닥듄공 2개년 Best 수능영어 독해 모의고사 B형

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A b o u t t h i s b o o k 구성과 특징

2014년 신(新) 유형 문제 구성으로 실전에 대비할 수 있도록 하였고, 수록된 모든 문제는 2011년, 2012년 EBS교재에서 양질의 지문만을 엄선하여 변형 출제하였습니다. 2013학년도 수능의 EBS연계 출제 경향을 분석하여 수능에서의 EBS교재 반영도를 실질적으로 파악할 수 있게 함으로 써 다가오는 수능을 효과적으로 준비할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

EBS 연계 70% 완벽 대비 EBS수능특강, EBS인터넷수능, EBS N제, EBS수능완성의 지문을 철저히 분석하여 출제 가능성이 높은 지문을 선별하고 변형 문제를 개발했습니다. 이를 통해, EBS 지문의 어떠한 변형에도 자신감 있게 대비할 수 있게 하였습니다.

EBS 지문의 연계 형태 ① EBS 교재에 수록된 지문을 그대로 사용하여 다른 유형의 문제를 출제 ② EBS 교재에 수록된 지문의 일부를 생략하고 나머지는 그대로 사용하여 다른 유형의 문제를 출제 ③ EBS 교재에 수록된 지문을 일부 변형하여 다른 유형의 문제를 출제 ④ EBS 교재에 수록된 지문의 큰 틀만을 유지하고 글의 전개방식이나 구성을 변형하여 다른유형의 문제를 출제

목표 독해 시간을 설정하고 시작한 시간과 끝난 시간을 기록할 수 있게 하여 시간 배분에 도움이 되도록 하였습니다. 또 한, 회차별로 맞은 개수를 기록하게 하여 자신의 실력을 한 눈에 확인할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

정답과 해설 이해가 잘 되는 지문 해석과 꼼꼼한 문제 풀이, 중요한 어휘와 구문 정리를 실어 혼자서도 효과적인 학습을 할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

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13. 1. 31. 오후 4:49

2013학년도 외국어 영역 EBS 연계 분석 2012학년도 수능에 비해 난이도가 다소 높았습니다. 외국어 영역 50문제 중 총 35문항(약 70%)이 연계되었으며, 독해는 33 문항 중 18문항(약 45%)이 출제되었습니다. 전반적인 어휘 수준이 높은 편이였고, 학생들이 가장 어려워하는 빈칸 추론에서 단 한 문제만 연계 출제되었습니다. 변별력을 위한 고난도 문제가 빈칸 유형으로 출제되어 이 유형의 오답률이 높게 나타났 습니다. 오답률이 가장 높은 어법 2문제는 모두 EBS 연계 출제 되었지만, 지문 내용과는 별개로 어법적인 요소를 물어보는 유형이므로 많은 학생들에게는 어렵게 느껴졌을 것으로 분석됩니다. NO.


EBS 연계 내용

변형 정도






수능특강 p.125

글의 순서

일부 변형, 윤문



어법 빈칸

고득점330제 p.47

무관한 문장

내용 추가, 윤문



어법 밑줄

고득점330제 p.70


일부 변형, 윤문





지문 그대로 사용















36% 81%

수능특강 p.204

수능완성(실전) p.91

요약문 완성


어휘 빈칸

일부 변형, 윤문



연결사 추론



어휘 밑줄

일부 변형, 윤문



어휘 빈칸

일부 변형, 윤문




내용, 선택지 변형







수능완성(실전) p.12

요약문 완성

주제 추론

영어독해연습1 pp.132~133 빈칸 추론 고득점330제 p.11


영어독해연습2 p.79

무관한 문장

일부 변형, 윤문



지문 일부 생략, 윤문




수능특강 p.142



수능완성(유형) p.40

빈칸 추론

내용 추가, 윤문




수능완성(실전) p.70

연결사 추론

내용 추가




영어독해연습1 p.136


내용 추가, 윤문




영어독해연습2 p.78


일부 변형, 윤문




영어독해연습1 p.110

빈칸 추론

지문 일부 생략, 윤문



무관한 문장

영어독해연습2 p.43

빈칸 추론

지문 그대로 사용




영어독해연습1 p.46

빈칸 추론

일부 변형, 윤문




영어독해연습1 p.106

글의 순서

일부 변형, 윤문





요약문 완성

55% 57%

총 18문제 반영 (약 54%)

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13. 1. 31. 오후 4:49

몸풀기 모의고사 1회 모의고사 ………… 6 2회 모의고사 ………… 16 3회 모의고사 ………… 26 4회 모의고사 ………… 36 5회 모의고사 ………… 46

실전 모의고사 6회 모의고사 …………


7회 모의고사 …………


8회 모의고사 …………


9회 모의고사 …………


10회 모의고사 ………… 96 11회 모의고사 ………… 106 12회 모의고사 ………… 116

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Contents 마무리 모의고사 13회 모의고사 ………… 126 14회 모의고사 ………… 136 15회 모의고사 ………… 146

<책속의 책> 정답과 해설

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다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Socioeconomic circumstances can greatly influence families. Income determines recreational pursuits. One family may be able to afford a vacation, whereas another family finds leisure


opportunities in picnics and free community offerings. A family’s income level often influences choices such as 맞은 개수

목표 독해 시간



min finish▶


housing, education, daycare facilities, material goods, and nutrition. Because of economic constraints, adults may have to work two jobs or several part-time jobs to provide for the family, which affects the amount of time they can spend with partners or children. Older siblings may be required to take on more household or babysitting responsibilities and daycare may replace home care for children. Moreover, this constraint also may potentially affect to the children’s mind-


set. All these circumstances can place significant levels of stress on the entire family unit. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Risking even small changes takes courage – for an aggressive person as much as for a passive one. “Giving way to feeling,” and “allowing your heart to rule your head” are only too readily labeled as signs of weakness. But taking the risk helps people to build confidence and self-esteem, and

① 가족의 경제력에 따라 가족의 전반적인 생활이 달라진다. ② 가족의 수입은 여가 생활에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. ③2 개의 직업을 갖거나 부업을 하는 것은 여유로운 생활을 위해 필 수다. ④ 가족의 수입과 자녀의 수는 서로 상관관계에 있다. ⑤ 자녀가 많을수록 가족 구성원들은 스트레스를 많이 받는다.

to take pleasure in feeling stronger. Being fair to yourself in this way also demonstrates your worth – to yourself and to others. It shows that you are worth considering and caring for in the same way as others. If you make your own needs clear, you are less likely to be irritable and more likely to have the strength to respond to the demands others make on you. If you fail to make your needs clear, but instead bottle them up or sit on them, or hide them under a self-deprecating smile, they will not go away but will gnaw at you inside, and make you feel resentful toward others. ① 위험을 무릅쓰지 않으면 성공할 수 없다. ② 남에게 하는 것처럼 자기 자신을 공평하게 대하라. ③ 자신의 주장을 펼쳐 자신의 가치를 높여라. ④ 작은 것일지라도 위험을 무릅쓰는 것은 용기 있는 일이다. ⑤ 자신감과 자존감의 형성 위험을 무릅쓰는 행위와 연관이 있다.


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다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


정답과 해설 pp. 2~4

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Mistakes are really not that big of a deal. In fact, as most

Is it genuinely effective that not resolving the problem

of us acknowledge, we need to make mistakes in order to

① at which people are distressed but treating the symptom of

learn and to grow. But the problem, I believe, comes when

it? Opting for “symptomatic solutions” is enticing because

we are unwilling to either acknowledge or examine the

apparent improvement is achieved and pressures, either

mistakes we make, thus leading to the tendency to repeat

external or internal, to “do something” about an annoying

them — sometimes over and over. So we need to overcome

problem ② are relieved. At the same time, easing a problem

many repeated mistakes, such as getting too involved in

symptom also reduces any perceived need to find a more

others’ arguments and trying to fit too many activities into

fundamental solution. Over time, people rely more and

a single day. Take a look at your own mistakes. Are you

more on the symptomatic solution. They have “shifted the

engaged in repeated behavior and mistakes that you might be

burden” to ③ increase reliance on the symptomatic solutions

able to change? In most cases, the answer is ‘yes.’ But I can

of the problem without making the solution of the matter that

assure you that it is a very freeing feeling that you admit your

has been bothering them settled. But dealing ④ effectively

mistakes and decide to make a change. That way, you won’t

with the situation needs a combination of strengthening the

be destined to repeat them.

fundamental response and we akening the symptomatic response. Strengthening fundamental responses ⑤ requires

① Mistakes: The Natural Behavior of Human

a long-term orientation and a sense of shared vision.

② How to Overcome Repeated Mistakes

Weakening the symptomatic response requires willingness to

③ The Irresistible Tendency Repeating Mistakes

face the truth about the temporary relief and “looking good”

④ Misguided Behaviors: The Basis of Mistakes


⑤ Why Repeated Mistakes Are Problems

26 ‌

28 ‌

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적 절하지 않은 것은?

밑줄 친 she〔her〕가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과

다른 것은?

I was impressed last night with your station’s editorial arguing against the proposed city ordinance to ban soft

When Lydia was eight years old, ①`she insisted on wearing her favorite sandals to school despite warnings that the sidewalks were covered in snow and slush. Her mom worried that ② she would arrive at school with cold, wet feet, but Lydia would not budge. Of course, her mother was right, and while Lydia did have some very uncomfortable toes

drinks in all schools. However, I strongly ①`assent to your station’s argument and have documentation for my position. I would like to take ②`advantage of your “invitation to viewers” to make my argument. As a physician, I have forty years’ experience both in clinical research and general practice to support why the city ordinance should be passed.

because they became soaked and frozen on ③ her way to and

If you are willing to consider my proposal, please inform

from school, she learned her lessons and never fought about

me about the procedures, the amount of time available, and

footwear again. Her mum knew that although Lydia would

possible dates for taping my remarks. If you can ③`furnish a

be mighty miserable, she would also be sage because ④ she

transcript of your editorial, it would be helpful in ④`preparing

had to walk a very short way. After advising her otherwise, ⑤ she allowed Lydia to wear those sandals and thereby

learn that sometimes fashion isn’t worth the price of serious discomfort.

my remarks. I am willing to ⑤`submit my text for advance review or to discuss my proposed argument with you and your representatives by telephone. * ordinance 법령, 조례 01 모의고사

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because opening the door the first time allows some of the 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

cold air to flow out of the bottom of the freezer. If you stand in bare feet at the door of an open freezer you will notice this cold, dense air chilling your toes. The cold air flowing out at the bottom allows warmer air at room temperature into the top of the freezer. When the freezer is closed again, this new air cools and contracts, creating a partial vacuum and making the door seem to stick as it is pressed to the seal by the higher air pressure outside the freezer. ① 냉동실 문을 닫고서 두 번째로 다시 그 문을 열려고 할 때 더욱 어

The graph shows the number of immigrants to New Zealand from various parts of the world for the month of August in the years 2008 to 2010. ①The figures for people moving to New Zealand from different regions of the world showed diverse tendencies, while immigrants from China showed the greatest increase as well as made up the largest proportion of immigrants throughout most of this time period. ②The numbers of American immigrants firstly peaked at just under 400 in August 2009, then declined by around 70 to 80 the

려움을 느낀다. ② 냉동실 문을 처음 열었을 때 차가운 공기 중 일부가 냉동실 아랫 부분에서 흘러나온다. ③ 냉동실 안의 차가운 공기는 실내에서 유입된 따뜻한 공기를 냉동 실 윗부분으로 올려 보낸다. ④ 냉동실이 다시 닫힐 때 이 새로운 공기가 차가워지고 수축되어 완 전한 진공 상태를 만든다. ⑤ 유입된 공기가 냉동실 바깥의 높은 압력에 의해 밀폐된 부분에 눌 릴 때 냉동실 문이 밀착된다.

following year. ③Long-term arrivals in New Zealand from Germany showed a continuous slight rise, with numbers of Germans reaching around 310 in 2010. ④In contrast, the number of Chinese immigrants grew sharply, almost doubling from about 300 in August 2008 to approximately 550 in 2010, comprising the largest group by 2010, around twice the size of the groups from America and Germany. ⑤The

[31-36] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In the network economy, both physical and

intellectual property are more likely to be accessed by

numbers for Chinese immigrants rose most dramatically

businesses rather than

. Ownership

and in 2010 represented the largest group, while American

of physical capital, however, once the heart of the industrial

immigrants comprised the smallest numbers in the same year.

way of life, becomes increasingly marginal to the economic process. It is more likely to be regarded by companies as a mere expense of operation rather than an asset, and something

30 ‌

Freezer door(s)에 대한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Open the freezer door for a few seconds, then close it for a few seconds. Now try opening it again. The second time you try to open the door it’s much more difficult. In some cases you’ll end up pulling the freezer towards you as you tug at the handle. In others, the door will just remain closed and you’ll have to wait before the effect wears off and you can open it again as easily as the first time. Freezer doors stick

to borrow rather than to own. Intellectual capital, on the other hand, is the driving force of the new era, and much coveted. Concepts, ideas, and images – not things – are the real times of value in the new economy. Wealth is no longer vested in physical capital but rather in human imagination and creativity. Intellectual capital, it should be pointed out, is rarely interchanged. Instead, it is closely held by the suppliers and leased or licensed to other parties for their limited use. ① exchanged

② provided

③ related

④ collaborated

⑤ invested


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Technological decisions are often made based on

extremely long-term consequences, especially concerning the extraction of non-renewable resources and the reclamation of toxic substances. Ethical adequacy would require that in fairness the risks and the costs of all such decisions be considered over the fulltime frame of the impact. Future persons cannot speak for themselves. They do not vote. There are even conceptual problems about whether “they” can have rights at all, since “they” are only probable and not actual people, abstract and not specifically identifiable. The ethical assessment of technology will require a long time frame and a respect for the principle that future persons, once they become actual persons, will have no less claim on equitable treatment by us than persons living today. If cost-and riskbenefit analysis minimizes these


we may conclude that it tends to be inadequately concerned for inter-generational justice.

② problems of resources ③ limits of development ④ technological conflicts ⑤ momentous ethical concerns

Every highly successful person possesses

a well-developed and highly disciplined ego, but there is a third factor associated with the ego which determines its potency for good or evil. The starting point of all individual achievements is some plan by which one’s ego can be inspired with a “success consciousness.” The person who succeeds must do so by properly developing his or her own ego, impressing it with the object of desire, and removing from it all forms of limitation, fear, and doubt, which lead to the dissipation of the power of the ego. Autosuggestion (or self-hypnosis) is the medium by which one may attune one’s ego to any desired rate of vibration and charge it with the attainment of any desired purpose. Unless you catch the full significance of the principle of autosuggestion, you will miss the most important

* reclamation 매립

① generation gaps


정답과 해설 pp. 4~6

part of this analysis, because the power of the ego is fixed entirely by the application of self-suggestion. W hen this self-sugge stion attains the s tatus of Faith,


① it’s okay to doubt the role of the ego ② the ego becomes limitless in its power ③ the ego can be demonstrated in detail ④ you can be rarely controlled by a faithful ego ⑤ your mental peace can be accomplished through the ego

01 모의고사

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① depicting permanent figures in sculpting

Suppose a friend says to you, “Liberals or

conservatives are the major cause of our social problems.” Rather than automatically protecting your own position, whatever it is, see

. Say to your

② trying to find the way to preserve the sculptures ③ exposing general meanings of the sculptures ④ creating a comprehensive symbolic likeness ⑤ revealing varieties of human characteristics

friend,“ Tell me why you think that’s true.” Don’t say this with a hidden agenda or in preparation to defend or prove your position, but simply to learn a different point of view. Don’t try to correct or make your friend see how he is wrong. Practice being a good listener. Contrary to popular belief, this attitude does not make you weak. It doesn’t mean you aren’t passionate about your beliefs, or that you’re admitting that you’re wrong. You’re simply trying to see another point of view and seeking first to understand. It takes enormous energy to constantly prove a rigid position. On the other hand, it takes no energy to allow someone else to be right. In fact, it’s outright energizing.


The scientific study of the influence of human

actions on natural processes is Environmental Science. These scientists attempt to integrate information from many traditionally separate areas of learning such as ecology, economics, sociology, politics, agronomy, anthropology, archaeology, and the law. However, more vocal and influential

① whether the comment is right or not ② if you can stick to your position ③ when you should tell your position ④ how the wrong point can be corrected at once ⑤ if you can learn something new

than either ecologists or environmental scientists are those members of the general public who are environmentalists. Recent polls in the United States show that 70% of the public are concerned that human actions are leading to the degradation of the planet. Environmentalists object to this degradation on aesthetic, moral, and pragmatic grounds. Their arguments may be drawn on scientific data, but they are just as likely to be based on emotional appeal or on ethical or


moral criteria. Both science and environmentalism have their When sculpting human figures, an ancient

Egyptian artist’s primary concern was to express the essence of the figure ― that is, the permanent aspect of a human being, beyond the physical form that was considered to be impermanent. Few ancient Egyptian sculptors attempted to capture the individual features of a person’s face or body. In fact,

was not the artist’s goal. Having

followed strict conventions of depicting ideal human figures in their sculptures, most Egyptian artists sculpted their works

place in modern society,

. It is important

that testable fact as determined by scientific investigation is kept discrete from heart-felt opinion or speculation. ① but a distinction should be maintained ② and science should overlap with environmentalism ③ and science is also influenced by emotional appeal ④ but environmentalism is more important than science ⑤ but environmentalism should be connected to science

with a very similar look. Carved from blocks of stone, ancient Egyptian sculptures in their finished forms generally retained universal characteristics. Sculptors depicted humans in rigid, balanced poses ― a style that does not mimic diverse human posture. Figures were represented in a more symbolic than naturalistic way, as ancient Egyptian sculptures emphasized idealized human forms rather than actual people.


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37 ‌

다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은?

38 ‌

정답과 해설 pp. 6~8

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 한 것은?

A reproductive strategy largely has to do with the environment pressures that the species faces and how they fit into their

A former mentee of mine works for a growing start-up that offers a new kind of pet product.

overall habitat. For example, blue whales are the biggest

(A) But then again, this mentee wasn’t very high up either.

organism in the ocean, and as such they have no natural

He took it upon himself to research the problem by

predators. Besides, their large bodies mean that they can build

calling the official responsible for small business at UPS,

up large reserves of fat to sustain them when food is scarce.

FedEx, and others. A few weeks later, he sent a detailed


, the blue whale population tends to be pretty

stable, if humans do not disrupt its habitat. American shad on

memo to the CEO about how the company could reduce its postal costs.

the other hand lead a much riskier existence. Even when they

(B) Not long after he was hired, he noted that one of the

reach maturity they are preyed upon by a number of larger

countless issues the start-up was struggling with was

fish. Moreover, their population is much more susceptible to

pricey postal rates that were cutting into the company’s

food shortage and mass starvation.

, this is

margins. Frankly, that’s not the kind of issue that registers

balanced out by the shad’s ability to reproduce quickly and

very high up on the totem pole of priorities for a startup.

in large numbers. Every once in a while the shad population

(C) He was delighted. The mentee’s niche expertise in mail

will suffer a significant decline, but it can always bounce

branded the young man as a valuable up-and-comer in

back because of its high reproduction rate.

the company, and these days, he’s developing expertise


* American shad 아메리칸 청어


in issues much farther up the totem pole.


① Instead


In fact

① (A) – (C) – (B)

② As a result



② (B) – (A) – (C)

③ Instead



③ (B) – (C) – (A)

④ Likewise


That is

④ (C) – (A) – (B)

⑤ As a result



⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)

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13. 1. 31. 오후 4:49

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