History Comes Alive in Hampton! Plus Keep Your Resolutions Older Adults in Hampton
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Contents Hampton | WINTER 2010 |
13 Publisher’s Message
Cardio Exercise Back Pain
26 |
Resolve to Keep Your Resolutions this Year Real Estate In Hampton Want to List Your Home | 11
Older Adults in Hampton
Tax Planning for the New Year | 26
Dinning Out - Tai Pei
Tai Pei Celebrates 25 Years of Family and Traditional Chinese Cuisine | 31
Bill Few and Associates
Keep Your Appointment with your Financial Advisor | 3
DiPaoli Dentistry
New Name, Same Great Practice | 8
Mazzei and Associates
The Truth About Bankruptcy | 29
The Linda DiBucci Team
10 Top Tips to Sell You Home in Hampton | 33 COMMUNITY INTEREST
UPMC Today
Health and Wellness News You Can Use | 13
Hampton Alliance for Education Excellence 5k Run / 1 Mile Fun Stroll | 28
A participant in a little bit of history at the Depreciation Lands Museum.
Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
Welcome to our winter issue! At this time of year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking that journey with us that was 2010. This year was one full of blessings for Community Magazines, as we’ve grown to serve 32 communities throughout Western Pennsylvania. While it’s been a challenge for us, it was one that we met head-on, and with great success. For that, I would like to thank my staff. I’d also like to thank two other groups who make this magazine what it is: – you – our readers – and our advertisers. Firstly, it’s our readers who help shape this magazine into what you see in your hands right now. Those of you who took the time to call, e-mail or write-in with your ideas and events are the ones who set our table of contents. We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to you and your ideas because, in the end, this is your community and you know it best. So I continue to encourage you to send in your ideas to our editor at Secondly, to our advertisers, I thank you for your continued support with Community Magazines. I’ve heard from so many of you that advertising with us is working for you, and I’m proud that our magazines are a great vehicle for you. But what is also important is that by advertising with us, you’re also supporting your community. You’re giving those who read these magazines the content that they enjoy and look forward to each issue. Because of you, our readers can be entertained and informed. So, readers, in this last issue before 2011, I urge you to take a second or third glance at the advertisers who support your community magazine before you make your holiday gift lists. If you like this magazine, let them know and make a point to stop in their businesses. They’re not just trying to sell you something, they’re also your neighbors and community sponsors. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and the best that 2011 has to offer!
WINTER 2010 IN Hampton is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Hampton area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER
Wayne Dollard AS S I STA N T TO T H E P U B L I S H E R
Mark Berton M A N AG I N G E D I TO R
Marybeth Jeffries O F F I C E M A N AG E R
Leo Vighetti E D I TO R I A L AS S I STA N T
Jamie Ward WRITERS
Jonathan Barnes Kelli McElhinny Pamela Palongue GRAPHIC DESIGN
Wayne Dollard Publisher
Michael Andrulonis Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Susie Doak Pati Ingold
Bill Ivins Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda Tracey Wasilco
As the holiday season approaches, I hope you'll step away from the list making and cookie baking for just a few minutes to enjoy the information we havecompiled for this edition of Hampton. As always, our goal is to offer a bit of insight into the community. Some of our most interesting features focus on residents and their passion in all things "community." As you are going through your busy days (and holiday parties) please don't forget to let us know about any person or organization who you feel would be interesting for us to feature. We get some of our best story ideas and are so inspired by our readers! The amount of good will and charitable activity that seems to flow from the Hampton community is amazing and awesome. From all of us at In Community Magazines, we hope that your holiday will be filled with a good dose of peace and a little bit of joy, and that you’ll be surrounded by the love and companionship of those who mean the most to you.
Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you- TA Baron 2 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Rebecca Bailey One Way Street Productions A DV E RT I S I N G S A L E S
Nicholas Buzzell David Mitchell Brian Daley Tamara Myers Gina D’Alicandro Gabriel Negri Tina Dollard Robert Ojeda Rose Estes Annette Petrone Beatriz Harrison Tara Reis Jason Huffman Vincent Sabatini Jessie Jones Michael Silvert Connie McDaniel RJ Vighetti Brian McKee This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2010.
CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 Spring Issue Deadline: January 3, 2011
Keep Your App ointment
with your Financial Advisor e all know the importance of a physical checkup with our doctor to assess our health, but a financial checkup with a professional financial advisor is just as important. Too often, many people postpone considering their financial health until retirement or until a major event impacts their life. Now is the time to set and keep an appointment with your financial advisor in order to tell if you are on track to financial wellness. When you meet annually with your financial advisor, you are likely to review your goals and any anticipated changes that may require adjustments to your budget and investment strategy. Consider major changes that could alter your income and lifestyle such as job changes, a new baby, college tuition, a new house or relocation, even an inheritance. Allocating just a few hours annually with your financial advisor will help you prepare in advance for new financial obligations and will make the transitions much smoother.
Now is the time to set and keep an appointment with your financial advisor in order to tell if you are on track to financial wellness. Face it; people are living longer but are not necessarily able to work longer. A long-term plan will help you to avoid financial pitfalls during your life and will set your course toward financial independence. Consider the following questions before a financial checkup? ✓ Do you have specific financial goals? ✓ Is your debt under control?
✓ When was the last time you reviewed the performance of your investments? ✓Are you investing with an appropriate risk level? ✓Are your investments generating a satisfactory rate of return? ✓ Have you started saving for retirement? Financial planning is a process. What you focus on often gets better with time. When you visit your financial planner on an ongoing basis, you are likely to review your cash-flow, pre and post retirement, which may drive asset allocation decisions. In addition, you will assess your tolerance to risk of loss, and gain a new perspective toward preventing emotional decisions. A professional financial planner will also discuss insurance, tax and estate planning concerns. Very few of us have the expertise to put together a comprehensive and balanced financial plan that will build our wealth and achieves financial freedom. There is a better way to navigate! Speak face-to-face with your advisor at least annually. The professional and expert advice you receive now will help ensure your financial wellness and will alleviate future concerns. Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice to not think about retirement but for a few hours a year? So start today—make and keep and appointment with your financial advisor. This Industry Insight was written by Ward L. Garner, CFP®. Bill Few Associates, Inc. 107 Mt. Nebo Pointe, Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412.630.6000
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 3
♥ cardi
exercisesKeeping the Most Important Muscle Fit
hen it comes to exercise, it’s hard to break through the hype and advertising ploys for the newest and best cardio machine or workout. However, the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads, said Dan Griffin, general manager of Oxford Athletic Club. Griffin, who is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, said people are becoming more educated when it comes to their cardio workout. “People understand you do not have to do long, slow distance exercises, to be in the fat-burning zone. The studies are showing now that low-intensity heart maintenance levels are just as efficient for calorie burn. Middle heart rates – the kind
724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
“...the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads...”
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of exercises where you can talk to your neighbor, but can’t recite the Gettysburg Address – those work well also,” Griffin said. “The higher heart levels have a whole different physiological response and work on different parts of your body. Some who do a little bit of exercise in all three ranges lose weight quicker, and it doesn’t take more time. You take those 30-40 minutes you usually dedicate to your workout and break it up.” Griffin said there are new workout machines that take advantage of that data to help athletes meet those various heart ranges. “There always are machines that are the ‘hot machines.’ In the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was the stepper, and now it’s treadmills, ellipticals, and multi-angular training. With a treadmill, you’re in one plane, moving forward. With multi-angular and multi-plane machines you’re moving forward, and you’re also going left, right, forward and back,” Griffin said. “Another hot machine right now is the ArcTrainer, which is a cross between a stepper and an elliptical. With step training, few people can last long enough to make that work right, so the ArcTrainer is a favorite among tennis players and other athletes who come in.” In addition to specialized cardio machines, Griffin said circuit training still gives people a great workout. “Circuit training is still alive and well. We have trainers who take people through workouts that are as demanding as can be,” he said. “Unless you need bulk and heavy lifting, there’s a lot to be said for this functional training where you’re pushing sandbags and working out without stopping between sets. I’ve done it, and have gotten my heart rate from 130 up to 170, and it stays within that range within the whole half hour. The key though, is to do it in a circuit fashion. That way, you don’t have to stop between exercising.” Griffin said that because circuit training focuses on different muscle groups, the workouts typically are faster to get through. “Muscularly, you don’t need the rest because you’re working a different muscle group each time,” he said. “ Cardio-wise, you may have to wait 30 seconds or so between sets, but you can definitely be fit by doing that.”
Explore new interests. Engage with caring educators. Excel where futures unfold. Fall Open Houses Junior School (PK –5)
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9: 15 a m
Middle School (6–8)
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9: 00 a m
Senior School (9–12)
Thursday, D ecember 9
6: 30 pm
w w w. S S A e x c e l . o r g
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 5
t’s the kind of thing that can come in an instant like a lightning bolt, or sneak in over the course of weeks like a persistent fog. In any form, it’s unwelcome and costs U.S. businesses millions of dollars in lost work and sick days. It’s back pain, and while it’s not totally understood, it’s totally real for millions of Americans. There are several varieties of back pain, each with their own names based on the location on the spine from which they seem to originate. One of the more common ones that you may have heard about is “lumbago,” or lower back pain. The name stems from the lumbar section of the spine, and the condition has fueled an estimated $70 billion industry in itself in physician services, self-help remedies, ointments, devices and more. America’s obsession with lumbar and its proper support has led to seats with lumbar adjustments being standard in most high-end vehicles. For those who drive economy cars, there are pillows, wedges, lattices of beads and vibrating heating pads that plug into your car’s lighter socket, each proclaiming more relief than the next. Despite the accoutrements that one can purchase, few provide total relief. That’s because the actual causes of run-of-the-mill, everyday back pain are largely unknown. Many reasons for serious back pain are easily diagnosed because they have a direct causal basis or present with other symptoms such as weight loss, fever or incontinence. Someone in a recent car accident, for example, would know that their current back
If you’re just dealing with day-to-day aches and pains, most doctors agree that compresses of warm, moist heat are the best way to cope. 6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
pain is a result of the collision. However, it’s been postulated that back pain may also be the result of stress at work or at home, reasons that would not show up in an MRI or X-ray. If you’re just dealing with day-to-day aches and pains, most doctors agree that compresses of warm, moist heat are the best way to cope. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also safe, so long as you take them as directed. Chiropractors and physical therapists may be able to suggest a stretching regimen that could alleviate some of the more common aches and pains associated with the spine. In fact, more and more chiropractors have integrated techniques into patient visits other than the basic routine adjustment.
Exercise and patient education are the best tools out there in helping the patient 1 in the long ter m.
Unfinished And Custom M Finished Furniture
M M You might be surprised to find that your first chiropractic visit may include 15 minutes of massage therapy, where warm, moist heat compresses are placed on your back, followed by 15 minutes of TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which zings and zaps your muscles with a pleasant tingling sensation. While it all feels great, scientists are split as to whether any of it works for the long term. A study by the American Academy of Family Physicians came to the conclusion that while heat packs, deep heat, and massage are useful in the immediate relief of symptoms, long term effectiveness is still in question, and the use of TENS therapy has demonstrated no long term effectiveness at all. What the study did conclude is that unless the pain is the result of a deeper medical condition, like cancer or infection, exercise and patient education are the best tools out there in helping the patient in the long term.
( M
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Hampton | Winter 2010 | 7
DePaoli Dentistry – New Name, Same Great Practice DePaoli said the majority of cases that she sees in the practice range from routine cleanings and X-rays to small restorations. DePaoli is a member of the American Dental Association, Pennsylvania Dental Association and the Dental Society of Western Pennsylvania, as well as the founder of a national nonprofit organization that helps underprivileged youth. She has been practicing general dentistry since 2005 after receiving her doctorate of dental medicine from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. She completed a 1-year residency at St. Elizabeth’s Health Center in Youngstown, Ohio, where her husband and daughter currently reside. “My husband’s a basketball coach, so a while back, I formed the National Association of Basketball Coaches Wives, which is a nonprofit that helps disadvantaged youth join and participate in basketball nationwide,” she said. The association was founded in May of 2009, and DePaoli remains treasurer for the organization. She also is active with the Coaches vs. Cancer program. One of the new changes that DePaoli brought to the practice is a wider assortment of accepted insurance plans for patients to choose from. Tera L. DePaoli, DMD, currently participates with United Concordia, but starting in early 2011, the practice will accept UPMC Dental Advantage and MET Life. “We accept them all, but we’ll Our treatment philosophy is geared toward preventing future dental be participating with those three,” problems. We treat patients of all ages and we offer a broad range of DePaoli said. New patients are treatment plans, ranging from the most basic to the state of the art. always welcome at the practice, Our comprehensive services include the following: she said. “My goal is to do the best I can • Preventive Dentistry • Sealants do for each and every patient that • Dental Cleaning • Tooth Whitening comes in,” she said. “I strive to not • Crowns and Bridges • Implants just correct their problems, but to • Porcelain Veneers • Root Canal Therapy restore their overall dental health.” • Cosmetic Bonding Tera L. DePaoli, DMD, is We understand the importance of providing these located at 4984 Middle Road, services to our patients in the most comfortable, and can be reached by calling stress-free manner. Contact us if you have any 724.443.4444. The practice is questions pertaining to your dental health needs. open Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday Phone: 724.443.4444 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., 4984 Middle Road Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Gibsonia PA 15044 and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, go to www.
A lot can happen between regular dental cleanings, so if you’ve put off making that 6-month appointment, you may find that Bauer Dental Associates is now Tera L. DePaoli, DMD, LLC. While the name has changed, the same great dental care that the practice has been known for survives and thrives. “It’s still the same thing, with just a different name,” said DePaoli, who was actually sought out by the former practice in the end of 2008 as a potential successor. DePaoli worked at the practice for about seven months, took some time off to deliver her daughter, and then returned to purchase the practice outright in July. “It’s still general dentistry and we still have three staff members who have been there for years,” DePaoli said. “We do preventative maintenance, any type of restoration, crowns, bridges, restoring implants, periodontal work, dentures, partials, extractions. We do a little bit of everything that our patients need for beautiful, healthy smiles.”
8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Resolve to Keep Your
Resolutions This Year B
efore the last notes of “Auld Lang Syne” fade and the last mouth horn goes silent, chances are you’ll be suckered into making another New Year’s Resolution that will also fade as fast.
“Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals.”
Whether it’s to get fit, stop a habit, travel more, or reduce stress, experts say that while it takes time to develop a habit or behavior, the expectation of changing that developed habit over night is basically unrealistic. Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals. Success in achieving those goals stems from taking baby steps, or realistic approaches to achievement. Denise Hardt, owner of Anytime Fitness at Robinson Towne Center, said burnout is a major factor in people not following through with their workout routines. “Everyone should start a workout program in moderation,” Hardt said. “Control your motivation and enthusiasm so you don’t burnout after only a few weeks of exercise, and incorporate minor modifications into your workout every four weeks. Overhaul you’re entire workout program every two to three months.”
Hardt also said that figuring out where cardio exercise belongs in their routine also is a factor that can help them to avoid burnout. “Most people think that starting out with cardio is good because it helps to warm up muscles before weight training. Other people feel starting out with cardio may cause too much fatigue, which could lower your workout intensity and make lifting with
On the other hand, if your goal is to pack on muscle mass, work the weights first before cardio.” Pursuing a healthier lifestyle is always a good idea, and while many people make it their New Year’s resolution to get back in shape, experts agree that any health program should be focused on progressive, attainable, and realistic goals. However, it’s also a great idea not to overindulge during the holidays in the first place. Gaining 10 pounds after partying for a month, grazing cookies at the office and having extra desserts at grandma’s, is a lot easier than doing 30 minutes at the gym everyday for two weeks to negate those calories. While it’s a cliché, moderation is still the key to a balanced lifestyle and you’ll be doing yourself a favor bypassing that cookie tray or second glass of wine in the first place.
proper form more difficult,” she said. “Truthfully, there is no right or wrong answer. Different people will need to rotate their routine differently. The best advice is to pay attention to your fitness goals. If you are focused a bit more on endurance try to do your cardio first when you’ll have the most energy. Hampton | Winter 2010 | 9
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Howard Hanna Hampton/ Allison Park Office 4284 Rt 8 Castletown Square South Allison Park, PA 15101 412-487-7787 10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
$6.95 per person Includes: Fried Chicken Rigatoni • Deli Trays, Toss Salad Potato Salad • Buns • Condiments & Paperware. ALSO AVAILABLE – Appetizers Main Dishes • Sides & Salads Take-Out Food Deli • Bread & Buns PARTY TRAYS • CHEESE TRAYS VEGETABLE TRAYS • CHICKEN • WE BAKE OUR OWN BREAD • 111 Starr Road, Cheswick, PA 15024 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Want to List your home?
January is the perfect month to do it!
If you’re sitting around wondering what you’re going to do after the playoffs – assuming the Steelers continue their success with the return of Big Ben – you may want to consider getting a move on listing your home. January is the perfect time to get your house ready for sale, said Lori Crandell, Realtor and Associate Broker with Coldwell Banker. “January is definitely a good time to list a house. It’s the beginning of the spring market,” she said. “Especially after football season is over, people get bored and start looking at buying. I always tell people, if you’re going to list in the spring shoot for January or early February because you’ll get a leg up on the spring market before it gets saturated.” While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, Crandell said you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention. The foot traffic you get will be from serious buyers, not people just browsing. “The latest statistics that I saw said that 88 percent of buyers start out looking for a home online,” Crandell said. “So it’s really important that sellers go online themselves and look at the differences between brokers. is a very good source and the most popular website for consumers.” Another aspect of winter selling is the weather itself. Crandell said that some people worry about how their home will show if there’s a foot of snow on the ground, but if your house is attractive and inviting in the winter, you know it’s going to look good when it’s 85 degrees and sunny.
Other things that the winter provides advantages for include an opportunity for buyers to see how the furnace operates, whether the home heats evenly, and whether or not it has any drafty areas you’ll need to address. “There are some things you can’t tell in the winter, like air conditioning,” Crandell said. “You can’t tell if the air conditioning is working [when it’s] under 55 degrees, but that’s where a home warranty comes in handy. At least you’re covered by a home warranty and can get that rectified before it gets too hot.”
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It’s the beginning of the spring market. While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention. “During the winter is when it’s probably going to look its worst. Sellers, if they have pictures from the spring and summer, should make those photos available to the agent,” Crandell said. “If someone’s yard looks good in the winter, it’s going to look good in the spring, but if we have the snow that we had last year, it might hold someone back who can’t make out if the yard is sloped or flat. That’s why sellers should bring out pictures of the yard in other seasons.”
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Hampton | Winter 2010 | 11
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W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 -1 1
Health and Wellness News You Can Use
Here’s to a Happy, Healthy Winter If winter isn’t your favorite season, look inside for some great ways to keep your health and spirits intact.
What’s Inside
© 2010 UPMC
page 2
Taking the Fear Out of Pain After Surgery
page 3
The Difference a Number Can Make When the Snow Comes Down ... Should You Pick Up the Shovel?
page 4
Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
page 5
New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
page 6
When Kids Get Hurt, We’re Ready
page 7
Eat Healthy and Still Be Merry This Season
Taking the Fear Out of Pain After Surgery New nerve-blocking techniques bring relief and boost recovery for UPMC Passavant surgery patients Whether you’re having surgery to replace a hip or to remove a tumor from your abdomen, new nerve-blocking techniques recently introduced at UPMC Passavant can help ease your postoperative pain, boost recovery, and even shorten your hospital stay. Jacques E. Chelly, MD, PhD, professor and director of the Acute Interventional Perioperative Pain Service at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, says the peripheral nerve block administered adjacent to the spine is so effective, most postoperative pain is no longer “a must.”
Impressive benefits “The vast majority of patients feel they benefit greatly from nerve blocks,” Dr. Chelly says. “Not only are they much more comfortable after surgery, many of them can leave the hospital earlier.” Other important benefits of nerve blocks may include: • less need for morphine and other narcotic pain relievers • reduced side effects from narcotics (including nausea, vomiting, itching, urine retention, constipation, and confusion — particularly in the elderly) • faster recovery and return of movement • quicker start of therapy But perhaps most importantly, easing the fear of pain from surgery encourages more people to go ahead with needed surgery. “Many people delay having hip or knee replacement surgery after hearing stories from friends or relatives who experienced postsurgical pain. That does not need to be the case any longer,” Dr. Chelly says.
How nerve blocks work Under the direction of Charles B. Luke, MD, clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Physicians’ Department of Anesthesiology and staff anesthesiologist at UPMC Passavant, specially trained anesthesiologists perform nerve blocks to relieve pain during and after surgery. By numbing the nerve that carries pain messages to and from the brain, the nerve block provides targeted pain relief to the specific surgery area — an arm, leg, chest, or abdomen. According to Dr. Luke, the presurgery procedure begins once the patient is examined, hooked up to monitors, and given oxygen. The anesthesiologist then administers a mild sedative through an IV to help the patient relax. Using an ultrasound machine — sometimes along with a nerve stimulator — the doctor locates the nerve involved with the surgery site and, in many cases, guides a threadlike catheter into the area surrounding the nerve. A numbing agent similar to Novocain is injected, bathing the nerve in medication so the receptors are unable to receive any pain messages. Nerve blocks can be used for outpatient procedures or more-involved inpatient surgeries, says Dr. Luke. If you need only a few hours of pain relief, your anesthesiologist may use a single injection of local anesthetic. For longer pain relief, a catheter will deliver a continuous infusion of a numbing agent through a portable pump for a few days, allowing you to begin therapy while receiving medicine. Some patients go home with a disposable pump to control pain up to 60 hours after discharge.
Organization and teamwork key to pain control Dr. Chelly says controlling postoperative pain begins before surgery starts and involves an organized team approach that is unique to UPMC and its Acute Pain Service. To ensure continuity of care, follow-up, and pain management, the acute pain team — a specialized anesthesiologist, a dedicated acute pain nurse, and an acute pain physician in training — works closely with the surgeon, floor nurse, pharmacist, physical therapist, and, most importantly, the patient. “It requires significant time and a great deal of planning, organization, and cooperation to provide this service,” says Dr. Chelly. “That’s what the team at UPMC Passavant does — to the great benefit of our patients.” For an extended version of this article, please visit
The Difference a Number Can Make See how your numbers stack up for See how your numbers stack up for peace of mind — or a wake-up call peace of mind — or a wake-up call! Many numbers are part of your daily life, from your cell phone to your ATM code. But do you know the numbers that are critical to your physical health? Here are the three top numbers you should remember and monitor regularly:
120/80: Optimum blood pressure There’s a reason high blood pressure (hypertension) is known as the “silent killer.” You can have it for years and never know it. As it damages the walls of your arteries, it also can wreak havoc on your heart, kidneys, and brain. High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack, kidney failure, or stroke. When you have high blood pressure, the pressure of blood within the arteries — which carry blood from the heart throughout the body — is persistently elevated. Optimal blood pressure in an adult is under 120/80. The range for prehypertension is 120 to 139/80 to 89. High blood pressure is any reading of 140/90 or higher.
It’s the bad, arteryclogging cholesterol (LDL) that puts you at risk, so shoot for an LDL of under 130 mg/dL. Conversely, the higher your good cholesterol (HDL) the better, because it helps remove harmful LDL from your arteries. An HDL of 50 mg/dL or higher is ideal.
99: Blood sugar level It’s a good idea to have your blood sugar checked. High blood sugar — diabetes — can lead to a host of other medical problems if left unchecked, including vision and circulatory problems. Your optimal blood sugar level should be 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood or less. A count of 100 to 125 mg/dL is a pre-diabetes wake-up call; a level of 126 mg/dL or higher indicates diabetes.
You should aim for a total cholesterol number (HDL + LDL) under 200 mg/dL. A count of 200 to 239 is considered borderline, while levels of 240 and above double your risk of coronary heart disease.
200: Optimum cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver — and not all forms of it are bad. Sometimes, our bodies create too much cholesterol, which then circulates through the blood stream. To check your cholesterol levels, your doctor will ask you to fast before having blood work drawn. Your test results will show the amount of cholesterol in your blood.
For more information about important lifesaving numbers like body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, grip strength, and thyroid level, visit Sources: American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association
When Snow Comes Down ... Should You Pick Up the Shovel? Every winter in western Pennsylvania, walkways and driveways disappear when snowflakes begin to fall. Before you tackle the white stuff, consider your heart health, advises Joseph A. Gerard, MD, a cardiologist at the UPMC Cardiovascular Institute at UPMC Passavant. “The risk of having a heart attack when shoveling snow is five to six times greater for someone with heart disease,” says Dr. Gerard. Cold air makes it harder to breathe when working outside, adding extra strain on the cardiovascular system. That’s because blood vessels constrict to conserve heat, increasing blood pressure as the heart works harder to squeeze blood through the narrow vessels. At the same time, arteries around the heart constrict, inhibiting blood flow and the supply of oxygen to the heart.
Snow shoveling also can unmask a sick heart. “When clearing a small driveway, you’re lifting almost 2,000 pounds of snow, and each shovelful weighs between 15 and 20 pounds,” explains Dr. Gerard. Most people tend to hold their breath when lifting that much weight, causing an even bigger jump in heart rate and blood pressure. Heart disease is just one factor that can put you at risk when shoveling snow. Think twice about shoveling if you: • lead a sedentary lifestyle • are overweight • have a history of heart disease • have high blood pressure or high cholesterol • smoke • are diabetic (or borderline diabetic) • have unhealthy eating habits
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Is your favorite winter activity staying indoors under a warm blanket in front of the television with a bag of snacks in hand? You’re not alone. Getting through the cold weather with your health and spirits intact is difficult but not impossible. Follow these suggestions for a happier, healthier winter.
Fight the flu Cold and flu season is fast approaching. Here are some ways to avoid the sniffles. • Washing your hands for 15 seconds using soap and warm water is your best defense against germs. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based antibacterial product. • Getting a flu shot can reduce your risk of infection by 90 percent. If you don’t like needles, a nasal spray vaccine is available. • Eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, getting plenty of sleep, and reducing stress will help boost your immune system.
Winterize your skin As the weather turns colder, the dry air causes itchy, dry skin. To keep skin more comfortable during the winter months: • Switch to oil-based moisturizers with a minimum SPF of 30 for your face and body, and use them frequently. • Protect your hands from the elements with a heavy-duty hand cream, and always wear gloves outdoors. • Lips need extra protection, too. A moisturizing lip balm with vitamin E will help prevent chapping. • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.
Banish the winter blahs with exercise Don’t pack your exercise gear away with your summer clothes. Staying active during the winter months can lift your mood, help your immune system, and keep you from gaining weight. Be sure to talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. • Walk indoors at a local mall. Need extra motivation? Join a walking group. • Check out an exercise video at your local library or borrow one from a friend. • With proper planning, walking outdoors in winter can be fun and exhilarating. Walk during daylight hours, dress appropriately, and wear skid-resistant shoes.
Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
If the darker, shorter days of winter really get you down, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that begins in the fall and gets better in the spring. “Seasonal affective disorder is directly related to a decrease in sunlight during the winter months,” says Edward S. Friedman, MD, a psychiatrist at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC. The lack of sunlight disrupts the body’s internal clock, which can lead to feelings of depression. In addition to seasonal onset, SAD sufferers experience what Dr. Friedman describes as a kind of hibernation. “They stay indoors, conserve energy, eat more, and sleep more,” he explains. Those behaviors can distinguish SAD from other types of depression. And individuals who already suffer from clinical depression may feel worse in the fall. If you are diagnosed with SAD and your symptoms are severe enough to affect your daily life, your doctor may recommend antidepressant medications, light therapy, or psychotherapy. While it’s normal for anyone to have a down day occasionally, don’t brush off those feelings. “Anyone with symptoms of depression that last more than two weeks should see their doctor,” advises Dr. Friedman.
Did You Know? • People with SAD are more likely to have a blood relative with the condition. • More women than men are diagnosed with SAD. • Exercise can help boost your mood, and relieve stress and anxiety.
Innovation at UPMC
New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Robotic technology revolutionizing Whipple surgery When Coy Smith* found out he had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure, he started getting his affairs in order. He even considered going without surgery. “It occurred to me that I might not come back home,” says Mr. Smith. Although he left most of the worrying up to his wife, a licensed practical nurse, he knew enough to realize the surgery would not be a simple task. Whipple surgery — one of the most complex surgeries performed — involves the removal of the head of the pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct, part of the stomach, and small intestine. But the 58-year-old Altoona-area resident was lucky. He was one of the first patients at UPMC Cancer Centers to undergo a non-invasive version of the Whipple procedure using state-of-the-art robotic technology. He was operated on in October 2009 by the surgical team of A. James Moser, MD, and Herbert J. Zeh, MD — co-directors of the Pancreatic Specialty Care Center and two of just a handful of surgeons worldwide who perform the Whipple procedure using robotic surgical technology. Mr. Smith woke up in recovery and immediately began joking with the nurses. After a week’s stay in the hospital, Mr. Smith began six months of chemotherapy. One year later, he is cancer-free. “I’m healthy and very fortunate,” Mr. Smith says. * Mr. Smith’s treatment and results may not be representative of similar cases.
“This is pioneering technology — the first major innovation in pancreas surgery in more than 100 years — and UPMC is considered among the world’s leaders,” says Dr. Moser.
Potential Benefits of the Robotic Whipple Procedure • smaller incisions • minimal scarring • reduced blood loss and need for transfusion • less pain • shorter hospital stays • faster recovery time and start of treatment
Precise robotic technology Surgeons use the da Vinci® Si Surgical System, a robotic surgical device that allows them to operate through a series of small incisions (including one to accommodate a miniature camera) with greater dexterity and range of motion, plus a magnified threedimensional view of organs on a large, high-definition screen. Instead of the “chopsticks” used in laparoscopy, robotic surgery equipment allows for more natural movements, including wrist function, explains Dr. Zeh. “It has a 360-degree range of motion, which has much more freedom of movement than your own hand,” says Dr. Zeh. “You can get into places where your hand can’t go.” The robotic technology enhances the surgeon’s ability to see detail and manipulate anatomical parts with great precision. Like conventional laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery is minimally invasive.
Patients benefit The two surgeons have published papers on the robotic Whipple procedure and have spoken at conferences around the world. They are now compiling data on patient outcomes.
While it is not yet clear whether this approach produces better surgical outcomes, both surgeons say it is clear that patients may benefit in many ways, including less pain, reduced recovery time, minimal scarring, and reduced need for blood transfusions. That means patients can begin chemotherapy sooner. “We are pleased to be able to offer this new technology,” Dr. Zeh says. “The data shows that as a whole, patients who undergo the robotic-assisted Whipple procedure do as well as patients who have the traditional open surgery.” Perhaps the biggest benefit is reducing fear in patients. According to Dr. Moser, as many as one half of all pancreatic cancer patients choose not to have surgery to remove their tumor because they are afraid of a large incision and the long recovery time associated with traditional surgery. “We hope that by minimizing the trauma of surgery we can get more people to select this treatment and continue on with chemotherapy,” Dr. Moser says. “Not everyone with pancreatic cancer is doomed. This procedure is giving patients hope.” For more information about the robotic Whipple procedure or any of UPMC's pancreatic cancer treatments, call 1-888-623-PANC (7262).
When Kids Get Hurt, We’re Ready Children’s Express Care Centers open in Pittsburgh’s North and South Hills It never fails. Just as you settle in for a relaxed evening or weekend, your child suddenly develops a painful earache or takes a nasty tumble and breaks an arm. Thankfully, parents in the North Hills and South Hills now have convenient “after hours” access to the pediatric specialty care found at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. The new Children’s Express Care Centers in Wexford and Bethel Park offer expert care for minor injuries and illnesses. “All we do is take care of kids — that’s our specialty. That’s important because kids are different from adults. Their illnesses and injuries are different and their medicines and treatments are different,” says Raymond D. Pitetti, MD, medical director of Children’s Express Care.
Urgent care just for children Some pediatric health concerns are urgent but not life threatening. Those are exactly the types of cases that the Children’s Express Care Centers are designed to handle, says Dr. Pitetti. The Express Care Centers provide exclusively pediatric-focused treatment in offices that are specially designed for children. Staffed by pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, physician’s assistants, and nurses who are specifically trained to care for kids, the Centers operate evenings and weekends when pediatricians’ offices are closed. “The entire experience is geared toward kids — from the size of the equipment, to the medications and staff, and even the décor. We also know how to interact with kids and their parents to make them feel at ease,” Dr. Pitetti says.
After-hours service, convenient locations The new centers in the North Hills and South Hills — Children’s North in Wexford and Children’s South in Bethel Park — are open 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 8 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. No appointments are necessary, and walk-ins are welcome. Parking is free. A third location will open in the Monroeville/Murrysville area next spring.
Children’s Express Care Centers Can Help The pediatric specialists at the centers can treat a wide range of illnesses or injuries in children and teens, including: • animal bites • bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma attacks • colds, fevers, flu, and other viral illnesses • cuts, bumps, lacerations, abrasions, and splinters • ear, throat, and sinus infections • incisions and abscess drainage • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration • rashes, poison ivy, and allergic reactions • simple fractures, twists, sprains, strains, and dislocations • splinting • cyst removal The Express Care Centers also offer on-site x-ray services, EKGs, blood tests, urine and throat cultures, and urinalysis.
If necessary, children with more serious conditions will be fast-tracked to the Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital, or referred to pediatric specialists. If follow-up care is needed, children will be referred back to their own pediatricians along with a report on their visit to the Express Care Center.
Children’s Express Care Wexford Children’s North 2599 Wexford Bayne Road Sewickley, PA 15143 Phone: 724-933-3644 Monday through Friday: 5 to 9 p.m. Weekends: Noon to 8 p.m. No appointments needed. Walk-ins welcome. Children’s Express Care Bethel Park Children’s South 1300 Oxford Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102 Phone: 412-692-3145 Monday through Friday: 5 to 9 p.m. Weekends: Noon to 8 p.m. No appointments needed. Walk-ins welcome.
Benefits of the Express Care Centers include: • access to treatment when your primary care physician is not available • quality pediatric care for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries for children and teens • convenient locations • free parking • no appointments needed • referrals for further evaluation and treatment • access to lab tests and diagnostic imaging
Eat Healthy and Still Be Merry This Season For most Americans, the holiday season is a feasting season, a time to savor the tradition of sharing wonderful meals and sweet treats with family and friends. Making healthy food choices at this time of the year is challenging. According to the National Institutes of Health, holiday eating can result in a weight gain of one to two pounds. Over the course of a lifetime, those extra pounds can really add up. The holidays don’t have to be a time to gain weight. With a healthy balance of food, activity, and fun, you can enjoy the season without regret. • Be realistic. Don’t plan to lose weight during the holidays. Focus on maintaining your current weight. • Get moving. Exercise helps to relieve holiday stress and can help partially offset increased holiday eating. • Plan ahead. Every holiday table features a wide variety of food so choose healthy foods first. Offer to make a healthy dish to share with family and friends.
What’s Happening at UPMC Passavant These free events are offered by the Passavant Hospital Foundation: Classes Healthy Eating and Nutrition for Busy People Tuesday, Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. Community College of Allegheny County North Campus Speaker: Registered dietitian Learn some important tips to help get you pointed in the right direction for eating as healthy as possible.
Healthy Living With Diabetes Wednesday, Nov. 17, 12:30 p.m. Senior Center, Cranberry Township Municipal Building Speaker: Patrick McCarthy, RN An overview of diabetes, plus tips on how to handle living with diabetes, including exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes that can reduce or eliminate the risk of diabetes.
• Eat before you feast. Avoid arriving at a party famished so you aren’t tempted to overeat. Eat a little something beforehand and drink one or two glasses of water to feel fuller. • Avoid temptation. Position yourself far away from the buffet table, and focus on spending time with family and friends instead of the food. • Change it up. Use ingredient substitutions to make your favorite recipes healthier. For example, ditch the fat in dips and dressings by using fat-free or low-fat yogurt instead. • Stuff the turkey, not yourself. Sit down, relax, and enjoy smaller portions of your favorite holiday treats. Eat just until you are satisfied. If you do overindulge, get back on track the next day with lighter meals. Remember: It takes 500 calories a day (3,500 a week) above your normal consumption to gain a pound. Just something to think about when you’re tempted to overindulge. Sources: American Diabetes Association, National Institutes of Health
Welcoming New Physicians Please visit or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) for more information about any of our physicians.
UPMC Passavant is pleased to welcome the following new physicians:
Jonas Cooper, MD Cardiovascular Services Division of Cardiology Milly P. Khan, MD Family Practice Arlan H. Mintz, MD Head and Neck Surgery Neurological Surgery
For more information about classes at UPMC Passavant and affiliated outpatient centers, call UPMC Physician Referral at 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Michael A. Pezzone, MD Medicine Gastroenterology
UPMC Passavant 9100 Babcock Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15237
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
Follow UPMC on Facebook.
Time to Take Care of You Holidays are for celebrating all of the things that make life special. Don’t let a major illness, injury, or even a sore throat keep you from enjoying them. UPMC Passavant physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even offer same-day appointments. Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit, and we’ll get you an appointment with one of our doctors. It doesn’t matter why you need us; it matters that we’re here if you do.
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Giving Back for the Holidays!
he holiday season is the perfect time to spread cheer and give back to those who are in need. There are plenty of places around you to do this. Here are some fun ideas: ✫ Volunteer at a soup kitchen ✫ Donate toys you don't want ✫ Donate canned goods to the community food bank ✫ Donate clothes you've outgrown ✫ Visit a nursing home
on the go...
find these things hiding in this picture.
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 21
Adopt a Pet Red Sometimes things don’t end up the way you think they will. Take a look at me. I’m an AKC Red Beagle who was originally going to be a great hunting dog. But guess what: I hate guns! So that never panned out and I ended up here. However, being at Animal Friends is great. I’ve discovered what I really love in life: toys! I love to play with toys and with you, and I’m always up for more. I’m very gentle and can even do well with children, as long as I’m supervised. I like going for rides in the car and I love to cuddle, too! I like some dogs, so if you have one, my friends the Adoption Counselors would be happy to set up a meeting to see if we get along. And good news for you humans: my adoption fee is sponsored! So you’ve got nothing to lose – come on down to Animal Friends and say hello to me, Red! To learn more about these adoptable pets, call Animal Friends at 412.847.7002 or visit us at 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Animal Friends is a non-profit companion animal resource center serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. For more information, visit
Winter Weather Safety Tips ❅ Have a snack before going outside. It will give you energy and keep your body warmer. ❅ Make sure to wear sunscreen on your face. The snow can reflect up to 85% of the sun's ultraviolet rays. ❅ Dress in layers of clothes. Waterproof pants and jackets will keep you dry and warm! ❅ Never go sled riding alone. Always have a parent supervise. ❅ When you’re playing outside, go inside every once in a while to warm up. ❅ If you start to shiver or feel numb, go inside right away and tell an adult.
22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Sophie Sophie is a beautiful domestic shorthaired cat who asks for so little. She found herself at Animal Friends when her previous owner was no longer able to care for her. This gray and white beauty would prefer to go to a quiet household where she can be the only cat. While quite affectionate with the people she has learned to trust, she is shy around strangers and needs time to get used to new surroundings. If you’re looking for a loving, quiet pet then Sophie could be your perfect match! Why not stop by Animal Friends and talk to an Adoptions Counselor?
It ’s the Holidays! Find each of these words in this puzzle.
u r D i n e v i l A g s e F m o a C l l F y r o t r s i olic H By Jamie Ward
Sue Stanny, site director at the Depreciation Lands Museum in Hampton Township, says that most people don't realize that Allegheny County was the “wild west” at one time. “Until the depreciation lands were developed,” she says, “there was nothing here.” The Depreciation Lands museum held its first “Fall Frolic" event in November. Visitors were transported back to the 1790s to lend a hand as settlers prepared for winter. Families participated in historical activities like candle dipping, wool carting, preserving food, and spinning and dying wool. "The end of fall was always spent getting ready for winter," says Stanny. “They were very self-sufficient back then." The Depreciation Lands Museum is a living history museum in Allison Park. It was created by Hampton Township in 1973 to preserve and interpret the early years of European settlement in the Depreciation Lands. “Western Pennsylvania was a real hotbed of activity after the Revolutionary War,” says Stanny, “and unfortunately it's not taught in schools.” The Depreciation Lands were lands that had been set aside by the State of Pennsylvania to compensate its Revolutionary War soldiers for their services. During the war the dollar had depreciated drastically, so the 720,000 acres of land, which included all of the North Hills of Pittsburgh, was known as the Depreciation Lands. “When people realize we can look at our maps of Allegheny County and see who the original landowners were, they are amazed,” says Stanny. The museum has lists of who purchased the land, as well as when it was surveyed, warranted, and patented. The Depreciation Lands Museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays, May through October, and by appointment and special events all year. For more information, visit
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 23
Heart Healthy Dinner... Vegetable Primavera w/ Garlic & Oil Roasted Vegetables (3 oz) Cauliflower, Broccolli, Zuchinni, Carrots and Squash Roast vegetables in a 375 degree oven until soft. Once vegetables are roasted saute in 2 clove fresh garlic and olive oil Toss with 8 oz of whole wheat penne and salt & pepper to taste - Chef Cassandra
Worship In Hampton Would you like to list your Hampton Township church in this directory? Please contact with your church name, website address and phone number.
Allison Park Church 412.487.7220
d at 's locate o ll e C e nt on Park d by Mo provide Highway, Allis s a w e ip The rec William Flynn 4848
Parkwood United Presbyterian Church 412.486.9220 Bakerstown Alliance Church 724.443.7040 St Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral 412.366.4647 St Catherine of Sweden Church 412.486.6001 Calvary Baptist Church 412.487.2130
The Key to Your New Home Experience a New Direction in Real Estate
St Richard Church 724.444.1971 Saint Ursula Church: Religious Ed 412.486.3374
24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 25
Good Tidings for the Greatest Generation
Older Adults in Hampton A
Tax Planning for The New Year
by Jamie Ward Marzina says that the question many to 15 grandchildren and not pay a tax on mericans filing federal returns can expect year-end tax planning to be a it. According to the IRS, you can't deduct people are asking is this: If you have assets that have significant capital gains the value of gifts on your income tax bit more complicated this time around because we don't know what the tax rates return unless they are left to a charitable organization. will be for 2011 just yet. The current Federal estate taxes may have been rates, known as the “Bush tax cuts” from repealed for 2010, but they are set to 2001, are due to expire on Dec 31st of return on January 1, 2011, and will tax up this year. to 55% on estates valued at more than $1 So when the new rates get passed, taxpayers won't have a whole lot of time to million. In 2009 the rate only imposed a plan. Jeff Marzina, executive vice president 45% tax on estates in excess of $3.5 million, and all assets got a “step-up” at Bill Few Associates says that the best in basis when someone died. This meant plan of action here is to be prepared. “For this year,” said Marzina, “it's very that no tax would have to be paid on important that people be paying attention appreciated assets like stock and real to what happens in the political spectrum estate. But under new laws all assets in terms of tax rates for the new year and inherited may be subject to the capital built in, should you accelerate taxes and to make sure you have your advisers lined gains tax. sell those assets in 2010 to ensure 15% If the current administration's up so when rates are set, you don’t wait.” tax rate, instead of waiting for 2011 and proposal to allow rates to expire and Each year, an individual is allowed to having the rate jump to 20%? return to 2009's rate, the “step-up” in give a financial gift of up to $13,000 to The problem here is that taxpayers any or as many individuals as they want to basis will return. Another proposal is to without being subject to a gift tax. If you have most of the current brackets stay but won’t have a lot of time to make these raise tax rates of the highest bracket, and decisions. According to Marzina, if the give beyond this, you must fill out a gift tax return, which goes against the unified taxes on dividends and capital gains jump new tax laws are in place by Dec 1, there will only be a 30-day window to from 15% to 20%. The Republican credit amount that they are allowed to proposal is to extend current tax rates for make any decisions year. So the best give at their death. Right now, this a period of 2 years and cap dividends and thing to do is make those decisions as is not determined. quickly as possible. So you could give gifts of up to 13,000 capital gains at 15%. 26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
How to Prevent Injury this Winter
by Jamie Ward
ith the winter months approaching, it's time to put away the golf clubs and short sleeve shirts and break out the
jackets. It's also time to start thinking about safety. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65 slips and falls each year. It's the number one cause of injury related deaths. So with snow and ice just around the corner (and if moving to Florida is out of the question), it's a good idea to review some tips on keeping yourself safe this winter. • Buy shoes with a non-skid sole or with good traction to get a better grip with the ground. Leather– and plastic-soled shoes have the worst traction in winter weather. • Check for icy railings and avoid icy and uncleared sidewalks and walkways. • Take your time to map out the best route to get wherever you are going, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when you feel you may need it. • If you have to walk over an icy surface, bending your knees and taking slower steps can reduce the risk of falling.
And as always, safety begins at home. Make sure the areas around your home are salted and cleared. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests using rock salt or another chemical de-icing compound. If needed, as a family member or neighbor to help you.
Senior Agencies Center North Senior Center Nativity Lutheran Church 4517 Mt. Royal Blvd. Allison Park, PA 15101 412.486.6426 West Deer Center In the Country 4834 Rt. 910 Allison Park, PA 15101 724.443.8220
Transportation For Older Adults
Free Bus Pass for Senior Citizens The Port Authority allows Allegheny County residents, 65 years of age and older, to ride free on local public transportation (buses, trolleys and rapidtransit lines). Participants must obtain identification cards, which are available free of charge, from participating transportation providers. Call 412.442.2000 for the location nearest to you.
There are several agencies that offer free or reduced ACCESS 65 Plus and rate transportation services ACCESS ADA Program to individuals who qualify. 412.562.5353 or TDD 1.800.654.5984 Medical Assistance ACCESS is door-to-door, Transportation Program advance reservation, (MATP) shared-ride transportation 1.888.547.6287 provided throughout Port Provides non-emergency Authority's service area. medical transportation to It serves primarily senior residents of Allegheny citizens and persons with County who have a valid disabilities. There are no Pennsylvania Department restrictions on the purpose of Public Welfare Medical or number of trips which Assistance Card. may be taken by riders, except that riders are required to share their vehicle with others traveling in the same direction and at the same time.
Older Persons Transportation Transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, senior center activities and other needs throughout Allegheny County is available to adults 60 years of age and older who live in Allegheny County. Call SeniorLine at 412.350.5460. Are you a nonprofit Senior Center serving the needs of our community’s older adults? We would be happy to post your contact information. Please contact Marybeth@incommunity with your center’s name and phone number. Hampton | Winter 2010 | 27
Race directors Hal English and Jean Watson said 486 participants were involved in helping, running, or walking 18th Annual Hampton Alliance for Educational Excellence 5K Run/1 Mile Fun Stroll. Sponsored by UPMC Passavant, the race began at Hampton Middle School. School Superintendent, Dr. Hoover had a unique challenge offering to donate money to HAEE and to middle and high school students that could beat Middle School Principal Dr. Eric Stennett by more than 5 minutes. Folks of all ages sprinted, dashed, or strolled through the beautiful scenery of Hartwood Acres. After the race people could snack on some of the fabulous food provided by Atria’s, Pasquale’s Pizza, and other food and beverage donors. The children had a bouncy jump, lots of games, and face painting. It was a splendid day to exercise and visit with friends and neighbors, all of which was made possible by the racers, donors, and the volunteer Board members of HAEE. See their website for information and more pictures at The winning male was Dominic Wyzomirski, 51, who finished in a time of 17:59 and the women’s winner was 13-year old Laure Neugebauer Wagner with a time of 21:35.
28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
Let the Race Begin!
The Truth About Bankruptcy By Jason J. Mazzei, Esquire
the amount you owe on your credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, and payday loans. We can also force student loan companies to accept lower payments or even no payments for as long as your case lasts. Businesses commonly seek bankruptcy protection when they are in • Bankruptcy will ruin my credit. Not True! • I will lose my home, car and personal belongings if I file. Not True! financial trouble…..why shouldn’t you? Uncle Sam offers businesses and banks a financial bailout when they are in financial difficulty... • Most of my debts are not dischargeable. Not True! where is your financial bailout? Bankruptcy is not for everybody, and • Bankruptcy is immoral. Not True! we do offer alternatives to bankruptcy filing. For a FREE confidential • I must have no money in order to file. Not True! consultation, please contact us toll free at 1-800-BANKRUPT to • My taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Not True! schedule an appointment for an office near you. Our main office is in • I can lose my job if I file for bankruptcy. Not True! Pittsburgh, but we have offices located throughout Pennsylvania, and • Bankruptcy can not help with student loans. Not True! we have an office that is close and convenient to you. With our • Bankruptcy is only for businesses. Not True! experience in bankruptcy, and our low costs, why go anywhere else? Although there may be some limited exceptions to some of the Call us TODAY! 1-800-BANKRUPT or visit us online above myths, for the most part, they are all false when it comes down to the law. If you look up the word bankruptcy in the dictionary, you usually get words like failure and defeat, however; bankruptcy is simply a person or business declaring they are unable to pay creditors. When playing the game Monopoly, when someone goes “bankrupt,” it means that their debts are wiped out, and they start a new game with a “fresh start.” Like the board game, bankruptcy offers a person or a business the ability to start over with a clean slate by wiping out the debt they are saddled with. Bankruptcy is a legal process conducted under Federal Law, which means it’s the highest form of law in the American legal system. With predatory loans and unfair lending practices on the rise, it is difficult to navigate through the small print and know your rights. Every day there are news stories showing the financial difficulty businesses, states, local governments and businesses are experiencing. It should be no surprise that many families and businesses in your neighborhood are having financial difficulties as well. All around us we see signs of the troubled economy, including rising costs of fuel and increased costs of living. Credit card companies have been tightening their credit limits, and increasing the minimum payments. Home foreclosures are on the rise, with no end in sight. One setback, such as a loss of a job, health trouble, divorce, a new child and a (800) 226-5787 or (412) 765-3606 family’s financial troubles worsens. Mazzei & Associates is Pennsylvania’s #1 debt relief agency who helps people and businesses get though these financially difficult times by filing for relief using CAN the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Foreclosures Mazzei & Associates focuses on personal and small business Medical Bills representation. By limiting our practice to bankruptcy law cases, we are Repossessions Tax Levies more familiar with bankruptcy law than lawyers who do not limit their practice. Concentrating the practice also increases a lawyer's efficiency Creditor Harassment Utility Shut-Offs in handling a case, as it is likely that a similar case or matter was Wage Garnishments Collection Calls handled before. Our team of experienced lawyers and debt relief professionals work together to help people keep their most valuable Credit Card Bills Lawsuits assets and using the bankruptcy laws for them….not for their creditors. We will STOP the foreclosure or tax sale on your home We will STOP the repossession of your vehicle. We will STOP utility shut-offs. We will STOP harassing credit card companies, and reduce or eliminate As a bankruptcy attorney, I hear many misconceptions about bankruptcy. Here are a few examples:
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 29
Winter Slow You Down –
Winterizing Your Car Can Keep You Rolling Despite the Conditions A lot of people think that getting ready for winter simply means an annual furnace check,
interizing your vehicle isn’t nearly as hard as it may sound. In fact, thanks to the moderate climate of Western Pennsylvania, and the expediency of our regional public works professionals, there’s little if anything for us to do to prep our cars for winter weather – but there are some things that are just good sense. • Consider changing to thinner oil for the winter. The regular oil you use in the summer
turning off and draining outside can get thicker in the cold of winter, leading to longer start-up times until your engine is properly faucets, and some shrink wrap lubricated. If you aren’t the type who changes your oil on your own, ask your local mechanic over their windows. However, if you don’t winterize your vehicle, you may be stuck in that comfy living room waiting for a ride to come pick you up.
about changing viscosity for the winter months. • Check the basics! If you don’t do anything else, make sure you cover the basics. Make sure your windshield wiper fluid is full with a fluid that won’t freeze in low temperatures, and carry an extra gallon in the trunk. When the Pittsburgh slush flies, it’s easy to go through a full container of wiper fluid. Make sure your tires are inflated properly and that you have enough tread on them. A rule of thumb for minimal thread is to stick a penny in your treads with Lincoln’s head down. If the rubber doesn’t meet his hairline, your tread’s too low. Some people switch to snow tires for the winter, which is never a bad idea. Make sure your spare is inflated properly and that you have a roadside assistance kit. Emergency blankets can easily fit in glove boxes, as do flashlights, ice scrapers and extra gloves.
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• If you don’t have jumper cables, get some! Most car batteries lose charge due to cold temperature. Carrying jumpers not only increases the chances that you’ll find a good Samaritan to jump a charge off of, you can also be the good Samaritan who helps others who may be in distress. Winter driving poses a multitude of challenges, but if you cover these basics, you’ll eliminate a good bit of them. You can't eliminate bad driving, however, so be and keep an eye out for others on the road this time of year.
Tai Pei Celebrates 25 Years of Family and Traditional Chinese Cuisine
You may not know Steve Weng, owner of Tai Pei in Fox Chapel. That’s because before he became the owner of the restaurant and Fox Chapel staple of fine Chinese cuisine, he was working behind the scenes at the restaurant for his father, Charlie, who started Tai Pei 25 years ago. Working his way up from a busboy to waiter and eventually owner, Weng bought out his father’s partners in 2006 and continues to this day to keep Tai Pei in the same family, with the same family recipes that people have loved and praised for more than two decades. “We have customers who have been with us since day one,” Weng said. “We also have customers who have moved away and come back to Pittsburgh and comment that the meal was as good as they remember from their last visit.” That’s because Tai Pei is a stickler for consistency. The same General Tso sauce recipe that they used on day one is the same one they’re using today. Those recipes come from Weng’s mother, when she and her husband came to America from Taiwan. While some things have changed, most notably the addition of their sushi bar several years ago, the great taste of Tai Pei never does. “We believe that we create our dishes at a higher quality and with greater consistency than other restaurants,” Weng said. “Take our General Tso’s sauce. Ours is different
because it’s a recipe that’s been handed down for 25 years. Others try to emulate it, but they can never get it just right.” In response to their silver anniversary, Tai Pei is introducing several new sushi rolls that will leave you wanting more. The Tai Pei Maki Roll is an exquisite work of art created from spicy tuna, crabmeat and avocado topped with seared black peppered salmon with teriyaki sauce, tobiko and tempura flakes. No need for soy sauce here – this roll bursts in your mouth with flavor and texture that’s second to none. The Fuji Yama Roll, which is tuna, salmon and crabmeat topped with avocado and another dose of crabmeat comes with shrimp salad on the side. Tai Pei gets another A+ for creativity and execution with this roll, which you won’t want to share. If sushi’s not your thing, there are more than 200 other offerings on Tai Pei’s menu to choose from, each of them a generous portion of the freshest meats and vegetables that you won’t find anywhere else. The General Tso’s Chicken is marinated in a light and smoky sauce that screams “authentic,” distancing itself from the sweet and sticky sauces found in lesser restaurants. The Seafood Delight lives up to its name and then some with plenty of jumbo shrimp, scallops, crabmeat and a lobster tail with a vegetable medley in a white wine sauce. Unlike other places that mask flavors with heavy sauces, Tai Pei’s sauces all seem to complement the dishes perfectly, letting you savor the juicy flavor of each succulent shrimp and the sauce together, not one over the other. It’s no wonder that Tai Pei has won numerous accolades and awards in their 25-year history, including being
voted one of the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the United States in 2007. With ample room for large parties, Tai Pei’s delicious delights are available for pick-up and delivery. Weng said delivery is available to a four to seven mile radius, further for large parties and catering. For your party or office function, Tai Pei can transport their sushi bar to the site so that you’ll have the freshest sushi made to order. Tai Pei is located at 1124 Freeport Road in Fox Chapel, and can be reached at 412.781.4131. For their full menu, check out their website at, where you can download a coupon for your next meal!
Hampton | Winter 2010 | 31
For additional information, call the North Park Ice Rink at 724.935.1280 or the South Park Ice Rink at 412.833.1499. 2011 Family, Senior and Individual Pool Pass Certificates and 2011 Senior Golf Certificates are available as holiday gifts. Call 412.350.2468 for details.
The North Park and South Park ice rinks offer gift certificates, and the rinks are available to rent for special occasions.
Call 724.942.0940
The Parks Department will once again offer both free and paid skating lessons throughout the season to residents ages five and older.
The Allegheny County Parks Department today announced the North Park and South Park ice rinks will open on Thursday, November 4, weather and conditions permitting. The 2010-2011 ice skating season will run through mid-March 2011.
Social Security Column -Our Most Convenient Office is Online-
Connecting People’s Resources with People’s Needs
BBF, a 52-year old Pittsburgh-based international charity, has provided over $3.4 billion of medical supplies, textbooks, food, seeds, and other humanitarian supplies to people around the world in over 140 countries. In the !rst nine months of 2010 alone, BBF sent product contributions to those in need in 48 countries including Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Malawi, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda and Vietnam. These shipments were the equivalent of 175 tractor trailer loads with an estimated value of over $175 million. Also in 2010, BBF furnished supplies for 175 medical and humanitarian hand-carry mission trips that served 33 countries.
Bella Frutteto Catering Available for Your Holiday Parties Corner of Brandt School Rd. & Rt. 910 (Just off the Wexford Exit from I79)
724.940.7777 $5 off a purchase of $25 or more Not valid with any other offers.
You probably don’t need anyone to tell you that times are tough for many people right now. The past year has seen a recession-driven increase in applications for Social Security retirement and disability benefit applications. These increases translate into busier offices and telephone lines. So if you need information, or want to apply for benefits, visit the most conveniently located office Social Security has: our online office at There, you can apply online for retirement, spouses, and disability benefits. There’s no need to fight the traffic to visit an office or wait for an appointment. Our website makes it simple, allowing you to apply for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes. If you’re not certain you’re ready to apply, we have online resources that can help you decide. Our Retirement Estimator will allow you to enter different scenarios to come up with the retirement plan best for you. You can find it at estimator. A Disability Starter Kit makes it easy to prepare for your disability application. The kit explains the documentation and information you’ll be required to share on the application, and includes checklists and worksheets to help take the mystery out of applying. You can find the Disability Starter Kit at disability on the left-hand side of the page. There are other things you can do online, such as applying for a replacement Medicare card, and requesting an SSA-1099 for tax purposes. You can learn about these and other online services at onlineservices. When you are ready to apply for Social Security benefits, everything you need is at your fingertips. Just visit applyonline. The Social Security Administration wishes to thank In Community Magazine for providing this space for their use.
- Curt Brown, Social Security Area Director
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10 Top Tips to Sell Your Home in Hampton Linda DiBucci Full time agent for 25+ years Effective and skilled negotiator Specializes in the North Hills Currently in the top 14 agents at Coldwell Banker Pittsburgh
1. KNOW YOUR MARKET…Market conditions change constantly. Check out your competition by attending open houses in your area. 2. PRICE YOUR HOME COMPETITIVELY…An overpriced home with get “labeled” quickly, which could be detrimental to the seller. 3. LESS IS MORE…Organize and remove all obvious clutter. Clean off kitchen counters, remove pictures from refrigerator, clean out closets and box up things not needed everyday. A buyer will not buy something they cannot see. 4. CLEAN YOUR HOUSE…Buyers look at homes with an extremely discriminating eye. They want the best product on the market for their money. Make your home the best product. Freshen up…touch up woodwork/baseboard paint, wipe walls down, clean carpets and light fixtures. 5. FRESHEN UP…Touch up woodwork/ baseboard paint, wipe walls down, clean carpets and light fixtures. 6. MANICURE THE “RUFF” SPOTS… Clean walkways, remove weeds, lay fresh mulch, trim shrubbery and remove all items not intended to be there (bikes, garbage cans, toys, tools, etc…).
7. STAGING IS ENGAGING…Stage the interior and exterior of your home. Simple refiguration of furniture or introduction to color can completely change the look and make a room feel more inviting to a buyer. 8. MAKE A LIST OF POSITIVE FEATURES…What made you buy your home? Make a list of local positive features (parks, stores, easy access to roadways, neighborhood activities, schools, hospitals, etc…) and a list of updates/special features of the home (sprinkler or alarm system installed, addition added, custom cabinetry, etc…). 9. NO DRESS REHEARSAL…Every showing of your home is important to have it looking its best. Please have curtains open, lights on and free of any odors (soft music playing is always nice). 10. HIRE A PRO…Only a licensed and experienced professional can effectively market your home. Interview a few agents and choose the one that you feel comfortable with selling your home. They must be knowledgeable of your area to price and market it correctly. Technology is a major player when selling your home…make sure your agent is doing everything and more than you expect.
603 East McMurray Road McMurray I PA I 15317 724.942.0940
Our Family of Magazines is Growing!
ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS Our community magazines partner with over 20 School Districts and Townships. We direct mail to over 518,000 households including these new fall 2010 additions:
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