1 minute read

1: Results Summarized through the Research Questions

respondents, 10 were eventually selected to be interviewed for this study as they met the

criteria for selection of having over 3 years of field instruction experience and they were

willing to be interviewed two times and to be audio recorded.

Table 1

Results Summarized Through the Research Questions

Research Questions Theme Sub-Themes

1. How do master's level field instructors teach CSWE competencies through the supervisory relationship? Facilitate professional identity through demonstrating the CSWE competencies • Wrestle with

2. How do master's level field instructors understand their role with their students? Facilitate supervision and modeling. • Boundaries

3. How do these master's level field instructors build relationships with their students? Differs from yet parallels • Supervision the therapeutic relationship• Telling stories

4. How do master's level field instructors use the supervisory relationship as a developmental function? Foster learning skills and the use of self • Internalization • Stay in touch • Meaningful conversations • Use of metaphor • Diversity

The responses to the survey were consistent with the responses to the interview

questions. In the following section, the responses to the survey will be analyzed in

greater detail. The discussion will begin with the total survey results then an analysis of

the outlier data. Next, the survey responses of the 10 interviewees will be compared to

the 26 surveys completed by those who were not interviewed. The chapter ends with a

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