Saint John • Kennebecasis Valley • Hampton • Sussex • Grand Bay - Westfield
supporting local business in saint john September 2010
An evolution in wellness
Meet Jenny Scott
Owner of Stylin’ Mama, Baby & Tot and Element5 Spa
25 Million Dollar Recreational Facility Opens in November
inside Living life without limits Reasons to work with a kitchen pro
Avondale has a professional designer in your area every week 1-800-561-4112 .... we really like our kitchen, can I quit my job and come to work for Avondale? Kim Anderton-Rothesay NB
Residence of Ed & Pat Bates Saint John NB
Residence of Bob & Sandie Keeffe Grand Bay- Westfield NB
....It worked out great, my husband gets a Harley.....I got an Avondale Kitchen... I really think even he thinks I got the best deal... Colleen Beers-Woodstock NB ...on my “Facebook”, out of all of our remodelling our Avondale Kitchen gets the best rave reviews.... but I have to keep a low profile.... because my brother is a cabinet maker ! Tammy Gee-Fredericton NB
www.Avondale Residence of Ray & Shirley Gorman Saint John West
...during the construction of our new house, every move was a bit of a struggle, from finding a contractor & scheduling all of the subs to make it work....with the exception of Avondale Kitchens... they made the designs, purchase and installing so easy! Karen Acott-Woodstock NB ...every morning when I get up and walk into my Avondale Kitchen I think to myself I probably have the nicest kitchen in the city. Jane McFarlane-Fredericton NB ..with everyone as they come in really like the house, but as soon as they come around the corner and see the Avondale Kitchen...they are truly awe-struck !! Duncan & Betty Kelbaugh Quispamsis NB
Residence of Paul Alexander & Raygene Adams Saint John NB
Residence of Daniel Landry & Vicky Durepos-Landry Grand Falls NB
Check around, chances are you already know someone with an Avondale Kitchen
Consistent. Reliable. Competitive Meet our New Brunswick team. Advocate is the largest privately owned printing and publishing company in Atlantic Canada. Committed to growth, continuous improvement and exceptional customer value, we understand that people make the difference. Give us a call today. Sue-Ellen Richards - Director of Sales - (506) -832-2483 David Brown - Account Manager - (506) 832-4045 Posters - Flyers - Newsletters - Books - Annual Reports - Signs-Banners
Our goal is simple. Be indispensable.
6 Cover Story Jenny Scott chats about managing her busy family and two sucessful businesses.
6 Feature Articles
9 10 12 14 15 16 8 17 18 20
Introducing the all-new 2011 Buick Regal Centennial Buick GMC
Endless Possibilities for personalized printing Titan Office Solutions
It’s the new color of good business in greater Saint John.
Good reasons to work with a kitchen pro Avondale Kitchens Take a bite of the Big Apple Collins Tours Make a statement with your new gas fireplace Alternatives Social media marketing Informative Computer Solutions
Green cleaning can mean healthier buildings and homes.
Interest Articles
Janitorial Services Commercial Carpet Cleaning Residential Carpet Cleaning Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning
Celebrating our 10th Anniversary CIBC Run for the Cure Business Awards Gala KV Chamber of Commerce 25 million dollar recreational facility opens soon qplex
Phone today 642-5326
Paddles up for living Breasts Ahoy
call for your free estimate | 506-642-5326
Meet Jenny Scott One of New Brunswick’s brightest young entrepreneurs, Jenny Scott, 31, already had her hands full raising three children under the age of 4 and running Stylin’ Mama, Baby&Tot, the only maternity and baby boutiques in Saint John and Fredericton. But when the chance came up this spring to get back into the spa industry she loves so much, Scott just couldn’t resist. Earlier this summer, she opened Element5 Spa, an Aveda Concept Salon and Spa in Market Square, a decision that has made her busier – and happier – than ever. Innovations chatted with Scott about the launch of Saint John’s newest and largest spa and the growing success of her maternity and baby boutiques. So, you are back in the spa industry. How did that happen? Yes, I’m back and I love it. Ambiance Day Spa, which I ran from 2003-2009 in the same location as Element5 Spa, was like my baby. I created it and nurtured it, and it was a tough decision to sell the business in 2009, but I felt it was the right decision for me because I was busy running the two Stylin’ Mama locations. When Ambiance, under the new ownership, suddenly closed its doors this spring, I got a call from the manager of the mall asking if I would consider opening a new spa in that location. And you know what? I just kind of knew in my gut that I could do it and it felt right, so I said yes, and I couldn’t be happier. When did Element5 Spa open? On June 23. We decided to take over on May 17. We got incorporated on May 18. Renovations probably started on May 20. We opened on June 23. It was very quick.
Wow, that was fast. You don’t fool around when you decide to do something. Yes, very fast. It helps to have a construction company in the family. With the closing of Ambiance, many of the staff were without jobs and the clients did not have a place to get services. I was able to hire those staff I wanted and hopefully get all the clients back through the door as well. Where did you come up with the new name Element5? We are an Aveda Concept Salon and Spa and Aveda is based on the five elements, and I was really trying to come up with a name that reflected Aveda and that has meaning to me. What have you done to the spa? We did a lot of renovations. We did all white marble on the outside. Everything got painted. New light fixtures. We built a beautiful yet funky hair salon with four stations, built an 8th-treatment room, added a nice staff area in the back. It’s definitely more chic and a little more modern now. Tell me about your multi-purpose room. We can accommodate six pedicures and five manicures at one time, so if you have a corporate event, a bridal party, a girls night or a stagette, we can accommodate 11 girls at the same time. What new services does Element5 offer? We are the first in New Brunswick to have a skin-remodelling machine. It basically repairs the collagen and sun damage. It’s not invasive and it has no side effects. No pain. It will get rid of wrinkles, pump up the skin. It’s an absolutely amazing machine. The results are similar to Botox. We have clients who after the fourth session are hugging us because they are so happy.
What else else should should clients clients know know about about Element5? Element5? What We have have aa beautiful beautiful hair hair salon. salon. It’s It’s absolutely absolutely gorgeous. gorgeous. It’s It’s just just We totally chic. chic. We We have have aa fantastic fantastic hair hair salon salon with with three three amazing, amazing, totally experienced, talented talented stylists, stylists, and and they they love love what what they they do. do. experienced, How is is business business at at your your Stylin’ Stylin’Mama Mama locations? locations? How Things are are good good at at Stylin’ Stylin’Mama. Mama. We We are are the the only only maternity maternity Things and baby baby boutique boutique in in Saint Saint John John and and Fredericton. Fredericton. We We have have and huge selection selection of of strollers strollers and and car car seats. seats. We We are are the the only only aa huge authorized repair repair depot depot for for strollers strollers this this side side of of Toronto. Toronto. IfIf you you authorized buy aa stroller stroller from from us, us, we we will will warranty warranty itit and and fifixx it, it, whereas whereas ifif buy you buy buy itit at at aa box box store store and and itit breaks, breaks, you you have have to to send send itit to to you Toronto and and you you are are 6-8 6-8 weeks weeks without without your your stroller. stroller. We We were were Toronto the fifirst rst in in New New Brunswick Brunswick to to sell sell Peg Peg Perego Perego and and Britax Britax car car the seats. Those Those are are the the safest safest car car seats seats on on the the market, market, without without aa seats. doubt. We We do do very very well well with with our our cloth cloth diapers, diapers, which which are are huge huge doubt. these days. days. You You can can save save over over $2,000 $2,000 per per child child by by using using cloth cloth these over Pampers. Pampers. It’s It’s amazing amazing how how many many diapers diapers are are thrown thrown into into over landfillll every every day. day. We We have have aa lot lot of of unique unique and and environmentally environmentally landfi friendly and and safe safe and and non-toxic non-toxic items. items. II wouldn’t wouldn’t sell sell anything anything friendly that II wouldn’t wouldn’t let let my my kids kids use, use, and and II am am pretty pretty strict. strict. that Any more more expansion expansion plans plans in in the the future? future? Any We’ve looked looked into into expanding expanding into into aa few few other other cities. cities. We’ve We’ve We’ve looked into into franchising. franchising. We’ve We’ve had had people people come come to to us us who who have have looked wanted to to open open aa location. location. ItIt has has been been put put on on the the back back burner burner wanted while we we are are opening opening up up Element5 Element5 but but it’s it’s defi definitely nitely something something while we are are looking looking at. at. It’s It’s defi definitely nitely aa concept concept that that people people love. love. II we have looked looked at at Moncton, Moncton, and and we we have have had had quite quite aa few few people people have from Halifax Halifax contact contact us us too. too. from How do do you you manage manage to to run run all all these these businesses businesses and and have have How three kids? kids? three My husband husband Steven, Steven, who who runs runs King King Construction Construction Ltd., Ltd., and and II take take My day by by day day and and week week by by week week and and do do the the best best we we can can do, do, II itit day guess. II feel feel we we have have aa relatively relatively balanced balanced life. life. II try try to to take take as as guess. much time time for for the the kids kids as as II can. can. II have have aa fantastic fantastic staff staff.. II wouldn’t wouldn’t much be able able to to run run everything everything that that II am am running running ifif II didn’t didn’t have have such such be great staff staff.. II really really feel feel II have have been been able able to to step step away away from from the the aa great businesses and and work work on on them them and and not not in in them. them. businesses
Element5 Spa will hold its official Grand Opening on September 30 from 6 – 9 p.m. featuring free mini-services, tours of the spa, discounts on products and draws for gift baskets and services. Element5 will honour gift certificates from the former Ambiance Day Spa at half value for September and October.
What do do you you love love about about what what you you do? do? What Everything really. really. I’ve I’ve been been in in itit for for 99 years. years. II love love having having people people Everything come in in and and making making them them feel feel fantastic fantastic and and helping helping out out come with their their special special day day or or whatever whatever itit may may be. be. II am am aa registered registered with massage therapist therapist by by trade. trade. II got got into into the the industry industry because because II massage enjoyed helping helping people people feel feel better, better, making making them them feel feel better better on on enjoyed the inside inside and and look look better better on on the the outside. outside. It’s It’s aa fun fun industry. industry. With With the Stylin’Mama, Mama, II have have young young children children and and am am going going to to do do the the Stylin’ research anyway anyway for for anything anything that that II buy buy them. them. II am am not not aa mom mom research who will will go go to to aa store store and and just just buy buy something something without without knowing knowing who where itit was was made made and and what what paint paint was was used. used. II am am the the mom mom where who who breastfed breastfed and and used used glass glass bottles bottles and and my my car car seat seat is is still still rear rear facing facing for for my my two-year-old two-year-old and and II use use cloth cloth diapers. diapers. II love love doing doing the the research research on on what what II am am going going to to bring bring in in and and off offer er to to other other moms. moms. II love love helping helping make make itit easier easier for for young young families families to to raise raise their their children. children.
Photography by Jennifer MacLean
How many many hours hours do do you you work work per per week? week? How Probably 80 80 hours. hours. II think think itit is is just just in in my my blood. blood. II love love my my kids kids to to Probably death, and and II am am aa better better mom mom because because II work. work. II need need to to work. work. death, When we we take take aa vacation, vacation, at at the the end end II am am just just itching itching to to get get back back When to work. work. II think think II am am aa better better mother mother when when II am am extremely extremely busy. busy. to When II am am trying trying to to balance balance 100 100 things, things, II actually actually do do better better as as When opposed to to ifif II have have only only one one thing thing on on my my plate. plate. opposed
This is a very special year for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure in Saint John. Ten years ago this October, Saint John hosted its first Run event. Since that time, this community has not only raised funds (well over 1,000,000 dollars), but also as important, raised awareness about breast cancer. The effects of the run have been far reaching: money raised has gone towards the purchase of not only a new digital mammography machine but also contributed towards the new PET scan at the Saint John Regional Hospital. This equipment has serviced many individuals from St Stephen through to Sussex and beyond. Many participants from these communities have travelled to Saint John to take part in the event on Run day. They too have helped to fund raise significant amounts of money for this cause. It is the hope and dream of every individual who has contributed to this event that a cure will be found and that in the future, the diagnosis of breast cancer will mean survival and life. The first CBCF CIBC Run for the Cure was held in Toronto in 1992. That first event drew 1,500 participants and raised $83,000. The next year, Vancouver came on board and together, both cities raised over $ 500,000. The following year, the Run grew to include a total of six major
centers across the country. With each passing year, the Run expanded to include more and more communities. By 2008, 51 communities across Canada were hosting the Run. In that year alone, $26 million dollars was raised. Here in Saint John, the CBCF CIBC Run for the Cure has witnessed a marked growth in participation and fund raising over the past 10 years. That first year, over 800 participants were registered-many of them team members. Greater than $ 100,000 was raised. Last year, during torrential rain and winds, over 2,600 participants were registered by run day and over $ 300,000 was raised. This is remarkable given the financial restraints placed on many during this year. My first hand experience with the Run dates back to 2001-the first year we hosted this event-initially as the volunteer coordinator for 6 years and then as the Co run director for the last 4. The strength, courage and tenacity of the many survivors that I have met along the way are quite simply the reasons why I continue to be so passionate and involved with this inspirational event. In my tenure with this cause, I have found that we are all touched in some way and by some association with this disease. Many people like myself are motivated
to take part in the event because they have had a personal connection with breast cancer themselves: be it a family member, close friend or simply an acquaintance. I have often heard first time attendees remark . “I am so sorry it took so long to attend my first Run-but rest assured I`ll be back again next year. I will never miss this again “. It is very humbling, yet empowering and even reassuring to see the sea of pink tee shirts on Run day that breast cancer survivors don. These numbers, thankfully, increase every year. This translates to more and more women and men living with and surviving the diagnosis and then treatment of breast cancer. One only has to hear a story of survival and a battle well fought to push us forward and make us want to continue with unwavering hope that a cure will be found. Please join us on Sunday October 3rd. I encourage you to wear pink for hope, wear pink for courage, but most importantly, wear pink and Run for a Cure.
(506) 634-2020 The all-new 2011 Buick Regal: “It’s not your Dad’s Buick.” Here’s an invitation for anyone in the market for an elite and stylish sports sedan: Come to Centennial Buick GMC in Saint John and test drive the all-new 2011 Buick Regal. “This is not like any Buick anyone has driven before,” says Scott Thompson, sales manager. “It’s completely different from any previous Buick they have been exposed to. It’s not your Dad’s Buick.” The 2011 Buick Regal has the quality and reliability that the Buick brand is known for, says Thompson, but now it’s got European styling and luxury combined with state-of-the-art technology. “It’s a new class of sports sedan. It’s a young professionals’ car,” says Thompson. “It’s a really sharp-looking car.” The 2011 Buick Regal earned European Car of the Year honours in 2009 as well as 39 awards in 15 European countries, quickly establishing itself as the bestselling mid-sized car in Europe. And now, the Buick Regal is making its North American debut. At Centennial
Buick GMC, customers have been impressed. The new model has been on the lot for only a few weeks, and the positive reaction from customers has been overwhelming, says Thompson. Dwight Daye, general manager of Centennial Buick GMC, says the Buick brand is well-known for its quality and reliability, but the introduction the Buick Enclave, LaCrosse and now the Regal, is shaking up some outdated notions about the brand’s image. The LaCrosse, a new stylish luxury sedan, has been a huge hit with customers since it debuted last year. In fact, staff at Centennial was so confident the LaCrosse could out-perform other brands that they bought a 2010 Lexus 350 so that their customers could compare the two vehicles. “There’s no comparison when you sit in the car, how much more well-appointed the LaCrosse is over the Lexus,” says Daye. “People are extremely impressed with how well the LaCrosse competes and wins in most categories over the Lexus.”
Thompson says the Buick Regal will only add to the brand’s growing reputation for style and cutting-edge technology. The Regal features many innovative features, including a GM Oil Life Monitoring system, a tire pressure monitoring system, a remote keyless entry system, a seven speaker audio system with CD player, MP3 playback and USB port entry, Bluetooth wireless connectivity providing hands-free mobile phone operation, XM Satellite radio and a six month subscription to OnStar, the simplest and smartest navigation system available. The Buick is also fuel efficient, achieving 43 miles per gallon and boasts a standard four year, 80,000 km GM Total Warranty on the complete car – an extra year compared to most other brands. Buick also includes the industry leading five year , 160,000 km Powertrain Warranty which also includes Road Side Assistance. “This car is world class,” says Daye.
Endless Possibilities When it comes to personalized gifts, if you can dream it, Titan Office Solutions can help you do it – from start to finish It all started with a proud Dad who wanted to make a special gift for his family members. Len Andrews of Grand Bay had a terrific picture of his one year old son Zachary wearing his hockey PJs. Len considered throwing it into a frame and giving it to family, but he wanted to do something unique, so he contacted Titan Office Solutions in Rothesay for some advice. The end result? Titan’s graphic designer used Zachary’s photo to create a hockey card and a coollooking, hockey-themed poster. “They looked fantastic. Titan Office Solutions took care of everything. My family absolutely loved it, and wanted more copies,” says Len. That was just a few months ago. These days, personalized gift orders are more popular than ever at Titan Office Solutions. The local design and print shop has carved a niche for itself in the personalized gift market by offering to help customers with every aspect of their special project – from the start to the finish.
“Some other print shops or stores may offer the printing or just the photography
or a canned design, but we do it all,” says Alicia Delong, Graphic Designer at Titan Office Solutions. Titan offers in-house photography for everything from photos for business cards to personalized mailers, to, yes, even hockey cards. Titan’s talented graphic designers can create everything from posters and calendars to notepads and greeting cards. And staff can advise customers on printing, colours and even the right paper for your project. “We offer the extras you can’t get elsewhere,” says Eric Durant, Coowner. “Our staff can do anything that customers dream up, and they do it quickly and affordably.” He says personalized gifts and cards are especially popular around holidays and
some of their most requested items include calendars, greeting cards, posters, sports cards, note pads and magnet calendars.
Zachary Andrews
Durant says personalized gifts are an effective marketing tool for businesses, and Titan also offers personalized direct mail to clients based on all types of criteria such as income level, the number of people per household and geographic area to name a few. “We really enjoy this aspect of our business because it’s so much fun to be able to help people come up with creative and personalized gifts. The options really are endless,” says Durant, adding that some orders have already come in for Christmas gifts.
EXPERTS AT DELIVERING YOUR IMAGE Delivering exceptional quality, fast turnaround time & unmatched customer service
Top Prospect 2026 Draft
July 2010
print & design services office: 849.3535 fax: 847.1218
83 Hampton Rd Suite B (Fairvale Mall) Rothesay NB E2E 3K3
Kitchen Talk
Good reasons to work with a kitchen pro #1 You’ll get cutting edge designs. When you are doing your project it’s good to know that your project and your ideas are all integrated with the latest ideas. If your project is designed to up-to-date standards, then that project will hold its value for years to come. #2 Your project will go much easier A kitchen pro not only supplies the cabinets, they help your contractor with any changes, do an electrical layout for the contractor and also check and recheck the job site to make sure that all is correct to accept the new kitchen. Remember, the statistics are 30% go wonderfully, 60% go OK or so-so, 10% are a disaster. So choose carefully who you work with. #3 Kitchens by pros hold their value. Typically with the box store cabinets you get about 60% of your project cost back. Compare that to the 125% return on professional designed projects and also the fact that typically professional projects go so much smoother, it reiterates that the value is there. #4 You will get the kitchen you really want. It’s good to know that if done correctly, next year this will still be the kitchen you really wanted. A professional can help you see ahead . This guide will give you some insight to the advantages of working with a specialty pro. If you pick the right pro you will not need “ good luck” on your project, “good management” will prevail. How do you find the right firm or make sure the kitchen pro that has quoted you is right for your job? Check around and get references!
This article was written by Jim Lawrence of Avondale Kitchens. They have designers in your area every week doing professional kitchen designs and quotes.
Residence of Gordon & Joanne Breau Saint John NB RE/MAX PROFESSIONALS SAINT JOHN INC.
Residence of Shirley McAlary Saint John NB (Prudential Summit Real Estate)
Interview with a professional kitchen designer Introduction from Patricia Bates As the owner of “Patricia Bates Drapery & Interiors Inc”, I would like to welcome you, the reader, to a one on one interview that I had with Jim Lawrence, a professional kitchen designer. At our decorating firm I work with all sorts of kitchen suppliers, but I must say Avondale stands out. Their methods are far above anyone else. From the start you typically get layouts, 3D sketches and ideas all within a 1-1/2 hour sitting, and quotes within 10 minutes after reviewing the personalized hand drawings. That is just the start, you not only get cabinets from them, but they help make the process so easy. They measure the job site, write reno specs, electrical layouts, and help trouble shoot any construction glitches. Having said all that, hopefully this info may help you on your next renovation project. Patricia Bates: What makes Avondale so different from others in the business? Jim: In short we are “on time and on budget” our philosophy is very simple “Avondale’s job is to make your kitchen easy”.
Residence of Jon & Tammy Gee New Maryland NB
Patricia Bates: What can the home owner do if they do not like your designs? Jim: Please call me!! I will redesign at no charge. I am a designer, I am only in love with the designs the owner wants. I have no problem with changing my creations to give the homeowner what they truly want. As a professional designer I quickly size up the job and design what I think the customer really wants...most times the owners say...” Wow I would have never thought of that.” Patricia Bates: What should a client do if they think your price is too high or they feel they are getting better quality else where? Jim: Feel free to come back and discuss the budget. Avondale has done thousand of projects over the years. Sometimes design changes can influence the cost big time. We can also help to do a true comparative pricing. For instance discovering what is included in Avondale quotes not included in the other quotes. Typically upon review and when all is taken into account there is surprisingly little difference in cost. Patricia Bates: If the customer is not ready yet but interested in kitchens how can they educate themselves about kitchens or Avondale Kitchens? Jim: The quickest way to start is simply start at www.AvondaleKitchens. come and browse the website. They also could make a trip to the Avondale showroom, get some friends together and make a day of it. If you have time they will very obligingly give you a great factory tour.
Residence of Gerry & Nicole Levesque Grand Falls NB (Royal LePage Grand Falls)
Jim Lawrence
Make a Statement with Your new Gas Fireplace 621 Rothesay Ave • • 633-1500
By Kathy Blair Manager, Alternatives
Are you planning to build a new home or undertake a major renovation project?
Kathy, John, Simon.
If you are and your plans include a gas fireplace, I am pleased to provide you with some valuable information.
Not all gas fireplaces are created equal Gas fireplaces make a great addition to any living space, and are considered one of the top three amenities that homebuyers search for when purchasing a new home. But not all gas fireplaces are created equal. Some designs are extremely efficient and provide lots of heat. Others can be very inefficient. We recommend reading the EnerGuide label and choosing the most efficient model to best suit your lifestyle and budget. For many years the burner fire bed was a basic log. Today, fireplace mediums are available with glass beads, beach stones or driftwood enhancing the beauty of a dancing yellow flame. There are even fireplaces designed to look like antique coal fireplaces. Gas fireplaces are now available with electronic ignition which means no pilot light, no wasted energy and additional fuel savings to the homeowner. So if you are building a new home or renovating existing living space, you will want to invest as much time selecting your gas fireplace as you would your furniture or entertainment centre. You can start by going to the gas section in our web site at www.alternativesnb. com.
An introduction to our Valor line of fireplaces We now carry the Valor line of gas fireplaces. This line is a favorite of interior designers and homeowners who are looking for great quality and a special look for their chosen living space. Valor lets you design your own fireplace. You
can choose the burner fire bed, the fireplace surround and the fireplace trim. You can give it a try by going to www. and clicking on Design Your Own Fireplace. Just print your page, visit our showroom and let us do the work for you. It’s that easy. The source of Valor comfort - radiant heat - has been around since the beginning of time. Like heat from the sun, Valor fireplaces are designed to maximize radiant heat output. Radiant energy continuously warms objects in its path including floors, walls and furniture. When warming the human body, radiant heat satisfies your comfort needs with up to 25% less overall energy compared to forced air systems.
A new natural gas program from Enbridge Gas New Brunswick If you have access to natural gas you will no doubt be interested in the new Leisure and Lifestyle program recently announced by Enbridge Gas New
Brunswick. This is an incentive program for homeowners wishing to install natural gas appliances such as fireplaces, water heaters and BBQ’s. Depending on the appliances you install and the distance from your home to the natural gas pipeline on your street, you could potentially have the natural gas service hook-up for free! At Alternatives we are extremely pleased to participate in this program by offering a variety of natural gas fireplaces, Vermont Castings BBQ’s and Canadian made water heaters. To learn more about the program, come and see us in our showroom. If you are unsure if natural gas is available to you, visit
Who we are? Informative Computer Solutions was started in August 2009 in Saint John New Brunswick. We offered a variety of services ranging from web site design, graphic design, and online marketing. In late 2010, major strategic changes were made which pushed the company into a more developed company concentrating on website development, content management solutions, ecommerce stores, graphic design, social media marketing, photography sessions and video creation and video marketing. This opened us to a whole new audience and has separated us from our competition. Currently Informative Computer Solutions is working on building its staff and creating a store front and production location to be a one stop shop for any interactive need in the greater New Brunswick area.
Social Media Marketing How it can help your business. Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and massive amounts of web site traffic. Why is it a must? We get a lot of questions from the business community on how social media avenues like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Squidoo, Digg, YouTube and Blogs help promote business. Simply said, social media utilizes social networking and usergenerated content platforms to promote your product, service or content. Because social media is such a cost friendly form of advertising and marketing it is a must for any small to medium sized business.
product giveaways. The biggest benefits can be gaining new partnerships, increasing traffic and finally generating more revenue which is what we all want for our companies! It is easy for many businesses to try social media for awhile and not really see the benefits, they usually are interacting but not doing so with great success. With even just a quick session, conversation and guidance from our team we can really help your business quickly. It was said on StartUpNation that, “many small businesses weren’t able to capitalize with social media marketing and that seeing a consultant can benefit them hugely.” Customer Relationships
Knowing your customers and building great relationships is important but sometimes you just don’t have the time “Where do I start? I don’t know how to sit down with each one individually. to do this?” This is when something like a blog, We at Informative Computer Solutions Facebook or Twitter comes in handy. are here to make this easy for you. We With a blog you can post news about sit down with you and do an analysis your business and also ask customers of your company to narrow down what and followers for essential feedback. forms of social media marketing will Not only does this make the customer make the biggest impact on you and feel like they are being listened to, their your business. This is the most important feedback enables you to adjust your step. By a long shot, products, service and the most important strategy. Imagine logging social media tools are “Social media is not a onto Twitter or Facebook Twitter, Facebook, and reading specific LinkedIn, YouTube comments listen, engage and build customer and Blogs. Once we that help you improve implement our social relationships.” – David your offering and level of media marketing Alston – V.P Marketing customer satisfaction. strategy we begin and Community tracking it. Social What is LinkedIn? And media marketing is Radian6” why should I be a part all about building of that? relationships If your running a small internet online and creating awareness of business or have a regular brick-andyour company. If you can give people mortar business, “knowing” the right a reason to come back to your page, people and being able to ask and blog or profile you’re doing something answer questions are significant to right. This can include valuable content, your business. interesting tips and videos or even
LinkedIN will help you build your network of contacts and customers and build your reputation as an authority in your field. This is a wonderful way to reach beyond limits of travel and relate to like-minded businesses to discuss important topics and answer questions all in a few lines. Facebook for Businesses?
The answer is yes! This is a very real and effective form of social media. Facebook is used by over 400 million people and over 300 million users log in every day. Why would you not want to promote your business to this many people for such a small investment? If you’re doing it right you can get a lot exposure. Building a fan list, linking it to your website and linking it to twitter can give your clients alternative way to contact you. This also allows you to create a personality for your business and develop an image as a forward thinking company that is responsive and cares about its customers.
Why Should My Business Use Twitter?
Many businesses are “testing out” Twitter but aren’t really sure whether they are using it properly and some are just not sold on it being a useful application. The thought with some, is that there is really no business getting done on Twitter. The reality is, many businesses are seeing strong response and results. It gives your customers a forum for feedback and offers a way for you to communicate anything from daily specials to new initiatives not to mention the endless networking possibilities. Currently Informative Computer Solutions maintains well over 20 businesses twitter campaigns and each of the businesses has been extremely happy with the feedback they receive from Twitter.
Zack Good Pg2.indd 1
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9/1/2010 4:29:45 PM
2010 KV�C Bu���es� Aw�rd� G�l�
The KV Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 2nd Annual KVCC Business Awards Gala on Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 at the Riverside Country Club. We invite you to join us as we honour our Members who will receive our Business of the Year/Excellence in Business Award; Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award; Emerging Business of the Year Award and Community Impact Award (Member or Non-Member). For further information visit
2010 KVCC Officers & Council – (L to R Back) Phil Brodersen, Steve Dawes, Angela Fiander, Jennifer Higgins, Donna Williamson, (Guest) Rob Moore, Kim Isnor, Gerry Maher, Ian MacFarquhar, Cindy MacFarland (L to R Front) Scott Cochrane, Tobbi Lynn Debly – Ex. Dir. (Seated) Camille Bordage ( Absent) Rick Demone and Gay Drescher
Coming soon: the modern and environmentally-friendly qplex $25 million recreational facility is more than just a rink The dream of having a state-of-the-art recreation, wellness and event centre in the heart of Quispamsis is almost reality. Over a year of hard work by construction crews and town officials, the qplex is taking shape and is slated to open its doors in November. And when it does, the $25 million facility is going to become a focal point of the entire region. “The qplex is more than just a rink. It will be an event centre that will benefit the entire community, including the sports and business communities,” says Dana Purton Dickson, Community Services Director for the Town of Quispamsis. “It’s going to be a fantastic addition to the region.” The 70,000 square foot facility will serve as a recreation and wellness centre as well as a conference centre.
One of the main features is a year-round NHL size ice service with heated stands and seating for 1,100 spectators. The rink will play host to hockey schools and tournaments as well as hockey leagues. It boasts a separate players’ entrance, six change rooms with in-floor heating, a referees’ room and a wheelchair accessible seating area. “There are so many activities that will take place at the qplex, from your traditional public skates and ice hockey to figure skating shows and spring and summer hockey schools,” says Purton Dickson. A Pro Shop, located at the players entrance, will offer skate sharpening as well as sport related equipment sales. The qplex will also include a 4,000 square feet conference centre, with an additional 17,000 square feet available on the ice
surface, which will boost seating to about 2,100 for concerts and shows. “The conference centre will be serviced by a commercial kitchen with meeting rooms that can be configured into one large room seating 240 people or two or three smaller rooms. The latest in audio visual equipment is also being installed to attract business meetings, training sessions, workshops, weddings and other special events,” she says. “This space is going to fill a real need in the Valley. “ Purton Dickson also expects the elevated three-lane walking track around the arena to be a huge hit with residents, especially seniors. It boasts a low impact surface, will be free of charge and will open to the public daily at 6 am.
The qplex will also feature an outdoor pool with six junior Olympic lanes, two water slides, a toddler pool, vortex and water features. “The pool is also zero entry which will allow for a gradual entry into the pool which will be pleasing for young and old alike as well as persons with a disability,” she says, adding that the qplex includes a number of disabilityfriendly features such as a lighted alarm system for the hearing impaired, Braille signage, an elevator and two sections of see-through rink boards. The pool, which can accommodate 340 people, will offer daily laps swims and swimming lessons as well as host a swim team and competitions. This heated pool will be open to the public from the May long weekend until Labour Day. A large, accessible playground will be located next door to the pool and will feature equipment for children ages 2-12. The play surface boasts a rubber surface which will also assist in its
accessibility for strollers and wheel chairs. The qplex will also include a 5,000 square foot YMCA-YWCA site offering pre-school, play-school and after school programs as well as day camps, and evening & weekend programs for all ages. Two concession stands - one for the outdoor pool and playground areas and the other for the arena and special event – will ensure patrons never go hungry and will even include plenty of healthy food options. “The town has mandated that there will be no fryers in the facility, and high energy drinks won’t be allowed either,” says Purton Dickson. In addition to enhanced walking trails on the property outside the facility, the site also includes a half acre dog park with an off-leash fenced-in area with two sections dedicated for small dogs and one for large dogs. With all its features, the qplex will be a modern facility, but the energy efficient
and sustainable approach that was used in the design, construction and eventually the operations is destined to set it apart. “The Town is striving for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification on this building, which will make it the greenest recreation facility in North America,” says Purton Dickson. “We are going to use geo thermal heating, which means we are using the wasted heat from the plants used to make ice to heat the pool and the rest of the building. We will capture rain water and store it for pool top up and to make ice. The lighting is all energy efficient fluorescent lighting.” Purton Dickson says anticipation is growing for the opening of the facility.
“People are really looking forward to the doors opening. The qplex is going to benefit so many people in our community.”
Paddles up for living I guess when you look back it was all about getting exercise,socializing with women/ men (yes 1% of men can get breast cancer too), who are experiencing the same health problems, showing others that just because you have been diagnosed with an illness that can alter one’s life you can still live life without limits. Southern N.B.’s Breast Cancer Survivor Team “Breasts Ahoy” is a good example of all above. Back in 2002 the team was formed and with the generosity of the community and 2 great coaches Rafe Hooper and Tanya Horgan we were on the water in the Spring of 2003. Dragon boating for men/women with breast cancer was first pioneered in Canada in 1996 by Dr. Don Mackenzie of the University of B.C.. Dr. MacKenzie, a sports medicine physician launched “Abreast in a Boat” in Vancouver. This was the formation of the first breast cancer survivor dragon boat team. Dr. MacKenzie wanted to dispel the myth that repetitive upper body exercise in individuals treated for breast cancer would encourage lymphedema a serious swelling of the arm that can occur after axillary dissection(lymph node removal). He believed that regular physical exercise not only supported treatment and recovery from surgery but it showed a marked improvement in both physical and mental health. Dr. MacKenzie’s theory proved to be correct. No new cases of lymphedema occurred and not one of the existing cases became any worse. The idea
of paddling soon caught on. Breasts Ahoy was able to attend the first International Dragon Boat Festival for Breast Cancer Survivors in Vancouver in 2005. That same year the team welcomed aboard our first male survivor who has been a real voice for all men dealing with this illness. This year the team attended the third International Festival in Peterborough, Ontario, where over 100 world wide teams gathered to reach out to other women/men offering a message of hope and support. At the Gala Dinner Dr. MacKenzie made an inspiring speech where he also spoke about the future of dragon boating for people affected by other diseases as well as breast cancer. Breasts Ahoy participated in the Pugwash Festival, the Saint John Dragon Boat Festival in August and will participate in Fredericton’s Festival in September. The team is grateful to many organizations, companies, and individuals for their support in many ways such as fundraising endeavours which enabled them to attend festivals in other provinces. The team paddles on Douglas Lake from April to July and the RYC Yacht Club on the Kennebecasis River in August and Sept. New members are always welcome. You can be a paddler or a non paddler - you just need to bring a sense of humor and a smile. Life jackets and paddle are provided. For more information contact 657-3873 or 672-4185.
International breast Cancer survivor
Sisters of Charity Breast C
Here is Breasts Ahoy along with the three other survivor teams lining up for the Carnation Ceremony that was held after the Sisters of Charity Challenge Race:
festival held in Peterborough June 2010.
Photography by Alicia DeLong
Cancer Survivor Challenge
Bosum Buddies, Halifax, N.S., Breast Quest, Windsor, N.S. Tit Bateau, Moncton, N.B.
Walk a mile in your customer’s shoes What was your best experience with a sales person? Chances are it was not with a flashy presentation or an infomercial voice saying “Do I have a deal for you!” In my case it was with a sales representative that took the time to understand my requirements and also related to me from my side of the fence. What I mean by that is that this person identified with me as if they were the customer buying the product. They treated me the way they wanted a sales person to treat them. What a novel idea!?! With the barrage of sales strategies and methodologies out there today, it is easy to forget that the best sales training we can give ourselves is from us. Right in front of our noses! Every experience we have with buying something is another piece of the sales puzzle. How do you like to buy? What did you like about the sales approach that was taken with you? What did you dislike about the approach taken with you? Now for the scariest question of all... what did you dislike about the approach taken with you that you also take with your customers? Sometimes we get so wrapped up in sales tactics that seem really good that we never ask ourselves whether we would buy from someone using those same tactics. Walk a mile in your customers shoes by taking a trip down memory lane and remember your best and worst sales experiences. We all buy from someone and we all know who we would go back to and who we wouldn’t. Don’t get so wrapped up in the latest sales methodology that you forget your own experiences!
If you feel your organization has a unique level of expertise in your industry and you would like to consider advertising in a future issue – please call us: 1-506-849-1670 or email: contact@ We also welcome your comments and feedback to any of our local team cast members at: Eric Durant Danny McLaughlin Alicia DeLong Danielle Davis Rachelle Daigle Innovations Media Inc. would like to extend our many thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes contributing so much to this magazine: Kathy Kaufield , Contributing Editor Jennifer MacLean and James West, Professional Photography Alicia DeLong, Graphic Design and Layout Danielle Davis Executive Administrator
© Innovations Media Inc., 2010. All Rights Reserved The publisher reserves the right to refuse any or all advertising. The publisher bears no responsibility for advertiser’s messages and or errors. Printed in Atlantic Canada. The publisher and Innovations Media Inc. assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and other materials and cannot return them unless they are accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped envelope. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
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