Moncton • Dieppe • Riverview
supporting local business in moncton
The Maritime’s destination for high quality fashion Meet Nicole Boivin
Looking for the right insurance solution?
October 2010
Looking for peace in your family life? Meet Coach Charlene
Busy shelter in Moncton needs your help
Procedures available - Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) - Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) - Brachioplasty (Thigh/Arm Lift) - Mastopexy (Breast Lift) - Breast Augmentation - Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) - Brow lift - Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping) - Rhytidectomy (Facelift/Neck Lift) - Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) - Face/Neck Liposuction - Lipoplasty & Liposculpturing - Botox & Juvederm
Beautifying from the outside to the inside, Dr. Husain builds confidence and contentment in his patients. He listens to his patients’ needs and dreams, resulting in a positive experience time and time again. 3D surgical demonstration
140 Champlain St., Suite 103 Dieppe, NB E1A 2N8 Tel: 506.853.5154 -
6 Cover Story Collections Nicole Boiven
The Maritime’s destination for high quality, high fashion coats and accessories.
Feature Articles
10 12 16 21
10 12 14 16 18 19
A physiotherapy Centre- Making a difference Tidewater Physiotheraphy Where style and comfort meet Shoe Tree Insurance Solutions for your lifestyle Solutions Inc. Adding another innovative life solution Co-Aide Extraordinary Service- even at midnight Protech Accounting services in your corner G&G Accounting
Interest Articles
4 8 20 21
Our tide is rising City of Moncton We need a bigger shelter Crossroads Nominate extraordinary citizens City of Moncton Professional basketball hits NB Saint John Mill Rats
If you feel your organization has a unique level of expertise in your industry and you would like to consider advertising in a future issue – please call us at : 1-506-849-1670 or email: We also welcome your comments and feedback to any of our local team cast members at: Eric Durant Danny McLaughlin Alicia DeLong Danielle Davis Rachelle Daigle Innovations Media Inc. would like to extend our many thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes contributing so much to this magazine: Kathy Mercure, Kathy Kaufield Contributing Editors Daniel St. Louis, Professional Photography Alicia DeLong, Graphic Design and Layout Danielle Davis, Executive Administrator
Above all else, we care about your security Office: 506-387-2087 Cell: 506-874-3326
Au de la de tout nous nous soucions de votre sécurité
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Better known as ‘Coach Charlene’, Charlene Savoie can help resolve family challenges
She works with families across the province to help rebuild eroding relationships and resolve a wide variety of challenges – from how to decrease negative behaviours like temper tantrums to how to assist teenagers in managing their anger.
So, what’s the first thing many mothers and fathers do when they hit a bump in the road of parenthood?
Savoie offers services ranging from parenting seminars to private consultations over the phone or in her office as well as private in-home consultations.
They Google it. In an instant, they have reams of information on everything from how to stop their kids from whining, throwing tantrums and fighting to how to ensure their teens stay in school, avoid drugs and stop talking back. And if that doesn’t work, there’s always Dr. Phil, Super Nanny or the piles of parenting books at Chapters. The amount of information available these days to parents is absolutely overwhelming, often conflicting and sometimes downright confusing. Well, New Brunswick parents have a much better option. They can turn to Charlene Savoie, an experienced Moncton-based parenting/family coach who specializes in helping families with children ages 2-18. “Being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs in the world and it doesn’t come with a manual,” says Savoie. “I can help you find the solution that is right for your family.” A former social worker at the Department of Children and Families in the United States, Savoie has a bachelor’s degree in sociology and is certified in Reality Therapy and Choice Theory through the William Glasser Institute. In May, after over ten years in the field, Savoie launched her own business – Peaceful Families Consulting – because she saw a growing number of frustrated parents who just didn’t know where to turn.
“My job is to empower parents. I am not sitting there wagging my finger telling everyone what they are doing wrong,” she says. “I don’t think that’s very effective. I assess their situation and work with them to help them make decisions.” And parents don’t have to wait until they are experiencing significant problems with their kids before contacting her. Savoie encourages parents to be proactive in their parenting. One of her most popular parenting seminars is based on the bestselling 1-2-3 Magic Program by Dr. Thomas W. Phelan, although Savoie has modified it based on her own experience. “It’s a simple and powerful approach to effective parenting,” says Savoie. Once Savoie assesses a family situation and helps develop a strategy, she will also help parents – if they choose – put the plan into action in their homes. “That’s often one of the biggest challenges facing a parent – putting a plan into action,” says Savoie. “I will answer questions. I will help you make the strategy work. You can’t do that with a parenting book.” For more information about Savoie and the services she offers, visit 5
The Maritime’s destination for high quality, high fashion coats and accessories.
In conversation with Nicole Boivin How did Collections Nicole Boivin come to be? I had always wanted to have my own business. My grandmother and mother worked together in their business. We opened in 2007 and focus on coats because as Maritimers, we all need them! With our weather constantly changing, we need several – to get us through those cold, rainy, and warm days.
So what sets your collection apart from what you can find in other places? Our customers can choose between many types – wool, leather and fur, etc. Our designs are classic, but completely contemporary and highly stylish. A 6
woman purchasing a coat here can wear it for years. The coats are so light you barely feel them, and yet many of them are warm and very wind- and water-resistant. The wool and leather is very high quality – soft and supple and treated, so you don’t have to worry about care unless the coat becomes soiled or needs repair. With proper care our furs will last for generations. Many of our coats are also reversible. My lines come from Canada and Europe and we have a large selection of quality brands for all occasions and many different price points, with more styles that you will find in one place in practically any location. I’ve had people come in after not being able to find what they are looking for in Montreal, Toronto or New York because they don’t know where to look. They are surprised when they find all the brands they like right here in Moncton. And because
we only carry a few sizes in each style and I choose the fabric and the style for each line, our coats are also very unique. Some lines can also be custom-ordered to fit special sizing, which is a wonderful option.
I see you also have some lovely accessories. Tell me about them. We focus on scarves and hats mostly, but have a few handbags and other accessories as well. We carry a line of fur scarves and hats that are knit, so extremely warm, but also breathable, and they feel lovely against the skin. We also have soft wool scarves and hats. When it comes to something you wear against your body, natural fabrics are so much warmer and feel so much better than synthetics. And for the person who truly has everything, we can also order custom-made Canadian fur blankets and
310, chemin Mountain Road, Moncton, NB
pillows just like the one John Travolta has on his private jet!
Wow, I want one! But seriously, I understand you also have a unique policy about alterations and repairs? Yes we do. We believe that a coat should be made to fit a woman perfectly. Any coat that you buy in our store can be tailored to fit you like a glove – at no additional charge. We also provide free alterations on any coat purchased at Collections Nicole Boivin. This is a valueadded service you won’t find in almost any other clothing store. But even if you have a coat that wasn’t purchased here, we can also alter or repair it for you. I’m very lucky to have Suzie, who is a seamstress and a genius with fabric. She’s also a clothing designer, so in addition to repairing or altering any coat, she has an incredible talent for taking an older style and updating it for a new life.
That’s great. Tell me about some of the other services you provide. A big part of our business is fur repairs, cleaning and storage. My fur vault is state-of-the-art; it’s humidity-controlled, cooled and made of solid concrete. We
went to the limit of technology to ensure that not only is your fur given the best storage possible. I can also insure any fur there is. Whenever a fur comes in we assess it for damage, notify the client, and make whatever repairs are necessary before sending it out for cleaning. Many people don’t think they need to clean their fur because it isn’t dirty, but cleaning is a treatment. The Canadian Fur Council recommends that you clean and store your fur each year. We have clients who come from all over the Maritimes to store their furs here and we care for them securely. From the moment they come in the door, they are discreetly tagged and then added into our computer database, so we always know where your coat is. We can also take an older fur, perhaps passed down to you, and as long as it’s in good condition, modernize the design and shear it to a shorter fur length. This is the new way to wear fur. Fur, while absolutely luxurious, should be worn and styled to fit your life. So bring it in, have it revamped, and you will have a garment that can be worn for another generation.
I see why Collections Nicole Boivin is so unique, but are there other ways you set
yourself apart? Suzie and I have a level of service that our customers notice and appreciate. We work with you one to one and it’s about you feeling special and welcomed. We understand style and what looks good on a woman. Plus, we offer private shopping experiences by appointment.
Is there anything you’d like our readers to know about Collections Nicole Boivin that you haven’t already told me? I want people to know that if they want a coat that is the best quality and style, this is the place to come. We have all kinds, and we can fit anyone. If you are buying a new coat every year or two, are you really saving money? Our coats are meant to last and if you have two or three, you are set for life. You will feel the difference the moment you try one on.
Thank you Nicole, I loved trying some coats on and now I know what a quality coat feels like. I think all women should feel good in her clothes and these coats definitely made me feel special! – Interviewed by Kathy Mercure
Please consider contributing to Crossroads for Women Inc. Your donation, no matter how small or large, will help women who continue to need help until the cycle of violence is not only broken, but erased.
Since 1981, Crossroads has sheltered over The devoted staff at Crossroads value their clients above all. Interveners provide safe, diverse and accessible 8,000 women and their children.
In 2009/2010 Crossroads sheltered 126 women and 64 children.
In 2009/2010 Crossroads received 781 crisis calls on its 24-hour line.
In 2009/2010 Crossroads received 131 crisis visits.
These eye-opening statistics about Crossroads for Women Inc. from their June Annual General Assembly speak volumes for this organization. Crossroads provides a safe shelter, resources and advocacy services in a secure and confidential environment on a short-term basis to women and their children living with family violence. These services, offered by crisis interveners, are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A crisis line is also available 24/7 to offer support and resources related to family violence. Crossroads may be the busiest, but it’s not the biggest. “Our greatest challenge is space. Our shelter is a tiny little house and it is tight. We are continually fundraising, and hope through the generous donation of this article in Innovations Magazine, our message will reach more people. We hope your generous contribution will allow us to have a bigger shelter in the coming year,” says Tina Thibodeau, Executive Director.
services where women can explore the impact violence has had on them and their children. Through individual and group counselling, women and children are able to share their fears and pain, and are empowered to learn healthy coping strategies that will allow them to move on with their lives. A child support worker offers support services and play-based therapy. Mainly, she reassures the children that they are not to blame for what happened and she provides opportunity to talk about what they have experienced and the feelings resulting from it, by teaching healthy ways to express emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. She also creates a calm environment (the fun house) for the children to play and take their minds off the emotional turmoil they are facing, builds positive experiences and gives the mothers some time for themselves. Crossroads offers another option for women and children who are victims of family violence. This program offers an opportunity for women and their children to regain self-confidence and self-esteem through support and guidance in life areas. For these women who are committed to change they also have access to affordable on-site housing for up to 12 months while participating in this program. Support is provided to these women and their children according to their needs that may include healthy relationships, budgeting, exploring career options, transitional periods, educational upgrading, legal 8
CROSSROADS FOR WOMEN INC. has the mission to provide shelter to women and their children living with family violence while ensuring their safety; and to provide support so they can break the cycle of violence.
assistance, and more.
to you for this time here. Love always.”
Crossroads also offers an awareness and prevention program to educate and train front line workers (police officers, doctors, nurses) to recognize the different forms and signs of abuse and help them develop specific tools when working with abused women and children. It was created to increase public awareness on family violence and on Crossroads’ programs and services. “Within this program we also target students from grades 8 to 12 to differentiate healthy from unhealthy relationships and offer them tools and resources to prevent or know their options in abusive relationships,” says Tina. Crossroads also provides information sessions in work offices or other locations in the Westmorland and Albert Counties.
Tina has one last thought to share that is echoed by everyone at Crossroads for Women,
“Our greatest wish is that we will put ourselves out of business. To close our doors for the last time would mean that our services are no longer needed. Until that day comes, Crossroads will continue to proudly serve the women and children of the area.”
“Being the busiest shelter in New Brunswick has its ups and down, but we never forget our mission of sheltering women and their children living with family violence, ensuring their physical safety and providing them with the support that ultimately will help them break the cycle of violence,” Tina adds. She is also proud that many women do break that cycle and when they do it is a happy day for everyone at Crossroads. She shares this note from one of the shelter’s many success stories:
“I wish I could find words to express how grateful I am for the warmth and kindness (and patience) you all have shown us. The children really need a light, loving environment (me too), and you gave us this, plus much more. You must all be held very high in Heaven… We will all do very well on our road together, with much thanks
Second Stage: Eight safe and affordable housing units with support services for women and their children who want to break the cycle of violence.
Transition house: A safe shelter provided on a short-term basis to women and their children living with family violence 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Crisis line: Support and ressources related to family violence. Child support worker: Support services and play-based therapy.
Awareness: Information sessions are available. These services are free and are provided in both official languages.
Send your donations to:
A Physiotherapy Centre Making a Difference 506-387-7441
JoAnn Thompson Franklin began her work as a physiotherapist after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from Dalhousie University 30 years ago and she has a passion. Physiotherapists believe that health is a state of complete physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and JoAnn takes her role in this model of healthcare very seriously. After 20 years in hospital, private and public health settings, her passion was realized when she opened a private practice out of her home in 1999. This dream has evolved into the current facility - Tidewater Physiotherapy Inc Centre for Wellness and Rehabilitation. Tidewater was designed and built in 2007 by her husband Ian and his son Chris to blend well into the rural community of Lower Coverdale. This 4200 square foot physiotherapy centre is situated on an idyllic 25-acre property along the Petitcodiac River that allows patients to feel fresh country breezes and see horses grazing in the pasture outside – all from one of the many treatment rooms at the Centre. “Only 10 minutes
from downtown Moncton, the scenic drive to the clinic is a peaceful way to decompress from a busy life in the city,” says JoAnn. “We have clients that come to us from all over Greater Moncton, Albert County and surrounding areas, and as far away as Nova Scotia.” There is definitely more to Tidewater Physiotherapy than many patients expect when their doctor first refers them or when they make an appointment on their own. “We look at health holistically by offering a multi-dimensional approach to getting well,” says JoAnn. “Treating patients from infancy into old age, using all types of physical therapies and complementary services, working closely with physicians, and other health professionals, all being part of the same team – with the patient as our focus, receiving the best care possible.” The clinic boasts 12 physiotherapy treatment beds, served by 3 full-time physiotherapists who are all trained in acupuncture and manual therapy. The centre also features a registered massage
therapist, great support staff and a fully functional gym where patients are tested and taught to use the equipment safely, under supervision. Yoga and Pilates classes are also offered, and when the patient is ready, he or she is encouraged to continue an exercise program outside the centre, to stay strong and healthy. JoAnn says “Our staff rocks – they are just the right mix of professionalism, fun, friendliness and compassion. They use skillful examination and evaluation regardless of the cause and provide skillful intervention to foster improvement in physical functioning to maximize overall quality of life”. Doctors often recommend Tidewater for patients who have not been successful in having their pain and dysfunction resolved with other treatment methods. Some may look at these patients as lost causes, but if that’s so, JoAnn is part patron saint of lost causes and part detective. She laughs, “I do love a challenge. I read voraciously, continually upgrade my skills with courses and offer learning opportunities to all staff. Every
treatment we do is tailored to the person coming through the door. Sometimes they have an uncomplicated injury that responds quickly while at other times there are underlying causes for pain that haven’t been dealt with such as emotional trauma or an old injury that has been nagging for years that was never fully addressed when it happened. These cases are more challenging to treat, but relief can be found in most cases. It’s just a matter of digging in and finding what works for each individual.” It’s been proven that the sooner you begin treatment for a problem, the easier it is to overcome. Most healthcare plans cover physiotherapy and many do not require a doctor’s referral. Physiotherapy assists in a broad scope of physical conditions. “We even treat patients who have just come through radiation and chemo therapy, making it possible for them to be more active, which has been shown to help prevent complications. Also we have a success rate of over 85 percent with women who are experiencing things like incontinence issues. It is our deepest belief that all patients deserve to be treated with respect and as frontline
Physiotherapist Trevor Adamus
health professionals, we owe it to our patients to promote all aspects of health and well-being.” To JoAnn’s delight, she has found a way to bring her love of physiotherapy and horses together. For the past 25 years she has been the volunteer physiotherapist and is a founding member at the Cavalier Riding Club for the disabled in Riverview. This therapy is called Hippotherapy and is designed for children and adults who are physically or mentally challenged. “It can be remarkably helpful for conditions like autism, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. It’s well-researched and is another effective form of physiotherapy,” says JoAnn. This is just another of their wonderful treatment options. What does the future hold? This is JoAnn’s ultimate dream: to one day bring the Cavalier Riding Club to her 25-acre property and see her able-bodied patients volunteering with the disabled riders, restoring both physical fitness and a strong sense of personal worth. Definitely a ‘win - win situation’ for all. In the case of JoAnn Thompson Franklin and Tidewater Physiotherapy, very good things come from big dreams.
Registered Massage Therapist Erin McCue
Physiotherapist/Owner JoAnn Thompson Franklin
Physiotherapist Jamey Monteith
Where style and comfort meet
Let’s face it, most people – especially women – love shoes. They complete a look, add an edge to an old classic and make us feel so good! Even men have more shoes in their closet today than ever before. But what happens when you reach an age where a lifetime spent on your feet or in shoes with a heel threatens what most of us take for granted – our ability to walk without pain? Enter the doors of The Shoe Tree and you’ll discover that style and comfort are not polar opposites. With quality lines such as Ecco, Naot, Rieker, DansKo, Birkenstock, and Josef Seibel, Shoe Tree owner and manager, Jon Andrews says, “We are here to help you find shoes that fit your lifestyle and are comfortable. I would rather not sell you a shoe than sell you a pair that doesn’t feel good on your feet. You won’t wear them, and if you don’t wear them you won’t be back. I encourage customers to wear their shoes in the home for a day or two to make sure they are comfortable and to bring them back if they aren’t.” With staff that has between 10 and 30 years each of shoe-fitting experience, they know the right questions to ask and how to educate a customer about what shoes would work best for their lifestyle and foot issues. “It all comes down to taking the time necessary to make a customer feel they are in the hands of an expert whose footwear advice is for their benefit,” says Jon. “We want the shoes you buy here to be your goto shoes for comfort and fashion,” chimes in Alison Smith, owner of Thera-Ped Foot & Ankle Clinic.
Caring about what people put on their feet runs in the family, because Smith also happens to be Jon Andrews’ daughter. She opened Thera-Ped in Moncton in 2003 with Deny Dallaire and works out of a clinic inside The Shoe Tree. Both Alison and Deny are Canadian Certified Pedorthists. “We are footwear and foot orthotics experts. We deal with painful foot conditions caused by alignment and mobility issues with people’s feet” she says. The first step towards foot health is the pedorthic assessment, where Alison or Deny will take down a brief history of your foot condition, ask questions about your lifestyle, examine your feet and look at your walking gait. “After the assessment, we offer possible solutions to your foot and ankle problems. Sometimes a patient can need a ready-made insole or simply needs a change in footwear. Other times, the patient requires custom-made orthotics. Our job is to come up with a treatment plan specific to you.” Custom-made foot orthotics are made at our lab in Saint John and are fitted at the next appointment, approximately two weeks later. On-site equipment allows them to make modifications for a perfect fit. After wearing your orthotics for a few weeks, a follow-up visit ensures you are comfortable. Many health care plans cover a portion of orthotics, and you don’t always need to be referred by a physician, but it’s preferred that you talk to your doctor first, to let them know about your foot pain. Thera-Ped also works with your physician as part of your foot health team, providing a continuation of care with reports and follow-ups.
The Shoe Tree and Thera-Ped Foot & Ankle Clinic are partners in your foot health
The Shoe Tree also ensures there are plenty of shoes that a pedorthist would recommend wearing, including running shoes. “Many of our brands are made to work with orthotics,” says Andrews. “We also carry a good selection of shoes with specialty sizing – larger, smaller, narrower, wider. Feet don’t stay the same throughout our lives and need to be re-measured over the years.” The Shoe Tree also carries foot care accessories like heel cushions, bunion shields and, toe pads for conditions like hammertoes to make it easier for customers to find comfort. The Shoe Tree and Thera-Ped also have certified staff to fit support and compression socks, with brands such as Sigvaris and Bauerfeind. As our population ages, we expect to have shoes that are not only comfortable but stylish. “The baby boomers have revolutionized how shoes are engineered,” says Alison. “This is good for all of us because future generations will benefit from supportive footwear that they enjoy wearing.” The Shoe Tree also stands out in its wonderful selection of handbags and unique accessories like scarves; fashion watches; wool and specialty socks; Bogs boots for children; and just in time for Christmas – Woolrich slippers, pyjamas, blankets and socks. There’s a Chinese proverb that goes something like “If you want to forget your worries, wear tight shoes”. Both Jon and Alison agree that for the most part people don’t think about their feet until they hurt.
Pedorthist Deny Dallaire And when our feet hurt, it takes longer for them to heal because we still need to get around. We are fortunate that shoes have come a long way in a very short time. And thank goodness The Shoe Tree and TheraPed Foot & Ankle Clinic are working handin-hand – or should that be toe-to-toe – to keep us on our feet in style AND in comfort! Word count: 813
55 Vaughan Harvey Boulevard Moncton, NB
(506) 857-0221
Solution$ Inc. Insurance Broker Home • Auto • Business
Insurance solutions – whatever your lifestyle requirements “Can an insurance broker save you money?” Lisa MacDonald asks rhetorically, “Yes, definitely, but that’s not our only goal.” Solutions Insurance Broker Inc. has been in business in Dieppe since 2000 and the firm’s co-owner Lisa MacDonald believes developing close relationships with its clients is every bit as important. “It’s why we have so many long-term clients. With all our clients, new or existing, we want to build a relationship of trust so we can provide the insurance you need at all stages of your life.” As a broker for auto, marine, property, commercial and travel insurance, Solutions Insurance Broker offers their clients the advantage of a variety of policies and insurers, rather than a single insurer (such as the type offered by banks). “As a broker, we look to the best fit for a client by considering pricing and terms and then providing a package of services – often from many different insurers,” says MacDonald. This ensures you get the insurance you need 14
and only what you need. Because of the insurance system in the U.S., insurance across the board has had an undeserved bad rap because there is so much litigation in the U.S. “Thankfully it isn’t like that as much here in Canada,” says MacDonald. “In my experience insurers are there to help get you back on your feet as quickly as possible, often going above and beyond what you’d expect.” Acting as the liaison between the insurance company and the insured is another service Solutions Insurance Broker provides. They work for the client, not the insurers. Lisa believes the insurance providers she deals with offer the best insurance and can be counted on if they are ever needed. “It’s the same insurance we buy to protect our own property and vehicles. We want the best for ourselves, just as we want the best for our clients.” Insurance may seem like an awfully large investment for something that you may or may not need, but “It offers
peace of mind if something like the Moncton floods of 2009 happen again. We can’t change the devastation a flood caused, however, we sure can help you get back to financial stability as quickly as possible,” says MacDonald. “Insurance may not be something any of us are excited to buy, but we all need it, especially today. Our clients are comforted in knowing that they have the insurance they need. It’s one less thing to worry about.” Lisa is proud that the majority of Solutions Insurance Broker’s clients had the coverage they needed during the 2009 floods because the experienced and friendly staff takes the time to understand their needs. During the recent Hurricane Earl scare, the phones were swamped with clients making sure they had the appropriate coverage. “Our staff spent the days leading up to Earl reassuring clients they were covered, advising them to make sure their outdoor furnishings was secure and their sump pumps were working properly.” Fortunately Earl effects were
minimal, but it illustrates the need for a relationship built on trust. “Insurance is an intangible product, you can’t touch it, but my goodness you feel it when it’s there for you!” exclaims Lisa. “We follow our clients through many years of changes. The rapport we build with them allows us to have regular chats with our clients, so when we see a note in our system that it’s time for Suzie to get her first license, we know it’s time to follow up.” There is also a growing trend for rental property owners expecting their tenants to carry insurance. “Keeping the property in good repair is definitely the responsibility of the landlord. However, if the apartment building you live in has a fire in one of the suites and you are not able to get back into your building, you are responsible for costs like hotels and meals in addition to the contents of your apartment. If you have insurance you don’t need to worry about it.” Another advantage to using Solutions Insurance Broker for your insurance needs is that the sheer variety of the plans available means there is something for everyone. “We have some clients who have fantastic landscaping on their properties. Their gardens are extremely important to them. In the
event of a catastrophic fire, for example, their grounds could become ruined. Many policies offer only a small amount to repair this damage after the house is rebuilt, but we have access to plans that for a few dollars more, will completely restore landscaping,” says MacDonald. There is no lack of choice, but instead of trying to figure it out yourself, why not allow a broker to do the legwork for you? The fully licensed and experienced bilingual representative of Solutions Insurance Broker will sit down with you, ask questions and work up a portfolio with a variety of options that are tailored to your life. It’s their job. Says Lisa MacDonald, “We know we provide a service our customers love here because we take the time to find out what their needs are, what their life is about, and provide insurance that suits their life, in all its stages. A client telling us he sleeps like a baby because of it just adds a smile to our day.”
169 rue Champlain St, Dieppe NB E1A 1N9 Tel: 506-858-5944
Services Ltd.
Co-Aide Home Care & Support Services Ltd. has always focused on empowering families to deal with the crucial life changes and challenges of everyday life. And now the Moncton-based company is adding an innovative new life solution to help parents and children facing family break ups. Liz McFadden, owner and founder of Co-Aide Home Care & Support Services Ltd., says parents can now turn to her trained staff if they need help with supervised custody visits after a marital or relationship breakdown. “This is just another life solution we provide, and it works really well for both parents,” says McFadden. “It just eases a lot of stress. The custodial parent feels confident because he or she knows there is an experienced staff person with the child, and the non-custodial parent is happy because he or she got to spend quality time with the child.” Once arrangements are agreed to in advance by both parents, a Co-Aide staff person will transport children to and 16
Moncton-based Co-Aide Home Care & Support Services Ltd. adds another innovative life solution to its wide-ranging roster of services
from visits and supervise the outing, whether it’s at a park or a parent’s home or even at the Co-Aide family room that is fully equipped with games, crafts, puzzles and movies. “We aim to make the experience positive and fun for the child and parent, no matter where parents visit their children,” says McFadden. The new service is just one of many offered by this company, which has grown significantly since its inception in January, 2003. When the company first launched, Co-Aide focused strictly on providing home support services – such as light housekeeping, meal preparation and personal care – for seniors and the disabled. A year and a half later, the company expanded to include support and services for people who face mental challenges. Since then, the company has grown even more, helping people with everything from stress management, anger management and palliative care to parenting skills, assertiveness training, grief counseling and foot care. “We are about answering needs. We
take every case, and we try to help as the needs are defined. We provide living solutions for all sorts of situations,” McFadden says. “We respect the dignity and individuality of each client. No two clients are the same, so we try to work around whatever it is they need.” McFadden says she doesn’t force people into “packaged” solutions. “I started with a vision. I wanted to provide living solutions and support that set the standard in Moncton, and that I wanted Co-Aide to remain flexible enough to answer the needs of my clientele no matter how large the company became,” she says. “I think I have done that.” McFadden is quick to credit her employees – who include human services counsellors, home support workers, family support workers and registered nurses – for her company’s success. “It’s not me who has made this a success. It’s the people who work here. We work as a team,” she says. “It’s the front
“We aim to make the experience positive and fun for the child and parent, no matter where parents visit their children,” says McFadden.
line workers who are going out in the snowstorms and ice and getting to the client. It’s the girls in the office who work so hard. They care. They care about their clients.” “My employees are never too busy to listen. They troubleshoot to solve issues. They work together very, very well,” she says. McFadden says her staffers are experienced and well-trained, and most of them have been with the company for over five years. Co-Aide has made it a cornerstone of its human resources policy to provide flexibility to staff members. “If a home support worker can only work four hours a week, we are happy to accommodate him or her. What’s most important to us is the quality of care we offer our clients.” And when clients call Co-Aide, they never get an answering machine.
“Our on-call service is quite unique because when you dial the Co-Aide number, it’s a live person who answers. You don’t have to leave a message and that runs 24/7. That’s a trained coordinator on the other end who will go into action,” she says. McFadden says she loves going to work every day because she loves working with her team and helping people in all parts of the life cycle, whether it’s helping a new parent learn how to care for an infant or supporting a senior who wants to continue to live independently. “My staff and I feel like we are making a positive difference in the lives of people and that’s incredibly rewarding.” For more information on Co-Aide and the services this company provides, please visit or call (tollfree) 1-866-322-2433 or email info@
Extraordinary Service Even at midnight The cleaners had a problem. Hired by a large grocery store in Fredericton, they just couldn’t seem to get the floor clean enough, and one of their machines kept breaking down. Frustrated, they called Scott Lockhart, the sales representative at Pro-Tech Sanitation Limited in Saint John who sold them the machine and cleaning products. Mr. Lockhart said he’d come and take a look at the machine. It didn’t matter that these guys worked at night only when the store was closed. Mr. Lockhart quickly agreed to meet them at the store around midnight. He discovered they weren’t mixing the detergent properly, which meant the floor wasn’t getting clean. And because the floor wasn’t getting clean enough, the pads on another piece of equipment kept wearing out. “So by fixing one problem, he fixed the other,” says Chris Hagerman, owner of Pro-Tech Sanitation. “There are a lot of people in this industry, sales reps, who are just out there selling stuff. Not our staff. We know our products. When you buy our products, you get our expertise and service too.” Even if it means a sales rep has to go out in the middle of the night. Located at 344 Grandview Avenue in Saint John, Pro-Tech Sanitation is a “onestop clean- up shop” that has been in business since 1997. Pro-Tech offers professional cleaning solutions
to a wide variety of customers, including schools, nursing homes, contract cleaners and hospitals. The company carries almost every imaginable cleaning product – from detergents, degreasers, mops and garbage bags to large scale cleaning equipment. They also have a full complement of environmentally-friendly products. But it’s not the products that Mr. Hagerman talks about most when asked about his business. “It’s our service that sets us apart from competitors,” he says. “We sell service.” Cleaning can be complicated. With countless products to choose from, choosing the right one and knowing how to use it properly can be stressful for customers. “Take stains on a carpet for example. What is the stain and what is the chemistry required to remove that stain and not affect anything else around it?” Mr. Hagerman says. “And in hospitals and nursing homes, they need to know which products will kill Norwalk or C. difficile for example.” Mr. Hagerman says his staff work closely with the manufacturers of their products and use that expertise to help customers. “Everybody here has expertise. A lot of companies in this industry will move boxes. They are very good at moving boxes. What we are good at is when a customer comes in, they can talk to someone who knows the business. We know the industry and we can make recommendations to their specific cleaning requirements,” he says. When customers buy cleaning equipment from Pro-Tech, the sales reps train them how to use it and teach them how to use the products that go with it too. That goes for customers who rent equipment too; they will
also be fully trained before they leave the store. The company also has a full service department. “We service it all. We also service everyone else’s equipment as well,” says Mr. Hagerman. “We are service reps for larger manufacturers too. We’re so good at doing service that they contracted us to do their installs, to do their warranty work even though we don’t sell their stuff.” Mr. Hagerman says his business has been growing steadily, especially in the last two years. The recent H1N1 outbreak opened the eyes of many people to just what Pro-Tech has to offer. For example, a local business owner walked into their showroom in the midst of the H1N1 crisis. He was shocked to see Pro-Tech sold hand sanitizer and dispensers , says Mr. Hagerman. “He had been buying Purell dispensers from a company in the United States, and he was waiting months for it to come in,” Mr. Hagerman says. “He got on the phone to his office and then he emptied our stock. Then we ordered again and he bought that stock too. He was from right here in Saint John, and he didn’t even know everything we had to offer.” Word soon spread that Pro-Tech sold the much-sought-after hand sanitizer and dispensers, and soon other customers were coming in the door and expressing surprise at the store’s long list of products and services. “Now customers call us for other things,” says Roger McLaughlin, director of operations. “We weren’t an option before. Now we are a solid option.” For more information about Pro-Tech Sanitation Ltd, visit or call toll-free 1-877-652-7268 or visit their store at 344 Grandview Avenue in Saint John.
Accounting Services
Gene Wilson
G & G Accounting Services is in your corner When it comes to small business owners, doing your own books is often your least favourite task – and yet keeping good and accurate accounting records is crucial, according to Gene Wilson of G & G Accounting Services. “It’s not only important when it comes to tax time, but keeping your company’s financial position current, and knowing your cash flow situation is critical if you want to hire an assistant or make a major purchase with the bank’s help.”
at tax time.
Gene Wilson is a Registered Public Accountant and has been a partner in G & G Accounting Services for 22 years. In 2004, he took over the business when his partner retired. A segment of G & G’s accounting practice that continues to grow is working with small business – keeping the financial house in order throughout the year, and then ensuring the business receives maximum benefit
Many of G & G Accounting Services’ small business clients are commissioned sales people. Gene and his team know this niche thoroughly and with so much experience you’d best take heed when he says, “The most important advice I can offer to a commissioned salesperson is to keep a log book of your mileage. Your car is the lifeblood of your business and a logbook is the first thing the CRA looks
At G&G the initial consultation for new clients is complimentary. “It’s a good way for us to get to know each other, and decide how we can work together,” says Wilson. “We can do your books here in our office, or spend a few hours a week at your business. We try to accommodate our clients in any way we can.” Either way, working with Gene and his friendly staff is a pleasure.
for in an audit. So keep one in your car, your purse, whatever works best for you. I can’t stress its importance enough.” If you are ever audited, as your accountant Gene is in your corner and works with Canada Revenue Agency, giving peace of mind to his clients and keeping the Agency happy. It’s a distinct advantage to have someone going to bat for you when you are up against the CRA and another reason to keep proper accounting records. No two days are alike for Gene. One moment he might be doing a business’ HST remittance, and the next advising a client on capital gains, working on a business plan or completing financial statements. It’s the variety that keeps Gene Wilson happy in his work. “The return on investment on hiring an accountant pays, significantly by recuperating tax money, better money management and saving time” says Gene. Owning a small business is very hands-on and business owners often wear many hats in the course of their day. Knowing your financial position is important indeed, but hiring a firm like G & G Accounting Services gives you one less thing to worry about – and one more thing to check off your task list.
60 Driscoll Crescent Moncton, NB E1E 3R8 (506) 859-9901
City of Moncton shines a spotlight on its extraordinary citizens The City of Moncton recently unveiled its most prestigious and highest ranking honour, the Order of Moncton. City of Moncton’s Mayor George LeBlanc had this to say, “Our people make Moncton the tremendous community that it is. Moncton is made up of so many individuals who contribute greatly to our community, and who often receive little recognition. The Order of Moncton will help distinguish these people and show them that we, as a community, truly appreciate everything they do to make Moncton the great city that it is. The great thing about this award is that anyone can nominate someone who meets the criteria. We’ve opened the nomination process to the public, so that our citizens can tell us who has made an impact in our community.” 20
In order to be eligible, nominees must be past or present, longterm residents of Moncton who have brought honour to Moncton on a national or international scale and can be recognized for their contributions to Moncton’s social, cultural or economic fabric. Elected officials who currently serve Moncton City Council, the Provincial Legislature, the House of Commons, the Senate, and judges of any court are not eligible for nomination. Recipients will be chosen by the Order of Moncton Advisory Committee appointed by Moncton City Council. The Committee is made up of Council members, citizens and a staff advisory group. The first Order of
Moncton will be bestowed in a special ceremony in November 2010. Nominations for the Order of Moncton can be made until October 15, 2010, so if you know someone whom you believe is worthy of this prestigious award, please pick up a nomination form at the Office of the Mayor in Moncton City Hall (5th floor, 655 Main Street) or download one online at
Mill Rats unleash total entertainment package! New Brunswick’s first professional basketball team begins play Dec. 9
Pro basketball with all its glitz and glamour will soon make its debut in New Brunswick. And when the Saint John Mill Rats hit the court at Harbour Station in early December, fans can expect much more than just a high energy contest between two world-class teams. Mill Rats President and General Manager Ian McCarthy says fans will also be treated to a first-class entertainment experience. “Fan can expect high-flying, slam dunks and NBA-calibre excitement,” says McCarthy. “It’s going to be quite a show.” Fans will enjoy half-time shows, contests during time-outs, performances by the Mill Rats’ dance team and antics by the team’s new mascot. He said a venue like Harbour Station, which includes a Jumbo Tron, allows the team to host a much grander game show than was possible at its previous home city of Manchester, New Hampshire. “I am really looking forward to what
we are going to be able to do,” says McCarthy. “Fans are absolutely going to love it. We are going to be able to try some cool things.” He predicts fans will be more than willing to travel from across the province to get a glimpse at basketball of this calibre – and the spectacle that comes with it. “There’s really nothing quite like seeing a live sporting event,” says McCarthy. “A lot of people are going to want to come out and see this level of basketball.” The Mill Rats, part of the Premier Basketball League, announced plans in June to permanently move the team to Saint John after extensive talks with local officials and tours of the city and facilities. The Mill Rats will compete in an eight-team league, which includes divisional rivals Quebec, Vermont and Halifax. “There’s going to be some great atmosphere at the games because there are already some existing rivalries with the teams in our division,” he says. He says the City of Saint John, and
indeed people across the province, welcomed the team with open arms. “Every single question we had, the community answered bigger than we thought. People are just excited about the team. We were selling season tickets even before we had a schedule,” he says. Already the team has been working hard to get involved in the community by hosting basketball clinics with local youth. “The kids get to come out and be taught basketball by professional players. One of our players David Cooper, also a coowner, is 6-8, another one of the guys is 6-9, so they really get the kids’ attention. That’s fun,” says McCarthy. The team is also developing a program that will see them host slam-dunk contests at schools, and they recently signed a sponsorship deal with the Canada Games Aquatic Centre to allow its players to swim and train there. “We want to be part of the community. We’re not just here for a year,” says McCarthy. “We permanently relocated here. We want people to know that we
Mill Rats unleash total entertainment package! New Brunswick’s first professional basketball team begins play Dec. 9
Pro basketball with all its glitz and glamour will soon make its debut in New Brunswick. And when the Saint John Mill Rats hit the court at Harbour Station in early December, fans can expect much more than just a high energy contest between two world-class teams. Mill Rats President and General Manager Ian McCarthy says fans will also be treated to a first-class entertainment experience. “Fan can expect high-flying, slam dunks and NBA-calibre excitement,” says McCarthy. “It’s going to be quite a show.” Fans will enjoy half-time shows, contests during time-outs, performances by the Mill Rats’ dance team and antics by the team’s new mascot. He said a venue like Harbour Station, which includes a Jumbo Tron, allows the team to host a much grander game show than was possible at its previous home city of Manchester, New Hampshire. “I am really looking forward to what 22
we are going to be able to do,” says McCarthy. “Fans are absolutely going to love it. We are going to be able to try some cool things.” He predicts fans will be more than willing to travel from across the province to get a glimpse at basketball of this calibre – and the spectacle that comes with it. “There’s really nothing quite like seeing a live sporting event,” says McCarthy. “A lot of people are going to want to come out and see this level of basketball.” The Mill Rats, part of the Premier Basketball League, announced plans in June to permanently move the team to Saint John after extensive talks with local officials and tours of the city and facilities. The Mill Rats will compete in an eight-team league, which includes divisional rivals Quebec, Vermont and Halifax. “There’s going to be some great atmosphere at the games because there are already some existing rivalries with the teams in our division,” he says. He says the City of Saint John, and
indeed people across the province, welcomed the team with open arms. “Every single question we had, the community answered bigger than we thought. People are just excited about the team. We were selling season tickets even before we had a schedule,” he says. Already the team has been working hard to get involved in the community by hosting basketball clinics with local youth. “The kids get to come out and be taught basketball by professional players. One of our players David Cooper, also a coowner, is 6-8, another one of the guys is 6-9, so they really get the kids’ attention. That’s fun,” says McCarthy. The team is also developing a program that will see them host slam-dunk contests at schools, and they recently signed a sponsorship deal with the Canada Games Aquatic Centre to allow its players to swim and train there. “We want to be part of the community. We’re not just here for a year,” says McCarthy. “We permanently relocated here. We want people to know that we
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