International Coach Academy Graduate Yearbook Global July - December 2015

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Graduate year book GLOBAL PROGRAM July-December, 2015 Showcasing our Graduate Coaches from Around the World

international coach academy

Alejandro Fernandez

Lisa Lam

Tonia Jenny

Alagappan Nachiappan

Amy Scott

Ann Parnes

Regina Longo

Todd Mauney

Anna Champion

Alexandra Lopez-McLean

Cate Baio

Richard Haynes

Susan Chen

Chris Walters

Aksela Kolodziejczyk

Debra Ross

Sabine Röthlisberger

Stephanie Townsend

Cornelia GuenzelDahinten

Virginie Mangin

Heather Skomp

Taaka Awori

bikar Wallaberger

Jennifer Bisser

Vicki Walker

Ian Kain

Wayne Farrell

Sandipa Thapa Basnyat

Joni Holub

Tiffany Parrish

Ingrid Kuehtz

Annette Ainsbury

Pauline Mkala

Linda Hajduk

Szénia Kósa

Jose Antonio Villalobos Sarria

Inas Ghanem

Nivedita Das Narayan

Lisa Eklund

Sarah O’Reilly

Kyla Neill

Kalaivani Mattern

Maria Rannila

Mark Johnson

Pam Vas

Anne Grospiron

Lara Atallah

Lionel Bikart

Stacey Wallaberger

Raffaella Semeghini

Anne Prieur

Kashmira Irani

Lisa Liljeberg

Meike Sperber

Nisreen Sadek

Ashley Gork

Dragos Marian

Margherita Brodbeck Roth Kathleen Vellinga-Suprata

Richard Haynes

Ashvin Deshpande

Deborah Brown

Maria Paredes

Jessica Mackie

Juliette Posner

Beng Lai Tan

David Moseman

Marie Laure Dancer

Cinque Parker

Hala Fayed

Doukessa Lerias

Vegavahini Subramaniam

Nasos Fotopoulos

Alfreda McCray

Chander Mishra

Gloria Antonia Hinds

Valerie Lyons

Susie Parker

Abigail Wallin

Violetta Psofaki

Julie Bartleson

Sherri Lojzer

Kimberly Denise

Nadia Themistokleous

GRADUATE COACHES The following students have completed and graduated from a training program at International Coach Academy between July and December 2015.

Advanced Coach Training Program Alejandro Fernandez, Leadership Coach, COSTA RICA Alexandra Lopez-McLean, Transformational Life, FRANCE Amy Scott, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Anna Champion, Career Coach, HONG KONG Anne Grospiron, Neuroscience Coach, FRANCE Anne Prieur, ADHD Coach, SWITZERLAND Annette Ainsbury, Life Coach, CANADA Cate Baio, Transformational Coach, CANADA Chander Mishra, Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES Chris Walters, Personal Development Coach, UNITED STATES Cornelia Guenzel-Dahinten, Relationship and Family Coach, SINGAPORE David Moseman, Life and Health Coach, UNITED STATES Deborah Brown, Executive Coach, UNITED STATES Doukessa Lerias, Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES Gloria Antonia Hinds, Life Coach, BARBADOS Heather Skomp, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Ian Kain, Executive Coach, CANADA Ingrid Kuehtz, Leadership Coach, GERMANY Joni Holub, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Jose Antonio Villalobos Sarria, Leadership Coach, UNITED STATES Kalaivani Mattern, Cross-Cultural Coach, GERMANY Kimberly Denise Dennis, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Kyla Neill, Career Coach, AUSTRALIA Lionel Bikart, International Leadership Coach, JAPAN Margherita Brodbeck Roth, Executive Coach, SWITZERLAND Maria Rannila, Cross-Cultural Coach, SWITZERLAND Meike Sperber, Life and Career Coach, HONG KONG Sabine Rรถthlisberger, Leadership Coach, SWITZERLAND international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Advanced Coach Training Program (cont.) Nivedita Das Narayan, Life Coach, INDIA Richard Haynes, Business Coach, CANADA Sarah O’Reilly, Life Coach, AUSTRALIA Sherri Lojzer, Leadership Coach, CANADA Stacey Wallaberger, Business Coach, SWITZERLAND Stephanie Townsend, Life Coach, NEW ZEALAND Szénia Kósa, Transformational Coach, HUNGARY Taaka Awori, Leadership Coach, GHANA Tan Beng Lai, Business Coach, SINGAPORE Valerie Lyons, Life Transitions Coach, UNITED STATES Virginie Mangin, Career Coach, SWITZERLAND

Certified Coach Training Program Abigail Wallin, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Axela Rinoa, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Coach, UNITED KINGDOM Alagappan Nachiappan, Executive Coaching, MALAYSIA Alfreda McCray, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Ann Parnes, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Ashley Gork, Career coach, UNITED STATES Ashvin Deshpande, Transformational Coach, INDIA Cinque Parker, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Hala Fayed, Family and Life Coach, KUWAIT Inas Ghanem, Leadership and Business Coach, EGYPT Jessica Mackie, Transformational Coach, NEW ZEALAND Julie Bartleson, Fulfillment Coach, UNITED STATES Juliette Posner, Transformational and Business Coach, UNITED STATES Kathleen Vellinga-Suprata, Creative Life Coach, UNITED STATES Kashmira Irani, Transformational Coach, INDIA Lara Atallah, Life Coach, EGYPT Linda Hajduk, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Lisa Eklund, Equestrian Performance Coach, UNITED STATES Lisa Liljeberg, Career Coach, ITALY 2 international coach academy | year book July - December 2015

Certified Coach Training Program (cont.) Marie Laure Dancer, Career Coach, MALAYSIA Mark Johnson, Spiritual Coach, UNITED STATES Nadia Themistokleous, Transformational Coach, CYPRUS Nasos Fotopoulos, Life Coach, GREECE Pam Vas, Career Coach, SINGAPORE Pauline Mkala, Life Coach, KENYA Raffaella Semeghini, Executive Coach, ITALY Sandipa Thapa Basnyat, Career Coach, NEPAL Susan Chen, Change and Career Coach, SINGAPORE Susie Parker, Life Coach, AUSTRALIA Tiffany Parrish, Executive Coach, UNITED STATES Todd Mauney, Business Coach, UNITED STATES Tonia Jenny, Life Coach, UNITED STATES Vegavahini Subramaniam, Career and Transition Coach, UNITED STATES Vicki Walker, Life Coach, GREECE Violetta Psofaki, Coach, COUNTRY Wayne Farrell, Business Coach, UNITED KINGDOM

Certified Coach Training Program (BRIDGING) Jennifer Bisser, Career Coach, UNITED STATES

ESSENTIAL Coach Training Program Lisa Lam, Leadership Coach, AUSTRALIA Nisreen Sadek, Youth Coach, EGYPT Maria Paredes, Coach Supervision, SPAIN

Professional Coach Skills Debra Ross, Life Coach, SAINT LUCIA Regina Longo, Life Coach, CANADA international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Alejandro Fernandez Leadership Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help others to use their darkside to live a more awakened life.

View Portfolio: Coach/Alejandro-Fernandez Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Alejandro-Fernandez

Ann Parnes Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: Supervised coaching was by far my favorite. It proved to be the most informative and useful of all. The feedback I received was immensely beneficial and I am certain that the skills I acquired will benefit me throughout my coaching career. View Portfolio: Coach/Ann-Parnes Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Ann-Parnes

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Cate Baio Transformational Coach, Canada My memorable moment: During a laser coaching session, I had the confirmation that I am on the right career path and that in fact I will be good at what I do. On the flip side, it released in me a whole bunch of fear! I had to dig deep in order to embrace and acknowledge the coach that I am today. View Portfolio: Coach/Cate-Baio Contact:

Debra Ross Life Coach, SAINT LUCIA My memorable moment: When working with my peer coach I realized that if I could choose to let go of my limiting beliefs then I could accomplish anything. It was at that moment I realized that coaching really works! View Portfolio: Coach/Debra-Ross Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Debra-Ross

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Heather Skomp Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: When I got to meet in person two of my ICA students and friends - one from Germany, and one from Vancouver. We met up in Washington state for a weekend and had the best time ever! The friends I have met in ICA are worth their weight in gold. View Portfolio: Coach/Heather-Skomp Contact:

Ian Kain Executive Coach, Canada My memorable moment: The Advanced ICA syllabus holds the topics I always wanted o grow and evolve in, in a more profound and structured way. I love the ICA open approach to be able to develop as a coach in my own unique authentic way. View Portfolio: Coach/Ian-Kain Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Ian-Kain

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Ingrid Kuehtz Leadership Coach, Germany My memorable moment: When I identified the theme of my research paper: Business Change Management and Individual Change Management. This encouraged me finally to now start to build my coaching profession. View Portfolio: Coach/Ingrid-Kuehtz Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Ingrid-Kuehtz

Jose Antonio Villalobos Sarria Leadership Coach, United States My memorable moment: ICA was an extraordinary journey. I had the opportunity to grow as a person and to validate my skills and professional experience as a leadership coach. What is amazing is that as part of the Advanced Program the journey continues. View Portfolio: Coach/Jose-Sarria Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Jose-Sarria

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Kyla Neill Career Coach, Australia Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use more of my coaching skills to support internal employees with the establishing of goals aligning with corporate strategy and vision, as well as fostering the development of positive personal career paths.

View Portfolio: Coach/Kyla-Neill Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Kyla-Neill

Lisa Lam Leadership Coach, Australia My memorable moment: Coaching as part of being a leader or manager was a skill that I was always interested in knowing more of and during the course, there were many “a-ha� moments of self awareness and self discovery which led to me pursuing coaching. View Portfolio: Coach/Lisa-Lam Contact:

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Regina Longo Life Coach, Canada My memorable moment: During one of my first teleclasses. I knew the instant the class started that the energy, passion and messages provided were resonating with my inner truths and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be on my path. Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Regina-Longo

Richard Haynes Business Coach, Canada My memorable moment: During the Supervised where each one of us was on a journey of self-discovery and openness to learning. I also truly enjoyed the gifts of acknowledgement that would come when needed after posting comments or assignments on the forum. View Portfolio: Coach/Richard-Haynes Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Richard-Haynes

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Sabine Rรถthlisberger Leadership Coach, Switzerland My memorable moment: There were many moments that made ICA a great experience for me. However, I would like to point out Observed Coaching, where everything I learned came together.

View Portfolio: Coach/Sabine-Rรถthlisberger Contact:

Taaka Awori Leadership Coach, Ghana My memorable moment: It was for sure Supervised Coaching. I was so nervous yet it was by far the most valuable experience in terms of practical learning. The feedback I got and the support from my fellow students was just wonderful. View Portfolio: Coach/Taaka-Awori Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Taaka-Awori

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Wayne Farrell Business Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my coaching skills to help and inspire others to achieve their dreams and live the life they deserve.

View Portfolio: Coach/Wayne-Farrell Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Wayne-Farrell

Annette Ainsbury Life Coach, Canada Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my coaching skills formally as a coach in my workplace. It’s been an amazing benefit for our middle managers when previously we couldn’t afford to hire someone externally. I have integrated the coaching skills into the design and delivery of training material with great results. View Portfolio: Coach/Annette-Ainsbury Contact: LinkedIn/Annette-Ainsbury

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Inas Ghanem Leadership and Business Coach, Egypt Now that I have graduated I plan to: Carry the lights for people to find their true selves, passion and achieve their dreams.

View Portfolio: Coach/Inas-Ghanem Contact:

Kalaivani Mattern Cross-Cultural Coach, Germany My memorable moment: Advanced supervised coaching brought me a group that was so extraordinary that I have never felt more supported. The whole journey with ICA was fantastic and helped me empower myself. A big thank you to all at ICA for this fantastic opportunity. View Portfolio: Coach/Kalaivani-Mattern Contact:

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Maria Rannila Cross-Cultural Coach, Switzerland My memorable moment: Supervised coaching and my wonderful peer students. The uplifting atmosphere of presence and the truthful, accurate and supportive feedback were amazing I will never forget this!

View Portfolio: Coach/Maria-Rannila Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Maria-Rannila

Nivedita Das Narayan Executive and Integral Life Coach, India Now that I have graduated I plan to: Work with individuals seeking clarity and alignment in life and are keen to find a purpose for forward momentum in their personal & professional life.

View Portfolio: Coach/Nivedita-Das-Narayan Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Pauline Mkala Life Coach, Kenya My memorable moment: Meeting a peer coach who coached me through some very difficult moments and our agreement to working together.

View Portfolio: Coach/Pauline-Mkala Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Pauline-Mkala

Sandipa Thapa Basnyat Career Coach, Nepal My memorable moment: There are so many but the teleclasses created so much self awareness that I feel I am a better human being.

View Portfolio: Coach/Sandipa-Thapa-Basnyat Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Sandipa-Thapa-Basnyat

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Stacey Wallaberger Retail Coach, Switzerland My memorable moment: During the first supervised coaching. My client was like John Wayne rapidly firing away, she was precise, fast on the draw and decisive. It was incredible how we managed to dance in the moment and do the Salsa together without hesitation until she reached her goal. View Portfolio: Coach/Stacey-Wallaberger Contact:

Stephanie Townsend Life Coach, New Zealand My memorable moment: I loved supervised coaching. The group of coaches that I shared the experience with were so talented and I learned so much from them. We were all so supportive of one and other. I would do it again if I could.

View Portfolio: Coach/Stephanie-Townsend Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Susan Chen Change and Career Coach, Singapore Now that I have graduated I plan to: Inspire individuals to Unlearn and tap into their full potential.

View Portfolio: Coach/Susan-Chen Contact: LinkedIn/pub/ Susan-Chen

Todd Mauney Business Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my ICA training to make an even greater and more transformative impact on businesses, their leaders and all whom they touch. My ICA training was a sharpening process, allowing me to do more great work with less effort, making it even more enjoyable. View Portfolio: Coach/Todd-Mauney Contact:

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Tonia Jenny Life Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help others see their creative gifts and supporting them in finding ways to make their lives more meaningful.

View Portfolio: Coach/Tonia-Jenny Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Tonia-Jenny

Alagappan Nachiappan Executive Coach, Malaysia My memorable moment: Reinventing myself and realizing that I could make a real difference by helping others realize their true potential.

View Portfolio: Coach/Alagappan-Nachiappan Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Anna Champion Career Coach, Hong Kong My memorable moment: When I realised that everyone has their own diverse and individual style. You need to embrace it rather than try to be mirror someone else’s style that you respect.

View Portfolio: Coach/Anna-Champion Contact:

Chris Walters Personal Development Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use coaching to help people become mindful and self aware so they can realize and achieve their full potential.

View Portfolio: Coach/Chris-Walters Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Chris-Walters

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Cornelia Guenzel-Dahinten Relationship and Parenting Coach, Singapore Now that I have graduated I plan to: Coach parents and families on anything to get closer to how they want to show up in their lives.

View Portfolio: Coach/Cornelia-Guenzel-Dahinten Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Cornelia-Guenzel-Dahinten

Jennifer Bisser Career Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my coaching skills to help youth and adults find their purpose and meaning in life through a fulfilling career.

View Portfolio: Coach/Jennifer-Bisser Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Jennifer-Bisser

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Joni Holub Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: When I was listening to everybody checking in from all over the globe and realized that more than any time in my life, I was touching the whole world. On that call, at that focused time, we were together in love and respect with a common goal. It was very powerful! View Portfolio: Coach/Joni-Holub Contact:

Linda Hajduk Life Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Work as an executive leadership coach focused on women. I already have clients and am so excited in beginning this new journey!

View Portfolio: Coach/Linda-Hajduk Contact:

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Lisa Eklund Equestrian Performance Coach, United States My memorable moment: The final observed experience was the highlight of everything. It was a fabulous group that supported one another and I am sure we will all stay connected in our journeys.

View Portfolio: Coach/Lisa-Eklund Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Lisa-Eklund

Mark Johnson Spiritual Coach, United States My memorable moment: When I realized that the last 40 years of meditation practice, work as a psychotherapist and counselor, and immersion in the Tibetan Buddhist community, all come together in this vocation of Buddhist-inspired coaching.

View Portfolio: Coach/Mark-Johnson Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Pam Vas Career Coach, Singapore My memorable moment: Learning a lot from the conversations with other fellow ICA students as well as from the lessons and coaching sessions. The international flavour of ICA is irreplaceable. We are so far yet just a Skype call away! View Portfolio: Coach/Pam-Vas Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Pam-Vas

Sarah O’Reilly Life Coach, Australia My memorable moment: Coaching and being coached by peers all over the world. I love the connections and the community we can build. I also enjoyed the classes with the teachers.

View Portfolio: Coach/Sarah-O’Reilly Contact:

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Szénia Kósa Transformationa Coach, Hungary My memorable moment: I am very glad that I got know some of my close friends through ICA.

View Portfolio: Coach/Szénia-Kosa Contact:

Tiffany Parrish Executive Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Apply my coaching skills by working with executives, business owners, managers, and leaders on ways to maximize their personal and professional potential.


international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Vicki Walker Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: My experience being a peer client as well as a peer coach.

View Portfolio: Coach/Vicki-Walker Contact:

Virginie Mangin Career Coach, Switzerland Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help people discover themselves, move forward and become themselves.

View Portfolio: Coach/Virginie-Mangin Contact:

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Aksela Kolodziejczyk Leadership and Entrepreneurship Coach, United Kingdom Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help people willing to move onto a new level of leading people, balancing their work and home life. I am also excited to offer coaching to entrepreneurs in order to support them in making their dreams come true. View Portfolio: Coach/Aksela-Kolodziejczyk Contact:

Alexandra Lopez-McLean Transformational Life Coach, France Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my coaching as a catalyst for those who want to transform the emptiness of a mid-life crisis into a fulfilling mid-life celebration.

View Portfolio: Coach/Alexandra-Lopez-McLean Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Amy Scott Life Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Support individuals who are interested in creating, and thriving in, a locationindependent lifestyle.

View Portfolio: Coach/Amy-Scott Contact:

Anne Grospiron Neuroscience Coach, France My memorable moment: Observed coaching was the best part. A great connection with the same group of students, and a wonderful learning opportunity!


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Anne Prieur ADHD Coach, Switzerland Now that I have graduated I plan to: Coach children who have ADHD together with their parents in order to help them better understand how to support their children.

View Portfolio: Coach/Anne-Prieur Contact:

Ashley Gork Career Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use my coaching education and experiences to help young professionals and students navigate through the messiness of life by choosing the most strategic and effective routes to get to their desired destinations.

View Portfolio: Coach/Ashley Gork Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Ashvin Deshpande Transformational Coach, India My memorable moment: Oral assessment while Supervised Coaching.

View Portfolio: Coach/Ashvin-Deshpande Contact:

Beng Lai Tan Business Coach, Singapore My memorable moment: During the coaching session as a client and peer coaching. This allowed me as a coach to understand how a client will benefit from a good coaching session.

View Portfolio: Coach/Beng-Lai-Tan Contact:

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Doukessa Lerias Transformational and Motivational Coach, United States My memorable moment: Being coached by other coaches. And writing my research paper, which was an “aha� moment as I consolidated everything I had learnt and gained from the program.

View Portfolio: Coach/Doukessa-Lerias Contact:

Gloria Antonia Hinds Life Coach, Barbados Now that I have graduated I plan to: Provide a safe confidential, supportive space through Global Impact International where people can explore in a way that is meaningful to them, in order to move from actuality to possibility and beyond.

View Portfolio: Coach/Gloria-Antonia-Hinds Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Julie Bartleson Fulfillment Coach, United States My memorable moment: Learning that the learning is a life long journey and throughout the ICA community of coaches the support has been a wonderful training.

View Portfolio: Coach/Julie-Bartleson Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Julie-Bartleson

Kimberly Denise Dennis Business Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help people who are growing a side business while holding down a full-time job to clarify their vision and maintain their focus.

View Portfolio: Coach/Kimberly-Denise Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Kimberly-Denise

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Nadia Themistokleous Transformational Coach, Cyprus My memorable moment: The class of Underlying Belief made me realize how much burdens we carry from society, family and they are all under underlying belief label. It took me lot of time of mediation and thinking to sort out, understand and pass over lot of those beliefs. View Portfolio: Coach/Nadia-Themistokleous Contact:

Sherri Lojzer Women’s Leadership Coach, Canada Now that I have graduated I plan to: Continue working with strong alpha female women leaders who are already successful in their lives to create safe spaces for them to be open and vulnerable for self exploration and development in a supported environment. View Portfolio: Coach/Sherri-Lojzer Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Valerie Lyons Life Transitions Coach, united States My memorable moment: I particularly loved the Mentoring and Observed Coaching classes. I learned so much from the Instructors and ICA students. I saw my coaching skills expand through this process. The other amazing benefit of participating in ICA is being a member of a powerful global community. View Portfolio: Coach/Valerie-Lyons Contact:

Vegavahini Subramaniam Career Coach, United States My memorable moment: In one of the classes when a coaching situation became challenging and tense. I recognized how transformed I’d become through my coach training, because I stayed present in the situation and felt comfortable with whatever outcome might happen. It was amazing. View Portfolio: Coach/Vegavahini-Subramaniam Contact:

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David Moseman Life and Health Coach, United States My memorable moment: The moment I realized that I coach others naturally. Over the years I often advised others and gave prescriptions, I would also ask question that made them look anew at things.

View Portfolio: Coach/David-Moseman Contact:

Deborah Brown Life and Executive Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help executives and professionals who are experiencing a plateau in their career or life break through that phase and step into their next chapter.


international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Dragos Marian Executive Coach, Romania My memorable moment: Being pushed out of my comfort zone, repeatedly, until I learned.

View Portfolio: Coach/Dragos-Marian Contact:

Kashmira Irani Transformational Coach, India My memorable moment: I loved waking up and going on calls at all hours of the day. It was a thrill to join minds from across the globe.

View Portfolio: Coach/Kashmira-Irani Contact:

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Lara Atallah Life Coach, Egypt My memorable moment: When I volunteered to be a coach in the practicum after my second day of registration at ICA. I really don’t know how I got the guts to do this but I guess it’s because I had no expectation from myself or anyone so I was confident and this is my lesson. View Portfolio: Coach/Lara-Atallah Contact:

Lionel Bikart International Leadership Coach, Japan Now that I have graduated I plan to: Support managers and leaders who decided to strengthen their leadership and intercultural competencies. Coaching focused on intercultural competencies inspires more effectiveness in multicultural diversified teams and ensures a thriving expatriation experience. View Portfolio: Coach/Lionel-Bikart Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Lionel-Bikart

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Lisa Liljeberg Career Coach, Italy My memorable moment: When I had the honor of representing ICA, and doing a live coaching demo at the ICF conference in Milano!

View Portfolio: Coach/Lisa-Liljeberg Contact:

Margherita Brodbeck Roth Executive and Leadership Coach, Switzerland Now that I have graduated I plan to: Use coaching as a tool to develop the capabilities of high-potential performers and subject matter experts alike.

View Portfolio: Coach/Margherita-Brodbeck-Roth Contact:

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Maria Paredes Coach Supervision, Spain My memorable moment: When I first attended Business Lab and we were able to explore my niche.

View Portfolio: Coach/Maria-Paredes Contact:

Marie Laure Dancer Career Coach, Malaysia My memorable moment: When I felt so close from my first client who lives in United States as I live in Asia and to feel the connection and trust we’ve built in one hour beyond our different cultures and overseas. Amazing moment!

View Portfolio: Coach/Marie-Laure-Dancer Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Nasos Fotopoulos Life Coach, Greece My memorable moment: When I realized that I would complete my studies in ICA, in the time frame I had set. I then managed to make an everyday habit of attending the classes, going to the forum and reading the material. My life became more structured and my paradigm changed. View Portfolio: Coach/Nasos-Fotopoulos Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Nasos-Fotopoulos

Susie Parker Life Coach, Australia Now that I have graduated I plan to: Work with individuals, groups and companies with a special interest in coaching creative using a mixed methodology consisting of cognitive behavioural coaching, NLP and solutions focused coaching.

View Portfolio: Coach/Susie-Parker Contact:

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Violetta Psofaki Life Coach, Greece My memorable moment: I treasure every hour I spent and every class I attended during my Coaching journey in ICA. One of the most memorable moments though was when, as a coach, I was able to support and reinforce my peer clients to achieve whatever they wanted. View Portfolio: Coach/Violetta-Psofaki Contact:

Abigail Wallin Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: The teleclasses. They are full of wonderful conversation and serve as an interactive learning experience.

View Portfolio: Coach/Abigail-Wallin Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Alfreda McCray Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: Getting through the supervised coaching with my cohort and feeling like, “Wow, this is such a great team. Imagine what we can do in the world.�

View Portfolio: Coach/Alfreda-McCray Contact:

Chander Mishra Transformational Coach, United States Now that I have graduated I plan to: Help transform one individual at a time.


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Cinque Parker Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: When I realized that my initial investment in ICA had already been exceeded by what I gained within the first few months. This was based on the realization that in order to be most impactful as a coach, I needed to first do my work and embrace the coaching process. View Portfolio: Coach/Cinque-Parker Contact:

Hala Fayed Family and Life Coach, Kuwait My memorable moment: The minute I passed the Oral Exam deeply touched my heart, because for me, it academically documented my ability to live my life passion.

View Portfolio: Coach/Hala-Fayed Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Jessica Mackie Transformational Coach, New Zealand My memorable moment: The realisation that my ability to provide an open, effective space for clients to transform themselves in is a direct reflection of my own inner process of transformation.

View Portfolio: Coach/Jessica-Mackie Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Jessica-Mackie

Juliette Posner Transformational Coach, United States My memorable moment: I realized that it was the journey of my own coaching transformation that is the most memorable. I found my coaching voice during mentor group coaching, and that allowed me to create powerful questions in my day to day life.

View Portfolio: Coach/Juliette-Posner Contact:

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Kathleen Vellinga-Suprata Creative Life Coach, United States My memorable moment: The instant I realized I could let go of feeling responsibility for my clients, that it was THEIR quest, and I was simply a guide along the way.

View Portfolio: Coach/Kathleen-Vellinga-Suprata Contact:

Meike Sperber Life and Career Coach, Hong Kong My memorable moment: I love the fact that although it is a global online program, I made great connections, learned from so many different people and actually made friends.

View Portfolio: Coach/Meike-Sperber Contact:

international coach academy | year book July - December 2015


Nisreen Sadek Youth Coach, Egypt Now that I have graduated I plan to: Enhance the lives of youth to become better people, to unleash their talents so that they can spread positivity in the world.

View Portfolio: Coach/Nisreen-Sadek Contact:

Raffaella Semeghini Executive Coach, Italy My memorable moment: Everything had been a memorable journey of learning, connected with coaches from all over the world. Amazing!

Contact: LinkedIn/pub/Raffaella-Semeghini

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