The members’ newsletter of ICE Yorkshire and Humber November 2014
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ICE Local
In this issue Yorkshire and Humber Infrastructure Alliance Damian Kilburn on the newly formed alliance with other built environment organisations to drive forward infrastructure investment in the region
Askham Bar, one of York’s new Park & Ride Developments
Bringing you news and views on civil engineering in your region We welcome your comments, letters and articles. Please contact us at: Twitter:
ICE Yorkshire and Humber Region group
Your ICE Committee Welcome to the November edition of ICE Local and the first newsletter of the 2014-15 session. I am delighted to be Chair for a second year and looking forward to the continuation of some existing initiatives over the coming months. I explained the restructuring of the ICE Yorkshire and Humber region in the last newsletter and in the Annual Report, and I am pleased at how well Penny Marshall has settled into the role of Regional Director; the Committee is benefitting from the sharing of knowledge that Penny’s joint role as Regional Director of ICE North East is bringing. A number of successful evening meetings have already been held this year including a presentation on the 2014 Yorkshire and Humber Centenary Award winning scheme ‘Ings Beck Flood Alleviation’, an energy resilience presentation at Leeds Beckett University and an enthusiastic audience took part in our Fracking debate in Sheffield, which was hosted jointly with IMechE. We are in the process of setting up the Yorkshire and Humber Infrastructure Alliance with a number of other built
environment bodies, which I believe will provide members of all organisations with improved access to knowledge events, networking opportunities and a louder voice in the region – more details on page 2 of this newsletter. The format of our annual awards has changed this year, with three categories of award reflecting different sizes of project. We have had a fantastic response to the call for nominations, and I am really encouraged by the number, quality and variety of submissions which showcase the impressive work we do in the region. Judging will commence shortly, with the three winners announced at our Gala Dinner Dance on 6 March 2015 in Harrogate. Finally, please remember that the Regional Committee represents you as members, please feel free to contact us if there are any issues you wish to discuss or if you would like to support our work.
Damian Kilburn CEng MICE
ICE Y&H Chair 2013-15
Regional Education Team Matthew Brayfield looks at our most recent involvement in schools activities including Tomorrow’s Engineers Week
Graduates & Students Beers & Careers, Emerging Engineers, Tom Sheridan on the latest events run by our young members
New Fellows in 2014 Eight members were admitted to the grade of Fellowship in Yorkshire and Humber this year. Congratulations!
Partnering Dan Ladbury reports on the many benefits of collaborative working
Meet your Regional Director Penny Marshall CEng MICE
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