Bright Writers Issue 2

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Contents SEPTEMBRIE 2019 • ISSUE2




























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PREFACE Dear Bright Readers and Writers,, We have the immense joy of presenting the second issue of our English magazine, Bright Writers, a collection of essays written by our utterly talented and creative students. We invite you to read what our bright students have written specially for you, thus, sharing some of their intellect, soul and magic with all of us. By reading the contents of this magazine, you will be able to grasp the complexity of our students’ ideas, perceptions and emotions and you will undoubtedly be mesmerized by their vivid imagination, generosity and intellect. Hopefully, you, the reader, will be encouraged by the sparks of creative genius left within these pages, to start writing as well and embellish our next issue with the drip of your creativity, sharing the light of your ideas with us. We, the English Department, have a very strong and vital piece of advice for all of our students, which will keep you safe at all times. Always keep two books with you, one to read and one to write in. Hence, you will be carrying with you two pieces of portable magic at all times! Books are tangible wealth, genuine treasures and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage, turns the impossible into possible and gives you the inner strength to move the world. The readers and the writers of today are the leaders of tomorrow!




Bright Interview with Adela Adam A D E L A A D A M / TEACHER OF ENGLISH

1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? In my early childhood, I had the genuine opportunity of inheriting an immense and utterly complex family library and of unravelling the secret that my father, one of the wisest, the most admirable and the most knowledgeable men I have ever encountered, had devoured hundreds of intricate books even before the early age of eleven. My father’s incommensurable, unbelievable and insatiable thirst for knowledge and literature inspired me to become an avid reader as well and I plunged forcefully and courageously into a heaven of books, being instantly mesmerized and totally captivated by the writings of Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, George Orwell, Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, T.S. Elliot, G.B. Shaw, William Golding and a plethora of other outstanding literary geniuses. However, the books which impressed me the most, were the works of one of the greatest novelists in the English literature, Dickens, who had the adamant ability of capturing the essence of a character in just a couple of lines. Great Expectations is one of my favourite books because it represents a bildungsroman in which the main character discovers that the meaning of life is not amassing fortunes and reaching a high social status, but building your life wisely, on the strong pillars of integrity, honesty, moral values, friendship and love. Pip, the central character of the novel, learns, after having had agonizing experiences, that true bliss is nothing but having a clear conscience and a generous, warm heart to share with the wide world. The valuable lesson of this book is that true advancement and erudition consist of educating both the mind and the heart at the same time. Therefore, my sincere advice for everybody is to read for intellectual and spiritual elevation because the more you read, the more doors you open in order to allow light to get in. 2. Which is your favourite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? Books are dreams which we can hold in our hands and I have always loved reading all types of literary genres. Nevertheless, I have to admit that fiction has conquered




my heart most of the times. Charles Dickens has amazed me with his critique of the Victorian society, with his phenomenal humour and his unique ability of giving life to characters and answering crucial questions about the meaning of life itself. Lewis Carroll has inspired me by depicting the agony of losing childhood since imagination, creativity and sheer joy are the magic tools which need to be kept alive in adulthood as well. Mark Twain captivated my attention with his works which can be read both as children’s books and humorous and acid critiques of society. Nowadays, I am extremely keen on nonfiction and biographies because I love to discover the internal mechanisms of the greatest personalities of the world, of valuable people who lived with purpose and devoted their lives to making the world a better place. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? I have fancied writing prose ever since I was a child. I used to be an Olympic at Romanian and English and would passionately and meticulously write prose, both in Romanian and English. I am elated to remember that my teachers encouraged me to embrace a writing career, extolling my writing talent and sensitivity, but my passion for teaching English made me choose a different path. Yet, I have promised myself that one day I will make time to publish the breathings of my soul and mind. I encourage you to reach the zenith of your knowledge by reading as much as possible, anything you have a penchant for. Books are lighthouses in the great ocean of time, which I promise you, will be your best teachers, best advisers and best success ladders. The more you read, the more you discover the world around you, the more empathic you become and you will manage to make your greatest dreams come true. Read to be free, read to find yourself, read to exercise your mind, read to become PEOPLE OF RARE INTELLECT AND CHARACTER, read to be forces of the good, read to be our positive leaders. After you have read enough, then you have the magic tools to write your own story and write it in order to teach us what you have understood, to speak in the heads of people all around the world, to educate, to elevate the spirit, to make us better humans, to build bridges among people, to bind citizens of distant centuries, to break the shackles of time and to build windows of knowledge and hope into walls of ignorance.





Bright Interview with Alexandra Tomsa 1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? The Magus by John Fowls because it is “’A major work of mounting tensions in which the human mind is the guinea-pig...” (Sunday Telegraph) 2. Which is your favourite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? Historical fiction and David Lodge because his novels evoke the atmosphere of post-war England vividly. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? I am an avid reader but not a writer and I believe that in this literary field one has to find either his/her own likes by trial and error or his/her own voice by himself/herself. This is what will make one carry on reading/writing.





Bright Interview with Catalina Georgescu 1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? Books teach, influence, and alter the way we think. Sometimes these books are so enlightening that they might thoroughly change your perception of life. On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin is a changeover. This work by Darwin laid out the foundation for the theory of evolution, building a better understanding of all Earth’s species, including our own. I highly recommend it to every single person who is keen on unravelling the mysteries of life itself! 2. Which is your favourite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? There are many renowned names in the world of literature. The poems of Williams Wordsworth have impressed me the most. His poems soothe the sense. He was a devotee of nature. He was inspired by nature to write poetry. Reading Wordsworth is like sitting amidst nature. William Wordsworth was the pioneer of the English Romantic Movement. According to him poetry is “the first and last of all knowledge”. He seems to be right. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? I would undoubtedly say poetry. I took a fancy to poems 25 years ago. I had a beautiful diary where I kept my beloved rhymes and verses. I still recall some of them by heart. I urge all our beloved students to read and write, whenever they feel it. Genuine thoughts are the key to everything in life!





Bright Interview with Liana Fitzgerald 1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? Instead of telling you about my favourite book now, I’d like to tell you about my favourite book when I was 13. It was Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. In the name of full disclosure, I had seen the film first and it got me excited enough to read the actual book. I am not sure of any paramount life lessons it might have taught me, but the impact was so powerful I started to dream about becoming a writer and started to write my own novel. It was abandoned in a drawer some 10-20 pages into it, in favour of other dreams, but I still really love to write. These days I have a blog and a few followers that indulge me in my tries. 2. Which is your favourite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? I always fall pretty deep in the world of any book I read, and many authors and genres end up becoming my favourite, at least for a while. Sometimes the voice(s) in my head even sound(s) like taken out of the pages of my last read. However, one author I always come back to is P.G. Wodehouse. His social commentary comedic genre is one of my favourite pick-me-ups. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? These days I write blog posts, light, relatable and humorously anchored in day-to-day life. My advice for you would be “read and write… anything!”. Let your readings lead you to a myriad of others until you feel like Alice down the rabbit hole. Your literary senses will be honed, your palate educated, your choices narrowed in time. For now, just read. The same with writing; experiment, write prose, write poetry, articles, or stories for your younger siblings; write badly, rewrite, write better, throw it all out and start again, practice, get tired of it, become exhilarated whenever you finish a new piece. Embrace and enjoy the process, have at it constantly, and your future brilliant pieces will take care of themselves.





Bright Interview with Nedim Kucuk 1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? Being one of the first novels I have read in secondary school “War Horse by Michael Morpurgo” was an astonishing piece of writing which I will never forget. Depicting scenes from the war, War Horse was a perfect novel to understand war conditions and the terror it caused to animals. Another factor making this book one which was unforgettable for me was the that it portrayed the bond of an animal to a human so perfectly. It has for sure taught me that human and animal bond could sometimes be stronger than brotherhood of men. What other book could make a man cry? A quote from the novel which summarizes the whole story: “They fight a war and they don’t know what for. Isn’t that crazy? How can one man kill another and not really know the reason why he does it, except that the other man wears a different colour uniform and speaks a different language?” 2. Which is your favourite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? When it comes to my favourite author, Tolstoy is the only one I could choose, and I only noticed this when I finished a couple of his books. The way he puts human relations into words makes you believe in the existence of the time machine. He takes you to whatever time period his book is about. The Kreutzer Sonata was the last book I read by Tolstoy and the issue of love between people was discussed thoroughly with an astonishing story. Drawing upon my previous knowledge on books, I haven’t seen another author which can portray human relationships in such way. I adore reading his books and behind this lies my love towards fiction, yet be it a fiction or a romance, every book of Tolstoy appeals to me. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? The story does not change too much when it comes to writing, I love writing narrative essays where I get the opportunity to create fictional characters and portray lives of different people in different ways.




ICHB Bright Writers and Readers should use every single opportunity to enhance their reading skills and the easiest way of doing this is to make reading a habit. When reading becomes a daily routine of your life, you will realize its effects immediately. “Read for your peace of mind� when you are reading, you will notice that the author will take you to the world created by him therefore, this could be an escape from all the stress you are facing in your student life. Being in another world totally different than yours, even for a couple of minutes a day will for sure give you a peace of mind every person requires. While reading about lives of different people from various cultures and religions, you will see the way they live and interpret life. This will make you a much more empathetic person which evaluates situations in calmness and one which tolerates extreme conflictions with ease. Therefore, reading is a must for each and every one of us.





Bright Interview with Zuleyha Turkyilmaz 1. Which is your favourite book and why? What paramount lessons have you learnt from it? Les Miserable by Victor Hugo because it embodies universal subjects like love, family and forgiveness. Besides, how one can transform from being a convict to an honorable person and sacrifice himself for the well-being of the loved ones. What I learnt through this book is that love, and compassion are absolute musts in life and you never know how you change the course of others if you forgive. 2. Which is your favorite literary author and why? Which literary genre appeals to you the most and why? Charles Dickens because I find his way of narration interesting besides the humor and irony in his books. As long as what I am reading is engaging and entertaining I am fine with any kind of literary genre. If I had to choose, I would say humor. Because an extra smile on your face wouldn’t hurt. 3. What do you like writing the most? Prose or poetry? What advice would you give to our ICHB bright readers and writers? Poetry because I see it as expressing more in less. Even though we all have our preferences, to our future readers and writers my advice would be to give different genres a chance as you may not know what it embraces.




The path of self-righteousness I L I E R A D U /8D

Isaac was cunning and deceptive for as long as he could remember. His perplexed charade fooled his peers into sympathizing with him, as he would start leeching off them. His early life was meager, yet his sharp thinking and misleading words made him rise up the ranks. However, his achievements weren’t certainly unique in a society that perpetuates deceptive and manipulative behavior. His thirst for power could not be quenched. One fateful night, he got to cast his eyes upon his untamed personality while sleeping. Isaac woke up in an ethereal realm, purple haze enveloping the scenario. A holy light was slicing through the mist, emanating purity. Thin, grey slabs of stone jolted from the ground, forming a path towards the light in the sky. Isaac calmly climbed the slabs, using them as stepping stones. But as he inched closer, he began doubting himself, wondering about the stepping stones he had used to propel himself forward, without remorse. At one point, he stopped. The doubting of his beliefs had stopped. The stepping stoned deserved it. They did their role and now their actions were useless. They needed to be discarded of. Isaac’s self-righteousness got the better of him, as he demanded the stones to praise him and aid him towards the light. He knew he could commit these inhumane crimes and get away scot-free, due to his wit and power in an unjust society. His warped ideals propelled him further and further, until he had had enough. He was satisfied at that moment. He began tossing the stones on the ground, a devilish smile etching on his lips more and more after each shattered stone made a wilted groan. The last stone fell to the ground. He wiped his hand on his trousers and smiled.




I L I E R A D U / 8D

The Trader of Time Catherine was a lively teenager living an honest student life, spending time with her circle of friends. They were casually discussing over several topics on a regular school day, when a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows. The group looked around, only to see nobody present on the silent school halls. The mysterious figure offered to sell “time” in exchange for some of their possessions. The group ran away but ended up in the same place, unable to do anything. Terry, one of the boys, offered his watch to the man, as he handed a tiny red pill. He took it after a long pause. Catherine asked Terry how he felt. Terry felt like time could fly by in an instant or crawl at a snail’s pace, manipulating time. Without a second thought, the others traded their belongings for time, except Catherine who saw through the man’s façade. The more time was abused, the stronger the itch for more. In a matter of minutes, the halls became crowded with students praising the wonders of time. Some could have a good night’s rest in a few minutes, others could speed up mundane matters such as waiting of the bus, cooking or attending tiresome classes. She knew that abusing this power would only lead to mass destruction, so she discussed this matter of utter importance to her group. They admitted that abusing their newfound powers was not just and tried searching for the mysterious man. His cold, deadpan voice spoke out, offering more time to the group. They all refused and screamed at him that this power would only lead to the end of everything. The man was banished from those lands and left to another distant place in this wide world. She knew they weren’t coming back. They all knew. Nobody could change that and nobody wanted to.




The Piercing Eyes of the Dark I L I E R A D U / 8D

Kelly was always afraid of the unknown that lurked in the shade. He was skeptical of the ones around him. However, he had begun to feel a disturbing aura latching onto him as the year went by. Nightmares and thoughts regarding an unknown man staring at him in cold silence, his soulless stare peering into Kelly’s heart, appeared more frequently. Kelly went to a therapist to ask for guidance, his face seeming quite familiar. The therapist informed him that he should be wary of his environment and always plan his next move, to prepare for what might happen. Startled, yet confident, Kelly followed his instructions, yet to no avail. He encountered the man in his dreams and somehow mustered up the courage to scream angrily at him to disappear and stop haunting him. The man whispered, warning Kelly about what might happen and to prepare his next big move. For this all seemed a game to the man. Kelly was shocked at the realization that the man was strikingly similar to the therapist. He woke up and decided to plan his next move in order to confront the therapist. He thought that the dream world and real one were somehow linked. He set his sight on confronting the mysterious man in his dreams. Unfortunately, Kelly was a step too late. Encountering the man was his biggest mistake. He laughed as Kelly fell to the ground, his last breath ascending in the skies. The man had always watched. Kelly appeared to be in his town, without any sign of life surrounding him. He walked quickly. The lane was narrow and the houses seemed empty, but he had a prevailing feeling of being watched.




I L I E R A D U / 8D

The Mystical Artefacts of the Sands Jason was a nomad, crossing the harsh and mysterious lands of deserts. He had grown along with Maya, his younger sister. He had worked as a locksmith, butcher and cobbler over 10 years, trying to keep his starving sister alive with what little they could afford. Maya unfortunately died to an unknown disease, leaving Jason to wander alone in the cruel desert. One day however, his fate would change. As his bare feet burned under the hot sand, a stone statue buried in the sand stood in front of him, its head peeking out. Jason inspected its appearance, noticing the pair of eyes on the statue’s face. They looked detachable and mummified, with gold writing on the pupils. He picked them up, thinking they were a buried treasure that he could pawn off for a few coins, yet as he looked closer, the eyes started melding into his face, fusing with his own. Jason yelped in fear as a holy light emitted from his pupils. His vision became as clear as an eagle’s, clearly seeing the tents set up miles away. Puzzled, he considered it a gift from the gods for the hardships he endured throughout his life. Next to his foot, the sand shifted, forming a map form the grains. It depicted a cross close to the tents, marking a temple. Jason took it upon him to venture to the temple in hopes of discovering the eyes’ meaning. After a tiresome journey, Jason arrived and ventured within, discovering a spine sitting on a pedestal, with writing next to it: “The one who will acquire the eyes of the world and the spine of life will bestow great powers and a bright future”. Jason picked the spine up, as it slid into his. A bright flash ensued. Jason woke up on the sand, with trees surrounding him. He knew those artefacts had a holy power that shouldn’t fall in the wrong hands. He got up and headed into oblivion. Sands shifted and were blown. The rings around the trees looked dark.




The Gateway to Perfection I L I E R A D U / 8D

Giovani lived a mundane life alongside his wife, Ann. To celebrate Giovani’s 35th birthday, Ann had been planning on going to a restaurant to celebrate. Everything had gone by well, until he returned home. As he was changing, he noticed an ominous presence in the mirror in the corner of his eye. Giovani slowly stepped towards the mirror, only to notice a teenager in his reflection. Startled, Giovani began peering closer to the mirror, as did the boy. Before he could act, his body began to sink through the mirror, as if it were a passage. Giovani’s consciousness sprung back, as he glanced at his body. His arms were thinner, his voice higher toned and his legs were much shorter. It took no time for him to realize that he had somehow ended up as a teenager again, back at his parents’ house. He dashed towards the bathroom, where their only mirror was located. As he glanced at it, his adult body replaced his reflection. Everything clicked for him, as he understood that he possessed the capability of switching between his adult and young self. Giovanni spent some time reliving his memories as a teenager but eventually grew tired of it. He had devised an odd plan. He wrote most of his important life choices in a massive notebook as an adult and tried choosing other paths as a teenager, finally being exposed to the endless possibilities of life. In some futures he was rich, in others a prodigy and so on. Unfortunately, this act went on for tens, if not thousands of years. Giovani spent that time choosing the best choices that would result in a perfect life. His strive for perfection only deteriorated his corrupt mind, as a somber sense of determination was awakened in him. After countless attempts, he had finally achieved it. The perfect life devoid of challenge, compassion, free will or intellect. He had achieved his happy ending.




The Key to the Heart I L I E R A D U / 8D

Mathew was a run-of-the-mill student. He lived a quiet life, being joyful around his friends. However, when on his own, his attitude would shift to a grimmer one, unbeknownst to anybody. He would silently go on with his activities, pushing away any feeling of rage or sorrow, out of fear that they would overtake him. One destined night however, he fought those feelings head on. Mathew woke up from his plain white bed, only to notice a flicker of light in the peaceful darkness. He turned the lights on and found a golden key beside his legs. He snatched it and started observing its craftsmanship, discovering the words “The key to the heart is the one that will pave the path towards the truth” etched on it. The boy tried putting it on his desk for further inspection, yet for some reason he couldn’t. He opened his hand and was shocked at the sight. The key started melding with his hand and began descending into his wrist. Mathew was yelping in pain, as he tried pulling the key out, yet to no avail. The key tore through his arm up to his shoulder, with blood gushing out of the gaping wound. The key stopped at his heart, as his raspy breath came to a halt. He felt a sharp jab in his heart, as a loud click was heard. He screamed like a banshee as the walls around him crumbled to nothing, revealing a crimson void surrounding him. Rivers of tears began pouring from his mangled face, yet a divine sense of confidence radiated from him. He had accepted his negative emotions as part of him, as a bright sparkle appeared. Mathew woke up. He had done it. His anger and sorrow were no longer shackles bounding him in that state. He finally felt complete.




Journey to the Lands of Freedom I L I E R A D U / 8D

There once was a spry wooden elf that reached the distant lands of freedom. His journey began in the ancient rubble of a shack, as he was sifting through the grains with his tiny wooden arms. A glimmer of light shone through them, catching his attention. The elf picked up a rusty, yet sharp needle and decided to keep it as a weapon. The harsh night was steadily approaching, as he headed to his resting place in a crevice of the wall. Chalk drawings depicting the elf reaching the outside were plastered on the crumbled walls, as he put the needle away. He headed for his makeshift bed, with the name “Esau� etched next to it. As he was resting, a loud bang was heard, followed by heavy footsteps. Esau woke up and grabbed the needle, pointing it at a cloaked figure. The cloak was thrown away, revealing a shiny tin man holding a bead around his neck. The tin man was relieved that he discovered another being and talked to Esau in a calmly manner. Esau sensed great potential in the man, and convinced him into joining his crusade for reaching the outside. The two slept until the morning, where they prepared for the treacherous journey that awaited them. They wandered throughout the vast sea of rubble as they discussed their bittersweet memories. However, they encountered a doll of a man wearing a ripped green coat with its strings bundled up on some nails on a wall. They freed him and found out that his name was Jacob. Unfortunately, their friendship soon came to a screeching halt, as one night a rat ambushed Jacob and began tearing him apart. Esau quickly dashed and stabbed the rat in the eye with the needle, trying to slay the beast. After struggling with the rat trying to shake Esau off, if finally, succumbed and fell on the floor, its body twitching. Esau rushed to Jacob, only to be horrified by his mangled body. He tried sewing him back together, yet to no avail. Esau and the tin man ventured forward, remembering Jacob in their hearts, be it tin or wood. Unfortunately, the tin man suffered the same fate, as his joints and body became rusty. Esau promised them that he would reach the outside world, for the sake of everybody. After a truly painful journey, Esau had reached the door leading to the land of truth. He slipped under the door and admired the crimson sky, with the sun silently lowering into the abyss. It truly was a new world.




D O R O T E E A S T E J A R / 5F

ARISE Arise, fire bird, Step out of the flame’s ashes. Reflected in your eyes The warm sun flashes. Arise, bird of light, Throw shadows along the grounds. Brighten up the night, With your sacred diadem crowned. Arise, flaming creature, Spread out your wings with might, With fire’s and ash’s features The cold day of darkness fight.




The Time Has Come T R I P S A A L E X A N D R U / 5F

Tim felt angry as he got off the train. “Of course they wouldn’t believe me!” He said to his good friend, Ben, a short and polite man he once met in a pub. “Ah, c’mon mate, turn that frown upside down, who knows, maybe you’re right!” They were talking about the object that would lead to a horrible chain of events. The Unidentified Flying Object was spotted two nights ago, at 9:45 PM. A small beam of light heading right for Earth. Tim, our amateur astrologist, decided to travel all the way to London to present his discovery. The idea of an extraterrestrial object heading for Earth was apparently crazy, as the beam has vanished, not visible at day or night, so they sent Tim back to Scotland. A few days later, Tim woke up in the middle of the night due to peculiar sounds coming from outside. He looked outside, only to see the bean shredding the houses’ rooftops and landing in the street. That’s when they started deploying their Octopuses. We thought it was a meteor at first, until giant metal tentacles rose up from the crater. Octopuses are giant killing machines that are about 50 ft. tall, who walk on four legs and use the other four to capture humans and place them in their giant metal pockets. The worst part was that two of the tentacles were used for firing deadly projectiles that disintegrated houses and trees. Wherever they went, they left horrible destruction and fires behind them. They made horrible whale-like sounds. Their first target was Russia, which had very strong defences and it was a great threat to them. They showed no mercy to the soldiers, to the men, to the women, to the children... 20 years ago the invasion ended and the humans were defeated. The aliens colonized the world powers, and took great minds such as Tim to make experiments on their brains. Luckily, the UE is in a peace treaty with them, therefore Bulgaria, Hungary and Germany are now belonging to them. Even though the other countries are “independent”, they still use us as slaves. They’ve confiscated our weapons and made us farmers, fishers and blacksmiths. A quite weird return of the medieval ages. We all know they’re planning on eradicating us though. We’re like bacteria being wiped off of the dirty toilet, and the janitors are our lovely visitors. Eh, we had to go sooner or later.




The Dusty Pages of History T R I P S A A L E X A N D R U / 5F

It was 1944, the weather was vile. We were hiding in the 2-meter snow. I was cold and we could see the German soldiers advancing. All of us were hiding, we couldn’t engage until we were told to do so. It was so quiet; you could only hear the soldiers equipping their weapons with bayonets. A terrible scream was heard. It was an Öberschaführer SS who was shouting in German. “They found Vladimir!” We came out of our hiding places and started shooting. More of them came, so we had to take cover, as if we retreated, we knew we’d be shot. Loud explosions and loud banging sounds could be heard. I saw a small man crying in a corner, with a photo in his hand. Suddenly, horrible explosion sounds struck the battlefield. It was raining with artillery shells. I came next to the crying man and asked him what his name was. “Alexey...” he said with a weak tone. I comforted him by telling him that we would make it out alive. I quickly took a musket and pointed it at a German officer, when 2 soldiers came in our trench, but I slashed them with the bayonet. I took the man ran through the snow. We escaped into Moscow, and signed up in the artillery units. We knew we’d be safe there. Today I’m turning 76 and me and Alexey are still good friends, and yes, I met my best friend in an artillery attack. The strongest bond that we have is that we both have lived the stupidity and brutality of war.




What happened to Maria? T R I P S A A L E X A N D R U / 5F

As the man left the café, Maria saw that he left his phone on the table. She wanted to give it back, but he was gone before she knew it. She opened the phone, and as soon as she did, the phone was bombarded with SMSs. They were only photos dressed in black with big masks and long codes written. “Hm. Strange” she said as she put the phone in her pocket. She didn’t mind the messages at all. Halloween was close anyway, so who knows? She walked home through the pouring rain. When she got there, she observed the same men from the pictures pouring gasoline on her house. She quickly hid behind a trash bin. A wan arrived, and more men came out. They assembled a gun which looked like a Romanian M. 93 from 1916. They shot the line of gasoline, burning her house down. They turned around and looked at Maria who was trying to call the police. They knocked over the trash bin, took the phone she found and chucked it in the fire. “No. Witnesses.” They said as they pointed the 100-year-old rifle at her head. That’s when the CCTV security cameras cut out. That was the last time Maria Comstock was seen.




Utopia or CHAOStopia? R A R E S A V A D A N E I / 7A

Panting and with my heart racing as fast as never before, I entered my favourite football team’s stadium, plunging into a game whose starting time nobody knew, in which players were shooting nobody knew where, nobody was ever winning and referees having been long gone. People were being too busy to go to work, wherever that was, or to drive their kids to school, where classes were always starting and ending, with oscillating long and short recreation breaks in which everybody was running chaotically, parents and children with the kiosk seller and teachers with the principal, back and forth, forever escaping the power of logic. Some people were forever waiting anxiously for the bus, or a letter that never came, or the news that never gave any relevant information, or their beloved TV show in which nothing ever happened, seized by a state of PERPETOUS WAITING, that being the most common occupation in the times where writing, reading, law and order had totally vanished. A meaningful world had thrown its rational gown and had dressed the rags of lack of meaning to dance frenetically in the ballroom of chaos, where rules were ostentatiously given up, one after the other, culminating with the possibility to do whatever you wished for. Unfortunately, less and less meant doing nothing at all and lethargy had set in as a thick and sickly fog. Suddenly, I found myself kneeling and looking towards the tranquil, serene sky, praying that the state of perpetual waiting is just another inertia nightmare we can all quickly wake up from and forcefully embrace life once again ... as if hugging a dear old friend, we had missed so dearly.




P O P A V A / 6F

The Lion – hearted Soldiers We Call Rules I woke up to the chilling sound of my alarm. I went to the bathroom with my eyes still close, brushed my teeth quickly, had breakfast in a rush, put my dull uniform on and left towards school running in an attempt not be late once more. No sooner had I stepped into the hectic streets than I realised that people were driving in a plethora of directions and people were running down the street like lunatics. I descended at the subway, panic – stricken by now, and I was trying desperately to make sense of the demented crowds I had just witnessed. I finally reached the safety of my classroom, but little did I know that almost all of my colleagues were absent. Our teacher in front of us was idly reading a magazine, succeeding completely in ignoring the three kids who were staring at him. I asked my teacher why we were not doing anything and he simply replied in an angry tone, that we did not need to. At first, I was completely dazed but then, putting the puzzles of the crowds of maniac people I came across in the morning, I realised that I was facing a world which had divorced all its rules and had sued logic. I left the classroom, trying to block a shower of agonizing tears and rushed to explore the chaos which was seizing our school. Kids were screaming, running and doing everything they wanted and much more. I decided to leave school because I did not feel safe anymore. On my way home, I stopped at a mini market and took some sweets to seek for solace. When I got out of the mini market I tripped, fell and hit my head. I woke up panting as if I had run a marathon. I was not in the emergency room or in the hospital, I was actually in my own room! I was confused at first, I did not know if it was a dream or not, so I looked out of the window and everything seemed normal. There were no cars going in different directions or peculiar people running around and screaming. I was overjoyed that all that dismaying chaos had been just another nightmare and that the real world was still guarded by these lionhearted and audacious soldiers, we like to call rules.



No Rules, Empire


No C O N S T A N T I N E S C U M A D A L I N A /6F

My homeroom teacher punched me in the face for no reason at all and my mom had not left the comfort of her room for the past month. My best friend had shot a man and my brother tried to poison me. This is the genuine life in a world with no rules. Today I am running away from all this madness. Running away from my problems isn’t an answer? Who cares? The world does not have any rules anymore! I am running. Running past the car accidents, running past this broken world. I am stepping on the ashes of a once spectacular pine tree forest. When did this happen? This is not the world I remember! I hear gunshots, from where is not relevant right now, all I have to do is run. I notice a bloomed cherry tree, so I stop. It looks oddly comforting, just like the moon on the dark night shy. “I’ll take a break” I tell myself before I put my back against its trunk. I close my eyes. Bad idea. I hear my sister screaming, then silence, so I get up and run faster than before. He is after me. I come up to a river, a dead end. I look at my reflection in the pure, crystal clear water. I can see a tall man’s figure appearing behind me. I guess this is goodbye?! For a few seconds, all I am able to see is black. When my vision becomes clear again, I see a slight red shade drawn on the river. I cling to each word of my prayer and I wish there are rules up there, in the heaven of the spirit and all of sudden, I am seized by an empire of peace of mind, tranquillity and supreme gratitude.




The Nightmare of Dystopia C R I N A S T A N E S C U /6E

I can close my eyes and imagine a world without rules. Unfortunately, this world would be chaos, a total anarchy. People would live in packs like animals and only the fittest would survive. The world would be a much more perilous and a scary place. Undoubtedly, there could be some benefits. For instance, teachers would teach you at home and you could have everything you wish for, but the general feeling would be one of imminent danger, always luring from the dark. Eventually, the packs of humans would create their own rules and societies, as we know them today, would be recreated, and those societies would have once again, the safety of laws. Humans have laws nowadays to ensure our survival and to make life better for all of us. The re-enactment of laws and regulations would be the pillars and the skeleton on which functional and healthy societies are built again. In conclusion, there are innumerable reasons why societies have evolved and are built on the skeletons of rules and laws. In the absence of rules, chaos and dystopia would seize the world and evolution and humanity would come to a halt.




D A N P O P E S C U / 7F

Rules, the Mighty Pillars of a Healthy Society What would a world with no rules look like? I think life without rules is one which is not worth living, a dystopia. I’m a gymnasium boy who has always been bound by rules. That is how my parents have brought me up, instilling in me supreme values such as integrity, love, honesty. Life without rules would be the definition of a catastrophe. Following rules doesn’t necessarily mean you are an introvert or maybe that’s the way people see you these days. Would you fancy living in a world where everyone would do everything they wanted and in which crimes such as stealing and killing would be legal? Would you be keen on driving in a world with no driving rules to follow? Would you be passionate about working in a world in which everyone is illiterate? In a world which had thrown their rules in the trash bin, countries would probably be at war for their territories or just because they like to fight in order to boost their egos and illusions of power. In conclusion, I strongly believe that rules are made to be followed because they bring balance in a world where balance is the key of the universe. Try to follow mostly of the world’s rules and you will convince yourselves that rules are the mighty pillars of a balanced and healthy society.




D E L I A M I E R C A N / 7F

Rays of Wisdom in the Labyrinth of My Soul It was a pretty beautiful autumn day, but not for me. I was mad at my mother because it seemed very boring to respect the rules, although I’m sorry I screamed at her. I ran to the tranquility of my room. After I locked the door, I was scared. A stranger was there and stood on my bed, staring at me. „-So, dear, do you really want a world without rules?” said the stranger whose face I could not see. „- Undoubtedly!” I said, almost with no traces of hesitation. „-I will give you a spell that will change the world. All you have to do is read it!”. After that, he vanished, leaving behind paper with the spell behind. I took the sheet and read it, then a giant animal with large wings and giant teeth appeared which could have broken a boulder. I tried to run my mother and escape this huge scary monster, but he blocked the exit with his tail and I could not pass. After a few moments of agonizing silence, the monster finally spoke: „- Before you make this decision, I’d like to take you somewhere in the future. Get on my back.” We flew to a remote place from the future where there were a myriad of demolished houses around me, a sea of blood and other terrible views. At one point, I even saw some cold – blooded murders who were trying to end the lives of a poor family. There was a point when I heard a horrible noise as if it was death itself. I covered my ears, unwilling to hear that, and I burst into crying. „-See?! This is the future if you destroy rules! Is this what you want ?! To stay trapped in this dystopia!? The voice said. -Please no! I do not want such a future! It’s terrible! Please put a stop to all of this! I was shouting and crying, overwhelmed by fear and dispair.” Then I woke up in my room. I ran to pick up the paper and tore it in thousands of pieces. Then I stormed out of my room to apologize to my mother. My mother stood there hugging me back and listening to me, as she always does, with serenity and utmost love. Since then, I have always honored the rules around us and I have gathered countless rays of wisdom in the sacred labyrinths of my soul.




Just a Normal Day of School D A L I A S T A N E S C U / 6E

It was seven o’clock am and I was ready to go to school. I opened the front door and I saw a neighbour staring at me and looking peculiar. I asked him whether I could help him, but he yelled back and started running. I shrugged it off and walked to school. On the street, I saw a plethora of lunatic people screaming and running and even some of them singing and dancing in the middle of the street. I finally arrived in my classroom. I was shocked that I was the only student in my class. My teacher said that he did not care I was there and he rushed home. I stormed to the director of the school. I confessed to him that I was panic – stricken. He told me that he did not have time to hear all my nonsense since he had just stolen all the toys from a store and he was too busy playing with them. I cried my heart out because I had lost the only world possible, a world with rules. My sister woke me up and whispered in my ear: “It was just a nightmare. I am here for you.”




H A G I U A L E X I A /7C

The Chilling Chaos of a World with no Rules It was a beautiful day at school when we heard that the government will abolish all the rules in Romania. My schoolmates and I were petrified and dazed. Why will the government eradicate all the rules? The teacher explained to us that our rulers wanted to replace the system with new and better rules. We calmed down but when we looked outside the windows, we saw large crowds of people screaming and trying to steal from shops. A world without rules translates into chilling chaos, I said. We didn’t go outside because it was too perilous, but instead we hid under our tiny desks, using them as shields in the face of an imminent catastrophe. Eventually, the police showed up and made serious attempts to calm everyone down. After one hour, they managed to stop the terrifying chaos and tried to get the students out of the school. We were safely evacuated and sent back home. The policemen and the army reinforced the fact that we were not allowed to get out of the house until the government announced the new set of rules. We were under a colossal empire of genuine fright and sheer despair. After two days of staying confined to the limits of our own houses, the government announced the new rules and we were finally allowed to get out of the house. That was the most terrifying experience I have ever had and I hope that it will not happen again. A world devoid of rules is an agonizing nightmare you cannot escape despite the intensity of your struggles.




An Impoverished and Feeble Soul M A R A O L T E A N U / 7F

The first time I heard about this topic ‘a world with no rules’, I have to admit that the idea of doing whatever I want really appealed to me. Nevertheless, after having thought about this for about a week, I realised that a world without rules would not be a world at all. Let us imagine this dystopic world. The absence of rules would mean that people would not work anymore and they would hurt one another to obtain benefits. No rules, would mean cruelty, selfishness and darkness seizing the world and turning it into an utter madhouse. Do you like travelling? Well, I am keen on travelling and broadening my knowledge by comprehending remote cultures and civilisations but, in a world without rules, we could not travel. Who would fly the planes? A chaotic world would also mean the absence of connection between countries, an impoverished and feeble soul. Our mother nature would suffer greatly. Imagine all the people throwing their garbage everywhere on the blooming flower beds, in spectacular parks, on fancy and posh streets, in crystal clear waters. Nature would trade its astonishing empire of fauna and flora for a filthy and heart-breaking litter kingdom. In conclusion, a world with no rules is no world at all and we should protect and respect rules as they are, the healthy and strong guardians of our daily lives.




Disaster Unfolding Before Me K A R I N A M I L E A / 6E

I had just woken up. It was Monday and I didn’t want to start a new week. That day I had a daunting mathematics test scheduled and I had the seizing and chilling feeling that I did not know anything. I went downstairs and realized that something was changed. I thought this was another ordinary week with ordinary days, but I was utterly wrong. What had happened? Mom had just made breakfast, but not the usual breakfast. She had made delicious chocolate pancakes and a mouth – watering marshmallow cake. After indulging into this culinary heaven, I went to school. All the cars were heading anywhere, respecting no traffic rules. After this traffic frantic adventure, I entered the school very late. All the children were chaotically screaming and desperately running on the halls. Teachers were talking on the phone, not caring about the chaos around them. Everyone seemed so peculiar that I could not comprehend the disaster unfolding before me. I didn’t even have a math test. In fact, during the math class we watched a movie, ate popcorn and had a spontaneous pillow fight. After school, I stormed to the serenity of my house, trying to escape this lack of logic. I entered my house and my parents said that we should go shopping all night. I went crazy because I had to do my homework. But then I realized that none of our teachers gave us any homework. After 2 hours of shopping I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. But my parents kept asking me why I needed to sleep so early. The next day would be another day of doing nothing. I realized that and I was scared stiff about the uncertainty of living in a world with no rules, with no predictable consequences. I really hoped that the next day, I would wake up in my orderly, certain world.




The Brightly Lit Locker D R A G O S N E C U L A / 7F

I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, wondering how I fell asleep. I went downstairs to eat something as I was utterly hungry. Suddenly, my phone started buzzing. I answered it and my friend asked me why I was not at school. I looked at the cracked screen of my phone and noticed that it was 5:12 pm and school started at 5:00 pm. I was 12 minutes late and still did not care at all. I put my uniform on and started walking towards school without the slightest thought of hurrying. No sooner that I arrived in the classroom, the teacher started shouting at me for being late and sent me to the principal’s office to receive a warning. The principal did not seem to be happy about my indolent and careless attitude and yelled at me the whole time. After he was done with me, I was furious and deemed rules as totally useless. I loathed rules from all my heart and wished that rules vanished forever. After walking for some time, at the end of the corridor, I saw an opened locker, brightly lit. I got near it and I unconsciously stepped inside. Once I stepped inside, some peculiar objects fell and it suddenly shut. It was really dark, but I wasn’t scared because it wasn’t that kind of cold and scary dark. It was a nice, warm, friendly dark. After that, I suddenly saw a blinding light that absorbed my body and I lost my consciousness. I realised I was falling. I tried to see where I was falling but the only thing I could see was a hill which seemed to be the one from the nice park near the school. I was right. it was the little park near the school but some signs were missing. I tried to speak with the man who was sitting on a bench in front of me and I asked him what the time was. He told me there was no such thing as time. I then left and went to school. At the entrance, I saw the principal who was waving at me and for some reason he didn’t seem mad at all. When I entered the school, I saw a big banner which read: ’NO RULES’. I was overjoyed. I couldn’t believe that what I wished for had finally happened. I began running on the corridor, not realizing that I was heading towards the same locker I did before. I lost my smile between my footsteps, realising that I was standing in front of the same brightly lit locker. I got dragged into it once more and I found myself falling again.




This time my arrival point was a hill made up of dust. I looked around me and it seemed that I was in the middle of the desert. I felt something metallic under my foot. It was a sign. When I read it, I was petrified. The name of the city in which I lived was written onto it. In almost no time, tears of disappointment and sadness covered my whole face and I shouted: ‘TAKE ME BACK’. Suddenly, I found myself in bed, hitting my head against the pillow and shouting “Now I understand, I understand the importance of rules”. From that day on, I “resigned” from my maverick career and I have lived my life to the fullest while meticulously obeying each and every rule.




The Balance Within P O P A E M I L I A / 6F

After having watched a myriad of science fiction films, I was pretty sure of what a non-rule world would be like, but that surely was not what I had in mind. It had been three weeks since all the rules that held society together vanished. I prepared myself to walk out into that terrible and frightening battlefield, cars on fire, people with guns, basically I was ready to see a horrific painting depicting the end of the world. To my tremendous surprise, nothing had changed. The street was almost silent. Just some birds and dogs here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. After so many years of rules and boundaries that were meant to make life functional and blissful for everybody but which sometimes failed miserably, people got used to living a peaceful life and to creating this balance themselves. Of course, there were some villains who went out and robbed banks, stores and whatever else they could find, but the majority kept the balance themselves. I was walking down the street when I heard my mum calling my name. That’s when I woke up, in my bed. I felt happy. Over the years, society has failed us in countless ways. Whether it was discrimination, democracy or war, we had a rocky history with balance, but even though we have come to a better era, we still have a lot to work on. However, I felt that very morning that no matter what life will throw in our way, we have the immense power within us to confront it as an united front.




My happy bubble burst S A R I L G A N B I A N C A / 7F

It was a chilly winter afternoon like any other, nothing special. As I was heading home from school, I noticed that the traffic seemed more hectic than usually. I shrug it off, thinking it was nothing. But as I got near the bus station, I could see angry crowds approaching. Being beyond petrified, I asked a stranger what was going on. Apparently the government had officially announced that all laws and rules were invalid. I was in ecstasy, thinking of all the possibilities, all the things I could do now. But soon my happy bubble was burst by the thought that I had to go home by foot. When I finally arrived home, I was greeted by an empty house with a note from my parents saying that they went on vacation because there was no need to go to work anymore. Shocked and still under the empire of fright, I went to bed praying that things will be solved tomorrow. The next day I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Then I heard my mom shouting at me to wake up and I must be honest, I was never this blissful in my entire existence.




F A R A Z S O L E Y M A N I / 7F

Dreaming of a World with No Rules I woke up from a deep nap, one of the best I had had in years. I looked outside my window, just to see cracked cars, guns on the sidewalk and houses burning. As I went outside I saw one of my best friends, Eric. He said that the government had announced an annual day which had no rules. I immediately freaked out. I did not sleep all night and I expected it to be all over the next day, but it was not. I was supposed to go to school, but all of the schools have been closed and the government had declared an emergency state, they did not know why everyone did not stop. It was the same as the day before, a frightening myriad of murders, crashes and more crimes. I started panicking. I have never fancied rules, actually they were one of my biggest fears. I suddenly collapsed to the ground and hit my head. I woke up in the comfort of my bed. After two minutes of laying dazed and distressed in my bed, I realised it had been just another horrific nightmare.




An Abominable Domino Effect D I N U L E S C U D A V I D / 6E

A world without rules would be chaotic and a completely apocalyptic and I can`t imagine living in such a world. Having no rules, everybody could be tempted to do whatever they want, good deeds and mischiefs. The good people might help other people in need, but the villains might steal for survival and even murder innocent people. All the criminals would be free in a dystopian society. There wouldn`t be any policemen to arrest the criminals. Most of the kids would be uneducated and therefore, a plethora of crimes will happen more often. People would overuse detrimental and addictive substances. Only the mentally strong and the wealthiest people would have the chance to survive. There would be a myriad of accidents in traffic because there wouldn`t be any traffic lights and road signs. A lot of people might not have where to live. Consequently, the homeless community would be greater. The society might have more poor people than ever. There would be wars, suffering and injustice everywhere. A dystopian world would definitely make people realize how crucial rules are and how beneficial it is to obey rules daily. A world which abolishes its rules, collapses altogether, in a sad and horrific domino effect.




The Battle of the Good and the Bad C A T A L I N E N A C H E S C U / 6F

In my free time, I fancy watching TV or movies. I usually go to the cinema with my family who likes movies as well. I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends. The movie I like the most from the plethora of films I have seen is STAR WARS. The director of the Star Wars is Lucas George. He is famous for his two masterpieces, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. I have seen all the episodes and the movies that have appeared until now. The character I like the most is Darth Vader, one of the strongest characters in the galaxy. The book and the movie are about a war between the Rebels and the Empire. The characters have supernatural powers and they fight with laser swords, laser guns and other munition. On my birthday, I received the Darth Vader costume. I am keen on my present since I use it at parties, at my party I played with my laser sword with my friends. This Star Wars story has influenced me tremendously since I have always been fascinated by the battle of the good and the bad, the light and the dark, the good forces and the bad forces. The lesson I have learnt is that no matter how terrifying the innumerable obstacles are, the light always finds a way to overcome the darkness.




R A D U C H I R I T A / 6F

When Anxiety Kicked in It was a final strive to produce a spark, in hope that will ignite a flame to warm us. Freezing in the darkness with no food, no water, just fresh air from the woods, waiting for help. It all started three days ago, when me and my family went on a camping trip. We got in the car and headed for the Freetown State Forest. On the way in, just past the forest sign, something ran across the road, inches away from the car causing dad to swerve and come to a full stop in the middle of the road. Now I admittedly didn’t get a good look at whatever it was but I thought I saw an animal. It was so fast that mom or dad didn’t get to see a thing, but my sister swore it wasn’t an animal. She said it looked like a weird long figure. It gave us all the shakes for a minute but we all calmed down surprisingly fast. We parked the car and walked for about a mile to set up the camp, somewhere far away from other people. When we got to our site, my sister and mom made a fire pit, while dad and I set up the tents. Five hours




later the four of us sat by the fire watching the sky and telling stories, it was the perfect night. It was midnight, we fell asleep as our radio was playing in the background very quietly. I woke up from a nightmare. Very tired and scared I turned on the lights in a rush to see if everything was ok. I was really dazed so I decided to calm down and get out of the tent to get some fresh air. That’s when I heard it: a long horrifying musical voice that came from behind. I looked twice but there was nothing more than just a blow of wind and one weird sign written on a tree saying: ~FEAR~. I heard the sound again, but this time it was right beside me. I turned faster this time and I saw myself, but with no face expression. And I was carrying an axe on shoulder. I started to ask myself what was the meaning to all of this, - no response. But the more I talked, the more anxiety kicked in. He pointed the axe at me, it was the end. I realized that I had to stop just standing there so I stepped up and confronted myself. I took a rock and bashed it right in the face, confident and scared at the same time. I had no remorse, it was an instinct of self-defence. The figure looked at me saying “Now you are the monster”. I woke up, for real this time, my dad and mom were looking for help, for the police. We were lost in the woods, I remembered about the dream or so-called nightmare, this left me thinking maybe I’m the bad one, maybe I’m the monster. I might be the one who I should be afraid of. That’s how I met my fear, on a calm and serene family trip.




Winning the Battle Within A N A M Ä‚ D Ä‚ L I N A C O N S T A N T I N E S C U / 6F

Hey! My name is Lexi and I am an emotional explorer, or that is what I like to call myself. What is an emotional explorer? Wait, I will tell you in a bit! When I was eleven I was seized by a peculiar and prevailing feeling of loneliness. To have the ability to stay by myself and not feel alone was like a superpower in my eyes. At first I searched all the information I could find on the internet about feeling misunderstood and lonely and tried living a week without talking to anyone. During this time, I started getting deeper into this suffocating feeling, but after a while I got up and looked around. I saw someone, a person. He was stuck into this state as well. I started talking to him and after a while I realized, I had a friend! We were battling the monsters of thought together and actually winning, but happiness did not last long. As I was going to celebrate our victory, I looked back but... he wasn’t there anymore, he left me there. I was heartbroken. As I was lying on the floor, the dark beasts we had defeated, were coming back to life, regenerating themselves from the shattered bits of my heart. I was alone again. I am sixteen now and I am still waiting for him to come back. What if he is still here? What if he thinks I left? If I make a new friend and he comes back, would he leave me again? I will just have to throw myself in the arms of friendship once more and trust people again. The friends who are genuine will stay, the fake friends will go. Time has a funny way of showing us what really matters in life and who your authentic friends really are. Nowadays, I am exactly where I should be, in a place of peace of mind, serenity and love.




The Majestic Flame E M I L I A P O P A / 6F

One day my parents decided that we should go on a road trip. I think you can imagine the excitement of a small child when hearing all about the marvellous sights we will see. We were three days in, when we made our first big halt. I was promised a bonfire, of course at the time, bonfire meant roasting marshmallows. So imagine my surprise when I was faced with an enormous pile of logs, which were about to be lit. Red. Shining brighter than the moon, it appeared to be dancing a slow waltz, gracefully, while maintaining the precision of a surgeon. I was stunned. I quickly took a step back, keeping my eyes glued to the fire, warning it, I can see its every move, its every dance. In time, I have faced my fear of fire, but that’s a different story. Nevertheless, I will never forget how I met my fear.




T U D O R B O T E A N U / 6F

If I could change anything in the history, what would I choose? I’ve always wondered, how it would be like if I had the power to travel back in time and change history. However, time travelling does not exist, but it can be POSSIBLE. BUT, there is a reason why it is very dangerous to change history. When you change something in the past, you automatically change the future as well. And this is how and what I could change within the whole TIMELINE. If WW2 did not happen, Romania would still be a kingdom in the present, USSR could still exist in present, and president Kennedy would not have been assassinated in the 60s. I would choose to change history, to stop the breakout of The Second World War on the 1st of September, 1939. Not long ago, I went to visit the saddest place on Earth, Auschwitz. From the time I saw innocent Jews killed, I just wanted to save this millions of people from that horrible and miserable death. But, it is better to not mess with time travelling, because, if all of these had not happened, I could not be here with you now, the school I study in, would not have been founded etc. Therefore, remember if time travel could be discovered in the future, it’s better to be cautious about changing the past. The past, good or bad, is a wise teacher who delivers important lessons for all of us if we just pay attention to it.




People who have changed my life L U Ț Ă I S A B E L A / 6F

I’m writing to let you know how many people had influenced my life. Some of you were there when I was struggling to pull myself back up and I would like to express my gratitude for that. All the story started when I was five. At that age, the children think that they can have what they want and be ‘little bosses’. Well, I was one of them. A few of you have known me for years. Some just for a short period time; consequent, optimistic and loving is how you describe me in three words. Some of you are the ones who have helped me learn that it is OK to be myself and to not let anyone call me weird or different. When I was in the 3rd grade, I had a very good friend. His name is Matei. He is one of the people who made me laugh and who supported me when I was sad. I have chosen him because when I was little, I used to think only about me, what my hair looks like, what I should wear etc. So, at that moment, we watched a movie with poor people and abandoned animals. I was crying! Next day, when I was near the subway, I saw an old woman with bags and dirty clothes. I looked at her and gave my money because she broke my heart. After some months, I heard from somebody that Matei was in the hospital. Every day, I went there and spoke to him about what had happened that day. Now, he is ok. What made us click and stay friends is that we shared the same urge of saving and helping the people around us. Everyone is different, but everyone should be grateful about what she/he has and strive to be kind every day. Nobody is you and that is your power.




The Collapse of the Kingdom of Rules L U Ț Ă I S A B E L A / 6F

Last year, I went with my friends, to the cinema. There, we got popcorn, nachos and something to drink. When the movie started, I was very excited that my favourite actor was playing in the movie. It’ s called “Maze Runner”. After the commercials, when the film started, we saw the actors playing with toys, drawing, eating and smiling at the camera. That moment, I was questioning myself if we had entered the wrong theatre room. Then, we checked our tickets and it was the right room. I was so dazed, I kept asking myself why they were acting so peculiarly. Finally, the movie ended and we went home. The next day, when I went to school, I saw my colleagues doing what they wanted and my teachers playing on the phone and eating chocolate. I was so shocked, I sat down and tried to explain this “adventure” to myself. After a while, my classmates came and told me the mysterious reason they were acting so weird. Yesterday, on my way to the cinema, there was a breaking news on TV about the fact that we did not have to respect rules anymore. Paradoxically, I was happy, but utterly worried and shocked at the same time. After 10 minutes, I went to a place where there are many rules: my favourite place in the world, the library. I was very surprised when I entered the room. The librarian was trying to persuade the children not to scream or speak loudly. I was horrified about all that I saw that day! Then, when I arrived at my house, I saw my parents anxiously waiting for me. They told me that I did not need to go to school anymore and I could do whatever I wanted with my free time. I WAS DEVASTED! That very moment felt as if a kingdom of irrational aliens had come to me and had said: Do what YOU want! It’ s your life! Don’t miss it studying. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran into my room and cried all night. I had never felt so lonely and confused before. After a couple of seconds, my sister came to me smiling. She was trying to wake me up (for those who do know me, that could be quite a serious challenge). Then, I realized that it had been just a dream. Well, not a normal one, definitely. It reminded me that in the absence of rules, we would be utterly lost and scared and that’s why we need to respect and cherish the benefits of rules.




Say a Resounding “YES” to Rules A N A A N G H E L / 6E

What would this world be like if we had no rules? A dream? A nightmare? Better? Worse? If we had no rules, unfortunately, we would not go to school, kindergarten, our parents wouldn’t go to their jobs. We would do nothing at all since nothing would be mandatory and since we know that people have the innate tendency of being indolent unless we have dreams which require sustained efforts and stamina. If we did not go to school, we did not wear uniforms, we could dress however we liked, we could omit washing ourselves, skip homework, do nothing at all, that would lead to much more free time. We could ignore our friends on all the days when we would not be in the mood, we might as well not talk to anybody, just spend more time you with ourselves in silence, in serenity. What would happen with mankind? Chaos? Dystopia? Trash everywhere? Diseases caused by pollution? Nobody would know how to write or read. How are we going to live as society? The world would be forever doomed. We would have no place to hide. This is why rules have always been crucial to the evolution of mankind. Without rules, we could not further develop technology and we would definitely see the world crumbling before our eyes. We would behave like wild, dangerous, blood thirsty animals. Would you like to live amongst the most perilous animals? If not, say yes to rules and ALWAYS respect them, if you wish a better society and a blissful and peaceful life.




A Birthday Wish D E N I S A S I M I O N /6D

It was the 25th of October, my birthday. I blew the candles on my cake and I made a wish: to live a day in a world with no rules. The next day I woke up and when I looked around, all the l things were messily scattered. I did not understand what had happened while I was sleeping. I slowly descended the stairs, thinking I was still dreaming. Nothing was in its place, my dog, Rusty was meowing, the cat, Puffy was barking, and yet the clock showed 4 a.m. Mom and dad were not at work, they were running through the house, crazily dancing and laughing. Suddenly, I realized that my desire was fulfilled. And now? Out of the blue, I hear my school colleagues. Am I at school? All the children were outside, but no sign of any teacher. Oh, I told myself! This is a perfect day, no school, no homework, no program. I stayed for a few hours, and I went back home and decided to play on my computer with my friends all night. Please don’t make me stop writing this essay, I need more than 200 words to tell you how exhilarated and blissful I was but that day ended and reality showed up on the stage of life‌




Not for a Drop of Freedom A N D R E I V A S I L E / 6D

Since the advent of humans on this planet, rules have been growing together with the society. For example, I have to wake up at 6:30 to go to school. But what if all these would cease to exist? My day started with me waking up by the sound of an ambulance. I just took it with a grain of salt and got up. After some time, I was ready to go. Then, I slowly opened the door and suddenly, gave into dismay. I couldn’t even believe what I was witnessing. The world had turned topsy-turvy. Everyone was crazy, destroying everything. I tried to ask someone about it, but I ended up getting the cold shoulder. People were rude to each other for no reason, closing the doors right before someone else got in. There were also people robbing shops, because, without rules, the economy collapsed. I tried to change the people’s mind, but it was too intricate for me to do it by myself. Right when I thought that things couldn’t get any worse, a plane was flying above us. After a brief moment, a bomb fell from the sky, the start of agony. It was about to explode, when, out of the blue, I woke up. It was all a dream. Relived, I got up and started my day, thinking that not for all the tea in China, would I give up on rules just for a drop of freedom…




The Teacher Who Inspired Me M I R U N A P O P A / 7B

Who is the teacher who inspired me the most? Sounds like a tough question. In my case, I knew the answer right away. My piano teacher is a person I strongly connect with and someone who is worthy of being admired. From living in a small town, she went to owning a music school. I have always looked up to her because I have never seen her give up. Not even in the moment when she left her job behind and took a risk by trying to open her own school. She worked hard and it is exactly what I want to do to achieve my goals. I remember that very day when I decided to learn how to play the piano. I was five years old. After finding out about my teacher from a friend, I instantly begged my mom as convincingly as a little kid could to take me to her lessons. And so she did. I have learned many things from my teacher. Not only about music, but life lessons too. For example, I came to one of our regular classes. Little did my teacher know I had just had a fight with my best friend and I was feeling blue. The lesson began and I immediately started crying and she comforted me for the rest of the hour. She told me things that no one could have said to make me feel better but her. Everything made me calm down and see things from a totally different perspective. My piano teacher is one of the most special and empowering people I know and I will never forget how much knowledge and love she has given me.




A D R I A N O E F T I M E S C U / 6D

The Utter Importance of Rules Imagine entire societies bereft of any rules for a day. What is your first thought? Dystopia? Right! That’s a word which probably best describes this phenomenon. We all secretly wish to discard numberless rules, although, devoid of them, the world might get crazy. Crimes, wrongdoers, let alone miscellaneous petty offenses could potentially arise. Fortunately, we now inhabit a milieu with well-defined rules. Let’s depict a world without rules. A typical dystopian morning starts with its uproar, but it’s not the hubbub of the children running to catch the school bus, as there is no more school. There are just bombs, because they are not forbidden anymore. Furthermore, armed citizens kill everybody in sight. After midnight, everyone returns to their daily schedule. Unfortunately, we destroyed in one day what had been kept untouched for years on end and therefore there is nothing left to do. In a nutshell, rules hold sheer importance in a healthy society. One could say that regulations are born within each of us and not externally imposed. Therefore, a planet widowed of rules is a dead place, as it conveys the message that the very concept of humanity, balance, has been smothered.




The Elephant in the Room T A I S I A V O N V E A / 6D

Stress! Fatigue! Requirements! This is our world ... Full of rules, responsibilities and cumbersome situations. This is the universe we live in. Without rules what this world would be like? Will the world be freer, or will it be more perilous? Maybe it is more to it than meets the eye. The day when all the rules will disappear can’t be averted. It is something certain and intricate. Is it? Is it the moment when we all decide to turn over a new leaf and try to change the world we live in? Will this change the fact that we are snowed under with all the things that we need to do? I don’t think so. Or do I? Maybe the world needs a break. Maybe this is the elephant in the room. In our room. Or maybe all the rules have an important role in our lives. Maybe the rules are mandatory for our existence. And if it is not like that how should it be? Since humans appeared, rules kept order and discipline. Is this the moment when we give up everything they created over time? Maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie. As always!




The Music of Logic M A R I A C O S T I C A / 6H

Have we ever thought what our world would be like, bereft of any rules? Of course, the world would be in total chaos, the criminals would strike again, we would deal with lack of respect for the others around us. I don’t think there is someone in this world who would like to live like that. Still, the above-mentioned words will be put forward by a lot of other students. Leaving aside this apocalyptic approach, let’s talk about the rules in music! We all love music, don’t we? Imagine that, one day, your favourite artists ceased using any rules in creating music, betraying the beautiful lyrics they once created and the ravishing sounds we so much like to listen to. They don’t go ‘by the book’ anymore and musical notes are jotted down in utter chaos. Just imagine musical notes spread chaotically on the paper and lyrics devoid of meaning luring in the dark of rationality. Music is maths and maths is based on rules. Rhythm itself is based on rules. Everything around us is maths. Rules are behind every single aspect of life, art included. I don’t want to live in a world bereft of touching sounds and vivid rhythm. Without rules, music would be lost. And believe me or not, without art and rules, humanity itself would come to a halt.




S I M I L E A M A R C O / 6D

The Safety Umbrella Called Rules PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is a word. I think that this is the best word to describe a world with no rules. I don’t mean a world with no English grammar rules, even if that might be really appealing, I mean a world with no civic rules. For some, this would probably be sheer utopia. For others, one of the biggest drawbacks would probably be the thefts and crimes we expose ourselves to, because everyone would feel free to act according to one’s free will. Consequently, our beloved world will undoubtedly become perilous. Science, art, human rights, so on, so forth, would suddenly halt, while humanity itself would be at the end of its tether. One day, one of us, might probably awake from this chase after this illusory freedom and make a big step for our broken-hearten world: imposing rules. Again! Nobody has ever lived devoid of rules, because laws and regulations are second to none when it comes to safety, comfort and evolution, in the long run. I do hope that the above-mentioned atrocities will never occur and that we will all live under the utterly safe umbrella of our hectic world, nicknamed “rules”!




The price of a terrible mistake M I R U N A P O P A / 7B

I was wandering around my neighborhood on a sunny summer day, not looking for anything in particular. Suddenly, I spotted a building I hadn’t seen before, a few blocks away. As I got closer I saw the sign above it: “A cinema from the future”. It seemed very intriguing, so I tried the door, which to my surprise, was open. I went in and found myself in a hallway parted with doors to different projecting rooms. Right in front of me, a snack bar full of cobwebs greeted me. I passed it and entered the first room. I suddenly found myself in an Amazonian jungle. Scared, I tried the other doors, through which I was led to the Antarctic and even Times Square, in New York. I explored the building every day that summer, discovering lands I had only heard of before. One day, I went to visit China, on my hundredth day in the building, from what I counted. I went at museums and tourist attractions, until I got hungry and decided to go home. I tried the door but it was locked. I realized that apparently on your hundredth visit, you remain stuck. I banged on the door and, like a miracle, it opened and I went back to my parents. I couldn’t get enough, so I went more times exploring and I was stuck again. Unfortunately, this time it was permanent. I was somehow no longer proud of myself and could not get rid of the thought that I had done something wrong again.




A World Bereft of Rules V I C T O R C A C I U L A N / 6D

Imagine a world devoid of any rules. A world where everyone can do just about whatever their heart desires. Would it be nice with all the unnecessary and slightly annoying rules being removed? It might be like this, but chances are a world with no rules would be a dystopian society, and we would all be doomed. According to Cambridge Dictionary, rules are” accepted principles or instruction that state the way things are or should be done”. The removal of these principles would mean the end of the world as we know it. This no-rules scenario would raise quite a few important questions: what happens to prisoners? If the crimes they were originally arrested for are now fully legal, will there be a massive liberation of every convict on the planet? Can someone who only received middle school education be a professor? Can a farmer from Ireland be elected as the president of Namibia? The possibilities are endless. In a world with no rules, there would still be unwritten laws. We cannot escape rules, no matter how hard we try. A world bereft of rules, no matter if it is Utopian or dystopian, simply can’t exist.




A D R I A N A I V A N E S C U / 6D

The Abominable Thought of the Lack of Rules The lack of rules is an incredible, yet abominable idea. For some, this universe can be a heaven on earth. But, as usual, there are some individuals who would think that this planet would be a living hell. Anyone could surrender school, steal and even slink in abodes without any uneasiness. To begin with, a world with no rules would be incredible. Youngsters don’t have to do homework, which means more free time. Grown-ups aren’t compelled to make money because everything is free. Living is thoroughly more permissive. At the other end of the spectrum, others may advocate that rules make the world so beautiful. People need a little bit of stress in their lives, thus achievements can’t be taken for granted. With no limits, everything is just complacent while rules make life experiences far-out from day-today memories. Rules have flaws too. A fully-grown man has to work all day, so his children get a high quality education, even though he knows that when they get mature, they will do the same as him.




The DNA of Rules C A L D A R A R U M A R I A / 5B

In this hustle and bustle of these days, some people foresee a good ending in a world with no rules. Even though that is just an opinion, I personally think it would end in thorough chaos. Picture it like this: you are on a cliff, and you are preventing the earth from falling, if you let the earth fall, it will end abominably. If there were such a world with no rules parents couldn’t bring up their offspring while being exposed to utter anarchy. If we didn’t have any rules, prisoners could escape without being trapped, so on, so forth. We, humans, depend on many salutary rules, and without them we could even die! Why? You might be asking, well here is the answer. Of course, we rely on many rules that obviously keep us alive but we, humans, have not actually thought that we had got all these rules, for a very long time, actually since the beginning of the world itself! Our world, nature, plants and animals, everything is made up of rules! Rules are written in our DNA! Can we survive without our DNA? No! Ergo, we can’t survive without rules!


OFERTĂ EDUCAȚIONALĂ Liceul Teoretic Internațional de Informatică București oferă urmatoarele beneficii pentru anul scolar 2019 - 2020: DIGITAL CLASSROOM Din anul scolar 2019 - 2020, manuale scolare vor fi inlocuite cu tablete pentru clasele a 5-a, a 6-a si a 7-a, implementarea bazandu-se pe noua retea de internet wireless a scolii. Elevii vor avea acces la un volum impresionant de informatii și la căi infinite de exprimare a creativității. 8 clase de a V-a (profil matematică-intensiv, profil englezăintensiv) Elevii învaţă 3 limbi străine: Lb. Engleză, Lb. Turcă, Lb. Franceză/Lb. Germană Clase cu 20 de elevi Program: Luni: 8:30-15:20; Marţi-Vineri: 8:30-14:25 Pregătiri suplimentare pentru Testele Naţionale Îndrumarea copiilor spre concursuri şi olimpiade Ofertă cluburi şi activităţi extracurriculare variate Profesori dedicaţi, cu experienţă Comunicarea permanentă cu părinţii Asistent medical permanent Masă şi transport

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