A Century of experience working with Geothermal Resources
Company: Representative: Title: Website: E-mail: Mobile number:
Iceland Geothermal Viðar Helgason Managing Director, Cluster Manager www.icelandgeothermal.is icelandgeothermal@icelandgeothermal.is +354 892 2244
Iceland Geothermal (IG) contributes to increased competitiveness and increased value proposition in the geothermal industry. IG is a platform where you can access all general information about geothermal energy in Iceland. We can assist you in getting into contact with the right person to move your project forward or to get the right information for building up infrastructure or business in relation to geothermal resource. Iceland Geothermal Cluster is a non-profit organization established in February 2013. IG is an industry driven cluster cooperation partnership, which focuses on the field of geothermal energy. The Iceland Geothermal Cluster Initiative is founded by 43 diverse members, including; companies, associations and institutions.
Company: Promote Iceland Website: www.islandsstofa.is/en/about E-mail: info@promoteiceland.is Phone number: +354 511 4000 PROMOTE ICELAND is a public-private partnership established to improve the competitiveness of Icelandic companies in foreign markets and to stimulate economic growth through increased export. The goals of Promote Iceland are promoting Iceland as a supplier of high-quality and innovative products and services, promoting Iceland as a tourism destination, assisting in the promotion of Icelandic culture abroad, and introducing Iceland as an attractive option for foreign direct investment. Promote Iceland also assists Icelandic companies seeking to grow internationally through competence building programs as well as international events, such as trade fairs, press trips, and trade delegations. This is done in close cooperation with Icelandic embassies and consulates abroad, as well as bilateral chambers of commerce. Moreover Promote Iceland has a dynamic cooperation with industry associations and clusters in Iceland including Iceland Geothermal.
Company: Mannvit Representative: Dr. Ari Ingimundarson Title: Director, America markets Website: www.mannvit.com E-mail: arii@mannvit.is Mobile number: +354 842 3174 Mannvit is a leader in geothermal power development with decades of experience developing geothermal resources. Engineering of more than 2000 MW in geothermal power and heating capacity coupled with world-class geoscience expertise
has made us the trusted consultant to project developers, financial and government institutes for the past five decades. Mannvit provides consulting for initial concept studies, feasibility studies and technical due diligence of existing projects. Mannvit offers geothermal exploration consulting, evaluation of geothermal fields, drilling consulting, tendering of drilling services and drilling supervision or Company Man during drilling. When it comes to project development consulting, the engineering experience and know-how in steam-field and power plant design is second to none. We also provide Project Management, operational and refurbishment consulting.
Company: EFLA Representative: J. Runar Magnusson Title: Division Manager Website: www.efla.is E-mail: runar.magnusson@efla.is Mobile number: +354 665 6227 EFLA has decades of experience in harnessing geothermal energy and a vital understanding of the close relationship of successful geothermal projects and characterization of the geothermal resource. We offer overall consultancy for early stages development, planning and exploration, predesign, balance of plant and feasibility study. As well as viability of business models and assist clients with financing geothermal projects at all stages. EFLA has participated in all stages of geothermal projects, from countrywide mapping of potential and developing greenfield to construction management and supervision, commissioning, and refurbishment of power plants. In-depth experience in all aspects of geothermal projects allows our experts to perform reliable investment, operation, and cost analysis for geothermal projects, regardless of scale or location. Moreover, EFLA has wide experience in direct use of geothermal water, district heating, geothermal spas and outdoor pools, aquaculture, food drying, producing food grade CO2 as well as luxury salt.
Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR) Representative: Bjarni Richter Title: Director Geothermal Energy Website: www.isor.is E-mail: bs@isor.is Mobile number: +354 896 9336 Iceland GeoSurvey, ÍSOR, is a leading provider of scientific and technical expertise to the geothermal industry in Iceland and abroad. ÍSOR offers consulting services worldwide on most aspects of geothermal exploration, development, and utilization as well as groundwater studies, marine geology and environmental monitoring. ÍSOR provides training and education on these and related issues. ÍSOR is a self-financing, stateowned, nonprofit institution. It receives no direct funding from the government and operates on a project and contract basis like a private company. Our basic values which have guided ÍSOR’s operations are professionalism, effective work procedures, robust basic research, honesty in consultation, avoidance of conflicts of interest and a culture of decisions based on long term planning.
Company: LANDSVIRKJUN – National Power Company of Iceland Representative: Bjarni Palsson Title: Manager Geothermal Department Website: www.landsvirkjun.com E-mail: Bjarni.Palsson@landsvirkjun.is Mobile number: +354 515 9000 Landsvirkjun is Iceland‘s largest power producer and one of Europe’s largest renewable energy companies. Our role is to consistently endeavour to maximise the yield and value of the natural resources we have been entrusted with, in a sustainable, responsible and efficient manner. Landsvirkjun’s future vision is to be a progressive, international energy company in the field of renewable energy. We want to be amongst the best in the generation and sale of power. We operate 15 hydropower stations, three geothermal power stations and two wind turbines in five areas of operation, all over Iceland, in total 2150 MW of renewable power. We believe in an integrated approach guided by prudence, reliability and the harmony of operations with both environment and society. Landsvirkjun’s international business development arm, Landsvirkjun Power Ltd., can provide expertise services in development and operations of renewable power schemes with main emphasis on hydropower and geothermal power plants.
Company: VERKÍS Representative: Þorleikur Jóhannesson Title: Mechanical Engineer, Geothermal Systems Website: www.verkis.com E-mail: tj@verkis.is Mobile number: +354 660 4506 At Verkís, more than 320 staff work on a wide range of projects, both in Iceland and abroad. Verkís provides professional service of the highest quality which is competitive with the best available in the world. Verkís operates according to accredited quality, environmental management, and health and safety management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001). Sveinn Ingi Ólafsson is company CEO. For more than 45 years, Verkís has been successfully involved in all development stages of geothermal utilization projects in Iceland and worldwide, in countries such as China, Slovak Republic, Turkey, El Salvador, France and Hungary. Verkís has the expertise to meet all of a client’s needs, from the project-concept stage to the completion of an investment project.
Company: Representative: Title: Website: E-mail: Mobile number:
ICELAND SCHOOL OF ENERGY Juliet Ann Newson Director en.ru.is/ise/ julietn@ru.is +354 825 6393
The Iceland School of Energy mission is to offer a high-quality learning experience. Offering opportunities for research, design and the management of geothermal energy, hydropower, wind
power and power systems engineering, we produce experts for the energy industry. We offer two, 24 month, 120 ECTS MSc programmes in Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Energy Engineering, Ph.D. programmes, a Geothermal Summer School and Executive Education and Training. Iceland School of Energy is part of and accredited by the School of Science and Engineering at Reykjavik University in Iceland.
Company: Representative: Title: Website: E-mail: Mobile number: +
INNOVATION CENTER ICELAND Kolbrún Ragna Ragnarsdóttir Project Manager nmi.is/english kolbrunr@nmi.is 354 664 0011
Innovation Center Iceland encourages innovation and promotes the advancement of new ideas in Icelandic economy by providing active participation and support to entrepreneurs and businesses. Innovation is a prerequisite for diversity in the Icelandic economy and the basis of a strong competitive position of the economy. Innovation Center Iceland belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Innovation and operates according to the Act on Government Support for Technology, Research, Innovation and Industry (no. 75/2007). The interplay of technological consulting and business support is the greatest strength of Innovation Center Iceland. A group of specialists in different fields encourage innovation and support the advance of new ideas through research, development projects, business development and professional advice and consulting.
Company: Representative: Title: Website: E-mail: Mobile number:
GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH CLUSTER Hjalti Páll Ingólfsson Director https://georg.cluster.is hpi@georg.cluster.is +354 618 3541
GEORG is an international research-driven cluster cooperation, formed in 2009. GEORG is a partnership of 23 partners, combining all major players on geothermal research and utilization in Iceland and their key international collaborators. GEORG operations are focused on enhancing research activity and cooperation within the geothermal community with the clear goal of benefiting cluster members with a special focus on building bridges between the research community and industry. GEORG has been successful with partners in promoting geothermal research which has been evident, among other things, in the recent increased prominence of geothermal issues at European level and the success of geothermal applications in the Horizon 2020 program. This is certainly a result of the focused promotion by Icelandic stakeholders on the benefit of geothermal energy as an option in energy usage, both with respect to energy security as well as greenhouse gas reduction.
Example of leading geothermal activates of Iceland geothermal members: Leading the Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Protocol (GSAP) Theistareykir Power Plant is the first geothermal power plant to be assessed under the new Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Protocol. GSAP was developed as a partnership project of Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik Energy, HS Orka and the Icelandic Environment Agency, with Sigurdur St. Arnalds of the engineering firm Mannvit as project manager (Landsvirkjun, 2017).
United Nations University, Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) The first official statement on establishing a UNU geothermal institute in Iceland was made in 1975. After a first proposal in 1976 and an international workshop in 1978, the Government of Iceland decided in October 1978 to ask Orkustofnun (the National Energy Authority (NEA)), to sign an Agreement on Association with the UNU and establish the UNU Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP). The UNU-GTP has been hosted by the NEA ever since (UNU-GTP, 2017).
District heating since 1930 With the introduction of new piping material by the early part of the 20th century, the District Heating Revolution started. Iceland is the global pioneer in using geothermal energy for space heating. 90% of Iceland’s homes are connected to the geothermal district heating systems.
Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) is a research and development project that is investigating the possibility of greatly increasing the power output of geothermal wells by producing high-enthalpy supercritical geothermal fluid from 4-5 km depths. The aim is to increase the power output per well by an order of magnitude. Two wells have been drilled both finding steam in the range of 500°C (IDDP, 2017).
The CarbFix and Sulfix Projects CarbFix is a collaborative research project between Reykjavik Energy, the University of Iceland, Columbia University and CNRS that aims at developing safe, simple and economical methods and technology for permanent CO2 mineral storage in basalts. The CarbFix team had demonstrated that over 95% of CO2 captured and injected at Hellisheidi geothermal Power Plant in Iceland (Reykjavik Energy, 2017).
IMAGE, research on exploration techniques The IMAGE project will develop a reliable science based exploration and assessment method to "IMAGE" geothermal reservoirs using an interdisciplinary approach. The objective is to develop new methods to scrutinize and appraise geothermal systems in such a way that exploration wells can be sited with greater accuracy than before (ISOR, 2017).
Geothermal tourist facilities The Blue Lagoon was formed in 1976 during operation at the nearby geothermal power plant. In the years that followed, people began to bathe in the unique water and apply the silica mud to their skin. Those with psoriasis noticed an incredible improvement in their condition. Over the years, Blue Lagoon has been innovative in harnessing this gift of nature to develop different spa services and products. Today, Blue Lagoon is recognized as one of the wonders of the world (Blue Lagoon, 2017).
icelandgeothermal@icelandgeothermal.is www.icelandgeothermal.is Mobile: (+354) 519 2160