10 minute read

E. Phase I Quantitative Informed Consent

Institute for Clinical Social Work

Research Information and Consent for Participation in Social Behavioral Research

Supervisory Relationship in Graduate Social Work Training Phase I: Quantitative Survey

Survey Supervisory Relationship in Graduate Social Work Training

Ann Costa MSW LCSW, will carry out this work, under the supervision of

Denise Duval Tsioles, Ph.D., LCSW

This work is conducted under the auspices of the Institute for Clinical Social Work; at St. Augustine College, 1345 W. Argyle St., Chicago, IL 60640; (773) 935-6500.


This study explores how master social work field instructors use the supervisory relationship with their students in teaching CSWE’s competencies and in helping students develop professionally and personally.

Participant's rights: This survey is entirely voluntary, confidential, and with no personal questions.

Procedures used in the study and duration

The survey will take at most 5 minutes of time. The survey starts with four demographic questions then moves to six questions with options to choose from. Participants will have the opportunity to select the best answer then in the end be prompted to submit the survey.


There is no compensation benefit for participating in this survey. However, the primary benefit of this survey is its contribution to furthering the knowledge in the field of social work practice. There may be a secondary benefit to participating in the research or the specific population.


There is no cost to you for your participation.

Possible Risks and/or Side Effects

The potential risk to you by participating in this survey could be emotional distress. It is unknown whether the survey questions could trigger an emotional response from you.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Quantitatively the survey will provide consent via participants choosing to partake in answering the survey questions or not. Primary inclusion criteria is providing consent to proceed in taking the survey. Participants are accepted into the study if they have inclusion criteria of having at least three years of field instructor experience, able to be interview twice for 45 to 90 minutes, comfortable in being audio recorded and provide contact information.

Subject Assurances

The survey consent via survey monkey where the participant choses to partake or proceed in completing the survey or not. Participants have not given up any rights or released this institution from responsibility for carelessness in choosing to complete the survey.

Participants can choose to not take the survey at any time and/or not submit the survey answers at any time. The relationship with the staff of ICSW will not be affected in any way, now or in the future, if you refuse to take part or begin the survey and then withdraw.

Any questions about the research methods, you can contact Ann Costa MSW, LCSW at 424-339-6776 or acosta@icsw.edu or Denise Duval Tsioles, Ph.D., LCSW, 773-562-6042 or dduval@icsw.edu

If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may contact Dr. John Ridings, Chair of Institutional Review Board; the Institute for Clinical Social Work; At St. Augustine College, 1345 W. Argyle St., Chicago, IL 60640; (773)935-6500.; irbchair@icsw.edu.


For the Participant:

Survey via survey monkey can be either anonymous where they answer the questions and not choose to be interviewed or participants upon reading the consent to partake in the survey can consent to provide contact information. Thus, no signature is needed for this survey.

For the Primary Researcher

Since a survey can be either anonymous or a participant can agree to provide on the survey their name, phone number and e mail to be contact for the qualitative part of the research study. Thus, no signature is needed for this survey.

Appendix F

Phase II Qualitative Informed Consent

Institute for Clinical Social Work

Research Information and Consent for Participation in Social Behavioral Research Phase II: Qualitative

Supervisory Relationship in Graduate Social Work Training

I, _____________________________________, acting for myself, agree to take part in the research entitled Relational Aspects of the Supervisory Experience in

Master of Social Work Field Training

Ann Costa MSW, LCSW, will carry out this work, under the supervision of

Denise Duval Tsioles, Ph.D., LCSW

This work is conducted under the auspices of the Institute for Clinical Social Work; at St. Augustine College, 1345 W. Argyle St., Chicago, IL 60640; (773) 935-6500.


This study explores how master's level social work field instructors use the supervisory relationship with their students in teaching CSWE’s competencies and in helping students develop professionally and personally.

The study explores the role of the Field Instructor in Master of Social Work training; how your role impacts the student in teaching them how to be a social worker. In addition, this study will explore your role in this learning process for the student developmentally and the relationship as a supervisor. Little to no research is specific to this area; therefore, your involvement will contribute to the literature and clinical social work in general.

Procedures used in the study and duration

Data is collected from interested participants via survey questions and interviews of participants that lasts between 45 to 90 minutes. An initial 15 to 30-minute email or phone screening to determine eligibility to participate in this study. The screening will identify any limitations, restrictions, or health conditions that might impede the interview process. It will also screen for any accommodations to ensure that you are comfortable for the duration of the interview process.

You will review and sign this Consent Form before the interview starts. You may decline to answer any questions at any point during the interviews. You may also stop the interviews at any time. The interview responses will be tape-recorded, transcribed by researcher or private secured company, and analyzed. To ensure your privacy, there will be no use of any identifying information. Information from interviews will be analyzed

where parts of the transcript or summary are sanitized, i.e., contain no personal or identifiable characteristics in the final write-up of the dissertation.


There is no compensation benefit to you for participating in this study. However, the primary benefit of this study is its contribution to furthering the knowledge in the field of social work practice. There may be a secondary benefit to participating in the research or the specific population.


There is no cost to you for your participation.

Possible Risks and/or Side Effects

The potential risk to you by participating in this study could be emotional distress. It is unknown whether the interview questions could trigger an emotional response from you. The interview will pause or end immediately to minimize risk if you display signs of emotional distress. Help sites or therapist resources are available to help manage any distress.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Quantitatively the survey will provide consent to partake in answering the questions provided to see if accepted into the study i.e. have at least three years of field instructor experience. Qualitatively, for those selected into the study, the interview is conducted in a mutually agreed-upon online video conferencing format that may include (e.g., Zoom or Facetime) or by phone. Participants' privacy and the confidentiality of the data (audio recording and/or voice) held secured by a password and accessible only by the Primary Investigator. Identifiable data will be kept separate from the rest of the research data and destroyed (e.g., shredding, deleting, or erasing) upon completion of the study. Again, any of your identifying information will not be made public in any format.

Subject Assurances

By signing this consent form, you agree to take part in this study. You have not given up any of your rights or released this institution from responsibility for carelessness.

You may cancel my consent and refuse to continue in this study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Your relationship with the staff of ICSW will not be affected in any way, now or in the future, if you refuse to take part or begin the study and then withdraw.

If you have any questions about the research methods, you can contact Ann Costa MSW, LCSW at 424-339-6776 or acosta@icsw.edu or Denise Duval Tsioles, Ph.D., LCSW, 773-562-6042 or dduval@icsw.edu

If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may contact Dr. John Ridings, Chair of Institutional Review Board; the Institute for Clinical Social Work; At St. Augustine College, 1345 W. Argyle St., Chicago, IL 60640; (773)935-6500.; irbchair@icsw.edu


For the Participant

I have read this consent form, and I agree to take part in this study as explained in this consent form:

Participant Name (please print): ___________________________________

Participant Signature: __________________________________________ Date:

1. Would you like a summary of the results of this study?

Yes: ____

No: ____

For the Primary Researcher

I certify that I have explained the research to _________________________

and believe that they understand and that they have agreed to participate freely. I agree to answer

any additional questions when they arise during the research or afterward.

Researcher Name (please print): ___________________________________

Researcher Signature: __________________________________________ Date:

Appendix G

Script for Informed Consent

When the prospective participant arrives at the first interview, the informed

consent process will begin the contact. This process will involve explaining the study's

purpose, the reason for and the educational benefits of the study, expectations of

participants, the data collection process, possible risks and benefits of participants, and

privacy and confidentiality procedures. Participants will be made clear they will not

receive any financial compensation for participating. Their information will be kept

strictly confidential, and they have the right to stop the interview at any time. The script

below, I will read aloud and ask to state their understanding of the consent. If they

communicate a proper and clear understanding and agree, researcher will sign the

Informed Consent form to participate in the research. [Participants read, signed and sent

back the informed consent prior to the first interview.]

"The purpose of the study is to explore how master’s level social work field

instructors use the supervisory relationship with their students in teaching CSWE’s

competencies and in helping students develop professionally and personally. The study

also explores the role of the Field Instructor in Master of Social Work training; how their

role impacts the student in teaching them how to be a social worker. Finally, this study

will explore your role in this learning process for the student developmentally and the

relationship as a supervisor. The primary benefit of this study is its contribution to

furthering the knowledge in social work practice. There is little to no research specific to

this area; therefore, research will contribute to the literature and clinical social work in


You are to participate in two interviews, the first for about 60 to 90 minutes via

ZOOM. You will have the right to stop the interview and withdraw from the study at any

time. Interviews will be audio recorded via a separate handheld device and transcribed

by researcher or private secured company. After the first interview, the sanitized

transcript will be emailed to you securely for your review and reflection. I will take out

any identifying information from the transcript. The second interview will be about 30 to

60 minutes to review your thoughts on the interview, correct any information on the

transcripts, and allow any additional information you may want to share in having time to

think about the initial interview. This interview will also be audio-recorded and

transcribed by researcher or via private secured company for the data collection. All

information qualitatively and quantitatively obtained will be secured through a password-

protected laptop via encrypted documents and a securely locked environment with only

access to the researcher.

All information shared will remain confidential, with no identifying information

in the research write-up. Data analysis is finding codes and themes between the

interviews of all the participants. To demonstrate a particular theme from the research

quotes or sections of the transcripts may be used in the dissertation's writing. Again, with

no identifying information, and a pseudonym or participant number will be assigned.

The only other individuals who have access to the raw data are me, my committee

members, and my senior analyst research consultant. The final written document again

will be disguised to protect your confidentiality. Audio recordings and all documents

related to the study will be password protected. After the mandatory 5-year post-

graduation period has been met, I will personally destroy the records by shredding all

paper data and deleting all electronic data."

Appendix H

Interview Guide First Interview

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