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Staff/ contributors Editor in Chief Casey Geren Art Director Samuel Guevara Copy Editor Christopher Dorsey Entertainment Editor Reilly T. Bates Sex/Love/Dating Editor Lexa James Fashion Mito Aviles Travel Christina Loglisci Anthony Pallitto music Christine Solomon food Esther Trinh

Contributing Photographers Steve Erle Josh Williams

cover Ashley Tisdale Photography by SteveErle Shot on location at siren studios

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table of

content 06 10 18 20 32 34 38 44

art - The Woman Standing Behind the Still Life

kevin alejandro - The Man with the Midas Touch

sex love dating - Feed your mouth something sexy...

Ashley Tisdale - All Grown Up

Food - Channel Orange

Music - otep

travel - hong kong

fashion - “The Block’s” A to Z Fashion Guide

COVER wardrobe CREDITS: Jkt: Stella & Jamie this page - wardrobe CREDITS: Dress by: blessed are the meek






Coming across Southern California native Terry Romero Paul’s work is worthy of a comparison to a breath of fresh air. The artist is unique, fun, and altogether refreshing. Her upcoming solo show in Santa Monica, These Shoes Are Made

For Talking: Every Pair Tells A Story, is anticipated by many, and one could only expect it will feature some of her best work yet. We caught up with Paul to get to know her creative spirit and what is behind her stunning works.



Aninterview interviewwith withrenowned renownedCalifornia-based California-based An artistTerry TerryRomero RomeroPaul Paul artist By: Reilly T. Bates ICON: Have you always been a creative person? What kind of journey did it take for you to get to where you are now? Terry Romero Paul: From my earliest memory, I enjoyed drawing, but I was encouraged to be practical and take typing so that I would always find work. But when I finally took my first art class, I fell in love forever. It took me many years to finally get my art degree. I would take night classes while working full time and raising my two sons. I was 40 before I proudly graduated with a B.A. in Art . ICON: Where have you drawn inspiration for your work? Your still life work of pastries and other desserts make us hungry.


TRP: There were two influences as I think back. The first was Disney animation. .It transported me into a world of color and fantasy. I took background -painting classes for animation and studied under a very talented artist and Disney animator by the name of Serge Michaels. He taught me color, how to see it, and how to mix the paint to get the color I saw. Unfortunately, my timing was off because the animation industry was moving from hand painting to computer painting. I took classes to learn that skill, but I hated working at the computer instead of with a brush. I am a very tactile person. I adore the buttery texture and the wonderful blending ability of oil paints, At that point, I started my fine art journey, and I was able to use much of what I learned in the background painting classes.

The second influence was the delicious treats that were available from the back of the Helms truck, a bakery truck that would travel the streets of Los Angeles when I was a child. . The driver would blow his whistle to announce his entry into the neighborhoods. When we waved to get him to stop, he would open the double doors on the back of the truck and the smell would be intoxicating. OIn view were beautiful baked goods including doughnuts. Those images stayed with me. When I started my series of doughnut paintings, I reconnected to that wonderful feeling I realized that desserts are more than tasty treats, they also hold strong memories of celebrations and happy moments surrounded by family and friends. The joy of people coming together is what I like most about my dessert paintings. I have never shown a piece of my sweet art without seeing smiles onf the viewer’s faces (or complaints of hunger). Seeing

the joy on my viewer’s faces gives me the most satisfaction. ICON: A lot of creative people have mentors or some sort of help along the way,; have you had a mentor or has this been an independent experience for you? TRP: I went through a serious health problem. Coming close to your own mortality changes your perception of life. I came away from that experience with the thought that “life is sweet, take a bite”.” Participate in your life, don’t take it for granted and gather happiness wherever you can find it. [Note to reader: The artist gives disclosuremore insight in to health issues on her website, given below.]

ICON: How does the creative process differ for you between still life and landscape? TRP: I am most noted for my still life paintings, although I enjoy painting landscapes as well, I recently asked a gallery owner why my landscapes seemed less popular than my still life. She said it’s something that resonated with me. She told me that my still life paintings were “whole,” and that I owned those images and that my landscapes were merely pretty. I think she might be right. I am still trying to assimilate that bit of criticism. ICON: What’s the feeling you get when your art is on display? Are you nervous the weeks leading up to a show? TRP: I am nervous before I put my art on display. Each piece of my art is a bit of my

soul, which is fragile. But, I have found that I am resilient, momentarily feeling wounded if it is not received well, but I rebound quickly because there is nothing else in the world I would rather do than create art. Nothing can deter me, even a negative reception. ICON: How different is it to be an artist in California compared to, say, New York? TRP: The light in southern California is unique because of the constant sun and it’s brightness I am told we have approximately 263 days of sunshine. Very few places can boast of beaches, snow- capped mountains and deserts. It is that combination that makes southern California so ideal for artists. In this light, you see color in a different . I have never painted in New York, but I imag-

ine with the cityscape, that the light would be dramatically different. ICON: And finally, tell us about your newest show. TSP: I have a new series entitled “These Shoes Are Made for Talking: Every Pair Tells a Story”. I was inspired after hearing Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden speak about his military service in Iraq As I listened to his story, I thought of him changing his dress shoes that he wore for his work and trading them in for combat boots and war. An idea developed. I would paint people’s shoes to tell their story. There is not another article of clothing that is more personal than our shoes. We work, play, and sweat in them. They mold to our feet and you can tell how a person moves and walks and what actions they performed while wearing those shoes. I

have 18 portraits of shoes for the show and I tell 18 stories. I also wanted to incorporate a charity in my show as a way to give back. A percentage of the proceeds of the sale of the artwork will be given to a charity whose purpose is to provide shoes at no cost to those in need. The charity is Soles4Souls. A pair of shoes for someone who doesn’t have any can be life- changing.

Interview by Reilly T. Bates To read the artist’s biography, or to learn of upcoming shows and works, visit her website at: www.trpart.com/


12 10


Every now and then, we get the pleasure to sit down with an actor who is so passionate, so compelling, and so deserving of his successes, that we wait with baited breaths in anticipation of his next move, whether it be the rumor of a new show or the trailer for a new film. It is

one of those moments where you feel as though you’ve discovered something special before everyone else. For us, meeting the dashing actor Kevin Alejandro was like finding out a secret just before it goes viral and the fever pitch screams of fans becomes deafening.

Jeans, G-Star Striped tank, Chrome Shirt, G-Star Belt, G-Star Boots, PS Kaufman



The Man with the Midas Touch By: Reilly T. Bates Except this secret is definitely out, and has been for some time now. A simple Google search will propagate Alejandro’s extensive list of credits, and will show that he’s been on at least one of your favorite shows—everything from “Ugly Betty” to “Southland” to “True Blood.” It comes as no surprise then, that this Texas native, who will soon be visiting our televisions weekly once more with CBS’s upcoming smash show “Golden Boy,” caught the acting bug at a young age. “My high school had a very successful drama department in my tiny west Texas town,”says Alejandro, whose incredibly relaxed attitude and demeanor is as soothing as a cup of chamomile tea. “By my senior year, we won the state competition, and then I got a full-ride scholarship to go to the University of Texas.” After Alejandro completed his studies in theatre and dance, a professor suggested that he should make a go of it in Los Angeles. So, at the age of 22, along with friend and fellow actor Stephen Taylor, Alejandro packed up his car and headed west. “We had our Gatorade bottles full of all the change we had saved up. It definitely was a struggle for a couple years.” After the inevitable tug and pull most actors encounter when they are starting out in the business, Alejandro eventually landed with his longtime manager, Stewart Strunk, who he’s been with for more than 10 years now.

Photography by Josh Williams joshwilliamsphotography.com Styling by Eryka Clayton for artistsbytimothypriano.com Grooming by Casey Geren for artistsbytimothypriano.com Produced By The Sagami Group www.facebook.com/thesagamigroup


“I feel incredibly lucky—I mean, before this I was working a car-detailing business and after that I was slinging gelato.” Alejandro, whose wife, Leslie, is a magazine editor, and five-year-old son, Kaden, has developed a rounded life outside of the limelight, which is undoubtedly what makes his nature so personable and grounded. He surfs every day, in addition to dabbling in painting and drawing. But at the end of the day, he’s entirely about family. “I’m a family guy. We are together every day. We’re a very creative family—my wife plays piano, so my son is learning to play with her and play the guitar,” Alejandro explains. “I’m living my dream with my career, but in the process, I’ve been able to create this amazing family.” What is refreshing when you listen to Alejandro is that his drive and motivation for success is to better those immediately around him. Anyone familiar with the dynamics of Hollywood knows that this is something rather rare in an industry oversaturated with people who are only out for themselves. For Alejandro, taking care of his family and loved ones is what it’s all about. “Look, I was the poor kid in school growing up. I didn’t want people to drive me to my house because I was embarrassed,” Alejandro says. “I did grow up making great friends and I grew up with a lot of traditions.” And now Alejandro uses his experiences to help where he can. “My nephew is now following in my footsteps

— he;s in the same acting program I was in during high school,” he says. The other day, he was unsure of himself and I had to tell him ‘Of course you can do it, you can win it because you want it.’” His nephew would be a smart kid to listen, because whatever Alejandro is doing, he’s doing it right. Starting February 26, we will see Alejandro star in the muchanticipated “Golden Boy,” Tuesdays on CBS, where he plays a New York City detective. In the drama, we see the rise of a young cop who becomes the youngest police commissioner in the city’s history, all the while Alejandro’s character is reconciling what that means for his own career and himself. “It’s going to be a great show,” Alejandro says. “We use New York as a character as well, and we really get into the neighborhoods. CBS is known for their procedurals, and I really think this could set a new standard.” And while we have no doubt that it will, we are sure that it is also going to elevate Alejandro’s career to the next level. In addition to his television and big screen roles, he has an interest in branching out and spreading his talents to other facets of the industry including writing, producing, and directing. All of these things, we have no doubt, will only amplify this growing star’s status. “This has all been an amazing journey. Each job that I’ve gotten has helped me get to the next one,” he says. “You always have to figure out what the next project will be, and this business makes you fight for it.”



Flannel Shirt, Vineyard T-shit, Junk Food Jean, Earnest Sewn Belt, G-Star




Flannel Shirt, Vineyard T-shirt, Junk Food Jeans, Earnest Sewn Belt, G-Star


Jeans, G-Star Striped tank, Chrome Shirt, G-Star Belt, G-Star



Feed your mouth something sexy... Two of my favorite things in the world are food and sex, and when the two can collide in a beautiful affair, even better. The definition of an aphrodisiac is “a food or substance that increases sexual desire.” Although these foods are not scientifically proven to increase your sex drive, they have been around for centuries and often raise our curiosity.

The real question is, do they actually work or is this just a silly myth to get you to eat certain foods? The foods we eat can have a direct impact on our sex lives. They can affect our hormones, stress and energy levels. Some foods are even said to have the ability to increase the blood flow to our sexy regions down below ... so why not get kinky in the kitchen, feed our appetites and maybe our sexual appetites too!

Hot chili peppers:



Red Wine:

Spicy foods heat up more than just our mouths, they can also heat up our libido at the same time. Chili peppers have the ability to release our endorphins and create a “floating” feeling within our bodies. With their ability to raise body temperature, chili peppers are the perfect addition to your sexual arousal.

The oyster may be one of the most provocative foods. Maybe it’s the seductive way we suck it off of the half shell, or maybe its their perfect combination of salty and sweet aromas.. Whatever it is, oysters are loaded with zinc, which plays a huge role in the production of testosterone in both men and women.

Honey has been referred to as the “ nectar of Aphrodite,” the goddess of love. It’s rich, sticky and sweet, which can come in handy for seducing the palates ( and bodies). It also gives us a rush of natural sugar, which can lead to more energy in the boudoir.

The key to any red wine being an aphrodisiac is the aroma it gives off. Boost your own sex drive and urges as well as the person sitting across from you at the dinner table. In the game of flirtation, the scent of robust red wines are said to imitate male pheromones. With subtle hints of tobacco, leather and earthy notes, red wine is a sure way to relax you and put you in the mood for something sexy.





Rocker tee: Vintage Bra: American Apparel Pant: Tory Burch Shoes: Ruthie Davis Jewelry: Ocnarf Sairutsa (right) Soffer Ari (right, pointer finger) (left) Soffer Ari



Top: asos Bottom: asos Boots: Cesare paciotti Right hand ring: Miera t Left hand ring: Courtney Lee Collection $125


Jkt: Stella & Jamie




Ashley Tisdale By: Reilly T. Bates On one of those rainy and gray winter days that are quite rare in Los Angeles, we were able to catch up with a certain young woman who soon just might become one of Hollywood’s greatest phenomenons—a powerhouse ready to shine through the gloom that may surround the entertainment world. While she has starred in one of the movies you’ve undoubtedly seen, or you’ve nodded along while one of her songs has played on the radio, what you may not know is that this young woman is unafraid, and ready to take on all of what Hollywood has to offer. Ashley Tisdale, who come June will be only two years shy of her thirtieth birthday, has plenty to be proud of. We talk candidly with

“It’s crazy to look back on what’s happened. I feel very lucky, and it isn’t something that happened overnight,” she explains. “But I don’t like to say where I’m going to be in a couple years—I really try to stay in the present and focus on what I’m doing now.” And staying in the present is probably the best idea for a woman who is on track to having her most successful year yet in 2013. She says she is most excited for her fans to see her in the upcoming horror comedy “Scary Movie 5”, which is set for an April release, along with Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan. “It was one of the most challenging films I’ve ever done,” says Tisdale of the fourth sequel in the ‘Scary Movie’ series. “It was very different from my other projects, which is exactly what I wanted. It is definitely racy, but I’ve grown a lot and I think my fans have also grown up with me.” Grown up, indeed. Tisdale admits that people always thinks she is much younger than she is. This doesn’t seem to faze her much though, as there is now an evident and distinct departure from the teenage pop roles that brought fame to her, compared with the rather mature roles that will

her on a quiet Thursday afternoon, directly after she gets out of a meeting. Her upbeat, enthusiastic attitude speaks of someone who isn’t a novice to this, not at all. After being discovered at her local shopping mall by her current manager at the age of three, her career has spanned more than two decades, with a list of credits to her name that any aspiring actress would envy. Tisdale, who is gracious and thoughtful as we chat about her next moves and what she thinks of her future, made a household name for herself starring in the mega-hit “High School Musical” franchise, playing her award-winning character Sharpay Evans.

solidify her as a serious working actress. “I’m ready for audiences to see me like this,” she states. “I’ve acted for so long now, and there’s so much more I want to do. I’m all about pushing myself and taking myself out of my comfort zone. ‘High School Musical’ was a life-changing experience and I’m so proud to have been a part of this big, positive thing that inspired a lot of people.” But beyond the young, wholesome roles that Tisdale has become known for, there is a professional side that demonstrates Tisdale’s highly adult capabilities. For the last few years, her production company, Blondie Girl Productions, has been creating and producing content for ABC, the Disney Channel and Bravo, with Tisdale herself as the executive producer. All of this for a woman who grew up in a small town in New Jersey, could have seemed unlikely for some. But it is clear that Tisdale has kept her eye on the prize —with the help of watchful, loving eyes of those closest to her. “My family definitely keeps me grounded,” she says matter-of-factly. “My parents didn’t really like the whole acting thing at first. Growing up, it really was more of a

privilege to go on auditions. It was something that I always wanted, but the deal was that I had to do well in school, and then I could go audition.” This sense of instilled normalcy becomes more apparent if you ask Tisdale what she likes to do when she’s not on set, recording in the studio or producing for her company. She stays active by working out every day, going on the occasional shopping trips, and cooking, which is wildly famous with friends. Her specialty? Her own recipe of cooked salmon. “One of my girlfriends begs me to make it—she’s obsessed with it!” As down to earth as her downtime might be, there is still an unrelenting fearlessness in Tisdale that is infectious.. It is undeniable that anyone with as lengthy a career would have to possess a certain level of confidence, but Tisdale marches forward with a sense of purpose that makes you wonder, ‘How does she do it?” “There’s plenty of things I still want to accomplish professionally. But I also want to do other things like go shark diving!” she says with a laugh. “I think what I’m most proud of, however, is remaining true to myself.” And that, we can see, is true of Tisdale.




Rocker tee: Vintage Bra: American Apparel Pant: Tory Burch Shoes: Ruthie Davis Jewelry: Ocnarf Sairutsa (right) Soffer Ari (right, pointer finger) (left) Soffer Ari



Dress: Rachel Cesar Bra top: One Teaspoon Shorts: Vintage Right hand & Left hand: both are by Elahm Shoes: Marc Bernson by Dannijo


ashleytisdale Photography by SteveErle www.steveerle.com

Shot on location at Siren studios www.SirenStudios.com Make up by: Karan Mitchell for Victoria’s Secret Beauty at TraceyMattingly.com Hair by: Richard Collins at The Wall Group Styling by: Lindsey Dupuis www.thisisemilyandmeritt.com Digital Post-Production by Eric Brockob

Gold top: Bird Shoes: Rousseau Bra top: Anthony Franco Shorts: Vintage Rings: Isharya (left) Miera T (right hand)


Top: asos Bottom: asos Boots: Cesare paciotti Right hand ring: Miera t Left hand ring: Courtney Lee Collection $125




Dress: Rachel Cesar Bra top: One Teaspoon Shorts: Vintage Right hand & Left hand: both are by Elahm Shoes: Marc Bernson by Dannijo


channelorange It’s not the new black... or red ... or white. Orange wine, a hybrid of its more traditional counterparts, is gaining a grassroots following of its own with its distinctive color and flavor profile. Edgar P.—owner, cer-

tified sommelier and self proclaimed “resident charlatan” at Mid-City hotspot 3Twenty Wine Lounge—helps us understand what this indie darling is all about.

By: Esther Trinh

What it is

What to expect

Where to find it




Traditionally, white wines grapes are fermented without skin; while red wine grapes are fermented with skin. Orange wine is made using white wine grapes—with skin.

Because of the added color from the grape skin, orange wine takes on a caramel-amber color.

At this point, orange wines are still on the culinary fringes—but you can try:

UNIQUE | Because the white wine grapes are treated like red wine grapes, orange wine possesses both the fruitiness of white wine and the astringency of red wine.

INTENSE | Just like red or white wine, there’s a good deal of variation among orange wines—but, generally, you can expect bold, nutty and spicy flavors such as tangerine, white tea and saffron.

>> Specialty wine shops. >> High-end gourmet food markets. >> The “natural wines” section of a well-stocked grocery store. >> More experimental wine bars . IMPORT | California winemakers are just beginning to experiment with orange wines, so consider:


The region of Jura, France—a consistent and popular hub for orange wines.

Even though it’s become increasingly buzzworthy in recent years, this winemaking process (also called extended maceration) dates back hundreds of years.

Kabaj Amfora—made in Slovenia using an ancient technique that includes aging in clay pots.


How to consume it




Serve it chilled to 60-65 degrees—just a bit cooler than red wine. Don’t chill it like you would a white wine, or you’ll bring out the tannins.

The tannins complement lean red meats.

CRYSTAL | Use Bordeaux or Cabernet glasses with elongated (not circular) bowls—orange wines don’t need to breathe too much.

SEAFOOD | Pair it with mussels or clams prepared with earthy, hearty flavors. CHEESE | It can stand up to funky cheeses like Robiola and Stilton.

NOVICES | Try it as a non-traditional, palatecleansing aperitif. SEASONED WINOS | Savor it with cheese.



By: Christine Solomon In mainstream music today, there is general lack of substance. We tend to pay less attention to artists with a message and are drawn like moths to a flame to ladies that look pretty and don’t write a single lyric in a single song they sing. I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to listening to empty music with a sick beat. Although, when I’m paying attention, I need something more. Good lyrics are both poetry and therapy. They comfort us, disturb us and even educate us. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Otep Shamaya to speak with her about Hydra, her sixth album, as well as everything else she has created in her musical career. If you look up the words “legit”or“credible,” her picture is sure to be beside both definitions. I believe that artists like


Shamaya are modern-day superheroes, using their platforms to advocate, activate and inspire people. It is a breath of fresh air to speak to someone who spends her life fighting for equality through the arts. Shamaya is not merely a front woman in a metal band, she is a poet, a talented artist and someone who stands for something. Its’ no wonder she has millions of views on her videos, a massive social media following and easily the most loyal fan base of any artist I’ve seen. Whether her fans agree or disagree, they stand beside her to question, whether it’s authority, equality or her choice of T-shirt that day. Having people thinking and speaking out loud is what she inspires.



ICON: Congratulations on the release of your sixth album, Hydra. The response has been overwhelmingly supportive with many calling it a masterpiece. Looking back on your long and successful career I wonder what moments stand out as your most poignant? Shamaya: Thank you. I am very proud of Hydra. It’s akin to House of Secrets in many ways and the response has been incredibly supportive. I’m very grateful people have embraced it the way they have. Concept albums are potentially dangerous pieces of art. They change the way people see their world; they can pollinate the mind with a new reality. It was incredible to create something like this. As for poignant moments, before any of this happened, before I even had a functional band, I would walk down Sunset Boulevard at night, a lonely nomad, looking at the people on the street in their concert shirts, leaning against the walls of the venue waiting for their favorite band to play. I would see the vans and buses of the bands and I would ponder on all the amazing artists who had walked these same streets, played those same venues, The Stones, The Doors, Hendrix, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, and dream that one day I too would play those stages, that my art would be a beacon calling all the lonely ghosts together in the vacant night. And now, 11 years later, it’s been a dream come true. It’s important to mention that the way we were discovered is also fairly unique. We were just another unsigned band on the Los Angeles scene trying to find our way when Jack Osbourne, son of Ozzy, showed up to a few shows, and started the mosh pits. Then, he brought his mother, Sharon, down to a show, and she told us she was so impressed with us that we were playing Ozzfest that year. We were, of course, stunned and amazed, but very grateful. Shortly after, we were doing showcases for labels and were signed to Capitol Records without a demo, purely from the power of live performances.


ICON I believe that in naturally creative people there is no limit to the outlets. You prove this in most mediums. I’d like you to spill on what you plan for the future with your paintings and sketches. Shamaya: I’d like to devote more time to learning and refining the skills and finer points of these mediums. I have a natural knack for them, but music devours so much of my life that I feel I’ve neglected the animals of my other creative instincts. Once the fervor for Hydra has abated a bit, I will hide in my art studio for a while, like an alchemist, and study these mysterious arts. I am working on an illustrated book and a graphic novel at the moment. I am very excited about them. ICON Speaking of creative mediums, when can we expect another book of poetry? And with past, present and future poems, are we going to see you on stage doing spoken-word performances? Shamaya: I’m working on a new short story and a new book at the moment. Both are fiction. Both are unlike anything I’ve created before. There aren’t many moments I cherish more than the act of writing. I find myself at peace when I am lost in the muse-stream, when I am making words, creating worlds. I really want to devote more time and energy and more of my spirit to this medium. I haven’t been writing much poetry lately. Well, if you count lyrics as poetry (and I suppose I do) then my last bit of poetry is the Hydra album. My last book of poems was “New Word Order” and most of those were written with performance in mind. When time allows, I’d really love to do a spoken-word tour.

Shamaya: The visuals for the “Apex Predator” video sprang forth like a fountain of fire from the brilliant collaborate brain trust of P.R. Brown and myself. We wanted to illustrate the chronology of the lyrical story in the song, but also pollinate it with subtext about love and violence and challenge our cultural phobias and stereotypes. ICON Which fashion designers are your favorite and why? Shamaya: Beyond just the popularity of a fad, there is an art to fashion. I adore designers with a soft flare for nostalgia, yet push forward into new artistic territories. I love the works of Diane Von Furstenburg, Alexander McQueen, Viktor & Rolf, Helmut Lang, and newer designers like Vanessa Bruno, Brood, Kaelen, and Wildfang. ICON Every album, video and artwork you have done is a direct reflection of you. Do you direct this creatively? Do you plan on continuing? Shamaya: I have been the art director on every album, every piece of merchandise, every book I create, it is my life, it is my joy, it is my passion. I would love to expand this some day and work with other artists and other projects. The joy of creativity, the empowerment of crafting something with other artists, the collaborative intercourse, is one of the most gratifying experiences in my life.

ICON Let’s talk about the video. I’d like to know what inspired you to create that storyline.? It almost feels like a short film. Any plans to start doing short films?

Photography by ChristineSolomon www.theiconmag.com



HONGKONG Hong Kong is a melting pot of cultures from all around the world, and all their cuisines as well. You will hear French, Italian, German and British accents, and meet plenty of mates from Australia. If you’re looking to strike up an interesting conversation with the locals, don’t hesitate because it’s the perfect place to do so.






By: Christina Loglisci and Anthony Pallitto

To take a break from walking the steep, crooked streets and bargaining for handmade crafts, set some of your day aside to visit the Ngong Ping highland on Lautau Island to capture a look at the Tian Tan Buddha statue. This Buddha is made of bronze and is one of the largest Buddhas in the world. Tian Tan stand high on a hill and you must climb the intimidating stairs to brush your hand against it for good luck. Just think of it as a reason to stop a few times and take some inspirational photos. As you work up at appetite for dinner, the Soho entertainment district is the place to go. The decision for dinner will probably be one of the toughest you will make all day, but you should try Enoteca at 47 Elgin Street or Pubblico at 28 Elgin Street. Both of these restaurants have that Hong Kong energy that you just need to feel for yourself.

vibe with the cool feel of fresh air and place the opportunity to find a romantic spot to watch the sunset. There is an abundance of outdoor cafes for you to sit and watch the bikers, skaters and runners pass you by and definitely find a spot on the rocks to cuddle with your lover for sunset before you make way back to the city. Stanley is a memorable place that you will always hold in your heart. The evening in Hong Kong can go either way. You can play it safe or dirty it up. If you have the opportunity to be in Hong Kong on a Wednesday night, be sure to check out the Happy Valley Race Track.. It’s a good place to loosen up with a beer and gamble away a few dollars hoping that your lucky number will pull in with the big win. Aside from the mayhem, you could not avoid the beauty of the city’s skyscrapers towering over the track.

After your morning cup of tea, jump into a cab and head over to the village of Stanley. It is best to spend your time here from late morning through the After the final race, head to Victoria Peak for dinner at The Peak Lookout. You afternoon. In Stanley, you will find more shops to stroll through and feel most must take the Peak Tram to get to this famous mountain top for the best views relaxed during lunch with your view of the bay. Stanley gives off a beach-like of Hong Kong’s most exclusive address. If time allows, take the one-hour walk


around the mountain top to explore the million dollar mansions and shopping. Just be sure to check the weather that night because the wind can get a little crazy at times. If you’re the person looking to stay out until sunrise,then head over for a nightcap to Lan Kwai Fong. This L-shaped street is lined with lounges, clubs and restaurants for a late-night bite. In the spring, the windows are all open, so can pick your place without even having to go inside. The streets are packed with party goers , mostly in their 20s and 30s. Lan Kwai Fong is a great area to visit if you plan to sleep in the next morning. If you want to party, I have no doubt that this will be up your alley. Before you departure from Hong Kong, be sure to jump on the metro and head to the peninsula of Kowloon. Shopping here is like no other. If you have money to spend or want to watch others spend big money, take a walk around. The lines for the high end stores, especially Hermes,will just boggle your mind. For some, it is called the “golden mile of shopping.” Kowloon also gives you the

best view of Hong Kong from across the river. Every night, crowds of people gather to watch the light show given by the skyscrapers that sit on the other side of the river. All hues of color are reflected around the skyline and are accompanied by music. It is a must for a first-time tourist. Where to stay in Hong Kong? Any neighborhood will entertain you in Hong Kong. A recommendation is Hotel Edge, which has a convenient location, great hospitality and is close to the metro. The metro system is convenient and timely. Ask for help if you need it because most of the locals speak English and are very friendly. Hong Kong is a people’s city. People from all around the globe come here to work, which gives the opportunity to network for business or pleasure. If you are a person who likes to be on the go and dig into a new world, come to Hong Kong. The people, the food and the fun are what make this city. Hong Kong is a journey of a lifetime. I promise that the time spent getting to Hong Kong will make up for the memories it gives you!



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All Saints


“The Block’s” A to Z Fashion Guide Are you looking for a world-renowned shopping area? Are you on the quest for the latest, hottest, fashion forward trends? Are you wanting to see or be seen? By: Mito Aviles

Well, look no further because we have found a place just for you. Fashion, art, and celebrities ... oh my! This is what is nestled between one of the famous zip codes, 90210 and West Hollywood. We love to call this tantalizing place, Robertson Boulevard. Fondly refereed to by locals and fashionistas alike as “The Block,” Robertson Boulevard is a two-block span of everything you want. From the gateway entrance at Beverly Boulevard where you can get your coffee fix at Starbucks to the newly built Tommy Hilfiger flagship boutique, to the exit gateway at 3rd Street where the new UK export, the Joseph boutique, bids you farewell. This shopping destination houses some of the most cutting edge and fashionistaapproved boutiques. Consider this local haven a leg up on everything cool in L.A.

Deemed one of Time Magazine’s Top 10 things to do in L.A., Robertson Boulevard has truly made an everlasting imprint on L.A’s shopping destinations. Many of L.A.’s hottest and most chic boutiques can be found among these sidewalks and our A to Z guide is going to give you the ins and outs of the inter workings of this on-trend Boulevard. If L.A. had a cool kid in school, it would be Robertson Boulevard. Perhaps, it’s time for you to flock to “The Block.” If your looking for some fashion inspiration this Spring, check out our A to Z fashion guide to one of the trendiest, most jet-setting destinations west of the Mississippi. Welcome to Robertson Blvd.



Alice and Olivia
























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ALICE AND OLIVIA Address: 134 S. Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 247.0120 www.aliceandolivia.com Blog: www.fortheloveofblog.com Twitter: @alice_olivia Facebook: www.facebook.com/aliceando liviabystaceybendet?fref=ts (SHOWN IS THE “OLIVIA” HANDBAG)

CUVEE 145 S. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 271-4333 GEORGETOWN CUPCAKES 143 S. Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 893-2866 fax (310) 273-8665 twitter: @GTownCupcake FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ georgetowncupcake


100 North Robertson blvd. Los Angeles California 90048 Phone: (310) 432-8484 ww.us.allsaints.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ allsaints Twitter: @AllSaints_ Instagram: @allsaintsshop ANYA HINDMARCH 118 South Robertson blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: +1 310 271 9707 Fax: +1 310 271 9727 BEACH BUNNY 136 S. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 shoprobertson@beachbunnyswimwear.com BCBG Max Azria 154 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 860.9690 CHANEL 125 N. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 278-5505 CURVE 154 N Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 360 8008 twitter: @CurveBoutique Facebook: www.facebook.com/ CurveBoutique


GREGORY’S 147 N. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 288.0275 THE IVY RESTAURANT UP FOR PEOPLE WATCHING?...THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE. 113 N Roberston Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 274-8303 JOSPEH’S 156 S. Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90048 Phone: (318) 385.7187 WWW.JOSEPH.CO.UK Facebook: www.facebook.com/ josephfashion Twitter: @JOSEPH_FASHION KIEHL’S-ROBERTSON 106 North Robertson Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 860-0028 WWW.KIEHLS.COM KITSON 115 S. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 859-2652 KITSON KIDS 116 N. Robertson Blvd. Suite C Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 657-0450

KITSON MEN 146 N. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 358-9550 KITSON STUDIO 142 N. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 360-0051 WWW.SHOPKITSON.COM FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ shopkitson TWITTER: @KitsonLA LES HABITUDES 101 North Robertson blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 273.2883 Fax: (310) 273.5484 WWW.LESHABITUDES.COM LES POMMETTES 158 N Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 289.9202 WWW.LESPOMMETTES.COM FACEBOOK: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ LESPOMMETTES INSTAGRAM: @LESPOMMETTES INFO@LESPOMMETTES.COM LF 106 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 271.2727 WWW.LFSTORES.COM FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ LFstores TWITTER: @lfstores LOFT POP-UP 100 S. ROBERTSON BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 WWW.LOFT.COM LULULEMON 103 S. ROBERTSON BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 550.6239 COMPLIMENTARY YOGA CLASS ON SUNDAYS AT 9:30AM WWW.LULULEMON.COM FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ lululemonRoberston

M.A.C COSMETICS 133 N. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 271-9137 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ MACcosmetics WWW.MACCOSMETICS.COM MAKE-UP FOREVER MAKE UP FOR EVER LA Boutique 132 South Robertson blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 289-1758 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ MAKEUPFOREVERUSA TWITTER: @makeupforeverus WWW.MAKEUPFOREVERUSA.COM MICHAEL KORS 108 North Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90048 Phone: (310) 385.8350 WWW.MICHAELKORS.COM MOODS OF NORWAY 13 S Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 271-7172 WWW.MOODSOFNORWAY.COM MONICA CHIANG 108 S Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 786-8200 WWW.MONIKACHIANG.COM NANETTE LEPORE 114 South Robertson blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 281-0004 WWW.NANETTELEPORE.COM NEWSROOM CAFE 120 N Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 652-4444 OPTIX 123 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 858-7399

ONE PIECE 116 N Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 550-7753 WWW.ONEPIECE.COM

TED BAKER 131 N. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA90048 (310) 550-7855 http://www.tedbaker.com/

PAIGE PREMIUM DENIM 116 N Robertson Blvd. #B Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 360-9888 WWW.PAIGEUSA.COM


PAUL & JOE 138 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 270-4620 WWW.PAULANDJOE.COM RALPH LAUREN 141 N. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA90048 Phone: (310) 274-0171 WWW.RALPHLAUREN.COM REBECCA TAYLOR 107 S. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 734.0599 WWW.REBECCATAYLOR.COM REISS LIMITED 145 N Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 276-0060 WWW.REISS.CO.UK

TORI BURCH 142 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles Phone: (310) 248-2612 WWW.TORIBURCH.COM TRUE RELIGION 130 S. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 248.2844 WWW.TRUERELIGIONBRANDJEANS.COM

VINCE 112 S Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Facebook: www.facebook.com/MEETVINCE www.vince.com ZIMMERMAN 110 S. Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA90048 Phone: (310) 285-9680 us.zimmermannwear.com/

Splendid 111 South Robertson blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: (310) 860.0334 www.splendid.com Facebook: facebook.com/splendidbrand Twitter: twitter.com/splendidla Instagram: instagram.com/splendidla Pinterest: pinterest.com/splendidla Youtube: youtube.com/splendidla Blog: welcometoeveryday.com Tumblr: splendidla.tumblr.com


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