PASSTIMES 2022 Winter Edition

Page 22

I am grateful that we have almost completely returned to the mode of pre-COVID times this year, with events and university life in general being in-person again. This edition of PASSTIMES sees a time with more human interactions and freedom of expression than ever in the past few years, from sharings of PASS flagship events to the interview with a talented musician at Imperial. We hope that this issue has reminded us to cherish the connections both within and beyond the PASS committee,aswerealizethisisnotsomethingwetakeforgranted.

I would like to thank everyone in the ICPASS committee and subcommittee who contributed to the content of this issue by sharing their precious thoughts and experiences. Special thanks must go to my fellow members of the publication team for their hard work in editing and designing all the pages in this issue, bringing the content our writershavesuppliedtolife.

Public Awareness Exeter Forum Birmingham Public Speaking Competition China's COVID Lockdowns that Brought People to the Streets 到底國歌發⽣過什麼事? Food Angel Famine 24 Social Service Imperialogy & Open Sem Rice 5U Subcom Dinner Welcome Fair Social Events ⾳樂才⼦的⽇與夜 P.3 P.5 P.7 P.8 P.12 P.15 P.21 P.23 P.25 P.26
Public Awareness Birmingham Public Speaking Competition Exeter Forum China’s COVID Lockdowns that Brought People to the Streets 到底國歌發⽣過什麼事? 2

It was an honour to participate in such a large-scale event. Not only wasmyhorizonwildlybroadenedbytheexcellenceandprofessionalism students displayed in their presentations, the event has also further strengthened the togetherness within the HKPASS communities from 11 different UK universities. Discussion forums of this kind are vital for overseas students to remember where their roots are and to be aware ofcurrentpoliticalandsocialchangesbackathome.

The main theme for this forum was the emerging emigration wave in Hong Kong. Information packs have been sent to us as a team of six in advance for preparation, and our task was to discuss its effects on society, specifically the economic sector. Personally, debating is not exactly my strength, so I have indeed gained valuable skills throughout the event, for instance logical and critical thinking, the use of persuasiverhetoricinmyargumentsandmostimportantly,teamwork.


Aside from the event itself, Exeter’s gigantic campus and lecture hall have left me in awe. I really like the vibe there, not to mention the students there are very amiable, bubbly and talkative as well. Overall I would say the trip was generally decent, relaxing and worth going. I would like to thank Exeter PASS committee membersforhostingthisbrilliantevent!


TheBirminghamPublicSpeaking2022wasagreatopportunity to present our viewpoints on current affairs and network with committees and subcommittees of HKPASS Societies around the UK. I learnt a lot more about the economic impacts of the Russo-Ukrainian War and the controversies around the sinking oftheJumboFloatingRestaurant.

Recalling my memories back when we pushed ourselves forward for this competition, we had no idea what we were expecting was a journey to hell and back. Henry, Gabriel and I are scientists and engineers, whose ability in presenting sophisticated social controversy ideas publicly has never really beenconsideredasourstrengths.


Having participated in this public speaking competition has reshaped my thoughts and perspectives. We stepped up and gave our best shot in every one of the speeches we encountered throughout the journey. From aiming to deliver a prepared speech to improvising unfamiliar humanity topics, we made our way to the grand final with many ups and downs, putting ourselves amongst the best of the best speakers in thefield.Walkinguptothestage,wehadnothoughtsofbackpedalling but simply gave it a try. To be honest, winning was never in our thoughts, we had challenged our courage and stepped out of our comfort zone, and we were doing what we were not the proudest of. Rather than stressing out about competing for the championship, we were purely enjoying the moments built upon our courage and cherishedthekindwordsofsupportfromnewfriendsmadeontheday. It was rather a competition of bravery that we participated in and we conqueredourfearwithnodoubts.


A wave of protests swept through many cities across China in November 2022 against the harsh restrictions under China’s zero-COVID policy. The catalyst of the protests was the recent Urumqi residential block fire in Xinjiang whichkilledatleasttenpeopleandinjuredmany others under lockdown in the building. Thousands of people took to the streets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu demanding an end to the zero-COVID policy.

The large-scale lockdowns, constant testing and strict quarantine measures had been in place for almost three years while most other countries had lifted their COVID restrictions. The zeroCOVID policy not only brought great inconveniencetotheeverydaylivesofpeoplebut also caused severe disruptions to businesses. The urban unemployment rate reached a six-month highof5.7%inNovember2022.

Beijing abruptly eased the COVID restrictions in early December 2022, only a week after the protests. The new rules reduce the frequency of PCR testing and the scale of lockdowns, allow people with less severe COVID symptoms to isolate at home and no longer requirepeopletousethehealthcodesystemto enterpublicplaces.

The protests showed the frustration and discontent of the people in China under the zero-COVID policy, but the protests came at an opportune time as they allowed Beijing to change its policy that had severely affected the economy. Whether the economy will have aspeedyrecoveryremainstobeseenbutwhat isalmostcertainisthatpeoplearescrambling for medicine and bracing themselves for a surge of infections in the light of reduced restrictions.

Shanghai re-opening after lockdown (Photo taken from Sky News)
Thousands filled the sheets raising white sheets of paper, a symbol for the protest.

⽅球隊國歌 ,主辨⽅卻 把2019年⾹港反對《逃犯條例》修訂案⽰威的標誌性樂曲《願榮光歸⾹港》當

《願榮光歸⾹港》是 ⾸由2019年⾹港反對逃犯條例訂草案運 動參與者創作並廣為傳唱的抗爭歌曲。由 群⾹港網⺠⾃發創 作並在網絡上流傳。作品歌詞的內容帶出:⾹港這⽚⼟地發⽣ 讓⾹港⼈流涙及憤怒的事情後,⼈們為了公義⽽拒絕沉默並選 擇不再退縮

地共同⾛上街头,⾹港⼈的勇氣和智慧可以渡過整 个⿊暗時刻,⾛向「光復⾹港,時代⾰命,⺠主⾃由永不朽」 的未來。 2020⽉5⽇,北京宣布訂⽴「港版國安法」,將侮辱中國國歌 列為刑事罪。《願榮光歸⾹港》被⾹港政府被⾹港政府視為顛 覆國家政權、違反⾹港國安法的禁歌。 11⽉13⽇,在這 天, 連串涉及國歌的⾵波靜靜牽起。 亞洲七⼈橄欖球系列賽韓國站男⼦組⾹港對韓國決賽上,賽前照慣例奏起雙
作中國國歌播放,⽽ 不是中國國歌《義勇軍進⾏曲》。事後有媒體記者在Twitter上指出,網⺠最初發現主辦⽅亞洲橄欖 球總會的⽐賽⽚段在開賽前奏國歌的部分有修改痕跡,因⽽開始討論。 8

港府凌晨發表聲明,表⽰「主辦機構將 ⾸與⼆○



不滿,建制派亦乘機群起狙擊。 些建制派政團14

事後亞洲橄欖球總會向⾹港欖球總會致歉, 稱當⽇有低級職員上網搜尋歌曲播出。⼜稱 事發原因是 名負責處理播放國歌的⼈員 「意外地」從⼀個命名為「⾹港」的電腦檔 案中選取了《願榮光歸⾹港》,⽽相關⼈員

在不知悉該曲與⽰威有關的情況下,「錯誤 地」存檔了該⾳樂。



煒楨在⼥⼦ 「所有年齡組別及體重級別47公⽄」賽事中摘⾦,⼤會在頒獎禮播放國歌 時,卻變成《願榮

播錯國 歌的原因。港府⽅⾯就此事表⽰反對和強烈不滿。

「本港與南韓有簽署移交逃犯、刑事司 法互助及移交判刑的協議,本港警⽅應 要求韓⽅協助調查,如被捕⼈⼠涉嫌違 安法》 可以要求移交疑犯 「⼤家都知道現場播出嚟 嘅歌曲有政治⽬的,所以 會調查有否違反法律, 並會按調查結果 跟進事件。」 其後,網⺠發現
幕卻同樣出現《願榮光歸⾹港》的 英⽂名稱。 在
光歸⾹港》。在港協暨奧委會發放新指引下,⾹港運動員 連煒楨隨即以「T」字⼿勢⽰意叫停,⼤會隨後才播放正確國歌。港協暨奧委 會及舉重健⼒總會均指有提供正確版本的國歌,並要求主辦單位調查
佈分裂國家信息。另 些團體15⽇到⾹港警察總部要求調查⾹港橄欖球 代表隊球員,更提出應要求⾹港體育代表隊運動員 像 ⽴ 法 會 議 員 等 公 職 ⼈ 員 樣 , 宣 誓 「 愛 國 愛 港」,並通過背景審查。 9

有⽤戶指在Google搜索「⾹港國歌」時最⾼的顯⽰結果是《願榮光歸⾹ 港》的連結,⽽不是中國國歌《義勇軍進⾏曲》。事件被指與互聯網搜尋器









⾹港運動員連煒楨以「T」字⼿勢⽰ 意叫停錯誤國歌。

現在透過Google ⽤中⽂搜尋「⾹港國歌」,置 頂是維基百科的連結,寫的是「此條⽬介紹的 是⾹港國歌史。關於⾹港特別⾏政區政府正式 認可的國歌,請⾒『義勇軍進⾏曲』。」⾄於 第⼆條連結,是「願榮光歸⾹港」的維基百科 連結,打開連結的第 句話是「⼆○ 九年⾹ 港反修例運動代表曲」,並將這⾸歌歸類為 「抗爭歌曲、社會運動歌曲」。⽽⽤英⽂搜尋 亦有類似的搜尋結果,可⾒政府已經對此事件 有對策,相信事件都會告 段落。


Social Service

Food Angel Famine 24 11

Food Angel


Food Security

Can you imagine having to live on a day-to-day basis in fear and anxietythatyoumaynotbeabletoprovidefoodforyourfamily?Can you imagine going to bed hungry every night? Can you imagine not knowingwhenyournextmealis?Theseareproblemsfacedbynearly 2/3ofthepeoplelivinginpoorhouseholds.Despitelivinginanaffluent citylikeHongKong,foodinsecurityisagrowingissueexperiencedby a large fraction of the population. To understand how we could support these individuals, on the 5th of September 2022, members of the ICPASS volunteered at a local charity “Food Angel” to prepare mealsforthoseinneed.

Marco Chan
12 Social Service

The Experience

Upon arrival at the Sham Shui Po central kitchen, we were greeted by a team of friendly kitchen staff. After putting on new masks, aprons, and arm sleeves we were taken into the roomwherethefoodwasbeing prepared.Sinceitwasoneofthe only two hot meal preparation locations in Hong Kong, the kitchen was relatively hot in temperature.Itmadeusfurther appreciate the effort the staff wereputtingintoensureahigh standard of food despite the pandemic. As the food must be distributed by dinner time, about 2000 lunch boxes had to bepreparedwithinanhour.

Despite this strict deadline, the staff took the time to explain how the food boxes should be prepared and the proportions allocated to the meat, veggies, andricetoensureahealthydiet for everyone who receives the meal. There is also a strict requirement to ensure the food is not contaminated, especially underthepandemic.

Social Service

Lesson Learnt

After this valuable experience, thestafftoldusmoreaboutthe work they do at Food Angel. It was more than just meal prepping and delivery, it was the human connection behind it. As lots of elderly people are livingalone,enjoyinghotmeals at some of the canteens allows themtohavesocialinteractions.

Weweredeeplymovedbyhow the team supported the local community holistically. Just by giving out masks and chatting with residents, joy and warmth are spread throughout our community and people are broughttogether.


Onthatdaywepreparedatotal of 2,042 meal boxes. Although this is only a fraction of the 11,000 food packs they deliver, we really hope that we have made a difference. From this experience, we have learnt the importance of not wasting food andnotforgettingabouttheless privilegedpeoplewhoareliving inourcommunity.Thefoodwe prepared was not only a lunch box, it was also filled with compassion, dignity, and genuinecareforhumanity.

14 Social Service

Famine 24


What is Famine 24?

Famine 24 is ICPASS’ annual Flagship event that is held over two days where participants fast for 24 hours to raise money for ourbeneficiary,WorldVisionUK. We aim to enhance participants’ awareness of those living under thepovertylinebysimulatingthe situationsandexperiencinga24hourfastingperiod.

Throughout the 24 hours, we haveplannedaseriesofactivities and games to increase your awareness on current issues and worldproblems.

From this event, we hope all participants will gain a new perspective on problems in the worldandreflectonthebestway tosolvethem.

15 Social Service

First Day

Thefirstactivity,LifeMonopoly, was what I found the most fascinating. In the game, we wereallocatedFood,Moneyand Happiness stats randomly. In order to gain more money, we needed to sacrifice food and happiness. Yet, the PASS committee didn’t tell us how to win,onlyrevealingitattheend. Just like in real life, there is no straightforward target for winning our life, not even a single,tinyhint.Allwecandois to find our own path through the mist of life, or throughout thewholegame.

Famine24 is truly one of the most unforgettable and rewarding experiences in my life.Fastingfor24hoursforthe first time is obviously challengingforme,butafterall the suffering, knowing that I have finished this challenge givesmeasenseofsuccess.

16 Social Service
Gabriel Tong

Second Day

On the second day was the subcommittee game. As a part of the SS subcommitteedivision,Iwasresponsiblefordesigningagamebooth. Inspiredbylastyear’sSquidGame,Idecidedtomakeaminesweeper game.

Throughout the whole game, we assigned participants with various disabilities. Hence, when I was designingthedifficultyofthegame, Ifoundthatitwasparticularlyhard for the visually impaired participants to play the game. They couldn’t coordinate well and easily stepped on my mines. Not until this had I experienced thoroughly the burdens encountered by the disabled.

Overall, Famine24 is certainly a memorable and fruitful experience, despite the unforeseeable problem with overnight arrangements. If I had a chance to choose to join it or not, I would choose the former, without any hesitation!

Gabriel Tong

Famine 24 is the annual flagship event hosted by ICPASS, where students from universities across the UK come to Imperial College to fast for 24 hours, raising money for World Vision International, a humanitarianorganization,aswellasawarenessforworldhunger.As a first-year subcommittee member of ICPASS, I was thrilled to experiencethiseventforthefirsttime.

Famine24allowedmetoconnect with PASS members from other universitiesandchallengemyself inameaningfulwayatthesame time. It was a great experience and I look forward to participatingagainnextyear.

Johnny Lau

First Day

Following talks given by our Presidentandourguestspeaker Sue from World Vision, we quicklydelvedintoice-breaking. Although some members of my groupwerealittleshy,wegotto know each other and had fun together during the life simulation game Life Monopoly hosted by our PASS committee. The game was both fun and meaningful;thetwistattheend revealed that the true measurement of success was how much you helped, or “donated” to other players. Slightly corny, but it certainly demonstrated the central message behind our event - to take action and help those who needit.

Second Day

Itwasthesubcommittee’sturnto host games the next day. Following the discovery of faults in our equipment only an hour before commencing, my group had to improvise with what we had.Fortunately,wewereableto set the game up in time. An obstacle race of sorts, our game required team members to cooperateandrelyoneachother in order to overcome their “disabilities” and complete challengesinspiredbyourtheme this year – “Endure, Ignite, Synergise”. We were pleased to see that the participants were enthusiastic and showed strong teamwork,respondingwelltothe tasksasaresult.

Johnny Lau
19 Social Service

Social Events

Imperialogy & Open Sem Rice

Welcome Fair

5U Subcom dinner


Jasmine Chung

Imperialogy is a Scavenger Hunt held during the firstweekoftermwherefreshershadthechance tominglewithoneanotherandexplorethemain campus as well as South Kensington. We had to identifythedifferentlocationsfromthepictures given, figure out how to get there, and then completetasksingroupsof7-8.

charades, solving interesting Maths questions, and finding some specific items in a stationery shop. This allowed newcomers to walk around and get familiar with the environment around campus. After tallying up the scores for each group, all members of the winning team got a cupofbubbletea.


Open Sem Rice

The highlight of the day was definitely the WelcomedinnerwehadatGoldMinerestaurant in Queensway later in the evening. We had the opportunity to chat with students from different years and learn from their experiences at Imperial. We all had a wonderful time celebratingthestartofthenewschoolyearwith someniceChinesefood.

Allinall,IreallyenjoyedImperialogyasIgotan insight into the different places in South Kensington and most importantly, made new friendsalongtheway.


5U Subcom Dinner

As a fresher, I have always longed to expand my social circle and meet new people. The 5U subcommittee dinner at Golden Phoenix restaurant on the 17th of November gave me the perfect opportunity. Not only was I able to enjoy scrumptious Chinese cuisine, but I was also able to socialize with people from other universities andgettoknowtheirexperiencesasanewbiein university.

We all acknowledged the difficulty of living in a new environment and life as an undergraduate isn’t as relaxing as we thought it would be. Fortunately, the seniors gave us encouragement and were able to give us some advice on how to settle in. This has made me feel more confident in creating a memorable life at Imperial as a fresher.


Furthermore, I was not confident about future plansinlifeandwasabletosharethisduringthe event. It has occurred to me that some freshers feel the same and I am not the only one feeling miserable. Through communicating with people who are determined and certain about their future, I was inspired to challenge and explore myself.

With the new friends I made, I was able to forge new memories with them as we hang out after the event. In conclusion, I would say the 5U subcom dinner has been a wonderful event and I woulddefinitelyrecommendittofreshers.

@Golden Phoenix 24

The Welcome Fair this year was held on the 4th of October in South Kensington Campus. We were thrilled to meet lots of new faces as well as returning members at our stall in JuniorCommonRoom.

Throughout this bustling day, we had the opportunity to explain what PASS is to newcomers at Imperial, which not only included Hongkongers but also students all across the globe. Our recent events were also promoted, leading to the great turnout at Imperialogy, a scavenger hunt and welcoming activity the following weekend. Apart from that, people got to know more about our flagship event, Famine 24. Visitors to our stall couldcollectexclusivePASSpensassouvenirs by answering a PA quiz we have prepared on contemporarynewsissues.

25 Welcome Fair
Lavender Foo


-Jasper Yu

Key: H - Joseph Ho, Y - Jasper Yu


我以前寫了很多歌,其實都是給⾃⼰聽,有時我也會給 最熟的朋友聽。後來我認為這樣有點浪費,於是開了

個 IG account,類似畫畫和影相 account,把⾃⼰的

歌 upload 到那裡,其他⼈有興趣就可以撳⼊去聽。之

後這個 account 慢慢變得更正式和專業,因為當越來越


很多 demo(試聽帶),

但其後我不能隨便把 段錄⾳直接上載, 需要⽤更好的器材錄 ⾳,錄⾳後也要處理

好 sound-track,確 保⾳質良好才能「出

街」。 H: Y: 話你知 混⾳ (Audio Mixing) 是⾳樂製作 (music production) 中的 個步 驟,是把多種來源的聲⾳,例如 樂器、⼈聲等整合⾄ 個⾳軌 中。常⾒的混⾳⼯具包括均衡器 (equalizer / EQ) 、 壓 縮 器 (compressor) 、 混 響 (reverb) 和限制器 (limiter)。 Jasper ⼩檔案: 00 後唱作⼈ The Mockingbird 成員及 beatboxer ⾳樂技能:流⾏演唱、爵⼠⿎、鋼琴、 A Capella、Beatbox 喜歡的⾳樂類型/⾵格: R&B、數學搖滾 喜愛藝⼈:盧廣仲、周國賢、 東京事變、觸執⽑ 最想寫歌給張敬軒和陳奕迅 Instagram: @writ_and_sing YouTube: Jasper Yu @writ_and_sing 你是怎樣開始創作寫歌的? 我第 次接觸編曲是在中五時⽤ 些例如Garage Band ⾳樂創作軟件 , 通過電腦鍵盤輸⼊不同樂器和電⼦ synthesizer 的聲⾳。當時我覺得這樣編製⾳樂很有 趣,於是我就開始嘗試為旋律加⼊琴和⿎的伴奏。探索 了編曲半年之後,我收到⽗親送的midi keyboard,可 以接駁到電腦,所有樂器的聲⾳都可以經 keyboard彈 奏轉換成midi file。 雖然我沒有受過正式的⾳樂製作訓練,但我在鑽研的過 程中這些技巧愈變嫻熟。⽽當我寫完歌後分享時,有些 專業的朋友聽完會給予意⾒,有哪些地⽅可以改善,例 如在混⾳的時候要注意⼈聲和樂器聲的⾳質和平衡。跟 他們交流之後,我都會收穫良多,在編曲和製作上更上 層樓,讓整⾸歌變得更加真實。 H: Y: 創作之緣起 序: Imperial College London 作為 所理⼯科的⼤學,喜愛⾳樂和別具⾳樂 才華的學⽣不計其數,Jasper Yu 便是其中 位。Jasper現在是 Imperial ⼟⽊⼯程系的四年級⽣,年紀輕輕就已經有⾃⼰的成名作,於去年9⽉發布的原創專輯《Day and Night Project》也⼤獲好 評,歌曲在去年12⽉在 Spotify 的總播放量已經超過七萬次。同樣愛好⾳樂的筆者有幸可以與 Jasper進⾏專訪,淺談寫歌及 ⾳樂製作 ⼆事。

歌曲的誕⽣ - 曲和詞 話


有沒有 些靈機 觸的地⽅?





就⾏了。⽐如《Day and Night Project》中《彼⽅的

線》是 ⾸關於⽇出、勵志的歌。有了這幅構圖, 就可以計劃歌曲的曲⾵,以及 Hook 的旋律歌詞。寫好 副歌之後,我就把其他部分完成,之後再編曲。編曲的

候,我就可以加⼊樂器的 Solo、間奏和結尾的部分。 這個是正常的做法,但我現在有時候會先完成編曲,然 後再想曲和詞。這種寫歌的⽅法可以⽤於⾮抒情類的 歌,例如 R&B (節奏搖滾)。我會根據編曲的節奏和 groove (律動) 譜上 Hook、曲和詞。不同曲⾵類型是有 不同的處理⽅法的。 我們知道適合的編曲可以為⼀⾸歌增添⾊彩,你是如何



參考其他歌的不同地⽅再合體⽽成的。例如抒情歌在 chord progression、⿎的節奏有它的公式,⽽我就在

這個基礎上嘗試變化。現在的流⾏曲有很多不同的曲 ⾵,每 種都有它固定的玩法。若我們在這個規則上加 上新的元素,就會變成 ⾸新的作品。如果

H: Y: H: Y:




H: Y:

布的歌都是⽤書⾯語⼊詞的,你會不會考慮⽤ ⼝語寫詞呢?

平常廣東歌的詞都是書⾯語,⼝語其實很難填詞。⼝語 的詞彙很淺⽩,很多詞語和術語我們在⼝語是不會講

的,例如形容詞、⽐喻、描寫等等。廣東話的詞原本已 經很難填,還要填⼝語的詞,就會難上加難。不過⼝語 ⽐較多⽤在 rap 上⾯,因為它沒有聲調和韻腳的限制。



⼈開 個 playlist 聽歌,但我可以聽⾃⼰的歌,的確是

很⾃豪的。⽽且當⾃⼰寫了 ⾸很好的歌時,成功感會 很⼤。很少⼈可以 個⼈完成 ⾸歌的製作,⽽且是

⾸正式的歌。有很多⼈想要擁有 ⾸屬於⾃⼰的歌,但


⼈⼠為他們編曲錄⾳,但這些技巧我都是在 YouTube

上學習。當我學會了這些技能,可以曲詞編監包辦 ⾸ 歌

Jasper Yu 的原創專輯《Day and Night Project》。

你寫歌 般會先有曲還是先有詞?
多時候我都是先有曲再想詞。寫曲主要是確定旋律想 表達的⼼情,⽽詞⼤多都是跟個⼈經歷和感受有關,加 上⾃⼰的主題。我在計劃概念專輯的時候,是確定了 組
句 ⼦
會不會很難填詞⼊曲? 很難。我要⽤廣東話押韻表才⾏。填詞的話,我會從
的⾳調,很 容易就「唔啱⾳」。我有 次寫歌,填完詞後,旋律除 了 Hook line其他跟最初是完全不 樣。 你現在發
H: Y: 我們知道 ⾸歌的曲和詞同樣重要。不知道你平常寫歌 的流程是怎樣的? 般我會先寫曲,然後詞⼤多會憑感覺寫出來的。通常 作⽐較 commercial 的流⾏曲,我 般會先寫副歌,尤 其是想好第 句的詞與曲,因為這 句是最能讓聽眾留 下印象;然後再完成其他的部分。要作 ⾸有記憶點的 歌,就要花⼼思寫這個 Hook。 你
只是局限於 某 類的作品,便很難打破原來的規則,創作具個⼈⾵ 格的作品。 講完編曲,我再想了解⼀下你填詞譜曲的過程。你寫歌 的靈感會是甚麼? 靈感有時候跟⼼情相關, 般不開⼼的時候會有更多創 作靈感。⼼情
開⼼ 的歌,可以嘗試快歌,但快歌的曲⾵不適合填失戀悲傷 的詞,也不能寫很深奧的主題。簡單來說,「抒情必須 要不開⼼。」 ⽽且當我⼼情不好的時候,就會很想抱怨 些事。 對,那你就會有很多發揮空間。 H: Y: H: Y: H: Y: H: Y: H: Y: ⼀⾸
詞。 27
的⼼情。如果要作 些
Hook (鈎印) 是 種⾳

通常你製作 ⾸歌要多久?

通常曲就很快,靈感 到半⼩時就可以了。填詞就需要


編曲的話主要是再電腦軟件裏 build tracks 和加 midi blocks,時間就視乎編曲的複雜程度,抒情歌⼤概2-3

⼩時,⽽ 些 rhythm 較複雜的快歌就需要更多時間。

但 最 ⿇ 煩 的 是 其 後 的 mixing 和 mastering ( ⺟ 帶 處 理)。我做 album 的時候,mixing 我是⽤了 個⽉,因 為當時我不太懂,需要時間摸索如何才是正確的做法。

⽽ mastering 的部分我交給其他⼈做的。因為有12⾸

歌,所以這兩個步驟⼤約⽤了 個多⽉。如果我懂得 mixing 和 mastering,所需的時間也可能是兩⾄三⽇。


定有的,之前在這個⼯序花了很多時間。我出 album

的時候。Mastering 中的 compressor 和 limiter是要

除去track 的 些⾼頻的位置,放⼤整體⾳量,讓聲⾳

更飽滿。如果不處理好這個步驟,上載到 Spotify 的歌



⼰也處理不了,需要找⼈幫忙。現在即使我的歌⾳量達 到業界的標準,但我仍然覺得我的歌的⾳量還是⽐其他


那麼mixing 和 mastering是你寫歌中的最⼤挑戰嗎?

算是吧,其實混⾳ (mixing) 和拍 MV (⾳樂短⽚) 的⼯作

都很有挑戰性。 個⾳檔 mp3 是沒有⼈會撳⼊去聽


和 MV。

混⾳最難的地⽅是有些事是需要⽤錢來解決,例如器 材。有時候是因為買不起 些 plugins (外掛程式) ⽽需

要花很⻑時間製造同 個效果。在摸索的過程可能挺⻑ 的,但⾃⼰會不斷進步,累積經驗。



個好的 MV 應該是怎樣的。有些簡單的MV ,開⾸只

是 些加上濾鏡 (filter) 的街景,仍有很多⼈點擊;但

有些⼤製作的 MV,特意找導演和男⼥主⻆去拍

H: Y:

只要付 點錢就可以了。Windows 也有它⾃⼰的軟

件,好像叫 Ableton。其實⾳樂創作對於普通⼈和新⼿



有些 equipment 是騙錢的,但有些不是。我建議可以

詢問 些有經驗的⼈⼠,請教哪些器材的性價⽐最⾼。

(例如 microphone 有不同的種類,不同牌⼦有不同價

錢) 最重要是達到⾏內的標準。如果達到標準⽽性價⽐


《Day and Night Project》

H: Y:

《 Day and Night Project 》

是 個以「時間」為單位的原

創專輯,我覺的這個 album


album除了這個concept, 有沒有其他值得推薦的地 ⽅?

我覺得最⼤的賣點是 album 本⾝。現在的趨勢是出單 曲 (single),就算是有能⼒的歌⼿也不選擇出專輯。如

果 把 單 曲 ⾸ ⾸ 推 出 , 每 ⾸ 就 有 各 ⾃ 的 promotion;但 album 的話觀眾只會聽頭兩三⾸,或 者 些主打歌。現在很多歌⻑度都越來越短,2分鐘的 歌也有。這也跟⼈們的聽歌習慣有關。現在有太多新歌 推出,⼈們聽了開頭幾秒覺得不感興趣就不聽了,更何 況有耐⼼⽤ ⼩時聽完整個專輯?

在這個時勢 album 是不賺錢的,但我選擇做 album 是


以連著聽 , 歌曲聽的順序也可以花⼼思在裡⾯。聽

《 Day and Night Project 》 的 歌我覺得 是 要順 序 聽 的,聽完最後 ⾸⼜可以 loop 番去 開頭,聽完 天 的⽇與夜。我覺得這也突出了 album 的特性,它不是 a bundle of songs,這個就是最⼤的賣點。

H: Y:

是的,我認為 個 album 可以體現歌⼿能駕馭不同⾵ 格,⽽ ⾸單曲對歌⼿沒有太⼤的發揮空間。⽽且我在


是的,例如《⾬淚四下看著你的 Rainy Face》是 Lo-fi

R&B 的曲⾵,有 些laid back的節奏,有環境聲和 telephone vocal,讓整體感覺不像 ⾸正式的歌。⽽

《葬⾝於光線裏狂歡 刻》就有MathRock (數字搖滾)


攝,但 出來的效果平平。捕捉市場和⼤眾的喜好是 件不容易 的事。 之前你有提及創作⾳樂時⽤的硬件和軟件,它們對⼀般 ⼈來說是否容易⼊⼿? 容易。它們價錢很相宜,編曲和錄⾳器材加起來⽐ 部 MacBook 便宜,可能 HKD 3000 就可以買到所有的⼯ 具。但是我們不 定要擁有所有器材才能創作,其中最 重要的器材是 midi keyboard 和 microphone。市⾯ 上也有不少免費的編曲軟件,例如 Apple 的 Garage Band,如果要更專業正規LogicPro 也是 個選擇,你 H: Y: H: Y: H: Y: H: Y: ⼀⾸歌
⽣ - 後期處理
⽅在於⽤12⾸歌 貫穿 ⽇24⼩時。你認為你的 話你知 Low-fidelity (Lo-fi) music 是指在⾳樂中故意沒有經過 打磨、⽤不完美的⾳質製作的作品。 ⾸ Lo-fi 作品可能 會有節奏不對 beat或速度時快時慢的感覺,錄⾳時也特 意保留粗糙聲⾳和加⼊少許雜聲,讓⾳樂整體更加朦 朧。Lo-fi切合⽣活環境的聲⾳,容易營造氣氛,讓聽眾 更快代⼊歌曲的情緒。 28

H: Y: H:


《Day and Night Project》






狂歡 刻 酒後駕駛 捱過了今夜


相信很多⼈是因為《祝你⽣⽇快樂》⽽知道你,這⾸歌 是《Day and Night Project》的主打嗎?

算是吧,因為它有很多周邊,例如微電影。其實這個 album 的主打歌應該是《⾶翔少年》和《成⻑再成 ⻑》,⽽《祝你⽣⽇快樂》是2021年推出的,現在因為 周邊的關係⽽再紅了 次。 這個是不是在你預期之內? 有時候觀眾對 album 的反應不是 推出就⾺上⾒到 的。有 些歌曲推出的時候反應平平,但到後來有⼈分 享或⽤了這⾸歌才會紅。有很多這樣的 cases。


H: Y:


在你的專輯《Day and Night Project》推出後,有沒有 些跟其他⾳樂⼈合作的機會和項⽬? ⼜沒有很多。因為可能我⾝在英國,很少有⾯對⾯的合 作。我現在有 些電影配樂 (film scoring) 的⼯作,也 有幫⼈寫歌。

Jasper 為 YouTuber 混⾎肥仔 OUR. Studio 的短篇電影 《邊 個發明了LONG D》配樂,他最廣為⼈知的作品《祝




你覺得 film scoring 和平時寫歌有甚麼不同?

電影配樂是另 個世界。要製作 齣電影,拍攝的畫⾯



⾸先會交給剪⽚師剪輯 , ⽽當中剪⽚師會根據 個 stock music 完 成 剪 輯 。 我 的 ⼯ 作 是 根 據 那 個 stock music 重新寫 些配樂。Stock music 是⽤來提⽰⾳樂 開始和結束的時間。電影配樂和普通編曲最⼤的不同是 前者是根據電影劇情製作,時間點 定要很精準,多 秒都不⾏。⽽且配樂需要根據劇情的起伏決定加減的樂 器,例如當主⻆開始哭、越哭越厲害時,我的配樂也要 越來越悲傷激昂。要量⾝定做 ⾸電影配樂需要考慮很 多這樣的情況。普通編曲就有更多的⾃由度和發揮空 間。不過兩者的思路其實差不多,都是⽤ LogicPro進 ⾏。 你覺得電影配樂好玩嗎?

⾮常有趣,不過我更喜歡作曲。電影配樂有太多限制, 需要根據監製的意⾒不斷修改。⾃⼰寫歌會更靈活,有 更多⾃主權。

Jasper 現時正在籌備第⼆張專輯,將會以「空間」為主題,以 距離為單位。⽽他會在今年3⽉的 Mockingbird Concert⾸演 其中 ⾸新

歌,敬請期待。 作為 位 Final Year 的⼤學⽣,Jasper 畢業後打算留在英 國。他表⽰有 些⾹港的⾳樂朋友建議他回到⾹港繼續發展⾳ 樂,將會有更多現場表演的機會。不過他認為寫歌只是業餘興 趣,把⾳樂成為⾃⼰的主要收⼊來源在現今競爭激烈的樂壇是 很難達到的。⽽在英國他有更多時間寫歌,就算沒有⼈找他邀 歌,他也可以為⾃⼰發布作品。「我不想做明星,也不介意⾃ ⼰是否表演者。我只想享受製作⾳樂的過程,製作好的作 品。」 結語:
Album Track list/時間軸 Side A ⽇ Side B 夜 6am 8am 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm 彼⽅的地平線 樣的⽉台 ⾶翔少年 成⻑再成⻑ Crazy Rainbow Star ⾬淚四下看著你的 Rainy Face 6pm 8pm 10pm 12am 2am 4am 29

《Day and Night Project》除了有抒情慢歌 , 也展現了

Jasper ⾳樂造詣之⾼。作為 ⾸ Lo-fi R&B ⾵格的歌,

《Rainy Face》的編

《⾶翔少年Shounen Fly》

年輕⼈的夢想和熱誠,可以改變世界。Jasper⽤這⾸歌勾起 我們少年時的夢想,激勵我們縱使現實殘酷,但尋夢路上總 會有同伴。各位懷揣著夢想的年輕⼈,不妨細嚼 下歌詞, 好好珍惜眼前同⾏的知⼰良朋, 起展翅⾼⾶。



Jasper 作為⽇本樂隊的 fans,album 點少得 ⾸ J-pop 的

歌呢?這⾸歌融合了 funk、⽇本和80年代美國的曲⾵和⾳

樂元素,讓你置⾝數碼世界的虛幻。聽這⾸歌時記得要戴上 ⽿機,就可以聽到裡⾯ 段⽴體聲⾳在你⽿邊講著 串串數 字。

曲中加⼊下⾬的環境聲製造氣氛,加上 Jasper 多層次且律動感的聲⾳,讓聽眾享受 場聽覺盛 宴。如果你溫習的時候會聽著歌,可以把這⾸歌加⼊你的歌 單! 《⾬淚四下看著你的Rainy
作為專輯中的第 ⾸歌,《彼⽅的地平線》正好有畫⿓點睛 的作⽤。正在英國留學⽣活的你可能會想念⾹港的⼈和事, 之前的匆匆離別,有很多話都沒有機會講。但「就算時差也 有許多,⽇與夜掛念天空⾶過」,即使相距萬⾥,我們想講 的話,終會送抵地平線的另 邊。 專輯好歌推介: 《彼⽅的地平線》 《成⻑再成⻑》 進⼊⼤學和社會,社會期望我們 夜之間變得成熟;但在如 此重⼤的交叉點,我們都難免會有不適應,甚⾄因爲這些不 適應和期望讓壓⼒倍增。這⾸歌的哲學是「屢敗屢戰」,即 使失敗了仍努⼒打好每場仗。就算⽣活中的期望和現實不相 對,我們也要做個好⼈,為⾃⼰⽽奮⾾。 《酒後駕駛》 這個 album 果然處處有驚喜!這⾸歌Chorus 的Hook很易 ⼊腦,⿎點和 groove 營造出深夜醉酒的⼈「 仆 碌」的 感覺。歌曲中段還有 melodic rap完美融⼊歌曲當中,值得 聽再聽。 30
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