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The Eternal Treasure

Journal of Resistance Literature Reviews and Scholarly Articles Issue no.1, December 2012

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‫موسسه فرهنگی هرنی و انتشارات بین املللی الهدی‬ ‫مؤسسة الهدی الثقافیه و الفنیه للنرش الدولی‬ Alhoda International, Cultural, Artistic The Eternal Treasure 2

The Eternal Treasure Concessionaire: Alhoda international, cultural, artistic and publication Editor in chief: Nastaran Poursalehi Editorial Board: Maryam Asadi, Ahad Goudarziani, Asgar Abbasnejad, Akram Dashtban Tehran - P.O.Box 14155_4363 www.alhodapublication.ir info@alhodapublication.ir Tٰel: +98 21 22211211 - 22206714

Editorial 5 war literature is born 7 “Memoir Writing Movement” in Iran 10 Experience war photography by “Shooting under Fire” 14 A book review on “A Foot Leftover” 18 “Saddam’s Looking at war through the eyes of an Iraqi general. 22 Accounts of Imam Khomeini’s Presence 26 Iran Naval Defense Depicted in “Red Wave” 29 The love of a Zoroastrian to Iran is readable in “Footprint of Farhad” 32

“The Puzzle of the Fish Canal” 40

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The Sky Station Rahim Safavi Memoir was published 36

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On September 22, 1980, the Iraqi Baathist regime launched a fullscale war against Iran with prior decisions and schemes to topple newly-founded Islamic Republic of Iran. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appeared on Iraqi TVs and announced the outbreak of Baathist regime against Iranian lands tearing up the 1975 agreement of Algeria; and an unequal war was imposed on Iran. Eventually, on 20th of August 1988, this war came to an end after eight years. During the imposed war of Iraq against Iran, different groups of people took action in any way so that they would contribute to defending their country. Some people did all

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their best at the battle fields and others in the cities. Authors were a population of society who, on the one hand, injected a spirit of resistance in people with their handwritten works, and on the other hand, recorded the incidents of this imposed war which was called the Holy Defense by Imam Khomeini, the founder of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. Writing about the Holy Defense was followed more seriously in years following the imposed war of Iraq against Iran in forms of memories, poems, short and long stories so that all events during those 8 years of Iranian history would be heard by next generations. Moreover, a number of these works found a way to other countries and being translated, they encouraged non-Iranian readers to read about this war. The magazine which is in your hands, titled as “The Eternal Treasure” seeks to introduce the literary festivals and the newest style and most popular works of the Holy Defense literature. It should be noted that the title of this magazine is taken from Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s speech, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, who has stated, “This eight-year war (Iraq-Iran war) is indeed an eternal treasure.”

war literature is born

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Morteza Sarhangi, Head of Cultural and Artistic Studies of Resistance in Art Center: war literature is born; it is not made. Words’ value in such writings is more than any other human effort. They will write while they suffered exhausting wars, they write in their own privacy with the least awareness of writing techniques. They will form their wishes and pains with words. They say what happened for them as the result of war. The tone of public voice and intimacy means achievement of most truth of a horrible event which in itself will highly influence the audience, because war literature has no companion except human beings. Such new and young literature is full of humanistic and divine signs including live and strong instances. Authors of such literary genre are perfectly aware of their responsibilities; they know how much it grew up until now and how much it is clear in its youth’s faces. Such genre is the reflection of public will which

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determines how they think, how they behave and how they defend themselves at the time of danger. Such literary genre is not forgettable even in the farthest region of the world. Even it is honorable in societies which possessed defense war. Our war is an example of above fact which is reserved high respect by our people. Up until now resistance literature played an important role in reflecting the events of the eight years. Most cultural and artistic events in defense field were inspired by such literature. Authors and scholars in this regard had access to resources which depending upon them will benefit even scientific and literary centers of the world. There are several researchers from different countries who came war literature is into Iran to trace back such young born; it is not made. literature. Basically, in war literature Words’ value in such people are eager to know how their writings is more than companions struggled to achieve any other human freedom and independence, they are effort. certain in the fact that other nations would be better understood in difficult circumstances such as war. We would not forgive ourselves if we have a look at white and unwritten pages for our shortcomings and ignorance. There are elements of holiness in such war. These lighted columns are considered as spiritual support for social foundations. Literature is a mirror to reflect different aspect of such holiness which its founders were exalted ones who glowed throughout the history and saved Iran and its young revolution. Artistic performance of such intellectuals and devotees in battle field had been always the causes of proud and peace. Getting closer to the world of the eight year which is full of human exaltation shed light on the fact that our resistance literature has

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a lot to say. However there was no other literature which had been ignored except resistance literature. If we had true understanding of such literature it should be turned into our public and national literature. Certainly, there are many reasons for such inattention, but the point is that still, after 24 years passed from the war between Iran and Iraq, there is no key for closed doors of inattention. However, the problem would be more serious when we believe that life and maturity of such literature would be under the control of those who are forced to think politically and behave logically and would incline toward such literature whenever their political conditions demand. It is crystal clear that we cannot entangle national interests with political parties and groups which usually possess low intelligence in our country. Our word is this: Our people consider resistance literature as a national heritage; they like such born literature grow in the most natural conditions to become mature.

“Memoir Writing Movement� in Iran

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The thirty second anniversary week of Holy Defense was held in Iran, as a little more than 24 years have passed since the end of the imposed war of Iraq against Iran. In years passed on these anniversaries, many words have been expressed by all those people who had a sense of fixation, responsibility and an analytic look to these occasions and many books are written and published based on all these words (either in form of memoir and narration of incidents or advertising and encouraging expressions). The volume of written works has opened ways of fairs and festivals in such a way that it seems paying attention to the holy defense has led to fulfillment of past years’ wish which was described as a “movement” approach to the subject, as memoir writing movement. Nowadays and nearly in all cities of Iran, memoir of the martyrs, veterans, patriots, warriors and commanders of years of the holy defense are being written; apart from qualitative verification of this movement, quantitative prediction of which is astonishing because many of these writings are published and many others are on the threshold of preparation or publication. Literary texts are also added to this volume and poetry is still on the top and stories with new incentives, whose signs are mostly seen in writers’ desire, are on the threshold of better writing of incidents of the imposed Iraq war against Iran. Specialist publishers in the field of holy defense books, observe International exhibitions in addition to making ever-increasing attempts to participate in all local book fairs. According to the published news of their participation in Frankfurt International Book Fair, holy defense publishers have opened a new way in global display of one of the superior forehead of written literature in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in which if

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they take their steps continuously, it is not unlikely that such results as winning local books of holy defense be brought for the culture of our country. Therefore, achievements of this condition are not few and if they are considered, classified and presented continuously, policies of future plans of production and publication of holy defense books will be established more accurately. Publishers of this filed seek to create secure paths to fertilize the scope of publishing holy defense books for their general issues by depending on newly-established foundations. The authors of this filed have suggested that such a foundation Specialist publishers should be set up so that they would in the field of holy defense state and consider their issues first in books, observe professional circles. International Experiences of past years exhibitions in express this fact that policy-making addition to making of institutions and organizations ever-increasing supporting written sources of holy attempts to defense has been done with specific participate in all local proportion of each of them. Authors book fairs. and publishers have benefitted from supports based on their connection to them; however, it seems that arrangements of accurate policy-making to make the best use of all available achievements and measures to reach better results in the future should be produced by and presented through the current applicable body and texture of the field of holy defense and its agents (as authors, publishers, etc.). Hereupon, by matching capabilities and supporting perspectives, one can reach stronger measures to make use of covert, but influential achievements of the fulfilled movement for a future which many wishes are dreamed for. On the other hand, narration of the holy defense in

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written works is usually formed around a central incident or character, any of which that is chosen and prioritized, will talk about the other in its domain because events are formed by some characters and characters influence the events. In recent years, the amount of character-centralization has risen and events are reviewed through reviewing the fate of influential characters. One of the reasons of such superiority is that achieving limitations of a character is more possible for an author, especially if that character is still alive. In this timeframe, institutions responsible for publishing holy defense books have published some works with a focus on introducing the characters. Most of these works are written using documentation of heroes’ lives such as written biographies or life events and are placed beside such forms as “fictional autobiographies” or “documentary fictions”. Iranian audience welcoming these books arises from the current perspective in their minds that they are always seeking borders of reality in those works. Concluding from opinions of the custodians and publishers of story designers who write using events and incidents show that they have entered this scope based on the assessment of cultural collections of the society. This measure acknowledges that if the audience is the young and teenagers become familiar with the history of the holy defense in form of fictions, more of their attention will be drawn. Therefore, holy defense literature in the Islamic Republic of Iran is still leading and creates new borders together with development of literary forms for more durability.

Experience war photography by “Shooting under Fire” The Eternal Treasure 14

“Shooting under Fire” by Peter Howe and translated into Persian by Solmaz Hadadian, an Iranian Photographer, is a collection of memoires and photos by 10 contemporary photographers of wars and crises during last 6o years. These photographers includes: Patrick Shal, Ron Havilio, Philip Jones Griffith, Don McCalin, and Susan Meiselas. In this book, Peter Howe has depicted a collection of

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the best real, sad, heroine and bittering stories as well as stories of photographers who had been in the frontline of conflicts in Cypress in 1950 up until Afghanistan in the 21st century. The details of photos include date, place and the photographer; moreover the expressions of feelings of photographers or photos’ subject are also provided. Solmaz Hadadian says: “I was surfing the Internet to find articles of war and crises photography that I came to this book in Amazon website. The memoires and experiences of 10 outstanding photographers that mostly I know, was compiled here.” “It’s true that Iranian photographers had the experience of Holy Defense during imposed war by Iraq, but the new generation who want to start photography have rarely sources to learn about war photography,” she adds. “The unbiased point of view of photographers” and “variety of wars” are points that she refers to as the points which make this book different. She says: “I think this book is a real guide for young photographers who want to know more about war photography, there

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are many impressive points in it. More importantly, as this book is introducing works by 10 photographers, 10 point of view, styles and approaches are provided in a way that when you review the photos, you can understand how one photographer had approached his or her subject.” Patrick Shal, a French photographer, started his work by photography in 6-day Vietnam War and continued his career in conflicts in Mozambique, Angola, El Salvador, Iran-Iraq War, Chechen, Persian Gulf War and Yugoslavia. In his first memory in this book titled ‘first war, no photo,’ he says: “6-day Vietnam War was my first experience in war. Regional political situation was unstable. Everyone knew that something is going to happen. Most Israeli youths were mobilized to find someone to replace them in “Kibbutz” in their farms. I saw an ad in a French newspaper, saying that young boys, Jewish preferably, are asked to be taken to Israel. I was 17 and willing to travel. I wanted to be somewhere

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exciting but I had no money. They were willing to pay so I joined them; I took on a train from Paris to Brindisi where I took a boat to Israel. When we got there, they give us flower and said: because of working in their farms, we are their real heroes. It was very difficult and I was surprised as while I was taking cotton, the war began…” Ron Havilio, another photographer of this book talks about one of his memories in war and says: “There should always be a connection between soldiers and photographers, a mutual trust maybe. Before going to war battle, I should make sure he is not an idiot and he should know that I’m not this book is an idiot to do stupid things which put introducing both of us in danger. This friendship, works by 10 especially with commanders is very photographers, 10 point of view, styles important. It’s always easier to make and approaches friends with soldiers; they always are provided in love to be photographed, they enjoy a way that when seeing you there and if they trust you, you review the everything would be ok. But with a photos, you can commander who doesn’t want you understand how one to be there, you can do nothing and photographer had that’s it! In each war, you see different approached his or photographers who go to different her subject.” parts of war and try to make friends with commanders, a person by his help, they can go along. When I was in Bosnia, I took photos of prisoners and soldiers who execute civilians. There I made friends with their notorious commander. He let me join soldiers because he met me 6 months ago and if I was not familiar with him from before; I never got a chance to go to the front.” “Saghi” is the publisher of this book and it is also supported by Revolution and Holy Defense Photographers Association.

A book review on “A Foot Leftover� Memories of a 16-year-old Iranian imprisoned in secret Iraqi prisons

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Writing diary needs motivations and good moods. You sometimes decide to compose a diary of your everyday life and then the hectic days do not let you fulfill it. And it would be a great motivation for a young inmate, seyed Naser Hosseinipur, to, despite the hard times in prisons, write his everyday life, using codes, on the back of cigarette pockets and hide them in his crutches; hoping that one day they would be heard or read. Rewriting 187 days’ diary during his 808 days of imprisonment resulted in a book titled “A Foot Leftover”. He went to frontiers as a volunteer and became a watchman in one of frontiers. All of a sudden, he lost one of his legs and got captive by Iraqis just three weeks before acceptance he writes his diary of 598 resolutions. He spent some on cigarette pockets time in hidden unregistered prisons and hides them in Tikrit without being listed as a in his crutches. prisoner of war by Red Cross. Despite He was set free the hardships, he writes his diary on after 808 days cigarette pockets and hides them in and rewrote his his crutches. He was set free after 808 memories. days and rewrote his memories. In a part of his book, he explains how he was captured by Iraqis: “The fire was heavy. First I didn’t know I was wounded. I just felt front of my thigh is burning and wet. I was shot. The bullet had removed part of my flesh and I was bleeding severely. The Iraqis could fire on any moving creature. I just tried to stand up and run to a heavy machine gun 10 or 12 meters away. I felt right side of my body was shorter and I fell down. Looking at my leg to see what has happened, I was shocked. I had totally broken my right shin. I had my ankle bone extremely shot by several bullets. While I was looking at the top of fortification, some Iraqis came up with

scared faces as if they were frightened of the place I was. I had thrown my gun somewhere. One of the three or four Iraqis pierced the ground by Iraq flag and a thin Iraqi with small eyes and olive complexion came to take me. I never forget his face.

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Dear Iraqi torturer Interestingly, seyed Naser Hosseininpur dedicated this book to the Iraqi torturer, Walid Farhan. It would be a good idea to take a look at the book to get some ideas about this torturer: Walid came to me and slapped me and looked into my eyes with a great anger, saying: “I’ll show you a splendid zoo now…” and made me fetch with my teeth

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a 1.5-meter cable he had thrown far away with my hands cuffed on the back. Fazel was his translator. It had been a while I had my feet infected due to my nails in my flesh and I couldn’t jump on one foot. However, I managed to take the cable at long last. It was very hard to keep the balance with one foot and cuffed hands and the cable would fall with each imbalance. He asked me to do this again and again to walk on my nerves. It happened for more than ten times. It was a horrible torture for one with one leg and in handcuffs. For the last times, I asked Fazel to tell him I was more comfortable if he hit me with the cable. My mouth and jaw was aching. I was breathing hard and he left me at long last… it was a good experience. The best part of the book refers to last months of his imprisonment when he talks about the freedom of captives which was a sweet part to him: “Iraqis said there is an important news at 9 in the morning and all of us were waiting for the news. That was the time we heard about freedom of Iranian captives. We were all dumbfounded. Abbas Behnam burst into tears and said: ‘Seyed! We are free at last.’ Almost everyone was in tears of happiness. We got on the plain. Nichole, Swedish representative of Red Cross, was sitting next to me. I was experiencing one of the best moments in my life. The freedom was unbelievable for me. We landed at about 3 in the afternoon and I believed I am free at long last when the wheels of the plane touched the landing strip, I believed my freedom. And I deserved it after those hardships. Iran’s Great Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, after reading the book “A Foot Leftover” demanded its translation into Arabic and English. The book was published by Sureh Mehr publisher and has been republished for 22 times.

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“Saddam’s Looking at war through the eyes of an Iraqi general.

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The commander of the Iraqi President Guard in Saddam’s government, “General Rad Majid Hamdani”, has analyzed some of the issues related to military operations in Iraq and Iran during the 8-year imposed war and he has evaluated their strengths and weaknesses in a challenging Interview. The text of this interview has been published in a book entitled “Saddam’s War: The perspective of the commander of the Iraqi President Guard” in America, and Marzoboom Publications has published the translated version of this book by Davood Olamayi koopayi in Iran. The interview of the professors of the Institute for Defense Analyses of the U.S National Defense University, “Kevin M. Woods”, “Williamson Murray”, and “Thomas Holaday”, with the commander of the Iraqi President Guard in Saddam’s government, “General Rad Majid Hamdani”, was done 14th to 19th May 2007 in Jordan and the full text has been published in the book of “Saddam’s War”. One of the reasons that make the views of Rad Majid Hamdani so important is that he was a former Iraqi militant who has spent a lot of time in the army and then the Iraqi President Guard, considering as the Army’s highest levels, tried to overcome the Iranian soldiers’ methods of warfare. In the first chapter of the book of “Saddam’s War”, there is a summary of the information and analysis of the professors of the Institute for Defense Analyses based on what General Rad Majid Hamdani said and the second chapter contains a full text of his interview according to the chronological order of events. In a part of the first chapter of the book of “Saddam’s War”, the professors of the Institute for Defense Analyses of the U.S National Defense University have evaluated the perspectives of the commander of the Iraqi President Guard on the premier steps of the

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Iraqi Baath Army in attack to Iran; they have written: “General Hamdani believes that the Iraqis did not have any real battle plan with operational objectives or even the tactical coordinated plan. Apparently Saddam thought that their invasion to Iran would cause the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran immediately and instead of that, there would be a government which gives many areas of the South West of Iran to Iraq. According to what General Hamdani indicated, the only practical approach of Saddam was to occupy the country and then defend it and attach it to Bagdad. The interview of the professors of the Institute for Defense Analyses of the U.S National Defense University starts with the adventure of the “Arab-Israeli wars in 1973 and 1967” and “Power transfer to the Iraqi Ba’ath Party” and will continue with the issues like : “Beginning of the Iran-Iraq war”, “The initial stages of the war, Saddam Hussein’s dreams”, “Saddam’s reaction to the defeat and execution of people”, “The spiritual influence of Imam Khomeini”, “Iran’s tactics to influence on Iraq”, “Iran’s response to mass destruction weapons”, “Casualties of Iraqi armored brigade on 6 February 1984” and “The

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religion’s role in the Iraq-Iran war”. In a part of this interview, Hamdani explained how the war with Iran began: “When Imam Khomeini was appeared in Iran, all we knew about the nature of the regime and the military capabilities was what we knew about the Pahlavi regime. I mean we did not have any idea about what had happened in Iran’s army… some news said that the army had been decomposed after the king’s crash and a public army was going to be replaced. Looking at Iran, we saw the Muslim militants that were formed from the workers, farmers, and small groups of king’s soldiers. So Saddam started to prepare a plan to disintegrate it. It was completely clear that this army was not as powerful as the king’s soldiers. And he believed it was the best moment for Iraqis, because Iranians didn’t have enough equipment, they did not have enough education and they were not able to fight”. In response to a question about the personality of Saddam, this general pointed to the duality of his personality and said: “Saddam had lived all his life with this multiplicity of characters and he might show all of them together. His violence and intolerance increased and he became more isolated while he became older. When I was young and I took a part in a meeting with him, my heart rate was 150 beats per minute. Because you did not know what you should wait for and what would happen. General Hamdani believes that Saddam could change his character in blink of an eye. He could kill his family in a moment and the other moment, he could cry for a wounded cat. The important thing about the personality of Saddam is that you do not know who you are confronting with. Persian translated version of the book of “Saddam’s War”, the commander of the Iraqi President Guard, has been published by Marzoboom Publications.

Accounts of Imam Khomeini’s Presence in Neauphle-le-Château as expressed by a revolutionary combatant

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“Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina”, a revolutionary combatant against the regime of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in Iran, has compiled his socio-political memoirs of victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran centralized the description of memories pertaining to the residence of Imam Khomeini in Neauphle-le-Château, France, in a book entitled “Visit at Neauphle-le-Château.” The book begins with some memories from difficult childhood, adolescence, and youth of Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina and continues with his entry to Imam Khomeini’s movement and his accompaniment with Islamic Coalition Party. Tavakoli Bina has even added to attraction of the book “Visit in Neauphle-le-Château” by expressing the unsaid facts of what happened during the fighting path beside Imam Khomeini. In a part of Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina’s memoirs, the difficult conditions of “SAVAK (Organization of Intelligence and National Security)” and methods of forcing confessions out of political prisoners have been described as follows: “My back swelled and burst my due to the strike of cables. It was about 3 a.m. when I fainted. Only my ears could hear them ordering not to let me sleep, not to give me food, so that he would confess. By the time of

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Morning Prayer, I went out to do wudu. My entire back had swelled such that I was unable to move my hand or my waist. I did wudu with difficulty and said Morning Prayer. At 7 a.m. they took me to the interrogation room, and I repeated the same words as the previous night. They would not let us rest more than an hour or two in a day. The pressure of torture and psychological pressure had completely taken comfort away from us. Having suffered prison and severe tortures, Tavakoli Bina goes to France with Mahdi Iraqi, the late Iranian revolutionary combatant. At that time, Imam Khomeini was living in Neauphle-le-Château village in France, who ordered that his housekeeping would be performed by Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina and Mahdi Iraqi after realizing that these to combatants reside in France. The volume of visiting demands from Iranian students abroad, journalists, and even the French with Imam Khomeini was high and this course of history has been very effective in expediting the process of Islamic Revolution and people’s increasing awareness of the event. Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina mentions in a part of his memoirs, “Five persons from churches in south of France had been sent as representatives to welcome Imam Khomeini who came and met him. Before Imam met them, he ordered us to get some presents and flowers for them. He was so gifted. When they entered, a woman who was the head of that team began her words like this: “Oh Imam, you who have come to establish the rule

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of God on earth...” This was what the Christian woman said. When she was expressing such words, everybody cried emotional tears. The meeting was so influential. The finishing part of the book “Visit at Neauphlele-Château” is devoted to Imam’s return from France to Iran and formation of Welcome Committee in Iran in 1 February 1979. He then talks about expediting the recording and distribution of Imam Khomeini’s speeches and messages from France to Tehran: “The process was such that Imam’s speeches were sent from his office in Neauphle-le-Château via telephone which I recorded. The messages were recorded in a similar way. While The book begins transcribing the tapes, we wound with some sometimes wind the tape back and memories from forward for more than fifty times to difficult childhood, understand some ambiguous words. adolescence, and Then we multiplied them and sent the youth of Abolfazl ones which were ready to different Tavakoli Bina regions in Tehran. They, too, were and continues responsible to distribute them, and with his entry to it was such that whoever came to his Imam Khomeini’s work would see a version of Imam’s movement and his accompaniment with speeches on his desk. I heard from one of the brethren who had studied Islamic Coalition in the U.S. that Holmes and Sullivan, Party. America’s ambassador in Iran said in a televised debate that you did not perform your duties well. They told they did a good job, but what was unknown to them is that Ayatollah Khomeini wrote on a small piece of paper and suddenly the entire country moved. they could not work this out...” The book “Visit at Neauphle-le-Château” is published by attempts of Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s works.

Iran Naval Defense Depicted in “Red Wave�

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Jafar ShirAli Nia explains incidents of the Islamic Republic’s naval defense in “Red Wave: Narration of War in Persian Gulf” with a reporting, analytical look. This work has been recently published by Fatehan Publication. “Red Wave: Narration of War in Persian Gulf” is written using about 80 sources such as books, magazine and newspaper articles, and interviews conducted for writing the book. As we read in the introduction, “Iranians were fighting at several fronts during the eight-year war. Those days, Gary Sick, U.S. presidential adviser, had said, ‘The major factor in continuing the war from Iran was the country’s oil exports and by the time oil is being exported from Iran, the war will continue; thus, Iran’s oil exports should be cut.’ To act on this suggestion, Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries increased their production to lower oil price. Iraq and its supporters began fighting against oil tankers to prevent Iran’s oil exports. Iran was superior in ground war over Iraq and it also did not intend to involve its forces through sea as well. They just did limited retaliation attacks and attempted more to protect their islands and oil tankers; however, when Iraqis’ attacks in the sea intensified, Iranian fighters went through the sea too. Simultaneously, the Soviet Union and the U.S. announced they would come to the Persian Gulf and they did. Iranians said if the Persian Gulf would not be safe for them, then it would be safe for none. They fought back against the two superpowers with fast boats and mines and created a red wave which smashed the ships and military equipment of the two superpowers. The Americans, then displayed whatsoever they had, they even shot down the Iranian passenger plane with their warship and killed 290 civilians consisting of 180

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woman and children to show they knew no boundary to defeat Iran.” Two-color page layout of the book “Red Wave: Narration of War in Persian Gulf” together with the creative cover design of Majid Zare using onshore and offshore operations map design papers is one of appearance advantage of this work. The book is written in four chapters. In the first chapter, entitled “Far-Away Days”, the history and geography and historical records of the Persian Gulf coast residents who have seen such civilizations as Elamites, Assyrians, Babylonians and Akkadians, Medes and Persians are described. The second chapter, entitled “War Days” follows the process of Iraq war against Iran in the Persian Gulf region in eighteen parts, the chapter begins with the speeches of Lee Iacocca, the famous director of automobile companies in America, Ford and Chrysler who pointed out to this fact that none of American officials could predict the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The third chapter, entitled “Sunset-less Land”, introduces the important places of the region and the fourth chapter, entitled “The Selected Fight”, discusses the important eras of war and confrontation with the U.S. in the Persian Gulf. “Red Wave: Narration of War in Persian Gulf” is published in octavo size (6*9”), in 240 pages, a circulation of three thousand copies and cost of 89 thousand Rials by Fatehan Publication.

The love of a Zoroastrian to Iran is readable in “Footprint of Farhad”

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“Footprints of Farhad” is the first book of “Mothers” collection by Revayat Fath Publication which highlights the presence of Farhad Khadem, a Zoroastrian martyr, by quoting some memories of whom. Farhad Khezri begins the account of the book with a search; the search for “Eruption of Love to the Existence” in the heart of an Iranian Mother. The story of “Footprint of Farhad” begins in streets and alleys of the city of Kerman, one of the southern cities of Iran, and takes the reader to follow a girl who is not relaxed, but the destiny of the girl who was destined to be the mother of a martyr named “Farhad Khadem”; the one who was martyred on 20 February 1982 at the front line, in the Chazzabah Strait. Farhad Khezri begins the account of the book with a search; the search for “Eruption of Love to the Existence” in the heart of an Iranian Mother. But why he has begun such a search? He answers, “Because Iranian mothers have many words to say… and many lyrics to write.” This is the beginning of a long story, “Taj Gohar Khodadad Kuchaki” is the narrator and “Farhad Khezri” is the complementary narrator of which. Taj Gohar talks about his childhood and Farhad Khezri narrates the story of his life. Taj Gohar remembers his mother “whose hands always smelled fresh bread” and later on, when her hands grow old as her face, they smelled “thyme”. Taj Gohar finishes a narration entitled “My Mother’s Footprints” by Farhad Khezri with a story in which the mother’s powerful and decisive presence says the first and the last words. Some actions arise (like little troubles in life). The mother stands strong and says to his daughter, “You have no right to break till I am with you” and Taj Gohar teacher us a great lesson: You should not break with difficulties. Life has its sorrow, but Taj Gohar knows how to

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deal with them: “Wherever we, Zoroastrians, live, we may never let sorrows live in our hearts.” Therefore, she endures difficulties and sees how his son grows up, studies, and learns to show his arts and talents. The mother is reminded of Farhad. She remembers the first year when Farhad was martyred and she was sick, yet she wished to bear it to make the memoir of Farhad live on in her heart. Memories came and pass her mind in rows. Farhad has studied mathematics at Kharazmi High-school with his “always twenty scores” and then was accepted in Structures at Sharif University of Technology. Earlier, they had been talking about going abroad and everything was prepared, but Farhad would not accept and say, “What do I not have to leave here?” He loves his country to such extent that he says more decisively than ever, “I wish to spend for this land all I have and all I don’t have, all I know and all I do not because all I have is from it.” The mother – Taj Gohar – reviews the memoir of Farhad and says, “Do you see? I

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have lost such a son.” Farhad Khezri continues the life story of Farhad through his mother’s words. He talks of the days when Farhad was tutoring and the mother proudly says, “Then my child spend from his own pocket”; or when Farhad became a member of Zoroastrian Students Center and contributed to Social Workers Committee planning and helped the poor; or when the football match took place and he collected the ticket money and sent it to the war people. It was early in 1980. 1336-year-born people were announced to introduce themselves for military services. Farhad had finished his studies and he was about to receive his certificate. Farhad had gone to the Chazzabah Strait and said to his sister, “They are building bridge. The danger is so close to them. All of them are in the range where they only are targeted in order not to complete the bridge.” He wanted to go and help them. The mother was worried. She did not want to lost Farhad; however, Farhad had made up his mind. She said to her mother, “He who squeezes his trigger does not differentiate between Muslims or Zoroastrians. They are approaching and wish to kill us. Farhad cannot sit and watch them.” The mother said, “I consented to his decision. I was supposed to take him to the Turquoise Palace Barracks so that they would take him wherever needed.” Farhad spent the trainings at Division 88 and then headed the front of Chazzabah Strait. Till the day of his martyrdom, he had about three to four times off. The last time, it seems as if his father, Shapur, had realized that he would not see his son anymore. The lump in her throat bursts and she sobs so loud and her shoulders shiver such that she can no longer stand on her feet. The book “Footprints of Farhad” written by Farhad Khezri is published by Revayat Fath Publication.

The Sky Station Rahim Safavi Memoir was published

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Seyed Yahya Rahim Safavi is one of the revolutionary students before the Islamic Revolution who had done many activities against Pahlavi Regime with his classmates like Mahdi Bakeri in Tabriz University. Before the Islamic Revolution, he paid a visit to Imam Khomeini in France and then He came back to Iran through Germany, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. On Welcoming days for Imam, he had a crucial role along with Muhammad Borujerdi and he was caring for Imam as a butterfly cares for a candle. He established the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Isfahan and after some time he headed for the west in order to suppress conspiracy against the revolution in Kordestan. As the national invasion of Iraq began, he headed for south and stopped at the first station in Darkhovin and settled there. After some months, by forming the southern operation Campaign in a golf club, he started to manage the front. His successor in this campaign was “Gholam Ali Rashid� who became the deputy head of the southern

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operation when Seyed Rahim went to Tehran. He was regarded as a trustworthy and skillful person in war who stayed in the headquarters with Mohsen Rezaei till the end of war. As the war ended, he was appointed as the deputy commander of the Army and after Mohsen Rezaei resignation, he was appointed as the commander of the Army in a decree by the Supreme Leader. Then by passing a period full of challenges, he offered his position to Commander Aziz Ja’fari and continued his services as the Senior Adviser and Assistant Commander-in-Chief. In late June, the newly published book “The Sky Station” was sent This book is Seyed to me. This book is Seyed Rahim Rahim Safavi Memoir Safavi Memoir who was one of the who was one of the senior commanders during the eight senior commanders years of imposed war. The book during the eight introduction has been written by years of imposed IRGC Commander Major General war Mohammad Jafar Asadi and it is edited by Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Bahdarvand. It has been newly published by Ketab-eFarda Publishing Center in 340 pages. As it is mentioned, the introduction in this book has been written by Major General Mohammad Jafar Asadi (one of the commanders during the imposed war). In introduction, he writes about Seyed Rahim Safavi: “I visited him in Ahwaz for the first time from the beginning of the war. He and his followers had come from Kordestan in order to stand against the invading Iraqis. In different meetings held in Montazeran-eShahadat Base (Golf Club), I saw him that was bravely offering plans for expelling the enemy from the holy soil of Iran. He was the first commander of the army during the imposed war and he did many services for the

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sacred defense and the Islamic Revolution. I didn’t see anything about him except devotion, self-sacrifice, and devotion to the organization and Supreme Leader…” In his biography, some memories of his childhood, university acceptance, getting acquainted with Hamid Bakeri and Mahdi Bakeri (commanders in imposed war) in Tabriz University, participating in protests against Pahlavi regime, being wounded by SAVAK and leaving Iran to head for Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Germany, paying a visit to Imam Khomeini in Neauphle-le-Château, coming back to Iran with Hamid Bakeri through Syrian border and bringing weapons to the revolutionaries, Imam Khomeini’s coming to Iran and his magnificent speech in Behesht Zahra cemetery , establishing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Isfahan , MKO and Anti-revolutionary activities are mentioned. This part of the book starts on page 25 and it is finished on page 63 along with a footnote. The second chapter is called “The goal; Invasion”. This section is mostly like a historical speech. On page 68, he points out the first days of enemy invasion all through the country and Abadan and Khoramshahr occupation; then on pages 71-89, he refers to the occupation of America Embassy in Iran by Students following Imam Khomeini’s line and presents some documents which reveal that how the U.S embassy changed into a center of espionage and anti-revolutionary activities; then he mentions the confessions by Lt. Nasser Rokni , one of the members of Nojeh Coup, Imam Khomeini’s speeches about Saddam Hussein, Iranian Forces Victories against Iraqis and Imam’s congratulations On page 60, he tries to explore the youth’s role in today’s society in Iran: “I disagree with those who have some superficial ideas about the young people and the ones who asses the youth on the surface and they believe that there is a great gap between these young people

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with those at the beginning of the Islamic revolution. Actually, I think these young men who have long oiled hair, and have put on tight jeans will head for the front if enemies attack the country and then he refers to Imam Khomeini’s speeches and viewpoints about some of the events happened in this regard in this chapter. The next chapter is named “From Darkhovin till breaking the siege of Abadan�. On the first pages of this chapter the same as the two previous chapters, the Islamic revolutionary victory, the anti-revolutionary activities in Kordestan and his attempts against MKO are mentioned. In comparison with other chapters, this chapter is more consistant and has temporal sequence; therefore, the reader can easily relate to the events and mentioned operations in this chapter.

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“The Puzzle of the Fish Canal”

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The comic book “The Puzzle of the Fish Canal” written by Akbar Sahrai which is based upon one of the funny events during the eight-year imposed war of Iraq against Iran is the story of sending out an ant from combatant’s ear. The same book is translated to English As comedy and by the help of “Sofia A. Koutlaki “ specific delicacies which is entitled “The Puzzle of the have been merged the book introduces Fish Canal” “The Puzzle of the Fish Canal” some of the has been written for teenagers. As battlefields during Iraq’s imposed war comedy and specific delicacies have against Iran. been merged the book introduces some of the battlefields during Iraq’s imposed war against Iran. The story begins as Jalil, one of the soldiers in Iranian southern area of Shalamcheh, who was famous for kidding with his companions went to the outpatient clinic for an ant in his ear. Due to the problems made by ant, he had a narrow escape. The story had been completed by adaptation from warriors’ memories and combination of comic and imagination. Jalil’s impatience and doctor’s funny advices to send out the ant and also intimate dialogues of different characters beside illustrations made the book unforgettable. Introducing different zones and functions during the period of holy defense is what Akbar Sahrai

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did for children and teens. While describing the moment of Jalil’s therapy in outpatient clinic, Akbar Sahrai wrote in some part of the story of “ the Puzzle of the Fish Canal”. “…. They entered outpatient clinic of the trench. The atmosphere is highly heavy, overcast. A man of almost 30, in a loose white dress sat on military bed beside medicines aisle. He is looking at the book named “Farewell to the arms”. As soon as Asghar wants to say

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hello, Jalil put the trench on his head: - Ouch…… I’m dying. Help me doctor….! While pondering in reading, suddenly he jumped and his book fell down. He breathed deeply and gazed at mortar wound below Asghar’s eyes. Asghar says hello and showed Jalil. - Here he is. He is sick! He put off his glasses. - What’s your friend’s problem? Asghar went bananas and said: “ant ate his brain!” What? - No, no, I mean ant ate his brain, what a nonsense I am saying! Doctor gazed at Jalil who could not stand on his feet. - Why are you dancing? Jalil shook his body as if he was impatient behind the door of WC. While pondering in Asghar nodded. reading, suddenly Doctor, there is an ant in his ears! Doctor went on smoothly. He held he jumped and his his hand. Suddenly, Jalil leaped and book fell down. stick to the loose dress of doctor. - help me, for the sake of God! Doctor came out of trench and returned with a plastic bucket. As soon as Jalil saw the bucket surprisingly he said: what is this? Doctor puts the bucket on the floor. - Be brave. Put your head into the bucket of water, as soon as your ears filled with water, ant will come out. Hesitantly, Jalil puts his head into the bucket of water. Asghar played the music of Pink Panther and sang: “ drim drim…. Farewell to the warrior ant….!” Finally, Jalil and Asqar found out their trench had been hit by mortar fire and they had a narrow escape. Persian version of the book and its translation into English had been published by Elmi Farhangi Publishing House.

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Leader of Islamic Revolution:

This eight-year war (Iraq-Iran war) is indeed an eternal treasure.

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