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AUTOMARK Pakistan’s premier magazine on automotive, engineering & energy sector
Surge in CNG prices
Editor M. Hanif Memon Sub Editor Dr. Raja Irfan Sabir
Technical Editor Muhammad Shahzad
Advertising Manager Abdul Khaliq
Circulation Manager Tahir Siddiqui
Computer Operator Salman Hanif
Web Master Mustafa Hanif
CONTRIBUTING IN THIS ISSUE Muhammad Shahzad Asif Masood Salman Ahmed Shaikh Ali Hassan Ali Abbas M. Owais Khan
Advisors Imtiaz Rastgar CEO, Rastgar Group & CBI External Expert, Ex-chairman EDB Islamabad Abdul Majeed Sheikh President, AOTS-ABK Dosokai, Karachi Regional Center & Director (MME), NED University, Ex-Director Pak Suzuki Karachi M. Yakoob Gaziani CEO LORD Institute of Tech. Karachi Haider Nawab Advisor Planning & Development Toyota Southern Motors Toyota Defence Motors Karachi J. Pereira Master Motor Corporation Ltd. Karachi Engr. IHT Farooqui General Manager Plant Karakoram Motors (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi
The views expressed by contributing writers and comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Monthly AutoMark magazine's management. AutoMark REGD: SC-1330
Published every month by M. Hanif Memon Postal Address Active Communications D-68, Block-9, Clifton,Karachi Visit us: E-mail: Tel : 021-32218526 Mobile: 0321-2203815
Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) strongly criticized the massive surge in the POL product and CNG prices. Rejecting another unjust increase in the petroleum and CNG prices, massive increase in POL and CNG prices would have a crushing impact on poor masses and shatter all segments of society. Over the past four years, petrol prices in the country have gone up by 51 percent as oppose to an increase of 15 percent in the international market f ollowed by CNG price which has alarmingly increased by almost 110 percent to Rs88.70 per kg from Rs31 per kg in 2008. Industry people expressed deep concern upon sluggish production activities in the industrial units due to power load shedding and said that the recent increase in petroleum products prices would give a big blow to the industry and have devastating impact on other sectors as well. Many sayes that due to inappropriate and badly chosen p olicies of the Government the prices of essential commodities are going higher day by day. In such a critical situation, the announced increase in prices on POL products would jack up the graph of inflation further high and hit the common man hard as our citizens were already burdened with bleak economic conditions. There has not been much of an increase in the international price of oil since 2008. On contrary, Government was continued to give excuse of international oil price hike to justify high power prices being charged domestically. Chamber of Commerce and industry for the last many months had been calling the concerned government circles to take measures for the promotion of alternate fuels as trade deficit was fast widening due to heavy imports under the head of petroleum products, but government in not doing anything.
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Monthly AutoMark Problems of Chinese bike assemblers intensify ahead of budget Exclusive Article by Ali Hassan
Yamaha to invest $150mn in Pakistan
Chinese, Korean vehicle assemblers eye big market share in next five years Exclusive Article by M. Owais Khan
General Tyres to start manufacturing bike tyres
The Automotive Parts Trade in Pakistan by S.M. Naeem
The Hell…Under Your Car’s Hood! Exclusive car care articel by M. Shahzad
Automobile sector of Pakistan - Review
Team CLAPTRIX and Solar Car by M.Yousuf Abbas
Indus Motor holds Suppliers Convention
Hydrogen Fuel Car, NED students by Zeenat Anjum
Communication in Customer Service Exclusive by Ali Abbas
Dutch Ambassador to Pakistan Pours Metal in Pakistan Foundry
Energy Conference in Islamabad by Asif Masood from Islamabad
Road ahead for Pakistan economy By Salman Ahmed Shaikh
Local Assembled/Imported car price
Motorcycles market prices
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Exclusive Article by Ali Hassan
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Problems of Chinese bike assemblers intensify ahead of budget Chairman APMA M. Sabir Shaikh says that this is a sheer discrimination against small bike exporters for not getting any rebate or facing monthly delays while big assembles cum exporters are not facing any kind of this problem Some low cost bike makers, like past experience, are again in trouble ahead of announcement of Budget 2012-2013 due to bottlenecks being created by various government departments. A number of government departments under an influence of a leading Japanese bike maker have been putting up a lot of pressure on Chinese bike assemblers but the low cost bike makers have been over passing the hurdles except for some low volume assemblers. Some big Chinese bike makers have joined the Pakistan Au tom otive Manufacturers Association (PAMA), an a ssociation of Jap anese veh icle assemblers, to avoid any tension in working environment while others, non members of PAMA, are facing problems in running their industries. The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has served audit notice under section 25 and 38 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and other audit procedure for previous years which the assemblers believe are aimed at keeping them busy in legal formalities so that the assemblers could not send their pre-budget proposals or hold any important meeting in relation to budget with government officials. Besides, a number of small bike assemblers cum exporters are also facing problems in getting rebate payment from the government against export of bikes. Chairman Association of Pak istan Motorcycle Assembler s (A PMA), Mohammad Sabir Shaikh says that this is a sheer discrimination against small bike exporters for not getting any rebate or facing monthly delays while big assembles cum exporters are not facing any kind of this problem. He says th at wh en government
departments delay the rebate payments then how could timely exports could be executed. According to Model Collectorate of Customs Appraisement Sitara Auto Impex has exported two consignments containing 180 units of 70cc to Afghanistan vide GD No. 3765 dated 12.10.2 011 and No. 1080 d ated 29.07.2011. Now Sitara Auto Impex has imported 500 kits of 70cc bikes in CKD conditions claiming adjustment and release of 180 kits free of customs duty out of the aforesaid 500 kits in terms of SRO 656(I) 2006 dated 22.06.2006. In order to ascertain the bonafide of claimed exemption, it is requested to confirm the genuineness of the exports and to check whether the rebate against
t h e aforesa id tw o exp ort ed c on si gn me nts w as c la i me d o r sanctioned. Quoting an example of back biting or forcing another government department to conduct audit of local companies, S ab ir S h ai kh sai d t h e Dep u ty Commissioner Inland Revenue Karachi has served a notice to a bike maker regarding audit under section 25 and 38 of the Sales Tax Act 1990. The letter said that investigation and prosecution cell of this zone has carried out the exercise of risk areas which interalia i nc lu d es h i g h er i np u t s, low e r outputs, minimum amount of net tax paid and negative variations of revenue figures in comparison to preceding tax periods. The Engineering Development Board (EDB) is actually behind these kind of futile exercises forcing FBR to conduct audit which is tantamount of misusing its power. The EDB has recommended conducting audit for the year 2010 to 2011. The company was asked to submit various documents which included monthly sales tax returns, purch as e/sal es invoices, purchase invoices/bills of entries, record of export (shipping bills, bills of lading, form E, export realization certificate, customs invoices and commercial invoices etc) , list of machinery installed in business and manufacturing premises, original bank credit advices, part wise ledger showing the details of payments/receipts, bank statement,, proof of payment, detail of inventory/stocks register showing the description of raw material purchased, consumed as well as description wise goods produced, supplied/exported and balan ce , utility bil ls and records | April-2012 | Page 14
continued on next page
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Exclusive Article by Ali Hassan
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
China’s is Pakistan most trusted neighbor and business partners while India and even the Pakistani government is looking forward to foster trade between two countries. Perhaps Chinese parts makers know that opening trade with India may not auger well for Pakistani bike industry as India does not produce 70cc bikes so there is hardly any chance of importing parts from India. maintained under customs notification. In a case regarding manual selection of case for audit under section 177 tax year 2011 – M/s/ Al-Faz al Autos/Moon Traders , these companies through advocates of High Court an d Tax Advisors h ad sent a letter to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue on provision of section 214C regarding selection of audit by the Board. The Board may select persons or classes of persons for audit of income tax affairs through computer ballot which may be random or parametric as the Board may deem fit. Audit of income tax affairs of persons selected under sub section (I) shall be conducted as per procedure given in section 177 and all the provisions of the Ordinance, except, the first provision to sub section (I) or section 177 shall apply accordingly. For the removal of doubt it is hearby declared that Board shall be deemed always to have had the power to select any persons or classes of persons for audit of income tax affairs. The Advocates informed the Inland Revenue that therefore no mutual selection can be made and this will be a complete violation of FBR instructions and guidance in terms of section 213 and 214 of the Ordinance. Without prejudice to the above, the Advocates further submitted that provisions of section 214C (2) are very clear which provides that the audit will be conducted as per the instructions and guidance given by the FBR and no information in terms of section 177(I) can be called which are correlated to section 214(C) of the Ordin ance. However, Sabir Shaikh is happy over a m ove by Exc i se an d Ta xa ti on Department Punjab g overnment regarding issuance of security featured documents to the owners of motor vehicles for registration of motor cars and motor cycles. The Excise and Taxation Department is responsible for registration of motor vehicles under Punjab Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1965. The documents of
motor vehicles are issued by the manufacturers of the vehicles which are submitted to th e dep artment of registration. Recently the percentage of bogus/fake documents presented before the Motor Registration Authorities of Punjab have considerably increased. The vehicles registered on bogus documents can also liable to be misused by unscrupulous elements in commission of crime or even acts of terrorism. The Department is in the process of introducing security featured booklets for registration of motor vehicles, T.O. forms and transfer stickers with effect from July 1, 2012 which will address the inte rn al is sues of the department including transpar ent proce ss of regis tration and post registration transactions by eliminating the role of agent mafia and stamp vendor s. However, the documents issued by the manufacturers of different types of vehicles are equally important in the process. As long as those can be easily copied, mere restriction of use of security featured documents at this end will not yield desired results. It is therefore imperative that the manufacturing companies also start using such documents/papers which cannot be copied. The Excise and Taxation Department has asked the manufacturers to examine the possibility of use of some specific s ecu rity fe ature s in yo ur invoice/ownership documents which cannot be copied to ensure that the problems related to fake registration are minimized. Sale of some popular bike makes (both
Chinese and Japanese assembled) is going brisk despite adverse political and economic conditions. However, Honda bikes enjoy a good support from the rural buyers mainly in Punjab thanks to good price of cotton, wheat, sugarcane and rice crops as w ell as rising production these crops. Production and sale of Honda bikes stood higher in March 2012 with 51,930 and 52,232 units as compare d to previous months. The July-March 20112012 production and sales of Honda bikes surged to 437,015 and 437,033 units as compared to 407,577 and 407,133 units in the corresponding period of last financial year. Sale of Suzuki bikes, which further became costlier on April 1, 2012, also posted positive growth 16,434 from 15,148 units. Meanwhile some leading Chinese parts makers have started highlighting their products through advertisement in local monthly automotive magazines with complete address and email at a time when Pakistan plans to enhance its with border trade with India. These companies are either looking for joint ventures for local counterparts or trying to lure the traders for importing their products in Pakistan. However, local bike assemblers claim to have achieved over 90 per cent deletion in two wheelers but they continued to raise prices on the pretext of some hi tech parts used in assembly of engines. Chin a’s is Pakistan most trusted neighbor and business partners while I nd ia a nd e ven th e P aki st an i government is looking forward to foster trade between two countries. Perhaps Chinese parts makers know that opening trade with India may not auger well for Pakistani bike industry as India does not produce 70cc bikes so there is hardly any chance of importing parts from India. Besides, the opening of proper business between Pakistan and India will take more time and China will have enough tim e to satisfy loc al t rad er s.... | April-2012 | Page 15
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Update
Yamaha to tap India base for bigger global play
Yamaha Motor of Japan will use India as one of its four regional procurement bases to source parts for its two-wheeler operations worldwide. The others are Japan, China and ASEAN which will jointly contribute to Yamaha's goal of keeping its costs in check. The target is to bring these overheads down by nearly Rs 5,000 crore in 2012 as part of a larger recast exercise. Yamaha may not be doing big vehicle numbers in India yet but has been quick to recognise the potential its ancillary supplier base has to offer in terms of top quality parts at competitive costs. This will allow headquarters in Japan to focus on technologies while the global oper ations (primarily its ASEAN integrated development centres) will play a far more proactive role in product development. BIKE VOLUMES While its India bike volumes are slowly starting to build up, Yamaha has been more successful in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam where it closed 2011 at 4.6 million units. The target for this calendar is 5.5 million units of which nearly 40 per cent of its two-wheelers will have fuel injection options. This conversion (from the carburettor alternative) is expected to be complete by 2015 when production in these three countries will be over six million units. As for India, Yamaha wrapped up 2011 with a little over five lakh units, of which a third was exported. The company has targeted 6.4 lakh two-wheelers for 2012 where exports will account for 1.9 lakh
units. When it reaches its one-million milestone by 2015 (which has already been mad e p ublic), exp orts will constitute 20 per cent and will head out largely to Central/South America and Asia. INDIA STRATEGY The Yamaha strategy for India is to build its brand presence in 150cc bikes where it has a market share of 20 per cent. The volumes for the future are expected to be generated from its new 125cc scooter keeping in mind the growth witnessed in this product segment over the last few years. Over the years, Yamaha has struggled to get its India act in place despite the fact that it has been around for over 25 years now. Valuable time was lost in putting its house in order after the split with the Esco rts group. Industry observers say the company also erred in its product strategy by trying to compete in the numbers game in motorcycles. It has since figured out that its DNA lies in powerful bikes which first drew India customers by the droves in the 1980s. Scooters could just end up doing the trick for Yamaha in the coming years as it sets abo ut working towards its targeted one million units in India. HMSI (Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India), TVS Motor Company and Suzuki have seen their gearless scooter businesses grow rapidly over the years and this will be the best bet for Yamaha too....
Yamaha to invest $150mn in Pakistan
The Japanese motorcycle manufacturing company Yamaha will invest US$ 150 million for establishing a motor cycle plant in Karachi. A business delegation led by senior manager, Yahama along with other members of the company called on the Advisor to Prime Minster on Industries, Mohammed Basharat Raja. The delegation informed that the investment will provide the employment opportunities for about 45,000 people besides technology transfer for the motorcycle industry. They said that the company will also provide technical education for the people which will help in economic development in the country. Th e Ad visor to Pr ime Mi nister welcomed the Japanese investment in the sector and assured full facilitation and cooperation of the government. He in formed th e delegation th at motor cycle industry has rap id ly flourished in the country during the last four years and there was a huge market of motorc ycles in th e c ountr y. Raja Basharat said that Pakistan was producing about 1.5 million motorcycles per annum and also exporting to other countries. A large portion of the local population was consist of middle class which have the power to purchase the motorcycle and due to this reason Pakistan was the best place in the region for investing in auto-sector. He informed the delegation that modern technologies would be introduced for manufacturing energy efficient and environment friendly motorcycles to create space in the in te rnational market.... | April-2012 | Page 16
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by M. Owais Khan - Exclusive Article
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Chinese, Korean vehicle assemblers eye big market share in next five years Huge prices may prove challenging for Japanese vehicles assemblers Chinese vehicle assemblers have not made deeper inroads like Chinese bike assemblers while Korean assemblers are also struggling to carve a niche in a market dominated by Japanese vehicle assemblers for decades. In bikes consumers had only one costly option of world’s leading bike makers products -- Honda CD-70cc which is still a market leader despite presence of over 50 two wheeler Chinese bike assemblers at low prices. A major price difference between Japanese and Chinese bike makers is one of the main reasons of luring lower income group people to go wild otherwise Honda still holds a major market share thanks to its permanent buyers in Punjab rural and urban areas. In bikes one can afford to take risk due to its low price irrespective assemblers’ market share in world markets. In four wheelers the mind set of people is totally different despite low price as compared to Japanese assembled vehicles. With a wide price margin a number of Chinese vehicle producers plunged in the market but hardly anyone proved threatened to the d ominance of Japanese vehicle assemblers. People know the reliability and qual ity of J ap anese veh ic les w h ic h ma ny customers feel that they cannot trust the Chinese vehicles as they do not enjoy any big presence in world markets. On the contrary, Korean vehicles are much superior in terms of quality and reliability but in Pakistan they did not live up to the expectations of the customers. The production of Hyundai Shehzore, once a road king few years back in light commercial category, has been suspended for months amid its report of re-entry in the country. Dewan Farooqui Motors, which introduced Hyundai Shehzore, also successfully tested Hyundai Santro 1,000cc car which started with a bang but ended cheaply either due to mismanagement
of its local partners or because of arrival of used vehicles like Toyota Vitz, Toyota Platz, etc. The popularity graph of Hyundai vehicles is going up in world markets but in Pakistan the Korean giant has und erg one really a tough time. Market is abuzz with reports that Dewan Farooqui Motors is all set to resume production of its two popular models but the company is yet to make this happen practically. The suspension of Shehzore truck has paved the way for good sale prospects for some Chinese and Korean truck assemblers like Master. Light commercial vehicles of Toyota and Suzuki also benefitted from Shehzore’s hard luck. The same local company Dewan Group also introduced Kia vehicles but the production of almost all cars had also been suspended prior to the fate of Hyundai vehicles. Few years back the country saw the departure of most popular truck and mini bus – Mazda of Japan, from Pakistan which was later replaced by Dong Feng of China but after production
of few units the Chinese vehicle failed to impress the transporters. A leading Korean commercial vehicle maker said that both Korean and Chinese assemblers will take away major share from Japanese assemblers in the next five years owing to very to very high prices of Japanese vehicles. Monthly AUTOMARK tries to analyze the fate of existing and new Chinese and Korean four wheelers makers in view of rising market share of Japanese vehicle markers. Many of them are struggling for their survival. General Manager Plant, Karakoram Motors Private Limited, Mr. IHT Farooqui recalls that Karakoram Motors is the first company which started local assembly and manufacturing of Chinese mini vehicles in Pakistan. In 2006 the company entered into a technical collaboration w ith M/s Changan Automobiles of China and st a r t ed lo c a l a sse m b li ng a nd manufacturing of 800cc mini pick up. This pickup named KALASH is very popular in Pakistan due to its new attractive design, additional features and reasonable price. About 50 per cent of this product is localized and we are also in house manufacturing some sheet metal par ts like Cargo Box, etc. Recently, he says that Karakoram Motors have introduced some new versions in this product like Flat Bed, Econo Model and Super model also. This is a viable project and we are planning to completely indigenize this product within next five years. In 2010, Karakoram Motors also entered into a technical collaboration with M/s Chery Automobile of China for the local manufacturing and assembling of 800cc Chery QQ. All necessary infrastructure like Welding line, Assembling line and tester line is now completed and the trial production of this car is now started. After acquiring the assets of defunct | April-2012 | Page 17
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Exclusive Article Naya Dau r Moto rs, h e says that Karakoram Moto rs had invested a sizeable amount on this old plant, a new CED Paint shop was erected, production facilities were revamped and for local development vendors were paid heavy advances. Today about 7,000 vehicles are running on road which include local assembled and imported Changan vehicles. “We have very ambitious plans for further development of Kalash and within next five years this vehicles will be totally indigenized,” he says adding “our future project of Chery QQ is also in advance stage and we plan to start commercial production by September this year.” Mr Farooqui says his company has already applied to the Engineering Development Board (EDB) for project approval few months back. Chery QQ is a n exc lusi ve p rod u ct of Ch er y Automobiles of China and has nothing to do with Chevrolet. “We have entered into agreement with Chery with clean hands and we have no dispute with Nexus Automobile or others for the local assembly of this car in Pakistan,” he says. This car was initially imported by Pakistan Chery Automobiles in CBU but later Chery terminate d their agreements with Pakistan Chery and signed an exclusive d e al er sh ip a nd ma nu fa c tu r in g agreement with Karakoram Motors. When asked whether the EDB had any objection on Cherry QQ ca, he says no adding that EDB will put our case in next AIDC meeting for approval. On future of Chinese veh icles in Pakistan, he claims Chinese vehicles are now getting popular in the country due to price increase by the Japanese assemblers. He says Japanese vehicles had a very long history in Pakistan, but Chinese vehicles are also getting proper share in t he m arket. In Ch ina very few man uf acturers have RHD vehicles except Light Commercial vehicles which are imported in the Asian countries. The quality of the Chinese vehicles are now much improved and if the local partner gives proper attention towards after Sales service then the future is promising. He says the proposed new entrant policy is not attracting new entrants due to complexity of the policy. One window operation and clear policy is required to implement this excellent policy.
Chief Executive Officer Silver Seal Anwar Iqbal says that his company is importing 15 seater commercial vans from China in direct competition with two other players. “We usually import 30 vans per month in which 10-15 vans are sold,” he said adding that the customs duty on import of van over 10 person seating capacity is 20 per cent as compared to 65 per cent customs duty on import of 10 seating capacity vehicles. The product name is Hamza and is being distributed through Sherwani Motors. Anwar Iqbal said that there is huge price difference in Japanese vans either made in Pakistan or imported by the local assemblers. For example, he said that the 15 seater vans being imported by three companies carry price tag between Rs 1.8-1.9 million as compared to 2.83 .0 mi lli on of J a pa nese v ans. He said time is not far when Chinese vehicles will hold a major share in Japanese dominated market due to big price difference.
In March 2012, Al-HAJ FAW Motors Private Limited, a leading name in automobile industry, launched two light vehicles i.e. FAW X-PV and FAW Carrier in Pakistan with latest technology and affordable prices. The Company also announced to assemble FAW light vehicles. Addressing the launching/unveiling ceremony, Mr. Hilal Khan Afridi Chief Executive officer (CEO) of A-HAJ FAW Motors said the company has invested Rs one billion to set up an assembling plant to start production of new vehicles. AL-HAJ FAW has recently completed its assembly plant located at main national highway, Zulfiqarabad, Karachi by its own resources. A new production line has been setup in the Al-Haj FAW plant, located Zulfiqarabad as sembling plan t to assemble these two new light vehicles. FAW X-PV is 1,000 CC mini van with a seating capacity of seven plus one (7+1), while other one FAW Carrier is also 1.000 CC mini pickup for loading purpose and with a loading capacity of one ton, which is much higher than most other vehicles of its category. As per quality, these new additions have EFI technology and Euro4 emission
standards, which are still not available in the Japanese small vehicles being assembled in the Pakistan. These two small vehicles are a new induction in the Pakistan’s automobile industry aimed to provide comfortable and affordable transport to the general masses, CEO said. AL-HAJ FAW MOTORS has been a ctively involved i n th e Heavy Commercial Market (CBU & SKD) since 2006 and h as been contin uously increasing its market share and now stands among the market leaders in its class. “Our Grou p previously was only assembling heavy vehicles, now has decided to start production of small vehicles as well. We are the second large st heavy vehicle provider in Pakistan with 40 percent market share”, Hilal Afirid claimed. Under this project Chinese automobile technologies will also be transferred into Pakistan in the next one and half year, he said. The plant has a capacity of 11,000 units per annum which can be extended a cc or di ng t o th e r equ ir em ent. “We plan to further penetrate in the Japanese dominated automobile market through introducing our product line in LCV and Passenger car categories”, he said.
“Our vision is to introduce and capture significant share of the local automotive market by providing quality Chinese vehicles to the customer with full back up support through nationwide 3S dealer network”, said Farhan Hafiz, Marketing Manager Al-Haj FAW Motors. “Our focus is to change people’s mindset about Chinese automobile in Pakistani market by providing them quality, durability, after sales support, hence giving them the best value against their money,” he added. Talking about the previous Chinese experience in the local market, Farhan Hafiz said that there are many reasons for their failure, among them some major reasons were, po or product selection, poor product quality, poor back-up support and most importantly no proper support from the Principal. Hence our focus should be to avoid all these mistakes.... | April-2012 | Page 18
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Update
General Tyres to start manufacturing bike tyres This year, Pakistan is expected to produce 1.8 million units of motorcycles while 140,000 CNG rickshaws are already on roads. “Fortunately, there is no smuggling problem in the motorcycle tyre category,” he pointed out. General Tyres, the leading tyre manufacturer of Pakistan, is investing Rs500 million in expanding its production facility and has started manufacturing tyres for CNG rickshaws. It also plans to bring motorcycle tyres into the market by the end of the fiscal year in June. “ Desp ite u nfavour able business conditions, General Tyres has been gradually investing in its manufacturing facilities,” Chief Executive Mohammad Shahid Hussain said while talking to media on the sidelines of a press conference on held last month. “Today, business conditions are better and are improving with every passing month.” Speaking to the media, Hussain said the company wanted to capitalise on the fast growing market of compressed natural gas (CNG) rickshaws and motorcycles in the country. This year, Pakistan is expected to produce 1.8 million units of motorcycles whil e 140,000 CNG rickshaws are already on roads. “Fortunately, there is no smuggling problem in the motorcycle tyre category,” h e pointed ou t. Replying to a question on opening of trade with India, Hussain said Pakistan should raise the issue of non-tariff barriers with the Indian government, which create hurdles in the way of exports. On the other hand, “our market is open for Indian exporters owing to relatively less intrusive laws and restrictions.” Hussain pointed to the probl em of
cars, light trucks and tractors. Some 60% of its tyres are sold to the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) – carmakers – in th e country. The company also exports its products to Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria and is exp lor ing new exp ort mar kets.
Introduction: under-invoicing and smuggling of tyres, which have severely hit the domestic manufacturers. “Though the government has tightened up on smuggling and under-invoicing, st i ll t h er e i s mu c h r oom for improvement,” he said, adding billions of rupees could be saved by improving th e cu stom s c lear anc e syst em . If the cost of a Chinese tyre was around $2 40-$ 245 , some tr ad er s w er e importing the same by declaring a value of $130-$140, causing severe losses to the national exchequer. And, then they gave all taxes on this lower import price, he said. Pakistan imports some 60% of tyres from China.
“Tax evasion actually helps tyre importers to sell these at low prices, making it almost impossible for us to compete with them,” Hussain added. He, however, believed that Pakistan had the potential to be a big tyre exporter, provided the government created a level playing field for the manufacturers and controlled under-invoicing and smuggling.
The General Tyre and Rubber Company of Pakistan Limited (Gentipak) is Pakistan‘s premier industry. It was established in 1963 by General Tire USA and has been in production since 1964. Gentipak has a Technical Services Agreement (TSA) with CONTINENTAL A G (G e r m a ny ’ s l a r g e st t y r e manufacturer) which enables it to produce tyres of “GENERAL” brand and provide s the latest technology for p r od u ct io n o f t yr es ba sed on Continental’s, R&D. The Plant and the Offices, are located in suburb of Karachi. Initial production capacity was only 120,000 tyres per annum but is now around 2,000,000 tyres per annum. Our plant is constantly upgraded and is equipped with the most m od ern t ech nol ogy i n tyr e manufacturing.
General Tyres manufactures tyres for | April-2012 | Page 19
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Exclusive Articel by S.M. Naeem
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
The Automotive Parts Trade in Pakistan
Th e auto mo bil e Industry directly influences the economics of any country around the world. And due to its importance the automobile Industry has acquired the status of a key sector of the economy for all major countries of the world. In Pakistan too, since 1953, when the first assembly plant of General Motors Ltd was established, this sector has received the special attentions of the Government, and it w as alw ays protected by Government by many tariff and non tariff based measures, and it was always the desire of the Government that this sector should play an important role to boost the economy of the country. The auto mo bile Parts industry in Pakistan, in real terms was established in early 80s, and the period of 20 years (1985-2005), which is considered as a “PREPARATION PHASE” had a full protection by the Government by implementation of compulsory local content conditions or the DELETION PROGRAMMES . And according to a report of Ministry of Industries the economic objectives of that time were achieved to a large extent. The second phase “DEVELOPMENT PHASE-2005-2012” started with a new environment by abolishing the deletion programme and from 1st July 2006, the TBS was introduced. Durin g this “Development Phase”, the local Industry has been protected by higher rate of imp or t du ties on all par ts not manufactured in Pakistan and an additional RD of 15% had been levied on all the parts man ufactured in Pakistan. And according to TBS, the import duties were to be reduced every year, to bring it to normal level. The third phase “The Global Era” startin g fro m 2012, in which the Automobile Industry of Pakistan has to reposition itself to become a global player and is expected to achieve all the scales of progress as from its Preparation Phase, and completion of Development Phase, which is a period of over 25 years
of full support and protection by the Government’s Non-Tariff and Tariff based policies, it is bound to deliver the results to the nation. It will not be wrong to say that due to the tariff based protections, if on one hand this policy had to play a vital role in the development of the Automotive Industry in Pakistan, but, on the other hand it should also be admitted that the negative impact of this policy has made damages to the national economy. The higher rates of import duties not only encou rag ed sm ug gling bu t a lso encouraged the other illegal activities in the trade. And it had discouraged the legitimate business, but also the national exchequer suffered with heavy losses by increase in smuggling and use of illegal channels. Another aspect of the Automobile Parts in dustry to be considered, is the economic scale of production quantities. To be competitive in terms of price and quality, every industry needs certain volume of production, which in terms of quantity, unfortunately, from the pre sent O.E. busin ess is still not economical, and in aftermarket segment of the business, the problem is more severe as due to a large number of models running in the country, the af termarket busin ess of the local manufacturers, except for the items they already manufacture for O.E. use, cannot be competitive and feasible. And it is also a fact that OE quality is always much higher in cost than the aftermarket
required quality, and as there is no guarante e/ warranty involved for aftermarket parts, the OE parts are not competitive, as compared to aftermarket parts. So OE parts are not the first preference of the users. Therefore, by applying tariff barriers on the import of aftermarket parts, the users are deprived of g et ting th e standar d qu ality aftermarket products at cheaper prices. The users who are already under heavy financial burdens of higher costs due to continuous devaluation of the currency and increase in costs of Petrol, CNG, and Electricity, do not mind to buy the parts imported through illegal channels at lower prices. Thus considering all these factors involved in Automobile Trade and Industry, continuation of high rates of custom duties are no more advis eable for the trade, industry, consu mer and also th e national exchequer and economy of the country. The Government is advised to lower the rates of import duties on the commercial imports of Automotive Parts, which will reduce the burden of Transporters and consumers, Curb the smuggling enhance the legitimate business. Thus, with the starting of “Global Era” of Automotive Industry in Pakistan from 2012, in which the industry is going to compete in the international market, it is also time to review the rates of custom duties in Pakistan, and tariff base protection should be abolished and the import duties in Pakistan should be brought down to the minimum possible level. And this will not only encourage the legitimate business activities in the country, but also will increase the Govt. revenues significantly. About writer: S. M. Naeem Chairman FB R/ C u st om s S u b -Co m m it t ee, Pakistan Automobile Spare Parts Importers and Dealers Association. | April-2012 | Page 20
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By: Mohammad Shahzad S.A.E; D.M.P.
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
The Hell…Under Your Car’s Hood! Beat the Heat with the Tender Treat We all like to enjoy a hot summer on the lake or beach to cool us down during a heat wave. Our bodies can bear up to a certain temperatures before we run the risk of a high fever or a heat stroke which may cause serious damage to the organs in our body. The engine of a car also has a limit to high temperatures before it runs into a melting or seizedup stage. The cooling system is as necessary to the engine as sweating is to our bodies to get rid of the heat. Your vehicle has an internal combustion engine. That means when air, fuel and fire (ignition) enters into the engine and create a blast in the cylinders, the temperature inside the engine can reach as high as 4500°F (2500°C). Now if you add outside temperature up to 50°C especially in the hot climatic zone of Pakistan, with the combinations, it will take only half that heat to melt iron and your engine would be a useless lump of metal in about 20 minutes. Boiling coolant out of the engine can burn your skin in seconds, or your car’s hood (bonnet) can reach to an extreme temperature – hot enough to warm-up a pizza or cook an egg omelette or to flip well-done burgers in a matte r of seconds. In fact, the cooling system on a car d riv ing down th e highw ay dissipates enough hot air to heat up a big bungalow in the winter.
Purpose of the Cooling System The cooling system is your engine’s life saver. The purpose of the cooling system is to do three things. The first is to maintain the highest and most efficient
operating temperature within the engine. The second is to remove excess heat from the engine. The third is to bring the engine up to an operating temperature as quickly as possible. If the engine is not at the highest operating temperature, it will not run efficiently. Fuel mileage will decrease and wear on the engine components will increase. It also support automatic transmission as oil cooler and provides cabin heating for comfortable driving in the winter season.
Heat Removal Process Although engines have improved a lot they are still not very efficient when it comes to turning chemical energy into mechanical power. Within the gasoline or diesel engine, energy from the fuel is
converted to power for moving the vehicle. However, not all energy is converted to power. When 100% of the energy is going into the engine, about 25% is used to push the vehicle. About 9% of the heat generated by the fuel is lost through radiation and 33% is sent out through the exhaust system. The remaining 33% must be removed by the cooling system. If this is done correctly, the temperature of the vehicle will be at its highest efficiency. The engine runs best when its coolant is about 200°F (93°C), same as you will feel active when your body temperature is about 37°C or 98.6°F. If the engine temperature is too high, various probl ems will occur. These include: 1. Overheating of lubricating oil – This will result in the lubricating oil breaking down. 2. Overheating of the parts – This may cause loss of strength of the metal. 3. Excessive stresses between engine pa rts – This may cause increases in friction, which may cause excessive wear. If the engine temperature is too low, various problems will occur. These include: 1.Po o r e r fu e l mi le ag e –T h e combustion process will be less efficient. 2.Increases in carbon build up – As the fuel enters the engine, it will condense and cause excessive build up on the intake valves. 3.Increase in Varnish and sludge within the lubrication system –Cooler engines enhance the build-up | April-2012 | Page 21
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Exclusive Article of sludge and varnish. 4.Loss of power. If the combustion process is less efficient, the power output will be reduced and fuel economy will suffer. 5. Fuel not being burned completely –This will cause fuel to dilute the oil and cause excessive engine wear.
to be controlled so that it allows the engi ne to ma intai n a const ant temperature. Front-wheel drive cars have electric fans because the engine is usually mounted transversely, meaning the output of the engine points toward the side of the car. Rear-wheel drive cars with longitudinal engines usually have engine-driven cooling fans.
How Cooling Systems Work
Overcoming Overheating
The water pump sends the fluid into the engine block, where it makes its way through passages in the engine around the cylinders. Then it returns through the cylinder head of the engine. The thermostat is located where the fluid leaves the engine. The plumbing around the thermostat sends the fluid back to the pump directly if the thermostat is closed. If it is open, the fluid goes through the radiator first and then back to the pump. There is also a separate circuit for the heating system. This circuit takes fluid from the cylinder head and passes it through a heater core and then back to the pump. On cars with automatic transmissions, there is a separate circuit for cooling the transmission fluid built into the radiator. The oil from the transmission is pumped by the transmission through a second heat exchanger inside the radiator. The main components of the modern cooling system are:
If your engine coolant temperature gauge indicates very high or engine coolant warning light comes on dash, this is sure indication that your engine is overheating. You can take first step to turn off A/C (if in use) open all windows and turn the heater with the fan at full blast. This will dissipate the engine heat through heater and may d rop temperature, you may feel discomfort in summer but it may save your engine life from a serious damage. However if you experience a loss of power, or if you hear a loud knocking or pining noise with the steam under the hood all these symptoms are sure indication that engine has probably overheated.
Water Pump The water pump is a simple centrifugal pump driven by a belt connected to the crankshaft of the engine. The pump circulates fluid whenever the engine is running. The fluid leaving the pump flows first through the engine block and cylinder head, then into the radiator and finally back to the pump. Radiator A radiator is a type of heat exchanger. It is designed to transfer heat from the hot coolant that flows through it to the air, blown thro ugh it by the fan. Radiators usually have a tank on each side or on top and bottom, and inside the tank is a transmission cooler. The transmission cooler is like a radiator within a radiator, except instead of exchanging heat with the air, the oil exchanges heat with the coolant in the radiator.
Radiator Cap
The radiator cap actually increases the boiling point of your coolant by about 45° F (25° C). How does this simple cap do this? The same way a pressure cooker increases the boiling temperature of water for fast cooking. Never add coolant through this cap when hot, always add into Reservoir tank to avoid injury.
Reservoir Tank This tank or bottle is located near the radiator and connected with a tube. The purpose of this coolant recovery system is to store the overflow coolant and return to radiator when re quired.
Fluid/Coolant/Antifreeze Engine operates in a wide variety of temperatures, from way below freezing50° C to well over 100° F (38° C). So whatever fluid is used to cool the engine has to have a very low freezing point, a high boiling point, and it has to have the capacity to hold a lot of heat. Water is one of the most effective fluids for holding heat, but water freezes at very low temperature and boil over at very high a temperature to be used in car engines. The fluid that most cars use is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (C2H6O2), also known as antifreeze. By adding ethylene glycol to water, the boiling and freezing points are improved significantly.
Thermostat Just as an athlete needs to warm up when they begin to exercise, your car's engine needs to warm up when it is first started. The thermostat is almost always placed between the engine and the radiator as the coolant flows. The thermostat's main job is to allow the engine to heat up quickly, and then to keep t he engi ne a t a c onst ant temperature.
Fan Like the thermostat, the cooling fan has
Beat the heat with the following treat • Pull safely off the road, stop the v e h i c le an d t u r n o n y o u r e mer gency flashe rs. Put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or neutral (manual) and apply the parking brake. • If coolant or stream is boiling out of the radiator or reservoir, stop the engine. Wait until the steam subsides before opening the hood. If there is no coolant boiling over or steam, leave the engine running and make sure the cooling fan is operating. If it is not turn-off the ignition. To help avoid personal injury, keep the hood closed until there is no steam. Escaping steam or coolant is a sign of very high temperature. • Visually check to see if the engine drive belt (Water pump belt) is broken or loose. Look for obvious coolant external leaks from the radiator, hoses, and under the vehicle. However, note that water draining from the A/C is normal if it has been used. When the engine is running, keep hands and clothing away from the moving fan | April-2012 | Page 22
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Exclusive Article and engine drive belts • If the engine drive belt is broken or the coolant is leaking, stop the engine immediately and call for breakdown assistance to tow to workshop. • If the engine drive belt is O.K. and there are no obvious leaks, check the coolant reservoir. If it is low or dry, add coolant (you may add water just to get to the nearest fuel station to replace with proper coolant) to the reservoir while engine is running. Fill about half full. Do not attempt to remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Serious injury could result from scalding hot fluid and steam blown out under pressure. After the engine coolant temperature has cooled to normal, again check the co olant level in the reservoir. If necessary, bring it up to half full again. Serious coolant loose indicates leak in the system. While you are checking under the hood make sure the engine has enough lubrication oil, low or no engine oil may cause overheating. It is recommended to keep an extra jug of water or coolant and oil for such emergencies. Avoid driving and call for breakdown assistance and tow your vehicle to a nearest dealer/workshop. Common Problems Let's look at the common problems cars ha ve w it h th e cooli ng sy stem. • LOSS OF COOLANT OR WATER IN THE SYSTEM DUE TO LEAK OR EXCESSIVE EVAPORATION is the prime cause of overheating. • Broken hose: Hoses wear out and can leak. Once the coolant has left the system it can no longer cool the engine and it overheats. • Broken water pump belt: The water pump is driven by the engine through a belt. If the belt breaks, the water pump can not turn and coolant will not be circulated through the engine. This will also lead to engine overheating. • Electric fan failed: Most cars are equipped with an electrical fan mounted behind the radiator to draw air for cooling purpose, check to see, if fuse or loose connections is causing fan to stop working. • Faulty radiator cap: The radiator cap is designed to hold a certain pressure in the coolant system. Most caps hold 8 - 15 PSI. This pressure raises the point in which the coolant will boil and maintains a stable system. If your cap does not hold pressure, then the engine could overheat on hot days since the
system never becomes pressurized. • Water pump failure: Most commonly you will hear a screeching noise and will be able to see coolant leaking from the front of the pump or under the car. Early signs are small spots of coolant under the car after being parked overnight and a strong coolant odour while driving. • Head gasket leaked: Is there a large amount of white smoke flowing out of your exhaust? That could cause by the leaky head gasket. The head gasket seals the cylinder head to the engine block and also seals the coolant passages. When this gasket fails coolant can enter the cylinder and it will be turned to vapour as the engine fires. Head gaskets most often fail after the engine has experienced an overheating situation. When super hot, the cylinder head can warp and allow the gasket to fail.
Preventive Maintenance Over heating is the major cause of the engine failure, it’s like having high fever. The engine cannot go very long without being cooled. If the cooling system fails for any reason, the engine will soon reach a temperature where the pistons will actually weld themselves to the cylinder wall. Once this happens, you throw the engine out and replace it with a new one. Since the cooling system controls the temperature of the engine, it is highly important that the system be regularly inspected and serviced. • Keeps an eye on a temperature gauge or warning light while driving. • Chec k all belts and h ose s regularly. Check coolant strength for winter driving. Always top up with
antifreeze not plain water. (at oil change is a good time) • Look out for coolant leaks underneath the car, they could be signs of trouble to come, except A/C drain( if it has been use) • Check and clean radiator air fins for free air flow if blocked. • Change your coolant every 2 - 3 years or depending on your car manufacturer’s recommendations. • Inspect your r adiator cap for deterioration of the rubber seal. Replace if you think it is worn. It’s a much cheaper solution. • Have your coolant system flushed every 2-3 years. It gets all the corrosion which has built up out of the system. Remember, engine overheating is the major cause of your car breakdown on the road especially in the hot summer in most parts of Pakistan. Proper cooling system maintenance not only saves you money but it also keeps you safe from unexpected breakdowns. DRIVE SAFE and hav e a fun summer… Safety always starts with you!
This exclusive article on Tires has been written by Mohammad Shahzad S.A.E., D.M.P (Automotive Eng in eer/Doctor of Motors) He is a Senior Group Manager for Customer Management Operations with The Brimell Group, Brimell Toyota and Brimell Scion in Toronto, Canada. Free advice for Automark readers; please do not hesitate to contact him at s ha h@ b ri mel lt oy ot a .c o m o r Next article: Next article: 101 ways to achieve better fuel mileage. | April-2012 | Page 23
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Energy & Automotive Sector - Update
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Govt likely to lift ban on company-fitted CNG cylinders The diplomatic missions from Japan, Italy and Argentina approached this ministry and voiced concerns that huge investments made by the companies manufacturing CNG kits such as Landi, Renzo/Lovato, BRC, Tesla etcetera, as well as vehicle assemblers like Toyota Indus Motors and Pak Suzuki are at stake. The government is considering lifting the ban on company fitted compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinders and kits in the locally manufactured vehicles after diplomatic missions from Japan, Italy and Argentina objecte d to them. This has been revealed in a Ministry of Industries’ ‘secret’ letter to the forthcoming meeting of Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet to be convened this week. Sources said this ban would be reviewed, keeping in view the objections raised by th e ministry in th is connection. The letter spells out the objections in concrete terms, arguin g that the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources initiated a summary for ECC of the Cabinet regarding ban on CNG kits and their import. The diplomatic missions from Japan, Italy and Argentina approached this ministry and voiced concerns that huge investments made by the companies manufacturing CNG kits such as Landi, Renzo/Lovato, BRC, Tesla etcetera, as well as vehicle assemblers like Toyota Indus Motors and Pak Suzuki are at stake. The missions said the decision will not only result in huge financial losses to these companies but may also send adverse signals to future prospective investors in the automotive sector. The use of CNG was encouraged as a conscious policy decis ion of the government for being an environmentfriendly fuel during the 1990s. As a r es u l t , h u g e i n v e s t m e n t s i n infrastructure development have been made by the aforesaid companies, as well as by local in vestors and the consumers. Furthermore, the Ministry of Industries has pointed out that the Ministry of Petro leum and Natural Resources violated the Rules of Business, 1973, by
not submitting its views and comments on the draft summary in this connection, sent down to it [and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)], despite reminders. The FBR, however, agreed to impose 10 percent import duty on CNG conversion kits and cylinders. It says that imposition of such duty would discourage use of environm ent-fr iend ly and cause escalation of prices of CNG-fuelled cars in use of the lower-income strata of society. It proposes that ban on company-fitted CNG cylinders and kits in local ly manufactured cars may be lifted. It pleads that import of CNG cylinders, conversion kits and their parts be allowed.
It is pertinent to mention that presently around 3 million CNG vehicles including public transport vehicles, are plying on roads out of which around 1.6 million vehicles are private vehicles (630,000 cars) that hav e factory-fitted CNG cylinders and kits. According to Pakistan Energy Book 2010, the share of CNG consumed in transport sector is only 7.7 percent of the entire consumption of natural gas in Pakistan. Moreover, private vehicles and auto rickshaws consume roughly 3.5 percent, while the vehicles with factory-fitted CNG kits and cylinders consume less than 1.3 perce nt of the to tal gas consumption. Furthermore, CNG consumption by commercial transport vehicles is in the vicinity of 60 percent of the total while private vehicles consume not more than 40 percent. CNG kit manufacturing companies are exporting approximately 60,000 kits to other countries and earn $6 million foreign exchange a year. Moreover, as roughly 50 percent of the components of CNG kits are being manufactured locally, the vendor industry will also face adverse impact on employment and suffer financial losses. Besides, a complete ban on installation of CNG cylinders and kits in private cars, including taxi and auto rickshaws will severely affect people from lower income strata of society, who will be compelled to abandon the use their vehicles due to the relatively higher cost of alternate fuels like petrol and diesel. Hence a paradigm shift in the policy may result in decreas e in foreign exchange earn ings and discourage further potential foreign investment in the automotive sector, besides invoking adverse reaction from the masses....... | April-2012 | Page 24
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Review
Automobile sector of Pakistan
The debilitating power crisis is the biggest concern of manufacturing sector. In addition, rising fuel price has pushed up the cost of production. The devaluation of rupee against Yen, which has spiked up the input costs and foreign exchange risk, is also of the utmost concern for the sector, because of its dependency on the import of critical parts from Thailand, Japan, and Korea etc. quickly took to the path of recovery. a siz able portion of th e market. HISTORY: The good agriculture support prices set It was in early 50s that Pakistan saw its SECTOR WISE up by the government and the high first vehicle in the form of Bedford truck. PERFORMANCE remittances spurred in growth in the A t th at t ime th e ser vic es a nd automobile industry. PASSENGER CAR manufacturing sector had almost no However in two years' span the industry contribution towards the economy as SALES: The passenger car segment grew at an average growth rate of 26.5 Pakistan's economy was completely agrarian and regularised. After deregularisation the industry took to the path of growth. Major developments in the sector came in mid 80's and early 90 when major Japanese car mak ers entered the Pakistani market.Over the years the sector saw many ups and downs and came out to become one of the biggest engineering sectors in Pakistan. With the arrival of Japanese car makers, Pakistan saw technology, job creation and investment coming into Country. The Japanese cars being less costly and fuel efficient are in majorities' reach and therefore have dominated the Pakistani market. At present the auto sector of Pakistan is manufacturing/assembling all kinds of vehicles from trucks, buses and tractors, to passenger cars and two wheelers. A sizeable portion of the auto industry consists of the vendors and OEM's, the allied industry developed in line with the main auto industry. The significance of auto sector can be seen by the fact that it is contributing more than five percent to the national exchequer and is directly emp loying more than 200,000 people.
CURRENT SITUATION AND THREATS: The auto sector faced a big blow in 2008-09 when the world saw its biggest financial crisis, sales fell to 82,844 units. However Pakistani auto and allied sector
percent and sales reached a level of 127,944 units in FY11. In the first eight months of FY12 the sales for passenger cars stood at 98,252 units. The biggest engineering sector of Pakistan however has to face a lot of problems. The debilitating power crisis is the biggest concern of manufacturing sector. In addition, rising fuel price has pushed up the cost of production. The devaluation of rupee against Yen, which has spiked up the input costs and foreign exchange risk, is also of the utmost concern for the sector, because of its dependency on the import of critical parts from Thailand, Japan, and Korea etc. Apart from these costs auto-sector also h as to face the inconsiste nt and i rr ati onal g overnm ent pol ici es. Furthermore, overnight changes, lack of long term vision and thorough research before policy division and improvisation is also impeding growth of the sector. In addition to the unfavourable import policies and almost no efforts by the governme nt to sto p the in flux of smuggled auto parts, which were already putting the sector under immense pressure, now the industry, especially t he allied sector can face sti ff competition from the India due to the MFN status. Secondly the favourable new entrant policy is threatening the sector, as the existing players fear that Chinese manufacturers would come in and take
went against all odds in 8MFY12 and managed to grow by 17 percent as compared to the same period last year. T he ever risin g remittances and purchases made under the yellow cab scheme were the main contributors to the spike in demand. Up till now the 1000cc category has been leading the growth in FY12, with a growth rate of 35 percent over the same period last year. The main growth driver within this catego ry is Suzuki's Cultus, which managed to gro w by 38 percent. Following this segment was the "below 1000cc category" with a growth rate of 29 percent.
The only shining star in the 1300cc and above segment was Suzuki's Swift which has gained immense customer confidence and managed to grow by 86 percent in 8FY12 over the same period last year. Company wise Suzuki led the growth with a rate of 35 percent in 8MFY12, over the same period last year. The growth however, includes the purchases made under the yellow cab scheme of the Punjab government. Over the same period Indus motors grew at a rate of four percent. FY12 was the most miserable year for Honda, first Honda's Japan plant was shut down due to tsunami and then Honda's Thailand plant was shut down due to flooding...... | April-2012 | Page 29
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Update
Govt suffers loss of over Rs10b in six months The government has suffered a loss of over Rs10 billion in the past six months on account of Customs duty loss by allowing import of used cars under special regime as over 35,000 vehicles have been shipped into Pakistan during last 12 months. Besides, the automotive partsvending industry has lost an estimated Rs25-27 billion in sales, as expected jump in sal e of locally assembled new cars was hindered by the arrival of used cars. This was observed by the Chairman of Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM) and Business Forum of Punjab in a meeting held here on Friday to discuss the repercussions of unbridled dumping of used cars in the country. He said the local production of cars and LCV’s h av e registered a massive reduction of 22000-25000 owing to import of used cars in huge volumes, also hurting the domestic auto parts vending industry by a massive amount of Rs27 billion. He said that giv ing the Customs Department discretion, to further reduce
applicable duties by up to 60 per cent depreciation, has literal ly allowed imports of used cars free into Pakistan. With double digit in terest rates, u np r ec ed en te d e xc h a ng e r a te depreciation and unavailability of gas and electricity, the government must inter vene t o ensu re th at loc al engineering units do not shut down, he said. Now precious foreign exchange will have to be wasted on import of spare parts for these used vehicles, which will also cause a loss to the exchequer to the tune of $50 million only in one year, he estimated. Instead of giving attention to the core issue of curtailing inflationary tr end eng u lfing resou r ces a nd endangering national integrity, the government is allowing import of each an d ever yth ing into Pakistan to jeopardize localindustry, he said. “Hundreds of components such as wheel rims, tyres, batteries, radiators, mufflers, wire harness, instrument panels, steering wheels, air conditioners,sun visors, other sheet metal parts and plastic parts, which are produced by
local vendors, will now be imported,” he said. He said that the vendors were directly providing jobs to almo st 200,000 skilled workers (plus over 2 million indirect work force), who feared losing jobs if imports of used vehicles ar e contin ued in h igh numbers. Munir K. Ban a, Vice Chairman of PAAPAM, added that the situation was getting out of control as allowing large variants of models coming into Pakistan wo ul d su r ely al so enta il h u ge expenditure of foreign exchange on spare parts imports. He said that the worst part is that every vehicle imported is al so a lost oppo rtunity for our economy to create employment. We are estimating a loss of over 30,000 jobs that could have been created, he pointed out. On rising prices of locally assembled cars, Bana said that the best way of reducing car prices is to increase level of local ization. He emphasized to thegovernment to implement Auto Industry Development Program (AIDP) in letter and spirit to achieve the benefits of cost reduction.....
The unavailability of components which Honda Pakistan procures from overseas plants resulted in three months of complete suspension in Honda Pakistan.
recent financial slowdown was the higher support prices." He added, "the higher support prices are and would continue to benefit the two wheelers ind ust ry in th e c omi ng tim e". Hence, the affect of better rural/farm incomes would be reflected in the sales of two and three wheelers category. Another positive sign for the industry is the recent upwards revision of wheat support prices yet the higher input costs (urea, DAP) are a ruling threat for the industry. TRACTORS FY12 has been the most turbulent year ever in the history of tractor industry. The total tractor sales in the 8MFY12 have been roughly 30,000 units, this is a 52 percent decline compared to the 45,500 units sold in the same period last year. The decline in sales is attributed to the unclear tax policy of the government. Analysis shows that the decline did not result due to the imposition of sales tax. In addition according to industry sources the tractor manufacturers saw a quick decline in demand when in June
the President of Pakistan announced that farmers with landholding of less than 12.5 acres would be exempted from payment of sales tax. Sources tell that a committee was formed to look into this matter. The sales in March 2011 when this tax was imposed were 5,032 units but in Ju l y (m ont h a ft er pr es id en t' s announcement) 1,036 units were sold as p eop le antic ipat ed c omplete elimination of the sales tax. CONCLUSION Despite quick recovery, serious efforts are needed to bring the auto sector to the pre-recessionary level. Special revision is needed on the used vehicles import policies, and the new entrant policy. The government should support the new entrants but not at the expense of the existing players. If th ese i ssues are taken into consideration with the consultation of all the stakeholders then the auto sector would surely come back to the prerecessionary level.
MOTORCYCLES AND THREE-WHEELER SALES: The motorcycle and threewheeler segment grew at a steady rate of roughly five percent in 8MFY12, over the same period last year. A total of 551,677 units were sold in the 8MFY12, out of which 70 percent of the sal es were made by Honda Atl as. During the period under review threewheeler also witnessed healthy growth, leading the rickshaw category was the "Qinqqi three wheeler" which grew by 50 percent in 8MFY12, compared to the previo us year.The affect of good rural/farm incomes is reflected in the sales of two and three wheelers category. Earlier, while talking to BR research an industry member said that "majority of the demand for motorbikes comes from rural areas, and the primary reason why th e b ike m anu fa ct ur er s d id n' t experienced a slowdown during the | April-2012 | Page 30
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
By M.Yousuf Abbas
Team CLAPTRIX and Solar Car The project, SOLAR CAR, is the brainchild of Team CLAPTRIX, a group of 10 students —Muhammad Yousuf Abbas , Danish Muhammad Saleem, Faaiz baqer, Murtaza ahmed , Ali Siddique, Akif jawed, Arsalan Usmani, Fahad ur rehman, Umair & Adilnadeem of NED University of Engineering and Technology For this great achievement great students of Pakistan need support and funds from the public, industries, social organizations, NGO'S and every Pakistani, to get their team and Pakistan on the winner stand this year in 2012 in Cyprus "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sacrifices, determination and hard work.” said by the team who are going to make PAKISTAN stand on a great in te rn ational platform in EUROPE this year. The project, SO LAR CAR, is the br ainch ild of Team CLA PTRIX, a group of 10 students —Muhammad Yousuf Abbas , Danish Muhammad Saleem , Faaiz baqer, Murtaza ahmed , Ali Siddique, Akif jawed, Arsalan Usmani, Fahad ur rehman, Umair & Adil nadeem of NE D University of Engineering and Technology — who have spent 4 months and Rs. 400,000 on the project so far, said by the marketin g manager of the team. Last year some of the blessed students of this brilliant team from NED-UET h ad ach ieved a target to make P AKI STAN stan d on an I NT ERN A TI ONA L p la tfo rm b y participating in SHELL ECO MARATHON ASI A, 2011 held in MALAYSIA from 6th - 9th July, 2011 on F1 TRACK by making a SOLAR POWERED CAR having efficient fuel consumption and Eco friendly drive. They have initiated an idea for the betterment of economic crisis in the WORLD and as well as in PAKISTAN by using ALTERNATE FUEL i. e. SOLAR. This time again they are going to compete in the WORLD CHALLENGE named as SOLAR CAR CHALLENGE 2012 but now in the Cyprus, Europe. CYPRUS INSTITUTE is once again going to organize a dynamic event, “SOLAR CAR CHALLENGE”. The
international e v e n t coincides with Cypr us' EU Pr e s ide n cy and w ill be going to be held this time at the public roads of P a p h o s , C y p r u s , Europe. The Event is scheduled on 7th- 8th July, 2012. One of the team member of this brilliant team said, "The idea behind reducing the weight and increasing the strength of material is to enhance the efficiency of the car." The competition challenges students, from all over the world, to design energyefficient cars. Team CLAPTRIX is the only team from entire Asia which is going to participate in this event to represent PAKISTAN in EUROPE. Not even the two big nations from Asia, India and China, made it to the competition. The Team has said that the wheels used are of rubber with carbon enforcement to reduce the weight and increase the strength whereas the rims used are of aluminum. The body is made up of fiber cloth to make the car lightest up to maximum extent. Solar cells used are of Monocrystalline type. Its crowning glory lies in its fuel consumption. It's one of the hybrid type cars as in nights the battery could be charged by plugging into electricity. Being a two seater it is amazing to run continuously for 4 hours
without getting any kind of recharge and at a speed of 50 km/hour. For this great ach ie veme nt great students of Pakistan need support and funds from the public, industries, social organizations, NG O' S and every Pakistani, to get their team and Pakistan on the winner stand this year in 2012 in Cyprus. If all went well and if they got an investor then it could go into mass production, offering the car to the local market and will probably make Pakistan a tough competitor in the market. "Nothing great will ever be achieved without great mean, and men are great only if they are determined to be so." Charles De Gaulle For more details and updates our facebook us: am-ClaptriX-NED/125073104263168 | April-2012 | Page 35
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Update
Bike, rickshaw makers seek lower duties on imported parts The Engineering Development Board (EDB) discussed the joint budget proposal 2012/13 of motorcycle makers and vendors received through the Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association (PAMA) an d Pakistan Association of Automobile Parts & Accessories Manufacturers (PAPAAM) in a meeting. They have urged the government to rationalise tariff in order to bring down the cost of products and also allow the import of machinery, parts and moulds at zero duty, industry sources said. The proposal demanded lowering import duty on the completely knocked down kits (CKD) to 10 percent from 15 perce nt, reducing import duty on completely built units (CBU) to 55 from 65 percent, on sub-assembly to 10 percent from 20 percent and reducing duty on components to 7.5 percent from 10, sources said. The assemblers said that the improper implementation of SRO 656 was giving
unfair advantage to unorganised sector in the two/three wheeler sector of the auto industry. T h ey a ls o d em and ed t h a t t h e components attracting lower rates of duty than CKD rate should be allowed at statutory rates. The budget proposals suggested zero import duty on components needed for assembling two and three wheelers as per the Euro II stan dards. After implementation of the Euro II standards as Pak II, the cost of vehicles has gone up. They also suggested restoring issuance of income tax exemption certificate at import stage to manufacturers; one percent withholding tax on the proceeds of exported goods should be reduced to 0.5 percent as recommended by the Engineering Development Board (EDB) in the National Engineering & Exports Development Strategy (NEEDS) report in 2010.....
100pc increase in car prices by OEMs flayed Engineering Development Board (EDB) Ministry of Industries has flayed 100 percent increase in car prices by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) during the past four years and said they should bring down prices of their cars in accordan ce with the devaluation of Pak rupee against dollar. EDB Chairman Aitazaz A Niazi said, “I have told the OEMs that Pak rupee has devalued by 50 percent but prices of locally assembled cars have been raised by 100 percent. Niazi said, “I held a lengthy meeting with the stakeholders on Friday which was attended by top executives of Indus M o t or s, H o nd a M o t or s, P a k Su z u ki,P a kis ta n A u to mo ti ve Manufacturers Association (PAMA) , Chairman and Vice Chairman Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts a nd A c ce sso r ie s M a nu f ac t u r er s
(PAAPAM). During the meeting EDB stressed that prices of all automobiles including cars could only be brou ght d ow n by maximum localization of auto partsas per incentives under SRO 693 and the 5-year Auto Industry Development Plan(AIDP) 2006. Niazi said instead of implementing the AIDP for 80 to 90 percent localization of the auto parts, the car assemblers (OE Ms) h a ve ag ai n aske d t h e government to revisit the SRO 693 and AIDP and postpone the indigenization of the auto industry. Chairman PAAPAM Nabeel Hashmi said that during the meeting PAAPAM representatives demand ed of th e government to follow consistent policy for the local vending industry and ensure complete implementation of the fiveyear AIDP in letter and in spirit.....
EDB to enhance exports through international collaboration The Engineering Development Board (EDB) and Dutch Centre for Promotion of Imports from the d eveloping c ou ntri es (CBI) wou ld enh ance cooperation for development of exports of engineering industry of Pakistan. A formal agreement would be signed soon, as the EDB has completed the laid down procedures by getting approval of the Ministry of Industries and the Cabinet, it said, adding that the same has also been vetted by the Law Division. According to the EDB, the progress was reviewed in a recent meeting, which was attended by a three-member delegation of the CBI, Netherlands headed by Don van Luijn and the EDB team. After signing the agreement, the EDB would become the first business support organisation in the government sector to make this institutional arrangement with the CBI, the statement said....
Chinese trade delegation to visit Pakistan First high powered Chinese delegation from Wujin Chamber of Commerce and Industry will visit Pakistan during this month or next month (May). This was informed by patron-in-chief of Pakistan China Business Council and former president FPCCI, Tariq Sayeed. Chinese delegation’s visit to Pakistan is a follow up of the very successful visit of President Asif Ali Zardari to China at the time of Business Forum in Urumqi in September 2011, said a release from Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI). Tar iq Sayeed ad vised P aki st ani counterparts to prepare viable proposals enabl in g FPC CI’s Pakistan- China Business Council to line up match making meetings. During the visit of President Asif Zardari to Urumqi (China), President of FPCCI Senator Haji Ghulam Ali had signed MoU with the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce which is the apex body and has membership of 15 million businessmen through out China...... | April-2012 | Page 36
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Automotive Sector - Update
Indus Motor holds Suppliers Convention "Auto vendors and suppliers should continue lending their excellent support to the local auto industry and work together as a team to meet the growing d ema nd of P aki sta ni m a rket ." These views were expressed by Indus Motor Company (IMC) CEO Parvez Ghias at the company's Annual Suppliers Convention, says a press release issued here on Friday. He said that under the theme 'Achieving Goals, Together!' the event is an annual feature with the aim of recognising the efforts of IMC vendors. Special ly emphasising on safety at workplace, quality and cost competitiveness, Ghias said those three factors were the preconditions of a business. Evaluating last year's performance, 'A One' was recognised top performing vendor for the year 2011-12, while Omar Jibran (OJ) and Metaline were awarded Supplier Excellence Award. Sharing his views on "The Toyota Way",
S Yasui, Chief Engineer Corolla, Toyota Motor Corporation, appreciated IMC's role in putting best efforts to minimise the impact of disruption to global auto supply chain due to Japan Tsunami and Thailand floods. He specially applauded the suppliers' role for their continuous support in r u nni ng p r od u c t io n sm oot h ly . Mike Rausa, Senior Vice President, TMAP lauded the improvement made by suppliers over the last few years and appealed them to further enhance the quality of locally manufactured parts and lower costs to achieve entry in the regional market. The convention was attended by senior m ana g eme nt of T oyo ta M ot or Co r p o r a t i on , D a i h a t s u M o to r Corporation, House of Habib, IMC's suppliers, representatives from the a u t om o b il e in d u s tr y a nd th e management of IMC.....
Tractor sales Plowing back lost ground
After almost a year of dawdling, the much anticipated rebound in tractor sales was seen in February. The latest sales figures released by Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association (PAMA) for the 8MFY12 show that total tractor sales for the month of February stood at 8906 units. The unit sales in February were up by 478 percent, compared to the monthly av erage of 1,862 units throughout 7MFY12. This massive turnaround came after settlement of the GST dispute between g o v er nm en t a nd t h e t r a c t o r manufacturers.
The query is: If the spike in sales is a one-time event or the demand frenzy would continue throughout 2012? And would the unit sales in 2012 be higher than the level achieved in 2010? While talking to media a leading analyst said that "the most important variable in calculating the demand for tractors is the farmers income". He added "factors affecting the income primarily include the major commodity prices (wheat, rice, cotton, etc) and farm input prices Urea, DAP, etc. A look into the main commodity prices specially cotton and rice does not pose a very good picture for tractor sales. Right now cotton prices are almost 50 percent lower than the average level of CY11 and the level is expected to remain low as the demand for textiles from the West is expected to remain sluggish. In addition the Urea and DAP prices have risen by 25 percent and 7 percent, respectively, compared to the average level of CY11, again dampening farmers incomes...
Pakistan an emerging market for investment P a ki s t a n , r i c h w i t h e x c i t i n g opportunities, is an emerging market for Chinese investment in diverse sectors. These views were expressed by VP SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Pak chapter Iftikhar Ali Malik,a veteran trade leader an d SVP,LCCI Meher Kashif Younis on Sunday while talking to APP. They said “Pakistan is now open to Ch inese b usinessmen w ith best atmosphere of investment which provide significant possibilities for Chinese and other foreign investors.” With Chinese investment, Pakistan would achieve su s tai n ed gr o wt h i n k e y sectors,including increase in per capita income and improvement in microeconomic in the years to come, they added. Iftikhar Ali Malik said current visit of Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani to China at Boao Forum will not only further strengthen bilateral relations but also boost trade ties between the two countries. He observed that Pakistan is ideally located wh ich h as geographically immediate access to the Central Asian Republics and has a competitively affordable and expanding work force of 36 million. He said Pakistan’s foreign investment policy was open and liberal, which was a good news for Chinese companies interested in doing business here. Meher Kashif said Lahore Chamber and all other chambers across the country in cl uding Federatio n of Pak is tan Chamber would help Chinese corporate sector to identify opportunities in Pakist an’s va st r esou r ce ba sed in du stries, such as oil, gas and petr och emic als, a fast g row ing infr astru ctur e sector and oth er industries such as power and water, IT, garments, Agriculture, livesto ck, co m m u ni c at i on , sof t w a r e a n d automotive manufacturing... | April-2012 | Page 37
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by Zeenat Anjum from NEDUET
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
HYDROGEN FUEL THE NEXT GENERATION Our project would play active role to provide economic relief to the people. Team Victory faces alot of problems due to limited resources but we can assure to work our level best if we get financial assistance. As we all know that we are living in the age of degra dat io n and demoralization.In present era, people particularly students are not encouraged to think in new dimension. In Pakistan, due to exceeding population and limited chambers, it has always been about competition to supercede by any means rather than showcasing and following innovative ideas. From here m y story begins....In Pakistan, there exists a society which does not encorage and promote youth for their innovative ideas as compared to foreign countries. We are students of Automotive and Marine Engineering at NED university of Engineering and Technology situated in Karachi, Pakistan. We, Team VICTORY have designed a car which is "Most Fuel Efficient".This is Hydrogen car which will work on the technology of fuel cell and will purely be operated on hydrogen. As per ritual of our society, our thought was hilarious to many and only few accepted and appreciated it. Our team did get demotivated for short span but soon our spirits were high after our p assion w hi ch sup erceeded t he demotivation offered by the society. Anyhow, We are a team of upcoming engineers working on this project. We h av e d esigned t h is c ar for an International event called Shell ECO Marathon Asia 2012 which will be held at Sepang International Circuit in Kualalumper, Malaysia. We students want to depict a potray of "soft image" of Pakistan at International platform.Our objective is to represent Pakistan at this International event. In Pakistan, there has always been crisis of energy. Through this car , we are aiming to resolve the energy issue in Pakistan by making a car that will have mileage of more than 2500km in 1kg of Hydrogen. In addition to the solution of energy
will also turn out to be effective for the society. - By the encouragement of our project, new generation of upcoming youth with innovative ideas would get promoted to implement their ideas and showcase their efforts to play part in prosperity of society. - Our project would play active role to provide economic relief to the people.
crisis, we are seeking to save the environment and conserve the nature which has already been damaged and destroyed upto noticeable extent by harmful gases given out by cars running on fosssil fuel. Thus, this car is "Super Environment Friendly" because it gives off exhaust of "Steam". Our team is positive in serving the society with an engineering aspect.
- We are working on alternative fuel which will not only serve Pakistan but
Team Victory faces alot of problems due to limited resources but we can assure to work our level best if we get financial assistance. After current sponsorship status, this project requires 1.5 to 2 million PKR. We are students and cannot afford this high cost on our own that is why we require support from OUR NATION to help us out in this project which will surely push Research and Development a step ahead in Pakistan. The estimated cost of this project is way beyond our personal and collective reach. For this, we are requesting different organizations to join hands with us to build the most economic and environment friendly vehicle Join our hands for a better and developing Pakistan!! | April-2012 | Page 38
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By Ali Abbas - Toyota Southern Motors
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Communication in Customer Service The listener should have self control on himself, his expression and his reactions to the speaker. Is he showing interest in listening, paying attention or is absent minded, his body language, attitude, attention, enthusiasm and how mush he absorbs from the speaker are important for the listener, awareness to the subject is also important. While writing my last article I wondered how we can extend our courtesy towards custom er s someone r ep lied , by communication, I asked how? Naturally by listening, writing, and speaking. No doubt the basic communicating methods are listening, speaking and writing. Communication is basically an act of conveying and sharing information. It is a two way process of reaching mutual understanding in which participants not only exchange information but also cr eat e and shar e m eani ng. Communication has been derived from the Latin word “communis” meaning to share. It requires a sender, a message a recipient this process is completed once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Human beings are communicating with each other since the dawn of civilization bu t t h e f ir st m aj or m od el of communication came in 1949 by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver for Bell Laborites. The initial model consists of three primary parts, sender, channel and telephone itself. What role communication plays in automobile field? It is the customer who is affected by communication. Sales person, parts men, service people each and every one communicates with the customer. Minus customer communication, auto industry will come to stand still. Communication
(Claude & Warren Model) plays a major role in selling cars, selling parts and providing services.
Customer service is based on communication skills Effectiveness of customer satisfaction depends on the communication skills of sales, service and p arts people. Communication skills can be categorized in two ways. Emotional and Logical. Emotional are mostly our body language like listening, reflecting, and non-verbal communication. Where as Logical are questioning writing and explaining. The most important feature is listening. It is how one listens to what is being said and this is understood earnestly than emotional and logical process is completed. The listener should have self control on himself, his expression and his reactions to the speaker. Is he showing interest in listening, paying attention or is absent minded, his body language, attitude, attention, enthusiasm and how mush he absorbs from the speaker are
important for the listener, awareness to the subject is also important. If one is lacking behind he will continuously ask the speaker to repeat or ahead of the speaker ‘I know what you want to say’ attitude are negative approaches for the listener. The best is to stay with the speaker and follow what is being said. Is the listener able minimize the environmental distraction if not possible toeliminate them an d jumping to conclusions is a bad habit On the other hand there is distraction (Barriers) from the speaker himself. Like how he presents himself, his dressing, talking style, speed and clarity of speech choice of words and attitude also plays a role in communicating with each other. Telephone plays an important role in co mmunication, a whole essay is required to explain telephone manners but in short always remember that smiles travel on wires also. Your voice shows your presence, attention and attitude on the phone. One can judge the speakers mood on the phone. A natural question is how we can improve our listening skills. In other words if we are speakers, how we would like to be ‘Listened’. If we are good listener we can be could speaker and visa versa. It is our mindset and positive attitude which makes us a good speaker and a good listener and this good listening will help us in questioning and in writing, noting down customer conc er ns. Our qu est ioning, ou r reflections, our explanations each and every skill is connected to our listening habits Even God has given us one tongue and two ears to listen more and talk less “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Sir Winston Churchill
(David Berlo Model) | April-2012 | Page 39
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Corporate Visit - PR
Dutch Ambassador to Pakistan Pours Metal in Pakistan Foundry Visit Highlights Dutch Economic Cooperation with Pakistan and Policy of Enhancing Trade and Technology Up-Gradation Related Initiatives ISLAMA BAD, 19 MA RCH 2012: Ambassador of the Netherlands to Pakistan, His Excellency Mr. Hugo Gajus Scheltema, vis ite d Ras tgar Engineering Co, an Islamabad based exporter of auto parts , together with a delegation of the Dutch CBI and took keen inte rest in th e pr od uction processes. His visit was marked by a ceremony where he poured molten iron into a sand mold in commemoration of his visit and his government’s continuing policy of Economic cc-operation with Pakistan and measures which have been put in place to enhance trade between Pakistan and the Netherlands. During the visit, the Ambassador reiterated his government’s policy of assistance to Pakistani businesses with regard to technology up gradation, enhancement of exporting skills and facilitation of joint ventures. During the visit, the Ambassador was accompanied by the visiting three member CBI Team, headed by Ms. Minke Vorstenbosch , and the Dutch Economic Counselor, Mr. Jan-van Renselaar . CBI is a part of th e Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides assistance with cultivation of skills required for exports from countries like Pakistan to Europe. In the process, the CBI is engaged in several initiatives in Pakistan, ranging from Export Coaching Programs for Pakistani SMEs to capacity building of Business Support Organisation in Pakistan. It works closely and in harmony with with the various Trade Associatio ns, individual exporters as well as with the Ministry of Commerce, TDAP, EDB and Chambers of Commerce.
Export Coaching Programs of the CBI have resulted in conversion of several Paki stani SME com pa nies int o becom ing suc cessful exp or ter s, particularly in Engineering Goods and Surgical Instruments. Trade areas like export of auto parts, machinery export and steel forgings , have come up on Pakistan’s t rad e h orizon a s u n conventional exports being made to un conventional markets like the EU and United States. From Pakistan’s point of
view, this is a healthy diversification of exports away from reliance on cotton and textile based exports as the major export earners. CBI has several Export Coaching Programs for horticulture, sea food, eco-tourism etc which can further help d iv ersify Pakistani exports. Several auto parts manufacturers have already attended the Export Coaching Pr og ra ms of CBI and a re now successfully exporting Pakistan made auto parts to various parts of the globe. Recently the CBI has launched its new series of Export Coaching Programs for which many progressive Pakistani companies have applied. During the last two years, the CBI held six work shops in Pakistan to train Pakistani firms on Costing & Pricing for Exports, Process Control and market Research.... | April-2012 | Page 40
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
By Asif Masood
Pakistan’s Energy Options Technology, Availability and Affordability, the Role of Regional Grids Pakistan is passing through the worst Energy Crisis, only b ecau se of p oor policies and worst plan ning. The gap b e t w e en e ne r g y supply and demand in Pakistan is at its worst level since last one decade said D r N ad ee m- Ul- Ha qu e, De p u ty Chairman, Planning Commission in his Inau gu ral speech of two days International Conference on Pakistan’s Energy Options Technology, Availability, Affordability and the Role of Regional Grids Islamabad on 29-30 March 2012 organized by Guhlam Ishaq Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Science & Technology in Pakistan (SOPREST), Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), Islamabad, SAARC Energy Centre (SEC), Islamabad & Global Change Imp act Stud ies Centre (GCISC), Islamabad. He further added that, there is no shortage of energy but we are facing intellectual crisis. The conference was attended by Government Organizations & Academia including foreign delegates. The action will truly transform our economy, protect our security and save our planet from the ravages of climate change. The prevailing energy crisis should be seen as an opportunity to accelerate the building of a cleaner, more secure energy future. The gap between energy supply and demand in Pakistan is at its worst level since last decade. Even today half of the population in Pakistan has no reliable and affordable electricity supply. In particular the inhabitants of about 100,000 villages in rural areas have to rely upon candles and lamps for basic energy needs. The electricity supply in urban areas is characterized by growing gap between
supply and demand. Due to gravity of present situation and rising demand for power, government has to take immediate measures to add minimum of 5000 MW to National grid through mid-term plans and not the rental plans. Even now on the last day of the month (31st March 2012) the Government has announced the new prices of petroleum pro duct, with present price hike the petroleum product has completed his century. Oil prices are getting out of reach and the situation has further worsened due to inability of consecutive governments to exploit hydro & coal power potentials of the country. The next Government will an uphill task to double the generation capacity by utilizing all av ailable resources including Hydel, Coal and alternate energy projects, to cater for the demand for coming 10 to 15 years. The next elected government needs to pursue the hydel, renewable & energy efficiency projects on war footing and b uild new wa ter reservoirs for agricultural and industrial growth after building National consensus without politicizing as had being done in the
past. Hydro electricity is the cheapest source of energy and by building small hydel projects in addition to mega dams, the feasibilities of which already exist. We can easily add 50,000MW in our National Grid. Mr. Sh ams Ul Mulk (Phd), (HI), President of SOPREST/GIKI and Ex Chairman of WAPDA said water is the most critical aspect of human living. Fre sh water reservoirs are almost indispensable comp onent of the ecosystem. Increasing scarcity of water, aggravated pollution and destruction of water resource all around the world has triggered a severe water crisis in many parts of the globe. It is also alarming that world population is gro win g exponentially while there is no new fresh water source available as it was there some 2000 years ago. World wide water consumption has increased six fold with highest percent increase in agriculture sector. On soaring issue of mega hydel project, he added that present regime has failed to obtain mutual consensus of numerous projects such as Kalabagh Dam. Controversies are not the reflection of | April-2012 | Page 41
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Energy Conference - Islamabad
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
Due to gravity of present situation and rising demand for power, government has to take immediate measures to add minimum of 5000 MW to National grid through mid-term plans and not the rental plans. Even now on the last day of the month (31st March 2012) the Government has announced the new prices of petroleum product, with present price hike the petroleum product has completed his century. 'difference of opinion' rather it informs us about the inability of individuals or society to resolve the issues in a sane and rational manner. There are many factors which led to the formation of controversies. However, present controversy about Kalabagh arose due to malfunctioning and ill coordination between different political processes. It would not be wrong to say that the controversy about Kalabagh dam is of tw o fold, technic al & polit ical.
Lack Of Conservation Approach Institutional policies of Agricultural sector in Pakistan have assumed this belief that geographical location of Pakistan is water abounded. This view has resulted in high amount of water wastage that occurs in irrigation practices and the way water resources are consu med for domestic and economical purposes. Respondents are of opinion that current water crisis can be resolved by introducing effective w ater conservation policies and eliminating water intensive crops from Sindh. They suggested that awareness campaigns should be organized and training programs need to be initiated by provincial government to mobilize
people about how to improve yield at the same time decreas ing water consumptions. An expert said that the only alternative to Kalabagh is to have a conservation strategy. "Water saving technology and water conservation strategy is the alternatives to Kalabagh" Power generation through alternate energy resources like Solar, Wind, Geothermal and Hydel are economical viabl e solutio n for Pakistan. It is absolutely essential that minimum electricity growth rate is maintained. Ministry of Water & Power is becoming habitual of finding temporary solutions to its problem. Due to this they are shy in finding innovativ e solutions & hesitant in initiating long term projects, because they have already wasted a lot of time. Dr. Jalal Bukhari, Advisor, PCRET, Islamabad & Dr Asif , Asstt Prof of Glasgow Caledonian University, UK emphasized on use of renewable energy special ly, on the fabrication and characterization of Nanocrystalline Dye Sensitized Solar cell and m icro generation renewable energy system like Small Hydropower plants (SHP) which are an alternative and has emerged as a desired option, especially for hilly terrains, where natural waterfalls are
Over a dozen huge windmills line the roadside of the town of Jhimpir, close to Karachi, in the Sindh province.
abundantly available. Small hydro power & mini hydro power are referring to schemes below 1MW, micro -hydro below 100 kw & Pico hydro below 5kw. All these technologies could be regarded as small hydro power. Generally sp eaki ng, mi cr o & Pic o hy dr o technologies are used in developing countries to provide electricity to isolated communities where electricity grid is not available, whereas mini hydro tends to be grid connected. In most of the cases, no dams or reservoirs for storage is involved in Pico, micro & mini hydro schemes. In past, PCRET has implemented 290 micro - hydro power plants in FATA & in Northern areas with total capacity of 3.5MW, ranging from 3-50kw per plant with participation of local community. All of these plants are run-of- river type in the low (four meter) head range. Similarly, Agha Khan Rural S up por t Pr ogr am (A KRSP) h as constructed 171 micro–hydro units providing electricity to around 18,000 households in the remote and isolated region of northern Pak istan, and currently provided 11,000 households with electricity in very remote locations. Th ese plants not only pr ovid ed electricity for light at night but are also used to run small industrial units such as flour mills for wheat and maize threshing, and cotton ginning during day time when electricity is not required for lighting. Once the plant is installed, the local community takes the operating responsibility for sustainability. A Major advantage of micro hydel is that it can be built locally at a relatively low cost. For instance, imported turbine sets g e ne r a t i n g u p t o 5 0 kw c o s t approximately $ 500 to $1000 per KW, while the local manufacturers offer facilities for turbine manufacturing at US $ 150 to US $ 200 per KW, with marginally reduced turbine efficiencies. The cost of local manufacture can be reduced further by developing local engineering capabilities and advisory | April-2012 | Page 42
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Energy Conference - Islamabad
Monthly AutoMark Magazine
The next elected government needs to pursue the hydel, renewable & energy efficiency projects on war footing and build new water reservoirs for agricultural and industrial growth after building National consensus without politicizing as had being done in the past. Hydro electricity is the cheapest source of energy and by building small hydel projects in addition to mega dams, the feasibilities of which already exist. We can easily add 50,000MW in our National Grid. services. In order to accelerate the d ev elop m ent a nd enh a nce th e performance of small hydro power in th e cou ntr y, it is imperative to benchmark the work of the SHP industry to identify, understand and adapt the proven best practices of the world leader industries. As the huge potential of hydro power remains as yet untapped, t h ere i s a g rea t p ot enti al for benchmarking in the Small Hydro Power ( S H P ) i n d u st r y i n P a k i st a n . Decentralized renewable energy systems can also h elp t o redu ce ener gy distribution losses and result in systemwide and national efficiency gains. Renewable energy and greater use of indigenous resources can help diversify country’s energy mix an d reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, thereby mitigating supply disruptions and price fluctuation risks. In addition costs and risks relating to fuel stocking t ra nsp or tat io n, and te mp or ar y substitute arrangements are also irrelevant for renewable energy systems, except for backup purposes.
Institute of Space Technology (IST) r ep r esent at iv e h i gh l ig h ted th e im por tanc e of Envi ronmenta lly S u s t ai n a bl e T r an sp o r t (E S T ). Urbanization in Pakistan is influencing mobility patterns and private vehicle usage. As vehicle Ownership and usage rapidly increase in the country & without concerted efforts at the local and national levels to address issues such as air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector, the trend of urbanization, and increasing accidents, human health, urban environmental quality, economic productivity, social equity, and all other aspects of sustainability would be undermined. The transport sector is emerging as the fastest-growing source of global GHG emissions and accounts for 13 per cent of all GHG emissions and 23 per cent of fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions. Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) as envisaged by Higher Educatio n Commission (HEC) initiate designed to position as a
Asim says CNG stations have become a burden Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Dr. Asim Hussain informed the National Assembly that the supply of LNG from Qatar would begin within one year and a half. “Pakistan plans to import five hundred mmcfd LNG from Qatar to meet its energy requirements and most likely its supply will start within one year and a half.” Dr Asim said the Natio nal Assembly during question hour. He said that an agreement to this effect has been signed with Qatar but the price of LNG is yet to be decided. “The price will be decided in accordance w ith th e
prevailing international price in the region,” he said. About gas shortage, the minister said that the installation of big number of CNG stations have become a burden on the system. However, steps are being taken to provide gas to domestic consumers on priority. He said the gas pressure situation will improve as soon as the temperature gradually rises. He said that in accordance with the formula approved by ECC of the Cabinet, the CNG station owners are allowed return at the rate of 20% of their total operating and cost of gas.…
leader an d hub for research and development endeavors to promote and facilitate university and in dustry linkages for commercial iz ation of innovative ideas both in the public & private sector. Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) platform has provided the opportunity to harness this exceedingly valuable and needed effort to dovetail with our quest for quick tapping all re sources to establish Indu strial & Academia relationship for d evelopm ent of systematic framework in order to ensure coherent, coordination activities with appropriate practical me ch anism. Today, Institute of Space Technology (IST) is playing the leading role in the country’s crusade against inefficiencies in all sector of economy by seeking collaboration from relevant actors in the fie ld in consonance w ith Higher Education Commission Agenda. To start with Institute of Space Technology (IST) has planned following pilot activities • Small So lar home Systems • Promotion of clean fuels like bio diesel from Jatropha & Caster Bean • Es tablis h ment of Bi o gas domestic plant in association with Winrock International The growing demands for energy have made it imperative to look for Alternate and Renewable sources of energy in order to bridge the big demand and supply gap. Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency should be seen, as one of the answers to the current crisis and we must resolve and strive to enhance e ner g y eff ic i enc y & in cu l c at e conservation culture, and harness the vast power of clean resources available in the country. Mr. Asif Masood is Consultant Office of Research, Innovation & Commercial (ORIC) Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad. | April-2012 | Page 43
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By Engr. IHT Farooqui, GM - Plant
Karakoram Motors resumed it's mini pick up production Karakoram Motors (Pvt) Ltd., has streamlined the production of it’s mini truck KALASH. Kalash is much popular product in Pakistan due to it’s quality, specifications and competitive prices. Last week a self quality audit of the rolled off Kalash was held at Karakoram Motors Assembly Plant, in which all the workers, and executives of the company participated and to improve the quality submitted their suggestions. Karakoram Motors always welcome feedback from it’s honorable customers, employees and dealers to improve the quality, and to make the product more competitive, because we know that Quality is a continues journey. Kalash is now available all over the Pakistan at our dealers with 3S facilities.
Executives writing their suggestions
Group photograph of KMPL engineers and staff | April-2012 | Page 44
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Monthly AutoMark Magazine
By Salman Ahmed Shaikh
ROAD AHEAD FOR PAKISTAN ECONOMY With exports touching $25 billion in FY11, remittances maintainin g an average of $1 billion constantly since last year, foreign reserves reaching another peak after 2007 and economy still growing in excess of 2% despite floods and security threats, the economy of Pakistan has shown some resilience. But, on the other hand, the economy also faces sharp increase in poverty, income inequ ality, deterior ating environmental base, acute shortage of energy and is most affected by security crisis and its consequent problems. By some estimates, poverty has touched 43% and unemployment has also peaked to cross 15%. In this brief article, we suggest few important steps that can be taken to help bring improvement in economic performance.
Broad based Tax Reforms A reduced uniform tax rate along with uncomplicated tax procedures and ease in interest rates is needed to boost production. Tax base needs to be increased through documentation. Tax disclosure shall be made nece ssary in most material transactions. A strong and vibrant in formation network is necessary encompassing major financial, legal, accounting, auditing and tax institutions for timely disclosure of malpractices and tax evasion. Income tax sh ou ld be levied on agricultural income, stock trade and real estate investment. Services especially the hotels/restaurants, franchises etc must be brought in tax net rather than looking to burden the already registered taxpayers. Amnesty scheme shall be introduced for people to whiten their money. Rather than using the stick approach, the carrot approach could be used this time and people be given a one-time final chance to whiten their money in an attractive scheme.
Facilitating & Incentivizing Value Addition Value addition is the key for growth in
exports. A targeted subsidy in the form of tax holidays and R & D support should be provided to induce value addition. Services industry like IT outsourcing, gem stones polishing, Medicare, tourism etc shall be given priority as they require less infrastructure and are labo r intensive. Value addition requires venturing into production/manufacturing. It requires a clear incentive in manufacturing over trading. In the absence of incentive in produ ction/manufactu ring , ‘rent seeking’ behavior sets in and more producers opt for trading. This extends the supply chain with excess middlemen which also results in increase in prices. A distinct monetary incentive (i.e. cheap financing) and/or fiscal incentive (i.e. tax concession) to produ ction is necessary to deal with rent seeking behavior.
Dealing with Energy Crisis Energy is the main asset for any country from now onwards. Mo re energy resources will reduce the cost of production leading to decrease in prices and cost of a healthy standard of living. It will induce production, exports and attract foreign investment w hile reducing unemployment and increasing purchasing power. Investment in energy sector shall be encou raged and prioritized. Cross checking and random checking on rotational basis be made compulsory in utility companies to identify line losses in particular regions. Th e connivance of officials with people who are not paying utility charges can be broken this way. In an independent cross check, if line losses exceed a threshold limit, the person responsible for that region shall be expelled. Rather than paying penalty (which are not rational, outdated and extremely low for many crimes) and which encourage continuing theft operations as before, the door of corruption must be seized for the corrupt. This is going to be much more effective than running expensive TV ad campaigns. Alternate sources of energy must be explored especially solar and wind
energy. Price hike mus t tak e in to account that high end consumers be burdened with price hike more than the low-end consumers. But, it must be noted that too high a price could once again increase line losses.
Enhancing Capital Formation and Investment Overseas Pakistanis shall be encouraged to invest in industry rather than in stock market and real estate. It is vital to facilitate investors especially overseas Pakistanis which can come even if they are provided with very few incentives. Investment facilitation from scratch to the complete set up of industry can also be provided on a fee basis. Most foreign in vesto rs will opt for investment facilitation and it will increase not only the pace with which an investment project will be completed but also open a new window of revenue generation for the government. Foreign investment in Pakistan has come into sectors like real estate and stock market which does not create real increase in output and does not provide employment to the masses. Government schemes should promote investment in local in dustrie s, local plan ts an d equipment and manufacturing within Pakistan so that employment generation can take p lace i nside Pakistan. Law and order situation in Pakistan has been very poor especially in a large metropolitan and hub of trading city like Karachi. Law and Order is essential for the Foreign Direct Investment. Deteriorated law and order situation not only af fects trading an d business activities, but also creates a lot of fear and disappointment on the part of investors and entrepreneurs. (Salman Ahmed Shaikh is pursuing PhD in Economics from IBA. He is author of "Pr oposal for a New Economic Fr a m ew o r k B a se d on I sl am i c Principles". He can be contacted at | April-2012 | Page 45
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Car / Light Vehicle Price List
Model Model
Price Price Rs. 520,000 Rs. 591,000 Rs. 572,000 Rs. 640,000 Rs. 737,000 Rs. 821,000 Rs. 1,096,000 Rs. 1,176,000 Rs. 945,000 Rs. 1,015,000 Rs. 1,411,000 Rs. 1,351,000 Rs. 547,000 Rs. 621,000 Rs. 599,000 Rs. 663,000 Rs. 675,000 Rs. 736,000 Rs. 565,000 Rs. 1,999,000 Rs. 2,074,000 Rs. 1,974,000 Rs. 2,123,000
Karakoram Motors Model Chery Standard Petrol Chery Standard CNG Chery Deluxe Petrol Chery Deluxe CNG Gonow Victor Gonow Troy Standard Gonow Troy Deluxe Gilgit (Double Cabin) Pet. Gilgit (Double Cabin) CNG Kaghan XL Petrol Kaghan XL CNG
Price Rs. 7,20,000 Rs. 7,70,000 Rs. 7,70,000 Rs. 8,20,000 Rs. 1,499,000 Rs. 9,99,000 Rs. 1,049,000 Rs. 3,85,000 Rs. 4,20,000 Rs. 1,285,000 Rs. 1,375,000
Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda
Model CRV Automatic 2400cc Japan Accord Automatic 2400cc Japan City Manual 1300cc HYUNDAI City Automatic 1300cc Civic VTI Manual 1800cc Civic VTI Manual SR (Oriel) Civic VTI Prosmatec 1800cc Civic VTI Prosmatec SR (Oriel)
Price 7,117,000 6,617,000 1,419,000 1,560,000 1,788,000 1,980,000 1,908,000 2,058,000
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
TOYOTA COROLLA Model Model XLI VVT-i 1.3 M/T 1299cc Petrol GLI VVT-i 1.3 M/T 1299cc Petrol GLI VVT-i 1.6 A/T 1599cc Petrol XLI VVT-i 1299cc ECOTEC GLI VVT-i 1299cc ECOTEC 2.OD STD 2000cc 2.OD SALOON MT 2.OD SALOON SUNROOF ALTIS 1.6L Dual VVT-i MT ALTIS 1.6L Dual VVT-i MT SUNROOF ALTIS 1.6L Dual VVT-i AT Cruisetronic ALTIS 1.6L Dual VVT-i AT SUNROOF Toyota Avanza (Standard)
Price Price Rs. 1,477,500 Rs. 1,602,500 Rs. 1,772,500 Rs. 1,602,500 Rs. 1,732,500 Rs. 1,607,500 Rs. 1,809,000 Rs. 1,914,000 Rs. 1,842,500 Rs. 1,932,500 Rs. 1,932,500 Rs. 2,022,500 Rs. 1,960,000
Toyota Avanza (Up Specfication)
Rs. 2,160,000
Hilux Pickup 4x sc Model
Brand New Toyota Hilux Pickup, 4x2, Single Cabin, (Local Assembled)
Rs. 1,614,500
Hilux Pickup 4x4 D/C Model
Toyota HILUX 2494cc, Diesel Turbo Charger Common Rail Engine, 4x4 Double Cabin - Standard Model
DAIHATSU Model Price CUORE CX std Rs. 8,47,200 CX ECO (CNG) Rs. 8,97,200 CX ECOMATIC Rs. 9,58,200 Terios 4X2 lwb at Rs. 2,770,000 Terios 4X4 lwb mt Rs. 2,770,000
Rs. 2,489,000
DEFENDER STATION WAGON 90 Rs. 3,560,000 STATION WAGON 110 Rs. 3,960,000 Soft Top 90 Rs. 3,336,000 Price updated April- 2012
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70cc Motorcycle
Sr./ Product & No. Model Name 1. Aan AI-70 2. Asia Hero AH-70 3. Bionic AS-70 4. Crown Lifan CRLF-70 5. Challenger BA-70 6. Diamond SD-70 7. Dhoom YD-70 8. Eagle DG-70 9. Ghani GI-70 10. Guangta GT-70 11. Grace CT-70 12. Hero RF-70 13. Hero RF-70 Plus 14. Habib HB-70 15. Honda CD-70 16. Hi-Speed SR-70 17. Jinan JN-70 18. Leader LD-70 19. King Hero KH-70 20. Moon Star MT-70 21. Master MD-70 22. Metro Hi-Tech MR-70 23. New Asia NA-70 Price updated Feb-2012
Retail Price Rs. 42,500/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 42,000/= Rs. 40,000/= Rs. 40,000/= Rs. 49,000/= Rs. 39,000/= Rs. 45,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 46,000/= Rs. 47,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 66,500/= Rs. 43,000/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 44,800/= Rs. 40,000/=
Sr./ No. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
Product & Model Name Pak Hero PH-70 Raftar KM-70 Ravi Premium R1 Ravi Hamsafar-70 Road Prince RP-70 Royal Star RS-70 Royal RL-70 Racer AS-70 Safari SD-70 Sakai SK-70 Star DL-70 Sohrab JS-70 Sonica SM-70 Super Asia SA-70 Super Star SS-70 Super Power SP-70 Super Power Delux Toyo TG-70 Target TT-70 Unique UD-70 Union Star US-70 United US-70 Zxmco ZX-70 | April-2012 | Page 48
Retail Price Rs. 42,500/= Rs. 42,000/= Rs. 47,000/= Rs. 43,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 42,500/= Rs. 41,500/= Rs. 40,000/= Rs. 39,000/= Rs. 39,900/= Rs. 41,500/= Rs. 42,400/= Rs. 39,500/= Rs. 41,500/= Rs. 40,500/= Rs. 45,000/= Rs. 41,000/= Rs. 40,000/= Rs. 42,000/= Rs. 42,000/= Rs. 40,000/= Rs. 42,000/=
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