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Iceni News Norfolk Open Gardens

Norfolk Open Gardens: October 2020

October means that we have arrived at the last month of open gardens for 2020 and what a strange year it has been.


We sadly lost around forty garden openings due to Covid 19, which will of course have quite an impact on the amount we are able to donate to our beneficiaries this year.

However, we are extremely pleased that some gardens have been able to re-open or offered alternative dates or guided tours.

Visitors have appreciated being back out in our gardens, and despite the lack of refreshments and facilities, and having a time-slot for their garden visit, their interest in spending time in a lovely garden hasn’t diminished.

Two Norfolk gardens will be open during October and will comply with social distancing guidelines. Entry is by pre-purchased tickets only. Tickets can be purchased via the National Garden Scheme website. All buildings will be closed to visitors and unfortunately gardens will not be able to offer refreshments. Tickets will go on sale on the Monday prior to opening date:

Wednesday 7 th October, Manor Farm, Coston 11-4pm

Saturday 17 th October, East Ruston Old Vicarage 12 - 5.30pm.

Manor Farm, Coston

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