Iceland geothermal 2017 geolac

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A Century of experience working with Geothermal Resources

Company: Iceland Geothermal Representative: Viðar Helgason Title: Managing Director, Cluster Manager Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 892 2244 Iceland Geothermal (IG) contributes to increased competitiveness and increased value proposition in the geothermal industry. IG is a platform where you can access all general information about geothermal energy in Iceland. We can assist you in getting into contact with the right person to move your project forward or to get the right information for building up infrastructure or business in relation to geothermal resource. Iceland Geothermal Cluster is a non-profit organization established in February 2013. IG is an industry driven cluster cooperation partnership, which focuses on the field of geothermal energy. The Iceland Geothermal Cluster Initiative is founded by 43 diverse members, including; companies, associations and institutions.

Company: Promote Iceland Website: E-mail: Phone number: +354 511 4000 PROMOTE ICELAND is a public-private partnership established to improve the competitiveness of Icelandic companies in foreign markets and to stimulate economic growth through increased export. The goals of Promote Iceland are promoting Iceland as a supplier of high-quality and innovative products and services, promoting Iceland as a tourism destination, assisting in the promotion of Icelandic culture abroad, and introducing Iceland as an attractive option for foreign direct investment. Promote Iceland also assists Icelandic companies seeking to grow internationally through competence building programs as well as international events, such as trade fairs, press trips, and trade delegations. This is done in close cooperation with Icelandic embassies and consulates abroad, as well as bilateral chambers of commerce. Moreover Promote Iceland has a dynamic cooperation with industry associations and clusters in Iceland including Iceland Geothermal.

Company: Reykjavik University Representative: Randall Morgan Greene Title: Programme Management and Development Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 779 8476

The Iceland School of Energy at Reykjavik University´s mission is to offer a high-quality learning experience. Offering opportunities for research, design and the management of geothermal energy, hydropower, wind power and power systems engineering, we produce experts for the energy industry. We offer two, 24 month, 120 ECTS MSc programmes in Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Energy Engineering, Ph.D. programmes, a Geothermal Summer School and Executive Education and Training.

Company: Mannvit Ltd. Representative: Friðrik Ómarsson Title: Marketing Manager Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 842 3555 Mannvit - A Specialized Geothermal Consulting Firm. Mannvit and its Chilean subsidiary GTNLA have provided geoscience-, drillingand owner’s engineering to geothermal developers in Latin America for more than 14 years. Currently Mannvit is working on the 25 MW Los Azufres III project in Mexico, as well as projects in the Caribbean and South America. We offer a full range of technical and engineering services in each phase of geothermal development, including: Technical due diligence and Independent Engineering Review, exploration, drilling engineering and drilling supervision, field development and steam gathering system design, geothermal plant design and O&M consulting.

Company: Green Energy Geothermal Ltd. Representative: Vilhjálmur Guðmundsson Title: International business development, Caribbean and Latin America Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 858 5410 Green Energy Geothermal (GEG) is a pioneer in geothermal wellhead power plant technology. Delivered on an EPC/turnkey basis, GEG’s solution allows for a modular approach to geothermal power development using prefabricated modules, commissioned on site in a short period of time. It enables a reduction in capital cost and project risk, providing a quicker payback on investment. The company offers plant sizes from 3.5 MWe to 10 MWe in single or twin turbine set-ups. Since 2011, GEG has successfully built and delivered 15 geothermal wellhead power plants with a total installed power generation capacity of 81 MWe. GEG is headquartered in London, United Kingdom; the company’s engineering and technical team are based in Iceland. The company also maintains offices in Kenya, Indonesia, Norway and Singapore.

Company: Iceland Drilling Company Ltd Representative: Vilhjálmur Guðmundsson Title: International business development, Caribbean and Latin America Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 858 5410 Iceland Drilling Company Ltd (IDC) is a leading high technical company in the field of high temperature deep geothermal drilling and has many decades of experience in both high and low temperature drilling. The company operates internationally, and possesses a fleet of new hydraulic rigs and modern drilling equipment that can be transferred swiftly from one part of the world to another. The company has well-grounded expertise in international deep drilling projects, with a record of several hundred high temperature geothermal wells. The company’s operations have been in the Azores (Portugal), UK, Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, Germany, Nicaragua, Caribbean (Dominica and Montserrat), Switzerland and in New Zealand. Currently the company is working in Iceland, Caribbean, and Nicaragua. Iceland Drilling Ltd provides Integrated Drilling Services for all onshore drilling projects. The company operates according to HSE (Health Safety and Environment) systems and is already certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

Company: VERKÍS Representative: Þorleikur Jóhannesson Title: Mechanical Engineer, Geothermal Systems Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 660 4506 At Verkís, more than 320 staff work on a wide range of projects, both in Iceland and abroad. Verkís provides professional service of the highest quality which is competitive with the best available in the world. Verkís operates according to accredited quality, environmental management, and health and safety management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001). Sveinn Ingi Ólafsson is company CEO. For more than 45 years, Verkís has been successfully involved in all development stages of geothermal utilization projects in Iceland and worldwide, in countries such as China, Slovak Republic, Turkey, El Salvador, France and Hungary. Verkís has the expertise to meet all of a client’s needs, from the project-concept stage to the completion of an investment project.

Company: BBA Legal Representative: Harpa Þórunn Pétursdóttir Title: Lawyer Associate Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 840 2242

BBA is an Icelandic law firm founded in 1998, based both in Iceland and London. The BBA energy team has an extensive and relevant experience and know-how of working in the field of geothermal energy and heating. Our team has undertaken work on behalf of various stakeholders in geothermal projects around the world. This includes working with developers, sponsors, banks, drilling companies, administrative agencies and governments in countries all over the world such as in Iceland, the Philippines, Indonesia, Djibouti, Nepal, Abu Dhabi, China, Germany, USA and Ethiopia. BBA also recently published the Geothermal Transparency Guide which provides an overview of geothermal legal framework in 16 countries.

Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR) Company: Representative: Benedikt Steingrímsson Title: Deputy Director and Director Geothermal Energy Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +354 864 9409 Iceland GeoSurvey, ÍSOR, is a leading provider of scientific and technical expertise to the geothermal industry in Iceland and abroad. ÍSOR offers consulting services worldwide on most aspects of geothermal exploration, development, and utilization as well as groundwater studies, marine geology and environmental monitoring. ÍSOR provides training and education on these and related issues. ÍSOR is a self-financing, stateowned, nonprofit institution. It receives no direct funding from the government and operates on a project and contract basis like a private company.

Company: Reykjavik Geothermal Ltd Representative: Trent Philipp Title: Regional Director Americas Website E-mail: Mobile number: +1 (902) 422 1063 Reykjavik Geothermal Limited is a geothermal development company focused on the development of high enthalpy geothermal resources for utility scale power production. RG specifically identifies and targets locations where quality geothermal resources can be efficiently harnessed to meet the local demand for power and clean dependable energy. RG was founded in Iceland by a proven team of experienced geothermal experts. RG management has been responsible for projects in over 30 countries including spearheading the development of one of the world’s largest geothermal power plants in Hellisheidi, Iceland. The Company’s technical capability has been matched by an in-house group of expert and experienced multinational finance professionals. This team ensures the company’s ability to navigate the complications of geothermal development and power plant finance. These capabilities make RG the preferred entity for the development of geothermal resources anywhere around the world.

Example of leading geothermal activates of Iceland geothermal members: Leading the Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Protocol (GSAP) Theistareykir Power Plant is the first geothermal power plant to be assessed under the new Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Protocol. GSAP was developed as a partnership project of Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik Energy, HS Orka and the Icelandic Environment Agency, with Sigurdur St. Arnalds of the engineering firm Mannvit as project manager (Landsvirkjun, 2017).

United Nations University, Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) The first official statement on establishing a UNU geothermal institute in Iceland was made in 1975. After a first proposal in 1976 and an international workshop in 1978, the Government of Iceland decided in October 1978 to ask Orkustofnun (the National Energy Authority (NEA)), to sign an Agreement on Association with the UNU and establish the UNU Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP). The UNU-GTP has been hosted by the NEA ever since (UNU-GTP, 2017).

District heating since 1930 With the introduction of new piping material by the early part of the 20th century, the District Heating Revolution started. Iceland is the global pioneer in using geothermal energy for space heating. 90% of Iceland’s homes are connected to the geothermal district heating systems.

Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) is a research and development project that is investigating the possibility of greatly increasing the power output of geothermal wells by producing high-enthalpy supercritical geothermal fluid from 4-5 km depths. The aim is to increase the power output per well by an order of magnitude. Two wells have been drilled both finding steam in the range of 500°C (IDDP, 2017).

The CarbFix and Sulfix Projects CarbFix is a collaborative research project between Reykjavik Energy, the University of Iceland, Columbia University and CNRS that aims at developing safe, simple and economical methods and technology for permanent CO2 mineral storage in basalts. The CarbFix team had demonstrated that over 95% of CO2 captured and injected at Hellisheidi geothermal Power Plant in Iceland (Reykjavik Energy, 2017).

IMAGE, research on exploration techniques The IMAGE project will develop a reliable science based exploration and assessment method to "IMAGE" geothermal reservoirs using an interdisciplinary approach. The objective is to develop new methods to scrutinize and appraise geothermal systems in such a way that exploration wells can be sited with greater accuracy than before (ISOR, 2017).

Geothermal tourist facilities The Blue Lagoon was formed in 1976 during operation at the nearby geothermal power plant. In the years that followed, people began to bathe in the unique water and apply the silica mud to their skin. Those with psoriasis noticed an incredible improvement in their condition. Over the years, Blue Lagoon has been innovative in harnessing this gift of nature to develop different spa services and products. Today, Blue Lagoon is recognized as one of the wonders of the world (Blue Lagoon, 2017). Mobile: (+354) 519 2160

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