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NEWSLETTER IND EX Some highlights

Issued by

05 - Technical meeting with Vietnamese insti- The Italian Chamber of Comtutional representatives in Italy Florence

merce in Vietnam

10 - Annual Area ASIA-South Africa meeting

Hanoi: Casa Italia, 18 Le

11- ICHAM Annual General Meeting

Phung Hieu, Hoan Kiem

13 - Support OSPEDALE SACCO in the fight

HCM: Floor 15, Landmark

against Coronavirus

Building, 5B Ton Duc Thang,

19 - Round-Table sharing about challenges


and mitigation of the COVID-19 crisis

Tel: +84 24 3824 5997

25 - Press Conference True Italian Taste 2020

+84 28 3822 4059

26 - True Italian Taste - Pasta Master Class

Email: info@icham.org

28 - Exportways ITALIA Project

Web: www.icham.org

31 - New Horizons: Vietnam, EU, and The EVFTA 32 - EuroCham Annual General Meeting 2020

IN THIS ISSUE News 04 The participation of ICHAM in the trade and investment promotion forum in Tra Vinh 05 Technical meeting with Vietnamese institutional representatives in Italy Florence 06 Mr Michele D’Ercole – Chairman of ICHAM and his expectation of promoting trade co-operation between Vietnam and Italy 07 Labor Code 2019 10 Annual Area ASIA-South Africa meeting 11 ICHAM Annual General Meeting (ICHAM AGM) 13 Support OSPEDALE SACCO in the fight against Coronavirus 15 Fighting against COVID-19: Sharing experiences from Vietnam, Italy and China 17 BLACK SWAN, How to become stronger under uncertainty 19 Round-Table sharing about challenges and mitigation of the COVID-19 crisis 21 The new approach of Italian SMEs in Vietnam post covid-19 22 Covid19: The reopening and challenges in Vietnam and Italy 24 ICHAM Chairman’s interviews on Rai L’Italia Con Voi and on OK ITALIA PARLIAMONE 25 Press Conference True Italian Taste 2020 26 True Italian Taste – Pasta Master Class 28 Exportways ITALIA Project 29 ICHAM Chairman visit BasicNet Italian brands 30 Export -Manager and Digital Internationalization

31 New Horizons: Vietnam, EU, and The EVFTA 32 EuroCham Annual General Meeting 2020

Market Info 34 Investing in Vietnam 2020 39 RsA asia – New Book “Invest in ASEAN” 40 From Helmets To Face Masks: One Social Entrepreneur’s Plan To Fight Coronavirus And Save Jobs 42 Concordia’s Chamber Ensemble and Choir Perform Spring Concerts

Upcoming Events

Discount partners



Tra Vinh Investment Promotion Conference 2020 Under the theme of “Tra Vinh-Investment and Development Opportunities”, on January 14 - 15, 2020 the People’s Committee of Tra Vinh Province successfully held the Investment Promotion Conference in Tra Vinh province under the auspices of the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The conference occurred precisely on the 120th anniversary of Tra Vinh province establishment, receiving more than 600 participants. Not only did the event provide a comprehensive picture of Tra Vinh socio-economic situation, investment promotion but it also opened a new path to help Tra Vinh develop the green economy. Tra Vinh possesses many potentials for further development, including that in renewable energy, wind and solar power in particular. Tropical climate with high level of rainfall and plenty of sunlight in many months per year constitutes favorable conditions for growing tropical agricultural products. Aside from that, Tra Vinh is invested by the Government with some key national projects such as: Dinh An Economic Zone… In

2019, Tra Vinh granted investment certificates for 57 projects, 54 of which are 54 domestic projects. In 2020, the province is scheduled to grant investment certificates for 5 projects of VND 5302 billion worth and award MOU for 17 projects in agriculture, science-technology, and logistics. The purpose of the Conference was to connect Tra Vinh’s local government agencies and enterprises with diplomatic missions and foreign investors as well as to promote socio – economic investment and development in Tra Vinh Province. It was a privilege and great pleasure for ICHAM to participate in the trade and investment promotion conference in Tra Vinh. Possessing plenty of advantages for development in agriculture, seafood production, tourism, sea and rivers transportation, Tra Vinh promises to become a potential destination for Italian mechanical and engineering businesses such as agricultural product processing machines, post-harvest technology, technology for water transportation…



Technical meeting with Vietnamese institutional representatives in Italy Florence On February 12, ICHAM, in collaboration with Eurosportello organized the important initiative dedicated to the export opportunities for Italian companies in Vietnam. Vietnam is one of the most dynamic countries in Southeast Asia. Vietnamese consumers are increasingly looking for good quality and design products, which could clearly be proven through the increase in the import growth rate. For this reason, Vietnam becomes one of the most potential markets for Italian exporters. Particularly, Italian exporters working in sectors of fashion, agri-food, manufacturing, automotive, shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals and tourism are those with the greatest opportunities to develop businesses with Vietnamese counterparts. ICHAM Vietnam in collaboration with Eurosportello has organized a completely free meeting, providing an up-to-date view of the Vietnamese market and a chance to get in touch with international experts from this Asian country. In addition, some targeted projects from Italian companies will be presented with the possibility of B2B meetings being scheduled directly by representatives of ICHAM. General presentation of the country, general market data as well as the development status, trends and macro-economic indicators were presented during the meeting. Furthermore, the meeting mainly focused on opportunities for companies in the aforementioned sectors including cultural exchange opportunities, events, fairs, public grants and subsidized loans in Vietnam. In conclusion, this event is a chance for Vietnamese Embassy in Italy and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam to build a bridge between companies of two nations and further strengthen this connection.



Mr Michele D’Ercole Chairman of ICHAM and his expectation of promoting trade co-operation between Vietnam and Italy

Chairman of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (ICHAM), Michele D’Ercole had stated his expectations of an increase in the effectiveness of trade cooperation between Italy and Vietnam through a sharing session with VietnamFDDI.vn. The Chamber’s core business is to improve bilateral relations between the two countries. The Chamber offers support to both Italian and Vietnamese companies in finding potential partners including: market study, match-making research, arrangement of B2B meetings. From his professional perspective, with its GDP growth rate in 2018 of about 7%, Vietnam proved to have many potential growths which had not yet been fully exploited. “Healthcare, for instance, has great potential as people nowadays are increasingly focusing on health care quality as well as modern medical technology. The next important industry could be agriculture as it is a key sector in Vietnam’s economy and there is still a further need in the application of advanced technology to improve the quality of agricultural products. As Italy is one of the world’s leading countries in high-tech agriculture, organic food, sewage treatment, environmental solution, Italy can fully support

the Vietnamese Government in developing the green economy and protecting the environment. Also, there are many potential scopes for other industries, particularly food, fashion, interior equipment… “It is important to respect each other’s culture to have a better understanding and together with the Italian Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam to involve in many cultural and economic exchanges between Italy and Vietnam”, said Mr Michele D’Ercole. In addition, the trade turnover is expected to increase to 6 billion USD in 2020 which strongly proves that Italy is going to be one of the leading partners of Vietnam.



All changes were expected to have a remarkable impact on enterprises as well as organizations planning to recruit labor in Vietnam. At the macro level, the New Labor Code brings Vietnam closer to international standards. It is a positive stride which ensures a balance of rights between employees and employers. On February 26, 2020, with the workshop organized by ICHAM Vietnam, Mr. Filipo Scaglia (Legal Advisor of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel) had speeches about revised regulations on Labor Contract and a speech from Ms. Nancy Dang (Business Advisor of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel) on new internal working regulations.



On November 20th, 2020, the New Labor Code (LC) was adopted by the National Assembly of Vietnam (NA). The New Labor Code revises and supplements several provisions of the existing Labor Code. The amended code will mostly concentrate on aspects such as: the scope of the New Labor Code, labor contract, retirement age, probation, salary and benefit, working-hours and overtime, internal activities, representative organization of employees in the enterprise. First of all, the New Labor Code protects not only employees working under labor contracts but also employees working under agreements such as service contracts. Freelancers, for instance, are not officially mentioned in the relationship between employee and employer and yet, the number of freelancers remarkably represents a large percentage of labor in Vietnam. This is why the New Labor Code also needs to protect their rights. There are some changes in the definition of labor contract, illustrating the determination of the authorities to manage the labor relationship as well as to ensure the lawful right of employees. According to the New Labor Code 2019, a labor contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer on a paid job, salary, working conditions, the rights and obligations of each party in industrial relations. In case two parties have an agreement using a different name, but owning the contents relating to work paid to be done, wages, management and supervision of one party, such agreement shall be considered a labor contract. Any person considered as an employee under the scope of the New Labor Code satisfies the following three factors: (i) having a job, (ii) getting paid and (iii) working under the supervision of an employer. The New Labor Code provides some changes of the forms, types and contents of labor contracts. Regarding verbal labor contract, LC 2012 provides that the term applies to temporary jobs with a duration of 3 months whereas that of LC 2019 only applies to temporary jobs with duration under 1 months. The New Labor Code recognized the role of digital contracts which are signed electronically, as long as they comply with electronic transaction laws. From January 1, 2021, seasonal or work-specific labor contract is no longer a type of labor contract. There are only two types of labor contracts, those with open ended term employment contracts and fixed term employment contracts. A fixed term employment contract is a contract in which the two parties agree to fix the term and the time at which the contract terminates but not exceeding 36 months. In the Labor Code 2012, the employees can unilaterally terminate labor contracts when he/she is not assigned to the job or workplace or is not given the working conditions as agreed; he/she is not paid in full or on time; he/she is harassed or is subject to forced labor; he/she is unable to continue performing the labor contract due to personal or family difďŹ culties; he/she is elected to perform a full-time duty in a public-elected ofďŹ ce or state apparatus; a female employee who is pregnant must take leave as prescribed by a competent health establishment; if he/she is sick or has an accident and remains unable to work after having received treatment for certain amount

9 of time. Labor Code 2019 allows the employees unilaterally terminating a labor contract without providing reasons. Moreover, in the following cases, employees can terminate a labor contract without prior notice: The employee is not assigned to the work or not provided with the agreed working conditions; The employee is not paid in full or on time as agreed in the employment contract; The employee is subjected to harassment or any other acts affecting his/ her health, honor or dignity; A female employee who is pregnant and must take prescribed leave; The Employee reach the retirement age; The Employer provides dishonest information about any relevant matters, affecting the performance of the labor contract. The LC 2019 also gives employers a flexible mechanism to terminate the contract, three more cases when unilateral termination of a contract is accepted: The Employee reaches the retirement age; The Employee doesn’t show up for work without a reasonable reason for 5 consecutive working days or more; The employee fails to fulfill his/ her obligation to provide information truthfully affecting the employment of such employee. Moreover, the employer doesn’t have to give prior-notice for the termination of a labor contract in these situations: The employee doesn’t show up at the workplace for 15 days after the suspension period, Employee doesn’t show up for work without a reasonable reason for 5 consecutive working days or more. There are also the amendments and supplements in labor regulation, it is suggested that companies make the appropriate adjustments as follow: - Review and Update Labor contract format - Provide training to the HR personnel. After the speech of Mr. Filipo Scaglia,


Ms.Nancy Dang – Business Advisor at D’Andrea & Partners Hanoi gave a speech on new internal working regulations. First, she mentioned positions and probation periods. For example, positions which don’t require a special technical profession or diploma, probation period will be 6 days, and it is 30 days with positions requiring technical qualification of intermediate vocational, and 60 days with positions requiring staff with a technical college diploma and above. There is also a change in termination of the probation agreement. Also, LC 2019 amended and supplemented provisions regarding salary; particularly, the employer must notify the payroll to the employee and shall pay the bank fee relating to the opening of the bank account and the transfer of the salary. Bonuses can be made in monetary terms, property and via other means. In addition, overtime limit is raised from 30 to 40 hours per month, overtime limit per year is still 200 hours annually. However, in some cases the overtime limit can be raised up to 300 hours per year. In LC 2012, dialogue at the workplace must be conducted once every 3 months or at the request of either party and for LC 2019, dialogue at the workplace must be conducted annually and at the request of either party. Moreover, LC 2019 recognizes “Employee Organization at the enterprise” as an official representative organization of employees besides the traditional “trade union”. The Employee Organization will be the voice of employees to ensure their lawful rights, as well as to speak up against injustice in the company. These are some practical changes observed from the legal consultant’s viewpoint that enterprises should well acknowledge and make fundamental changes to keep up with the new Code.



Annual Area ASIASouth Africa meeting The Annual Area Meeting of the Italian Chambers of Commerce in ASIASouth Africa 2020, due to the unpredicted situation of N-CoV19 pandemic, had been hosted online successfully via zoom platform on 2nd March. The Annual Area Meeting is one of the most important events of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad. The Italian Chambers of Commerces abroad, or CCIE, are founded with the aim to foster the bilateral commercial relations and promote the business of their members, which are entrepreneurs and professionals both from Italy and from the host Country. The Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad in the area are currently 14, located in South Africa, Mozambique, Dubai, Qatar, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Japan. During the meeting each Chamber underlined the difficulties due the Covid-19 pandemic but everybody is confident that during the second part of the year all the activities should be resumed. In general, all the participants agree to develop digital services to continue to offer our partners and customers the opportunities to keep their business on track.



ICHAM Annual General Meeting (ICHAM AGM) On 20th February, The ICHAM Annual General Meeting (ICHAM AGM) was successfully held via video conference in Ho Chi Minh City (Hotel Nikko Saigon) and in Hanoi (The Embassy of Italy in Vietnam). ICHAM AGM was so pleased to welcome the honorable presence H.E Antonino Tedesco - Head of Office Commercial Embassy of Italy, Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh city - HE. Dante Brandi and Mr. Paolo Lemma - Italian Trade Commissioner to Vietnam and Director of the Italian Trade Agency and the participation of its members. Over 35 participants joined events in both cities in person including 28 Ordinary Members with 3 other proxies. During the AGM Members gathered to hear updates on ICHAM activities & financial reports for the past year and propose for approval of the 2020 objectives and budget. 2019 was a very fruitful year for ICHAM: our membership reached 93 companies, which is the highest number we have ever recorded. In the previous year, ICHAM provided a large number of business services for many companies and implemented with various success in trade missions. F ollowing the presentation of our yearly Activity Reports, Chapters Update and Audited Financial Report was the meeting of the ICHAM Board election for the following positions: Chairman: Michele D’Ercole Vice-Chair: Riccardo Papà Treasurer: Francesco Dominici Councilor: Daniele Landini Councilor: Joseph Perucca Councilor: Mario Archidiacono Councilor: Nicola Patrizi



On behalf of ICHAM, ICHAM Chairman – Michele D’Ercole thanked Ex Councilor Mr. Federico Caliri for his contribution throughout the previous years, welcomed the new Board, especially new Councilor Mr. Nicola Patrizi and asked each of them to introduce themselves to the participants. Congratulations to Mr. Michele D’Ercole, Mr. Riccardo Papa, Mr. Francesco dominici, Mr. Mario Archidiacono, Mr. Daniele Landini, Mr. Joseph Perucca and Mr. Nicola Patrizi on their new term (Feb 2020 – Feb 2023) at ICHAM. The meeting ended at 19.15 with a brief networking coffee. ICHAM would like to thank you again for having attended our 2020 Annual General Meeting and a big thanks to our members for their constant and sincere support and wish a very successful year to all of us.





Support OSPEDALE SACCO in the fight against Coronavirus In Italy, the virus spread quickly from small towns of the north to the big city of Milan. Italy has become the country with the highest number of cases and deaths outside of China in less than a month. All the hospitals in the north were stretched to the breaking point. OSPEDALE SACCO in Milan is one of the front-line hospitals during this emergency time. To support the hospital with healthcare equipment, health products, masks and so on, the Italian community in Vietnam wants to support the Italian public health system and the fight against COVID-19 through a fundraising. The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (Icham Vietnam) has provided its bank account for this purpose. We are happy to inform you that we have collected 6,700 Euro in favor of Ospedale Sacco di Milano in Italy. On behalf of the whole Italian Community resident in Vietnam, we wish to convey our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all who contributed. Together we will make a difference!


On April 7, webinar “Fighting against COVID-19: Sharing experiences from Vietnam, Italy and China� was held via zoom, organized by D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel in collaboration with ICHAM Vietnam. The novel COVID-19 has drastically affected the lives of many. While the human aspect of this outbreak is fundamental, one cannot ignore the cascading economic impact of the outbreak on the global markets. The outbreak has paralyzed the supply chain, logistics and contingency plans of businesses globally. Several airlines have cancelled all flights and travel bans have been imposed by many countries, impacting greatly on trade and mobility. At the same time, closed-off ports and delayed shipments have been and will continue to severely impact trading partners, businesses in China. This pandemic situation has become a testing period for businesses due to difficulties caused by the overwhelming volume of regulations published by all levels of administrative organs. Affected by lockdowns and quarantines, businesses faced obstacles to resume production and meet the demands of its global trading partners. Many suppliers turned to the force majeure clauses incorporated in their contracts


to delay or even cancel their contractual obligations. Business activities in Vietnam have been impacted by the virus outbreak. Industries involved in tourism, retail, education, manufacturing, and supply chain are likely to endure some negative impact. The Vietnamese tourism industry particularly suffered the most, and manufacturing companies have been facing problems with Chinese suppliers. On April 1, a nationwide social distancing campaign was started which enforced national isolation, banned gatherings, and encouraged staying home, closing borders, and implementing quarantine policy. Vietnam has mandated that people wear face masks at crowded places such as airports, bus stations, supermarkets and on public transport. Also, all businesses such as bars, night clubs, movie theaters, and karaoke clubs were closed until May 4. Stores providing necessities like food, medicine, and fuel will remain open. In addition, the government has also prohibited any gathering activity of more than 10 people outside offices, schools, and hospitals. The borders crossing Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos were temporarily closed to prevent the spread of the virus. Public trans-



port services were suspended. Factories, businesses, and service establishments producing and providing essential goods are allowed to remain open but must follow strict health guidelines. All visitors arriving in Ho Chi Minh City at the city’s airports, trains, bus stations, and by private vehicles were required to get a test for COVID-19. All inbound international flights were suspended. Furthermore, white-collar employees start working from home. As there was a huge impact on businesses in Vietnam by the pandemic, the government of Vietnam issued the new directive to support businesses during the pandemic. In Italy, the government has adopted important measures to cope with the current epidemiological emergency, supporting the productive structure of the country





In The Black Swan, Nassim Taleb, the writer, explains how an event is named with a black swan. A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation with severe consequences. As it cannot be predicted and can only be prepared by building robust systems, a black swan can cause serious damage to the economy. For example, the financial crisis in 2008 is one of the well-known black swan events, the dotcom crash in 2001 is another black swan along with the 1997 Asian financial crisis and 9/11 attacks. The World Health Organization has declared that COVID-19 is the global pandemic. It is an uncertain time with lots of unknowns and COVID-19 continues to cause serious disturbance to the development of the business and can be called a black swan. On April 23rd, with the webinar organized by ICHAM Vietnam, Mr. Giuseppe Lamele (Co-Founder of VinAxia, Axia hrm Group) had a speech on “Black Swan, How to become stronger under uncertainty”. Most businesses and industries have been significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic like manufacturing, retail, healthcare and banking. Many large companies depending on China’s material for input are the most vulnerable as their activities have fallen. Furthermore, current social distancing measures are causing the companies to struggle to transit into an online platform in order to implement a work-from-home policy and ensure continuity of workflow. It will take considerable time for the global economy to recover. So how can businesses overcome this crisis? First of all, companies should measure constantly and differently in terms of performance, cash, motivation, and culture of productivity. Your employees are your greatest asset. In time of crisis, companies should be responsible for acting for the best interests of their people, their customers. Organizations should take steps to motivate their employees, work with your employees about the minimum hours they can work as cutting hours is often better than cutting staff. Once you have these figures, try to restructure the working schedule to achieve balance between employees’ needs and workforce productivity. As cash is king, companies must pay attention to financials, work with your financial professional to get a deep understanding as well as build up an emergency cash reserve fund and keep it as strong as possible. Secondly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses should update information from both outside and inside their industry as well as from sources with similar circumstances. You could consult your employees themselves for a diverse viewpoint in the matter. Organizations can seek for the advice of people you trust and then think things through carefully. Involving your partners and employees in the solution also, it is important for businesses to stay active. Thirdly, finding a task force in the context of the pandemic is also a must. For effective functioning using limited resources, a company must utilize the resources that it already has in hand: the human resource, and the best way to do that is applying horizontal structure. You need to make sure your employees work, exchange ideas and support each other, forming a connected team to achieve a smooth, undisrupted workflow. You would not want your company to have “too many cooks in the kitchen”. Lastly, businesses can build their own survival theory. Communication is everything. In order to lead a team through this tough time, the leader must have his ideas, his vision as well as messages thoroughly understood by using clear, precise direction. The most effective way is through 1-to-1 communication by which a united mindset can be established.

in fact, arrived not from a production perspec tive, but rather from a difficulty in finding raw material from countries that were struggling more because of the pandemic. The situa tion is on the medium term; however, though it seems harder to handle, companies have managed to recalculate their budget, reduc ing expenses such as business trips or focus ing on their production and services on sectors that seem more equipped to handle with the emergency. While feeling uncertain about the end of the novel coronavirus outbreak, compa nies in Vietnam believe that the restart of the demand for good and service and of trade in general will happen quickly after the virus is During the ICHAM Webinar of mid-April controlled. Several firms are aware that the full (16/04/2020), ICHAM’s Members have shared recovery will be almost impossible to achieve, their experience and information regarding but they are also aware the post-coronavirus their current and forecast business situation in market will offer an important business poVietnam. While acknowledging the several dam- tential that should not be underestimated. ages caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Vietnamese’s quick response to the pandemic has allowed several companies to keep operating on their business and production, despite some slowdowns. Enforcing social distancing and smart working among their employees, numerous companies have taken the chance to re-invent and renew their business strategy while providing advance training for their staff. Despite some factors of uncertainty, Vietnam is seen as a place where economic activities can restart by the end of the crisis. For many ICHAM’s Members, the first two months of the year have been slightly hit by the effects of COVID-19. The major issues have,



The economic outlook of Vietnam The quickly safe measures implemented by the Vietnamese government have managed to preserve the positive economic environment of the country. In addition, by following the transit of goods from one country to another, companies in Vietnam have managed to keep on exporting their products and importing material from other states. Travel restrictions, however, have severely hit some sectors of the economy; particularly, in F&B Tourist and Hospitality ones. With an important decrease in tourists, consumption of goods has decreased as well. Airline companies have reduced their flights and destinations. And yet during this pandemic, they played a crucial role in cooperation with foreign agencies to support countries struggling with the pandemic by shipping medical equipment and personnel. For companies operating in the country, the solid economic growth of the Vietnamese’s economy is seen as a glimpse of faith from which business activities will be able to start once the pandemic is over. While several branches in third countries have been temporarily closed, those in Vietnam have managed to stand still and provide support for their affiliates. There are several factors of uncertainty for business in 2020, like cash flow, travel restrictions, end of the pandemic, visa and working, permit restrictions, government actions. As COVID-19 is the global pandemic, it is an uncertain time with lots of unknowns and COVID-19 continues to cause serious disturbance to the development of the business. So how can Italian businesses in Vietnam be affected by COVID-19? There could be a production lockdown, a decrease in demand and consumption goods, travel restrictions, and cancellation of orders and events. A special thanks to Ambassador of Italy in Vietnam H.E Antonio Alessandro, Mr.Antonio Tedesco, Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City H.E Dante Brandi, Mr. Roberto Cajati and to all our members who participated in sharing information during these challenging times.



The new approach of Italian SMEs in Vietnam post Covid-19 In May, 2020, Mr. Pham Hoang HaiICHAM Executive Director had an interview about the new approach of Italian SMEs in Vietnam post COVID-19 and how Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam can assist companies to internationalize. “Vietnam is one of the most promising markets in Asian countries for manufacturing sectors, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and this could be a potential destination for Italian mechanical and engineering businesses. It is not essential that you are a big enterprise to enter Vietnamese market. There are around 6.000 Italian companies currently selling to Vietnam and they are mainly SMEs. Many companies in Trentino represent a large number of SMEs expressing interest in various sectors with Vietnam.� However, to enter Vietnamese market and stay for a long term, the most important thing is to have a strategy, or to be more specific, a medium term strategy. Also, it is recommended to

approach Asian market as a whole, not by looking at a single country. For over the past four years, ICHAM Vietnam and the others Chamber of Commerce in Asia have been developing platforms to organize digital B2B meetings between Italian enterprises and the local enterprises. Digital B2B meetings organized due to the fact that international mobility will be extremely limited both for Italian enterprises and Asian buyers. According to Mr. Hai, the supply from Italian companies is obviously underperforming because of the lockdown. However, demand from Vietnamese market remains high and if we keep on working well in this phase, there will be a strong recovery for Italian products in Vietnam in this period of emergency. On the other hand, everyone in Vietnam currently purchases goods online.This transition strongly modifies the shopping behaviors of consumers in Asian countries and thus, Italian companies must adapt to catch up.

On May 21, the webinar “COVID-19: the reopening and challenges in Vietnam and Italy”, organized in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Hanoi, the Italian Trade Agency Vietnam and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam was held successfully. During the webinar, the different effects of the COVID-19 on Italy and Vietnam and the opportunities that emerged from this crisis were observed. Having identified the sectors that have suffered most from the restrictive measures from the governments including tourism, hospitality and catering, it has been observed that the beginning of a “Phase 2” in the two countries gives positive hopes for a resumption of commercial activities. After nationwide social distancing, domestic activities have been normalized with flights, schools and most activities resumed. Despite significant downfall in tourism & service, manufacturing and export, Vietnam is still in its best condition in Asia. The country’s success will not immunize it from a domestic and global slowdown, but it will help avoid a recession in 2020, which means the shock to Vietnam’s growth beyond Q2 will likely come from external sources, in the form of reduced exports and tourist inflows. And COVID-19 has impacted Vietnam’s Growth in the short term.

In particular, while Vietnam’s fiscal support is meager, its trade-focused policy will help FDI rise further in 2020 and 2021. There are several investments in infrastructure which will improve its electricity production, national highway, sea and air transport. Vietnam is at the top of the relocation ranking. The Webinar also provides insights on the Global Value Chain Post COVID-19. While Vietnam’s short-term success is assured, its development faces the following limitation: low domestic sector capability to tap into the global value chain and worsening demographic transition. Despite achieving much progress and being a competitive cheaper alternative to China, Vietnam needs to derive more from the global value chain and improve the linkages of local firms to the global value chain. So what could be the prospects for Vietnam? Vietnam’s future is bright, helped by proactive policy, geopolitical trends of diversification, and further liberalization of its market. However, Vietnam needs to work harder rather than to rest on its laurel to integrate into the global value chain and raise productivity before its citizens become old while still poor. Vietnam’s bilateral relationship with China shows that Vietnam’s dependency on China’s inputs for its exports has risen over the years.

23 Furthermore, there are some challenges in resumption of work such as disruptions in the supply chain; implementation of quarantine measures along with travel bans are resulting in uncertainty of returning executives; lower consumer demand, lower demand in top export destinations of Vietnam (China, US and Europe). The webinar not only focused on challenges awaiting Italian companies after the resumption of work in Vietnam but also pointing out the current regulations and provisions enforced in Italy during phase 2 of COVID-19. Italy is slowly returning to normality with many businesses and activities restarting the operations. From June 3, movement in the EU could


be without limitations, Italian citizens or foreigners resident in Italy temporarily abroad for tourism, business or other reasons are allowed to enter the country. On April 24, the Italian Government supplemented the Health and Safety (H&S) Protocol issued on March 14 related to workplace behavior in which the main aspects are the respect of hygienical standards and precautions in order to avoid the spreading of the virus inside the companies and to ensure adequate protection levels for workers. As included in the protocol, remote working shall continue to be promoted and social distancing shall be implemented inside the company.



ICHAM Chairman’s interviews on Rai L’Italia Con Voi and on OK ITALIA PARLIAMONE

Lately, the Chairman of ICHAM - Mr. Michele D’Ercole had an interview with OK ITALIA PARLIAMONE and with L’Italia Con Voi” on the situation of Covid-19 in Vietnam. In general, Vietnam government has applied effective methods in detaining the spreading of Covid-19 virus in Vietnam. Within 2 weeks of social distancing, economic activities in Vietnam have gradually resumed to its normal state. At present, as a country of quite competitive manufacturing cost in sectors like garment, footwear, electricity, Vietnam is focusing on developing its infrastructure. The country also starts to develop “green economic” sectors, aiming for a sustainable economy. In line with this

vision, sectors related to green energy, solar energy for instance, started to flourish. Therefore, Vietnam promises to be the land of full potential for Italian SMEs. Among “Made in Italy” products consumed in the Vietnam market, the most consumed products are those related to machinery, especially those for sectors in connection with wood-processing, footwear, garment, thermal electricity,... On the other hand, other Italian products in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, F&B as well as fashion industry receive considerable interest from Vietnamese. In the meantime it is important to develop digital services such as a B2B platform to continue to deliver services for export to our

members, partners and customers, giving them the opportunities to find local customers for their products. Also underline the great effort made by all the Italian Chambers in the AsiaSouth Africa Area to continue to inform their members and partners with webinars and support their business through e-commerce services. In the near future, the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and EU (EVFTA) will be signed, marking an important milestone in fostering the economy of Vietnam and Europe in general and Italian’s in particular.



Press Conference True Italian Taste 2020

On June 1, ICHAM in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Vietnam held a press conference introducing the program “True Italian Taste”, with the attendance of ICHAM Chairman Michele D’Ercole, Italian Ambassador H.E Antonio Alessandro, and Brand Ambassador of True Italian Taste – former Miss Vietnam Ngoc Han. True Italian Taste is a national culinary promotion project that has been operating in 40 countries and territories since 2018. In line with four main activities of the project during the year in Vietnam, the True Italian Taste provided food-bloggers and food-lovers who are avid of Italian cuisine with the huge knowledge about the world of the famous Italian pasta. Through the event, food importers and distributors, hotels, restaurants & catering businesses (Horeca) and customers learned to distinguish between an authentic and an Italian - like dish of pasta. “Customers could make a more reasonable choice and use authentic Italian product instead of falling into the “Italian sounding” trap - a method in which foreign producers take advantage of the Italian-like phrases to name the brand, causing confusion among consumers about its origin and hence, increase the product sales,” said Pham Hoang Hai, Executive Director of ICHAM. Italian Ambassador to Vietnam HE. Antonio Alessandro shared about the origin of pasta: “Being an Italian traditional cuisine, pasta has been enjoyed by all food lovers around the world, and become the world’s most favorite food (according to Oxfam’s survey). However, legitimate sources of information could not always reach the customers.” In the first four months of 2020, Vietnam’s export turnover to Italy reached US$914.4 million while imports reached US$505 million, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs. In 2019, trade turnover between Italy and Vietnam totaled US$5.34 billion, of which export turnover to Italy stood at US$3.44 billion and import turnover was US$1.9 billion.



On June 03, 2020, import-exporters and gourmets gathered together in the event “True Italian Taste - Pasta Master Class” at Caravelle Hotel in Ho Chi Minh city. This special event was hosted by ICHAM with collaboration from the Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh city. As the first event of the 2020 True Italian Taste Project in Vietnam, the content received much love and appreciation from its guests. The event started with Mr. Michele D’Ercole - ICHAM Chairman speech as he introduced the 2020 True Italian Taste. The True Italian Taste project is promoted and financed by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and implemented by Assocamerestero, in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, to enhance and safeguard the authentic Italian agri-food product. True Italian Taste, which is part of the “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” program, aims to increase the conscious consumption of the 100% made in Italy agri-food

products by spreading a greater knowledge of the specific characteristics of typicality, with respect to both places of origin, nutritional aspects and PDO-PGI certifications. To date, the project involves 36 Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad in 23 countries in America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Looking back at the previous years, the project had achieved considerable figures. The 2016-2018 period witnessed 10 incoming buyers, 45

dication is a distinctive sign used to identify a product as originating in the territory of a particular country, region or locality where its quality, reputation or other characteristic is linked to its geographical origin. On average, products with Geographical indications in the EU are sold at a price of 2.23 times higher than similar non GI products. In the EU, geographical indications include Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs or IGPs in Italy), Protected Designation of Origin (PDOs - DOPs) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSGs STGs). Within the EU, Italy has the highest number of GI products and, undoubtedly, pasta is one of those. Famous for its Masterclasses, 5 educational delicate taste and special ortours and 162 events abroad. igin, Italian pasta witnessed As for the period of 2019-2020, a 50% increase in worldwide this Pasta event is one of 53 export with 10% companies’ Masterclasses along with 31 turnover invested in research Authentic Italian Table and 50 on ingredients. Each year, Itaevent abroads. ly produced 3.3 million tons of To provide guests with pasta in which 2.2 million tons an applicable tool in identify- was exported and all contribing authentic Italian products, uted to a whopping €4.7 billion HE. Dante Brandi presented of turnover. about geographical indica- Representing the 3 chefs tions in Italy. Geographical In- in the event, Executive Chef of

27 Caravelle Saigon - Mr. Ivan Barone talked about the history of authentic Italian pasta and its distinctive features. For each region, Italian have their own version of pasta as to how to prepare, how to combine with different sauces,‌ creating a rich and diverse culture of pasta in Italy. The world of pasta is divided into 3 types: long pasta, short pasta and filled pasta.

The ingredients that make up pasta also contribute to various flavours; the two parties of pasta are dry pasta and fresh pasta with almost contradictory features. On the other hand, it is worth noting that there are a few methods used to ration the adequate proportion of pasta such as tennis ball size, â…“ fist rule, etc. T he event came to an end


with a cooking show where the 3 chefs had a chance to display the Italian practice in preparing their homeland’s signature dishes.



Exportways ITALIA Project Exportways Italia Project is a platform for official Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to connect with local businesses and create pathways for exchange and cooperation between Italian businesses and local businesses. Active mostly on Facebook, Exportways Italia gathered Italian Chambers in Asia, South Africa and Australia to share their valuable knowledge through live videos and news on the markets of Japan, Qatar, Mozambique, Vietnam, Dubai, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, South Africa, Korea and Australia.



ICHAM Chairman visit BasicNet Italian brands On June 9, ICHAM Chairman Mr. Michele D’Ercole and Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh city - HE. Dante Brandi paid a visit and conducted a working section with ICHAM Member - BasicNet. As headed by BasicNet S.p.A. - the sector parent company headquartered in Turin and publicly quoted in Italy, the Group is a major participant in the sector of branded leisurewear and sportswear, footwear and accessories with a collection of market-leading registered trademarks, including Kappa®, Robe di Kappa®, Jesus® Jeans, K-Way®, Superga®, Sabelt®, Briko® and Sebago®. BasicNet with their office in Hcmc intends to expand their presence in Vietnam.



Export -Manager and Digital Internationalization On June 9, Kelmer Group in collaboration with SIDA Group and The HIVE has successfully hosted the webinar titled “Export-Manager and Digital Internationalization”. This event was attended by CEOs and high-level individuals of the organisers as well as ICHAM Chairman - Mr. Michele D’Ercole. The webinar featured various topics in relation to inform all the participants about business opportunities in the Asian Markets. In particular ICHAM Chairman talked about which sectors in Vietnam are more attractive for the Italian Sme interested to export their products. Some of the most interesting ones are, agricultural food products, cosmetics, machineries, pharmaceutical, furniture and green economy. After six years of negotiations, The EUVietnam Free trade agreement (EVFTA) and investment protection agreement (EVIPA) were approved by the National Assembly of Vietnam

on 8th June 2020. Following the ratification, the EVFTA would enter into force 30 days after the mutual notification between Vietnam and the EU about the completion of respective legal procedures. The two sides will have to establish a strong trade relationship, then European investors will come to Vietnam. Vietnam has a lot of opportunities to benefit from this diversification. It’s easier for Vietnam because it now has a privileged relationship with the European Union.



New Horizons: Vietnam, EU, and The EVFTA On June 8, The National Assembly of Vietnam ratified the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA). The deal would bring about abundant chances for Viet Nam to become a production hub in the region as it would take advantage of 7-10 golden years to access the EU market. Under the agreement, Vietnam will cut 65% import tax on EU commodities after the deal takes effect, while the rest will be erased over the 10- year per period. Meanwhile, the EU will cut more than 70% of tariffs on Viet Nam’s commodities after the deal takes effect, while the rest will be abolished over the seven subsequent years On June 12, the event “New Horizons: Viet-

nam, EU, and The EVFTA” was held successfully at Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi by EuroCham. Join EuroCham’s event, members would get insights on the road ahead, what happens next and discover what it means to our industries and how we could prepare for this game-changing agreement. The event mainly focused on EVFTA implementation roadmap after the ratification for both Vietnam and the EU, Post COVID-19: Whether the pandemic will affect trade relations between Vietnam and the EU? Will the EVFTA create a chance for Vietnam’s export to make a breakthrough after COVID-19?, and What should Vietnam do to catch a new wave of trade and investment from the EU to Vietnam?



EuroCham Annual General Meeting 2020 On Thursday June 18, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) was held in HCMC. Members of the organisation approved the EuroCham budget for 2020 and voted in the new Executive Committee. Attending the AGM, apart from a quorum of its corporate members, were also representatives from EuroCham’s individual Business Associations and representatives of European Diplomatic Mission. Opening the AGM, Some of the Chamber’s highlights over the previous 12 months were discussed by the Executive Committee. Following the introduction, Members of the Board presented EuroCham’s activities in 2020 with the aim to further assist the development of members and greater cooperation with Business Associations. EuroCham committed to continue its strong advocacy work towards an ever improving business environment in Vietnam. Next, a quorum of EuroCham’s Members elected the new Executive Committee. The new EuroCham

Executive Committee has now elected the team who will lead the chamber during the 2020/21 mandate. Nicolas Audier (Audier & Partners LLC) was re-elected as EuroCham Chairman, with Vice-Chairs Tomaso Andreatta (Intesa Sanpaolo), Guy Balza (OMG), Jean-Jacques Bouflet (individual member), Nguyen Hai Minh (Mazars) and Ywert Visser (individual member) also re-elected. Tomaso Andreatta was additionally elected as Treasurer, and Dr Stefano Pellegrino (Aspire) was re-elected as Secretary General. Congratulate Mr. Gianluca Fiume and Mr. Stefano Pellegrino representatives of ICHAM, on being successfully elected into the Board of EuroCham.



INVESTING IN VIETNAM 2020 The infographic guide, Investing in Vietnam 2020, produced by Dezan Shira & Associates, provides a vivid introduction to Vietnam investment landscape and key aspects of undertaking a business in the nation. Investors who prefer a visual way to learn about Vietnam, can use this infographic for their benefit. Enjoy a complimentary download by clicking here.











RsA asia – New Book “Invest in ASEAN”

We are pleased to inform you about a new publication “Invest in ASEAN” through the publishing house Springer. Invest in ASEAN introduces the fastest growing economies in the world. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an intergovernmental organization consisting of the following 10 countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. The ASEAN declaration was set out to help improve economic growth as well as social and cultural development, by actively collaborating together and providing assistance to one another. The economic value of the ASEAN countries combined up to US$ 2,986 billion in 2018 showing a 5.2% growth. The guide provides a thorough overview of ASEAN through an analysis of the main features of the economic, commercial, political, fiscal and financial systems of the ASEAN countries from a domestic and an international point of view. Moreover, it analyses the most relevant international treaties signed by ASEAN’s members.



From Helmets To Face Masks: One Social Entrepreneur’s Plan To Fight Coronavirus And Save Jobs “You don’t have to be Bill Gates to make a difference.” Greig Craft, an American social entrepreneur based in Vietnam, is turning part of his helmet factory into an assembly line to make face masks and possibly gowns and ventilators. “We’re still basically in lockdown. People aren’t going to work or going out.,” said Craft, founder and president of the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIP Foundation), a nonprofit that produces about 800,000 to 1,000,000 motorcycle and bicycle helmets a year. “The drop in business was almost immediate after Covid-19 hit. Orders were not coming in. So I thought, ‘ what can we do to help the world? What can we do to make use of this wonderful state of the art facility and our fairly large workforce ?’” Craft recalled, referring to a new factory that opened in January in Hanoi. “For a relatively small amount of money, we could set up production lines to assemble about three million masks a month.” And jobs would be saved. This is not the first time Craft was motivated by a global public health crisis. Twenty years ago when traffic deaths and serious injuries were skyrocketing in Vietnam and other developing countries — many from head injuries after motorcycle crashes — Craft set up what he said was the world’s first nonprofit helmet making plant. (Its signature “Helmets for Kids” program — many crash victims were and are children — was launched by former President Bill Clinton. ) “We call it social enterprise,” Craft told Forbes in a phone interview from Hanoi, noting that about a third of his 150 workers are physically disabled. “The idea is it gives people with disabilities an opportunity to work, so they can feed and care for themselves and their families, and they can also do something good for society. All profits go back into the local community for road safety education, public awareness campaigns, advocacy and legislation.” The foundation, which has showrooms and offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, has been a model for similar nonprofit helmet production and educational programs replicated in many countries. T o start researching, Craft went online and began talking to people, much as he had done with the helmet initiative twenty years earlier. And to gather information, contacts, and raise funds for the $250,000 machinery he needed, he posted several times on Facebook, including this initial post: I am organizing to set up mask production in part of our (250,000 sq ft) Northern Vietnam factory as quickly as possible. We hope to begin shipping basic masks and N95 masks first to Italy, followed by to US hospitals within 60-90 days. This is new for us so please share with friends, family and business contacts for ideas on who/how to contact end users (or distributors), and/or also financial contributions to purchase and donate masks. We do not yet have distribution networks set up in the US, but some of you may have ideas or connections to approach hospitals directly. I have also reached out to US ventilator producers to see if we can help with production or assembly from Vietnam. I welcome ideas or suggestions for other rudimentary medical supply



needs that we can help with. “Within hours, I had 158 replies,” Craft said. He also reached out to investors, U.S. government officials and the Vietnamese ambassador in Washington. “It feels like a strange quirk of fate that Vietnam might be in a position to lend humanitarian assistance to the U.S.” “I’ve lined up the machinery,” Craft said. “We’ve got the order ready to go and we’ve already laid out a basic plan for what we can do with the factory. We can get the equipment either from Taiwan or China, probably within three weeks, and it could be up and running in 30 to 45 days.” Masks would initially be sent to Italy and the United States, followed by other countries, said Craft, who also organizes operations for kids in Vietnam with severe genital problems, predominantly with a team of Italian surgeons. (As of December, they’ve completed more than 500 surgeries in eight years.) “As Italy started getting hit so badly with Covid-19, it just became obvious that they needed help,” he said. “How could we assist people who have been so good to us? And then the meltdown in the U.S. was becoming apparent. Being American, I wanted to see what I could do for those back home. ” Craft said Vietnam’s standards that cap medical supplies leaving the country could cause some delay in shipping surgical masks, but 100% cotton reusable masks are not impacted by the regulation and he may be able to obtain material to make 200,000 of them right away. “They would be a good stopgap measure,” he said. “Doctors, nurses and health care workers are even buying scarves to wrap around their faces.” Craft said the work would be labor intensive, but it would not be an issue with his capable workforce. “Some of the workers are physically disabled, from traffic crashes or birth anomalies, but they are some of our best workers. They learn very quickly. They’re very, very adaptable to anything, even if they’re in a wheelchair. So, we won’t have any problem with manpower.” “A lot of the replies I’ve been getting are saying ‘you know, 60 to 90 days is going to be too late.’ I still think that we’ll be able to help if we could start getting really good quality cotton masks shipped out very soon,” Craft said. “The material would be cut and sewed into masks. It would not require automated equipment, but we’d have to set up another production line. We could do this immediately. We would have a chance to at least begin manufacturing sooner than the 60 plus days we’re looking at now.” “I don’t think the crisis we’re in is by any means short term, but even if it miraculously ended in six months or whatever, I think that we’re on to something that we can continue doing,” Craft said. “It’s just really a matter of being able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and make it happen. Sometimes the simple ideas are the ones that are the most impactful. I hope that this will inspire people. You don’t have to have a ton of money, you know, just get out and do something. You don’t have to be Bill Gates to make a difference.” (Craft’s responses were edited for length and clarity.) To learn more about the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation, click here. Source: FORBES Author: Tanya Mohn Tanya Mohn covers road safety and consumer travel issues for Forbes. She is a regular contributor to The New York Times, and has reported for the BBC, NBC News, ABC News, PBS, HBO and CNBC. She recently received an International Center for Journalists’ World Health Organization Safety Reporting Fellowship, and an award for her road safety reporting from the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT)



Concordia’s Chamber Ensemble and Choir Perform Spring Concerts Concordia International School Hanoi’s High School Chamber Ensemble and Choir were thrilled to get back together and have the chance to perform this spring, at a moment when few schools are able to do so. The Chamber Ensemble and Choir performed at Concordia’s Graduation Ceremony, performing a Beethovan piano concerto featuring senior Gracie, who stepped off the stage in her cap and gown and took the lead in this piece, playing her final solo as a Concordia student. The High School Choir performed “Go the Distance,” from the movie “Hercules” with an ensemble accompaniment of clarinet, cello, and violin. The students agreed it was amazing to be back. “So much joy comes from making music with others rather than by yourself. We were shy at first, but when we warmed up and got back into the routine, we came together. Singing with each other, playing with a group of musicians is more about hearing others than playing by yourself. We’re very fortunate to be able to perform. We had a few online performances, which gave us lessons about pressing and being more precise with our skills, but the best is coming together in real life,” said Gracie (G12). “I’m very happy to be back in school. It’s been difficult to work as a choir during the pandemic and we rarely got to do much singing at all. It really does feel better when we are all singing in the same room,” said Kiet. (G10). “Being able to create music in a group with others is a blessing. Coming back and experiencing such a blessing after a period of social distancing was a privilege,” said Daniel (G12). “During quarantine, the ensemble and choir put on virtual performances and I was lucky enough to participate in both of them. Now that we’re back in class it has been enjoyable to sing and play together again with everyone. I’m glad that I can physically make music with these wonderful people even though online learning was a valuable experience,” said Grace (G10). Music lovers, be on the lookout for Concordia International School Hanoi Choir and Chamber Ensemble performances in the coming school year!


La Dolce Vita - ICHAM networking event in HCMC (30th July 2020)

Business Thursday 2020 - ICHAM networking in Hanoi (13th August 2020)

Wine and Cheese - TRUE ITALIAN TASTE (3rd August 2020)


Postponement - 4 th Annual Transport and Infrastructure Vietnam

2020 AusCham Golf Scramble Series

2020 AusCham Golf Scramble Series




LET’S POKE - Discount 10% on bill for ICHAM members - Discount on events will be discussed through contact number - Valid till: 31st December 2020

LET’S LAU - Discount 10% on bill for ICHAM members - Discount on events will be discussed through contact number - Valid till: 31st December 2020

GOLDEN PEAK RESORT & SPA CAM RANH - Discount 15% on the best available room - Not combinable with other promotions and offers - Valid from: 16th October 2019 to 31st December 2020

GOLDEN PEAK RESORT & SPA PHAN THIET - Discount 10% on bill for ICHAM members - Discount on events will be discussed through contact number - Valid from: 16th October 2019 to 31st December 2020

TOMATITO - 10% discount on bills for members and staff of ICHAM - Discount validity: 26/09/2020



ICEBAR SAIGON - 10% discount on bill for members of ICHAM. - Discount for events will be discussed through contact number - Discount validity: 21/12/2020

NPV JOINT STOCK COMPANY – SIR TAILOR - Free 1 bespoke shirt for every suit made

D’AQUA HOTEL NHA TRANG - Discount 55% on public accommodation rate - Discount 10% on F&B service - Discount validity: 31/12/2021

PARKROYAL SAIGON - 10% on food & Beverage at Garden Brasserie, Lobby Lounge & Lotus Bar - 10% on best available rate( not applicable to other promotions and packages) BHAYA CRUISES CO., LTD - Discount 20% off public flexible rate for all available cruise departures (1 night or 2 night cruise)

DAHI HANDI INDIAN RESTAURANT - 20% discount on F&B in Lunch & Dinner for all ICHAM members in our restaurant while dining - This offer cannot be clubbed with other offers the restaurant run at any point of time. TRUFFLE SAIGON - 10% Discount on bills - Valid from: 9th October 2019 to 31st DecVember 2020


48 CANALI BOUTIQUE - 15% off for 1st purchase - 10% off for every next purchase This promotion is not applied for Made to Measure Program - Valid from 01st November 2019 to 01st November 2020 SAO KHUE CONSULT., JSC - Discount 5% on service for members and partners of ICHAM - Discount validity: 31/12/2020

HERA JEWELRY & DIAMONDS - 10% on all jewelry, except loose certified diamonds - 15-30% on selected diamond and gemstone jewelry - 50% repair services - Complimentary jewelry cleaning - Free Birthday Gift with purchase QATAR AIRWAY - THE OFFER: Qatar Airways is proud to offer a unique discount up to 10% to a selection of your preferred destinations of the Qatar Airways network so that you can discover and enjoy “2019 Skytrax World best airline” Business or Economy cabin.

- UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: Enjoy a stop over in Doha with a free visa on arrival. Art lovers can visit the Museum of Islamic Art designed by I. M. Pei or the newly open National Museum of Qatar designed by Jean Nouvel while sensations lovers will head for a desert safari or you may just relax in a 5 star hotel offering special deals starting from 23 USD per night. - Q&A – Who is eligible? All Icham members – Which route are eligible? Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Pisa, Rome, Venice, Zurich – How long will the offer be valid for? Sales from 18 September 2019 to 29 February 2020, travel up to 15 September 2020 – How to obtain the discount? Use the following Promo code “ICHAMQR” when making your booking on http://www.qatarairways.com/en-vn or visit the following page http://www.qatarairways.com/icham. 10% discount will apply on base fare only (not YQ or taxes) except Flexi fares. 7% discount will apply on local promotional base fares (not YQ or taxes, not regional or global promotions). – How to enjoy the free stopover in Doha and book a 5 star hotel starting from 23 USD? While making the booking, you will be proposed “+ Add a stop in Doha” so you will be able to book flight and hotel at the same time – How can I know about Qatar Airways best offer? Sign up to our e-newsletter and be the first to enjoy our special breaking deals: https://www.qatarairways.com/en-vn/newsletter.html



GREEN BEACH HOTEL - 30% off on rack rate (applied for all room types) - Free shuttle service (one way) - Free upgrade to next room type. - Free Early check in from after 8:00 - Free Late Checkout to 14:00 Note: - VAT, service fee and breakfast included - The discount program does not applied during regulated holidays - Other policies according to attached contract - For group of 10 rooms and over, the hotel offer attractive rate from VND 600,000/room/night (depending on room status) - Discount validity: From 01/07/2020 to 20/12/2020 GREEN TAGERINE HANOI - 10% on total bill for ICHAM’s members when they present their membership cards - Discount validity: From July 2020 – 31 December 2020

I.T.M MANAGEMENT For Icham members: - Till September 30th, 2020: Special discount 50% IT Audit Service - From 31/09/2020 to 31/12/2020: discount 30% - Application condition: Icham members present membership card/certificate. For non-Icham members: - Discount 30% IT Audit Service, valid until 31st December 2020.



DIVELLA Divella is a food company with more than 130 years of history in pasta industry. In 1890, Mr. Francesco Divella built the first flour mill at Rutigliano in southeastern Italy, the heart of the Apulian plains, where were famous for producing the best flour quality in Italy. With tradition, experience and technology, Divella always produces quality products that are affirmed from the choice of raw materials, production methods to product packaging. The most stringent requirements are applied to ensure 100% food safety regulations. Divella has achieved ISO 9001:2008 standard and also the Environmental standard compliance certificates UNI EN ISO 14001:200. Divella currently has 3 modern flour mills in Rutigliano and Noicattaro providing 1200 tons of durum flour to produce Divella flour and 400 tons of traditional flour. Annually, Divella produces 900 tons of dry pasta, 35 tons of fresh pasta and 60 tons of biscuits. Divella produces all types of pasta. Popular types of pasta include spaghetti, rigatoni, orecchiette, egg pasta, bronzeextruded pasta (al Bronzo), whole wheat pasta and pasta with vegetable flavors (chili, pepper, garlic, basil, egg sour and spinach), pasta that has more than 150 different shapes and also sauces made from tomatoes which perfect the pasta futhermore. Divella also produces other products such as cakes, rice, biscuits, small cakes, canned vegetables, virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, polenta and cous cous. All products are all made sure to be under strict production processes. Divella is one of the leading companies in the food industry in the Italian market in particular and the international market in general. With a passion for food, Divella is proud to be the manufacturer of the best food sources for every family and meals around the world. Divella currently exports to more than 100 countries around the world and is occupying the No. 1 position in the Korean market. Our company, Youngin Vietnam, was established in January 2015 in Vietnam with investment from the Youngin Corporation Korea. Currently, we are importing Divella products and distributing in Vietnam market. We wish to bring to Vietnamese consumers the best quality products and the best prices with the motto "Give the best and Get the best".

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