vol 6 no 1
April 2010
In this issue .... Conserving livestock breeds........................ 1 Field genebanks to conserve island staple food crops....................................................... 2 Niu Kafa, the biggest coconut in the world..................................................... 3 Fiji finalising national REDD-plus policy............................................ 5 Pacific youth need family support to stay in agriculture..................................... 6 CePaCT has moved........................................ 8 FSM Go Local campaign.............................. 9 Kaiming agro-processing opens.................. 10 Samoa Farmers’ Association grows Progress for Pacific........................................ 14 organic agriculture........................................ 16 Mobile technologies to improve market information........................................ 18 Pathogen testing technology........................ 19 Vanuatu forestry development.................... 20 Biological farming in soil school training................................................ 21 Supporting export market value chains..................................................... 21 Micronesia quarantine training................... 22 LRD farewells ‘Aleki Sisif.............................. 23
Land Resources News is the quarterly newsletter produced by SPC Land Resources Division. We welcome feedback, comments or contributions. Please contact LRD publications officer: EmilA@spc.int, or the LRD helpdesk, lrdhelpdesk@spc.int. SPC Land Resources Division Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji Islands Telephone: (679) 337 0733 Fax: (679) 337 0021 Visit our website: www.spc.int/lrd We ackowledge our international partners:
Conserving and developing local livestock breeds
recent livestock survey in Fiji, Niue, Tonga and Samoa has revealed that there is ample genetic diversity found in local pigs and chickens. This rich diversity in animal genetic resources is a significant contribution from the Pacific towards this International Year of Biodiversity. Data collected from the survey will allow researchers to identify some locally adapted breeds that show specific resistance or tolerance to disease, limited feed and water, as well climate change. The survey involved the collection of 40 indigenous pigs and 40 chickens from the survey countries. DNA analysis was conducted at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) laboratories in Beijing, China. The surveys were conducted as part of the Southwest Pacific Regional Animal Genetic Resources (SWP AnGR) project funded by the Australian government through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The goal of the pilot project is to improve the genetic base and distribution of selected livestock materials. Animal Health and Production (AHP) thematic team of SPC’s Land Resources Division is implementing the project, which has been extended to June 2010 with the aim to cover Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Researchers hope to survey all livestock species in the near future to gather data on the extent of livestock diversity in the region and to conserve and use locally adapted breeds. SPC is helping Pacific Island countries and territories meet challenges in food security, including livestock production, and having this information and knowledge on the diversity of local livestock is crucial to decision-making. The aim is to develop, conserve and use local breeds of livestock to enhance food security and livelihoods of Pacific communities.
volume 6 number 1 - April 2010 2010
Tom Misikea, head of Niue livestock authority, holds up a fine specimen of a local chicken breed.
Training of regional livestock staff Training of livestock staff and stakeholders is a major part of the SWP AnGR project. AHP has trained 47 local staff members in the project countries on the techniques of animal handling and restraint, interviewing techniques, blood sampling techniques, sample preservation and storage. Technical training will also be carried out in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands with the project extension. AnGR awareness In the Pacific Islands there is a lack of awareness of the development and conservation of animal genetic resources for food security and rural livelihoods. To address this knowledge gap SPC is conducting awareness campaigns to increase understanding of animal genetic resources on the part of decision-makers and the public through presentations and discussions,
(.....cont’d overleaf) Land Resources News