Faith Pittsburgh

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T H E H A RV E ST I S P L E N T I F U L , B U T T H E W O R K E R S A R E F E W. -


M AT T H E W 9 : 3 7


Pi sburgh


Twelve Items or Less ❘ pg. 8

No One is Perfect ❘ pg. 26 Heaven Sent ❘ pg.42

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FAI H PUBLISHER Wayne Dollard PROJECT MANAGER Mike Granovitz FAITH PITTSBURGH ADVISORY BOARD Steve Carlson Chris Jerin Jake Clawson Kristina Kendrella Ken Culbertson Dennis Moriarty Melba Dibble Herb Shaffer Floyd Hughes Bryan Thiessen REGIONAL EDITORS Mark Berton [South, West and Erie] Pamela Palongue [North and East] OFFICE MANAGER Leo Vighetti AD PLACEMENT COORDINATOR Debbie Mountain GRAPHIC DESIGN Anna Buzzelli Joe Milne Sharon Cobb Melissa St. Giles Mike Miller Tamara Tylenda ADVERTISING SALES MANAGERS Tamara Myers Tom Poljak ADVERTISING SALES Sophia Alfaras Laurie Holding Anna Marie Lee Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia

Aimee Nicolia Vincent Sabatini Mark Seamans Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2013. Correspondence: Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Faith Pittsburgh 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.



or many years now, I have wanted to give back to the God who has provided so much for my family. I usher at St. Benedict’s in Peters Township, and my wife (Lisa) and I give to many charities. Still, I have not felt that I have been fully utilizing the talents and gifts I have been given to spread the Gospel and to provide comfort to people in need. Matthew 9:37-38 says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” And that’s what we’re going to do. This magazine’s creation includes a divine set of miracles that any true believer can appreciate. Here’s our story. From 1998 to 2003, I was a Color Printer Specialist for a copier company in Greentree. The job paid very well and the people were great. In the evenings, I published a magazine/newsletter for a national tennis organization I was a member of. After the 2003 Christmas break, I told my wife, Lisa, I wasn’t looking forward to going back to work the next day. She calmly suggested, “Why don’t you quit and start another magazine.” Quit? With our third child on the way and moving into a larger house? We put our trust in God and, the next day, I offered my two-week notice. In the Spring of 2004, the Monroeville Council approved a partnership with us for “IN Monroeville” magazine by a vote of 5-4. My plan was for one magazine. Well, it wasn’t God’s plan. Within two years, suburban communities around Pittsburgh began calling me for their own “IN” magazine. Over the next eight years, the number of magazines grew to 37. Today, we are headquartered in Peters Township (near my home) and we employ about 60 people. My original goal was to take care of my own family, but now my family has grown to 60 others. Growing up in a Catholic home, my sister and brothers were two, four and five years older than I was. My best friend lived across the street. Mike was jewish and an only child. From day one, Mike and I were best friends. My mother would make us chipped ham sandwiches. His mother would make us peanut butter and jelly. My dad took us boating. Mike’s dad took us golfing. Mike was like a third brother and our families were very close. In 1987, I went off to Penn State while Mike finished high school. Regretfully, our paths rarely crossed, until my wedding day in 1994 when Mike was my best man.

Over the next 18 years, I only saw Mike twice, once at my 40th birthday, and the other in late fall last year at his father’s funeral. Two days after the funeral, I was in Chicago on business. Getting onto a shuttle bus at Chicago O’Hare airport, I noticed a man who looked familiar. I followed him to the back of the bus, sat down across from him, and asked him if he worked in a funeral home in Pittsburgh. He looked at me confused, repeated my question with a hint of contempt, and gave me an absolute “no.” I sat back in my seat and watched the gaze of his wife and kids. They were looking back and forth at me and their father as if to encourage me to ask again in a different way. I did. “Excuse me, I know this is odd, but do you have any relationship with the Schugar Funeral home in Pittsburgh?” Frustrated, he looked back and said, “Well, I’m a rabbi and I perform services there.” You guessed it, he was the one who delivered the eulogy for Mike’s father just five days earlier. Taking this as a sign, I reached out to Mike to tell him of the odd “coincidence.” Seemingly not surprised, Mike said he needed to meet with me for lunch. A few days later, we found ourselves at Applebees in West Mifflin. There was a sadness as Mike’s father died the week prior, but at the same time, Mike and I were comforted to sit down alone together for the first time in 18 years. Then the “Good News” came out…Mike told me he had become a born again Christian several years earlier. Mike’s desire had been to start a Christian magazine to spread the Gospel and he needed some help. I told him to quit his job and come work for IN Community Magazines. We would do it together. Mike gave two weeks notice later in the week. Here we are five months later and Mike and I couldn’t be happier. This first issue of Faith Pittsburgh South is now in your hands. Please share it with your friends. Over the next three quarters, God willing, we will be launching more Faith Pittsburgh magazines in other regions around Pittsburgh. God certainly works in mysterious ways. It is best not to try to understand, but remember that everything is in His time. Follow your heart and pray for guidance. God Bless,

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 1


REV. STEVEN CARLSON Rev. Steven Carlson is the pastor of Ruthfred Lutheran Church in Bethel Park. He is an ordained minister in the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC). Prior to congregational ministry, he was a campus minister with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship and ministered on college and university campuses in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Pastor Carlson has been in ministry for twenty years and has a passion for teaching the Word of God and helping people to grow in their faith. He and his wife Jen, and their three children live in the South Hills.

REV. MELBA T. DIBBLE Rev. Melba Dibble is a Lutheran pastor in a cooperative ministry called Pittsburgh Lutheran United Ministries (P.L.U.M.) with seven churches and three full-time pastors and a retired part-time pastor. Their churches are located in the inner city and suburbs. She is married to Peter, who is a scientist at Google, and they have 14 children and 6 grandchildren. Before becoming a pastor, she was a registered nurse for 20 years. After Melba and Peter adopted 11 children, she stayed home and home schooled them until they reached high school. Then she went back to school and became a pastor. Melba and Peter moved to Pittsburgh 12 years ago from Des Moines, Iowa.

TINA KENDRALLA Kristina serves as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Pleasant Hills. She has worked within the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for the last 23 years. She was a prodigy and began her ministry at age 12. She completed her undergraduate work at Carlow University and has a graduate degree in Religious Education from Duquesne University. Kristina is the Contessa of Kristina’s Kitchen and is the host of Soul Food. She also enjoys a glass of late harvest wines, sunrises and sunsets, reading, fascinating on saints and superheroes, and television reruns of Xena princess warrior. She also finds pleasure in traveling and seeing the world.

REV. JAKE CLAWSON Rev. Jake Clawson is a native of Johnstown, PA, famous for a duo of floods and what proclaims to be, but never was, the “World’s Steepest Incline.” Raised in the Church of God (Cleveland, TN), Jake attended Lee University in Cleveland, TN, where he received his undergraduate degree in Bible and Theology. He then returned north of the Mason-Dixon to study at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, from which he received his Master of Divinity. After graduation, Jake received a call to serve as Pastor to Jefferson United Presbyterian Church in Jefferson Hills, PA and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). His interests lie primarily in ecclesiology, eschatology, ethics, and homebrew. PASTOR FLOYD HUGHES Floyd Hughes has served as Lead Pastor of CrossRoads Community Church since 2007. He is passionate about finding creative ways to share the truths of God’s word and inspiring others to use their gifts for ministry. He has a Bachelors degree in Christian Ministry and a Masters in Pastoral Ministries. He is an Army veteran of almost 12 years, a frequent social media user, and a comic book junkie. He and his wife Christi currently reside in Jefferson Hills.

PASTOR HERB SHAFFER Herb pastors New Song Community Church in Bethel Park, which he planted in 1991. He calls himself “not your ordinary pastor.” He is also Director of the Institute for Servant Leadership and is adjunct staff with Ken Davis at Dynamic Communicators International. He is the husband of but one wife and four adult children. Herb loves writing, puzzles and Ohio State University athletics.

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PASTOR KEN CULBERTSON Pastor Ken Culbertson is the Senior Pastor of the South Hills Church of the Nazarene in Bethel Park, PA. This is his thirtieth year of service to the same church. A graduate of Washington and Jefferson College, Nazarene Theological Seminary, and Drew University’s School of Theology, Dr. Culbertson has served on many boards and positions of leadership in his denomination as well as many boards in the Greater Pittsburgh area whose purpose is to proclaim and demonstrate the Good News of Jesus the Christ by reaching out with other Christians of a variety of denominations to honor our One Lord.

PASTOR CHRIS JERIN Chris Jerin is the Pastor of Jefferson Hills Bible Church. He has been associated with JHB C since 1996, and has been the pastor since 2008. He is a local resident, having lived in Finleyville all of his life. He graduated Ringgold High School in 1980. Chris was in the U.S. Navy, serving actively from October 1980 through October 1983, and continued to serve our country through 1986 in the Navy Reserves. Going back to when he was 14 years old while attending his best friend’s youth group, he answered the preacher’s invitation and asked Jesus into his heart, but not coming from a Christian family, he quickly went back into his old ways. It wasn’t until he attended Jefferson Hills Bible Church that he became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to this day and continuing into eternity, he is growing in His Grace. To Him be the Glory!

PASTOR BRYAN THIESSEN Bryan Thiessen is the lead pastor of Journey Church in Bridgeville. He grew up on a cattle farm in Southern Missouri and has felt called to pastoral ministry, and the Pittsburgh area, since childhood. Bryan has a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Ministries from Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Bryan & his wife, who holds a Bachelors Degree in Counseling & Psychology, also met at Southwestern. Bryan and Journey Church seek to impact the South Hills of Pittsburgh for God’s Kingdom by creating Biblical disciples and building authentic relationships.




I am a Christian


Twelve items or less…


Tell Yourself the Truth!


The #1 Problem on the Planet


Hard is Not Bad; Hard is Hard!


Saying “Good-bye” to Mom



We Want a Pill, God Requires a Process



Test Your Knowledge New Testament Quiz


Top 10 Christian Songs


Top 10 Chrisitian Movies



A Laugh a Day Keeps the Doctor Away



The New Testament as a Historical Document


Bible Facts for kids


No One is Perfect


Problems? What Problems Have I Got?


The Road to Heaven


Christian Stewardship What God expects from us


Heaven Sent


What Next: Fishing or Following?


Church Directory




McMurray Pastor Has International Media Presence

Youth with a Mission




Yes, you too!


The Cross of Christ and the Joy of Easter


Grace Wellness Center The Walking Wounded



South Hills Church of The Nazarene Building God’s Community One Relationship at a Time


14 16

What Christians Do About Modern-Day Slavery



Faith Pittsburgh Bible Study


FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 3

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU We are Blessed Every day... Share your greatest blessing with us. Send your story to OR 603 East McMurray Rd. McMurray PA 15317 Attention: Faith Pittsburgh

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Let us know what you think, share your personal testimonies, suggest additional distribution points, or send us your inspirational story. Send to:

Faith Pittsburgh 603 East McMurray Rd. McMurray Pa 15317

I am a CHRISTIAN! When I say that ‘I am a Christian’, I am not shouting that ‘I am clean living.’ I’m whispering ‘I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven.’ When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I’m weak and need His strength to carry on. When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I’m not holier than thou, I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow! Be Blessed, Be a Blessing. When you feel like you’re drowning in life, don’t worry -- your Lifeguard walks on water. - AUTHOR UNKNOWN.

When I say ‘I am a Christian’, I’m not claiming to be perfect.

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 5


Cross of Christ

Joy of and the

Easter BY REVEREND RONALD M. WERYHA Faith Lutheran Church

In light of the events that occurred in Connecticut last fall, people were on the news talk shows and call-in radio programs asking why God allowed this? Why didn’t God do something? That question always surfaces when tragedies occur. But maybe that’s the wrong question. “Why” takes you into philosophical speculation of all sorts, which ultimately remain a mystery. Why are things set up the way they are? These are the kind of questions that keep one up at night, and the kind of questions that Job and his friends asked God. “How do you answer these questions?” they demanded of God. “What do you have

to say for yourself, God?” And God says, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the universe?” In other words, we weren’t even in existence and yet now we come along demanding to know all the mysteries of how and why life is the way it is with its beginnings and endings, and joys and sorrows in between. Tell us, God. We want an answer! Why is life the way it

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is, why do terrible things happen and why don’t you DO something about it? All the “answers” that I’ve ever heard have not been satisfactory or comforting. So let’s ask a different question; not why, but WHAT. What, if anything, has God done? And the answer, as the Christian faith teaches, is that God indeed did do something;

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“That’s what the cross announces and why it is central to our faith and proclaimed to the world.” and this is not in the realm of speculation, but of history and proclamation. God came among us in this vulnerable world. God lived as Jesus and died on the cross (under the rule of Pontius Pilate) experiencing death, taking our sin on himself, and putting an end to our attempts to earn or climb our way to God. Through the cross and resurrection, God has done something, He’s defeated death! In this world, this sometimes cruel and senseless world, we still experience death. As one of my theology professors used to say, “Even with all of the technology and medical advances society has made, the death rate is still one death per person.” This is not heaven. We die. Sometimes naturally, sometimes tragically, sometimes cruelly, unjustly and far too prematurely. Yet, the promise and sign (who is Jesus) is that resurrection trumps death. God, in Jesus, confronts the senseless and bad things in life - sin, death, and evil, once and for all - and WINS! That’s what the Cross announces and why it is central to our faith and proclaimed to the world. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the calling forth by God of an altogether new thing! Death does not have the final word. That’s WHAT God has done! For all of our loved ones who have died, the hurt and pain are still there, but we grieve not as those who have no hope (1 Thess. 4:13) but as those who trust this news and love of God demonstrated precisely by what God has done and what God gives us; resurrection and life eternal with loved ones, in and through Christ. †

WRITTEN BY The Reverend Ronald M. Weryha Faith Lutheran Church 80 Bartley Road, Upper St. Clair

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FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 7

Twelve items or less… BY TINA KENDRALLA Formation at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Faith of Director

in the earned l I t a the Wh eck at h C s s e agle. expr Giant E k r a P n be Bethel line ca s s e r p x The e than h more c u m t u out abo in and u o y g ore gettin cery st o r g e h of t es it sometim ; y l k c i omeone qu tting s e g t u o is ab fast of the t u o e thing els elf loa s f o lane ness. forgive o t n i and


t was a mid-February winter’s day but looked anything but winter… the sun was bright, and the air warm, and smelled of spring. I was on an emergency medical mission. I was shopping to get a couple of items for some friends who were facing off against what seemed like imminent death by a stampeding rhinovirus, or something more commonly known as a nasty cold. The weapons for this attack included chicken noodle soup, chai tea, and Puffs tissue with healing lotion and the magic cure-all called Vicks. I don’t often shop in the Market District grocery store at 3 in the afternoon on a Monday, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that not many other people do either. Zip, dash around that bend, down that aisle and I am in and out of the aisles in less than five minutes, wow-gotta love the sun it sure makes me speedy. Made it back to the checkout area and noted a cashier working the 12 items or less check-out. Ding - that is my lane. Once in the lane I noticed that there was one lady in front of me placing the items from her cart onto the conveyer belt. I glanced at her casually and was immediately distracted by a sparkly thing, okay it didn’t exactly sparkle but 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

ogy “let your apol accept be enough and the the freedom of Let forgiveness... ve it go!” You ha to to believe it own it.

it had a brilliant, bold headline which read: EAT THIS exotic berry and you will look like this supermodel in 30 days. SERIOUSLY ?????? WHERE DO I FIND THIS MAGIC BERRY???? I grabbed the magazine which held the key to body acceptance and happiness and I searched desperately for the name of this magic berry that would make me younger, thinner, more energetic and beautiful. Immersed in the decoding of the article and seeking the name of this miracle fruit that would change my life forever, I was sharply brought back to reality when I heard the sound of a tight, painfully, stressed voice apologize first to the cashier, next the grocery bagger and then to me. Uh, apologize for what?

The woman stammered and with a voice filled with remorse she apologized for having too many items for the express lane. I gazed at her, the furrowed brow and the pain in her voice touched something deep inside me. “No worries, ma’am,” I said as I motioned for her to look around the check out area. “There are not a lot of patrons here, and there are plenty of open cashiers at registers ready to be of service.” To myself, I chuckled, “NO worries, ma’am; the sun is shining, I am next in line and in my hand the magazine with the key to my new amazing body. What could be so wrong?” She stammered again, “butttt, I have too many items!” practically begging for chastisement. “ I am in the express lane with too many items.” Lady, (well I didn’t say lady), Ms. cash register person, as I quickly glanced at her name, “Rachel, are you terribly inconvenienced by this?” Rachel laughed and responded, “uh no”. Turning to the bagger, “Er, Robert there, is this a problem for you?” “ummmm no?” he replied somewhat hesitatingly as if I was asking him a trick question and he didn’t want to say the wrong thing. I continued, “AND I do not find this inconvenience at all. It would have be different if you had hit me with your car in the parking lot, but having a few extra items in your cart is not that big of a deal, nor does it constitute a reason for changing my good mood. And besides, you are quite remorseful... so mistakes are simply that: a mistake. No foul, no harm.” “Y---- es, yes” she replied vigorously nodding her head. “Ma’am, you made a mistake and even if it would have been intentional it really isn’t worthy of all this angst now is it…?” I encouraged her. Her less than receiving response, “Well you should be upset!” I replied, “Uh, no, I don’t think so... because mistake? It is okay, really. If this was the worst mistake I would happen to me today it would be a super good day for me,” I say laughingly... By now, Rachel, the cashier was giggling and I continue, “Oh geez ma’am, you have apologized, and YOU ARE FORGIVEN. Take the forgiveness; it is yours!” (What can I say? always doing sacramental theology, even in the grocery store.) “Let your apology be enough and accept the freedom of the forgiveness.. Let it go!” You have to believe it to own it. Turning to the cashier, “ Rachel are you okay with this?” … Rachel nods her head with enthusiasm… “Robert you? Yes. Yes! Okay, so now it is up to you to accept our forgiveness.. And let it go!” The lady looked at me with eyes bigger than

Bambi’s and placed her hand and over mine and squeezed it, and when I looked into her eyes they were filled with tears.. “Thank you, I needed that,” she whispered . Yep, we all need reassurance that despite a mistake, despite a bad choice, despite sin - forgiveness is ours, we just have to accept it-and bathe in the gift of what that feels like, that is believe that it is ours and finally act like we are forgiven. Now I have no idea what this woman really was beating herself up over, what mistake or series of mistakes that she had made that she didn’t think she could be forgiven for; I am sure being in the wrong line was just one more thing to pile onto her thinking she was a mistake, one more thing to pile onto what was burdening her. The woman was in the full cart lane of regret and burden, not the express. The woman in the express line is certainly not any different than you and me. From time to time we find ourselves in circumstances where we make a mistake, a choice that really fails our life and we need forgiveness. What becomes hard for many of us is acceptance of that forgiveness. It becomes something for our mind to latch onto and allows us to make our faulty view of ourselves the reality of our life. Some people find accepting gifts difficult. Often because they don’t feel worthy of the generosity or that it requires some reciprocating obligation. But that concept is faulty. Gift, by its very nature, implies freely given in generosity without earning it, without reciprocity or any cost. Forgiveness is a gift, but you have to be available to receive it and be willing to not cling to self-punishment or self-loathing, to take the gift of learning from the experience, changing and moving on from it having grown “for the good” as the saying goes; and to move forward burden free not still paying off “your debt” in some way. We fail. We may have asked for forgiveness from God and from the other we may have wronged. Oftentimes, we have some disconnect between believing and acting like we have been forgiven because we fail to forgive ourselves - for hurting someone, making repeated bad choices, dropping the ball on some things we were juggling, whatever it was we can’t seem to forgive ourselves. Daily we rehash, and revisit the incident and find fault with our choices, whether they were deliberate or a mistake. Then we want more fuel to the fire of self-loathing to support the reasons we can’t be forgiven by dissection of our life and throwing ourselves into the flames. continued on next page ›

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 9

In some cases we dissect our physical selves and find fault with every aspect of the way we look, or we become scrupulous about what we did or didn’t do or in this case, this dear woman was looking to be rebuked for something other than this mistake of too many items in the check-out lane. At the check-out, she probably had no idea that what she needed most was forgiveness and not anything in her cart. All she had to do was say yes, I accept. I am forgiven, and move on acting like she was forgiven….for nothing - NO-THING can or could ever separate us from the love of God. Easier said than done sometimes. Accepting forgiveness requires understanding that God is a God much bigger than any of our mistakes. In fact it is in our mistakes that we can come to know God deeper. It is through our mistakes that we can encounter God’s mercy, God’s compassion. I dare say, we need our mistakes to take in the depth and breadth of God’s transformative love, a love that accepts, just the way we are in this moment. God is a God who makes beautiful things out of the ashes of our lives. In fact, our very life was hewn by God out of dirt, ADAM, man of the earth. And aren’t humans pretty amazing?

We are loved by a God who desires us to see how precious we are, and how peace and acceptance, and FORGIVENESS is ours once we believe and accept the gift. In fact, if we let this be our truth, it will permeate every facet of our being, and we will know JOY. What we have to ask ourselves is why do we choose not to be forgiven? How does it serve us to carry the weight of not being forgiven? It allows us to not fully embrace ourselves and be who we were meant to be and to not reach our highest potential. We let it ground us like an anchor. We drag it around with us, it shows up in our physical appearance (we look weary or worn down); it prevents us from being light hearted and we dread encounters with others and look for chastisement and actually invite it. Since encountering her I am praying that she does not feel like a mistake…I am praying that she finds some peace and acceptance. At the checkout, extra items beyond the twelve were symbolic of the extra aches she was carrying. The items represented something else to her, or she would have easily laughed off her mistake and accepted our forgiveness. Those items weren’t able to go through the express line of life and needed to be in the full service checkout line. Why? Because she was not ready or able to take on forgiveness in

What we h ave to as k ourselves is why do we choose not to be forgiven? How does it serve us to car ry the weigh t of not being for given? short order. The burden of those extra items she carried required much more attention than at the express check out. What do you need to forgive yourself for? How will forgiving yourself bring about a life change? Do you need to find different ways to approach mistakes or sins ? What are the perceptions of yourself and are they accurate or overly scrupulous or unrealistic? †

WRITTEN BY Kristina Kendralla Director of Faith Formation at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Pleasant Hills 1 Grove Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Phone: (412) 882-8744

Our work day begins with giving our day to the Lord and dedicating all of our work to Him. 
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Michael Granovitz:

Yes, You Too!!! ROMANS 5:6-8 (ESV)




“For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6 (ESV)

“For one will scarcely die for a righteous person - though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die.”

“But God shows his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (ESV)

We are all weak, flawed, and sinful. Christ is strong, perfect, and without sin. He gave his life at the perfect moment for us, the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ fulfilled perfectly hundreds of prophesies found in the Old Testament. Always remember that He gave His life freely. It was not taken from Him. At any time, He could have ended the suffering. He chose to sacrifice Himself so that we could have salvation and eternal life. He chose to come down from heaven and take the sins of the world upon Himself. Christ knowing what awaited Him, allowed Himself to be betrayed, captured, and sentenced to death, tortured, crucified, killed, and entombed. Jesus even with the sins of the world placed on Him and the despair that this created said, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

Romans 5:7 (ESV)

The depth of love that would be necessary to make this sacrifice is unfathomable. Just take a minute and let the magnitude of what Christ did sink in. We don’t deserve salvation. We don’t deserve forgiveness. We don’t deserve the Lord’s infinite love. We don’t deserve eternal life. We don’t deserve the many blessings that we have received from the Lord, but through God’s grace we have all of these things and so much more. All of this we receive while we are imperfect feeble sinners. There is nothing comparable to the love of the Lord or the sacrifice made by Christ for all of us. This brings me back to my point - “Yes, you too.” No matter what you have done in the past, no matter how weak your relationship with the Lord is right now, and no matter what religious background you come from Jesus Christ is your savoir too. If you haven’t already taken the next step, please do it now. Accept Christ as your savoir, see God’s grace every day in your life and take the time to build a relationship with the Lord so that you may come to know God’s love and the peace in your heart that comes with the Holy Spirit working in and through you.

Please think about this: How many of you would right now give your life so that a stranger who not only was not a good and righteous person but was an ungodly sinner could receive salvation and eternal life? I would venture to say that there are probably not many that could answer that question with a “yes.” I would love to be able to say with confidence that I could answer yes but to be honest I don’t know.

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 11


Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” We lie to ourselves naturally! Throughout our lives, there are lies we believe and live as if they are true. We need to begin to be honest about the toxic nature of these lies in our lives. For example: even though we serve a magnificent God, we unfortunately often act as though He has no power at all. In a session not too long ago I was listening to a client talk about how big his problems were and his feeling that there was no hope for him to resolve them. I looked at him and asked, “How big is your god?” He replied that God was massive, huge, so big we can’t comprehend it. I stopped him and said, “No, I asked how big is YOUR god?” He put his head down and said “Not very big at all I guess.” He was completely unaware that in his heart he believed that God was so small that He couldn’t handle the problems people experience in life. Once he accepted the truth that God was so much bigger than his problems and even bigger than his mistakes he began to tell himself the truth. The next session he was much more relaxed even though he had just experienced a family crisis that week. Unlike in the past, this time he went through it with the true living God and not the small god he had believed in. Do you want to be set free from the lies and deception that have been holding you captive? In the book of John we read the following: “31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you

are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” 34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:31-36) As Christian counselors, we specialize in helping people bring the lies they harbor deep in their hearts to the surface and help them experience the freedom that comes from a life based on truth. We need to put a huge emphasis on scripture in our lives because it has power to set us free! Our hearts (souls) are made up of our mind, our will and our emotions. The Bible teaches that it is our mind that is the focus of the transformation process (Romans 12:2). That is where truth resides. Often we try to apply the idea of true and false to our emotions. How often do we see people who act on feelings as if they represented truth? Feelings are not true or false, they are valid or invalid. If I believe I am worthless even though I am a child of God I will feel very sad and hopeless. These are valid feelings, based on my belief, even though my belief is false. How often do we hear that a person left their spouse because they didn’t feel in love anymore? They

12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

are basing their decision on feelings and not on truth. The truth is found in the scripture as God commands, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” (Ephesians 5:25). I need to base my life on this truth instead of on the lie that I deserve to be happy and to “feel” in love. Then as I live this truth my feelings will eventually come around and I will feel in love. Satan wants us to base our life on feelings and to accept the deceptive beliefs they lead us to. Feelings are good signals but not good conclusions. We need to pay attention to them but should not base our decisions on what we feel. Instead we need to start telling ourselves the truth and base our decisions and our life on that truth. What lies are you telling yourself right now? How are they affecting your life? If you are struggling to break free from these lies or maybe don’t even know what the lies are that are holding you back in life, consider seeking out a competent Christian counselor to walk with you through the healing process. †

WRITTEN BY Steve Luther Grace Wellness Center Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling and Natural Health Services 4767 Library Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15102 724-863-7223 • 724-863-8320 (Fax)







g n i k l a W nded Wou



f I walked around with a big open wound on my body, I would get to the truth. The truth is, many in our churches and communities immediately be confronted by several caring people who would are the “walking wounded” who have put on a mask to convince us offer help and approach healing. They would be shocked I told them I they are ok. Are you willing to see the truth? Are you open to what This alternative to medicine has givenif many people didn’t want to address the problem and instead preferred to just walk you will see? Will the love of Christ in you be enough to keep you who have suffered with chronic conditions new hope. In many cases, around bleeding on everything. While this might sound farfetched, from running? I suggest that it’s time we stop letting people walk the dysfunction has been completely reversed and eliminated. our community is full of people walking around with open wounds on around wounded and do something about it. We at Grace Wellness their hearts and in their lives. They are choosing not to deal with the “When we look at a dysfunction, we don’t treat the disease. We look Center specialize in helping the walking wounded become healed and problem. whole again. Please take a few minutes to look at the outline of our at what is causing the problem in the first place,” explains Dr. Cole. These people are the “walking wounded.” They may have tried to get philosophy on healing wounds. If you or someone you know is part “Whereas conventional medicine might look at one piece of the puzzle, help, but people didn’t understand or rejected them. If their wound of the “walking wounded” please contact us for help. Also, consider we has lookbeen beyond label the disease, at may the complexities that determine having us come and present a seminar at your church or community with the them for of a long time, they have grown comfortable what needs to be done to improve the physiology the body. have with the problem or may even believe it is normal.ofMany of usIhave organization that will encourage people to take off the mask and deal seen patients, suffering to with same ailments thatpeople took the become accustomed justthe accepting the masks wear.lives It isof their with the problem. more find comfortable accept are ok than to dig deeper and parents, new life to and hopethat withpeople the right solutions.” The healing Process Through BiBlical counseling Take off the MasK: We need to begin the healing process by being genuine and open about our pain. heal the WounDs: Just like physical wounds, emotional, spiritual and relational wounds need to be treated and healed. remove the ToXins: Toxins are the false beliefs that result from unhealed wounds and a life of covering our pain with masks. replace with TruTh: The Bible tells us we are to be “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” We need to examine our life under the light of truth and replace the false and destructive beliefs with those that are true and healthy. leT us helP!


Do you know people who are hurting and can’t seem to break the destructive or avoidant patterns in their lives? Are there people you know who just don’t ever seem to get it and are spiritually stuck? Is there ongoing and unresolved conflict within families you know? Maybe this even describes you? Consider having Grace Wellness Center come along side you and walk with you as you go through the healing process.


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Visit us at or call 724.863.7223 MAIn OffICe: 8320 Pennsylvania Ave., north Huntingdon, PA 15642 SOuTH HIllS COunSelInG CenTer: 4767 library rd., Bethel Park, PA 15102 PIttSBurGH COunSelInG CenTer: 1120 Greenfield Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 13


W hat Christians Do

About Modern-Day Slavery BY BEN REAOCH

Pastor of Three Rivers Grace Church

If you are a believer, be reminded that you were a slave. Jesus redeemed you from that slave master called sin. And he has given us freedom. Therefore, as freed slaves, we should have a heart for those who continue in bondage — whether spiritual or physical, and in many cases, it’s both. It should be our desire to continue in the path that Jesus set out for us in his earthly ministry: to proclaim good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to set at liberty those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18). An amazing thing about the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it’s a message not only for the oppressed, but also for the oppressors; not only to the victim, but to the perpetrators. Remember, “Love your enemies.” And don’t forget that God saved Saul of Tarsus, who was persecuting the church. Our gut response would be, “Free the slaves, and to hell with the cruel criminals who are keeping them in bondage.” But the gospel goes beyond that. The good news of Jesus crucified for sinners and victorious over death is a message of hope for both the slave and the human trafficker. In reality, the human trafficker is a slave as well. The predators are slaves to lust, power, money, and all kinds of perversion. The pimps, the predators, the pedophiles, the traffickers, the enslavers are shackled with bonds of a different kind. So, as Christians, we ought to pray for them. We ought to pray for the sex tourists who travel the world exploiting women and children. We ought to pray for the business owners who are taking advantage of their employees. The gospel is a message of hope for all who will repent and believe. 14 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

1 Pray for the victims

4 Use your gifts

Pray for the estimated 27 million slaves in our world today who are in bondage within affluent countries like America to third world countries like Haiti.

What are your particular gifts and abilities that you could apply to the problem of human trafficking? There are many different sides to this, and many ways to address it. There’s the political aspect. We need stricter laws against these crimes. Maybe you could get involved by contacting law-makers (or becoming a lawmaker) and advocating for this issue. Lawyers need to vigorously prosecute these cases. Police officers need to know how to deal with these cases, so that a girl doesn’t go to jail because she’s assumed to be a voluntary prostitute, when in reality she’s a sex slave. Business professionals can address the issues of poverty that make many susceptible to being exploited. Doctors and nurses can help to care for victims of human trafficking. These victims experience post-traumatic stress disorder, STDs, drug dependency due to forced drugging, and all kinds of psychological disorders. From the social services standpoint, help is needed to get victims back on their feet, and help is needed in preventive education in schools and neighborhoods. There need to be women who can mentor women and girls who have escaped slavery. The gospel is the only path to true healing.

2 Raise awareness Raising awareness about this issue may not sound like an action point, but it is an extremely important component in tackling slavery. People need to know that this is happening, so it can be reported and prosecuted. One way to be aware is to read relevant material, for example, The Slave Next Door by Kevin Bales.

3 Don’t look at porn

Five Ways to Fight Evil Now apart from praying for supernatural conversion of the oppressor, what else can we do to fight against the international epidemic of modern-day slavery?

I have at least five practical action points in mind for the Christian community. I understand that God calls us to various areas of ministry, and we are not all obligated to engage in every area of need. But I do hope to make us aware, and to call many Christians to action, in opposition to this grave evil in our world.

As evil and degrading as pornography is, here’s another reason to never look at it. Porn is part of the problem. If you are looking at pornography, you are perpetuating the satanic industry of sex trafficking. I recently read a disturbing article in the Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society, which is a publication of the Protection Project based at Johns Hopkins University. The title of the article is “The Slave and the Porn Star: Sexual Trafficking and Pornography.” The authors show various connections between pornography and sexual exploitation. Many of the individuals who appear in pornography are slaves. They have been trafficked, drugged, manipulated in some way, and are forced to be part of this wicked business. Then there are the forces of supply and demand, and the way that pornography creates more and more demand for the commercial sex industry. Pornography is like the gateway drug. People get addicted, and then they want something more. Pornography fuels prostitution (heightening the demand for prostitutes), and a higher demand for prostitutes means more lucrative opportunities for pimps, which means more women and children exploited by them for these purposes. So if you’re looking at porn, even if you’re not paying for it, you’re showing the advertisers and producers of pornography and all those involved in the sex business that demand is high, which then motivates them to shame and exploit even more people. Think about that the next time you’re tempted to click on that website. Your momentary “pleasure” is contributing to the absolute devastation of women and girls and boys around the world.

5 Men take a stand Slavery today mainly harms women and girls. And it’s mainly men who are the abusers. I would submit to you that it shouldn’t be mainly women who are passionate about stopping this industry. There need to be Christian men who speak out against abuse, exploitation, pornography, and prostitution. We need more men to stand up for the well-being of women and children. Are there any like William Wilberforce among us? Are there any who would commit their life’s work to abolishing an evil for which too many of us turn a blind eye? †

ABOUT AUTHOR Ben Reaoch is the

pastor of Three Rivers Grace Church in downtown Pittsburgh, PA, and is the author of Women, Slaves, and the Gender Debate (P&R, 2012).

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 15



Melissa Rogers Appointed to White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships The White House announced President Barack Obama’s appointment of Melissa Rogers as the new Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Interfaith Alliance President, Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy issued the following statement praising the appointment of Rogers: “I know of no better person President Obama could have appointed as the new Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships than my valued friend and longtime colleague Melissa Rogers. For more than 25 years, Melissa has been a trusted coworker in the fight to protect religious liberty. Melissa’s rich experience in the dialogue between law and faith, as well as between religion and government, will serve our nation well.” “During President Obama’s first term, great efforts were made to bring the faith-based initiative more in line with the Constitution and to better protect social service beneficiaries. As a member of the task force on the President’s Advisory Council charged with bringing the faith-based office more in line with the Constitution, I saw the benefits of Melissa Rogers’ wisdom, skill, and leadership among diverse traditions and differing points of view. Though I have been opposed to a faith-based office in the White House since the entity was first established, with Melissa as the leader of that office, I have more confidence than I ever have felt before that the office will pay close attention to the religious liberty clauses in the Constitution. Much work is yet to be done on the proper relationship between federal money and sectarian organizations, including resolving whether these organizations can continue to accept taxpayer dollars while discriminating in hiring based on religion - which I do not believe they should be allowed to do. I know of no individual better suited to oversee this important endeavor, with sensitivity to the competing views and priorities at play, and with great integrity, than Melissa Rogers.”

16 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South


Bishop David A. Zubik of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh on the election of Pope Francis: “Habemus Papam”: We have a pope! We prayerfully and joyfully welcome Pope Francis, the 265th successor of Saint Peter as Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church. Our new Holy Father brings with him the experience of a dedicated pastor who has served the Church so well in his many years of ordained ministry. That experience – and the rock-steady faith that has guided him – will be his comfort and strength in the challenging days ahead. The Church does face many challenges, as it has faced so many challenges over 2,000 years. As we celebrate our new Holy Father, we remain the same people of hope as in the days of the Apostles, ever enthused to bring the Word of Jesus Christ to all, and ever assured by the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us in that task. Our prayer today is simple: “Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor to the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ, bring unity, love, and peace for all the world.” The Church is indeed Alive! And the Diocese of Pittsburgh celebrates all that means as we take up the pilgrimage once again under the leadership of our new Holy Father.


Party on: Pa. 5th-grader free to invite schoolmates to church event 3rd Circuit rules in favor of student prohibited from handing out Christmas party flyers

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit Tuesday unanimously affirmed a lower court’s order that found two policies at a Pennsylvania school district unconstitutional after they were used to prevent a 5th-grade student from distributing invitations to a Christmas party at her church. “Public schools should encourage, not shut down, the free exchange of ideas,” DAVID CORTMAN said Senior Counsel David Cortman, who argued before the court in October of last year. “Those ideas include a 5th-grader’s invitations to a religious event. The 3rd Circuit was correct in striking down the school district’s unconstitutional ban.” “America’s public schools should recognize the constitutionally protected freedom of students who wish to hand out these kinds of flyers,” said Legal Counsel Matt Sharp. “A flyer cannot be banned just because some element of religious faith is a part of it. On the contrary, the First Amendment specifically protects religious speech.” Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed suit in March 2011 on behalf of MATT SHARP the Barrett Elementary Center student, identified in the lawsuit as “K.A.” The school district relied on two literature distribution policies, numbers 220 and 913, to justify its ban on the student’s flyers. It attempted to argue that the First Amendment freedoms of elementary-age students can be severely limited, but the 3rd Circuit rejected that argument, finding that “‘it is difficult to identify a constitutional justification for cabining the First Amendment protections…to older students.’” The court concluded, “The fact that K.A. was only in the fifth-grade and the

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invitation originated from her church does not mandate a different approach.” The court also noted in its opinion that “the School District’s failure in this appeal to identify any disruption caused by K.A.’s invitation, makes it reasonably likely that K.A. will prevail in this litigation…. We also hold that the original and revised versions of Policy 220 and 913 are unconstitutional as applied to the form of student expression at issue here.” Randall Wenger, chief counsel of the Harrisburg-based Independence Law Center and one of nearly 2,200 allied attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom, is serving as co-counsel in the suit, K.A. v. Pocono Mountain School District. Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 17


McMurray Pastor Has International Media Presence


on Moore, Senior Pastor of The Bible Chapel in McMurray, PA, began his radio show titled The Journey on 101.5 WORD-FM in August of 2000. The show began as a sort of advertisement for the church and remained that way for the following ten years. Then, in February 2010, God took full control of this small program and took it on a ‘journey’ of its own that would result in a nation-wide expansion and multi-continental impact. The Journey is a ministry with multiple areas of focus including print, radio, online and speaking. The ministry’s purpose is to teach the Word of God and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people on as many continents as possible, impacting lives one by one. It began in July 2009 with some informal discussions involving Moore and KMA, a top three media agency for non-profit and faithbased organizations. The meetings were to discuss possible opportunities for The Journey in the years to come, if they should present themselves. In October that same year, The Journey was invited to attend the National Religious Broadcasters Convention that was to take place the following February, where they would be introduced to station managers from the Salem Network, the number one Christian radio broadcaster in the country. This was an exciting and unexpected opportunity that The Journey team hoped would open doors for the future. They didn’t realize at the time that the ‘future’ was only weeks away. God continued to open door after door as the process of becoming a national ministry marched forward at an astronomical pace. The team prayerfully followed God’s leading and fully relied on him, not knowing what lie ahead but fully trusting that he would provide as he guided them into this new endeavor. Two months later, in December 2009, KMA informed The Journey that a national ministry was going off the air after ten years. The majority of that network was offered to Moore and his team if they were willing to work quickly. On February 8, 2010, The Journey with Ron Moore began to flood the national airways. Over the past three years, the ministry has

taken off beyond anything Moore and his team could have imagined. Not only is The Journey now heard in all 50 states over 96 different radio outlets, it is also broadcast through and reaches into 60 countries such as Ghana, Qatar, Canada and Australia. It is estimated that approximately 185,000 listeners tune in to The Journey each week from all walks of life. Some are facing life-threatening illness, others the loss of someone close to them; some have no job, others are ruled by their career; some drive expensive sports cars, others can’t afford shoes for their children – they all, however, can listen to The Journey and hear God’s Word at no cost to them. Radio is not the only outlet The Journey has embraced. Throughout each year, Moore appears at Pastor Appreciation Lunches and Listener Appreciation Events to speak about his ministry and God’s work, encourage other pastors, thank listeners for their support and spur them on in their walk with Christ. In the first two years alone, Moore spoke to over 2,000 church pastors and leaders. Sharing information, stories of God’s work and resources are just some of the benefits of these speaking engagements. Over 17,000 resources including CDs, printed devotionals and topical booklets have been distributed in The Journey’s first three years. Each month a featured resource relating to the broadcast is given away to listeners who request one. All resources are always available for purchase in the ministry’s e-store, located at One listener from Nigeria said, “Thank you for this day by day devotion. I am from western part, Lagos precisely. My tribe is Yoruba.” Reaching people in Africa with God’s Word without buying a plane ticket or obtaining a visa, that is what The Journey is accomplishing. The most recent publication of the ministry, Journey Through the Bible, is a year-long daily devotional that takes the participant through the Bible in one year and provides a daily prayer, as well as a space for journaling and reflection. Moore has also written a book titled Ignite, which is based on the life of David and discusses how God can ignite broken, disappointed, lonely hearts and use them for his purposes. Moore’s book is available at the Chapter 2 Bookstore, located inside The Bible

To learn more about The Journey, featured resources or how you can get involved in supporting this ministry, visit ronmoore. org or call 1-866-777-1202. Follow Moore on Twitter ron_moore Facebook thejourney

Chapel, South Hills Campus in McMurray, PA, or you can purchase it in the ministry’s e-store. On the website, you can also find Moore’s blog, which is updated several times each week, or his daily devotional, which can be sent directly to your e-mail every morning. Whether you live in the South Hills of Pittsburgh or the foothills of the Middle East, whether you are the pastor of a multi-site church or the leader of a six-person Bible study, God can use you to accomplish his work and expand your reach beyond your wildest imagination. Moore and his listeners can tell you that The Journey is proof of that. † If you are interested in your pastor being featured in the pastor spotlight of future issues please contact: Faith Pittsburgh 603 McMurray Rd., McMurray, PA 15317 Attn. Mike Granovitz Office 724-942-0940 Cell 412-779-6733 Email

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 19

The #1 Problem on the Planet BY PASTOR FLOYD HUGHES Pastor/Neighbor CrossRoads Community Church of Jefferson Hills

I realize I have talked about, blogged about, and even preached about this topic before but it definitely bears repeating. If you ask one 100 people what is the #1 problem on the planet you will likely receive 100 different responses depending upon their background and life experiences.

20 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

If you ask within numerous denominations you might receive different answers but they will center on the fact that sin, the acts and attitudes, and our human transgression that separate us from God, is the #1 problem on the planet. However, since sin has been done away with by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it cannot occupy the #1 spot. Communicating this truth is the problem the Church is facing and why I believe that “lack of effective communication is the #1 problem on the planet.” A few weeks ago my nephew, who I have not seen in over a decade came to visit. He has a hearing disability and communicates using American Sign Language (ASL). Prior to his arriving my son and daughter spent time with him and quickly picked up ASL. I used to be fluent in Spanish from my three years stationed in Panama while I was serving in the Army however, this was going to be an entirely different challenge for me. When my nephew arrived he began teaching my wife and I how to communicate using ASL. We both picked up much quicker than we thought. As I became more proficient, but definitely not fluent, in communicating via ASL I noticed there were no tenses in the language. I also recalled that whenever my nephew would send me a Facebook message or a text his writing did not contain tenses. Since he was 21 I thought he was communicating like most other young adults do via text, fast and not necessarily using correct grammar. However, I began to understand he was writing in the same way he would sign using ASL, without tenses. A message of “I go store” was not incorrect to him as that is how he would communicate via sign. A message of “I sleep now go home later” would also be correct communication. A lady within our congregation stated that one of her friends who has a hearing disability also communicates via ASL and also writes the same way. It was clear that I had to learn not only how to communicate with my nephew but how to understand him so that I could communicate with him more effectively. This truth exists in any company, government, and especially of those who do not know Jesus Christ. There is a need to not just communicate TO people but WITH them. The problem with sharing the gospel isn’t limited because of sin. The gospel message itself is that sin has been overcome by the precious Lamb of God, Jesus Christ

TO EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE THE GOSPEL TO OTHERS we have to do it in a way they understand. This does not mean changing or decreasing the level or amount of biblical truth we reveal (what is known at watering down the gospel). It does mean, taking the time to get to know the people we are sharing the gospel with and communicating the truths of God’s word to them in a way that makes sense to them.

and what He did on the cross. However, if we want to communicate effectively with those who do not know Jesus Christ then we, within the Church, have to learn to communicate more effectively. People who are not Christ followers or who do not regularly attend a Sunday Celebration do not talk about redemption, sin, grace, and atonement the way those who do know Christ might. In fact, those words may likely never come up in their day to day conversation. To effectively communicate the gospel to them we have to do it in a way they understand. This does not mean changing or decreasing the level or amount of biblical truth we reveal (what is known at watering down the gospel). It does mean, taking the time to get to know the people we are sharing the gospel with and communicating the truths of God’s word to them in a way that makes sense to them.

Telling someone who doesn’t know God exists and therefore has no reason to believe that sin exists, that they are a sinner doesn’t make sense to them. However, inviting them into your life and loving them the way God loves us might make all the difference in the world to them. Sharing with them that there is a God, a Creator of the universe who loves them so much that He was willing to die for them, and put His Holy Spirit in them so that nothing could ever separate Him from them just might change their life. Letting them know that certain attitudes and behaviors and actions can prohibit us from experiencing the level of intimacy with God that He wants us to have with Him just may draw them into the new life God wants them to have. But it starts with the Church being able to recognize and overcome the #1 problem on the planet, lack of effective communication. †


Pastor Floyd Hughes

Pastor/Neighbor CrossRoads Community Church of Jefferson Hills 1028 Scotia Hollow Road N, Finleyville, Pennsylvania (412) 384-9278

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 21

It seems that the word “hard” is nearly synonymous with “bad” with most folks these days.

“I won’t take that class, it’s too HARD.” “That job is HARD - don’t accept it if offered!” “I can’t stay in this marriage. It’s just way too HARD.”

Hard is Not Bad;

Hard is Hard!

Listen for a day to notice how often you hear such statements. The implication is that hard is bad. I want to propose a new mantra: “Hard is not bad; hard is hard.” Hard is usually painful, but pain is not always bad - just HARD. I hope this new mantra goes viral because often HARD is good, it’s just hard. More often than not, hard is an opportunity to improve - it’s just hard. And many, many times, HARD is essential to becoming, accomplishing, discovering, enjoying what we want and need most. It’s just that HARD is painful, difficult, not enjoyable or fun. So everyone say it together, (though it is hard to bring yourself to do so): “Hard is not bad; hard is just hard.” Now, let’s go embrace the hard but important things we must do today. Repair a relationship. Confront a difficult reality. Love an enemy. Discipline yourself to become better. Whatever it is - grit your teeth, endure the pain and do the hard thing. † Herb Shaffer, Senior Pastor New Song Community Church 4767 Library Road Bethel Park Pa. 15102 • 412-283-0888

How important is Your child’s education? At Hillcrest Christian Academy, we believe it to be one of the most important investments you can make into your child. And that is why HCA is your family’s best choice when choosing a school. We offer a superior academic program, a respected athletic tradition, and a character-building, God-honoring approach to education. HCA is a school that stands with your family, not against it, as you strive to instill Biblical values into your child. Discover your child’s God-given potential to excel. Apply today at Teaching Minds and Training Hearts since 1982. 3 year-old Pre-K through 12th grade 2500 Bethel Church Road • Bethel Park PA •15102 412-854-4040 • 22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

Saying “Good-bye” to Mom BY JEFFREY DILLINGER, Minister of the Whitehall Church of Christ

It was Mother’s Day weekend and my mom was dying from pancreatic cancer. She was only 65 and I will miss her very much. We are a family who believes in and loves God very much. Faith is the victory that overcomes. Right then, faith was needed to overcome my grief. I would like to tell you how our family said good-bye. Over the last six months of my mother’s life, my parents read their Bible together every day. They started with the Psalms and then moved on to passages concerning heaven. Mom asked Dad to read the Bible to her, even if she would slip into a coma. As we all gathered together, our family drew strength from the Lord as much as from one another. My mom had been in hospice, and we were told that she would drift into a non-responsive state within 24 hours. Mom had not been able to respond much. Dad leaned over, kissed her, told her he would be okay and that we kids would help take care of him. Mom replied, “I’m tired.” Dad told her it was okay. We gave them alone time and Dad talked to her. He came out to us and cried. He asked us to all go and say good-bye one last time. One by one we all said our good-byes and cried. When the last one was finished, we gathered around her. We asked if she would like us to sing “Amazing Grace.” Her response was, “94 verses.” We began to sing, and this little woman of 90 pounds began to mouth every word. No voice, but her spirit was singing. As we finished, she cried. In the strongest voice she could muster, she said, “I love you.” She reached out and hugged Dad, then asked that we carry her to bed. Her body was with us, but her eyes were closed and she no longer grabbed my hand. We watched now as she anxiously waited to be with the Lord she loved. Her faith preaches sermons beyond any that I preach from the pulpit. She was dying with dignity, but even greater, she was dying with the Lord. As David so beautifully said, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” While that verse has never been easy for me to understand, I think, in the death of my mother, I glimpsed some of the preciousness that God sees. I miss her. My mother taught me how to live, but now she has taught me how to die. The Bible shares with us the greatest story ever told. Drawing our strength from Him and feeling His love through our family, church family and friends, we experience the comfort of the Lord. When we walk with together with the Lord, we will not say “good-bye” when this physical life is over, but “hello” to Christ Jesus our Lord. † 215 Streets Run Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 412-884-2055

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 23

THE NEW TESTAMENT AS A HISTORICAL DOCUMENT BY STEPHEN HATHORNE Teaching Pastor, Crossroads Community Church of Jefferson Hills

Is the New Testament a historical document? Non-Christians for the most part will tell you no, that there is not enough evidence for it to be historical. We will present evidence that would convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt of the historicity of the New Testament. This topic covers several chapters in a number of books that were used as reference to that end there will be a bibliography attached to this article so that the reader may thoroughly explore the evidence. Let’s take a moment and examine the criteria for a document to be counted as a historical document.

1. How did the “document” come to us? The Bibliographic test. 2. Is the material presented consistent with other events of the time discussed? The Historical test. 3. Is there any archaeological evidence? The Archaeological test. Let’s examine the New Testament as a historical document based on this set of criteria, and then you can make your own conclusions.

24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC TEST of the New Testament is the most solid. We believe that Homer wrote “The Iliad” even though there exists only 643 copies and the earliest available copy appeared several hundred years after “The Iliad” was written. Contrast this with the “New Testament of the Bible,” there are over 5,600 Greek copies available less than a few years after the events were purported to occur. Further biblical critics say that there are over 400,000 variants, and that for this reason alone the New Testament cannot be true. None of the variants deal with things that do not change any of the meaning of the text. All of the errors change the meaning of the text less than 1.5 percent.

THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE – How do we know this? In 1947, in Qumran, on the Left Bank in Israel a shepherd boy found a cave that dated back nearly 2,000 years to a time shortly after the life of Christ. Inside the cave were several sealed clay jars. Those clay jars contained not only New Testament text, but also the complete text of the book of Isaiah from the Old Testament. There is less than 1.5 percent difference in the text, and those differences do not change any of the meaning.

THE HISTORICAL TEST – From the historian and Gospel author Luke there are 84 separate items that are historically accurate. Elements like accurate signage, location of towns, the titles given for political offices, over 30 accurate names of public figures, and even accurate sailing directions given the direction of prevailing winds. If you have already decided that there is “No Word of God,” then no matter how much evidence that is presented is liable to change your mind. You cannot argue someone into believing, but if you are genuinely searching it may provide evidence that you can rely on.

I BELIEVE THERE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO TREAT THE NEW TESTAMENT AS A HISTORICAL DOCUMENT, HOWEVER YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND. Consider this, Jesus is God in the flesh, and he came to reconcile the relationship that was severed by Adam and Eve and passed down through history to you. The Bible says that all have sinned (disobeyed God’s Law; parenthetical comments are my own) and come short of the Glory of God. – Romans 3:23. Further the wages of sin is death. (Eternal separation from God – Hell) Romans 6:23, but the way to resolve this is through Jesus. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:9,10. In short, Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins. God physically and bodily resurrected him, and by believing in him you can be saved from an eternity away from Him in Hell. This is not hearsay; there are eyewitness accounts. † WRITTEN BY

Stephen Hathorne Teaching Pastor, Crossroads Community Church of Jefferson Hills

BIBLIOGRAPHY Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek. I don’t have enough faith to be an Atheist. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway 2004. Print. F.F. Bruce. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press 6th Edition 1981. Print.

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 25

No One is Perfect BY PASTOR CHRIS JERIN Jefferson Hills Bible Church


ife can be tough, we all know that. It feels most of the time that life is squeezing in on us from all sides. Unfortunately, when this occurs in our lives we can forget the people and things that matter the most. The most important question that we all need to ask ourselves is what is going to happen to me when I die? Or more specifically, “When I die where will I go... to heaven or to hell?” Most people assume that they are going to heaven when they die or at least to “a better place” (which heaven is). Others feel that because they aren’t as “bad as most people” that they do not have to fear death. They believe that they are going to heaven since the “morality curve” seems to favor them. Let me say that your goodness is not what merits you getting into heaven. Only a right relationship with Jesus Christ is what gets you into heaven. Did you know that in order to spend an eternity in heaven you have to be “perfect?” Immediately when you read that you can see the problem. The problem is that no one is perfect, but let me say again, “To go to heaven you must be declared perfect by a Holy God that sets the standard.” The Bible says that, “No one is good, no not one.” And that includes you and me. We are not even good

let alone perfect. Romans 3:10 As it is written there is no one righteous not even one. But there is Good News. You can be declared “perfect” by God and spend eternity with Him, and never have to fear death again. Realize that on your own you are not good

Let me say that your goodness is not what merits you getting into heaven. Only a right relationship with Jesus Christ is what gets you into heaven. enough to stand in the presence of a Holy God. Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. But Jesus came in the form of man, and he lived a perfect life honoring God the Father

26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

completely with his life, never sinning. Jesus is the only perfect person who ever lived. When Jesus died on the cross without having committed a sin his was the only sacrifice needed to atone for the sins of all mankind. What we all must do is put our faith in His life and death, and resurrection and a wonderful “exchange or trade takes place.” Our sin, which is what keeps us out of heaven, is placed on Christ, and His perfection or righteousness is given to us. Once we do that, God no longer sees us or our sin, but now sees the perfection of Christ given to us, and God now treats us as if we are perfect like His Son. Trust Jesus Christ and spend the rest of your days serving the Lord our God and rest assured that you will have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. †


Pastor Chris Jerin Jefferson Hills Bible Church 711 Old Clairton Road Jefferson Hills, PA. 15025

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 27



TOP 10 Christian Songs

New Testament Quiz

Luke 1:27

5.) Who was Jesus’ stepfather? Joseph Zechariah James Peter

Matthew 16:18

6.) Which apostle led Christ’s church after Jesus was killed? Timothy Peter Lazarus Thomas


Luke 22:48

2 One Thing Remains Passion Featuring Kristian Stanfill - White Flag

9.) Who would not believe that Jesus was resurrected until he saw Him with his own eyes? Thomas Saul/Paul Lazarus Joseph

6 Need You Now (How Many Times)

10.) Who atoned, suffered, was crucified, and was resurrected for all mankind, making Him the Savior? Jesus Christ Peter John James

9 Your Love Never Fails

Big Daddy Weave - Love Come to Life

4 You Are I Am MercyMe - The Hurt & the Healer

5 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) Matt Redman - Sing Like Never Before: The Essential Collection Plumb

7 Steal My Show tobyMac - Eye on It

8 Words Hawk Nelson Featuring Bart Millard Newsboys Live in Concert: God’s Not Dead

10 Every Good Thing The Afters SOURCE – BILLBOARD

Matthew 2:16

4.) Who tried to dispose of baby Jesus by making a decree that all baby boys should be killed? Augustus Pharaoh Herod Tiberius

(God Of Angel Armies) Chris Tomlin - Burning Lights

3 Redeemed

Acts 8:22

Matthew 3:13

3.) Who baptized Jesus? Saul John Peter Joseph

1 Whom Shall I Fear

8.) Who was converted on the road to Damascus and later became one of the greatest missionaries in the New Testament? Saul/Paul Timothy John Lazarus

John 20:28

John 11:43

2.) Who did Jesus raise from the dead? Peter James Mary Magdalene Lazarus

7.) Which apostle betrayed Jesus with a kiss for money? Judas Timothy Thomas Luke

John 20:31

Matthew 1:18

1.) Who was the mother of Jesus? Anna Mary Dinah Martha

See page 48 for answers



28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

1 The Passion of the Christ 2 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 3 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 4 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 5 The Nativity Story 6 Courageous 7 Fireproof 8 Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie 9 One Night with the King 10 The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything SOURCE – BOX OFFICE MOJO




1. Improves immune system 2. Increases pain tolerance 3. Decreases stress 4. Improves cell activity 5. When we laugh, we breathe easier and faster sending more oxygen to our cell tissues 6. Increases infection fighting antibodies 7. Increases your endorphin levels, giving you the ‘feel good’ sensation. REMEMBER: You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.

Proverbs 17:22 Laughter does good like a medicine.

Crossword 1






7 9

According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it would have taken the Hebrews 35 days and nights to cross the Red Sea if they went two abreast. And the line would be 800 miles long.

8 10


Crossword by Myles Mellor



In order to cross the Red Sea in 1 2 one night, the Hebrews would3


1 One of the twelve apostles (5) 5 Negative word (3)


have to cross 5,000 abreast, which would have encompassed a space of three miles wide in the Red sea.


6 Jesus is the son of ____ (3) 7 Do penance (5)


10 "___ the beginning was the word...." (2) 11 Biblical prophet, a farmer from Tekoa on Judah (4) 12 Exists (2) Down 1 He was swallowed by a whale (5)

9 11

8 10 12

God miraculously provided the Hebrews with 1,500 tons of food daily, 400 tons of wood, 11 million gallons of water - each and every day.

2 Food from heaven (5) 3 Man of great strength (6) 4 Tell one's sins (7) 8 "___ the season..." (3) 9 Dawn time (2)

NOTE: Missionaries around the world reach out to nonbelievers in various countries to establish their faith in Christ so they too can enjoy the many blessings of father God.

See page 48 for answers

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 29


South Hills Church of The Nazarene

“Building God’s Community One Relationship at a Time”


ounded in 1963 as a church plant, the South Hills Church of The Nazarene is celebrating its 50th year of reaching out to people and sharing the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Their worship services are a blending of both contemporary and traditional aspects, with the traditional hymns being sung as well as contemporary Christian music being played by our worship team. In many ways they feature the best of two worlds, offering the close personal relationships that many associate with smaller churches as well as a myriad of resources and ministries typically found in larger churches available to help people of all ages grow and blossom in their relationship with the Lord. Senior Pastor Ken Culbertson has been leading this congregation for 30 of the church’s 50 years in existence. When asked to share what his mission is, what it is that keeps him going for so many years as the spiritual leader of this group of people the answer was emphatic and passionate. “It all comes down to discipleship and sharing the gospel not only with the lost but also helping to build up those that are already believers and help both groups in their walk with the Lord,” he said. Some of the many resources and ministries available through South Hills Church of The Nazarene include: Women’s Ministries at the South Hills Church of the Nazarene, which is a wonderful, friendly group of women, of all ages, that gathers together starting in September and finish meeting the end of April. They meet each Tuesday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall. For moms and grandmothers, childcare is always provided. Parents’ Night Out provides an educational

and fun experience where children will engage in activities that will reinforce what is being taught, participate in service projects that will serve the areas discussed, enjoy the social interaction of other children in their age group, have fun and parents will have an evening to themselves. Prime Timers is a monthly meeting of seniors 55+. Breakfast with the Guys, is open to all men at Panera Bread at South Park Shops at 7 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month from September to May. They meet in the back alcove at Panera to eat breakfast, catch up, discuss faith, and pray together. All “guys” are welcome to attend. You don’t need a reservation; just show up! Sunday School for All Ages Nursery through 6th Grade Junior & Senior High Twenty-Somethings LifeBuilders Crossroads Bethel Bible Prime Time Prayer Group – Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Is God calling you to pray for others? If so, this is the group for you. These faithful people pray for church members and their families, friends, and neighbors, as well as for our local community, country, and world. Bible Study Christianity 101– Pastor Culbertson leads a Bible Study during the Wednesday, 7 p.m. hour, which will meet in the foyer. Delve deeper into God’s word in this discussion-oriented group which focuses on a

weekly scripture passage related to the week’s sermon topic. All are welcome to attend! Acting up Club is a children’s acting club that meets for two, 12-week sessions for kids from grades 2 through 6 which include singing, choreography, and theatre based games. Please come and see the actors perform our next show, The Star Factor, on April 20 and April 21 at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary. Admission is free. Children’s Church for grades one through six that meets in the kid’s chapel with a worship time tailored to the children. They also have many outreach programs available whose goal is to touch and improve the lives of as many people in the community as possible. Some of these are Duquesne Ministry, community day, collections for Light of Life Rescue Mission, National Day of Prayer, pregnancy resource center, Boy and Girl Scout meetings, and various support groups meet in the church. They would love to have you join them for a worship service or any of the other opportunities for fellowship available at the South Hills Church Of The Nazarene. If you have questions or need more information please call 412.831.6333 or e-mail them at . You can visit their website at . † Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Wednesday Ministries at 7 p.m. 5601 Library Rd. Bethel Park, PA 15102

If you are interested in your church being featured in the church spotlight of future issues please contact us at: Faith Pittsburgh: 603 McMurray Rd McMurray PA 15317 Attn. Mike Granovitz Office 724-942-0940 Cell 412-779-6733 Email 30 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

Over the twenty-four year history, the primary goals of the Pregnancy Resource Center have been to meet client’s immediate needs in a nonjudgmental environment and then educate them so that they can make informed choices. Several of the services we offer are medical, and they include pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment for men and women, and limited ultrasound for the purpose of determining if a pregnancy is viable. This is important because up to thirty percent of young women can naturally miscarry during the first trimester. Trained counselors provide options counseling for young women and their partners who are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. For those who choose to parent, we offer support services and material assistance. When clients choose to place their babies for adoption, we refer them to an agency or an attorney who can assist with the legal aspect of this process. However, we continue to support those that chose adoption by educating them through childbirth classes and pre and post-adoption counseling. We also provide post-abortion counseling for men and women who are suffering from the emotional pain resulting from this choice. Due to the increase in the number of sexual assault survivors who are coming to the PRC for help, the PRC offers counseling for a woman who has survived the trauma of rape or sexual abuse. The PRC is defined by more than its reputation as a medical facility or a counseling center. It is a place where problems are solved and lives are saved.

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 31

We Want a Pill,

GOD REQUIRES A PROCESS BY HERB SHAFFER Senior Pastor New Song Community Church


uch is made of the 40 years the Israelites spent rootless in the desert after crossing the Red Sea without a bridge or a boat. Even people unfamiliar with the Bible know of that side trip. It was never meant to be that way. But it was. Because… The Israelites wanted a pill when God required a process. It is only about 250 miles, or about a month’s journey from the KOA at the Red Sea to the milk and honey stand at the Promised Land. Yet after two months they were not even gazing it. Did God fail them? Nope. God’s design was for them to spend a couple years or so in the desert preparing for the challenges ahead. These were idol worshipping, fearful, complaining, uneducated ex-slaves who didn’t know how to take care of themselves let alone go to battle for the

32 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

Promised Land. God intended to use the comparatively short time in the desert to transform them into the people of God who could take the land from the people there, who would represent Him and who would bless all nations. The only way for that to happen was a process that would take more than 8 weeks. But they insisted on a pill when God never relents on requiring a process. Like every other person left to human tendencies, the Israelites didn’t want to wait, to say no to their desires, to allow the necessary process. They wanted the promises of the Promised Land NOW! They saw God’s delay as God holding out on them or punishing them when in truth He was protecting and preparing them for more than they could imagine. They demanded a pill when God offers only the path of a process. As a result, only two months after the ejection from slavery, they thought Moses was lost and they were abandoned. They felt Moses had been gone too long a time (it had been less than 40 days) so they voted God out of their lives and golden calf in. Instead of being the people of God, they became a laughingstock to the other nations by their revelry. God had to use the Levites to cut down 3,000 to regain order, and He sent a plague to punish them. We want a pill; God requires a process. It appears to me anything less than 10 years is a bargain when we look at the length of Biblical processes.

Would you prefer a pill that would deliver instantly, or a process that will be painful, long and try you to your last RESERVE?

Abraham: over 35 years waiting, watching and obeying. Joseph: 13 years as a slave. Moses: 40 years in the wilderness. Joshua: 40 years as Moses’ assistant. Jesus: 30 years growing up as a human. Paul: 3 years in the desert of Arabia and more years learning from Christian leaders. If we asked them, “Would you prefer a pill that would deliver instantly or a process that will be painful, long and try you to your last reserve?” I’m sure the natural preference would be the tablet with a glass of water, please. I also believe that if we asked them at THE END of the process, “Was it worth all that you went through?” they would answer without hesitation, “YES, YES, a thousand times YES!” Because the results of God’s process are ALWAYS far beyond what we could dream up. And pills never, ever deliver what we really want. God doesn’t do pills. The world offers a pill when God offers a process. And we know how that works out. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) So which will it be - pill or process? If you choose God, give up the complaining and moaning. Look for what God wants to do and do it quickly. The Israelites could have been out of the desert and into the Promised Land in a fraction of 40 years but they did not submit to God’s process. What about you? Pill or process? Desert or Promised Land? Golden calf or cooperate with God? Your Choice. †

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FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 33


a children’s story by Peter Stone


t was midday, and a warm one at that. This meant that it was time for Ginger the cat to take her midday nap. Of course, Ginger had just finished her midmorning nap, and was already looking forward to having a mid-afternoon nap after she woke up from her midday nap.

Ginger had found the perfect place for her midday nap - a cat sized, flat rock at the edge of the garden that was right in the middle of an enticing sunbeam. After turning around three times on the rock, Ginger lay down with her chin on her paws. She yawned gracefully and let her eyelids droop. This was the life. Unfortunately, just as she was about to fall asleep and dream about being asleep, Ginger heard angry voices in the garden below. She opened her eyes, and sighed when she saw that Perry the praying mantis had bailed up an ant. “Is that the best you can do?” said the praying mantis to the ant. The ant looked at the clump of dirt she had just carried out of her nest, “What do you mean?” “Ants can carry things that are twenty times their own body weight. Yet here you are, carrying this tiny little clump of dirt. Do you know what you are?” asked Perry.

her to drop her clump of dirt. Not only did you not help her pick it up again, but you did not even say sorry!” said the praying mantis. “Oh, I didn’t think it was such a big thing,” said the ant. “Do you know what you are?” asked Perry. “No, what am I?” asked the ant. “You’re selfish and rude! Now start thinking more about others instead of yourself!” snapped the praying mantis. Ginger the cat felt sorry for the forager ant as she ran towards her nest as fast as she could. A soldier ant, meanwhile, accidentally stepped on a nursing ant’s foot. “What have you got, eight legs!” shouted the nurse. (This is a really bad insult amongst ants. You know, due to them having only six legs, and especially since they are so much cleverer than spiders). Perry the Praying mantis pounced in front of the nurse. “Now look here.” “That’s enough, Perry,” said Ginger. Thanks to the praying mantis, she was now fully awake. Precious minutes of her midday nap had been lost forever!

The ant answered timidly. “No, what am I?”

The praying mantis looked up at the orange, striped cat that towered above her. “What do you want, cat? This is none of your business.”

“You’re lazy, that’s what you are! Put in more effort next time!” said the praying mantis.

Ginger popped out the claws on her right paw. Perry took a step back in fear.

Ginger the cat watched as the poor ant scurried off with her head lowered in shame.

“You know, Perry,” Ginger said slowly, “all you do all day is run around picking on other insects’ faults.”

A forager ant carrying a breadcrumb approached the nest, but accidentally tripped and fell headfirst into a worker ant, causing this one to drop her clump of dirt. The forager stepped around the worker and continued towards the nest.

turn to next page ›

“Now hold it right there!” Perry the praying mantis shouted. “Who, me?” the ant asked as she stopped running. “Yes, you, you clumsy little oaf. I could not help but notice that you knocked over your sister, causing FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 35

“Someone’s got to show them the error of their ways!” said Perry. “Actually,” said Ginger, “there is one bug in the garden who behaves worse than all the others.” Perry was interested, “Quick, tell me who it is and I’ll go and set them right!”

While Perry scuttled off to think these things through, Ginger closed her eyes and finally drifted off to sleep. † ABOUT AUTHOR Peter Stone, a Bible College Graduate, has an international marriage and two children. He suffers from epilepsy and otosclerosis. He teaches Sunday school and plays the piano in church. Article Source: /

“It’s you,” Ginger said. The praying mantis was shocked. “Me?” “Yep. You spend so much time focusing on all the other bugs’ problems, that you completely ignore your own much greater problems.” “Problems? What problems have I got?” asked Perry. “For starters, you’re arrogant and rude,” Ginger explained kindly. “Instead of acting like you are better than everyone else, and constantly criticizing them, you should be helping and encouraging them. Now, why don’t you go and think about that for a while?”

BIBLE LESSON VERSE Matthew 7: 1-5 (NIV) “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Southwinds, Inc. A Place to Call Home for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2101 Greentree Road, Suite 201A, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 • 412.446.1080 At the heart of our mission is the belief that persons with developmental challenges deserve the same opportunities to lead normal lives as every other citizen. This includes such simple rights as personal and private space in which to live, a personal bedroom, transportation to and from work or recreation, and the opportunity to choose recreational activities. Independent living, with appropriate professional support, is our goal. Please join us May 18th at Stage AE for the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community as we walk to support our aging individuals with Alzheimer’s. • @southwindsinc • 36 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South


Follow Jesus TODAY

Everyone has sinned and has fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

If you are ready to follow Jesus take the first step now and pray this prayer.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. (Acts 16:31)

Lord I know and confess that I am a sinner, Lord please forgive me for my past sins and keep me from future sins. I believe Jesus is God and lived a sinless life, died for my sins so that I wouldn’t have to, and was raised from the dead that I can have new and eternal life. Lord please come into my life now and become my personal savior. From this day until my last day I give you control Lord. Make me a new person born again this day, guide my life to fulfill your will and bring glory to your name. In Jesus Christ’s name I ask this. Amen.

Confess your sins. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. (1 John 1:9) Everyone needs to be saved, because sin causes separation from God and eternal death. The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23) You can’t save yourself, but God desires to save you! This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:3,4) For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

If you said this prayer sincerely desiring a relationship with Jesus Christ and have accepted Jesus as your savoir; you have taken the first step in an amazing journey with the Lord. There is much more to do; first and foremost is to find a church family to be part of that will educate and inspire you in your walk with the Lord. Please write to us and let us know about your choice and if there is anything we can do to help you.

By faith believe Jesus and accept Him Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved you and your household. (Acts 16:31) FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 37




You wouldn’t suspect that Pittsburgh would be a destination for refugees from Nepal or Bhutan, but helping those in need is just one of the many facets of Youth With a Mission, a global operation with a local hub on Pittsburgh’s South Side. Doug Tunney, who runs the Pittsburgh Youth With a Mission, said the ministry dedicates itself to several tenets, with mercy ministry being just one of them. “We operate around the world with about 1,000 locations in 190 nations,” Tunney said. “And our focus is evangelism, first, then training for discipleship, as well as our mercy ministry. We train young people of all ages and prepare them for evangelism. We organize

various outreaches, mission trips and we have an intensive 6-month discipleship program where the participants actually live at our facility during their training.” Youth With a Mission also works with international college students who are studying in Pittsburgh at the University of Pittsburgh and CMU, and they work with inner-city youth as well. The program is completely self-funded through its evangelists,

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and through generous donations from those who believe in the organization’s mission and work. There are 20 full-time staff members and they train on average 100 kids each year in their youth leadership program, and have an additional 20 more go through their intensive discipleship program. The refugee outreaches they do help supply refuges practically but their focus is evangelism and discipleship. Their support and ranks come from local

WE ACCEPT ANYBODY WITH A PASSION FOR CHRIST. We focus on the major things within our statement of faith, and most church traditions operate within that.

Christian churches, and the organization is interdenominational. “We accept anybody with a passion for Christ,” Tunney said. “We focus on the major things within our statement of faith, and most church traditions operate within that. We have a big focus on internationalism, and many of our people go on to work and continue their personal missions at another Youth With a Mission locations around the world. We have staff members and students who are from the Netherlands, Colombia, Canada, India and Iceland. They stay for about two to five years before moving on. One of our staff members left Pittsburgh and moved to Romania, where she works with street children there. And a lot of our trainees in the intensive school, who are seeking a direction in life, will go back to

college, become pastors, or go on to other ministries. All it takes is to have an evangelistic heart, a desire to know God and to be a disciple.” While Tunney acknowledges that when people hear the word “evangelist,” they think of traditional street corner preachers, but Youth With a Mission isn’t that. “We have a broad and diverse approach. An evangelist could be anybody, from hairdressers to executives. They just have to realize that God can use them, and we try to find ways and avenues that they can be involved and reach out evangelistically,” he said. “One way is through our basketball ministry, in which our staff reaches out evangelistically through basketball camps that are offered for free all around the world. Another way is our women’s

ministry called “Beauty for Ashes” in which staff reach out to marginalized women of all sorts and offer them salvation by showing them the beauty of the love of Christ. We want people to see that work and say, ‘I want to be involved in that.’ It’s not all street preaching. We’ll have conversations on the streets about Jesus, but probably not with the approach people would think of traditionally.” † FOR MORE INFORMATION on Youth with a Mission, or to make a tax-deductible donation to help their cause, go to their website:, or call 412.996.3823.

If you are interested in your non-profit being featured in the non-profit spotlight of future issues please contact: Faith Pittsburgh: 603 McMurray Rd McMurray PA 15317 Attn. Mike Granovitz Office 724-942-0940 Cell 412-779-6733 Email

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 39



DR. REV. JAMISON HARDY Senior Pastor Peace Lutheran Church


he word stewardship evokes a vast number of feelings and understandings in the hearts and minds of Christians. Often, Christians hear the word stewardship and immediately think of money. Others will hearken back to a time when they heard their pastor preach a sermon about a specific need that the church has, imploring the congregants to reach down a little deeper. Still, others hear the word stewardship and through it in with other theological words that are spoken often with little to no meaning. No matter where you fall, stewardship is a significant theological understanding for all Christians. In fact, biblical stewardship is seen as a form of Christology as we manage the gifts, talents, and resources that our Lord Christ has bestowed upon us. At the root of the word, stewardship is the concept of being a steward of what our Lord has entrusted to us. That is to say, in the word of the great hymnist, “We give you but Thine own, What-e’er the gift may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust O Lord, from Thee.” The word steward is a forgotten word and one that is used little in our modern speech. Steward is a noun describing the attributes of one who is given responsibility over another person’s property and possessions. More precisely, “a person who manages another’s property or financial affairs; one who administers anything as the agent of another or others”. The implication is a steward has possession of the property of another for a limited amount of time. After that person has managed the possession,

they return it to the owner. This concept is brought out strongly in many facets of biblical teaching. In fact, the bible calls us to be ready for that hour which is unknown to man when Christ will return. We see this clearly in Luke 12:39 as Jesus calls us always to be watchful, “that if the master of the house has known what hour the thief was coming, he would not have

We see this clearly in Luke 12:39 as Jesus calls us always to be watchful, “that if the master of the house has known what hour the thief was coming, he would not have left his house.” left his house.” This example is an easy one to relate to because being the owner evokes in us a protection mentality of what we have. Since Christ has entrusted us with His gifts, we tend not to be as watchful as the owner would be as he protects his belongings from the thief. As members of the body of Christ, we are given His possessions to manage. Therefore, our abilities to be good stewards are based on what we do with the master’s possessions. Likewise, he wants us to be watchful and ready since the thief is always seeking to kill and destroy. In the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke ch.16, we have a clear picture of what a steward is in the eyes of the manager/God. The biblical quote that rings in the ears of the faithful says,

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“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” The church in our modern age does not like to hear these types of biblical exhortations however Biblical stewardship is clearly articulated in the scriptures and presented in a manner that is unmistakable. The church has a lengthy history of doing business as usual, that is to say, the way they have always done things. Albert Einstein, one of the world’s greatest minds, defined insanity by describing it as the process of, “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” This has been the way the church has viewed its understanding of stewardship. The accusatory words of Luke to the unfaithful manager are uncomfortable and tension filled. They cause us to reflect on the basic questions regarding stewardship, namely, how am I managing the gifts that God has given me. Being a biblical Steward is critical for all aspects of our Christian life. In fact, Jesus is the greatest example of stewardship, He gives all of what he has for us, free and with no strings attached. He gives us love and salvation through His life, death, and resurrection. † WRITTEN BY Dr. Rev. Jamison Hardy Senior Pastor Peace Lutheran Church 107 Carol Dr., McMurray, PA 15317 724-941-9441




Welcome to Faith Pittsburgh Bible Study. What we will do each issue is take a verse, break it down, look at the what the verses say, talk about the meaning, and discuss ways to apply it in our daily lives.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4 (ESV)

These two verses reiterate a common theme found throughout the Bible; being humble and focusing on others rather than ourselves. In various forms the word humble is used 64 times in the Bible; this is not by accident. We as Christians must first and foremost be servants, regardless of whether we are the president of a company or the entry level employee on his first day. We need to be servants to the Lord, to family, to friends, and to people we don’t know. The best example of a servant leader in the history of the world is the life of Jesus

Christ. The most profound example of living this verse is when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. Instead of focusing on ourselves and our needs we are told to think of others and their needs. We must do this for the right reason not to promote ourselves, but as an act of service that is pleasing to the Lord and in some way betters the life of another child of God. Don’t think of what you do well. Instead, think of what others do well. Just as we receive compassion and love from God we must have compassion and love for others.

Each and every day we come into contact with a multitude of people. When we apply what we are taught in this verse we need to treat everyone with kindness, love, and compassion. This is not always easy and you will meet people that truly test your ability and desire to follow this principle, but when you do think about Christ and what he did for you and all of us. He accepted the burden of our sin and unrighteous ways and sacrificed himself so that we might be saved from eternal darkness and instead have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. †

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 41

HEAVEN SENT A Family’s Faith Sustains Them Through Unbelievable Moments BY JENNIFER BROZAK


here is likely no greater pain a person can experience than the loss of a child. And yet, for those who must endure the anguish that accompanies the loss of a child, life must go on. How the family endures such a tragic loss is nothing short of a true testament to the spirit. In October of 2008, Bedford residents Wendy and Meach Miller were forced to confront what no parents should ever have to: their beloved daughter, Heather, just 10 years old at the time, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare cancer that would claim the life of the girl with the “Hershey Bar Smile” a short 16 months later. And yet, despite their grief, despite their loss, despite the pain that bore down on them like a freight train, the Millers chose to give their sorrow words. In January, three years after Heather’s death, Wendy Miller, working with Pittsburgh Tribune-Review sports reporter Scott Brown, released Heaven Sent: The Heather Miller Story. The book, Wendy says, is a story about commitment from friends, family, community, and even the Pittsburgh Steelers. Still, the book holds a larger message that she hopes transcends life here on earth.

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“An even larger message, Fully Rely on God, or F.R.O.G., was Heather’s commitment to her faith,” said Wendy. “The book serves as an honest look at a family and the unpredictable journey that we all face. It’s about survival, before, during and after the grieving process. Knowing that so many were supporting us and praying for us was the key many times to us taking our next breath.” The idea for the book arose from an unlikely source: Wendy’s postings on the website CarePages, which provides free blogs that allow users to connect with others during a health crisis. “I wrote extensively on the CarePages when Heather was sick. They were my survival tool,” she said. “I needed to ‘talk’ and as selfish as this sounds, many times I didn’t really want anyone to talk back – I just needed to get things off my chest. To bottle them in would have been disastrous.” Writing, she said, became her therapy. “What started out as an avenue to get accurate information out there turned into a very valuable resource for me to get through the moment, write it out, yell, cry, pray, praise and do all those things, many times all in the same entry, just so I could move forward to the next decision or next request by either the doctors or Heather,” she said. One particular update, she said, got the attention of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ community relations manager. The post was entitled “Men Beyond the Pads,” and was in defense of the men who routinely lifted the spirits of her beloved little girl, who she describes as faithful, loyal, witty, competitive and, in spite of her illness, incredibly brave. Over the course of Heather’s diagnosis and treatment, she developed a profound friendship with Pittsburgh Steelers, particularly with defensive player Troy Polamalu. Heather, a fervent sports fan and Steelers fanatic, first met the talented, yet unassuming player while she was in the hospital being prepped for another round of chemotherapy. The friendship blossomed, a relationship for which Wendy says she is forever grateful.

“Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak. Whispers the o’erfraught heart and bids it break.” - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

“They lifted her to places we couldn’t emotionally,” she said. “The relationship wasn’t about me, or the fact that we knew someone famous. It’s so hard for people to understand, but I truly like to remember them with her. It was her time.” The post, she said, served as a response to the negative publicity the team was garnering for its off-the-field conduct. “It was an outpouring of affection and appreciation I had for the Continued on next page › FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 43

Black and Gold and for putting a smile on my daughter’s face in the toughest of times, when my husband and I couldn’t,” she said. After the post, the community relations manager asked Wendy if she would be interested in meeting with Brown to write a “feel-good” story about Heather’s relationship with the team. “I got involved with the story while I was covering the Steelers for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,” said Brown. “I had been told about Wendy and how she wanted to talk about the Steelers she knew after the team had experienced a wave of bad publicity.” Scott said he drove to Bedford “having no idea what to expect” and ended up talking to the family for close to eight hours. “I became so engrossed with the story that I went back a couple of weeks later to do more reporting,” he said. After he wrote the initial story in June of 2010, he joked with a colleague that he had so much material left over that he could write a book. “Heather’s story stuck with me and after the 2010 season, which didn’t end for me until February since the Steelers went to the Super Bowl, I approached Wendy about doing the book,” he said. However, after a series of interviews, the project stalled. “I wasn’t sure I was ready,” said Wendy. “I prayed and prayed about it.” Once the football season ended, and wanting to give the book one last chance, Brown contacted Wendy again. He drove to Bedford with no expectations, but this time, he said, something “clicked.” The project finally moved forward, Wendy said, because she took the time to become a healthier person spiritually, emotionally and physically. “Once I ventured on that journey, the book flowed. Although not easy at times, and quite painful even though it served as a therapeutic tool for our family, we were all on different pages of the grieving cycle. I would only choose the best to write about my Heather. Scott was the best, and I am forever grateful that, as a team, we were able to retell and relive some of the most memorable moments of her life,” she said. “Our family has received another family member in Scott Brown.” Brown is also thankful to Wendy for the experience, and for the family’s willingness to share their story. “It still amazes me how open she was and how she re-lived so many moments that no parent should ever have to endure. Without her willingness to share her story, there would be no book,” he said. One aspect of the story that Wendy hopes resonates with readers is a lesson that she said she was forced to learn the hard way. Before Heather was diagnosed, Miller, a teacher at Central Elementary School said that she was a typical working mom. “I was teaching and coaching and was very, very caught up in the ‘routine’ and sometimes, that routine can lead us to forget what’s truly important. Those extra hugs and kisses and conversations – REAL conversations you should be having with your kids, but time just doesn’t seem to allow,” she said. Wendy, who is also a mother to Heather’s older sister Hannah, said, “I always took for granted that my kids knew I loved them, knew I cared. I really felt without a doubt that they would always be there. I didn’t cherish things the way I should have. I pray the book can speak to other parents and explain tomorrow is not a guarantee.” Throughout it all, she said, it was Hannah’s upbeat, positive outlook that kept the family together. “I have learned so much from Hannah, and each day she surprises me with her maturity and grace,” she said. The response to the book has been overwhelmingly positive. Wendy said that not only has she mailed books to every single state in the U.S., 44 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | FAITH Pittsburgh South

but she’s also mailed books to Denmark, Bangkok, and Thailand. And although it is obvious that Wendy would much rather be holding her daughter’s hand than a book about her life, she is thankful for the support that she has received for the project. “I don’t regret it for a minute, especially after reading the reviews and getting so many emails from people I most likely will never meet, telling me that the book touched them or made them appreciate their kids more,” she said. “I wanted a way to give back to so many that gave to us, and I truly feel God led us on the journey of Heaven Sent.” † MORE INFORMATION about purchasing Heaven Sent can be found on the book’s website, Copies are available for $17.95 at local businesses, or can be ordered directly from the site.


Being a Christian is not just about getting something; it is about being someone different. A Christian is not simply a person who receives forgiveness, who goes to heaven who gains the Holy Spirit, who inherits a new nature. A Christian, in terms of our deepest identity, is a saint, a spiritually born child of God, a divine masterpiece, a child of light, a citizen of heaven. Being born again (having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) transforms you into someone who did not exist before. What you receive as a Christian is not the point; it is who you are. It is not what you do as a Christian that determines who you are; it is who you are that determines what you do. BY PASTOR DAVID SHIVELY Homeville Christian Church 4702 Eliza St. West Mifflin Pa 15122

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 45

W ha F ISH t Nex FOL I NG t: LOW OR I NG? BY REV. STEVE CARLSON Ruthfred Lutheran Church


ur congregation just finished celebrating Easter, which is true for most of us; although, for our Orthodox brothers and sisters it will be celebrated on May 5th. For the Easter service at our church we go all out with special music, instruments and choirs. We also decorate the sanctuary with Easter lilies and tulips. We have power messages on the resurrection of Christ. The church is filled to overflowing with multiple services. Easter is certainly a spiritual high! But now the music fades down and the flowers began to wither. I am also reminded that I ate too much Easter dinner and too many chocolate eggs and bunnies. It is time to get back to a normal routine. The celebrating has to come to an end and the realities of life must go on. Was this how the disciples of Jesus felt after His Easter resurrection? In the closing chapter of St. John’s Gospel, we are told that Peter declares, “I’m going fishing.” Six other disciples go with him and they launch out in their boat on the lake of Galilee. The Gospels record that Jesus had already appeared to them twice since His resurrection. But in a sense, they do not seem to know just what to think of this or just how it might impact their lives. They certainly believe that Jesus died and now rose again. They also know that He is going to be returning back to heaven. So, what are they to do next? Fishing seems to be a good choice! Get

back to the normal routines and realities of life. Yes, although fishing might get mundane (although not for true fishermen!), at least it is comfortable. It is certainly more comfortable than all night prayer meetings at the Garden of Gethsemane, or standing beneath the cross, or even feeling bewildered at the empty tomb, or hiding in fear in the Upper Room. John tells us they fished all night and caught nothing. (I certainly enjoy fishing, but mostly when I am catching something.) As the new day dawns, they see someone on the shore who calls out to them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. There is something about that voice which compels them to obey. They throw the net in, and the catch of fish overwhelms them! Perhaps they remember that day of their first miraculous catch on this same lake of Galilee. Jesus had caused it when He was first calling them to follow Him three years ago (Luke 5). Now they realize that it is Jesus who is on the shore! Excitedly they rush to the shore. There they find that Jesus already has breakfast cooking for them. Jesus feeds them. Jesus specifically forgives Peter for denying Him and then instructs him to “Feed My sheep” and to “Follow Me.” Jesus is restoring Peter and reminding him that God has a calling on his life and that it will continue the rest of his life. Although Jesus had “defeated sin, death, and the devil” on the cross; His victory is to be lived out in our lives each day. It was no

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At Easter (and Christmas) church attendance usually doubles at least. However, for some, Easter has simply become a historical observance or an annual tradition. But God intended it to be so much more! It was not to be the end point in the celebration, but a beginning point of the newness of life that God offers in Christ. accident that the net was empty after that first dark night of fishing. God is reminding us that without Him, our lives are dark and empty. God wants to fill our lives with the light of His salvation and with His Spirit. He has placed a calling on each of us to follow Him throughout this life. At Easter (and Christmas) church attendance usually doubles at least. However, for some, Easter has simply become a historical observance or an annual tradition. But God intended it to be so much more! It was not to be the end point in the celebration, but a beginning point of the newness of life that God offers in Christ. What comes next for you after Easter? I challenge you this year to not simply go back to the routine and settle into comfortable fishing, but rather to stay close to Jesus and His church. Continue to grow in your faith and find ways to live it out. Hear the call of God to “Follow Me” and “Feed My sheep.” God wants for us to follow Him and He also desires to work through us in encouraging others to follow Him and live for Him. For all of us, may the Easter Season of new life never end as we follow Jesus! † WRITTEN BY

Rev. Steve Carlson, Ruthfred Lutheran Church (Association of Free Lutheran Congregations) 3401 South Park Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 412-835-7140


CHURCH DIRECTORY 3 Rivers Grace Church (412) 450-0733 All Saints Episcopal Church (412) 564-5620 All Saints Greek Orthodox (724) 745-5205 Alleg Dist EVGL Church (412) 854-5620 Apostolic Overcoming Holy Chr (412) 381-6996 Baldwin Community Untd Mthdst (412) 882-9300 Baldwin United Presbyterian (412) 653-1400 Beechview United Presbyterian (412) 561-0882 Belmont Christian Church (724) 746-1857 Berean Fellowship Church (412) 220-4673 Bethany Evangelical Lutheran (412) 531-9363 Bethany Lutheran Church (412) 835-9221 Bethany Presbyterian Church (412) 221-5132 Bethel Bible Church (724) 941-2259 Bethel Presbyterian Church (412) 835-0405 Bethlehem Lutheran Church (412) 381-2210 Beulah Baptist Church (412) 431-3320 Beverly Heights Presbyterian (412) 561-5100 Birmingham United Church-Chrst (412) 881-6282 Bower Hill Community Church (412) 561-4114 Brentwood Christian Church (412) 882-7936 Brentwood Presbyterian Church (412) 881-9334 Brightwood Christian Church (412) 835-6703 Brookline Assembly Of God (412) 561-2250 Brookline Boulevard UP Church (412) 531-0590 Calvary Baptist Church (412) 461-2006 Calvary Full Gospel Church (412) 257-1707 Canonsburg UP Church (724) 745-0800 Castle Shannon United Mthdst (412) 561-6866 Center Presbyterian Church (724) 941-9050 Chartiers Creek Community Church (724) 941-2024 Chartiers Hill United (724) 746-1330 Christ Community Church (412) 519-4097 Christ The King Church (412) 595-7181 Christ United Methodist Church (412) 835-6621 Christian & Missionary Allnc (412) 835-4775 Church Of God In Christ (412) 431-1033

Church Of Resurrection (412) 563-4400 Church Of The Advent (412) 561-4520 Church Pine (412) 650-6224 Cobden Street Baptist Church (412) 488-7977 Community Bible Chapel (412) 833-4525 Community Church Three Rivers (412) 638-1040 Community Of Christ (412) 831-1559 Concord Presbyterian Church (412) 882-1141 Concordia Lutheran Church (412) 881-3005 Covenant-Community Presby Chr (412) 343-4411 Cross Roads United Methodist (412) 494-9999 Crossroads Church Of Christ (724) 941-4942 Crossroads Community Church (724) 348-9278 Crossroads UM Church (412) 221-8880 Dormont Presbyterian Church (412) 531-1555 Dormont United Methodist Chr (412) 531-9055 Emanuel United Methodist Chr (412) 921-1432 Emmanuel Lutheran Church (412) 531-1080 Evangelical Lutheran Church (724) 941-4305 Exalt Church (412) 600-4527 Fairhaven United Methodist Chr (412) 882-2544 Faith Community Church (724) 941-9035 Faith Lutheran Church (412) 835-7470 Faith Lutheran Church (412) 835-4590 First Baptist (724) 348-6777 First Baptist Church (412) 221-4232 First Baptist Church (724) 745-8740 First Bethel United Methodist (412) 835-0700 First Christian Church (724) 745-9066 First Presbyterian Church (412) 561-0401 First Presbyterian Church (724) 348-5689 First Spiritualist Church (412) 672-1272 First United Methodist Church (412) 221-5577 First United Methodist Church (724) 745-5771 Friendship Baptist Church (724) 222-2774 Full Life Deliverance (412) 481-2310 Good Shepherd Church (724) 941-9418

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Grace Episcopal Church Grace Lutheran Church Grace Point church Grandview Church Of God Grandview United Presbyterian Great St Albert Hamilton Presbyterian Church Haven Heights Methodist Church Hill Top United Methodist Chr Hilltop Baptist Church Holy Assumption Orthodox Chr Holy Child Parish Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Chr Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Holy Trinity Social Hall Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Homeville Christian Church Hot Metal Bridge Faith Cmnty Independent Bible Presbyterian Innercity Christ Is All James Chapel Methodist Church Jefferson Hills Bible Church Jefferson United Presbyterian Jesus Fellowship John Mc Millan Presbyterian Journey Church Knoxville Baptist Church Knoxville Christian Church Knoxville United Church Lebanon Presbyterian Church Lifestone Church Lighthouse Church Lincoln Park Nazarene Church Lutheran Church Of-Redeemer Meadowlands United Methodist Mingo Church Montour’s Presbyterian Church Morningstar Baptist Church Mt Lebanon Baptist Church Mt Lebanon Christian Church Mt Lebanon United Lutheran Chr Mt Lebanon United Methodist Mt Lebanon United Presbyterian Mt Olive Baptist Church Mt Zion Baptist Chr Of Library Mt Zion Baptist Church Nativity Church-South Park Nativity Church-South Park New Day Assembly Of God New Life Fellowship Church New Song Community Church New Wine Harvest Noblestown Methodist Church Noblestown United Presbyterian North Zion Lutheran Church Oakdale UP Church Our Lady Of Grace Church Our Lady Of Loreto Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church

(412) 276-2446 (412) 381-6020 (412) 655-3100 (412) 319-9842 (412) 341-5252 (412) 431-7445 (412) 884-8622 (412) 884-2722 (412) 381-5848 (412) 481-5484 (412) 344-4426 (412) 431-6421 (412) 221-5213 (412) 833-3355 (412) 466-6545 (412) 561-1726 (412) 882-3900 (412) 466-9695 (412) 221-4099 (412) 461-3731 (412) 481-4010 (724) 926-3355 (412) 875-5175 (724) 348-5504 (412) 653-6930 (412) 653-4797 (412) 854-3137 (412) 833-4704 (412) 221-9000 (412) 381-4500 (412) 381-2125 (412) 381-3317 (412) 468-7184 (412) 458-0390 (412) 431-0171 (412) 462-2524 (412) 881-4404 (724) 228-3370 (724) 348-5278 (412) 787-1050 (412) 461-7861 (412) 561-8113 (412) 531-8554 (412) 563-0300 (412) 531-7131 (412) 531-3387 (724) 745-4777 (412) 371-7212 (412) 835-9668 (412) 655-1565 (412) 655-3000 (724) 941-1661 (412) 922-3703 (412) 283-0888 (412) 207-7216 (724) 693-2755 (724) 693-8250 (412) 655-3343 (724) 693-8950 (412) 279-7070 (412) 341-6161 (724) 941-7467 (724) 941-9441

FAITH Pittsburgh South | Spring 2013 | 47


CHURCH DIRECTORY Peter’s Creek Baptist Church Pine Run United Methodist Pittsburgh Baptist Church Pittsburgh Christian Flwshp Pleasant Hills Community Chr Presbyterian Church Of Mt Wash Prince Of Peace Lutheran Chr Prince Of Peace Roman Cath Chr Prince-Peace Roman Catholic Providence Reformed Prsbytrn Reclaiming Our Catholic Kids Redeemer On The Mt Restoration Church Resurrection Church Resurrection Lutheran Church Ruthfred Lutheran Church Sacred Heart of Jesus Saints Simon & Jude Scheick Street St Albert Second Baptist Church Second Primitive Methodist Serna Real Jesus Shiloh Baptist Church South Canonsburg Church South Hills Assembly Of God South Hills Baptist Church South Hills Church Of-Nazarene South Hills Community Baptist South Hills Congregational Chr South Park Baptist Church South Side Presbyterian Church Southminster Presbyterian Chr Spencer United Methodist Chr St Albert The Great St Anne’s Church St Barbara Rectory St Basil Church St Benedict Church St Bernard’s Church St Catherine Of Siena Church St Elizabeth Church St Francis Assisi St Gabriel Catholic Church St Genevieve Catholic Church St George Antiochian Orthodox St Germaine St Gregory Byzantine Catholic St Joan Of Arc Church St John Capistran Church St John Russian Orthodox St John Ukranian Catholic Chr St John Vianney Church St Justin Church St Louise De Marillac Church St Margaret’s Church St Margaret’s Church Cafeteria

(412) 833-6111 (570) 398-4469 (412) 341-1660 (412) 381-4111 (412) 655-2000 (412) 481-0425 (412) 655-2168 (412) 481-8380 (412) 431-1030 (412) 388-1099 (412) 882-9836 (412) 352-8876 (724) 941-3480 (412) 461-8087 (412) 788-4513 (412) 835-7140 (724) 745-9139 (412) 344-1306 (412) 440-0221 (412) 461-7870 (412) 431-6677 (412) 531-1101 (412) 835-7220 (724) 745-7438 (412) 835-8900 (412) 481-2288 (412) 831-6333 (412) 833-1313 (412) 881-7373 (412) 835-1191 (412) 431-0118 (412) 343-8900 (412) 881-4000 (412) 884-7744 (412) 531-5964 (412) 221-5152 (412) 882-9763 (724) 941-9406 (412) 561-3300 (412) 531-2135 (412) 882-8744 (724) 348-7145 (412) 881-8115 (724) 746-9393 (412) 221-2277 (412) 833-0661 (412) 835-7800 (412) 854-3173 (412) 221-5445 (724) 745-9776 (412) 431-2531 (412) 381-8300 (412) 381-9878 (412) 833-2422 (412) 921-0745 (412) 922-7279

St Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran St Mary Of The Mt St Mary Of The Mt Rectory St Mary’s Russian Orthodox Chr St Michael’s Orthodox Church St Michaels Byzantine St Norbert’s Church Hall St Pamphilus Church St Pamphilus Friary St Patrick Catholic Church St Patrick Church St Patrick Church St Paul AME Church St Paul’s Episcopal Church St Peter’s Episcopal Church St Pius X Byzantine Catholic St Pius X Catholic Church St Simon & Jude Church St Stephen Lutheran Church St Sylvester’s Rectory St Thomas Episcopal Church St Thomas More Church St Valentine Church Religious St Valentine’s Chr St Vladimir’s Orthodox Church St Wendelin’s Catholic Church St Winifred Church Stewart Avenue Lutheran Church Sunrise Baptist Church Sunset Hills United Prsbytrn Tabernacle Pittsburgh Gospel Temple Baptist Church Terrace Church Of Nazarene The Bible Chapel Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Trinity United Methodist Chr Union Baptist Church Union Roads United Methodist Unitarian-Universalist Church United Methodist Svc For Vineyard Christian Fellowship Wallace Memorial UP Church Walnut Grove Assembly Of God Waterdam Church West End AME Zion Church West Mifflin Cmnty Baptist Chr Westminster Presbyterian Chr Whitehall Church Of Christ Whitehall United Presbyterian Worship Generation Community Zion Christian Church Zion Lutheran Church

(412) 531-9575 (412) 381-3310 (412) 381-0212 (412) 431-6428 (412) 271-2725 (724) 745-7117 (412) 881-8201 (412) 341-1000 (412) 531-8449 (724) 745-6560 (724) 693-9260 (724) 745-4130 (412) 431-2166 (412) 531-7153 (412) 884-5225 (412) 881-8344 (412) 563-5423 (412) 561-8808 (412) 279-5868 (412) 882-8593 (724) 745-2013 (412) 833-0031 (412) 831-6466 (412) 835-4415 (412) 431-9758 (412) 882-1480 (412) 344-5010 (412) 881-0171 (412) 653-4744 (412) 561-6261 (412) 458-0365 (412) 481-6164 (412) 346-0228 (724) 941-8990 (412) 466-7773 (412) 212-8794 (724) 941-4770 (412) 884-5333 (724) 348-6200 (412) 561-6277 (412) 341-1030 (412) 921-4174 (412) 561-2431 (412) 469-3010 (724) 745-3158 (412) 928-0676 (412) 466-5924 (412) 831-6128 (412) 884-2055 (412) 882-7973 (412) 462-6697 (412) 886-1864 (412) 221-4776


How you met your spouse Send your story to OR 603 East McMurray Rd., McMurray PA 15317

Attention: Faith Pittsburgh

FAITH MEDIA QUIZ ANSWERS 1 Mary 2 Lazarus 3 John 4 Herod 5 Joseph 6 Peter 7 Judas 8 Saul 9 Thomas 10 Jesus Christ


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A 9




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APRIL 2013


On Saturday, April 20th, 1-4 p.m. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1700 Bower Hill Road, Scott Township, presents “Women Helping Women,” a craft and vendor show with a purpose. Chinese Auction, food, crafts, and more. Proceeds benefit Good Shepherd’s HUG basket program, which provides toiletries to women in local domestic violence shelters and rehab centers. For more questions, contact the church office at 412-276-2446 or through our website at www.




Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 6 p.m.
 Marvin Whiteman, a blind gospel singer/musician, from Wellsburg, WV will be in concert
Homeville Christian Church. 4702 Eliza St., West Mifflin PA 15122


“Coming Full Circle--Bring Me Your Song Again”...... International opera star, Jennifer O’Loughlin, will present a 50-minute program of vocal selections, assisted by Donna Amato on piano, on April 28, 2013, at St. James Church, 200 Walnut Street, Sewickley, PA 15143. At 2:30, a pre-show concert will be presented by the Quaker Valley High School Choir, with Matthew Boice conducting. A freewill donation will be accepted, and a reception will follow the concert.

20 & 21

Newsboys Thursday, April 25 7 p.m. (Doors at 6 p.m.) South Hills campus Newsboys want to continue to spread the word that God is certainly not dead! To do just that, this award-winning and chart-topping band announces they will extend their popular “God’s Not Dead Tour,” featuring All Things New and duo CAMPBELL. Visit

On Saturday & Sunday, April 20th & April 21st, at 6 p.m. Free Admission Acting Up Club - A community children’s music and drama club South Hills Church of the Nazarene 5601 Library Road, Bethel Park, PA 412-831-6333

MAY 2013


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will be hosting a Craft/ Vendor/ Flea Market on May 11th from 9am-4pm. Jewelry, Chocolate, Flowers, Glass Art, Clothing, Kitchen and Household Accessories, Candles, Crafts, Beauty Products, Vintage, Sports, AND MORE ! For more information or to reserve a table call the office: 412-884-5225. The church is located at 4048 Brownsville Road, overlooking Brentwood Towne Center, near Rt. 51.



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603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317



Reach the Customers


If you are a Christian business owner, non-profit organization, Christian school, or if churches are one of your customers Faith Pittsburgh can be a valuable tool for you reach your target audience. We will be publishing Faith Pittsburgh quarterly in regional editions (South, North, East, West). Each full color non-denominational issue will have 25,000 copies distributed through a large network (300+) of both secular and religious locations within each region. If you are interested in scheduling a personal appointment to discuss the advertising opportunities available to your organization within the pages of Faith Pittsburgh please contact us.

Join the Faith Pittsburgh Community 603 McMurray Rd. McMurray Pa. 15317 Attn. Mike Granovitz Emai: • Phone: 724-942-0940 • Cell : 412-779-6733

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