January 2009 started great with ICG’s win of the Cobham account, beginning a programme of corporate communications for the defence company.
February St Deiniol’s Library appoint ICG’s PR team to get Gladstone’s bicentenary celebrations in the news.
St Deiniol’s Library
March Building on ICG’s successful relationship with Central Training, we are tasked with developing all branding and marketing collateral for the new commercial division, Central Fitness.
April ICG PR of Brochure Launch a new fully integrated website for Scott Rees & Co Solicitors.
May Our shiny new Public Relations case studies brochure is published.
G C I e h T ack lic l b e l t lit Pub f o k boo ions & Relat writing. Copy ild nts bu ur clie help o file without e w w Or, ho mpany’s pro o their c the budget. g n ti s u b
June From PR and design to web, everyone got involved to help Blackpool International celebrate ‘100 Years of Flying’.
July Servisair Lounges appoint ICG to develop marketing and PR strategies for its network of UK airport lounges.
August We are delighted to discover that ICG’s work has been featured in four leading international design books.
September ICG staff numbers hit double figures this year with the arrival of Paula Holden as PR and Marketing Manager and Sarah Huddy as Designer.
Paula Holden
Sarah Huddy
October ICG start production on one of the biggest design jobs of the year: a 160-page catalogue for BAE Systems.
November ICG PR’s client Blackpool Zoo gets national coverage by naming its newborn giraffe O’Grady after TV chat show favourite Paul O’Grady.
December We keep over 300 plumbers warm this winter with promotional scarves as part of Yorkshire Copper Tube’s ‘Proud To Be British’ product campaign.
ICG would love you to be a highlight of 2010 For more information, please call Peter Cobley on 01772 679 383 peter@icgonline.co.uk
Graphic Design Public Relations New Media Advertising & Marketing
Intereurope Communications Group Windy Harbour Barn. Harbour Lane. Warton. Preston. Lancashire. PR4 1YB T. 01772 679 383 F. 01772 631 440 E. info@icgonline.co.uk www.icgonline.co.uk www.icgpr.co.uk www.icgonline.blogspot.com