11. Libya GENERAL, POLITICAL AND LEGAL OVERVIEW As the fourth anniversary marking the 17th February Libyan revolution passes, the human rights situation in the country remains dismal. Security is unstable and the country has been divided by a series of political, social and economic crises.
operation. The breakaway members held their first parliamentary session in Tobruk in a clear violation of the Constitution and Libyan law. As political and religious division worsened in 2014, the number of secret prisons increased in various Libyan cities. Ousted Prime Minister, Ali Zeidan, and the GNC watched helplessly as splint groups and proHaftar rebels exercised control and embarked on a far-reaching campaign of abductions, arrests, killings and torture.
On 14th February 2014, the former leader of the Libyan ground forces, Khalifa Haftar, announced in a televised address that he was dissolving the General National Congress (GNC). He fired the Government and suspended the Constitutional Declaration. Three months later, he launched ‘Operation Dignity’, targeted at what he described as terrorist groups. As a result, the leader of the army issued a warrant for his arrest.
The Libyan Government failed to take any effective measures to put an end to human rights violations. The former National Transitional Council issued Law 34/2014, which provided legal protection to those committing human rights violations by classifying acts of murder and torture as necessary steps for the protection of the revolution. The GNC also bestowed legitimacy on militias by offering them money and weapons. Reports suggest that various militia leaders are also members of the GNC.
These actions plunged the country into a civil war. In May 2014, the GNC announced that elections for Libya’s first parliament had been scheduled for 25th June. A new house of representatives was set to take over from the GNC and pave the way for more democratic institutions. However, a few GNC members broke away and announced they were joining Haftar’s
The GNC passed the Political Isolation Law in May 2013. This law is viewed by many as a major challenge to the establishment of a modern state, containing provisions and procedures for exclusion that are too sweeping and vague, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW). The latest version of the draft law published on the congressional website indicates