What is ice_ribh?
ice_ribh is the GIZ focal point for responsible and inclusive business based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. We assist the private sector with skills, networks and business model development support around corporate social responsibility and inclusive business.
Inclusive ENERGY business Case Studies
What is Inclusive Business? Inclusive Business is a sustainable business that includes disadvantaged segments of society as consumers and/or producers into existing or new value chains. ice_ribh office: 32 Mohamed Sabry Abu Alam, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt Programme Coordinator Bernhard Rohkemper: bernhard.rohkemper@giz.de Powered by:
Micro-size renewable energy technologies - Egypt Goal: Increasing agriculture productivity and both industrial value-added & community development in Egypt Model: Training and start-up support coupled with supply chain integration Size & Reach: 10 start-ups and two villages in the pilot phase
Key Partners: GisssoR RIB network Association for Women’s Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD) Academy for Scientific Research
Key ingredients: Free mentoring, low-cost training, and partial funding
Background: Many of the existing available technologies do not match the performance characteristics of the harsh Egyptian environmental conditions (fine dust, sand storms, temperature variation), and the few technologies that would withstand the said conditions, are normally at price level that is not affordable in the agricultural sector, particularly for small holders. Solution:
Oasis offers micro-sized renewable energy technologies –“100 Dollar installations” – that withstand harsh operating conditions and are built on physical and social science research and technological advancements.
Parallel to the technical development of the prototypes, the development partner, AWTAD, develops a capacity building and microfinance scheme for women in selected villages. An awareness campaign aiming at disseminating knowledge about renewable energy is also planned. Impact: Inclusive Business Benefits: Entrepreneurs and engineers without capital or collaterals are supported in developing prototypes and in managing a business. On the community side, it is anticipated that two villages will benefit from the planned activities, with 30 female entrepreneurs. Economic Benefits: It is foreseeable that the agriculture field of the two villages shall increase as a direct result of availing cheap energy to the agriculture activities; a minimum increase of 10% is planned. Moreover, the project addresses the problem of energy shortage. Further benefits: Partnering with local research & development units and academies will highly impact the commercialization of the prototypes in the future. A strong focus is made on using locally-available materials, and on the localization of parts and components that are not readily available in the Egyptian market, so as to ensure both the operability of the products, and the sustainability of the scheme. Contact: Amr Farouk: amr@oasis-farouk.com
Oasis: http://oasis-farouk.com