperature, followed by the egg yolk (40g). **This step shouldn’t take longer than 20 to 25 minutes with a mixer, and at the end the resulting dough should appear smooth. 3. Mold the dough till it resembles a sphere and place it in a glass bowl, covering it with cling wrap. 4. It should then rest for about 12 hours or till when its volume triplicates. You can now move on to the second part of the recipe, again using a mixer and the dough you have prepared. 26

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PART 2 5. Place your dough in a mixer and begin with adding sugar (100g), then let the dough become smooth again. After that, proceed with adding salt (4g), butter at room temperature (125g) and the egg yolk (130g). Last, add the raisin (200g) and the candied fruits (150g). 6. Move the dough (it should weigh around 1 kg) on the baking paper and let it proof until it reaches 3 quarters of its shape. 7. Cover with icing, and let it proof for 6 hours. **Your dough is now ready to be baked. 8. The traditional 1 kg size requires 175 degrees in a static oven for 45-50 minutes. In case you have some extra dough, you can bake a mini panettone as well. You can arrange 150g of the dough in a traditional muffin shape and bake it at 170 degrees in a static oven for 20-25 minutes.




ative of Piedmont, the region in northern Italy famous for white truffle and numerous gastronomic delights, Francesco has developed his love for cooking since a young age. With a diverse and extensive culinary background working in different kitchens across Europe and the Middle East, Francesco spent his formative years of training and working in Italy and Switzerland; then moved to Dubai and worked as the specialty chef at a prestigious hotel, where he showcased simple but authentic Italian food with a focus on fresh homemade pasta. Appointed as the Brand Chef of Assaggio Trattoria Italiana, Francesco is bringing the spirit of authentic Northern Italian-style cuisine with a modern, creative touch to Hong Kong.



Christmas Gift Guide 2018


he countdown to Christmas has officially started. Along with the festive food, that can only mean one thing: presents. This Christmas Gift Guide will help you find unique and original gifts for everyone on your list.




Cooking class gift certificates are perfect for any foodie in your life. A great couple’s cooking class for a fun datenight in, or a special gift to share with a parent. The options are endless, as you could learn to cook anything from dim sum and Cantonese delicacies to yummy desserts. And the best thing about it? You can easily convince your loved one to practice their newly acquired skills – with you.


Did you know you could buy a star? A real one, shining in the night sky. Well, maybe buy is not the correct word, but there are services on the internet that allow you to choose a star and name it after a loved one, providing you with a certificate and a celestial map to locate it. This is for sure a quirky but original idea for a different Christmas gift, one that won’t fade until several billion years!



A year has passed, and so have countless precious memories and moments. For the upcoming year, gifting a Polaroid Camera will allow your loved ones to freeze such moments in time in a tangible way. Perfect to decorate a bedroom or to nostalgically look back at pleasant events in your life. It is also really easy to use and doesn’t require expertise in photography.



The holidays are a great time to finally relax and enjoy the cozy atmosphere. However, there are some people who never rest and still need a rush of adrenaline even on vacation. You don’t need to travel any further than Macau to enjoy the highest Bunjee Jumping in the world. That’s right, the Macau Tower hosts a 233m tall Bunjee Jumping which is certified by the Guinness World Record. Definitely not for the faint of heart, but a ticket to this thrilling attraction would make any adventure-savvy friend brim with joy. 28


time runs out. A fun and engaging gift idea for a family reunion or an afternoon out with friends!


Does your dad, brother, boyfriend have a long scruffy beard, which you like to tease him about but secretly like the look of? You now have the perfect idea to make it look festive! In fact, Beard Lights have become the trend lately, and will surely make for a whimsical gift. You won’t need to have a Christmas Tree in your living room anymore.



Picture this: it’s finally holiday season, you are not overwhelmed by responsibilities and deadlines, and you can spend the afternoon reading your favourite book. Now, doing so on a bean bag would make it even more relaxing, as it adapts to any position you choose to rest on. A gift idea for any friend or relative, since no one will ever complain about being given the chance to nap some more.



Few experiences bring us as much joy as traveling does. Pretty much all of us will have gazed at a map or a globe at some point, dreaming about distant lands while remembering past trips. Well, there are indeed improved versions of such maps, where you can actually scratch off the places you have been to! This is a great way to combine all your travel memories in one place, and it makes for a killer room decoration. Your globetrotter friends will love you till the end of time.



Let’s face it, we all have that one friend who will always complain about the weather being cold, no matter if it’s Hong Kong, or August, or August in Hong Kong. Luckily, there are countless gadgets to help ease those chilly nights, and they are all easy and nice gift ideas. One example is foot warmers, which come in all sizes and shapes. You can get anything from a thicker than usual sock to an electric plush warming pad.



Wine is one of those things that everyone enjoys, but no one really knows much about. You don’t have to worry though, as there are several wine tasting sessions available all over the world, Hong Kong included, to step up your wine game. An original night out with friends, or a nice date with your significant other.



Ever wondered what it feels like to be in one of those thriller movies, where spies have to infiltrate some shady headquarters or thieves are trying to leave unnoticed with their loot? You can now have a similar experience, as countless of Escape Rooms are opening all over the world. The concept is simple: you and your team will be inside a room or dungeon full of objects, and you will have to use them to solve riddles and puzzles and ultimately escape outside before

Fear not, as we have your Christmas gift covered. You have the choices from the above and find a gift perfect for the recipient or occasion. Now it’s up to you! What would you choose? Good luck! 29

GALA DINNER Highlights of the Annual Chamber Ball 2018


he Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao proudly celebrated Italian wines with its highly anticipated annual Gala Dinner at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on 9th November 2018. The celebratory evening of wine pairing, fashion show, music performance and silent auction enjoyed the patronage of many prominent Italian businesses in Hong Kong including MARYLING, Generali Asia and Generali Hong Kong, Bicester Village Shopping Collection and Havana & Co. It was also a fundraiser for THE ONE International Humanitarian Award under Rotary District 3450, which seeks to find and honor unsung heroes worldwide who are doing good for and within the community.

manship, also added sparkle to the reception, together with an exclusive live mannequin area by the Diamond Sponsor MARYLING.

The extravaganza brought together over 500 notable business elites and industry leaders. The evening’s guests of honor were The Hon. Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Mr. Ettore Francesco Sequi, Ambassador of Italy to the People’s Republic of China. Also in special attendance were Mr. Clemente Contestabile, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong and Macao and Mr. David Harilela, founder of THE ONE International Humanitarian Award.

In the luxurious Grand Ballroom of Grand Hyatt, guests were treated to a five-course Italian dinner crafted by Chef Alessandro Cozzolino from Grissini restaurant. The menu was especially designed so that each dish was paired with a different Italian label for a real journey across the Italian regions. Mr. Ettore Francesco Sequi, Ambassador of Italy to the People’s Republic of China shared a few words to the guests. The Hon. Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, also delivered a speech when she expressed delight in meeting the guests again this year and wished for ongoing success of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the future. She was then joined by other officiating guests to make a toast. The highlight of the din-

The cocktail reception was packed with guests who were able to taste premium Italian wines and cocktails, as well as delicacies from Apulia region. Two wonderful Ferrari cars, Ferrari Portofino and Ferrari GTC4Lusso T were displayed by Blackbird Concessionaries, the official Hong Kong dealer, to showcase the world’s most recognizable luxury performance sports cars. A collection of De Simone jewelry, the epitome of elegance and exquisite Italia crafts-


GALA DINNER 2018 ner was the fashion show by MARYLING, presenting its latest ready-towear Fall / Winter collection, while Mr. Moses Concas, Winner of Italia’s Got Talent 2016, showed off his incredible skills by beatboxing while playing the harmonica. A silent auction and a lucky draw were conducted to help raise funds for the beneficiary charity THE ONE International Humanitarian Award, that dedicates recognition to the unsung hero who aims to further his or her good work in the community and at the same time boosts the spirit and morale of people worldwide, as well as to encourage more selfless good work. After the dinner, guests were able to enjoy an exclusive after party filled with live music, open bar and gelato free flow, kindly sponsored by 3Italiani. The Italian Chamber of Commerce Gala Dinner 2018 proved once again to be the biggest event for the Italian Chamber, being now recognized around the city as one of the most glamours night of the year. This year’s theme, the great Italian wines, was particulary spot on, as the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair happened in the same week from November 8th to 10th and featured over 1,000 exhibitors and more than 20,000 buyers from 70 countries participated in one of the biggest fairs in Hong Kong organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Hon. Carrie Lam

Save the date for next year’s Gala Dinner on November 1st, 2019. The theme is yet to be announced, but you will not be disappointed! Luca Cico

Moses Concas


Ettore Francesco Sequi

GALA DINNER 2018 Maria Conti and Manuele Bosetti

Luca Cico, Patricia and Kit Thompson Carola and Vincenzo Dubla

Bruno Fantechi and Ann Lee

Salma Masood and Granville Engle

Sylvie and Bart Van Der Haegen

Federica and Filippo Melchionni

Avisha and David Harilela

Fiammetta and Michele De Simone, Maria Teresa Brusco, Tommaso Borgia, April Wong, Anna Romagnoli and Davide Ciotti Mariagiovanna Zivelonghi, Stefano Sorrentino, Greta Scardellato, Marta Dall’Agnola, Filippo Buzzi, Federico Fabiano, Anson Ho, Peter Weston

Sabrina Cutropia, Manuele Bosetti and Giulia Ziggiotti

Charles Ng, Crystal and Stefano Passarello



Maria Teresa Brusco and Michele Bernacchia

Erika Gallon

Cherie and Richard Lee

Camilla and Christian Foddis, and Luca Cico

Greta Scardellato

Ela Alegre

Moses Concas

Jennifer Chan

Delphine Lefay and Diego Dultzin Lacoste

Fiammetta and Michele De Simone

Vittoria Ligas


Lena Cuglietta

GALA DINNER 2018 Manuela and Gianfilippo Testa

Kelvin Ma

Jacqueline Chow, Charmaine Ho, Josephine Chiu with Hon. Carrie Lam

Gian Luca and Mary Traverso Clemente Contestabile

Isabelle Lee

Jacqueline Chow, Josephine Chiu, Charmaine Ho

Yamilette M. Cano

Mok Ho Man Yee





orporate and social responsibility is a key area in The Italian Chamber of Commerce’s mission: the Italian Chamber in fact, plays a very active role in several projects aimed at fostering the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, at improving the environment protection and at supporting the victims of natural disasters. In an effort to offset the imbalance of accentuating violence, pain and suffering and to draw our attention to the goodness of mankind that exists in the world, the Italian Chamber of Commerce partnered up THE ONE International Humanitarian Award in occasion of the Chamber’s Annual Ball 2018. THE ONE was conceptualised and founded by District Governor David Harilela 2011-2012, and is the first international humanitarian award launched by Rotary International District 3450 (RI D3450). This award aims to find the unsung hero of today by accessing the powerful Rotary network of over 1.2 million people. As signified by the Rotary motto “Service above Self ”, Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

David Harilela Director of Harilela Hotels and a past Rotary district governor

yet their doctors lived in relative luxury. Dr. Wuebben went on to work in Windhoek, Namibia. The capital city has very high levels of poverty and unemployment, with many of the women involved in prostitution, and most men dealing in drugs or working on small labouring jobs in town. Hendrik felt that this was a place that needed help and began working with no pay, and is now the head of the emergency room. Dr. Wuebben has been assaulted and robbed a dozen times, often by the same patients he has treated. He has had knives and guns drawn at him and has been attacked by a hit man on the order of drug traffickers. But despite this, he works tirelessly, completely devoted to his cause. It is the hope that with the development of THE ONE Award, it would be possible to continue to recognize individuals like Dr. Wuebben who are the epitome of selfless compassion.

Founder, Mr. David Harilela was inspired by the story of a German doctor, Hendrik Wuebben, whose story of generosity and compassion motivated David to create the award. Dr. Wuebben studied medicine in Germany, qualifying as a General Practitioner, then as a General Surgeon. While he was working in South Africa, he was shocked to see that the hospital refused to treat patients because they did not have the proper insurance coverage. He watched helplessly as patients were turned away with life threatening illnesses. Discouraged, he resigned and sought work in Angola. He was then asked to join the United Nations Development Program, but disappointment struck yet again when he learnt of their policies. His work package would include a base salary of US$5,000-7,000 a month, all expenses paid, a new home and car, yet he was living in a country where people live on less than US$1 a day. What was most frustrating was that the UN had a shortage of funds to pay for medication, 35

CHAMBER’S EVENTS Past Events Successful Careers in the F&B Industry – Between Myth and Reality | 9 Oct Keti Mazzi, from Certa and Lindsay Jang, from Yardbird, inspired over 30 participants with insight on the hospitality and F&B industry.

Shop the Italian Scent @Salvatore Ferragamo Pop-Up Store | 18 Oct Over 50 guests shopped the elegance of Salvatore Ferragamo Signorina at Salvatore Ferragamo Pop Store in Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Lunch Seminar: Building a Fortune and Retaining it | 19 Oct Audiences received useful and practical tips on financial legacy given by Stefano Passarello and Marcus Hinkley from Hawksford and Richard Grasby from CRS.


PAST EVENTS Mediterranean Networking Drinks with the Spanish Chamber | 25 Oct Over 50 people gathered at Pirata rooftop to enjoy the Mediterranean drinks and tapas, a co-host event with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

Increase Brand Awareness & Engagement with Game Design | 14 Nov Nicholas Chan from Game On HK shared with audiences the current and future scenario of technology & hardware and the principles of gamification through different cases.

Gualtiero Marchesi & La Grande Cucina Italiana | 19 Nov More than 120 guests celebrated this important event in honour of Gualtiero Marchesi, a culinary legend, in collaboration with Fondazione Gualtiero Marchesi, Ufficio del Turismo - ENIT and the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong.


CHAMBER’S EVENTS Upcoming Events ITALIAN CHRISTMAS MARKET 2018 Christmas comes early this year with the third edition of the Italian Christmas Market!



The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao is proud to present you this special event, where you will have the opportunity to enjoy a warming atmosphere while tasting the best Italian delicacies as well as refined wines and beers. The event will take place in Causeway Bay, a unique location in the heart of the city, featuring 10 Christmas themed booths partnering up with Fashion Walk at Food Street. If you are a Christmas lover and you can’t wait to live the enchanting Christmas atmosphere, do not miss the best Christmas Market in town. Location: Food Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Opening Hours: 12NOON - 8PM Free Entry




The entire Italian Community is proud to invite you to an unforgettable night of celebrations and Christmas greetings. Join the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the General Consulate of Italy, the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian Women’s Association, the Dante Alighieri Society, the Scuola Italiana Manzoni, the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, and the Fogolar Furlan Hong Kong for a special gathering, right before the Christmas holidays on Saturday, December 8th in the special surroundings of THE LOFT, in Wong Chuk Hang. Location: THE LOFT, 1/F, The Factory, N.1 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang Time: 8:30PM - Midnight More info: RSVP: This is event is sold out




Christmas is around the corner, join us and let’s celebrate together the beginning of the festive season, surrounded by an enchanting atmosphere. The Italian Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to its annual Christmas Party at Bene Italian Kitchen, located inside the elegant Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel. Don’t miss the chance to mingle and meet new business contacts while tasting appetizing Italian canapés and authentic wines sponsored by ASTORIA. Location: Bene Italian Kitchen, Level 1, Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Macao Time: 7PM - 9PM Price: 180MOP (Member) // 250MOP (Non-Member) RSVP to 38

MARK YOUR CALENDAR OSPITALITA’ ITALIANA AWARD CEREMONY 2018 - HONG KONG “Ospitalita’ Italiana – Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo” is a worldwide project conceived by the Italian Republic’s institution Unioncamere with the support of IS.NA.R.T. and the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad. Come join us at Conrad Hong Kong to witness the announcement of this year’s Ospitalita’ Italiana awardees. We will have the honor to have the Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong and Macao, Clemente Contestabile, the President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, Luca Cico and the Italian Trade Commissioner, Michele Scuotto, awarding the certificate to the best Italian restaurants in Hong Kong.



Location: Nicholini’s, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty Time: 3:30PM - 5PM RSVP to

THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS COCKTAIL @THE MAST, MOZZARELLA BAR The Italian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with The Mast, Mozzarella Bar, is pleased to invite you to discover their newly open Bistrot in Hong Kong. Since the festive season has officially started, don’t miss the chance to gather together and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with great food, wine and good company. Join us for this holiday celebration!

Location: The Mast, Mozzarella Bar, 19 Leighton Road, Bowrington, Causeway Bay Time: 7PM - 9PM Price: 180HKD (Member) // 250HKD (Non-Member) RSVP to



GREATER BAY AREA INNOVATION ROAD The Greater Bay Area Innovation Road is a three-day event catered to innovative Italian companies willing to explore new market opportunities and internationalisation prospects, creating synergies with Hong Kong and Shenzhen companies through partnerships and technology development. During the Asian Financial Forum, the Hong Kong Exhibition Centre will host the first day of an intense round of business matching sessions – followed by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and the Cloud Community Park in Shenzhen – looking to find the perfect Asian counterpart of the participating companies. The Italian participants will be selected within a roster of innovative sectors such as: A.I., Automation, Smart Manufacture, Smart City, Green-Tech, Health-Tech, Bio-Tech and Food-Tech. Location: Hong Kong and Shenzhen More info:




MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Name: Davide De Rosa Job Title: Partner Company: Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners Industry: Legal Services ICC Member since: 2007

“Hong Kong is a vibrant city that offers a lot of opportunities. It is Asia’s business hub, with connections to a variety of countries in the Asia-Pacific region.” mentality and approach to various situations and obstacles. It has been a constant learning experience and I am still learning and adapting as the days go by.”

Why did you choose Hong Kong? -“It is Asia’s business hub, with connections to a variety of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. As a link between the East and the West and a gateway to Mainland China, Hong Kong makes itself an attractive place for businesses’ regional operations. Thanks to the growth of trade and services in Hong Kong, over time it has become one of the world’s freest and most active economies, which enhances its foreign direct investment attraction.”

What does it mean for you to be an Italian in this city? -“Hong Kong is a very dynamic city with a very extensive community of expats. Being an Italian in Hong Kong has meant I had something to offer that not everybody has. The Italian culture and way of life has been largely accepted and appreciated in Hong Kong and, given its multicultural background, it has been relatively easy to feel integrated in society. Being an Italian in Hong Kong I am also proudly representing Italy here. I am a small spec of the multicultural society that is Hong Kong and it has meant that I have contributed to the diversity and great success of this city, by sharing my stories and way of life with the people I have come across and helping them in turn learn and experience new cultures.”

What are the opportunities this city can offer you? -“This city has allowed me to broaden my experience in the legal business sector, strengthening my connections with international, as well as local, companies and individuals. It has allowed me to interact with a variety of people from different countries, cultures and paths of life which has helped me grow both as an individual and, professionally, in my career. Hong Kong’s low taxation coupled with its almost free port trade and international financial market makes it one of the world’s important international financial centres opening doors to a large variety of businesses.”

Did this experience change your bond with Italy? -“Although Italy will forever be my home and I will always share a strong and special bond with my home country, Hong Kong has definitely stolen (and is still stealing) a piece of my heart and I will be always grateful for the opportunities I have had here and for how it has allowed me to change and think for the positive.”

What has been your biggest challenge here so far? -“Hong Kong has not always been easy and there have definitely been some challenges along the way. I arrived in Hong Kong after having been born, raised and working in Italy. As such, I have had to adapt to a completely new work styles, culture, way of thinking and life generally. Starting a career here also meant adapting and learning how to interact with my fellow colleagues and clients in a new working environment who had been raised with a different mind set to mine. The Hong Kong way of life and working environment is substantially different to that of Italy as people have a different

Which advice would you give to someone who has just arrived here? -“First of all: enjoy it. It takes time to adapt and build up and career. It is no news that it is also quite an expensive city to live in given the expensive rent. However, my advice would simply be to be patient. Once you have given the city a chance, Hong Kong will give it back to you with interests.” 40

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Name: Debora Marzocchi Job Title: Founder & Director Company: M2A Design Industry: Architecture / Interior Design ICC Member since: 2016

“What is amazing about Hong Kong is that the opportunities are there if you want to grab them.”

community. They can see that the Italian design can make the difference and can add value to their projects. On the other end, being here and knowing well the market it’s an added value for the Italians that are not here and need someone on the spot to get their projects done. Being a local referent is what I’ve been doing for my Italian clients, like BOGGI MILANO, since the beginning of their Asian expansion.”

Why did you choose Hong Kong? -“Back in 2008 when I was looking for new opportunities outside Italy, Hong Kong looked like the best option: many interesting job offers, well paid and with opportunities to grow. Also, I’ve never been on this side of the World before, so I thought it was an exciting adventure to discover new places and new cultures.” What are the opportunities this city can offer you ? -“What is amazing about Hong Kong is that the opportunities are there if you want to grab them. The city is very open to business of any kind, everybody is easily approachable even if it’s the CEO of a big Company. Also, the City is an amazing mix of many different cultures and nationalities and this gives me the opportunity to learn from other points of view professionally and personally. I could start my own business with no difficulties and create an amazing network of contacts and collaborations thanks to the openness and collaborating attitude of the people in Hong Kong.”

Did this experience change your bond with Italy? -“Yes it did! Leaving abroad made me realize how lucky I am to be Italian and the precious history and heritage I have. I appreciate more my roots now and I’m very honoured to bring some of it in Asia.” Which advice would you give to someone who has just arrived here? -“To be ready to adapt to a fast forward city and a very different culture. Get in touch with their compatriots in HK and seek advice and guidance from them. Having someone that can welcome you in a foreign country is the best way to start a new life far away from home.”

What has been your biggest challenge here so far? -“Communication issues are definitely a common challenge, not only because of the language barrier but also because of different approaches in different cultures. Another challenge is establishing long-term relationships and collaborations with the people I work with and also with friendships. In Hong Kong there’s a big turn over on job positions and many expats stay only for few years as a temporary assignment.”

How do you see your future here? -“I still see that there are a lot of opportunities to grow my business here. I can call Hong Kong home now and I don’t have plans to leave any time soon.” What’s your opinion on the Italian business community in Hong Kong? -“I think it’s growing a lot and that there is still room for many interesting initiatives and activities. I’d love to see more Italian businesses in HK!”

What does it mean for you to be an Italian in this city? -“Being an Italian is definitely appreciated from the local 41


MEMBERS’ INDEX A-Z Accountancy/Consultancy ADHK Consulting Ltd. Domenico Giovanni Antico Asian Tax Advisory Limited Marzio Morgante Aton Assets Asia Limited Fabrizio Goldoni Bridger Strategic Intelligence Joshua Miller C&A Advisors Services Limited HK Lorenzo Biamonti Coopremier Soc. Coop. Maurizio Colamonici Deloitte Ap Ice Limited - Studio Tributario e societario Olderigo Fantacci EY Agnes Chan Fidinam (Hong Kong) Limited Filippo Buzzi Fiducia Management Consultants Stefan Kracht GAJA srl Jacopo Affinati Hawksford Stefano Passarello

Art Lane Ltd. Cobe Fong

J Capital s.p.a. Giovanni Giuliano

Bisazza Hong Kong Limited Filippo Sossi

Palazzari & Turries Alberto Pentimalli

Crosstec International Limited Sandi Lee

UBI Banca-Unione Di Banche Italiane SPA Andrea Croci

Essess Designer Fabbrica Savio Pesavento

UniCredit Alessandro Masotti

FGV Asia Limited Ermanno Favretto

Velotrade Vittorio De Angelis

M2A Design Debora Marzocchi


Permasteelisa Hong Kong Limited Elena Barin Stefano Tordiglione Design Ltd. Stefano Tordiglione

Gruppo Ceramiche Ricchetti Spa-Hong Kong Branch Massimiliano Moglia

Art Futures Group Jeremy Kasler

Trevi Construction Co. Ltd. Salvatore Oliviero

FD Fedrizzi Innovative Art Marco Pavia


Massimo De Carlo Gallery Claudia Albertini

Cosmetic Assist Saira De Ferrari

Automotive/Motorcycles Auto Italia (Hong Kong) Limited Tony Lam

Practicology PTY Limited Arthur Cheung

Blackbird Concessionaires Limited Casey Ho

PwC Jenny Tsao

Motoplex Hong Kong Kylie Yip

RsA - Asia Tax Advisors Lorenzo Riccardi

Banking/Financial Services

Value Partners Management Consulting Stefano Sorrentino


KIKO Asia Limited Vivian Sun Luxasia (Hong Kong) Limited Patricia Ho Perfume Holding HK Ltd Marcello Mengarelli PIBU PIBU Serena Ma

Banco Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.p.A. Leonardo Messana

Point International Limited Tom Yip

Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd Wen Han Choy


Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Thomas Wong

Qatar Airways Zech Chiew

BNP Paribas Paul Yang

Swiss International Air Lines Ltd Emily Chaw

CRIF Hong Kong Limited Fion Fok


Currenxie Limited Riccardo Capelvenere

Area – 17 Limited Paolo Giannelli

Emsibeth Cosmetics Alessandra Tadei

Banco BPM, Hong Kong Representative Office Stefano Carrozzi

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited Daniele Bordogna

ADC ALFA Limited Piero Luigi Carcerano

Lamberti Asia Pacific Ltd. Giorgio Pagnoncelli

Construction/Building Materials


KPMG Anson Bailey

Studio Cappietti & Partners Giovanni Cappietti

Biochem HK Claudio Carboni

City University of Hong Kong, MBA Stephanie Ng HKU School of Professional And Continuing Education Irene Lacasa Montes HKUST Business School Prof. Veronique J. A. Lafon-Vinais The Chinese University of Hong Kong Marie Courtois

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Ltd. Jessie Yu Intesa San Paolo S.P.A. Alessandro Vitale


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Melina Lai Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Clara Alghieri



Events Management

City University of Hong Kong, MBA Stephanie Ng

Bespoke Unique Weddings & Events Cinzia Beretta

HKU School of Professional And Continuing Education Irene Lacasa Montes

Cievents Lori Moggy

HKUST Business School Prof. Veronique J. A. Lafon-Vinais

GL Events Hong Kong Ricky Wong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Marie Courtois

Total Brand Activation - A 360 Branding and Creative Agency Ling Tay

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Melina Lai


Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Clara Anghileri


Marcolin (UK) Limited (HK Branch) Maurizio Lucidi

De’Longhi Group Winnie Ho

O’Reilly Industrial Limited Valeria Milani

Phoenix International Group (Hong Kong) Ltd. Mr. Ng Cheuk Hong, Johnny

Safilo Far East Limited Wan Kung

RCH Asia Limited Paolo Andretta


China Fittings & Flangers Limited Matthew Tsui Creta Energie Speciali Srl Daniele Menniti CTA Asia Pacific Limited Francesco Grillo

Equipment/Accessories/Houseware Altreforme Alessandro Romagna Bormioli Rocco Asia Pacific Ltd. Andrea Tosi Cool Things Ltd Alberto Cerato Okooko by European Bedding Thijs Veyfeyken Tablo Ltd Carola Pasquino The Place Ltd Alessandro Armandi Town House Suresh Kanji Vitec Imaging Distribution HK Limited Marco Vidali

Frette Pacific Limited Andrea Bonardi Furla (HK) Limited Alessandro Bartoli Giorgio Armani Hong Kong Ltd. Federico Molteni

De Rigo Hong Kong Limited Vittorio Trusso

Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Clara Anghilleri


Ferragamo Hong Kong Ltd. Christian Foddis Framis Italia HK Micaela Salotto

Luxottica Hong Kong Wholesale Ltd. Andrea Fiorentini

Vycom Global Sources Ltd. Paolo Facco

Fendi Asia Pacific Limited Marco Giacometti

Gucci Group ( Hong Kong ) Limited Gianfilippo Testa Il Bisonte Raymond de Malherbe Jeanswear Services Far East Limited Alessandro Silvestroni Kering Asia Pacific Limited Carlo Imo Maryling Fashion (HK) Limited Jo Lee

a.Testoni Bruno Fantechi

Moncler Asia Pacific Ltd. Stella King OnTheList Delphine Lefay

Albini Hong Kong Limited Enrico De Pieri

Ostinelli Seta S.p.a. Gigi Bianchi

Alfie Browns Kian Karimian

Pianoforte Asia Pacific Limited Paolo Merlini

BGroup Asia Ltd. Gianmaria Beretti

Prada Asia Pacific Limited Armando Tolomelli

Bluebell (Asia) Ltd. Samy Redjeb

RECA Group ltd Paolo Diacci

Boggi Milano Filippo Pallotti

RobertLam-Color Photobition Peter Weston

BRANDART (HK) Limited Mariagrazia Martina

Roberto Cavalli Asia Pacific Limited Heidi Shao

Calicanto Serena Nalesso Calzedonia Hong Kong Limited Matteo Veronesi Canali Far East Ltd. Vincenzo Carrieri

SANTONI ASIA LTD. Andrea Casavecchia Sergio Rossi Kitty Cheng Seven H.K. Limited Claudio Nora

Chantal Supplies Limited Daniel A. Villamil


Diesel Dragon (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. / Diesel Pacific Limited Giovanni Pungetti Eastmax Fashion Limited Alessandra Cocchi

The Swank Cherry Law Valentino Hong Kong Limited Richard Zhang

Fedon Far East Ltd. Zoe Sung Chi Man


MEMBERS’ INDEX A-Z Value Retail Management (Fidenza Village) S.R.L. Giuseppe Servidori

Ferrero Asia Limited Franz-Josef Caccia

Venchi HK Ltd Marco Galimberti

Versace Asia Pacific Limited Giovanni Di Salvo

Foodpanda Business Becky Lau

Vincenzo Caputo srl Giuseppina Santucci

YOOX Asia Limited Vincenzo Troia

Givi Italia International Ltd. Johnny Ho

Vino e Finanza Hong Kong Ltd Averardo Borghini Baldovinetti


IlBelPaese is Casa Rinaldi Elisa Siu

Vulcano Food Gourment srl Maurizio Ramirez

Longino & Cardenal Limited Beatrice Lombard

Watson’s Wine Connie Centanni

3 Italiani Limited Barry Lee Abrate & Sons Ltd. Mosun Abrate Agri Trade srl Antonio Spiga Angliss Hong Kong Food Services Ltd. Ugo Pietroluongo Birrificio Baladin Alvise Lunardi Boncafe’( Hong Kong) Limited Cristiano Giuliani Bottega Toscana Ltd. Sandro Pellegrinetti Bright View Trading HK Ltd. Michele Bernacchia Ca’ Del Grevino Caffe’ Mokey srl Davide Colombo CasaLu Wine Luigi Casarotto Certa. Keti Mazzi COVA Daniele Cremonini Dolceamaro s.r.l Simone Chiovitti Dolciaria Monardo s.r.l Paola Vigna EatFRESH Martina Bin EcceVino (HK) Limited Herbert Wong Ellermann Trading Limited Ksenja Marusic Emporio Gourment Ltd Giorgio Ciroldi Euro Healthy Foods Corporatio Ltd Vittorio Metafora Everjoy Steve Li

Lorence & Company Steven Chan


Panarello - pastry chefs since 1885 Chiara Carrara Sabatino Hong Kong Limited Alberto Perez

Camera di Commercio I.A.A di Pisa Cristina Martelli Camera di Commercio I.A.A di Trento Luca Trentinaglia Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation Claudia Xu

Salentoeat Alessandro Stomeo

Invest Hong Kong Stephen Phillips

Sanpellegrino Asia Bernice Lee

Honorary Members

Sembenotti Liqueur Ltd. Marco Sembenotti SIMS Trading Company Limited Betty Leung Sino Vantage Asia Limited Hervé Leroux

Dante Alighieri Society in Hong Kong Francesco Marascia

Hospitality and Entertainment Altira Macau Iris Lam

Smartiting Gloria Girardi

Conrad Hong Kong Thomas Hoeborn

Societa’ Agricola GDM Stefano Giansanti

Dine Art Luca De Bernardinis

Societa’ Villa Lazzarini srl Cristiano Giuliani

Galaxy Entertainment Group Buddy Lam

T&A Fine Wine Company Gianluca Tenore

Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Richard Greaves

T-Bros s.r.l Alberto Minervi

Grand Lisboa Hotel Jonas Schuermann

Tenuta Calabretto Piersanto Calabretto

Intercontinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong Alexander O. Wassermann

The Garden Company Limited Amana Leung The Italian Club Food & Beverage Co. Ltd. Stefano Balsamo Top Spin Limited Andrew Pun

Regal Hong Kong Hotel Andrew Lee Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel & The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central Janet McNab Studio City Casey Chan

Torrefazione Monforte srl Magda Katsoura

The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong Pierre Perusset

Travesia (H.K) Limited Masato Kano

The Royal Garden Heidi Chan

Val Di Toro Anna Maria Cruciata


MEMBERS’ INDEX A-Z Human Resources Adecco Personnel Limited Chiara Bertucco Proposition Hong Kong Limited Manuele Bosetti Stones International Giuseppe Milito

Insurance Assicurazioni Generali S.p.a Cillin O’Flynn Euler Hermes S.A (N.V) Valentina Paolucci Sace S.P.A Fabrizio Ceccarelli

Jewellery/Watches Belton China Limited Nicola Giglio BVLGARI Asia Pacific Ltd. Tamie V Toledano D’orica Srl Paola Sovilla Damiani Hong Kong Limited Ernesto Miraglia De Simone Fratelli Srl Fiammetta de Simone Dirce Repossi Limited Anson Ho EA Jewellery (HK) Ltd. Asmus O. Ziegler KGK Jewellery (HK) Ltd. Mallika Khemlani Morellato Davide Zerbini

Deacons Stefano Mariani

Schenker International (H.K.) Ltd. Antonello Sabbatino

Gianni Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners Stefano Beghi

Sisam Limited Marco Papini

JAC Lawyers Joana Alves Cardoso

TGD Consolidations Asia (HK) Ltd. Joliva Chiang

Linklaters Davide Mencacci

WL Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited Antonio Stefano Casella

Macchi Di Cellere Gangemi Ernesto Pucci

Machineries/Tools FICEP Hong Kong Ltd. Luca Morlotti

RPC Jason Carmichael Sangiorgio Vinciguerra Studio Legale Andrea Sangiorgi Simone Intellectual Property Services (SIPS) Joseph Simone Winston & Strawn Marco Pocci

Giacomini Asia-Pacific Limited Roberto Ferraro I.A.P.- Globe Srl Chiara Baronio Italfimet Srl Diego Liberatori Sacmi Hong Kong Ltd. Claudio Facchini

Logistics/Supply Chain


A. Hartrodt Hong Kong Ltd. Francesco Lanzone APC Asia Pacific Cargo (H.K.) Ltd. Aldo Soprani Aprile Asia Ltd. Paolo Aristide Onnis

Artemis Associates Diana Footit Branding Records Jacopo Pesavento DNA (Dynamic Network Alliances Limited) Rowena Lin

BWL Wine Logistics Ltd. Andrew Pun

Grande Passione Ltd. Jean-Charles Viens

Crown Worldwide Group Billy Wong

Integra Fragrances Valentina L. Russo

D.B. Group China Limited Catia Donadel

Prometeo Societa Cooperativa Marco Daniele Ferri

DSV Air & Sea Ltd. Aldo Zanichelli


Ferrari Group Filippo Melchionni

A. Menarini Hong Kong Limited Bill Fok

Interglobo Far East Ltd. Fabio Brassesco

Esaote China Limited Alberto Boni

Swarovski Hong Kong Limited

JAS Forwarding (HK) Ltd. Gabriele Benedetti

Private Investments

Top Klasse Limited Mario Nobile

Kerry Logistics Robert Berger

Venati Srl Angel Wong

Maimex International Limited Tony Manera

Legal Services

Multifreight (H.K.) Limited Eligio Oggionni

Panerai (Richemont Asia Pacific Ltd.) Julio Sato Pro Time Marco Menini

Baker McKenzie LokeKhoon Tan Chiomenti Studio Legale Marco Nicolini de Bedin & Lee LLP Claudio de Bedin

KYG International Kathrine Yip-Ribeiro

Real Estate/Serviced Offices Inspiration Group Asia William Frisby Myanmar First Global (MFG) Holdings Ltd Renee Sou

Om Log (Asia) Ltd. Luigi Rapetti

RDM Asia Limited Tramy Chan

Savino Del Bene China Limited Fabio Ciardi

Reed Midem Christine Lam


MEMBERS’ INDEX A-Z Retail Outlet Management Ltd. Ivano Poma The Work Project Peggy Poon WYND Co-Working Space Lavin Yeung

Restaurants/Bars Aqua Restaurants Group Tony Paese Assaggio Trattoria Italiana Francesco Gava Classified Group Alain Decesse Dining Concepts Garry Bissett DiVino Group Giacomo Pani Epicurean Group Florence Chan Gaia Group Pino Piano Jamie’s Italian William Lyon Lan Kwai Fong Group Aurelie Lehman Le Comptoir Diana Dang

Sustainability/Environmental Services


BEE – Bisagni Environmental Enterprise Alessandro Bisagni

M Yachts Roy Weissbach


Sanlorenzo Yachts – Represented by Simpson Marine Mike Simpson

7cento HK Limited Enrico Dellù

Individuals Alessandro Lampò

ABG Systems S.r.l. Stefano Umili

Andy Mahtani

EventBank Eric L. Schmidt

Claudio de Bedin Davide De Rosa

STMicroelectronics Salvatore Settinari

Dominic Lee Dorothy Luk

Valoot Technologies Limited Betty Chan

Edoardo Podesta` Alessandro Lampò


Enzo Robert Cunico


Francesca Biroli Franco Cutrupia

Global Cloud Xchange Fabrizio Civitarese

Giovanni Angelini Gloria Shum-Friedenberg

TI Sparkle Singapore Pte Ltd. Leonardo Maria Cerciello

Hazel So Helen Alexandra Morris


Herbert Adamczyk

Philip Morris Asia Limited Brett Cooper

James Goldman Kaelyn Choo

Tourism/Travel Services

Kawakami Setsu

Hey Travelista Tony Low

Kerri Tang

Pirata Group Borja Martinez Otero

Travel Circle International Limited Gallant Leung

Luca Cico

Sole Mio In Gurung


Meraviglia Bar E Ristorante Massimo Bartolozzi

Swire Restaurants Austin Liu The Caprioli Management Co., Ltd. Gianni Caprioli

Sport/Sportswear 3T Cycling Emanuele Redaelli Lotto Sport Hong Kong Ltd. Andrea Tomat

Stationery/Paper Fedrigoni Asia Ltd. Lorenzo Mari Moleskine Asia Limited Andrea Rossi

Kit Thompson

Manoj Kumar Motwani Marco Chiodi Margaret Wo

Caben Asia Pacific Ltd. Alessandro Asperti

Maria Conti Matthew Beashel

GP Services HK Limited Federico Donnet

Melinda Perri Orazio Coco

Monnalisa Christian Simoni

Rafael Aharoni Richard Newburn


Stefano Clementoni

Norak Asia Pacific Stephan Oeller

Wholesaling Coop Far East Ltd. Alberto Marrassini VIPOP.COM Alessandro Scordari Wo Kee Hong Group Richard Man Fai Lee


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